-- V Agricultural Weather Series No. 7 June 1970 LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA AUBURN UNIVERSITY 1969 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION WEATHER BUREAU in cooperation with AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY E. V. SMITH, Director AUBURN, ALABAMA TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWOIRD..0 .0 .. . . . . .0 . . . . .. TABLZ1ES Daily Maximum, Minimum, and Mean Temperature Solar Radiation.* .. . . . . . . . ..0. .0.a 0.0.a.0.0. . Evaporation and Wind Movement. 0. . .0 . . .. ......... * .2a Monthly and Annual Average Temperature and Precipitation,1855 1952 0.0. *. 13 13 1~3 0...a 0.0.* 14 Monthly and Annual Average Evaporation, 1947 Six Hourly Temperature and Relative Humidity Soil Temperature, Wind Direction and Speed Duration in Hours and Tenths of Hours that the or Lower........... Cooling Degree Days - Base 75F- . 0.0. . Heating Degree Days - Base 65F 0. . .0 Time of Sunrise......0 .......... Time of Sunset...................0.40 Growing Degree Days - Base hOF. . .. Growing Degree Days -Base 4-5F . Growing Degree Days - Base 50F.. 1950 & 19614 1969.0 . a Temperature was 32F ~~~~ .11 .i 0~ *X * 0I~ StU * *vp rain 0 005 050 *eatv 0 00 50 05 5y Precipitation Accumulation and Departure from Average. 14 15-26 27-38 39-ho 41 42 43 144 46 147 I 'I> n; FOREWORD Except for the long term averages of.;temperature, precipitation, and evapora- tion, data in this publication were recorded at the Weather Bureau micro-meteorology station located at the south end of the Agronomy Farm at Auburn University. The station was established during September, 1963, with the cooperation of the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station and the.Agronomy and Soils Department. The current Cooperative Weather Observer is Mr. Jack Jones, foreman of the Agronomy Farm. Soil temperatures and evaporation readings are for a 2h-hour period ending at 8:00 AM for the day indicated. All other readings are for a 2L-hour period from midnight to midnight for the indicated date. The sensing elements for the soil thermometers are under bare soil while all other instruments are exposed over sod. Evaporation is measured in the Weather Bureau Class "A" pan of L foot diameter. Unless otherwise indicated, units in this publication are as follows: Temperature in OF Relative humidity as a percentage Wind speed in miles per day Solar radiation in langleys (gram calorie/sq. cm.) Precipitation and evaporation in inches Cooling degree days are used in computing air conditioning requirements. The "base" for such computations is the mean daily temperature of 75F. These data are obtained by subtracting 75F from the mean daily temperatures, if the latter is above 75F. A day with a mean temperature of 76F is one degree day. If the daily mean temperature continues above 75F for any length of time, air conditioning or cooling will be required for human comfort. Heating degree days are used in computing fuel requirements. The "base" for computing heating degree days is a mean daily termperature of 65F. A mean daily temperature of 64F is one degree day. If the daily mean temperature continues below 65F for any length of time, heating will be necessary for human comfort. Sunrise and sunset are considered to occur when the upper edge of the disk of the sun appears to be exactly on the horizon, with normal atmospheric conditions, and at zero elevation above the earth's surface in a level region. Times of sun- rise and sunset shown in this publication are valid for the remainder of the 20th Growing degree days were computed daily by averaging the maximum and minimum temperature and then subtracting, the "base" temperatures of hO, h$, and 50F. Paul A. Mott Advisory Agricultural Meteorologist ESSA. Weather Bureau Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama Table 1. .Daily -temnperaturesq, precipitation, solar radiation, evaporation, and miles of wind per day for January, 1969 Air Temperature So larWind m/d Date Max' M1in. Mean Preci . adiatio"~ Evaporation 2.5 ft.- 1 2 3 4 5 7. 8 9 10- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 20' 25- 26 29 30 Total Avg. 42 ..46 37 43 52 53 64 62 42 48 49 55 57 514 61 56 614 62 49' 49 50. 61 614' 51 .55 53 45 72 67 23 35 20 16 20 32 30 33. 23 28 25 28 31 314 36 46 52 53. 48 43 47 37 32 ?81, 43. .37, 43 49 58 1672 .1099. 039 -35. 5 33 36 . 46* 29 25 36 47 33 38 37 42 44 414 49 51 58 58 49 47 47 514. 52' 42 42 48 41 061 63 1391 4499 0 0 * 0 0 .0 0 0 0' 0 ,0 0 0 .15 2.21. 0'. 1.17 .02 * 0 0 * 0. * 0 916. *02 .10 2914 * vap. adjusted for Lull month Missing at a 301 159 149 261 279 248 282 197 32 26 193 270' 286 300' 1714 248 97 96 20 36 50, 42 101 .223 2142 226 136, 63 77 289 68 5 ,421 008 .010 .05 .014 010 .008 .12 .08 .06. .03 .02 .20 O11 .06, v07 .02 .01 '008 1l.76 90 *6 75.0 35.14 73.3 113.9 22.5 65.3 49.0 1014.3 98.6 110.5 82 *8 47.*9 53.w5 46.1l 53.5 71.3 81.92 62.5 81 *6 56.1 '4 28.6 714.14 77.0-6 9a*8.9 105.2 *36.5 109.3 *9706 75.5 59.0 2237.8 72o2 3 Table 2. Daily t.nrparatures, precipitation,, solar radiation,.. evaporation and miles -.6f wind per day fo-r Feb liary,.1969 Air Temfperature "S.'. SO14r Date 1ax4. i_0. Mean fPrecipt. ra 1 74 1, 55 '65 .02 151041.4 2 70 59 65.15 51'.07.82.1 3 50 42 . 46 .56 236 .1.90.7 4 54 27-41 0 377 .13 101.5 5 59 31 45 0 343 .12 _46.6 6 54'42 48 1.18 23 .1446.1 7. 69 41- - 55 0313:. 409 8 62 46 54..33 50:.12.40.2 9 51 33 42 0 301'.1118.4 10 55 28- 42 0 325'.186.7 11 57 39 480 . 0311..07.27.8 12 58 33 46 0 0484 08.41.2 13 53 26 40 0 406' *22104.6 1 44 34., 39 1.00 59 916 97.5 15 37 32' 35 .84 28. .2128.9 16 36. 31 34 .008 62.114.6 17 40 36 38 0 90. 18 44, 31 38.: :. 0 188 *05 75*3 19 57 29 . 43 0 413 05 82.4 20 59- 34- 47 0 386 :14.74 21 60: 36. 48 0 370- .11 '42.6 22 4639"' 43 *35 oi.6 88.1 23 49-3844' 0 110 .02 .70.4 24 58 34a 46 0 405 9O033. 25 60 33 47 0 42-8 .12 68.1l 26 60 33' 47 0 425 .15 68.P7 27 66 :37 52 0 408 .14 -66.2 28 55 36., 46 .10 106 .636.9 Total 1537 1015 1284 4.61 2 *71 1970.8 Avg. 54.9 36.3 45.9. 70.4 *Evap. adjusted for full month -Missing data . ' Table 3.0 Daily-temperatures, precipitation, solar..radiation-, evaporation, and'miles 'of winid per.. day for M'aichp--"l 969~ A ir Te2 e:Precip ISOUr" A~ '' Wnd m/d D~t. .. 2'~ 4~lai1in E '* t*tion 2.5 ?t. 2 59' 3 46 14 514 5 :55.4 '6 14 7 57 8 69. 9 49 10 5 11.4 12 14 13 55 ''114.60 16 .52 17 58 18 61 19 73 20 76 21 7 22 70 23 .62 214 '80 .25 26 '55 27 ...59 28 6 29 7. 30 67 * 31 69 Total 1853 Avg.* 59.8 31- 34 32 35. .7. 30 26, 23> 26'" 30, 41' 43' 46 51'. 414 44' 46- 43, 50- 53' 3?*. 28, 314 43 47 39 1162 37.5 42 45:. 42' 1414 44' 46"'1 53' 40' 39 36' 38-- 42' 52 56 59: 60" 59..' 57.' 56: 67:. 45. 414., 1414 52 '', 58. 57-1 514 *02 *84'. 0. 0... 0' 0:. 0" 0- 1516 4.96 48.,9 *Evap. adjusted for full month 1.m issing data 385-- 486. 190'1 436 350 32 464'- 406-: 263' 504: 512: 3114 498: 418' 22. 72 130 505 492? 5214 107 589 237 52.8, 475 567 577 142117 -48-1 .06 2 .:02 i19 .114 .09 .12 .a8 .12 0.0 #12 0G9 0 03 .05 *07 *18 .25 10 .16 .22 .22. .,25 75.o8 69.7 *39.6 ,'99.3 *63.*3 119.0 33s*9 110.8 108.o7 *''133 .6 :67.w9 68.*6 62.5 60 *8 *79.1 97.*6 35.3 79.2 -"60.9 112.14 79.9 102.3 49.3 54.3 :-54141 79.*0 Table 4. D:Daily temperatures;precitation l radiation and miles of wind per day for April, 1969 Air Temperature Sola' r . Wind mid Date x. Min. Mean- Precipv'. .-radiation- Evaporation 2*.ft. 2 .3 4 5 7 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 214 26 .27 28 29 30 79 69 73- 75 78. 80 67 77 83 66 80 77 79 79 62 73 75 78 75 71 75 80 81 76 Total 2281 Avg. 7600 46' 49 56 514 63 60 51, 50 56 58. 56 55 59 59 614 63- 63. 52 46 49 51 46. 43. 46' 45 50 57. 50 45 1596 53.2 63 65 70 69 66 67 63 614 68 63 67 69 66' 63 72 70, 71. 67' 57 60 62 65 61 57. 61 63 66 68 62, 61' 19146 614.9 0 0 0 0 .85 .214 0 0 0 .25 0 0 0 .34 0 .33. 2.26 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e36 5.57 520 5514 491 493 56 311 590. 557 436 108 351 452, 229 1 275 268 267 455 203 615 611 598 5141 628 635 631 617 39 3 636 6148 13,212 01, o.27 *?27 .13 .30 *.26 .2:2 *0 2 .20 .20 9.18 .06 .10 O11 .36 .11 *18 .26 .31 .31 .26 .214 .214 .033 925 .36 '6*30 65.9 36.3 49.3 67.97 69.5 '63.*7 68.1l 59.0 61.1 32.06 63.3 86,o 6 106 *9 70.14 49.*9 17.*3 7701 80.01 40.0 39.0 65.14 69.8 214.8 42.8 55.1 69.2 78.1 1851.w6 .61.*7 Evap. adjusted for Lull month m Missing data 'Table 6. Daily temperatures,, precipitation,.,solarrditineaotin and mile fwnadper day for June,. 1969 Date .Max* 2 .3 5 -6 7 11 12 13 1)4 15 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C29 30 90' 85 77 76 86 91- 92 9)4 91- 87 87 89, 90 89, 8)4 87- 38 90- 85 87--. 91 91 92. 91. 92 95 98. 97 93 Air Temperature Mm. 66 6)4 58 59 63 61 62 67 66 66 65 68 70 70 .69 65 62 62 65 6)4 63 67. 72 7)4 7)4 73, 73 7)4 71. 69 Solar Mean, 78. 75 69 68 70 77 80 80 79 76 78 80 80 79 75 75 75 78 75 75 79 82 83 83 83 8L4 86. 8)4 81 Precip. .'radiation vaoraton 61r41 0 0 0 0 .02 0 0 0 o37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *97 1.6c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .09 539 684 428 313 577 581 596 597 )435 587 '45)4 557 4)45 528 593 666 638 534 '437 605 618 52)4 511 557 615 591 570 636 599 *31 o2)4 o30,, #38. *26 .16 *.5. 938 .331 *28. e27. .2)4 *29. .33; .28 .29 v26 .32 926 .29 o26, &23 029 .32 .32 .31 401 Total 2665 Avg3 33. 2002 23)41 66.7 73.7 * Thap. adjusted -Missing data. for Lull month .I--,Wind. m/d 295 ft. 27.2 30.'0 63.9 '41.0 19.*8 26.9 30.6 51.7 48.9 36.0 619)4 78.7 26.*7 '45.9 6)4.1 66.2 2.8.1 29.1 38*)4 36.1 36.3 27.0 2)4,m5 33.w2 39o7 424 16494 13609)4 '45*3 1. - -j- - - - - I - ) r _ L l ble 7 ailI-I 'tcraperat rcs ro cipton, solar radtatlc'o,-:' rt 1 ~d mile s o f wnd d ."e Ay Th-r Ju, 196 9 Ai eprature .a-.Mn Total 2793 2191 Avgv 930.0 70.7 ien 'X.. recip 83 83 83 814 814 *86 *85 814 83 82 76 80 81 80 77 77 80 79 80 80 * 80 80 80 *79 * 79 76 77 *78 78 2499 80.6 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 10101 .05 0 s70 1.00 0 .214 a014 *23 .0 s68 0 cr '008 0 .25 0 930 .06 0 0 008 0 4.7'. * I~Lr Wind mi d ,radiati-o'n', Evaprion 2:.5ft. 914' 95' 9 5' 95 95 96' 96' 93.. 91. 80' 92 90 88 814 8 8 88, 889, 88 .*27.: *29- .36' -,o33 . .27-- .31 .39- .32,, -.18, .290 *.20 1016 *302 23" . 1 926 .20 7.3 .2514 42.14 :37. 6 32.0 29.*6 25.2 48.7 .1901 ,55.14 43.9 45. *3 24.5 499.0 30.14 33.96 27.0 33.6 59.9 70.14 36.5 33.8 *29*2 29.0O 1226.6 Date 1 12 13 .15 .6 19 10 21 22 13 15 17 1,9 20 21 533 592 618 607 559 612 426 339 423 * 570 143 531 483 * 582 4514 333 50h4 604' 576' 553, 451 557 460 469 377 287 2140 559. 353. 476 14860' 70 72 7. 72 72 72 75 714 73 72 73 72 69 68 72 71 70 66 69 68 69 71 71 721 72 71 72 70 67 68 68 AL - w mw Table 8.w Daily temperatures, precipitation, solar radiation, evaporation, and miles of wind per day for August, 1969 Date 2 '3 14 5 6 7 8 .9 12 13 214 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 20 22. 22 27 28 29 30 31 Total 2637 Avg.v 85.0 2091. 67.14 23148 75.14 Solar "ATind m/d Precip. radiation Evaporation 2.5 ft. Air Temperature Max, MinMean 90 80 87 69 -78. 80 67 714 81 61473, 82 65.,74 87' 65 .76" 89 66;78 90 70' 80'. 90 71.81' 82; 714'78 8 7 6 7 7 7 , 85 67 76- 82 67 75 83 65 714 79 70:75 ,84 72 78 88 73 82.. 81 7?. 77 89 714 82: 93. 75 83' 90 71 81' 85 62' 714 72 63' 68. 8363 73' 814 .61 73 88 61- 75 92 6 2 67, 85 70 68.. 85 614 75 814 63 69 82 68 75 3.63 12768 #01 0 .4 .01 .oi: 0 0' p03 01 0' 04 .17 .28 .3 . 0 .01 .3 0, 0' .17 31.o6 37.1 29w9 30.5 15.9 47.3 33.14 50.0 50.*8 52. 4099 33.*2 65.8 68.0o 66.2. 27.2 47.2 82.0O 50.6 27.14 20.*0 57#14 88.5 1398.1 * .vp' djstdfor full month. Evp.aduse Missing data 493. 403- 308 103 479 535 522 517' 497 .69 597 429- 388 452 156 365- 450- 152 440 378 278 253, 128'; 581- 5852'- 556 526, 552 429 297 ~~- l\rrl~~ nA~ rl~ r rr +~hH ~F19~r* ~~~~ j~~ .22 .03 010 .114 .23 026 .114 .616 .31 9 20 ai07 .i13 .2 .15 .17 S214 :908 9.22 .26 .025 .31 .19 '' 9.Daily.tempgratures, precipitation, solar radiation, evaporation, and miles *of wind per day Lor "~Peh~ 399' 86' 87 89' 86 -88, 87 76 714 '80 82 ''85 85 87 92 .71 68 76 814 78 69 81. 3 Air Temperature Date Max Evaporation Solar .radiation 52.5 451-- 422. 407 379, 364. 497'- 335, 430 246 402 1414 102 1,56' 186 421 L61 468 43)4 426 2Q14 10573 frEvap. adjusted frLl ot 10. -,Table Min." 67 68 68 68 68 70 68, 69 66)' 53 56' 57- 56- 57 63 66 68, 67' 63. 62 62"'' 62' 614 64' 60 60 60, 57 18.6 620*8 Nean- 77 78 79 73 78, 75. 65 65 69' 70. 76: 77,. 72' - 7-2,;' 63". 65" 70' 70. 71 63- 73-. 72, 69 62: ,2099. 69.9 2 3 14- 6 7 8 9 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2)4 25 26 2 '7 23 30' Total Avg . for full month .31 e23 .17 .17 e25 .13 .13 12 20 .20 .oi07 619 .09 .*20 .22 .30 -v15 o22 I SMON.U0 now p . . . . . Wind pi/d 1245 ft. .51.3 29.5 '23.*0 .39.2 21 *3 40.w6 1.45.5 .28*14 75.1l 68.0o 20.9 19.8 22.1 57o~ 1.43o3 26,o2 79.2 17.8 113.0 70.2 22.v3 35.9 4693 23.8 86.7 .68.*7 1280.8 Preci 0' 0' O0 0". 0. 022 0~ 03' 0. 0" 0', 14o.27 Table, 100.,Daily temdperatures.-,:prec xpitationp. solar' aitoevaporation, and miles of wind-per dVy.for 0ctoberso.1969. .A3.rTpm~rture Wind.'1r7" " 'i7"-~m/d Dat fl ax m.Mian. eip radition' ' md'rati'n20-5-f t. 2 * 3 '14 '5 10 12 13 * 14 15 '16 17 19 21 22 .23 25 .'26 '27 28 *29 30 31 Total Avg a 76' 70'- 814 82 81 78 81 75,' 851, 83-. 78 68- 69 70 78 77. 63- 67 78 2353 75.9 57 5 5' 514 62 60 58 60 62 57 583 61 63; 59. 53 51 53 50 45 57 69- 60' 52 44'., 43'. 52, 53. 57' 47' 46 b 2 52- 1692 54/6 67 68 69 72 72 68 71 69 69 70 72 714 72 61 63 70 60 60:: 69 77 69 65 56 52-. 61 66 68 59 55 55 62', 20)41 654 .314 0"' 0~; 0 0'. 0'" 0~~ .014;,, 0.' 0 0' 0. 0: 0.: 0 0 0*' 0'~ 0' .22.:. 0". 0~' 0*' 0'> 0;>' 0~ 0'.' 0'; 0 0'' .60 08 94 422. 416, 415 331,.- 219, 38,51 3147 357. 33,8. 253. 405 396, 398. 2140. 183 387-- 22-9 205 406 401 277 173 337 3214 361 367 326 256. 967 .10 .07 .15 e16 .23 .114 2. 0 0Q8 .17 .13 405 *17149.9 10)4.09 86.1 17.14 80.9 50.1 61.5 48.14 41.7 *31.3 13.9 25,o7 71.2 *27.0O 37.6 81.09 50.7 33.5 51.3 *91.44 92.*6 83.00 48.14 76.5 87.3 75.0 81.91 12 Table 11. Daily .-temperaturespreciitation,-solar radiation, evaporation, and miles of wind per day 'for,:N ovemnber, 1969 Air Temperature iMm So la r Ln Precip. r' diation' aprion- 2 70 3 65 46( 5 60 6 69 7 75 8 '75 9 75 10 72 11 12..71 13 -53 1443 15 52 16 .62 17 18 12 63 20 -57 21 66 22 '68 23 7 214 75 25 :71 26 6 27 6 28 614 29 58 30 514 Total 1967 Avg. 65.5 59'. 44 39'. 36' 32 314 57 43' 43. 41 17 40 7 53; 27, 33. 31 43- 46 51- 43- 37- 33" 28 65 57 52 48 46 52 60- 66 59 58 58 59 47 140 35 414 514 614 45 401. 50 50 57 61 61 56 514 51 47 41 11714 39.1 .07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .15 0 0 0 0 0 0c .26 0 0 0 0 0 .14 0 0 0 0 0 *62 * 140 0.2 278*.014 300 *.12t 282 . .12 3514h1 3148 909, 358 .12, 354 371 289,. *13 338 .114 2140 .11 117"'015. 297 .01 327, 9.16 325'".108 238:.. .05 * 206.-, .09 168. '19 327. o05 308 .09 308.,.11 165 ;* .10 286,.. .03 152 .10 2514 .07 164, o11 255 .07 292 .12 303 O11 811414 3.11 Date Max, 2.5 -ft 71.5 43.3 85.0 43.14 42.5 32.v8 *38.0 40.o7 1;48.0 36.9 83.0 38.5 .71.0 39.1 23.7 19.8 11 o 8 26.96 .33.*1 21.5 494.7 .66. 9 50.14 1383o5 _ _ _ _ _ __ -lr 13 Table 12. Daily temperatures,: prec I pitati ont, -,solar radiati-on, evaporation, and miles of wind per day f or December, 1969 Ai Temperature. SolarWind m/d Date Max. -,Min. o ~oain o 2 .3 5- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 *15 16. 17 .20 22, 23'- 214.,. 25 26. 27 28 29 30 31 Total Avg. 63 32 59 32 61 51 29 56 35 55 -.37 43 40 48 3 48 42 5814 51 29 58 26 614 37 60 31 55 30 60 28 59 31 61 ~ 36 55 29 46 36 38 30 53 .,28 53 29 47 0 35 50 29 57.... 2 8 66 314 69 46 714 40 40 36 1706 1029 5590 33.2 48 46 47 40 39 46 46 42 45 49 40 42 51 46 43 45 49 42 41 41 41 40 43 50 58 57 38 1377 14141 202 297 285 298 202 22 69 27 13h 52 237 272 279 268 274. 272 271 200 172 276 15 514 58 2714 20 282 .290 250 140- 40 .48 0 0 0 0' .014 .714 .31 0 0' 0. :0 0 *0 0, 0 1*0 0 10 2 0 01 *0 0 0 401 ,-2 .2 O11 .114 .13 e16 .o17. .06 0 .014 a.02 .0o6 .02 .13 .12 .0o8 .o13 .114 .07 0 .v05 .11 .02 .01 .03 .05 .608 .07 .12 .014 'J% Evap. adjusted for full month m Missing data 50.14 61.3 35.14 67.0 88.14 .69.0 131.7 55.1 32.*8 79.8 67.6 3 74.7 50.5 57o. 60 *0 67.6 32.3 27.o7 29.9 66.w5 76.2 96.3 61.a8 42.114 66.68 114.1 62.14 21.9 43.o8 123.*8 135.,5 20149.8 14 Table 13. ...Monthly Averages Lor,.Ternperature and Precipitation from 1855-1952* Temerture Avg. g.Precipita.tion Evaporation Daily.., D aily, A . Aver'g. vrg Date 14x Thli.(-F). (Ichs)Inches) January 59.0: 38.9 '49.0 :4.80 1.89 February 61.6 40.'5 .5).5 5.25 2.38 March 67.8 454 ..56.8 <6.413 : 4.o46 April 75.4 52.8 64.1 .4-37 . 59 May 83.3~ 60*4 71*9 3.55 7.48 June 89.5 67.7* 7 "8.6.6 7.76 July 90.0 69.o9 _80.0 5934 7.07 August 89.7, 69.4 79.6 :.4.71 6.53 September' 86.7 65,w4 76.1 3.20 5'58 October 770.9. 54.7 :66*3 2.58 4041 November 66o7 44'3 1155.5 3.48 3.00 De cember 58.09' 39.3 4. :5.13 22 Year 75.5 54.1 64e8 "'52.60 58.71 Evaporation based on data from 1247 through 1950 and ,1969 T-able 14. Six12p Hourly T emperature and 'Relative Humidity,- January: 1969 fidnight 6:0A '- No-.- 6,:,w p iAverage Date- -Ter. R.. Tm. :. TeMRn .L Tm. RH., Tern. R.H. 1 4 16. 17 19. 10 2 13' 16' 17 18. 19 20 231 31 28 36 39 20 24 39 31 58 33 31 29 35 35 42' 40 51 55 55'.. 53. 47. 45 48, 60 37- 32 147 40, 45 50 :57- 81 43 82 97 49 66 65 61 96 57 41 *38 40 42 45 41 5 7 80 100, 100 100 100 100 100 72 48 43 91 100 100 214 25 35 28 17 *21 33 .33 **59 214 * 31 26 29 32 35 35 46 52 57 49 45 43 49 60 35 31 45 37 43. 49 *57 45 51 97 93 62 68 47 ..100 59 43 45 51 46 56 48 914 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 68 57 76 100 100 100 100 37 41 51 35 39 43 51 559 61 40 43 47 53 52 56 53 63 61 48 48 47 55 62 47 55 50 43 48 67 62 28 30 51 30 33 45 25 46 98 28 32 25 21 29 29 41 93 69 100 100 100 100 97 59 31 27 70 100 100 59 100 33 48 27 29 45 43 43 33 39 36 43 41 41 55 55 57 59 48 48 47 57 51 41 47. 414 42 51 614 63 26 314 *71 30 53 37 22 69 79 31 j31 39 33 48 51 57 85 100 100 100 97 100 100 71 29 48 80 100 100 67, 92 33.3 42.5 3 26.3 33.3 41.5 45.5 55.93 32.5 3600 40.0O 40.3 42. 46.a,5 51*. 56. 8 58.0 49.5 47.0 45.5 52.3 58 *:. 40.0 41.o3 46.5 40.5 46.8 57. s5, 59.8. 45.0 309.. 5 75.3 62.5 49.03 5300 55.w8 43:.8 36.-8 36.* 8 36.3 41.3 45. 3 46.8 821~ 3 86o* 100.0 100.0 99.,3 10000 99*3 82.5 50.0 45.0O 100.0 81.5 97.*5 Avg. 411.1 72.1 38.2 77.5 50.6 57. 46.1 63.9 i rrv - vV i. ~c, ~I Y1/ V/ Table 15 .Six H6utlry -.Temertre, an,4 ..veHmidtyFebruary.16 Date Texn2' R.H.., .emp He :;R4..~T T >: erp R{. Trip . R.H. 1'. 57 '00.100 00 1W>7' 65 79 62.3 87*5 25910 61 '10069 80 63 10 6305. 3 61, 100 -48 '78 '47 39 w4 29 49.3 615 4,32 54i2 78 4928;43 .35 .784. 5 34)58 32 69 58259 51 .33 5. 645-55 42 100:47 100-53 100 46.8 88.48 7 2 10 3100 6.45 -58 -76 550 80. 3 8' 52- 87 49 10 59 100 55 100 538 968 947~ 65 43 6? 49.5 3 5t.55 5. 10 33 85 ,- 29 95 51 32 46 54 3. 65 1139. 85 40 73-5-8 4 56448 60 12- 42 76 35 .100 57- 25' 43 26:44.3. 56.8 13. 30' 57-2<748274293. 60 :14 38 .35.36 37 39 5534 100 36o.. 56.8 15 35' 100 35 -. 100-.'.35 ;0 3 0 '45,0 . 16: 32- 100 32 100 35:.9535 .97. 33.5..19. 17 35 97 317 98; 39 :83:- 37-k 8:3 7.0o 0. 135, 85 34 88:37 72 .37 60 358.8-76M3 .19 31 87 29 94 .. 2 - 34 "46 1 35 39.o5- 62.5 20 37 54 35 57-56:27-45 58.43.3 49.0 2140' 79. 36 73-56- 27 49 36. 45.o31' 53.8 -22 46; 52 -39 100 41 '10 100 4. 8-80 23 39 100 39 100. 44.8445 7 4.:90.3 24 41 81 34 100--' 53 43 48 46 44.0Q 67.o5 25: 37' 83- 33 100 55' 38. 49 44, 43o5 663 26 37 ,86 32 85-55 47-. 50-~ 44 43.o5 6!05 27, 41 65' 37 64.61 35 52- 57.47*8, 55.3 '28z 47 - 65 41 81, 51 .95. 5 10 47.5 8. AVg. 41.2 78.3 37.9 8.0 5.1-57.71 4.. 6. 17 Table 16. Six IHourly Temperature,:and .Relative Thuidity,lMarch 1969 niight 6 ,OO AM on ve:0Oa? Date' Tern z.>RO.. Tern * -R.H .T H~m~...89 60 67 63 71 66' 89 61>100 62 68 58 46 62 65 63 89 59 100 61 67 65 97 62 - 68 65 100 66- 100 63. 1 100 66, 100 524 87 47 93 51 100. 59' 66 51 58 49 65 51- 75 48 95 57 82 63 72. 61 100 51 63 48 51 58 58 161 52 51 57 60 60 57 59 62 65 65 65 69 57 49 49 524 52 46 50 57 53 59 57 49 40 96 99 100 100 100 77 88 97 100 60 97 93 100 100 100 100 90 70 95 89 77 824 77 70 93 98 81 78 724 78 81 80 67 69 69 73 75 63 75 81 69 64 73 75 78 77 60 67 71 75 73 67 72 77 77 77 73 73 29 32 33 35 100 724 30 39 50 100 70 324 57 *100 81 63 53 50 *69 41 37 29 26 31 29 29 K 36 56 37 29 71 72 75 724 624 72 68 71 72 63 69 73 69 624 724 70 67 71 55 71 70 70 65 63 65 69 77 73 65 66 40 33 37 45 100 59 31 43 45 100 84 53 48 *100 73 87 100 45 71 32 42 27 * 32 36 41 41 36 70 37 45 60.8 68.5 68.8 65.5 65.8 62.8 63.3 66.5 62.*3 65.8 68o. 65e5 63.0 69.3 69*0 68.3: 70.8 56*. 58.5 60.3 60.3 56.3 59.5 62.8 66.0 68.0o 64.0 59.8 Avg. 58.3 8024 56.5 88.3 72. 49.3 68.9 54.4 37.5 62;.5 59.0 62 ir.8 97.*3 83.3 51.5 54.0 65.0 96-.5 88.*5 53,i 5 74. * 8 90.3 88.5 87.*5 88.3 73.8 79 *3 59.0 618.5 52.8 48.v3 54.0 55. 5 58.8 61. 8 724.0 63.8 53.8 / / I LI ~ AAC L was~ 19 Table- 18w., Six Hourly Temperature and Relative Humidity, May 1969 Midnigt 6:00A AM Noon D)ate. Ter *. . Temp). R.4H.i Temp. R.H. 1 a58- 2 61 3. 61 4 60 5. 61 6- 63 7.-65 8 -69 9 67 10 51 ll 59 12 49 131, 55 14 66 15. 60 16* 63 17; 65 18 69 19. 65 20 66 21 69 22. - 72 23 69 24,-68 2.5 65 26. -65 27- .65 281 67 29 614 30 70 ' 31 .70 65 7 7 92 - 77 85 76 95 100 814 70 100 91 55 1100 100 100 100 100 914 79 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 85 91 ,60 60 59, 65, 66- 63 614i 66 57 57 59 60 63 65 67 69 67 68 69 71'4 75 72 -67 67. 67 71 75 100 73 100 95 92 96 98 96 74 59 81 89 85 :100 310 98 100 93 100 81 85 .70 79 80 99 100 99 95 80 71 71 75 73 76 80 s8177 ,81 70 73 68 7.9 81 614 67 73 67 80 189 89 83 83 81 80. 87 55 36 59 49 36 35 .63 55 37 27 30 28 28 95 95 614 82 100 62 67 43 50 43 55 45 0%455 48 41 40 35 %tl Avg. 63.9 89.03 65.9 88.6 78.4 51.8 7 722 704 6:00 PM Temp.. R.H. 4.. 4666 63 100 68 69 .77 40 -76 47 78 .61 69 100 614 38 .70 27 63 41. -714 314 .75 45 63 -100 614 ,100 69 ,, 99 71 '.100 67 100 75 85 76 ,88 78 82 -.77 814 714 89 ~69 99 73 72 78 '81 73 90, 77 55 81 55 81 58 83 46 Average Temp. R.*H. 66.5 614.0 84.0 67.3 .7 6.v3 1.0 58.*0 70.8 614.8 71.0 7400 72.0 87.*0 66.8 67.8 62.o8 53.90 61.8 50.0o 65.3 60..8 67.8 63,v3 614.0 83.8 63.3 98.8 68.8 90.8 69.0 95.0 . 1000 71. 85.0 72. 88#8 75.*8'', 75.0 78.0 74o.5 76.8 7$55 73.0' 83.3 73.3 8103 7290 86.3 728 75.5 77.3 79*3 60.08 ,, ~ AA /~ CIA /~L 20 Table 19' Six Hourly TemPerature arnd Relat ive Humidityp:lIvay 1969 Date Temp. R.*H. I 2. . 3 . '4, 15 16 17. .9 10 21- 2 21 14 126 129 20 69 67 63 63 69 65 65 71 71; 72 66 71' 73., 74 75- 70 65 65 70 65 65 70 75 76'- 77- 77 77 76' 76- 71 lo 92 .49 55 100 97 .91 86 .'100 99 99 94 96 100 99 100 79 100 100 100 92 .100 93 93 93 100 100 97 Temp R.H. 77 71 60 .62 6h 67 73 76 76 ~72 68 73 .74 76 69 65 70 72 66 70 77 79 77 77 77 79 85 83 77 72 97 79 97 '77 75 1 00 l~o ""99 ~100 .100 1 "99 75 787 10 -A it- Avg.o 70.3 93'*-, 72. 9 :-,8845,1 86.9: -,49. 800.666.1 .'. 77 i93 91 *85~ 7' 9: 9'r 38 '71 76.8 . , 4-.75 65-i, 74o i. 77.o5. r 29 . 76 2, *.69.0 56,8 .35 '272 4.9. -68.0 -46,s5- 96 73 70P., 68 75s. '4. 81 51t '.7 4.5 72.*3 39 85 48780 6. .15 84 49, :810.63.0 L 31 :, 85 55 80. 8 63.0 45 6910075.5 81.8 '55 *79 73 74.5 82.*0 3 :82 60 '77.8 78,0 47 '83 60793,6. -5 .83 64. -.7995 '.78.0 60 :8*1 03 86.,8 -64 ,'7 ).:50 7 9. .45 .82 5 738 72.0. '3':81. 45 . 53 67.8- ~ .47 ...82 67 . 7.3 '73 0:0 '73 671070*0 9o3 :60 80 76 7 10 ... 7 0.05 3.3 53 804 7.80*77.5. 3. S".59 87 76 "82.5 81.8' -56 :88 7 '82.5'.8 1.8- 3 .53 . 84 1'75 . 8195 .80. )143 '85 '.7 7 ;82*3. 78.0' 3 .48 86 .77 83.*8 ". 78.8 .5 0 .85 ,79 .c'85.3 .71.5 5 .42 .804:9 .83,o5 .67,03 ) 5 : 88 .55 ' 81*. 74*.7 21 Table 20. Six Hourly Temperature-An4 Relative Humidity, July, 1969 Midnight.. .6:o00 .AM ''Noon 6:00 P Average.. D . T~n, R-11Tm. BI em . -R* H.-Temp.. R#H-. 1 75 95 2 75 98 3. 74 94 4 75 100 .5 75 100 6 7)4 .98 7- 76 99 8 76 98 9 75 100 10 74 100 11 75 100 12 76 100 13 72 100 14 70 100 15 77 94 16 72 100 17 72 100 18 69~ 100 19 71 100 20 70 100 21 72 100 22 72 100 23 71 100 2)4 72 100 25 7)4 loo 26 73- 100 27 73 100 28 72 100 29 68. .100 30 '69 100 31 69 1100 Avg .72.8 99.2 7)4 77 7)4 78 80 81 82 79 76 77 78 79 7)4 70 7)4 7)4 7)4 72 72 72 71 72 73 73 76 76- 72' 70 69 72 89 88 100 96 91 80 86 90 98 99 97 100lo 100 99 92 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 92 93 92 92 92 93 95 9)4 91 90 80 91 90 88 85 83 85 87 88 8)4 86 86 86 86 76 8)4 80 85 78 83 41 79 41 88 41 89 '45 -87 42 .86 44 88 45 86 42 82 46 .76 58 78 59 -,79 99 .76 6)4 70 61 '8)4 59 8)4 6)4 7)4 .60 76 62 77 56 .88 *57 .'80 6)4 81 63 .7)4 58 80 60 76 73 76 100 .77 76 7)4 72 75 49 82 70 76 65 73 76'' ''80.0 753 51 .83.0 69.5 49 . 82.5 7100 52 183.0 73.3 .60 83.3 73.3 57 . 83.8 698 *61 84*3 69.*8 82 83.0 78.0 ..,.100 80.3 86.0 100 *80. 0 89.5 97 -80.5 89.0 100 -77.8 99. 100 76.8 90.3 88 78.5 87.3 65 .- 80.8 79.5. 98 76.3 90. 66 76.w3 7 9*. 100 75.8 90.3 52 79.5 77 .0l 80 7795 8400 76-.77.0 85.i0 100:, 76.0 90;8 71. 7795 82.*3 100 76.8 90.0 9 78.0 - 93.0 99' 75.w5 99.8 *Q 10 77.3 93.-o5 9h 74.8 91.5 62 76. 77.8 90 73.0 870.0 87 ; 3 87*5 . 96. 87.3 59.2 79.7 8 22 Table 21. Six Hourly Temperatu 6'and 'deative HUmidity, August 1969 : - Mid ight A:o!00 AM .: en , .. 00 Av. erage Date Temp. R.HI T p.H; - RIh.: Temp, . p. H. . Temp. R.H. 1 69 l100 70 100 86 59 78 76 .75.8 83.8 2 70 100 73 99 81 78 73 96 7.3 93.3 3 66 100 67 100 76 '88 .,73 98 70.5 96.5 4. 70 100 69 100 81 61 75 86 73.8 86.8 5 67 100 63 100 75 72 79 65 710 8.3 6 66 . 100 6 100 83 '55 82 56 73.8 77.8 7. 69 100 " 66 100 84 56 83 54 75.5 77.5 8 69 100 70 100 86 52 85 52 77.5 76.0 9 71 100 .71 100 84 64 8 4 62 77.5 81.5 10 73 100 73 100 80 90 74 98 75.0 97.0 11 70 :100 67 90 85 36 79 54 75.3 70.0 12 70 77 67 97 81 48 75. 94 73.3 79.0 13 67. 93 68 100 80 63 63 86 69.5 85.5 14 65 100 . 69 100 82 ' 59 75 96 .72,8 88.8 15 70 100 . 72 100 73 100 73 100 72.0 100.0 16 72 100 73 100 73 74 76 100 73.5 93.5 17 73 100 74 97 76 54 83 69 '.76.5 80.0 18 74 100 72 100 ' 77 91 ' 73 100 .-74.0' 97.8 19 74 . 100 74 100 85 65 82 86 78.8 87.8 20 7)4 100 74 100 88 61 79 93 78.8 88.5 21 72 100 74 100 88 59 ' 73 100 76.8 89.8 22 71 100 71 100. 82 78 69 100 73.3- 94.5 23 62 100 62 100 66 100 70 96 65.0 99.0 24 66 100 63 87 80 ) 7 78 )2 .71.8 69.0 25 64 88 62 100 80 : 43 66 97 . 68.0 82.0 26 63. 100.. 61 ' 100 84 43 78 )43 71.5 71.5 27 64 99 62 100 91 36 82 57 74.8 73.0 28 73 .89 71 100 8 4 51 74 59 75.5 74.8 29 66 79 66 90 83 40 '76 55 '72.8 66.0 30 67 80 66 93 81 47 70 100 71.0 80.0 31 69 100 71 98 78 100 76 93 73.5 97.7 Avg. 68.9 '96.9 6.5 98 81.0 79.h65.0 51' 7 -3 23 f,. Table 22. Six-Hourly Temperatureand Re1ative Huimidity, September 1969 Midnight 6:0A M"l:0M Date --Tern .R.H. Temp. .W"au'.RH. eP.R.. Tm. .H 2 4 6, 7 8' .9 10. 12 131 1)4 15- 16 .17- .18 19 20- 22 23 2)4 25 26 27 29 30 68 69 70 69 68 71 68 72 69 59 57 61 57 60 6h4 68 68 68 70 63 63. 63 6)4- 66 6)4 61- 65 61. 61- ' 100 100 100 100 98 100 I'100 96 62 76 95 100 6888 72 * 100 100 100 * 100 1100 100 * 100 100 100 100 61r81 92 79 68: K 79. 70 68 70 .69 .72 73 72 66 53 56 60 61 63 65 69 72 71 61 61 ,.63 6)4 6)4 62 58 61 6)4 57 :100 100 98 100 95 100 100 90 83 010 85 86 90 99 100 100 .100 .100 100 ..100 ..100 100 100 100 98 89 18L4 ..83 85 70 85 73 1- 7 78 77 81 77 85 '89 .72 69 ~ 63 66 71 78 78 82 82 76 *66 .--55 52 -60 .ii.o .0 36 52 38 ..38 *.42 .. 4 31 A 52 42 86 -100 1.100 97 714 56 42 .37 40 48 46 78 76 76 77 66 6)4 66 65 69 76 7)4 *65 63 .614 7)4 69 66 69 68 59 82 85 883 85 78 49 62 8)4 .88 '.79 '63 68 80 .82 9)4 98 .100 88 78 76 78 70 62 75.0 74.0 74.5 17)4.3 .75*5 76.5 72.8 .71*8 63.0 62.3 .66.0 -.65.3 67.3 71.3 72,* 0 75.o8 69.5 :.6 2,v 3 6)4.0 7 62.3, 68.3 68.3, 68.3, 69.a8. 70 0.'- 66o5. ; - 6o.8 84,3 85*8 85.0 863 83. 5 99.5 8300 96.0 70.93 6)4.3 73.8 80.3 75 .5 69.8 69.'3 9000 83.*5 100.00 9600 1001.0 9503 90 5$ 83. 7)4.8 76.8 720-3 69.0 74".5 A 68 693 .7)4.6, 53.7. 67.9 7 79* Avg* 629 89**. 62*7 24 Table 23. Six Hourly Temperature and Relative Humidity, October 1969 .Date Temp R.. Temp R I. -Temp.;.R.K- -lemps.. .70K Te R Midnight : AM ..... Noon* 6:00 PM Average 1 57 92 59 100 67 100 . 1 99 63.5 97.8 2. 67 100 61 100 -.67 91 61 100 640 97.8 3 55 .100 60 100 '83 48 73 68 67.8 79.0 4 66 98 68 "99 81 . 47 70 79 ;.71.3 80.8 .5 65 92 66 '98 77 52 65 74 ..68.3 79. 6 62 88 60 100 76 61 69 89 668 8.5 7 64 95 62 100oo 81 57 73 82 70.0 83.5 8 67 98 .66 100 72 96 68 9 68.3 97.0 9- 62 82 57 96 78 ' 72 70 96 66.8 86.5 16 65 100 '76 100 '79 .64 68 95 72.0 89.8 11 64 100 67 99 81 .58 71 94 70.8 87.8 12 67 92 68 I100 82 46 68 100 71.3 84.5 13 62 . 100 65 100 82 44 69 80 69.5 81. 14 61 100 65 100 66 72 57 82 62.3 88.5 15 53 97 53 100 74 57 61 96 60.3 87.5 16 56 100 53 100 75 42 59 73 60.8 78.8 17 53 99 952 94 69 30 54 52 57.0 68.8 18 49 . 62 47 64 72 33 61 59 593 54.5 19 59 92 62 100 77 66 71 91 67.3 87.3 20 69 100 69 "100 ,80 72 ;85 32 ' 75.8 76.o0 21 67 100 66 100 77 76 70 99 70.0 93.8 22 60 88 53 ' 87 75 32 62 48 62.5 63.8 23 52 61 44 '77 65 30 .56 42 5.3 525 24 48 47 42 '64 61 51 '55 58 .51.5 55.0 25 53 60 52 78 63 72 59 98 . 56.8 77.0 26 56 99 56 100 78 48 62 '86 63.0. 83.3 27 58. 100 57 100 77 47 . 67 58 64.8 76.3 28 57 84 46 93 69 28 57 43 57.3 62.0 29 52 70 46 60 61 32 52 45 52.8 51,.8 30 47 55 42 83 65 47 55 68 52.3 63.3 31 51 82 55 89 69 57 63 81 59.5 77.3 92.9 73.5 55.7 64.1 77.9 _1 Av. 58, 8* 5* Tabl 21. Six Hourly Temperature and Relative Humidity, November 1969 Dat Temp, R.H. 1 60 100 2 59 100 3 44 100 4. 40 100 5. 39 99 6 42 714 7 47 95 8 52 99 . 51 50 10- 51. 72 11 - 51 64 12 58 62 13;' 48 68 14-,40, 100 15. 22 72 16 26 86 17 40 47 18 53 92 19 63 75 20 27 714 21 38 60 22 314 100 23 42 82 214 49' 100 25 53 93 26: 51 100 27 45 100 28. 51 514 29 37 100 30 35 59 6:*00- AM Noon .6:00 P Temp. RH.6 Tern p R. .. T-emp. RIH 61 56 43 37 32 314 47 53 46 41 57 42 141 27 41 53 45 .23 33 314 46 .514 47 44' 46 36 31 100 100o 100 100 100 72 69 100 100 100 '100 :96 92 66 I100 '100 100 91 100 100 90 100 82 -68 100 91 67 65 63 52 56 66 72 714 71 68 72 67 47 41 41 59 65 69 42 53 63 66 .68 72 68 67 65 614 57 514 78 414 38 28 '32 30 28 29 31 314 26 57 90 28 32 23 50 58 72 25 26 22 52 36 62 52 50 36 36 26 re ZLr,' ~~i~M ;Hourlv Te ...-Average Te6,m,. R.H. 62.8 91400 58.0o 80!.0 '49.8 78o0 1-43.8 71.18 43.3 71.0 48.8 62.3 55.5 733 58.0 65.5 '56.5 .:51.5 55. 8 61.5 55.8 57 "5 59.5 69.5 44.-8 84.0 .38XO 670 '282 60.0 393 57.*8 51.8 57.3 59.8 75.5 46.8 75.0 36.3 59.-s8 44.o5 56.8 45.3 66.8 52.5 83.5 56.0 72.5 57.8 86.3 .53*8 87.-5 5 2.3 77.5 52v3 54.5 1430 710 1-40.-3 51.8 -Avg. 43.5 799 40.6 44.6 60.0 548 48.2 )i 58.7 63 52 49 ":,.46 46 .- 53 56 53 59 '56 42 30 32 45 -61 614 37 42 47 53 57 56 510 55 48 42 41 98 .,76 714 59 53 *",~45 76 62 56 40 40 59 96 40 -52 53 50 45 100 514 98 78 60 48 31 ~T' Table .24P, 26 Table-25.* Six Hourly Temperature .and* Reiative Humidity, .December.1969 M ~ idnight Dat-e Tp. __-,R.H., 6:OU AM Tem PH. NQon Temp* 6. 0:0 PM Temp RIiE. AV~e rage T21 -o 3,. 4 5- 6 7 8 9 10' 15 12 17 18 19- 20 21' 23 214. 25. 27. 28 29. 30 31 36 41 39 39 31 39 53 41 39 43 46 42 29 43 37 39 32 31 46 36 41 36 30 37 35 39 29 37 47 62 40 514 69 314 65 100 914 88 99 100 88 69 614 72 *.69 90 72 47 90 .82 .72 100 96 52 78 100'. 714 80 100 66 100 .100 100 .100 100 l00 714 714 .96 90 72 98 76 .96 100 88 66 81 96 60 714 98 92 33 32 31 29 29 .37 514 40 314 1414 47 33 27 .32 31 '28 314 147 29 39 36 29 30 39 35 29 314 47 65 38 60 57 ,59 46 -40 45 47 49 *57 '63 60 53 56 55 '59 52 37- 42 48 46 48 55 63 66 69 39 ' 13 48 37 * 414 43 46 1.40 1.47 38 146 *.50 .45 40 .46 .47 .39 40 .36 46 '38 39 .35 37 53 .,63 46 37 32 26 26 32 30 l100 85 88 72 100 1414 28 414 28 32 28 36 57 30 100 82 100 38 .100 314 214 *36 59 96 80 36 36 27 35 33 :100 87 '53 50 35 53 46 '.60 60 40 83 100 70 100 45 56 714 85 99 90 .44.5 . 48.0 43.3 4900 44.3 55,5 38.3 43.8 37.5 39.*3 39.89*8 82.8 50.0 '93.93 .40.*5 . 92.3 40.5 55, 8 45.3 99.*8 49.3 78.'o0 40.*5 71-43 !39.8 69.*5 .5013 .55.5 43.o5 54.v8 40s8 62.*0 39.m3 58.3 141*5 64*5 49.8 71.8 40o. .86.vi8 36.3 87. 8 36.8 .100.0O .38.3 69 '* 5 39.8 84 *5 .39.3 .- 65.. 37.*5 68*0 46.8 55.'5 55. 8 74.0 60*5 . 98*0 38.5 90.5 43-s6 6 I i-I maim - 1 - i 4 - i -- -PWONW I . :Avg. 39.2.. .... 36...6 27 Tabl e 26. Soil Temperature and .vdind.,, January.1.969 Soil Temperature Date, Ma. .Maxax.IfinMr. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 214 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Avg. 47 44 53 47 44 44 51 52 56 48 47 47 51 514 51 55 55 57 58 53 53 50 56 66 514 53 53 46 51 65 63 16214 -'52'.14' k3,7 36 .39 35 34 314 36 36 38 37 .37 35 314 36 38 .37 47 53 51 49 48 49 42 38 43 41 45 48 12614 140.8 48 45 52 47 414 414 50 53 56 48 48 47 50 53 50 514 55' 57 58 155 53 50 57 65 514 52 53' 47' 51 '614 63* 1623"" 52.14 40 38 142 37 36 38 140 38 37 37 40 40 48 56 54 52 50 49 50 45 42 45 45 49 13214 42.7 20c 47 35 1414 39 40 40 34 .145 --:33 49 35 51 5 41441 '143 '3 42 1414 35 47 46 37 47 40 50 39 53 '44 55 "4 53 52 50 50 148 ' 148 514 46 59 47 .50 ~ 46 47 .40 49 :38 4543 48 : 42 58 ' 46 1489 -1263- 48.0 - h0197 -Wind. at 12' Prvl. - I le s dir . Per day N SWV N N SE SW NW 'N N N NE NE E SE w N N E B s E 87 43 82 131 29 79 95 150 160 129 132 82 72 92 88 149 146 116 156 109 46 115 168 145 .1614 111 16.8 1814 158 121 3569 115#1 Table 27. Soili'Te'peratvre 1arid -Wind,. -?ebruary 1969 * ~ S~)~.em rature2 ' - Wn..t.2 cm. '.. "-prv,0 Miles Date ~ a. Mixi dir. erdy 67 62 56 57 60 50 67 58 59 57 57 60 57 43 39 41 45 50 58 61 61 45 51 61 614 614 66 53 57 514 38 137 '37 .45 46 49 39 -'38 41 -35 39 :,39 39 40 36 35 38 * 43 41 39 39 39 40 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 214 25 .26 27 28 Total Avg.0 '466 63 56 56 51 66 58 58 57 56 58 56 44 * 41 * 42 45 48 56 59 58 47 51 60 62 62 614 53 58 58 56 1.40 .40 40 49 '.49 41 143 40 41 38 37 40 1''43 46 * 43 * 41 * 42 43 1551 .121? 55.14 '43.*5 60 5 59 %53 56 5 50 42 52 41 4914 58 46 514 47 '52 .4 51 .42 *51 40 52 43 50 .'40 42 :37 40 .4 40 .3 142 38 43 3 *53 37 *.51 .37 51 '3 4542 47 43 58 43 51442 53 40 56 41 * 50 '42 11419 1189 50*7 1 42.5 28 1569 4.57 56.0 41.o3 NW S w S N N w N N N W N N N N N N * 87 119 205 77 56 86 46 127 211 67 62 141 1214 175 228 91 108 145 112 85 137 152 85 101 1014 110 79 95 3215 114.8 _________________._f---_____;-_--- j - -..---- ---------------- -- r __LJ . _------ U_______ 'J. , _ * - - - -- - --- 29 Table 28.. Soil Temperature and-Wind, March 1969 Soil-Temertre ' Wind at 12' 5c 10 cm. ' 20 cm.0 frvl. Miles Date Max. m. Max.0 mn gi~Tin* ;ir. per day 1 61 hI1 59 h2 ... 52 h N 11l 2 65 *39 62 h1 5h h42 N 108 3 48 .1h8 44h :46 hOE 88 h 60* h1 59 h3 52 h2N ]h0 5 59 38 57 h..4051 h0 S 105 6, h6 37 47 4ho45 38 E 174 7 64 hi 62 4 5 2W93 8 67 h0 6h h3 '57 h42 S 112 9 5h4 I'J44 53 h.7 50 h45 w 209 10 58 '3756 34 9 h40 .W 187 11 56 6 55 3 '8 9N 105 12 53 3h 52 38 4h6 37 .N7h 13 60 '3 58 38 50 '3 NW 100 1h 58 36 58 38 .52 .38 N 86 15 56 hO- 056 hi 51 1 N 103 16 50 h8 51 50 4. 9 .797 17 55 h8 56 h6 51 h E 116 18 60 h8 60 514ShE47156 19 68 5 '68 5161 :50 . N 75 20 70 h 69 51 62 h7 'SW 96 21 70 4~9 1:69 52 63 h N 92 22 71 50 70 5163 .51 N 90 23 58 53 57 .5h4 55 51 2hi 2h 71 5h47 55 63 5 S 199 25 5 50 57 524h .52W ih 26 61 h2 '60 4355 4w lh 27 62-390' 6042 5h -.h3 6 28 '69 h3 68 h4642 W .59 29 7h h6 73 h7 6h hh4 w71 30 75 54 73 .55 -65 52 N 105 31 74 47 72 .50 6h 51 N 129 Total 1909 1351 1879 1h09 1696 1377 .' 3672 Avg. .6 4 5. $1 61.6 .. 4h3:o6- .. .606455454.vhh 'hN 118.5 30 Ta.ble 2:9... Soill'emperature -and Wind., April 1969 Sol Ter erature. , .,,Winid..at.,12' 200 cm..o .,.P1y. Mles Dat e Mx. M.' Maxo Mm. Max.o . . ,i. er day '2 3 4 5 6 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 214 25 26 27 28 29 82 85 88 88 69 74 75 78 78 68 80 82 71 65 77 76 77 79 65 78 81 82 82 82 86 89 90 83 814 85 47 51 58 61 62 .614 .58 55 57 61 61 -60 .65 61 65 -66 66 .60 56 56 58 57 53 53 57 '61 614 61 55 82 69 73 .63 76 77 67 78 79 '70 65 75 77 76 78 65 76 79 80 79 79 83 86 88 81 82 82 49 53 58 63 63 .65 .5 57 ,63 rl61 64 .62 62 '66 67 :68 *62 57 57 "59 59 56 56 -59 .63 65 63 57 70 '76 77 67 69 68 70 70 63 72 72 66 63 70 71 71 714 614 70 73 73 72 73 75 78 80 75 76 75 48 '52. 55 60 62 614 ''59 57 56 59 60 59 '65 '61 .60 63 65 62 57 56 -57 60 52 57 '-58 -61 '.614 614 '60 S w s s 'N SE E SE SE 'S N E NW NW w s s s w N N 75 66 41 71 87 80 137 113, 115 56 49 138 203 1414 98 314 102 151 108 72 67 103 83 68 36 514 91 82 102 90 Total 2379 Avg. 79.3 7.70 2314 77.1 '01 215 1778 71.5 -59.3 S 2716 90.5 _ s Tr ~ L i ) - )C) SoilTemeraureandWind, May 1969 Date Mak:. in%*- 3 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 22 23 214 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Avg. 81 91 914 8 86 82 814 85 89 90 70 71 80 87 90 89 90 914 88 93 90 .89 88 91 92 98 551 60 61% 62 62. 66 69 68 59 62' 60 60 63 614 63- 65 69 68 69 68 68 71 70, 70 71 69 68 70 70 Max.o ML ** '79 57 814 62 78 63 82 614 614 86 68 .814.71 81 7 627, 82 61 -83 87 62 .88.62 .71 .66 71''65 78 .65 1 70 81469 88 .69 .87 '70 89 70 92 73 87.714 88 .72 87 72 86 70 89 .70 91 .72 96 72 2675 2033 2.-613 2090 2431 2076 86.3 65.6 84.3 67.14 78.14 67.0 Wind at 1210..m 7TT. ies dir. per- da- Max. Min. 73 59 .77 62 *72 62 .75 614 ,80'614 83 63 79 66 7871 .77 70 76 614 7761 .80 .63 82 62 .-70 .66 '.68 65 .714 614 .72 ,.66 81 67 80 .69 83 -*69 '851 81 73 814 71 82 72 81 71 81 71 ;.'71 84 70 88 72 E E E E E SE SE NW SW E E NE E E SE SE N E E Nw N N N E E N N w Table. .30. 31 105 115 78 67 )45 65 58 115 135 85 69 52 33 103 143 116 .115 107 38 40 71 37 40 56 71 62 75 68 42 61 36 2303 74.3 32 Tab.le 31. Soi emeat re'ind. Windi.,. June :1.969 10o3.~merV* ?97 '93. 93 8, 93 100 98 93 99 98 914 91 92 ..95 3 9 91 92 93 98 102 103 205 3.05 76 75 70 69 '69 7 0 70 7? .15 14 779 78 79 75 72 72 75 79 80 0 82 _____________ inhd' at 12' 20 cm. 7- Prvl. Mi2.es" M- ine dir. per day- 89 -86 86 -80 77 86 ,92 914 93. 83 '-87 .93. 93. 8 8 ,-90 85 85 87 88 .91 92 "914 97 97 97 2 3 4 5 9 3.0 12 -13 314 15 -116 17 3.9 20 23. 22 23 214 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tot al Avrg.. 714.., 76. 72! 70'. 70,. 70. 70 714. 75. 80: 76' 75- 77- 77- 80' 78 73 73, 714 75 73 77 78 ;79 80 814 814 w N N N E .00 914 95 87 96 2.02 107 102 95 95 2.02 95 92 914 97 98 93. 93 93 91, 971 99 103 106 108 2.08 2.08 2938 97.v9 ',73 ,79 .88 75 58 32 30 37 55 65 72 370 ,:52 68 47 73 !.6'7 '39 43 56 '47 47 32 31 36 47 37 1.628 .514.2 5cm. Max.mme Rate 2372. 2272 .2631 95.*7 7 5.7 -89.*4 2283. 76.0 75 714 67 66 '-6 68 66 75 .76 78 73 72 75 77 ;73 '70 ,73 71 .73 79 s9 ,180 80 83 310 22215 714#0 ft* .--Wq " .... -, .1 ., . - - -- - - - - . --- ---- - -- --- -, lai &1 0- -, ,, I -. , I . - - -t -.- - . -- -. -"- - 'a.: - -- - w- W. W-..F - - -, -4 33 Table 32. Soil Temperature and Wind, July 1969 Date Max. Min. 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 .13 114 15 16 17 18. 19 20 22 23 214 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Avg. 110 107 110 109 109 109 111 107 97 98 814 9 ,7 .95 914 92 87 95 97 93 914 914 95 914. 92 92 814 92 96 96 3029 .97.7 79 82 81 ,82 85 814 .85 86 83 79 80 80 78 75 75 75 73 714 76 .75 76 77 79 :7 78 75 73 714 2422 561 ethperature S S T' 10 cnf.,* a. ' Mn. 107 .82 1014 83 106 107.814 107 .86 107 .86 108 87 1014 88 102 85 95 80 98 914 79 93 '76 92 .76 90 77 86 77 91 .75 ~93 .75 914 78 92 77 92. 78 93 7 93 .79 92 80 90 79 89 .79 83 77 89 .75 914. 75 914 75 2961 .2471 95.5 ' 79.7 -Wind at 12 .20cm.' . Prvl. Miles Max.- m.. i. per day 97 .97 99 99 100 99 100 197 95 90 91 '83 88 87 88 86 83 85 88 89 87 87 88 88 88 2789 89.9 83 814 83 814 56 B8 182 80 81 78 77 77 78 76 76 714 78 77 .79 79 79 7.9 77 75 75 2478 79.9 N w s SW N s N E B B B S TATT N B 43 50 35 39 314 32 56 49 514 26 49 51 55 314 70 89 614 49 42 35 53 31 63 43 38 45' 42 41 36 38 38 1312 42.3 ~Y Y 2~ L-t~ Y ~ 1 7 00 314 Table 33.. Soil Terprature. and.- Wipdy August 1969 '2O -cm., Date 5Max wt 28)49 22)45 91. 9 '72 *4 2792 2321 2638 90.0 749 85.1 %w" vw -w '2 3 .6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .1)4 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 214 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 101 98 88 85 89 9)4 96 99 102 85 102 97 91 91 82 90. 9)4 82 92 9)4 9)4 89 76 87 90 93 97 9)4 96 9)4 85 ;76 7 5 7 2 "72 '72 7)4. 79 72. 71 73 71 7 5 ..75 75 714 75 77 76 68 67 67 68 69 68 73 Total Avg* 232)4 74. I 1419 )45-8 a 95 c78 :86 77 .84 -76 88 ..73 .92 :7)4 95 -:7h4 .97 76 1Ql1 .77 86 "80 9)4 714 :89 '7)4 88 ..73 81 .:73 93 1 82 17 90 ,".76 92 <77 92 ~ 78 88 .'78 76 72 86 '70 88 .69 91 .70 93 .77 92 72 9)4 72 92 '2 8)4 .. 75 .76 177 .77 73 .76 :8 '77 -7)A 76 17 .76 -73 65 72 7. 7L, prvlo Miles E 38 S 46 E 37 E 42 ..E23 15 S214 541 W .59 N 49 NE )49 E 60 E 45 E 47 S 39 'S 714 S .65 33 N 26 E 49 E 65 NE 55 E 35 NE 22 LN 29 >FE53 NE 56 NE 65 E 66 91 89 ':82 8)4 87 88 79 83 79 87 814 814 79 73 87 85 87 86 874 75 81 Tabe 34.Soil Temperature and Wdind, September. 1969 Max,. Mn.. 93 97 97 97 100 914 91 90 88 85 78 89 90 91 95 90 97 102 86 76 67 70 76 83 87' 87 86 7)4 73 7)4 73 7)4 714 75 73 75 71 63 62 614 67 69 68 714 73 73 69 67' 66. 66 67 66 63 63 65 6)4 63 Date Wind at 12' Prvl .. -IvaMles ,.dir. per day oil Te-mrature. 92 75 9)4 76 94 7 9)4 76 97 76 92 77 89 75 88 76 87 .73 83 ,66 78 65 87 .,614 88 67 89 *6 92 .170 88 7 914. \75 99 75 86 76 76 71 69 68 71 '68 76 68 77 69 82 .6 8 '83 .65 85' 65 86 68 82 66 73 65 *.20.1 m.,, MIax. m. 8676 88 7,7 88 .76 88 77 92 77 86 79 .84 76 83 75 83 .75 79 .69 76 .67 81 66 83 .67 83 *69 85 .70 83 7 87 75 90 75 83 75 7)4 72 70 70 70 68. 73 67 74 67 77* -68 78 67 80 66, 80 .67 .78 68 71 6 2118 2)433 2138 70v6 81.1. -71.2 B; E: N w N N N E: NE E: E: B; s NB; E: B; NE E: B; N N N N N B; NB: 2 3 )4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 2)4 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Avg. 2619 85o 3 2056, 68.5 2571 85.7 B; 1297 1 .43.2 39 31 35 30 3)4 42 26 21 75 57 40 20 28 38 50 50 25 2)4 56 80 102 72 36 31 46 40 33 23 39 714 now" Table 34 36 TaLble- 3-. Sell T'drnper a't-#,- -and' Wind, October 1969 *- . oiTen rture' W. ' ~ind at 12' CM 10 r .. .... 20vc. Miles Date -max-*. Mx . Kii. iax N 4 Mn. _d y 2 3 )4 5 '6 '7 '9 10 11 12 13 *1L4 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 2)4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Avg.o 72 72 8)4 86 85 85 78- 87 88 90 '192 78 83 87 854 85 89 80 83 78 71 73 85 85 80 76 7)4 77 2550 82.3 62 60 60 63 62 63 62 67 68 '67 67 63 59 57 60 70 59 5)4 52 "52 58 607 71 72 *8)4 83 82 77 8)4 86 .88 "90 *78 79 86 *82 82 *82 '86 *80 81 77 70 171 *80 82 78 7)4 72 7)4 2 ~485 80.2 '6)4 '63 163 '.65 '65 65 6)4 6)4 669 69 65 164. '62 .60 63 68 '61 57 56 .61 61 60 58 56 5)4 1953 63.0 '69 170 *76 78 78 77 ': 7.7 7)4 K79 80 81 83 75 7)4 78 76 76 75 79 76 75 72 67 67 7)4 75 73 69 68 70 "232)4 7)4*9 w * N NE N E N E w N N N E E * N N E * N N E E E 35 63 56 75 65 48 53 50 )46 4)4 21 21 6)4 33 29 61 65 65 32 '44 82 97 90 53 45 65 79 91 80 53 65 63 63 63 .66 67 .,66 67 66 65 :68 ..70 ".:69 ..65 ~65 63 62 K71 65 60 159 61 60 62 60 68 56 198)4 6)4*.0 ?58.1 Soil Temperature-and'Wind, November 1969 Date- . ax m 2 5 6 7 9 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 121 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 74 75 75 71 70 714 77 79 79 78 78 73 58 60 58 65 67- 71 59 65 67 66 714 69' 70 6*8 62 58' 60 46 46 48 55" 514* 514 53 52w 50 .48 37 37 45 414 55 38 38 41 49 52 51 51 50 50 46 39 Soil*Temperatur e Max. ~ n 73 73 73 68 68 52 76 77 -77 72 .58 58 57 63 .614 69 .56 :614 64 64 72 67 68 62 66 63 60 60, 63' 514 49;. 44, 5P: 57. 56, 50 55. 55: 53, 47 46 S6 41 40 43. 49 53 5L4 52 52 47 43 20c"m.- Ma. Mm. 69 67 1,65 6^9 71 70 -.68 .57 61 53 57 63 $63 59 61 58 56- 51, 49 51. 56 57! 57 57" 51. 1 42 44 46 46 414 42 414 46 51 52 514 53, 53 49 45 Wind-at 12' ?rvl.Miles dir. per da NW NW w N w NW w N N N N NW E w E SE NE N N N N N N. N 62 57 40 49 48 67 '47 81 105 96 66 1014 48 178 61 65 143 168 79 .51 46 39 55 80 53 714 148 109 107 Total 2065 1449 Avg, 68.8 48.3 1995 66.5 15114 :18657 1532 161.9 -.51.1l Table 36. 37 N 2488 .82*7 1-., 38 Tabe 7. So il Temeraprq a Wtrid,., December.16 Date MaX. 4 5 6 7 9 10 .12 13 124 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total 624 624 60 53 53 47 48 50 59 524 56 59 57 55 .56 524 59 56 42 46 53 424 50 53 57 61 614 58 1706 41 41- 40 38 43 47 40 40 46 41 38 40 39 38 37 37 37 37 38 39 37 36 37 40 37 36 39 46 47 12.31 39.o7 1675 5490 1296 1557 50.o2 41.7 w 38624 1246 SoilT T -n-121 -10cm - -~20cm- -. Prvl. Miles Max. mir4- - Mx. in -*. dir. erday 62 43. 57 431 W. .103 62 14' 424" NW 91 6144-15-645. -W 1 58 3 54 431N 155 53 241 50 43 E '129 50421)'50 43- 223 52 46 51 46 w 151 24 49 247 ''8 72 49 13.723E .1243 .751 1 ~ .48 42 .NE 14 45827 3 45 .w 155 52443 .50 44 .. :106 ,,.55 40 -.5041 N064 P* .53 39 '1245 56 42 .1 42 :*83 524 2401:s5040 N 119 55 )050 10 :N 55 53 20 -48 0 .w61 2 740.52 40 . 0 .55 39$1 41 N 8 514 240 .50 41 E 202 43 40 2 .41 490W 16 -6 38 '42 3 S76 ..52 -8-47 7 N 76 245 38-43 37 E 183 .50 41 24-41NW188 .5 3 27 8 N 49 56 38 50 37 SE 7 60 40 57 38 s 175 62 47 60 45 'S 26 24 49 50 50 - 103 39 Table 38. Duration in Hours and Tenths of Hours that the Temperature was at 320 or Lower 1969 . . D-ate Min. 320 30 28 26 24 22 200 18 16 .mm" ... mv.q I N.. . ..... .. .: .. 1-1-69 23.0 17.0 14.4 9.6 5.0 2.1 1-2-69 25.0 8.6 8.2 7.9 4.4 1-h-69 20.0 15.8 13.1 9.4 6.0 4.8 2.6 1.0 1-5-69 16.3 17.2 16.2 14,1 11.3 8.6 7.9 7.6 4.2 0.6 1-6-69 20.0 9.6 9.3 8.7 8.0 7 4.5 0.2. 1-7-69 32.0 0.5 1-8-69 29.5 4.2 0.6 1-10-69 23.0 14.1 12.1 6.0 4.1 1.4 1-11-69 28.0 9.8 1.5 0.1O 1-12-69 25.0 8.0 7.6 6.2 2.6 1-13-69 27.5 5.6 4.1 0.6 1-14-69 31.0 1.1 1-25-69 31.6 0.2 1-26-69 28.4 7.0 3.2 0.2 2-4-69 26.5 7.8 6.3 4.2 2-5-69 31.0 2.8 2-10-69 28.0 7.3 4.9 0.8 2-12-69 30.0 1.2 0.1 2-13-69 25.5 8.0 7.4 4.4 1.1 2-15-69 32.0 0.8 2-16-69 30.9 5.9 2-18-69 31.0 2.1 2-19-69 23.5 7.4 5.5 3-1-69 30.5 3.6 3-2-69 30.6 3.9 3-5-69 31.5 1.0- 3-9-69 30.0 3.6 0.3 3-10-69 26.0 9.1 7.7 31 0.4 3-11-69 22.5 11.3 9.6 7.6 5.4 3.1 3-12-69 26.0 9.5 6.8 2.3 0.1 3-13-69 27.5 6.6 4.1 1.9 3-14-69 29..5 2.2 0.9 3-26-69 31.5 1.5 3-27-69 28.0 3.7 2.6 0.3 1969.0 2.3.0 6 5.,99 13'.3 6. 2 16' 7.2 200 11-114-69 11-016-69 11-19-69 11-20-69 11-22-69 11-30*-69 12-1-69 12-2-69 12-3-69 12-4-~a69 12-5-69 12-12-69 12-13-69 12-15-69 12-16-69 12-17,-69 12-18-69 12-20-69, 12-22-69 12-23-69 12-24-69 12 .26-69 12-27-69 S~ 5, 7**0 306 7 . 3 2 6.1l 6.7 2..3' 0.3 695- .3.6 0.6' 0.'2 22.0 18.9 P .25,2, 27*. 230.0 31.14' 213.*0 31.5 31.5 31.5 290 29.0 28.5 26.0 30.5 30.0 28.0 31.0 29.0O 30.0 27.5 29.0 29.0 28.0 0.8. 6 .5 7.8 0,8 3.7 o..6 0.69 7.3 7.1 2.9 6.8 3.1l 7.14 2.5 2.9 0.7 8.0 3.1 5.0O 6.6 ,40 T able38,v (conte), 14.5 1.v5 6.0 0.,8 7. 1*5 0 O'1 7.0 1.90 1.14 6.1l 2.0 0.2 41 0 Table 3.9.. Cooling Degree Days 2.969- BAse 75., Dlate Ja n. Feb. march- April My Jue JLy Aug. Sep. Oct.0Nv .Dc o 04 o 0.- 0. 0. 0, 0 0 0(. o o o 0.1 o 0. 0. 0- 0, 0 0. 0. o0 0. 0 0 0 07 0 0. o0 0. Q; o0 0 0~ 0. 0 0. 0. 0. 0, 0 8 5' 9 0..l 9 ~ 10 5 9 6 .' *0 0 :0 <0 0 :0 "0 0 "0 ''0 0 "0 '0 '0 '0 Totl 0 0 13 110' 1714 61' 2 3 14. 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18, 20'- 21 22 23 214 25 26, 27 28, 29 30 31 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 0; 0 0. 0 0 0 0~ 0 0 0 0 0 0" 0o 0; 0 0. 0. 0 Q 0 0 0.~ 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0. Q, 0 0. 0' 0 0 0* 0~ 0~ 0~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 2 0.0 2 , 0 . 0 2 0 0 3 0o.0 it . 0 0 0.o 0 .0 3 :0 .0 3 .:. 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 :0 0. 0"?0 0 ' 0 '.0 0' 0'0 2. 0 1.0 2 : 0 .k0 0 0 o0 o., 0 0 ', 2 . 0 0 .~0 '0 0. 0 :0 o0... , 0H 0:,0 0, 0 :.0 0, 0.,0 00'..0 o 0.. 0 0 0' 0 0,. 0 01 0 0. 0. 0. 0., Q1" 0 0 . 0. 0 0. 0.- 0. 0 2 0 0 0 0 b 14 3 .5 S 14 .0 0 .0 :3 0 ,0 '14 7 .8 .8 .8 .9 2.21 9 ,6 0 Total 27 42 Table 40. Heati1 Dgree Days 16 ae650 Date..'Jan. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -9 '10 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 .23 24 25 .26 27 28 29 .30 31 32 29 19 36 40 29 22 18 17 32 27 28 23 21 21 16 14 7 7 16 18 18 13 23 23 214 17 4 '2 .Feb. Marc il May Jg. .Oct.-Nov. Dec. 0 0 19 214 20 17 10 11 23 23 17 19 25 26 30 31 27 27 22 18 17 22 21 19 18 13 19 20 23. 21, 23- 19 12, 25' 26 29'. 27'- 23. 20. 15" 17' 11 6 5 6- 20 21 21. 13- 7 (330 0 02 0 2. 0. 0 2 0 0 0 232 8 0 53 0 8 14 2 0 0 .3 :~14 0 0. 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0'1 0 0' 0 0' 10. .5 0,, 6 0 0 0. 0 0 2 0. 1 0' 0 0 0 0, 0 0* .0 0 0 0: 0 0:.. 0 0' 0 0' .0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0. 0... 0. 0 IZ~a0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 L0 b0 O0 O0 20 ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0. 0, 14 2 0. 5 5- 0. 0 0- 9 13- 4 0 0 6 10 10G 0 17 8 19 13 18 17 25 19 26 13 19 5 19 0 23 6 214 7. 20 7 16 6 25 18 23 25 114 30 19 21 22 11 21 1 20 20 16 25 23 15 .214 15 31 8 214 14 214 4 214 9 25 11 22 14' 15 181 . 7 214 8 27 171 374 .6140Total 624 536 +Lv dl /- " v v v~ I r- e% 43 Tbe 41. Ti'e of Sunrise at Auburn, Alabwaa(ar.CS) Latitudea 320,,34' N.,, Longitude 850' 31' W. Date Jan. Feb...Mar.0 Apr. Mayl Au, et.O 6:47 76:406:614 5:03 4L:58 4:38 6:*47 46:39 6:12 -5033 4:50 43 6:47',6:39, 6:11 . 5:,31 4:57 4:38 6:4L8 6:38 6: 10' 5: 29' 4-:56 4:38 6:.48.-6:37 6:09 5:28*-4:55 '4:3 6:48 6:36 6*C 6:48, 6:36'.6:0061 6:48 6:35 6:05 ,6:48 6:34 '.6:0 6:*48 ' 6:33 -6:02' 6:32 6:01l 6:31 6:00 6:31 5:58 6:05:57: 6:29 5:56- 16 6:47 6:28 5:55 17 6:47. 6:27,. 5:-53 18 6:4 6' :26' '552' 19 6 46~6:25' !*51 20 " 6:*46 -60,2'4- 15:49' 6:45' 6:23.5:48 6:4'5- '6:022--5:047* 6:*45' 6:20,"'5:45 6: 44 6:,ov19 "5:44' 6: 44 6:185:43 6:43 6:*17 '5:41L 6:43 -6:165:40 6:42' 6:155:39. 6:42 6:14 5:37 6:.41 5:36 31 6:41 5f27' .5:26-" 5: *24. 5 i23 5:22 5 :21 5-:19. 5:18 5:17 5:16 4:54 4:3 7 4:i53"43 4:52 "'4:37 4:51 '4:937 4:51 4'0-37 4; 50 4:*49 4.:48 4; 47 4L;37 4:37 4:037 '37 4:*37 4: 41, 4:59 4 41 5:*00 4:42':5:00, 4:.42 5:01' 4:-43 5:02 4:43 4:*43 '4:44 4:44 4:45 h;46 4:46 4:47 4:47 4:i48 5:02 5:0 5:04 5:604 5:05 5 :06 5:06 5:408 5:008 5:14' 4:46-437 4:49'5:409 5:13 4:45'4:37 4:45:10 5;12.''4:45 4:3 ''4i50 5:10 5:11 4 44. 4':37 4:50 ' 5:11' 5:10' 4:4 4:7 451 5:,11. 5:09 5:07 5:06 5:04 503 5:02 5:01 5:00 4 :59 5:36 F4:4 4:*42 4:2 4:41 4:41 4:41 4:40 4:40 4:39 4:39 4:39 4 :38 4:38 4:38 4:39 4#39 4-:39 4:40 4:40 4:40 4:52 4:52 4:53 4:54 4:54 4 *.55 4:056, 4:56 4:57 4:58 5:13 5:13 5:14- 5:15 5*15 5:1 L6 5:17 5:17 5:P18 5:19 5:20 5:21 5:O21 5:22 5:#23 5:23 5:24 5: 25 5:#39' 6:02 5:p401 6:03 5:40'"- 6:04 5:41 6:05 5:42. 6:06 5:4L2 5:43 5:45 5:,45 6:07 6:08 6:09 6:10o 5;26--"'5;46 6*11 .5:M6.'5:47 6:12 5:27 5:8 6:13 5:28 -'5:438:6:14 5:28, 549 6:15 '5:29' 5: 30' '5:30 t5:315 3 1. 3.5'. 3 5:32 5:3 '5:s34 534 5:35. 5:36, 5:st36 5:37 '5:38 5:a38 4:58 5:19 5:50.'6:15 5:16:16 5:51 .6:17 5: 52 6:18 5:5 36: 19 # 554,20 5:55' 6:21 5:"55' 6:2 2 5:56 '6:23 5:#57' 6:.23 5:58 5:a58 5: *59 6:00. 6:01 6:0 6:29 6:29 6:30 6:31 6:32 6:33 6:33 6:34 6:35 6:36 6 ; 36 6:37 6:38 6:&38 6:39 6:40 6:41 6:41 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:43 6-:44 6:44 6:24 6?P45 6:025 6:45 6P26 6:45 6:27 6:46 6:28 -6:46 6:46 Sunrise-arid sunset are-considered'to occur when the perde of the disk of the sun appears to be-'exactly on the horizon, with normal atmosphe'ric condi-w tions, and'.at zero elevation above the eartht' .surface in a level region.' Times of sunrise -and sunset shw0n h abe re. valid-'for thereanr of the 20th century. 6 :7 8 .9 10 11 12 13 1J4 15 6:48 6:48 6 :48 647 -6:47 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 Table 42. Time of Sunset at Auburn, Alabama. (psm., ST),q Latitude 326 34" N., Longitude 850 31' W*, .D'ate Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Ma June JulyAug. Se t.Oct.Nov.Dec '1- -4 :50 ''18'''5i42. 6:5 647 6:57 6:43" 6:10 5-1304"54 4:39 2 4:51 5:19,,,,-,5:43. 6:06, 6:27 6:48'6-57 6:42 6:09.:5:294:54-4:39 3 4:52 5:20 5@4i 6:07 6628 6:-9 63:566:4:39 4 4#:3- 5:21 5:44 6:07'.6:28 -6:49 61:56-6.41t6:06 -5:26.4:524:39 4 :.53 5:21 5:45 6-:08.6:29 -6:506. 55:215 '4:*51 4: 6: 4'5* 6 L:5., 5:22 5:46'6096:306:50 6:56 6:39 6:0 5:34:50 '4:39 7 4:55 5:23: 5:47, 6:09. 6:31 .6:.51 6:56-- 6:38 * 6:0?: 5:224:0 :3 8 :56 5:24 5476:10o-6'931 ,.6 6:5 1,656--6:37 6:01 52 :943 9 4:57, .5:2.5#548 6:11--6:32 652 6:556:6 :0 520448 :3 10 4585:265:949'.,6:12...6:33 .6:5 .:56:3' :8 51 :844 11 4:58- 5:27 5:50' 6:12 6:33 6:53 ':5634' 5:57 5:17 4':47 4:40 12 .4:59 -5:28 5: 51 6: 13, .6:34 -6.:53 6: 55..63,,5:56 5:P16. 4:46 4:40 1 .5:00 5: 29 5:51:14 6356:3 P6:4 6:32-5:54 . 5:154:6 :0 14 5:01 6 63 : 64- 529 5: 52 :14 .63 :5 :54 6:1 5:53 ::13.:. 4:4 5 4:41 15 5:02- 5:30..5:53,,, 6:15 636'.6 6 4 '654 6:30.-552":5:12 4:45'41 5:03 5:31' 5:04 '5: 32 5:05- 5:33 5:06' 5:34 5:07 .5:34 5:0o8 5:,35 5:09 5:36 5: 0.5:37' 5:,10,'5:38' 5:11 5:39" 5:54 6:16 6:37 6454 6:53-6:29 5:50 '5:11 4:44 4:41 5:54 6:16. ,6:38 6:55 6,:53,6:28.5:49,:.5:10,4:43.4:42 5:55' ':17-.6:38 61--55 6:,i52.6#27'5:.8. 50 :344 5:56 6:16:39 6:5 2 66 4 584:43442 5:56 6:19' 6:409 65 6:51 : .4. 6 4 : 1: 6:19 60 6:55 ' 6:51 6 : 5 4:42 5: 58 '62'6410 :6':0 :3'5a 50 :14:43 5:59 6:201 6:42 '6:56 6;50.6:21'5:14.5:034 nn F50 4#41 4:43'~ 5:59-i 6:021 ,6:42 6-:56 6:4 6:20..54- i :24:144 6:**00' 6:22 6:#43 6:,456 '6 i :486:19.-..5: 38 5: 01 -4:40 4:45 5:12 5: 39 6:01 6:23 6:43 6:57 6:48 6:18 5:1 .:4 602 6236:44 6*:57 6:47"6:17 5:14 5:4 6:02 6:24. 6:45 6:7 .6:46,6-:15 5:15 5:. 0 6:25.6:45 6:57 .6:45 6:14. 5:16.. .-6:04 '6:26, 6:46, 6:,*57 .6:4L5 6:.13- 5:17 6:04 6:46 6:44 6:12 5:37 5:,00 .4:40 5:35'. 4 :59.-',4:40 5:34 4:58.4:40 5:33 4:57- 4:39 5:31 4:56 ,4:39 4:55 4:46 4:AV47 4:47 4:.49 4:49 Sunrise and sunset are considered to occur-when the upper edge of the disk of the* sun appears. to be exactly. on. the'horizon, with. no'rmal atmospheric condi-w tions, and at zero'levation above-the earth's surface in a lvl eion. Times, of. sunrise ,and-sunset shown-in the tables are valid for the-remainder of the 20th century. 16. 17 19 20 22 23 24 .25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Table 43.' Growing.Degree Days for .1969 B ase 400 Date Jan.e June Jul Aug.Sept.-OctNov.Dec. 5 38 1'.43 .. 40 37 26 35 43,-. 38 37 26 2.9 43 314 37 2.8 2'8 44. 33 38 2.9 30Q 44'. 314 39 .33 34 44 36. 33 214 37 46'," 38 3 214 40 45 40 38 2 40 W141< 41 35 20 39 43 38 25 19 36 42. 37 25 .25 38 36 36 29 29 40 41' 35 29- 23 '40 40 314 30 2L14,39 41 35 314. 32 'J5 40 38.' 36 30 35 37.' 41 37 ..27 35 37. 37 40 33 38 40 42- 32 35 35 39 43.,* 32 36 35 40. 14 23 .37 .39 40. 34. 25 33 42 40.- 28- 30' 36 14 40 33' 30. 35 43 40 33' 31 6 .14 39 35 28 341414 -39 27 33 33 .46 '36 28 3 2 33 44 3:7 35''29 3 1 3 8.Ll29. 2 37 38'35 25 25 6 1 5 8 15 14 2 2 8 6 QI 0 0 0. 0. 0 7- 8 3 414, 6. Total 198 180 283 746 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8 9 10 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 214 25. 26 27"l 20 29 30 31 27, 25-. 8 28 17. 6 29 12 7 32 8 0 32 6 0 28 12 6 31 20 6 2-9 26 2 29 19 1 30 18 5 32 18 9 314 19 0 32 7 2 21 0. 11 23 0 6 30 4, 3 20 114 14 2.0 214 5 29 15 9 37, 0. 2 29 10 1 25 10 0 16 17 1 12 21'. 1 21 2 1 . 1 26 16., 0 28 1 3 19 11 10 15 7 .8 15 1 7 22 0 '0. 0 0-- 0. 0 0 3 7 8 ..0. -0 0 2. . 14 11 21 23 2 23' 5 25 2 30, 4 29 4 26 2 27" 6- 23 13 , 214 : 0b. 23 0 23 0 27 0 29 2 26 5 23 10 32 8 30 12 3-1 16 27 19 17 20 20 19 22 17, ?5 16 21 27 17 5 21 4 ?6 12 2.8 18 2 17 21 11 1(.~) 111 / 1' ' ~7 926111 25 llo 96 8o. 392 12 46 Table44.Grow ing-Dege Dys for 2 .,1969 ~.Base 45O Dae'~ a. e.March Apri '~ne JUA' pt 6 ct. Nov. Dc 1 12 13 14 $5 16 17 18 19 20: 21 22 23 16 17- 18. 19, 20' 21' 20 20, 1 0. 0 3 10 9. 0 0 3 1" 0 ' 0; 2. 2 0. 1'* Total 06 8$ 614' 96 791 991 11014 953., 814 615 22 $ 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 .14 2 2 9 7 '3 .0 3 16 18 0. 0~ 0 .0 0.' 0 8," 0' 0. 0. 0 0 7'; 14, 1$ 14. 12' 221' 0I 0?. 0" 12' 91 18 20 2$5 214 2 2. 23 22. 26 18. 275. 2$. 26 12. 1$ 20.1 2 16 1' 2Q 3f3.' 35 32 21 -30 38 33 32.. 21 214 38 29 32% .23 .23 3'9 28 33 214 2$ 5 39 29 314 28 2 39;", 31 28 ,2'9 32 41 33 33, :'29 3$5 40-. 35- 33' 16 13$ 39 36 30' 1$5 '314 38', 33 20. J14 '3-3 2 20 20 ,,33 3 31 214. 2 4 "35 36, 3.0 24. 18 35 Z~3$ ?9 2$, .19 .34 36 3 29 .27 .-3,0.' 3.3 3 2$ :0 3?5 36 321 .22 30 '32 3? 3$ .2 - 33 3$5 37 27 .30 ;...30 314 .83. 27' -.31 :30 3$5 36 18 .32. 314 3$ 29 2Q .33 37 3$ 3 2$, .31 '38 .3$ ?8 2$ 30 ;8 3 28 26 31 138 314 30 23 29 .39 314 22 28 28 '41 31 23 27 28 ..39 32 30 214 33 36 33 24 17 32 33 .30 22 20 23 12 214 7 27 3 27 1 23 7 26 1$ 214 21. 214 314 2$ 13, 27 13 29 114 2,7 2 16 0 1.7 01 2$ 0 1*5 9 1$ 19 214 0: 32 0 214 5... 20 5.... 1 1 1'.7 16' .16 16, 21 1l. 23 9 14 6 10 2 fix; 0 .17 3 1 2- 0 0 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,51. 252 53 Total lo6, 8 5, 164- 47 Tabl 14. Gowing.Degree Day 'for 1969 a- Base Q Date Jan feb, March Aneril-.-eJuly hu. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 214. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15 15 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Total 47 41 90 446 636 841 949 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 *0 .0 0 0 '0 0 1 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 13 0 0 0 0 0'1 0 0 3 .0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 9 10 7 6 17 .0 0 2 8 7 4 13 15 20 19 16 17 13 14 18 13 17 19 16 13 22 20 21 17 7 10 12 15 11, 7. 11 13 16 18 12 11 .15 28. 33 16 25 33 '16 19 33 8 18 34 '19 20.'. 314 23 214 314 214 27 36 214 30 35 11 30o .31 3 34 10 29 33 9 26 32 15 28 26 19 30. 31 13 30 '14 29. 31 22 25 30 '20 25 27 17 25 27 23 28 30 25 25 29 26 25 30 27 29 30 '28 32 30 26. 33 30 25 33 30 2 6 33 29 214 314 29 23 36 26 23 314 27 28 31 -28 27 28 30. 27 '17 28 27 18 214 '27 '19 23 28 2 214. 29 -22 26 23 18 28 28 21 30 28 19 31'1 25 19 28 15 20 27 15 22 26 19 24 25 - 19 .22 24 20 11 25 214 12 28 26 20 31 27 10 27 30 10 32 22 19 33 22 27 31' 13 19 214 15 15 18 20 6 23 .20 2 23 21 11 25 18 17 17 .23 18 18 22 9 25 19 5 19 .12 5 25312 15 0 7 0 2, 0 0 0 0. 0 2 0 10 0 16 0 9 .0 80 9 0 0 0 0 1 0Q 0 o' 0 40 14 0 0. 0 0 .0 0 .0 7 . 0 11 0 11 0 60 1 0 0 8 0 7 0 ~Lv v v v ~L( ~L r L J c, I 774 66 4.91 144 1 48 Table 46. Precipitation Accuimulation and Departure, from Average* Departure. For Month.Avg. Acc 4.0 10.05 16.18 20.l55 24.10 28.16- 33.50. 33,21 43.99 47-.47 52.60 Departure For. 1969' i2*94- 4.61. 4.96 5.57 :7.24 4.&71 3.*63 6653 .60 .62 4.11 Precipitation averages are based on data from 1855 through 1952. Date- Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.0 Avg.e 5.2 4.37 .55 5.*34. 4.71 3.20 2.58 3.148 5-w13 iAcc.... Fo 1969 7o55 12.-e51 18 .08 25.50 29*714 3 4.5 38.08 44.61 45.w21 45.83 49-914 lo186 L0.61 I- 1.17 +-1.20 + 3. 87 + 0.18 -w 0.63 -1.08 + '3.33 S1.98 -2.86 1.,02 1.86 .N 2.50 3.67 2,47 + -1.40 58 + 0.95 - 013 + 3.20 + 1.22 lo 2.,66 IL~ mftww I /www"Wwm