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Browsing College of Agriculture by Subject "Silage"

Now showing items 1-9 of 9

Caley pea silage and Johnson hay in the ration of dairy cows 

Kelley, W. B.; Smith, L. A.; Hawkins, George E. (George Elliott), 1919- (1955-06)

Corn, soy bean pastures, tankage, cotton seed meal for fattening hogs 

Gray, Dan T.; Ridgway, J. W.; Eudaly, E. R. (1911-02)

Performance of silage varieties 

Hoveland, C. S.; Evans, E. M. (Emerson M.), 1921-; Patterson, R. M. (1962-03)

Performance of sorghum silage varieties 

Hoveland, C. S.; Evans, E. M. (Emerson M.), 1921-; Patterson, R. M. (1963-06)

Silos and silage 

Negley, N. A. (1914-04)