1991 Annuai Report Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Auburn University A S~ Contents Foreword 1991: A Big Year for Agricultural Research Financial Report Directors Award Winners Administrative Officers Alabama's poultry industry continues to grow, and along with growth comes waste disposal challenges, which AAES researchers are striving to meet. James E. Martin, President Paul F. Parks, Vice President for Research Lowell T. Frobish, Director David H. Teem, Associate Director Russell B. Muntifering, Associate Director Charles W. Bruce, Assistant Director This report was produced by the Office of Re- search Information: J. A. McGuire, Interim Head J. R. Roberson, Associate Editor C. L. Smith, Associate Editor T. E. Rodriguez, Art Designer The information contained herein is available to all regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. On the cover: Ol fNt ATI p f U AND RTS ) L' < y H rg r uo foreword In the 1990 Annual Report of the Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES), reference was made to the significance of the year 1991. Reading the year 1991 forward or backwards, the numbers are the same, but the symbolism is different. If read from right to left, we could look backwards to the security of the past, or left to right and see the challenges of tomorrow. The faculty and staff at Auburn chose to read it from left to right and accepted the challenges presented in 1991. The year 1991 commenced with the looming uncertainties of National and State economies. Shortly after January 1, our bud- gets were prorated due to lower than expected tax revenue and the challenge to continue to produce with less funds confronted the faculty. On January 15, Operation Desert Shield be- came Desert Storm. Faculty and staff were called to active duty; thus, placing another speed bump in the path of research. As 1991 progressed, many more speed bumps appeared, but we continued to survive. In some of our sister states, declining budgets led to the release of valuable personnel. How- ever, Auburn University was able to retain its faculty--thanks to the faculty's resourcefulness. In looking back, 1991 should be known as the "Year of the Faculty" in honor of their dedication, resourcefulness, ingenuity, and positive spirit. To accommodate the decline in appro- priated research funds, faculty submitted and received a record high number of extramural grants to support their research programs. Fac- ultyjoined together in research teams and shared their equipment and technical support with each other. Joint research ventures were initi- ated with industry, resulting in additional funds to support research, and also in the use of industries' facilities and equipment and the transfer of equipment to Auburn University. During 1991, we moved into a much needed greenhouse complex. This complex pro- vides a greenhouse with a totally controlled environment which is needed to answer the complex questions facing agricultural and for- estry production in the state. This facility pro- vides modern laboratory space for investiga- Lowell T. Frobish. Director tions in plant stress, biological control, and the genetic engineering of plants. The faculty's concerns about environ- mental quality issues increased. Alabama has bountiful water traversing its rivers, streams, and underground aquifers, which studies show could be harvested and stored in times of plenty to be used later for irrigation of our crops. Investigations continued on converting by-prod- ucts such as poultry litter, hardwood tree spe- cies, and paper refuse, which are often referred to as "wastes," into useful products that will enhance production and improve environmen- tal quality. Dr. William Davies was selected as the Butler-Cunningham Eminent Scholar, a position that deals with environmental issues. The Task Force presented their final report to the AAES. Faculty are using this report to identify goals and specific objectives that will ensure that the AAES's research program is responsive to the needs of the State today and tomorrow. Ultimately, the plan will provide a blueprint for identifying the many opportunities available to us in the future. This annual report presents many sig- nificant accomplishments of our research pro- grams. Despite the obvious benefits of this research, it is not easy to glean from it the resourcefulness required for the faculty to achieve these accomplishments. Their re- sourcefulness epitomizes the belief that the only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way you use them. In 1991, faculty and staff found ways to increase the number of stepping stones! 1991: A Big Year for Agricultural Research The formal announcement of AU Lean? sau- sage at a press conference in New York City on July 24, 1991 focused national and international attention on Auburn's research program. Few achievements have focused such positive public opinion on the University, the Agricultural Ex- periment Station, and agriculture in general. Though other research accomplishments at Au- burn may equal, even exceed, AU Lean, few have captured the interest and support of the general public as much as AU Lean. From a scientific standpoint, the release of genetically altered carp into ponds near the Auburn campus marked a dramatic break- through. These tiny fingerlings, which include in their genetic makeup one extra gene that pro- duces growth hormones, were the first such fish cleared for release into outdoor ponds. These transgenic carp will provide a model for genetic development that could someday produce farm- raised channel catfish of uniform size, with greater disease resistance and the ability to overcome many environmental hazards that currently plague commercial production. The development of a robot that can "see" and "feel" bedding plants offers tremendous poten- tial for the State's nursery industry. If it can be made cost effective, this robot could help pro- ducers overcome a shortage of seasonal work- ers and eliminate long hours of tedious human labor required to transplant bedding plants from growth cells into flats. Environmentally, one of the State's biggest challenges is to find profitable, yet nonpolluting methods of utilizing litter from Alabama's dy- namic poultry industry. One method being tested by Auburn researchers involves using litter in combination with waste paper, which is also a vital environmental concern, as a soil amendment. Initial results of placing shredded paper and poultry litter in shallow trenches, covering the trenches, then growing cotton look promising. The awarding of a $300,000 National Insti- tute for Health grant to Auburn researchers could provide some longterm answers to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in infants whose mothers consumed alcohol during pregnancy. Research- ers are exploring how cells perceive extracellular signals to move information across the cell mem- brane and into the cell nucleus to affect gene expression. While a complete summary of research re- sults by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station isn't possible due to space limitations, the following is representative of the work being done by scientists at Auburn. f .f if Ii" svU IL ri McDonald's use of AU Lean ground beef in their new Mclean Deluxe sandwich brought national attention to Auburn University. The development of genetically altered bacteria Xanthomonas campestris, which was reported in the 1990 AAES Annual Report, began paying research dividends in 1991. In this research, scientists included genes from a fish bacterium which have the ability to produce light, much like a firefly, into the genetic code of Xanthomonas bacteria. Researchers determined that the bacte- ria, which causes black rot in crucifer crops, can survive for short periods on plant debris and in the soil in the absence of a host crop. Using the "glow-in-the-dark" bacteria, researchers also established that the bacteria grow as well on the surface of resistant as on susceptible plants without causing disease symptoms. The use of latex microbeads for assay- ing avian antisera for the immunization re- sponse following vaccination was a significant development for AAES researchers in 1991. Latex microbeads were coupled to different viruses and were then used to perform agglu- tination tests with specific antigens. This proce- dure reduces time necessary to get results of the test and lowers cost to less than 10 cents per test. The sensitivity and specificity of the tests are comparable to other immunoassays used in the poultry industry When sensitive strains of photosyn- thetic bacteria are subjected to herbicides, such as atrazine or terbutryn, they respond by synthe- sizing specific proteins which researchers be- lieve play a role in nontarget damage by these pesticides. Some of these proteins are the same as those produced by the plant during heat stress, but as AAES researchers found, some are specific to herbicide stress. Researchers determined that one pro- tein, a 55kDa, is common to sensitive and atrazine-resistant strains of bacteria. AAES researchers also determined that a simular pro- tein is found in both the cytoplasm and the membrane of these bacteria. If future research confirms this finding, it will mark the first time a major stress protein has been identified in the membrane, and will provide invaluable informa- tion in the quest to characterize herbicide-resis- tant plants. One of the newest groups of mycotoxins of concern in agricultural products is the fumonisin group. Mycotoxicologists have had little success in producing antibodies to fight these toxins. However, AAES researchers have succeeded in adapting methodology used to de- velop monoclonal antibodies to combat ergot alkaloids that cause fescue toxicity in cattle grazing fungus-infected fescue to develop "good" antibodies to fight fumonisin toxins. Auburn researchers now have two dif- ferent monoclonal antibodies, called Mabs, to fumonisin toxins. The Mabs have been suc- cessfully used to detect the presence of these compounds in agricultural products. How successful introduced wildlife spe- cies and other organisms in their environment are at finding mates and raising offsprings is critical to improving populations of some game species in Alabama, especially quail. A tech- nique developed by researchers may help wildlife biologists to analyze breeding success of these animals under natural conditions. A number of techniques have been tested, but the most positive findings have re- sulted from amplification and analysis of a sec- tion of an element known as Mys. These elements are short segments of DNA that occur hundreds of times in the chromosomes of some verte- brates. Because of the repeated nature of these segments, they tend to harbor numerous muta- tions, which often are unique to individuals or families. Once multiple copies of segments are produced, several procedures can be used to examine the resulting fragment pattern. These patterns are termed PCR fingerprints and are comparable to the more widely known DNA fingerprints that have been used successfully with humans. Researchers are currently testing this procedure in Alabamawith two introduced popu- lations of quail and white-tailed deer. A catfish industry advertising campaign, financed by a voluntary $6.00 per ton checkoff on feed, demonstrated the economic effective- ness of the campaign by estimating an eight- equation econometric model that links con- sumer awareness of the advertising messages to consumer perceptions of catfish attributes, attitude, and purchase frequencies. In its first year, the ad compaign in- creased consumer awareness of farm-raised catfish 15 percent, improved consumers percep- tions of product attributes (flavor, fishy odor, and nutrition) and overall attitudes for catfish 2- 4 percent, and increased purchase frequencies for at-home and restaurant consumption 11-12 percent. The increased consumer demand for catfish was estimated to have generated up to $11.04 million in additional farm income in 1988, a net return of up to $7.46 per media dollar invested. Aflatoxins are carcinogenic compounds that are metabolic products of the molds As- pergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. The presence of these potentially deadly carcinogens in food products has become a worldwide con- cern, and many governments have reduced al- lowable tolerances for aflatoxins to as low as five parts per billion. Peanut producers in Alabama are extremely concerned about this, since afla- toxin contamination is a sporadic, but wide- spread problem for State growers. Hot and dry conditions are conducive to the development of A. flavus as well as lesser cornstalk borers, a frequent insect pest of pea- nuts. The larval stage of this insect feeds on peanut pegs and pods, and it has been impli- cated as contributing to the establishment of aflatoxigenic fungi in peanuts. Laboratory and field tests by Auburn researchers showed that propagules that pro- duced aflatoxigenic fungi were found in the frass (droppings) from about 29 percent of field-col- lected lesser cornstalk borer larvae and inside 9 percent of field larvae. Contamination of pods was positively correlated with damage from lesser cornstalk borer feeding. Contamination with aflatoxigenic fungi declined in plots treated with an insecticide aimed at controlling the lesser cornstalk borer. The symptoms of bacterial infection are largely produced by substances called endo- toxin, which are released from bacteria. Auburn researchers are using sheep as a model for cattle to investigate the effects of endotoxin on the release of hormones regulating growth, repro- duction, lactation, and stress. The data indicate that hormones regulating growth in sheep are released by endotoxin treatment, similar to the response in humans, and reproductive regula- tory hormones were found to be inhibited. Future efforts will focus on the mecha- nism for the endotoxin-induced release of hor- mones regulating growth. Generally, evidence The link between lesser cornstalk borers and aflatoxins in peanuts may lead to new production Jr methods. A , suggests that products from immune system cells are released by endotoxin which, in-turn release or inhibit the secretion of specific hor- mones. Since USDA researchers have shown that some of these hormones may protect against the effects of endotoxins (such as fever), one result of studies at Auburn may be the develop- ment of a means to use some of these hormones as an aid in the treatment of bacterial diseases. Alabarnians 'I u-luc i lunti 1 An estimate of the economic value of wildlife is needed in Alabama because previous economic evaluations dealing with hunting have considered only the impact of gross expendi- tures. By calculating the total value of hunting in the State, wildlife decision-makers are better equipped to make more informed decisions re- garding wildlife management and hunting policy and land use planning. Experiment Station research showed that resident hunters value their hunting op- portunity in Alabama more than non-residents. This information could prove useful in future hunting license pricing because it would enable Alabama wildlife administrators to optimize so- cial welfare derived by State residents through "their" wildlife resources and profits associated with hunting. The average value that hunters placed on having a license in hand was $716, more than double that of nonresidents. Also, the average price resident hunters were willing to pay to buy a yearly hunting license, $155.09, exceeded that of nonresidents by $107. The difference in willingness to buy and sell stems from the fact that hunters feel assured a license may be purchased. But, if one could not be readily obtained, its value would be quite high. Obviously, the current license price of $15 annually is considered by hunters to be quite a bargain. These values do not mean that a hunting license is underpriced, but that Ala- bama has high quality and valuable wildlife resources. Bovine somatotropin (BST), a new tech- nology capable of enhancing a cow's ability to produce milk by 7 -23 percent, is expected to be available for commercial use soon. Auburn researchers determined the potential impact of BST on the size distribution of dairy farms. A three-equation econometric model was estimated to test hypotheses about the role of information and human capital in the adoption decision. Results indicate a positive link between farm size and farmers' knowledge of BST and intentions to adopt early in the diffusion process. These results suggest that BST will likely accel- erate the trend toward fewer and larger dairies in the Southeast. Other results suggest that adop- tion will be rapid. For example, 40 percent of the respondents indicated they would try BST immediately upon availability, although most (82 percent) would apply the hormone initially to only a portion of the herd. Only 8 percent indicated they would never use the product. Strong differences in perceptions of risks were found to exist between community leaders and the general public in Sumter County, Ala- bama, site of the nation's largest hazardous waste landfill. According to an Auburn study, community leaders generally viewed hazardous waste as a relatively minor local issue and a minimal threat to their community. The general public was far less convinced by the company's assurances and viewed the facility with alarm. Local leaders typically downplayed short- and long-term risks associated with hosting the land- fill, placing greater emphasis on the positive economic impact of jobs and tax revenues. Local residents identified hazardous wastes as a more significant problem which posed an immediate threat to their communities. The question of differential perception of risk has important policy implications. There is mounting evidence that poor, rural, and minority communities are being targeted as disposal sites for solid and hazardous wastes. In such com- munities, fiscal pressures facing local govern- ment officials and limited opportunities for eco- nomic growth available to rural and small town business leaders provide a powerful incentive to attract industry and jobs, even if these entail possible environmental risks. The case of Sumter County raises the fundamental question of balance between un- derstandable desires to promote economic growth and equally powerful concerns regarding pro- tection of environmental quality. Failure to adequately identify and address these concerns creates an atmosphere of distrust within which hard choices become all the more difficult. Litter an Environmental Threat A significant portion of Alabama's bil- lion dollar a year poultry industry is geographi- cally concentrated in the Sand Mountain region of northern Alabama. Broiler production in the region generates enormous amounts of waste, primarily as litter. If managed properly litter can provide a source of fertilizer for crops and pas- r 4 An AAES survey shows Alabama dairy farmers are knowledgeable about BST and many are willing to use it on their dairy cattle. tures. However, in the Sand Mountain region it has been applied to relatively small areas of agricultural soils which are shallow to bedrock, sloping, and permeable to water and dissolved constituents. The combination of disposal prac- tices and soil characteristics may be creating a potential for deleterious effects in soils due to leaching and/or accumulation of litter released nutrients and heavy metals. Thus, a study was conducted in the Sand Mountain region to deter- mine the potential impacts of long-term land application of broiler litter on environmentally related soil properties. Results point to significant leaching of nitrates to or near bedrock under littered soils. Phosphorus accumulated in littered soils to a depth of 22 inches. Accumulations in the soil of copper, potassium, magnesium, and calcium also were observed with long-term litter applica- tion. Research Aids Rare Plant Clematis socialis, commonly known as the Alabama leather flower, is facing extinction, and is known to grow at only three sites in the State. However, in 1991 AAES researchers found some of the reasons its reproduction is limited and may be able to devise a management strategy to boost reproduction of these plants in the State and keep populations vigorous and healthy. Field research at the AAES indicates seed output of the rare plant can be boosted by spraying it with insecticides. Researchers also found that natural levels of pollination do not produce maximum seed set, and additionally, that mice destroy many of the seeds. Deep-Placed Potassium Doesn't Pay Interest in the potassium nutrition of cotton has recently increased in the Southeast due to increasing reports of late season potas- sium deficiency symptoms. One proposed meth- ods of correcting this deficiency in cotton is by deep placement of a narrow band of potassium fertilizer under the cotton row. Studies were conducted for three years at the E.V. Smith Research Center and Tennes- see Valley Substation, and for two years at the Prattville Experiment Field to evaluate cotton response to the deep placement of potassium. Deep placement treatments were achieved using a dry fertilizer applicator that applies fertilizer at depths of 6 to 16 inches behind a subsoil shank. At the E.V. Smith Research Center and the Tennessee Valley Substation no consistent yield responses were observed for the deep placement treatments. A yield response to deep placement of potassium was obtained at the Prattville Experiment Field, but a greater yield response was obtained by applying the same rates of K as a surface broadcast application. Results from this series of field tests suggest that, for cotton, deep placement of potassium was not superior to surface broadcast applications of potassium fertilizer. Forest Planting Trends A survey of timber-owning companies in Alabama showed that half of them replant every acre harvested. Those who did not replant 100 percent cited economic reasons. The replanting effort devoted to reestablishing plantations rose from 21 percent of all acres in 1985 to 38 percent in 1990, and that number is expected to rise to 53 percent by 1995. The frequency of use of site preparation methods changed slightly from 1985 to 1990. In 1985, chop and burn was the most commonly used method, but by 1990 it dropped to number 3. Chemical site preparation was number 3 in Research is bringing the Alabama leather flower back from near extinction. M i 1)t 1985, but rose to number 1 in 1990. The most intensive and expensive method -shear, rake, pile, and burn - was number 2 in 1985 and 1990, indicating a continued use of highly mechanized site preparation methods. Pine \cOtiie, LKxpiU:le Planting of pine trees on land in the Federal Conservation Reserve Program has been a popular land-use practice in the past years. However, unexpectedly high mortality of seed- lings on some sites has been a problem. Research showed that mortality of seed- lings on these abandoned agricultural fields was associated with: (1) root feeding insects such as white grubs and white fringe beetles, (2) root pathogenic fungi such as Fusarium and Macrophomina with possible interactions with several species of nematodes, and (3) presence of a plow pan may exacerbate these biotic stresses during dry years. Herbicides used in past agricultural production of soybeans, and those used to control herbaceous competitors during pine establishment were not responsible for mortality observed. ?Mly tbr Winiter Forage Overseeding winter forages into bermudagrass sods is a common practice in the Southeast to improve forage quality, to extend the grazing period, and to add nitrogen to the soil in the case of legumes. However, research has shown that Ally@, a recently registered herbicide for control of Pensacola bahiagrass, has poten- tial to persist in soil long enough to cause re- cropping problems to sensitive plant species. Ally is registered for use on bermudagrass at 0.011 pound of active ingredi- ent per acre, but rates used in these studies were one and one-half and three times this rate. Few problems were encountered when overseeding these winter forage species after the application of Ally at 0.032 pound active ingredient per acre as late as July 15, and for two consecutive years. Tibia dyschondroplasia (TD), a debili- tating disease of chickens, cost Alabama's poul- try industry millions of dollars annually in loss of birds and loss of productivity. Researchers at Auburn have used a Lixi Scope, an atomic powered portable x-ray device, to detect TD, and subsequently segregated chicks into high inci- dence and low incidence breeding groups. In 1991, 35 percent of third generation chicks in the high incidence group developed TD, while only 5 percent in the low incidence group had the disease. These findings demon- strate that TD can be dramatically reduced by selective breeding of birds with a genetically low inclination for the disease. Alahbana Forest S irvev A survey of over 700 forest owners in the State revealed that income from timber sales, keeping land in the family, and apprecia- tion of beauty are the three primary benefits gained from owning timberland. More than one half of the owners questioned have harvested timber, planted trees, or undertaken some other forest management activity in the recent past. While a majority of those surveyed characterized themselves as politically conser- vative, they indicated support for regulating or controlling forest management practices where necessary to protect environmental values such as endangered species habitat and wetlands. Responses to a forestry knowledge quiz in the survey indicate that owners lack basic knowledge about forests and forest manage- ment techniques. About one half of the respon- dents gave incorrect replies to each of the 10 true/false questions. Herbaceous weed control has become an accepted practice by forest managers through- out the South. In the search for inexpensive and effective herbicides, considerable interest has been directed toward imazapyr, the latest herbi- cide registered for silvicultural purposes. Imazapyr (Arsenal) was tested at four rates (0.1, .2, .4, .8 pounds of active ingredient per acre), on three application dates (late fall, winter, and early spring), and at eight locations (three planted to slash pine and five to loblolly pine). Though it suppressed height growth of slash pine, especially with the early spring ap- plications, little damage was detected for the late fall and early winter applications indicating that imazapyr can be used safely on slash pine in preplant and site preparation situations. Loblolly pine was more tolerant than slash pine to imazapyr demonstrating no signifi- cant damage even at the highest rates. Weed control improved with increasing rates of imazapyr and spring applications pro- vided better weed control than fall or winter applications. It provided exceptional control on established Panicum spp. and also demonstrated that poor height growth occurred when herbi- cides were applied concurrent with a late-season planting of pine. The value of effective weed control in planted Coastal Plain slash pine plantations was demonstrated, where two years of broadcast weed control following planting increased 7- year-old pine volume by 705 cubic feet per acre (130 percent) and basal area by 38 square feet per acre (86 percent). Mean tree dominant height was 38 feet with weed control compared to 21 feet for the untreated check. Much of the competing vegetation on the weed control treatment had recovered by age 7 with bare ground averaging 47 percent for two years of broadcast weed control, compared to 25 percent for the check. The large response at this location is indicative of the loss of potential growth due to competition on bedded and fertil- ized Coastal Plain sites. Hardwood forests in Alabama are under increasing demand for wood products and are highly valued for other uses as well. Managing these forests for specific uses such as wood production or game habitat is generally more complex than managing pine stands, primarily because a wider diversity of species (with varied ecological characteristics and values) is involved. Basic information regarding the estab- lishment and development of hardwood seed- lings, especially high quality oaks, under varied conditions was obtained in 1991. Group selec- tion harvests, creating openings ranging from 3/ 4 acre to 3 acres, have been highly successful in providing for the establishment of large numbers of cherrybark, water, and willow oak seedlings. Researchers discovered that timing of the har- vest is an important factor in improving oak establishment success in areas where it has been a problem. The cuttings must be timed to provide release to the current year's new seedlings before they die in the dense understory shade. Reestablishment of harvested pine stands requires some form of site preparation. Current reforestation practices favor the inten- sive use of mechanical equipment that results in a loss of ground cover, can reduce site productiv- ity, and cause soil erosion for years. Herbicides provide an alternative site preparation technique that does not contribute to erosion; however, there is some concern that these chemicals may produce adverse impacts on nontarget organ- isms, especially in adjacent streams. Stream ecologists at Auburn, working with the Southern Forest Experiment Station, evaluated the effect of one chemical, hexazinone, the active ingredient in Velpar?, on the aquatic life in small streams on the treatment sites. This herbicide is currently registered for noncropland and right-of-way use and is being used for site preparation by the forest industry. Two small watersheds (178 and 237 acres) in the upper Piedmont of Alabama were treated with Velpar, one treatment as a pelleted form and one in a liquid form. An adjacent watershed (301 acres) served as the control. Each watershed was drained by a small first- order stream. All three watersheds were clear- cut during 1988 and 1989, and in 1990 Velpar was aerially applied at a rate three times higher than any previous studies. Aquatic invertebrates were apparently insensitive to Velpar because no direct toxicity effects were detected. Among invertebrate com- munities few differences were measured among the three streams in total number of different species, number of intolerant forms, or species Weed control proved vital in slash pine tree plantations in Alabama's coastal plain region. diversity. No indirect effects were measured either, because shifts in community structure were not evident. Fish communities exhibited low diversity in all streams (e.g., only eight differ- ent species). No differences in fish density or diversity were detected among the streams fol- lowing application of Velpar. Catfish Disease Vaccine Currently, vaccinating channel catfish is not a routine procedure, however, current research at Auburn is making it more practical. Specifically, researchers have developed a method to vaccinate commercially grown catfish against enteric septicemia, which is a deadly bacterial disease of catfish. Fry and fingerlings can be vaccinated by immersing the fish in a solution of bacteria killed with formalin. Also the bacterial cell can be broken and divided into several different compo- nents. One of these components is a protein, called an immunodominant "protein" that is responsible for producing immunity to Edwardsiella ictaluri in the fish. Catfish can be immunized by immersing the fish for two minutes in either the whole cell preparation or the "protein" fraction. Fish that are vaccinated with the "protein" develop immu- nity in about 4 weeks; however, a second booster vaccination is important to obtain a highly pro- tective immunity. By vaccination with the immunodominant "protein" mortality of infected fish was reduced by over 50 percent. Salinity Affects Shrimp, Fish Shallow coastal waters, especially estu- aries provide key nursery habitat for many spe- cies of marine fish and shellfish that are of economic importance. Larvae or juveniles enter shallow nursery habitats during their growing season and then move into marine habitat as adults. A recent study indicates salinity is the major physical factor affecting distribution and abundance, followed by water transparency. As part of the two-year study, research- ers collected all the fish and shellfish from within 259 small areas that were blocked off with nets in Weeks Bay in the Mobile Bay Estuary. Biological information (zooplankton and bottom fauna) and physical information (water depth, clarity, bottom type, temperature, and salinity) were also recorded at each site. The researchers collected over 46,000 fish (57 species) and 4,800 shrimp (seven species). As expected, most were juveniles. Ultrasound Carcass Evaluation The carcass characteristics of27 market barrows and 27 market gilts were evaluated at various times with real-time ultrasound (Aloka 210 DX) from approximately 44 pounds until slaughtered at three endpoints. The hogs were randomly assigned to a slaughter weight group of 200, 220, and 240 pounds at weaning time. The accuracy of ultrasound longissimus muscle area prediction was lower for 240 pound hogs than the two lighter groups, whereas the accuracy for prediction of last-rib fat was lower for 200-pound hogs than the two heavier groups, as indicated by higher absolute differences. Last-rib fat and longissimus muscle area tended to be over-estimated and tenth-rib fat tended to be under-estimated by real-time ultrasound. Prediction of last-rib fat by ultrasound was more accurate for gilts than barrows as indi- cated by a larger absolute difference. Muscle score and ultrasound last-rib fat were highly related to the USDA Grade as shown by a high correlation between USDA Grade and Ultra- sound USDA Grade. Salt content of Mobile Bay estuary waters is the prime physical factor affecting shrimp populations. k ,1Oir0 A, C1Cu LV qCjiUnUiLii r iSii The commercial value of many orna- mental fish is dependent on good coloration. The source of color pigments is a group of compounds called carotenoids. In Auburn tests, three commercial sources of carotenoids were added at various concentrations to a nutritionally complete diet made from commercial ingredients and fed to cherry barbs (Barbus titteya) and tiger barbs (B. tetrazona) in a recirculating system for four weeks. A red extract from pepper fruits, con- sisting primarily of capsanthin, at 200 p.p.m. in the feed provided the most intense pigmentation in cherry barbs, better than that provided by a yellow extract from marigold flowers, which contained mainly lutein, or canthaxanthin, a red synthetic pigment used to enhance color in salmon flesh. A combination of capsanthin (200 p.p.m.) and lutein (200 p.p.m.) was best for the tiger barbs, followed by capsanthin alone, then lutein. The best coloration provided by these supplemental pigment sources was equal to or superior to coloration developed by fish grown in ponds. Newspaper Mats for Plants Research indicates that 10 sheets of newspapers can be used as a capillary irrigation mat to successfully water and grow plants. Newspaper used as capillary irrigation mats breakdown rapidly when composted. The use of newspaper capillary irrigation mats and subse- quent composting conserves water and nutri- ents and reduces runoff in the environment during production and reduces the disposal problem of newspapers in our environment. In Auburn research, comparable plant height and area, flowers per plant, and plant quality were obtained with potted chrysanthe- mums irrigated with an overhead hose, com- mercial fiber irrigation mat, and the newspaper mat. Jl.i~gct-0 1' f-Oul i- Lii I Omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids have become a focus of considerable research because of the health benefits derived from them, reduction in risk from cardiovascu- lar disease, cancer, and immune disorder. Currently, the only commercial source of these fatty acids is the oil of certain marine fish, which is viewed as a limited source. This has prompted a search for alternate sources of these nutritionally important fatty acids. Researchers at Auburn have discov- ered a fungus that has the potential for produc- ing substantial quantities of one such fatty acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). AU scientists also developed a method for greatly enhancing EPA production. New AU Watermelons Disease is a major factor limiting pro- duction of watermelons in Alabama. Gummy stem blight, anthracnose, and Fusarium wilt are three of the most serious diseases, causing reduced yields of melons in certain fields in Alabama. Although satisfactory control of gummy stem blight and anthracnose may be accomplished with the proper application of organic fungicides during normal weather con- ditions, no control measure is effective during periods of high humidity and high rainfall. The discovery that certain plant intro- ductions were resistant to gummy stem blight and race 2 anthracnose led to development of multiple disease resistant breeding lines that produce high yields of excellent quality fruit. This research resulted in the 1991 release of AU-Golden Producer and AU-Sweet Scarlet va- rieties that are resistant to gummy stem blight, Fusarium wilt, and anthracnose (Colletotrichum laginarium race 2). Both melons are superior to current varieties of their type in yield, quality, and dis- ease resistance. And, taste tests indicated the edible quality (color, texture, and taste) was higher in AU-Golden Producer and AU-Sweet Scarlet than in other varieties of their types. Scab, a fungus disease, is the most destructive and widespread disease of pecans. Cultivars vary greatly in susceptibility, and ge- netic resistance is a primary goal in breeding and selection of potential new cultivars for humid locations. Scab occurrence was rated on 63 pecan clones at five locations in Alabama in a year of high disease incidence. Locally selected clones of seedling origin, Deakle's Special, Dixie, and Gafford, were entirely free of scab symptoms on both nuts and leaves from unsprayed trees. Advanced USDA selections 70-3-34 and 70-2-9 had low scab incidence. These findings suggest the possibility of development and release of new pecan cultivars with a much greater tolerance to this destructive disease. As a result of development of scab resistant cultivars, chemical spraying of pecans may be reduced dramatically, with savings to the farmer and less risk to the environment. M uIlli - ;; ..... Summer yellow crookneck squash re- search at the E.V. Smith Research Center indi- cates that aluminum colored plastic mulch may be an ideal color to use as a cultural practice method to maximize total summer squash yield. In addition to discouraging light-sensitive, dis- ease-causing insect pests, controlling weeds, conserving fertilizer and moisture, and elevating plant temperature, the aluminum plastic boosted squash yields by two to three fold over those produced on other color mulches. Research results also have shown that different colors of mulches have a definite effect on yield, growth, and development of a specific plant species or family of species. These research findings allow the user of the materials the option of tailoring a specific color of mulch to the appro- priate species to attain maximum yields. Al-auiiir's Apparel Intc strv Alabama is one of only two major ap- parel producing states in the U.S. that did not lose a sizable portion of its apparel employment in the last decade. The economic health of the textile/apparel industry is critical to the rural revitalization of the State since the industry, with over 100,000 workers, is located in every county in Alabama. When over one-fourth of all retailers in the U.S. are in financial difficulty, there is a compelling need for Alabama apparel producers to develop partnerships with strong, financially healthy companies (retailers, suppliers, and other apparel producers); identify new market niches and distribution channels; and position them- selves to deliver an increasingly varied mix of quality products in an ever-shorter time frame. Education and training are keys to being able to accomplish all three of the above listed needs. While many of Alabama's apparel produc- ers are too small to have well developed education and training programs, the researchers have utilized the concepts of networking to develop and promote training options for a more qualified work force. Innovative education and training approaches are being developed to team apparel firms, local community or technical colleges, AAES researchers, and economic development officials from the State. Research may lead " : I to scab-resistant I /\ pecan varieties. The development of biological based foliar fungi- cides continued during 1991. Formulations were developed that allow control on several unrelated hosts and at levels approaching that of the best commercially available fungicide on tomatoes and potatoes. Research has identified a protocol that allows for selection of biocontrol bacteria that prosper on a wide range of host plants. Bacteria identified through this protocol when combined with amendments, provided control of early blight of potato and tomato near equal to that of Bravo@ in field trials. Excellent control of Septoria leafspot, bacterial speck, and bacterial spot of tomatoes also was confirmed. Biological control projects included the selection and use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for control of cotton seed- ling and peanut root rot diseases, both funda- mental and applied in nature. Researchers have selected one strain which provided seedling disease control superior to the best synthetic chemical pesticide at five Alabama test sites. Researchers also identified a number of qL r ^ a :i ~ 66F i Biological fungicides provided disease protec- tion for tomatoes and potatoes comparable to the best available commercial fungicides. 'r i 4r, %Wtv PGPR that induce cucumbers, normally suscep- tible to anthracnose, to be systemically resistant. These bacteria survive in the rhizosphere and, by an as yet unidentified signal, induce systemic resistance. Unlike other induced resistance re- search, there is no necrosis of host tissue in- volved in the induction, even though the same pathogenesis related proteins are involved in the resistant reaction. Induction of these proteins has provided resistance against a broad spec- trum of plant pathogens, including viruses, bac- teria, and fungi. This research suggests that farmers could use bacterial seed inoculants to induce these crops to be resistant to diseases. Decisin: Over 40 million Americans change resi- dences each year. This large number reflects the fact that the average American moves 14 times over the course of his or her lifetime. The decision to move is affected by a wide range of factors, though most are job-related, research at Auburn identifies some noneconomic variables that are related to the migration decision-making process for men and women. Results indicated that for women, will- ingness to move to another community was predicted by, the willingness to take a better job that required moving, having held a number of different jobs in the past ten years, dissatisfac- tion with their current community, less resi- dence stability (less likely to be home owners and fewer years lived in a current home and state) and currently living in a larger rather than smaller community. In contrast to the number of variables that predicted willingness to move, only the likelihood of actually looking for a new job within the next two years predicted the intention to move for women. The findings indicated that men who were willing to consider moving to another com- munity for a better job, had held a number of different jobs in the past ten years, and did not live in a close proximity to most of their relatives were more willing to consider moving to another community. Only community dissatisfaction predicted the intention to move within the next two years for men. The physiology of newborn pigs is simi- lar to that of human infants in many respects. Experiment Station researchers have taken ad- vantage of this in studies designed to determine the type of fat that is best to use in infant formula. Fish oils and some seed oils, such as canola oil, contain omega-3 fatty acids, and small amounts of this type of fat is present in breast milk. Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to play an essential role in the developing eyesight of in- fants, and thus, nutritionists have proposed that a source of these fatty acids be added to infant formula. Omega-3 fatty acids also have the poten- tial to serve as therapeutic agents in combating respiratory disease in the newborn. In respira- tory disease, excessive amounts of compounds called eicasanoids are produced by the lungs. In a recent Auburn study, the relationship between dietary omega-3 fatty acids and lung eicosanoid production was studied in newborn pigs. When formula containing fish oil or canola oil was fed to pigs during the neonatal period, production of eicosanoids in the lungs was reduced in compari- son to pigs fed formula containing corn oil or coconut oil. One eicosanoid, thromboxane A 2 m, causes narrowing of the airways in the lungs; thus, inhibition of this eicosanoid by omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil or canola oil could be beneficial to the infant. Iron Supplement for P In swine research at Auburn, 12 litters of pigs were treated with either 100 milligrams iron dextran or 50 milligrams iron dextran at three days of age. Half of the pigs given 50 milligrams also were given oral iron free choice. Pigs receiving 50 milligrams of iron dextran had lower packed cell volume than pigs receiving 100 milligrams, while oral iron had no effect on packed cell volume. There was no treatment effect on pre- or post-weaning weight gains, however, there was a trend for more variation in weight gain for pigs given oral iron. The results demonstrate the necessity of 100 milligrams of iron dextran for prevention of anemia in young pigs. However, the effects of anemia on performance are reduced with ad- equate environmental conditions. Mycoplasma gallisepticum and M. synoviae induced respiratory infections and subsequent production losses continue to plague the poultry industry. Accurate diagno- Baby jormulas containing fatty acids from fish oil or canola may be beneficial to infants. sis of mycoplasmal infections is difficult due to spurious serologic reactions and the emergence of antigenically variant strains. Auburn researchers have developed a monoclonal antibody-based test system to over- come confusing serological responses caused by the presence of cross reacting antigens. This immensely improved specificity of the test re- sults. Two agglutinating monoclonal antibod- ies, each specific for M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae, were conjugated to protein A contain- ing Staphylococcus aureus (Cowan Strain 1) and used in a rapid coagglutination assay. Coagglutination procedures have been used successfully in the identification and clas- sification of a number of bacterial pathogens. In contrast to Sepharose and latex particles used previously to immobilize and amplify the agglu- tination reaction, staphylococcal protein A is advantageous because it permits the proper ori- entation of the antibody molecules. Staphylococ- cal protein A possesses four highly homologous regions comprised of approximately 60 amino acids that bind selectively to the Fc region of the immunoglobulin molecule. The reaction enables orientation of the antigen-binding (Fab) parts outwards. The avail- ability of monoclonal antibodies that have an affinity to protein A, concomitant with the speci- ficity for conserved antigens of M. gallisepticum and/or M. synoviae, makes these reagents ide- ally suited for the rapid and specific diagnosis of M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae infections in poultry. Johnsongrass With ,itaI nt i I ieavV Johnsongrass has been recognized as a good emergency feedstuff for several years. In addition, it has been used as a good hay source. However, little is known with respect to continu- ous grazing ofjohnsongrass. Therefore, research was initiated to determine what stocking rate is optimal for continuously grazing johnsongrass and to evaluate what effect stocking rate has on forage utilization. An 18-acre pasture was seeded with johnsongrass (25 pounds per acre) on May 16, 1990. The field was irrigated from a waste lagoon just prior to planting and again on June 14, 1990. On June 21, 1990, 30 medium-framed, crossbred steers were assigned to six different paddocks of varying sizes (five steers per pad- dock). This provided stocking rates of 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 steers per acre. Average initial weight was 490 pounds. After 42 days, 60 additional cattle were added (10 per paddock) and left for 14 days, then removed. After 70 days, the trial was terminated as a result of dry weather resulting in inadequate amounts of forage. Because the stand ofjohnsongrass had been established the previous summer, re- searchers were able to start at a much earlier time in 1991. In April, 60 pounds of N per acre was applied and on May 17, 48 medium-framed, crossbred steers were assigned to the six pad- docks (eight steers per paddock) to provide stock- ing rates of 2.4, 3.2, and 4.0 steers per acre. Average initial weight was 491 pounds. The duration of the trial was 87 days. The two-year study indicates john- songrass will withstand continuous grazing of 2.5 steers per acre (initial weight - 500 pounds). If grazing begins in early to mid-May, one can expect 80 days of grazing or more. However, animal performance in August and September is quite low when forage quality is limiting. Altering protein ' " -I I " intake and using Compudose? improved steer efficiency in AAES tests. Steer Gain A study conducted using 48 crossbred beef steers showed that the rapid period of growth following feed restriction could be fur [her improved by altering dietary protein intake and implantation with Compudose0 . Initially, steers were limit-fed a 35 per cent concentrate diet to gain 2.2 pounds per day. during a 66-day restriction period. At the end of this period. one-half of the steers were im- planted with Compudose and all were fed 80 percent conc'entrate diets containing 9, 12. or 15 percent cnde protein (CP) for 56 or 98 cays. Results showed that dietary protein intake affected the average daily gain (ADG) of steers only during the first 14 days of compen satory growth. with steers fed 12 and 15 percent CP gaining faster than steers fed 9 percent CP. These early changes in ADG resulted in steers fed 9 percent CPweighing less than steers fed 12 or 15 percent CP on days 56 and 98. In contrast to dietary protein. Compudose increased ADG from cays 2 1 to 56, plus compensatory growth. which resulted in the implanted steers weighing more on days 56 and 98 than nonimplanted steers. Carcass data obtained from steers slaughtered on days 56 and 98 showed that additional time on feed increased hot carcass weight. ribeye area. backfat thickness. and yield grade. Quality grade vas not affected by the additional days on feed. with all cattle grading Select. Feeding diets containing 12 or 15 per cent CP improved carcass characteristics com- pared to 9 percent OP only during the first 56 days on feed. Compudose had no effect on carcass characteristics on cay 56 and 98. Al though carcass characteristics were improved with the additional time on feed, ribeyc steaks from cattle on feed for 56 days were as accept able as steaks from cattlc on feed for 98 days. based on taste panel evaluations for flav or inten- sity. juiciness, and overall acceptability. Alabana Airicultural Experiment Station Report of Revenues For the fiscal year ending Septeher 30. 1991 60 2 1,; O-d 50 40 - 30I ~ 2' (, -- Totl Revenues Total Revenues S21:1 7 Fcdeiil Sl~lIC Pivate Contracts and Grants lie rdihi Si vices and 0er ll " i Auxiliary Revenues L)irector s Research Awards Research Awach Award and Dr. David Stringfellow, as- sociate professor in the Department of Animal Health Research, was the recipient of the junior level Director's Research Award. The Director's Research Awards are given annually to reward career research achievements by scientists at the professor level, often referred to as the Senior Award, and associate and assis- tant professor level, often called the JuniorAward. Each award includes a $10,000 grant from the Agricultural Experiment Station, which can be used at the scientist's discretion to further his or her research efforts. Paul A. Backman In addition to being a former winner of the Junior Director's Research Award, Backman is internationally recognized as one of the world's foremost soybean and peanut pathologists. In recent years, his research has centered on bio- logically-based fungicides used to control a wide range of disease pathogens that attack many fruit, vegetable, and agronomic crops. Backman gained national recognition for his pioneering work in identifying soybean stem canker. His work on epidemiology and control by either resistant varieties or chemicals has saved soybean producers throughout the South mil- lions of dollars. The Auburn researcher was also instrumental in developing AUSIMM, the first of its kind interactive soybean integrated pest management computer consultant. Despite his innovative work with soybeans, Backman is best known for his work with peanut diseases. In pioneering research with biological control, he demonstrated that seed treatment t r with the bacterium Bacillus subtilis could de- crease damage from Rhizoctonia solani increase Rhizobium nodulation, increase root mass, and improve soil, water, and nutrient utilization by peanuts. This work resulted in the development of the commercial biological product Quantum 4000, which is the first plant growth promoting seed inoculant registered for use. David A. Stringfellow Stringfellow, who conducts research in the Department of Animal Health Research in the School of Veterinary Medicine, came to Auburn in 1980 with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to work on a regional brucellosis program. While working on the project, he earned a masters degree in epidemiology and microbiology, which later became the primary focus of his research on the epidemiological aspects of bovine embryo transfer. Since joining the Auburn faculty in 1984, Stringfellow has established one of only two laboratories in the world that are devoted prima- rily to the study of embryo-pathogen interac- tions. He is best recognized for studies on the potential for spread or control of the transmis- sion of Brucella abortus through embryo transfer. This research has led to development of a num- ber of primary cell lines from bovine embryos and one from an ovine embryo. These cell lines are the first, and only, ones of their kind from these mammalian species. His diligent work has led to an international effort to establish the use of embryos as the safest method of transporting embryos worldwide. Stringfellow's pioneering work also has played a key role in the continued expansion of markets for bovine embryos in the United States.