The International Center For Aqu C i?: gI I. K' "* "' ' s '-b~ Cr-~ r. ' ~ ,f~?~$""" ': ;i;~ ~QT"~i~:~&$srl ,Z i w~- ;P~q t~l~~f~L~M 7 3'4~. Y F ~ i ~-~r V'''fb.,i~.Jr: *- i 1:I:II iN 1 I 'd I ~ 4- I1 rlLt~m~ " "' f (.- %. ri w CONTENTS Page BACKGROUND OF GRANT ----------------------------------------------- 3 GRANT OBJECTIVES --------------------------------------------------------- 3 PERSONNEL OF THE PROJECT----------------------------------- ------------ 4 ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING THE YEAR--------------------------------- 4 Research Activities--------------------------------------------------------- 4 Research by Foreign Graduate Students ------------------- 6 Publications -------------------------------------------------------- 7 Teaching Activities ------------------ ---------------------- 7 Library Acquisitions ---------------------------------------------- 8 IMPACT OF GRANT-SUPPORTED ACTIVITIES IN ACHIEVING GRANT PURPOSE ------------------------------ 8 UTILIZATION OF INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSE CAPABILITIES IN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS ----------------- 10 OTHER RESOURCES FOR GRANT-RELATED ACTIVITIES-----------14 Published 10/76-1M Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. The International Center for Aquaculture- Annual Report for 1975 E. W. SH-ELL F lNDIiN( FRO iM 19 resear ch projects, each with the o1) jective of increasing efficiciicy of some phase of fish piroduc- tion, highlight 1975 Noik by the Interniational Center for Aquacultui e at Auhni n Un iversity. Each of the pr ojects receixved suppot tunder thc giant, AllI) csd 2780, under1( wich the Internation al Cen ter -,vas establlished at the Ala- ham a A giicultural Experimnit S tation in 1970)1 undter aucithor- ity conitainecd iii Section 211 (di) of tihe Foreigni Assistanice Act (of 1961. International ser vice activities and techn Iical assist ance to intern atioll a dev elopment p 01 ct s oxveirseas also received emphasis during theYer BACKGROUND OF GRANT Estahlishiment of the Inter national ('entci at AXubuiin Ui- versity and funding of the oxvera 1 l pi oject, "To) Stirengthien Specialized Competenc - in Aquaculture," reflect (1I) the importance (of acluacuiltui ( in) dcxelopiwg nations of the xx (1(, and (2) Auhurn 1 nix cisitx's cWm 1 )ctence and xso lclxxide leadership in fisheries. Acquacultui e is b~ecoming increasin Igly important in de- velopitng coulitries as at idleats of prov idling more of the 1)o- tein needed for adequate (liets and1 as an impor tant con- trbuit ion to economic grfi 1. It it ii c s inifertile landsl andc runoff sx'aters, along xxithi agricultuiral xxastces and suipluses, to intensively groxx crops(of high qfuality p)rotein) in tile form of fish anti otheir aq 1 uatic animials, thus gi (atl "xv increasitng the ab~ility tof ech cotinti s to suippls tli' 1 )1oteiii needs (of its oxvt people. Aquacultut e can he used to groxv high (Itiality piroteiii locally xxher e it is most needed, therebx reducing the cost of trainspor tation, piocessing, aii irefrigeration. It also piovides additional nceeed income auid emplovieiit for farmers. Auburn University has receiv ed xvot ldxxide recognition for its leacdeiship in xvarmxvatei fisheries geiieirally and aqjuacud- ture specifically. The Univeirsits is committed to assist de- veltoping inationls to increaste their supplies (of high quality pr oteiin and improve their ccoinom ic xx elI 1 si cig thriocgiiigh proved methods of aq uaculItutre. N o other Ameirican ui- versity presently has such at high capalbilitv of proxviding this type of assistance. Axvaircing of the girant p)rovided tile resouirces for stirength- cuing Aubuirn University 's reseairch aiiclteaching pirograms in aquaculture and its seesvice capablilities for consultation and traiinig in tile field. This increased competence xwill allow tlse Internastioinal Center to he oIf greater seirvice throughout the xworldl in contrib~utiing towvard acquacultui al development. Receiving special atteintion under tile granlt *Head, Departmient of Fisheries anti Allied Aquacultiires, antI Director, Iiiterinational Center for Aquacultiire 'A4greement signed Juine 25, 1970, by Johsn H. Hannah, for All), aid President H arry Ml. Philpott, for Auhuim U~niversitN programn is the development of methods and procedures of making tile University's competence in aquaculture more reasdily available for those who need it. GRANT OBJECTIVES Auhurn Uniiversity proposes the following objectives as being (If paiai unibit importance in strengthening the com- pecteince (If tlse Inteirnationial Center for Aquaculture. 1To add to the faculty experts with competence in se- lectecd fields wvho can provxide broad technical assistance in aquacultui e to developing nations. 2. To develop a library containing worldwide literature on -Ii; $1 Aquoculture research in the Philippines by Auburn trained staff. aquaculture and more effective methods of disseminating in- formation on aquaculture. 3. To provide training and educational opportunities through short courses, symposia, and University courses for professional staff members of USAID, other federal agencies, and private foundations; for students interested in careers in international development; for Peace Corps Volunteers; and for foreign nationals. 4. To develop a worldwide collection of data on important food fishes and other aquatic organisms presently cultured or that appear suitable for culture. PERSONNEL OF THE PROJECT Personnel funded under the grant are listed below, with amount of time devoted to the grant project indicated: Name Dr. E. W. Shell Dr. D. D. Moss Dr. R. Allison Mr. J. R. Hubbard Dr. R. T. Lovell Dr. E. W. McCoy Dr. M. M. Pamatmat Mr. E. E. Prather Dr. R. O. Smitherman Mr. J. R. Snow Dr. W. D. Davies Mr. R. K. Goodman Ms. E. W. Scarsbrook Mr. B. N. Burrow Mr. C. D. Depoister Mr. J. P. Pugh Ms. C. B. Sherrer Ms. C. B. Hawke Ms. E. C. Talley Ms. P. M. Argo Ms. L. S. Stonicher Ms. T. N. Tilson Ms. A. C. Tucker Mr. D. E. Alston Mr. R. L. Busch Mr. J. A. Chappell Mr. C. Lim Mr. V. E. Mezainis Mr. P. W. Perschbacher Mr. R. P. Phelps Mr. E. H. Robinson Mr. C. S. Tucker Mr. J. L. Williamson Position Director Assistant Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Research Associate Research Associate Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Senior Clerk Typist A Typist Typist Typist Typist Typist Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Man-months 4.2 1.3 2.8 1.4 2.6 2.1 7.2 0.4 6.9 8.0 0.8 0.5 6.0 1.5 2.3 0.5 5.3 1.3 9.9 0.6 2.3 1.2 5.7 1.71 4.0 0.7 0.3 3.7 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.1 SAll graduate research assistants are generally expected to spend 1/3 time on activities related to their stipend and under normal circumstances do not contribute more than 4.0 man-months to a project in a year. ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING THE YEAR Research Activities Specific experiments completed in FY 1975 which re- ceived support under this grant are summarized in the fol- lowing paragraphs. The pond experiments were all designed to evaluate possible techniques which would give greater or more efficient fish production. Fish pathology projects and processing and marketing studies were aimed at providing advances in these areas. Aquaculture One experiment, conducted in 12 aerated concrete ponds each 0.005 acre, was to monitor water quality and deter- mine the amount of Tilapia aurea that could be produced [ 4 with different feed formulations and stocking rates. Treat- ments were stocking at 400 per pond and giving pelleted feed; 200 per pond with pelleted feed; 200 per pond with non-pelleted feed of the same formulation; and 100 per pond with pelleted feed. The experiment continued for 107 days. Feed conversion ratios (weight of feed:weight increase of fish) varied from 0.9:1 to 1.7:1. Net gains avaraging in excess of 17,000 pounds per acre were achieved, with the higher stocking rates giving the highest net yields but least efficient feed utilization. Results showed no significant dif- ferences between pelleted and non-pelleted feeds. (Allison and Smitherman) Striped bass fry were cultured in twelve 7.6-liter hatching jars and twelve 38-liter aquaria set up on recirculating water systems. Effects of diet, salinity, and container on survival and growth were tested. Data obtained from daily mortality counts and weekly growth samples showed no significant differences in survival between container shapes or levels of salinity. Fry survived and grew significantly better (P .01) on the brine shrimp diet than on the dry feed diet. Growth of fry was significantly better (P = .01) in aquaria than in jars. There was no difference in growth rates of fry cul- tured in the two salinity levels. (Shell) Light attraction experiments to determine the effects of wave length and intensity of light on striped bass fry be- havior were conducted at night. Using a high intensity lamp, colored filters, and a voltage regulator, it was determined that fry were attracted to light of moderate intensities. Light of low intensity was not powerful enough to attract fry, while fry appeared to avoid intense light. No difference was observed in behavior of fry to light of various wave lengths. (Shell) An experiment was conducted from October to December 1974 to determine if clomiphene citrate would induce gonadal development in channel catfish. Feed containing the chemi- cal was fed to males and females in separate ponds. Five females were sacrificed at 2-week intervals and the degree of gonadal development (Gonadal Somatic Index) deter- mined for each. Males were sacrificed only at the end of the experiment. Control fish were treated in the same manner except no chemical was incorporated in their feed. There was no difference in gonadal development of the fish fed the chemical and control fish. (Busch) Disc gel electrophoresis of serum proteins of Tilapia aurea was used to determine if any sex-related differences existed in the electropherograms. Analysis of the number of bands, frequency, and position of these bands will be continued with greater numbers of fish in the hope that differentiation of males and females will be possible. (Smitherman and Hardin) A polyculture experiment with channel catfish (3,000 per acre) as the principal species in the system and various stocking combinations with tilapia, hybrid buffalo, and Israeli carp was conducted from March to October 1974 in twenty- two, 0.1-acre earthen ponds. Fish growth, temperature, oxygen, and water hardness data were recorded periodically. All ponds were limed, and food was kept constant in all treatments. Results indicated no effective competition of tilapia with channel catfish at the lower stocking rate of tilapia (250 per acre), and tilapia represented an extra 200 pounds per acre of harvestable size fish. Larger tilapia fed on the pellets but channel catfish preyed on tilapia repro- duction thereby offsetting any food loss. Hybrid buffalo 1EF 4'%, ~ Pond-raised silver carp are regarded by some as the "miracle fish" for the developing world. stocked both at 100 adults per acre or 1,000 fingerlings per acre decreased channel catfish yields, as did Israeli carp stocked at both 40 and 100 per acre. (Smitherman and Pretto) Fry (9-11 millimeter) of Tilapia aurea xwere orally admin- istered androgen (Ethynyltestosterone) or estrogen (Es- trone). The fish were then reared in concrete tanks and earthen ponds. Sex ratio and growth rate were dete-mined. Fish treated with androgen were 9:3 to 100 percent male, but estrogen-treated fish had normal sex ratios. Growth of hormone-treated fish from May to October 1974 was similar to that of control fish. (Shelton) Food habits of channel catfish, adult and fingerlilg hy1l)rid buffalofish, Tilapia aurca, and Israeli carp were studied ill polvculture. Studies of the stomach contents of these fishes in May, July, and October revealed that supplemental feed was the primary food of the chainiel catfish in polyculture. Supplemental feed became increasingly more important to the tilapia, hybrid buffalofish, and Israeli carp as the total weight of fish in the ponds increased. In October, tilapia remains were found in only I percent of the channel catfish. This low percentage was believed to be tlhe result of low water temperatures. (Sm ithrman and Williamnson) Three different aeration devices were evaluated in 0.1- acre ponds in terms of catfish and tilapia prodhiction, main- tenance of water quality, and power requirements. Produc- tivity varied from 4,998 to 4,789 pounds per acre. Convr- sion ratios were similar in all ponds, approximatelv 1.4:1. Average percentage of harvestable fish per pond varied from 65.5 to 69.6. Maximum feed was in excess of 2,300 pounds per acre, much in excess of wxvhat is possible without aeration. During the last 59 days of the experiment, a daily average of 59 pounds per acre was fed. Dissolved oxygen profiles and flow patterns showed some (lifferences with depth and type of aerating device. Power consumption approached a cost comparable with other production costs, ran ging from $0.03 to $0.07 per pound of fish produced. (Allisoin) A comparison of the production of channel catfish andi a hvbrid (blue X channel) catfish was made in earthen ponds. The fish were compared for survival, food comnersion, giowth, size uniformity, dresscxut percentage, and chemical composi- tion. Significant dlifrciences exist('d between the two fishes,. 1 ,* T with the hybrid being superior in all phases except for greater fat content. (Smitherman and Yant) Fish Nutrition Although catfish can absorb adequate calcium from water, they must have dietary phosphorus for optimum growth rate in ponds. All-plant diets containing 0.69 percent total P or 0.22 percent available P did not allow for maximum growth by channel catfish in earthen ponds; however, when 0.3 per- cent phosphorus from CaHPO 4 was added to the all-plant diet to bring the available P level up to 0.52 percent, maxi- mum growth rate by the channel catfish was obtained. Higher supplemental levels of P did not result in improved growth. (Lovell and Prather) Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) was previously demonstrated to be essential in the diet for channel catfish grown in cages or artificial environments. During 1972-74, feeding studies were conducted to determine the necessity of vitamin C in pond feeds for channel catfish stocked at 2,000 to 10,000 per acre. Vitamin C was not necessary in practical feeds when fish were stocked up to 4,000 per acre (yield of 3,700 pounds per acre), as indicated by lack of differences in growth, incidences of deformed spinal columns, hemorrhagic tissues, alkaline phosphatase activity, blood or kidney levels of ascorbic acid, or susceptibility to bacterial infections be- tween catfish fed vitamin C in the feed and those fed no vitamin C. IHowever, when stocking density was increased to 10,000 per acre (in pens along the edge of large ponds) poorer growth, deformed backs, and higher mortalities from bacterial infection were found in fish not receiving vitamin C in the feed. (Locell) WVhen ethvlcellulose coated ascorbic acid was used in pelleted fish feeds, an average of 84 percent of the vitamin activity remained following the pelleting process; however, following extrusion, an average of 66.5 per cent of the activity remained. With non-coated ascorbic acid, 49 per- cent of the activity remained following pelleting huit none after extrusion. After 4 months' storage at ambient tempera- ture, 23.9 percent of the vitamin was recovered from the pelleted feeds and 21.7 percent from the extruded feed. (Lorcll) Floating and sinking forms of Auburn No. 4 catfish feed formula were fed to channel catfish, stocked at 3,000 per acre, for 200 days in 3.5-acre (floating feed) and 12.5-acre (sinking feed) ponds. Feeding rates were similar to those pre- viously used in 1 10-acre ponds when fish fed this feed in pellet form gained 0.98 pound each (2,950 pounds per acre). Average gain by the fish fed the floating feed in the large pond was 0.77 pound. Gain by fish fed the sinking feed in the large pond, estimated by seine sampling, was 0.72 pound or 93.6 percent of that by the fish fed the floating pellets. (Prathcr and Locll) Pound-size channel catfish which had previously been fed intensively for 6 months were weighed, measured, and placed back into nine I l10-acre earthen ponds at the rate of 2,000 per acre. The fish were managed through the winter until the following March 4 on one of three feeding regimes: no feeding; feeding 1 percent of fish weight on alternate days; and feeding 1 percent of fish weight only on "warm" days or when water temperature at a 3-foot depth wvas above 54' F. Fish not fed lost 9 percent of their weight during the 100-day overwinter period. Those fed on alternate days received feed on 51 days and gained 23 percent, and those fed on "wanrm" days received feed 52 days and gained 19 percent. Condition factors increased for both groups of fed fish but decreased for the non-fed fish. Non-fed fish lost weight and also had the highest percentage of body fat, in- dicating that a significant amount of tissue protein was de- graded for energy needs. The protein content of the fed fish was higher and the fat content was lower than that usually found in summer-fed fish. (Lovell) Aquatic Ecology Benthic community metabolism was studied in two earthen ponds (densely stocked with channel catfish) to better un- derstand the problem of organic decomposition and conse- quent depletion of dissolved oxygen in bottom water. The role of the bottom mud and its associated biotic community in the consumption of oxygen needs to be clarified in order to better evaluate different ways of alleviating low oxygen conditions in bottom water. The bottom water below a depth of 5 feet in one of the ponds became anoxic as early as June. The benthic community may have been supplied with a small amount of oxygen through mixing of bottom water with overlying water, but this has not been assessed. In any case, metabolic activity of benthos in ponds with anoxic bottom water during the fish-growing season must be measured by methods dealing with anaerobic metabolism. (Pamatmat) Fish Pathology Channel catfish populations were immunized against Ichthyophthirius by exposure to controlled numbers of the parasite and by injections with ground trophozoites. Exposed and injected fish were challenged with 20 trophozoites per fish. Mortality in controls, 20 trophozoites exposure, 40 trophozoites exposure, and ground trophozoites was 100, 6.6, 0, and 0 percent, respectively. (Allison) Processing and Marketing Buffalofish and tilapia, which had been grown in com- bination with channel catfish in polycultures, were mechani- cally deboned along with channel catfish on a Bibun bone separating machine. A 7-millimeter diameter hole in the extrusion cylinder of the machine was satisfactory for separat- ing the flesh from the bone of all three fish species. No significant amounts of bone or scale were left in the flesh. Particle size of the minced flesh was relatively large, which allowed for favorable texture when cooked. Scaling prior to deboning was not necessary. Important for high quality minced flesh were: processing soon after the fish died, pre- washing with chlorine solution, removal of black peritoneium in tilapia, and removal of skin pigment of catfish with a hot alkali prior to deboning. Yields, expressed as percentage of whole fish, were 50.5 for buffalofish, 39.7 for tilapia, and 43.7 for channel catfish. All species were highly acceptable in various consumer-type products when evaluated by a taste panel. (Lovell) During the last 3 years, a comprehensive chemical evalua- tion of the nutritional composition of farm-raised catfish was made. These data are presented in tabular form following the format used in USDA Handbook No. 8, "Composition of Foods." The tables include protein, fat, energy, water, ash, Ca, P, Fe, Na, K, vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, cholesterol, amino acids, and fatty acids. All nutrients re- quired by F.D.A. for nutritional labeling of consumer foods are provided. (Lovell) Technology was developed for making a flaked aquarium fish feed that (1) contained fish processing waste, (2) floated and was stable in water, (3) was palatable to several species of aquarium fishes, (4) was nutritionally adequate for growth, and (5) produced pigmentation in ornamental aquarium fish. The following formula was equal to an expensive commercial flaked fish feed in all aspects: catfish waste (or marine fish) meal, 15 percent; shrimp meal, 15 percent; dehulled soybean meal, 45 percent; rice polishings (or rice bran), 9 percent; wheat bran, 7 percent; marine fish oil, 4 percent; marigold petal meal, 0.113 percent; and a complete vitamin supplement. (Lovell) Research by Foreign Graduate Students Fifteen foreign students received graduate degrees from Auburn University during the year. Each student was re- quired to submit a thesis or dissertation based on his original research. Although none of these students was supported directly on grant funds, all utilized equipment and supplies, benefited from the availability of field labor, or received guidance and information from staff time which was pur- chased with grant funds. Name, country, and title of thesis or dissertation for each student follows (name of major pro- fessor follows thesis or dissertation title): Name Almazan, Guadiosa (Philippines) Apolinario, Catherine (Philippines) Arce, Rodolfo (Philippines) Augusto, Jose (Brazil) Boonyaratpalin, Mali (Thailand) Boonyaratpalin, Sitdhi (Thailand) Camacho, Arsenio (Philippines) Dela Cruz, Catalino (Philippines) Fortes, R. D. (Philippines) Hongpromyart, Manoj (Thailand) Koonsoongnoen, Vanida (Thailand) Potipitak, Kumron ( Thailand) Thesis or dissertation title Studies on Oxygen Consumption by Mi- crobial Organisms during Decomposi- tion of Aquatic Plants (Boyd) Recovery and Utilization of Boneless Flesh Mechanically Separated from Ti- lapia (Tilapia aurea), Buffalofish (Ictio- bus cyprinellus x Ictiobus niger), Chan- nel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) (Lov- ell) Effects of Applications of Agricultural Limestone on Water Chemistry, Phy- toplankton Productivity, and Tilapia Pro- duction in Softwater Ponds (Boyd) Effects of Inorganic Fertilization on Phytoplankton in Fed Catfish Ponds (Boyd) Development of Flaked Feeds for Aquar- ium Fish (Lovell) Movement of Largemouth Bass in Re- lation to a Thermally Influenced Area on the Coosa River (Shelton) Characterization of Thiamine Deficien- cies in Channel Catfish Heated and Non- heated Catfish Processing Wastes (Lov- ell) The Effect of Water Circulation and Aeration on Water Quality and Produc- tivity of Catfish in a Closed System ( Allison) Studies on Chlorophyll in Pond Waters (Boyd) Population Structure and Dynamics of a Dominant Black Crappie (Pomoxis nigro- maculatus) Year Class in Lee County Fishing Lake, Alabama (Davies) Protein Efficiency Ratios of Catfish Proc- essing Wastes for Channel Catfish Fin- gerlings (Lovell) Standing Crop of Oligochaetes Outside Culture Pens of Channel Catfish (Pamat- mat) [6] developed by international students. Sirikul, Boonsong Condition Changes in Harvestable Size (Thailand) Channel Catfish Held in Ponds Over- winter under Various Feeding Regimes (Lovell) Tangtrongpiros, Manob Effects of Stocking Rates of Channel Cat- (Thailand) ish on Standing Crops of Oligochaetes (Annelida) (Pamatmat) Ventura, Rudolfo A Survey of Methods in Artificial Breed- (Philippines) ing of Grass Carp (Shelton) Publications The following publications have resulted from research and other professional activities of the grant-funded staff: D. D. Moss 1974. Design and Plan for an Aquaculture Research Center in Colombia. 1974. Recommendations Concerning the Development of an Aquaculture Research Center in Colombia. AND) R. O. SM\1TIIEMAN. 1974. Evaluation of Proposed Shrimp Culture Project in Guapi, Cauca, Colombia. AND M1. C. JOHNSO AND \N . 1). D)A IES. 1975. Summnarv of Survey Trip to Colombia. AND) R. O. S1lTIIEHIMAN AND E. L. DIAZ. 1974. Observations on the Biology of Macrobrachinum amncricanuon Bate from a Pond Environment in Panama. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Workshop of the World Mariculture Society, 4:29-40. AND F. CIIOLIK, SEI)I\T\10, S. JOYODIAI JI, SUI)Inso, E. W. McCoY, J. R. SNOw, AND J. 11. GiovErn. 1975. Inland and lBrackishwater Fishery Expansion Project in Indonesia. R. Allison (with C. D. Busch and J. L. Koon) 1975. Aerating Catfish Ponds for Increased Production. Pro- gressice Farimer, April 1975. 1975. Aeration, Water Quality and Catfish Production. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 17, No. 3:433-4:35. - I 1975. Paddlewheels for Catfish Pond Aeration. Auburn Univ. (Ala.) Agr. Exp. Sta. Highlights of Agr. Res., Vol. 22, No. 2. R. T. Lovell 1974. Nutritional Deficiencies in Intensively-cultured Catfish. In The Pathology of Fishes. Ed., Ribelin, W. E. and G. Migaki. The Univ. of Wise. Press, Madison. AND G. R. AMMERMAN. 1974. Processing Farm-raised Cat- fish. Southern Coop. Series. Bull. 193 (available from Auburn Univ. (Ala.) Agr. Exp. Sta.). 1974. Effects of Diet Fiber Content on Fish Growth, Nutri- ent Digestibility, and Water Quality in Practical Catfish Culture. Proc. Third Fish Nutrition Workshop III, 47:14- 23. Tunnison Fish Laboratory and Cornell University, Cortland, N.Y., September 1974. 1974. Factors Affecting Optimum Protein Level in Feeds for Pond Grown Channel Catfish. Proc. Third Fish Nu- trition Workshop III, 82:54-62. Tunnison Fish Nutrition Laboratory and Cornell University, Cortland, N.Y. Sep- tember 1974. SNow, J. R. AND R. T. LOVELL. 1974. Comparison of Or- ganoleptic Quality of Largemouth Bass Fed Natural and Artificial Diets. Prog. Fish. Cult.; 36(4): 217. 1974. How Much Protein in Feeds for Channel Catfish? The Commercial Fish Farmer and World Aquaculture. 1(4):40. AND R. O. SMITHERMAN AND E. W. SHELL. 1974. Progress and Prospects in Fish Farming. In New Protein Foods. Ed., Altschul, A. M. and H. Wileke. Academic Press, Inc., New York and London. (in press) PRATHER, E. E. AND R. T. LOVELL. 1974. Response of In- tensively Fed Channel Catfish to Diets Containing Various Protein-energy Rations. Proc. 27th Ann. Conf. SE Assoc. Game and Fish Comrs., 27:455. E. W. McCoy AND R. T. LOVELL AND G. R. AMMERMAN. 1974. "Process- ing Economics," Processing Farm-Raised Catfish. Southern Coop. Series Bull. 193:21-31. AND K. W. CRAWFORD. 1974. Costs of Overwintering Cat- fish. Auburn Univ. (Ala.) Agr. Exp. Sta. Iighlights of Agr. Res., Vol. 21, No. 4. AND K. \V. CRAWFORD). 1975. Alabama Catfish Producers, Fingerling Producers and Catfish Processors, 1974, a Di- rectory. Mimeograph Series, Dept. of Agr. Econ. and Rur. Soc. Auburn Univ. (Ala.) Agr. Exp. Sta. AND K. W. CI1AWFOID. 1975. Catfish Are not the Only Fish in the Pond. Auburn Univ. (Ala.) Agr. Exp. Sta. Igh- lights of Agr. Res., Vol. 22, No. 2. 1975. "Marketing Research and Economics" Freshwater Foodfish (and Crawfish). Aquatic Food Animal Task Force R. P. 407. Mario M. Pamatmat AND II. R. SKJOLDAL. 1974. Dehydrogenase Activity and Adenosine Triphohphate Concentration of Marine Sedi- ments in Lindaspollen, Norway Sarsia, 56:1-12. E. W. Scarsbrook BOY),, C. E. AND E. SCASHBOOK. 1974. Effects of Agricul- tural Limestone oil Phytoplankton Communities in Ponds. Arch. HIydrobiol., 74:336-:349. Teaching Activities Six of the staff members on the grant taught a total of seven courses during the year and six supervised thesis re- Laboratory skills are 6tri F" search projects for graduate students. A summary of teach- ing activities follows: Professor Dr. E. W. Shell Dr. D. D. Moss Dr. R. Allison Mr. J. R. Hubbard Dr. R. T. Lovell Dr. E. W. McCoy Dr. M. M. Pamatmat Dr. R. O. Smitherman Mr. R. K. Goodman Ms. E. W. Scarsbrook Courses taught None Pond construction None Extension methods Fish nutrition Fish processing technology Aquacultural economics None Aquaculture None Nutrient cycles in aquaculture No. of graduate students supervised 3 0 4(4)' 0 16(14) 2(1) 4(3) 10(4) 0 0 SNumber in parenthesis indicates number of foreign nationals. The number of courses taught by grant-funded staff since the inception of the grant is shown in the following table. Year 1970-71'(FY 1971) 1971-72 (FY 1972) 1972-73 (FY 1973)_ 1973-74 (FY 1974)_- 1974-75 (FY 1975) TOTAL .......... Number of courses 6 7 - 8 9 7 37 The International Center utilized grant funds to bring the following scientists to campus to present seminars and to consult with staff and graduate students. Mr. Randy Haygood. Research scientist with the Florida Department of Natural Resources. Mr. Haygood is an expert on the culture of freshwater shrimp. Dr. Marcel Huet. World-renowned expert in aquaculture from Belgium. Dr. Huet presented several lectures on various aspects of aquaculture while at Auburn. Dr. Fred Lee. Dr. Lee is an expert in water quality and a member of the research staff at the University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. S. W. Ling. Dr. Ling is an expert in tropical aqua- culture. Before retiring he was FAO Regional Fish Culturist for Asia and the Far East. Library Acquisitions During the year 87 books were purchased with grant funds. Emphasis in selection was given to those on aquaculture, aquaculture-related subjects, and fishes found in developing countries. Fifty-five periodicals were acquired. Grant funds are used only to pay the initial year of a subscription. Other funds are used to continue the subscriptions. IMPACT OF GRANT-SUPPORTED ACTIVITIES IN ACHIEVING GRANT PURPOSE The purpose of the grant is to strengthen the Interna- tional Center for Aquaculture for greater service to develop- ing countries. It is evident from the information thus far [8] presented that reasonable progress is being made in the use of grant funds to realize the grant purpose. The Interna- tional Center has been strengthened and the resulting capa- bility for service is being maintained and enhanced. Further- more, the increased capacity is being effectively utilized. Grant funds were utilized during the year to purchase 12.1 man-months of personnel services. These services con- tributed significantly to the capability of the Center in the areas of education and training, extending the knowledge base, advisory capacity, information capacity, and linkages and networks. Funds were also used to increase library holdings, to support the activities of the Center staff, and to provide materials, supplies, and minor items of equipment utilized in graduate training. The major contribution of the grant was to provide for the purchase of approximately 38 man-months of senior-level (assistant professor and above) staff during the year. These personnel are key elements in the strengthening of the In- ternational Center. They are primarily responsible for the training, extension of the knowledge base, advisory services, and other activities necessary for a vital program. Virtually all of the grant-funded staff participated in the expansion of the knowledge base through research and de- velopment. Results of their activities were published as re- search papers in recognized scientific journals, as chapters in monographs or books, as parts of symposia, and as reports prepared for various USAID Missions and other international development agencies. Man-months of personnel services purchased with grant funds since the beginning of the project are given in the following table: Category of personnel Year Aca- demic and research 1970-71 (FY 1971)- 1971-72 (FY 1972)_ 1972-73 (FY 1973)- 1973-74 (FY 1974)- 1974-75 (FY 1975)- 47.8 38.0 45.2 48.4 44.2 Tech- nical secre- tarial 12.0 22.3 16.1 29.0 30.6 Grad. res. assist- ants 15.2 25.6 16.3 22.4 19.5 Field and student labor 17.6 74.9 65.6 47.9 26.8 Research conducted by foreign students represents an area of special significance in contributing to expansion of the knowledge base. Not only did the students contribute new information to various fields of aquaculture and inland fish- eries, but they also learned something about using the scien- tific method for solving practical problems. A total of 14 foreign students received graduate degrees during the year. Each student was required to submit a thesis or dissertation based on original research. Although none of these students was supported directly on grant funds, all utilized equip- ment and supplies, benefited from the availability of field labor, or received guidance and information from staff time which was purchased with grant funds. Because of the availability of the staff funded from the grant, the Department has been able to attract a number of research grants and contracts that it could not otherwise have handled. In the past year the grant-funded staff was involved in a number of research projects supported by state appropriated University funds. Several of these re- search projects will result in information that will have direct transferability to developing countries. Research interests, research projects, and publications of the grant-funded staff are listed below: Research interests Dr. E. W. Shell Dr. D. D. Moss Dr. R. Allison Dr. R. T. Lovell Dr. E. W. McCoy N res pro aquaculture aquaculture aquaculture fish nutrition and fish processing and technology aqluacultural economics Dr. NM. M. Pamatmat pond ecology Dr. R. O. Smitherinan aquaculture o. of No. of earch publica- iects tions, 1 0 0 6 4 3 Grant-funded staff taught seven courses during the year. Although the University paid most of the costs for teaching the courses, use of the grant funds made available more specialists for teaching these courses. Nine courses per 12- month academic year would be approximately a full-time teaching load for one professor if he were supported entirely by University teaching funds. Obviously, a single individual could not adequately teach the wide variety of courses offered. By combining Univer- sity teaching funds and grant funds to allow joint appoint- ments, six different teachers (specialists in their respective fields) were available to teach the courses. A summary of the information on courses taught and stu- dents enrolled is presented in the following table: Mr. J. R. Snow Dr. W. D. Davies Mr. R. K. Goodman Ms. E. W. Scarsbrook Mr. D. E. Alston Mr. 11. L. Busch Mr. J. A. Chappel Mr. C. Lim Mr. V. E. Mezainis Mr. P. W. Perschbacher Dr. R. P. Phelps Mr. E. 11. Robinson Mr. C. S. Tucker Mr. J. L. Williamson aquaculture and fish reproduction fisheries management aquaculture pond ecology culture of fish food organisms (with Dr. J. S. Dendy) induced spawning of fish (with Dr. W. L. Shelton) quantitative inheritance in fish (with Dr. R. O. Smithermian ) nutrient requirements of fish (with Dr. R. T. Lovell) oxidation of organic matter in fish culture ponds (with Dr. M. MN. Pamatmnat) effect of grazing by tilapia on productivity of phytoplankton (with Dr. C. E. Boyd) toxicity of disease control chemicals to fish (with Dr. WV. A. Rogers) nutrient requirements of cultured fishes (with Dr. R. T. Lovell) prevention of oxygen depletion following plankton die-offs (Nwith Dr. C. E. Boyd) competition for foxod in polyculture (with lDr. R. O. Sminitherimain) 2 7 5 3 Quarter 1 1 Summer 1974 Fall 1974 Winter 1975 Spring 1975 1 1- TOTAL - No. of courses 8 10 11 9 38 Number of students enrolled American Foreign 1 0 The graduate training program increased dramatically dur- ing the year. The number of new graduate students ad- mitted to the program increased from 16 in FY 1974 to 33 1 0 in FY 1975. A significant factor in the increase was enroll- 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1'- 4 wQ STitles of publications are gix n in the preceding section. SResearch thesis or dissertation. The number of publications produced by staff since the beginning of the grant is shown ing table: Year grant-funded in the follow- Number 1970-71 (FY 1971) 1971-72 (FY 1972) 1972-73 (FY 1973) 1973-74 (FY 1974) 1974-75 (FY 1975) ' Beginning in FY 1975, formal reports prepared as a result of USAID contracts are included in the number of publications. Field experience is required of all students. Name 2 v4 ment of former Peace Corps Volunteers. The Volunteers enrolled after completing tours of duty overseas where they participated in aquaculture and inland fisheries projects. Grant-funded staff served as major professors for 14 of the new students. Including the new students admitted during the year, an average of 60 graduate students was enrolled in the Depart- ment during each of the four quarters. Because of the pro- gram established through use of the grant funds, there have been large increases in the number of graduate students en- rolled in each of the quarters since inception of the grant, as shown in the following table: into four categories. Man-days of time spent in each cate- gory are indicated below: Category Activities by grant staff utilizing 211-d funds- Activities by other staff utilizing 211-d funds- Activities by grant staff utilizing other funds_ Activities by other staff utilizing other funds- Man-days 31 37 194 228 International service activities during the year are listed below by category, along with names of the staff involved and dates for each activity: Year 1970-71 (FY 1971)_ 1971-72 (FY 1972)_ 1972-73 (FY 1973)_ 1973-74 (FY 1974) 1974-75 (FY 1975)_ Number of graduate students, by quarter Summer Fall Winter Spring 24 29 43 48 50 23 34 48 57 57 31 43 50 54 65 28 46 51 53 69 Staf member Grant staff utilizing 211-d funds Activities and dates D. D. Moss Consultations with USAID Missions in Costa Rica and Panama on aquaculture and fisheries programs, January 5-22, 1975. MM. . Pamatmat Gave invited lecture on aquatic ecology at meeting on meiofauna at Bordeaux, France, September 23-29, 1974. Foreign graduate student enrollment has also increased dramatically since the inception of the grant. Information on the enrollment of these students is presented in the fol- lowing table: Year 1970-71 (FY 1971)- 1971-72 (FY 1972)- 1972-73 (FY 1973)- 1973-74 (FY 1974) 1974-75 (FY 1975) Number of graduate students, by quarter Summer Fall Winter Spring 7 5 16 22 24 5 5 16 27 22 5 13 19 26 19 7 15 22 26 21 A total of 27 advanced degrees was awarded during the year (24 M.S. and 3 Ph.D.), of which 14 were to foreign students. Information on the total number of advanced de- grees awarded and the number awarded to foreign students is presented in the following table: Year 1970-71 (FY 1971) 1971-72 (FY 1972) 1972-73 (FY 1973) 1973-74 (FY 1974) 1974-75 (FY 1975) Graduates M.S. Ph.D. 4(0)1 10(4) 18(8) 20(9) 24(12) J. R. Snow Attended Conference on "Fish Farming in Europe" in London, December 1-6, 1974. Other staff utilizing 211-d funds M. C. Johnson E. E. Prather D. G. Hughes Assisted Government of Colombia and USAID Mission in Bogota in development of plans for an aquaculture research station, March 16-21, 1975. Conducted a survey on aquaculture potential in Jamaica, June 17-29, 1974. Participated in FAO-sponsored Aquaculture Conference in Montevideo, Uruguay, Novem- ber 23-December 10, 1974. R. 0. Smitherman Surveyed potential for shrimp culture on West Coast of Colombia, September 29-Oc- tober 11, 1974. Grant staff utilizing other funds E. W. Shell D. D. Moss 4(2) 4(1) 4(0) 5(3) 3(2) ' Number of foreign student graduates given in parenthesis. UTILIZATION OF INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSE CAPABILITIES IN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS A primary activity of the International Center for Aqua- culture is international service activities. In the past year, staff of the Center participated in a total of 459 man-days of service activities overseas. Grant-funded staff and other staff supported with grant funds were involved in 262 man- days, or approximately 60 percent of these activities. The international service activities can be roughly divided R. T. Lovell E. W. McCoy M. M. Pamatmat J. R. Snow Conference with Israeli scientists on Bi-Na- tional Science Foundation project on "Fish Breeding," January 6-12, 1975. Met with FAO officials in Rome regarding program of International Center for Aqua- culture, January 14, 1975. Met with USAID and Government of Colom- bia officials in Bogota to discuss plans for aquaculture research station, September 29- October 4, 1974. Meeting in Colombia for further discussions of plans for research station, January 5-10, 1975. Meeting in Colombia to review progress of construction of research station, March 15-21, 1975. Planning for expansion of milkfish industry in Indonesia with Government and USAID of- ficials, May 27-June 25, 1975. Participated in short course on aquaculture sponsored by Brazilian fisheries agency in Fortaleza, Brazil, March 27-April 7, 1975. Participated in survey of expansion of milk- fish industry in Indonesia, May 27-June 28, Attended conference on aquatic ecology spon- sored by NATO in Switzerland, November 3- December 12, 1974. Participated in survey for expansion of milk- fish industry in Indonesia, May 27-June 28, 1975. [ 1] Other staff utilizing other funds M. C. Johnson Survey of potential sites for fish farming in Mid-Western State, Nigeria, June 29-July 19, 1975. W. D. Davies Study of trout production potential in natural lakes in lPeruvian Andes, August 24-Septem- ber 22, 1974. Study of problems relating to the develop- ment of the fishery in Lake Victoria, Tan- zania, October 26-November 15, 1974. J. II. Grover Attended conference on brackishwater shrimp culture in South Vietnam, March 30-April 12, 1975. Surveyed catfish culture industry in Thailand, April 12-15, 1975. Assisted USAID Mission in Indonesia with preparation of documentation required for proposal to provide assistance to GOI in milk- fish culture, June 19-July 5, 1975. L. L. Lovshin C. E. HlalP J. A. Plumb II. R. Schmittou W. L. Shelton Participated in FAO-sponsored conference on aquaculture in Montevideo, Uruguay, No- vember 24-December 3, 1974. Evaluation of proposed USAID project for improvement of Lake Tanganyika's fishery resources in Zaire, March 9-April 8, 1975. Participated in short course on aquaculture sponsored by Brazilian fisheries agency in Fortaleza, Brazil, March 27-April 7, 1974. Conferred with USAID and Government of Indonesia officials on potential for expansion of miilkfish industry in Indonesia, November 4-23, 1974. Study of trout production potential in natural lakes in Peruvian Andes, August 24-Septem- ber 22, 1974. J. W. Jensen Attended FAO-sponsored conference on aqua- culture in Montevideo, Uruguay, November 24-December 3, 1974. Mr. Hall is a staff member of the Tennessee Valley Authority. In addition to the international service activities, the Cen- ter also provided 60.5 man-months of technical assistance to four international development projects overseas. Center staff were assigned to these full time. These projects were: (1) A USAID-supported freshwater aquacultural develop- ment project in Northeast Brazil T.O. 2 (ICA), (2) a USAID-supported freshwater aquacultural development proj- ect in El Salvador (AID/la 688 ICA), (3) a USAID-sup- ported brackish and freshwater aquacultural development project in the Philippines (AID/ea 180 ICA), and (4) an aquacultural development project in Mid-Western State in Nigeria - a project supported by the Nigerian Government. Three of the Center staff receiving part of their support from the grant provided 10.9 man-months of technical back- stopping for those overseas projects. Funds from the indi- vidual projects paid for their services. Man-months of overseas activities by grant-funded staff since the inception of the grant are given in the following table: Man-months 1970-71 (FY 1971) 1971-72 (FY 1972) 1972-73 (FY 1973) 1973-74 (FY 1974) 1974-75 (FY 1975) A major activity for Center staff during the year was the training of foreign students. They were responsible for 26 foreign graduate students during the year, carrying out such duties as serving as chairmen of graduate committees, de- veloping plans of study, and supervising thesis or disserta- tion research. The close and continuing contact between student and major professor is one of the most important elements in training graduate students. This contact is especially important in the case of foreign students, and availability of the grant-funded staff offers a distinct advan- tage at Auburn. Because a majority of this staff has had I,. ~ 4 lawsa rul ftxw W4 2041~ It '.5 Record keeping and field observations are stressed with practical experience. [ 111 foreign service experience, they are able to relate to the foreign students much more effectively. A total of 27 students received advanced degrees with specialization in inland fisheries and aquaculture during the past year. Fourteen of the 27 graduates were foreign stu- dents - 1 from Brazil, 6 from the Philippines, and 7 from Thailand. Thirteen of these students were provided financial support through USAID Mission programs. The fourteenth student supported himself while here. Eleven of the graduates have returned to their respective countries and are engaged in inland fisheries and aquaculture work. One, Dr. Arsenio Camacho, has been appointed Di- rector of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center at Leganes, Iloilo, in the Philippines. Another, Dr. Catalino dela Cruz, is Director of the Freshwater Aquaculture Center at Central Luzon State University in the Philippines. Three of the graduates are still at Auburn and are now studying for the Ph.D. degree. The Center provided a 4-day short course for a group of 10 Peace Corps Volunteers from Michigan State University who were training for service in the Philippines. It is antici- pated that this type of training will be increased in the future. The Center also provided approximately 2 months of training in aquaculture for Dr. Abdel Kadar Dia, from the Ivory Coast. Dr. Dia's training was sponsored by the Coun- cil for International Exchange of Scholars as Fulbright Hays Scholar. The Center established and is maintaining a number of linkages both domestic and international that will facilitate utilization of its unique capabilities. The more important of these linkages with respect to immediate utilization of de- veloped capability include: The University of Arizona The University of Rhode Island The University of Puerto Rico The University of the Philippines Kasetsart University in Thailand IBRD FAO USAID Peace Corps Southeast Asia Fisheries Development Council Hebrew University Utilization of institutional response is expected to increase this year. New USAID Mission-funded projects involving the Center are expected to develop in Jamaica, Colombia, and Indonesia, and there is a good possibility that projects will be initiated in Honduras. The project in the Philippines will be continued, but at a reduced level, while the one in El Salvador will be termi- nated. A proposal is being prepared to convert the project in Brazil to a regional one. If this conversion is carried out, additional services from the Center will probably be re- quired. The initial phase of the work in Nigeria will be completed early in 1976. It is anticipated that the Center will be re- quested to provide additional assistance on that project dur- ing the year. Plans are being made to hold two, 3-month short courses in inland fisheries and aquaculture during the coming year. The courses will be designed primarily for technical person- nel working these fields in developing countries. The courses will be publicized and applications mailed early in 1976. Another important international service activity of the Center was providing short-term training and orientation to the large number of visitors from other countries and U.S. institutions who come during the year to obtain information on inland fisheries and aquaculture in developing countries and information on the program of the International Center. These visitors required approximately 120 man-days of spe- cialized training and orientation by the Center staff. A list of the visitors follows: Toshihiko Arai, M.D. Assistant Professor Department of Microbiology School of Medicine Keo University 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, Japan Dr. Takashi Aoki Department of Fisheries Faculty of Agriculture University of Tokyo Dr. S. Egusa, Professor Department of Fisheries Faculty of Agriculture University of Tokyo 1-1-1 Yayoi Bunkyo-Ku 113 Tokyo, Japan July 28-31, 1974 July 28-31, 1974 July 28-31, 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Conrado F. Estrella Secretary Department of Agrarian Reform Republic of the Philippines August 5-6, 1974 John Obbo Okaronon 802 Monroe Street Ann Arbor, Michigan August 5-31, 1974 Raul Castro Cpnde 5G C. J34-74 Zona M Guatemala August 9, 1974 Harris H. Whitbeck 23 Av. 0-37 Zone 15 Guatemala City, Guatemala C.A. August 9, 1974 Michael Hoeft Box 627 Wayne, West Virginia August 14-15, 19' Mark Majewski % WMUL-TV 3rd Avenue Huntington, West Virginia August 14-16, 197 Dr. Leon Hesser Office of Agriculture Bureau of Technical Assistance Agency for International Development Washington, D.C. August 20-21, 191 Dr. Colin Nash Oceanic Institute Makapuu Point Waimanalo, Hawaii August 20-21, 197 Guy Rothwell Oceanic Institute Makapuu Point Waimanalo, Hawaii August 20-21, 197 William Sellew Oceanic Institute Makapuu Point Waimanalo, Hawaii August 20-21, 197 Professor Marcel Huet Avenue General Derache, 104 1050 Bruxelles Belgium Mr. Anthony A. Neylan International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Washington, D.C. 74 74 74 74 74 J7 August 26-28, 1974 August 30, 1974 [121 I Paul Maugle % USAID Edificio Bavaria Piso 17 Bogota, Colombia September 10-11, 1974 Professor Gelar Wira Atmadja Faculty of Fisheries Bogor Agricultural University Bogor, Indonesia September 15-20, 1974 James Davis Fish Culture Extension Specialist Texas A&M University September 27, 1974 Noel C. Alon E. Litton & Associate Wack-Wack Subdivision Mandaluying, Rizal or P.O. Box 1772 Makati Commercial Center October 14-November Makata, Rizal 3117 4, 1974 Alicia Cornejo Black Assistant Professor Santiago, Chile October 15-20, 1974 Ms. Terry Rockefeller WGBH TV Boston, Massachusetts October 24, 1974 Dr. Salvador Lopez President of the University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines November 13, 1974 Mr. Luis A. Rivas L. Division Pesca Continental Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria Oficina Nacional de Pesca Av. Benito Juarez, Quinta Tremar Alta Florida, Caracas, Venezuela November 14-15, 1974 Randy Haygood Marine Research Lab St. Petersburg, Florida November 15, 1974 Mr. Fred Lee, Director Institute for Environmental Sciences University of Texas Dallas, Texas November 22, 1974 Hugo Cuevas, Jr. P.O. Box 555 W.P.I. Worchester, Massachusetts November 27, 1974 Dr. Takeshi Nose Fish Nutritionist Freshwater Fisheries Research Laboratory Fisheries Agency, Ministry of Agriculture Hino, Tokyo, Japan December 7, 1974 Dr. Frank Sheppard USAID/Philippines December 16-17, 1974 Dr. S. W. Ling FAO Fishculturist (retired) Adjunct Professor University of Miami January 16, 1975 Dr. Tom Niblock AID Mission Director Manila, Philippines February 5-6, 1975 Dr. Gerald Sicat GOP Planning Commissioner Manila, Philippines February 5-6, 1975 Dr. Erven Long Associate Assistant Administrator Bureau of Technical Assistance Agency for International Development Washington, D.C. February 5-6, 1975 Dr. John Pino Director for Agriculture Rockefeller Foundation New York, New York Dr. Jerry Grant Rockefeller Foundation in Colombia Mr. Gordon E. Hall Forestry, Fish and Wildlife Tennessee Valley Authority Norris, Tennessee Mr. John Hall Atlanta Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Division of Federal AID Atlanta, Georgia Mr. John Young Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Mr. Joseph Trudeau Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Mr. Dave Smith Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Mr. Mark T. Halter Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Mr. Don Palawski Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Ms. Linda Parker Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Mr. John E. Spielby Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Mr. Cary Kerns Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Dr. Howard E. Johnson Associate Professor Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Advisor John J. Castle Michigan State University Peace Corps Intern Mr. Gander New Zealand Wen-Ted Chang Taiwan Fisheries Bureau 8 Sec. 1, Chan-Hsiao East Rd. Taipei, Taiwan 2-0 Republic of China F. Brian Davy Programme Officers, IDRC 308-314 Duke Hall University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. V6T IWs, Canada Mr. Philip Roedel USAID/ Washington Officer of Agriculture Bureau of Technical Assistance Washington, D.C. Dr. Kadar Dia Fulbright Scholar Student Ivory Coast George Umeh Student from Nigeria University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin February 5-6, 1975 February 13, 1975 February 19, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 March 17-20, 1975 April 24, 1975 April 28-29, 1975 April 28-29, 1975 April 30-May 1, 1975 May 10, 1975 May 19, 1975 [13] Mr. Dwight Steen Rural Development Officer American Embassy (USAID) APO New York 09895 Colombia U Than Sein, BA Inspector of Schools Department of Technical Ag and Vocational Ed Rangoon Burma U Nyunt Shein Principal Tech High School Rangoon Burma Ducksoo Lee Senior Economist East Asia Projects Dept. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 1818 H. Street N.W. Washington, D.C. Dr. Sam Myers Department of Food Science Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana George Win. Kissil Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Ltd. Mariculture Laboratory P.O. Box 1212 Eilot Israel development each year since the inception of the grant is shown in the following table: May 19, 1975 June 16-17, 1975 June 16-17, 1975 June 17, 1975 July 10, 1975 July 10, 1975 Of the 58 official visitors to the Center during the fiscal year, 24 were from 14 foreign countries and the other 34 were from 6 American agencies: Country and/or organization Number Foreign Philippines . ... ----- ------- - -- ------ 5 Guatemala . . . . . . .. -- 4 Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Belgium ..... ..... ....-----------------------------..---------------------- 2 B urm a-------------------- -- 2 C an ad a ---- ------------ ---------- -- ----- -- 1 C h ile -- ---------- --- ---- ----- --------- --- 1 In d o n e sia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..--- - -- -- 1 I s r a e l ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. 1 Ivory Coast -- - - - - - 1 New Zealand -1 N ig e r ia .. . . .. . . . .. . . . --- --- -- --- ---- -- ------. 1 T a i w a n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 V enezuela ------------------------------------ 1 American U S A I D -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 IB R D --- ------------------------- --- - -- ----- 2 P eace C orp s ----------------------------- ----- 10 Rockefeller Foundation ---------- -------- -------------------------- 2 Oceanic Foundation--------------- 3 O th er -- ----- -- -.---- ------------------- --- -- 8 The number of visitors coming to the center specifically for information on international fisheries and aquaculture Year 1970-71 (FY 1971) 1971-72 (FY 1972) 1972-73 (FY 1973) 1973-74 (FY 1974) 1974-75 (FY 1975) 41 30 58 58 1 Records not kept for fiscal year 1971. OTHER RESOURCES FOR GRANT-RELATED ACTIVITIES All funds received by the Department and International Center strengthen and support the Center. Sources of funds are presented below: Source of funds State of Alabama appropriated funds For teaching - $145,333 For research ....--. 124,946 Sales funds For sale of food fish and fingerlings 237,168" Federal appropriated funds for research USDA-Land Grant College funds 73,274 Research grants from other state governments 114,127 Research grants from federal agencies 69,452 Research grants from private enterprise 144,786 Subtotal 909,086 All USAID support 462,685 TOTAL .---- $1,371,771 1 Includes $213,811 for sale of timber. This was a one-time sale and will not be repeated for 15-20 years. As the information indicates, the Department and Center receive funds from a wide variety of sources; however, the U.S. Agency for International Development is the largest single source of funds. Appropriated funds from the State of Alabama to Auburn University for teaching and research represent the second largest source. A number of separate research and development contracts provide the third largest source. Interpreting the term "grant-related activities" in its broadest sense, virtually all funds received contribute di- rectly or indirectly to achieving the purpose of the grant. Even industrial research grants contribute supplies, equip- ment, and personnel that are used to some extent in graduate training. By having this type of work going on in the same department, foreign graduate students are able to better comprehend the complexity of problems they must face in the future when attempting to balance food and industrial production needs with the need for environmental pro- tection. [14] Number of visitors Amount