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An efficient auxiliary variable method for quantification of spin density, R2* decay and field inhomogeneity maps in magnetic resonance imaging

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dc.contributorStan Reeves, reevesj@auburn.eduen_US
dc.creatorHu, Chenxi
dc.creatorReeves, Stanley
dc.description.abstractQuantification of spin density, $R_2^*$ decay and off-resonance frequency maps is very important in some applications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To reconstruct these parameter maps, a time-varying model such as mono-exponentials must be used to represent the signal from each voxel. When only a single-shot trajectory is adopted, the underlying reconstruction problem is significantly nonlinear and therefore requires an iterative algorithm. The regularized trust region method previously proposed to address this problem is stable but lacks speed. In this paper, we propose a novel auxiliary variable method that is very efficient in solving the underlying optimization problem. This method introduces an auxiliary variable in the spatial-temporal domain that separates the data fidelity term and the structure fidelity term. The algorithm then alternately optimizes the data fidelity and the structure fidelity to reach the solution. The data fidelity optimization has a closed-form solution and can be solved very efficiently. The structure fidelity optimization fits the exponential model with the auxiliary variable and can also be rapidly computed. Some preliminary comparisons between the auxiliary variable method and the trust region method show that the new method is 10 times faster than the trust region method at a reasonable reconstruction precision.en_US
dc.format.extent4 p.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofIEEE Symposium on Biomedical imaging(ISBI 2015)en_US
dc.rights© 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.en_US
dc.subjectMagnetic Resonance Imagingen_US
dc.subjectAuxiliary variable methoden_US
dc.subjectVariable splittingen_US
dc.subjectImage reconstructionen_US
dc.titleAn efficient auxiliary variable method for quantification of spin density, R2* decay and field inhomogeneity maps in magnetic resonance imagingen_US
dc.type.genreConference Proceedingen_US
dc.description.statusIn pressen_US

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