Broiler Litter on Cotton Yield results from three years studies at two locations in Alabama indicate that broiler litter can be used as an alternative source of fertilizer N on cotton. Dry conditions in 1993 at the E.V. Smith Research Center (EVS), Shorter, resulted in no significant yield differ- ences due to broiler litter or fertilizer N treatment after three years of an- nual applications. Dramatic yield re- sponses were observed in 1991 and 1992 from broiler litter treatments as high as four tons per acre. The same yield trends were ob- served at the Tennessee Valley Sub- station (TVS), Belle Mina, in 1990-1992. Responses to fertilizer N may be less in dry years than in wet years, and this was the case in 1993. Broiler litter can be applied at or just prior to plant- ing, based on the total N in the broiler litter. After three years of continuous broiler litter, rank cotton growth might be expected on treatments receiving as much as four tons litter per acre per year [240 pounds total nitrogen (N) per acre per year], but was not ob- served in these tests. Pix may be useful in wet years, such as 1992, to control excessive vegeta- tive growth but is not effective in drier years. Un- fortunately, no one can predict when July and August will be wet. A commonly used rule of thumb RESEARCH UPDATE 1994 COTTON SEEDCOTTON YIELDS AT TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION AND E.V. SMrTH RESEARCH CENTER Location and seedcotton yield Nitrogen Total N TVS EVS sourcel Pix 2 applied 3-yr avg. 1993 3-yr avg. lb./ac./yr. None... . . . . ... no 0 1,730 1,900 1,600 A.N .............. no 60 2,420 2,090 2,170 A.N. ......... yes 60 2,530 2,150 2,210 A.N .............. no 120 2,800 2,160 2,410 A.N. ......... yes 120 2,880 1,900 2,450 B.L. ......... no 120 2,660 1,980 2,170 B.L. ......... yes 120 2,650 1,950 2,170 B.L. ......... no 180 2,140 2,270 2,330 B.L. ......... yes 180 2,850 2,150 2,570 B.L. ............. no 240 2,890 1,880 2,520 B.L ............. yes 240 2,130 2,200 2,610 1 BL = broiler litter, AN = ammonium nitrate. 2 PIX applied for three years. is that a ton of broiler litter contains about 60 pounds of N of which about two-thirds, or 40 pounds N per ton, will be available to this year's crop. Therefore, a cotton crop requiring 120 pounds of fertilizer N per acre on sandy soils, such as those at EVS, would need three tons broiler litter per acre (180 pounds total N). This rate appears to be near the optimum rate at both TVS and EVS over the three-year study. Additional tests are being con- ducted on the sites to determine po- tential soil N lost through leaching from broiler litter applications. C.C. Mitchell, C.W. Wood, and C.H. Burmester Foliar-applied K Not Effective in 1993 Foliar-applied potassium (K) as KNO 3 did not increase cotton yields at five locations in 1993. The same test in 1992 resulted in a positive yield response to foliar K at two of the five locations. Plots in an experiment labeled the Rates of N, P, and K experiment were split, with half of each plot receiving continued on page 5 ~Aemm~1 .l' Api i] :1TURA EXPE IMENTA STio AUBURNw~'Ii' UIVES ITY Old Rotation Documents Sustainable Cotton Production America's oldest, continuous index is calculated from all the in- The Old Rotation experiment, cotton experiment, the Old Rota- puts of a cropping system and the which was started in 1896, includes tion at Auburn University, was costs of those inputs and all the different rotations of cotton with selected by the corn, soybeans, small Rockefeller Foundation grains and winter legumes to measure and docu- (crimson clover and vetch). ment the sustainability Three of the continuous cot- of cotton production. ton systems were ana- Information on the lyzed in this study: (1) no Old Rotation was pre- legumes and no fertilizer sented at a symposium nitrogen (N), (2) winter le- held in 1993 at the , gume N, and (3) fertilizer Rothamsted Experiment N only (120 pounds N per Station in England. acre per year as ammo- The challenge pre- nium nitrate). sented by the The output index is Rockefeller Foundation simple to calculate. It's the was, "How do you mea- v, yield of cotton lint and seed sure sustainability?" and the price received for The agricultural com- each product. Input mea- munity is concerned .,.. * surements are more com- about the world's abil- - ' ,g plicated. They include seed ity to sustain agricul- j and fertilizer, pesticides, tural production for fu- arvest and ginning costs, ture generations. The m achinery costs, fuel and challenge of sustainable ,. labor (see table). production is to main- 44 VI Externalities also were tain or enhance agricul- ;4 4 factored into the TFP mea- tural production, reduce ,ure of sustainability. the level of production These are inputs with indi- risk, protect the natural . rect costs, such as soil ero- resource base (i.e. soil) sion associated with each and the environment, be cropping system and the economically viable for otential off-site costs of us- the farmer, and be so- ing pesticides (damage to cially acceptable. 'environment, human No one has devel- health, etc.). Externalities oped a simple way to are difficult to quantify. quantify all these at- Values based on previous tributes of a cropping system. outputs and the value of those out- research were used as references in However, the AAES, with the sup- puts [TFP= (output index)/(input in- the calculations. port of the Rockefeller Foundation dex)]. Using 1990 as a reference point to and the long-term records of If the index is greater than 1.0, the compare trends in TFP, the figure Alabama's Old Rotation experi- amount of output produced per unit illustrates no constant trend in TFP or ment at Auburn has measured of input is increasing over time and sustainability. The treatment using sustainability of continuous cot- the system can be considered sustain- fertilizer N did not begin until 1956. ton production using the concept able. With input and output data for There have been periods (1900-1925 of total factor productivity (TFP). the Old Rotation back to 1896, trends and 1965-1980) when productivity TFP generates an index that al- in TFP over almost a century of con- was declining in all systems. lows comparisons from one year tinuous cotton production and an era From the late 1940's until the to the next even when input and of tremendous change in technology 1970's, productivity increased. A output prices are changing. The and markets can be observed. continued on page 3 Old Rotation, continued dramatic increase occurred around 1960. A single, technological advance- ment at this time overwhelmed all other input factors. This was the adop- tion of the mechanical cotton picker that forever reduced the labor costs associated with cotton harvest. The large increase in TFP associated with this one advancement points out the tremendous influence technology can have on agricultural sustainability. All three Old Rotation treatments fulfill at least one criteria required for a system to be sustainable (i.e. output per unit input is higher in 1991 than in 1896, even when externalities are val- ued). The external effects of soil ero- sion and pesticide use have only a modest effect on measured produc- tivity. However, the "low input" system with neither chemical nor or- ganic N is less productive than the other two systems. The organic and chemical sources of N have similar productivity impacts. So, what does all this mean to Alabama cotton farmers who are in- terested in sustainable cotton produc- tion? These data prove that continu- ous cotton production can be sustain- TSFP Index (1990=100) 150. able. However, the effect of weather, management, pests, technological advancements, and other factors can create productivity cycles that may last for several decades. Because major technological breakthroughs cannot be predicted, future sustainability cannot be pre- dicted. Producers can only use those practices that appear to provide the highest total factor productivity in today's systems. C.C. Mitchell, G.J. Traxier, and J.L. Novak OUTPUT AND INPUT SHAIZES ON THE OLD ROTATION, 1896 AND 1991 Output 1896 1991 Pct. Pct. 7 11 93 89 Input 1896 1991 Pct. Pct. Seed ....................... 8 6 Fertilizer .................. 11 4 Herbicide.................. 0 5 Insecticide ................ 2 9 Drying/ginning............ 28 39 Defoliant................... 0 1 Labor...................... 34 7 Machinery ................ 17 29 Total factor productivity index (five-year averages with externalitites of erosion costs and off-site pesticide costs. Seed .................... Lint ...................... Textile Sludge Boosts Yields In an effort to recycle and keep potentially valuable materials out of landfills, more and more materials are being evaluated for their poten- tial as soils amendments. One of these materials is dewatered sludge from a lagoon at Alabama's West Point Pepperell mill in Opelika. This sludge has resulted in impressive cotton yield increases at the E.V. Smith Research Center(EVS), Shorter, in 1993. An earlier analysis of the sludge indicated that it contained approxi- mately five pounds nitrogen (N) per wet ton. Other primary and second- ary nutrients were low and the sludge met EPA's criteria for "exceptional quality sludge," meaning it could be applied with no restrictions. There- fore, 20 tons would supply a total of 100 pounds of N per acre. However, samples of the sludge taken the day it was applied indicated that it con- tained 18 pounds of N per ton. This resulted in more than three times as much N applied to the sludge treat- ments as planned. Sludge was applied and incorpo- rated at 20 tons, 40 tons, and 80 tons per acre in replicated plots at EVS just prior to planting cotton in late April. A control treatment receiving no N and a treatment receiving 100 pounds of N as ammonium nitrate also were included. The sludge rates were sup- pose to represent 100, 200, and 400 pounds total N per acre. If only 30% of the total N is available, then an optimum rate should be between the 40- and 80-ton rate. Of course, the actual amount of total N applied was 360,720, and 1,440 pounds N per acre, rates high enough to create excessive vegetative growth if rainfall is high. In a relatively dry season, such as 1993, the treatment effects were dra- matic and quite visible throughout the season. Sludge-treated plots pro- duced from 50% to 73% more cotton than the conventionally fertilized treatment. There were no significant differences in yield between the 20- continued on page 6 Systemic Insecticides Have Large Impact on Cotton Growth and Yield Use of systemic insecticides, ap- and 1993. Earliness was measured by When no s plied in-furrow at planting, is a rec- cotton harvested in the first picking. applied, col ommended practice for Alabama cot- Both insecticides tested (Temik by three to i ton farmers. These in- secticides are used to help control early sea- EFFECTS OF SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDES ON COTTON GROWT AND YIELDS, TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTAnoN, 1992-1993 son thrips and aphids on seedling cotton. Seedcotton First Total Total Plants/ Ib./ac. picking thrips aphids - ac. A part of a recent research project, con- Pct. Check ............... 2,990 74.9 13.9 9.7 28,600 ducted at the Tennes- Temik ................ 3,600 82.7 3.6 .5 31,900 see Valley Substation, Di-Syston ............. 3,440 81.1 4.8 .5 34,100 Belle Mina, m 1992 and 1993, examined how effective and important these in-furrow treatments are to Alabama farmers. Cotton stand counts were made weekly after cot- ton emerged. Thrips and aphid popu- lations were estimated by rinsing five whole plants in alcohol, and then filtering. Insects were counted under a microscope. Cotton was harvested twice for yield in both years of 1992 Foliar-applied K, continued four applications of KNO 3 at 10 pounds KNO 3 per application be- ginning one week after first bloom. The other half of each plot received an equivalent amount of nitrogen (N) as urea (1.3 pounds N per acre per application). The Rates of N, P, and K experiment has treatments that have received incremental rates of N, P (phosphorous), and K (potassium) since 1954. Plots exist at each loca- tion that are low to high in soil P and K. Cotton at most locations showed visible symptoms of K deficiencies in the low K treatments. In 1993, yields at the Brewton and Monroeville Experiment Fields and at the Wiregrass Substation 15G at four pounds per acre and Di- syston 15G at five pounds per acre) were effective in controlling thrips and aphids in this test. Aphid counts to- taled only 0.5 per five plants in treated cotton versus more than 9.5 in the nontreated cotton. Although thrips populations in 1992 and 1993 were average to below average, cotton stands were still affected by thrips. (Headland) increased as THE EFFE( soil K increased. At the ACRO' Prattville Experiment Field and Tennessee Valley Sub- Treatml station, Belle Mina, there 1992 was no relationship be- Urea ... tween soil K and yield. KNO 3 .. However, regardless of soil 1993 Urea ... K or degree of K deficiency KNO 3 .. observed in 1993, foliar- ' BEF= applied K did not increase MEF PEF= cotton yields as it did in TVS 1992. WGS 2 Aver Because of the hot, rela- tively dry summer of 1993, the statewide cotton crop matured earlier and was lower yielding than the 1992 crop. he effect of weather on only 83% an treated witi spectively. These r tance of ea for cotton ii furrow syst at planting proved yie] earliness. systemic insecticide was tton stands were reduced nore than 5,000 plants per acre compared to treated plots. Cotton maturity also was de- layed by the early sea- son thrips damage as measured by a 5% to 7% reduction in first picking. Finally, aver- age yields in the nontreated cotton were d 87% compared to cotton h Temik and Di-syston, re- esults reaffirm the impor- rly season thrips control nAlabama. The use of in- emic insecticides applied in this test greatly im- lds and promoted cotton C.H. Burmester and B.L. Freeman CT OF FOUAR-APPUED UREA AND KNO 3 ON AVERAGE COTTON YIELD! ss AuL SOIL K TREATMENTS AT FIVE LOCATIONS, 1992 AND 1993 Locationi ent BEF MEF PEF TVS WGS ......... 1,940 2,200 3,600 3,550 2,010 ........... 1,900 2.4802 3,8802 3,460 2,170 ......... 2,050 3,070 1,660 2,390 1,450 ........... 2,060 3,080 1,720 2,380 1,420 =Brewton Experiment Field =Monroeville Experiment Field =Prattville Experiment Field =Tennessee Valley Substation =Wiregrass Substation age yields significantly different at 5% probability. cotton yields seems to overwhelm any modest effect that foliar-applied nutrients may have on the crop. continued on page 5 ~Y_ I I Preemergence Annual Grass Control in Conservation Tillage Cotton The increase in conservation till- age cotton acreage in Alabama and the Southeast has shown the need for soil-applied herbicides that will consistently provide annual grass control without incorporation. Field studies were initiated in 1992 and continued in 1993 at the Tennes- see Valley Substation in Belle Mina, Prattville Experiment Field, and Wiregrass Substation in Headland. The study evaluated several pre- emergence treatments for crop injury and control of annual grasses, prima- rily large crabgrass, in conservation tillage cotton. All trials were planted into desiccated wheat stubble. The Belle Mina and Prattville trials were planted no-till using modified John Deere Maxemerge TM planters. Trials at Headland were planted using a RoTill/International Planter system. Roundup at one quart per acre was used at all locations to kill wheat cov- ers. Each preemergence treatment was evaluated alone or tank-mixed with fluometuron (Cotoran/ Meturon) at two pounds active ingre- Foliar-applied K, continued Researchers, extension specialists, and cotton growers throughout the cotton belt are struggling to explain why they sometimes see a yield re- sponse to foliar-applied K but, as of now, are unable to predict this re- sponse. C.C. Mitchell, G.L. Mullins, and C.H. Burmester STAND COUNTS, VISUAL CROP INJURY RATINGS, LARGE CRABGRASS CONTROL, AND SEEDCOTTON YIELDS PROVIDED BY SURFACE-APPUED HERBICIDES Crop Grass control Cotton yield Treatment Stand ct. Injury +Cot -Cot +Cot -Cot Lb. a.i./ac. No./30 ft. Pct. Pct. Pct. Lb. Lb. None ..................... 105 3 63 4 2,297 1,370 Command, 1.0 ......... 103 10 88 84 2,472 2,197 Zorial, 1.0 .............. 103 7 -90 78 2,424 2,041 Prowl, 1.0 .............. 102 6 90 84 2,388 2,356 MON 13200, 0.2 ...... 98 6 89 83 2,204 1,960 MON 13200, 0.38 .... 96 9 91 89 2,203 2,249 Dual, 1.0 ............... 92 16 81 63 2,398 1,976 Dual, 1.5 ............... 81 20 81 69 2,309 1,858 dient per acre. Post-directed treat- ments of MSMA were used at Prattville and Headland after early season weed control ratings to pro- vide supplemental broadleaf weed control. Crop stand counts, visual injury ratings, and seed cotton yield were obtained at each location. The table presents average data from all three locations. Fluometuron alone (none plus Cotoran) provided 63% late sea- son crabgrass control and yields equal to all soil-applied treatments used with fluometuron. The no-herbicide check (none minus Cotoran) resulted in reduced yield as expected due to severe grass competition. Command, Prowl, and the high rate of Mon 13200, an experimental herbicide from Monsanto, provided the best late season crabgrass control when used without fluometuron. Stand counts were lower and crop injury ratings were higher for Dual at the 1.5-pounds-per-acre rate compared to other treatments. Yield from Dual treatments with fluometuron was equal to all other treatments used with fluome'uron, indicating the early season injury ratings and reduced stand counts did not translate to yield reductions. Although not shown, Command, Prowl, and Mon 13200 also provided significant control of Texas panicum at the Headland location. M.G. Patterson, B.E. Norris, D.P. Moore, and L.W. Wells Textile Sludge, continued ton and 80-ton rate, although the higher rate produced more vegeta- tive growth. Obviously, the excess N applied did not produce the negative effects that were expected. Instead, the improved physical condition of the soil from the organic material and the increased water holding capacity during a dry year may have contrib- uted to the dramatic yield increase from the sludge. Soil profile analysis will help de- termine if nutrients are leaching be- low the rooting zone from the exces- sive sludge application rates. In the meantime, it appears that what was a waste product could have positive ag- ronomic benefits for some cotton pro- ducers. C.C. Mitchell and J.W. Odom EDITOR'S NOTE The 1994 Cotton Update is a publication of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) at Auburn University. It contains the latest results of AAES studies relating to the cotton industry. Mention of company or trade names does not indicate endorsement by the AAES or Auburn University of one brand over another. Any mention of nonlabel uses or applications in excess of labeled rates of pesti- cides or other chemicals does not constitute a recommendation. Such use in research is simply part of the scientific investigation nec- essary to fully evaluate materials and treat- inents. Information contained herein is available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. Seedcotton yield (lb/acre) 1,500 1,400 - 1,300- 1,200- 1,100- 1,000- 900- 800 700- 600 500 Control Fertilizer N 20 t/a 40 t/a 80 t/a (no N) (100 lb/a) Sludge Seedcotton yields from the application of 100 pounds N per acre as fertilizer and 20, 40, and 80 tons per acre of wastewater sludge. Editor's Note: Please use the form below to send the name and address of any neighbor or friend who should receive the report. If you do not wish to receive future issues, please indicate that fact on the form and we will remove your name from the mailing list. -.- - - -- -- - -- .- . .--.-..--.---.. -, J Add the following name to receive the AAES Cotton Update. I Remove the following name from the mailing list for the AAES Cotton Update. 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