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Data for: Multi-delay coherence imaging spectroscopy optimized for ion temperature measurements in the divertor plasma of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator 

Kriete, David M; Perseo, Valeria; Gradic, Dorothea; Ennis, David A; König, Ralf; Maurer, David A; the W7-X Team; 0000-0002-3657-2911 (2024-03-15)
A new coherence imaging spectroscopy (CIS) diagnostic optimized to measure the C2+ impurity ion temperature Ti spatial distribution in the divertor plasma of the W7-X stellarator is designed, tested, and validated. Using ...

Ar/TTIP dust cloud 

Ramkorun, Bhavesh; 0000-0001-9678-4118 (2024-01-23)

Ion acceleration inside foreshock transients 

Liu, Terry Z.; Lu, San; Angelopoulos, Vassilis; Lin, Yu; Wang, Xueyi; 0000-0003-1778-4289; 0000-0001-5533-5981 (2023-06-17)
Recent observations upstream of Earth's bow shock have revealed that foreshock transients can not only accelerate solar wind ions by reflection at their upstream boundaries but may also accelerate ions inside them. Evidence ...

The Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model 

Fok, M; Buzulukova, N; Chen, S; Glocer, A; Nagai, T; Valek, P; Perez, J; 0000-0001-9500-866X; 0000-0001-9843-9094; 0000-0002-2318-8750 (2023-01-31)
Simulation studies of the Earth's radiation belts and ring current are very useful in understanding the acceleration, transport, and loss of energetic particles. Recently, the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM) and ...

Large increase in dissolved inorganic carbon flux from the Mississippi River to Gulf of Mexico due to climatic and anthropogenic changes over the 21st century 

Ren, Wei; Tian, Hanqin; Tao, Bo; Yang, Jia; Pan, Shufen; Cai, Wei-Jun; Lohrenz, Steven; He, Ruoying; Hopkinson, Charles; 0000-0002-4840-4835; 0000-0003-2019-9603; 0000-0003-3811-2975; 0000-0002-1806-4091; 0000-0003-3606-8325; 0000-0002-7331-8322; 0000-0001-7920-1427 (2023-01-26)
It is recognized that anthropogenic factors have had a major impact on carbon fluxes from land to the ocean during the past two centuries. However, little is known about how future changes in climate, atmospheric CO2, and ...

Outflow from the ionosphere in the vicinity of the cusp 

Valek, P; Perez, J; Jahn, J.-M; Pollock, C; Wüest, M; Friedel, R; Moore, T; Peterson, W; 0000-0002-2318-8750; 0000-0002-1513-6096 (2023-01-26)
[1] Low-energy ion outflows from the ionosphere are known to be an important source of plasma for the magnetosphere. The objective of this study is to describe the spatial relationships between low-energy ionospheric ...

Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Fast Magnetosonic Mode in a Dipole Magnetic Field: 1-D Along the Radial Direction 

Min, Kyungguk; Liu, Kaijun; Denton, Richard; Boardsen, Scott; 0000-0001-5882-1328 (2023-01-26)
An electromagnetic particle-in-cell code is used to investigate self-consistent evolution of the fast magnetosonic mode in a one-dimensional configuration along the radial direction in a dipole background magnetic field. ...

Overlap of the plasmasphere and ring current: Relation to subauroral ionospheric heating 

Gurgiolo, C; Sandel, B; Perez, J; Mitchell, D; Pollock, C; Larsen, B; 0000-0003-4515-0208; 0000-0003-1960-2119 (2023-01-26)
The overlap of the ring current with the outer plasmasphere is thought to play a major role in storm-time related increases in the subauroral ambient topside electron temperature. Instabilities generated within the overlap ...

Global images of trapped ring current ions during main phase of 17 March 2015 geomagnetic storm as observed by TWINS 

Perez, J; Goldstein, J; McComas, D; Valek, P; Fok, M; Hwang, Kyoung-Joo; 0000-0001-9500-866X; 0000-0002-2318-8750 (2023-01-26)
A unique view of the trapped particles in the inner magnetosphere provided by energetic neutral atom (ENA) imaging is used to observe the dynamics of the spatial structure and the pitch angle anisotropy on a global scale ...

Equatorial Evolution of the Fast Magnetosonic Mode in the Source Region: Observation-Simulation Comparison of the Preferential Propagation Direction 

Min, Kyungguk; Boardsen, Scott; Denton, Richard; Liu, Kaijun; 0000-0001-5882-1328 (2023-01-25)
Recent analysis of an event observed by the Van Allen Probes in the source region outside the plasmapause has shown that fast magnetosonic waves (also referred to as equatorial noise) propagate preferentially in the azimuthal ...

TWINS stereoscopic imaging of multiple peaks in the ring current 

Perez, J; Goldstein, J; McComas, D; Valek, P; Buzulukova, N; Fok, M; Singer, H; 0000-0001-9500-866X; 0000-0002-2318-8750 (2023-01-25)
Global, ion equatorial flux distributions and energy spectra are presented from stereoscopic Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers (TWINS) 1 and TWINS 2 energetic neutral atom (ENA) images for two time periods, ...

Multi-Event Study on the Connection Between Subauroral Polarization Streams and Deep Energetic Particle Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere 

Califf, S; Zhao, H; Gkioulidou, M; Manweiler, J; Mitchell, D; Tian, S; 0000-0002-8800-2128; 0000-0001-8292-7691 (2023-01-25)
Energetic electron flux enhancements for 100s keV energies are often observed at low L shells (L < 4) in the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms. However, protons with similar energies do not penetrate as deeply ...

Multi-Event Study on the Connection Between Subauroral Polarization Streams and Deep Energetic Particle Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere 

Califf, S; Zhao, H; Gkioulidou, M; Manweiler, J; Mitchell, D; Tian, S; 0000-0002-8800-2128; 0000-0001-8292-7691 (2023-01-25)
Energetic electron flux enhancements for 100s keV energies are often observed at low L shells (L < 4) in the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms. However, protons with similar energies do not penetrate as deeply ...

Noble gas abundance and isotope ratios in the atmosphere of Jupiter from the Galileo Probe Mass Spectrometer 

Mahaffy, P; Niemann, H; Alpert, A; Atreya, S; Demick, J; Donahue, T; Harpold, D; Owen, T; 0000-0003-1896-1726 (2023-01-25)
The Galileo Probe Mass Spectrometer provided the first data on the noble gas mixing and isotope ratios in the Jovian atmosphere. These measurements and the comparison with solar values constrain models of Jupiter's formation. ...

Dipolarization fronts as earthward propagating flux ropes: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation 

Lu, San; Lu, Quanming; Lin, Yu; Wang, Xueyi; Ge, Yasong; Wang, Rongsheng; Zhou, Meng; Fu, Huishan; Huang, Can; Wu, Mingyu; Wang, Shui; 0000-0002-9511-7660; 0000-0002-4701-7219 (2023-01-25)
Dipolarization fronts (DFs) as earthward propagating flux ropes (FRs) in the Earth's magnetotail are presented and investigated with a three-dimensional (3-D) global hybrid simulation for the first time. In the simulation, ...

Increased nitrogen export from eastern North America to the Atlantic Ocean due to climatic and anthropogenic changes during 1901-2008 

Yang, Qichun; Tian, Hanqin; Friedrichs, Marjorie; Hopkinson, Charles; Lu, Chaoqun; Najjar, Raymond; 0000-0002-1806-4091; 0000-0002-1526-0513; 0000-0002-1526-0513; 0000-0002-7331-8322; 0000-0002-8689-2550; 0000-0003-2828-7595 (2023-01-25)
We used a process-based land model, Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model 2.0, to examine how climatic and anthropogenic changes affected riverine fluxes of ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and ...

Effect of continued nitrogen enrichment on greenhouse gas emissions from a wetland ecosystem in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China: A 5 year nitrogen addition experiment 

Song, Changchun; Wang, Lili; Tian, Hanqin; Liu, Deyan; Lu, Chaoqun; Xu, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Lihua; Yang, Guisheng; Wan, Zhongmei; 0000-0002-6553-6514; 0000-0002-1806-4091; 0000-0002-1526-0513; 0000-0002-6553-6514; 0000-0002-1526-0513 (2023-01-25)
Mounting evidence supports that wetland ecosystems, one of the largest carbon pools on the earth, are exposed to ample nitrogen (N) additions due to atmospheric deposition or N loading from upstream agricultural fertilizer ...

Solar cycle variation of plasma mass density in the outer magnetosphere: Magnetoseismic analysis of toroidal standing Alfven waves detected by Geotail 

Takahashi, Kazue; Denton, Richard; Hirahara, Masafumi; Min, Kyungguk; Ohtani, Shin-ichi; Sanchez, Ennio; 0000-0002-9565-6840; 0000-0003-1434-4456 (2023-01-25)
We study the variation of plasma mass density in the outer magnetosphere over a solar cycle using mass density estimated from the frequency of fundamental toroidal standing Alfven waves observed by the Geotail spacecraft. ...

Whistler anisotropy instabilities as the source of banded chorus: Van Allen Probes observations and particle-in-cell simulations 

Fu, Xiangrong; Cowee, Misa; Friedel, Reinhard; Funsten, Herbert; Gary, S; Hospodarsky, George; Kletzing, Craig; Kurth, William; Larsen, Brian; Liu, Kaijun; MacDonald, Elizabeth; Min, Kyungguk; Reeves, Geoffrey; Skoug, Ruth; Winske, Dan; 0000-0003-3117-4030; 0000-0002-7985-8098; 0000-0002-6817-1039; 0000-0002-5228-0281; 0000-0003-4515-0208; 0000-0001-5882-1328; 0000-0003-3117-4030; 0000-0002-5471-6202; 0000-0001-5882-1328; 0000-0002-4305-6624; 0000-0001-9200-9878; 0000-0002-4136-3348; 0000-0003-1991-2643 (2023-01-25)
Magnetospheric banded chorus is enhanced whistler waves with frequencies (r)<(e), where (e) is the electron cyclotron frequency, and a characteristic spectral gap at (r)similar or equal to(e)/2. This paper uses spacecraft ...

The Hall Electric Field in Earth's Magnetotail Thin Current Sheet 

Lu, San; Artemyev, A; Angelopoulos, V; Lin, Y; Zhang, X.-J.; Liu, J; Avanov, L; Giles, B; Russell, C; Strangeway, R; 0000-0001-8054-825X; 0000-0003-1639-8298; 0000-0003-2357-4851; 0000-0002-7489-9384; 0000-0001-9839-1828 (2023-01-19)
One of the most important properties of Earth's magnetotail thin current sheet (TCS) is that its current is predominantly contributed by magnetized electrons. The Hall electric field, normal to the TCS and generated by ...

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