%Av 1 9 9 0 A N N U A L R E P 0 R T E X P E R I M E N T A U BU RN U N I VERS IT Y -~r 4/ 4 -A i N r, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS O F '? s James E. Martin, President L'''". Paul F. Parks, Vice President for Research Lowell T. Frobish, Director David H. Teem, Associate Director Russell B. Muntifering, Associate Director Charles W. Bruce, Assistant Director R. E. Stevenson, Assistant Director The information contained herein is available to all regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. This report was produced by the Office of Research Information R.E. Stevenson, Editor and Assistant Director J.R. Roberson, Associate Editor C.L. Smith, Associate Editor T.E. Rodriguez, Art Designer CONTENTS FOREWORD . 4 EXPERIMENT STATION RESEARCH WAS UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT IN 1990 . 5 PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS BENEFIT FROM 1990 EXPERIMENT STATION RESEARCH...........................................10 OUTLYING RESEARCH UNITS PROVIDE DIVERSITY FOR RESEARCHERS .................................................................. 24 REPORT OF REVENUES .................................................................. 25 DIRECTOR'S RESEARCH AWARD .................................................................. 26 rI if r 4 J 4 1 1 s Visitors tour wetlands project at the Sand Mountain Substation in Crossville. On the cover... Vegetable production is increasing in the State, as Alabama growers seek alternatives to marginally profitable row crops. The use of plastics, as shown here in plots at the E.V. Smith Research Center, has proven valuable in production and in providing marketing flexibility for vegetable crops. ,I FORE ORD Poultry Sct provide sp tion is ne search fac physiolog ment, bic fish prod The new year will be filled with many challenges and oppor- tunities for each of us. Just the number of the year, 1991, is interesting - whether reading forward or back- ward, it is the same. We can read from right to left and look backward to the security of the past or left to right and see the challenges of to- morrow. Sometimes, looking back to past program goals, decisions, or accomplishments helps to define the Lowell T. Frobis Director AAES route for the future. impact wo tion contii In the 1988 Annual Report of the Alabama crease, pa Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES), the estab- countries lishment of a Task Force was discussed. The Task becomes rr Force was challenged to look at Alabama's agricul- as U.S. col ture, forestry, and related agribusiness industries in the Un and to help the AAES to establish a research pro- visiting an gram to enhance the profitability and sustainability ment of lu of these industries in the future. It is evident that scientific ir agriculture, forestry, and related agribusiness are ment, to us important to the future development of the State's purposes, economy. The Task Force's final report will be leading to available in early 1991, but enough information has base. already been gleaned to initiate the development of specific research programs. Er tinue to be Also in the 1988 report, renovation and Proper wa construction of new facilities were discussed. In late developme 1990, construction of a new greenhouse complex tion will I was started. The old greenhouses will be removed few restri and a Life Sciences Building erected in their place. agricultur This will be a modern facility to enhance the biotech- awareness nology effort in the Colleges/Schools of Agriculture, tion for w Sciences and Mathematics, and Forestry. Poultry sumers wi facilities have been renovated to provide the neces- water usaE sary environment for much needed poultry disease research. In addition, the continued development of TI the poultry facilities has provided Alabama with the tunities av best poultry research facilities in the Southern Re- producers gion. Faculty have used their ingenuity to increase accept th the utilization of crowded space in research on their tear 4 various agricultural problems. beyond 19 ill needed, however, is a new Animal and ience Building and a Forestry Complex to ace for current and future needs. Renova- eded to provide modern and safe re- :ilities, to enhance programs in plant y and growth, integrated pest manage- logical control, food science/safety, uction and disease, and many other important areas. Programs have been developed and imple- mented that will provide di- rection for the future. This report highlights but a few of the important research find- ings of the past year. Some of the results have immediate ap- plication, whereas others lay the foundation for future de- velopments. The diversity of AAES programs is evident. Enough for the past - what will agriculture be like in the next century, which is less than 10 years away? , The shift from government- owned and controlled pro- h, duction systems to a free mar- ket and global economy in socialistic nations will greatly orld agribusiness. As the world popula- nues to grow, demand for food will in- rticularly in the developing third world until their agricultural productivity more sustainable. Global demands as well nsumer attitudes will impact production nited States. People have dreamed of d living in outer space for years. Develop- nar bases provides new opportunities for nvestigation of the moon and its environ- se the materials of the moon for beneficial and to conduct research and development a self-sufficient and self-supporting lunar ivironmental quality issues will con- at the front of everyone's list of concerns. ste management is needed, else further nt of livestock, poultry, and fish produc- be constrained. Alabama currently has ctions on water use and discharge in al production. However, increased about water quality factors and competi- rater use between industries and con- 11 likely result in new restrictions on ge and effluent release. hese are but a few of the many oppor- 'ailable to us in the future. Scientists, legislators, and other citizens will e challenges presented and continue m effort to address the challenges 91! EXPERIMENT STATION RESEARCH WAS UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT IN 1990 Each year research results from the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station are reported in a number of outlets. A system of publications dating back to the 1880's provides detailed results of various research projects. Crop updates and variety reports give more timely information on specific crops. A long-established system of reporting in general farm and crop specific magazines and in weekly and daily newspapers in the State keeps Experiment Station research constantly in the news in both rural and urban areas of the State and region. The Experiment Station, because of the new and innovative work done by re- searchers at Auburn University, is often in the national news. However, 1990 was a special year - one in which several Experi- ment Station projects : made national and in- ternational news. In ' addition to State and ? national television, " newspapers, and mag- azines, Experiment Station research was shown on West Ger- man television, the Micro-injection of genetically British Broadcasting at the E.V. Smith Research Ce of the bacteria within the cal Company, Canadian Broadcasting Company, Finnish television, and the Cable News Network and reported in USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, and the London Times. A altered nter in bbage In April of 1990, researchers conducted a field test at the E.V. Smith Research Center near Shorter. In this test, researchers in- jected cabbage plants with Xanthomonas bacteria that were genetically altered to contain a light producing gene from a small fish found in the Pacific Ocean. The bacteria, which is technically known as Xantho- monas capestris pv capestri, causes black rot in cabbage, cauli- -N flower, and other related vegetable bacteria into cabbage plants crops. The bacteria Shorter and (inset) movement occurs commonly in plant. Alabama and through- out the United States, but does not cause disease problems in any other crops. Researchers pointed out that the bacteria is not aggressive in nature, and noted that in greenhouse studies, it was difficult to infect plants with the recombinant version of Xanthomonas. The gene donor in the recombinant virus was Vibrio fischeri, which is found in certain small marine fish. These fish contain a light producing f"" lux gene, which functions much like lightning bugs or fireflies do. Since this type light is not common in the soil, when it occurs, it allows scientists to easily track it in either plants or the soil. The research team, which included horti- culturists, plant pathologists, and microbiologists, successfully tracked the movement and spread of black rot in cabbage. Perhaps more impor- tantly, this recombinant bacterial gene is being used as a model for studying other biocontrol agents. The successful monitoring of a disease as it progresses through a plant is the first step in developing biocontrol agents that will augment chemical fungicides now used to control these diseases. In the actual field test, cabbage plants carrying the recombinant Xanthomonas genes were placed in 12 X 12-foot plots in mid-April. Though the actual microspray and direct injection of the cabbage plants was conducted in solitude, the subsequent reenactment for TV crews from Montgomery, Columbus, and later CNN probably makes this 12 X 12-foot plot of soil and these cabbage plants the most widely publicized in the world. The glowing cabbage was erroneously reported to be "glowing broccoli." Its publication in the Houston Chronicle caught the eye of a West German television producer, who took video shot by the Department of Research Information and included it into a news clip seen throughout Eu- rope. By virtue of worldwide transmission of the Cable News Network, news of the "glowing cab- bage" was seen as far away as Saudi Arabia. Auburn researchers are evaluating a crayfish that grows to about a quarter of a pound in about 6 months in Alabama ponds, survives well on bermudagrass hay, and tastes like a Maine lobster. The crayfish, usually referred to by its native Australian name, redclaw, isn't very red at all. In fact, it is orange and blue, and when held for a few hours in clear water, it is a brilliant orange and blue. Redclaw has enough going for it as a 6 seafood delicacy that it doesn't need the Auburn color gimmick to generate additional attention. However, in Alabama the orange and blue lobster was a natural for the media. The better news is that it could become a natural for Alabama producers and consumers. An Auburn researcher found redclaw during a recent trip to Australia. In winter testing, an entire crop died on December 7, 1989, in ponds at Auburn. In inside aquariums in the winter, Auburn researchers found that redclaw's repro- duction can be controlled - a major hurdle in commercial production. While redclaw could likely survive in Alabama from early April until late October, the first crop was not placed into ponds until early June. At lower stocking rates, these animals grew from less than a half ounce and less than an inch long to over 6 inches long and 3 ounces by late September. At stocking rates of up 50,000 redclaw per acre, Auburn ponds are expected to produce up to 3,000 pounds per acre. At stocking rates of 10,000 to 20,000, redclaw grow to a larger, prob- ably more marketable, size. In taste tests at Auburn, redclaw was compared with Maine lobster, Florida lobster, freshwater shrimp, and marine shrimp. In inde- pendent testing, it was compared with 18 other seafood products. In the Auburn test, redclaw and Maine lobster were tied for the top rating in taste and texture. In the independent testing, it ranked third in taste, texture, and ease of preparation. FAT BEEF AND MCDONALD3S The development of AU Lean hamburger is one of many beef and pork products developed by AAES researchers in the past 20 years. How- ever, the tie-in with McDonald's and millions of health conscious consumers worldwide created a publicity bonanza for Auburn. Though working for many years to de- velop low fat and other restructured beef and pork products, much of the information on the reduced fat ground beef had not been reported publicly. The publication of Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station Bulletin 606, "Advances in Lean Ground Beef Production," created quite a stir among the fast food kings. The publication, al- ready in its second printing, continues to create interest worldwide in the Auburn-developed product. Then, in the AU football program for the Florida State game, a story on the lean ground beef product explained some of the research findings. Subsequent sporadic news stories galvanized McDonald's into action, and the result was the Auburn-developed McLean Deluxe?, first test marketed in 22 McDonald's restaurants in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in early Decem- ber. As a result, Auburn researchers were seen and quoted in USA Today and the Wall Street Journal, and seen statewide via video shot in their lab and transmitted via satellite to television stations throughout the State. Human nutrition researchers and ag economists made the Auburn study a team effort. Surveys conducted by ag economists at Auburn showed a strong interest among consumers for low fat hamburger products. Human nutritionists confirmed that the Auburn-developed product does indeed offer superior nutrition standards to more traditional ground , beef products. mTA Typically, ground beef at retail stores contains between 20 and 30 percent fat. Ground beef used by fast food restaurants typically contains 20-25 percent fat. For many health-conscious con- sumers, this is not ac- ceptable. For ham- burger connoisseurs, the alternative - less flavorable beef - is also unacceptable. Since Ameri- A taste panel, including Auburn Ur Martin (far right), tests McLean De cans consume about 3 million pounds of ground beef annually, and this makes up nearly 45 percent of the beef consumed in this country, researchers reasoned there had to be a happy medium be- tween health and taste. After screening hundreds of potential additives, the research team hit upon the ideal ingredients - the so called "magic bullets." By removing over 90 percent of the fat in ground beef, then adding carrageenan and certain hydro- lyzed vegetable proteins, the researchers were able to produce a low fat ground beef product with the one previously missing ingredient - taste. In taste tests at Auburn, the low fat burgers consistently outperformed hamburgers contain- ing 20-30 percent fat. If the reception by consumers in the McDonald's test market is a good indicator, McLean Deluxe and other similar low fat products are here to stay. Acid rain and ozone are both aerial pol- lutants that cause widespread environmental problems. They have been implicated as causes of a gradual decline in growth of pine trees in the South. The dire economic potential of such a slowdown insures state, regional, and national interest. The economic importance, environmen- tal implications, and the unique "look" of the plastic village constructed on the south side of campus have kept the so-called acid rain project frequently in the news. '" The conclusion of the first phase of the study naturally generated a A ~great deal of interest. It is docu- mented that acid rain causes widespread tree kills, and by getting into kaw 7 the food chain via lakes and streams, affects wildlife in the North- eastern United States and in Europe. Specu- lation has been that acid rain is causing similar, though less niversity President James E. spectacular, reduction luxe hamburgers. in pine tree growth in the South. Since pine trees are the single largest cash crop in Alabama and since the South pro- duces over 50 percent of the nation's timber, such a slowdown could cost the State millions of dollars annually and the region billions of dollars. The Auburn research team determined that ozone, not acid rain, is a more immediate threat to Southern pine forests. The researchers found that genotypes, or families, of pine trees are affected differently by ozone. Annual growth of pine trees sensitive to ozone decreased up to 20 percent, while those not sensitive to the pollutant had no growth reduction. The obvious next step is to determine which pine families are and which aren't affected by ozone. At the acid rain level tested at Auburn, the nitrogen content actually slightly improved pine tree growth. However, most Southern soils are deficient in nitrogen and sulfur - major compo- nents of acid rain - so this wasn't really unex- pected. The bad news from acid rain may come when soils become saturated with these chemicals and lose their ability to absorb, or buffer, nitrogen and sulfur. If this happens, trees and crops in the South would likely be damaged by acid rain. Fisheries researchers at the Auburn Uni- versity Marine Extension and Research Center in Mobile generated a great deal of interest among the State's seafood industry by attempting to raise oysters in an inland pond. Salt water is pumped into the small pond from nearby Portersville Bay, near Bayou la Batre, and mixed with freshwater from an artesian well. This first of its kind experiment could provide gulf coast fishermen a new way to harvest an old crop. If successful, pond pro- duction would overcome some of the environ- mental hazards that have rendered many areas of Mobile Bay unfit for oyster harvest. It also would eliminate depradation by natural predators and reduce the chance of disease, compared to oysters grown in the bay. The first crop of oysters (50,000) was placed (inside narrow mesh bags) in a 1/10-acre pond on April 27, 1990. These oysters were sampled and sized, then placed in larger mesh bags according to size. Initial growth was surpris- ing, as the oysters grew to about 1 inch in diameter in about 6 weeks. Market size is about 3 inches in diameter. Hot weather and other natural causes slowed growth, still re- searchers expect to grow two crops in 3 years. ,:hers checking oysters (left) after about 6 weeks of growth. % .... ' Experimental pond used to grow oysters (above) and resear- ~ r. While oysters have been grown in mesh bags in bays along the Southeastern gulf coast, none have been grown in inland ponds. The oyster pond at Portersville Bay is about 1/4 mile from the water, but water for the pond must be pumped nearly a mile, be- cause water quality nearer the site isn't ac- ceptable. fvwkAr "s Auburn researchers were instrumental in identifying and documenting the first known case of Lyme disease in Alabama in 1986. Though few knew much about the ailment that is transmitted to humans by ticks, news of this first case stirred interest among State and re- gional media. Subsequent national media atten- tion has created an ongoing interest in the Lyme disease research being conducted by the AAES. In a cooperative media project with the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, AAES researchers participated in a live satellite feed to a Huntsville television station. Subsequent canned video feeds to other stations around the State created a new level of awareness of the disease in urban areas of Alabama. Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterial organ- ism that causes Lyme disease, has been identified by the AAES research team in black legged and lone star ticks. Black legged ticks are closely related to the tick species known to vector Lyme disease in the Northeast. However, the Auburn research indicates that lone star ticks are more likely to attach to humans. Thus, the primary vector to the disease-causing agent in wild ani- mals may be different than the one that transmits the disease to humans. Many people mistakenly believe that deer play a direct role in vectoring the disease to hu- mans. As part of this research effort, the Auburn research team has sampled tissue from hundreds of deer killed by hunters at State wildlife manage- ment areas and has collected over 3,000 adult ticks, but these pose no threat to man. It is the immature, or nymphal, stage of the tick that vectors the disease to humans. Deer are not affected by the disease-causing organism and merely serve as a host for ticks. It is well documented that dairy cattle herds have a leader or head of the herd. Cows routinely fight for this position in the herd. When cows are returned to the herd or new cows are introduced into the herd, this type behavior can reduce milk production and interfere with repro- ductive efficiency. To reduce this stress, researchers sprayed one group of dominant cattle with anise oil before they were introduced into a new herd, while a second group was swapped, but not treated with anise oil. Normally this type cow swapping gen- erates several days of social jostling as the char- acteristically dominant cows fight for the leadership role. However, aggression in the anise oil-sprayed herd was less than half that of the untreated herd. Perhaps the most important result of the study was that milk production remained constant in the treated herd for the first 3 days after treat- ment. In the untreated herd, milk production was reduced up to 1.5 pounds per day. Simple enough! So simple and practical in fact that the research report even made the ABC nightly news and the Paul Harvey Report. It also was featured on Hard Copy, a weekly news fea- ture show produced by Paramount Studios and distributed nationally on the Fox Network. PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS BENEFIT FROM 1990 EXPERIMENT STATION RESEARCH The Conservation Reserve Program re- sulted in more than 2 million acres of erodible farm land being converted from conventional row crop agriculture to timber production. However, on a reasonably large percentage of the acreage planted (10-15 percent), complete to nearly complete tree mortality was observed. Re- planting these sites resulted in repeited pine fail- ure. Furthermore, no evidence could be found by casual obser vation as to the agent or agents responsibhl for this mortality. Auburn re searchers found that root feeding insects primarily white fringe beetle larvae, in asso- ciation with nema- tode-fungal patho gen interactions wert largely responsible for the excessive mortality. Research ers also found than these agents were exacerbated by the presence of a well developed plow- pan, particularly in years of drought. In I1 4: iE r ( ,' i. jA e .. , c a ? New watermelon varieties provi Alabama growers. addition, it was demonstrated that herbicide residues from past crop production and her- bicides used in pine culture to control weeds were not involved in the mortality problems. This research demonstrated that large 10 regeneration efforts, such as the CRP, can un- cover significant unforseen problems that can be solved through research. This is particu- larly important in light of the massive tree planting programs that are proposed to com- bat increasing CO levels in the atmosphere and global warming. The discovery that plant introduction 189225 was resistant to anthracnose and gum- my stem blight led to an Alabama Agri- cultural Experiment Station watermelon breeding program to develop multiple dis- d s ease resistant breeding lines that produce high yield of excellent quality fruit. This re- , search led to the development and sub- 0 %; r, Vo.K sequent varietal release of AU-Producer and 7 " 4t s? -" , AU-Jubilant, which are - now grown worldwide. : The new breed- ing lines being con- de marketing flexibility for sidered for release are AW-82-50-CS - a high quality melon with very dark red flesh and AW-83-1001-CSY - a high quality melon with yellow flesh. They are superior to cur- rent varieties in yield, quality, and disease resistance. Both are distinctly different types of fruits when compared to the current varieties. i;~ Timber harvesting research centered on more efficient use of large mechanical harvesting and handling equipment. All of these studies included time, efficiency, and economy of harvest equipment. The rotary rake is a larger version of a hay rake, consisting of four, 7.5-foot-diameter pin- wheels with serrated edges connected to a beam with jump arms. The rake is pulled behind a bull- dozer or rubber-tired tractor to take residual ma- terial from timber harvesting operations into windrows. Distance, slope in the direction of travel, residual material weight, swath width, and the number of stumps were significantly correlated with time to rake. The best model to predict raking time included distance and slope and explained 90 percent of the variability in the data. Predicted productivity ranged from 2.6 acres per hour for a 200-foot windrow to 4 acres per hour for an 800-foot windrow. Costs for rotary raking ranged from $15 to $29 per acre compared to $20 to $40 per acre for conventional raking. A larger study was conducted over a 2- year period to examine the productivity of one- pass shear and chop, one-pass shear and disc, and shearing and discing operations for site prepara- tion. The three shearing operations were signifi- cantly affected by the amount of down and stand- ing residual material, the number and size of the remaining standing stems, stump diameter, and slope in the direction of travel. Discing, which generally follows shearing, was significantly af- fected by the amount of down residual material and stump number and diameter. Productivity of shearing operations ranged from 1.1 to 4.9 acres per hour depending on the conditions encoun- tered. Productivity for discing operations ranged from 2.2 to 6.0 acres per hour. The Norcar 600TH harvester and 490 for- warder compose a fully mechanized system for thinning pine plantations. The 600TH can fell, delimb, and cut-to-length (using sensor-input to a microprocessor) approximately two trees per minute. Tree size was the major determinant of productivity. Predicted productivity was a func- tion of tree diameter breast height (dbh), volume, and the number of pieces processed. Productivity ranged from 3 to 35 cords per productive machine hour (PMH) depending on tree size. At an hourly cost of $100, harvesting cost per cord ranged from $35 to $4 per cord. The 490 forwarder produced about 7 cords per PMH depending on the forward- ing distance, the size of the pieces, and the distance between piles. At a cost of $42 per PMH, the cost for forwarding was $6 per cord. The use of impure phosphate rock can result in the formation of water-insoluble impuri- ties in commercial phosphate fertilizers. There is some concern about the effects that increasing levels of water-insoluble impurity compounds may be having on phosphate fertilizer performance. A series of field and greenhouse studies was conducted by AAES researchers to evaluate the agronomic performance of triple superphosphate (TSP) fertilizers as related to the level of water- soluble P and metallic impurities. Six commercial TSP fertilizers were collected and evaluated in field and greenhouse tests. The sources were manufac- tured from the major sources of U.S. phosphate rock (Florida, North Carolina, and Idaho). One source was manufactured from Morocco phosphate rock. Water soluble P among the various TSP fertilizers ranged from 80 to 93 percent. The commercial fertilizers were shown to be equally effective sources of P and under greenhouse conditions the sources were as effective as reagent grade monocalcium phosphate (100 percent water soluble). Addi- tional studies with TSP type fertilizer materi- als showed that 90 percent of maximum growth could be obtained when TSP fertiliz- ers contain more that 63 percent water soluble P. Thus, it was concluded that current levels of chemical impurities in commercial TSP fer- tilizers do not present an agronomic problem. Research was conducted in 1990 to eval- uate the effectiveness of thrips control in reducing tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) on several commercial peanut varieties. Aldicarb (Temik) has been the most effective recommended insecti- cide in controlling thrips which are vectors of TSWV. TSWV is a relatively new disease on pea- nuts in Alabama. It was first widely observed in 1986 and has since spread to over 90 percent of peanut fields in the State. Although its incidence within peanut fields in Alabama has been below 3 percent, experiences in Texas and Georgia provide cause for concern about its potential increase. Although thrips populations were re- duced by the insecticide treatment, the inci- dence of TSWV was not. However, there was approximately 50 percent less TSWV at all lo- cations in Southern Runner peanuts, while GK-7 variety tended to have an intermediate level of TSWV compared to the other two varieties. These data suggest that at-planting insecticides, while providing early season growth of seedling peanuts, do nothing to lower TSWV levels. However, a substantial reduction in TSWV can be achieved using Southern Runner peanut variety. LATE-BORN C White-tailed deer fawns may be born as early as May or as late as November each ~ year in Alabama. Though later born fawns start out at a disad- vantage, recent Experiment Sta- tion research indicates these deer catch up in size during their second year. In an AAES study, 25 ' male fawns were collected at random from throughout Ala- bama. Birth dates of these fawns ranged from May 20 to Septem- ber 2. Most were born in Au- gust. Body growth and ant- ler development were stud- Date of bi ied through 24 months of age in antler as part of the Experiment Sta- deer. tion's ongoing white-tailed deer research. Results showed these deer had similar body and antler sizes at 16 months of age if fed optimum diets. By December of their second year there were no significant differences in body weight or antler size regardless of 12 chronological age. Yearling males averaged weighing 128 pounds, ranging from 111 to 150 pounds. Yearling racks averaged 4.2 points, rang- ing from 2 to 8. Yearling males lacking branched antlers and having body weights below about 115 pounds in Alabama should be considered the consequence of inadequate amounts of good quality food, a condition usually associated with having too many deer. Though later born deer catch up in growth, the wide range of birth dates among white-tailed fawns presents problems for popula- tion managers. Most herd condition decisions are made using body weight and antler size related to age. Traditionally, wildlife biologists have lumped all samples into whole year-classes. In actuality, in Alabama and certain other areas of the Southeast, deer within these year-classes may dif- fer in true age by as much as 4-5 months. Hence, body weight variation within the 1 1/2-year class may be related to chronological age as well as nutrition. It is important to evaluate each animal's weight at a given month of age rather than con- sidering them collectively as the same year-class. Recent Experiment Sta- tion research has resulted in the development of an aging key that will allow field bi- ologists to accurately age white- tailed deer by month through about 24 months of age. The key was developed by taking dental impressions of a number S of deer of known age each month through 24 months and observing and measuring tooth eruption and growth rates. This accurate aging key will facilitate more ac- curate herd evaluations and : hence more precise manage- ment recommendations. rth and nutrition prove key elements development of young white-tail Fiber blends of various compositions play an important part in textile and apparel markets. Selection of proper recipes and sequences in chemical processing, particularly dyeing, requires knowledge of the blend composition. In mechani- cal processing, quality control of the manufac- tured products is essential in order to rectify the machine errors in the blending of the fibers. At the market level, the ability to check fiber blend com- positions quickly and accurately is of considerable importance and value. Various methods are used for the analysis of fiber blends. These include measuring moisture regain, scanning electron microscopy, opticalat- tenuation, bundle load-elongation curve analysis, the use of microwave resonators, improved methods of quick chemical analysis, infrared spectrophotometry, and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. AAES researchers have developed a straightforward way of using analytical pyrolysis to give an estimate of the blend ratio of textile yarns and fabrics. The method has the advantage of being quick and reproducible. Although the equipment used for this re- search is of a specialized and relatively complex nature, the method could be adapted for commer- cial use on a simple instrument dedicated to this purpose. Analytical pyrolysis was used to de- termine blend levels in cotton/polyester yarns. Instead of trying to separate the indi- vidual compounds created by pyrolysis, the gas chromatographic conditions were set to move the pyrolyzates quickly through the column, and measurement of the total area of the peaks became simple and reproducible. By pyrolyzing known specimens of pure and blended fibers, a calibration chart and a re- gression curve were created that allow un- known specimens to be pyrolyzed and their blend ratios to be calculated. The weights of the specimens tested and the areas of the resulting programs are sufficient to give ac- curate and reproducible results in a short time. Embryos collected from cattle within a week of conception resist infections by many pathogens, but surface contaminants could result in infections of embryo recipient cows after trans- fer. Research in the AAES has contributed to the development of treatments to insure that embryos for transfer are free of organisms that might stick to the surface of embryos and carry infections to recipient cows. Recent tests utilized special chemicals synthesized by chemistry researchers at Auburn to disinfect embryos. It is expected that this ap- proach will be effective against a variety of micro- organisms, including some that are known to re- sist other treatments. A universal treatment re- sulting in specific pathogen-free bovine embryos would allow the salvage of genetic material from cows that are infected with selected diseases, and it would enhance the marketability of this germplasm both nationally and internationally. The quality of water in ponds is affected by the condition of pond bottom soils. In channel catfish ponds, fish are fed year after year and organic matter accumulates in bottom soils. High concentrations of organic matter in pond soils lead to low concentrations of dissolved oxygen at the pond bottom and favor the accumulation of toxic substances such as nitrite and hydrogen sulfide. Recently, Experiment Station research was initi- ated to develop techniques for lowering organic matter concentrations in pond soils. Concentrations of organic matter in pond soils were compared after fish harvest in ponds that had been aerated each night for 6 hours and in ponds receiving only occasional emergency aera- tion throughout the production period. The in- crease in soil organic matter was 0.60 percent (from 1.44 percent in the spring to 2.04 percent in the fall) in the nightly aerated ponds and 0.96 percent (from 1.53 percent in the spring to 2.49 percent in the fall) in the emergency-aerated ponds. Several techniques for treating pond bot- tom soils between fish crops were tested in labora- tory-scale experiments. When soils were flooded with 2 inches of water, organic matter concentra- tions increased over a 9-week period. However, when soils were dried and exposed to the air for 9 weeks, organic matter concentrations decreased by 0.25 percent. Other procedures, such as tilling and liming dry soils, did not appreciably enhance the rate of organic matter decomposition. Thus, good aeration of ponds during the production cycle and drying of pond bottoms between crops appear to be a good way of reduc- ing the rate of organic matter accumulation in ponds. Alice du Pont, the most widely available cultivar of Mandevilla, is grown for greenhouse use or as a horticultural annual in temperate areas. This plant blooms over a long season and is useful for arbors, trellises, or other supports about which the stems can twine. The vigorousness of Alice du Pont creates production problems for the grower since consum- ers are interested in manageable plants in flower. To produce flowering plants, growers frequently contend with excess vegetative growth that twines around other plants and structures. In research at the AAES, multiple applications of Sumagic, a new triazole growth retardant, effectively suppressed vegetative growth and resulted in compact flower- ing plants of mandevilla. In preliminary work, a single application of 30 parts per million (p.p.m.), or higher, of Sumagic retarded growth excessively for at least 6 weeks, after which plants began to exhibit nor- mal growth. All rates of Sumagic induced leaf cup- ping, delayed flowering, and reduced bloom size. Single applications of 5, 10, 15, or 20 p.p.m. - . of Sumagic did not provide acceptable control of in- 4 ternode elongation. With two applications of Sumagic, 5 p.p.m. was inadequate, 10 and 15 p.p.m. were ac- ceptable, and 20 p.p.m. was excessive in controlling shoot elongation. Multiple applications of all tested . . rates of Sumagic effectively suppressed elongation. As the concentration of Sumagic increased, the interval be- Growth retardant pr tween applications increased vegetative growth of from 28.5 days with 2.5 p.p.m. to 39.5 days with 14 20 p.p.m.. Multiple application of Sumagic at rates of 2.5 to 20 p.p.m., reapplied when shoots begin to elongate, is an effective means of controlling ex- cessive vegetative growth of mandevilla and may provide growers with an additional management tool in production of this flowering horticultural annual. ,ves ef mande Vitamin C has several functions within the body, including formation of adrenaline, nor- mal absorption and utilization of iron, nor- mal development of connective tissue, and indirect effects on the body's ability to use fat as an energy source. Vitamin C also seems to be necessary for the normal production and/or release of "stress- related" hormones, such as cortisol, from the adre- nal gland. AAES studies in- volving animals indicated physical activity signifi- cantly reduced the vitamin C content of liver and adre- nal gland tissue compared to values obtained in seden- tary animals. In addition, exercised animals that re- - '1 ceived vitamin C at three times the requirement level had plasma cortisol concen- ., trations lower than a similar group of exercised animals .*. r receiving the requirement . - : level for vitamin C. S\ Results of hu- man work indicate reduced cortisol levels and lower exercise heart rates in sub- jects receiving 600 mg of vi- tamin C per day (10 times - the recommended daily al- : lowance) as opposed to - when the same subjects re- ceived the recommended 60 mg of vitamin C per day. Findings from all of these fective in controlling studies suggest that diet- villa. ary vitamin C require- ments are increased during periods of strenuous physi- cal activity. AAES researchers have been studying the immune response of cattle to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV). This virus produces an acute respiratory disease that can lead to fatal pneu- monia, especially when it infects newborn calves. IBRV is a herpesvirus and, like its human counterpart herpes simplex virus, it has proven to be an extremely challenging virus to immunolo- gists. The problem in eliminating IBRV, or other herpes viruses, from a population of animals is that the virus often is able to remain hidden in an animal for a long time until a stressful situation causes it to reappear. It is at this time that the virus can be transmitted to other animals. The researchers are currently trying to develop a safe and effective vaccine to prevent the disease. One approach is to utilize recombinant gene technology and insert viral genes into a harmless live virus. The animals are vaccinated with the harmless virus and the added viral gene ini- tiates an immune response to protect the animal against the virus from which the inserted genes were obtained. The approach being used for IBRV is to identify regions on the molecules that are impor- tant in inducing protective immunity, chemically synthesizing these areas, and using these as a vaccine. Late-planted determinate soybeans usu- ally yield less than soybeans planted at optimal planting dates in the Southeast. This has been attributed to reduced vegetative growth. Devel- oping cultivars with indeterminate growth habit has been proposed as a means of over- coming the lack of vegetative growth in late- planted determinate soybeans. Experiment Station researchers compared two determinate and two indeterminate soybean genotypes in two late- planting dates and two narrow-row spacings to determine the value of the indeterminate growth habit in late-planted cropping systems. Delaying planting from June to July had a large effect on yield, regardless of growth habit, but affected the determinates (30 percent yield reduction due to delayed planting) more than the indeterminates (23 percent yield reduction). However, determinates were consistently higher yielding throughout the experiment. Row spacing, 24 versus 12 inches between rows, had no effect on yield. Parameters most related to yield involved branching ability, such as branches per plant node and branch pods per plant. Superior branching ability was the most obvious reason for the yield superiority of the determinates. Although the indeterminates were taller and had more main stem nodes per plant, this did not translate into higher yield. Thus, indeterminate growth habit had no advantage in this late-planted, narrow-row cropping system. , ? , , , " """ ,(, , , ' - ", ,' Forestry researchers, with the overall goal of increasing profitability of woodland operations, made several significant contributions which em- phasize cost-reducing measures and consideration of risks. A linear programming analysis of a case- study industrial forest tree nursery showed that nursery profitability could be increased by de- creasing the planting density of seedlings sold to the company and increasing the density of seed- lings sold to non-company users. An analysis was made of the production structure of the U.S. paper and paper board indus- tries. A translog cost function was estimated for the period 1958 to 1985. Own price elasticities showed energy demand to be most responsive to price changes and material demand least respon- sive. Technological change bias was energy using and labor and material saving. Models for examining risk-efficiency of rotation age, site preparation, and species-site es- tablishment decisions have been developed. A model for examining risk-efficient planting densi- ties is currently being developed. A model for machinery replacement under risk was developed. Results indicated that when risk is considered, machinery replacement becomes optimal at shorter intervals than in the deterministic case. A study was conducted to examine the influence of thinning systems (forwarder or skidder) on stand damage and economic returns from commercially thinned loblolly pine planta- tions. At low levels of mortality the skidder sys- tem resulted in higher economic returns, while at high mortality levels the forwarder system was preferable. Pheromones, the odors by which insects and other animals communicate over long dis- tances with members of their own species, have become important tools for monitoring and occa- sionally controlling populations of problematic forest insects. Properly formulated, the synthetic pheromones act like their natural counterparts, attracting only one or a few insect species, possibly including their specialized parasites or predators. How does pheromone specificity evolve? The commonly accepted hvpothesis invokes com- petition for a private channel of communica- tion among co-occurring species. Experiment Sta- tion research on phero- mone communication and courtship songs of Ips pine bark beetles of the Southern United States challenges this idea. Auburn researchers have developed a new and simplified hypoth- esis: Specificity in animal communication systems, like those of the bark beetles, may arise as a simple by- product of evolutionary divergence. Distantly re- lated species of Ips pine bark beetles, like the trio of coexisting Southeast- ern species, are not pheromonally cross-at- tractive. Even at trees hosting a mixed infesta- tion, males of these three species reliably distin- guish among the court- ship songs of the differ- 16 ent species' females. However, whether co-occurring or widely sepa- rated geographically, genetically closely related species of Ips pine bark beetles are attracted to each other's pheromones. And once attracted, males fail to discriminate against the squeaky courtship songs of females of the other species, thus leading to infertile pairings. ROGEN A LMIT NG FACTOR IN Sericea lespedeza is a long-lived peren- nial that is used for forage production and soil conservation. Since sericea is dormant during winter, it is desirable to overseed it with winter grasses to extend the productive season. Fertiliza- tion of sericea lespedeza and grasses should be at the rate for the grasses grown. Auburn research- ers investigated the possibility that sericea lespe- deza litter might have an allelopathic effect on the companion grass. Allelopathy refers to inhibitory or stimulatory reciprocal biochemical interactions among plants. II 'V- ~1. I. - ,? Research demonstrates both the positive and negative effect of sericea lespedeza on subsequent forage crops. Ryegrass was less affected by sericea lespedeza residues than rye and tall fescue. Germination, emer- gence, seedling growth, biomass dry weight, and N content were re- duced by sericea lespe- , deza residues in rye and i tall fescue. Although rye- grass was more tolerant to the residues, biomass dry weight and N con- tent were also reduced. Soils in which sericea lespedeza was grown re- duced the growth of rye, ryegrass, and tall fescue and lowered ryegrass germination. rNitrogen was the main factor limiting plant growth. The large effect of N fertilization more than compensated s for the negative effects of the residues in all species. 1 c m~t: ;i.~-.,;f+ f A similar study was conducted with the summer grasses bermudagrass and bahiagrass. Both plant species were found to have a similar response to sericea lespedeza residues. These residues were found to inhibit bermudagrass and bahiagrass growth, but did not affect their seed germination and emergence. The harmful effects of sericea lespedeza residues are small compared to the effect of N fertilization. Nitrogen increased biomass dry weight and N shoot content. Thus, N was the main factor limiting plant growth. Wild radish, a member of the mustard family, is a common and troublesome weed in Alabama wheat fields. Since it grows rapidly and canopies over wheat, it is assumed to be competi- tive, although the extent is not known. Also, wild radish seed pods break into one-seeded segments and contaminate grain during the harvesting op- eration. These segments are difficult to remove from the grain. Some reports suggest that wild radish seeds are toxic to animals. Research was initiated to determine how competitive the weed is with wheat. Wild radish was shown to reduce yield in a 11.6-square-foot area by 28 percent, in 1988-1989, when the weed had an average dry weight of 0.11 pound. This translates into 15 bushels per acre if the potential yield is 50 bushels per acre. The wild radish population would be equivalent to 3,755 plants per acre or one per 2 square yards. Pick-your-own berry operations have be- come increasingly popular in Alabama. Though blackberries remain the most popular, growers and consumers alike have shown much interest in red raspberries. AAES researchers are conducting ongo- ing tests to find more desirable varieties of both blackberries and raspberries for Alabama growers. Research was initiated last year to deter- mine if any red raspberry cultivars can be adapted to Alabama's climatic conditions. Twenty-two different raspberry cultivars were planted at the E.V. Smith Research Center and an extensive back- ground search was conducted to find any new and older forgotten cultivars which might have po- tential for Alabama. Cultivars with a special ability to produce a fall crop (primocane fruiting), plus the standard summer fruiting cultivars, were included. Interest in red raspberries is extensive because they are such a high value crop. For example, pick-your-own prices have ranged be- tween $1.00 and $1.50 per pound, while wholesale priced fruit can sell for $1.25 to $2.00 per half pint. Retail prices in the past have been about $2.50 per half pint. Potential yields range from 2,000 to 5,000 pounds per acre. Blackberry cultivars and cultural prac- tices are being evaluated at the Chilton Area Hor- ticultural Substation. New blackberry cultivars have average yields of 8,000 pounds per acre on a commercial basis. Of particular interest is a new thornless blackberry cultivar, Navaho, which re- quires no trellis system and has excellent flavor. Cultural investigations include mechanical prun- ing treatments to reduce pruning costs and in- crease yields. Blackberries show excellent commercial po- tential as an alternative to traditional agronomic crops in all areas of Alabama. Potential returns of over $9,000 per acre make blackberries an attrac- tive enterprise for Alabama farmers. Research is continuing on the adaptation of a SCARA-type robot for robotic transplanting of bedding plants. A robot gripper, incorporating infrared sensing and water application, is being tested using marigold, geranium, and other vari- eties. The robot system is being evaluated as a component in the mechanization of transplanting seedlings from plug flats to growing flats and pots, a repetitive and monotonous task for humans. Preliminary results show the robot can transplant 1 seedling in 5 seconds with a success rate of about 90 percent for marigold and gera- nium seedlings. Further work is planned to in- crease the speed and success rate, evaluate other varieties, and develop automated handling sys- tems to reliably move flats into and out of the work cell. Experiment Station researchers monitored effects of reservoir tillage and LEPA (low energy precision application) irrigation on water conser- vation on cotton production. They found that reservoir tillage reduces surface runoff and in- creases irrigation efficiency. Reservoir tillage, a method of implanting small reservoirs in crop furrows, retains water that might otherwise be lost as surface runoff. LEPA increases water use efficiency by providing water to the crop using drop tubes. Water is released approximately 1 foot above the soil surface. Thus, losses caused by wind are re- duced with this method. The energy requirement for the installa- tion of reservoir tillage was between 6.5 and 9.3 kWh per acre, depending on soil compaction and moisture content. STUIC ALTERN CATFISI Results of stud- ies on the economics of water quality control in catfish production pro- vide some interesting insights concerning pol- lution abatement for consideration by Ala- bama catfish producers. I A.,. First, a study completed in late 1989 .,: showed that the con- " - - figuration of the fish pond system was im- '" portant in minimizing Dammer Diker used to cr cost of water quality moisture and reduce soil er control. Using dissolved oxygen as the measure parameter in water quality, alternative pond sys- tem configurations and water treatment proce- dures were evaluated via computer simulation. Combinations of ponds containing at least 18 two different sizes were preferred over pond sys- eate ir rosion. tems with only one size. A maximum of 20 acres per pond was considered best when combined with at least one 5-acre pond. The purpose of different sizes was to allow reuse of a smaller production pond as a settling basin for effluents drained from other ponds during fish harvest activities. It is well established that approximately 95 percent of pond waters may be drained into receiving streams prior to harvest without seriously impacting water quality of the stream. The re- maining 5 percent of the pond water contains 95 percent of the effluent load. The most cost effective water treatment procedure other than simple dilution was a con- structed marsh filtering system. A marsh filter for a 60-acre pond system was found to cost about $20 per acre to construct and operate under ideal conditions and acceptable final effluent concen- trations (up to 100 milligrams per liter BOD). Alternative systems, such as a sand filter system, cost much more, but are more effective in remov- ing most types of waste. An evaluation of the different effects of charges on cat- fish pond effluents and standards for alternative levels of waste dumped into streams showed that r" fish production is Sgenerally not respon- sive to taxes on the effluent level dis- I charged. Producers would have the tend- ,,,.-- M ency to raise stock- ing levels to as high as 6,000 fish per I -i acre to overcome any - acharges imposed. A fee (tax) of $135 S .t would be necessary ;:. . to reduce production and subsequent waste discharged. Produc- "< tion would tend to n-furrow reservoirs to trap continue increasing up to 6,000 fish per acre as taxes were raised. On the other hand, an imposed standard would be quite effective in limiting production and effluent discharge. In fact, a restriction on chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration to 12 milligrams per liter would cut the rate of pro- p;-rz duction by 50 percent. Also, such restrictions would tend to force shorter production periods (1 year versus 2), but would yield about the same total fish production over time. In Alabama, the production of broiler lit- ter is estimated at 2 million tons annually. This represents a sizeable resource that has potential for development and utilization as a feed ingredi- ent, a fertilizer, or for conversion to methane or other products. An AAES survey of broiler litter composi- tion in Alabama indicates the average composi- tion of litter is 24.9 percent crude protein, 23.6 percent crude fiber, and 24.7 percent ash. Based on the survey results, broiler litter of average compo- sition has an estimated value as a replacement for fertilizer nutrients of $28 per wet ton of litter. Its value in an 80 percent litter-20 percent ground corn grain diet for beef cattle to replace a diet of corn, Coastal bermudagrass hay, and soybean meal is estimated at $105 per wet ton of litter, four times the fertilizer value. However, to be used as livestock feed, litter should be processed to render it safe from pathogens, and to preserve its feed nutrient value for ruminants. A common method of processing litter is by deep stacking. Litter stored in stacks undergoes spontaneous heating which promotes destruction of pathogens. Although moderate heating may be ben- eficial, AAES studies indicate excessive heating (over 140?F of stacked litter for long periods of time) can be detrimental to its feed value. Exces- sive heating causes a decrease in available dietary crude protein through volatilization of ammonia and by heat damage, which reduces the solubility of the remaining crude protein. To be used as a ruminant feed ingredient, litter should contain at least 18 percent crude protein; less than 25 percent bound nitrogen (BN), and 30 percent ash. Based on these criteria, about 35 percent of the litter produced in Alabama would not be a suitable feed ingredient. There- fore, the value of litter is largely dependent on how it is managed. Heat damage of litter can be controlled by maintaining litter moisture below 25 percent and by covering the litter stack with polyethylene to restrict access to air. Stacks covered with polyethylene achieved lower temperatures (about 112?F) than litter stacks that were not covered (168?F). The covered stacks had less phosphorus bound or insoluble nitrogen (BN), compared to the not cov- ered stack. Additional AAES studies indicate the ef- fect of excessive heating on litter quality can be significant. The BN content of fresh litter is about 10 to 15 percent of the total nitrogen, but after excessive heating the BN can increase to over 50 percent. As litter nitrogen becomes bound or insoluble, less is available as a source of dietary nitrogen. Development of depressed rural econo- mies is a major goal of the State of Alabama. One characteristic of most undeveloped rural areas is an abundance of natural resources. Auburn re- search has shown that these type resources can provide a vital element in economic development if properly managed, developed, and protected. A strategy for rural development through expansion of the tourism industry (combined with resource protection) was developed in 1990 for Lowndes and Cleburne counties. The basis for that strategy is organization within the county to combine private and public initiatives into long- range directions as opposed to immediate period exploitive development. The analysis reviewed the potential for using existing natural resources as a base for expanding visitation to the respective counties. For example, in Lowndes County, the ongoing hunting and fishing industries provide substantial visitation to the county, but nearly all money spent immediately goes to neighboring counties. Cleburne County, on the other hand, needed a focus on existing opportunities associ- ated with the presence of the Talladega National Forest and the highly popular historical base asso- ciated with gold mining. Strategies were devel- oped to include planning for transportation, city- county organizations, public-private joint ventures, development of the services sector, and rural- urban conflicts. Cleburne County was found to have the potential for increasing its income by $20 million annually. Lowndes County income projections were somewhat smaller because only a portion of the county was included in the evaluation. Yet, income still could be expected to rise by $1.0-$1.5 million annually from expanding only hunting and fishing in the northern sector of the county. Thus, the economic impacts of using natural re- sources as tourist attractors is significant in rural Alabama counties. COMP S Mortality is a normal component of broiler production. For a flock of 100,000 broilers grown to 49 days of age and averaging 0.1 percent daily mortality (4.9 percent total mortality), approxi- mately 5 tons of farm mortalities require disposal. Burial pits are commonly used for the disposal of poultry farm mortalities, but the per- sistence of residues after years of use and the po- tential for ground water contamination are seri- ous disadvantages. In- cineration is one of the biologically safest meth- ods of disposal; how ever, it is slow, ex pensive, and may . generate air pollution. i , Thus, identification oft " alternative methods for the disposal of mortalities is a pri ority of the poultry industry. A potential al- " ternative is composting, a natural process by which organic waste material is biotrans- formed into a more use- ful end product, in an Research demonstrates con environmentally and beneficial method of dispos biologically safe pro- cedure. This alternative was evaluated in an AAES study of a commercial on-farm composter that determined changes in microbial popu- lations, temperature, and moisture during a typical composting cycle. During composting, the population of to- tal aerobic bacteria remained relatively constant throughout primary and secondary composting. Initially high levels of enteric (coliform) bacteria declined only slightly during primary composting, but were reduced to nondetectable levels once the compost was aerated by transfer to the secondary composting bin. Temperatures in the primary bin increased within 3-5 days to 110-120?F and re- mained steady until the material was transferred (7-8 days) to the secondary bin. Temperatures in the secondary bin quickly achieved 140-150?F and remained steady over 25 days of composting. Moisture levels varied from 25 to 45 percent. Coliform bacteria were effectively inacti- vated during composting, indicating that enteric pathogens (e.g. Salmonella) would be inactivated. Results further indicate that aeration due to trans- fer of compost from the primary to secondary bin is critical for temperature generation and the re- sultant thermal inactivation of enteric bacteria. Based on this evaluation, composting is an envi- ronmentally and microbiologically sound method for the disposal of poultry farm mortalities. 3INE PUM VESTING MISING FOR Removing fish from produc- tion ponds for ship- ment to processing plants is a slow, ex- pensive, and some- times dangerous pro- cess. For these reasons, research is underway at Auburn to improve fish harvesting proce- dures. nposting to be an economical and -ing of ;ing of poultry mortalities. Three methods of loading market channel catfish (1 to 4 pounds) onto transport trucks were evaluated. A negative-positive pressure pump (pump N-P) and a turbine pump (pump T) were compared with the tra- ditional boom and basket method of loading fish. The loading devices were tested for the rate that fish could be lifted from a concrete holding h~ rf~ i Y ii i\ .4~ 1 S 'i, "" ~ tank to a transport tank (10-foot lift) and the trauma caused by the devices during loading from earthen ponds. Significant differences in average loading rates were found among treatments. Pump T, boom and basket, and pump N-P loaded an aver- age of about 660, 348, and 119 pounds of channel catfish per minute, respectively. Fish mortality due to loading trauma was not different among treatments when fish were placed in earthen ponds and held for 3 weeks after harvest during the summer months. Harvest mortality with the pump T, pump N-P, and boom and basket were 15, 11, and 6 percent, respectively. Fish mortality was higher using the pump loaders compared to the boom and basket. How- ever, the turbine pump loaded market channel catfish at a rate approximately two times and six times faster than the boom and basket and nega- tive-positive pressure pump, respectively. Pre- liminary tests indicate that the turbine pump may be more effective at loading fish onto transport tanks than the boom and basket and could have a positive influence on the channel catfish industry. AAES researchers, in conjunction with Auburn's Department of Civil Engineering, as- sessed the ecological conditions of 34 Alabama reservoirs, ranging in size from a few hundred acres to 66,000 acres. The goals were to document water quality and define the trophic condition of each reservoir in order to better manage and protect Alabama's public waters. This trophic condition refers to relative levels of nutrients and microscopic plant growth in reservoirs. With excess nutrients from point source (e.g. waste treatment effluent) and non-point source run-off (e.g. from fertilized fields and urban areas), reservoirs can become eutrophic. Eutrophic reservoirs exhibit accelerated plant growth, and as these extra plants die and decay, oxygen demand can exceed supply. These low oxygen levels can kill fish and damage the food chain. Taste and odor problems also can result from eutrophication, as well as difficulty in pro- cessing potable water. Most reservoirs in the study had trophic state index values in the 40's and above (scale 0- 100, with each increase of 10 representing a dou- bling of algal biomass). Lakes that had high TSI values (50's-60's) in a 1985 EPA/ADEM eu- trophication study tended to remain high or in- creased in this 1989 study. Of greater concern, however, were those lakes that had low TSI values during the 1985 study and in 1989 had more than doubled their trophic ranking. Previous research at the AAES showed that channel catfish, unlike farm animals, are sensitive to a dietary deficiency of vitamin C. L- ascorbic acid is the vitamin C source used in com- mercial fish feeds, but over 50 percent is lost in processing and storage. Each source of vitamin C was fed at four dose levels, 11, 22, 44, and 132 parts per million (p.p.m.) for 14 weeks. Fish fed no ascorbic acid (control) and the lower levels of ascorbic acid sulfate grew poorly and showed signs of scurvy (crooked backs). Growth rate and condition of fish fed ascorbic acid phosphate was equal to that of the fish fed L-ascorbic acid, even at the lowest level fed. Higher concentrations of ascorbic acid were found in tissues of fish fed ascorbic acid phosphate than in fish fed L-ascorbic acid which indicates that ascorbic acid phosphate is more available to catfish than L-ascorbic acid. Regression curves for growth showed that ascorbic acid phosphate has equal vitamin activity to L-ascorbic acid, but ascorbic acid sulfate has only 6 percent of the activity of L-ascorbic acid. Regression of tissue storage of ascorbic acid showed that ascorbic acid phosphate had more (175 percent) vitamin activity and that ascorbic acid sulfate had only 5 percent more than L-ascorbic acid. 'f"'"i A("'JrF rPeA lfP I r . lD7aTEc Outbreaks of cotton aphids have recently become more frequent and severe in some areas of Alabama. In addition, when outbreaks occurred in 1988 and 1990, they were difficult to control with chemical insecticides. Concurrent with increased problems with cotton aphids, tobacco budworms developed high levels of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi. In response to this threat, entomologists in these states recommended pyrethroid resistance man- agement systems based primarily on the use of alternative insecticides, such as organophosphates and carbamates, in early and late-season. How- ever, these systems were implemented with little knowledge of their effects on other serious pest populations. In 1988-90, AAES researchers conducted experiments to determine if cotton aphid con- trol failures in Alabama were due to the development of insecticide resistance. Experi- ments also were conducted to determine some reasons for aphid outbreaks and the impact of a pyrethroid resistance management sys- tem on aphids. In 1988 and 1990, several populations from throughout Alabama were found to have devel- oped resistance to many commonly used insecti- cides, including pyrethroids and organophospho- rus compounds. Thus, control difficulties were, at least in part, due to insecticide resistance. Resistance developed rapidly in re- sponse to insecticide applications, but for tunately, it was als lost rapidly when in secticide pressure wa reduced . In 1989, virtu i n s c ally no resistance wa ' found. .- . . . Cotton aphi outbreaks were in duced by insecticid, , . applications, whici reduce beneficial in sect populations. Ir. 1 year of this stud k key beneficials wer small predators an pathogenic fungi. Ir , another year, key na tural control agents were parasitoids and small predators. Un- fortunately, in both years the non-pyre throid insecticide used in early season in the resistance management system caused a greater Increased aphid damage in c aphid outbreak than pesticide applications. did the pyrethroid. This outbreak was not entirely due to de- 22 struction of beneficial insect populations, but i! :otton appeared to be partially due to insecticide- induced changes in the cotton plant. Sicklepod is a problem weed which can reduce soybean yields as much as 30 percent at a density of one weed per foot of row. Control of the weed is possible through use of herbicides, al- though many herbicide treatments will only dam- age sicklepod and reduce the weed height rather than completely kill it. By understanding how the height of sicklepod affects its ability to com- pete with soybeans for soil moisture, produc- ers will be able to make more economical weed control decisions. In a recent test near Auburn, sicklepod was grown at densities of 3 per foot of row. Sicklepod was allowed to grow unrestricted in one treatment, clipped to the height of the soy- beans in another treat- ment, and clipped to half the height of soy- beans in a third treat- ment. These heights were maintained from 4 weeks after planting - ,, , to harvest. At soybean flowering there were no differences in soy- bean water-uptake be- tween treatments, but by pod-fill differences were apparent. Soy- beans took up only 3.1 ounces of water per day with un- "' restricted sicklepod, compared with 5.1 ounces per day with sicklepod clipped to the same height as soy- . ! beans, and 6.8 ounces per day with sicklepod clipped to half the was directly linked to certain height of soybeans. Sicklepod water use at this stage was 5.8, 4.2, and 1.3 ounces per day for unrestricted, clipped to soybean height, and clipped to half of soybean height, respectively. Clipping sicklepod to half the height of soybeans improved yields 35 percent. Reduction in sicklepod height played a major role in the water use of soybeans by reduc- ing the amount of water taken from the soil by sicklepod, thereby leaving more water for soy- bean use. Auburn research evaluated a new reo- virus vaccine for vaccination of chickens between 1 and 7 days of age. This product, Enterovax?, is a modified live virus vaccine made from a mild- reacting, cell-cultured cloned reovirus. In the first trial, day-old specific pathogen free (SPF) broilers were used. Reovirus vaccine was mixed with Newcastle disease (ND) and infec- tious bronchitis (IB) and given as a coarse spray (CS), and with infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus vaccine and given to chicks by subcutaneous injection (SQ) at 2 weeks of age. Chicks were then challenged with virulent reovirus at 2 weeks of age. Results showed that vaccinated chicks had resistance to infection as indicated by the absence of gross lesions and high body weights at 42 days of age. Antibody titers against IBD, ND, and IB showed no interference among the four vac- cine viruses. Trial 2 was done with commercial broilers having maternal antibody to reovi- rus. Birds were vaccinated at 1 day of age with reovirus. Some of the Enterovax vaccinated birds also were given Marek's Disease (MD) vaccine. At 2 weeks, birds were challenged with either virulent MD or reovirus. Results showed that vaccinated challenged birds had significant resist- ance to reovirus at 7 weeks of age. MD challenge results showed no interference with the two vaccines. The third trial was done in commercial broilers with maternal immunity vaccinated under commercial conditions. Birds were vaccinated either in the company's hatchery at 1 day of age by CS or at 7 days of age in the broiler house. Some of the 7-day-old vaccinates received reovirus vaccine by CS and others by drinking water (DW). Birds were challenged with reovirus at 21 days of age. Birds vaccinated at 1 day by CS, or 1 and 7 days by CS, or at 7 days by CS, or 1 day by CS and 7 days by DW had protection against chal- lenge at 6 weeks of age. However, a single vacci- nation at 1 day of age was inferior to the other three vaccination regimes. There were no differences in results between the three 7-day vaccine regimes, indicating that a single vaccination at 7 days by CS or DW is sufficient to induce resistance to infec- tion. Results indicated that Enterovax given by CS or DW route between 1 and 7 days of age will effectively induce immunity in broilers with ma- ternal antibody and will not interfere with other vaccines given simultaneously. Growing chickens on short days and then exposing them to long light periods each day is well known for stimulating onset of egg produc- tion. From this basic principle has evolved the standard practice of rearing broiler breeder re- placements on a daily light regime of 8 hours light and 16 hours dark when birds are from 2 to 20 weeks of age. It is not known, however, if shorter days could be used without reducing the benefits of the controlled light system. Reducing the hours of light would be desirable because this could reduce energy requirements for lighting and thereby lower cost of rearing replacements. An AAES study was done to determine if different periods of daily light could be used with- out detrimental effects on broiler breeder replace- ments. After 1 week in which all birds were sub- jected to 23 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness daily, these four light:dark ratios were compared: 4 hours light: 20 hours dark 6 hours light: 18 hours dark 8 hours light: 16 hours dark 10 hours light: 14 hours dark Results show that females grown out with 4 hours of light:20 hours of dark daily matured 11 days later than those raised on 6, 8, or 10 hours of light. As a result, the 4-hour light females reached peak production later than the others, had lower production during weeks 23-30, and had lower total production to 50 weeks of age. In contrast, there was no difference in production to 50 weeks among those raised on 6, 8, or 10 hours of light daily. In males, sexual maturity was delayed for 7 days by the 4-hour daily light regime. There were no differences among the 6, 8, and 10 hours daily light groups. Body weight, semen concentration, and semen volume were unaffected by lighting. Since the results show no differences among the lighting regimes using 6, 8, and 10 hours of light per day, regimes other than the standard 8 light:16 dark can be used for rearing broiler breeder replacements. Where climate-con- trolled housing is used, the 6 light:18 dark regime offers an opportunity for reducing energy require- ments for lower utility costs. For operations using natural light and natural ventilation, the 10 hours light:14 hours darkness regime would be more economical. The effect of planting date and tillage system on the abundance of several insects in con- ventionally tilled Florunner peanuts was examined in a 2-year, replicated field experiment at the Wiregrass Substation in Headland. Late May and * v . Late planting date increases risk of lesser cornstalk borer damage in peanuts. mid-June planting dates and conventional, reduced, and burned-stubble tillage systems were evaluated. Burned stubble was evaluated because the literature indicates that lesser cornstalk borer moths may be attracted to recently burned areas. The abun- dance of the two pests (lesser cornstalk borers and click beetles) and two predators (ground beetles and 24 earwigs) was monitored weekly with pitfall traps. Lesser cornstalk borer, earwig, ground beetle, and click beetle counts varied with year. More lesser cornstalk borers and ground beetles were captured in traps in 1986 than in 1987, whereas more click beetles and earwigs were captured in 1987. Approximately 1.9-fold more lesser cornstalk borers were captured in traps from late-planted peanuts in both years. Earwig abundance was unaf- fected by planting date. Ground beetles were more abundant in late-planted peanuts in 1987, but plant- ing date did not affect abundance in 1986. Tillage system did not affect the abundance of any of the insects monitored in either year, and no increase in lesser cornstalk borer abundance in burned-stubble plots was noted. These experiments indicate that avoiding planting late should effectively decrease lesser cornstalk borer abundance, and that burning stubble will probably not increase lesser cornstalk borer abundance. OUTLYING RESEARCH UNITS PROVIDE DIVERSITY FOR RESEARCHERS The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station is headquartered at Auburn University, but it has research units located throughout the State. Most of these are called "substations," with the name derived from a "sub" unit of the Main Agricultural Experiment Station at Auburn. This system of out- lying research units provides researchers with the opportunity to conduct tests in different soil types and under different climatic conditions, bringing localized technological advances to all parts of the State. Many of the project summaries in this publi- cation include data from one or more outlying units. The roots of the outlying research system, which now consists of 11 substations, three experi- ment fields, four forestry units, the E.V. Smith Research Center, and two other locations, go back to the Alabama Legislature of 1927. This forward-thinking group of legislators passed an act providing for no less than 10 experiment fields and five substations to be located in the five primary soil districts of the State. The five original substations, located at Belle Mina in the Tennessee Valley, Crossville on Sand Mountain, Marion Junction in the Black Belt, Headland in the Wiregrass, and Fairhope on the Gulf Coast, are still an integral part of the outlying unit system. Between 1945 and 1948, additional substations were established at Camp Hill in the Piedmont, at Winfield in the Upper Coastal Plain, and at Camden in the Lower Coastal Plain. To sup- port specialized agriculture, horticulture substations were established at Cullman (North Alabama Hor- ticulture Substation) and at Clanton (Chilton Area Horticulture Substation). To serve the State's grow- ing nursery industry, the Ornamental Horticulture Substation was established in Mobile. The latest edition to the outlying research system, The E.V. Smith Research Center, is in real- ity an extension of the Main Station research facil- ity. As enrollment continually increased at Auburn University in the late 1960's and early 1970's, it became evident that the old, soil-worn research areas on campus would have to be moved to allow for expansion. The culmination of this shift in research facilities came in 1978, with the dedication of the E.V. Smith Research Center in Shorter. Located about 30 miles south of Auburn, the 3,800-acre Center is divided into beef cattle, dairy- ing, agricultural engineering, horticultural crops, and agronomic crops areas. Collectively, these outlying units provide one of the top research facilities in the Nation. Researchers can conduct tests on a wide range of soils and climatic conditions. For example, corn, cotton, and soybeans are grown statewide, but pro- duction problems in the Tennessee Valley may not exist on the Gulf Coast. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION REPORT OF REVENUES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 The outlying research units provide an op- portunity to conduct tests on specialized crops that are endemic to particular areas of the State. For ex- ample, peanuts are grown only in a 12-county area in southeast Alabama, yet this crop is annually among the top money-making row crops in the State. Field tests on peanuts outside this area would not be applicable to problems encountered by growers, because of soil and climatic differences. The outlying unit system also provides facilities for researchers to conduct research on specialized crops and commodities. For example, much of the fruit and vegetable research is con- ducted at the two horticulture substations, while specialized work to help the State's nursery industry is conducted at the Ornamental Horticulture Substation. This diversity allows small teams of AAES researchers the opportunity to field test concepts and theories and greatly eliminate geographic dif- ferences as causal agents. The AAES outlying research system also provides the statewide and specialized field testing necessary to provide data used by the Cooperative Extension Service to base recommendations for various crop and livestock production practices. Another value of outlying units is the op- portunity offered to farmers, home owners, and other Alabamians to view research first hand. Field days and other open house programs held each year make Auburn research readily available to the public. Appropriated Funds State State paid employee benefits Federal Contracts and Grants Federal State Private $15,497,148 1,804,496 3,964,429 1,979,598 843,005 2,169,555 51.3% 6.0% 13.2% 4,992,158 16.5% Auxiliary Revenues Sales of research projects Diagnostic services & feeds Interest and royalties Indirect & other cost recoveries Total Revenues 3,128,065 253,832 197,991 356,178 3,936,066 13.0% $30,194,297 100.0% 25 DIRECTOR'S RESEARCH AWARDS Dr. Jacob Dane Dr. David South Dr. Jacob Dane, professor of agronomy and soils, was the recipient of the 1990 Senior Director's Research Award. Dr. David South was the recipient of the assistant and associate professor level Director's Research Award. Each award includes a $10,000 grant to be used for research by the winning scientist. Dane is an internationally recognized authority in the area of hydraulic properties of soil. These data are essential to development of computer models that can predict water movement through soils. He developed a new procedure that minimizes the differences between predicted and measured water content and was instrumental in improving the soil water flow equation through the introduction of an adaptive grid spacing technique. South is an associate professor of forestry and is well known throughout the State, national, and international forest industries for his expertise in forest regeneration. He is probably best known for his work with forest herbicides, which are now used extensively and save forest nurseries in the South an estimated $2 million annually. -Dr. Christine Sundermann was selected Alumni Professor for outstanding research and teaching in parasitology and protozoology -Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez-Kabana was elected Fellow in the Society of Nematologist and Honorary Member (highest award) of the Organization of Tropical American Nematologists. -Dr. Lee Stribling was chosen Wildlife Conserva- tionist of the Year by the Alabama Wildlife Federation. -Dr. Keith Causey was selected Wildlife Educator of the Year by the Alabama Wildlife Federation. -Dr. Kira Bowen was appointed as a 3-year Associate Editor of Phytopathology Journal. - Dr. Paul Backman was named Associate Editor of Plant Disease Journal. -Dr. Gareth Morgan-Jones was selected as Editor of Cryptogamic Botany. -Dr. Barry Jacobsen is President-Elect of the Association of Plant Pathology Department Heads and Chairpersons. - Dr. James Sartin was elected Editor of Domestic Animal Endocrinology. -Dr. C.R. Rossi was named President of the American Association of Veterinary Immunologists - Dr. Victor Panangala was elected to the Board of Scientific Reviewers of the American Journal of 26 Veterinary Research. -Dr. David Stringfellow is Editor of the Second Edition of the Manual of the International Embryo Transfer Society. -Dr. Troy Best was named Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Mammology. -Dr. Nick Hollar was named Editor-in-Chief of the Wildlife Society Bulletin. - Dr. Ralph Mirarchi was named Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Wildlife Management. -Dr. Bill Fisher received a Special Achievement Award from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. -Dr. Tom Lovell was appointed to the Commit- tee on Animal Nutrition by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. -Dr. John Plumb received the S. F. Sniezko Distinguished Service Award from the Fish Health Section of the American Fisheries Society. -Dr. Cliff Flood was awarded the Distinguished Agricultural Engineer Award by the Alabama Sec- tion of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. -Dr. Bill Hardy was elected President of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute. -Dr. John Adrian was elected President of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association for 1990. allYI~