CIRCULAR 130 JUNE 1959 FARM MARKETING of TRUCK CROPS inoBaldwn Count 5ricutura/ + E. V. Smith, Director xperiment Statiot of THE ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Auburn, Alabama CONTENTS Page SAMPLE ----------------------------------- FARM M ARKETING -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- -5 Crops M arketed--- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- ----- --- - 5 6 -8 9 Marketing Practices----------------- Market Inform ation----- ------------ ---- G row er A ppraisal--------------------------------ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS----------------------------10 Hum an F actors-----------------------------------10 Resource Use--- ---- ---- -- -- ---------- --- -- -- ---- - 11 Production Characteristics--------------------------12 SU M M ARY -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 AP PE N DIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 FIRST PRINTING 3M, JUNE 1959 Farm Marketing of Truck Crops in Baldwin County* EDWARD E. KERN, JR., Associate Agricultural Economist* MARKETING, a highly important part of any farm enterprise, can be the limiting factor in truck crop production. Whether truck crops can be profitably grown in an area depends largely on available markets. Production capabilities in an area ultimately must be measured in terms of marketing prospects and other uses available for resources. Market planning must begin early in the production process. Crops to be grown and handling procedures to be used, as well as commitment of farm resources, must be decided on with marketing in mind. The study reported here relates to commercial vegetable growers in Baldwin County. Primary objective of the study was to provide information on farm marketing and production practices useful in resource development. Baldwin County is one of the more specialized areas of vegetable production in Alabama and the Southern Region. Its pattern of production is similar to that of certain commercial areas in all states of the Region.' The County has concentrated production, * This study was supported by funds provided by the Agricultural Research and Marketing Act of 1946 and by State research funds. The project under which the study was made is contributing to SM-8, Evaluation of Alternative Vegetable Marketing Organizationsand Handling Methods. ** Acknowledgement is given to the following for criticisms and suggestions: Members of the Technical Committee of SM-8 and Extension Service horticulturist and members of the Agricultural Experiment Station departments of horticulture and agricultural economics, The Alabama Polytechnic Institute. 'King, R. A. and Seale, A. D., Jr., Vegetable Market Structure Classes in the Southeast, A. E. Information Series No. 35, October 1954. The County fell within Market Structure Class IV distinguished by rather heavy production of vegetables on small farms. It was found similar to certain counties in every state in the Region in this respect. with vegetable sales per farm throughout the County averaging $2,500 or less yearly. Many of the problems found there are presumed to be similar to those in certain other commercialized sections of the Southern Region. Although much of the County is rural, industrial development and military installations in nearby areas provide important income opportunities for individuals. In 1955 about 40 per cent of the farm operators in the County engaged in off-farm work to the extent of 100 days or more per year. Unlike other farmers, however, the commercial vegetable growers included in this study were found to derive their living almost entirely from the farm. SAMPLE In the study information was provided directly by commercial vegetable growers in Baldwin County, including those producing Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes. Statistical sampling on an area segment basis gave each grower in the County equal opportunity of being included in the survey. Complete interviews were made only with those producing vegetables for sale. Others were asked only to give their reasons for non-production. Complete interviews were made with 56 of the 497 individuals visited in the County in 1956, Table 1. About three-fourths of those not engaged in commercial vegetable production were rural non-farmers who gained their incomes from off-farm pursuits. Many owned farm land but rented it or did not use it for farming purposes. Retired farmers comprised less than 10 per cent of this group. The balance of those contacted were farmers other than commercial vegetable growers. Many of these also gained some non-farm income. Of the entire group, some had tried truck farming but quit after unprofitable seasons resulting from physical and economic problems. Market risks and high labor costs were the primary deterrents cited by those not interested in vegetable growing on a commercial basis. TABLE 1. PROPORTION OF SAMPLE REPORTING VEGETABLES SALE, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA HARVESTED FOR Vegetables harvested for sale Y es .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No TOTAL" Number Per cent reporting of total Number Per cent 56 441 497 11 89 100 [4] FARM MARKETING Crops Marketed Kinds and amounts of vegetables being produced commercially in an area are important in determining potential development possibilities. Vegetable farms are more specialized in Baldwin County than in many commercial areas in the State and Region. Over 70 per cent of commercial vegetable acreage on sample farms was devoted to Irish potatoes, Figure 1. This crop was being produced by over half of those interviewed. However, diversity was also noted among a large number of growers in the sample, Table 2. About half of the respondents were producing 2 or more vegetables for sale, up to a maximum of 4 per farm reporting. Thus, even though specialized, a total of 12 different vegetables were being marketed from the sample farms. Sweet corn, watermelons, and cucumbers followed Irish potatoes in order of importance. On the average, 57 acres of Irish potatoes were produced for sale per farm reporting. This compares with an average of 23 acres of sweet corn, 10 acres of watermelons, and 5 acres of cucumbers per farm. Excluding Irish potatoes, average acreage of all truck crops on the sample farms was 10 acres. Per Cent 0 All 2,0 40 6,0 80 100 truck.. crops .. . . . ::::..::. .. . .. ... . . . . . :::::::: :.-::.:. . 72.7 I ri s h Sweet corn Watermelons Cucumbers Sweet Potatoes Others x1.0 Turnips Canto - 12.0 7.8 3.5 00rops I 1.9 .8 .3 Ioupes Includes: Source Okra, snap beans, cabbage, collards and tomatoes. Appendix Table I. FIGURE 1. Percentage of total acreage of commercial truck crops grown on sample farms in Baldwin County, Alabama, is shown by the graph above. [5] TABLE 2. NUMBER OF TRUCK CROPS PRODUCED FOR MARKET ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Farms rereporti rNumb Perent Growing Growing Growing Growing 1 vegetable 2 vegetables 3 ve getables 4 vegetables -15 -.... Number Per cent 29 52 27 9 16 3 5 56 100 TOTAL Marketing Practices Custom of the area, size and type of operator, and facilities for marketing are among the important factors influencing farm marketing procedures. Also an important factor influencing procedure is that of farm transportation facilities available. Fifty-four per cent of the growers interviewed owned trucks suitable for hauling vegetables. In all, 26 pickup and 12 larger size trucks were reported. Thus, 44 per cent of those interviewed had to depend entirely on custom hauling to move their produce from the farm to the first buyer. In addition, the small capacity and poor condition of many of the vehicles owned by respondents precluded long hauls, often through congested cities, in search of wider direct market outlets. Growers depended heavily on local assembly buyers for much of the produce sold, although farmers markets outside the County, peddling, and direct farm sales were important for several crops produced, Table 3. Potatoes were marketed through local assembly buyers. Sales were made on a graded basis and deliveries to assembly markets were made in both bag and bulk. Sales by respondents in 1955, the season preceding the survey, were slightly less than 800 field bags per grower. Because of bad weather in the spring of 1955, many fields were plowed up late in the season and quality was relatively low.2 Cucumbers were sold entirely for the fresh market through local assembly buyers. The range in number of sales was from 1 to 5 with an average of about 3. Deliveries from farm to first 2 Harvesting was to begin about the middle of April. Several freezes occurred in late March and the vines were killed to the ground, and in some cases below ground. See: Summary of 1955 Potato Season Foley, Alabama and South Alabama Points, Federal-State Market News Service, USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division, Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industry Cooperating. [6] TABLE 3. PRINCIPAL OUTLETS FOR TRUCK CROPS PRODUCED ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Crops marketed Assembly buyers County Outside Pct. Pct. 0 -----------0 Peddled County Outside Pct. Pct. 0 0 u.. Cantaloupes -__ Markets Farmers market At farm Total County Outside and other Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. 100 0 0 100 0 0 Farms Acreage reporting per farm Acres Pct. 5 2.7 30 21 0 100 Irish potatoes__ ------------ 0 33 Sweetpotatoes_ 0 0 ---------34 0 ----------------- 15 Sweet corn ---0 50 0 Turnips_______ ----Watermelons __ 16 0 ------------------------31 ------------ Cucumbers---- .----------- 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 33 0 .0 100 100 0 34 18 100 100 100 100 54 10 7 34 56.8 8.8 4.8 0 31 50 22 0 0 23.4 4.8 9.7_ buyer included about 40 per cent in bulk with the balance distributed almost equally between bags and hampers. Final sales were made on a graded basis. A price spread of about $2 a bushel was reported among growers, depending on the "grade out" and time of delivery. Growers reported that delivery of cucumbers was continued until buyers ceased accepting supplies. Watermelons were marketed in more diverse ways than were potatoes and cucumbers. Assembly buyers' receipts accounted for 31 per cent, peddling to stores and consumers both in and out of the County 47 per cent, and farmers markets outside the County about 22 per cent. The number of sales averaged 2 per farm reporting, with a range from 1 to 4. Average sale was 300 melons per farm. Wide price variations were reported among growers. Sweet corn was moved through a variety of outlets. Assembly markets, peddling, farmers' markets outside the County, and direct farm sales were the most important outlets and ranked in the order shown. Local buyers and the Birmingham market were of particular importance to sweet corn producers. Deliveries were made primarily in bulk and bags with some being sold in hampers. Seventy per cent of those reporting sold only 1 picking, with a range among growers from 1 to 3. No special icing or handling practices were reported. That portion not sold was cut for silage or otherwise used on the farm. Facilities for holding or giving special treatment to commodities, such as icing, washing, grading, or cooling, were not available on farms. Commodities were sold for cash and these functions, if required, were performed by first buyers. Market Information A summary of actual number of respondents receiving market information and importance of different media is given in Table 4. This does not include what they might have gained from personal contact with buyers or other growers. It should be noted that, although radio was the most important medium reported, the ultimate source of this as well as other types of releases were based largely on USDA reports. Only a small number of the Irish potato, cucumber, and watermelon growers reported receiving special reports. These were generally the relatively larger growers. Minor crop reports were reportedly received by some growers, primarily by radio. [8] TABLE 4. SOURCE OF MARKET NEWS BY CROPS ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Crop Number reporting Number Source of market news None Pct. 0 41 25 Radio Pct. 100 29 36 Newspapers Other 4 Pct. 0 24 17 Total Pct. 100 100 100 Cantaloupes Cucumbers________________________ -361 Irish potatoes --Sweet corn Sweetpotatoes ....-.............. Turnips______________________________ 3 17 102 43 4 Pct. 0 6 22 40 50 75 40 50 25 10 0 0 10 0 0 100 100 100 Watermelons -1 2 3 19 26 47 16 11 100 Six reported more than one source. Two not reported. One not reported. 4 USDA reports and other special releases. Irish potato growers were particularly interested in market information and three-fourths received reports, primarily through radio and newspapers. A high percentage of cucumber and sweet corn growers received no market information, whereas almost three-fourths of the watermelon growers received reports. A study of the needs and feasibility of a more complete market news program for truck growers in Alabama would be helpful. Growers were not in accord as to availability and value of market data. Grower Appraisal Growers were asked to appraise farm marketing conditions and to report attempts to overcome any specific marketing problems in the area. Market conditions were appraised on the basis of dependability and competitiveness. Competitiveness was interpreted to mean the ease with which commodities could be moved into marketing channels and the degree of movement free from forestalling or other market interference. Considering all crops marketed, about two-thirds of the respondents considered present outlets unsatisfactory. Variations in farmer appraisal for some of the more important crops are given in Table 5. The Irish potato market situation was considered more favorable than that of cucumbers. The main point of contention of producers concerning markets was their often inability to move commodities into marketing channels even at nominal prices. Cucumbers, sweet corn, and melons were commodities of particular concern. Solutions suggested by the respondents were not generally specific. However, most growers felt keenly the need for broader outlets for commodities, either [9] TABLE 5. FARMERS' APPRAISAL OF MARKETING CONDITIONS CROPS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA FOR SELECTED TRUCK Crops Satisfactory tory Total Per cent Cucumbers--- Per cent 94 38 80 68 Per cent 100 100 100 100 ------ - 6 62 Irish potatoes ---Sweet corn .. . -.. W atermelons ....-......-.. 20 32 through additional physical facilities or more buyers locally. No evidence was reported of any action being taken by growers through cooperatives or otherwise to alleviate the unsatisfactory conditions. Eleven per cent of the respondents were members of supply cooperatives. Membership in cooperatives was found to be independent of size of operations. ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Human Factors Most growers in the study were white owner-operators with almost a lifetime of truck and total farm experience. About 95 per cent were white and 85 per cent were owner-operators, Appendix Table 2. White operators averaged 43 years of age with 16 years of truck farm experience and 22 years of total farm experience. Although about 57 per cent of the respondents were between the ages of 30 and 50, only 9 per cent were below 30. The other 34 per cent were older than 50. This tends to indicate a substantial amount of stability among growers, but the small percentage under age 30 shows also that few younger individuals are entering commercial truck crop production. This agrees with the situation within agriculture generally including the County concerned. All farms in the County decreased by 15 per cent between 1950 and 1955, with a corresponding decrease in both white and non-white operators. Total farm experience and size of vegetable acreage were found to be independent of one another. Also, age of operator and size of vegetable acreage was not found to be significantly related. Further, no specific relationship could be established between experience of the grower and size of his vegetable acreage, Appendix Table 3. Much of the truck crop operations in Baldwin County has had to depend on hiring outside help. Small size of the family labor force plus low degree of tenancy on sample farms has made this [10] TABLE 6. INDIVIDUALS 16 YEARS AND OVER ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Sex Male-----------------------------------Female ------------------TOTAL Individuals over 16 on farms Under 100 Over 100 acres acres Number Number Number 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.1 2.5 2.5 2.5 necessary. Average size of the operator's family was three, although the number of family members of working age on sample farms was less than this, Table 6. Further, size of family was not significantly related to size of farm. In other words, farm size was found to be independent of family size. The substitution of capital for labor among respondents has been carried to, a rather high degree. Tractors were used on almost all farms in the study, regardless of acreage of vegetables produced, Appendix Table 4. Resource Use Averaging 207 acres, sample farms were about 60 per cent larger than that reported for the County in the 1955 census. However, half of the farms had less than 150 acres and 30 per cent below 50 acres, Table 7. Twenty per cent of the land on sample farms was devoted to truck crops, on the average, as compared to 6 per cent for all farms in the County. Dispersion from the average was substantial. About 40 per cent of the respondents had less than 10 acres of truck crops and 52 per cent had 20 acres or more. Economic problems of the two groups might be expected to differ. Larger operators are primarily concerned with translating a higher volTABLE 7. SIZE OF SAMPLE TRUCK FARMS IN BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Size in acres Farms reporting Per cent of total Cumulative percentage Number Per cent Per cent 0- 49 50- 99_ 17 5 30 9 30 89 100-149 150-199" 200-249 ........... ----------250-299-------------------- --Over 300 -........ TOTAL........ 9 4 6 4 11 56 16 7 11 7 20 100 55 62 73 80 100 [ 11 ] TABLE 8. SOURCE OF SHORT-TERM CREDIT RELATED TO VEGETABLE ACREAGE, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Vegetable acreage Source of credit 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20 and above Pct. -Self Bank Individual or dealer- Pct. 40 20 40 100 10 Pct. 0 0 100 100 1 Pct. 50 50 0 100 21 Pct. 48 33 19 100 272 83 0 17 100 12' __ TOTAL -------------------------------Number reporting 1 One not reporting. 2 Two not reporting. ume of production into high net returns. Other factors being considered, their oneness of purpose provides the necessary basis for cooperative actions as illustrated in other specialized producing areas throughout the County. Problems of the second group, assuming their interest lies in expansion of truck crop opportunities, is in acquiring the necessary resources to achieve greater efficiency in production and marketing. Off-farm opportunities and part-time farming will continue to attract many in this category. About one-fourth of the land on sample farms was in pasture. About 60 per cent had beef cattle, averaging 47 animals per farm reporting. About half of the farms contacted had dairy cattle, hogs, and laying hens, averaging 3, 29, and 274 per farm reporting, respectively. Only three reported having any work stock. Vegetable growers generally were restricting their own use of credit. Sixty per cent of those reporting did not consider availability of capital a limiting factor in considering the expansion of truck enterprises. Smaller producers were financing their own operations to a large extent, whereas dealer and bank credit were the important sources of operating credit for others, Table 8. Three-fourths of those who considered credit availablity a limiting factor had 20 acres or more of truck crops. Production Characteristics Such production procedures as varieties produced for sale, fertilizer used, planting techniques, and pest and disease control measures relate to marketing efficiency and affect the success of operations in the County. Certain production characteristics of the sample vegetable growers are presented in Appendix Tables 5-8. [12] Aside from the factual information presented, variation in procedures was the most important characteristic shown. With regard to the fertilizer used, 4-10-7 analysis was used under the crop for all commodities. However, rates of application varied widely among producers. The range in per acre rates among growers for specific commodities was as follows: (1) Irish potatoes 1,400 to 2,800 pounds, (2) sweet corn - 400 to 1,200 pounds, and (3) watermelons - 500 to 2,000 pounds. Averages within the ranges presented were not excessively low in terms of suggested requirements. Little evidence of organic materials being added for vegetable crops was reported, although tests indicate that yields of some crops can be improved substantially by this means. Wide variation was noted among growers and less attention was given to side application of fertilizer to growing crops. Ammonium nitrate and nitrate of soda were the primary sidedress materials used when reported. Growers varied considerably in their use of varieties of truck crops. There were four different varieties of Irish potatoes being produced and several of watermelons and sweet corn. The most important Irish potato varieties were Bliss Triumph, La Soda, Pontiac, .and Sebago. Cannon Ball, Congo, and Charleston Grey, in that order, were the most important watermelon varieties produced. Sweet corn varieties varied widely, with several field varieties being reported. Necessity for disease and pest control measures was recognized by growers for most of the truck crops grown. Whereas nearly all Irish potato producers used control measures, a lower percentage did for cucumbers, sweet corn, and watermelons. The application of materials was found to be significantly related to truck crop acreage. Only 15 per cent of those with less than 5 acres of vegetables used control measures as compared with 93 per cent of those with over 20 acres. The materials used included DDT, dithane, and lindane. Power-driven spray equipment was primarily used for pesticide application. SUMMARY This study pertained to marketing practices of 56 truck growers in Baldwin County. Only 11 per cent of the 498 individuals contacted in the County were engaged in commercial vegetable operations, including Irish potato and sweetpotato production. Most of those not presently engaged in commercial [13] production were rural non-farmers. Others were engaged in various farm and non-farm pursuits. Some had tried truck farming but stopped because of high economic risks, resulting largely from high labor costs and market uncertainty. This study revealed a general dissatisfaction among truck growers with regard to market outlets. About two-thirds of the respondents considered present outlets unsatisfactory from the point of view of dependability and competitiveness. Feelings differed among growers of different commodities. Ninty-four per cent of the cucumber producers expressed dissatisfaction, but only 38 per cent of the Irish potato growers. The primary point of concern was the often inability to move commodities into marketing channels even at nominal prices. The study revealed a diversity of crops marketed, in spite of the area being considered specialized in Irish potato production. In all, 12 different crops were found on sample farms and almost half of the respondents produced more than 1 crop for market. The average acreage of Irish potatoes on sample farms was 57 acres. Excluding Irish potatoes, growers produced an average of 10 acres of truck crops. Although local buyers predominated as outlets for cucumbers, Irish potatoes, and sweet corn, other types of outlets were also important, particularly farmers markets outside the County, such as New Orleans, Mobile, and Birmingham. Peddling and direct sales from the farm were also important among growers. A limiting factor in extending individual farm sales was the absence of farm truck transportation facilities. About 44 per cent of those in the sample had no trucks, and many who did had only trucks of the pickup type. A wide variety of production practices prevailed among growers. This included fertilizer used, pest and disease control measures practiced, spacing, and varieties grown for market. Most growers were white owner-operators with almost a lifetime of truck farm and total farm experience. The average age of owner-operators was 48 years, with only 9 per cent below 30. This would indicate that farm opportunities in the area have been able to attract and hold many growers but the low percentage of younger growers indicates that few new growers are entering the field. The size of sample farms averaged 207 acres, considerably above that reported for the County. Growers generally did not consider credit as a limitation in the expansion of truck enter[14] prises. Rather, instability of price and income were of primary concern. This study revealed the need for improved sources of market data. Although many were receiving market reports, primarily via radio, growers were undecided about present value or completeness of market reports. The greatest receivers of market information were potato growers, three-fourths having reported in the affirmative, although some growers of other commodities reported receiving information. Growers did not report any attempts to solve their problems as a group. Eleven per cent were members of supply type cooperatives. Their' relative position with respect to distant markets and the fact that 1 or 2 commodities are produced in volume offer opportunities here as it has in other major producing areas of the country. Their background of experience in commercial operations, plus a desire for market improvement, adds to their chances for success. Variations in production practices having possible market implications could also be approached in this way. Finally, promotion of commodities on an area basis would add strength in the nation's market places. [15] APPENDIX APPENDIX TABLE 1. TRUCK CROPS PRODUCED ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Production of each crop Crop Farms reporting Total acreage e ofr crop acreage Percenta Ar ege per farm Number Acres Per cent .3 3.5 72.7 8 3 Cantaloupes ----------------------81 17 Cucumbers-------------------1,704 30 8----------------------------Irish potatoes 281 12 Sweet corn-----------------------------------44 5 --Sweetpotatoes __________________________ 4 Turnips 184 19 Watermelons____________________________ 23 6 --------------Other'-------TOTAL-----------------------------------2,344 Acres 2.7 4.8 56.8 23.4 12.0 8.8 1.9 8----.----8----------------------9.7 7.8 3.8 1.0 100.0 1The following vegetables were reported either one or two times by farms in the sample: Snap beans, cabbage, collards, okra, and tomatoes. APPENDIX TABLE 2. GROWER CHARACTERISTICS OF TRUCK GROWERS ON FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA SAMPLE Characteristics Tenure Owner, number R enter, number-------------------------------Cropper, number----------------------- ------Size of family Ow ner, average-------------------------------R enter, average ------------------------ ------Cropper, average-----------------------------Age of grower Ow ner, average-------------------------------R enter, average ------------------------ ------Cropper, average ---Truck farm experience Ow ner, years---------------------------------R enter, years--------- ------- --- ---------------C ropper, years--------------------------------Farm experience ----------------------------Owner, years-----R enter, years--------- ------ ------- ------------Cropper, years--------------------------- ------ Grower reports by race 45 6 1 3.0 2.0 4.0 2 0 1 2.5 8.0 36 43 36 56-------55---16 16 41 22 17 41 7 -29 21 -40 [ 16] APPENDIX TABLE 3. YEARS OF FARMING EXPERIENCE AS RELATED TO VEGETABLE ACREAGE ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Years of experience reported Vegetable acreage 0-9 Number 3 -- 10-19 Number 2 5 1 20 and above Number 8 2 0 Total Number 13 10 1 0- 4 5- 9 10-14 -- ------- 3 0 15-19 20 and above TOTAL-............. 0 1 7 0 5 13 3 23 36 3 29 56 APPENDIX TABLE 4. TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AS RELATED TO VEGETABLE ACREAGE ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Vegetable acreage Type of equipment reported Total Tractor 0- 4 ----------- -----------5- 9 10-14 15-19 20 and above TOTAL ...-. 1 Combination Mule Number 1 0 0 0 0 1 Other Number 1 1 0 0 1 8 number reporting Number 13 10 1 3 29 56 Number 11 9 1 3 28 52 tractor and mule equipment; includes one individual with no equipment. [17] APPENDIX TABLE 5. SUMMARY OF PRODUCTION PRACTICES FOR CERTAIN TRUCK CROPS ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Variety reported Planting dates, range atn Crop Name Per cent SedorFetlzioras Under crop plants per acre Analysis Average Range 4-10-7 4-10-7 4-10-7 Analysis Am. nitrate S. nitrate 6-8-8 4-10-7 5. nitrate Am. nitrate None 5. nitrate 5. nitrate Side Average 200 Range - 100-800 Cantaloupes Cucumbers Irish potatoes Pounds 950 1771 2133 Pounds 950-1500 1000-2200 1400-2800 Pounds Pounds SSweet corn Sweetpotatoes Turnips Watermelons Marketeer Bliss Triumph La Soda Pontiac Sebago Bantam Truckers Fav. Other Puerto Rican Purple Top Black 100 34 Feb. 25-Mar. 20 2.2 lb. Jan. 20-Feb. 257 550 550 233 150 10 28 28 10 18 18 64 100 56 11 11 11 11 400-600 500-600 100-300 100-200 Feb.25Mar. 20Oct. 12-Jan. 15 Feb. 20-Mar. 15 7 lb. 10,000 plants 1.5 lb. 1.0 lb. 4-10-7 4-10-7 4-10-7 4-10-7 668 1240 1300 1347 400-1200 800-2500 1000-1500 500-2000 Fla. Giant Congo Char. Grey Stone Mtn. Diamond2 2 250 200 100-400 100-300 2 Cannon Ball. ' Included field varieties. APPENDIX TABLE 6. SUMMARY OF PRODUCTION PRACTICES FOR CERTAIN TRUCK CROPS OF SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Row width' Rne Spacing in rows Ms Crop Most common Inches Inches 60-72 36-60 36-42 38-42 36-38 38 72-144 Rng costmang ag Inches 36-60 8-10 12-14 10 14 96 Inches 36-60 8-36 5-18 10-18 10-18 60-144 Cantaloupes-Cucumbers--Irish potatoesSweet corn --- Sweetpotatoes_ Turnips------ Watermelons- 60-72 42 38 38-42 38 38 100-144 APPENDIX TABLE 7. DISEASE AND PEST CONTROL MEASURES ON SAMPLE VEGETABLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Farmers reports on control measures Crop Usual control Eimn No Control Applica- eupent rpte Tractor Hand used controlmeasure made, on average eeded No. Cantaloupes___________________________ Collards Cucum bers No. 3 1 8 No. 2 4 ----------------- 0 0 7 Bightbugs Stinkbug Blight -----------------------------3 Plane, 3 2 Irish potatoes __________________________ 27 1 Sweet corn - Blight beetles Ear worm tractor Plane, tractor Plane 6 5 Sweetpotatoes_____________ 4 3 13 Turnips -----------------Watermelons-------------- 1 1 6 0 4 2 Blight Aphids Blight- -- 'Th materials used included DDT, dithane, and lindane. 2 Primarily spray equipment. APPENDIX TABLE 8. PEST CONTROL AS RELATED TO VEGETABLE ACREAGE ON SAMPLE FARMS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Vegetable acreage Cml-Reporting CumulaReporting tlve n tive control percent- control percentage age 2 4 0 2 27 15 40 67 93 62 I 11 6 1 1 2 21 85 60 100 33 Toarertn Toarertn Number Per cent Number Per cent Number Per cent 0-4 - - -- - - - - - - - 5-9 - - - - - - - - - - - 10-14 ----------15-19 --------- -20 and above ----- 7 38 13 10 1 3 29 56 100 100 100 100 100 100 TOTAL------I UI111 V3-----------------------------------. 35 [19] Al, A+"-