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Cultivating Agricultural Literacy: A Qualitative Exploration of Instructional Practices and Teacher Perspectives in Agricultural Education


Clemons, Christopher
McKibben, Jason
Hancock, Clare
Lindner, James
Ford, Jillian


Auburn University researchers explored how agricultural education teachers in Alabama equip students with the knowledge and vocabulary needed to navigate the world of agriculture. Researchers investigated teachers' instructional methods and how they assess student learning and connect literacy skills to overall understanding. The study found that agricultural education teachers leverage instructional techniques (Lindner et al., 2020; McKibben et al., 2022), including clear explanations, group work, and real-world projects, to introduce students to new agricultural concepts and terminology. While teachers expressed satisfaction with students' developing agricultural knowledge, a key component of agricultural literacy, they voiced frustration with a lack of emphasis on writing skills (Clemons et al., 2018). Researchers recommend incorporating more writing exercises to solidify student learning and encourage collaboration between teachers and administrators to develop best practices for fostering agricultural literacy. This study highlights the importance of effective learning strategies for future generations with the tools they need to understand and engage with the agricultural sector. Clemons, C. A., Lindner, J. R., Murray, B., Cook, M. P., Sams, B., & Williams, G. (2018). Spanning the gap: The confluence of agricultural literacy and being agriculturally literate. Journal of Agricultural Education, 59(4), 238–252. doi: Lindner, J., Clemons, C., Thoron , A., & Lindner, N. (2020). Remote instruction and distance education: A response to COVID-19. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 1(2), 53–64. McKibben, J. D., Giliberti, M., Clemons, C. A., Holler, K., & Linder, J. R. (2022). My ag teacher never made me go to the shop! Pre-service teachers’ perceived self-efficacy in mechanics skills change through experience. Journal of Agricultural Education, 63(3), 283–296.