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Browsing College of Agriculture by Subject "Soybean -- Diseases and pests -- Control"

Now showing items 1-4 of 4

Degree-Day Maps for Management of Soybean Insect Pests in Alabama 

Herbert, D. Ames (David Ames), 1949-; Mack, T. P.; Reed, Russell Bruce, 1950-; Getz, Rodger (1988-03)

Management of Diseases on Cotton and Soybean, 1999 

McLean, Kathy S.; Gazaway, William S. (2000-03)

Research Supported by Alabama Soybean Producers : a summary of 1982 results 

Weaver, David B.; Walker, R. Harold; Backman, P. A.; Rodríguez-Kábana, R.; Mack, T. P. (1983-09-07)