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Now showing items 2912-2931 of 3672

Report 25. Time rate of discounting and decisions of Haitian tree planters 

Street, Donald R. (2019-10-01)
During previous research on the economics of agroforestry in Haiti, it was noted that some farmers practicing agroforestry tended to hold onto trees for some years. They deferred harvesting them because some tree products, ...

Report 26. Plant disease problems in banana and plantain in Haiti 

Stover, R. H. (2019-09-05)
The four main varieties grown in Haiti are: Plantains (Musque), Cavendish (Figure), Silk (Figue bayonner) and Bluggoe (Poban). Fusarial wilt or Panama disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. cubense Race 2 is present on ...

Report 27. A financial analysis of selected hedgerow operations in Haiti's Southern and Northwestern regions 

Bellerive, Phillipe (2019-09-03)
The purpose of this study was to select, adapt and apply appropriate methods for a financial analysis of hedgerow and other agroforestry systems in Haiti, and to accomplish a study of some of the farms using such forms of ...

Report 27. The effects of Leucaena hedgerow management on maize and hedgerow biomass yields over two years of cropping 

Isaac, Lionel; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E.; Bernard, Carine R. (2019-09-05)
The objectives of the study were to identify optimum hedgerow management practices for alley cropping in order to optimize crop yield and hedgerow biomass production under lowland conditions in Haiti. The following ...

Report 28. Increasing the marketability of manioc and breadfruit products by improving processing techniques 

Lu, John Y.; Lea, John Dale (Zach); Chery, Louis R.; Shannon, Dennis A. (2019-06-04)
The perishability of fresh manioc roots and breadfruit places constraints on the marketing of these products. This study was made to investigate processing techniques to reduce these constraints. MANIOC: The primary ...

Report 29. Agroforestry knowledge, attitudes and practices in Northwest Haiti 

Starr, Paul D.; d'Aquin, Sigrid; Rorison, Kathleen M. (2019-09-03)
This study provides information about the knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning agroforestry and related agricultural practices of the part of 504 farm families served by CARE International in Northwestern Haiti. ...

Report 29. Soil profile descriptions for agroforestry research sites in Haiti 

Guthrie, Richard L.; Isaac, Lionel; Alexis, Gerard; Bernard, Carine R.; Blemur, Marguerite (2019-09-05)
Reliable recommendations for the development of agroforestry systems require accurate descriptions of the environment. Information on the properties of soils in selected sites is needed to expand agroforestry in regions ...

Report 30. The effects of alley cropping and fertilizer application on continuously-cropped maize 

Shannon, Dennis A.; Vogel, Wolfgang O.; Kabaluapa, Kapinga N. (2019-09-03)
A trial was conducted to study the effect of alley cropping on maize under continuous cropping. Treatments consisted of alley cropping and control (no hedgerows), with and without fertilizer. Maize was planted twice a year ...

Report 30. The effects of alley cropping and other soil conservation practices on maize (Zea mays) yields over two years of cropping 

Isaac, Lionel; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E.; Bernard, Carine R. (2019-06-04)
The effects of different soil conservation practices on crop and hedgerow biomass yields were assessed under lowland conditions in Haiti over a period of two years. The trial was conducted at Pernier (1300 mm annual rainfall) ...

Report 31. Development of stock quality criteria 

Reid, R. Kent (2019-09-03)
This study examined survival and growth of seedlings of several species produced in standard and Deep 5 Rootrainers. The objectives were to test for differences between the two containers, and to determine the minimum size ...

Report 31. Réstultats de croissance de provenances de Cedrela odorata après cinq ans en Haiti 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Cedrela odorata L. est une espèce de très grande valeur économique partout dans le monde. Ses aires de distribution naturelle comprennent Haïti, où l'exploitation de cet arbre pour son bois de de haute valeur, a conduit à ...

Report 32. Résultats de deux années de suivi etudes de cas "Baraj Ravinn" 

Pierre, Frisner; Lea, John Dale (Zach) (2019-06-03)
Ce rapport sur les "Baraj Ravinn" porte sur des seuils de protection établis dans des ravines de 12 exploitations agricoles dont 7 se trouvent dans la région I de CARE (Passe Catabois) et 5 dans la région III de PADF ...

Report 33. Economic indicators of Agroforestry II strategy implementation: farm income analysis to agricultural project analysis 

Fleming, Kent D.; Karch, G. Edward (2019-09-03)
The strategy of the Agroforestry II Project (AFII) is to bring about sustainable improvements in Haitian hillside farm productivity and farmer net income. AFII and the previous agroforestry program are widely acknowledged ...

Report 33. Essais de provenances de Cordia alliodora en Haïti: Résultats après 5 ans de croissance 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Le "bwa soumis" ou "chenn kapawo" (Cordia alliodora), espèce très utilisés en Amérique centrale comme arbre d'abri pour le caféier, est originaire de l'Amérique Tropicale. On le rencontre aussi den Haiti dans quelques ...

Report 34. Résultats de croissance de provenances de Enterolobium cyclocarpum après cinq ans en Haiti 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb. est un arbre à grande diffusion depuis l'Amérique Centrale, qui a été introduite en Haïti pour son adaptabilité à une grande diversité de conditions de site et son potentiel d'offrir ...

Report 35. Five year results of Senna siamea trials in Haiti 

Verret, Louis Louis; Béliard, Carmel André; Elie, Yvon; Timyan, Joël (2019-05-14)
Senna siamea (syn. Cassia siamea) was the most planted tree in Haiti during the period 1981-1991. Approximately 12 million trees were distributed during the USAID-funded Agroforestry Outreach (1981-1987) and Agroforestry ...

Report 36. Essai comparatif d'espèces de Casuarina sp. à Lapila, (Pignon) Haïti: Résultats après cinq ans de croissance 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Casuarina equisetifolia est l'espèce du genre Casuarina la plus connue et la plus répandue en Haïti. Elle est originaire de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Au cours des dernières années, son utilisation dans les programmes de reboisement ...

Report 37. Five year results of the Pinus trial near Kenscoff, Haiti 

Timyan, Joël; Verret, Louis; Elie, Yvon; Béliard, Carmel André (2019-05-15)
The Pinus genus is one of the most important sources of lumber in the world. It is represented in Haiti by P. occidentalis, a species that is endemic to the island of Hispaniola. The increasing demand for wood products, ...

Report 38. Evaluation de provenances de Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. en Haïti 

Timyan, Joël; Verret, Louis; Béliard, Carmel André; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Le Gliricidia sepium est une espèce économiquement importante dans les pays de l'Amérique Centrale dont elle est originaire. C'est l'un des arbres fixateurs d'azote de l'air les plus faciles à établir par boutures de tiges, ...

Report 39. Five year results of a neem (Azadirachta indica) trial at Roche Blanche, Haiti 

Timyan, Joël; Verret, Louis; Béliard, Carmel André; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Neem (Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss.) is planted in Haiti for its hardiness and multiple purposes of shade, medicinal uses, wood, aesthetics and pest control. A neem trial at Roche Blanche was established in October, 1991 ...