LEAFLET NO. 18 The Effect of "Digging" and "Hogging" Peanuts on Cotton Yields M ANY ACRES of land in Alabama are being depleted of their fertility by harvesting peanuts too often from the same area. This situation can be remedied to a great extent by the proper rotation and fertilization of crops. In 1932, an experiment was started at the Wiregrass Experi- ment Station to study various cropping systems involving cotton, peanuts, and corn. The kind of cropping system used and the re- sults obtained are shown better by the following photographs and legends than they can be described in words. Notice the effect of harvested peanuts and "hogged" peanuts on the cotton crop which followed. The photographs were made September 16, 1939. All of these pictures are of cotton on the same kind of land but in different cropping and fertilizer programs. Each of the pictures and the results under each should be carefully studied and com- pared with the others if the reader is to get the valuable lesson that these pictures teach. 1 The experiments were conducted at the Wiregrass Substation by J. P. Wilson. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE M. J. FUNCHESS, Director AUBURN OCTOBER 1939 Fit; U R E: I.Cotton aif t cr seven \ ears of hanx e.ted 1)einuts. The peanuts ,kvere unfertilized; the cotton received GOPO poud:S Pul' aIcre Of a 6-8-8 fertilizer in 1939. The yield record., tor this plot are as follows: Yca r( 1932 1933 1934 19:35 1936 1937 19308 1939 Crsops Peanuts Peanuts P eant,,; Peanuts P eaniiuts5 Peanuts Peanuts Seed Yieldi (Lbs.% per acre) hat-vested harvested harvested harv ested harvested harv ested harv ested cotton 1,852 1,212 1,938 1,395 2,173 1,518 1,066 345 Seven crops of peanuts removed from the land injured it to such an extent that cotton considered to be well fertilized pro- duced only 345 pounds per acre. Note the declining peanut yields in 1937. F'IGURE 2-ContinuoU.' Cotton fet-tilized wx ith GO 3UU jwi e acile of a i3 8 4. Under, this condlition, four, per* cent p)otash in the fertilizer seenis to be sufficient. The cotton yields for this plot are as follows: Yca F 1932 19030 1934 1933 1936 19317 19138 1939 1,406 945 1, 4 36 1,36 6 2,0 63 1,154 1,269 Compare with Figures 1 and 3. Sccd cottoll (LI)8. pci- acre) F I 18 L R E ' ttnm mn a two-l I ( I o Iaa Ix "it h "ho",ed- peaIIIs. [ Ia IraCttoln i-eceivedl 600 pouidsl jei- acre of 6-8 4 ootil 19.19'; peanuts re- ceived no fertilizer. 111 I939, the cottoti received 600 pounlds per- ae of 0-8-4. Unider- these coniditionis, four per- ent potash i the fertilizer- i1ppe~iir to be sufficieiit. The yields for this p~lot are as follows: I(1cmr 1932 1933 19314 1 93 5 1936 1937 1938 19 39 Crops Ii( lt (Lbs. per acre) Fe anuts Cotton Peanuts Cotton P eants Cotton Peanuts Cotton 1,531 1,503 2, 113 1,492 2,404 1,933 2,419 1,174 Note the high yields of cotton and peanuts. In 1939, cotton without commercial nitrogen produced almost as much as that shown in Figure 2, which received 600 pounds per acre of 6-8-4. The peanut yields are high as compared with those shown in Figure 1. FiGUI~RE 4.-Cottoi i a two -'cat i otat ioni wxith co int. ('ttonl fui-tilized xx ith 600 pounids per iiny- of 6i-8-4. Corn unfetil ize.o The yields for this plot are as follo~x 5: flops Corn C ottonl Corn Cotton Corn Cotton Corn Cotton Yl (1 (Bius, or LIbs. p( I acr) 29.8 1,764 :31.7 1,656 18.1 1,991 27.5 1,201, By comparing these results with those shown in Figure 3, it will be seen that "hogged" peanuts produced approximately the same yield of cotton in 1939 as was produced by 36 pounds of nitrogen. These results should also be compared with those shown in Figure 5. Yc or 1931)2 193 19,34 1938)5 1938)6 193 7 1938 1939 FIG URIC 3.Cotton in a ti u- \ III tal ii l of c'I 11 cot11 and liiii\ te d peanuts. The corn and peanuts xx ore unfertilized; the cotton was, fertilized w ith 6-8-4 at the rate of 600 piounds per acr-e. This treatment was idlentical wvith that shown in Fi-ure 6 until 191') Nhen this continued to (-,et 4 per cent potash wxhile the cotton sho-wn in Fip ure 6 receiv ed 12 per cent potash. The yields from this plot are as follows: Ya V) 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 Cr ops Corn Cotton Peanuts Corn Cotton Peanuts Corn Cotton Yield (Bis. or Lbs. p), acre) 26.6 1,699 1,943 40.2' 1,368 2,197 32.1 652 (harvested) (harvested) 1 5.881 pounds per acre of vetch pre-ceding the 1935 corn. Two craps of harvested peanuts during the seven-year peri- od injured the land to such an extent that 600 pounds of 6-8-4 produced only 652 pounds of seed cotton per acre, which is a lit- tle more than half as much as was produced by the treatment shown on the preceding page. Compare with Figure 6. IF IGI. H . (, It i I I aI I I~ ca'HI I tot Liol oI c(I 1I, cottl. aij ht \ p)eanut.. The cot-i atnd miiants werve untfertilized; the cottonl rci,ed 6-8- 4 iin 193'-36 an(1 6-t8-1 2 ini 1939U at the rates of 600 )1 pun a (I )e iacrev. The yields from this plot are as follows: Crops Corn Cotton Peanuts Corn Cotton Peanuts Corn Cotton Yi1d Bits. or Lbs.,. pcr acre) 27.7 1,622 1,960 1.3 1,298 2,514 29.2 1,075 (harvested) (harvested) The injurious effect of ing the seven-year period the use of 600 pounds per with Figure 5). two harvested crops of peanuts dur- was overcome to a great extent by acre of a 6-8-12 fertilizer (compare In 1939, the cotton received 12 instead of 4 per cent potash in the fertilizer and produced 423 pounds per acre of seed cot- ton more than was produced by the 4 per cent potash (compare with Figure 5). Year(1 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 19,37 1938 1939 The photographs and yield records in this leaflet show that- 1. Harvesting peanuts for several successive years from a field ruined the land for cotton production to such an extent that a good cotton fertilizer (6-8-4 or 6-8-8) used at the rate of 600 pounds per acre did not produce a satisfactory cotton crop. 2. Peanuts "hogged off" increased the yield of the following cotton crop almost as much as 36 pounds of commercial nitrogen. 3. A satisfactory cotton yield was not obtained by an applica- tion of 600 pounds per acre of a 6-8-4 when the cotton was grown in a three-year rotation of corn, cotton, and harvested peanuts. Only two crops of peanuts were harvested from the area during the seven-year period. 4. A satisfactory cotton yield was obtained by an application of 600 pounds per acre of a 6-8-12 when the cotton was grown in a three-year rotation of corn, cotton, and harvested peanuts. 5. As far as the fertility of the land is concerned, peanuts should be harvested from a field as seldom as possible and "hogged off" as often as possible. DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY AND SOILS