RESEARCH UPDATE 1992 PEANUTS White Mold Affected by Crop Rotation Crop rotation has always been among the most effective tools for man- aging disease and nematode pests of peanuts. Information on the value of crop rotation in fighting peanut dis- eases, particularly white mold, was gathered in tests on 16 Alabama farms in 1991. Fields, selected on the basis of past cropping history, fell into one of the following categories: poor - 3 or more years continuous peanut pro- duction, including unplowed summer fallow; average - 1 year peanuts behind 1 year of another crop or clean sum- mer fallow; good - 2 or more years between peanut crops; best - peanuts following bahiagrass pasture. White mold damage was assessed in plots within 2 days of digging and yields were taken. As expected, the least white mold damage was seen in the best rotation category where peanuts followed bahiagrass pasture, see table. Numbers of white mold hits in these fields was only about 4 percent of those found in fields in the average rotation category. White mold was much more common than expected in those fields in a good rotation. Fields in the average category where peanuts were grown every sec- ond year suffered the heaviest white mold damage. In one field, nearly 28 percent of the plants in the untreated control plots were killed by the white mold fungus before harvest. Surpris- ingly, fields in continuous peanut pro- duction suffered no more white mold damage than fields in the good rotation category. Yields were not closely tied to the level of white mold damage, see table. Highest yield was recorded in fields in the best or bahiagrass rotation. Despite considerable differences in white mold damage, yield of peanuts in the good and average rotations was roughly the same. Root-knot nematodes, not white mold, were largely responsible for the poorer yields seen in the non rotated peanuts. Root-knot nematodes did not substantially reduce yield in the other three rotation categories. The occurrence of Rhizoctonia limb rot was not affected by crop rota- tion. Minor limb damage was seen in at least one field in all but the poor rota- tion categories. The impact of Rhizocto- nia limb rot on yield was minimal, when compared to white mold, in the fields checked in 1991. A.K. Hagan, J.R. Weeks, and K.L. Bowen IMPACT OF CROP ROTATION ON THE OCCURRENCE OF WHITE MOLD AND YIELD OF PEANUT IN 1991 Rotation White mold hits #/100 ft. Poor ................ Average ............ Good ............... Best ............... Yield Lb./a 3,222 3,608 3,692 3.859 Submodel of AU Pnuts Effective in Disease Forecasting Research on the disease control submodel of AU-lLnuts, a peanut pest control model, began in 1989, but only in one location. A direct comparison was made to the Envirocaster comput- erized predictor and to the standard 14- day program commonly used by grow- ers. In the original test, the spray pro- gram started at initial signs of disease, with subsequent applications made when three rainfall events (of 0.1-inch or more) were recorded or predicted following a protection period of 10days. The AU-Pnuts model, disease sub- model, as it was called, outperformed the Envirocaster and the 14-day pro- gram on both Florunner and Southern Runner cultivars. AU Pnuts used one spray less than the 14 day program, and one spray more than the En- virocaster. During the very rainy year of 1991, trials were conducted on nonrotated and rotated Florunner and Southern Runner peanuts. Again, the Auburn model saved one to two sprays with improved disease control and in this particular season, it improved yields over the 14-day program. These tests validated the fact that the AU model was just about right vwith the rules de- veloped for its disease submodel and continued on page 2 YV V.fll[411iJ7U II K'I'I:Vb .-,i ::::: ,'-'je-::ix:, : -:i:: : ":' ::: ;4 Vacuum Seeder Has Little Impact On I nut Yields In 1991, weed scientists at Auburn compared the planting accuracy of a new air, or vacuum, planter to a tradi- tional planter. This was done at stan- dard (90 to 110 pounds per acre), mar- ginal, and substandard seeding rates. The intent was to determine if the re- ported extra accuracy of the air planter would allow for a reduction in seeding rate. Both planters were adjusted by AAES personnel to meet manufactur- ers specifications to achieve desired seeding rate. The exact spacing be- tween individual seedlings was deter- mined soon after crop emergence and yield data was taken at harvest. At a standard seeding rate, both planters were equally successful in getting most of the seedlings spaced out very close to the (theoretical) per- fect spacing. As seeding rate de- creased, spacing variation tended to increase, and below 70 pounds of seed per acre the variation in spacing in- creased dramaticall\. Appa these lower seeding rates, insufficient seedlings to "cra the soil, thus a portion of s have germinated never emer Across all seeding rates, t tion in seedling spacing w equal between the two types ers. Yield was influenced b\ rate, in that yields decreas seeding rates dropped below 9 per acre. However, this trend tical for both planters. Yield influenced by planter. Due to 100 percent seed germination ling losses due to disease a pests, there will always t variation in stand uniformit modification in planter desigr to completely eliminate this v These results are based oi results. The tests well be rel the 1992 growing season. Tillage for Peanuts Following Bahiagr Acreage for peanut-bahiagrass rotations have increased throughout the Wiregrass. Research conducted by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has shown the beneficial effects of bahiagrass rotations. Nematodes and soilborne diseases are drastically reduced and root restricting layers, such as plowpans, are penetrated by bahiagrass roots and thus left more permeable for the following crop. Two on-farm experiments were established in I lenry County in fields in which bahiagrass was grown for five consecutive years. In the late fall and early spring, test areas were with RoundupR to kill bal Treatments consisted of corn (disk, moldboard, disk, and d diskings, and rototilling. The had tines removed so that on wide strips were tilled. Two centered over the tilled stri] attached to the rototiller. T- one pass was necessary with tilled treatment. The first experiment indi. totilled strips gave lower yic conventional tillage or diskin tillage treatments, sound ma TILLAGE EFFECTS ON PEANUT YIELD AND GRADE FOLLOWING BAHIAGRASS Conventional Rototilled No Gyp Gyp No Gyp Gyp No Gyp Gyp Yield per acre, Ibs. Experiment 1 ....................... 4,280 4,150 4,080 3,990 3,640 3,690 Experiment 2 ...................... 1,150 3,045 3,525 4,080 3,760 3,710 Sound mature kernels, pct. Experiment 1 ...................... 77 78 78 78 77 76 Experiment 2 .................... 74 74 74 73 74 73 Pea- Submodel of AU Pnuts, continued no corrections were needed. A second result of the 1991 season was that the rently at rules used with the disease submodel there are were capable of controlling an early ck open" leafspot epidemic (most 1991 fields eeds that were predominately affected by early ge. leafspot while previous years were tie varia- dominated by late leafspot). as about Ten grower trials were conducted of plant- during 1991 in five Alabama counties. These trials were supported by the Na- Sseeding tional Weather Service, which pro- ed when vided a special 5-day forecast. This 0 pounds information was transferred to growers was iden- via a toll-free telephone number. In was not these trials the two most frequently en- less than countered problems involved failure to and seed- initiate the AU-Pnuts program when nd other sprays were called for and spraying too be some close to harvest when a spray was not /, and no indicated. n is likely Growers planting in April often ariation. had to spray as early as 23-26 days into n 1 vear's the season because of frequent spring eated in rains. Often growers did not believe the program, and would delay initiation. G.R. Wehtje Additionally, three of the 10 growers used an unnecessary spray at the end of the season. ass Even with errors, seven of the 10 growers did better than the 14-day pro- sprayed gram with AU-Pnuts, two did about the hiagrass. same, and in one case the conventional ventional was better (this grower, however, made isk)r,-vo several major deviations from AU- rototiller Pnuts). Total fungicide applications ly 1-foot- were reduced only by about 1/2 spray planters, each for the 10 growers, and that only if ps, were the three unnecessary end-of-season hus, only sprays are removed. the roto- P. A. Backman cated ro- nels (SMK) werenot different. Also soil Ilds than test values for the check plots (no gyp- g. In all sum) were not different and no nutri- ture ker- ents were determined as deficient. In 1990, the results were different from the first experiment. The disked and rototilled strips had equally high yields while the conventional tilled treatment produced the lowest vield. In the disked and rototilled treatments, the addition of calcium, as gypsum, did not increase yield or SMK, but gypsum did increase yield in the conventional tillage treatment. continued on page 3 IlL New Fungicide Performs Better On Most Common Peanut Rotations A recent survey of Alabama pea- nut growers indicates that a majority use crop rotations considered to be poor to fair by the Alabama Coopera- tive Extension Service. Only about 5 percent used a good rotation and only 1.5 percent used the best rotation (peanuts behind bahiagrass), as shown in table 1. Nematode damage and leaf- spot defoliation generally got worse as the frequency of peanut production in- creased, table 2. Using these same rotations, re- searchers found that Moncut ,, an ex- perimental fungicide with excellent activity on white mold and Rhizoeto- nia-related diseases of peanuts, in- creased yield more in fields kept in poor and fair rotations than in those in which good and best rotations were followed. In a peanut-corn-peanut rotation, which was considered fair, one ap- plication of Moncut increased peanut yields in two fields severely dam- aged by white mold by 1,700 pounds. How- ever, yield gains were much lower in fields with light white mold pressure. Peanuts in poor rotations (con- tinuous peanuts) showed little yield re- sponse to Moncut, due to surprisingly low white mold damage. Moncut is not la- beled for use on pea- nuts. If the product were available, and performed at the levels TABLE 1. CLASSIFICATION OF PEANUT ROTATIONS USED BY ALABAMA FARMERS Best rotation = longterm pasture, followed by peanuts Good rotation = 2 to 3 years of cotton or corn, followed by peanuts Fair rotation = 1 year of cotton or corn, followed by peanuts Poor rotation = peanuts followed by peanuts TABLE 2. EFFECT OF PEANUT ROTATIONS ON LEAFSPOT DEFOUATION AND NEMATODE POPULATIONS Rotation Rootknot Leafspot No./100 cc of soil defoliation Pct. Longterm bahiagrass + peanuts. 5.5 65.1* Cotton + cotton + peanuts .......... 0.0 30.0 Peanuts + corn + peanuts .......... 10.6 35.0 Peanuts + peanuts. .................. 1,521 41.5 * High due to defoliation by velvetbean caterpillars recorded in the 1991 tests, it would increase the value of Alabama's peanut crop dramatically, but this improve- ment would be heavily dependent on the rotation, according to the Auburn tests. If this product, and similar fungi- cides now in development, were labeled and used on everv peanut acre in the State in which poor to fair rota- tions are used, it is projected that it would increase the dollar value of Alabama's crop by $24 million. A.K. Hagan Predicting LCB Larval Numbers From Adult Flush Counts Lesser cornstalk borers (LCB) are an economic pest of a number of crops, including peanuts, in the Southeast. Population outbreaks typically occur in hot, dry years, and in peanuts grown in well-drained soils. Yield losses in peanuts can exceed 70 percent in severe outbreaks, and predicting such out- breaks would provide a valuable man- agement tool for Alabama growers. It is the larval stage of the LCB that causes feeding damage on peanuts. H owever, sampling for LCB larvae is a time consuming and laborious process, because the larvae are underground. Adult lesser cornstalk borers are small moths that rest on peanut foliage or on the soil surface, making them much easier to sample. Estimating the abun- dance of crop-damaging larvae by sampling adults would be a valuable tool for both researchers and growers, and recent AAES tests indicate this is possible. The abundance of larvae and adults of lesser cornstalk borers was monitored in conventionally tilled and planted Florunner peanuts for 3 years at the Wiregrass Substation in Head- continued on page 4 Tillage for Peanuts, continued If soil-test calcium is less than 300 pounds per acre, yield increases can be expected with supplemental calcium applications. Soil-test data showed that the check plots had 160, 310, and 320 pounds per acre of calcium for con- ventional, disked, and rototilled treat- ments, respectively. This supports the idea that the moldboard plow turned the soil, in which calcium was accumu- lated in the top few inches, to depths beyond that of the pegging zone of peanuts. Plowing also brought to the surface calcium deficient soil that re- quired supplemental calcium. This shows that tillage can be a factor in maintaining soil calcium within the pegging zone. Both experiments showed that disking bahiagrass resulted in high yields. Planting in the disked area was not hindered by excess sod or clods since bahiagrass had been sprayed with Roundup the previous fall and again that spring. On the other hand, the appearance of the field was not as nice as the conventional tillage. Of all the treatments, the biggest problem was evident during the digging of the rototilled treatment. Tractor speed must be slower and plov points on the digger were subject to damage going through soil between the tilled strips for the rototilled treatment. J.F. Adams and D.L. Hartzog Predicting Larval Numbers, continued land. Larval abundance was moni- tored by weekly soil sieving through- out the growing season. The abundance of adults was monitored weekly by flushing moths from roxws. Regression was used to determine if adults in week "i" can explain the variation in larval abundance in week "i + 1", over the 3 years of observation. The mean number of larvae from week "i + 1" increased linearly with an increase in adult flush counts from week "i", in- dicating that larval density could be N ew Herbicide Effective on Hard-to-Control Peanut Weeds Pursuit?, a new herbicide from American Cyanamid, made its debut in peanuts in 1991. This herbicide can be applied either to the soil (preemer- gence through ground cracking) or postemergence. It offers control of several weeds, such as bristly starbur, coffee senna, small flower morning- glory, and both vellow and purple nut- sedge, which are only marginally controlled with other herbicides regis- tered for use on peanuts. In evaluation trials in 1991 by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, one herbicide program that per- formed well was a treatment of para- quat plus Pursuit (0.032 pounds per acre) applied at ground cracking, fol- lowed by a postemergence treatment of paraquat plus 2, 4-DB plus Basagran?. This program provided a good balance between the economy of the older herbicides and the efficacy of this new material. Another Pursuit-like herbicide, called Cadre@, is also under develop- ment by American Cyanamid, and is being tested by the AAES. It appears to be similar to Pursuit, but it is much more active on Florida beggarweed. Cadre is expected to be registered in 1993 or 1994. G.R. Wehtje predicted by adult abundance. The resulting equation indicated that about 13 larvae per yard can be ex- pected to be found 1 week later for each adult per yard flushed. This equation could be a signifi- cant addition to management of the lesser cornstalk borer, because the use of adult flush counts allows for the prediction of damaging and difficult- to-sample larval populations before they occur. T.P. Mack AMCntioll ofcoUlI)iUH1 U1' t,'7dC tiics doc; rno t A, r iczltriil F mleihilt Stiitio n or Aii Li lukti .itii of ont al, I) rant ouci tituto fit, I, A i if HIutU io tlololf 11011 tI l-N;V ; 01 il il tiol. SI e- of lbclt'd rit' i ofliidc' or . othcr cnlicahm di' lx' niot UIolltitlit,' ii' rcolIMI(I litiolli Suc Ii ill tc cii? iii I4111 parli li It )till'" iclititic iliol'a tFi'ltJl '1, t flile d tftlltcr lf an Editor's Note: Please use the form below to send the name and address of any neighbor or friend who should receive the report. If you do not wish to receive future issues, please indicate that fact on the form and we will remove your name from the mailing list. --- ---------------------- , I Add the following name to receive the AAES Peanut Update. I j U Remove the following name from the mailing list for the AAES Peanut Update. 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