~br i:i~iii I :I:: ~B :: Higher Nitrogen Rates Needed for Black Belt Corn The potential for nitrogen (N) losses from runoff and denitrification during wet weather on calcareous, clavev soils of Alabama's Black Belt region is great. Because of this, some corn producers with a high yield potential in this area routinely use higher N rates than the Auburn University Soil Testing Laboratory recommends (120 pounds N per acre for nonirrigated corn). Results of an on-farm Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station study conducted in Hale County since 1989 seem to agree with the decision to use higher N rates. The study evaluated nitrogen rates, sources, and time of ap- plication for nonirrigated corn grain production on a calcareous, Black Belt soil (Vaiden clay). Sources of fertilizer N used in the study included ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium sulfate, 32 percent nitrogen solution, and a premium grade ammoniated granular blend in a 1:1:1 N-1' 2 05-K 2 0 ratio (13-13-13). There were no differences among fertilizer sources. Sulfur and potassium were not yield limiting factors at this site. Excessive rainfall in the springs of 1989 and 1991 resulted in low yields due to excessive denitrification in satu- rated soils and some N runoff loss when sidedress N was applied. The standard N rate of 120 pounds per acre EFFECT OF NI GflAIN was not adequate. Highest yields of 91 and 102 bush- N els per acre for 1989 and source' 1991, respectively, were produced when at least 150 i Rates of F pounds N per acre were AN applied in split applications. AN In 1990, yields were AN limited only by slight AN moisture stress during the Time of N AN critical silking period, see AN table. Nevertheless, grain AN yields of 132 bushels per AN AN acre were produced with Sources c 160 pounds N per acre ap- AN plied either as a sidedress AS application at the V10 Urea UAN growth stage or in a split 13-13-13 application at planting and 1 AN=ar at V10. Increasing N rates percent ur to 240 pounds did not sig- cronutrient nificantly increase grain nitrate at s yield. There were no yield differences among sources of fertilizer N. The results of this study suggest that at least 160 pounds N per acre mav be needed for corn grain production on calcareous, Black Belt soils. As with other Alabama soils, Black Belt soils delivered best response when N was applied in split applications with at least one-third at planting and the re- mainder in one or more sidedress TROGEN RATES, SOURCES, AND TIME OF APPUCATION ON CORN YIELD ON A CALCAREOUS VAIDEN CLAY, 1990 AND 1991 Total Time of N Grain yield/acre N rate application 1990 1991 Lb. Bu. Bu. 0 120 160 200 240 application 160 160 160 160 160 fN 160 160 160 160 160 2-split 2-split 2-split 2-split planting 2-split 3-split sidedress silking 2-split 2-split 2-split 2-split 2-split 95 80 132 98 - 98 137 78 - 70 imonium nitrate: AS=ammonium sulfate; UAN=32 ea ammonium nitrate solution; 13-13-13 (with mi- s) was applied at planting followed by ammonium idedressing. applications. Based on these tests, even on these fine-textured soils, applying all of the N at planting appears to be risky. Corn grain yield was significantly correlated with N concentration and chlorophyll measurements in ear- leaves at silking and with leaves at V10 growth stage. Data suggest a need for additional fertilizer N if leaf chloro- phyll reading is less than 44 SPAD at V10 or at silking. C.C Mitchell and P.L. Mask LowELL T i 7. ' ' A AB*'A N of RESEARCH UPDATE 1992 GRAIN CROPS Alternative Practices Promising for Annual Ryegrass Control in Wheat Wheat producers can control an- nual ryegrass in wheat using the herbicide Hoelon?. However, there are potential drawbacks to using this herbicide, including the possibility that restricted-use herbicides such as Hoelon are more likely to have regis- trations canceled by EPA. Since there are no other selective herbicides avail- able to replace Hoelon, research is needed to develop alternative control practices that will reduce the damaging effects of ryegrass on wheat. Such alternatives are being sought in Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Station research. Cultural practices that have poten- tial for reducing the effects of ryegrass in wheat include tillage, planting date, and row spacing. These practices have been used in integrated weed manage- ment systems of other crops and have proven to be of considerable value. Also, nonselective herbicides, such as Gramoxone? (paraquat), can substi- tute for tillage. The objectives of the AAES re- search were: 1. Determine the effects of des- troying annual ryegrass flushes either mechanically (conventional tillage) or chemically (stale seedbed) prior to plant- ing wheat. 2. Determine the effects of row spacings and planting dates of wheat on control of annual ryegrass. The above factors were integrated into systems (with and without Hoelon) and evaluated at Tallassee in 1990-91. Ryegrass seeds were sown at 100 pounds per acre to simulate a heavy population of annual ryegrass. These seeds were added to an area where ryegrass seeds already infested the soil. Wheat variety for both planting dates was Coker 9766. Seeding rate for wheat was 15 seeds per foot of 8-inch rows and 10 per foot of 4-inch rows. Fertilization and pest control were provided for adequate wheat yield. Mechanical or chemical elimina- tion of annual ryegrass prior to plant- ing wheat in October resulted in 47 to 66 percent annual ryegrass control when rated in April. The same treat- ments with the addition of Hoelon re- sulted in 98 percent control and wheat yield that averaged 31 percent more. The 4-inch row spacing produced a slight increase in ryegrass control, but a slight decrease in grain yield at the October planting. Wheat lodging was a significant problem at this early plant- ing with the Coker 9766 variety planted in 4-inch rows. The alternative proce- dures were generally unacceptable at this planting date. Eliminating annual ryegrass chemically with Gramoxone and plant- ing the wheat in December into a stale seedbed combined to give ryegrass con- trol at the April rating that averaged 90 percent for the 8-inch row spacing and 93 percent for the 4-inch row. However, wheat yield averaged 23 percent higher for the 4-inch row spacing. The addi- tion of Hoelon to these late imple- mented systems proved to be detrimen- tal to wheat yield, although rvegrass control was slightly higher. Lodging was not a problem when the wheat was planted late in the 4-inch row. Chemi- cally eliminating ryegrass flushes with Gramoxone and planting wheat late to 4-inch rows into a stale seedbed shows good potential as an alternative procedure for annual ryegrass control in wheat. R.H. Walker Increasing Nitrogen and Using Strip Tillage Can Boost Tropical Corn Yields Tropical corn is a promising new crop that may fit well into some crop- ping systems in the Southeast. Since it is a new crop, there is limited informa- tion available to describe its response to tillage and soil fertility. A field study was initiated at the Wiregrass Substa- tion in 1990 to evaluate tropical corn response to nitrogen (N) and starter fertilizer when grown under conven- tional and reduced tillage systems. Conventional tillage consisted of chisel plowing and disking followed by in-row subsoiling at planting. Strip tillage consisted of planting corn into wheat stubble after in-row subsoiling. Nitrogen was applied at rates of 0, 50, 100, and 150 pounds per acre. Five starter treatments, consisting of various combinations of N, phospho- rus (P), and sulfur (S), also were tried: (1) no starter; (2) 20 pounds N per acre; (3) 20 pounds P per acre; (4) 20 pounds N and 20 pounds P per acre; and (5) 20 pounds N, 20 pounds P, and 10 pounds S per acre. In 1990, Pioneer X304C was grown and grain yields were not determined due to severe insect damage. Insect pressure, however, did not limit silage yields. Excellent silage yields were ob- tained with the conventional and strip tillage systems averaging 17.1 and 20.3 tons per acre, respectively. Silage yields were increased by the addition of N and starter fertilizer. The use of the N and P starter increased silage yields by 3.1 tons per acre. continued on page 3 TROPICAL CORN SILAGE AND GRAIN YIELDS (AVERAGED OVER STARTER TREATMENTS) AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF NITROGEN FERTILIZER UNDER CONVENTIONAL AND STRIP TILLAGE, 1991 Nitrogen Silage yield/acre Grain yield/acre rate/acre, lb. Conventional Strip Mean Conventional Strip Mean Tons Tons Tons Bu. Bu. Bu. 0 ........... ...... 6.8 6.3 6.6 26 29 28 50 ....... ............ 9.0 10.7 9.8 46 62 54 100 .................. 10.9 12.0 11.4 56 74 65 150 ................... 11.6 13.3 12.5 60 81 71 New Tropical Corn Varieties Examined for Alabama Production In recent vears there has been sub- stantial interest in utilizing tropical corn hybrids in Alabama. In general, tropical corn is not replacing conven- tional corn hybrids, but is being planted instead of silage sorghums. There also is interest in tropical corn as a grain crop to follow small grains or as a grain crop that is able to utilize the nitrogen fixed by winter legume cover crops. Little information is available re- garding the potential and management of tropical hybrids for Alabama, and Pioneer X304C has been the most widely available commercial hybrid. Therefore, an Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station study was con- d ucted to compare 10 hybrids for silage and grain production to see if other hybrids have production potential in Alabama. The hybrids were planted on three different dates at Belle Mina, in the Tennessee Valley, on a Decatur silt loam. The earliest planting date in the study was mid-May, to fit in a silage or double-cropping system. If corn is planted before May, then hybrids adapted to temperate climates will Nitrogen and Strip Tillage, continued The experiment was continued in 1991 using Pioneer 3072, a high grain yielding tropical corn variety. Grain yields in 1991 ranged from 26 to 81 bushels per acre. Silage and grain yields increased with N rate, with consistently higher yields and a greater response to added N occurring under strip tillage. The best starter treatment for si- lage was the N and P (NP) treatment, which produced an average of 11 tons per acre, see table. For grain, N alone as a starter gave the same yield as the NP starter, with the greatest response occurring under conventional tillage (increase of 26 bushels per acre when averaged over N rates). Initial results of this test indicate that tropical corn is a promising alternative source of silage and grain for Alabama farmers. G.L. Mullins, S.E. Alley. and D.W. Reeves yield more grain than tropical hy- brids. For grain pro- duction, the opti- mum planting date for north Alabama was mid-May to June 1. Optimum plant- ing dates for cen- tral and south Alabama would likely be 1 to 2 RANKING OF TROPICAL CORN VARIETIES FOR SILAGE AND GRAIN PLANTED JUNE 1 AT BELLE MINA, 1990 Brand and hybrid Silage Rank Grain Rank yield/acre yield/acre Tons Bu. Pioneer X304C .............. 22 1 11 6 DeKalb 678C ................. 18 2 14 7 Pioneer 3098 ................. 18 3 15 5 Pioneer 3078 ................. 14 4 27 4 Pioneer 3214 ................. 11 5 15 6 Pioneer 3210 ................... 11 6 32 3 Pioneer 6875 ................... 8 7 33 2 Pioneer 3072 .................. 6 8 52 1 weeks earlier. Early planting was es- pecially critical for grain production. In 1990, for example, grain yield for the Pioneer 3072 was 73, 52, and 35 bushels per acre when planted May 17, June 1, and June 21, respectively. When planting for silage, early planting is not as critical. The hybrids tested varied considerably in their suit- ability for silage or grain production and their yield response to planting date, see table. Pioneer X304C and 3098 and DeKalb 678C were top silage pro- ducers, yielding 22, 18, and 18 tons per acre, respectively, in the dry year of 1990. Pioneer 3072 and 3210 were the best grain producers, averaging 73 and 64 bushels per acre when planted May 17. Overall, hybrids that yielded well for grain did not yield well for silage, while hybrids that yielded well for silage did not yield well for grain. This study indicated that Pioneer X304C and some of the hybrids that are not currently commercially available have great potential as an alternative double-crop for Alabama farmers. However, more research is needed on control of fall army worm before the full potential of this crop can be real- ized. P.L. Mask and D.W. Reeves Head scab of wheat caused by Fusarium species occurs sporadically in humid regions where wheat is grown. Scab is best recognized on emerged immature heads where one or more spikelets or the entire head appears prematurely bleached. Small, black structures (fungal fruiting bodies) and pink or orange mycelium may be seen at the base of diseased spikelets. Grain from scab-infected wheat may contain mycotoxins that can induce vomiting in humans and other nonruminant ani- mals. In Alabama, weather conditions in the winter and spring of 1990 were con- ducive for scab development. Sterility and poor grain fill due to scab resulted in an estimated 40 percent yield de- crease in infected fields. Current Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Station research is evaluating means of creating artificial Fusarinum epidemics while si- multaneously evaluating fungicides for control. One way of creating artifi- cial epidemics is by injecting plants with the pathogen. Field experiments were conducted at the Sand Mountain Substation and the Tennessee Valley Substation during the 1990-91 growing season. Fusariiml occurrence on heads was increased by simulating frost damage to wheat dur- continued on page 4 Pesticides Evaluated for Scab Epidemics on Wheat Tropical Corn Shows Potential for Conservation Tillage Systems The late planting date of tropical corn allows more flexibility than temperate corn for double-cropping with winter annual legumes. Using tem- perate corn with a winter legume re- quires yearly costs of EFFECT OF A WINTER COVER CROP ON GRAIN YIELD, AVERAGED OVER N RATE AND APPLICATION TIME 1991 grain yield/acre Winter cover crop Shorter Crossville X304C 3072 X304C 3072 Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Fallow . ......................... 39 57 45 67 Crimson clover .................. 51 85 76 105 labor, machinery, seed, and chemicals to plant and kill the legume in time to plant temperate corn. A conservation tillage system with tropical corn would, however, eliminate these costs and maxi- mize the advantages of the winter an- nual legume. In the past, Pioneer X304C was the only widely available commercial tropical corn hybrid. Grain yields of this hybrid have been disappointing. Results from varietv trials, however, indicate that Pioneer 3072 has a higher grain yield potential than Pioneer X304C. Results of joint Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station and USDA- ARS field experiments at the E.V. Smith Research Center, Shorter, and the Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville, illus- trate the advantages of using tropical corn and crimson clover in a conserva- tion tillage system. Four years ago, the plot area was either left fallow or seeded to crimson clover in the fall. Clover naturally re- seeded every year thereafter. Tropical corn hybrids Pioneer X304C and 3072 were planted into the fallow area and the clover residue in Jmune 1991. Four nitrogen (N) rates (0, 45, 90, and 180 Pesticides Evaluated, continued ing anthesis by applying dilute amounts of paraquat. Studies in the lab showed that tebuconazole pro- vided better control against growth of Fusarium, but this fungicide was not as effective as benomyl or triadimenol for control in the field. However, plots treated with tebu- conazole had highest yields and low- est levels of mycotoxin contamination. K.L. Bowen. D.J. Collins, and P.L. Mask pounds N per acre) were applied either at planting or split with one-third ap- plied at planting and the remainder 5 weeks later. Crimson clover, compared to fal- low, increased grain yield of Pioneer X304C and 3072 an average of 53 per- cent, see table. Split N applications, however, had no effect on grain pro- duction and the effect on silage produc- tion was variable. When averaged over both locations, silage yields of Pioneer 3072 tended to decrease while those of Pioneer X304C tended to increase when the N rate was split. The hybrids responded differently to N rate for both silage and grain pro- duction. At both locations, Pioneer 3072 increased silage production with each additional increment of N applied. Maximum yield was 20 and 24 tons per acre at Shorter and Crossville, respec- tively, with 180 pounds of N per acre. Pioneer X304C, however, reached its silage yield potential (17 and 22 tons per acre at Shorter and Crossville, respec- tively) at the 45-pound N rate and did not significantly increase in yield with additional N applied at either location. The same trends existed for both hybrids in grain production. Yield po- tential of Pioneer 3072, however, was much greater than that of Pioneer X304C. At Crossville, yields of Pioneer 3072 peaked at 124 and 104 bushels per acre following clover and fallow, re- spectively, with 180 pounds N. At Shorter, yields peaked with the 90- pound N rate, averaging 87 and 72 bush- els following clover and fallow, respec- tively. Pioneer X304C, on the other hand, did not respond as well to N applicationsbeyond 90poundsperacre, especially at Shorter. The high yield potential of newer tropical corn hybrids such as Pioneer 3072, when grown in a conservation tillage reseeding clover system, indi- cate it may be an economical and environmentally sound alternative cropping system. R.C. Kingery and D.W. Reeves Government Program, Crop Insurance, and Options Reduce Corn Producer's Income Risk Government program participa- tion, commodity options, and Multiple Peril Crop Insurance are management methods that can be used to reduce price and production risks. A recent Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion study estimated the riskiness of using alternative combinations of these strategies to produce and market 100 acres of corn on a representative north Alabama farm. Returns exceeding variable costs were calculated for each combination of farm program participation, crop in- surance, and commodity option possi- bilities on the 100 acres. Flex crops considered were corn, soybeans, and cotton. Farm financial performance was charted for 5 years with 500 dif- ferent combinations of possible yields and prices per year. The results showed that participa- tion in the farm program provided higher returns than not participating. Also, participation at the 15 percent flex level with commodity options and crop insurance generally provided the high- est returns with the least financial risk. The alternative with the least finan- cial risk was found to be participation in the farm program with a 15 percent continued on page 5 Traffic and Tillage Systems Influence Corn Production The need to manage soil compac- tion, along with new regulations for soil conservation in the 1985 and 1990 Farm Bills, has led to the need to examine tillage practices on coarse-textured Coastal Plains soils for corn production. The interaction of tractor traffic and tillage on corn yields was studied in a joint Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station/USDA-ARS project at the E.V. Smith Research Center, Shorter. Plots with varying tillage and tractor traffic treatments were planted on 30-inch rows following a legume winter cover crop. Treatments consisted of the following : Deep tillage. No subsoiling, an- nual in-row subsoiling, or a one-time complete disruption of the hardpan in 1988. Surface tillage. Leaving winter cover crop residue on the surface or harrowing and field cultivating before planting. Income Risk, continued soybean flex, and with commodity op- tions and crop insurance. With this least-riskcombination, the estimated net present value of returns for 5 years averaged $62.13 per acre. Participation in the 15 percent and 25 percent flex programs provided higher returns than those received where there was no government pro- gram participation. In general, 15 per- cent flex alternatives provided higher net returns than did 25 percent flex al- ternatives for comparable levels of in- surance and options participation. Purchasing crop insurance pro- vided higher minimum returns than comparable noninsured alternatives (probability of less than the minimum = 0). The minimum net present value with crop insurance ranged from -$0.63 per acre (25 percent cotton flex) to $21.49 per acre (25 percent soybean flex). Growing cotton on the 15 percent flex acres, without insurance, provided the highest net present value of returns (probability of less than $123 per acre - 100 percent). On the average, however, a producer was better off to purchase Tractor traffic. Normal tractor traf- fic with the use of 4-row equipment or removal of all tractor traffic from plots (use of wide-frame research vehicle that spanned corn rows for necessary till- age). Soil moisture was monitored throughout the growing season and corn yields were measured at harvest. In addition, soil compaction measure- EFFECT OF TRACTOR TRAFFIC AND TILLAGE SYSTEMS ON CORN Y Tillage Deep tillage No deep tillage ............... Annual in-row subsoiling ... Complete disruption .......... Surface tillage Harrow/field cultivation...... No surface tillage .............. Corn yield/acre, by tra Normal traffic N Bu. 131 135 crop insurance and options (probability of less than $66 per acre = 50 percent). For a farmer who chooses not to participate in the farm program, pur- chasing crop insurance and commodity options provided higher average, minimum, and maximum values than did purchasing insurance alone or not purchasing insurance and options. The average net present value of returns per acre (probability of getting less than expected returns = 50 percent) with no government program participation ranged from $38.93 with no insurance to $41.62 with insurance and options. The best individual strategy de- pends on how much of a risk the pro- ducer can stand. The most profitable high risk strategy was to plant corn with a 15 percent cotton flex crop, without crop insurance or commodity options. The best risk neutral strategy found was corn with a 25 percent cotton flex. Finally, the risk averse strategy of choice was corn with a 15 percent soy- bean flex crop. J.L Novak. RG. Nelson, and W.R. Goodman ments at different depths were made with a penetrometer. The test covered 4 years, including 2 years of drought (1988 and 1990) and 2 years of abtmdant rainfall (1989 and 1991). With both complete disruption and in-row subsoiling, yields in the drought year of 1988 were greatest when vetch residue was not incorpo- rated by surface tillage; how ever, when deep tillage was not performed, sur- face tillage increased yields. With favorable rainfall in 1989, there was no beneficial effect of surface residues as in 1988. FHow- 'IELD, 1991 ever, yields againincreased ctor traffic with the intensity of deep tillage, and surface tillage o traffic increased yields when no Bu. deep tillage was per- formed. In the extreme 134 drought year of 1990, 135 corn yields were se- 142 verelv limited, with a 140 maximum yield of only 135 28 bushels per acre. In that year, yields decreased with intensity of tillage. After 4 years, the effect of tractor traffic was dependent on tillage system, see table. When tractor traffic was re- moved, highest yields resulted from surface tillage or from the one-time complete disruption of the hardpan; however, when normal tractor traffic was used and caused recompaction, these same treatments resulted in the lowest yields. Therefore, in the absence of traffic, residual effects of tillage per- formed 4 years previously still im- proved yields. With traffic, annual subsoiling still maintained yields near the top. Data indicate that an intensive till- age system followed by tractor traffic resulted in greater recompaction of the soil, which restricted root growth. Results from this study suggest that the conservation tillage practice of in- row subsoiling without incorporating residues is an appropriate practice for sustaining corn yields on Coastal Plains soils, especially if traffic patterns can be maintained so that at least one row middle adjacent to each row receives no traffic during the growing season. H.A. Torbert and D.W. Reeves Insecticides May Have Use in Hessian Fly Management on Wheat Experiments on chemical control of Hessian fly have been conducted dur- ing the past several years throughout the State. Experimental wheat plots were planted at five locations on two different dates (late September and early November). The locations were: Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction; Wiregrass Substation, Headland; Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope; Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina; and Up- per Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield. Each treatment consisted of either Saluda, Coker 9766, or Florida 302 wheat cultivars treated with either dis- ulfoton or phorate. In previous tests, Saluda proved to be resistant to Hessian fly, Coker 9766 was moderately resistant, and Florida 302 was suscep- tible to this pest. Insecticides were ap- plied in-furrow at planting at 0.75 pound active ingredient per acre. Hes- sian fly counts and yield determina- tions were made at harvest. Severe weather conditions and heavy wheat disease incidence pre- cluded data collection at several plant- ing dates and locations. The table shows the combined yield data from all plots harvested. Although no statistical dif- ferences were present, the yields from insecticide treatments were usually slightly higher than those from check plots. Coker 9766 was consistently the highest yielding cultivar of the three evaluated. This difference cannot be explained by Hessian fly control be- cause this pest was not present at all locations. EDITORWS No)I L Metntion of Ocompany 0or trade ;ames does not indicate endorsement by the Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station or Auburn Unziversitiy of oe bramlt over aiothcr. Aiy mention of iionllabel uses or applications in excess of labceled rates of pesticides or other chiinicals does not con.stitute a recon cdatio11. Such use in research is simply part of thc scientific investigation n'cessary to fidly ecaltate nmat'rials and treatnents., Informatioul cotaiii ed herei is lavailabhl to all prsonI s ithout rcard to rac, color, srx, orI ational origill. COMBINED GRAIN YIELD 1989-90 Yield, bu/acre Treatment Gulf Coast Wiregrass Upper Coastal Average Substation Substation Substation Insecticide Check ............................. 22.33 37.40 15.33 25.02 Disulfoton ..................... 23.41 37.16 16.59 25.72 Phorate ............... .......... 23.29 41.88 16.38 27.19 Cultivar C9766 ..................... 29.56 55.24 13.64 32.81 FL 302 .......................... 12.46 33.41 15.57 20.48 Saluda ................ ......... 7.80 27.79 19.10 18.23 Low but consistent Hessian fly numbers did occur at the Gulf Coast Substation following the first plant- ing. Hessian fly counts at harvest indicated that at least two times as many pupae were found in the check plots as in the treated plots. However, this difference was not reflected in the vields. Saluda and Coker 9766 had fewer pupae than Florida 302, although vields were not related to fly numbers. Overall, Coker 9766 proved to be a good yielding variety even under unfavor- able conditions. Past experiments have indicated that insecticides have limited use in management of Hessian fly; however, these results do suggest that this avenue should be explored further. P.M. Estes Editor's Note: Please use the form below to send the name and address of any neighbor or friend who should receive the report. If you do not wish to receive future issues, please indicate that fact on the form and we will remove your name from the mailing list. I U Add the following name to receive the AAES Grain Crops Update. J Remove the following name from the mailing list for the AAES Grain Crops Update. Name Street, Box, or Route No. City State Zip Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Auburn University Auburn University, Alabama 36849-0520 NON-PROFIT ORG. POSTAGE & FEES PAID PERMIT NO.9 AUBURN, ALA. Address Correction Requested February 1992 7.5M