-- ( ~, * / ~ pA /--0 -low TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A C K N O W LE D G E M E N T S ........................................................... .................................... ................ 2 EX EC U T IV E SU M M A RY ............................................................ .................................................. 3 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS.................... .......................................................... 3 IN T R O D U C T IO N ................................................................................................................................... 4 M E T H O D S ............................................................................................................................................... 4 R E S U L T S .................................................................................................................. ..................... 6 POND SITE E VALUATION S ........................................................ ........................................................ 6 G ik o ro ............................................................................................................................................. 6 B iren g a ........................................................................................................... ..................... 6 C y u n g o ............................................................................................................................................ 6 T ab a ................................................................................................................................................. 6 K an am a ................................................................................................................ ....................... 6 M ab an za ........................................................................................................ ...................... 7 C yim b ogo ....................................................................................................... ..................... 7 B u g a ra m a ........................................................................................................................................ 7 B w afu .............................................................................................................................................. 7 K azabe ......................................................... .......................... . . . ............................ 7 STREAM AND CANAL SITE EVALUATIONS......................................................................... ..................... 7 D ISC U SSIO N ................................................... ....................................... . . . ................ 8 FISH CULTURE AND WATERBORNE DISEASE................................................................... ..................... 8 INTEGRATED AQUACULTURE AND WATER POLLUTION................................................. ..................... 8 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT.......................................................................... ...................... 9 EXOTIC SPECIES INTRODUCTIONS .............................. ......................................................................... 9 R E F E R E N C E S C IT E D ........................................................................................................................ 11 APPENDIX: CHAPTERS 3,7, AND 8 FROM THE REPORT OF MALEK (1983) CONCERNING THE IMPACT OF FISH PONDS ON PUBLIC HEALTH IN RWANDA........................................................................................................12 3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.................................. ........................................... 12 7. FIELD OBSERVATIONS OF FISH PONDS IN RWANDA REGARDING W ATER-R ELATED D ISEASES...............................................................................................................13 8. CONTROL OF SNAILS AND MOSQUITO LARVAE IN FISH PONDS ............................ ...................... 14 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mr. Hishamunda Nathanal, Director of the National Fish Culture Project of Rwanda, provided transportation and background informa- tion and accompanied me to all fishpond and stream sampling sites. Mlle. Mukakarera Colette, fifth year License of Biology student at the National University of Rwanda, assisted with all field collections and laboratory analyses of samples. Dri D. Thys van den Audenaerde, Dr. Guy Teugels, and Mr. Jos Snoeks allowed me access to pertinent scientific literature and valu- able unpublished information at the Musie Royal de l'Afrique Cen- trale, Tervuren, Belgium. Ms. Karen Veverica, Research Associate for Auburn University and Oregon State University, and Dr. Robert Sny- der, Agricultural Specialist for the Baptist Missions in Rwanda, offered valuable background information about aquaculture in Rwan- da, as well as hospitality. Ms. Veverica also provided laboratory space at the Rwasave Fish Culture Station of the National University of Rwanda, use of scientific equipment, and a computer. Drs. Bryan Duncan, John Grover, and E. Cliff Webber, Depart- ment of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University, reviewed the manuscript and made helpful suggestions for its improvement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY From August 6-17, 1990, an environmental assessment was con- ducted at 10 potential sites (in seven prefectures) for cooperatively managed, integrated aquaculture farms in the marais (wetland valleys) of Rwanda. Sites were evaluated for existing pond construction and management practices, and recommendations were made to minimize the risk of waterborne disease and other negative environmental impacts. Snail hosts for schistosomiasis and sheep and cattle liver fluke occurred at more than half of the 10 ponds sampled. Mosquito larvae were less common, and anopheline mosquitos (vectors of malaria) were found at only one site. Most snails and mosquitos occurred at poorly built and managed ponds. The presence of a well-trained extension agent at a site was a critical factor to ensure well-managed ponds and thus reduce risk of waterborne disease. Two supply canals and three discharge canals were sampled for macroinvertebrates to determine possible downstream impacts of fishponds. Benthic communities were characterized by low biodiversi- ty and high tolerance to organic enrichment, probably because of fre- quent dredging of canals, intermittent water flows, and organic runoff from human and livestock activity. No negative environmental impact directly attributable to fish culture activity was detected. At the scale and management intensity of the proposed aquaculture centers, fishponds would have relatively low volume and infrequent discharges that should not cause undue environmental degradation downstream. Four streams with a wide range of organic pollution were sampled for macroinvertebrates to evaluate methods for a biomonitoring pro- gram. Use of a biotic index proved appropriate and practical for assess- ing stream water quality in Rwanda. Protocols with field methods, data interpretation tables, and a cumulative list of macroinvertebrate taxa in Rwanda are provided. Risks of indiscriminate introduction of non-native species to Rwan- da are discussed, and a review and decision model for evaluating pro- posed exotic fish introductions is presented. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Training and placement of extension agents should remain a high priority of the National Fish Culture Project. To reduce the risk of waterborne diseases (schistosomiasis, malaria, and liver fluke), exten- sionists should especially help farmers to design ponds and eliminate shoreline vegetation. To prevent livestock disease and excess organic loading of ponds, extensionists should help farmers to determine the number of animals that can be kept well-fed and clean in appropriately sized enclosures. Because cut shoreline vegetation may contain snail vectors of disease (eggs and adults) and parasitic cysts, it should be thoroughly dried or composted away from the pond and from sheep, goats, and cattle. Quarterly biomonitoring of at least four "trend stations" (e.g. small streams on watersheds with integrated aquaculture projects) is recom- mended to document long-term impact of fish farming, pesticide pol- lution, and other potential disturbances. Introduction of non-native fishes to Rwanda has altered natural aquatic ecosystems and future introductions should only follow a thor- ough justification and description of the non-native species, as well as detailed and controlled studies on the predicted environmental conse- quences. Environmental Assessment of Ten Aquaculture Sites in Rwanda, Africa William G. Deutsch' INTRODUCTION Recent research has greatly increased the potential for fish produc- tion in Rwanda (45). At the completion of a 5-year, USAID-sponsored technical assistance program with the National Fish Culture Project (PPN) of Rwanda (44) it was concluded that proper construction and management of fishponds can result in more than a four-fold increase in tilapia production, relative to previous culture practices (29). Because commercial feeds and fertilizers are generally unavailable, aquaculture in Rwanda is usually limited by nutrient inputs to fish- ponds. Present research at the Kigembe Station of the PPN has focused on integration of fish culture with small livestock husbandry. These integrated systems have successfully used animal manures to improve pond fertility and further increase fish production. In an effort to extend improved aquacultural techniques to rural farmers, the PPN has proposed the establishment of up to seven coop- eratively managed fish culture centers. These centers would be dis- persed throughout regions of Rwanda where aquaculture is now practiced, and would receive technical support from the PPN so that they function as model farms for training and extension. USAID- Kigali supported the PPN proposal but requested both an engineering and environmental assessment of potential sites prior to funding the project. The objective of this study was to conduct an environmental assess- ment of potential sites for PPN-integrated aquaculture centers. This involved an evaluation of present fish culture practices and recom- mendations for fishpond construction and management that would minimize negative environmental impacts. Special attention was given to fishponds and waterborne disease, and effects of pond discharge on the downstream environment. Protocols for environmental impact assessment and evaluation of exotic species introductions also are pro- vided. METHODS From August 6-17, 1990, an environmental assessment was made at 10 pond sites (in seven prefectures) in the marais (wetland valleys) of Rwanda, figure 1. Each site was evaluated for the construction and management of existing ponds as well as the potential environmental impact of an expanded aquacultural facility that might include integra- tion with small livestock (47). Construction features that were noted included pond surface dimensions and depth and characteristics of the dikes and canals that supplied water and received discharge. Management features noted included the method of fertilization, water color and clarity, and shore- line vegetation control. All ponds were stocked with fish, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and were managed by families, school groups, or small cooperatives. 'Deutsch is an environmental and training specialist in the International Cen- ter for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments. Several points along the shoreline of at least one pond at each site were sampled for snails, mosquito larvae, and other macroinverte- brates using a dip net. The presence and relative abundance of the fol- lowing human and livestock disease vectors were especially noted: 1. Biomphalaria spp. (B. pfeifferi and B. sudanica) - snail interme- diate hosts for Schistosoma mansoni (blood flukes causing human intestinal schistosomiasis). 2. Bulinus spp. (B. globosus and B. strigosus) - snail intermediate hosts for Schistosoma haematobium (blood flukes causing human uri- nary schistosomiasis). 3. Lymnaea natalensis - snail intermediate host for Fasciola gigan- tica (sheep and cattle liver fluke) 4. Anopheles spp. - mosquito intermediate host for Plasmodium falciparum, P malariae, and P vivax (human malaria). If the supply or discharge canal of a pond site had a current velocity of at least 5-10 cm/s, and an area relatively free of vegetation, it was sampled for macroinvertebrates to determine a family-level biotic index (28). The index is a relative measure (on a scale of 0 to 10) of organic pollution in flowing water, and is based on the tolerance level of each family of macroinvertebrates in the sample, table 1. TABLE 1. EVALUATION OF STREAM WATER QUALITY USING THE FAMILY-LEVEL BIOTIC INDEX' Family Biotic Index 2 Water quality Degree of organic pollution 0.00-3.75 Excellent Organic ollution unitkel 3.76-4.25 Very good Possible slight organic polution 4.26-5.00 Good Some organic pollution probable 5.01-5.75 Fair Fairly substantial pollution likely 5.76-6.50 Fairly poor Substantial pollution likely 6.51-7.25 Poor Very substantial pollution likely 7.26-10.00 Very poor Severe organic pollution ikely 'Field methods used: (A) sample as often as necessary to obtain 100-200 in- vertebrate specimens sufficienty mature to identify to family, using a di net in a riffle or shallow run (ideally where current is greater than 30 cm/s); (B) place net contents in a shallow white pan with water for observation (specimens clinging to the net should be included); (C) sort specimens by family into containers of 70% ethanol, excluding Hemiptera and Coleoptera (other than Dryopoidea) and individuals too sm91l to identify; and (D) record number of specimens per family. 2 CalculatehFBI by multiplying the number in each family (n,) by the tolerance value for that family (t, s umming the products and dividing by the total number of arthropods (N) in the sample (i.e. FBI = I (n, t) / N). A biotic index was also determined for macroinvertebrate commu- nities at four stream sites, figure 1, that had a wide range of organic pollution. One station was relatively pristine and in an area of low human population density (Karamba, in the Nyungwe Forest). Two sites were in areas of moderate human and livestock activity (Rushashi and a tributary of the Nyabarongo River), and one site received heavy organic loading from an upstream butchery area (Kamabuye). Results from stream samples were used to evaluate the applicability of bioassessment techniques (developed in the United States) for Rwan- RWANDA Pond Sites 1 Kanama 2 Bwafu 3 Kazabe 4 Cyungo 5 Mabanza 6 7 8 9 10 Taba Gikoro Birenga Cyimbogo Bugarama Stream Sites A Rushashi B Tributary of the Nyabarongo River C Kamabuye D Karamba SProject Headquarters- Kigembe A Regional Fish Station FIG. 1. Map of Rwanda with pond, canal, and stream sampling sites. da, as well as to relate indices from fishpond canals to a spectrum of organic pollution levels. Organisms collected at ponds, canals, and streams were hand sort- ed from shallow trays of water and preserved in 70% ethanol. Samples were returned to the laboratory of the Rwasave Fish Culture Center and organisms were enumerated and identified using a dissecting microscope, hand lens, and taxonomic keys of Durand and L6veque (20,21). RESULTS POND SITE EVALUATIONS Gikoro (Kigali Pr6fecture) The Gikoro site had one pond (150 mn 2 ) stocked with tilapia, though other ponds were being constructed. Ponds were managed by a group of local women. An extension agent has not been assigned to Gikoro, but one is presently intraining at the Kigembe facility. Soils had a high clay content and were suitable for pond construction. The stocked pond had a compost enclosure filled with vegetation, household scraps, and manure. A large amount of plant fragments was floating in open water, outside of the enclosure. The shoreline was irregular with numerous indentations that were filled with emergent vegetation. The pond was constructed without levelling instruments and had an exces- sive bottom slope. About 25-30% of the pond was too shallow, as evi- denced by emergent vegetation 3-5 m from shore in the shallow end. Depth near the discharge was 1-1.2 m. Dip net samples in shoreline emergent vegetation revealed that there were hundreds of snails (especially Biomphalaria pfeifferi with some Lymnaea natalensis) per linear meter of pond bank. These and other macroinvertebrates incidentally collected with snails are listed in table 2. No mosquito larvae were observed. Birenga (Kibungo Pr6fecture) The Birenga site had one pond (500 m 2 ) managed by about 17 young adults. They intend to build more ponds on either side of the existing pond and raise pigs. An extensionist for this area is in training at Kigembe. This area of the marais was relatively undeveloped and was being cleared of trees. Dikes were straight and steep-sided, but had tree stumps imbedded in them that would probably result in water leakage. The small amount of compost in a corner enclosure had not been turned recently, as evidenced by 50-cm-high grasses growing in the floating vegetation. Some vegetation was floating on the pond surface, outside of the enclosure. The pond was wider than the available harvesting net, and had been stocked a second time after a partial harvest. Present stocking density was, therefore, unknown. Construction of the discharge canal for this pond was not completed, so an adequate method of complete harvest was not available. Some floating vegetation (Nymphaea sp.) was observed in the pond 2-3 m from shore. Emergent grasses at the shoreline contained the snail, L. natalensis. No mosquito larvae were observed, table 2. Cyungo (Byumba Pr6fecture) The Cyungo site had a large (2,500-3,000 m 2 ) single-family pond with about 15 compost enclosures around its perimeter. Farmers have chosen to raise rabbits and chickens at this site, and pigs will be raised in the area at other ponds. The dike is broken to drain the pond and is rebuilt after harvest. This pond was well managed. There was a healthy phytoplankton bloom and tilapia actively fed on Colocasia leaf fragments thrown on the water surface. The pond was well built with little shoreline vegeta- tion. Only one snail, Bulinus sp., and a single mosquito larva was found after sampling several meters of shoreline, table 2. Taba (Gitarama Pr6fecture) The Taba site had two ponds (200 m 2 each), with six additional ponds planned that would be 1,500-2,000 m 2 each (3 ha total surface area). Ponds were managed by students of a CERAI school, and rab- bits and cows are already raised at the site. Being close to Kigali, there is a good market for meat and fish produced here. Ponds had relative- ly straight, steep-sided dikes and no emergent vegetation in open water. Shoreline vegetation was abundant, however, and the emergent grasses and smartweed (Polygonum spp.) contained three genera of snails, Bulinus sp., L. natalensis, and B. pfeifferi, table 2. No mosquito larvae were found. Kanama (Gisenyi Pr6fecture).. The Kanama site had about 40 ponds that have been built over the last 3 to 5 years. Ponds were of various sizes and shapes, and were dis- organized in their layout. Soils have a high organic matter content and dikes of some ponds were poorly compacted and unstable. In general, ponds were poorly built and managed. Water levels var- ied and some ponds had large areas that were less than 20 cm deep. Some ponds were completely covered with duckweed and water meal (Lemna sp. and Woffia sp., respectively); others had large amounts of floating vegetation (Potamogetop sp.) in open water. Most ponds were infertile, with little to no compost. Pond water was generally clear and some ponds were darkly stained with humic compounds. Shoreline grasses and smartweed were abundant and contained the snail, L. natalensis and numerous mosquito larvae, table 2. TABLE 2. CUMULATIVE LIST OF SNAILS, MOSQUITOS, AND OTHER MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM SHORELINES OF PONDS AT TEN SITES IN RWANDA AUGUST 6-17, 1990 Taxon Pond Site' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Snails (Gastropoda) Bulinidae Bulinus sp. P P P P Lymnaeidae Lymnaea natalensis P P P P P P Planorbidae Biomphalaria pfeifferi P P P P P P Thiaridae Melanoides tuberculata P P Mosquitos (Diptera) Culieidae Anophelinae P Culicinae P P Other Macroinvertebrates Ephemeroptera Baetidae P P P P P P P Caenidae P Odonata Aeshnidae P P P Coenagrionidae P P P P P P P Libellulidae P P P Macromiidae P Hemiptera Belostomatidae P P P P P P Corixidae P P P Gerridae P P Hydrometridae P Mesoveliidae P P P P Naucoridae P P P Nepidae P P P P P Notoneetidae P P P P P Pleidae P P Coleoptera Dytiscidae P P P P Gyrinidae P P Hydrophilidae P Diptera Ceratopogonidae P Chironomidae P P P P Ephydridae P Sites of study: 1 = Gikoro; 2 6 = Mabanza; = Cyimbogo; 8 present = Birenga; 3 = Cyungo; 4 = Taba; 5 = Kanama; Bugarama; 9 = Bwafu; 10 = Kazabe; P = Mabanza (Kibuye Pr6fecture) The Mabanza site had four large ponds (3,000-4,000 m 2 each) that were constructed about 15 years ago. This was previously a govern- mental station that cultured O. macrochir and common carp (Cypri- nus carpio) with minimal feed or compost inputs. It was managed by a cooperative of local men who use compost enclosures to fertilize ponds stocked with O. niloticus. A woman extensionist, in training at Kigembe, will be stationed there. Ponds were generally well constructed but needed repair. Dikes were high (1-1.5 m above water surface) and undercut in several places. Shoreline vegetation was abundant and contained the snails, L. natalensis and B. pfeifferi, table 2; no mosquito larvae were observed. A cow grazed near the ponds and a boy swam in one of them at the time of sampling. This indicated that there may be regular human and animal contact with pond water that contained snail hosts for schisto- somiasis and cattle liver fluke. Cyimbogo (Cyangugu Pr6fecture) The Cyimbogo site had 300-400 m 2 ponds managed by families that own the land of the marais. Cultured Tilapia rendalli and O. macrochir were replaced by O. niloticus within the past 5 years. The people are willing to convert the surrounding sweet potato and cassava fields into fishponds because of the high demand for animal protein within this Pr6fecture and from nearby Zaire. They wish to integrate fish culture with chickens and goats, and they also may raise rabbits. An extension agent was active at Cyimbogo and has previously improved pond design. Farmers have kept good fish production records. Ponds were well built and managed. Dikes were straight with little shoreline vegetation. Compost enclosures were properly maintained, and ponds had healthy phytoplankton blooms. Water from the supply canal was filtered with a screen before it entered the ponds. No mosquito larvae or snail hosts for schistosomiasis or liver fluke were observed after sampling several meters of shoreline, table 2. A single specimen of the predaceous snail Melanoides tuberculata was found. Bugarama (Cyangugu Prdfecture) The Bugarama site had four ponds (200-300 m 2 ) managed by a group of Boy Scouts. Ponds were at the lowest elevation in Rwanda (900 min). A rice/fish culture project has been proposed for this area, and farmers are willing to replace existing rice fields with fishponds. An extensionist is presently being trained at Kigembe, and a neighbor- ing extensionist assists here occasionally. Ponds were fertilized with cut sedges (Cyperus sp.) in compost enclosures. Dikes were higher than necessary and shoreline grasses were abundant. One pond seemed to have the water level recently lowered and contained emergent vegetation in open water. Two snail species, B. pfeifferi and M. tuberculata were found there. table 2. This was the only site at which anopheline mosquito larvae were collected from fishponds. Bwafu (Gisenyi Prefecture) The Bwafu site had five government-owned ponds (about 2,000- 3,000 m 2 each), adjacent to a Dutch agricultural project. An extension- ist from the PPN had not been assigned here. Local farmers were interested in producing more fish and beginning livestock husbandry. Ponds were terraced with about a 3-m difference in the water level of the first and fifth ponds. Dikes were extremely high (up to 2 m above the water surface) and large portions of them were subsiding into the ponds. Some ponds were greater than 2 m deep at the water level con- trol monks, and the outer slope of all ponds was up to 3-m high and leaking. In general, ponds were too large and deep to effectively manage under current conditions. There was little or no compost in ponds and existing compost enclosures were grossly undersized. Water was infer- tile and brown except in the smallest pond which was composted and used to produce tilapia fingerlings for stocking in other ponds. Stock- ing and harvest records were unavailable, but only about 5 kg of O. niloticus, stocked from Kigembe 1 year ago, have been harvested. There was little emergent vegetation, and dip net samples revealed that shoreline macroinvertebrates were generally scarce. A few Buli- nus sp. and B. pfeifferi snails were collected along the shoreline, but no mosquito larvae were observed, table 2. Kazabe (Gisenyi Pr6fecture) The Kazabe site had eight government-owned, terraced ponds (200-300 m 2 each) and eight additional ponds that were drained. Ponds were designed and managed much like those at nearby Bwafu and an extensionist from the PPN had not been assigned here. A group of local women was interested in improving these ponds and integrating them with small livestock. Ponds were not fed or compost- ed and water was infertile and brown. Shoreline vegetation contained three snail species, Bulinus sp., L. natalensis, and B. pfeifferi. No mosquito larvae were found, table 2. STREAM AND CANAL SITE EVALUATIONS A biotic index (BI) was determined for four streams and five canal sites, table 3 and figure 2. Macroinvertebrate data which formed the basis for the BI for each site are presented in Deutsch (15). The BI of streams reflected known conditions of organic pollution and, there- fore, seemed applicable for bioassessment in Rwanda. The most pris- tine stream, at Karamba, had the greatest biodiversity and the lowest BI, figure 2. Water quality for this stream was rated "very good, near excellent", table 1. The Kamabuye stream, with known organic pollu- tion, had only one-third the biodiversity of that at Karamba, and the highest BI, figure 2. One genus of Chironomidae (Chironomus spp.) composed more than 90% of the total number of organisms present. Water quality for this stream was rated "very poor, severe organic pol- lution likely", table 1. Streams at Rushashi and near the Nyabarongo River had intermediate biodiversity and water quality ratings of "good, some organic pollution probable", table 1. Results suggested that macroinvertebrate families in Rwanda were "ecologically equivalent" to their counterparts in North America in terms of pollution tolerance, and that criteria of the BI were appropriate for this study. Most canals at pond sites were not evaluated with a BI because they did not have flowing water or were overgrown with vegetation. Canal sites that were sampled had macroinvertebrate communities with low biodiversity (few taxa) and high tolerance to organic enrichment. Cyimbogo, where fishponds were located downstream from a large agricultural area, had the fewest number of taxa and highest BI of the canals sampled, figure 2. Gikoro, in a less developed marais, had ben- thic communities in canals that were slightly more diverse and with a lower BI. At the two sites where both the supply and discharge canals were sampled (Cyimbogo and Gikoro), macroinvertebrate communi- ties were relatively similar upstream and downstream of fishponds, figure 2. This indicated that negative environmental impacts on ben- thos were not attributable to fish culture activities. Biotic index 9 -2 Canal 2 3 ^ 8.01 7,92 4 [777 o+ ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sampling site FIG. 2. Number of macroinvertebrate families and family-level biotic index for nine sampling sites in Rwanda, 6-17 August 1990 TABLE 3. AN EXAMPLE FIELD SHEET FOR CALCULATION OF THE FAMILY-LEVEL BIOTIC INDEX AT A STREAM AT KARAMBA, RWANDA AUGUST 13, 19901 n, ti (natj) n, ti (njtl) EPHEMEROPTERA ISOPODA Baetidae 119 4 476 Asellidae 8 Caenidae 7 Ephemerellidae 1 Ephemeridae 4 Heptageniidae 4 TRICHOPTERA Leptophlebiidae 3 2 6 Hydropsychidae 11 4 44 Oligoneuridae 2 Hydropfilidae 4 Tricorythidae 4 Lepidostomatidae 1 1 1 Leptoceridae 1 4 4 Limnephilidae 4 Philopotamidae 3 Polycentropodidae 2 6 12 Psycomyiidae 2 Phyacophilidae 0 Sericostomatidae 1 ODONATA Aeshnidae 3 Calopterygidae 5 Coenagrionidae 9 Cordullidae 5 Gomphidae 1 Lestiae 9 COLEOPTERA Libellulidae 9 Elmidae 4 Macromiidae 3 DIPTERA Blephariceridae 0 Ceratopogonidae 1 6 6 Chironomidae (red) 8 PLECOPTERA Chironomidae (pink) 6 Perlidae 1 Ephydridae 6 Psychodidae 10 Simuliidae 1 6 6 Tabanidae 6 AMPHIPODA Tipuidae 3 3 9 Gammaridae 4 Talitridae 8 Family Level Biotic Index (FBI) = I (nit1) / N = 564 / 142 = 3.97 'The list of macroinvertebrate families in Rwanda is from Durand and Liveque (20,21). Sampling Site: Stream at Karamba (Cyangugu Prefecture), Rwanda, Africa Date: August 13, 1990 Collector(s): WGD, MC Identifier(s): WGD, MC Notes: Biotic Index of 3.97; Number of Families = 9; 6 Hydrophilidae and 3 Gyrinidae (Coleoptera) were also colected. In general, the benthos of canals upstream and downstream of ponds seemed to be altered from such factors as frequent disturbance of the substrate (dredging of canals), intermittent water flow, and organic enrichment from nearby human and livestock activities. It is important to note that the BI of canals is not directly comparable to the BI of streams, and canal water quality should not be interpreted according to table 1. The canal aquatic environment is unstable, and usually had flows less than those required for appropriate application of the BI . Canal water quality would be better evaluated using chemi- cal or bacteriological (fecal coliform and streptococcus) methods. DISCUSSION FISH CULTURE AND WATERBORNE DISEASE Fishponds in tropical countries have frequently been implicated in the spread of human and livestock disease (30,36,39). Desowitz (14) cited examples of fish culture development projects that resulted in expanded mosquito habitat and a large increase in the incidence of human malaria. Others have noted that fishponds may be favorable habitats for snail vectors of schistosomiasis (5), and numerous efforts have focused on the control of these snails (12,41,42,43,56). Recent documentation of schistosomiasis in Rwanda (25) has resulted in concern over the role of fishponds in the spread of this dis- ease. Malek (40) conducted a survey of several fishponds in Rwanda and concluded that the snail hosts for schistosomiasis and sheep and cattle liver fluke were widespread. Ponds have the potential for facili- tating the spread of these diseases if infected humans or livestock con- taminate them, however, the trematode parasites do not yet seem to be prevalent in Rwanda. Recommendations for controlling mosquito and snail hosts for malaria, schistosomiasis, and liver fluke were relat- ed, and included maintenance of fish in ponds at all times, control of shoreline vegetation, removal of floating debris, and screening of sup- ply canal water. Unedited excerpts from the report of Malek (40), which give background information on fish culture and waterborne disease and are pertinent to the present study, are presented in the Appendix. In the present study, the findings of Malek (40) were substantiated in that snail hosts for schistosomiasis and liver fluke were found in more than half of the ponds sampled, table 2. Mosquito larvae were less common and anophelines were observed at only one site. Control of shoreline vegetation is perhaps the single most impor- tant factor in eliminating mosquito and snail habitats in stocked fish- ponds. Without emergent plants, mosquito larvae and trematode cercariae are vulnerable to fish predation, and snails are deprived of their preferred, firm substrates (plant stems and leaves) for grazing. Because of the prevalence of L. natalensis in ponds, shoreline vegeta- tion may contain metacercarial cysts of the liver fluke as well as snails and their eggs. It is, therefore, important to not compost cut shoreline plants in fishponds nor feed them to cattle, sheep, or goats. Shoreline vegetation should be thoroughly dried or composted away from water and livestock to break the life cycle of the parasite. There was a clear relationship between design and management features of ponds and the occurrence of disease vectors. For example, the poorly built pond at Gikoro had the most snails, and ponds with abundant shoreline and open-water vegetation at Kanama and Bugarama harbored mosquitos. Conversely, well-built and well-man- aged ponds at Cyungo and Cyimbogo had almost no disease hosts. The role of an active, well-trained extensionist cannot be underesti- mated in minimizing risks of waterborne disease. At the sites visited, they seemed to be the critical factor in this regard. The fact that exten- sionists have effectively helped farmers to keep pond dikes straight and relatively free of shoreline plants is a credit to the training at Kigembe, and continued training and placement of extensionists should remain a high priority of the PPN. INTEGRATED AQUACULTURE AND WATER POLLUTION Because most fishponds in Rwanda are nutrient limited, integration of aquaculture with livestock husbandry has the potential for increas- ing fish production while supplying farmers with additional meat and animal by-products. Integration is one of the most efficient ways to convert manures into edible protein (38,49). Although integrated aquaculture has been successfully practiced in Asia for centuries, there is concern that these culture methods may spread disease or pol- lute the downstream environment. For example, some virologists warn that integrated aquaculture with pigs, poultry, and fish, as prac- ticed in Thailand, creates an environment in which harmful viruses may be transmitted to people (19,48). Pigs are particularly implicated as a source of mutated viruses which infect human populations. To minimize the spread of disease in integrated systems, livestock should be kept well-fed and clean in adequately sized enclosures. Fish culture with livestock in properly built pens at Kigembe has demon- strated that animal manures may be safely metabolized in ponds to increase tilapia production in Rwanda. Use of manures may even reduce disease risks by enhancing pond fertility and phytoplankton blooms that, in turn, shade out emergent vegetation and eliminate snail and mosquito habitat. Proper matching of pond size with manure inputs (e.g. kg of animal per unit surface area of water) is important to avoid excess organic loading and unhealthy, septic conditions that may pollute the down- stream environment when water is discharged. Fortunately, the fish serve as one of the most important checks against over-manuring because the resulting low dissolved oxygen or build-up of toxic metabolites (e.g. ammonia) would preclude their culture. Extension- ists at Kigembe should be trained to assist farmers in housing the appropriate number of animals at their ponds. Although much of the organic inputs from manures would be con- verted to fish flesh, some will be released downstream when ponds are drained. This study found that the aquatic environment immediately below fishponds is already disturbed from other factors, and that the relatively few taxa that occur there are tolerant of high levels of organ- ic enrichment, figure 2. In large aquacultural systems that receive intensive feed and chemical inputs, fishpond discharges may be of low quality and adversely affect downstream use (4,6,22,55). At the scale and management intensity of the proposed aquaculture centers, how- ever, fishponds would have relatively low volume and infrequent dis- charges that should not cause undue environmental degradation downstream. As freshwater wetlands, marais are among the most productive ecosystems, and much of the excess organics discharged from fish- ponds will quickly become incorporated into plant biomass (cultivated and natural vegetation). Some organics will probably reach surface streams or ground water and become a source of non-point pollution. For this reason, environmental monitoring of streams is recommended. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Basic ecological information is needed to form a baseline from which sound environmental management decisions can be made. Although there has been some attempt to evaluate and control aquatic pollution in Africa (1), baseline information on water quality trends in Rwanda is sorely lacking. This study made a preliminary evaluation of the usefulness of the biotic index for assessing organic pollution in streams and canals of Rwanda, table 1 and figure 2. Several macroin- vertebrate families were collected and used in this effort, table 4. Aquatic macroinvertebrates are typically abundant, relatively immobile, and have a wide range of pollution tolerances. For these reasons, they have been used in pollution studies for a number of years (26). Recent research has developed rapid bioassessment methods that require a minimal amount of equipment (27,28,37). Fish commu- nities have also been used in impact assessment (23,34), and a concur- rent study of water chemistry, macroinvertebrates, and fish provides a thorough description of non-point sources of organic pollution in streams (16). The biotic index would be useful in stream studies in Rwanda, and it is one of the most practical ways to determine the long-term impact of fish culture or other human and livestock activities on water quality. Although taxonomic and ecological information on macroinverte- brates in Rwanda is scarce (7,9,20,21,32), family-level tolerance values determined for benthos in the United States seemed applicable for this study. The BI could be refined for local conditions and made more accurate by determining tolerance values for organisms at lower taxo- nomic levels (genus or species). For example, a biotic index that used genera and species of macroinvertebrates was applied to stream assessments in South Africa by Chutter (8). The BI is best applied to first and second order streams and is not recommended for use in canals, table 1. Stream macroinvertebrates also could be used to detect other forms of disturbances such as pesticide pollution. Because inverte- brates such as aquatic insects and worms form a critical link in the food webs of Rwandan fishponds, and they are particularly intolerant of most pesticides used in agriculture (33), it may be important to moni- tor upstream use of chemicals that may threaten the feasibility of aquaculture. At a USAID-sponsored aquaculture project in El Sal- TABLE 4. CUMULATIVE LIST OF MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM PONDS, CANALS, AND STREAMS IN RWANDA, AUGUST 6-17, 1990 Arthropoda Insecta Ephemeroptera Baetidae Caenidae Odonata Aeshnidae Coenagrionidae Libellulidae Macromiidae Hemiptera Belostomatidae Corixidae Gerridae Hydrometridae Hydronwtra sp. Mesoveliidae Naucoridae Nepidae Nepa sp. Ranatra sp. Notonectidae Pleidae Plea sp. Tricoptera Hydroysychidae B jropsyche spp. Aiacronema sp. Lepidostomatidae Goerodes sp. Polycentropodidae Arthropoda (cont.) Insecta (cont.) Coleoptera Dytiscidae Gyrinidae Hydrophilidae Diptera Teratopogonidae Chironomidae Culicidae Anophelinae Culicinae Ephydridae Mollusca Gastropoda Bulinidae Bulinus spp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea natalinsis Planorbidae Biomphalaria pfeifferi Thiaridae Melanoides tuberculata vador, for example, it was impossible to maintain fish in ponds until upstream use of pesticides was controlled (3). It is recommended that several "trend stations" be established on small watersheds in Rwanda for periodic bioassessment studies. A quarterly monitoring of four or five key sites would require approxi- mately four person-weeks per year for a qualified technician with expertise in macroinvertebrate taxonomy. Such a collection of ecologi- cal information could be invaluable for determining conditions and appropriate future uses of water in the country. EXOTIC SPECIES INTRODUCTIONS There has been relatively little control over the introduction of exotic fishes to Africa, and some non-native species have irreversibly altered natural aquatic environments. In Rwanda, there have been introductions of the grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (1979), the common carp, Cyprinus carpio (1960s), the silver carp, Hypoph- thalmichthys molitrix (1979), the clupeid, Limnothrissa miodon (1960s), and the tilapias, O. macrochir (1950s), and T rendalli (1956), among others (54). Ogutu-Ohwayo and Hecky (46) noted some of the "species extinctions, introgressive hybridizations, and ecosystem alter- ations" that occurred following fish introductions in African waters, and a recent study by DeVos et al. (18) documented the complete change in a cyprinid-based fishery in Lake Ruhondo, Rwanda, follow- ing the introduction of Tilapia. New species of fish are continually being described from Rwanda (17,51,52) and there may be hundreds of invertebrates, plants, and other organisms which are unknown to science and potentially useful to humans. Clearly, the indiscriminate introduction of non-native organisms, which may threaten these species, should be strongly dis- couraged. Introductions should only follow a thorough justification and description of the potentially introduced species, as well as detailed and controlled studies on the predicted environmental conse- quences. Even the best evaluations may fail to detect negative impacts that become impossible to correct after introduction. A decision model for exotic introductions, figure 3, was developed by Kohler and Stanley (35) and has been applied to potential fish transfers in Africa by Slootweg (50). Proposal for exotic species introduction f LEVEL OF REVIEW 1 1. Determine validity for introduction. 2. Determine population abundance in native range and current levels of exploitation. 3. Determine potential for inadvertent introduction of disease and parasites. 4. Characterize site of proposed introduction. NO OR S UNCLEAR LEVEL OF REVIEW 2 1. Determine the acclimatization potential. YES OR UNCLEAR LEVEL OF REVIEW 3 1. Predict ecological benefits and risks. 2. Predict benefits and risks to humans. UNCLEAR tYES APPROVE DECISION BOX 2 1. Would the exotic species be able to survive and reproduce in the range of habitats that would be available? AtNO APPROVE IL4iNO APPROVE LEVEL OF REVIEW 4 1. Conduct detailed literature review to develop a FAO species synopsis. $r I UNCLEAR DECISO10N BOX 4 1. Was data base adequate to develop a complete species synopsis? NO 2. Does the data base indicate desirability for introduction? NO tYES APPROVE DECISION BOX 5 1. Based on all available information, do the benefits of the exotic fish introduction out-weigh the risks? YES NO APPROVE REJECT FIG. 3. Review and decision model for evaluating proposed exotic introductions. 10 REJECT 1. Are reasons for introduction valid? YES NO 2. Is the exotic species endangered, threatened, or rare in its native range? NO YES'-I 3. Would adequate safeguards be taken to guard against introduction of disease and parasites? YES NOYESNO 4. Would the exotic species be maintained in a closed system with little chance for escapement? DECISION BOX 3 1. Would the exotic species have major adverse ecological impacts? NO YES- 2. Would the exotic species potentially be hazardous to man? YES-*- REJECT REJECT LEVEL OF REVIEW 5 1. Conduct research necessary to complete species synopsis. 2. Conduct research to assess potential im- pact on indigenous species and habitats. ff I 1 2MI.- I a a a son BX~fREJECT i nrI f UNCLEAR I 1 00- REFERENCES CITED (1) ALABASTER, J. S. 1981. Review of the State of Aquatic Pollution of East African Inland Waters. CIFA Occasional Paper No. 9. 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SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In order to assess the impact of fish ponds in Rwanda on the preva- lence of scbistosomiasis and malaria, examination of ponds was carried out in five prefectures, namely, Butare, Gikongoro, Gitarama, Gisenyi, and Kigali. In the examination, emphasis was placed on the layout of the ponds, the water supply, the fish species being cultured, presence or absence of aquatic weeds and of bank vegetation hanging in the water, species of snails and their infection with schistosomes and other trematodes, presence or absence of mosquito larvae and use of the ponds by humans. Chemical analysis of pond water was carried out in several ponds. It was revealed that feeder streams often have snails and aquatic vegetation and no doubt they are the source of infestation of the ponds with these organisms. Ponds with aquatic weeds, with bank vegetation hanging in the water and with flotsam, vegetable matter, and debris have more than one species of snails. On the other hand, well man- aged ponds without aquatic weeds, where the bank vegetation is trimmed, without debris or vegetable matter do not harbor snails or mosquito larvae. Several ponds harbor the snail intermediate hosts of Schistosoma mansoni (Bioniphalaria pfeifferi and B. sudanica) and the snail hosts of Schistosoma haematobium, (Bulinus (Physopsis) globosus and Buli- nus strigosus). This is the first report of these bulinid snails in Rwanda. Although no infection with S. mansard or S. haematobium was found in these snails, their presence in the ponds creates the possibility of transmission of schistosomiasis. Moreover, it is possible that snails may be found infected at a different season of the year. Chemical analysis of the water of some ponds indicated that fish ponds in several prefec- tures can harbor snails and other molluscs at any time if they are intro- duced in the ponds. Fortunately, the majority of ponds examined in this study are not used by the human population, at least at the time of the visit to these ponds. People tend to use nearby streams, if they exist, because the stream water is cleaner than the stagnant and fertilized ponds. Howev- er, when the pond is at the edge of a town, such as the one at Nyabisin- du, people tend to use it for various purposes, resulting in human-water contact and possible infection with schistosomiasis. Recommendations made, if followed, will minimize or possibly eliminate the chances of infection with schistosomiasis and malaria. Environmental means of snail and mosquito larvae control are strong- ly encouraged. Removal of aquatic and bank vegetation and of all flot- sam and debris should be done regularly to discourage snail and mosquito larvae breeding. Ponds should be drained occasionially and vegetation, mud on the bottom and the banks removed, and indenta- tions along the sides of the pond should be eliminated. Because most feeder streams were found to harbor snails and weeds, a small metal screen with 16 meshes to the linear inch, should be installed across the 12 inlet of each pond to detain snails, weeds, and snail eggs adhering to the weeds. These weeds when found should be removed so that they do not interfere with passage of water. Introduction of malacophagous fish and mosquito larvae-eating fish is encouraged. However, well- controlled observations have to be carried out to determine the effica- cy of these fish under Rwandan conditions. Ponds should always be stocked with fish because such ponds stocked with even the species which are presently being cultured, do not contain mosquito larvae. All persons who have anything to do with fish ponds should have urine and fecal examinations every six months to determine if they are infected with schistosomes. If found infected they should be treated in a nearby hospital with the available effective chemotherapeutic agents. This examination should be done as soon as possible because the snail intermediate hosts are already present in a large number of ponds. Arrangements have been made with the Laboratory of Para- sitology at the Medical School in Butare to carry out the examination. A monitoring or surveillance and control program for snails and mosquito larvae should begin as soon as possible, and should be con- sidered an important activity of the Fish Culture Project. A part of the training course for monitors, which will start at Kigembe in Septem- ber 1983, should be devoted to the impact of fish ponds on the preva- lence of schistosomiasis and malaria. Supervisors and agronomes also should receive such training. If monitors find any snails or mosquito larvae in their areas they should alert the supervisors who subsequent- ly will contact the team leader and the fish culture extension specialist. Control measures, mainly environmental, should be taken immediate- ly, after which monitoring should continue every two months. During the first year (1983-1984) emphasis will be placed on monitoring fish ponds for snails and mosquito larvae in the prefectures of Butare, Gikongoro, and Gitarama. In the second and third years, the monitor- ing will be carried out in other prefectures. The fourth year will be devoted to evaluation of the program. This study indicates that fish ponds in Rwanda prove satisfactory in terms of high fish productivity, without or with a minimal risk of trans- mission of schistosomiasis and malaria, if they are well managed and if a few simple and affordable control measures are undertaken. Howev- er, a more detailed study will be required to verify that the disease vec- tors can be controlled over time. 7. FIELD OBSERVATIONS OF FISH PONDS IN RWANDA REGARDING WATER-RELATED DISEASES Fish ponds in Rwanda, if not well managed, could be a health haz- ard in transmitting schistosomiasis and malaria. Some viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes also could be contracted. However, the ponds are not suitable habitats for the breeding of the larvae of black flies, Simulium spp. which transmit onchocerciasis. In Rwanda, fish ponds have been in existence for a long time and thus are not a new environmental impact. It should be noted that in any country the area used by fish ponds is very small compared to the area containing natural streams, rivers, small and large impoundments and swamps with which the human population is in contact. With regard to the impact of fish ponds on public health, several factors have to be taken into consideration, for example, their management, their size and number, their attractiveness to the human population, the vectors they harbor, the infection rates among these vectors, and the prevalence of diseases among the human population. Fortunately, the majority of ponds examined in this study are not used by the human population, at least at the time of the visit to these ponds. People tend to use the nearby streams if they exist, because the stream water is cleaner than the stagnant and fertilized ponds. Howev- er, when the pond is at the edge of a town, such as the one at Nyabisin- do, people tend to use it for various purposes resulting in human-water contact and possible infection with schistosomiasis. This is especially true when there are only a few other alternatives in the form of streams or rivers or piped water. Moreover, when fish ponds are in the proximity of towns, the stream feeding the pond is usually surrounded by dwellings which pollute the stream as well as the ponds. Such is the case in the prefectural fish ponds at Kigali. The present study of fish ponds in Rwanda showed that the majori- ty harbor the snail intermediate hosts of the human and animal schis- tosomes. Moreover, chemical analyses of water in several fish ponds showed that all are suitable habitats for existence and breeding of mol- luscs. Thus it is only a matter of time until all become infested with certain snail species which they do not harbor at present. Although no schistosome intermediate hosts collected were infected with the schis- tosomes, certain studies on fish ponds in other African countries revealed the presence of snails infected with the human schistosomes. The snails collected during this study in Rwanda were all browsing on plant surfaces rather than mud surfaces although they occasionally occur on mud. If macrophytic vegetation is allowed to grow in a pond or marginal vegetation overhangs into the water, snails are likely to be found in large numbers. Another favorite substrate is provided by decaying vegetable matter such as leaves or grass cuttings which fall into the pond or may be deliberately thrown in as food for the fish, often in excessive quantities. Fortunately, the situation can be remedied with regard to both snail and mosquito vectors of schistosomiasis and malaria respectively. Dis- ease control should be a primary objective in pond management. We can have fish ponds with minimal health hazards. Well managed ponds in which aquatic vegetation and all debris are removed and marginal vegetation are trimmed are not favorable habitats for snails and mosquito larvae. Larvae of Anopheles gambiae and A. funestus are usually found on mats of floating debris or in the semi-submerged veg- etation at the edges of the water. This is a similar habitat to that for snails. Snails and aquatic weeds also should be detained at the inlet of each pond from the feeder stream, so that they will not be introduced into the ponds. It was observed during this study that when the pond is stocked with fish, any species which are presently cultivated in Rwanda, then there are no mosquito larvae. Evidently the larvae were being con- sumed by the fish. Therefore the ponds always should be stocked with fish until they are drained and dried out. Important Snails Found In Rwandan Fish Ponds The important snail species which were encountered in the fish ponds which were examined are the following: Lymnaea natalensis This is a common snail in many African countries and is the snail intermediate host of the cattle and sheep liver fluke Fasciola gigantica. None from fish ponds was found infected with this fluke, however, some specimens collected from an irrigation ditch near Butare were infected, and when the snails were isolated in water with grass blades, metacercarial cysts of F gigantica were observed on the grass blades. However, there were other trematode cercariae emerging from the specimens collected from fish ponds. In Zaire, this lymnaeid species in fish ponds was found infected with a strigeid trematode of the family Diplostomatidae. The cercariae after leaving the snails encyst in fish to form metacercariae. When the fish is eaten by birds the metacercariae develop to the adult worm Diplostomum sp. Infection with the metacercariae in the fish may cause a serious effect on the fish population and results in low fish pro- ductivity. Thus snail control in fish ponds is not only for health reasons but also to ensure high fish productivity by eliminating metacercarial infections in fish. Biomphalaria pfeifferi and B. sudanica These planorbid snails, especially B. pfeifferi, are common in many African countries. They are recognized and effective intermediate hosts of Schistosoma mansoni, which causes human intestinal schisto- 13 somiasis. None were found infected with S. nmansoni in the fish ponds that were examined. They might, however, be found infected at anoth- er season of the year. The snails were found infected with other trema- todes, not of medical importance. B. pfeifferi and B. sudanica are intermediate hosts of another schis- tosome Schistosoma rodhaini, a parasite of small rodents and dogs in Zaire, Uganda, and Kenya. It occasionally infects humans in Zaire. Whether it occurs in Rwanda is not known. Bulinus (Physopsis) globosus and Bulinus (Bulinus) sp. probably B. (B.) strigosus These are intermediate hosts, in other countries, of Schistosoma haematobium, the causative agent for human urinary schistosomiasis. This is the first report of these snails in Rwanda, and they are prob- ably the intermediate hosts of the few cases of S. haematobium found recently in Rwanda. Early reports indicated the absence of these bulinid snails and the absence of urinary schistosomiasis in Rwanda. The only bulinid snail which was reported in Rwanda is Bulinus (Buli- nus) forskalii, a different bulinid snail which is not an intermediate host of urinary schistosomiasis in any African country. B. globosus, and B. forskalii are intermediate hosts of another schis- tosome, Schistosoma intercalatum, although related to S. haematobi- urn, it produces human intestinal schistosomiasis in Cameroon, Zaire, Gabon, and the Central African Republic. Whether it is found in Rwanda is not known. It is possible that the case near Butare, which was diagnosed as S. haenmatobium, where the eggs were found in the feces, is caused by S. intercalatum. The bulinid snails B. globosus and B. strigosus also serve as hosts for Schistosoma bovis, a schistosome of cattle and sheep. It was reported in Rwanda by van den Berghe (53), where it also infects antelopes. Thiara tuberculata = Melanoides tuberculata This species was found in fish ponds in Kigali and in Lake Ruhundo near Ruhengeri. T tuberculata and another species T granifera have been advocated as biological control agents of snails of medical or vet- erinary importance. The observations in Rwanda (also in Senegal and the Sudan) indicate that it coexists with biomphalarid, bulinid and lymnaeid snails. 8. CONTROL OF SNAILS AND MOSQUITO LARVAE IN FISH PONDS Snail Control In general, snails can be controlled by chemical, environmental and biological measures. Chemical Control Most if not all the molluscicides available at present are toxic to fish and are, therefore, unsuitable for use in fish ponds unless completely harvested prior to the treatment period; a requirement not likely to be met in most rural situations. Moreover, there is the problem of the necessary training for the technical helpers who will apply the mol- luscicide. There are some herbicides which also have molluscicidal value and they are reputedly not toxic to fish and which may be of potential use in fish ponds. However, they have not been tested under field conditions; moreover, attention should be given to their effect on the micro and macroflora of the ponds which constitute the food sup- ply of the fish. Certain parts and extracts of plants which grow in many African, Asian, and South American countries have molluscicidal value, for example, Sapindus saponaria and Phytolacca spp., but these also kill fish. Most of them have generally become known through their use by the local populations as fish poisons and thus their use should be pro- hibited in fish ponds. The conclusion is that chemical control by use of molluscicides is not considered to be really satisfactory or feasible in fish ponds. Environmental Control Several malacologists working in Africa have observed that careful maintenance of ponds will often prevent the buildup of large popula- tions of snails. Weeds and overhanging vegetation should be regularly removed. Occasional drying of ponds may have some effect on snails, but it seems that this is only likely to be very temporary. Biological Control Predators and competitors of snails include insects, fish and other snails. The most promising biological control measure in fish ponds is stocking these ponds with mollusc-eating (malacophagous) fish. DeBont (10,11) and DeBont and DeBont Hers (12,13) reported great success with Haplochromis mellandi Blgr. (identified in a previous publication as Serranochromis macrocephala Blgr.) in fish ponds in Zaire. This fish is reported to be good eating. Another fish, Astatore- ochromis alluaudi (Pellegrin) has been taken from Uganda to Cameroon where pond trials have been carried out which showed that snails were effectively controlled, and that A. alluaudi could be suc- cessfully cultured together with T nilotica (2,24). McMahon et al. (43) conducted an experiment in water impounded by earth dams, for local water supply, in Nyanza Province, Western Kenya. Control of snails was attempted by introduction of the mala- cophagous fish Astatoreochromis alluaudi; other species (Tilapia zillii and T leucosticta) also were introduced. One reservoir was left as a control without any introduction of fish. Assessment of snail control was made by scooping for snails, catches being expressed per man- hour of effort. This was carried out both before and after introduction of fish, over a total period of 15 years. The data indicated that A. allu- audi did reduce the numbers of some species of snails, particularly Biomphalaria pfeifferi (intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni) and, to a lesser extent and with less certainty, Bulinus spp. (some are intermediate hosts of S. haematobium). The other two introduced fish species, Tilapia ziUlii and T leucosticta, did not appear to be associated with reduction in snail numbers. There can be no doubt, however, that in this study Biomphalaria pfeifferi formed the principal diet of A. alluaudi. In Brazil, the fish Astronotus ocellatus ocellatus was very effective in considerably reducing populations of the snail Biomphalaria glabrata, intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. The capacity of A. ocellatus and Tilapia rendalli in eliminating snails was also demon- strated in Brazil. They are medium-size fish which are adapted to ponds and reservoirs. Smaller predatory fish also exist which, although unable to swallow adult snails of such species as Biomphalaria glabra- ta and B. tenagophila, kill these snails by wounding their exposed soft parts. These smaller species of fish include Hemichromis bimaculatus, the jewel fish, Macropodus opercularis, the paradise fish, and Hap- lochromis mellandi. The jewel fish, Hemichromis bimaculatus, when introduced into a 75 m 2 pond in Brazil infested with Biomphalaria tenagophila, and which had a substantial area of shallow water, elimi- nated the snails in six months. At the same time, itself increasing from 20 introduced specimens, to more than 500. A lake nearby populated with a fish of the same family, Geophagus brasiliensis, showed no infestation with snails (41). Astronotus ocellatus and Geophagus brasiliensis are Brazilian in origin; Tilapia rendalli, Haplochromis bimaculatus are exotic species but are found in certain bodies of water in Brazil. Astronotus ocellatus swallows the snail whole, while Tilapia spp. reduces or eliminates the vegetation which shields the snails and their eggs. Some species of voraciously herbivorous freshwater fish, for exam- ple, the Chinese grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, may play a use- ful role in suppressing, but rarely eliminating, snail host population densities, particularly in such lentic habitats as drainage and small feeder canals in irrigation schemes, ponds, etc. In Egypt and the Sudan trials using herbivorous fish, not only incidentally to suppress snail host population, but more to control aquatic weed growth, are in progress. On the other hand there are reports that other herbivorous 14 fish such as Tilapia zillii and T melanopleura were not effective in eliminating snails by preventing the growth of macrophytic vegetation in ponds and rendering them less suitable for the snails. McMahon et al. (43) found that T zillii had little or no effect on snail populations in the reservoirs which they studied in Kenya. Also at Mahiwa, Tanzania, Berrie (5) found that fish ponds containing T melanopleura were gen- erally fairly free from weeds whereas those containing T nilotica were not, but the snails were still able to thrive on decaying leaves and other rubbish which the fish did not seem to eat. Mosquito Larvae Control As is the case with snail control certain environmental and biologi- cal measures have been recommended for the control of mosquito lar- vae. Lockhart et al. (39) after studying fish ponds in the North Nyanza District of Kenya, recommended that the sides of the ponds should be regular as indentations in the banks reduce wave action and provide ideal habitats for mosquito larvae breeding. Vegetation on the banks should be kept short because overhanging vegetation provides ideal cover, especially for Anophelesfunestus larvae. Biological control of mosquito larvae by the use of certain species of fish has been advocated by many workers. Irvine (31) in Ghana, states that Tilapia are effective predators of mosquito larvae. Others have noted that ponds stocked with fish had few or no mosquito larvae as compared with other ponds which contain no fish. In a recent report on Biological Control of Vectors of Disease by the World Health Organization (56) the use of fish in the control of mosquito larvae has been advocated. In general, the use of indigenous rather than introduced fish is encouraged. Oreochromis spilurus is to be used operationally against Anopheles spp. Other examples of fish with considerable promise include members of the families Cyprin- odontidae (e.g. Aphanius spp., Aplocheilus spp. and Oryzias spp.), Hemirhamphidae, Anabantidae, and Cichlidae (including Tilapia spp.). Several species of Gambusia spp. are operational in some areas to control mosquito breeding, but may destroy local fish and therefore should not be introduced into new areas without careful study of the ecology and the fish fauna. Similarly, the use of other exotic fish is to be avoided, with the notable exception of annual fish such as Notho- branchius spp. Several species of bacteria have been recommended for biological control of mosquito larvae and blackfly larvae (vectors of onchocercia- sis), but their use is still at an experimental stage. Among these bacte- ria are Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 and Bacillus sphaericus. Also certain species of fungi are lethal to mosquito larvae, but their use is still at an experimental stage. 15