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Valence and diffuse-bound anions of noble-gas complexes with uracil


Streit, Livia
Dolgounitcheva, O.
Zakrzewski, V. G.
Ortiz, J. V.
Ortiz, Joseph Vincent


Valence-bound (VB) and diffuse-bound (DB) anions of noble-gas (Ar, Kr, and Xe) complexes with uracil have been studied with ab initio methods. MP2 optimizations revealed minima corresponding to anions of both kinds in each case. Coupled-cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples, CCSD(T), and electron propagator single-point calculations were performed in order to assess vertical and adiabatic electron detachment energies of these complexes. Ab initio electron propagator calculations employed the outer valence Green’s function and partial third-order approximations, and the algebraic diagrammatic construction in third order. Basis set effects have been systematically examined. DB anions of all three complexes were adiabatically bound, with calculated adiabatic electron attachment energies below 0.06 eV. Corresponding vertical electron detachment energies were below 0.1 eV. As to VB anions, only the Xe complex had a positive adiabatic electron detachment energy, of 0.01 eV, with a corresponding vertical electron detachment energy of 0.6 eV. These computational findings are consistent with the interpretation of results previously obtained experimentally