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Intelliturk: Speech Intelligibility Perception Study Platform for Amazon Mechanical Turk

Metadata FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributorMarisha Speights Atkins, mls0096@auburn.eduen_US
dc.creatorSpeights Atkins, Marisha
dc.creatorLivio, Javier
dc.creatorTran, Bihn
dc.creatorWilloughby, Katherine E.
dc.description.abstractA web application, IntelliTurk, was developed using Microsoft .NET Technologies to investigate the difficulties listeners in the general population might encounter when listening to speakers from different speech disorder populations. The name IntelliTurk reflects the integration between our web application and Amazon Mechanical Turk. A special feature is the Direct Magnitude Estimation (DME) measurement tool provided to rate speech intelligibility that is configurable to capture the rating under three conditions: numerical, linguistic, or a combination of both. The web application has also been designed to be used independently from AMT by sending a participation link directly to a potential listener. The IntelliTurk platform is currently being expanded to facilitate other perceptual listening experiments.en_US
dc.subjectspeech disordersen_US
dc.titleIntelliturk: Speech Intelligibility Perception Study Platform for Amazon Mechanical Turken_US
dc.type.genreWeb Siteen_US

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