Research Update Research Update 1989 POULTRY FIRST IN POULTRY UPDATE SERIES This is the first poultry re- search report published in a new publication series, entitled "Re- search Update," inaugurated in 1989 by the Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station (AAES). The new series is meant to promote timely reporting of research results deal- ing with a specific crop or commod- ity, with distribution to all producers of that particular commodity. In this case, the target audience is all Ala- bama poultry producers. Today's highly competitive conditions make it doubly important that agricultural producers have available the latest scientific infor- mation. Publication of this new series is meant to help meet that need. Efforts will be made to maintain up-to-date mailing lists of each producer group so all Alabama producers will receive the appropri- ate report annually. For more information about poultry production and the latest recommendations, please contact your county Extension Service office. L ow Fat Feeds Reduce Leg Problems in Heavy Broilers High performance feeds that contain high fat levels support maximum rate of gain. However, such feeds also increase bird losses caused by leg problems. Omitting added fat from the feed and balancing nutrients at a reduced level have been advocated to relieve these losses. This approach has not been adopted commercially, however, because of the perceived threat of reduced growth, poorer feed conversion, and possible loss in meat yield. An AAES experiment exam- ined the effects of low fat feed on broiler males reared to 8 weeks of age. The feeds contained corn and soybean meal, adjusted to maintain a proper balance between protein and energy when the fat was re- moved. Omitting fat from the starter ration led to a reduction in body weightby 3 weeks of age, along with poorer feed conversion. Ex- amining the bones of the leg with an imaging device indicated that impending leg problems (i.e., tibial dyschondroplasia) were not as ap- parent with fat omitted from the feed. During the two subsequent 3- week periods, feed conversion con- tinued to be high, as shown by data in the table. However, the difference in body weight between treatments disappeared and the bone structure advantage from omitted fat contin- ued. All birds were processed, and various aspects of yield were meas- ured. Yield of whole chilled car- casses was not affected by the die- tary treatments. Each carcass was deboned utilizing standard commer- cial cuts. The proportion of parts and meat from the breast and thigh was similar, regardless of fat inclu- sion or exclusion from the feed. Overall results indicate that flocks intended for heavy weights Performance of Broiler Males Given High and Low Fat Feed 0-3 weeks 3-6 weeks 6-8 weeks Total fat BW 1 F/G 2 %TD 3 BW F/G %TD BW F/G %TD F/G High..... 1.80 1.69 8.0 5.06 2.15 30.6 6.85 2.65 27.4 2.16 Low..... 1.67 1.81 1.2 4.77 2.32 12.4 6.86 2.60 17.5 2.28 BW = body weight in pounds. 2 Pounds of feed per pound of gain. 3 Percentage tibial dyschondroplasia. AABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AuBuRN UNIVERSITY LOWELL T. FROBISH, DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA :f~: : ; ~i: .: :" I~ ::.:. : :.~-.~-;.. :.::j:.) ::::::::. ~~:i . _ . :I :;... :1::-:~;~ ~. : . ..~. . . and deboning for breast and thigh meat benefit from omitting fat from the feed. Final weight gain is not affected, while the potential for leg problems is reduced. Unavoidably, feed conversion suffers. However, since added fat is expensive, cost of gain should decrease. E.T. Moran, Jr., S.F. Bilgili, G.R. McDaniel, and J.E. Bartels Proper Feed and Water Withdrawal Improves Processing Efficiency Itis a common practice to with- draw feed and water from market age broilers priorto processing. This fasting period not only saves feed but, more importantly, allows emp- tying of the digestive system and facilitates automated evisceration in the processing plant. Broilerprocessors occasionally observe a high incidence of gastro- intestinal fragility (i.e., easily bro- ken and torn stomachs and intes- tines) during evisceration. Usually this fragility maybe explained by in- testinal diseases (such as coccidiosis and enteritis) or mycotoxicosis. Recent AAES research indi- cates that duration of feed with- drawal and sex of broilers can also have an impact on gastrointestinal breaking strength. Breaking strength measurements were made on sev- Better Fowl Cholera Vaccine The incidence of fowl cholera in Alabama and in the Southeast has increased in recent years. Many of the flocks with cholera had beenpre- viously vaccinated with attenuated vaccine strains of Pasteurella sp., a procedure thought to be easy and inexpensive. The contagiousness and resistance of the vaccine strains were evidenced by the development of cholera in birds 8-12 weeks of age, in houses where vaccinated eral regions (stomach and gizzard junction, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, and colon) of the digestive system of male and female broilers (49 days of age) that had been sub- jectedtovariousfeedandwaterwith- drawal treatments. The treatments included 0, 6,12,18, and 24 hours of feed withdrawal, with and without simultaneous water withdrawal. Tissue moisture levels were also measured during the experiment. In general, digestive systems full of ingesta (0 hours feed with- drawal) had the lowest shear values, indicating a greater likelihood of tearing during processing. Shear values increased with longer feed withdrawal times. Access to water during feed withdrawal did not af- fect the fragility. Overall, shear val- ues were higher for males than females. During feed withdrawal, tis- sue moisture levels were lower at 6 and 24 hours as compared to 12 and 18 hours. This observation supports the general hypothesis that feed withdrawal more than 12 hours before slaughter oftenresultsinmore liquid digestive contents and en- hances fecal contamination rate in the plant. These results suggest that properly managed feed and water withdrawal programs can mini- mize the likelihood of intestinal breakage and fecal contamination during commercial processing of broilers. S.F. Bilgili Needed in Alabama chickens had previously been housed. Conventional techniques of cleaning houses between flocks have not reduced the Pasteurella con- tamination. AAES studies were made to determine the role of the attenuated vaccine in the dissemination of fowl cholera. Eight-week-oldbroiler-type chickens were vaccinated in the wing web with a commercially available attenuated live fowl cholera vaccine. Nodulesdevelopedinthevaccinated wing web 5 days postvaccination, and by 15 days, 12 percent of the chickens died with symptoms com- patible with fowl cholera. Bacterio- logical isolation of Pasteurella sp. con- firmed the diagnosis. Three weeks postvaccination, 50 percentof the chickenswere show- ing signs of sickness, including diar- rhea, recumbent position, ruffled feathers, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Some of the vaccinates had enlargement of the wing joint adja- cent to the site of vaccination, and cyanosis of the skin on the area over the shoulder joint. Necropsy examination of sick chickens revealed that 30 percent had lesions characteristic of fowl cholera. The spleens were enlarged and often had white nodules. The livers were enlarged, congested,firm in consistency, and often contained small white spots. Lungs were al- ways enlarged and edematous and had areas of hemorrhages. The kid- neys were extremely enlarged and congested and showed multiple whitish focal areas. Chalky material was often found in the kidney area resembling gout. All remaining chickens were necropsied 35 days postvaccination, and Pasteurella of the vaccine serotype was isolated from 20 percent. The data obtained in these studies show that the vaccine strains of attenuated Pasteurella have re- tained a degree of virulence that can result in field problems. In order to induce immunity, the vaccine strain must have a minimum level of viru- lence to reproduce within the chicken and to maintain the necessary inva- siveness to make contact with the immunological system. During the process of reproduction and inva- siveness, it is apparent that some of the bacteria revert to a higher degree of virulence and this results in infec- tion of chickens. These resultsclearlyexplain the spread of cholera following vac- cination with attenuated vaccines, and especially the outbreaks that occur during stressful periods such as the beginning of the laying cycle. I . . . I Y~~UI\ULL UILU 1~~~~ ~VILLLUIUILHLIVII Because the vaccine strain serotype is also isolated from very young chicks, it appears that the vaccine strain is hardier than conventional strains of Pasteurella. It is apparent that new and better vaccine formulations are Matching Vaccine to Virus Controlling IBDV Despite advances in vaccine development and antibody deter- mination, infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) incidence and associ- ated disease problems still occur. In- fection with IBDV in young chick- ens produces atrophy of the bursae of Fabricius and immunodepression. Immunodepressive IBDV infections appear with increased frequency and severitydespite improved sanitation and hygiene and repeated IBDV vaccination. Immunodepression decreases vaccine efficacy and in- creases susceptibility of chickens to other infectious agents. One cause of increased IBD may be the varied subtypes of the virus that causes the disease. The objective of this AAES study was to determine how three IBD vaccines protectbroilersagainst infection with serological subtypes of IBDV. This study was the first to examine the efficacy of new live IBDV subtype vaccines against stan- dard and variant serologic IBDV isolates, thus generatinginformation for more effective control of IBD. Specific pathogen-free (SPF) broil- ers were used in the study. The efficacy of live vaccines against IBDV subtypes was deter- mined using 16 groups of 20 broilers per group. The design consisted of three vaccine groups and a nonvac- cinated (NV) group, each of which was challenged with one of three IBDV isolates. In addition, there was a non IBDV challenge group for each of the three vaccinated groups. needed by the poultry industry. The emulsified vaccines induce a good antibody response but they can also induce unacceptable side reac- tions such as arthritis. E.C. Mora Subtype Important in The challenge isolates were the Delmarva variant E, a standard se- rotype 1 (APHIS), and an untyped virulent isolate from Mississippi. The vaccines were a cloned stan- dard (CS) vaccine (Clone Vac-D78), a cloned variant (CV) vaccine (Bursa Vac IV), and a noncloned standard (NCS) vaccine (Bursine II). Vaccina- tion was at 10 days, challenge at 24 days, and necropsy examination at 31 days. A protection score (per- cent) was calculated for each group based on the percent of birds with normal size bursae of Fabricius. Results showed an average percent protection score against all three challenge viruses for the CS vaccine of 63, the CV vaccine of 68, and the NCS vaccine of 75. Results indicated efficacy dif- ferences among the three vaccines against the three challenge viruses. Although theNCS vaccine provided the highest overall protectionagainst the three IBDV, differences were small when compared to the other two vaccines. However, significant differences were evident in protec- tion scores of each of the three vac- cines against individual challenge viruses. Therefore, it is important to determine the predominant IBDV subtype in the field before selecting the vaccine to use. Results reported herein provide a rationale for select- ing efficacious vaccine programs in breeders and broilers once the domi- nant IBDV subtype in an area, com- plex, or farm is established. J.J. Giambrone j ALYAIUA r\~ -n~~LAI IIA1IA I I~ AU I. ~~~A - - -- ----T-- I Early Detection of TD Cuts Broiler-Breeder Losses Tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) is a common skeletal abnormality in rapidly growing broilers and tur- keys. Though not fatal, TD causes lameness and interferes with birds getting food and water. The end result is reduced efficiency or even death due to starvation and/or de- hydration. TD costs poultry pro- ducers millions of dollars annually in replacementbirds and much more in poor performance of surviving birds. The incidence of TD was stud- ied in broiler breeders reared under two nutritional-management regi- mens at the AAES: 0 Regimen 1. From 0 to 8 weeks of age, both males and fe- males were fed free choice a broiler diet similar to the one used by basic breeders (23 percent protein, 3,200 ME/kg). At 8 weeks the birds were changed to a developer diet of 18 percent protein and 2,900 ME/kg and placed on a restricted feeding program for the duration of the ex- periment. The amount of feed fed from 8 to 20 weeks of age was de- termined by the weight the birds needed to achieve breeder recom- mended body weight by 20 weeks of age. * Regimen 2. The same num- ber of birds as in regimen 1 were fed the same developer diet free choice from 0 to 3 weeks. Then, regulated amounts of feed were supplied from 3 to 20 weeks. TD was determined on the legs of the broiler breeders at 4, 7, 11, and 15 weeks of age using a Lixis- cope (imaging device). The percent- age incidence for male birds in regi- men 1 at these ages was 14, 20, 9, and 0 percent, respectively. Only 2 percent of the females at 7 weeks of age developed TD. None of the birds in regimen 2 developed TD. Peak incidence of TD occurred at 7 weeks of age; at 15 weeks of age none of the birds showed symp- toms of the disease. I I Though TD cannot be pre- vented by any known nutrients and reduced growth rate due to reduced feeding is not acceptable, the AAES study demonstrates that the disease can be detected early by using a Lixiscope. This will allow basic breeders to cull affected birds and reduce the incidence of TDby choos- ing only unaffected birds for their breeding programs. J. Wong-Valle, G.R. McDaniel, and J.E. Bartels Dried Whey in Withdrawal Feed Ineffective Against Broiler Salmonellae The percentage of broilers har- boring Salmonellae has been shown to greatly increase during live haul. This rapid cross-contamination can largely be attributed to fasting prior to catching, close contact in transit, C ell Surface Molecules Affect Productivity of Chickens As in all animals, cell surface molecules of chickens produced by the major histocompatibility com- plex (MHC) act as self-identification agents by which the species recog- nizes foreign substances. This mo- lecular recognition is the essential step by which the cells of individu- als generate immunity against for- eign invaders. Recent work on commercial broilers aided by well-studied lines of chickens maintained in the Au- burn Avian Immunogenetic Model (AAIM) reveals three new facts about the MHC genes: 1. Mutation is unusually high in one of the world's fastest growing and consumption of contaminated cecal droppings. Since access to feed may influ- ence retentionof consumed Salmonel- lae, initial research examined the sig- nificance of feed intake, before and after cooping, on the Salmonellae problem. Results indicated that feeding and fasting would influence the numbers of cells in the ceca at the expected time of processing. How- ever, the differences were small and threats to carcass cross-contamina- tion would continue to be substan- tial. Reducing the extent of Sal- monellae shedding prior to cooping would reduce subsequent contami- nation. Lactose in the feed is known to alter the cecal microbial popula- tion, increase the organic acid level of the contents, and reduce the pH. These changes are unfavorable to Salmonellae and can cause meaning- fulreductionsintheir concentrations. Dried whey is high in lactose, but its use is limited because of its cost and the adverse effects on performance. However, use of low concentrations of whey in the withdrawal feed was a possible option. broiler breeder lines and the struc- ture of the MHC genes of chickens is more complex than previously shown. Selection for rapid growth apparently accelerates mutation. 2. Rapid growth modifies the effect of MHC genes on the inci- dence of signs and symptoms of Marek's disease (MD); therefore, the effect of a certain MHC gene on a Leghorn x broiler cross is not the same as that in a purebred broilerline, see table. Thus, E the MHC genes do not act independently of other genes in the species. 3. MHC genes caus- MHC g ing high susceptibility to the growth of the tumors of MD, in contrast to those causing resistance, pro- SR duce faster body growth 'Sex in broilers. 2 R MI The AAES results previous A study at the AAES evaluated the addition of dried whey to with- drawal feed and its ability to reduce cecal Salmonellae after an oral dose of organisms. A probiotic providing an array of microbes compatiblewith the ceca was included to augment fermentation. Live performance was not af- fected by either of the feed additives or a combination of the two. The ceca were significantly affected (in- creased weight and expansion from entrapped gas) whenever whey had been incorporated in the feed, indi- cating that conditions unfavorable to Salmonellae had been induced. However, recovery of Salmonellae was similar, regardless of treatment. Based on these results, dried whey in withdrawal feed is consid- ered ineffective in Salmonellae con- trol because little relief from cross- contamination canbe expected. The increased cecal size created by whey is undesirable because of the in- creased likelihood of gut breakage during evisceration. E.T. Moran, Jr. and S.F. Bilgili show that MHC genes modulate and are modulated by the expression of other genes, identifying apparentre- ciprocating feedback loops with large effects on productionefficiency. The germ plasm resources in AAIM enable similar exploration of pro- ductivity through basic biological science into the future. L.W. Johnson ffect of MHC Gene on MD Incidence and Broiler Growth' MD incidence ene 2 oi Leghorn7-week body Broiler Leghorn weight cross Pct. Pct. Lb. MD 71 34 4.11 MD 73 90 4.40 es pooled. D = resistant to MD and S MD = susceptible to MD as ly proved in purebred Leghorns. I I I 1 I VII ~ * ,, ~VVI I tinn_ inrrp~sp thp nrp~nir ~ri~l Ipt I ~ ~I~V~~P I ,,,,,,, L1,,,,,,1,,, L,, Y,,,L,1 Large Particle Limestone Improves Calcium Solubilization by Laying Hens It has been hypothesized for several years that laying hens solu- bilize a higherpercentage of ingested calcium from large particlelimestone (LPL) than from small particle lime- stone (SPL). However, there was no scientific evidence to support this hypothesis until AAES experiments comparing the percentage of LPL and SPL calcium solubilized by lay- ing hens proved this theory was true. Solubilization of calcium from limestone is important because only the solubilized form is available for absorption in the digestive system of the hen. Increased solubilization of limestone by the hen means in- creased availability of calcium for the hen to absorb and to subsequently use in egg shell formation. During the studies, 3.75 g (grams) of SPL and LPL were intu- bated to two groups of laying hens. Solubilization and retention of cal- cium by hens were measured be- tween two consecutive ovipositions (24-26 hours). The LPL used in the study was 2-5 mm (millimeters) in diameter (pullet size) and SPL was 0.5-0.8 mm in diameter (fine granu- lar). More calcium was solubilized and retained in the body of the hen from LPL than from SPL, as shown in the table. The hens consuming LPL solubilized approximately 0.5- 0.8 g more than the hens consuming SPL. These results indicate that it is beneficial to substitute a large par- ticle calcium supplement, such as pullet-size limestone or oyster shell, for a part of the fine granular lime- stone used in the diet. Using large particle supplements in the laying hen diet decreases calcium solubili- zation from limestone and increases its availability for absorption by the hen. K.S. Rao and D.A. Roland, Sr. Delaying Change from Pullet Feed to Higher Calcium Layer Feed Reduces Performance of Hens Many egg producers have de- layed the transition from pullet to layer feed or have fed diets contain- ing an intermediate level of calcium until the average production of the flock was 5 percent. The justification for this method of feeding was that if layer calcium levels are fed too early, the higher calcium levels will sig- nificantly reduce feed consumption and adversely affect egg produc- tion. No data have been found which indicate that increasing feed intakeby feeding inadequate calcium will have any overall benefit on hen performance. However, there are data to indi- cate that incorrect timing of the transition from pullet to layer feed and feeding incorrect cal- cium levels will adversely affect hen performance. Results of AAES experiments indicated that delaying the transi- tion from pullet to layer feed until pullets had laid just 7 eggs increased feed consumption. The overcon- sumption had no beneficial effect on egg size, but the calcium deficiency did reduce egg specific gravity and bone strength. It was concluded that feeding early maturing pullets layer calcium levels did not reduce feed intake but that early maturing pul- lets fed inadequate calcium over- consumed in an attempt to obtain more calcium. When the transition from pul- let to layer feed was delayed until production was approximately 10- 15 percent, pullets consumed an average of 5 percent more feed and were 5 percent heavier at the end of the production cycle than pullets fed layer calcium levels starting at 2 weeks prior to the first egg. The in- creased feed consumption had no beneficial influence on egg produc- tion or egg size but did significantly reduce feed efficiency. The study illustrated the im- portance of properly timing the tran- sition frompulletto layer feed. Delay in providing the correct quantity of calcium to early maturing pullets will increase feed consumption, body weight, and liver fat, and will reduce egg shell quality, bone strength, and feed efficiency. The increase in feed intake will not increase egg size but will increase feed cost. Hens should receive the correct calcium level ap- proximately 10 to 14 days prior to the first egg and not after the first egg. D. A. Roland, Sr. Effect of Dietary Limestone Particle Size on Calcium (Ca) Solubilization in Laying Hens Ca available, Particle Ca solubilized Ca retained grams size by the hen by the hen Grams' Pct. Grams Pct. Trial 1 3.46 .......................... Large 2.75 79 2.54 73 3.75 ......................... Small 2.18 58 1.94 52 Difference .... .............. 57 .60 Trial 2 3.33....................... Large 2.79 84 2.26 68 3.75 ......................... Small 2.03 54 1.94 52 Difference ................. 76 .32 S1 ounce = 28 grams. Effects of Pre-production Levels of Calcium Feeding on Performance of Hens for 12 Months Calcium level fed, pct. Feed Bod 2 consumption/ Bodt Pullets Hens 2 hen/day weig Grams Lb. 1.0 3.75 115 4.0 1.7 3.75 113 4.1 3.7 3.75 110 3.8 'Fed until 15 percent production reached. 2 Fed for 12 months after 15 percent production reached. I I ill Mature and Immature Pullets Compared at Sexual Maturity Age at sexual maturity (pro- duction of first egg) is influenced by genetic background and envir- onment. Stimulation of hormone events required for egg production may have threshold requirements of age, body weight, and/or composi- tion (e.g., fat and protein). To deter- mine these requirements, differences between immature and mature broiler breeder pullets were exam- ined in AAES research. Pullets were raised on litter floors under standard management procedures and placed in cages at 18 weeks of age. The lighting schedule was: 23 hours light (L), 1 hour dark (D) at 1-day-old; 8 hours L, 16 hours D thereafter to 17 weeks; 9 hours L, 15 hours D from 18 to 19 weeks; and S upport Poultry Research Funds appropriated by the Alabama legislature provide the major financial support for Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion research. Hatch funds from the U.S. Government also represent an important funding source. Since these funds are limited, however, EDITOR'S NOTE Mention of company ortradenames does not indicate endorsement by the Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Station or Auburn University of one brand over an- other. Any mention of non-label uses or applications other than labeled rates of pes- ticides or other chemicals does not consti- tute a recommendation. Such use in re- search is simply part of the scientific inves- tigation necessary to fully evaluate materi- als and treatments. Information contained herein is available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. June 1989 6M Body and Organ Weights at Sexual Maturity VariableResult, by pullet maturity Variable Immature Mature Body weight, Ib.. ....... 5.3 6.1 Abdominal fat pad, grams'...... 52.1 80.2 Liver, grams........ .. ......... 56.7 83.9 Ovary, grams ........................ 1.5 45.4 Oviduct, grams ... ........... 6.8 98.9 Carcass with fat pad Fat, pct ................................ 15.1 17.1 Protein, pct ........... .............. 17.0 16.5 Liver Fat, pct .............................. 20.6 19.0 Protein, pct ........................ 17.1 15.9 11 ounce = 28 grams. 15 hours L, 9 hours D from 20 weeks to end of experiment. At production of the first egg, weights were taken of the egg, body, liver, ovary, oviduct, and abdomi- nal fat pad from mature pullets. Fat and protein contents of the carcass (including fat pad) and liver were determined. Similar measurements were made in paired immature pul- lets which lacked rapidly growing follicles. many areas of research would go unsupported except for financial support from various granting agen- cies, commodity groups, and other friends of the Experiment Station. Contributions of these supporters to the AAES programs of research are acknowledged with gratitude. Among these supporters of AAES research, the following are thanked for their contributions to "Alabm Agricututal xeien tto Auburn... University...Alaaa38902 Average age at pro- ductionoffirsteggwas 178 days. As shown by data in the table, live body weight and weights of the liver, ovary, and oviduct were greater in mature than immature pullets. How- ever, differences in body weightbetween immature and mature pullets were accounted for by weights of the reproductive organs (e.g., egg, ovary, and ovi- duct) of the mature birds. There were no differences in carcass fat orproteinbetween immature and mature pullets. Livers of immature pullets had a greater percentage of fat than those of mature pullets. With sexual maturity delayed by restrictive photoschedules in this research, results did not identifyany strict thresholds for body weight and composition for production of the first egg. J.A. Renden 1988-89 research in poultry science: * Agri-Bio Corp. * Alabama Poultry & Egg Assoc. * American Cyanamid Co. * Ethyl Corp. 0 Hoechst-Roussel (Agri-Vet Div.) * Hoffman-LaRoche * Ross Breeders, Inc. 0 Southeastern Poultry & Egg Assoc. * UpJohn Co. 0 USDA/ARS NON.... PROFIT............. .... ... .... ... .... E S. ...A I .. PERMIT...... No........ AUBURN...... A.. ..... I I I t,,:l,, t,,,~,,,,,ll,~, ,.,,,,,,,, I .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . I~Y I V I IL LI L ~ I U II~~LV ~~L- H ..........~~Y ~ -_----------uL - ---- uiuu------ul -u I RY---U~ LU~C~~ ~~~UUIIUL~UI~ ~