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Forestry and Wildlife Research Series No. 1 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Luther Waters, Jr. Director Auburn University Auburn, Alabama October 2000 4* A Planting Morphological ly Improved Pine Seedlings to Increase Survival and Growth 4~; ~ iv4: "": L> " ~ $V.2 ' 4 >4,A - *.* ~> 'N" ">'>% V.., 4 4 4 %%~;Vk ff V.> C A, U ft <3' 3'> y C Table of.Contents Page Factors ion..that ...In....uence...Seedling.....Survival..............................................................30 1 Laco SeedbedflDeniteSeedlng..... l....................................................................... 3 Root-weight Ratios............................................. eese aaeeess*e esa e****o *em4 Root Growth Potential ................................................................................ 4 Proper Planting Techniques............................................ 4 Growth of Morphologically Improved Seedlings ............................................................ 4 Predicting Per Acre Volume Gains .................................................... 5 Percent Gain............................................................................................ 5 A Shift in Site Index................................................................................. 5 The Establishment Quality Boost .................................................................... 6 The Age Shift Approach............................................................................... 6 How to Obtain a One Year Age Sit........ .............. 6 How to Obtain a Two Year Age Shift.......................................................................... 7 Predicted and Realized Gains ......................................................................sotsea**soas*s**8 Economic Advantages of Planting Morphologcially Improved Seedlings..........................969 Summary................................................................................. 9 References................................................................................................... 10 Information contained herein is available to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. Planting Morphologically Improved Pine Seedlings to Increase Survival and Growth David B. South' INTRODUCTION Loblolly pine seedlings used by most researchers and landowners are commonly grown at high seedbed densi- ties (more than 25 plants per square foot of growing area). These seedlings are classified as Grade 2 seedlings (Table 1) and typically have a root-collar diameter (RCD) that averages 4 millimeters (mm). Since these seedlings have small roots, survival under less-than-ideal conditions can be a problem. As a result, landowners and researchers in the South typically overplant to ensure adequate survival. Researchers sometimes double-plant (planting two seed- lings per spot) in order to ensure one seedling lives. Re- searchers and landowners could also increase survival lings grown at low seedbed densities because they haven't been informed about the benefits of using these plants. In fact, many landowners have been told that seedling mor- phology is a poor indicator of seedling performance. Some of those who say that seedling morphology is a poor predictor of survival cite studies conducted in the 1930s when seedbed densities were high. Others cite more recent studies that used seedlings from seedbeds with densities greater than 45 plants per square foot (Dierauf et al. 1993). Some studies confound seedling morphol- ogy with other factors that affect survival. Although sev- eral studies show positive correlations between RCD and rates by planting large-di- ameter seedlings (morpho- logically improved seed- lings), which have been grown at low seedbed den- sities (lessthan 20 plants per square foot). In the southern United States, seedlings of longleaf pine and various hardwood species are com- monly grown at low seed- bed densities (less than 10 plants per square foot) to increase their field perfor- mance. However, the trend of lowering the seedbed density for loblolly and slash pine has been slow to occur. The primary reason for this has been a lack of demand for morphologi- cally improved seedlings of these species. Many land- owners do not request seed- TABLE 1. DEFINITIONS OF SEEDLING TERMS FOR BARE-ROOT LOBLOLLY PINE Term Cull seedling Plantable seedling Grade 2 seedling Grade 1 seedling Regular seedling Target seedling Morphologically improved Optimum seedling Definition An unacceptable seedling that does not meet a certain size standard [e.g. has a root collar diameter (RCD) less than 3 mm] A seedling that is slightly larger than a cull. Typically has a RCD of 3 mm or more A seedling that has a RCD ranging from 3.2 to 4.7 mm. This seed- ling size is desired by most tree planters A seedling that has a RCD greater than 4.7 mm The average loblolly pine seedling planted by most researchers in the South. Typically has an average RCD of about 3.9 mm The seedling that the nursery manager would produce the most of under ideal weather conditions. The target seedling at certain in- dustry nurseries is much larger than at others The seedling is only grown at low seedbed densities (< 20/ft 2 ) and at least half of the population has RCDs greater than 5 mm and none less than 3 mm). This seedling has a higher root-weight ratio and has been cultured to give more fibrous roots, but is not taller than regular seedlings The seedling size that will minimize overall reforestation costs while achieving established goals for initial survival and growth. Although the size of this seedling has not been defined, it might have a RCD of about 8-10 mm 'South is a Professor in the Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. -- " '-- I--~ \,11II St~t~~lllll~ WII IlrlilL;L;C~I]Liil) I C; ?il 2 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION survival (Dierauf et al. 1993; South 1993; McGrath and Duryea 1994), these studies are usually not cited by those who claim that seedling morphology is a poor predictor of field survival. The general pattern, observed over the last 50 years, however, has been that when large-diameter (morphologi- cally improved) seedlings are properly planted, they typi- cally survive better than smaller seedlings (South 1993). Although all sites will not show this relationship, one site in Georgia illustrates the relationship between RCD at planting and seedling survival (Figure 1). Some forestry companies agree. Their leaders believe that seedling performance is related to RCD and that with proper lifting and planting, seedlings with large diameters tend to survive and grow better than small-diameter seed- lings (Autry 1972; McGrath and Duryea 1994; South 1993). As a result, the target seedling RCD for some com- panies is 6 mm (or greater); this is about 2 mm larger than seedlings used by most researchers (Table 2). The practice of growing pine seedlings at low seed- bed densities has been used throughout the world to im- prove the performance potential of pine seedlings. For example, since the early 1970s, slash pine and loblolly pine seedlings have been grown in bare-root nurseries in South Africa at densities of 12 to 15 seedlings per square foot. Likewise, for more than 20 years, nurseries in New Zealand have been growing Monterey pine seedlings at low seedbed densities. In fact, the recommended spacing varies with site. For sites with low elevation, densities of Figure 1. Relationship between seedling survival and root-collar diameter at planting and survival (South and Mitchell 1999). 100 90 80 70 % 60 . 50 t (2.42-0.207X) =40/Y=100-10 a 30 20[ 10 RCD at planting (mm) 15 seedlings per square foot are used; for more adverse, high-elevation sites, lower densities (12 seedlings per square foot) are recommended (FRI 1988). Currently, the ideal size of a pine seedling in New Zealand is about 6 to 12 mm in diameter at the root collar (MacLaren 1993). While seedling morphology is not a perfect predic- tor of field survival, it is about the best tool available to separate individual seedlings prior to planting according to their potential for growth. This is much like the case of genetically improved seedlings. Although knowing the genotype usually does not help predict field survival, TABLE 2. THE GROUNDLINE DIAMETER 1 OR ROOT-COLLAR DIAMETER OF REGULAR BARE-ROOT LOBLOLLY PINE SEEDLINGS USED IN RESEARCH STUDIES State GLD 2 Study State RCD 3 Study mm mm GA 3.0 Sung et al. 1997 GA 2.8 Miller et al. 1995 GA 4.0 Harrington and Howell 1998 GA 3.0 Miller et al. 1995 GA 3.7 Kormanik et al. 1995 MS 3.0 Miller et al. 1995 GA 4.4 Kormanik et al. 1995 AL 3.0 Miller et al. 1995 SC 5.0 Barnard et al. 1997 LA 2.5 Miller et al. 1995 SC 4.2 Barnard et al. 1997 LA 3.6 Miller et al. 1995 SC 3.5 Barnett and McGilvary 1993 AL 3.6 Miller et al. 1995 SC 3.7 Barnett and McGilvary 1993 AR 3.6 Miller et al. 1995 SC" 3.6 Cram et al. 1997 TN 4.3 Miller et al. 1995 SC 4.1 Cram et al. 1997 LA 4.1 Miller et al. 1995 SC 3.3 Cram et al. 1997 AL 3.0 Miller et al. 1995 SC 3.6 Cram et al. 1997 GA 2.8 Miller et al. 1995 SC 3.7 Cram et al. 1997 VA 2.8 Miller et al. 1995 SC 4.3 Cram et al: 1997 VA 3.1 South et al. 1995 SC 4.3 Cram et al. 1997 AL 5.3 South et al. 1995 SC 4.2 Cram et al. 1997 Avg. 3.4 Avg. 3.9 Since seedlings are usually planted with the RCD below the groundline, the GLD is often measured at a higher point on the stem than the RCD. 2 GLD = groundline diameter. I RCD = root-collar diameter. 2 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION PLANTING MORPHOLOGICALLY IMPROVED PINE SEEDLINGS TO INCREASE SURVIVAL AND GROWTH 3 genetically improved seedlings are still planted to improve the growth potential of a stand. As with genetically im- proved seedlings, the main reason for using morphologi- cally improved seedlings is to improve the growth poten- tial of pine plantations. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE SEEDLING SURVIVAL Initial survival in the field is affected by several fac- tors, including, in order of importance, environment, han- dling, morphology, and physiology (Figure 2). The most important factor is the environment where the seedling is planted (called the site environment). This includes such things as soil water content at time of plant- ing, temperature and amount of rainfall soon after plant- ing (a hard freeze or extended drought, for example), soil texture, soil depth, competition from weeds, number of insect pests, and amount of deer browse. Seedling handling is also very important. The type of lifting machine, the amount of cold storage, the temperature of cold storage, the stripping of roots during lifting, the prun- ing and washing of roots after lifting, the depth of plant- ing-all can affect survival. In some cases, the way the tree- planter handles the seedlings can make the difference be- tween a plantation with 5% survival or 85% survival (Rowan 1987). In many years survival of machine-planted trees will be higher than for inadequately supervised hand-planted seedlings (South and Mitchell 1999b). The next important factor is seedling morphology. This includes, for example, root-weight ratio, root mass, RCD, secondary foliage, and seedling height. In contrast, presence of a well-formed terminal bud is not important for survival. Seedling physiology is also important and can be in- fluenced by the nursery environment (fertilizer regime, excessive rain, lack of soil oxygen, freezes, high tempera- tures, photoperiod, pathogens, cultural practices, toxic chemicals) as well as handling practices (condition of the seedlings at lifting, amount of cold storage, desiccation of roots, etc.). However, seedling physiology can be very difficult to evaluate on individual seedlings at the time of outplanting. To a limited extent, the genetics of a seedling will affect initial survival (through its effects on both seedling physiology and seedling morphology). Although initial survival is usually high for many progeny tests, the heri- tability for survival can be 0.78 (NCSU 1995). LOW SEEDBED DENSITIES Seedlings grown at low seedbed densities usually survive better than seedlings grown at high seedbed den- sities. Seedlings grown at low seedbed densities have Figure 2. A generalized model illustrating the relative importance of four factors affecting survival of trans- planted pine seedlings. Any one factor can be the major cause of failure in a particular event. PHYSIOLOGY MORPHOLOGY stronger first order lateral roots, more short roots, more foliage, and a higher root-weight ratio (all part of a mor- phologically improved seedling). Contrary to popular belief, top-pruned seedlings pro- duced from low seedbed densities are usually no taller than seedlings grown at high seedbed densities. Proper top-pruning in the nursery increases the root-weight ratio and, therefore, increases the chance of survival when the site enviornment is less than optimum (South 1998). Several studies have demonstrated better survival from seedlings grown at low seedbed densities (Table 3). When average survival is less than 90%, morphologi- TABLE 3. INCREASE IN SEEDLING SURVIVAL BY USE OF LOBLOLLY PINE SEEDLINGS GROWN AT Low SEEDBED DENSITIES Study Low Medium Survival density density gain no/sq ft percentage points Rowan 1986 15 30 14 Shoulders 1961 14 38 12 Shoulders 1961 10 30 9 Rowan 1986 15 30 8 Leach et al. 1986 20 30 4 Shoulders 1961 13 35 3 Rowan 1986 15 30 2 Shoulders 1961 12 31 1 Shipman 1964 20 40 1 Carneiro 1985 15 26 -3 Average 5 Multiple listings for Shoulders (1961) and Rowan (1986) due to multiple tests. 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION cally improved seedlings exhibit better survival than regu- lar seedlings. Planting seedlings from low seedbed den- sities usually increased survival by 4 to 10 percentage points over that of seedlings grown at 30 plants per square foot. Research has shown, however, that seedbed density will have little or no effect on survival when average sur- vival is greater than 96%. Seedling height also has an effect on survival. When grown at high seedbed densities, shorter seedlings are more likely to survive than taller seedlings (Dierauf 1973; Tuttle et al. 1988; Sluder 1991; Hitch et al. 1996). For example, when grown at the same seedbed density, slash pine seedlings which are 7 inches tall may survive better (66% survival) than seedlings which are 13 inches tall (35% survival) (Bengtson 1963). In fact, very tall seed- lings grown at high seedbed densities (which produce low root-weight ratios) survive pooly when planted on areas with limited moisture. Root-weight Ratio Although low seedbed densities will result in seed- lings with higher root-weight ratios, it is very important that the root-weight ratio not be greatly decreased during the lifting process in the nursery. If nursery managers are not careful, injury to seedlings can result when using me- chanical belt lifters (Green and Danley 2001). Less in- jury has been observed on seedlings when lifting is done by hand (Barnard 1980) or when a Fobro-type lifter is used to assist in hand-lifting. A number of studies demonstrate the balance between roots and shoots is important to seedling survival, but some researchers have implied that a morphological trait (such as root-weight ratio) is not important for field survival. Apparently, these individuals still believe Wakeley (1954) who did not include a shoot/root ratio along with his seed- ling grades. Wakeley believed such ratios had "... never proven useful in grading southern pine nursery seedlings .. " Perhaps Wakeley was comparing the length of the shoot with the length of the taproot (an invalid measure of shoot/root ratio). The balance between root mass and shoot mass is especially important when seedlings are planted in areas or in seasons when moisture stress is likely to be severe. In fact, in cases where Grade 2 seedlings survived better than Grade 1 seedlings (Blair and Check 1974; Venator 1983), the lower survival may have simply been due to lower root-weight ratios. Root Growth Potential One reason that more roots improve survival is be- cause the existing roots produce many new roots soon after planting (Williams et al. 1992). This ability is re- lated to a seedling's root growth potential, which is a measure of the new root growth under controlled condi- tions. Theoretically, seedlings that produce many new roots within a few weeks of planting will survive better than seedlings which produce only a few new roots. Some researchers believe seedling morphology has little to do with the ability of a seedling to quickly pro- duce new roots. However, researchers have demonstrated a positive correlation between root biomass and root growth potential (Switzer 1962, Larsen and Boyer 1983, Carlson 1986). Apparently, the more fibrous lateral roots a seedling has, the more root-tips are available for new root growth. Seedlings which produce more new roots have a greater ability to take up more water (Carlson 1986). Proper Planting Techniques One tree planter stated, "I am a quality planter. I prune the roots to fit the planting hole." This type of mentality will result in pruning more roots from a large seedling than from a small seedling. And it may explain, in part, why some operational foresters have observed that Grade 1 seedlings do not survive as well as Grade 2 seedlings. It may also explain why the results from research studies can differ greatly from those of operational studies if unsuper- vised tree planters strip and prune roots prior to planting. The survival benefits of growing seedlings at low seedbed densities will be destroyed if removing roots re- duces the root-weight ratio (Wilder-Ayers and Toliver 1987). And the root growth potential of seedlings can be reduced in half by the single act of stripping the roots through a closed fist (South and Stumpff 1990). Without a doubt, pruning roots decreases survival (Harrington and Howell 1998). One way to reduce the likelihood of root pruning is to have seedlings planted with machines (South and Mitchell 1999b). If seedlings with large root systems are planted too shallow (usually because the planting hole is too small), they will not survive well (South 1999). However, when planted deep enough (either by machine or by using proper hand-planting methods), seedlings with better root-weight ratios and more intact fibrous roots will survive better than seedlings which have less roots, less foliage, and lower root-weight ratios (often a result of being grown at high seedbed densities). GROWTH OF MORPHOLOGICALLY IMPROVED SEEDLINGS Although proper planting of morphologically im- proved seedlings can increase survival, the greatest and most consistent benefit of planting morphologically im- proved seedlings is an increase in growth (Table 4). In no case, did Grade 1 seedlings grow less (on an individual 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION PLANTING MORPHOLOGICALLY IMPROVED PINE SEEDLINGS TO INCREASE SURVIVAL AND GROWTH 5- tree basis) than the Grade 2 seedlings. Lower per acre production was attributable only to poorer survival, which is likely a result of poorer root-weight ratios, taller seed- lings, or inexperience in planting larger stock. Increases in per acre volume gains can be made at ages 10 to 15 by planting seedlings with large RCDs usu- ally because these seedlings have better survival due to higher root-weight ratios. In most cases, gains will result from both better survival and better average tree growth. PREDICTING PER ACRE VOLUME GAINS It is not enough to be able to say "if you want more wood, carefully raise and carefully plant stock with large diameters and root mass." What the practical forester needs is an estimate of the expected volume gain. Estimates of volume gain per millimeter increase in seedling diameter have been calculated for the examples in Table 4. For example, if we assume the average RCD for a Grade 2 seedling is 4 mm and we assume the average for a Grade 1 seedling is 6 mm, then we can divide the vol- ume difference by two to get an estimate of the volume gain per mm. If we exclude the 30-year row-plot data in Table 4, the average gain in volume amounts to about 190 cubic feet per mm. This suggests that, on average, stands 15 to 20 years old will have an extra 380 cubic feet per acre if planted with 6 mm seedlings (as opposed to 4 mm seedlings). Without making any further assumptions, this 380 cubic feet value may be the best way to forecast volume gains from planting large seedlings. However, this single value does not take site quality or age into account. The question now is how to predict volume gains for vari- ous ages and sites. Percent Gain There are several ways to estimate future volume gains. Geneticists sometimes predict the per acre volume TABLE 4. EFFECT OF A 1 MM INCREASE IN ROOT-COLLAR DIAMETER ON GAINS IN HEIGHT AND VOLUME 1 Study Age Plot shape Avg. height Height gain Volumn gain ft ft/mm cu ft/ac/mm Wakeley 1969 30 row 61.6 0.0 120 30 row 54.8 2.7 970 30 row 57.8 2.1 1,770 30 row 55.2 1.0 -16 Clark and Phares 1961 21 block 31.8 0.4 580 20 block 29.9 0.4 330 Dierauf 19932 20 3-row 46.8 -0.07 60 Dierauf 19932 19 3-row 42 0.38 130 Clark and Phares 1961 19 block 28.9 0.0 590 Sluder 1991 15 block 41 0.0 -95 Sluder 1979 15 block 48 1.2 219 15 block 46 0.7 118 South et al. 1989 15 row 31 120 South et al. 1985 13 block 57 0.5 428 Blair and Cech 1974 13 row 279 13 row 266 13 row 377 13 row 0 13 row -383 South et al. 1995 12 - 35 0.3 100 12 - 35 0.3 171 Hatchell et al. 1972 10 block 29 5.4 412 10 block 29 2.6 356 Bacon 1979 10 block 47 0.5 286 Rayonier (unpublished) 10 block 33.8 0.0 0 Silker 1960 10 row 21 0.9 112 SAFCOL (unpublished) 9 block 48.7 1.0 349 Hunt 1967 9 row 28.0 1.0 71 9 row 29 1.0 59 ' These values are not corrected for differences in survival. 2 Seedbed density very high (46 to 60 plants per square foot). gains by calculating a per- centage of the volume ex- pected from a local, unim- proved source. A 12% gain in volume per acre might be estimated for first genera- tion seedlings (from a rogued orchard) and a 30% gain in volume might be estimated for rouged sec- ond generation orchards. Although this is a tempting method to use due to its simplicity, it can mis- lead the public since the percent gain varies with age. The percent gain in per acre volume observed at age eight will not be the same as that for unthinned plantations at ages 25, 30, 40, 50, etc. Therefore, not only is it important to tell at what age the predictions are valid, it is also impor- tant to know that the per- centage gain varies with stand age. A Shift in Site Index Some people use a shift in site index to predict the gains from genetics ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION (Table 5). If this increase in site index is permanent, then the carrying capacity (i.e. the maximum amount of pine volume the stand can support when the current annual increment [cubic feet per acre per year] reaches zero) will be increased, and use of growth and yield models to project this increase will be appropriate. However, the lift in site index can either be tempo- rary or it can be permanent (Sprinz 1987). If the lift is temporary, then the maximum carrying capacity of the site will not be increased. This method is not appropriate to use when volume gains from planting morphologically improved seedlings are considered since better planting stock does not increase the maximum carrying capacity of the site. When volume gains occur due to planting seed- lings with larger diameters, the gain in growth is due to a temporary lift; some call this a Type I growth response (Snowdon and Khanna 1989). The Establishment Quality Boost One way to model a temporary lift is to use the es- tablishment quality boost (EQB) option in the growth and yield model PTAEDA2V. The EQB technique has been used to model gains from planting large-diameter seed- lings and from herbaceous weed control. For a one-year EQB, the stand characteristics of a typical nine-year-old stand are used as the input data for the initial eight-year- old stand. Likewise, for a two-year EQB, the characteris- tics of a typical 10-year-old stand are used as the starting point. Yields from applying these establishment techniques are derived by increasing the stand structure. The EQB method is very different from the age-shift approach. The EQB method appears to underestimate early seedling-size gains (10 to 18 years) while overesti- mating gains at later ages (35 to 50 years). The EQB method also predicts a strong synergistic interaction be- tween seedling size and herbaceous weed control (which most empirical studies do not support). South (2000) rec- ommends that the age shift method be used instead of the EQB method. TABLE 5. VOLUME GAINS FROM GENETICALLY IMPROVED SEEDLINGS BY INCREASING THE SITE INDEX BY 12%1 Site Site Age index 70 index 78.5 Difference Percent yrs cu fi/ac cu fi/ac cu ft/ac gain 15 2,319 2,915 596 25.7 25 4,437 5,647 1,210 27.3 50 5,443 6,560 1,117 20.5 'Using PTAEDA2V random seed number 68767 for an unthinned stand. Figure 3. Hypothetical gains from a one-year advance in stand development for loblolly pine (South 2000). Gain (Cubic feet per acre) 500 400 Highsite 300 -- v r g st 200 0 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 Age The Age Shift Approach A simple way to model the gains from planting mor- phologically improved seedlings is to advance the stand age. In other words, getting the trees off to a faster start could result in a 10-year-old stand that would have the same stand structure and would grow the same as a nor- mal stand at age 11. This method appears more appropri- ate when a temporary lift in site index occurs. For loblolly pine, this method would not show much gain in per acre volume production at age 50. A growth and yield model (Hafley et al. 1982) was used to estimate volume gains from a 1-year advance in stand development (Figure 3). This indicates that a 1-year gain will result in more volume on high sites than on low sites. On the high site, one might expect intensive man- agement to increase productivity by about 400 cubic feet per acre per year at year 12 and by 300 cubic feet per acre at year 21. On low sites, a 1-year gain might only be 150 to 170 cubic feet per acre (at ages 15-20). Assuming the difference in RCD is 2 mm (for example, planting 6 mm seedlings vs. 4 mm seedlings), these values are similar to those reported in Table 4. HOW TO OBTAIN A ONE YEAR AGE SHIFT A one-year age shift can be obtained by several meth- ods. One method would be to purchase seedlings from the local nursery and grade out all seedlings that have a RCD greater than 5 mm. The remainder could either be thrown away (very expensive) or repackaged and sold (possibly at the same price per thousand) to a contractor who likes to plant seedlings with small roots. The results from this method should be similar to past studies where only Grade 1 seedlings were planted. How- ever, the disadvantage of these seedlings is that since they were grown at seedbed densities near 27 plants per square foot, they would not be morphologically improved and PLANTING MORPHOLOGICALLY IMPROVED PINE SEEDLINGS TO INCREASE SURVIVAL AND GROWTH may not have a good root-weight ratio. In some cases, there may be few seedlings with 5 or 6 mm RCD and the development of the secondary foliage may also be mini- mal. Any additional exposure during the grading process might negatively affect survival. Therefore, their chance of surviving a drought would be only marginally better than in the past when densities greater than 45 plants per square foot were used (Dierauf 1973). The recommended method would be to contact a nursery manager well before sowing and have the man- ager contract grow seedlings at a low seedbed density (a target density of 15 to 20 plants per square foot for loblolly and slash pine). The seedlings should be cultured so that they produce many fibrous roots and should be carefully lifted to retain both a good root-weight ratio and fibrous roots. The average seedling RCD should be 6 mm (or greater). Any seedlings with RCD less than 4 mm should be culled. This method should produce growth gains simi- lar to those in Table 4. HOW TO OBTAIN A TWO YEAR AGE SHIFT A two-year shift in age can be achieved by planting morphologically improved seedlings and applying a her- bicide application to control herbaceous weeds. In some cases, applying several applications of herbicides (dur- ing the first growing season) to regular seedlings can re- sult in a 0.6 to 1.4 year shift in the height growth curve (Lauer et al. 1993). Although the number of published studies about the effects of applying herbicides to larger seedlings is limited, it appears that early growth gains from applying herbicides and planting morphologically im- proved seedlings are additive (Mitchell et al. 1988; Britt et al. 1991; South et al. 1995; South and Mitchell 1999a; South et al. 2001). Obtaining a two-year shift in age without the use of herbicides is more difficult. The probability of actually achieving such a two-year gain is less certain because it requires a thorough under- standing of interactions be- Figure 4. A hypothetical interaction of stock size, planting time, and weed competition on initial seedling growth (adapted with permission from Kimmins 1989). Small seedlings So 3-4 mm RCD PP P P Large seedlings 7-10mm RCD = TIME SINCE HARVEST tween planting date, seed- ling size, weed competition, insect pests, and soil mois- ture. For example, to avoid competition from herba- ceous weeds, the time be- tween harvest and planting may need to be shortened (Figure 4). To obtain a two-year shift in age without the use of herbicides would require an integrated approach to regeneration so that no weak link spoils the efforts. To begin with, nursery cul- tural practices should be followed to produce an av- erage RCD of near 8 mm without the seedlings being too tall. The seedling cull- ing standard should be raised to at least 4 mm. In order to be economical, this will mean growing at low seedbed densities and will likely involve fall fertiliza- tion with nitrogen. The most important factor would be to avoid late winter planting (late February and March). In 7 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION fact, if the soil moisture is adequate, the two-year shift in age would be easier to achieve if seedlings could be planted and established in late October or early Novem- ber. This would require little or no storage between lift- ing in the nursery and outplanting. In the past, however, planting in October was successful on an operational scale (St. Regis in Florida and Union Camp in Georgia). Proper depth of planting would also be very important. Seedlings should be provided with a sufficiently deep hole and should be planted at least 3 inches deeper than the level at which they were grown in the nursery. Machine planting would likely be less stressful than hand- planting. Although planting large-diameter seedlings of Douglas-fir appears to achieve an establishment boost of two or more years (Blake et al. 1989), a two-year boost with loblolly pine has not yet been documented (since studies comparing 10 mm RCD seedlings with 3 mm RCD seedlings have not been in- stalled). However, one Figure 6. Realized volume g study with slash pine seedlings that average 5.3 n (South and Mitchell due to planting slightly large 1999a) found that early convert the values to an abs treatment. From this site, pr growth gains from planting the more intensive treatmen 10.5 mm RCD seedlings Herb = herbicide; SPD = Sh exceeded that of applying double-bedding and a her- bicide to 3.5 mm seedlings 700 (Figure 5). Studies like this 600 suggest that many land- 500 owners are using morpho- 400 logically inferior seedlings 300 (Table 2). 200 100 PREDICTED AND 0 REALIZED GAINS (100) Models can be useful control for making management DAP decisions but rarely do they predict the results for an in- dividual site. For example, Figure 6 shows the realized gains (black bar) for planting seedlings that averaged 5.3 mm at the groundline at time of planting. The control plot included only minor site preparation (inject hardwoods with herbicide followed by a burn) while the best response was observed on an area with a shear, pile, and disk (South et al. 1995). The gray bars show the estimated volume gain from planting seedlings that averaged 6.4 mm RCD (or 1.1 mm larger at the groundline). Although the mea- surements were real for the 6.4 mm seedlings, the vol- ume gains per acre were estimated (volume per acre was derived using both measured survival gains and measured individual tree volume gains). Figure 5. Effect of seedling size and intensive silvicul- ture on early growth of slash pine seedlings (South and Mitchell 1999). 4th-yr biomass Index (dinm 2 ) 10 8 61- 3.5 10.5 RCD at planting (mm) SSingle bed Double bed e d +Herbicide ains (age 12) for various silvicultural practices using mm at the groundline (black bars). Predicted volume gains r seedlings (6.4 mm) are represented by gray bars. To solute basis, add 1,260 cubic feet per acre to each edicted gains from planting larger stock are greater for ts (South et al. 1995). DAP = diammonium phosphate; iear, Pile, and Disk. feetlacre) ... ......... Herb DAP+Herb SPD SPD+Herb SPD+DAP SPD+DAP+Herb 5.3amm m6.4mm Real BE Projected While this could be an exaggerated estimate (South et al. 1995), it does suggest the early gains from planting large diameter seedlings are potentially greater when growth is accelerated by applying intensive silviculture. In other words, economic gains from planting morpho- logically improved seedlings will be greater for short-rotation, intensively managed plantations than for long-rotation, less intensively managed plantations. In one example (Figure 6), the estimated gains (due to planting larger seedlings) at age 12 for the most intensive treat- ment (shear + pile + disk + diammonium phosphate + the herbicide hexazinone) was 245 cubic feet per mm. PLANTING MORPHOLOGICALLY IMPROVED PINE SEEDLINGS TO INCREASE SURVIVAL AND GROWTH ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES OF PLANTING MORPHOLOGICALLY IMPROVED SEEDLINGS In the past, landowners have purchased genetically improved seedlings, which cost more than seedlings that had no genetic improvement. In some cases, the differ- ence between unimproved seedlings (called woods run seedlings) and genetically improved seedlings was $8 per thousand plantable seedlings. However, even when using the wrong genetic provenance, the landowner was usu- ally willing to pay extra for genetically improved seed- lings. Landowners considered the additional cost to be minimal compared to the expected additional growth. Likewise, additional volume growth can be expected from morphologically improved seedlings but they also cost more to produce. In some cases, a nursery manager may charge $10 to $30 more for a thousand seedlings grown at low seedbed densities (15 plants per square foot) than at higher densities (27 plants per square foot). The economic advantage of using morphologically improved seedlings will vary depending on how the plan- tation is managed. The economics depend on both spac- ing in the plantation and the timing of the first thinning. Since the use of morphologically improved seedlings does not cause a permanent lift in site index, their use for unthinned plantations on very long rotations is not rec- ommended. In contrast, the economics can be very favor- able if all the additional volume gains, due to using mor- phologically improved seedlings, are harvested during the first commercial thinning (age 12 to 15). The present net value of an additional 100 to 400 cubic feet of wood har- TABLE 6. PROJECTED MERCHANTABLE V4 AND SUBSEQUENT GAINS IN PRESEN Year Dominant height Harvest age Volu advance (age 15) cu One 60 15 60 20 50 15 50 20 40 15 40 20 Two 60 15 60 20 50 15 50 20 40 15 . 40 20 'Gains made by achieving a one- and two-year advance in 2 Volume gain per acre calculated from the NCSU Plantatic upper-coastal plain sites. Assumes planting 360 trees pera stumpage value of $0.60/cubic foot; and a 26% tax bracket. vested at age 15 can easily exceed an additional $10 -$20 per acre cost in seedlings (Table 6: South et al. 1985; Caulfield et al. 1987). The economics will also be affected by planting den- sity. Some researchers (Bailey 1986; Borders et al. 1991) recommend outplanting up to 1,300 trees peracre (TPA) while others (Vardaman 1989; Bowling 1987) recommend outplanting 300 to 400 TPA. Therefore, the additional cost per acre for morphologically improved seedlings can vary from less than $10 (at 300 TPA) to $39 (at 1,300 TPA). Due to density-related competition, merchantable volume production at age 20 to 25 is not strictly proportional to the number of trees planted. In fact, on some sites, mer- chantable volume may even be the same for trees planted at 300 TPA and 1,200 TPA (Harms and Lloyd 1982; Sarigumba 1985). Therefore, the incremental gains (due to planting morphologically improved seedlings) will not be proportionally increased by planting four times as many trees. As a result, the economic advantage of using mor- phologically improved seedlings is much lower when outplanting densities are high. In some cases, machine planting 500 morphologically improved seedlings per acre will be less expensive than planting 726 regular seedlings (South and Mitchell 1999b). SUMMARY Loblolly and slash pine seedlings grown at low seed- bed densities (less than 20 plants per square foot) are con- sidered to be morphologically improved if they (1) are larger in diameter (half or more of the plantable seed- lings have RCDs greater than 5 mm and none less than 3 mm), (2) have a higher root-weight ratio, (3) have OLUME GAINS been cultured to produce T VALUE 1 more fibrous roots, and (4) n gain Gain/acre are not taller than seedlings Sf/aic $ raised at higher densities. Survival of properly 300 $74 planted morphologically 260 $48 improved seedlings will 260 $36 usually be greater than 150 $28 seedlings grown at high 170 $24 seedbed densities. Al- 800 $148 though there may be no dif- 770 $106 ference in survival when 530 $98 conditions for survival are 320 $59 favorable (greater than 9Q% 330 $46 survival), an increase of 4 to 10 percentage points is stand development, possible when survival of on Management Simulator for regular seedlings is less Lcre; a 6% real interest rate; athn7% 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Machine planting is recommended when planting morphologically improved seedlings. Because they have larger roots, morphologically improved seedlings may require more time to plant properly by hand. Therefore, supervision will be essential to keep tree planters from (1) reducing the root-weight percentage by pruning and stripping roots prior to planting, (2) cramming the large roots in a shallow planting hole, or (3) failing to plant the root-collar 3 to 5 inches below the groundline. When planted properly, morphologically improved seedlings can advance stand development by one year. 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