Bulletin No. 51, : Oetober, 1S93. Agricultural Experiment Station -OF THE- AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, AUBLTRN, ALABAMA. ALEX. J. BONDIJRANT, AGRICULTURIST. JAMES CL AYTON, ASSISTANT HORTICULTURIST. 'The Bulletins of this Station will be sent free to any citizen of the State on application to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Montgomery, Alabama, or Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Alabama. All communications should be addressed to EXPERIMENT STATION, AUBURN, ALA. Published by order of the Board of Direction. BROWN PRINTING CO., 5TATE PRINTERS, MONTGOMERY, ALA. BOARD OF VISITORS COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES ON EXPERIMENT STATION. I. F. CULVER ........... Union Springs. J. G. GILCIRIST....................................Hope Hull. H. CLAY ARMSTRONG..................................Auburn. BOALRD OF oiRC'ioNw WM. LEROY BROUN ............. President A. J. BONDURANT......................................Agriculturist. B. B. Ross.......................................... ...... Chemist. P. H. MELL .............................. J. Botanist and Meteorologist. C. M. STEDMAN............................. A. CARY, D. V. M... ................ Biologist.. Veterinarian. ASSISTANTS : JAMES CLAYTON .............................. A. F. CORY....... ............. ............ Assistant Horticulturist. Assistant Agriculturist. J. T. ANDBRSON............................... First Assistant Chemist. IR. E. NOBLE .............................. Second Assistant Chemist. C. L. HARE .................... Assistant Chemist. R. L. BIVINS............. ............. Clerk, and Assistant Botanist. ....... Third * In charge of Soil Tests. EXPERIMENTS IN VEGETABLES. BY JAMES CLAYTON, ASSISTANT HORTICULTURIST. The following results of experiments with a few leading varieties of vegetables on the A. & M. College Experiment Station for 1893, are given in a brief and simple form, hoping that they may be of some practical use to our people. Where conclusions have been drawn, they are based upon the painstaking and careful observation of several year's experiments. TOMATOES. Seeds of the varieties named below were mostly furnished by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., and only a few packages were purchased from seedsmen. The seeds were planted on an open bed March 15th and on April 27th, the plants were set in rows 32 feet apart each way. On August the 10th cuttings about 10 inches in length were made from the "Matchless" and planted, just as plants grown from seed, all of which lived and grew vigorously. At this writing, October 20th, the vines are fruiting heavily and the tomatoes are beginning to ripen. Especial attention is called to the above method of planting for a fall crop, as much difficulty is experienced in growing plants in the summer months. It is suggested however that the cuttings he planted about the middle of July, instead of in August. The following is a brief description of the different varieties: Atlantic Prize-Landreth. Light red, medium size, very wrinkled and flat. Prolific. Ripe July 10th. Baltimore Prize Taker--Landreth. Light pink, medium to large size, wrinkled and round. Not prolific. Ripe July 12th. Baclkeye Dreer. Dark pink, medium to large size, smooth and roundish fiat. Not prolific. Ripe July 12th. Early Berncla-Landreth. Light red, medium size, very wrinkled and Very prolific. Ripe July 14th. Extra Early Claster Lacreth. Light red, medium size, very wrinkled and flat. Prolific. July 12th. Extra Early Jersey Landreth. Light red, medium size, very wrinkled and flat. Prolific. Ripe July 10th. Riclnond Landreth. Dark red, medium to large, wrinkled and fiat. Not prolific. Ripe July 6th. Early Ruby U. S. Department of Agriculture. Yellowish red, small to medium in size, smooth and round. Prolific. Ripe July 8th. Ignotarn1U. S. Department of Agriculture. Pinkish red, medium size, smooth and roundish flat. Prolific. Ripe July 6th. Livingjston's Beaaty U. S. Department of Agriculture. Yellowish red, medium size to large, smooth and roundish flat. Prolific. Ripe July 8th. Livingston'S Favorite U. S. Department of Agriculture. Yellowish, medium size, smooth roundish Prolific. Ripe July 10th. Long Keeper U. S. Department of Agriculture. Red, State flat. Early flat. medium size, smooth and roundish flat. Prolific. Ripe July 10th. Matchless W. H. Maule. Light red, medium to very large, smooth and roundish flat. Very prolific. Ripe July 20th. This is one of the handsomest tested. Paragon--U. S. Department of Agriculture. Yellowish red, medium size, perfectly smooth. Very prolific. Ripe July 12th. Pefection U. S. Department of Agriculture. Yellowish red, medium to large size, smooth and roundish Prolific. Ripe July 12th. Ponderosa Henderson. Light- pink, large to very large size, wrinkled and flat. Not prolific. Ripe July 16th. Royal Red-Dreer. Red, medium size, wrinkled and roundish flat. Prolific. Ripe July 16th. flat., Telegraph-U. S. Department of Agriculture. Light red, medium size, wrinkled and flat. Very prolific. Ripe July 14th. Money Maker-Landreth. Medium size, wrinkled and flat. Very prolific. Ripe July 14th. Ten Ton-U. S. Department of Agriculture. Yellowish red, small to medium size, smooth and round. Prolific. Ripe July 16th. The Stone-U. S. Department of Agriculture. Light red, medium to large, smooth and round. Ripe July 14th. This variety is of recent origin, is a vigorous grower, dark green foliage and the fruit of very good quality. Turner's Hybrid-U. S. Department of Agriculture. Pink, large to very large, smooth and round. Not prolific. Ripe July 16th. Peculiarly shaped leaves, resembling those of the potato. Trucker's Favorite-W.H. Maule. Pink, small to medium, smooth and round. Prolific. Ripe July 20th. Of Livingston's varieties, the following have been grown on this station for several years as a standard of comparison with those of more recent origin, and nothing has been found superior to them, both as to quality and productiveness: Ignotum, Livingston's Beauty, Livingston's Favorite, Matchless, Paragon and Perfection. IRISH POTATOES. The varieties named below were purchased of Henry A. Dreer, Philadelphia, and planted March 16th, 1893. The land having been thoroughly prepared, was fertilized with compost such as we use for corn, and after the potatoes were planted the plot was covered with pine straw about four inches deep. This was done immediately after the planting was finished. As soon as the vines becjgan to turn yel- low, the potatoes were harvested, which was from the latter part of June to the first of July, and they were then placed in a cool room, spread out on the floor and sprinkled with slaked lime. It will be noticed, that, while the Freeman is not so productive as the Early Rose, it is about six days earlier, and being of an excellent quality, is therefore a very desirable variety. The following brief description is given of the varieties planted : Burbank Seedling.-An old standard which needs no introduction. Long, white skin, free from scab and a good keeper. Prolific. Yield per acre 368 bushels. Early Essex.-Large and roundish with pink skin, free from scab and knots. Yield per acre 355 bushels. Early Puritan.-A long roundish variety, very light pink skin, free from scab and knots. Very prolific. Yield per acre 416 bushels. Early Rose.--Too well known to need comment. A long variety, pink skin, free from scab,-some knots. Prolific. Yield per acre 388 bushels. King of Roses.-Roundish, pink skin, some scab and knots. Yield per acre 342 bushels. Richmond Bell.-Roundish flat, straw colored skin, free from scab and knots. Very prolific. Yield per acre 424 bushels. Freeman.-A new and beautiful straw colored variety, very early, roundish flat, free from scab and knots. Not very prolific, but about six days earlier than Early Rose. Yield per acre 304 bushels. CABBAGE. The following varieties of cabbage seed were sown in open beds March 15th, and transplanted on April 27th to thorougly prepared land in rows 22 by 22 feet: All Seasons, American Drumhead, Early Summer, Express, Large Late Drumhead, Succession and Surehead. Preference is given in the order named to Early Summer, Succession and All Seasons, and for later kinds to Large Late Drumhead, and American Drumhead. EGG PLANT. A comparison of home raised and bought seed of the New York Improved Purple variety, resulted in no perceptible difference, both being satisfactory. To germinate the seed, place some fresh cbmpost, or any other kind of manure, that will heat easily in a box, filling it from one-half to twothirds full. Cover this with earth from 4 to 6 inches deep, sow the seed and cover the box with cheese-cloth or muslin, usingtacks to confine the edges. The cheesecloth or muslin is sufficiently thin to admit the warmth of the sun necessary for germinating the seed, and also protects the plants from the ravages of bugs which are very destructive to them while young. It is best to place the box on the southside of a wall, or at some protected place. Keep the soil well watered. Ourbest results have been obtained from thin or poor land highly fertilized; and a few plants transplanted and carefully cultivated will supply a family with an abundance of this excellent vegetable. ONIONS. To grow onions from seed, sow the seed in open beds in February, and transplant as early as the weather will permit to rows 12 to 15 inches apart, taking pains to have the ground highly fertilized. Of the fifteen kinds tested on this station, preference is given to the following: Large Tripoli, Silver King, New Pearl, New Queen, White Barletta, White Maggiajola, Red Wethersfield, which have all produced fair sized onions the first season from pursuing the plan above mentioned. BUSH LIMA BEANS. Seeds of Burpee's Bush Lima, Dreer's Bush Lima and Henderson's New Bush Lima, were purchased of Peter Henderson and planted this past season, and in so far, as one year's trial goes, Henderson's New Bush Lima is de- 8 cidedly in the lead. It is earlier and more prolific than either of the other two. Beets, Lettuce, Carrots, Salsify and Radishes, all grew to perfection on the station grounds the past season. CONOVER'S COLOSSAL ASPARAGUS. Seeds furnished by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., were planted, and the plants are now growing vigorously. A limited supply of these plants, and the following in limited quantities, will be sent free (except postage) to residents of the State making application., White Velvet Okra Seed, Jones and Sugar Loaf Watermelon, Pine Apple and Nixon Canteloupe seed, and Grape roots of the standard varieties.