Browsing College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 85
Effects of tropospheric ozone pollution on net primary productivity and carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems of China
We investigated the potential effects of elevated ozone (O-3) along with climate variability, increasing CO2, and land use change on net primary productivity (NPP) and carbon storage in China's terrestrial ecosystems for ...
Epigenetics in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation
Epigenetic variation is often characterized by modifications to DNA that do not alter the underlying nucleotide sequence, but can influence behavior, morphology, and physiological phenotypes by affecting gene expression ...
Evaluating water stress controls on primary production in biogeochemical and remote sensing based models
Water stress is one of the most important limiting factors controlling terrestrial primary production, and the performance of a primary production model is largely determined by its capacity to capture environmental water ...
Fabrication and characterization of a triple functionalization of graphene oxide with Fe3O4, folic acid and doxorubicin as dual-targeted drug nanocarrier
A novel triple functionalized drug delivery system was synthesized by encapsulation of superparamagnetic graphene oxide (GO) and doxorubicin (DOX) with folic acid (FA) conjugated chitosan (CHI). The carrier exhibited a ...
Field evaluation of synthetic lure (3-methyl-1-butanol) when compared to non odor-baited control in capturing Anopheles mosquitoes in varying land-use sites in Madagascar
Background: Malaria is the 4th largest cause of mortality in Madagascar. To better understand malaria transmission dynamics, it is crucial to map the distribution of the malaria vectors, mosquitoes belonging to the genus ...
Genetically determined fungal pathogen tolerance and soil variation influence ectomycorrhizal traits of loblolly pine
Selection on genetically correlated traits within species can create indirect effects on one trait by selection on another. The consequences of these trait correlations are of interest because they may influence how suites ...
Global Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Pasturelands and Rangelands: Magnitude, Spatiotemporal Patterns, and Attribution
The application of manure and mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer, and livestock excreta deposition are the main drivers of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in agricultural systems. However, the magnitude and spatiotemporal ...
Global Pyrogenic Carbon Production During Recent Decades Has Created the Potential for a Large, Long-Term Sink of Atmospheric CO2
Fires play an important role in the terrestrial biosphere carbon cycle, not only through direct carbon release but also contributing to a potential long-term storage as pyrogenic carbon (PyC). PyC is formed through fires, ...
Global Pyrogenic Carbon Production During Recent Decades Has Created the Potential for a Large, Long-Term Sink of Atmospheric CO2
Fires play an important role in the terrestrial biosphere carbon cycle, not only through direct carbon release but also contributing to a potential long-term storage as pyrogenic carbon (PyC). PyC is formed through fires, ...
Heavy Precipitation Impacts on Nitrogen Loading to the Gulf of Mexico in the 21st Century: Model Projections Under Future Climate Scenarios
While spatial heterogeneity of riverine nitrogen (N) loading is predominantly driven by the magnitude of basin-wide anthropogenic N input, the temporal dynamics of N loading are closely related to the amount and timing of ...
High Throughput Screening of Elite Loblolly Pine Families for Chemical and Bioenergy Traits with Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) dominates 13.4 million ha of US southeastern forests and contributes over $30 billion to the economy of the region. The species will also form an important component of the renewable energy ...
Identifying Plant Part Composition of Forest Logging Residue Using Infrared Spectral Data and Linear Discriminant Analysis
As new markets, technologies and economies evolve in the low carbon bioeconomy, forest logging residue, a largely untapped renewable resource will play a vital role. The feedstock can however be variable depending on plant ...
The Impact of Drought and Vascular-Inhabiting Pathogen Invasion in Pinus taeda Health
The complex interaction of various biotic and abiotic factors may put the overall stand health of Pinus spp. at risk. A study was designed to determine the combined impact of drought and vascular-inhabiting fungi (Leptographium ...
Wood pyrolysis oil consists of hundreds of complex compounds, many of which are phenolic-based and exhibit hydrophobic properties. Southern yellow pine was impregnated with a pyrolysis oil-based penetrant using both a high ...
Improving Representation of Crop Growth and Yield in the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model and Its Application to China
To accurately assess the roles of agriculture in securing food security and maintaining environmental sustainability, it is essential to improve the representation of crop growth, development, and yield formation in global ...
Increased light-use efficiency in northern terrestrial ecosystems indicated by CO2 and greening observations
Observations show an increasing amplitude in the seasonal cycle of CO2 (ASC) north of 45 degrees N of 56 +/- 9.8% over the last 50 years and an increase in vegetation greenness of 7.5-15% in high northern latitudes since ...
Increasing Mississippi river discharge throughout the 21st century influenced by changes in climate, land use, and atmospheric CO2
Previous studies have demonstrated that changes in temperature and precipitation (hereafter
climate change) would influence river discharge, but the relative importance of climate change, land use,
and elevated atmospheric ...
Incubation Conditions Are More Important in Determining Early Thermoregulatory Ability than Posthatch Resource Conditions in a Precocial Bird
Recent research in birds suggests that investing in incubation
is one mechanism by which parents can enhance the phenotype
of their offspring. Posthatch environmental conditions can also
shape an individual’s phenotype, ...
Individual-based modeling to project viability of gopher tortoise populations under alternative management scenarios: A case study with two Alabama Wildlife Management Areas
Population projection models are applied tools for considering the potential effects of land and population management alternatives. Incorporating spatially explicit processes and individual dynamics into these models can ...
Integrating a process-based ecosystem model with Landsat imagery to assess impacts of forest disturbance on terrestrial carbon dynamics: Case studies in Alabama and Mississippi
Forest ecosystems in the southern United States are dramatically altered by three major disturbances: timber harvesting, hurricane, and permanent land conversion. Understanding and quantifying effects of disturbance on ...