ALABAMA AGRI iCULTURE ITS RESOURCES AND THEIR USES Circular M-8 Extension Service Auburn University Auburn, Alabama GROWING SEASON and RAINFALL Length of Growing Season (Days) 300 Spring Frost Data APR.5 .. MAR.31 Annual Precipitation Fall Frost Date OCT. 31 NOV. 5 NOV. 10 OAR.25 -MAR. 20 MAR. 20 MAR. I5 MAR. 10 MAR. 5 FEB. 15 Source of Data: U.S. Weather Bureau Alabama's climate ranges from temperate in the north to subtropical in the south. The growing season averages 200 days in the northern part of the state, 240 days in the central and 300 to 320 days near the Gulf Coast. The average annual minimum temperatures vary from about 5'above zero in the northern part to about 30' above at the coast. Average annual precipi- tation, mainly rainfall, is ample for most crops, but is not uniform in distribution throughout the seasons nor is it uniform in amount throughout the state. It aver- -~ages 50 inches in the north and 60 inches near the Gulf Coast. I L~UI/I~U::I::: ::I' :');'-:. :::.'.'.~%'11//~-:;: 1 ALABAMA AGRICULTURE its Resources and Their Uses By Foy Helms' This publication hopes to serve a double purpose: one, to bring those who work closely with Alabama Agriculture up to date on its present status and con- dition; two, to acquaint the stranger with the gen- eral characteristics of Alabama agriculture and its resources. FARMING AREAS Alabama may be divided into nine major farming areas based on variations in soils topography, el- evation and climate. Other factors affecting types of farming include tenure, proportion of total land area in farms, proportion of farm land in crops, and relative importance of crop and livestock enter- prises. 1. TENNESSEE AND LIMESTONE VALLEYS. Level lands in these areas were organized into plantations as early as 1810. The valleys' heavy soils, reason- ably level topography and numerous large holdings have encouraged mechanization. Cotton, corn and hay are the principal harvested crops. Yields of cotton and corn are relatively high. With proper management, these areas produce excellent pasture and forage crops. 2. SAND MOUNTAIN. This area includes all the Appalachian Mountain region in Alabama. Farms are small and farmers are relatively self-sufficient in food and feed. The leading crops in number of acres are cotton, corn and hay, with oats, sweet- potatoes, irish potatoes and vegetables next in im- portance. Dairying and raising poultry and hogs are becoming increasingly important cash enterprises. Farming in the mineral and industrial portion of the Sand Mountain area is largely a self-sufficient or part-time operation. 3. TALLADEGA MOUNTAINS. The topography of the Talladega Mountain area is generally rough and rugged. Agriculture is of little importance; most of the area is in timber. 4. PIEDMONT PLATEAU. Much of the Piedmont Plateau is unsuitable for row crops. In recent years some of the eroded land no longer used for crops has been converted to pasture. Fencing, filling ditches, some leveling and re-terracing, as well as fertilizing, liming and seeding are often necessary to reclaim such land. Beef anud dairy cattle ar e * Mr. Helms, until his retirement in May 1964, was the livestock best adapted to the area. Commercial broiler production is expanding in certain localities. A large part of the rural population works in cotton mills or in other non-farm industries. 5. UPPER COASTAL PLAIN. Some parts of the area are almost level; others are rugged and hilly, with farming done in small, irregular fields. Cot- ton, corn, oats and hay are the principal harvested crops. Production of beef and dairy cattle, as well as hogs, is becoming increasingly important. 6. BLACK BELT. Large land holdings are typ- ical of the Black Belt. If well managed, pastures provide grazing nine months a year or more. John- songrass, dallis grass, bermudagrass, Caley peas, and white and other clovers are the principal past- ure plants. The Black Belt area has long been the major beef- and milk-producing area of Alabama. 7. SOUTHWESTERN PINEY WOODS. Good farm- ing tracts are few. Topography varies from flat woods to rugged hills; forests cover most of the area. 8. LOWER COASTAL PLAIN. In the eastern part of the Lower Coastal Plain, peanuts, hogs and cot- ton are the most important products. Cattle are raised and corn, hay and some vegetables are also produced. Topography, which ranges from nearly level to rolling, is slightly rougher in the western part of the area where a larger percentage of the land is in woods. 9. GULF COAST. The long growing season in this area favors production of irish potatoes, sweet- economist of the Auburn University Extension Service. 3 Farming Areas SOIL PROVINCES and TOPOGRAPHY Soil Provinces Elevation = Limestone Valleys Appalachian Mountains Upper Coastal Plain Lower Coastal Plain Piedmont Plateau Black Belt potatoes and other vegetables. In heavily fertilized soils, irish potatoes are usually followed the same season by soybeans. Livestock production is inten- sive in parts of the area. Alabama has more varied geological formations than any other southern state. Its six broad soil provinces have approximately 300 soil types. These vary from deep sands to heavy clays. Some of the sandy soils are so deficient in organic matter that they are almost sterile; others are highly productive. The clay soils range from heavy, plastic, sticky and poorly drained types to clays that are easily worked and highly productive. Some soils respond better to fertilization and good management than others. Erosion control problems are more serious on some soils than on others. Elevations range from sea level in southwestern Alabama to more than 1,600 feet in the northeastern part of the state. The average elevation is about 600 feet. The highest point, 2,407 feet, is in Cheaha State Park in Cleburne County. A brief discussion of soils and topography in the various provinces follows: 1. LIMESTONE VALLEY soils are considered good. They vary in color from gray to brown and red. Texture ranges from sandy loams to clay loams. Generally the soils are well drained and nearly level to undulating in topography. FEET E-Under 100 M 500-999 71100-499 M1,000 and Over 2. APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN soils are gray to brown silt and fine, sandy loams. They are well drained and are easy to till where topography is not too rugged. These soils respond readily to good management and high fertilization. 3. UPPER COASTAL PLAIN soils are extremely variable in type and texture. Most soils are sandy, but in some sections they are stiff red and gray clay. Inherently rich soilsthat respond readily to fertiliz- ing are in the river terraces and flood plains that cut across the area. Soils in the area generally are well drained. 4. LOWER COASTAL PLAIN soils vary from nearly pure sand to heavy clays that seldom make first-class farm land in their natural condition. Some of these soils are as productive as any in the state. 5. PIEDMONT PLATEAU soils, geologically the oldest in the south, are brown to red in color. The rolling, variable topography presents a problem of erosion control where row crops are grown. 6. BLACK BELT soils are predominantly heavy clays ranging in color from gray to red to black. The gray and black lands are lime soils well suite 1 to grassland farming. Topography is nearly level to gently rolling. I ~:; '.r: ~~:C~:;:::::: :;'h~'//////lUI// BASIC DATA on ALABAMA'S AGRICULTURE* (Compared to averages for selected areas) Alabama Ala., Miss., East North United Ga. and Tenn. Central States Number of farms (average per state) 115,788 140,651 133,239 77,802 Acres per farm 143 121 155 303 Per cent of farms less than 100 acres 67 65 41 46 Per cent: Land in farms 51 59 66 49 Land rented 27 24 39 36 Tenants 28 23 18 20 White farm operators 75 82 97 93 Operators working off farm 100 days or more 71 66 68 67 Per cent of farms with: Telephone 34 40 81 65 Tractor 46 47 89 72 Per cent of farm land used for: Crops (includes cropland used only for pasture) 36 46 70 40 Pasture (inclules cropland and woods pastured) 42 44 24 56 Woods 47 37 16 15 Per cent of harvested cropland in corn 50 37 40 26 Yield of corn per acre, bushels 25 34 64 53 Per cent of, harvested cropland in cotton 21 17 0 5 Yield of cotton per acre, pounds lint 413 499 456 Number of livestock per farm: All cattle and calves 18 17 29 35 Milk cows 4 5 13 10 All hogs and pigs 16 15 61 37 Chickens 96 69 174 162 Sales per farm $3,578 $3,506 $7,810 $8,218 Per cent from crops 47 53 37 44 Per cent livestock and livestock products 53 47 63 56 Per cent forest products 3 2 .3 .6 Value, farm land, buildings, per acre, 1960 89 11 5 239 115 Index of farm real estate value, 1961 (1947-49 = 100) 180 156 117 175 Taxes levied on farm real estate per acre, 1960 $ .33 $ .55 $2.75 $1.22 Taxes levied on farm real estate per $100 full value, 1960 $ .35 $ .45 $1.27 $ .97 Rate of interest (per cent) charged on oustanding farm mortgage debt, 1959 5.4 5.5 5.21 5.4 Until 1956, crop sales made up the larg- est proportion of Alabama's farm income. Since 1956, receipts from livestock, includ- ing poultry, and livestock products have ex- ceeded receipts from crops. This change has been rapid. For example, in 1950 sales of livestock and livestock products made up only 36 per cent of the total receipts. In 1962 livestock, including poultry, and live- stock products accounted for 60 per cent of the total receipts. During the 1957-61 period, poultry and poultry products accounted for 23.7 per cent of the total sales of farm products. Receipts from cotton and cottonseed ac- counted for 22.5 per cent and were, until 1961, the chief source of income from farm marketings. CASH FARM MILLION DOLLARS INCOME-ALABAMA, 1924-60 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 1924 1 1934 I 944 1 1954 1930 1940 1950 PER CENT of TOTAL SALES from VARIOUS FARM ALABAMA, 1957-61 AVERAGE 19601960 PRODUCTS, PRODUCT PER CENT Poultry & Products (Incl. Broilers) 23.7 Cotton & Cottonseed 22.5 Cattle & Calves 17.6 Hogs 8.0 Dairy Products 7.8 Other Crops 53 Forest Products 4.0 Peanuts 3.6 Fruits, Tree Nuts, Greenhouse & Nursery 3.6 Corn 3.4 Other Livestock & Livestock Products 0.5 0 10 20 30 6 TRENDS Mechanization, pushed ahead by science and technology, has advanced rapidly in recent years. Number and Size of Farms, Alabama, THOUSAND FARMS 400 300 \ 200 20\ NUMBER OF FARMS S- - AVERAGE SIZE 100 , Moreover, with the increasing importance of live- stock and its products, land use has changed greatly. 1860-1960 ACRES 400 The following graphs show some of these changes: Farm size and number have 300 changed continually since 1860. The num- ber of farms increased \ until there were 273,- 20 455 in 1935; since 200 then the number has decreased and is pre- sently 114,000. Con- versely, size decreased 6-0 0 100 from 1860 to 1930; --- then it began to in- crease steadily. 1860 '70 '80 '90 1900 '10 '20 '30 '40 '50 '60 The trend in Ala- bama's corn acreage was upward until 1940. Average yields changed little f r o m 18 66 to the mid- 1940's. Since then corn yields have in- creased due to the use of adapted hybrids, high fertilization, thick spacing and other improved prac- tices. In the last de- cade this acreage, however, has declined by more than half. THOUSAND 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Acreage THOUSAND ACRES 4,000 f[ 3,000 2,000 1,000 Acreage and Yield of Corn, Alabama, 1866-1962 ACRES BUSHELS PER ACRE 40 , 30 ACRES -- YE 20 YIELD-/ ' / 10 1866 '70 '80 '90 1900 '10 '20 '30 '40 '50 '60 '62 and Yield of Cotton, Alabama, 1866-1962 POUNDS PER ACRE , vFl , h l o500 375 While corn acreage rose from 1915 to 1935, cotton acreage changed little. Since 250 1935 both corn and cotton acreages have declined. Cotton now occupies only 850,- 125 000 acres. 125 1866 '70 '80 '90 1900 '10 '20 '30 '0 5 60 12 THOUSAND HEAD Milk Cows and Cattle: Number on Farms, Alabama, 1867-1963 While the number of all cattle has in- creased, the percent- age of milk cows has declined. In 1 9 5 0 there were approxi- mately 1.3 million head of cattle and calves on Alabama farms. Of this num- ber more than 365,- 000 were milk cows. By 1963 the total number of cattle had increased to 1,723,- 000 head, and slight- ly more than 1.25 million head of these were beef cattle. 1870 '80 '90 1900 '10 '20 Hogs: Number on Farms, Alabama, 1867-1963 THOUSAND HEAD 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 0 '30 '40 '50 '60 Number of hogs on Alabama farms has fluctuated from a low of about 775,000 head in 1926 to a h ig h of 1,640,000 head in 1898. The current average num- ber is about 933,000 head. 1870 '80 '90 1900 '10 '20 '30 '40 '50 '60 Since 1940 trac- tors have largely taken the place of work stock on Ala- bama farms. There were more than 90,- 000 tractors on Ala- bama farms in 1963. Mechanization, al- though not yet com- plete, i s increasing rapidly. THOUSAND HEAD 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Tractors and Workstock: Number on Farms, Alabama, 1867-1963 THOUSAND TRACTORS TRACTORSY' M ULES"0 S....... .' HORSES / 1870 '80 '90 1900 '10 '20 '30 '40 '50 '60 100 50 0 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 ALL CATTLE -_ MILK COWS7 Alba FARM CHARACTERISTICS Maps on the following pages illustrate on a county basis the state's farm distribution, farm land use, crop yields, livestock production patterns, other related facts and points of interest. (To locate counties by name, see the key map with county names on the outside of the back cover.) The greatest proportion of farm land is found in the farms. Average farm size in the northeastern area is northern, southeastern and central areas of Alabama. somewhat below the state average. Size of farms, how- North central counties have the greatest number of ever, is increasing throughout the state. Cropland As a Percentage of All Farm Land, 1o-o Land in Pasture as a Percentage of All Farm Land, 1o 9 Land in Woods as a Percentage of all Farm Land, 1959 Counties in the northwestern and southeastern parts of the state have the highest percentages of farm land in crops. Using land for pasture is more predominant in the Black Belt than in other areas. Highest proportions of farm land in woods are found in southwestern Alabama and in certain central Alabama counties. 9 Percentage of Total Land Area in Farms, Number of Farms, 1959 195919 I I ~nrl In U~LC)llrd AvrgeSzofFams I nousandA cres I nousandA cres InousandA -cres =UndJrE15 Under 10 KQ = Under 1.0 25 and Over 20 and Over 10.0 and Over Corn is Alabama's principal grain crop. All counties Alabama counties also plant large cotton acreages. Pea- produce corn, but the highest acreages in 1961 were nut production is concentrated in southeastern Alabama in the northern and southeastern counties. Cotton is where soils, climate, markets and other factors are most grown in all parts of the state. In 1962 counties in favorable. north Alabama had the greatest cotton acreages. South Percentage of Total Cropland in Pasture, 1959 F-]Under 20 MM20-29 IM30 and Over Acres of Improved Pasture, 1959 Land From Which Hay Was Cut, 1959 1024 25 and Over 10 and Over Natural advantages have encouraged the develop- ment of pastures in the Black Belt area of the state. In this area are found the highest percentages of cropland (as classified by the United States Census) in pasture as well as the greatest acreages of improved clover-grass pasture. The concentration of hay production in south- eastern Alabama results from saving peanut vines for hay. Since about 1940 acreage devoted to perennial hay crops, such as alfalfa and lespedeza, has expanded. Acreage planted in annual hay crops has decreased since 1940. 10 Corn for Grain Cotton Acreage,PentAra, Acreage, 1961 1962 16 I I I Ih~ I IllnnF~T In I I) ( I IVI1Ut~l IV ~l~-~III~~U~ VI IVI~~I ALI~~ VI Peanut Acreage, 1961 Beef Cattle on Farms, Jan. 1, 1962 Milk Cows on Farms, Jan. 1, 1962 Thousand Head 20-29 30 and Over Distribution of cattle and calves on Alabama farms closely follows the pattern of pasture land. Heaviest concentration is in the Black Belt. Dairy cattle are concentrated in areas close to the major markets. Hogs Thousand Head 10-29 30 and Over are more numerous in the commercial peanut counties. Total livestock population in relation to harvested crop acreage is greater in the Black Belt and southwestern counties. Egg production about meets state needs. Alabama Most vegetables, fruits and nuts in Alabama are is becoming a commercial egg state. produced for the fresh market. A higher percentage of the Broiler production in Alabama ranks third in the pecan crop is processed than any other crop in this cate- nation. Production is largely concentrated in the north- gory. eastern section. -13 "--11 Hog s on Farms, Jan. 1, 1962 ' "'~rPTr~f~ r~~~\\\yurnm\\\\\\\\ r ~AII~SrP~U~rm smrmmmmu Y~U Average Value of All Farm Products Sold Per Farm, 1959 Dollars LI]Under 1,500 1,500-2,999 3,000 and Over The average value of all farm products sold per farm in Alabama was $3,579 in 1959. The state average value of land and buildings per Average Value of Land and Buildings Per Acre, 1959 75-149 150 and Over acre was $92.26 in 1959. However, there was consider- able variation among counties. County Agents' Reports, Tractors on Farms, 1962 F-] Under 1,000 M1,000-2,000 MM2,000 and Over Mechanization has greatly increased during the last 10 years. According to the 1959 Census, 46.3 per cent of all Alabama farms have tractors and practically all commercial farms have tractors. There are now approxi- mately 90,000 tractors on Alabama farms. County Agents' Reports, Mechanical Cotton Pickers on Farms, 1962 IM75 and Over During the last 10 years, mechanical cotton pickers have become a common sight throughout Alabama. About 35 per cent of the cotton is now harvested with mechanical pickers and more cotton is harvested mech- anically each year. 12 I ~,\\\\\~R\\\\\\\\\mmttmmttm;rmmmmtttwRlt I I ~ifi~tfl uit~tf~ ~mmm,,,,,,,, ~S~tt~f I r. r POPULATION Cities of 15,000 Population or More, 1960 Percentage of White Population to Total, 1960 Thousand Persons EM25-49 MM50 and Over '100,000 or More *50,000-1 00,000 o 15,000-50,000 Per Cent [LII Less Than 50 MM50-74 75 and Over Alabama population increased from less than 2 mil- lion in 1900 to 3.2 million in 1960. Ninety per cent was rural in 1900 as compared to 46 per cent in 1960. Population, particularly in the lost 10 years, has shifted to those counties with concentrated industrial development. These urban areas offer excellent op- portunities for marketing many Alabama farm pro- ducts. The number of cities with a population of 15,000 or more has increased by one-third during the last 10 years. With a few exceptions, counties in northern Ala- bama have the highest percentage of white population. 13 POPULATION of ALABAMA, 1860-1960 THOUSAND PERSONS 3,000 2,000 1,000 1860 '70 '80 '0 1900 ' '20 '30 '40 '50 '60 Total Population, 1960 I MARKETS and AREAS of PRODUCTION Broiler Processing Plants, Alabama, 1962 Avg. Weekly Output in Peak Season (Lbs.) * 1,200,000 or Mare * 600,000- 1,999,999 .& 100,000 -599,999 o 50,000 -99,999 Fruit, Vegetable and Pecan Markets, Alabama, 1963 * Farmers Gen. Product Wholesale Markets ,.Wholesale Receiver Distributors LloShipping Pt. Receiver, Producer Shippers, Co-ops and Processor Buying Stations e Processors o Pecan Receiver and/or Processor Number of Dairies by Counties, 1963 Less Than 10 25 -50 Over 50 Livestock Marketing Agencies in Alabama Providing Farmers a Direct Market, 1963 Packing Plants Auction Markets Federally Inspected N Handle 25,000 Head SLarge Non-Federally or More Inspected El Handle 1025,000 Head * Medium Non-Federally o Handle Less Than Inspected 10,000 Head Since most of the broiler production is centered in north and northeast Alabama, most of the processing plants have developed in that area. Wherever pro- duction spreads, plants naturally follow. The number of commercial dairies has declined in re- cent years but the dairies are still concentrated in, the old producing areas. This corresponds with the distribution of cows kept for milk shown previously in this publica- tion. Major fruit and 'vegetable markets are located where fruits, berries and truck crops are of commercial im- portance. Highest numbers of livestock auction mar- kets are in southeastern and northern parts of the state. 14 I - I\ I\ OTHER RESOURCES WATER SUPPLY. Alabama is one of the 19 soft water states. It has large rivers and numerous small streams, as well as various underground water sources. Good, pure water is available at low cost to almost every farm and city in the state. However, geological formations somewhat limit the water supply in the Piedmont region of northeast central Alabama. TRANSPORTATION. Alabama's inland water trans- portation is excellent, and the miles of navigable streams are rapidly being increased by developments along the major streams. There are also outstanding port facilities at Mobile. Railroads serve every im- portant section of the state. Hard-surfaced roads are adequate, and many miles of interstate highway are being constructed. ELECTRIC POWER. Alabama is one of the leading producers of electric power. Practically all farms now have electricity. MINERALS. Alabama is rich in mineral resources. There are vast deposits of coal and iron ore. Other important deposits are limestone, sand, gravel, mar- ble, clay, kaolin, graphite, bauxite, sandstone, min- eral waters and oil. MANUFACTURING. An increasing number of manufacturing industries have situated in Alabama in the last 10 years. Steel and other hard goods are the most important industries. Others include steel products, textiles, lumber and allied groups, chem- icals, foods, railway, building stone, clay products, paper and fertilizer. SCHOOLS. The consolidated elementary and high schools available throughout the state are constantly being improved. Attendance is compulsory from 7 to 16 years of age. There are many private, de- nominational schools and several normal schools, state colleges and universities. YOUTH. Alabama's young people are its great- est resource. Four-H Club work today helps de- velop 182,000 young people's talents, leadership abilities and work habits. Future Farmers and Fu- ture Homemakers of America add another 25 to 30,000 to this number. These boys and girls will be better prepared to accept responsibilities as farmers, homemakers and leaders in agribusiness fields and to be honest, dependable, hardworking citizens. TAXATION In general, taxes levied on farm real estate in Alabama are low compared to other states. In all years for the period shown in the following table, Alabama taxes per acre were below U.S. average. TAXES ON FARM REAL ESTATE, ALABAMA AND U.S., SPECIFIED YEARS Alabama Dollars Year per acre 1909-13 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1948 1949 1950 1960 0.09 .19 .21 .25 .21 .20 .22 .23 .24 .25 .383 Dollars per $100 full value 0.60 .82 .81 .98 1.07 .93 .65 .51 .56 .53 .35 U.S. Dollars per acre 0.21 .51 .56 .57 .37 .38 .41 .57 .61 .64 1.22 Dollars per $100 full value 0.50 .79 1.07 1.30 1.15 1.22 .90 1.00 1.10 1.01 .97 Personal as well as real property is taxed in Ala- bama. Taxes are due October 1, but no penalty for nonpayment is incurred until after January 1. A homestead is exempt from Alabama state taxes to the extent of $2,000 assessed value provided the home- stead does not exceed 160 acres in size. Alabama has a net income tax similar to the Federal income tax but with lower rates. Single persons must file if their net income from salaries, wages, interest, rents, businesses, professions or other sources is $1,500 or more. Married persons living with husband or wife must file if net income is $3,000 or more. Itemized deductions similar to those of the Federal government or standard deductions are allowed. Rates range from 11/2 per cent on the first $1,000 or fraction of net income (above exemptions of $300 for each dependent and deductions) to 5 per cent on net income over $5,000. 15 THE FUTURE of ALABAMA AGRICULTURE Agricultural production is being increased, and the use of land, labor, capital and management is becoming more efficient. There are still oppor- tunities for advancement, however, and production practices can be improved. Livestock, poultry and poultry product enter- prises make more money than all other state crops combined. Broiler,. egg and beef cattle industries are still expanding rapidly. The increased produc- tion of livestock and poultry shows that Alabama farmers are taking advantage of the long growing season for pastures and other feed crops. Livestock and poultry industries are making better use of labor, buildings, machinery and equipment on Ala- bama farms. Progress is being made in field crop production. Better maintenance practices, especially proper use of fertilizers, are making Alabama land more pro- ductive. Yields and quality are being improved through use of recommended hybrid seed. In 1940 less than 1 per cent of the state's corn acreage was planted to hybrid seed of adapted varieties. Now practically all the acreage is planted to hybrid seed. Mechanization and other technological and scienti- fic developments are also being used on Alabama farms. These steps forward and the prospect for good markets and fair returns on products indicate an en- couraging future for Alabama agriculture. The potential is still far above the production now being achieved on Alabama farms. LAUDERDALE LIME- zK STONE ' JACKSON COLBERT L) FRANKLIN 3 MORGAN SEKAL MARION WINSTON CW 'LLRAN U A KE BTLOUNTIE Issuede inin furathgeranc of copeatv exesinwokiarcutreadhoeecnm icsldng, Acts ofMay and Junipen 30, 1 1,i coeaio ihte..Dpateto 5M 8:6 CrcuarM- W WER ALKE a L BIB CO SA W CHI ONSTO HALE _j JEFFMACON DALLAS MONT- RUSSELLLB V) PIKE COEGH DL FCOFFE