The Inlternational Venter for Aquacultere I -- -J / I CONTENTS BACKCROUND OF CENTER Aquacultural Development Needs Use of Grant Funds -------- --- T L PERSONNEL ON THE PROJECT 1? -~ ~t ~. ar V ACCOMPLISHMENTs DURING THE YEAR 5 Research Activities -. 5 Research by Foreign Graduate Students . . . . 7 Research Publications 8 Teaching Activities 8 International Service Activities 8 Library Acquisitions 9 IMPACT OF GRANT SUPPORTEI) ACTrivInsi ON INSTTIrIIONAL CAPABILITIES 9 UTILIZING INSTITUTIONAL RESOURCES IN INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 9 OTHER RESOURCES FOR GBANT- RELArTED AC IVITIES 11 SUMMARY- -------- 11 PUBLISHED 5/76---1M Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. A Visiting dignitary observing work of in- ternational students (top) and graduate students from Philippines working with intensive fish culture systems (bottom) Sare characteristic of 1974 activities of Sthe International Center for Aquaculture. I The International Center for Aqualculture ANNUAL REPORT FOR FY 1974 MEii YEAR 1974 cani be char acterized ats a period of signifi- cat dvncstossr objectivex f h International Center- for Aquaculture at Auibuirn Univeirsity. Pr ogress wvas made thirough thiree major programs of the Center: research activ i- ties by staff meiel s, serv5ice activ ities by academic faculty, and lilbrai y acqutisitionis. Research activities included Studies dealing wxith aqunactil tural prodluctioni x tli diffeirent species, pond ecology, and fish nutrition. In the airea of international service, faculty mem]- lkers took part iii me etinigs and other service functions in 16 nations, and visitors froim 15 countiries came to Auibut i for tours, deinonstiratioins, and semninars conerning aqnaeulttire. Such programs were of value to aquacultural endeav ors arouind the globe, ats wxell as serving to adv ance the fisheies teaching and reseairch programs at Aiiuurn Univeirsity School of Agriculture and Agi iculht-ual Expeiriment Station. BACKGROUND OF CENTER The Inter national Center for Aquaculture wxas estalished Jutne 25, 1970, at the Auburn Unix etsits' Agricultural Experi menit Station, tincdei atithoi its contained in Section 211 ( d) of the Foreigni Assistance Act of 1961. The giant (AID s 2780) xxas for the puirpose of implementing the piroject, "To Strengthen Specialized Compeiitei cy iii A( uaculture,' under the agireement signed Junie 25, 1970, by Dr. John Ii. Hannah for USAID and President Ian MiivN. Pliilpott for Aubuirn Univeirsity. The follossiiig objectiv es swere considered of primary im- por-taince in strengthening the competence of the Ceiiter. 1. To add exper ts in selected fields to the faculty. 2. To assemble a libi arv of woirldwxide liteiratuire on aqua- culture and develop more effectise methods foi dissemination of this iiifoirmation. 3. To provide educational oppoirtuiiities in aqutactiltui e for personnel of AID and other governmental agencies and priv- ate foundations, for students itnteirested iii international devel- opmeiit, aiid for foreign patrticipant tiraining. 4. To develop a svorldsvide collection of data oii food fishes and otheri aquatic organisms that asppear suiitab~le for culture. Aquacultural Development Needs Aquacultui e is becoming increasinigly importaiit in devel- oping couiities as a means of prov iding iiicireased quantities of the protein needed for more adequate diets and as arn im- portaiit conitribution to economic girowsth. It utilizes infertile lands mid runoff wvater s phis agricultur al xxastes ainid suiipluses ~a 4 Sorting fish harvested from experimental ponds. TOP-1/0lO-acre experimental ponds; CENTER-seining for fish in a fish pen enclosure; BOTTOM-channel catfish. to intensively grow crops of high quality proteins in the form of fish and other aquatic animals, thus greatly increasing the ability of each countrv to supply the protein needed by its own people. Aquaculture can be used to grow high qu'ality protein locally where it is most needed, thus reducing the cost of transportation, processing, and refrigeration. It also provides additional needed income and employment for farm- ers. Auburn University has received xorldwide recognition for its leadership in warmwater fisheries generally and aquacul- ture specifically. The University has committed itself to assist developing nations to increase their supplies of high quality protein and improve their economic well-being through im- proved methods of aquaculture. No other American univer- sity presently has the capability of providing this type of as- sistance. Use of Grant Funds This grant is being utilized by Auburn University to strengthen its research, teaching, extension, and other service capabilities in aquaculture. As a consequence, more signifi- cant contributions will be made by the University in promot- ing aquaculture in developing countries. In addition, the grant is being used to develop methods and procedures for making the University's competence in ajuaculture mor readily available for tho e \ s i,. d it PERSONNEL. ON TILE PRIOJI(:T Following is a list of personnel who received grant funds as part of their salary during the report year. r~ SW 4 :~J~1 Name Dr. E. W. Shell Dr. D. D. Moss ]Dr. C. E. Boyd Dr. R. T. Lovell Dr. M. M. Pamatmat Dr. R. O. Smithennan Dr. D. R. Bayne Dr. W. D. Davies Dr. J. L. Gaines Ms. E. W. Scarsbrook Mr. C. D. Depoisiter Ms. C. B. Sherrer Ms. R. E. Grant Ms. C. B. HIawke Ms. E. C. Talley Ms. P. M. Argo Ms. A. C. Tucker Mr. D. E. Alston Mr. R. L. Babnats Mr. M. C. Braid Mr. R. L. Busch Mr. R. E. Buttermore Mr. J. P. Hawke Mr. C. McVea Mr. V. E. Mezainis Mr. P. W. Perschbacher Mr. J. H. Schachte Mr. P. W. Taylor Mr. J. L. Williamson Position Director Assistant Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Research Associate Technical Assistant Senior Clerk Typist A Typist A Typist A Typist Typist Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Graduate Research Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Asssistant Assistant 5.0 1.4 4.4 3.7 6.6 5.1 0.4 15 (i.6 12.0 4.5 5.0 (09 1.5 8.0 6.3 1.3 Ii) I' i ) 1 0 'Graduate research assistants are generally expected to spl,.id one-third time on acti-vities related to their stipend and under normal circumstances do not contribute more than 4.0 man-months to a project in a year. N -p ~-~" ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING THE YEAR Research Activities A majority of the personnel funded under the grant par- ticipated in research projects lduring the year. Following is a summary of the research accomplishnments. Aquaculture Survival of striped bass fry was enhanced by increasilng the salinity of water flowing thirough culture jars from 1 p.p.t. to 5 p.p.t. Growth was not affected )by increasing the salinity. Striped bass fir receiving either brilne shrimp alone or brine shrimp plus (drly feed grew at a faster rate than fry receiving onlY dry feed. Survival of striped bass fry irr ponds was significantly in- creased by adding salt to raise the salinity to I p.p.t. Sur- vival of fingerlings was also improved by the addition of salt to culture ponds. Nutritional requirements and feeding rates have been es- tablished for intensive culture of channel catfish; however, with recent increases in costs for feed ingredients, some feed- ing recommendations are no longer practical. This is especi- ally true for recommendations concerning protein levels and proportion of protein from animal sources. One potential method for providing protein in intensive culture would be to establish ininnow populations as forage. Forage popula- tions, however, often disappear under predation pressure. One 5.2-acre poind was stocked with 2,000 channel catfish per acre, with tilapia and threadfin shad as forage species. A dense population of threadfin shad was established by stocking shad at the same time as catfish. Some tilapia sur- vived the winter of 1971-72, but had to be restocked in 1973. Catfish used both species as food. Of the 2,162 pounds per acre present at draining, 387 pounds (17.9 percent) was shad. Threadfin shad are able to maintain high population numbers under catfish predation. An experiment on intensive pen culture of channel catfish in combination with tilapia was carried out to determine optimal stocking rate and to study the apparent importance of natural water circulation through the pens. Channel cat- fish mortality increased with stocking rate, but the number of surviving fish was still Iigher at a stocking rate of 800 per pen than at 600 or 400; net production was directly lpropor- tional to the number of survivors. There was an inverse cor- relation between catfish and tilapia production, but this ap- parently competitive interaction may simply be the result of more food being available to tilapia as catfish production decreased. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of four levels of water hvacmnth, Eichhornia cra.ssipes (Mart.) Solms, coverage on phytoplankton, production of a filter- feeding fish, Tilapia arrea, and water quality. The experi- ment was carried out in a series of 12 earthen ponds approxi- mately 0.1 acre (0.04 hectare) in size. Four treatments coin sisting of four levels of water hyacinths maintained at surfa. area percentages of 0, 5, 10, and 25 were replicated thr times. T. aura were stocked at a rate of 1,000 fish per ace (2,470 per hectare). The ponds were fertilized at 2-wce. intervals from February 5 to September 9, 1973, at an equiv- alent rate of 80 pounds of 20-20-0 (N, PO-, K,O) per acre per application. Accumulated standing crops for water hyacinths maintained at surface area percentages of 5, 10, and 25 were 2,584, 2,243, and 1,979 grams per square meter dry weight. Weekly and biweekly sampling of phytoplankton revealed a decrease in average chlorophyll a concentrations from 56.46 ug per liter (0 percent c iverage) to 14.42 ug per liter (25 percent coverage). Decreasing concentrations of chlorophyll a in the presence of increasing quantities of water hyacinths corresponded to a similar decrease in phytoplankton numbers. The phytoplankton population in ponds with 0 and 5 per- cent coverage was primarily composed of the Chlorophyta, while the (hryvsophyta was abundant in the presence of in- creasing quantities of hyacinths. Calculated values for spe- cies diversity indicated a variety of individuals present in each treatment. Total fish and tadpole production was positively correlated with gross primaly productivity and chlorophyll a concentra- tions, giving r values of 0.9.3 and 0.86, respectively. There w as a progressive decrease in average fish and tadpole pro- duction from 1,004.0 kilograms per hectare (0 percent cov- erage) to :351.6 kilograms per hectare (25 percent coverage). A comparison of morphometric characteristics of channel catfish from seven different geographical locations was com- pleted on fishes reared under the same environmental con- ditions at the Southeastern Fish Cultural Laboratory (USDI) and Auburn University Fisheries lHesearch Unit. Highly sig- nificant differences existed among strains for all measure- ments except caudal peduncle width. Strong divergence be- tween these geographically separated strains of channel cat- fish was indicated. Two of the non-domesticated strains ex- hibited a large degree of variability with respect to character- istics having potential use in selective breeding for commer- cial applications. An experiment on growth, survival, and production of five strains and two crosses of channel catfish, begun in 1972, was completed in 1973. Survival, production, average size at harvest, and food conversion was best in the non-domesticated group from the Rio Grande River. This was followed by two strain crosses irnvolving domesticated lines. Production of three domesticated groups apparently descended in inverse relation to the years subjected to inbreeding. A non-domesti- cated strain from the Warrior River in Alabama ranked high in survival, but was the least productive of all lines tested. Pond Ecology Decaying aquatic plants were used as the only source of nitrogen in cultures of the alga Scenedesmus dimorphus. De- caving phytoplankton ( Microcystis, Anabaena, and Euglcna) and a decomposing macrophyte (Naas) supported the best algal growth. Decomposition of two macrophytes, Typha and Eichhornia, supported little algal growth, while intermediate Fertilizing experimental pond. [51 _;__ .... ~ ~ ~ ~~ -~l- . --: :_'":7. - -.. dii Adding agricultural lime to a fish pond to increase its fertility. growth of S. dimorplhus was obtained in cultures with decay- ing Elodca and Spirogyra. The suitability of decaying plants as sources of nitrogen was generally greater in plants with higher nitrogen contents. Insufficient nitrogen was mineral- ized from muds to produce significant growth of S. dimiorphus in the cultures. Bioassav procedures were used to test the effectiveness of muds as sources of phosphorus for algae. One portion of each mud was limed with enough Ca(OH)2 to raise the pH to 6.5. The second portion of each mud was not limed. Va- rious amounts of phosphorus were applied to each limed and unlimed sample. The availability of phosphorus to algae from the limed muds w\\as much greater at almost all levels of added phosphorus. The effectiveness of four liming agents (calcitic limestone, dolomitic limestone, basic slag, and calcium hYdroxide) and gyxpsum in increasing the total hardness and total alkalinity of water and neutralizing the acidity of pond muds was tested in plastic pools. When added in quantities sufficient to satisfy the lime requirements of the muds, all four liming agents increased total hardness from about 12 milligrams per liter to around 40 or 50 milligrams per liter. Total alka- linity increased from about 20 milligrams per liter to around 50 or 60 milligrams per liter. The initial pH of the muds was 5.6 and the liming agents caused values to increase by 0.9 to 1.4 pH units. The pH of the waters increased to above 11, for more than 1 week following application of calcium hydroxide, which would be toxic to fish. Immediately after liming, the pH of the water in pools treated with limestone and slag increased to slightly above 9, a pH level not harmful to pond fish. Applications of gypsum caused an increase in total hardness to about 300 milligrams per liter, but had no influence on total alkalinity and did not neutralize the acidity of muds. Concentrations of organic matter in bottom muds from 145 ponds varied from 0.77 to 9.66 percent. Nitrogen values for [6] these ponds ranged from 0.08 to 0.63 percent. Both organic matter and nitrogen were considerably higher than quantities usually found in agricultural soils of Alabama. However, it is doubtful that this level of organic nitrogen would supply adequate nitrate and ammonia upon mineralization to allow reduction in the nitrogen application rates for ponds. Ponds which had moderate or poor growth of phytoplankton con tained muds which were low or very low in soil-test phos- phorus. About half of the ponds with adequate phytoplank- ton blooms had muds with medium or higher levels of soil- test phosphorus, while the other ponds in this group tested low or very low in phosphorus. All ponds with adequate blooms received additions of phosphorus. The relationship among soil-test phosphorus in the muds, phosphorus additions, and adequate phytoplankton blooms suggests the need for research on the use of soil-test procedures to calculate the proper application rates for phosphorus to ponds. Fish Nutrition A pond feeding experiment was conducted with channel catfish to evaluate three levels of dietary protein in an all- plant diet, a diet containing one-sixth fishmeal protein, or a diet containing one-third fishmeal protein. Effects of the protein levels on growth, uniformity of size, dressing percent- age, and bodv composition were measured. The experiment was conducted in 0.1-acre earthen ponds each stocked with 300 channel catfish using nine formulated feeds and three replications per feed. The results showed that, at this stocking density and feed- ing schedule, an all-plant feed gave satisfactory catfish pro- duction. The medium (36 percent) protein diet is perhaps the best of the all-plant diets. Its yield was nearly equal to that of the high (43 percent) protein plant diet, but the cost per pound of catfish was nearer to that of the low (29 per- cent) protein diet. The medium (36 percent) protein diet containing one- :d":1-~-~ ~ i~s~a~ -1 J F'f'C;: ~~ TOP-feeds and nutrition laboratory in Swingle Hall; CENTER- international student preparing experimental fish ration; BOTTOM -processed, farm-raised catfish. sixth of the protein as fishmeal appears most desirable when present cost of ingredients is considered. Average yield with this feed was 2,868 pounds per acre. Nearly all of the fish (96 percent) were of harvestable size at draining and the feed cost per pound of gain was next to the lowest for the nine experimental feeds. Increasing fishmeal to the highest level, one-third of the protein, showed a significant response at the lowest total protein percentage (29 percent) but not at the two higher protein levels. Dressing percentage increased slightly as pro- tein level in diets increased in the all-plant and high fishmeal feeds. There was essentially no difference in dressing per- centage among fish fed the three low fishmeal diets. ~i !"P L Io oe AM60-4 II - B *.- d ~::"~ , a-W & 4 A " 4a ~ CL "% r I ; r : 1: ': 1 -% Body fat was not greatly affected by level or type of pro- tein or source of energy in the diets. The high protein fish- meal diets may have produced slightly leaner fish. The ratio of protein to energy in the feed did not greatly affect the fat content of the fish over the range used in this study. Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of forage fish as a protein supplement for pond cultured channel catfish fed an all-plant diet (36 percent protein). Average yield of catfish per acre was 2,455 pounds on the all-plant diet, 2,110 pounds where the fathead minnow was the forage species, 2,810 pounds where tilapia (aurea) was the forage species, and 2,868 pounds where the all-plant diet was sup- plemented with one-sixth of the protein as fishmeal. The increased yields with tilapia may result from predation by catfish onil young tilapia and improved water quality resulting from tilapia feeding on plankton, manure, and other forms of organic matter. The fathead minnow was a poor forage fish for channel catfish. Threadfin shad was a better forage species than the fathead minnow, but was not as desirable as tilapia. A swine feeding study indicated that catfish waste meal was at least equal to meat scrap (meat and bone) meal as a source of animal protein as evidenced by gains of swine on production type rations. The catfish waste meal did not affect flavor of the meat or carcass quality. Catfish waste meal is also a satisfactory source of animal protein for catfish feeds. It is equal to fish meal when it comprises a high percentage of the feed formula, but it is ,lightly inferior to fish meal when it supplies 12 percent or less of total protein. The protein efficiency ratios (PER, which is a biological " index of protein quality) of catfish waste and other protein sources determined with fingerling channel catfish showed the following rank in descending order of protein quality: (1) marine fishmeal, (2) pasteurized catfish waste (non- dried), (3) casein, (4) catfish waste meal, (5) meat scrap (meat and bone) meal. Research by Foreign Graduate Students Six foreign students received graduate degrees from Au- burn University during the year. Each student was required to submit a thesis or dissertation based on his original re- search. Although none of these students was supported di- rectly on grant funds, all utilized equipment and supplies, benefited from the availability of field labor, or received guid- ance and information from staff time which was purchased [7 ] " ~~ S. E, Assoc. of Game and Fish Cormiis.. 27th Ann. \feet. 197.3. 20 pp. Rates of Temperature Acclimation for Hatchery Reared Striped Bass Fry and Fingerlings, Morone saxitllis (WaVlbaiii) . Progres- sive Fish Cultui ist, Vol. 35(4). Dr. R. T. Lovell Ab~sorption by Channel Catfish of Fai thy \lusty Flavor Cornl pounds S~ nthesjzed 1hy Cultures, of Blue-Green Algae. Tranls. Am. Fish. Soc., Vol. 102(4): 774-777. (WXith Lewis A. Sackey). Ens iroiiment-fRelated ofi-Flax ors in Intensiv ely Cultured Fish. FAO T echniical Conference onl F'ishery' Products, F11: IT /73/F 46. 7pp Put Catfish Offal to Work fur Y ou. Fish Farmng Industries, Oct.-Nov. 197.3. 3 pp. Vitamin C..oad Crooked B3ack D~isease. The Catfish Fanner, Vol. 50.): .31-32. Teaching Activities Sev en of the staff member s onl the grant taught a total of ninie couirses cduriing the year. Seven of the staff supervised thesis research projects for graduate students. A summary a Hfpu os teaching activities folloxvs: )!I, "A > )hll lDr. 1). D. Moss Dr. C. E. Boyd Nepali student caring for over-wintered tilapia. with grant funds. Name, countiv, and title of the thesis or dissertation for each student follows: Nanie Sopa Arccrat [rhailancl) Arsenio Caiacho (Philippines) Tawan Chookajorn (Thailand) Rafael Guerrero (Philippines) X'anicli Koonsoongnioen SThailand) Jorge Tres-Dick C. a atern aIa) Thesis or Dissertatian The Immnune Response of Channel Cat- fish to the Fish Parasite Ichthijophthirus inrltijilis ( Directed lby Dr. R. Allison). Chlaiacterization of Thiamine Dieficien- c ies in Channel Castfish Fed IHeated and Non-heated Catfish Processing W~astes (Dir ectecd lby Dr. R. 1'. Lov ell). Pri ciiipound dinent Age and G;rowth of the Bluegill Sunfish in the Proposed W~est Pocinut Noir, Alaluania~ and fleorgia (Directed by Dr. NV. L. Shelton). Tfhe of Sy nthetic Andlrogens for the Production of NMonosex Male Tilapia ann a ( Directed by Dr. WX. L. Shelton) Protein Quality of Catfish Processing 'Waste fur Channel Catfish Fingerlings ( Directed hx Dr. R. T. Lov ell). Interrelationships Between Qiiantity and Quiality oif Protein in Feeds for Channel Catfish in Inteisise Ponch Culture (Di- rectecl by Dr. H. T. Lox cll). Research Publications Dr. C. E. Boyd Biotic Interactions between Different Species of Algae. Journal o~f the Weed Science Societs of America. Vol. 21(l): 32-37. Suinumer Algal Communities and Priniary Production in Fish Ponds. flycirohiologia, Vol. 41(:3): 357- 390. Dr. W. D. Davies TIhe Effects of Total Dissolvedc Solids, Temperature, and p1l on the Survival of Immature Striped Bass: A Response Surface Expeiiment. The Progressixe Fish Culturist, Vol. 35(3): 157-160. Maniaging Small Impoundments and Communitv Lakes. Proc. R. T. Lovell MI. M. Pamatmat R. 0. Smitherman WX. 1). Davies Dr. 1). 11. Bayne Dr. 1. L. Gaines Seminar in aciuacnlture r'earch techniques Pond construction W~ater quality and aqluatic productivity and nutrient cycles in aquaculture Fish nutrition None Aquaculture Fisheries biology and acdxancecd fisheries biology None Fish morphology 1N umber in parenthesis indicates number who were foreign natinals. The Departmnt uitilized grant funds to bring three out- standiing scientists to campus to present seminars dluring the year: Dr. Raymond Johnson. President o)1 the American Fishei es Societxy and Depulty Dir ector, Div ision of Environmental Sys- tems and Besoui ces, National Science Foundatiun, WVashinig- ton, D.C. Dr. Jon Stanley. U.S. Depairtment of Interior, Fish Farm- ing Experimental Station, Stuttgart, Arkansas. Dr. Robert Anderson. Leaderi, Missouri Cooperative Fish- cr~icsj Unit, Univei sitv of Mlissouiri, Columbia, Missouri. International Service Activities All of the academic staff onl the girant pairticipated in inter- national service actixvities duiring the y ear. Sev'en v isited o~ther countries in connection with these activ ities. A total of appr oximately 4.5 man-rmonths of time xwas spent in these countries. Information concerning these v isits is sumomarized belowv: Dr. E. WV. Shell. Pairticipatecd in TAC wxorking group onl aquaculture, Spoleto, Italy, Juixl 10-19, 197.3. He also took p~art iii Philippines Conference oil Fish Estates and ireviewsecl progress of fisheries project in the Philippines, October 22- November 3, 1973. Dr. D. D. Moss. Planned acluacuiltni al research station in Colomobia at request of AID, May 27-Juiie 7, 1974. He at- [ 8] Con des taught Numnber of graduante' Stiudents supd'rt.ised 4 0 tended FAO Conference on Fishery Products in Japan and reviewed Japanese research in fish nutrition, December 2-18, 1973. He provided short-term assistance in fish nutrition to fisheries project in Northeast Brazil, November 19-November 29, 1973. Dr. M. M. Pamatmat. Reviewed aquacultural research in Scotland, Germany, Sweden, and Norway, June 15-30, 1973. Dr. R. O. Smitherman. Attended a meeting on aquacul- ture sponsored by the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science in Mexico City, July 1-3, 1973. He surveyed potential for aquacultural development in Haiti at request of AID, August 20-31, 1973, and attended symposium on mullet culture held in Israel, May 31-June 9, 1974. Dr. D. R. Bayne. Surveyed nuisance aquatic plants in res- ervoirs in Morocco at request of AID, March 21-30, 1974. Dr. W. D. Davies. Participated in FAO Symposium on Methodology for the Survey, Monitoring, and Appraisal of Fishery Resources in Lakes and Large Rivers, held in Scot- land, April 29-May 6, 1974. Funds from the grant were also used by other Depart- mental staff for international service activities. Dr. Ray Alli- son visited Thailand, October 12-18, 1973, to discuss plans for holding an international aquacultural symposium there. Professor E. E. Prather conducted a survey of the potential for aquaculture in Jamaica, June 17-29, 1974. Library Acquisitions During the year, 272 books were purchased with grant funds. Emphasis in selection of titles was given to those on aquaculture, aquaculture-related subjects, and fishes found in developing countries. Seven subscriptions to scientific jour- nals were purchased. Grant funds are utilized only to pay the initial year of a subscription. Other funds are used to continue the subscriptions. IMPACT OF GRANT SUPPORTED ACTIVITIES ON INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITIES Auburn University has been involved in international fish- eries work for a number of years. While realizing the po- tential and value of service in this area, the present degree of involvement by the University would not be possible without financial support provided by the grant. The grant allowed the Department to maintain, and in some instances to in- crease, its international capabilities in inland fisheries and aquaculture. Grant funds were used to purchase the following personnel involvement: Personnel category A c ad em ic -------------.-----------------...... Secretarial Graduate research assistants Field labor ---- .. .. .. .. . ... Man-months 48.4 29.0 22.4 47.9 The personnel time purchased with grant funds contributed significantly to the support of various aspects of the Depart- ment's program in inland fisheries and aquaculture. The personnel allowed the Department to do more research, teach additional courses, supervise and advise more graduate stu- dents, and do a more effective job of extending the Depart- ment's special capabilities both within the United States and abroad. The academic staff with support from laboratory techni- cians, secretaries, graduate research assistants, and field labor produced 13 major research publications during the year. Graduate research assistants funded from the grant conducted research as part of their degree requirements. Three of these research projects were used as sources of data for theses. Because of the availability of the staff funded from the grant, the Department has been able to attract a number of research grants and contracts that it could not otherwise have handled. In the past year the grant-funded staff was involved in seven research projects supported by other than State appropriated, University funds. Several of these proj- ects will result in information that will have direct transfer- ability to developing countries. Grant-funded staff taught nine courses (36 quarter hours of credit) during the year. The University paid most of the costs for this teaching, but the grant funds made available more specialists for teaching these courses. Nine courses per 12-month academic year would be approximately a full-time teaching load for one professor if he were supported en- tirely by University teaching funds. Obviously, a single in- dividual could not adequately teach the wide variety of courses offered. Combining teaching funds and grant funds made possible the joint appointments of seven different teach- ers who were available to teach the nine courses. Sixteen students (nine foreign) were admitted to the graduate program in the Department during the year. Grant- funded staff served as major professors for 10 of these. In- cluding the new students admitted, an average of 53 graduate students were enrolled each quarter in the program at some time during the year. Twenty-five students received advanced degrees during the year, as follows: Origin of recipient A m erican -------------------- F oreign ------ ------ -- ------ -- T O T A L --------------------------------- Degree awarded M.S. Ph.D. 11 2 9 3 20 5 Staff employed with grant funds served as major professors for nine of these students. The academic personnel time purchased with grant funds was an important factor in mak- ing it possible for the Department to enroll such a large number of graduate students. The Department offered 40 courses during the year. The distribution of courses and the number of students enrolled are as follows: No. of Number of students enrolled 1 Quarter courses American Foreign Summer 1973 ----------------- 9 55 63 Fall 1973 10 91 78 W inter 1974 ----------------.. 11 75 55 Spring 1974 ------------------ 10 55 57 TOTAL -- 40 276 253 1 Students take more than one of the courses each quarter. UTILIZING INSTITUTIONAL RESOURCES IN INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Department and the International Center played a significant role in international development during the year. Staff employed with grant funds participated in approxi- mately 4.5 man-months of international service activities. In addition to activities already mentioned, Auburn pro- vided technical assistance in inland fisheries and aquaculture to four countries, through AID Mission funded contracts. The countries were: Brazil (AID/csd-2270, T.O. 8), El Salvador (AID/la-688), Panama (AID/la-684), and the Philippines (A1D/ea-180). Resident Auburn staff were [9] provided for each of those projects as follows: Brazil 2, El Salvador 1, Panama 1, and the Philippines 2. The Depart- ment and Center provided 9.8 man-months of campus coordi- nation and 3.6 man-months of technical backstopping for the AID-funded country projects. The Department and Center are becoming increasingly involved with programs of Peace Corps Volunteers. One group of Volunteers from Michigan State University spent several days at Auburn as part of their training program before leaving for their assignments. The staff responded to a number of requests for information and advice from Volun- teers in various developing countries. Auburn staff in El Salvador and the Philippines provided direct assistance and supervision for several Volunteers in those countries. During the year, Auburn entered into an agreement for cooperative research on breeding schemes for the genetic improvement of edible fish with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. The project is supported by funds from the United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation. Most of the past support for Auburn's efforts in interna- tional development has come from AID. In the future, more of this work will probably be supported directly by the in- volved countries themselves. During the year the Depart- ment entered into an agreement to provide technical assist- ance and management for a 1,000-acre fish farm in Mid- Western State in Nigeria, Africa. This assistance will in- clude supervision of construction of the farm, the production of fish, and their processing and marketing. The Mid-West- ern State Government in Nigeria is providing funds for the project. After 7 years the farm will be operated by the State. Of the 25 students receiving advanced degrees, 13 are in- volved to some degree in international development. All of the foreign students returned to their home country to begin work in fisheries and aquaculture. One American student went to Australia to help develop a shrimp farm. Approximately 60 visitors representing 15 countries came to Auburn to discuss international development during the year. Special tours, demonstrations, and seminars were ar- ranged for several of the visitors. A list of the visitors follows: Name and address Malcolm C. Johnson, Jr. Delta Farm Fisheries P.O. Box 126 Tillar, Arkansas 71670 Pedro Godoy I. Incubadoras Protinal, C.A. Valencia, Venezuela John Hummon Agency for International Development Washington, D.C. Felipe Almeda Cruz, Jr. P.O. Box 3418 Manila, Philippines Manuel F. Cruz P.O. Box 3418 Manila, Philippines C. F. Wiedeman, Jr. Thomas H. Miner and Associates, Inc. 903 Oregon Trial Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 Wiang Chuapoehuk College of Fisheries Kasetsart University Bangkok, Thailand Chertchai Amatykul Director, Inland Fisheries Division Department of Fisheries Ministry of Aquaculture Bangkok, Thailand Dates of visit July 2, 19783 July 18, 1973 July 20, 1973 August 13, 1973 August 13, 1973 August 15, 1973 August 26-29, 1973 September 4-14, 1973 Tupan Ferreira de Souza Coordenador Geral Do Banco De Desenvolvimento Do Rio Grande Do Norte Leone State in Natal Brazil January 25-27, 1974 Erildo Moneiro, Jr. Rua General Osorio, 203-59000 Natal, Rio Grande Do Norte Brazil January 25-27, 1974 Mr. T. C. Niblock Director USAID/Philippines APO San Francisco 96528 February 14-15, 1974 Hon. E. K. Clark Minister of Finance Hon. B.E.E. Idigbe Minister of Economic Development and Reconstruction Hon. B.O.W. Mafeni Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources C. I. Oshogwe Mid-Western Farms Chief E.A.A.E. Wepke, Fisheries Officer Dr. I. M. Okonjo Secretary to the Military Governor 0. O. Uzzie Permanent Secretary of Agriculture Mid-Western State, Nigeria February 20, 1974 Joe Akintoba Joe Simpkins Roy Blanton, Sr. Roy Blanton, Jr. Tiffany Industries 100 Progress Parkway Maryland Heights, Missouri February 20, 1974 Steven E. Anderson Fisheries/PTR c/ o American Embassy B. P. 697 Kinshasa, Zaire, Africa March 18-22, 1974 Peter I. Tack E. W. Roelofs Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan March 20-21, 1974 Hans Ackefors Fil. Dr, Docent Havsfiskelaboratoriet Institute of Marine Research S-45300 Lysekil Sweden March 21-22, 1974 Rosie Evans Biological Station University of Bergen Blomsterdalen, Norway March 26-27, 1974 Sergio Fernando Gonzalez Berrido Director School of Fisheries and Food Technology Catholic University Valparaiso, Chile March 30, 1974 Randy Martin Fred Bell Charles Rockwood Kirshna Kumar Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida April 18, 1974 Daniel W. Bromley Office of Agriculture Agency for International Development Washington, D.C. April 18, 1974 Glenda Baxder Bonnie Kranzer Manly Johnson Randy Martin Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida May 2-3, 1974 David Hughes Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma May 13-16, 1974 [10] Frederick J. Laney International Training Officer National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm. Rockville, Maryland 20852 Paul F. Randel Animal Nutritionist Agricultural Experiment Station and College of Agriculture Mayaguez Campus University of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Baudelio Gonzalez Bermudez CIFSA Rosario, Sinaba Mexico L.A.E. Angel Brito Guthierrez Baseball No. 189 Esq. Nadadores Mexico 21, D.F. Ignacio Salinas Arce CIFSA Consultores Peten 543, Col Narvarte Mexico, D.F. May 20-23, 1974 June 13-14, 1974 June 13-14, 1974 June 13-14, 1974 Y. A. Tang Fisheries Officer Fisheries Resources Improvement Service Fisheries Department FAO/Headquarters Rome, Italy June Thomas R. Parks Food and Plant Sciences Department Stanford Research Institute 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlow Park, California 94025 June Mitsutake Miyamura Japan Air Lines Consultant for Trade Development Specialist of Marine Product Industry 929 Andrew Circle Panama City, Florida 32401 June J. J. Sabaut Fish Nutritionist Centre National de Recherches Zootechniques Station de Recherches de Nutrition Domaine de vilvert France Sept( T. A. Irabagon Central Luzon State University Neuva Ecija Philippines Sept Kenneth Lightburn Aquaculture Int. P.O. Box 180 Plympton South Australia 5038 Sept Yolanda E. de Melara Secretary-Program Office USAID/El Salvador Octo Charley Shiraishi Agricultural Programs Office U.S. Peace Corps 7th Floor Cardinal Building Herran Cor. F. Agoncillo Street Manila, Philippines Octo Pinit Sihapitukgiat Khon Khaen Fisheries Station Khon Khaen, Thailand Janu D. K. Villaluz Antonio Villaluz Alfredo Santiago College of Fisheries Mindanao State University Philippines Janu Paulo Fernando de Oliveira Bw:gos Chefe Da Divisao De Recursos Pesqueiros Da Sudene Leone State in Recife Brazil Janu 14-25, 1974 25, 1974 26, 1974 ember 5-6, 1973 ember 18, 1973 ember 20, 1973 ber 21-23, 1973 ber 22-23, 1973 ary 3-6, 1974 ary 25-28, 1974 ary 25-27, 1974 Jun Ikeda President Yokohama Fish Center Co., Ltd. 318 Okazawa-Cho Hodogaya-Ku Yokohama Japan June 26, 1974 Sakae Terada Assistant Manager Cargo Sales Development Division Japan Air Lines Tokyo Building 2-Chome, Marunouchi Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo Japan June 26, 1974 Jiro Tanaka Aquaculture Biologist Chief Researcher Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Lab. Nagai Yokosuka, Japan June 26, 1974 OTHER RESOURCES FOR GRANT-RELATED ACTIVITIES The primary purpose of the grant is to strengthen and support the International Center. All funds received by the Department are for the same purpose. Data on the sources of funds and the amount from each source are presented in the following table. Source of funds State of Alabama appropriated funds For teaching F or research ............................. Sales funds-for sale of food fish and 4ingerlings_ Federal appropriated funds for research, USDA-Land-Grant College funds ................ Research grants from other state governments- Research grants from Federal agencies ------- Research grants from private enterprise T O T A L ... .....---- --------------- ----- --- Amount $177,907 108,550 S 95,697 67,081 91,097 51,899 48,859 . $581,082 SUMMARY Grant funds were utilized to purchase 48.4 man-months of academic staff time, 29.0 man-months of secretarial time, 22.4 man-months of graduate research assistant time, and 47.9 man-months of field labor. The academic staff and support personnel produced 13 major scientific papers. They also conducted research on seven extramural grant projects. Library acquisitions with grant funds included 273 books and 7 periodicials. Seven of the grant-funded academic staff taught nine academic courses during the year. A total of 161 students (87 American and 74 foreign students) were enrolled in these courses. Twenty-five students (13 Ameri- can and 12 foreign) were awarded graduate degrees during the year. Grant-funded staff served as major professors for nine of these graduates. Approximately 60 visitors from 15 countries came to the Center on business related to international development. Special tours, demonstrations, and seminars were arranged for several of them. A number of Peace Corps Volunteers visited the Center before going abroad to their assignments. Grant-funded staff participated in approximately 4.5 man- months of international service activities overseas during the year. They also provided 9.8 man-months of campus coordination and 3.6 man-months of technical support for AID Mission-funded projects in Brazil, El Salvador, Panama, and the Philippines. [11] SWINGLE HALL, AUBURN UNIVERSITY