BULLETIN 259 MARCH 1943 The Detoxification of Cottonseed Meal for Hogs By W. E. SEWELL AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE M. J. FUNCHESS, Director AUBURN, ALA. Li LRAFR Y The Detoxification of Cottonseed Meal for Hogs By W. E. Sewell BULLETIN 259 MARCH 1943 Contents Page Experimental Procedure and Results General Procedure _______________3______________ Variation in Toxicity of Meals in Relation to -- - - 3 Their Gossypol Contents- -- 4 Elimination of Toxicity with Moisture and Heat The Toxicity of Cottonseed Meal for Hogs in Relation to the Gossypol Content and Heat Treatm ent of the M eal 8 ------------------------------ 11 17 Laboratory and Oil Mill Studies of the Effect of Heat and Moisture on the Gossypol Content of C ottonseed M eal ------------------------------------ Sum m ary -------------------------Literature Cited 26 28 2 The Detoxification of Cottonseed Meal for Hogs W. E. SEWELL THE VALUE of cottonseed meal as a protein supplement has been the subject of numerous investigations. In the early investigations adverse results were obtained from feeding large amounts of this meal to hogs probably as a result of deficiences of the ration as well as from the toxic substance, gossypol, shown to exist in cottonseed meal by Withers and Carruth in 1915 (7). Evidence that a toxic substance is contained in meals produced by present milling practices is indicated in the ill effects observed by Robison (2) when cottonseed meal was fed to hogs in a well balanced ration. Cooking processes such as those employed in the manufacture of cottonseed meal change a portion of the gossypol contained in the kernels to a less toxic d-gossypol (8). The terms "bound" gossypol and "free" gossypol are often used to designate the changed and unchanged forms respectively. In 1926 Sherwood (3) analyzed 40 North Carolina mealsand found that 75 per cent or more of the gossypol contained in the kernels is converted by the milling practices to the less toxic form. The amounts of the two forms of gossypol in cottonseed meal produced by present milling practices, and the relation of these to the effect of the meal on hogs, were the bases of the investigation reported here. The objectives were: 1. To study the range in toxicity of cottonseed meals produced by several mills in Alabama. 2. To study the relation of free and bound gossypol in these meals to their toxicity for rats and chicks. 3. To determine the effect of feeding meals containing various levels of free and bound gossypol to hogs. 4. To study the reduction or elimination of the toxic effect through various treatments of cottonseed meats and cottonseed meal. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND RESULTS General Procedure In this series of experiments meals were obtained from several mills, and analyzed chemically for their contents of both free and bound gossypol. The relative toxicity of the various meals and the effect of moisture and heat treatments in reducing the toxicity were studied with rats and chicks. The results of these tests were made the basis of experiments with hogs. A final series of laboratory tests was conducted to determine more specifically some of the factors involved in the reduction of toxicity of cottonseed meal by treatments with moisture and heat. The gossypol content of the meal was determined by the methods of Smith and Halverson (4,5). In the toxicity tests with rats and chicks cottonseed meal was included in a basal ration fortified with vitamin A. Animal sources of protein were used in limited amounts in the chick rations, but excluded from the other rations to avoid the protective influence this type of feed may have against the toxic effect of cottonseed meal (2). Variation in Toxicity of Meals in Relation to Their Gossypol Contents Experiments with rats.-Meals were obtained from 16 mills distributed uniformly over the state. While an effort was made to locate meals with a uniform percentage of protein, it was not possible to do so. The meals were obtained in one hundred pound bags and stored in tin cans. Insect infestation was prevented by placing small containers of carbon bisulphide in the cans at frequent intervals. Samples were taken for chemical analyses and sufficient meal removed from time to time to mix 1200 grams of ration. The rat feeding experiments were conducted with male albino rats weighing approximately 90 grams per rat at the beginning of the experiment. The basal ration was as follows: Peanut meal (41% protein) 70.0%, yellow corn meal 27.5%, bone meal 1.5%, salt 1.0%, cod liver oil 0.25 cc, per rat mixed in the diet daily. The test rations were prepared by substituting cottonseed meal for the peanut meal in the basal ration. Each ration was fed ad libitum to a group of four rats for nine weeks, at which time growth on the test rations had practically ceased. A summary of the results of these tests is presented in Table I. The data are arranged in Table I according to the relative gains of the various groups of rats. Variation in the protein content of the meals from 36 to 41 per cent appears to have had no influence on the rat gains even though the same level of meal was used in all the rations. This result could be attributed to the fact that all of the rations contained more than the amount of protein normally required. It should be pointed out that gossypol is present in cottonseed hulls (1,6) with which the protein content of cottonseed meals is adjusted. Examination of the data 5 TABLE 1.-Variation in the Growth Rate of Rats in Relation to the Gossypol Content of Cottonseed Meals Used in the Diet. Mean feed Protein Gossypol content of meal 1 Meal Mean Gain number per rat grams consumptioncontent per rat grams 875 972 861 811 809 738 828 828 794 896 774 726 710 725 512 801 444 Free Free Bound Bound per cent 0.778 0.836 0.819 0.828 0.852 0.904 1.041 0.810 0.844 0.780 0.896 0.750 0.933 0.627 0.820 0.758 Total Total per cent 0.834 0.891 0.879 0.903 0.919 0.985 1.099 0.888 0.916 0.882 0.998 0.866 1.001 0.793 0.947 0.922 per cent per cent 41 36 41 36 41 36 41 41 41 36 41 41 41 41 41 41 36 0.056 0.055 0.060 0.075 0.067 0.081 0.058 0.078 0.072 0.102 0.102 0.116 0.068 0.166 0.127 0.164 03 16 15 12 13 7 10 9 6 1 8 2 3 11 5 4 14 156 122 111 110 102 99 99 96 96 94 85 85 70 68 50 36 10 'Dry weight basis. 2 Gain calculated at the end of a 9-week feeding period. Each value is the average of the gain of 4 rats except for meal No. 14, in which group two of the rats had died and the value shown is the average for the two remaining rats. 3Basal ration containing peanut meal. reveals no apparent relationship between the protein content of each meal and its gossypol content or the amount of feed consumed by the rats. The total gossypol content ranged from 0.793 to 1.099 per cent; the bound gossypol content from 0.627 to 1.041 per cent; and the free gossypol content from 0.055 to 0.166 per cent. The mean gain per rat of 156 grams in the check group which was supplied peanut meal, was 34 grams in excess of the gain made by the highest gaining group fed cottonseed meal, indicating that even this cottonseed meal may have exerted some toxic effect. A cursory examination of the data reveals some decrease in feed consumption with decrease in gain and a definite inverse relationship between amount of gain and free gossypol content of the meal fed, but there is no apparent relationship between amount of gain and percentage of bound gossypol contained in the various meals. Statistical analysis of the data, however, shows that the amount of feed consumed had little or no influence on the gain of the rats, while the bound gossypol content of the different meals did influence the gains significantly. The fact that the major influence on the amount of gain was due to the free gossypol content of the meal was further confirmed by statistical analysis. NCH~ ES L csm. 14 16 0 Gres. - 4v/KS. II1T I. .Thc (liet fed tIhis rat included a 0.14 flee gossyjpol. cottons-eed maeal (containing I'I.\A I I, . The diet. fed this rat includIed fre e gosol1)). 0.0U5W a Cottonmseedl meal Containing Experiments with Chicksl.-Following the experiments with rats, a ton of meal was purchased from each of the mills that had supplied the more toxic and the less toxic samples. Samples of these were composited from each of the twenty bags in the ton and analyzed for free and bound gossypol. Three of these ton lots were selected to represent meals of low, medium, and high free gossypol content and fed to White Leghorn chicks. The ration was as follows: Corn meal 55%, cottonseed meal 30%, dried buttermilk 5%, alfalfa leaf meal 5%, bone meal 2%, oyster shell 1%, salt 1%, cod liver oil 1%. The chicks were placed on experiment when one day old and fed ad libitum in battery brooders for six weeks. The results are shown in Table 2. TABLE 2-Variation in the Growth and Death Rate of White Leghorn Chicks in Relation to the Gossypol Content of Cottonseed Meal in the Ration. Total gossypol content 2 per cent Meal No Bound gossypol content Free gossypol content Chicks Av. gain starting per chickexperiment grams 184 173 79 Chick deaths Total ast lweeks number 3 3 13 per cent" per cent 0.787 0.704 0.722 0.062 0.101 0.252 number number 33 33 33 10 7 19 16C' 14C 5C 0.849 0.805 0.974 'The letter C designates meal obtained from the same mill from which original sample of this number came. The second order comprised a ton or more that was composited for both chemical analysis and feeding. 2Dry weight basis. 'Feeding period of six weeks. The gains of the chicks, as shown in Table 2, were in inverse order to the free gossypol content of the meals fed. The detrimental effect of free gossypol is also indicated in the mortality data. Three more chicks died in the group receiving the low free gossypol meal than in the group receiving the meal of medium free gossypol content, but the excess deaths occurred during the first few days of the feeding period when the mortality of chicks is usually high. The low gain and high mortality in the group fed the meal containing the largest amount of free gossypol indicate the severe toxicity of this meal. Any influence the bound gossypol may have had is not indicated in the chick gains. 'The chick experiments Poultry Department. were conducted in cooperation with Prof. D. F. King of the Elimination of Toxicity with Moisture and Heat Experiments with rats.-In these experiments the effect of heat and moisture on some of the more toxic meals was studied in two series of tests. In the first series two treatments of the original sample of meal No. 14, which had proved very toxic in the earlier experiments, were compared with a mildly toxic cottonseed meal and with peanut meal. The two treatments applied to meal No. 14 consisted of stirring one batch of meal into cold water and another into boiling water followed by drying of each. Sufficient water was used to thoroughly wet the meal which was one and one-half times as much water as meal by weight. The meal was stirred into the water to form a wet dough and then dried in a forced draft oven at 700 C. Twelve hours were required for the drying process after which the meal was ground and mixed into the diets. In the second series of tests a highly toxic meal, which was obtained from the mill that had produced the original sample of meal No. 51, was given the hot water treatment and compared in rations for rats with cottonseed meal No. 16 of low toxicity and with peanut meal. The basal ration and general procedure was the same as in the previous rat experiments. Results of the two series of tests are shown in Table 3. TABLE 3.-Comparison of the Effect of Raw and Heat Treated Cottonseed Meal on the Growth of Rats Cottonseed meal No. 14 SERIES 1 Peanut meal No. 16 No. 14 heat treated Cold H2 O 4 Hot H2O 4 Free gossypol in raw meal, %_ No. rats per group- ----- 4 0.056 4 0.164 4 8 Duration of experiment, weeks_ 78 Mean initial wt. of rats, gms._ Mean gains, gms.----------- 156 8 78 117 8 78 16' 8 78 109 8 78 113 Cottonseed meal SERIES 2 Peanut meal No. 16 0.056 4 8 66 138 No. 5C 0.252 4 8 67 92 No. 5C Heat treated 4 8 67 125 Free gossypol in raw meal, % No. rats per group----------- 4 Duration of experiment, weeks 8 Mean initial wt. of rats, gms... 67 Mean gain, gins.------ ------- 174 'Average 2Gain 'This of three rats, one rat having died. of one rat, the other three rats having died. meal which was composited from each of 20 bags is referred to as No. 5C. Examination of the results from the first series of tests showvs that meal No. 14 p~roved very toxic whene fed raw, one of the rats having di ed anid the other1 three galining an av erage of on lx' 16 grams during the 8 week feedinug period. Both the co 1ld nd hot water treatments resulted in marked im provecment of th is meal as a feed. p~rodlucing mean gains of 109 grams and 11:1 grams resp)ectively. These gains indicate some b~eneficia1l effect from the use of boiling water- as com pared with cold wvat er but apl~parently the greatest influence xxas (Ine to the appli c ationi of heat (luring the drying p~rocess. The gains made as a resu It of the water and heat treatment were approximately equal to the mean gain ot 117 grams made b~y the rats which received the mildly toxic meal No. 16 but were considerably below the mean gain of 156 grams produced by the rats that received peanut meal. Similar results were obtained in series 2. Meal No. 5(C p~roved ev en more toxic than meal No. 14 since three of the rats died before the end ot the feeding period and the fourth gainied on ly 9 grams. Photographs of represenitative rats fed rat ions containing the treated and untreated mealIs in series 2 are sh own in lates 3 and 4. The conidit ion of the rat shoxwn in P~late :3 is tyvpical of the rats fed for long periods on sexverely toxic meals. The ot her three rats ivi this group died. LIn addition to exhibiting d iarrheca l and1 ani emaciated condition, they lost most of' the halir aronvid t PLATE :\1' .- UNTREATED MIEAL (csr. 5 -COMIPOSITE- 7O Grl. 7Wkc5) mntal which c'ontained T1he diet of this rat inlu ided al cottonseeud 0.2521 fre tu osspol. SNCtI s flEAT TQZEATED MEAL - CMP I88l~bGMS (C MI IT.E - 7 V15J) I'LAT E 4.-The diet of this rat included the same cottonseed meal as the dliet fed the rat shown in Plate 3, except that the meal was treated with moisturte and heat pior to feedling. the head aid neck. The groups of rats fed the wetted and heated meals appeared to be normal in every respect as illustrated by the rat shown in Plate 4. obtained in the reduction (f toxicity of cottonseed meal by treatment with moisture and heat as indicated by the experiments with rats, a test was conducted to determine the response of chicks to meal similarly treated. The same ration ard general ptrocedure was used in this test as in the prev ious chick experimerit. Cottonseed meal No. 5C was included in the ration for one grotupIt and meal from the same lot was boiled in two and one half limes its weight of water, dried and included in the ration of a second groupt. A third or control group was fed the stock ration used bty the Poultry Department of the Alabama Polytechnic Iistitute. It contained balanced proportions of animal and vegetable protein and was made up as follows: heat juan 16'. Yellow cort (ground) :30 ' , oats (ground) 16'1, wx wheat shotts 16 1, meat scrap 10' . dried luttermilk 5',, alfalfa leaf meal 5' , cod liver oil 1(, salt 1' . Experiment with chicks.-Followiing the favorable results The results of this test are summarized in Table 4. 11 TABLE 4--Comparison of the Effect of Raw and Heat Treated Cottonseed Meal on the Growth and Mortality of White Leghorn Chicks. Supplement Cottonseed Cottonseed meal 5C meal 5C raw heat-treated 33 36 224 3 Control ration' 33 34 351 0 Number of chicks beginning experiment_ 33 Mean initial weight, grams 2- - - - - - - - - - 36 Mean gain, grams __________________167 Number deaths ________________ 8 'Stock ration given above. 2The experiment was begun when the chicks were one day old and continued six weeks. It may be seen in Table 4 that the chicks fed the stock ration gained an average of 351 grams each during the six weeks period and no death losses occurred. During the same period the chicks fed the raw cottonseed meal gained an average of 167 grams with eight deaths while the chicks that received the heat treated meal gained an average of 224 grams with 3 deaths. These results show that the stock ration including a wider variety of grains and an animal source of protein was superior to the ration which included the heat treated cottonseed meal as the main source of protein. However, the treated meal was much more effective in producing growth and livability than was the raw meal. At the close of the experiment all the chicks that received the heat treated meal possessed a healthy appearance while seven of those that received the raw meal appeared to be near death. The Toxicity of Cottonseed Meal for Hogs in Relation to the Gossypol Content and Heat Treatment of the Meal When the studies with rats and chicks had progressed sufficiently to show that free gossypol was the major factor in the toxicity of cottonseed meal and that the toxicity can be reduced considerably or eliminated entirely by moisture and heat treatments, this information was used as the basis for an experiment with hogs. Six lots of 8 hogs each were fed rations containing the following: (1) peanut meal, (2) cottonseed meal of low free gossypol content, (3) cottonseed meal of medium free gossypol content, (4) cottonseed meal of high free gossypol content, (5) cottonseed meal of high free gossypol content heat treated in a crock with steam and (6) cottonseed meal of high free gossypol content boiled in a steel barrel over an open fire. Each group of hogs had access to a quarter-acre dry lot and the basal concentrate mixture fed to the check group was as follows: Yellow corn (ground) 70%, peanut meal (41% falfa leaf meal 5%. protein) 25 %, al- 12 The cottonseed meal to be tested was substituted for the peanut meal which furnished sufficient protein to balance corn for 30 pound pigs. This amount is excessive for older hogs but it was continued throughout the experiment to provide a margin of safety against variations in practical feeding. The hogs were fed all of the concentrate mixture they would consume, twice daily, and allowed access to the following mineral mixture: Bone meal 38.80%, limestone 38.80%, salt 19.37%, iron oxide 2.80%, copper sulphate (anhydrous) 0.20%, potassium iodide 0.03%. All of the meals except those that were heat treated were mixed with the basal ration in the dry form and sufficient amounts of each ration were prepared to last approximately two weeks. The heat treated meals were prepared by boiling in two and one half times their weights of water for 30 minutes. The steam heated meal was prepared daily and that which was boiled over an open fire was prepared twice weekly. Both meals were left in the containers in which they were cooked until just before feeding when portions of each were removed and mixed with the proper amount of basal ration.' Results of the test are shown in Table 5. The relative influence of free and bound gossypol in causing cottonseed meal to be toxic to hogs is indicated by a comparison of the mortality data from Lots II, III, and IV. The number of deaths that occurred in each lot was closely related to the amount of free gossypol in the meal fed. The meal is fed in Lot II containing 0.062 per cent free gossypol resulted in one death; that in Lot III containing 0.107 per cent free gossypol resulted in two deaths; and that fed in Lot IV containing 0.252 per cent free gossypol caused six deaths. The number of days elapsing before the initial death occurred in each of these three lots was also in accordance with the free gossypol content of the meal. The influence of bound gossypol on the mortality rate and gains of these three lots was either non-existent or so slight that its effect was obscured by that of the free gossypol since the amount of bound gossypol in the three meals was not greatly different. Lot IV, in which most of the hogs died, was supplied a meal containing the least amount of bound gossypol. Further evidence that the toxicity of cottonseed meal for hogs is due primarily to the free gossypol content and that the toxicity is considerably reduced or eliminated by heat and moisture treatments may be seen in a comparison of the results of Lots V and VI with those of the other lots. The meal fed to Lots V and VI was the same as that fed Lot IV except that it was 'The total feed the hogs were allowed, based on full feeding, was adjusted each day in the case of Lot V and twice weekly in the case of Lot VI and batches of dry meal representing 25 per cent of these amounts were weighed out for cooking. The prepared meal remained in the cooking container and the amount used at each feeding was approximated. 13 TABLE 5.-Effect of Feeding Hogs Cottonseed Lot number I Peanut PSupplement Meals Containing Various VP Levels of Gossypol and Cottonseed Meal Treated with Moisture and Heat. II V IV III Cottonseed Meal No. 4C raw20 0.107 0.961 8 34 154 2 7, 17 120 .95 530 443 286 400 No. 5C raw 20 0.252 0.722 8 34 105 6 5, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14 71 .90 177 1.26 737 416 No. treated 20 0.005 0.761 8 34 211 0 Supplement meal No. 16C raw20 0.062 0.788 8 33 172 1 11 No. 5C treated' 18 0.003 8 44 213 0 Duration of experiment, wks. Free gossypol content, % Bound gossypol content, % Number of pigs per lot Mean initial weight, lbs. Mean final weight, lbs. Number deaths Time on experiment prior to death, wks. Mean gain per pig, lbs. Mean daily gain per pig, lbs. Mean feed consumption per pig, lbs. Mean feed consumption per cwt. gain, lbs. 20 8 34 202 0 168 139 1.05 169 1.34 685 405 1.19 731 435 649 466 were not available to begin Lot VI started. 2 Gains and feed consumption of hogs that period before death. 3 This treatment consisted of adding water crock churn for 30 minutes. 4 This treatment consisted of adding water over an open fire for 30 minutes. 'Pigs until three weeks after the other lots were died were included up to the last weighing to the meal and boiling it with steam in a to the meal and boiling it in a steel barrel treated with water and heat previous to feeding. It may be seen that the free gossypol content of this meal was reduced from 0.252 to 0.005 per cent in the case of the meal treated for Lot V and to 0.003 per cent in that treated for Lot VI. Whereas, six of the hogs in Lot IV died, none of those in Lot V or VI died. The average daily gain and feed required per unit of gain were more favorable in Lot V which was fed the steam heated meal than in Lot I which received peanut meal. The meal which was prepared by cooking in a barrel over an open fire and fed to Lot VI was included as a practical procedure that could be followed on farms. Pigs were not available to start this group with the others and it was necessary to begin it about three weeks later with pigs of larger initial weight. For these reasons it should be compared with the others in only a general way, but the results compare favorably with those from the steam heated cottonseed meal and peanut meal. The condition of all the hogs at the close of the experiment is shown in Plates 5 through 10. ~' ~ PLATE 5.-Lot I at the close of the experimecnt. These hogs were fell a lation supplemeintedl with peanut meal. The average daily gain per hog was 1.19 pounds and the feed required per hundredweight of gain wxas 435 pounds. No deaths occuriedl in the lot. '. i PLAT\1E G.-Lot II at the close o~f the explerimlent. These hogs werec fed a rationl supplemented with a cottonseed meal conltaining 0.062 per cent flee gllssy iml andI 0.788 pei cent bound gosl pol. The axverage doily gain per hog was 1.05 pounds and~ the feed re- qutiredl per hundred-weight of gain wxas -166 pounds. OIne death occurrledl in this lot. ; ~p. j~ a- f A 4 7 -- ~t P'LA''N ~ .. ~ 7. L. III at the clos~e of the expeiment. These hugs were feda ration supliementedI with a cottonseedl meal containing 0.107 pier cent free gossypol and 0.961I per cent bound gossypol. The average daily gain peir hog was 0.95 pounds and the feed iequired per houndredl-weight of gain was 44:1 pounds. Two deaths. occurred ini this lot. t. Al L PLA'TE 8.-Lot I V at the close of the expei imen t. These hogs we re fed a ration suippllemlented with cottonseed meal containing 0)252 pci cent free gossypoil and 0.722 pci cent bouitnd gossypol. The average daily gaini per hog was 0.10 pouinds aid the teed req)uiied pei hiired-weight of gain was 400) pouiid.. Six dleaths occurred in this lot. P L.ATE !t.-Lot V at the close of the expr imen t. These hogs Were fed the samle cottonseedi mil as those s.-hown in PlaIIit( 8 except that the meal wasi treated wxith xx iter and heated wxith steami prior to feeding. Tie treatedI meal contained 0i.005 per cent firee gossypol arid 11.71 per cent houand g'ossypol. The av erage daily gain wxas I .2Pf pounds per hog andu the feed requlired per hunodredwxeight of gain was 416 p ou~nds. No (deaths occur red in this lot. xx i PLJAIE lt.--Lot VI at the cloie of(i the expeitimeat. Thes.e hogs we~re f'ed the sari cottonseed meal as those shown in Plate 8 except, that i nmeil wa treaited wxith wxatei arid cooke-d oiver an open fire prior xs to (-(-ding. The- tiitef meal curitaitied t0.t00: per cent free gossypo. The avteirge daily gaint was 1 .:4 poituds and the feeud reuired per hundred- xx ight of gain xx,s -10(5 poundls. 5 o deaths ioccurred in t hi-. lot. ~al. 17 Laboratory and Oil Mill Studies of the Effect of Heat and Moisture on the Gossypol Content of Cottonseed Meal Oil mill practices.-Processing data were obtained from the mills that had produced the original 16 samples of meals that were analyzed for free and bound gossypol. All of the mills use stack cookers except one, which uses a single compartment preheating cooker in connection with an expeller press. In general, the rfill cookers are operated to raise the temperature of the incoming meats to a point between 2120 F. 1 and 2401 F. during the last 20 to 30 minutes, the entire process requiring from one to two hours. The degree of heat, time of heating and amount of moisture used varies not only from mill to mill, but also from time to time in the same mill. In general, the amount of water added to the cottonseed meats prior to cooking is based on the pressing condition and consequent degree of wetness of the meats issuing from the cooker. The latter condition is judged according to the appearance and feel of the cooked meats. In most of the mills the water is let into the meats from an ordinary faucet regulated byhand and as a result definite information regarding the amount of water used could not be obtained. Data concerning the degree of heat, time of heating and pressure used in the oil expelling process were obtained and are presented in Table 6 along with the gossypol analyses of the corresponding samples of meal. In analyzing the data it should be remembered that the practices in each mill are changed from time to time, and that the amount of water used is a source of variation not disclosed by the table. The amount of pressure used in expelling the oil varies but little from mill to mill. Nine of the mills used 4000 pounds per square inch and the other five that furnished this information use either 4200 or 4500 pounds per square inch. The data indicate that the pressure applied to the cooked meats in expelling the oil has little or no influence on either the free or bound gossypol content of the meal. Examination of the data reveals no definite relationship between either the free or bound gossypol content of the meals and the maximum temperature at which the meats were cooked, but there is evidence of decrease in the free gossypol content of the meals as the cooking time is increased. Meal No. 5 is particularly interesting in that the process of manufacture is distinctly different from the others. This meal had a bright greenish yellow color and a high protein content which by cottonseed meal standards would be rated the most desirable of all the meals for feeding livestock. As indicated in 'The Fahrenheit scale is commonly used in the mills to express temperature readings and the temperature data concerning mill practices and the use of mill equipment are shown in degrees Fahrenheit. 18 TABLE 6.-Variation in the Gossypol Content of Cottonseed Meal With Relation to Oil Mill Processing Factors. Free gossypol in meal per cent' 15 16 9 12 7 11 1 13 6 10 2 8 3 4 14 5 0.055 0.056 0.058 0.060 0.067 0.068 0.072 0.075 0.078 0.081 0.102 0.102 0.116 0.127 0.164 0.166 Bound gossypol in meal per cent' 0.836 0.778 1.041 0.819 0.852 0.933 0.844 0.828 0.810 0.904 0.896 0.780 0.750 0.820 0.758 0.627 Maximum cooking temperature degrees F. 230 240 230 233 240 220 225 235 230 235 235 229 Total Pressure used cooking in expelling time oil min. lbs. sq. in. Meal No. 130 4,000 96 4,000 130 4,000 105 4,000 60 4,000 105 not given 120 4,500 90 4,200 72 4,000 90 4,200 60 4,200 96 4,000 Information not given 206 100 4,000 240 96 4,000 Estimated 15 not given to be low (est.) (expeller process) 1Dry weight basis. Table 6, the original sample had a free gossypol content of 0.166 per cent, the highest of all the samples tested, and additional lots purchased for feeding in the chick and hog experiments contained as much as 0.252 per cent free gossypol. Although exact information relative to the process used in making this meal could not be obtained, the cooker and press were observed in operation. It was estimated that the meats remained in the cooker about 15 minutes and the maximum temperature reached was considerably less than that in the other mills. Laboratory Studies.--Information obtained from the mill data was used as a basis for laboratory studies to determine more specifically the effect of moisture and heat on the gossypol content of cottonseed meats and meal. Amounts of moisture and temperature ranges that have possibilities of use in present milling practices were studied with an oven and an autoclave. Samples of 100 grams of meats or meal were weighed into 800 ml. beakers and the percentage of moisture was adjusted to the desired levels. Heat and pressure treatments were then applied, after which the samples were dried under fans and gossypol analyses made. The interrelationship of amount of moisture, degree of heat, and duration of the heating period necessitated several series of tests. 19 The effects of pressure and moisture on gossypol in cottonseed meal are shown in Table 7. TABLE 7.-Effect of Moisture With and Without Pressure on the Free Gossypol Content of Cottonseed Meats and Cottonseed Meal When the Degree of Heat is Held Constant Duration of Mois- Temperture ature of temper- Pressure content meats & ature or sure content meal pressure per cent degrees C. Raw meats and meal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 9 13 17 21 30 46 63 17 30 46 46 46 46 46 46 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 97 97 97 105 105 60 60 60 60 60 15 15 15 30 30 30 1 15 30 1 15 None None None None None None None None 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 min. lbs. per sq. in. Series Sample NoSample N Free gossypol content cone Meats per cent Meal per cent 0.641 0.555 0.544 0.396 0.324 0.298 0.216 0.055 0.013 0.411 0.200 0.012 0.440 0.255 0.137 0.289 0.134 0.219 0.059 0.066 0.044 0.058 0.032 0.036 0.014 0.015 0.058 0.027 0.012 0.159 0.100 0.029 0.130 0.048 Series I (oven treated) Series II (oven treated) Series III (autoclaved) Series IV (autoclaved) 1 2 Dry weight basis. Temperature of autoclave in series III and IV. In these tests the temperature was regulated to approximately 1050 C. which is intermediate in the range of temperatures employed by the mills. The length of time heat or pressure were applied was based on the milling practice of bringing cottonseed meats to the maximum temperature toward the latter part of the cooking period and holding them at that temperature for 20 to 30 minutes, as well as the length of time required to drive all the moisture from the material. As indicated in the table the free gossypol content of the raw meats and meal was 0.641 per cent and 0.219 per cent respectively. 20 Series I shows that the reduction of the free gossypol contents of both the meats and meal was accelerated by increasing the moisture content previous to heating. However, meats and meal containing 21 per cent moisture retained 0.298 and 0.032 per cent free gossypol respectively after heating at 1050 C. for 60 minutes. The moisture was driven off and all the samples scorched before the cooking period was over indicating that no further reduction could be obtained by continued heating without the addition of moisture. In series II moisture levels of 30, 46 and 63 per cent were used. The meats and meal were heated to 105 ° C. as in series I but this temperature was held only 15 minutes, which was the time required to drive most of the water from the sample containing 30 per cent moisture. In this series, as in series I, the free gossypol content of both the meats and meal was reduced in proportion to the amount of moisture contained in the material treated. The free gossypol content was reduced to 0.014 per cent in the meal containing 46 per cent moisture and to 0.013 per cent in the meats containing 63 per cent moisture. In series III are shown the results of constant pressure applied in an autoclave to meats and meals containing different amounts of moisture. In this series as in the previous ones the reduction of free gossypol content was in proportion to the moisture content. Practically all of the free gossypol was eliminated in both the meats and meal at the moisture level of 46 per cent. Series IV shows the effect on the free gossypol content of meats and meal of high moisture content when pressures of 5 and 10 pounds were applied from 1 to 30 minutes. The free gossypol content of both the meats and meal was reduced in proportion to the amount of pressure and length of time it was applied but in none of the tests in these ranges was the free gossypol changed as completely as in Series III where 10 pounds of pressure was applied for 30 minutes. The effects of temperature, time and method of heating on gossypol in cottonseed meal are shown in Table 8. 21 TABLE 8.--Effect of Temperature and Time and Method of Heating on the Free and Bound Gossypol Content of Cottonseed Meal and Meats of High Moisture Content. Sam- Material Moisture ple treated content No. per cent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Treatment Duration of treatment min. Gossypol2 Free Bound per cent per cent 0.252 0.116 0.058 0.025 0.021 0.008 0.009 0.005 0.125 0.009 0.641 0.012 0.722 0.835 0.834 0.787 0.786 0.761 Meal 5C Meal 5C Meal 5C Meal 5C Meal 5C Meal 5C Meal 5C Meal 5C Meal 4, 5, 14C Meal 4, 5, 14C IMeats Meats 53 53 53 53 53 67 67 Raw ° 30 Oven heated to 50 C. ° 60 Oven heated to 75 C. ° 90 Oven heated to 90 C. ° 150 Oven heated to 97 C. ° 180 Oven heated to 102 C. 15 Boiled in churn with steam 1 30 Boiled in churn with steam Raw Boiled in barrel over open fire1 Raw Autoclaved at 10 lbs. pressure 1 67 46 30 0.423 After treatment these samples were allowed to cool in made. The cooling process required about five hours. 2 Dry weight basis. the barrel before analyses were Meal No. 5C which contained 0.252 per cent free gossypol prior to heating was used in the series of oven treatments designated as samples 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. These samples were heated simultaneously and one removed from the oven at each of the temperature levels shown in the table. The free gossypol content was reduced over half by the time the temperature of the meal reached 500 C. which required 30 minutes. Reduction continued with the increase in temperature and length of time the heat was applied. However, the rate of reduction became slower, particularly after the level of 0.058 per cent of free gossypol was reached, and at 97 ° C. after two and a half hours of cooking the meal still contained 0.021 per cent free gossypol. When the temperature was raised to 102 ° C., which required only 30 minutes additional heating, the free gossypol content was reduced to a trace. This indicates that the boiling point of water is a critical temperature for destruction or conversion of free gossypol. This is supported by the results of samples 10, 7 and 8, in which the free gossypol content was reduced to negligible amounts by boiling for 1 minute, 15 minutes, and 30 minutes respectively. 22 The bound gossypol content of the raw meal No. 5C was 0.722 per cent. The initial heat treatment of this meal increased its bound gossypol content, but not enough to account for the loss in free gossypol content. Continued treatment with heat lowered the bound gossypol slightly but after the temperature had reached 1020 C. and the meal had been subjected to heat three hours, it still contained 0.786 per cent bound gossypol which was more than that in the raw meal. Resistance of bound gossypol to heat is further indicated in the amounts found in sample No. 8 and sample No. 12. Sample No. 8, boiled with steam for 30 minutes, contained 0.761 per cent bound gossypol, and the meats in sample No. 12, which were autoclaved 30 minutes at 10 pounds pressure, contained 0.423 per cent. In the latter case, however, as in the first treatment applied to meal No. 5C, considerable loss of either bound or free gossypol appears to have occurred. The raw meats contained 0.641 per cent free gossypol, but following autoclaving only 0.012 per cent free gossypol and 0.423 per cent bound gossypol were found. Tests with oil mill equipment.-Following the laboratory studies of the effect of moisture and heat on the free gossypol content of cottonseed meal, oil mill equipment was used to prepare meals by processing cotton seed and expelling the oil as is regularly done in the oil mills and also by reprocessing commercial cottonseed meal.' In both cases a small pilot cooker was used first, followed by a larger cooker of approximately normal size. Both cookers were of the single compartment type with provision for cooking with or without steam pressure applied directly to the meats. In the preparation of meal from cottonseed, delinted seed of the 1942 crop were obtained; the hulls were removed and the meats rolled for cooking. The meats were placed in the cooker and the desired amount of water was added. The cooker agitator was then started and the temperature of the meats raised to the desired level by letting steam into the jacket surrounding the cooker. The meats were cooked until the operator considered them dry enough for pressing, after which they were placed in a hydraulic press and pressure of 5000 lbs. per square inch applied. When the oil had been expelled, the cakes were removed from the press and ground into meal. The results of these tests are shown in Table 9. When cottonseed meats containing 33.4 per cent moisture were cooked for 20 minutes at 270 ° F. in the pilot cooker, the The oil mill equipment used was made available by the Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station and the meals prepared in cooperation with Mr. A. H. Morgan of that Station. Aid and advice was also received from Mr. J. O. Tankersley of the Tennessee Valley Authority. 1 TABLE 9.-Effect of Moisture and Length of Cooking Period on the Free Gossypol Content of Cottonseed Meals Prepared by Commercial Processes. Meal sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Type of cooker' Cooking pressure lbs. sq. in. None None 10 lbs. 20 min. 10 lbs. 20 min. None None None None Cooking Moisture temperature content degrees F. per cent 270 270 270 270 240 240 240 240 33.4 48.2 33.4 48.2 17.6 24.5 35.3 43.3 Cooking time minutes 20 95 30 90 50 70 90 120 Free gossypol per cent' 0.057 0.008 0.037 0.018 0.054 0.038 0.020 0.007 Crawled in press considerably. Crawled in press slightly. Crawled in press excessively. Crawled in press excessively. Pressed satisfactorily. Pressed satisfactorily. Crawled in press excessively. Crawled in press excessively. Pressing condition 'Both cookers were of the single compartment type that could be operated with or without pressure. The pilot cooker was a small experimental cooker which accommodated 25 pounds of meats and formed one press cake from each batch of meats. The commercial cooker approximated normal size and accommodated 300 pounds of meats which formed 12 press cakes. 'The raw meats used in preparing samples No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 contained 0.661 per cent free gossypol, and those used in preparing samples No. 5, 6, 7 and 8 contained 0.702 per cent free gossypol. 24 meal from these meats contained 0.057 per cent free gossypol. This is in contrast with the raw meats, which contained 0.661 per cent free gossypol, but the amount of free gossypol left is as much as that contained in some of the commercial meals. Sample No. 2, heated in the pilot cooker also and prepared from meats containing 48.2 per cent moisture had only a trace of free gossypol in it. The use of pressure along with heat and moisture appears to have been of little additional value as indicated by a comparison of samples 3 and 4 with samples 1 and 2. Samples 5, 6, 7 and 8 were prepared in the large cooker at 240 ° F. All of these were heated with the cooker open, the differences being the moisture contents of the meats and the length of the cooking periods. The free gossypol contents of all the samples prepared in this large cooker ranged downward in proportion to the moisture content of the meat prior to cooking. In general, the reduction of free gossypol in the large cooker at 240 ° F. was greater than that in the pilot cooker at 2700 F. This may be partially explained by the longer cooking period required to drive off the excess water at the lower temperature. Examination of the column showing pressing condition reveals that only two of the samples pressed satisfactorily, Nos. 5 and 6 containing 17.6 and 24.5 per cent moisture respectively. Sample No. 8, the only sample prepared in the commercial cooker in which the free gossypol was reduced to a trace, was cooked at the highest temperature and for the longest period now employed by most of the mills. Since this treatment resulted in meats that crawled in the press, it is apparent that its use by the mills would necessitate further study. It was noted that some of the meats had a tendency to stick to the agitator and receive less of the cooking effect than the remainder of the material which suggests that improvement of the agitator methods may result in elimination of all the free gossypol by the use of an amount of moisture compatible with good pressing conditions. The results with sample 6, which pressed satisfactorily, indicate that sufficient moisture may be used with present mill equipment to produce cottonseed meal containing one half to two thirds as much free gossypol as the least amount found in any of the commercial meals that were analyzed. Changes in the milling procedure to allow the use of additional moisture and improvement of the agitator methods offer possibilities of further reduction in the free gossypol content of meals produced. Since the least toxic commercial meal analyzed in this investigation contained an amount of free gossypol that appeared to be near the toxicity threshhold for hogs when fed at a level of 25 per cent of the ration it seems likely that commercial meals may be produced that can be safely fed to hogs in sufficient amounts to balance corn or up to 20 per cent of the ration. 25 The reprocessed meal was prepared from raw commercial cottonseed meal containing 41 per cent protein. The raw meal was placed directly into the cookers and the water added. The agitator was then started and the wet meal raised to the temperature desired. Cooking was continued until, in the opinion of the operator, the moisture content of the meal was sufficiently low to prevent molding. The meal was then removed from the cooker, spread on the floor and allowed to dry several hours before sacking. The results of these tests are shown in Table 10. TABLE 10.-Effect of Moisture, Heat and Length of Cooking Period on the Free Gossypol Content of Cottonseed Meal Reprocessed in Oil Mill Cookers. Meal Sample number Type of cooker' Cooking temperature degrees F. Cooking time minutes 10 15 20 60 79 90 Moisture content per cent 23.8 34.6 49.4 22.0 33.2 39.7 Free gossypol content 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 Pilot Pilot Pilot Commercial Commercial Commercial 240 240 240 240 240 240 0.042 0.003 0.003 0.046 0.033 0.012 Refer to foot notes Table 9. Dry weight basis. The meal reprocessed to produce samples 1, 2 and 3 contained 0.125 per cent free gossypol before treatment and that used to prepare samples 4, 5 and 6 contained 0.132 per cent free gossypol before treatment. The raw meal reprocessed in the pilot cooker contained 0.125 per cent free gossypol prior to treatment. Raising the moisture content to 23.8 followed by cooking at 2400 F. for 10 minutes, as was done with sample 1, reduced the free gossypol content to 0.042 per cent. Increasing the moisture content to 34.6 per cent, in the case of sample 2, followed by cooking at the same temperature for 15 minutes eliminated all but a trace of free gossypol. Samples containing similar moisture levels but cooked in the large cooker contained more free gossypol than those cooked in the pilot cooker even though the cooking period was considerably longer in the large cooker. This appears to be the result of higher heat efficiency in the small cooker. However, successive addition of moisture and lengthening of the cooking time in the large cooker resulted in further reduction in the amounts of free gossypol in the reprocessed meal. Practically all of the free gossypol was eliminated at 39.7 per cent moisture, as shown by sample No. 6. Further work is necessary before this method can be adopted commercially. More information is needed on the nutritive value of the reprocessed meal, particularly with regard to the effect of the heating process on the biological value of the meal proteins, as well as coordination 26 of the heat and moisture factors to avoid scorching or improper drying. Detoxification of meal by this method has certain advantages over that discussed above. It could be used during the idle season and therefore would involve very little if any change in the oil extraction procedure followed by the mills at present. Since cottonseed meal containing a low amount of free gossypol is of importance primarily for feeding hogs and chickens, it would be possible to produce reprocessed meals for these species and involve additional cost only in connection with the special meals. SUMMARY 1. Cottonseed meals from 16 mills in Alabama were obtained and analyzed for their contents of free and bound gossypol. The free gossypol contents of the meals ranged from 0.055 to 0.252 per cent of the bound gossypol contents from 0.627 to 1.041 per cent. 2. Experiments with rats, chicks and hogs showed that the toxicity of these meals was due primarily to the free gossypol they contained. 3. The meal containing the least amount of free gossypol proved toxic to hogs when fed at a level of 25 per cent of the ration. Furthermore, the meal which contained the largest amount of free gossypol killed six out of eight hogs when fed in the commercial form, but showed no toxicity after the free gossypol was eliminated. 4. Oil mill and laboratory studies showed that the application of moisture and heat to cottonseed meats or meal reduces the amount of free gossypol they contain in proportion to the degree of heat, length of time the heat is applied and moisture content of the meats or meal. The most rapid elimination of free gossypol occurred at temperatures above 1000 C. and moisture contents of the meats or meal ranging from 35 to 45 per cent. Free gossypol was practically eliminated from cottonseed meats and cottonseed meal by treatment at these levels of heat and moisture. 5. The effectiveness of present oil milling procedure in eliminating free gossypol from cottonseed meal may be greatly improved by the use of more moisture in the cooking process. The data indicate that the use of maximum temperatures and cooking time, as employed by the mills at present, with the addition of as much moisture as is compatible with satisfactory pressing conditions will produce meal containing considerably less free gossypol than any of the commercial meals analyzed. Additional changes in the cooking process may result in meal 27 that can be fed to hogs in sufficient amounts to supply the protein needed for balancing corn or up to 20 per cent of the ration. 6. Cottonseed meal containing little or no free gossypol was prepared by boiling commercial meal 30 minutes in approximately two and one half times its weight of water and leaving it in the container until cool. Meal treated in this manner was considerably improved for chicks and compared favorably with peanut meal as a protein supplement to corn for hogs at a level of 25 per cent of the ration. 28 LITERATURE CITED (1) Cox, Rufus F. 1929. Cottonseed Meal With Various Roughages as Fattening Rations for Lambs. New Mexico Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 179. (2) Robison, W. L. 1934. Cottonseed Meal for Pigs. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 534. (3) Sherwood, F. W. 1926. Studies on Gossypol: The Gossypol and D-Gossypol Content of Some North Carolina Cottonseed Meals. Jour. Agr. Res. 32: 793-800. (4) Smith, F. H. 1937. Revised Method for the Estimation of Gossypol in Cottonseed Meal. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 9: 517-518. (5) and Halverson, J. O. 1933. Estimation of Total and Bound (D) Gossypol in Cottonseed Meal. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 5: 319320. Stanford, Ernest E., and Viehoever, Arno. 1918. Chemistry and Histology of the Glands of the Cotton Plant, with Notes on the Occurrence of Similar Glands in Related Plants. Jour. Agr. Res. 13: 419-436. Withers, W. A., and Carruth, F. E. 1915. Gossypol, the Toxic Substance in Cottonseed Meal. Jour. Agr. Res. 5: 261-288. and. 1918. Gossypol, the Toxic Substance in Cottonseed. Jour. Agr. Res. 12: 83-102. (6) (7) (8)