ALABAMA MARINE RESOU RCES BULLET IN NUMBER 11 % Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory Dauphin island, Alabama 36528 JUNE 1976 STATE OF ALABAMA George C. Wallace, Governor DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Claude D. Kelley, Commissioner MARINE RESOURCES DIVISION Wayne E. Swingle, Director ALABAMA MARINE RESOURCES LABORATORY Hugh A. Swingle, Chief Marine Biologist ALABAMA MARINE RESOURCES BULLETIN EDITORIAL STAFF Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory HUGH A. SWINGLE, Editor MADISON R. POWELL, Associate Editor WAYNE E. SWINGLE, Associate Editor WALTER M. TATUM, Associate Editor Editorial Review Board Christmas, J. Y ..................... Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Demoran, William J ....... Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Mississiprpi. Hoese, H. D............. ......... D.....Department of Biology, University of South- western Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana. Joyce, Edwin A .................. Florida Department of Natural Resources, Talla- hassee, Florida Leary, T. R ........................ Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Coastal Fisheries, Austin, Texas. Ray, Sammy M .................... Texas A&M University, Marine Laboratory, Galveston, Texas. Rounsefell, George A......... Marine Sciences Institute, University of Alabama, Dauphin Island, Alabama. Shell, E. W .......... Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. Shipp, Robert L.....................Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama. St. Amant, Lyle S............... Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission, New Orleans, Louisiana. Story, Albert H......................U. S. Public Health Service, Gulf Coast Technical Service Unit, Dauphin Island, Alabama. Sykes, James E. ............. National Marine Fisheries Service, Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, North Carolina. Alabama Marine Resources Bulletin is a publication of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Marine Resources Division, devoted to presenting results of research and management activities dealing with fisheries, marine biology, oceanography and related subjects in Alabama, the Gulf of Mexico and contiguous waters. Alabama Marine Resources Bulletin is published occasionally and is distributed free to libraries, scientific institutions and conservation agencies on request. ALABAMA MARINE RESOURCES BULLETIN JUNE 1976 CONTENTS Holocene Sediments of M ay ................................... Mobile Bay, Alabama. Edwin B. Analysis of Commercial Fisheries Catch Data for Ala- bam a. W ayne E . Sw ingle ............................... ........................................ 26-50 SurVey of the 16-Foot Trawl Fishery of Alabama. Hugh A. Swingle, Donald G. Bland and Walter M. T atum .... ............. ......... ........................................................................ 51-57 A Review of the Oyster Fishery of Alabama. Hugh A. Swingle and Edgar A. Hughes ................... .............................. 58-73 NUMBER 11 1-25 HOLOCENE SEDIMENTS OF MOBILE BAY, ALABAMA EDWIN B. MAY 2 Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528 ABSTRACT Mobile Bay was a deep river valley until rising sea level from melting of the last major glaciation began to form the present estuary about 10,000 years ago. Subbottom borings, probes and radiocarbon dates show that Holocene sediment in Mobile Bay averages about 20 meters in thickness and has been deposited at different rates during the past 10,000 years in response to changes in sea level and possibly runoff. The rate of sedimen- tation at the present delta front was 70 centimeters per century between 10,000 and 9,500 years ago. Between 9,500 and 7,500 years B.P. the rise in sea level was interrupted by the Cochrane glacial readvance and little sedimentation or erosion of the basin occurred. During this period modern terrestrial plants were deposited between about -14 and -16 meters, after which the rise in sea level resumed and sediment was deposited at 43 centi- meters per century between 7,500 B.P. and 6,500 B.P. About 6,500 years ago the average rate of sedimentation at the present delta front slowed to 20 centimeters per century. Throughout the open bay the rate varied from 3 to 12 centimeters per century. The barrier islands began to effectively influence estuarine salinity between 3,000 and 4,000 years ago but they likely began to form earlier in response to a slowdown in the marine transgression. Dated archaelogical sites on Holocene sediment are about 4,000 years old or less. The concentration of natural trace metals increase with depth in response to variations in particle size distribution associated with different depositional environments. Clay min- eralogy is remarkedly uniform with depth. Surface lead and zinc concentrations in a limited area near the city of Mobile may have been increased above natural levels anthro- pogenically. Natural levels of trace metals in sediment are not known to pose a threat to water quality or biota whether sediment is left undisturbed or resuspended by man or nature. INTRODUCTION Recognition of the importance of estuarine sedimentology has increased since federal regulatory agencies have recently considered sediment as an en- vironmental quality standard in relation to dredging and other activities. In de- veloping criteria for determining wheth- er sediment may be dredged safely there has been a problem of recognizing what is natural and what is polluted -by man. Trace metals have been assumed to be major pollutants in estuarine sediment because of the potential toxicity of some forms when dissolved in water although there is little information on their natural occurrence. Estuarine biological cycles and water quality are interrelated with the chemical and physical properties of sediments but little is known about biological uptake of chemicals from sediment. The role of many trace metals as essential nu- trients and the degree of metal release or dissolution into water by sediment resuspension has been generally over- 1 This study was done in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Commerce, N.O.A.A., National Marine Fisheries Service P.L. 88-309 (Project 2-216-R), U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, and the Alabama Highway Department. 2 Present Address: May Environmental Engineering, Inc., Post Office Box 9092, Mobile, Alabama 36609. looked. Failure to apply available knowledge to this environmental problem has par- tially resulted in a general assumption that resuspended sediments are pollu- tants. In contrast, the fact is plain that sediment is exposed to water na- turally. Estuarine areas which receive the most fresh water and its alluvium, rich in trace metals and organic mat- ter, are the most productive biologi- cally. This paper partially describes the properties of Holocene sediments in Mobile Bay, particularly as related to the past 10,000 years of glacial and eu- static events. The sediment composi- tion and history of deposition compli- ment what is known from other areas of the Gulf coast (Shepard and Moore, 1960; Rusnak, 1960; van Andel, 1960; Curray, 1965). Consideration is given to the stratification of trace metals as a function of deposition rate and mineralogy. The environmental signi- ficance of sediment resuspension is discussed. Different -aspects of the geology of the Alabama coastal area have been described by Smith, Johnson and Lang- don (1894) ; Richard (1939) ; Carlston (1950) ; Marsh (1966) ; Copeland (1968); Ryan (1969); Isphording and Lamb (1971) ; Reed (1971 a;b) ; Ryan and Goodell (1972); Isphording and Riccio (1972); Riccio, Isphording and Gazzier (1972); Otvos (1973); and others. METHODS AND AREA OF INVESTIGATION The Mobile River system drains ap- proximately 114,000 square kilometers and is second in discharge only to the Mississippi River system along the eastern and southern coasts of the United States. The river terminus is Mobile Bay which is about 50 kilometers long and 14 to 18 kilometers wide in the northern two-thirds and about 38 kilometers wide in the lower reaches. The bay opens to the west into Missi- ssippi Sound. Both water bodies are bordered on their seaward margins by barrier islands or spits. An extensive delta merges with the flood plains of the Alabama and Tombigbee rivers about 48 kilometers north of the upper end of the bay (Figure 1). Extensive subsurface investigations were done by Shelby tube borings in conjunction with the proposed bridge crossings of interstate highways 1-65 in the delta and 1-10 at the delta front by the Alabama Highway Department. Radiocarbon dates were obtained from several stations near the proposed High- way 90 and 1-10 interchange and from the 1-65 right-of-way. A continuous profile of dates was obtained at one station near the centerline of the inter- section of the two highways from the surface to a depth of 20 meters and were used to interpret sedimentation rates. Samples of large oyster shells were dated from a deposit in the Gulf of Mexico in 38 meters at 29140' north latitude and 88'23' west longitude. Most mineralogical and engineering analyses of core and surface samples as done by the Alabama Highway Department. Trace metal analyses were done by the Alabama Highway Depart- ment and the Corps of Engineers Water- ways Experiment Station using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Envir- onmental Protection Agency, 1969). Clay mineralogy was done at Auburn University using X-ray defraction and differential thermal analysis. Radiocarbon analyses were done by Teledyne Isotopes, Westwood, New Jer- sey under contract with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, Alabama. FIGURE 1. The Mobile Bay delta estuarine system showing locations of radiocarbon dates and the distribution of buried oyster shell deposits in relation to depth of overburden. SCALE STATUTE MILES o 4 o l USA BA-19r KILOMETERS HWY 90-NO INTERCHANGE -4 25-30 20-25 WATER DE PTH -FEE T 10 OVERBURDEN DEPTH-FEET IS2\ U USA BA-2 BA-194 A 45- uiY 90 110 @-C-14 SAMPLE SITE 30O'- 30015 ISLANDMOBILE POI NT G UL F OF MEXICO 5' 145' l i J 14 S Total organic carbon from 15-to 30- centimeter long sediment cores was analyzed after treatment for removal of carbonates. Wood, charcoal, or shell was present in most core segments. Shell from a small section of the core was used in most samples. All shell was acid-washed before dating the remain- der. Samples of buried shell from de- posits in the bay were collected in 1969 by May (1971). Additional dates were reported by Ryan (1969). Much of the data in this study was provided through the cooperation of Edward Eiland and Don Horn with the Alabama Highway Department and Don Conlon with the Mobile District, Corps of Engineers. Ben Hajek, Auburn Uni- versity, did the clay mineralogy and R. John Taylor, Southeastern State Uni- versity, Durant, Oklahoma, identified macrofossil plant material. Bobby Tay- lor, Dauphin Island, collected oyster shells in the Gulf. LATE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE HISTORY OF MOBILE BAY The formation of Mobile Bay and the present coastline was a function of a rise in sea level from the low of the last glacial maximum to its present height and associated meteorological conditions which influenced runoff. The late-Wisconsin glaciations achieved a maximum extent about 18,000 years ago and sea level is thought to have been as low as -122 meters below its present stand. After this last major glacial advance the glaciers began a nonuni- form retreat and sea level began to rise in response to world-wide glacial melt- ing. The rise in sea level was interrupted by two and possibly three temporary regressions (Curray, 1965). The Val- ders readvance occurred around 11,800 years B.P. (before present) and sea level was again lowered. This glacial readvance was followed by a rapid re- treat about 11,500 B.P. and a resump- tion in sea level rise (Broecker, 1965). The most significant interruption in the rise of sea level was between 9,500 and 7,500 B.P. and correlates with the Cochrane readvance in Ontario, Canada (Karlstrom and Rubin, 1955; Curray, 1960; Flint, 1963). The overall trend in sea level was a rapid rise with tempo- rary interruptions until a pronounced slowing occurred around 7,000 B.P. It is not known with certainty whether the present stand was reached 3,000 to 5,000 years ago or only recently (Cur- ray, 1965). Knowledge of sea level height and Holocene sedimentation in estuaries is based on radiocarbon dates of coastal deposits which have known relationship to sea level such as mollusk shells and peat deposits. Literature on sea level fluctuation reflects the incomplete data and the complexity of the events of this period. Uncertainties in the actual re- lationship of deposits to sea level, dif- ferent subsidence and compaction of sediments and other isources of error have caused uncertainties among geol- ogists as to the exact position of sea level with time but the overall process is fairly well known. In addition to sea level position, cli- matic changes have pronounced affects on sedimentation. Very little is known of the paleo-climatic conditions of the Mobile Bay drainage system (Morris, 1965; Szabo, 1972). Nevertheless, the variations in deposition of sediments in Mobile Bay fit well into the time inter- vals proposed for climatic changes in other areas of the United States (Brooks, 19419; Deevey, 1949; Parker, 1960; Broecker, 1965; Curray, 1960; 1961; Broecker and Kaufman, 1965; 5 FIGURE 2. Sedimentation rate curve for Mobile Bay at the proposed interchange of High.- way 90 and I-10 (Figure 1) based on radiocarbon dates of wood, charcoal and shells. Line connects dotted samples taken from same hole. Other dates are from nearby holes except those circled are from 1-65. Vertical lines are depth range of sample. Horizontal lines are statistical variability of dates. 0 DEPTH BELOW SEA LEVEL IN In 0 METERS I I I I --- V 0 N' T I - I T 24 41-1+ O+ ?J ++00? + I.0 z VI) a. L w 0 U- ci LL. 0 VI) LO) 0 L 0Q LA 0 0 (1) - - N N n I-r 'g r 133 4 N I 13A3 V3S M0139 o Lito LO) L/) w ( H.ld3G HI\ ~r\HIC r\AI~ ~T~~TT\~ ~~~n171r\~ ~~1~~~ TI T\IY~ C ~M~ 1 1 1 I I I ilLI I~ tot d I Martin and Mehringer, 1965; Meier, 1965; Morrison, 1965; Schumn, 1965; Smith, 1965; Whitehead, 1965 and others). Mobile Bay began to form when ris- ing sea level drowned a deep river val- ley which was eroded by the Pleisto- cene river system. Since the beginning of this process about 10,000 years ago the eroded valley has become about 85 percent filled with sediment in refer- ence to present sea level. The bathy- metry on the continental shelf off Ala- bama shows evidence of relic shorelines such as mounds along the 18-meter con- tour, submerged deltas or alluvial fans and possibly river channels inside the 55-meter contour. Similar features also occur off the coast of Texas (Curray, 1960; 1961). SEDIMENTATION RATE The sedimentary history of the pre- sent bay and delta is mostly confined to within the past 10,000 years. For a practical discussion of sedimentation in Mobile Bay, four periods of sea level fluctuation need to be considered; before 9,500 B.P.; from 9,500 to 7,500 B.P.; from 7,500 to 6,500 B.P.; and since 6,500 B.P. The position of sea level is inferred and discussed from the sedi- mentation rate curve (Figure 2) but the data represent the bay bottom, not height of sea level. Sea level was above or near the curve shown in Figure 2 except between 9,500 and 7,500 B.P. The line in Figure 2 connects samples from the same hole which are represent- ed by a dot in the center. Before 9,500 B.P. During lower sea level the Mobile River became deeply entrenched in a broad valley with the river mouth per- haps 100 kilometers seaward of the present mouth of the bay. Much of the Pleistocene sediments previously deposited in the valley were removed by erosion and coarse sand and gravel was deposited on stiff clays of predomi- nantly Miocene age (Riccio et al., 1972). The top of the extremely stiff clay exposed during the Pleistocene occurs at various depths at the delta front from about -12 to-33 meters and most frequently at about-24 meters below present sea level. Although de- tailed coring throughout all the bay and delta has not been done, numerous probes with a water jet hit an impene- trable clay at about-18 meters or less over most of the open bay. Within the buried river channel the clay occurs at -36 meters in the lower bay (K. R. McLain, personal communication). The river channels formed during lower sea level are well defined in coring profiles across the delta front at the 1-10 crossing (Figure 3 A&B) and across the delta 27 kilometers north- ward at the 1-65 crossing (Figure 4). As rising sea level advanced into what is now Mobile Bay, the deep river channel and the adjoining valley be- gan to flood and fill with sediment be- fore about 10,000 B.P. The transgres- sional erosion and alluvial sedimenta- tion deposited silt-clay and very little sand at a rate of around 70 centimeters per century until about 9,500 B.P. when sea level apparently regressed from a position of about -16 meters. This in- terruption in the rise of -sea level caused much of the previously inundated basin to become subaerially exposed until the rise resumed. Oyster shells collected in 38 meters from the Gulf of Mexico, 76 kilometers south-southwest of Mo- bile Bay, had an average age of 9,585 years B.P. (9230 + 150; 9940 ?_ 150). River channels formed during this re- gression and deposition of sediment on the Texas shelf suggested to Curray FIGURE 3. Vertical cross-sectional stations shown in Figure 6. profile of sediments near the present delta front at DEPTH IN METERS BELOW SEA LEVEL u o u o u,. 0-0 .C LI)N V3S MO73 133- N I Hld3G] DEPTH IN METERS BELOW SEA 1) 0 LI 0 NQ 0 z z I- (- z 0 La- 0 w 0) z L) F- - N VSM0138, 133A NI uj z L)J 0 4j LAW 4L wm (n 0>. IM I o > H 0i*L . 9 FIGURE 4. Vertical cross-sectional profile along proposed 1-65 delta crossing 27 kilometers north of the delta front. Location shown in Figure 1. DEPTH IN METERS BELOW SEA LEVEL _0 LA Ul ) ui) zI La Z LL z LaJ z 0 -J L-) 0- z C,, -J U- 0 z V) LX LaJ LaJ 0 0- N' LXJ LaJ LL LL. Hn M01318 10 (1960) that sea level fell to-38 meters and then rose to and remained at about -17 meters until the transgression re- sumed. Acoustic subsurface profiles of Holocene sediment in South America were interpreted by van Andel and Sachs (1964) as showing the regression was from about -20 meters to a low of -37 meters. The apparent lack of significant ero- sion of the soft bay deposits and con- tinued clay deposition during this in- terval indicate a minor or very tem- porary increase in gradient. Shepard (1964) reported a salt marsh peat with a C-14 age of 8,000 years at -21 meters in a submarine canyon in Cali- fornia which he felt was a stable area. Some additional dates from this period are reported by Curray (1960)and Shepard (1960a) but none exceed 30 meters in depth. Additional work in lower Mobile Bay and on the Alabama shelf could likely help establish this sequence with certainty. 9,500 to 7,500 B.P. This period is marked at the present delta front by an absence of estuarine sedimentation and aquatic mollusk shells and the presence of a muddy, woody peat-like deposit and soil-like zone between about -14 and -16 meters. Sediments are sandy, silty clay. In eroded channels, undated wood is found to depths of -18 to -21 me- ters but in most places the woody zone overlies sediments which contain mol- lusk shell. Evidence of this terrestrial stage is found near this depth in cores throughout much of the lower delta and it is analogous with similar organic layers of the same age found elsewhere along the northern Gulf coast (Rehkem- per, 1969). The muddy condition and degree of preservation of the material suggest its deposition in water, possi- bly by inundation. The narrow age range of the plant material suggests there were times during this period, especially after 8,500 B.P., which were unfavorable for growth or preservation. Plant macrofossils in the muddy layer -14 ot -16 meters below present sea level in the continuous profile con- sisted of wood, seeds, leaves, stems, roots and grass. Much of the material was fairly well preserved and identi- fiable. Radiocarbon dates of wood from 11 samples of this deposit at dif- ferent stations and depths ranged from 8,340 I + 380 to 9,380 I 180 years B.P. with most dates between 8,400 and 8,900 B.P. In Figure 2 the date Of 8,640 B.P. at a depth of -14.2 to -15.2 meters is an average of six dates within that depth: 8480 350; 8665 365; 8500 ? 430; 8480 280; 8860 420 and 8860 ? 170. The date 8770 B.P. at -15.8 to-16.5 meters is. an aver- age of 8900 ? 450 and 8640 ? 145. A thin soil-like zone overlying the deposit occupied a period from 8,300 B.P. to 7,500 B.P. In the bottom layers of the organic zone a freshwater diatom Stephanodis- cus and eastern red cedar were abun-. dant. Cedar became less abundant and disappeared in the upper layers. Throughout the deposit, typical bottom- land species were present; tupelo, syca- more, river birch, American beech, waxmyrtle, black haw, 'lichens and grasses or sedges. These species are identical to those found along streams in the area today and whose common range presently extend from the south- eastern Gulf coast as far north as southern Illinois and Indiana. Oaks and pines common on the present up- land are currently rare in the lower delta just as in the period sampled. 7,500 to 6,500 B.P. A resumption in the rise of sea level covered the subaerial zone at -14 me- ters '1,500 Years ago. Sedimentation was rapid until about 6,500 B.P. (about 43 centimeters per century) after which sedimentation rate slowed (Figure 2). There is an inconsistancy between dates from different stations within this pe riod which may represent differences in elevations of the bottom before depo- sition. The two older dates at the same depth tend to weight the slowing in the sedimentation rate curve for the con- tinubus profile to a point nearer 7,000 B.P. Unfortunately, the compositional character of these two samples was not observed. The sediment from this zone (-10 to -14 meters) is silt-clay with almost no sand. Cores have a lenticular, crum- bly structure when broken and contain very few mollusk shells and little or- ganic .matter which may be a function of rapid sedimentation. The structure of the cores may be related to floccula- tion in relatively high salinity. Sedi- ment yield by the rivers during this period may have been considerably greater than since that time although shore erosion due to rising sea level may have been a significant source of sediment. Since 6,500 B.P. After 6,500 B.P. sediments at the present delta front were sandy with lesser amounts of silt and clay and the rate of sedimentation slowed to an aver- age of 20 centimeters per century. There is an indication from the con- tinuous profile that sedimentation rate may have been slightly less (14 centi- meters) between 6,000 and 4,000 years ago. Bedload from delta progradation may have contributed to the apparent increase since 4,000 B.P. and dates from other stations tend to flatten the curve (Figure 2) to a rate similar to the 6,000 to 4,000 B.P. rate. Sediment is mostly bypassing the center of the 11 bay now (Ryan, 1969) and a similar situation may have existed earlier at the present delta front causing the va- riations in rate. The pronounced slowing in sedimen.- tation rate about 6,500 B.P. correlates with a hypothesized slowing in rate of sea level rise about that time (Curray, 1965). There is a lack of concensus on sea level position or rate of rise but most authors infer that since about 7,000 B.P. there has been a slow rise of sea level to its present stand. In any case, the last 6,500 years have been a period of relative stability of the sedi- mentation rate within the estuary. Presently, the bulk of sediment de- posited in the estuary is received dur- ing seasonal high river discharge and little is deposited during low or normal flow. The river system entering Mo- bile Bay delivers an average of 4.3 mil- lion dry weight metric tons of sedi- ment annually. During the large flood of 1961, 4.7 million metric tons of the total 7.5 million metric tons for that year, entered the bay between January and March (Ryan, 1969). During a longer flood from 17 December 1972 to 24 June 1973, I estimated that 8.0 mil- lion metric tons entered the bay. A daily average of over 107,000 metric tons of sediment is suspended naturally in Mobile Bay, which has an area of about 107,000 hectares. Over 569,000 metric tons of suspended solids have been estimated from measurements tak- en during a 25-knot wind and the amount is higher during storms. The rate of sedimentation is not uni- form throughout the delta-bay system and varies from the average determined at the present delta front. Buried oys- ter shell samples from the open bay (average water depth 3 meters) show deposition of overburden ranges from 3 to 21 centimeters per century (aver- 12 age 12) which is in agreement with the rate reported ifor Mississippi Sound (12) by Rainwater (1964). The high- est rates are in Bon Secour Bay in the lower estuary due to salinity floccu- lation of clay in the upper bay (18 to 21 centimeters per century) due to delta progradation (Figure 1 and Table 1). TABLE 1. Radiocarbon dates of oyster shell deposits buried at various depths. Sample Location Below MSL Fig. 1 Lab No. (m) 1 FSU 192 9.5 2 top R-3857 7.6 2 bot R-3858 11.6 3 top R-4228 7.3 3 bot R-4227 11.3 4 FSU 167 7.6 5 1-7143 9.5 6 R-4225 6.1 8 top R-3855 4.0 8 bot R-3856 6.4 11 FSU 195 3.7 12 1-7166 4.0 13 1-7165 4.0 14 1-7161 4.9 10 1-7164 4.6 9 1-7160 5.5 15 1-7163 4.9 16 1-7162 3.7 7 1-7682 6.4 * Overburden Carbon-14 dates and sediment pro- files from the upper delta at the 1-65 crossing show that delta growth north of the bay apparently kept pace with sea level rise during the past 10,000 years and the bay probably never ex- tended much farther up the valley than now. The profile in Figure 4 shows that mostly sandy clay or sand was de- posited in the upper delta except above -6 to -9 meters where organic clay predominates. The' data do not indi- cate that tectonic subsidence or compac- tion is greater than in the lower delta. The C-14 dates from 1-65 are circled in Figure 2. The two older dates from the upper delta are much shallower than similar dates from the lower delta. The oldest date was from wood and the next oldest was from tree roots in growth position. The four shallower dates were at the same depth as sam- ples from the lower delta and were of marsh grass and wood. No mollusk shells were found in the cores. Lack of indication of differential subsidence of the deeper sediment com- pared to the lower delta and the pres- ence of a marsh peat between about -4 and -7 meters suggests that sea level and rate of rise may have been very near the sedimentation rate curve in Figure 2 since 7,500 B.P. and that sea level did not reach its present height until fairly recently. It may still be rising (Hicks and Crosby, 1975). How- ever, compaction of the upper sediment, which does occur to some degree, pre- cludes an absolute interpretation of sea level position. IH 2 0 Depth (m) 0 3.7 3.7 3.4 3.4 3.1 3.4 4.3 3.4 3.4 0 1.8 2.1 2.7 2.4 3.4 2.7 2.1 3.4 OB* Depth (m) 9.2 4.0 4.0 4.3 4.3 0.6 0.6 3.7 0.3 0 0 0.6 0 0.3 0 2.1 OB Over Sample im) 9.5 3.9 7.9 3.9 7.9 4.5 6.1 1.8 0.6 3.0 3.7 2.2 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.2 1.6 3.0 C-14 Age 5680 ? 50 5550 ? 210 5710 ? 220 5260 ? 200 4820 ? 190 3910 ? 75 5330 ? 110 1430 ? 140 2200 ? 140 3120 ? 160 2245 ? 35 2410 ? 85 1400 ? 85 2750 ? 85 2330 ? 85 1100 ? 85 1070 ? 85 2050 + 85 1450 ? 85 Sed. Rate of OB cm/century 16.46 7.01 13.72 7.60 16.46 19.51 11.28 12.80 2.74 9.76 16.16 8.84 13.11 7.62 9.14 20.42 19.81 7.32 21.03 CLVUIiltl 13 Russell (1967) mentioned a regional subsidence of 11 centimeters per cen- tury based on a 3.3 meter subsidence of Indian mounds in the delta duringthe past 3,000 years although he gave no supporting data. In order for the delta to have remained subaerially exposed in relation to sea level if subsiding at that rate, a sediment accumulation of 37 centimeters per century would have had to occur. This rate is similar to Galveston Bay where 4.6 meters of sub- sidence has been assumed (Rehkemper, 1969). Shephard and Moore (1960) found subsidence increased northward in the Guadalupe Delta, Texas indicat- ing a faster deposition rate up the river, HIowever, my data show a sedi- mentation rate of only about 12 centi- meters per century in the Mobile Delta. It seems reasonable to assume that sediment accumulation during the past 150 years could be greater than before due to lumbering, agriculture and phy- sical modifications within the bay and this may be true in local areas of the system. Ryan (1969) calculated a bay- wide sedimentation rate of 56 centi- meters during the past 100 years from bathymetry changes in Mobile Bay. Whether this estimate based on de- creases in depths reflects a significant increase in recent isedimentation rate for the entire system is uncertain. Ryan determined a dry weight den- sity of 0.57 grams per cubic centimeter for surface sediments in the Bay which is about half the average density (1.1 grams per cubic centimeter) reported from cores 0.5 to 1 meter deep (May, 1973). Deeper cores are still more dense. After the surface sediments, which contain a large amount of water, consolidate further with time the den- sity of the surface sediments will proba- bly approach that of deeper sediments on which the long term rates were based. Likewise, the long-term rate does not consider compaction and the material deposited before 6,500 B.P. must have had a much greater tempo- rary shoaling rate than is reflected by the long-term sedimentation rate. In summary, Mobile Bay like other bays, is a transient geological feature. Ultimately it will be filled with sedi- ment and the delta will prograde into the Gulf if sea level does not fluctuate significantly. At a rate of 20 centi- meters per century the bay will be filled with alluvial sediment in less than 1,500 years. Bedload from delta progradation will shorten this time to about 10 centuries.. The delta is growing into the upper bay at a rate in excess of 0.3 kilometer per century. Progradation was esti- mated by Ryan (1969) to be 0.6 kilome- ter during the last century. The inter- distributary bays in the lower Mobile Delta are rapidly filling. Within about two centuries or less these small bays will be mostly filled and replaced by new bays formed between new distribu- tary terraces seaward of the present river mouths. A detailed understand- ing of these dynamic processes would be highly beneficial when developing plans for disposal of dredged sediment. It has not been generally recognized that material dredged to maintain the Port of Mobile and other ports on major rivers would enter the open water por- tion of the upper bay naturally if dredging was not done. A logical solu- tion to problems of disposal of mainte- nance spoil from both a practical and environmental standpoint may be to put the spoil in open water in a manner that is compatible with what would happen naturally. A detailed field study of the biological, sedimentological and hydrological characteristics of the delta front and adjacent wetlands is a pre- 14 requisite to a solution of dredged mate- rial disposal problems in upper Mobile Bay. BARRIER ISLAND FORMATION The formation of the sand barriers, Mobile Point Peninsula and Dauphin Island, in their present position at the mouth of the bay was a particularly sig- nificant event in the sedimentary his- tory of Mobile Bay. The sand base of these barriers and other islands to the west is generally separated from the surface exposed during the Pleistocene by several feet of Holocene mud. Depth of the sand is variable because differ- ent parts formed at different times and the islands have migrated thus obscur- ing some of the conditions of their original formation. Using acoustic-reflection, Curray and Moore (1963) found the base of the ,sand between Cat, Ship and Horn is- lands in Mississippi Sound to be 9 to 12 meters below sea level. This corre- lated with borings which showed that sand extended to not over 12 meters overlying marine clay (Shephard, 1969b). Texas barrier sands lie on the Pleistocene surface in some cases and in other cases overlie bay deposits at about -8 to -12 meters below sea level. In most places the sand bodies are bordered on both sides by muddy sediments (Shephard, 1960b). Physi- cal probes and acoustic profiles in Boil Secour Bay proceeding toward the mid- dle of Mobile Point Peninsula showed barrier sand overlying mud at about -9 to -11 meters below sea level (May and McLain, 1970). Mobile Point is, in part, a relic Pleistocene ridge (Kwon, 1969; Otvos, 1973). Re- cent borings in Dauphin Island by E. G. Otvos (Gulf Coast Research Labora- tory, Mississippi) found that eastern Dauphin Island is a relic Pleistocene ridge, veneered over by recent beach and dune sediments. The depth of the barrier sand in re- lation to previous sea level indicates that the barriers started forming near their present position when the rate of rise of sea level slowed and upbuilding kept pace with the slower rise (Curray and Moore, 1963). Otvos (1970a;b) discussed the development and migra- tion of barrier formation by aggrada- tion of submerged shoals. He felt that most present Gulf coast barrier islands started to form about 5,000 to 3,500 years ago when the Holocene sea level transgression had slowed down or stopped altogether. Much of the litera- ture on barrier formation is reviewed by Kwon (1969). In the present state of knowledge it is not known whether these bars were exposed above sea level when they first began to form. Shephard and Moore (1960) presented evidence for existence of barrier islands seaward of their present position during the early de- velopment of San Antonio Bay. Reh- kemper (1969) reported cemented beachrock seaward of the present bar- riers near Galveston Bay which indi- cated emergence of earlier barriers. The presence of two distinct buried oys- ter reef developments in Galveston Bay separated by a continuous mud layer containing no shell material indicated marine incursion by submersion of pre- viously formed barriers about 6,000 B.P. He felt that the present barriers formed between 2,000 and 4,000 years ago. Deep multiple reef facies of un- known significance are also present in upper Mobile Bay but layered reefs are more numerous at shallower depths at a later time. Mobile Bay is a long, narrow river estuary and oyster reef development in the upper bay could have occurred independent of barrier 15 formation. This could be true since oysters began growing soon after the rate of sedimentation and, presumably, rate of sea level rise slowed. There was a significant increase in Formani- fera, clam shells (Mulinia and Rangia) and the first appearance of oyster shells (Crassostrea virginica) about 6,500 B.P. when the bay bottom in the area of the present delta front was about 11 meters below present sea level. For all practical purposes,. the oyster C. virginica is restricted to estuaries and is usually prolific only within the 15 to 25 ppt salinity range. It is most abundant in areas where the salinity averages 20 ppt. It is highly probable that salinity averaged close to 20 ppt at places in the bay or Gulf where large accumulations of oyster shells were de- pob-sited. Oyster shell deposits have not been found below about -11 meters MSL or at ages older than 6,500 years in the bay or delta. No old deposits have been found by deep probing in the lower bay indicating that extensive oyster reef development did not migrate up the present bay with advancing sea level. Extensive oyster shell deposits have not been found north of the present delta front indicating that sufficient salt- water penetration from increased water depth has not occurred beyond that point. When oysters first grew in the upper bay, if a similar relationship ex- isted between distance from the river mouths, rainfall and abundant oyster growth as exists now, the delta front at that time would have been about 40 kilometers northward or the bay much deeper. However, there is no evidence that either condition existed. A near surface C-14 date of the Little Lizzard Creek Midden near 1-65 indicates that the elevation of the delta in that area has remained relatively stable for the past 2,500 years. If the delta front was not considerably farther north when oysters first began growing or the bay was not deep, then the winter and spring climate would have had to been much dryer or the barriers not emer- gent, both of which are possibilities. The distribution of buried oyster shell deposits (May, 1971) indicates that the process of oyster shell deposi- tion has not been greatly interrupted within the past 6,500 years. Progres- sively younger shell deposits with less overburden are found proceeding south- ward from the delta (Figure 1 and Table 1). The area of favorable sa- linity and oyster shell deposition has rather uniformly shifted southward by a complex interaction of delta progra- dation, sedimentation, sea level rise, barrier formation and possibly an in- crease in rainfall. Oysters did not grow in the lower half of the bay until about 3,000 years ago and many of these reefs are still exposed with oys- ters growing on them. No extensive reefs formed in the upper half of the bay since about 4,000 B.P. The period between 4,000 and 3,000 B.P. when sa- linity favorable for oyster growth shifted from the upper half of the bay to the lower half is marked in the mid- bay by numerous multiple reef facets. The tops of the lower deposits are at about -6 meters MSL (ca. 4,000 B.P.) and the bottoms of the upper deposits are at about -4.6 (ca. 8,000 B.P.). Since oysters could not have grown in the lower bay if they had been exposed to the open Gulf, the barriers were well established and emergent by 3,000 B.P. However, an increase in runoff since 4,000 years ago which is suggested from the sedimentation rate could have strongly influenced oyster distribution and favored growth in the lower bay. Carbon-14 dates and depths of oyster 16 shell deposits indicate that the salinity system within Mobile Bay has been fairly well balanced and somewhat simi- lar to the present for the past 3,000 years with only a moderate reduction in favorable salinity conditions (fresh- ening) in the middle bay due to delta progradation. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS Dated occupation sites of aboriginal man are important indicators of the de- position and stability of coastal and deltic sediments. Knowledge of coastal Indians in Alabama dates only to 4,000 B.P. Correlations based on pottery sherds place several Alabama sites in the late Archaic (ca. 4,000 B.P.) and Early Woodland (ca. 3,000 B.P.) but few have been radiocarbon dated. Re- ports of C-14 dates from archaeological excavations in coastal Alabama, Louisi- ana, northwest Florida and Mississippi are given by Wimberly (1960), Lazarus (1965) and Otvos (1973). The earliest dated occupations range from 4,000 to 3,000 B.P. in surrounding states with 3,000 years or less more common. Trickey (1958) and Trickey and Holmes (1971) established a ceramic chronoligi- cal framework for the Mobile Bay area. The river bottom sites tend to date late in the chronology with the earlier sites found on the periphery of the flood plain. The Bryants Landing site in the up- per Mobile Delta (Figure 1) has con- flicting reports of supposedly the same C-14 date of 3,500 B. P. and 2,540 + 200 B. P. reported by Wimberly (1960) and Lazarus (1965). More recent dates from the site range from 1,080 + 150 to 4,100 ? 250 years (Trickey and Holmes, 1974). They interpreted the sites stratigraphy to indicate sea level oscillations, but there is no substan- tiative evidence in Alabama or else- where for a recent stand of sea level higher than its present position (Shep- hard, 1964). Radiocarbon dates of clam or oyster shell from Dauphin Island middens and three other Mississippian Period mid- dens in the delta (Figure 1) are re- ported in Table 2. Some of the sites TABLE 2. Radiocarbon dates from Indian shell middens associated with Holocene sediments. Location Age In Sample No. Figure 1 Description Years B.P. I-7656A USA Ba-2 Rangia 1 meter pit in midden 30 met- ers NW of Temple Mound 1,440 t 85 I-7656B USA Ba-2 Rangia 1 meter pit in Midden, base Temple Mound 1,440 ? 85 1-7141 USA Ba-2 Rangia 1 meter pit near Temple Mound 1,090 ? 85 1-7655 USA Ba-195 Rangia 1 meter in midden, Little Liz- zard Creek 2,520 ?85 1-7539 USA Ba-194A Rangla 1 meter pit in site, Maritime Administration, Blakeley River 1,150 ? 80 1-7654 USA MB-72 Oyster 1 meter above ground level in midden 360 ? 80 1-7658 USA MB-72 Oyster near ground level base of midden 515 ?80 1-7657 USA MB-72 Oyster near ground level base of midden 550 ? 80 1-7142 USA MB-72 Oyster 1 meter pit top midden 520 ? 80 17 are probably older than these dates. The most significant to sedimentology is the date of 2,520 ? 85 B.P. from 1 meter deep in the Little Lizzard Creek site about one-half mile north of the 1-65 crossing. The character of the site which forms a small but noticeable mound suggests little :change in sur- roundings since the Early Woodland Period and very little subsidence. Commercially dredged buried shell deposits in Mobile Bay only extend to about -11 meters below sea level and are not Indian middens since the basin was inundated at the time of their deposition. However it is possible that there are buried sites in the delta or at greater depths in the bay on the Pleis- tocene surface. Man was present in northern Alabama and other coastal states in the Paleo-Indian and Archaic periods over 8,000 years ago (Miller, 1957; Wormington, 1957; Williams and Stoltman, 1965). The coastal area and river valleys may very well have been inhabited when sea level was lower and evidence may lie buried in the sedi- ments or seaward of the present coast- line. Underwater sites over 5,000 IJ LAj w 0 -c i ul ULJ a. w 0 -6 - [9- -17- I-20- ZINC AVE RANGE N 31.4 16A-86.8 20 51A 11.0-72.1 24 77.0 30.2-10I. 56 58.5 26,0-69.0 IS CADMIUM years old have been located by diving off the coast of California (Shephard, 1964) and in a coastal spring in Flor- ida which dated 10,200 ? 145 B.P. (W. A. Cockrell, personal communica- tion). TRACE METAL GEOCHEMISTRY Subsurface trace metal concentra- tions in the bay sediments are stratified and increase with depth (Figure 5). Lowest levels are found in the upper 6 meters (ca. 1,500-4,000 B.P.). Concen- trations increase between -6 and -9 meters (ca. 4,000-6,000 B.P.) and are at a higher level between -9 and -17 meters (ca. 6,000-9,500 B.P.). Concen- tration between -17 and -20 meters (ca. 9,500-10,000 B.P.) are similar to the -6 to -9 meter levels. The stratification corresponds to dif- ferences in sediment particle size dis- tribution and organic matter as a re- sult of varying depositional environ- ments of the sediments with depth. The sediments at the 1-10 site are predomi- nantly silty clay and sand-silt-clay. The sand facet overlying the Miocene clay CHROMIUM LEAD MERCURY AVE RANGE N AVE RANGE N AVE RANGE N AVE RANGE N 8.7 2.0-241 20 .014 >.01-03 18 15.8 4.1-26.7 24 .014 >.01-.03 23 25.8 9.3-43.3 56 22.5 7.7-34.9 15 .019 >.01-.05 56 .019 >.01-.03 14 FIGURE 5. Subsurface trace metal concentrations with depth (ppm) from borings near the proposed Highway 90 - 1-10 interchange (Figure 1). .58 .2-1.6 20 13.4 5.8-41.5 20 1.09 .3 5.6 24 22.2 3.2-31.1 24 .42 .3-9.5 56 32.1 184-41.7 6 .73 .2-2.1 15 25.4 16.5-34.315 18 was not analyzed. The clay minerals are remarkedly uniform with depth (Table 3). The upper 6 meters are loose and contain over 60 percent sand and about equal amounts of silt and clay with some humus. From -6 to -9 meters is a transition zone with the sediment becoming more consolidated. From -9 to about -14 meters the sediments are silt-clay with almost no sand. Between -14 and -17 meters there is abundant organic matter and about 40 percent sand. Below about -17 meters the sediment is stiff silt- clay with very little sand. The silt.. clay sediments overlie several meters of river sand and pea gravel down to the hard Pleistocene surface. The Miocene clay consists of illite and kaolinite with lesser amounts of montmorillonite and chlorite (Riccio et al., 1972). Eleven borings in the undated hard clay from the west side of the Mobile River along 1-65 contained an average of 36.1 ppm zinc, 0.25 ppm cadium, 10.4 ppm chrom- ium, 17.7 ppm lead and 0.08 ppm mer- cury. The adsorption capacity of sediment is well known. There is a definite re- lation between the percentage and kind of clay and the metallic concentrations. The cation exchange capacity of dif- ferent sediment minerals vary greatly. The capacity of montmorillonite to ad- sorb metallic cations is about five times greater than illite and eighteen times greater than kaolinite which in turn is about five times greater than quartz (Nelson, 1962). Surface sediment types (Ryan, 1969) and trace metal con- centrations vary areally within Mobile Bay and between various bays through- out the Gulf of Mexico (May, 1973). The type of clay in sediments is a function of the clay minerals in the soils from which they were derived and the manner in which they were de- posited. The Mobile River basin is cur- rently supplying a clay mineral suit in- termediate between the predominantly montmorillontic Mississippi River sedi.- ments to the west and the kaolinitic sediments of the eastward Apalachicola River (Griffin, 1962; Ryan, 1969). Montmorillonite composes about 47 per- cent of the clay mineral fraction with illite 22 percent and 29 percent kao.- linite. Variable clay mineralogy with depth has been reported for borings from Mobile Bay (Ryan and Goodell, 1972) and in northwestern coastal Flor.. ida (Schnable and Goodell, 1968) but was not found in this study. In addition to physical manner of TABLE 3. Particular size distribution and clay mineral composition of Mobile Bay sedi- ments at I-10. Particle Size Distributio ' Clay Mineralogy' Depth. Sand Silt Clay Montmoril- Sample (m) 2-.05 mm .05-.002 mm .002 mm Kaolinite lonite Illite 1 1.0 72.4 13.8 13.8 22 49 18 2 4.0 60.9 30.8 8.8 30 50 20 3 7.4 61.8 . 27.0 11.2 26 51 23 4 8.5 60.9 11.3 27.8 32 45 23 5 10.0 3.4 51.5 . 45.1 28 46 26 6 13.0 3.4 51.8 44.8 35 44 21 7 14.5 42.8 13.4 43.8 27 50 23 8 19.8 5.4 42.3 52.3 ' 31 41 28 ' Percent of clay fraction based on X-ray diffraction, DTA, and TGA 2 Percent of total sediments 19 deposition, variations in pH, salinity, organic matter, gases, and many other factors influence the rate of uptake or exchange of metallic cations by sedi- ment (Smith and Bader, 1960; Nelson, 1962; and Lee, 1970). Furthermore the chemical analyses may not repre- sent the original composition of the sed- iment when it was deposited since pore water space is gradually replaced by secondary mineral accumulation in the dewatering' and compactdi process (Ho and Coleman, 1969). Variations in the degree of acid digestion in lab- oratory analyses can also influence values since some chemical forms are more tightly bound in sediment than others. Most of the trace metals in sediment cannot be normally measured by standard spectrophotometric tech- niques without prior treatment with acid (Cross, Duke and Willis, 1970) which partially attests to why basic estuarine sediments do not release sig- nificant- amounts of cations when re- suspended. In surface mud from Dela- ware Bay where illite and chlorite are the dominant clays, trace metals are re- ported at much higher levels than in Mobile Bay (Strom et al., 1973). This may be due to their use of more rigor- ous digestion procedures of sediment samples. A relatively major source of heavy metal input by man near the delta front has been lead from automobile emis- sions but it has created no apparent environmental hazard. The Highway 90 causeway Which crosses the- lower delta near the 1-10 site was opened to traffic, in 1927. Estimates from con- tinuous toll records indicate that ap- proximately 200 million motor vehicles traveled the seven miles before 1974 and emitted about 93 tons of lead dur- ing the time lead has been widely used in gasoline. Like other metals, lead is rapidly adsorbed by sediment. About 75 percent of the 2.1 to 1.5 grams of lead per gallon of gasoline exits auto.. mobile exhaust mostly in the form of relatively soluble halid salts which are rapidly converted to less soluble forms in soil (Zimdahl and Arvik, 1973). Many studies cited by the above authors have reported decreases of lead in soil with distance from highways with the marked effect being limited to very near the highway and highest levels on the lee side from prevailing winds. Lead concentrations in surface sedi- ments east of the Tensaw River may be slightly higher near the causeway but not significantly so (Figure 6). All but one sample were below the 28.5 ppm average for surface sediment in the bay (May, 1973). The average con- centration of lead east of the Tensaw River was slightly higher than the average for deeper sediment. Surface lead, zinc and mercury west of the Ten-. saw nearer the city of Mobile were higher than to the east. Mercury values were within the natural range but average lead and zinc concentra- tions were higher than in the. open bay (May, 1973) or in the sediments with depth (Figure 5) which suggested that there may be an anthropogenic source for the higher levels. There is no evi- dence that metals at their present levels adversely affect the biota. Very little of the lead in soils is in a form available for uptake by plants, and the highest levels found here are below those commonly found in soil (Zimdahl and Arvik, 1973). Lead in fish may be higher near an atmospheric pollution source (Alley, Brown and Ka- wasaki, 1974) and lead may be accumu- lated by mollusks when it is present in water (Chipman, Rice and Price, 1958). Sediment dominates the reversible cycling of zinc and other metal s in 20 FIGURE 6. Surface trace metal concentrations along the centerline of proposed 1-10 mear the present delta front and locations of boring stations shown in Figure 3. 31 160V 21 estuaries and smaller amounts of metals are recycled by the biota de- pending on the chemical form and aquatic concentration of the element (Wolf and Rice, 1972; Duke, Willis and Price, 1966). No relationship was found between sediment concentrations of trace metals and levels in aquatic animals (Cross, Duke and Willis, 1970). The presence of sediment reduces metal uptake by estuarine fishes (Hoss and Baptist, 1973). Sediment acts as a buffer on aquatic concentrations (Lee, 1970) and quickly removes excess ca- tions from water (Duke, 1967). Biolo- gical uptake of metals is affected by the chemical state of the element in the water (Duke and Rice, 1966). Most metals in an oxidated state are insolu- ble. Some are limiting nutrients in estuaries (Fournier, 1966). The trans- fer of metals from sediment back to water is slight as shown by consistant- ly lower dissolved concentrations com- pared to levels in sediment (May, 1973'). Trace metals vary naturally depend- ing on the watershed and the manner of deposition which influences sediment mineralogy. Aquatic and sediment con- centrations can be increased by man's activity and conceivably pose a threat to biota at unusually high concentra- tions if in a biologically available form. However, it has not been dem- onstrated that natural levels of metals in estuarine sediment, even at high levels, have any harmful effect whether the sediment is left undisturbed or tem- porarily suspended by currents or man. Trace elements in sediment do not be- come dissolved into the water at high Ivels if at all as a result of resuspen- sion of sediment by dredging regardless of sediment concentrations (Windom, 1972; May, 1973; 1974; Lee and Plumb, 1974). Natural trace metals and other sedi- ment components are frequently lumped with man-made pesticides as being sed- iment pollutants even though there is no evidence for their toxicity in sedi- ment and several are biological essen- tial nurtients. The assumption that the presence of stable isotopes of trace metals in sediment always represent pollution is unfounded. Even high con- centrations cannot be qualified without knowledge of the composition of the sediment and a comparison of possible sources of contamination with other parts of the estuary. The essential role of many metals and organic mat- ter in estuarine biological cycles leads to the belief that it would be best to develop a broader understanding of the role of sediment constituents in aquatic ecosystems and at least consider the present knowledge before sediments are declared by bureaucratical decree to be grossly polluted and unfit for man nor beast. LITERATURE CITED Alley, W. P., H. R. Brown and L. Y. Ka- wasaki. 1974. Lead concentrations in the wooly sculpin, Clinocottus analis, collected from tidepools of California. California Fish Game. 60(1) :50-51. Broecker, W. S. 1965. Isotope geochemis- try and the Pleistocene Record. p. 737- 753. In H. E. Wright, Jr. and D. E. Frey (eds.). The Quaternary of the United States. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton Univ. Press. Broecker, W. S. and A. Kaufman. 1965. Radiocarbon chronology of Lake Lahon- tan and Lake Bonneville II, Great Basin. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 76(5):537-566. Brooks, C. E. P. 1949. Climate through the ages. 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Windom, H. L. 1972. Environmental re- sponse of salt marshes to deposition of dredged materials. Amer. Soc. Civil Eng. Nat. Water Resour. Conf. 1612:1- 26. Wolfe, D. A. and T. R. Rice. 1972. Cy- cling of elements in estuaries. U. S. 25 Fish. Wildl. Ser. Fish. Bull. 70 (3):959- 972. Wormington, H. M. 1957. Ancient man in North America. Denver Mus. Nat. Hist., Denver, Colorado, Pop. Ser. 4. 322 p. Zimdahl, R. L. and J. H. Arvik. 1973. Lead in soils and plants: a literature review. CRC Critical Reviews in Environmental Control. p. 213-224. 26 ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES CATCH DATA FOR ALABAMA' WAYNE E. SWINGLE Marine Resources Division Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528 INTRODUCTION The commercial marine fishing in- dustry of Alabama is located in Mobile and Baldwin counti6s. Most of the sea- food is landed in Mobile County at Bayou La Batre which ranked as the tenth port in the nation in value of sea- food landed during the last few years. Other Alabama ports include Mobile, Coden, Gulf Shores, Bon Secour, Ala- bama Port, Heron Bay and Fairhope. The number of processing and Whole- sale seafood plants ranged between 56 and 71 during the period 1964 through 1971 (Table 1). The number of per- sons employed by these plants during this period doubled while the value of processed products tripled reaching $20.9 million in 1971. The commercial landings have in- creased from 8,458,000 pounds in 1961 to. 33,944,000 pounds in 1974, a four- fold increase (Table 2). During this period the. dockside. value of the sea- food increased from $1,991,000 to $16,579,000, an eight-fold increase. The economic value of the seafood industry to the local economy of south Alabama is estimated in excess of $70 million while the economic value to the state and nation exceeds $120 million. The Alabama seafood industry is characterized. by progress and expan- sion and the fishing fleet is among the most modern in the nation. The fish- ing fleet based in the two counties land seafood caught throughout the Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Texas and from as far away as the coast of Central America. Most of the catch, however, is from the offshore waters of Alabama westward to the mouth of the Missis- sippi River and from the estuarine waters of Alabama. The number of fishermen engaged in the fishery between 1964 and 1971 ranged between 1,733 and 2,290 (Table 3). Most. of the increase has been in the shrimp fishery while declines oc- curred in other fisheries. The National Marine Fisheries Ser- vice (NMFS) has been collecting data which lists the catch by species from each specific water body and off-shore area. The following discussion is based on these data for the period 1964-1972 for Alabama waters and landings. Catch of a species from any body of water is a function of the size of the harvestable annual crop and the fish- ing effort directed toward harvest of that species. The annual harvestable crop of a species fluctuates from year to year depending primarily on the en- vironmental conditions, but is essen- tially stable consistant with the fer- tility of that body of water. A total of 106 species of fish and SThis study was done in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Commerce, N.O.A.A., National Marine Fisheries Service under P.L. 88-309 (Project Number 2-238-R). TABLE 1. Summary of wholeale and processing plants and employment in Alabama for the period 1964-1971.1 Processing Wholesale Total Value Employment Avg. Employment Avg Employment Avg. Processed Year Plants Season Year Plants Season Year Plants Season Year Products 1964 - - - - - - 57 1,135 650 $ 7,434 1965 - - - - - - 58 1,070 699 6,838 1966 - - -- - 66 1,343 820 9,613 1967 - - - - 68 1,643 999 13,390 1968 - 71 1,726 1,013 15,373 1969 - - - - - 67 1,673 1,009 17,616 1970 43 1,383 875 13 423 186 56 1,806 1,061 20,575 1971 48 1,590 1,018 14 592 229 62 2,182 1,247 20,908 1 From Fisheries Statistics of the United States TABLE 2. A summary of commercial fishes landed in Alabama during the period 1961-1974.1 % Increase % Increase Quantity - Thousands of Pounds2 In Quantity In Value From Thousands From Red Total Previous of Previous Year Shrimp Oysters Crabs Snapper Mullet Flounder Other Pounds Year Dollars 3 Year 1961 3,525 509 838 1,784 897 98 807 8,458 - 1,991 - 1962 3,748 443 634 1,893 1,447 98 818 9,081 7.4 2,509 26.0 1963 7,760 995 1,297 2,315 1,390 107 1,024 14,888 63.9 3,714 48.0 1964 7,215 1,005 1,762 2,393 1,072 162 1,458 15,067 1.2 3,975 7.0 1965 9,624 492 1,812 2,495 1,508 301 1,556 17,789 18.1 4,986 25.4 1966 10,608 1,304 2,183 2,701 1,697 383 1,686 20,562 15.6 6,807 36.5 1967 14,456 2,088 2,353 2,288 3,169 480 1,578 26,412 28.4 8,300 21.9 1968 15,450 1,212 1,980 1,214 2,840 533 3,432 26,661 0.9 9,617 15.9 1969 14,977 481 1,920 1,163 3,193 540 6,242 28,547 7.1 10,557 9.8 1970 15,031 279 1,407 983 3,111 780 8,030 29,601 3.7 9,925 -6.0 1971 16,709 249 1,997 939 2,361 951 11,028 34,234 15.7 13,810 39.1 1972 17,548 1,069 1,612 1,051 1,513 1,169 12,080 36,042 5.3 17,728 28.4 1973 12,019 590 2,098 960 2,786 708 17,583 36,744 0.8 17,667 -0.3 1974 13,922 733 1,826 890 2,013 916 13,644 33,944 -7.6 16,579 -6.1 1 From Alabama Landings 2 Shrimp weights are heads-on weight, oyster weights are reported in pounds of oyster meat (8.75 pounds per gallon) 3 Dockside wholesale value ul OL TOO00 Cotn OCo0 .I a CO t- 00 LO LO 41 w-4 rg b.o 0 PC a) 0 z 0 o. o C3 d OZ 4-4 0 .v 28 11 species of invertebrates are classi- fied as commercial species in Alabama by Swingle (1971); however, only 36 species are consistantly landed for the commercial market in Alabama. Many of these, such as shrimp, flounders, and groupers, are grouped in the land- ing statistics of the National Marine Fisheries Service. For simplicity, these data are discussed under four major categories as shrimp fishery, finfish fishery, crab fishery and oyster fishery. THE SHRIMP FISHERY The shrimp fishery is the most im- portant fishery economically. During recent years shrimp have accounted for one-half to one-third of the total pounds landed and about 80 to 85% of the dockside value of landings. In addition to the shrimp, the major portion of the finfish landings is taken by trawl. Table 4 summarizes the shrimp catch landed in Alabama from estuarine and offshore areas. Nearly all the shrimp taken in Mobile Bay are landed in Ala- bama, whereas the majority of shrimp taken from Perdido Bay are landed in Florida. Alabama landings from Mis- sissippi Sound (NMFS area from Mo- bile Bay to Gulfport Ship Channel) have declined from 45% of the total catch in 1964 to 19% in 1972, whereas Alabama's share of the offshore catch from statistical zones 10 and 11 (Fig- ure 1) increased from 46% to 73% dur- ing the same period. Table 5 illustrates why this has occurred. The number of bay boats has substantially declined while the number of large offshore shrimp vessels has more than doubled. This also accounts for the increased catches from Louisiana and Florida waters. The decreased catch from Mobile Bay appears to be related to changes in fish- ing effort (Table 6). Because of the c " b-O Lor t- Lr 0~4- e L)co C eqC r( -4 t r- 4 -e dbZ 0 (Co= 00CoCc o 0 co cc aCI) ZOr-4 CI - 4 0 wz(= t- L toa)0eCoDC CO 9CoCo00 M LCO W CO CM -4 ct - -L- ID-- ~Lo C TABLE 4. Pounds (heads on) of shrimp caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Num- ber in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile 1 Perdido Mississippi Little Total Year Bay Bay Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Florida Louisiana Mexico Landings 1964 1,222,500 (100) - 904,000 (45) 2,800 4,560,800 (46) 26,700 497,200 700 7,214,700 (4)* 1965 1,085,600 (100) - 955,500 (39) 23,500 6,903,400 (50) 181,7004 473,800 - 9,623,500 (5) 1966 1,027,800 (100) - 1,007,700 (40) 6,400 7,094,500 (55) 13,300 1,458,000 500 10,608,200 (6) 1967 1,726,300 (100) 8,800 (100) 1,419,400 (30) - 9,566,900 (67) 900 1,413,200 320,0005 14,455,500 (6) 1968 1,394,300 (100) - 1,490,300 (30) 5,100 10,447,100 (62) 37,500 1,689,600 380,700 15,444,600 (8) 1969 954,300 (95) - 930,800 (31) - 11,284,600 (63) - 1,622,700 178,300 14,970,700 (7) 1970 696,000 (96) 6,200 (31) 993,900 (28) - 10,338,400 (62) 129,500 2,842,000 25,000 15,031,000 (7) 1971 543,200 (97) 5,100 (38) 914,900 (28) - 12,938,900 (69) 78,500 2,229,700 2,500 16,712,800 (7) 1972 722,300 (98) 4,400 (10) 527,400 (20) - 9,497,300 (73) 250,000 6,526,900 20,500 17,548,800 1973 6 12,018,700 7 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 From off Texas (Zone 19) 4 Includes 164,300# from Pensacola Bay 5 From off Mexico 6 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 7 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings PERDIDO SOUND STATISTICAL ZONE I I LAGOON STATISTICAL ZONE 10 FIGURE 1 CI dSSISSIPPI DELTA A 31 TABLE 5. Number of Alabama shrimp fishermen and number of boats and vessels operat- ing in Alabama during the period 1964-1971. (From Fisheries Statistics of the United States.) Average Gross Vessel Tonnage of Shrimp Boats Fishermen Shrimp Vessels Fishermen Gross New Boats Year Under 5 Tons On Boats Over 5 Tons On Vessels Tonnage Added to Fleet 1964 231 380 230 582 8,225 35.7 1965 206 335 295 706 9,547 20.3 1966 203 311 366 882 14,050 63.3 1967 174 279 397 961 17,413 108.5 1968 139 227 467 1,164 23,718 90.1 1969 129 188 506 1,283 27,487 96.6 1970 149 174 448 1,143 24j904 - 1971 169 171 456 1,160 26,434 TABLE 6. Catch of shrimp and number of fishing trips by all fishermen in Mobile Bay during the period 1964-1972. (From Gulf Coast Shrimp Data published by National Marine Fisheries Service.) Catch Percent Change Number of Percent Change Average Catch Percent Change (Lbs. From Trips By From Per Trip From Year Heads Off) Previous Year Shrimp Boats Previous Year (Lbs. Heads Off) Previous Year 1964 775,246 - 2,144.0 - 361.6 - 1965 683,913 -11.8% 2,158.8 +0.7% 316.9 -12.4% 1966 640,310 -6.4% 1,742.0 -19.4% 367.6 +16.0% 1967 1,080,067 +68.7% 2,247.0 +29.0% 480.7 +27.6% 1968 873,436 -19.1% 2,077.5 -7.5% 420.4 -12.5% 1969 632,929 -27.5% 2,112.0 +1.7% 299.7 -28.7% 1970 459,637 -27.4% 1,565.0 -25.9% 293.7 -2.0% 1971 353,970 -22.9% 975.0 -37.7% 363.0 +23.6% 1972 462,127 +30.6% 1,159.0 +18.9% 398.7 -9.8% Average Yearly Percent Change -2.0% -6.0% 366.9 +2.7% reduction in the number of bay boats the number of trips declined from 2,144 in 1964 to 1,159 in 1972. The catch de- clined by a yearly average of 2.0%, whereas the number of trips declined by an average of 5.0% yearly. The catch per trip increased by an average of 2.7% yearly. In addition, by the years 1972-74 sport trawlers were taking be- tween 15 and 25% of the shrimp caught from the inshore waters of. Alabama (Swingle, Bland and Tatum, 1976). Brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) con- stituted by far the largest percentage of Alabama landings followed by white shrimp (Penaeus setiferus), pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum), royal red shrimp (Hymenopenaeus robustus) and seabob (Xiphopeneus kroyeri) in de- creasing order. Table 7 summarizes the pounds of each of these species caught from statistical zone 11. By comparing this table to Table 4 it is obvious that only a small portion of the offshore catch comes from statis- tical zone 10. This is particularly true of the more recent years. Mobile Bay is about the eastern limit of the pro- ductive shrimp grounds of the north- ern Gulf. White shrimp production is extremely variable ranging from about 1 million to 4 million pounds annually from zone 11 (Table 7). The same va- riability is characteristic of the catches from Mississippi Sound 2 (Table 8). 2 Unless stated otherwise Mississippi Sound refers to the area of the sound between Mobile Bay and Gulfport Ship Channel. 32 TABLE 7. Pounds of the various specieg of shrimp (heads on) caught from Statistical Zone 11 by all fishermen and the catch and the percentage of the total catch landed in Alabama as compiled from the statistical records of the National Marine Fisheries Service. Alabama Landings Percent Royal Sea Total of Total Year Brown Pink White Red Bob Catch Catch Catch 1964 6,327,686 84,073 2,124,851 4,244 468 8,541,324 4,487,000 52.5% 1965 11,685,180 52,452 1,931,099 15,075 500 13,684,306 6,825,900 49.8% 1966 11,680,841 70,451 1,110,424 - - 12,861,716 8,055,900 62.6% 1967 12,717,338 238,350 1,308,742 9,068 - 14,273,498 9,566,800 67.0% 1968 15,254,671 279,190 1,189,488 88,864 - 16,812,213 10,442,700 62.1% 1969 13,322,054 595,416 3,788,367 58,642 - 17,764,479 11,281,900 63.5% 1970 13,112,018 296,569 3,279,996 6,665 - 16,695,248 10,338,300 61.9% 1971 15,706,878 283,556 2,851,970 7,380 - 18,849,784 12,938,900 68.6% 1972 11,247,836 199,916 1,669,620 4,179 28,245 13,149,796 9,497,300 72.2% TABLE 8. Pounds (heads on) of the various species of shrimp caught from Mississippi Sound by all fishermen and the catch and the percentage of the total catch landed in Alabama as compiled from the statistical records of the National Marine Fisheries Service. Alabama Landing Percentage Year Brown Pink White Total iCatch of Catch 1964 1,714,142 46,057 233,496 1,993,695 904,000 45.3 1965 2,166,958 2,124 299,870 2,468,952 955,500 38.7 1966 2,345,670 1,179 153,214 2,500,063 1,007,700 40.3 1967 4,338,694 27,731 363,152 4,729,577 1,419,400 30.0 1968 4,571,456 50,779 287,279 4,909,514 1,490,300 30.3 1969 2,453,234 46,416 549,923 3,049,573 930,800 30.5 1970 3,083,895 11,708 469,941 3,565,494 993,900 27.8 1971 3,039,535 13,955 216,502 3,269,992 914,900 27.9 1972 2,402,340 78,406 131,766 2,612,512 527,400 20.0 1 Mobile Bay to Gulfport Ship Channel There is some speculation that offshore trawling is hurting the spawning suc- cess; of white shrimp in the near shore waters. Alabama's percentage of the total Gulf shrimp landings increased from 4% in 1964 to 8% in 1968 and have remained at 7% since that time (Table 4). Since Alabama's landings more than doubled during this period, it in- dicates a substantial increase in the total Gulf landings through 1968 and then :a more or less stabilized catch which probably approaches maximum sustainable yield. With the possible ex- ceptiqn of white shrimp, there is little evidence to suggest that the stocks are being overexploited. It appears that a sufficient number of spawners from the brown shrimp populations are es- caping capture so that there is pres- ently little danger of overexploitation, particularly as the shrimp spawn with- in the year they are vulnerable to cap- ture. At some point before the spawn- ing population is seriously reduced it becomes uneconomical to harvest them. However, there does exist the possi- bility that if an extensive fishery de- velops for the offshore groundfish the incidental catch of brown shrimp could substantially reduce the spawning pop- ulation. In this case, the economic re- straint against catching the scattered brown shrimp spawners would be re- moved because the economics would de- pend on the success of the groundfish fishery. 33 By 1972, only 7 of the commercial shrimp landings were harvested from Alabama inshore or estuarine waters compared to 30% in 1964. The major increase in landings has been from the waters offshore of our coast and that of Mississippi and Louisiana. THE FINFISH FISHERY The fishery for finfish consists of three distinct major fisheries as classi- fied by gear type. The trawl fishery is the largest producer and one in which many of the fish are caught incidental to shrimp harvest operations. The major exception is the croaker fishery in which trawls are fished specifically for this species with shrimp catches be- ing incidental. The other two major fisheries are the gill-trammel net fish- ery and the handline fishery for snap- per, grouper and jewfish. The number of fishermen in the trawl fishery increased by 30% from 1964 through 1971 (Table 3). The ma- jor increases in finfish landings dur- ing this period came primarily from the offshore trawl fishery. The number of participants in the gill-trammel net fishery have remained essentially stable over this period while the number of fishermen in the hand- line or snapper fishery have declined by 44% (Table 3). This decrease is primarily the result of the sale of the Bayou La Batre snapper fleet to a Mississippi firm in 1967. Three other types of gear were used to take fish (Table 3). Gigs or spears were used to take flounder, haul seines were used to take several species from 1964 to 1967, and long lines were used to take swordfish in 1970.. The fish from the latter operation were im- pounded by the Food and Drug Admin- istration because of high mercury con- centrations and swordfishing has been of minor importance in Alabama since that time. Table 9 summarizes the catch of all fish from each of the estuarine areas and offshore for the period 1964 through 1972. The catches from Mo- bile Bay have been cyclic varying from 1 to 3 million pounds, whereas the catches from the Mobile Delta and Lit- TABLE 9. Pounds of fish caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973 as compiled from the statistical records of the Natural Marine Fish- eries Service. Mobile' Mobile Little Mississippi Total' Year Bay Delta Lagoon Sound Offshore 2 Louisiana Other Landings 1964 1,071,500 138,500 83,000 132,800 748,700 167,300 2,739,2003 5,081,000 1965 1,436,600 165,000 69,700 248,800 967,000 51,200 2,916,8004 5,855,100 1966 1,409,500 82,800 62,200 456,500 1,267,100 363,800 2,818,3004. 6,460,200 1967 2,965,200 81,400 47,300 368,700 1,314,900 377,000 2,356,8005 7,511,300 1968 2,837,700 53,600 3,900 297,300 2,900,200 555,200 1,272,7005 8,010,600 1969 2,984,200 48,800 2,500 432,700 5,483,700 790,300 1,300,9005 11,043,100 1970 2,930,300 19,000 500 518,800 6,667,200 1,637,200 1,120,4005 12,893,200 1971 2,178,300 - 100 534,700 8,592,300 3,110,700 730,1005 15,146,200 1972 1,326,700 400 400 375,000 8,687,700 4,390,200 1,009,8005 15,790,200 1973 6 22,025,0007 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Primarily snapper and grouper from Mexico 4 Primarily snapper and groupe grouper from Mexico and Central America 5 Primarily snapper and grouper from Mexico, Texas and Central America 6 Data for catches from specific locations are not presently available 7 Preliminary data subject to revision 84 tie Lagoon have drastically declined as a result of decreased effort by com- mercial fishermen. The delta was closed to commercial fishing for several years because of a "mercury scare" and commercial fish- ermen were forced to seek other em- ployment. Little Lagoon is only pe- riodically open to the sea and restric- tive netting regulations, instituted at the request of sportfishermen and prop- erty owners, contributed to reduced fishing effort by commercial fisher- men. Catches of fish from offshore in- creased more than eight-fold reaching 8.7 million pounds by 1972. Catches from Louisiana waters increased from 167,300 pounds in 1964 to 4,390,200 pounds in 1972. Catches from both of these areas reflect primarily the in- creased landings of croaker. The total landings of fish have in- creased from 5 million pounds in 1964 to 22 million pounds in 1973. These landings and areas of capture are dis- cussed by species or species groups. Atlantic croaker (Micropogon undulatus) Alabama's catch of croaker has in- creased dramatically from 3,200 pounds or 4% of the total Gulf landings in 1964 to 8,383,800 pounds or 82% of the total Gulf landings in 1971 (Table 10). By 1973, the catch had reached 13.3 million pounds or about one-third of the total Alabama landings. This is a result of the development of a mar- ket for the Gulf croaker on the East Coast of the United States. The mar- ket developed in or about 1968 for croaker of one-half pound and larger (Gutherz et al., 1975). Croaker are caught primarily from the offshore waters of Alabama, Mis- sissippi and Louisiana. Some of Ala- bama's fleet fish almost exclusively for croaker, others fish for croaker when shrimp catches are poor, and a large number of croaker are caught while shrimping. The majority of large croaker caught in the inshore waters is by gill and trammel net. During 1971, 51% of the inshore catch were taken in entangling nets. The catch from TABLE 10. Pounds of Atlantic croaker caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay1 Sound Lagoon Offshore2 Louisiana Landings 1964 1,500 (100) - 1,200 400 (100) 100 3,200 (4)* 1965 2,400 (100) 1,500 (100) - 11,200 (100) - 15,100 (23) 1966 6,600 (100) 1,500 (47) 10,500 27,800 (29) 5,800 52,200 (17) 1967 4,200 (100) 10,800 (100) 500 67,100 (71) 21,800 104,400 (14) 1968 5,200 (100) 14,700 (100) - 1,322,500 (97) 223,800 1,566,200 (46) 1969 13,900 (100) 2,300 (100) -. 3,236,400 (99) 434,700 3,687,300 (70) 1970 15,000 (100) 26,300 (100) -- 4,502,400 (98) 1,147,100 5,690,800 (77) 1971 23,200 (100) 24,800 (95) - 6,217,100 (99) 2,117,6005 8,383,796 (82) 1972 12,000 (100) 6,200 (51) - 6,378,500 (99) 3,047,8006 9,444,500 1973 3 13,299,5004 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 4 Preliminary data subject to revision 5 Includes 500 pounds from Pensacola Bay 6 Includes 3,500 pounds from Mexico * Percentage of total Gulf landings 35 the inshore. waters is negligible in com- parison to the offshore catch; however, it has increased significantly since the market developed. White seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius and C. nothus) Most of the white seatrout landed in Alabama (Table 11) are C. arenarius which is the predominant species off- shore. Alabama catch of white sea- trout has increased from 33% of the total Gulf landings in 1964 to 63% in 1972. The catch was 1.5 million pounds in 1973. Catches from the offshore area and Louisiana have accounted for the increase in production. Almost all of the seatrout are taken by trawls dur- ing shrimping operations. Less than 1% was taken by gill or trammel nets during 1971. White seatrout ranks sec- ond in pounds of fish landed by Ala- bama fishermen. Flounder (Paralichthys spp.) The founders landed in Alabama are mostly P. lethostigma and P. albigutta. Alabama's landings of flounder in- creased from 18% of the total Gulf landings in 1964 to 43% in 1971 (Table 12). More than 95% of the flounder are caught in shrimp trawls. A negli- gible amount is caught in gill or tram- mel nets and as much as 4 to 5% are taken by fish gigs or spears at night. Most of the flounders are caught off- shore in zones 10 and 11. The second largest catch was taken off Louisiana west of the Mississippi River with catches from the three areas totaling as high as 1 million pounds. Catches from the inshore waters ranged from 25 to 80 thousand pounds. Whiting (Menticirrhus spp.) The whiting, kingfish or ground mul- let landed' in Alabama consist prima- rily of M. littoralis and M. americanus. Also included in the catch is M. focali- ger. Alabama's catch has ranged between 31 and 38% of the total Gulf landings with no .significant changes in pounds landed (Table 13). The catch from Mo.. TABLE 11. Pounds of white seatrout caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Louisiana Landings 1964 300 (100) - - 43,000 (72) 21,8003 65,100 (33)* 1965 2,600 (100) 1,700 (60) - 81,300 (78) 22,400 108,000 (30) 1966 1,700 (100) 2,600 (40) 200 49,900 (30) 47,200 101,600 (19) 1967 2,600 (100) 7,900 (46) - 108,900 (74) 29,900 149,300 (24) 1968 3,300 (100) 7,400 (45) - 260,800 (92) 54,200 325,700 (37) 1969 3,800 (100) 6,900 (40) - 710,300 (96) 95,000 816,000 (69) 1970 12,900 (100) 10,500 (64) - 580,600 (92) 146,600 750,600 (60) 1971 14,600 (100) 17,400 (69) - 718,400 (95) 229,6006 980,000 (63) 1972 9,800 (100) 2,800 (14) - 624,900 (96) 298,7007 936,200 1973 4 1,522,46,05 Includes Bon Secour Bay Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast Includes 100 pounds from Florida waters Data on catch from specific waters not presently available Preliminary data subject to revision Includes 100 pounds from Pensacola Bay Includes 600 pounds from Mexico Percentage of total Gulf landings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 36 TABLE 12. Pounds of flounder caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Perdido Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Bay Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Louisiana Landings 1964 36,500 (100) - 5,300 (35) 1,300 107,400 (72) 11,6008 162,100 (18)* 1965 36,700 (100) - 15,500 (71) 5,500 237,400 (81) 5,7008 300,800 (25) 1966 20,800 (100) - 16,200 (73) 2,500 331,800 (80) 112,100 483,400 (33) 1967 16,300 (100) -- 17,700- (61) 1,800 355,600 (84) 88,100 479,500 (34) 1968 13,300 (100) - 11,700 (55) 3,800 428,500 (93) 75,700 533,000 (35) 1969 26,400 (100) - 11,000 (51) 2,500 446,000 (88) 53,900 539,800 (35) 1970 52,300 (100) 100 (3) 25,900 (76) 500 560,000 (86) 141,900 780,700 (39) 1971 42,200 (100) - 25,300 (62) 100 688,900 (94) 194,400 950,900 (43) 1972 30,300 (100) 700 (2)7 6,300 (30) 400 796,800 (94) 335,3006 1,169,800 1973 4 708,7005 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Includes 100 pounds from Pensacola Bay 4 Data on catch from specific water not presently available 5 Preliminary data subject to revision 6 Includes 6,100 pounds from Mexico 7 Includes 600 pounds from Pensacola Bay * Percentage of total Gulf landings TABLE 13. Pounds of ground mullet or kingfish caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Perdido Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Bay Sound Lagoon Offshore2 Other 3 Landings 1964 76,400 (100) -. 38,100 (46) - 407,500 (61) 52,800 574,800 (31) 1965 38,100 (100) - 64,000 (66) 300 (100) 488,700 (70) 16,600 607,700 (32) 1966 32,100 (100) - 51,200 (61) - 433,000 (64) 152,200 668,500 (31) 1967 30,600 (100) - 66,800 (53) 21,800 (100) 398,000 (76) 95,900 613,100 (28) 1968 39,100 (100) - 59,700 (51) - 512,400 (86) 89,400 700,500 (36) 1969 12,700 (100) - 30,800 (42) - 543,400 (81) 73,800 660,700 (38) 1970 19,600 (100) 200 (7) 42,200 (57) - 412,000 (73) 90,900 564,900 (35) 1971 12,500 (100) - 36,100 (52) - 364,500 (78) 103,700 516,800 (33) 1972 15,700 (100) 100 (8) 22,900 (23) - 364,600 (68) 154,8006 558,100 1973 4 532,2005 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Over 99% from Louisiana waters 4 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 5 Preliminary data subject to revision 6 Includes 200 pounds from Mexico * Percentage of total Gulf landings bile Bay has declined over the period of the offshore catch. 1964 through 1972. This is probably due to decreased shrimping effort Sheepshead (Archosargus (Table 6). Alabama boats take about probatocephalus) 50 to 60% of the whiting caught from Alabama landings of sheepshead in- Mississippi Sound and about 70 to 80% creased from 5% of the total Gulf land- 37 ings in 1964 to 82% in 1971 (Table 14). By 1973, the landings had exceeded 500 thousand pounds. Catches from Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound have remained essentially the same with the major portion of the increase in catch coming from the offshore area. Most of the catch was taken by shrimp trawl with less than 1,000 pounds taken by gill or trammel nets in 1971. Gafftopsail catfish (Bagre marinus) Alabama catches of catfish increased from 3% of the total Gulf landings in 1964 to 30% in 1971 (Table 15). The maximum poundage landed was 119,400 which occurred in 1970. Between 80 and 90% of the catch were taken by shrimp trawl with the remainder being caught in gill and trammel nets. Most of the catch was harvested offshore. TABLE 14. Pounds of sheephephead caught from the coastal waters by Alabama fishermen during the period 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Sound Lagoon Offshore2 Louisiana Landings 1964 14,400 (100) 1,000 (6) 200 12,400 (54) 6,700 34,700 (5)* 1965 7,900 (100). 1,700 (30) - 4,800 (53) 1,000 15,400 (3) 1966 3,300 (100) 2,500 (22) - 4,900 (60) 900 11,600 (2) 1967 7,200 (100) 3,600 (9) 100 16,100 (86) 6,400 33,400 (5) 1968 13,300 (72) 7,400 (23) - 39,600 (100) 7,900 68,200 (8) 1969 9,400 (86) 6,400 (28) -.. 119,400 (94) 18,600 153,800 (13) 1970 9,800 (100) 3,500 (35) - 140,500 (82) 28,1003 181,900 (20) 1971 9,700 (100) 11,100 (77) - 207,200 (98) 92,600 320,600 (82) 1972 8,200 (100) 2,800 (41) - 85,700 (88) 47,800 144,500 1973 4 532,2005 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Includes 700 pounds caught in Florida 4 Data on catch from. specific waters not presently available 5 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings TABLE 15. Pounds of gafftopsail catfish caught from the coastal waters by Alabama fishermen during the period 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Louisiana Florida Landings 1964 5,700 (100) - 400 3,600 (20) 400 2,700 12,800 (3)* 1965 3,300 (100) 800 (10) 900 13,500 (40) 100 900 19,500 (6) 1966 5,100 (100) 3,000 (100) - 15,600 (15) 4,400 300 28,400 (7) 1967 4,200 (100) 3,300 (46) - 25,000 .'(46) 4,000 - 36,500 (7) 1968 9,900 (100) 3,600 (78) - 30,400 (65) 6,900 - 50,800 (13) 1969 11,800 (100) 3,500 (70) - 84,900 (87) 17,800. - 118,000 (28) 1970 12,400 (100) 8,000 (96) - 81,300 (80) 17,600 100 119,400 (29) 1971 7,900 (100) 4,200 (84) - 60,000 (59) 18,800 2003 91,100 (30) 1972 8,700 (100) 4,000 (100) - 43,500 (50) 12,100 3003 68,600 1973 4 80,4005 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 From Perdido Bay 4 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 5 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 38 Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) Alabama landings of spot increased from 4% of the total Gulf landings in 1964 to 16% in 1971 (Table 16). By 1973, the landings had reached 191 thousand pounds. More than 60% were caught in shrimp trawls with most of the catch coming from offshore. Cobia (Rachycentron canadus) The cobia or ling is a choice game fish taken off the Alabama coast. Commer- cial landings of this species ranged from 100 pounds in 1964 to 14,500 pounds in 1972 (Table 16). All of the cobia landed from 1964 to 1971 were caught by trawl incidental to shrimp- ing operations. Since cobia often feed on crabs this is not surprising. Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) Few pompano are caught commer- cially. During the period 1964 through 1973 landings of pompano ranged from TABLE 16. Pounds of spot caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Other Landings 1964 9,400 (100) - 4,100 200 (6) - 13,700 (4) 1965 7,200 (100) 600 (50) 2,400 4,700 (78) - 14,900 (4) 1966 4,800 (100) 600 (20) 20,100 1,400 (26) 200 27,100 (7) 1967 6,500 (100) 1,200 (80) 1,100 4,100 (84) 3,300 16,200 (5) 1968 9,600 (100) 4,900- (100) 100 27,500 (96) 3,700 45,700 (12) 1969 18,400 (100) 6,100 (92) - 15,700 (94) 2,800 43,000 (12) 1970 14,100 (100) 4,200 (100) - 20,500 (92) 4,800 43,600 (13) 1971 13,200 (100) 6,700 (78) - 53,600 (98) 15,300 88,800 (16) 1972 11,000 (100) 4,600 (100) - 66,200 (99) 18,800 100,600 1973 3 191,2004 1 Includes-Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 4 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings TABLE 17. Pounds of ling or cobia caught from the coastal waters by Alabama fisher- men during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Total Year Inshore Offshore' Louisiana Other Landings 1964 - 100 (8) - - 100 1965 - 300 (17) - - 300 1966 - 1,000 (5) 300 - 1,300 (3)* 1967 100 3,600 (81) 300 - 4,000 (10) 1968 - 11,200 (82) 1,100 - 12,300 (15) 1969 200 8,400 (82) 400 - 9,000 (13) 1970 - 11,000 (91) 1,900 1002 13,000 (12) 1971 - 7,100 (95) 800 - 7,900 (8) 1972 - 11,500 (95) 3,200 - 14,500 1973 3 14,0004 I Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 2 From Mexico 3 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 4 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 1,400 pounds to 13,300 pounds (Table 18). During 1971 about 80% of the pompano were caught in shrimp trawls with the remainder being caught in gill and trammel nets. TABLE 18. Pounds of pompano caught from the coastal waters by Alabama fishermen during the period 1964-1973 as compiled from the statistical records of the National Ma- rine Fisheries Service. Year Inshore Offshore 1 Louisiana Landings 1964 300 1,300 - 1,600 1965 100 1,700 - 1,800 1966 - 1,300 100 1,400 1967 200 1,700 100 2,000 1968 200 1,800 500 2,500 1969 100 3,300 200 3,600 1970 - 2,000 100 2,100 1971 100 4,700 400 5,200 1972 200 3,500 800 4,500 1973 2 13,300 1 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 2 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 3 Preliminary data subject to revision Red snapper (Lutjanus spp.). Alabama landings of red snapper have declined from 18% of the total Gulf landings in 1964 to about 11% in 4971 (Table 19). This resulted pri- marily because the Bayou La Batre snapper fleet was sold to a Mississippi firm in 1967. In earlier years (1964- 67) nearly all the snapper were taken from Mexico and Central America by the snapper fleet. More recently (1967- 72) the fleet has shifted to fishing grounds off Texas and Louisiana and has continued with a more limited ef- fort off Central America and Mexico. Over the years a higher percentage of the catch has been taken by shrimp trawl. In 1964, 18,700 pounds of snap- per were taken by trawls and by 1971 the poundage had increased to 181,600 pounds. An unknown amount is sold by anglers. Groupers (Epinephelus spp. and Myeteroperca spp.) Alabama landings of grouper have remained about 3 to 4% of the total Gulf landings (Table 20); however, the pounds landed have declined indicating an overall decline in Gulf landings. Nearly all grouper are caught with hand lines by the snapper fleet. In 1964, 600 pounds were taken by shrimp TABLE 19. Po.nds of red snapper caught by Alabama fishermen during the years 1964- 1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Ala- bama fishermen.) Central Total Year Offshore' Inshore Louisiana Texas Mexico America Landings 1964 72,500 (15) - 1,800 - 2,318,600 - 2,392,900 (18)* 1965 88,600 (18) - 5,600 - 2,269,500 131,300 2,495,000 (19) 1966 274,200 (46) 100 34,400 - 1,853,800 538,600 1,701,100 (14) 1967 267,800 (44) 300 30,300 234,700 1,512,900 242,400 2,288,400 (19) 1968 283,000 (51) 200 58,200 490,400 382,000 - 1,213,800 (11)2 1969 204,900 (40) - 26,900 181,700 281,100 551,300 1,245,900 (13) 1970 204,900 (40) - 43,200 297,200 285,100 152,800 983,200 (12) 1971 167,100 (35) 900 206,600 348,200 24,000 192,400 939,200 (11) 1972 186,100 (30) - 153,100 393,800 305,500 12,000 1,050,500 1973 3 960,4004 1 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 2Bayou La Batre snapper fleet sold 3 Data on catches from specific waters not presently available 4 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 40 trawl and by 1971 the trawl catch had increased to only 6,900 pounds. Jewfish (Epinephelus itajara) In the years 1964 through 1966 the Alabama snapper fleet landed be- tween 60 and 70% of all the jewfish caught from the Gulf of Mexico (Table 21). By 1971, the catch had declined to 22% of the Gulf landings. All of the fish were caught by hand lines. Mullet (Mugil cephalus) M. curema does occur occasionally in the catch. Mullet is the mainstay of the trammel net fishery. The number of fishermen has been essentially stable at about 100 over the period 1964 through 1971 (Table 3). Alabama landings of mullet increased from 3% of the total Gulf landings in 1964 to 9% in 1971 (Table 22). Dur- ing many years more mullet are avail- TABLE 20. Pounds of grouper caught by Alabama fishermen during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent ofthe the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Central Total Year Offshore' Inshore Louisiana Texas Mexico America Landing 1964 4,100 (3) - 100 - 300,300 - 3 1965 4,000 (3) - 100 - 269,900 14,500 31 1966 39,300 (37) 400 500 - 321,200 21,400 31 1967 21,200 (25) - 300 33,700 253,200 9,800 3 1968 12,300 (25) - 1,000 160,800 131,900 - 3 1969 8,000 (10) - 300 67,300 62,000 111,200 24 1970 11,700 (14) - 900 152,700 71,700 28,500 2 1971 7,500 (8) -- 50,800 85,000 2,300 34,400 1 1972 7,100 (6) - 21,000 135,500 64,000 1,200 2 1973 3 11 1 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 2 Snapper fleet based in Bayou La Batre sold to Pascagoula, Mississippi firm 3 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 4 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 04,500 (4)* 88,500 (4) 82,800 (5) 18,200 (5) 06,000 (4)2 47,400 (3) 65,500 (4) 80,000 (3) 28,800 97,7004 TABLE 21. Pounds of jewfish caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the period 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Central Total Year Offshore' Louisiana Texas Mexico America Landings 1964 1,900 (95) - - 116,500 - 118,400 (57)* 1965 3,800 (100) 200 - 125,800 4,400 134,200 (68) 1966 12,600 (95) 5,000 - 80,200 2,500 100,300 (70) 1967 6,700 (100) 200 2,100 67,500 - 76,500 (53) 1968 6,200 (94) 1,800 62,500 45,100 - 115,600 (54) 1969 3,300 (100) 300 39,400 - 6,900 49,900 (32) 1970 6,600 (100) 400 37,400 28,900 73,300 (35) 1971 2,700 (96) 13,100 21,500 3,000 1,200 41,500 (22) 1972 4,400 (100) 9,200 43,900 22,500 - 80,000 1973 2 59,2008 1 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 2 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 3 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 41 able than can be sold locally and the price paid to the fisherman has dropped as low as $0.03 per pound. Because of this it is difficult to evaluate whether the fluctuations in catch are due to en- vironmental conditions or economic conditions. Alabama fishermen caught nearly all the mullet taken from Mobile Bay and up to 85% of those landed from Mis- sissippi Sound. Very few mullet were caught from offshore. Total landings have fluctuated between 1 and 3 million pounds annually (Table 22). Mullet were taken almost exclusively by tram- rnel net with a small atnotut being tak- en by gill net (700 pounds in 1971) and even a smaller amount taken by trawl. Spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) Spotted or speckled trout are con- sidered the leading sport fish in the inshore waters of Alabama. Some sportsmen feel that commercial net fishermen are taking ever increasing numbers of speckled trout from Ala- bama waters. However, Table 3 indi- cates that the number of net fishermen has remained relatively stable over the period 1964 through 1971. Table 23 TABLE 22. Pounds of mullet caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Louisiana Landings 1964 874,200 (100) 81,700 (32) 67,200 4,400 (3) 44,500 1,072,000 (3)* 1965 1,292,900 (100) 156,000 (55) 57,500 2,100 (1) - 1,508,500 (5) 1966 1,295,800 (100) 369,500 (49) 27,700 3,500 (1) 300 1,696,800 (6) 1967 2,861,900 (76) 231,600 (25) 21,600 9,300 (6) 45,200 3,169,600 (11) 1968 2,676,100 (84) 156,300 (30) - 2,500 (2) 5,000 2,839,900 (12) 1969 2,831,900 (97) 347,100 (69) - 8,400 (14) 1,100 3,188,500 (11) 1970 2,722,300 (99) 385,400 (85) - 2,500 (1) 1,300 3,111,500 (12) 1971 1,974,500 (100) 384,200 (83) - 1,200 (1) 1,200 2,361,100 (9) 1972 1,176,500 (100) 308,300 (76) 11,100 (5) 17,400 1,513,300 1973 3 2,785,7034 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Data on catch from specific waters not presently avaiiable 4 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings TABLE 23. Pounds of spotted seatrout caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Perdido Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Bay Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Louisiana Landings 1964 33,200 (100) - 4,000 (7) 7,400 5,300 (56) 14,700 64,600 (1)* 1965 38,800 (100) -- 6,700 (33) 2,700 5,600 (36) - 53,800 (1) 1966 31,600 (100) - 7,000 (27) 700 8,200 (55) - 47,500 (1) 1967 20,500 (98) - 21,000 (24) 200 4,600 (60) 44,600 90,900 (2) 1968 52,100 (90) - 25,700 (29) 100 4,800 (53) 18,100 100,800 (2) 1969 48,800 (97) - 15,900 (38) - 2,900 (43) 30,800 98,400 (2) 1970 64,900 (100) - 11,400 (34) - 7,000 (72) 1,200 81,500 (2) 1971 59,400 (100) -- 22,300 (69) - 12,300 (28) 43,300 137,300 (3) 1972 34,200 (100) 200 (4) 14,300 (66) - 7,700 (75) 163,800 220,200 1973 3 351,6004 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 4 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 42 shows that the catch did not increase substantially until 1971 when the com- mercial fishermen began to fish ex- tensively in Louisiana waters. By 1972, 74% of Alabama's landings were caught from Louisiana waters. Alabama commercial landings in- creased from 1% of the total Gulf land- ings in 1964 to 3% in 1971 (Table 23). Catches from Mobile Bay have ranged from 20,500 pounds to 64,000 pounds. Alabama's percentage of the catch from Mississippi Sound increased from 7% in 1964 to 66% in 1972. The offshore catches have ranged from 2,900 pounds to 12,300 pounds. Table 24 summarizes the catch of speckled trout by gear. Trammel nets are responsible for the majority of the catch, which ranged from 33,800 pounds to 120,000 pounds. Trammel nets are also used to catch mullet and many speckled trout are caught incidental to this fishery. Nets are fished specifi- cally for speckled trout during certain periods of the year. TABLE 24. Catch of spotted seatrout (pounds)by gear during the period 1964- 1974.1 Gill Trammel Hook & Haul Year Trawl Net Net Line Seineq 1964 400 - 43,000 10,500 10,700 1965 - 100 44,000 9,700 - 1966 300 1,300 33,800 12,100 - 1967 200 1,000 85,200 4,400 100 1968 100 - 94,600 6,100 - 1969 300 16,100 81,600 400 - 1970 2,700 300 76,900 4,600 - 1971 2,900 9,000 120,000 5,400 - 1 From Fisheries Statistics of the United States Fish taken by anglers was second in pounds harvested after trammel nets. Angling catches ranged from 400 pounds to 12,100 pounds. Gill net catches ranged from zero to 16,100 pounds. Catches by trawl increased significantly in 1970 and 1971. Data on the sport fishery catches of speckled trout and other marine game fish are being collected for Alabama waters during 1975 (P.L. 88-309, Proj- ect 2-251-R). These data will be avail- able in 1976. TABLE 25. Pounds of Spanish mackeral caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Perdido Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Bay Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Other Landings 1964 1,00 (100) - - 100 73,000 (26) - 74,100 (2)* 1965 900 (100) - - 100 13,300 (7) - 14,300 (.3) 1966 700 (100) - 100 (100) - 52,900 (16) 300 54,000 (.8) 1967 3,000 (100) - - - 19,200 (6) 3,000 25,200 (.4) 1968 4,600 (100) - 2,000 (29) - 31,200 (11) 900 38,700 (.5) 1969 1,200 (100) - 500 (19) - 79,600 (30) 3,900 85,200 (1) 1970 1,000 (100) - 300 (100) - 56,400 (25) 68,2003 125,900 (1) 1971 1,000 (100) 100 (100) 200 (50) - 38,200 (36) 16,3004 55,800 (.7) 1972 1,600 (100) - - - 22,300 (20) 66,9004 90,800 1973 5 75,9006 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Mainly from Texas 4 From Louisiana waters 5 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 6 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 43 Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) Spanish mackerel are also considered a choice game fish by the offshore fishermen. Alabama's commercial land- ings of spanish mackerel have de- creased from 2 % of the total Gulf land- ings in 1964 to 0.7% in 1971 (Table 25). The total landings increased from 74 thousand pounds in 1964 to 126 thousand pounds in 1970 and then de- creased to 76 thousand pounds in 1973. The catches were primarily from off- shore. Gill nets are the most effective gear used in the mackerel fishery (Table 26). Catches with gill nets ranged from 2,600 pounds to 54,600 pounds. The catch of mackerel by trawls in- creased from 200 pounds in 1964 to 28,600 pounds in 1971. The angling and handline catch entering the com- mercial landings ranged from 100 pounds to 64,800 pounds. The catches by trammel nets were small and proba- bly incidental to their use in other fisheries. TABLE 26. Pounds of spanish mackerel caught by each type of gear during the period 1964-1971.1 Gill Trammel Haul Hook & Year Trawl Net Net Seine Line 1964 200 11,300 900 60,900 800 1965 2,500 2,600 800 6,900 1,500 1966 2,300 50,900 600 - 200 1967 11,200 7,100 3,200 3,600 100 1968 14,000 19,200 5,400 - 100 1969 29,500 54,600 1,000 - 100 1970 25,100 34,800 1,200 - 64,800 1971 28,600 25,200 1,500 - 500 1 From Fisheries Statistics of the United States Red drum (Sciaenops ocellata) The commercial catches of red drum or redfish have increased from 19,300 in 1964 to 172,200 pounds in 1973 (Table 27). The significant increases in catch occurred in 1972 and 1973. The catch from Alabama inshore waters has declined or remained about stable and increases have been from offshore and Louisiana waters. Most of the red- fish taken commercially are caught by nets and the remainder by hook and line. TABLE 27. Pounds of redfish or red drum caught from the coastal waters by Alabama fishermen during-the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay1 Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Other Landings 1964 8,000 (100) 1,100 (6) 400 1,000 (30) 8,8003 19,300 (1)* 1965 2,700 (100) 300 (4) 100 600 (55) - 3,700 (.2) 1966 2,100 (100) 1,500 (12) 300 2,200 (67) - 6,100 (.3) 1967 2,600 (56) 2,400 (4) - 2,200 (76) 2,0004 9,200 (.4) 1968 4,100 (44) 2,100 (4) - 7,500 (100) 2,700 4 16,400 (.6) 1969 2,200 (69) 900 (8) - 36,500 (88) 13,7004 53,300 (2) 1970 2,100 (100) 600 (7) - 27,000 (69) 5,5004 35,200 (1) 1971 2,500 (100) 1,500 (32) - 17,900 (92) 9,800.4 31,700 (.9) 1972 5,400 (100) 1,700 (33) - 43,100 (88) 26,8004 77,000 1973 5 172,2006 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adj oin 3 From Louisiana and 100 lbs. from Texas 4 From Louisiana the Alabama coast 5 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available , Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 44 Black drum (Pogonias cromis) Alabama landings of black drum in- creased from 1% of the total Gulf landings in 1964 to 2% in 1971 (Table 28). Inshore catches have been stable to declining. Offshore catches have in- creased significantly ranging from 700 to 29,100 pounds. While most of the drum are taken by trammel nets, a fairly high percentage have been taken by trawl in recent years. In 1971, the percentages were 54% by trammel nets and 45% by trawls as compared to 73% by trammel nets and 9% by trawls during 1964. Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) Alabama landings of bluefish in- creased from 11,000 pounds in 1964 to 27,100 pounds in 1973 (Table 29). Most of the catch was taken by gill nets al- though in recent years up to 25% of the catch was from trawls. TABLE 2& Pounds of black drum caught from the coastal waters by Alabama fishermen during the period 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Louisiana Landings 1964 10,000 (100) 1,100 (9) 400 700 (18) 5,100 17,300 (1)* 1965 2,300 (100) - 800 (53) - 3,100 1966 1,900 (100) 200 (2) 200 1,800 (78) 300 4,400 1967 3,300 (100) 1i,900 (8) 200 1,000 (40) 1,200 7,600 1968 -5,400 (47) 1,700 (7) - 5,600 (100) 3,800 16,500 (1) 1969 3,200 (56) 800 (13) - 29,100 (82) 9,400 42,500 (3) 1970 3,500 (100) 400 (7) - 16,900 (39) 3,200 24,000 (2) 1971 8,300 (100) 800 (80) - 11,700 (90) 10,400 31,200 (2) 1972 3,400 (100) 600 (100) - 16,100 (98) 23,800 43,900 1973 8 79,4004 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Data on catch-from specific waters not presently available 4 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings TABLE 29. Pounds of bluefish caught from the coastal waters by Alabama fishermen during the period 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bay' Sound Lagoon Offshore2 Louisiana Landings 1964 600 (100) 500 (10) 300 9,600 (20) - 11,000 (1)* 1965 700 (100) - 100 4,600 (4) - 5,400 1966 2,800 (100) 100 (0.6) - 5,700 (6) - 8,600 (1) 1967 100 (100) 500 (5) - 2,000 (3) 500 3,700 1968 1,000 (100) - - 2,400 (2) 500 3,900 1969 400 (100) 300 (5) - 22,500 (35) 8,400 31,600 (5) 1970 400 (100) 100 (100) - 20,800 (32) 600 21,900 (3) 1971 900 (100) - - 11,400 (32) 600 12,900 (2) 1972 1,700 (100) 500 (20) - 14,600 (20) 5,500 22,300 1973 3 27,1004 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 3 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 4 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 45 TIE OYSTER FISHERY ,May (1971) described the oyster fishery, the oyster resources and mapped the reefs. Oyster production in Alabama is very cyclic because of the unique environmental fluctuations associated with Mobile Bay and the drainage system (Table 2). Mobile Bay receives the fourth largest river dis- charge in the United States which dras- tically alters the salinity levels on the reefs (Crance, 1971) and periodically results in mortalities (May, 1972). During 1973, more than 44.8 million oysters were killed by floodwaters. Mobile Bay also has the "jubilee" phenomenon that periodically results in low dissolved oxygen in the bottom waters affecting spawning success and periodically killing the oysters on the reefs in the middle of the bay (May, 1973). This is caused by large depres- sions in the bottom which resulted largely from submerged dikes created by shoaling and spoil material left from construction of navigation channels. Water in these depressions stratify and the dissolved oxygen becomes deficient in large areas over the bottom. Peri- odically this water mass with low dis- solved oxygen moves over the upper reefs killing oysters. This occurred in 1968 and 1971 on Klondike and Point Clear Reefs. The catch statistics from the reefs (Table 30) are further complicated by the extended closures of the reefs as a result of high coliform bacteria levels. In 1973, for example, the reefs were closed from the first week in January to the first week in June. The total catch shown in Table 30 represents a 4-month fishing effort in September through December. During the period 1964 through 1972, the catch from Mobile Bay was the low- est in 1965 when only 20,900 pounds were harvested (Table 30). The larg- est harvest occurred in 1967 when the previous administration of the Marine Resources Division allowed undersized oysters to be taken for the canning fac- tories in Mississippi. In addition to the 2 million pounds of meats landed in Alabama that year, approximately 1.3 million pounds were landed in Mis- sissippi which is the highest harvest on record since statistics were first tak- TABLE 30. Polands (meats) of oysters caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973 as compiled from the statistical records of the Na tional Marine Fisheries Service. Mobile Bon Secour Mississippi Other Total Year Bay Bay Sound Locations Landings 1964 349,400 129,800 526,100 - 1,005,300 1965 20,900 179,800 291,700 - 492,400 1966 236,700 232,700 831,700 3,4002 1,304,500 1967 663,600 266,200 1,157,600 - 2,087,4004 1968 275,200 214,100 722,500 - 1,211,800 1969 71,500 191,500 289,200 - 552,200 1970 42,300 56,100 181,000 - 279,400 1971 52,500 23,200 173,800 - 249,400 1972 239,200 10,000 820,300 - 1,069,500 1973 3 590,1185 1 Alabama waters 2 From Graveline Bay, Mississippi 3 Data on catch from specific waters not presently available 4 An dditional 1.3 million pounds were landed in Mississippi from Alabama reefs 5 Preliminary data subject to revision 46 en in 1880. Harvesting undergized oysters was apparently a mistake as the following annual harvests suffered as a result. Whitehouse Reef has not been productive since that time and Buoy and Kings Bayou reefs have been poor producers. The catch trend was approximately the same for Mississippi Sound and Mobile Bay because the major produc- tive reef, Cedar Point Reef, lies in both bodies of water (Table 30). Bon Se- cour Bay which is the southeast corner of Mobile Bay has most of the private oyster bottoms. Catches from these bottoms have significantly declined be- cause there has been almost no seed oysters (small oysters transferred from public reefs) available for private beds since 1967-68 with the exception of 3,400 barrels in 1971. Table 31 lists TABLE 31. Pounds and percentage of the total landings of oysters caught from pri- vate beds during the period 1964-1972. Private Beds Year Total Landings Pounds Percentage 1964 1,005,300 74,600 7.4 1965 492,400 62,000 12.6 1966 1,304,500 111,000 8.5 1967 2,087,400 117,600 5.6 1968 1,211,800 116,200 9.6 1969 552,200 82,800 14,9 1970 279,400 33,800 12.1 1971 249,400 13,600 5.5 1972 1,069,500 3,600 0.3 Average 916,877 68,356 7.4 the pounds and percentages of the total landings caught from private beds dur- ing 1964-72. Freshwater flows and low oxygen in some areas resulted in poor or no spat set during 1968 through 1971 with the exception of July 1970. This set was responsible for producing the oysters harvested in 1972 and 1973. The poor spat sets and closure of the reefs for 171 days resulted in the harvest of 1971 being the smallest on record. The spring and summer of 1972 were very dry periods and thus the salinity was higher in the estuarine areas which resulted in the best spat set in years. The 382,419 Alabama barrels (69,531 yd 3 ) of shell planted by the state between 1968 and 1972 had good spat set; however, extended flood- waters during 1973 resulted in the mor- tality of most of these young oysters. Spat set in Bon Secour Bay has al- ways been low, but in recent years it has almost been nonexistant (Hoese, Nelson and Beckert, 1972). Even in 1972 when good spat set occurred in Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound, spat set did not occur in Bon Secour Bay. A history of Alabama's oyster indus- try and management was compiled by Swingle and Hughes (1976). Table 3 shows the number of participants in the fishery which has declined in recent years. The oyster harvest will con- tinue to be cyclic due to environmental conditions. However, production can be increased by a continuing program of shell planting and good management and by efforts to develop better criteria for closing shellfish harvesting areas to protect the public health. THE CRAB FISHERY Alabama's catch of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) has ranged be- tween 4 and 8% of the total Gulf land- ings (Table 32). Catches from Mobile Bay have ranged between 534 thousand pounds in 1970 and 991 thousand pounds in 1968. Total state landings ranged between 1.4 million pounds and 2.3 million pounds. Alabama fisher- men take about one-half of all the crabs harvested from Mississippi Sound. The offshore catch increased significantly in 1971 (Table 32) as did the inshore and offshore catches by trawl al- thotigh the Majority of catch was taken by crab pot or trap (Table 33) Prior to 1960, most of the catch was taken by baited trotline; however, this meth- od of harvest was discontinued in 1966. The number of pot fishermen and num- ber of pots have varied considerably over the period 1964-1971; however, despite recent declines both the num- bers of pots and fishermen remained significantly higher in 1971 than in 1964. The catch per unit effort (pounds per pot) was highest in 1964 at 275 pounds per pot annually. By 1970, the annual catch per pot had de- clined to about 1/3 this amount. These 47 data indicate that the fishery is near or at the maximum sustainable yield; however, the interpretation of the land- ing.statistics are complicated by the fact that occasionally in recent years more crabs are caught than can be processed. Mechanized crab processing is needed in the industry. Stone crabs (Menippe mercenaria) are taken only occasionally and do not enter the commercial crab fishery. Squid (Lolliguncula brevis) Occasionally, Loligo pealei is included in the catch. All squid were caught by trawl. Those 3-6 inches in length are TABLE 32. Pounds (live weight) of blue crabs caught by Alabama fishermen from the coastal waters during the years 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Bon Secour Mississippi Other Total Year Bay Bay Sound* Offshore' Locations Landings 1964 613,700 (100) 25,800 (100) 1,018,500 (48) 103,700 (100) - 1,701,700 (7)** 1965 674,700 (100) 36,800 (100) 1,093,300 (41) 7,300 (25) 1002 1,812,200 (5) 1966 728,300 (100) 105,000 (100) 1,344,000 (55) 5,100 (10) 2003 2,182,600 (7) 1967 962,400 (100) 126,800 (100) 1,243,100 (60) 3,900 (100) 17,2004 2,353,400 (9) 1968 991,000 (97) 3,300 (100) 971,300 (53) 9,000 (100) - 1,979,600 (8) 1969 679,900 (100) 102,700 (100) 1,105,500 (41) 31,900 (80) - 1,920,000 (6) 1970 534,900 (100) 52,000 (100) 818,700 (30) 1,700 (7) - 1,407,300 (4) 1971 643,400 (100) 7,500 (100) 1,105,400 (51) 240,300 (90) - 1,996,600 (6) 1972 596,000 (100) 8,000 (100) 951,300 (50) 52,000 (100) 5,3005 1,612,600 1973 0 2,098,5007 1 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast 2 From Little Lagoon, Alabama 8 From Pensacola Bay, Florida and Louisiana coast 4 From Perdido Bay (300#), Little Lagoon (15,000#) and Chandeleur Sound, Louisiana 5 From Perdido Bay 6 Data for catch from specific waters not presently available 7 Preliminary data subject to revision * Includes all of Mississippi Sound ** Percentage of the total Gulf landings TABLE 33. Catch of blue crabs by Alabama fishermen using various types of gear for the years 1964-1971 (From Fisheries Statistics of the United States). Catch Shrimp Trawl 117,900 36,100 8,800 10,300 46,300 103,300 2,200 441,300 (Pounds) By: Crab Pots 1,584,800 1,760,300 2,165,400 2,343,100 1,933,300 1,816,700 1,405,100 1,556,000 Year 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Trotline 59,000 15,800 8,400 -.,, Total Landings 1,761,700 1,812,200 2,186,600 2,353,400 1,979,600 1,920,000 1,407,300 1,997,300 Number of Fishermen 66 60 67 85 104 85 94 88 Number of Pots 6,400 8,400 10,540 12,520 17,347 13,490 14,100 14,425 ~YVV ~YV VVV ~~VVI ~V'U VVV \~VVI I C~~II VVV r~AhI 121~ 3 48 sold for bait but most squid caught are discarded by the shrimp fishermen as the landings are never particularly high (Table 34). Swingle (1971) found L. brevis to be the tenth most abundant species in trawl collections in Alabama estuaries. Alabama's percentage of the total Gulf landings increased from 9% in 1964 to 17% in 1971 which indicates stable landings for the Gulf of Mexico as Alabama's landings doubled during this period. SUMMARY OF THE TOTAL CATCH FROM ALABAMA'S COASTAL WATERS Table 35 summarizes the total catch of all commercial species by all fisher- men from the estuarine waters of Ala- bama and the waters adjoining the Ala- bama coast from 1964 through 1972. Catches of seafood in Mobile Bay in- creased from 3.4 million pounds in 1964 to 8 million pounds in 1967 and then declined to 3.1 million pounds by 1972. The decline in fishing effort by the shrimp fleet (Table 6) and in oyster production (Table 30) are believed to be largely responsible for this decline in the total catch from Mobile Bay. The catch from Perdido Bay has in- creased from 46 thousand pounds in 1967 to 265 thousand pounds in 1972. Most of the catch is landed in Florida. The reported ,seafood catch from Little Lagoon declined from 94 thousand pounds in 1965 to 100 pounds in 1971 and then increased to 110 thousand pounds in 1972. Catches from Mississippi Sound ranged from 39 million pounds to 131 million pounds (Table 35). Most of the catch consists of menhaden which is landed in Mississippi. Menhaden fish- ing is prohibited in all Alabama inside waters except the western two-thirds of Mississippi Sound and all offshore waters east of a line at the approximate center of Dauphin Island. The sea- food catches from Mississippi Sound ranged from 5 million pounds to 9.4 million pounds. Mississippi Sound sea- food catches showed the same trend as Mobile Bay catches, ie., increasing from 1964 to 1967 and then decreasing to about the 1964 level by 1972. This was TABLE 34. Pounds of squid caught from the coastal waters by Alabama fishermen dur- ing the period 1964-1973. (Number in parenthesis is the percent of the total catch from the area taken by Alabama fishermen.) Mobile Mississippi Little Total Year Bayl Sound Lagoon Offshore 2 Louisiana Landings 1964 2,900 200 - 1,100 - 4,200 (9)* 1965 300 300 300 4,700 300P 5,900 (11) 1966 1,000 1,600 - 4,100 800 7,500 (12) 1967 - 2,200 - 2,400 200 4,800 (10) 1968 200 1,500 - 7,100 100 8,900 (10) 1969 400 700 - 5,400 200 6,700 (12) 1970 300 700 - 6,600 100 7,700 (14) 1971 200 200 - 7,900 400 8,700 (17 1972 200 1,400 - 2,100 - 3,700 1973 4 10,4005 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 Includes NMFS Statistical Zones 10 & 8 From Florida 4 Data on catch from specific waters no 5 Preliminary data subject to revision * Percentage of total Gulf landings 11 which adjoin the Alabama coast t presently available 49 TABLE 35. Pounds of menhaden, industrial fish and seafood caught from Alabama's coastal waters by all commercial fishermen during the years 1964-72. Mobile Perdido Little Mississippi Statistical Statistical Year Type Bay' Bay Lagoon Sound2 Zone 10 Zone 11 1964 Menhaden Industrial Fish Seafood Total 1965 Menhaden Industrial Fish Seafood Total 1966 Menhadenr Industrial Fish Seafood 'total 1967 Menhaden Industrial Fish Seafood Total 1968 Menhaden Industrial Fish Seafood Total 1969 Menhaden Industrial Fish Seafood Total 1970 Menhaden Industrial Fish Seafood Total 1971 Menhaden Industrial Fish Seafood Total 1972 Menhaden Industrial Fish Seafood Total _- - - 95,199,700 - - - - - - 200 50,000,000 3,415,600 - 85,800 4,945,600 1,036,700 11,197,200 3,415,600 - 85,800 100,145,300 1,036,900 61,197,200 - - - 102,890,500 - 2,318,500 - - - - 15,545,200 26,647,500 3,434,800 - 93,600 5,149,500 1,015,600 15,191,000 3,434,800 - 93,600 108,040,000 16,560,800 44,157,000 - - - 63,109,500 - - - - - - 4,000,100 31,054,900 3,741,000 - 68,600 6,950,400 1,085,400 14,949,700 3,741,000 - 68,600 70,059,900 5,085,500 46,004,600 - - - 66,500,000 100 - - - - - 10,000,000 34,494,100 8,082,600 46,300 62,300 9,453,000 975,700 16,064,700 8,082,600 46,300 62,300 75,953,000 10,975,800 50,558,800 -- - -- 31,073,900 - - - - - - 11,000,100 31,000,000 6,238,200 68,600 42,400 7,925,600 676,100 20,250,200 6;238,200 68,600 42,400 38,999,500 11,676;200 51,250,200 - - - 83,393,300 1,700 - - - -- - 64,015,700 - 5,044,700 104,300 2,500 5,906,267 866,600 23,754,500 5,044,700 104,300 2,500 89,299,600 64,884,0003 23,754,500 - - - 76,316,000 - - 4,351,200 210,000 500 6,046,700 1,069,000 24,179,300 4,351,200 210,000 500 82,362,700 1,069,000 24,179,300 - - - 126,080,400 - - - 4,007,200 30,000,000 3,459,200 196,900 100 5,680,500 784,500 28,098,900 131,760,900 4,791,700 58,098,900 - - - 88,048,300 - -- - - - - 7,000,000 25,741,000 3,099,000 264,600 110,600 5,651,800 901,700 22,360,900 3,099,000 264,600 110,600 93,700,100 7,901,700 48,101,900 1 Includes Bon Secour Bay 2 From Mobile Bay to Gulfport Ship Channel 3 Data for industrial fish is probably an error in NMFS data and represents the catch from zones 10 and 11 50 largely in response to changes in fish- ing effort by the Alabama shrimp fleet. Catches from statistical zone 10 have ranged from 1 million pounds to 16.6 million pounds. Most of the catch was industrial fish which was landed in Mississippi for pet food processing. The catch consists primarily of mixed groundfish such as croaker, spot, cat- fish, etc. Seafood catches from this zone: have remained fairly consistant ranging from 0.7 to 1 million pounds. The majority of the seafood is landed in Florida. Catches from statistical zone 11 have ranged from 24 million pounds to 61 million pounds. The highest percent- age was industrial fish landed in Mis- sissippi. Catches of seafood from this zone have increased from 11 million pounds in 1964 to 22 million pounds in 1972. Alabama boats landed most of the seafood., LITERATURE CITED Crance, J. H. 1971. Description of Alabama estuarine areas-Cooperative Gulf of Mexico estuarine inventory. Alabama Mar. Resourc. Bull. 9:1-88. Gutherz, E. J., G. M. Russell, A. F. Serra and B. A. Rohr. 1975. Synopsis of the northern Gulf of Mexico industrial and foodfish industries Mar. Fish Review 37(7):1-11. Hoese, H. D., W. R. Nelson and H. Beckert, .1972. Seasonal and spatial setting of fouling organisms in Mobile Bay and eastern Mississippi Sound, Alabama. Alabama Mar. Resourc. Bull. 8:9-18. May, E. B. 1971. A survey of the oyster and oyster shell resources of Alabama. Alabama Mar. Resourc. Bull. 4:1-53. May, E. B. 1972. The effect of floodwater on oysters in Mobile Bay. National Shellfish Assoc. 62:6771. May, E. B. 1973. Extensive oxygen deple- tion in Mobile Bay. Limnology and Oceanography 18(3):353-366. Swingle, H. A. 1971. Biology of Alabama estuarine areas-Cooperative Gulf of Mexico estuarine inventory. Alabama Mar. Resourc. Bull. 5:1-123. Swingle, H. A., D. G. Bland and W. M. Tatum. 1976. Survey of the 16-foot trawl fishery of Alabama. Alabama Mar. Recourc. Bull. 11:51-57. Swingle, H. A. and E. A. Hughes. 1976. A review of the oyster fishery of Alabama. Alabama Mar. Resoure. Bull. 11:58-73. 51 SURVEY OF THE 16-FOOT TRAWL FISHERY OF ALABAMAI HUGH A. SWINGLE, DONALD G. BLAND AND WALTER M. TATUM 2 Marine Resources Division Dauphin Island, Alabama 3652& ABSTRACT Of the 19,120 owners of Class I and II boats registered in Mobile and Baldwin coun- ties in 1972, 5,727 or 30% owned a 16-foot shrimp trawl. During 1972, 1973 and 1974 the estimated shrimp catch by these 16-foot trawls was 277,051, 204,577 and 290,541 pounds (heads-on), respectively, which ranged between 15 and 25 percent of the total catch from the inside waters of Alabama INTRODUCTION Shrimp is the most widely accepted seafood nationwide and the demand has not been satisfied by the domestic fish- ing fleet for many years.Historically, all coastal states made provisions under state laws whereby citizens could har- vest shrimp for personal consumption. Some states require licenses and all have restrictions on method and time of harvest, quantity taken or seasons. Under Alabama law citizens can take shrimp for bait throughout the year although restrictions are slightly dif- ferent during the closed and open com- mercial seasons. During the closed commercial season 5 pounds per person is allowed (15 pounds per boat con- taining three or more persons) with no size count restrictions. During the open commercial season 25 pounds per person is allowed but shrimp must be at least 68 (heads-on) per pound. A li- cense is not required for nets 16 feet or less in width provided the shrimp are not sold. Swingle (1972) estimated that the 24 bona fide live bait shrimp dealers operating in Alabama in 1968 sold ap- proximately 50,000 pounds of live and dead bait shrimp during that year. The catch by bait dealers during a brief trial period in the permanently closed waters of the Mobile Delta was re- ported by Loesch (1957). The noncom- mercial catch by 16-foot trawls has not been documented previously. METHODS Nonpersonal Contacts Cards were mailed to 10% of the owners of Class I and II boats (boats 26 ft. or less in length) registered in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Names were randomly selected by taking every fifth name from boatowner registration records at the courthouse in each coun- ty. The postage-paid returnable por- tion of the card requested information on whether the boatowner owned a 16- foot shrimp trawl, the number of trips made during 1972, the estimated catch per trip, months trips were made and the area most frequented during the shrimping trips. The returnable por- tion of the card was numbered to cor- respond with the addressee in order to determine the names and addresses of trawl owners in the two counties for follow-up contacts to provide data for 1 This study was made in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS, Under P. L. 88-309 (Proj. 2-208-R). 2 Marine Resources Division, Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542 52 1973 and 1974. We assumed that all sport shrimp trawls were owned by boatowners and that all sport shrimp- ing was done from boats 26 feet or less in length. A total of 1,384 cards were mailed to boatowners in Mobile County and 504 were mailed to Baldwin County boatowners on 6 June 1973. A second mailing was made on 23 July to persons not responding to the first mailing and a follow-up nighttime telephone inter- view was made later with a random sample of 10% of the remaining non- respondents in each county (Table 1). In January 1974, cards were mailed to the 247 boatowners in Mobile Coun- ty and 130 boatowners in Baldwin County known to have owned trawls in 1972 to determine shrimping effort during 1973. Cards were mailed 60% of these boatowners in December 1974 to determine effort during 1974. Only a single mailing was made in each of these two years. Personal Contacts A creel census of 16-foot trawl users was started in June 1973 to collect completed trip data on total catch and species composition, trawling time, dis- position of catch, number of persons per boat and trip expenses. A creel census clerk was stationed at selected marinas and boat ramps 5 days per week (2/5 effort on weekends and holidays) from 16 June through 31 August 1973, 2 days per week (1/2 effort on weekends and holidays) from 1 September to 31 October, 1 day per week (1/ effort on weekends and holi- days) from 1 November 1973 to 31 April 1974, 2 days per week (1/3 effort on weekends and holidays) from 1 May to 31 August and 1 day per week (all on weekends and holidays) from 1 September to 31 October 1974. The marina or boat ramp was selected based upon estimated relative utiliza- C) 0 0 u) b0 ro -1- o V4 or 0 4 ~ 0 Cd Cd o W C) i 23 0 e firsU ne t-C) er~ -i ;he'-4 ; to .- I cards rs into tiler- tave 4 e shri I ~Nep4 -n D. duriII ,s mad eo I 10 co; Co 0l 1"4 Co -4 0 - q C4 1(hon i-C. coCD T- -4 h- C.-On bIR tg er y ;CT ,-e r-4 -4 oC r-4 -- r-4 0l 04 J4~ so~ 0 0 En 0c 13 o P5o 0 0 p -1:4 Lo V 0 11- Coi cileq ,tuM cqCD L979 I0 04 CP 4 Cd 0 F, PE r tot 0 .4cot 8 ) ist )~ Co 10CIt t. LO - m Im 53 tion. Shrimping effort is not uniform- ly distributed in Alabama due to sea- sonal variation in shrimp distribution. From late spring through late summer greater effort is expended in the lower portion of the estuaries when brown shrimp is the principal species taken. During fall and early witer more effort is expended in the upper estuary where white shrimp makes up the largest portion of the catch. Our sampling sites were selected with fore- hand knowledge of this in an attempt to interview as many persons as pos- sible. The creel clerk arrived at the selected area at approximately 8 a.m. and left about 5 p.m. Only during the peak of the shrimping season (June- August) was this procedure efficient enough to be recommended. During most of the year the clerk's time would have been better utilized by cruising the area by boat and passing out re- urnable postage-paid data cards to persons shrimping, although this meth- od likely would have provided less re- liable data on total catch and species composition than actual measurements by the clerk. Collection of creel data was terminated after October 1974. DISCUSSION All 1972 data were derived from two mailings and a follow-up telephone in- terview. A total of 47.7% of the 1,384 boatowners contacted in Mobile County and 54.2% of the 504 in Baldwin Coun- ty responded to the first and second mailings (Table 1.) A greater percent- age of trawl owners responded to the first mailing than to the second mailing and the response from both mailings was significantly different from the telephone interview. The estimated total number of trawls owned in 1972 in each county was obtained by com- bining separate estimates from the three contacts (Table 1) as shown in the following for the 13,850 boatown- ers in Mobile County: 1st maiing: 2nd mailing: 477 0.382 x 1384 x 215 0.356 x 1384 x 692 13,850 = 1,799 13,850 = 789 Telephone: 0.160 x 1384 x 13,850 = 1,108 trawls owned 3,696 The estimated number of 16-foot trawls actually used in Mobile Coun- ty was calculated as shown below: 1st mailing: 2nd mailing: 477 0.301 x 1384 x 13,850 = 1,417 215 0.252 x 1384 x 13,850 = 558 692 Telephone: 0.160 x 1384 x 13,850 = 1,108 trawls used 3,083 The estimated number of 16-foot trawls owned and used in Baldwin County in 1972 (Table 2) was calcu- lated by the same method. An esti- mated 26.5% of the Mobile County and 35.3% of the Baldwin County owners of Class I and II boats owned 16-foot shrimp trawls in 1972. An estimated 4,961 of the 5,727 trawls were used in 1972 to catch 277,051 pounds of shrimp (heads on) during 45,930 trips in Ala- bama coastal waters. The total number of trips made dur- ing 1973 was estimated from returns of cards mailed in January 1974 to the 247 persons in Mobile County and the 130 persons in Baldwin County who reported that they owned trawls during 1972. Forty-nine percent of the Mobile County and 48% of the Baldwin County cards were returned. We did not resample the population ol boatowners to determine the change in trawls owned from 1972 to 1973, but based our catch estimate on the 5,727 trawls owned in 1972. The commercial shrimp, harvest during 1973 was the 54 TABLE 2. Surhmary of card survey fbr 1972, 1973 and 1974 and creel data* for 1973 and 1974 in Mobile (M) and Baldwin (B) counties, Alabama. Trawls owned 1972 1973 1974 Mobile County 3,696 Data are based on 5,727 Baldwin County 2,031 trawls owned in 1972 5,727 Trawls used Mobile County Baldwin County Average trips/year Mobile County Baldwin County Total trips/year Mobile County Baldwin County Catch/trip (lbs. heads-on) Mobile County Baldwin County Card total catch estimate Mobile County Baldwin County *Creel data total catch estimate Mobile County Baldwin County *Trawling time (hr./trip) *Catch (lbs. heads-on /hr) *Number persons/boat *Expenditures/trip *Roundtrip mileage *Disposition of catch Bait Food *Oph lion on closed season For Against No opinion *Opinion of license For Against No opinion *Man-hours expended shrimping Mobile County Baldwin County *Total trip expenditures Mobile County Baldwin County 3,083 1,878 4,961 9.6 8.7 29,5206 16,410 45,930 5.8 lbs. 6.5 171,160 lbs. 105,891 277,051 lbs. 2,983 1,801 4,784 9.1 9.5 27,145 17,110 44,255 3.9 (4.7*) 4.7 (4.5*) 127,582 lbs. 76,995 204,577 lbs. M-2.6 B-2.9 M-1.8 B-1.6 M-2.7 B-2.4 M-$11.72 B-$7.72 M-48.0 B-55.1 M-50.3% B-11.3% M-49.7% B-88.7% M-79.3% M- 4.7% M-16.0% M-41.6% M-50.6% M- 7.8% B-82.4% B-10.2% B- 7.4% B-68.2% B-28.9% B- 2.9% 190,557.9 119,085.6 309,643.5 4,751 9.9 8.8 30,185 14,978 45,163 6.8 (6.4*) 6.3 (6.5*) 193,184 lbs. 97,357 290,541 lbs. M-1.8 B-1.3 M-3.6 B-5.0 M-2.6 B-2.5 M-$12.50 B-$9.67 M-48.6 B-48.6 M-66.3% B-24.0% M-33.7% B-76.0% M-43.5% M-30.4% M-26.1% M-34.8% M-43.5% M-21.7% 141,265.8 48,678.5 189,944.3 B-73.0% B-27.0% B- B-27.0% B-70.3% B- 2.7% $318,139 $377,312 132,089 144,837 $450,228 $522,149 *Based on creel data 55 lowest in several years due to flooding of the river systems of the northern Gulf of Mexico. The lower catch per trip during 1973 (Table 2) was shown in response to the card survey, as well as catch data collected by the creel census which began in June 1973. Even though the catch was down, almost as many trips were made during 1973 as during 1972. The 1972-trawl owners were con- tacted again in November 1974 to de- termine the number of trawls used and the number of trips made during 1974 (Table 2.) The estimated total catch increased to slightly above that of 1972. Considerably less man-hours were ex- pended in 1974 as the catch per hour more than doubled that of 1973. The creel census was terminated in October 1974 as only about 2% of the annual trawling effort is expended after Octo- ber (Table 3). TABLE 3. Monthly distribution of 16-foot trawl effort. Jan 0.2% Jul 27.4% Feb 0.3 Aug 26.3 Mar 0.6 Sep 12.9 Apr 0.8 Oct 5.7 May 4.4 Nov 1.4 Jun 19.2 Dec 0.8 During early spring trawling is con- centrated in the lower estuaries and during late fall most of the effort is in upper Mobile Bay. During the peak of the season (late June through Au- gust) effort is fairly well distributed over all coastal water although certain areas (Table 4) are preferred. Many Mobile County residents trawl in Baldwin County but few Baldwin County residents trawl in Mobile Couin- ty. More than 34%. of the Mobile County residents indicated that they trawled one or more times in Baldwin County but only 3% of the Baldwin County residents trawled in Mobile TABLE 4. Percent of respondents report- ing launching boats "most often" in loca- lized areas during 1972-1974. Area Weeks Bay-Mullet Point Orange Beach-Terry Cove- Cotton Bayou Dog River-Deer River Dauphin Island-Heron Bay Wolf Bay---Bay La Launch- Arnica Bay Bon Secour-Oyster Bay- Gulf Shores Battleship Parkway Daphne-Fairhope-Pt. Clear East Fowl River Little Lagoon Ft. Morgan Peninsula Bayou La Batre Percent 16.9 16.1 14.7 13.2 9.2 7.2 6.7 6.2 3.9 2.7 1.7 1.4 County during 1973. Of the 181 par- ties interviewed by the census clerk in Baldwin County during 1973, 62.9% were Baldwin County residents, 24.9% were from Mobile County, 5.5% from Escambia County, 0.6% were from Co- necuh County, 0.6% from Monroe County and 5.5% were from Escambia County, Florida. All persons inter- viewed at Mobile County ramps and Marinas during 1973 were Mobile County residents. Creel data showed no difference in the catch per hour between the two counties during 1973, but the hourly catch was considerably higher in Baldwin County during 1974 (Table 2). The commercial catch from Mobile Bay during 1973 was composed of 54% brown, 45% white and 11% pink shrimp (U. S. Dep. Comm., 1974b). The 1973 catch by 16-foot trawls in Mobile Bay was 71% brown, 28% white and 1% pink. The difference in composition of the commercial and the sport catch is due to the fact that little sport trawl- ing is done in the early spring and late fall when white shrimp are most abundant. Pink shrimp are of little consequence to the sport fishery except 56 in Perdido Bay where they make up about 5% of the catch. There is a con- siderable difference in the species com- position of the catch in the lower and upper parts of Mobile Bay. Brown shrimp made up approximately 80% of the catch near Dauphin Island but only about 31% in the upper bay near Dog River. A point of friction between the com- mercial and sport shrimper is the size and amount of shrimp taken by the un- licensed sport shrimper prior to open- ing of the commercial. season. - Our creel data were all obtained from com- pleted-trip interviews and in many in- stances shrimp had been used up during fishing when the party returned to dock. We were also unable to determine the amount of culling or discards of shrimp by the party so our data are not quanti- tative for the percent of shrimp taken that are under the legal commercial size. Under the bait shrimping law, however, shrimp do not have to be of commercial count (68 heads-on/lb.) until !the commercial season is opened. We did: interview some parties which returned with shrimp smaller than 68 count but they usually had only a few pounds. The true bait fisherman cer- tainly catches a considerable amount of small shrimp but in most instances these are utilized solely for bait which is the intent of the bait shrimping law. Persons catching shrimp for food in most instances are not interested in catching shrimp smalled than 68 count. A greater percentage of parties shrimp- ing in! Baldwin County utilized their shrihp for food and also. favored a closed season restricting use of 16-foot trawls to the commercial shrimping season (Table 2). Persons catching shrimp, as well as croakers and other small fish, solely for bait were largely against a closed season as the closed commercial shrimp season (usually mid- May through the middle of June) coin- cides with the peak of the spotted sea- trout fishing in the lower bays and around the Gulf beaches. The commercial shrimp catch from the inside waters of Alabama is not known precisely because the statistical areas used by the National Marine Fish- eries Service in reporting shrimp catch (Gulf Coast Shrimp Data) include por- tions of Florida and Mississippi with Alabama. Alabama waters make up about one-third of statistical area 011.1 which extends from Mobile Bay to Gulf Port, Mississippi and about one-half of statistical area 010.3 (Perdido Bay). Assuming shrimp are equally distribut- ed within areas, one-third of the catch from area 011.1 and one-half of the catch from areas 010.3 is here consid- ered as taken from Alabama waters. Estimated catch (pounds heads-on) dur- ing 1972, 1973 and 1974 is presented below . 1972 1973 1974 commercial catch 16-foot trawl catch 1,621,073 855,012 1,009,300 277,051 204,577 290,541 Sales by the live bait shrimp dealers was approximately 50,000 pounds dur- ing 1968 (Swingle, 1972). The catch has likely increased by 5-10% since 1968 although the demand for bait shrimp is dependent largely upon spotted sea- trout fishing success. We estimate that the catch by 16-foot trawls is between 15% and 25% of the total shrimp catch from the inside waters of Alabama. LITERATURE CITED Loesch, H. 1957. Observations on bait shrimping activities in rivers north of Mobile Bay Causeway. Alabama Acad. Sci. 29:36-43. 57 Swingle, W. E. 1972. Survey of the live bait shrimp industry of Alabama. Ala- bama Mar. Resour. Bull. 8:1-8. U. S. Department of Commerce. 1974a. Fisheries Statistics of the United States. Statistical Digest No. 65. 424 p. U. S. Department of Commerce. 1974b. Gulf Coast Shrimp Data, Annual Sum- mary 1973. C.F.S. No. 6425. 31 p. 1a ViEW OF THE OYSTER FISHERY OF ALABAMA HUGH A. SWINGLE AND EDGAR A. HUGHES 2A HUH Marine Resources Division A Dauphin Iskxnd, Alabama 36528 Da ABSTRACT data on the Alabama oyster f ishery are presented. Legislation affecting jrjv50"-wce1852 and management anld research activities during the 1900's are 991 go0 Slob j e ,%I$TRODUCTION X0,uoIT4aL ~ ve been a significant part, ed VJfe '.Wt along the Alabama coast c oillogl 0 . Indians visited the areaI OZ~rGS [I I 'S 1601" OMA 9 1 'plball 1 8 ' years ago but were a localI 1 ,I g 001ONwtil improvements in trans- ll #rrJdystems and construction of t k ~ ~ tFX'_ V th1 aeW80san al 08%Z1 o 9 fbaa edf ax rj rly management of state eo,:o 0lo 90 9108Is asconsisted solely of re- 0J 9 Jo ot 009 harvest methods. The first i 198 bIgsl oLSb rjcvjc 5yster Commission (1 1110 A11 lFtbe second Alabama Oyster j ~11~jf1~J 1 ~ ffJ~(1935-1939) established i g.%eo do Aboo," rrc' Legislature were the first la gJ 91 9z.lo ' Cies concerned solely with 0 oi , 9,, e.Bothcommissions - W.- .0 0 boo 0 59 j 9 l J8 19,8 eg irvest methods, established __ #W4 1 Jff g#r tate bottoms and had ex- 800 lag 811Od e 1ting programs. Both corn- 0- W~ere apparently -unpopular L9 oq %were abolished by the legis- 41oo drO J fO J- .pgqlq Zsb- 4 a ter-their creation.Te --V q90 bjaimmo3 ds 9'19W :1 s ~ qj IOl d Jd81 od 19 EfC, vartment odf Conservation 011$99 C ]Resources assumed author- 90 1 a~ 'Sters in 1919, but activities 00ijllogO 10 10 ro98Le a" Jorlwb{ova gl ,,qS.%WM111 r1iy regulatory in function ~lo .40 el -IiIJ312 late 1940's. Oyster manage- 89iiI ga olgJ 1, een a major activity of the OE 01J90 108%0 'otote d 4 rine Resources Division since L ~ ~ 1 '-zVi o .89010089 Was made in cooperation with ti I 'Jcder P.L. 88-309(?roject 2-216-R) 91OO9 iP J q b(l0 1 ~ -i jjO1lrs~a a)gOC88 j~q 1 mb HISTORY OF THE FISHERY Prehistoric Indian cultures harvested )ysters from the coastal waters of Ala- bama over 3,500 years ago (May, 1971). Numerous middens consisting almost entirely of oyster shells located along the shores of Bon Secour Bay, Missi- ssippi Sound and Dauphin Island ndi- cate the importance of oysters in the diet of these early cultures. Early Span- ish and French explorers and settlers made use of the abundant oysters along our coast as early as the 16th century. By 1732, what is now known as Cedar Point had been named Oyster Point be- cause of the large reef there. It is the major reef fished today. Oysters have had a significant influence on inhabi- tants of coastal Alabama, having pro- vided a readily accesible and stable source of food and income since man first settled in the area. Methods of Harvest Throughout the history of the oyster fishery hand tongs have been the only legal method of taking oysters from the public reefs with the exception of a period between 1909 and 1915 when dredging was allowed on White House, Point Clear and Klondike Reef in the ha U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, Ei 1e0 tk'- 59 tlid-region of Mobile Bay, from 1933 to 1939 and a brief period during the 1950's. Legislation permitting dredging was established by the first Alabama Oyster Commission (1909-1915), the 9epartment of Game and Fisheries, and the second Alabama Oyster Commission (1935-1939) and was apparently very unpopular with the majority of fisher- men as the acts were repealed when the Commissions were abolished by the State Legislature. Dredging is now al- lowed only for taking seed oysters for replanting under supervision of the De- partment of Conservation and Natural Resources and for harvest on private beds. lHarvest Statistics Statistics on the Alabama oyster fish- ery have been collected by federal agencies since 1880 but are complete only from 1948 (Table 1). Annual fluctuation in harvest is common to the fishery due to both natural and man- made reasons. The average harvest per decade since 1.880 based on available records has been about 1 million pounds of meats annually (May, 1971). During the early 1880's records indicate that harvest was only about 300 thousand pounds of meats annually, most of which was presumably consumed locally al- though oyster canneries were in opera- tion in Mississippi at this time. Only Alabama citizens could engage in the fishery from 1882 until legislation was passed in 1901 allowing nonresidents fishing privileges but only if they sold to Alabama canneries. Legislation in 1915 repealed this, allowing only citi- zens fishing rights. In 1919, nonresi- dents were again given fishing rights after paying a double license fee. Legislation regulating out-of-state shipment of oysters in the shell was passed 1891. This act allowed out-of- state shipment only from the middle of December to the middle of January, which coincided with the start of the oyster canning season in Mississippi. In 1909, legislation prohibited all out-of- state sale of raw oysters unless Alabama canneries paid less than the price paid in neighboring states. Legislation in 1919 allowed out-of-state shipment only to states allowing Alabama fishermen to take and transport oysters from that state. TABLE 1. Alabama Pounds Year of Meats 1880 327,085 1888 238,271 1889 1,372,270 1890 1,505,749 1897 798,316 1902 1,087,550 1908 1,677,680 1911 1,162,592 1918 376,360 1923 729,559, 1927 520,804 1928 1,886,104 1929 178,823 1930 286,794 1931 768,721 1932 859,217 1934 391,800 1936 991,800 1937 1,235,200 1938 1,358,70,0 1939 1,357,700 1940 936,00 1945 1,605,700 1948 1,531,200 1949 1,585,800 Oyster Landings. Pounds Year of Meats 1950 2,070,300 1951 2,191,400 1952 1,842,000 1953 1,449,700 1954 739,300 1955 1,580,600 1956 769,900 1957 1,291,200 1958 457,600 1959 894,800 1960 1,169,300 1961 508,500 1962 442,700 1963 995,400 1964 1,005,300 1965 492,400 1966 1,304,500 1967 2,087,900 1968 1,211,800 1969 480,700 1970 279,000 1971 250,000 1972 1,069,515 1973 590,118 1974 732,776 In 1891, legislation set the oyster sea- son from 1 September to 30 April, the "r-months" common elsewhere. This was in effect for many years. The De- partment of Conservation and Natural Resources presently sets the season by regulation. In 1901, catchers were restricted to 3,500 barrels of oysters per week which had to be at least 2 1/ inches in length. Legal size was changed to 3 inches and C I sin~ce 61 Company, Grahams Seafood Company, Hidenheim Company, McPhillips Pack- ing Company, Marco Skremetti, Coffee Island, and others operated at Bayou La Batre or Coden. In 1926, there were five companies in Bayou La Batre pack- ing shrimp and oysters (Ann. Rep. 1922- 1926) but by 1938 only two were in operation in Alabama (U. S. Dep. In- terior, 1941). According to Fisheries Statistics of the U. S., there were three canneries in operation in the 1950's and two in 1960. One operated through 1967 with the exception of 1965 and 1966. Some companies canned vege- tables as well as seafood. A typical operation would can oysters from Jan- uary until May, vegetables (beans and potatoes) during the late spring and summer and shrimp from August through late fall or early winter de- pending upon their availability. Crab meat was canned also by some canner- ies. In 1923, a survey made of raw oyster consumption in Birmingham, Mont- gomery and Mobile stated that 100%, 97% and 90% of the raw oysters con- sumed in the respective cities came from out of state (Dep. Game and Fisheries, 1930). The canneries were apparently consuming the bulk of the Alabama harvest. The decline of the canneries from their peak years of the 1920's was largely due to loss of productive oyster bottoms in Portersville Bay. Periodic closure of the reefs by the Alabama De- partment of Health since 1952 and re- strictions on harvesting. oysters from leased and riparian beds also contri- buted to their demise. HISTORY OF MANAGEMENT Responsibility for management of Alabama's oyster fishery and enforce- ment of laws and regulations has been under various agencies since the 1800's when the first legislation concerning oysters was enacted by the State Legis- lature. The agencies and periods of responsibilities follow: 18? ?-1891 County Law Enforcement Agents 1891-1909 Oyster Inspector appoint- ed by Governor 1909-1915 First Alabama Oyster Commission 1915-1919 Secretary of S t a t e through the Chief In- spector 1919-1923 Department of Conserva- tion through the Chief Oyster Inspector 1923-1935 Department of Game and Fisheries through the Chief Oyster Inspector 1935-1939 Department of Conserva- tion of Game, Fish and Seafoods through the Second Alabama Oyster Commission 1939-1951 Department of Conserva- tion through the Division of Game, Fish and Sea- foods 1951-1971 Department of Conserva- tion through the Sea- foods Division 1971- Department of Conserva- tion and Natural Re- sources through the Ma- rine Resources Division 'The Department of Game and Fish was established by the State Legislature on 27 February 1907 but did not assume responsibility over the oyster fishery and other seafoods until 1919 when the name of the department was changed. State management during the 1800's consisted solely of laws passed by the legislature. There was no state agency in any way concerned with oyster management, and enforcement of the few laws concerning oysters was by the 62 courrty sheriff. The earliest law at hand concerning oysters, dated 1.852, made it unlawful to take oysters from any waters of the state by any methods other than hand tongs and authorized the sheriff of any county "bordering the waters of this state" to confiscate boats and equipment of persons violating this law. Legislation in 1872, amended in 1879, granted riparian owners the right to plant and harvest oysters for a maxi- mum distance of 600 yards offshore as long as it did not interfere with naviga- tion. In 1882, the State Legislature passed a law regulating buying and sell- ing oysters in the shell in measurements other than described by law. This one- third barrel was described as being 16 inches across the bottom, 18 inches across the top and 91/2 inches high. In 1887, a culling law was passed by the State Legislature. All oysters "that are too small or unfit for market" were required to be returned to the reef from which they were taken. The first oyster management legisla- tion was passed in February 1891. An Oyster Inspector and Deputy Inspector appointed by the Governor for a two- year term were authorized to enforce a new culling law (21/ inches), seasons for taking oysters from public and pri- vate reefs (September - May) and re- strictions on out-of-state shipment of oysters in the shell (restricted to the middle of December to the middle of January). Oystering on private beds was excluded from the season restriction only if oysters were taken for the own- ers'use. Sheriffs, constables and other police officers were also authorized en- forcement agents under this legislation. The Oyster Inspector and Probate Judge of Mobile County were authorized to col- lect oyster boat licenses based on $0.10 per barrel capacity and a tax of $0.10 per barrel of oysters taken from both public and private beds. All receipts were deposited with the State Treasur- er. Only citizens of Alabama were al- lowed fishing privileges. The Oyster Inspector was required to live either on Dauphin Island or at Cedar Point and the Deputy Inspector was required to live in Mobile, unless filling the duties of the inspector. The two officials were actually under the control of the Mobile County Grand Jury which was given authority by the Governor for their dis- missal. Legislation in 1892 and amended in 1894 provided that the Oyster Inspector live in Mobile and that one deputy live in Mobile County and an additional deputy live in Baldwin County. The inspectors enforced the culling laws, collected taxes and patrolled the reefs during the closed season. In 1902, a law was passed limiting weekly catch to 3,500 barrels. Although the Department of Game and Fish was established by the legis- lature in 1907, the oyster fishery was still controlled by the Oyster Inspector. The first oyster and shell planting in Alabama by other than private in- dividuals was done by the first Ala- bama Oyster Commission about 191.0. This commission was established by the State Legislature in August 1909 and was the first attempt at management of the public reefs. The commission re- ceived no appropriations from the state and expenses prior to collection of an- nual oyster taxes, licenses, lease fees and other revenue were advanced by mem- bers of the commission. Between 1909 and February 1915, when the commis- sion was abolished by the State Legis- lature, the commission planted 35,000 barrels of shell at a cost of $1,559.56 and transported an unreported number of seed oysters at a cost of $1,147.50 to ani experimental plot in Portersville 63 tay to demonstrate oyster management. When the federal government dredged Pass aux Herons channel, ca. 1912, the commission persuaded the government to change the course of the channel and to deposit the spoil some distance away to minimize damage to Cedar Point Reef. The present 1/-barrel measure was established in 1909. In 1910, the commission obtained the services of Dr. H. F. Moore (1913), U. S. Bureau of Fisheries to survey the oyster reefs and the potential oyster bottoms and to make recommendations on oyster manage- ment. The shell and seed oysters plant- ed by the commission were not success- ful and the commission obtained the services of T. C. Nelson in 1914 to de- termine the cause of mortality on plant- ed areas in Portersville Bay. Nelson (1914) found that many of the planted areas were on soft mud or on unstable bottoms. The Alabama Oyster Commis- sion was attempting a scientific ap- proach to oyster management but was abolished by the State Legislature in February 1915 before it became truly effective. The Secretary of State as- sumed control of the oyster fishery from 1915 to 1919. in1919, the Department of Game and Fish was changed to the Department of Conservation and assumed jurisdic- tion over the oyster fishery and other saltwater species. This legislative act also established the Game and Fish Pro- tection Fund and the Oyster Fund. A one dollar oyster license was estab- lished. The Oyster Fund consisting of licenses and taxes on both oysters and shrimp paid the salaries and expenses of the Chief Oyster Inspector and two Assistant Inspectors. Receipts of the Oyster Fund during FY 1920 totaled $5,662.00 of which $2,880.42 was spent on salaries and expenses. The Chief Oyster Inspector was under the direct supervision of the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation. Oyster management consisted solely of law en- forcement. In 1923, the Department of Conserva- tion was renamed the Department of Game and Fisheries. During 1925, the Department planted 35,000 barrels of seed oysters on public reefs which was the first plantings on public reefs since the planting by the first Alabama Oys-, ter Commission in 1910. During 1926, 10,000 barrels of seed oysters were planted. During 1923, legislation was passed allowing dredging of oysters by the Department north of a line from Alabama Port in Mobile County east- ward to Mullet Point in Baldwin Coun- ty. This provided a more readily avail- able supply of seed oysters to the state. The legislation was very unpopular among most fishermen. During the pe- riod 1923-1926 receipts of the Oyster Fund varied annually from $6,658.51 (1924) to $9,466.26 (1925), about two- thirds of which was spent on salaries and expenses of the Chief Oyster In- spector and three assistants. During 1933 and 1934, federal funds under Civil Works Administration and Fed- eral Emergency Relief Administration programs were used to plant 41,000 barrels of seed oysters and shells in Isle of Dames, Portersville and Dau- phin Island bays. Approximately 350 acres were planted with 26,795 barrels of seed oysters obtained from Missis- sippi Sound, Bayou La Batre and Bayou Coden (Dep. Game and Fish- eries, 1934). Legislation in 1933 al- lowed dredging on Cedar Point Reef, King's Bayou Reef, Buoy Reef, White House Reef and Fowl River Reef and gave riparian owners broader privi- leges in developing private beds. In August 1935, the Department of Game and Fisheries was reorganized. 64 The SWift Act created the Department of Conservation of Game, Fish and Sea- foods; created a State Conservation Board advising the Commissioner; and made the office of Commissioner an appointee by the Governor rather than an elected official as it had been since 1907. The McPhaul Act (July 1935) created the second Alabama Oyster Commission. The Alabama Oyster Commission obtained a federal grant of $92,365 and $17,635 state funds and equipment for oyster reef rehabilita- tion. The members of the commission were N. J. Gonzales of Mobile, A. B. McPhaul of Seminole, C. H. Wakefield of Bon Secour, and A. L. Staples of Mobile. Mr. I. T. Quinn the Conserva- tion Commissioner was Chairman of the Oyster Commission. The state, through the Oyster Commission was empowered to buy and sell property, conduct economic surveys of the sea- food industry, lease oyster bottoms, plant and remove seed oysters and shells and purchase seed oysters and shell for planting. The Chief Enforce- ment Officer and ssistants enforced the regulations of the Oyster Commis- sion. The annual report of 1936 was the first to mention a "Seafoods Di- vision", which consisted of the Chief Enforcement Officer, the Chief Oyster Inspector and two Assistant Inspectors. The 1938 annual report listed the fol- lowing divisions of the Department of Conservation of Game, Fish and Sea- foods: Division of Fish Culture, Di- vision of Law Enforcement, Division of Research and Statistics, Division of Game Propagation, Division of Game Management, and Division of Seafoods. The Division of Seafoods consisted of the Chief Enforcement Officer and four assistants which enforced regula- tions of the Alabama Oyster Commis- sion. Oyster planting was done by the federal Works Progress Administration (WPA) and by the Alabama Oyster Commission. Total receipts of the Oyster Fund during FY 1.937 was $11,262.02. In March 1939, the Department of Conservation of Game, Fish and Sea- foods was reorganized into the Depart- ment of Conservation which consisted of the Game, Fish and Seafoods Di- vision; Forestry Division;Parks, Monu- ments and Historical Sites Division; and Statistical Division. The legisla- tion abolished the Alabama Oyster Commission, Forestry Commission, Ala-. bama Conservation Board, Office of State Forester, and the Alabama Monu- ment Commission. It established the present Conservation Advisory Board and changed the title of department head to Director, replacing Commis- sioner used since 1907. The seafoods branch of the Division of Game, Fish and Seafoods consists of Chief Enforce- ment Officer and five assistants who were responsible for enforcement of seafood laws and collecting license and taxes on seafoods. No shell planting was done by the Division during its first year of existance. Revenue from the oyster fishery during FY 1938 was $140.25 from oyster leases and $455.31 from oyster taxes. Seafoods ranked such low importance that it was omitted in two instances from the Di- vision of Game, Fish and Seafoods in the Department of Conservation an- nual report of FY 1939; being referred to on page 64 of the report as "The seafoods unit of the Game and Fish Di- vision" and on page 7 being omitted completely from the Division title. Through the effort of WPA, Alabama oyster canneries and local oyster fish- ermen a total of 60,000 barrels of shell were planted on public reefs. The re- ceipts from seafood industry totaled 65 $12,583.34 during FY 1940 or slightly more than twice that received during FY 1910. Little oyster management was done by the Division of Game, Fish and Seafoods until FY 1943 when general fund appropriations allowed planting of 92,426 barrels of shell on the public reefs. The Division-of Game, Fish and Seafoods had separate ac- counts for receipts from seafoods and receipts from fishing and hunting un- til FY 1945 and receipts fromseafoods was always insufficient for enforce- ment and much needed management and research. Legislation in FY 1944 allowed oys- ters of any size to be dredged from private oyster reefs for the first time. The Mobile Bay Seafood Union di- rected seed oyster planting of 6,000 barrels in FY .1944. The union was composed of members of the crew of the vessel that dredged seed oysters from Buoy Reef for the state and was apparently the first unofficial advisory committee. During FY 1945 the Di- vision of Game, Fish and Seafoods had a budget carry-over to FY 1946 of more than $216 thousand. Even with this surplus no shell was reported planted in the annual report of that year. The FY 1946 annual report separated the Division of Game and Fish and the Division of Seafoods into staff divi- sions although the two divisions were not separated by legislature until 1951. The Division of Game, Fish and Sea- foods contracted with McPhillips Pack- ing Company of Bayou La Batre for planting 40,000 barrels of seed oysters in Mobile Bay and Bon Secour Bay. Land was purchased in Bayou La Batre for construction of a seafood office, dock, boathouse and warehouse. Ar- rangements were made with the Uni- versity of Alabama to provide biologi- cal services in matters dealing with sea- foods. Attempts were made to obtain reciprocal fishing agreements with Mississippi and Louisiana similar to the one obtained with Florida in 1946. The revenue from the new shell dredg- ing contract ($5,443.26) was used for seafoods management. During FY 1.947 biological studies of the oyster reefs were made by the Geo- logical Survey of Alabama and the Ala- bama Museum. of Natural History at the request of the Department of Con- servation. The "Seafoods Division" became self-sustaining for the first time in history with revenues of $135 thousand composed of $47 thousand from shell dredging, $45 thousand from a legislative appropriation and the re- maining $43 thousand from seafood revenue. The State Ecologist with the Alabama Museum of Natural His- tory made recommendations for man- agement of seafoods and the enforce- ment personnel were increased to eleven. Air patrols were made to check shrimp and oyster fishermen for vio- lations. The activities of the "Sea. foods Division" covered eight pages in the annual report of FY 1947, or more than the total coverage for the past decade or more. Recommenda- tions for more research, hiring a full time marine biologist, construction of a seafoods laboratory and installation of laboratory equipment and a larger patrol force were made by the Chief Oyster Inspector. Legislation was passed in 1947 authorizing formation of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. The organization meet- ing was held in Mobile on 16 July 1949 and Governor Folsom of Alabama was the first to sign the compact and Mr. Bert Thomas, Director, Alabama De- partment of Conservation, became the first Chairman. In January 1950, the Marine Labora- 66 tory at Heron.r Bay Cutoff was officially opened. Thelaboratory provided office and laboratory space for Senior Bio- logist F. X. Leuth and some enforce- ment personnel. Studies of oyster spat set, oyster growth and survival were initiated on planted areas and hydro- logical data were collected to improve management techniques. The receipts of the Game, Fish ad Seafoods Fund during FY 1949 was slightly over $900 thousand. On 1 October 1951, upon recommen- dation of the Director of Conservation, legislation was signed separating the Division of Seafoods from the Division of Game, Fish and Seafoods. The Game, Fish and Seafoods Fund was separated with seafood revenues and revenue from dredging buried reef shells going to the new Seafoods Di- vision. Receipts from 1 October 1951 to 30 September 1952 totaled $256 thousand. The Division moved to a new office building in Bayou La Batre on 15 May 1952. Enforcement con- sisted of six officers, three boats, and one amphibian airplane. Shell and seed oysters were planted by the Di- vision and by packers and dealers which were required to return 30% of the shells back to the reefs under the supervision of the Seafoods Di- vision. The Division dredged a 9-foot channel into Bon Secour to aid the sea- food industry of that area. During the early 1950's, injunctions were placed against the Division pro- hibiting the opening of public reefs for seed oysters. One such decision went as far as the Alabama Supreme Court where it was reversed in 1955. After this ruling seed oysters were made available from reefs located in water too deep for tonging. During the early 1950's the biological staff consisted of one division biologist and consultant biologists from Texas A & M, Missis- sippi and the federal laboratory at Gulf Breeze, Florida. The Department of Conservation Annual Report for FY 1959 stated that "The Seafoods Division was completely re-organized during the past year. A new division director was appointed, together with new enforce- ment men". Biological work was now contracted to the Biology Department, University of Alabama, and Dr. Gordon Gunter of Mississippi. The Division had apparently become ineffective dur- ing the late 1950's as the report stated that "there was very little activity in the form of constructive development, enforcement, research or administra- tion". The oyster shell dredge was shut down during 1959 causing financial dis- tress within the Division which re- ceived as much as 89% of its revenue from this single source. After the re- organization the Division renewed shell and seed oyster planting efforts. Financing through the Mobile Area Public Higher Education Foundation, Inc. permitted construction of the present Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory on Dauphin Island which was completed in 1963. The facility originally provided office space for the Division Chief and enforcement per- sonnel of the Seafoods Division and of- fice and laboratory space for biological and teaching staff of the University of Alabama which did research under con- tract for the Seafoods Division. The Division of Seafoods began to obtain its own biological staff in 1966, hiring a laboratory director and a biologist to work on oyster management. The con- tract with the University of Alabama was terminated in 1967 and university personnel moved into facilities at Point aux Pins. When the 1971 State Legis- lature changed the name of Department of Conservation to Department of Con- 67 servation and Natural Resources and the Seafoods Division to Marine Re- sources Division, the Division staff con- sisted of Division Director, Chief Biolo- gist, 5 biologists, 14 enforcement offi- cers, 3 biologist aides, 4 laborers and 5 clerk typists. Offices were main- tained at Dauphin Island, Bayou La Batre and Gulf Shores. From 1967 oyster management has consisted of intensified oyster research and shell planting. Approximately 40 % of the 1,899,351 barrels of shell planted be- tween 1910 and 1975 (Table 2) were TABLE 2. Barrels 1 of oyster shells and seed oysters planted on public reefs in Ala- bama since 1910. Oyster Seed Oyster Seed Year Shells Oysters Year Shells Oysters 1910- 1914 35,000 -0- 1955 97,707 -0- 1925 --0-- 35,000 1956 -0-. 40,000 1926 -0- 10,000 1957 ---0- 50,000 1928 -0-- .30,000 1958 --- 59,860 1929 -0- 10,000 1959 -0- -0- 1932 33,382 -0- 1960 23,534 15,000 1936 189,554 2 1961 70,000 -0- 1937 20,045 2 1962 115,000 39,839 1940 60,000 -0- 1963 60,000 30,000 1942 25,000 -0- 1964 65,000 36,000 1944 92,426. -0- 1965 60,000 65,698 1945 -0- 6,000 1966 50,000 60,000 1946 12,743 19,040 1967 11,400 8,660 1947 15,000 18,950 1968 46,470 -0- 1948 25,000 40,000 1969 105,325 .- 0--- 1949 63,215 33,409 1970 51,2963 -0-.. 1950 -0- 40,713 1971 61,982 -0- 1951 40,000 -0- 1972 117,3463 -0- 1952 17,749 54,000 1973 3,1573 -0--. 1953 2,431 -0- 1974 167,3303 5,451 1954 -0--- 7,500 1975 162,259 -0- TOTAL - Oyster Shells - 1,899,351 TOTAL - Seed Oysters - 715,120 1 An Alabama barrel = 4.9 ft.8 or 3.9 U. S. Standard bushels 2 Figure for seed oysters combined with that for oyster shells this year 3 Combined figure for oyster shells and clam shells planted from 1967 to 1975. Revenue is presently obtained from the seafood industry, oyster shell dredging (since 1946), marine gas tax (1962), Com- mercial Fisheries Research and De- velopment Act, P.L. 88-309 (1966), Anadromous Fish Act P.L. 89-304 (1967) and, rarely, appropriations from the State General Fund. Revenue has not increased significantly since the mid 1960's and the greatest source of revenue (shell dredging) is a nonre- newable resource which will eventually become depleted. HISTORY OF RESEARCH The prehistoric Indian cultures were aware of the locations of Alabama oys- ter reefs more than 3,500 years ago as evidenced by the numerous shell middens in coastal Alabama. The Spanish expedition of 1519 led by Pi- neda possibly explored the Alabama coastal area and recorded the position of some oyster reefs. The first U.S. Coast Survey map of coastal Alabama published in 1851 showed locations of certain reefs although the first specific effort to map the oyster reef was done by Boudouquie in 1883 (May, 1971). In 1894, Homer P. Ritter (1896), Assistant, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, made a survey of the oyster reefs from Cedar Point eastward to Bon Secour Bay and northward throughout Mobile Bay. Besides map- ping the oyster reefs he described the general areas and recorded water tem- peratures, densities, depths, bottom types and the quality of oysters. Hav- ing begun the survey on February 10 during a period of freshets, he returned in December to take additional water densities under low flow conditions. Ritter obtained the approximate loca- tions of reefs from oystermen but used triangulation points established by the Coast Survey records during mapping. The extent of the reefs were deter- mined by dragging a chain over the 68 reefs. He found the northern limits, of oyster growth in Mobile Bay to be along a east-west line from Great Point Clear to East Fowl River. The oyster reefs along the eastern shore were few in number and Ritter concluded that depletion of these reefs was probably due to excessive fishing. He mapped 3,105 acres of oyster bottoms in Mo- bile Bay, Bon Secour Bay and extreme eastern portion of Mississippi Sound. He did not map the reefs in Mississippi Sound but stated "oysters were growing in all parts" of the northern portion of the sound west to the Mississippi line. During 1910-1911, Dr. H. F. Moore (1913) of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries examined the oyster bottoms of Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound. His study was done at the request of the newly appointed Alabama Oyster Commission created by the Alabama Legislature on August 27, 1909. Moore used chains dragged behind a boat to locate the reefs. A launch tonged oysters for counting and measurement. Grabs were also taken to determine the density of oysters. The survey covered 93,000 acres including 4,000 acres of oyster beds. A general summary of all the beds were made in terms of relative productivity. More than 24,000 acres surveyed were considered suitable for oyster culture and Moore recommended removal of small oysters from crowded bottoms to other suitable areas. In July 1914, Thurlow C. Nelson (1914) of the University of Wisconsin came to Alabama at the request of Mr. Joullian, Secretary of the Alabama Oys- ter Commission, to study mortality of planted seed oysters in Alabama wa- ters, principally those in Portersville Bay. He examined both private leases and public reefs recording dates and amounts planted, condition of oysters and other data. He concluded that in every area where oysters died the bot- tom was either too soft or that the bottom was unstable or shifting in na- ture and that oysters planted on suit- able bottoms were not affected by the mortality observed during February and March 1914. He completely dis- missed the oyster drill as playing any part in the mortality. In May 1929, Dr. Paul Galtsoff (1930) of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries made a study of the oyster reefs of Alabama following the 1929 flood. He used oyster dredges to sample the reefs to determine mortality. His study showed that between 55% and 100% of the oysters on the reefs in Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound were de- stroyed by the flood. He concluded that all commercially important oyster bottoms in Mobile Bay were destroyed and that the reefs could be rehabilitated only by establishing "spawning beds", planting shell near the spawning beds and planting seed oysters. He recom- mended that state law prohibit leasing of public oyster bottoms and that de- velopment of public reefs should be a state responsibility. During November and December 1943, James B. Engle (1945) of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service made *a survey of the oyster bottoms of Ala- bama to determine the conditions of the reefs to improve rehabilitation of depleted reefs and improve cultivation methods. This survey followed an examination of the reefs by the De- partment of Conservation in 1941-1942 which revealed heavy mortality. Engle recommended planting shell and seed oysters and enforcement of the culling law. During December 1947 iEngie (1948) made another survey following the hurricane of 1947. He found dam- age restricted mostly to the northern 69 area of Mississippi Sound where oys- ters had been covered by soft mud to depths up to 1 foot. Most of the pro- ducing bottoms in Mobile Bay were un- affected. He recommended that bot- toms in much of the Mississippi Sound area were too soft to support oysters or shell and that plantings should be done only on suitable bottoms. He also ob- served that considerable damage to oysters was caused by oyster drills along the northern shores of Missis- sippi Sound. Ritter (1896) had com- mented upon the freshness of the wa- ters of the northern portion of the Sound. In an addendum to Ritter's paper, a note by Mr. John J. Delchamps stated that "whelks" have become a problem and that "This is the first year (1894?) that I have heard complaints of their destructiveness". Increased salinity and oyster drill activity appar- ently became prevalent between the early 1900's and the 1940's presumably due to migration and widening of the pass between Dauphin and Petit Bois islands. Bell (1952) surveyed the oyster reefs Sduring the summer of 1951 in fulfilling requirements of a M.S. thesis for Texas A & M University. He surveyed 5,912 acres of public oyster beds of which 3,284 acres were considered to contain a fishable density. The oyster beds were found generally to be in good con- dition with good spat set. He encour- aged increasing the area under private lease. May (1971) surveyed both the pub- lic oyster reefs and the buried shell de- posits during 1968 and 1969. He sur- veyed 3,064 acres of natural oyster bot- toms. He stated that there were 924 acres of leased bottoms and 1,050 acres of riparian bottoms which ocassionally produced oysters. He did extensive sampling on the reefs using scuba to de- termine the density of oysters, spat, boxes, mud crabs and oyster drills and presented data on the commercial fish- ery and factor. affecting oyster pro- duction. Oyster density was considera- bly lower in 1969 than during earlier surveys and he concluded that there were about 60 thousand acres of bot- toms in Alabama which are firm-enough to support oysters. The buried shell deposits totaled more than 93 million cubic yards of which approximately 46 million were recoverable. He con. tributed significantly to the knowledge of the Alabama oyster fishery in papers dealing with summer oyster mortalities (May, 1968), oyster culture (May, 1969), oyster survival (May and Bland, 1970), surveying oyster deposits (May and McLain, 1970), effect of floodwat- ers (May, 1972a), oyster fishery (May, 1972b), diseases (Beckert, Bland and May, 1972), dredging (May, 1973a), oxygen depletion (May, 1973b) and mud crab abundance on oyster reefs (May, 1974). Other research concerning oysters in Alabama include Casper et al. (1969), Engle (1936), Gallagher et al. (1969), Hoese, Nelson and Beckert (1972), and McClellan (1965). PROBLEMS IN OYSTER MANAGEMENT Biological and socioeconomic prob- lems have plagued the oyster fishery during historical times. Spring floods, pollution, low dissolved oxygen, oyster predators and diseases together with in- sufficient funding, indifferent fisher- men and administration, and bi-county bickering have all had effects on the fishery. A total of 73,584 acres of Alabama waters are permanently closed to shell- fish harvest (May, 1971) and almost all of the remainder is temporarily closed 70 due to bacterial contamination during winter and spring flood periods. While there are only two small reefs within the permanently closed areas, the tem- porary closures of the major reefs caused an estimated loss to the fisher- men of $2,000 per day or an estimated total of $282 thousand during 1968 and 1969 (May, 1971). Closures last from a few weeks to 4 months or longer de- pending upon the magnitude of the win- ter and spring flooding. Winter floods have also caused extensive oyster mor- talities in Alabama. During the 1929 flood, mortalities ranged from 100% in upper Mobile Bay and from 54% to 84% in the lower bay (Galtsoff, 1930). Other extensive mortalities were recorded in 1912, 1953, 1961 and in 1973 when 42% of all oysters in the state were killed (Hughes and May, 1975). Within limits decreased salinity is beneficial in that the oyster drill, Thais haemostoima, is salinophilic. In the spring and summer of 1967, 80 to 95% of the oysters less than 2 inches were killed on some Alabama reefs by drills (May, 1971). Spat set in Alabama is highest in the saline waters of Mis- sissippi Sound but survival is negli- gible due to oyster drills (Hoese, Nel- son and Beckert, 1972). The number of drills on some Alabama reefs out- number oysters and spat combined (May, 1971). Mud crabs are also predators on small oysters and spat and may transmit oyster diseases. May (1974) found that the number of mud crabs ranged from none per acre on some of the more northern reefs to 62,000 per acre in the lower bay. Low salinities also inhibit development of Labyrinthomyxa marina, a parasitic fungus affecting oysters (Ray, 1954). The effects of small amounts of pes- ticides upon oysters is not fully under- stood. Levels of certain pesticides as low as 10 parts per billion (ppb) may inhibit growth of oysters (Butler, 1969) and oysters can concentrate pes- ticides within the tissues to levels much higher than found in surrounding wa- ters (Butler, 1966). The levels of DDT residues in mollusks, however, has de- clined markedly in most estuaries (But- ler, 1973) and residues in Alabama oys- ters are far below levels considered harmful from a public health stand- point (Casper et al., 1969). Low dissolved oxygen in certain areas of Mobile Bay has caused oyster mor- talities as high as 100% and is re- sponsible for poor spat set (May, 1973b). During 1967, approximately 1,000 acres of oysters valued at $500 thousand were lost due to low dissolved oxygen and during 1971 more than 2.6 million oysters were lost due to the same cause (May, 1973b). Reefs in the middle portion of Mobile Bay and Bon Secour Bay have a long history of poor spat set (Ritter, 1896; Bell, 1952) which is likely due in part to low dis- solved oxygen (May, 1973b). This low dissolved oxygen phenomenon has been known locally for more than a century as "jubilees" (Loesch, 1960; May, 1973b). Other contributing factors to poor spat set are thought to be spring freshets (May, 1972a) and existing cur- rent patterns (Hoese, Nelson and Beck- ert, 1972). Current patterns have changed some- what due to spoil deposition adjacent to the Mobile Ship Channel. The channel has also caused saltwater penetration inland from the Gulf (Ryan, 1969). May (1971) considered changes in sa- linity and current patterns more detri- mental to oyster resources than silta- tion or physical destruction due to channel construction. Physical destruc- tion of oysters has occurred during con- 71 struction of Grants Pass in 1838, Pass aux Herons (ca. 1912) and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in the late 1930's. Spoil from these channels was placed in some instances on nearby oys- ter reefs. Increased salinity in Por- tersville Bay resulting from the natu- ral westward migration of Dauphin and Petit Bois islands has destroyed the oyster resources in Portersville Bay. The width of the pass between the two islands has increased from 1.5 nautical miles in 1851 to about 5 nautical miles (May, 1971) increasing the salinity throughout Mississippi Sound. Socioeconomic problems also affect the industry. Overfishing was men- tioned by Ritter (1896) as the cause of depletion of certain reefs in Alabama. Nelson (1914), Gatsoff (1930) and Engle (1936) also considered overfish- ing of the more accessible reefs, fail- ure to return shells to the reefs, and use of oyster dredges as major factors in depletion of the reefs. These conclu- sions must be considered; however, many biological factors affecting oys- ters were unknown at those times. While the effects of high fishing pres- sure is not fully understood, continued fishing of the more accessible reefs and little or no utilization of less accessible reefs is a poor method of exploiting a resource. At least 90% of the fishing pressure is expended on Cedar Point Reef even though less accessible reefs such as Sand Reef, Buoy Reef, King's Bayou and others periodically have oys- ter densities equally as high. One valid example of overfishing was during the 1966-1967 steam oyster season. The size of legal oysters was reduced and thousands of barrels of small oysters were taken to the canneries in Missis- sippi. The oyster harvest was consid- erably reduced for several years fol- lowing the steam season (May, 1971). Bickering between oyster fishermen of Baldwin and Mobile counties and among fishermen within each county sometimes has hampered effective man- agement and improvement of the fish- ery. The eastern shore historically has had a poor oyster set (Ritter, 1896; Hoese, Nelson and Beckert, 1972) and production there is sporatic. The Mo- bile County fishermen greatly resent attempts by Baldwin County fishermen to obtain seed oysters from reefs in Mobile County. This led to an armed confrontation between the two groups in the 1960's., Also, most shell plant- ing by the state has historically been on the better producing reefs of Mo- bile County which has caused resent- ment among the Baldwin County fish- ermen. During 1975, seed oysters in two locations in Mobile County were made available to a small group of Mo- bile County fishermen for planting on their leased bottoms. Both areas were in polluted, permanently closed areas and considerable effort was made by the Marine Resources Division to ob- tain authorization from the Department of Health to move these oysters. The lessees were indifferent to obtaining oysters from one location and permis- sion to obtain oysters from the other was withdrawn after a petition was cir- culated by other Mobile County fisher- men objecting to removal of oysters from public bottoms (even though per- manently closed) to a private lease. The oyster fishery itself contributes almost nothing to reef improvement and, as in all coastal states, is heavily subsidized by the state. During the period from 1960 to 1968 the Marine Resources Division planted 454,934 bar- rels of shell and 254,499 barrels of seed oysters on the public reefs of Alabama. During this same time revenue received from the oyster fishery amounted to 72 about $9,000 per year, or 2% of the dockside value of the fishery (May, 1971). During 1968, 1970, 1972, 1974 and 1.975 a total of $396 thousand was spent by the Marine Resources Division to plant shell following extremely high mortalities on the oyster reefs. These funds were made available by the U. S. Department of Commerce under Public Law 88-309, Section 4(b) for fisheries disaster relief. Were these funds not available, it would have been impossible for the state to fund shell planting pro- grams of this scope. Lack of funds his- torically has been a cause of little de- velopment of suitable bottoms, but it is. questionable whether governmental subsidies except following natural dis- asters are the solution. Lack of seed oysters has reduced interest in de- veloping leases and riparian bottoms but the recent development in produc- ing cultchless seed oysters in hatcheries may provide needed stimulation to pri- vate development of the fishery. How- ever, closures due to pollution have be- come more frequent and of longer dura- tion since the 1950's and have certainly decreased interest in extensive develop- ment of the fishery by either private enterprise or governmental agencies. LITERATURE CITED Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Annual Reports for 1908 through 1971. Montgomery, Ala- bama. Alabama Oyster Commission. 1914. Report to the Governor and General Assembly. 24 p. Beckert, H., D. G. Bland and E. B. May. 1972. The incidence of Labyrinthomyxa ma- rina in Alabama. Alabama Mar. Resour. Bull. 8:18-24. Bell, J. O. 1952. A study of oyster pro- duction in Alabama waters. M.S. Thesis, Texas A & M College. 81 p. Butler, P. A. 1966. The problem of pes- ticides in estuaries. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Rep. 3:110-115. Butler, P. A. 1969. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries pesticide monitoring program. U. S. Public Health Service, Dauphin Island, Alabama. Butler, P. A. 1973. Residues in fish, wild- life and estuaries. Part I. General Summary and Conclusions. Pesticides Monitoring J. 6(4):238..246. Casper, V. L., R. J. Hammerstrom, E. A. Robertson, J. C. Bugg and J. L. Gaines. 1969 Study of chlorinated pesticides in oysters and estuarine environment of the Mobile Bay area. U. S. Public Health Service, Dauphin Island, Ala- bama. 47 p. Engle, J. B. 1936. Effects of dredging on natural oyster reefs and planted bot- toms in Alabama. A report to the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. 6 p. Engle, J. B. 1945. The condition of the natural oyster reefs and other oyster bottoms in Alabama in 1943 with sug- gestions for their improvement. U. S. Fish. Wildl. Ser., Spec. Sci. Rep. 29. 42 p. Engle, J. B. 1948. Investigations of the oyster reefs of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama following the hurricane of September 19, 1947. U. S. Dep. Interior, Fish. Wildl. Ser., Spec. Rep. 59. 70 p. Gallagher, T. P., F. J. Silva, L. W. Olinger and R. A. Whatley. 1969. Pollution af- fecting shellfish harvesting in Mobile Bay, Alabama. Fed. Water Pollution Control Admin., Athens, Georgia. 46 p. Galtsoff, P. S. 1930. Destruction of oyster bottoms in Mobile Bay by the flood of 1929. U. S. Bureau Fisheries, Rep. of the Comm. of Fisheries for fiscal year 1929, append. 11 (Doc. 1069). 741-758. Hoese, H. D., W. R. Nelson and H. Beckert. 1972. Seasonal and spatial setting of fouling organisms in Mobile Bay and eastern Mississippi Sound, Alabama. Alabama Mar. Resour. Bull. 8:9-18. Hoese, H. D. 1964. Studies on oyster sca- vengers and their relation to the fun- gus Dermocystidium marinum. Proc. Nat. Shellfisheries Ass. 53:161-174. Hughes, E. A. and E. B. May. 1975. Factors affecting the life of the Alabama oyster. Alabama Conserv. 45(2):6-7. Loesch, H. 1960. Sporadic mass shoreward migrations of demersal fish and crusta- ceans in Mobile Bay, Alabama. Ecology 41(2):292-298. 73 May, E. B. 1968. Summer oyster mortali- ties in Alabama. 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