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Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences: Recent submissions

Now showing items 81-96 of 96

Report 39. Five year results of a neem (Azadirachta indica) trial at Roche Blanche, Haiti 

Timyan, Joël; Verret, Louis; Béliard, Carmel André; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Neem (Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss.) is planted in Haiti for its hardiness and multiple purposes of shade, medicinal uses, wood, aesthetics and pest control. A neem trial at Roche Blanche was established in October, 1991 ...

Report 36. Essai comparatif d'espèces de Casuarina sp. à Lapila, (Pignon) Haïti: Résultats après cinq ans de croissance 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Casuarina equisetifolia est l'espèce du genre Casuarina la plus connue et la plus répandue en Haïti. Elle est originaire de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Au cours des dernières années, son utilisation dans les programmes de reboisement ...

Report 34. Résultats de croissance de provenances de Enterolobium cyclocarpum après cinq ans en Haiti 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb. est un arbre à grande diffusion depuis l'Amérique Centrale, qui a été introduite en Haïti pour son adaptabilité à une grande diversité de conditions de site et son potentiel d'offrir ...

Report 33. Essais de provenances de Cordia alliodora en Haïti: Résultats après 5 ans de croissance 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Le "bwa soumis" ou "chenn kapawo" (Cordia alliodora), espèce très utilisés en Amérique centrale comme arbre d'abri pour le caféier, est originaire de l'Amérique Tropicale. On le rencontre aussi den Haiti dans quelques ...

Report 31. Réstultats de croissance de provenances de Cedrela odorata après cinq ans en Haiti 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Cedrela odorata L. est une espèce de très grande valeur économique partout dans le monde. Ses aires de distribution naturelle comprennent Haïti, où l'exploitation de cet arbre pour son bois de de haute valeur, a conduit à ...

Report 52. Findings of surveys on yam (Dioscorea spp.) production in the Grande Anse Department, Haiti 

Shannon, Dennis A. (2019-05-24)
Surveys were conducted on yam production in 18 localities in the Moron and Dame Marie regions of the Grande Anse Department of Haiti. The objectives were to identify the areas in which yam is grown, identify and characterize ...

Report 41. Haitian oak (Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum. Cours.) seed orchards and progeny trials in Haiti : 1988-1996 

Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon; Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis (2019-05-24)
Haitian oak (Catalpa longissima) is one of the most popular and expensive woods in Haiti. Its lustrous and durable wood is used for cabinetry, boat and house constructin, and sculptures. The species is native to the Greater ...

Report 51. Cowpea variety trials in northwest Haiti 

Shannon, Dennis A.; Jean, Yves; Brockman, Frank E. (2019-05-20)
This report summarizes cowpea variety trials conducted in Northwest Haiti between 1993 and 1995 by the Productive Land Use Systems Project. The results of these trials indicate that farmers can substantially increase cowpea ...

Report 40. Mahogany (Swietenia) trials in Haiti: 1989-1996 

Timyan, Joël; Verret, Louis; Elie, Yvon; Béliard, Carmel André (2019-05-20)
This document summarizes the 5-year results of mahogany (Swietenia) trials in Haiti. These trials are part of a larger tree improvement program that was implemented under the USAID-funded Agroforestry II (1988-1991) project ...

Report 37. Five year results of the Pinus trial near Kenscoff, Haiti 

Timyan, Joël; Verret, Louis; Elie, Yvon; Béliard, Carmel André (2019-05-15)
The Pinus genus is one of the most important sources of lumber in the world. It is represented in Haiti by P. occidentalis, a species that is endemic to the island of Hispaniola. The increasing demand for wood products, ...

Report 35. Five year results of Senna siamea trials in Haiti 

Verret, Louis Louis; Béliard, Carmel André; Elie, Yvon; Timyan, Joël (2019-05-14)
Senna siamea (syn. Cassia siamea) was the most planted tree in Haiti during the period 1981-1991. Approximately 12 million trees were distributed during the USAID-funded Agroforestry Outreach (1981-1987) and Agroforestry ...

Soil profile descriptions for steeplands research sites in Haiti 

Guthrie, Richard L.; Shannon, Dennis A. (2019-05-03)
Soils from different locations in Haiti intended as sites for alley cropping trial studies were examined and classified. Because limestone is the parent material associated with a majority of soils of the Steeplands, pH ...

Promising tree species as hedgerows for alley cropping in different environments in Haiti 

Isaac, Lionel; Shannon, Dennis A.; Wood, C. Wesley; Bernard, Carine R. (2019-05-03)
Alley cropping is a system whereby annual crops are planted between rows of trees, which are pruned during the cropping season and the prunings applied as mulch or green manure. During periods where no crop is grown, the ...

Long-term effects of soil conservation barriers on crop yield on a tropical steepland in Haiti 

Shannon, Dennis A.; Isaac, Lionel; Bernard, Carine R.; Wood, C. Wesley (2019-05-03)
In this research, we wanted to know how alley cropping between tree barriers compared to the more traditional conservation barriers used in Haiti in terms of long-term crop yields. Our hypothesis was that alley cropping ...

Report 08. The pole market in Haiti : southwest to Port-au-Prince 

Street, Donald R.; Bellerive, Phillippe (2019-04-23)
The purpose of this work was to analyze the pole market in Port-au-Prince. The study entailed taking samples of 25 randomly chosen poles at seven depots in the metropolitan area and tracing their movement from their origin. ...

Report 07. Haiti regional tree nursery cost study 

Goodwin, Steve; Reid, R. Kent; Street, Donald R. (2019-04-23)
The Pan American Development Foundation (Pwo Pyebwa) has requested a study to determine the current cost of producing seedlings in a local nursery. The purpose of this study is to determine the production costs of a typical ...