SUMMER 1963 HIGHLIGHTS L OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH VOLUME NUMBER 10 2 4 ~ r -.' 4*~ ~wr ~ - - -~ 4~ T~/~ .A ~ ~ .' ~ X. "got '--V - '~4 -4" A" 4 - 4 -' -7i~ 4' 4','' 4.' ~,' - 4 4 .s- - * 4. .2 ~ -. 4! '/1~ '4, *4, ~ 4. '-.~, ~ C,." ~' 4n*- AGRICULTURAL AGRCULTUALEXPERIMENT STATION,AURNAABM AUBURN, ALABAMA H-IGHLIG-ITS of Agricultural Research A Quarterly Report of Research Serving All of Alabama VOLUME 10, No. 2 SUMMER, 1963 Published by MANAGING JOHNSONGRASS FOR MILK PRODUCTION- High3 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of AUBURN UNIVERSITY Auburn, Alabama ---- Director Associate Director Assistant Director CHAS. F. SIMMONS.... --------- Editor -------KENNETH B. ROY E. L. McGRAw-------- Associate Editor R. E. STEVENSON------ Associate Editor E. V. SMITH COYT WILSON------- est Production from Rotational Grazing THE USE OF LAY-BY HERBICIDES IN MECHANIZED COTTON - Chemicals are Economical on Cotton Laid-by Early 4 DEHYDRATED-PELLETED PEANUT VINES, A NEW ENTER-__-- PRISE - For Farmers with 200,000 Acres of Peanuts WHEN TO TREAT SOYBEANS FOR WORM CONTROL- 5 Gives Control Measures for Three Major Worm Pests 6 CONTROL OF HOUSEFLIES UNDER CAGED LAYERS- Can Be Accomplished by Sanitation and Use of Chemicals7 8 TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS FOR GERMINATION OF CLOVER - Varies among Clover Species WILSON; SOIL ORGANIC MATTER NOT INCREASED BY N - Applying Nitrogen Has no Effect on Humus Formation 9 Editorial Advisory Committee: COYT H. T. ROGERS, Agronomy and Soils Department Head; J. H. BLACKSTONE, Agricultural Economist; H. J. AMLING, Associate Horticulturist, AND KENNETH B. RoY. THE VALUE OF GRANITE AND LIMESTONE GRITS FOR LAYERS - The Need for Grits in Layer Ration Still Exists 10 PASTEURIZED REFRIGERATED PEACH PRODUCTS - A New 11 12 PUBLICATIONS Listed here are timely and new publications reporting research by the Agricultural Experiment Station. Bul. 342. Production-Consumption Interrelationships of Alabama Farm Businesses. Bul. 343. Adaptability of Corporate Organization to Family Farms. Bul. 344. Effects of Deep Turning and NonDirting Cultivation on Bunch and Runner Peanuts. Cir. 126. Using Low-Volume Farm Sprayers. Cir. 127. Mechanized Cotton Production in Alabama. Cir. 143. Psychrometric Chambers for Poultry. Leaf. 69. Performance of Peach Varieties in Alabama. Leaf. 70. Serala-A New Sericea Variety. Prog. Rept. 79. Controlling Chinch Bugs on St. Augustine Grass Lawns. Prog. Rept. 84. Rainfall Distribution in Alabama. Free copies may be obtained from your County Agent or by writing the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Alabama. Product that Retains Color, Texture, and Flavor CONTROLLING CRABGRASS IN LAWNS - Effective Herbi- cides Available to Combat This Turf Pest MINOR ELEMENTS FOR PLANTS IN ALABAMA SOILS- Certain Field and Truck Crops Need Minor Elements--- 13 MANAGEMENT IS DIFFERENCE IN COTTON INSECT CONTROL - Study Shows Management is Key to Insect Control 14 IMPROVING QUALITY OF COASTAL BERMUDA FORAGEUse of N and Harvesting Frequency Affect Quality ------ 15 NEW FIRE ANT BAIT-Extensive Testing Has Proved New Bait Effective Control with No Hazard to Wildlife ---16 Oft the cGel, Yield response of Coastal Bermudagrass to high rates of nitrogen fertilization has been proved in research and by farmer experiences. This fast-growing perennial produces large amounts of forage when fertilized and managed properly. One problem with Coastal is a drop in quality of forage late in the growing season. Results of studies aimed at learning how to prevent this quality loss are reported in the article on page 15. Rate of nitrogen fertilization, frequency of application, and frequency of harvest were found to affect crude protein content of Coastal forage, which is a good indicator of quality. ti XXd \1X1 liIS) ll \il , II II i I I\\ I i i )i (A iki II tl II. li iti it At I IXiI Iti Iii( I Blac to i .11 I1tii IX it ilt(Ic Iiiii ii o idck (I IT i41Xoio' \ Management Toi tt i ll i Systems Compared (It Iiiii ii4I tiilit I T, slX ttIII thait \\ill slip- .JIitlIt uk Iis t tl s IX c It X i o Xlit 11 i I s t al liX/ Xt ( 2) )I -i/tiii XI (Yiti L 3 ) Ii I t atX i I k X t )d it _YI ittIiickX cii l . i 1 this 1X \(iilit XX I I XX itX i II B111 t I ok B Xc lt ttu t XX iXo X il ii ilk M Prd cto W GERG liltXX ( X Tcoill iX AKISDpto.DiyScec e Ii XX o ls Ii XII XIit) accs ito~~ the c il 3( A.SIHadH.tGIE\tokBt ill lld XX itallt ~ i(- \m d cl l i \. H t to il' Ri Mel PATESO rzntestemf Dti Areqomyrad Sxr oi r. Ithellill I( I/11 \\ I X \X ittili. Thl IIitX I Ii \ 1c * c1 it plit itIto X GERG M . HAWTTNE , Dept. of Dairy Science (:IliligiXe' 4111 il1111.h itll t p XXd l\i~tit lot\ciltald XXIII X iitil( IIctX\ toc o ici olil XX XtetiI \,t~l . Ahoot tit(, Sill])(. aciviwc wits 1cquilvo to "lippolt I co\x oil strip alld lotiltiollill "lazill"Y ;Illd ()IT ,rucll-choppcd lovit're 1.11 XXX INtl I'i ill iIIiXi XNI I lii 1)\IIio 0m," I-YI,\Ii ("olltillilolis ('1azill(f (sce tahlc). pcr (-o\\ thill) did the otlicl. s\sWill"'. IT-7; moic iti(lil Surplus lol. I,'c rawrill(y Phi till lilt,1 11 I ri i('111t, hN \Sh lll (d 111,11lai-rcilwilt ColitillBOUTStrip (iollill TIMIS ul Toil) 2. 1 6 1.5 from 448 to )51 11). pci choplwd paddocks. rotation. I] thal) (TIT col)tillilolis iic"(1 \\it's li ln cstcd 110111 "Fecitacle \Xils hiallcr oil oil strip itild Diiih mill, pioductim per (rrit/,illo, or 1-d ITy 1w ( I 2.8 64.0 2.7 5 6. 6 foril(rc (scc taldc). Takin(y all lactors ioto collsidclatioTl rotittiolml appeilis to bu tit(, loost S Itishwtol\ louthod oI malkt,11,111f DIIX ii I it (d, di_\ 6.2. 6 7.9 29. 0 2's.: 3 f 1-.8 28.1 9.2) 2:1. 1 11.5 Jolillsol)(Trass lot. dail-N vstellis \\clv: strip s, cows. Di's;l(kitiltil'-fes (d tit(' ()tit(,], hod_ \j(ilt I X( til1 g oecdcd c\tlit labol : colltilillous, lu(Illired 0.6.1 \ illI )(IIi jL t IW( I 0.6:3 1 1. ) 0. 7 1 :38.0 0.(i2 )-1 Illost ilod ('1-c( II-clmppcd, pioduccd Icss mill, tml It1 ) 5_2 requilvd (.\tra Libol . The use of LAY-BY HERBICIDES in mechanized cotton T. E. CORLEY, Assoi,it Agnrci/iool Eiio Coop USDA, ARS, AERDO (a loti 11 itiiM \60Si uliiiihil d Apoainctf lay-by che~mical 20 doys bfore normal lay-by is shown at left, a plot laoi -by 20 days early without chemical treatd ent, center, and a plot laid-by 20 days m early with chemical treatment, right. if icstit 1111 l \\;i' Is ~ lili(r \ lc 11 fill Xliii tivin(i ii its 1 ,il piku i I oi1( ltll'v iill liil (lll iii. 2 1 lit., hu 29 ill ])tit1 i ii,,I t ii ' is, X Ii If iiiilliolt tol liii X isI , Xiill'c s(I Il ii1 iitk (d\itlih ili l io d tl~ \\\1 lili Ill(, ii i ii iifistitiiii pln tiX iil~ \\ XiiI X6 ight \\ii2 3 i,, it. i962 ll lilull tiuilt i(w iiliiiilS p s (.1(lii il i (is ii X I ' ti \\ futii' iiik i i'li ' ,I ()'i1:iX t~ t XXI'dll' ii iii ii' l'X 20. Ivs lit '111ii5 Ii i'i0i i tic 196 1 ii liti c lts ill i iic'it(lit\,,Ili I( )ii tiii ictw 11 - X ,_iX s tI l Its \\illk \i 'iisti \6111( ) (t 1 li iiX l ilii I l(i i Iiiiiitiii IXl 2- ci i l Ii ii2 1 i r\ ('11(111IX coii .i" i l 'i iit ti is i i fii ichk ii , cliii ii it l tlill i~iil il's~i' (d )1,o iil iti S imiid il l.1 i c'iit toi dlli Xt 16i tiil'.X itidi 1 i ll.c'iiiijc~ ill X . i ii es tii ii both l ll i X 'I p ciii a ciii sui c(Ittill3I it fililicllIiit T 's I \\ci i IX thu I iiii'l' 1m iii 11 I ll 1,1 )( s tI iii 1)11Ii tel il' h iX il ll (i ilt. stlio I iiiI ist XII'iiic h\iIi t i AI i't(' sill l'X t alI ill Xl ,i ciiIlii'i'( \,t XI tIlo 11111 ii W i2 (I]iit lit \. sl Ai byi il Xhi i llill XX s~ ii \ Z ill ('i lbsiii mw1iiiidiI i\ it Ii till' \ti ltlied licIiill si it I .ItI i'( I .il iii d itSo)i l flilil stiiio I IcXf iii r: tii Ii cut Xtests ci weed I iitiii ii ( li X iii.Iii tl111 I X s( it of1))1li I' ii l li : I'll thel 4ii Atd liii' hii iX L l i iio ii('i iii' iii ii i lii II I til I w 96]1 t(lt itIi til l'iti soil] X X ti l fh tIll dit I' tol Xlfii i li iic ('i'l (X lii ii \\'i' al iii'ii1 I (- iJ(.( , I c'i;titiiu Xlii I I[ I \ \ iN 1ii I ). illwiii ,\Xi ( \i IS'- I \\i\ ii V I15 iil 1 IiIi' A I'll ni 11,1 cilt i\ Il i ll- i ild 19 I ii. Iai Wii hig 't li It l N\o. I P'it. sill of ]ill-\l ittoii I liiid (1ii ii I' i)i t (iii'\Niits Xtl ii(,i' s2 ('Iiciillo ii] I fill 8.2 .0 W.5 9)5.1I 9)5.2 (II 1. 9,-). I 4I i\ -) ~ l i'l I' lit 1 1 1) ii it]i 16. 5 11.6 1.0 M ('1l \(l 11.11 topa,,,ill(,1 thiml("ll t1w 1)5.2 pi(k, I \\, I, (willhd 1 I) 11 o\I[ )1 \ I ) iI'll [A The lamb at right was fattened on dehydrated and pelleted peanut 11 ) 1)(11 1, vines. 4' 9 -'I \ 111 1 1 -c i liii tll ti 11 l ild i h i- l l lbit ilit i t Il lt ii . I l -lili t ilii i! lii l''xii hhill! ci itx S I i I i II I i I( )\i lI~ it Iil I Ii I(I I(I I t Iit i pc I I't It Ii p xi It i I ts l ii Iii itt iti I\ i Ii it Ii i it illI [ix lll itit \it I '' I -11(i' th( ti liii I ic ch i u tlii!l i \\ i', DE HYDRATE D- PELLETE D PEANUT VINES-a new enterprise for peanut farmers W B ANTHONY, J G, STARLING NIX, and R. R. HARRIS C A BROGIDEN, RONALD iii 11 I itt i. 11 Ill hI i -(Iill-, II i I il ii '!- tlilt; )Il th l pciiilit'xt 1 i i it iti (111 111 ixxlxhiial ilit t Ioix ixtitk i ii tl ii toli Coatal~i xl litii l txxi t alI( Itl ii. tixrs xi 1 jilt l t ht pcioi ax ts i xiii ii " ill ctilt st t il I xI It lils I )ituI xNit! (it li i'itci iitild pilletcd xiilix it Iliax i IIti i t Il i I I Ix I 4 ,I I llt llj( ii ,itIt ix Irf ti IIii i I f illr(I IT, 1,l tI ild p Problems Nutrition Tests cll)ix i it utid xitili \ ltx iiitiiii )1)1'. Sixd Tllc if, tuilir', ii lixd hwiii th lix firstioiii pr)b)1 i tiii ii p]u" i . ati i t iliit ,ii(i pliii it ii hi Txhiit i 4I 1 pci11 ii ii rt l t i t lj~ flttlilti il l I (I t ll i (x lix! is \it i ii! t bilittI Ill ii' ii litil 't t%\ t ' k i ill tin ii c Iii uh(I~ Mct(1i t"li xIii\ li liii x ixt oht'liii clllsilisithe (i,ll iiiiitr d (d lo f . lit 2 , t( II 67 0:,) Atx xxtt Ii I iii ,iil it xam tax I AT tcin"ilet tl~ oi~( cl cf 15 6 53 xi s\ T a 10.4x it) T] c hl 4 IIt I (ii ii t xIixc DDT tix \ligt (Wil ri i11i WI ll 5A I trvtci 1 96 1 I) ca~lollt ixat 0,22 I I fll l WHEN to TREAT SOYBEANS for WORM CONTROL ANWARA BEGUM and W. G. EDEN Departimenti of Zoology-Entoroooy tabi ) 0' It c t111 t iis b (IX I Il ~ I 111111m1 01 ill CIIX -t si I l O itX IiI tIil t X Iii I it I (1 pl litIt t ,Ii ) ii \1111 i uIecctIit li~i t I OIlll ith~ Ofl I fcjillIl X l Xi oiill v ioXlle Ho X I alXX 11 cl . at I tigtiliiIXiv I iI c \ id losses I ilt l \\11 Iwo liii- Ii J(i ti Il 1 (i I )l it s t I Ii 11 I II I tII cI t i 1( I ti ta it tv 1 \ I )iXlt 1(t1 I( co I X I pods Ic It II XI I IX . IXI 11" I t\ Ill t Ic s 111111111 thc XI III I\I(i I-I i (IXIII ) iil itStit olsi XI t? c tlll ( I i ItX l flo\\XliiiII1)1 tiolXI II illc t\\icI til iolttc(li ll IiI r 111 ital iIIX I lI tt of t ll iI it I( X iX Iit r , \ I i I IX I1I1I111 I ()I I XiI I I~ It l\\ i I( I i I I i XXIt t1)1 s1)1] ( t II (e ilIl(XtI ti ll i\\ iX\Iti c ii (- I I I ( , Ilrl It it lI lII til) ti,(I cl iiXl 1r'' ( IX d 1 till I iiitit t i X I ll Xlai t ll lii 1 tc I ThusICCII I)! hi tII iio IlalI i t)o ill of1 liwo(tlii" kI il el Ol( ,l)X iI (lo lii AI ofI S, O wi is. XX I 'll ilI itN YI I A i IX II i XX li tIX Itill it i 1ItX 18vt o 1 .The h\ tS ( l lt Xt XtiI.11 lv r it \ X Iit s FASc ilit 111111 (XX fIllp)rtilllce of i lbotil of1 fohila il - _A1U f4~ Ill I)iI I 11'tll o !(I ilt I I II'o, I SI X ,Is X )I ( lil X\%II I 'II 1)XI it( I.( it~ ioI 5titgc it )\N(XII t I ,ioii TaBit. 13ul. 31S.T 358.2 32.7 27.6 ki ills :17.5 tticaIX hilt ll 91 ((X i I 1o iiX i 27 .8 :35.8 :37.5 9) :32 2 :'X .0 Here are the most important soybean defoliators: ttopt velvetbean caterpillar, Anticorsia gemnmatilis Hubner; (center) fall armyworm, Lapliygma frugiperdao tJ. E. Smith); tbottomt corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Baddiet. 21I5 100 ifotill 'IXX :31.5 t .)1I .t 2.5 2.7 :)A 6 6tz5ld % HOUSEFLIES 7&eecm CAGED LAYERS KIRBY L. HAYS and JOE F BURKS Departito of ZooloyyEntomnology tot xi IA 1, ii lli C dl\ (11 we4(1 11fo ithiit'Ciill! fics 4 cal Itt i ll c I \k it' tt liir cI I pIlit'I i I t i t'l. 1)t lix i Ii ( IIts I I( Ilit I itc I i gl)4ts i it ii cmI Ci xx 4 t. hlit i lost I ixti\ lit' Itti \\ i, iii (''\ii ii til . 'i Lot Ci I Ilx Ii I4 t ii i 1) )O I x I IIIII III i i si c Lti I I I I I t)it il I i I(( iIII i c \\ is tt'ioti \'ii it ixtmiC ox ittipur1itm t l \Ii '~ I lltt i s . I' Th I I~ i Ic (d I n tilix d li ii'a txcl Cli' it'jii'll) t t flit. hoxS 4 xx \. l \~ t/lt ii! Illil/it /11 Til pt ct titit l llc i l t/l'ti/ioiiiitt (111/ ill/f tlttihas i if I lsei'.x re I tit( in lt' px 'it nC'rittit \t'sxl iixi tott 68 F. iecl tlti lx iiit/it Housefly Control On lt' Iit't l ii' t i Cii t il is xiipitt sa i ff x1 )iix x ti lnt'ibI 11(1iihll(Ia t 1 ilt' \ C i llt popitx ti of/ritii a, il.511 xxc~ t'tii iscoi 411sxxoitti pt'i '5)1 lit.ut ii Tl~ct'x ((, i Iitii lt isi4t tl il Ix t'x ill s.ii 1i ilt' tii'ii ali'x I II it\ i xpi till )If ficitix xx lt it it it c ll t Cii itt mi i iii i it ix loil)ix ii(4 til' s is lit'ii it c t' t ii i'i 1i xxxs i l 1ii lit lit'xt li'o iiim it Iidc'ii cx iiiiiit 11itt' i Ii iii iii iiii liii, it clx ill i Ig9 ft)iii hois i-cia c ftiiiI( III K l i inIIIxiicisxxct'ical.ItC iii 'ixp I ilixII- l lil I mostt' I loo thu iii iit liit' x it iC'i ixc iiris itt toi huet' it tnx' lli 4t1Ici l xx) t' Temperature Requirements for Germination of Different Clover Species C. S. HOVELAND, Associate Agronomist resulted in rapid germination of arrowleaf, ball, and mike clovers. Sprout vigor was also good. It was also noted that these three clovers had good germination and sprout vigor when subjected to continuous 401 temperature. Crimson Germinated Slow Crimson clover germination was much slower than for the other clovers and dependent on the initial temperature. Starting at the low temperature reduced total germination. Several samples of crimson clover seed that tested 95% at continuous 70' germinated only 24% when 400 was the initial temperature. Sprout vigor of crimson clover was sharply reduced by an initial cold treatment of 400 for 8 hours, as shown in the graph. Sprout vigor of ball, mike, and arrowleaf clovers was unaffected by the low temperature treatment. In the case of crimson, even 1 hour at 400 followed by continuous 700 reduced sprout vigor after 5 days. Just what do these findings mean? (1) Crimson clover, which was tolerant of high temperatures, can germinate in late summer or early fall. (2) Ball, mike, and arrowleaf clovers germinate poorly until temperatures drop, so they come on later than crimson. The results may also help explain the persistence of ball clover as a reseeding legume in pastures. Since seed of this species germinate after hot weather, it may escape the usual fall drought and competition from the summer grass sod. wondered why one clover germinates in late summer while seed of others lie dormant until winter? AVE YOU EVER H At first thought, this may seem mighty peculiar. But there is a logical explanation for this species difference - it's the result of different temperature requirements for germination. Varying temperature requirements among species were shown in recent studies by Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station. In these experiments, scarified seed of crimson, ball, mike, and arrowleaf clovers were placed on moist filter paper in glass petri dishes and germinated at varying temperatures. Sprouted seed were counted during and at the end of the germination period and sprout lengths were measured as an estimate of vigor. Continuous 700 Ideal As shown by data in the table, good germination of all the clovers occurred at the ideal temperature of continuous 70 0 F. However, such a continuous ideal temperature is unlikely in the soil surface where clover seed germinate. There are wide day-night temperature fluctuations at the soil surface where small seeded clovers germinate. The high temperature treatments used in the study (see table) may come close to the late summer day-night fluctuations. Under these conditions, crimson clover germinated fairly well and vigor was good. The other three clovers had much lower germination and poor sprout vigor. When the starting temperature was 1000, germination and sprout vigor of ball, mike, and arrowleaf were further reduced. Late fall soil surface temperatures may be approximated by the alternating 400 and 700 treatment tested. Extremes of 400 to 90' have also been recorded. The low temperature CLOVER GERMINATION AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE Temperature (F. Crimson 96 62 ) Per cent germination A rr o w Ball Mike leaf94 20 Continuous 700 Alternating 1000, 8 hours70', 16 hours Starting temperature 70°_- _ Starting temperature 1000 Alternating 40', 8 hours70', 16 hours Starting temperature 70°'_ Starting temperature 40°__ 86 27 98 24 68 96 42 7 96 98 14 82 81 16 97 96 Effect of alternating temperature-70 ° for 8 hours and 400 for 16 hours-on sprout length of ball and crimson clovers is shown. Curves are labeled according to initial temperature used. SOIL OIRGANIC MATTER is widely acclaimed, yet it has secrets that no one understands. We admire the dark, crumbly soil beneath a sod and see organic matter as part of that productive soil condition. But little is known of its chemistry and biology. Nitrogen is an essential 4-6% of "humus," the well decomposed, dark organic matter of the soil. Nitrogen enters into the formation of humus from plant and animal residues and is released to growing crops from this organic reserve. Research has shown that 2-8% of the soil organic nitrogen becomes available each year to crops. A soil containing 1% organic matter (20,000 lb. per acre) will thus release 20-30 lb. of N, enough to produce 10-15 bu. of corn or 400 lb. of seed cotton per acre. This small contribution toward crop needs is the primary reason soil testing for nitrogen holds little promise. Most of the nitrogen requirement of crops must be met with commercial nitrogen or supplied by legumes, such as vetch. Plant and animal residues are drastically changed during decomposition. For example, a good corn crop may leave 3 tons per acre of leaves, stalks, and roots. More than half of this is cellulose and related carbon compounds, which are decomposed and lost from the soil in gaseous form. During this process, there is little loss of nitrogen until the residue approaches the composition of humus. The amount of humus that is formed depends, therefore, on amount of nitrogen in the plant material. Three tons of corn residue containing 50 lb. of N might be expected to produce 1,000 lb. of soil organic matter. SOIL ORGANIC MATTER NOT INCREASED BY NITROGEN APPLICATIONS A. E. HILTBOLD and J. T. COPE, JR. Department of Agronomy and Soils Will N Increase Humus? It might be expected that increasing amount of nitrogen in corn residue with commercial nitrogen would increase amount of humus formed. This idea was tested in recent research at Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station. The objective was to determine if soil organic matter could be increased by adding abundant nitrogen to corn, where the only source of organic matter was the corn stover produced under continuous cropping. Two rates of commercial nitrogen were applied, 80 and 400 lb. per acre. The lower rate was considered adequate for maximum yields in average years. The high rate was chosen to supply additional nitrogen for conversion of crop residues into humus. One-fourth of the large amount was broadcast in the fall after stalks were cut. The experiment was on Chesterfield sandy loam that had been in continuous corn at the 80 lb. N rate for the previous 8 years. Soil organic nitrogen and carbon were determined at the beginning of the study in 1956, again in 1958, and finally in 1961. Corn yields averaged higher from 400 lb. N (80.8 bu.) than from the 80-lb. rate (71.2 bu. per acre). Responses to the extra nitrogen were greater in years when good yields were made with 80 lb. N. No Increase in Organic Initial carbon and nitrogen values indicated a low soil organic matter content, about 0.8%. During 5 years of cropping there was little or no change in organic carbon and nitrogen at either the 80 or 400 lb. N rate. Analysis of the subsoil Corn yields, bu. per acre 100 100 IIIII 90 80 70 60. 801 b.N U 111111 iI 4(1 lb. N 50 40 30 ,... for carbon and nitrogen showed no effect of the nitrogen fertilization. Neither was there any carryover of inorganic nitrogen within the surface foot of soil. Of the 1,920 lb. of N applied in excess of the 80 lb. rate during the 6 growing seasons, only about 42 lb. was recovered in the extra yield, leaving 1,878 lb. of N that disappeared from the soil. Failure of this nitrogen to accumulate as humus in the soil is probably the result of climatic, soil, and cropping conditions that favor rapid and complete decomposition. Some fertilizer nitrogen is incorporated in organic matter during decomposition, but apparently the products formed are not resistant to continuing decay. Thus, nitrogen should be .applied only in amounts that can be expected to give an economic yield response. 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 19,61 Corn yields at the two nitrogen rates used in the test illustrate findings in the study. Although yields were higher at the 400-lb. N rate, most of the excess above 80 lb. was lost. There was no increase in production of humus with the higher rates of N. The value of cium included in one of 2 forms in the mash diet. It was also possible to compare 2 treatments in which 2 forms of soluble grit were fed on top of the feed without insoluble granite grit. Production Results GRANITE and LIMESTONE GRITS for layers J. R. HOWES, Assistant Poultry Husbandman G IZZARDS of old-fashioned barnyard hens invariably contained small pebbles that supposedly aided in digesting whole grains and insects consumed. With removal of the laying flock from pasture and the advent of the deeplitter laying house, insoluble grit, such as granite or gravel chips, was usually provided inside the house. Soluble grit, which gradually dissolves in the acidic digestive tract of the bird, was also often provided as an extra source of dietary calcium. Limestone chips or broken oystershells were used for this purpose. In recent years, whole grain feeding has decreased in favor of all-mash diets, and many poultry growers have simultaneously discontinued feeding insoluble grit. However, some poultrymen contend that insoluble grit is necessary to fully develop the digestive tract for optimal egg production. Other poultry keepers contend that soluble grit will serve both as a source of calcium and a digestive stimulant. treatments were applied at random to the 36 groups, each treatment being repeated 6 times. All birds received a Pct. egg production Egg production data and pounds of feed required to produce 1 lb. of eggs are presented in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The addition of grit to the limestone diet had no beneficial effects either in egg production or feed efficiency. However, granite grit added to the diet containing the oystershell flour increased the overall egg production by 5%, and a pound of eggs was produced on 1/3 of a pound less feed. The best egg production and feed efficiency of all treatments was obtained with the feeding of limestone chips, followed by feeding oystershells or the oystershell flour and grit combination. Feeding oystershells has about the same effect as pulverized shells fed with granite grit. Mortality was about the same for the first 4 treatments, granite grit having no beneficial or detrimental effects, however, mortality was reduced by limestone chips or oystershells. It is possible that birds receiving calcium as large particles may develop a better condition, and as a consequence be more resistant to stress. There were no significant differences between weights of the eggs or the eggshell thickness for various treatments. Based on the findings of these studies over 1 year, it may be concluded that feeding limestone chips or oystershells on top of the feed will eliminate the necessity of granite grit. However, granite grit is beneficial for diets containing oystershell flour, but not pulverized limestone. These differences may result from several factors, including differences in calcium digestion and differences in the stimulation of digestive secretions by particles of different sizes. Lb feed/lb. eggs 40-L C D E F A B C D E F DE A1 C D E a 134-6 7-10 Months in Lay 1-10 FIG. 1. The per cent egg production for each of the six treatments in the test is shown above. A study was begun at the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station to investigate the merits of these practices, since it is essential that the modern poultry keeper obtain maximum nutritional value for the lowest possible cost. Layers Tested Three hundred and sixty, H3W strain, White Leghorn, 20-week-old pullets were placed at random in individual laying cages. The cages were divided into 36 groups, each containing 10 birds. Six 10 similar diet containing 0.75% total phosphorus, 3.80% calcium, and the management of all birds was similar. Apart from the calcium in the basal ingredients of the corn-soybean diet, the birds in treatment A received their calcium as limestone. Treatment B received exactly the same diet, but in addition received 685 gm. of granite grit per 10 birds, 3 times a week. Treatments C and D were the same as for A and B, respectively, except oystershell flour was substituted for limestone. Treatment E received all the added dietary calcium as limestone chips and the birds receiving treatment F received all the added calcium as oystershells. Thus, it was possible to compare the effects of granite grit fed with all the cal- 3.4- 3.2o 2.8 A 8 C DE F A B C 0 E F A B I I L j E I 1-3 4-6 7-10 1-10 Months in Loy FIG. 2. This chart shows the number of pounds of feed required to produce one pound of eggs for each of the six treatments used in the test. Pasteurized REFRIGERATED PEACH Products HUBERT HARRIS, Asso'cate Horticulturist h p ciiw i i t fit i iii X lii h old ,i i ill 11('1)1 XX ( Oi )I If I c i s ,Ii Il( i ii i )\\ a\'il th i ii 'I l cI toI 1( i w iii is(. it c i((((con l I w~-'~ru Shown ui Chitton County peaches arriving at the praces~ing taboratory, left; a special pracessing machine, right; and pasteurized refrigerated peaches, upper left. I11 \ ti I( -111( -lit II I IX I i t I c ' It (-( i (o f t iii ill i l 'i I )(i i Xt i it()tI 1( 1 (41 )1 i li is. ~ ~ i4i ofX .3 fl oz. pir iit tit fli (IX ii'X I)\2 IIti 11 id It(l-( )( 34sc ;I") p rt o I ttif I Xcill l .11 .117 hil lic'tf I ill citt sk i 2i m'ill 2 li t i i ll~t X ii XXc i 4 l X taiXol. t iiii 1vo iiui i 4. ii i XI1 llii t Iitch tsl'i( Xli pit stliizc Xr t (iti tln Xi m c s( i I lilwirii'i at l t lisu to pac.l( I iija ) i( \lpilotc ('liiX Ao it s ii Icit\ c1 t 1 ig iit tifl ior l It 6 iiiiio f call l t't1 it l XXil i closed X liX itflll i tl seiza Ii XII1i'i i id(" colil i i t fi' XX 'I lt iX Xc ilo iii t i lX ii I lc 4 1 lic s ) fThe ti ui filli lillt iI ve iw i l c of X ici i piIliiod i lic Xiti 19 22ient cd cii iiii at \\ I 1(.111's \\ l) S()IT lilv S()1,11),s ()l P[ Xi( if PiiiiiciI I XXI. 1).\s , [ .Ij , lilzi-11) lit 1 1) I'uiuu i P(.I lilIt ( . i 'll S\ ii iIl tr . tt'tli11 i i tl Ii i i dll ic . I'C is ito iii Pl 25(; Lb L;). si ratli ill it IXi() t io( id t 1wi pack,1 6.51 "alii. 21.1 24.'7 I: 6 . Iiil 21.7 21i t 214..;9 I 1 filI X ii) 2I.T \iihm XXt i() IX Xln 1962. 'it ~x ,,tt ,,, 'I. - . ,' 1 - ,g{, These adjoining plots show how effectively crabgrass can be controlled with chemical weed killers. The crabgrass-infested plot at left got no treatment, whereas that at right was treated with an arsonate herbicide on June 6, June 21, July 14, and August 10. (4(111111 alt' ( -iii '4 ii ',j iii1 ti1( d siilicit 4 I'' st~ ~ ,~ I :1 -.-'I. . ~ .~ ",t, ' t h,tt i at \t itc arc ll kol- ll c at' cod4c iiitrascilicils \\ 4 'ics shoul tililt iliistilt ii ',iiitolil, tC,'l ilt' its i il itilt hahia, Iallxd the ilo(Anuipo Controlling CRABGRASS in LAWNS D. G. STURKIE, Agronomist fctie Iet xINIiill tlc'&"r,\cl t' ( i x i x IM itlia sip~. is t if(- ()l tiit \vIs iaiax ' ttic ' tip liix',l of It isaxxex be II.Sc( I it Iccol II11 Iollo\N ed clos ( l it\\,ill s( l-i()IlSI\r (IiIIII_ I'iit(,S ill-(, iwe the If(,%\- striti!)s of III,] Till dilty ,,[fell its Til(ri-ccil and Tillim,11. I is not it grass, kiio\vii \%hat (Alcet its contimicd use will hil\c oil lil\\Ii (Trilsscs. All of the Ofecti\ (. cheillicills listcd Ilti_ Zo\rSiZI, C.( IlliINI 1)(, IIS( (I (ITT Illcildc(l pedc, and St. Aupistine (rrasS(,S. Z\rtl.()Il illitv Cillls(l sh"Ilt discoloriltioll of the (rrilss it fc\%, dil\s illtcr it is applied, blit Sinlit/ilic Illa\ riltes ilre lisitt ii, Ititi )it t mark i Si ii ~ i oo i ciiti itti , l I 'I al tihat 4a~ I 1 i il\ ii s i iio ' t II tic Iii 4( t ItiI Vls c t ti il IVi .1' ("111t' sIT Pre-Emertgen l li x11 ~d\t Herbic iestc this collditioll disill-Tpears ill I to 2 \vccks. PI-c-cilleracilt licl-bicides should bc ill)plicd beforc cral)(Frass sccd gcrillillitte. Best appliciltioll datc \itrics alliollo S(1(1tiolls of dic Statc alid ll()Ill Neal to Cill" dcpcll( i g ill tile spring. ("rill)(Yrass sccd Icylire light ittid it tenil-Tcriturc of at lcitst 65 U. f'or (,crlllillitti )Il. itk i' i ii IXs ii' ',it~t', ic Iw t u f i oit fo t, Ii( Itiii'n l(\ ' r Post-Emergent Chemicals Aftc? clidwrass plailts ill-c 111)the\ Illa\ bc killed hv lisc of post-elliel-cilt Ilef-blcides, ill-solliltes of- P.M.A. P.N I.A. (-it I I be Its(,(] () II B cn I II I(I it, 12 s. zo\sia, centipede, of- St. Atigustine. It \Nil] llot kill lill-c critharilss NN'llell lls(,(l ill ratcs lo\\ clioll(d) Lo\%- ratcs llot \011 to kill dillilil('Tc "lliall tlt(, plants tiiihrriiss. 2 to 3-1cal st it(rc ) \N ithotit daillit'riligr the lit\\ 11 grass. Sill',-(' crilhurass so I ,c( Alfalfa showing boron deficiency on right in contrast to normal alfalfa at left. Light ar eas and streaks in c orn at right are zinc de ficiency symptoms. li~tit A^I 1tl ill ",l\ c . t i li t i tti ho t si l ( 1ii ('I ~ii 1(11t Minor Elements for Plants eat ;94ea6404 S5e&d JOHN 1. WEAR Soil Chemisf ick (.'o i s I lcI (Hll I 111 iim s 111li it (ciiii s ill c ltlo ll a l t DSfoenesl".ilTye .\liClltlIll 1\IWI.i lC~ Stitt it lo s ot o iBi11(11 ut tci it(i, tx f a] Iilia c'ittoi I i tiriick cio i ti piii' )\s , apples, it] tilc l xxii itt' to xetllxx st'aks xt I li tlit ](its tx t ii s lt'x Costl PIll s oii ils tot 11( oilcix :d i Ii Ii ii I ] illtilit' o liixx h i t\ 0ti i iltd I ite ii iilt s i (i li I ill i . pit'sl t i lt' 'tt d c lix tt't oplit)it i1 1 Il i-ii i t stt sla tiii i is. Is Xi iti holoj 1 5\c1c d to ('Ix lii] iii ilit s ils hx a itL I(w ll i Ii ld citt ' li 5 lt. itt ]iit.sut itlci i Itil l) 1 toi bex 1ls iiif liii'lih itiS titof Biii \hlciitliil ck i talist' toouli plicoll ills. o it ix 0 Iti itci uiii i tIt 1 liii late till('lii sl'i 5lx t tilt'ze l i tit ei- ii tic xx lit tlit o ii sills iii "'xii C titiii fr ci (tit\ lit itc ofit iiis dliiM lpir iLitl'lid'P'~ astt ll t i e to oi tili I l ic x i ofi tit os ti i IGictt'l iiilitx \\l tillto oft ll i ll ut fle~Itx loii lt'd 1. iiit'it'i it lt '51 l uu\\lt' ht ito thalt ot'iihi ciiiolctts aplx oicilot.\ ii pc it it tt ti (' l iii a .' c xiit ix II l alii itct'to' s l it Ioiii l oi' f sltill it tii' lat' Itl d a sl it] o t iti i tii itilii iii it ill dci JA I 'ITi t tlix iii ttiiti codiciii~ t(i' lt- :3 1 I'it u tll ( tlitIl Siio till l1iuuu'stiit li 'x .019 pi2 Ihick Hillt .18 .11 (:lit\ [fill .H .56 .12 Management is the DIFFERENCE in Effective Cotton Insect Control P. L. STRICKLAND and CHARLES TURNER* COTTON INSECTS present a problem of economic importance to producers in Alabama. To attain top yields of quality cotton, many Alabama farmers invest considerable time and money each year in an insect control program. Success of such controls depends on good management - applying recommended insecticides at correct rate, right time, and in most effective way. A badly managed control program is ineffective and adds to production costs. As a part of a Southwide USDA study last summer, agricultural economists stationed at Auburn University conducted a field survey in the Limestone Valley Areas of northern Alabama: (1) to obtain information pertaining to insect control practices used in 1961; (2) to estimate cost of such practices; and (3) to appraise effectiveness of such programs in terms of yields. Five counties were randomly selected for the survey. Farms in each county were classified into size groups on the basis of acres of cotton planted in 1961. DeKalb, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Madison, and Morgan counties were sampled, 150 farmers being interviewed. The farm size groups were: small farms, 5 to 19.9 acres of cotton; medium farms, 20 to 49.9 acres; and large farms, 50 or more acres. On the sample farms, the average cotton acreages planted were 9.6 on the small farms, 32.9 on medium farms, and 140.6 on large farms. The average lint yield per acre in each size group was 377 lb. on small farms, 404 lb. on medium farms, and 506 lb. on large farms. Insecticides were used on 45% of the total planted acreage of the small farm group, 72% of the medium group, and * Agricultural Economist, FPED, ERS, USDA, and Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics. 82% of the large group. The average number of times treated was 6.4 on small farms, 5.2 on medium farms, and 6.3 on large farms. In each size group, the majority of the treated acreage was poisoned from 4 to 9 times. This indicates that most farmers who poisoned followed some type of regular schedule. On the farms using controls, the average cost of insecticide materials per planted acre of cotton was $8.90 on small farms, $6.32 on medium farms, and $9.64 on large farms. Farmers generally used the rates per acre recommended by the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station. The average quantity of dust used per acre per application ranged from 9.5 lb. of 2% Trithion to 19 lb. per acre of toxaphene-DDT. The average quantity when sprays were used was 1 to 4 pt. of emulsifible concentrate per acre per application. On a once-over basis (acres covered times number of applications), dusts were used on 59% of the acres treated. Of the acreage on which dusts were applied, toxaphene, toxaphene-DDT, or BHC-DDT were used on 79% of the acreage. Of the acreage sprayed once over, Guthion was used on 48% of the acreage. In the small and medium farm groups, 94% of the insecticide was applied with tractor-drawn equipment. In the large farm group, 41% was applied by airplanes and 28% by high clearance sprayers. In general, the farmers interviewed stated they were using insecticides to control both boll weevil and bollworm. Only a few farmers poisoned early for spider mites or thrips. In the medium and large farm groups, average lint yields were, respectively, 78 and 108 lb. per acre more on farms that used insecticides than on those that did not use control measures. However, on small farms the average yield was 32 lb. less on farms using insecticides than on those that did not. The situation on small farms contrasted with other size groups in the surveyed counties may be associated with managerial problems, such as lack of timeliness and thoroughness of application. In other areas of the State where cotton insects are more prevalent year after year, correct timing and proper application are essential. Many small farm operators often wait until a high infestation is apparent before control practices are started. In general, operators of small farms are more reluctant to start insect controls and are less timely in subsequent applications than are operators of larger farms. The group of small operators who did not use insecticides includes some who did not think they needed to poison and some who decided against poisoning, whereas those who did treat included some operators who poisoned only as a last resort to save the crop from almost total loss. In such situations, a poorly managed program may be less profitable than no program. SIZE OF FARMS, COTTON ACREAGE, YIELD, INSECTICIDE USE AND COST, BY SIZE OF FARMS, 150 FARMS, LIMESTONE VALLEY AREA, ALABAMA, 1961 J Item Unit Size of farm. Small Number 48 Acre 46.3 Acre 9.6 Pound 377 Number 21 Per cent 45 Number 6.4 Dollar Pound 8.90 360 Medium 47 124.0 82.9 404 33 72 5.2 6.32 425 347 Large 55 503.4 140.6 506 40 82 6.8 9.64 525 417 Number of farmsCropland (average per farm) Cotton (average per farm 1961) planted Cotton lint yield (per harvested acre) 1961 Farms using insecticides Proportion of total planted acres treated Average number of treatments ---Cost of material per planted acre on farms using insecticidesAverage lint yield per harvested acre, farms t ea n using insecticides Average yield per harvested acre, farms not using insecticides Pound 392 14 ITH GOOD MANAGEMENT, Coastal Bermudagrass will produce high yields of hay or furnish grazing for a large number of cattle on a small acreage. However, both growth rate of the forage and gain per animal decline during late summer, particularly after mid-July. To determine if high yields of good quality forage could be maintained throughout the growing season, experiments were done by Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station. The 1961 and 1962 studies were at the Lower Coastal Plain Substation, Camden, and Tuskegee Experiment Field. Value of irrigation, high rates of nitrogen frequently applied, and frequent harvesting were studied. Test areas of Coastal were grown with and without irrigation and fertilized at 3, 6, and 12-week intervals. Nitrogen rates tested were 200, 400, and 600 lb. of N per acre annually. Harvesting intervals of 8 and 6 weeks were compared. Lime and mineral fertilizer were applied according to results of soil tests. W Improving FORAGE QUALITY of COASTAL BERMUDAGRASS R. M. PATTERSON, L. E. ENSMINGER, E. M. EVANS, and C. S. HOVELAND Department of Agronomy and Soils Irrigation Of Little Value Irrigation did not influence seasonal or total yields of Coastal Bermuda except at the Lower Coastal Plain Substation during the extremely dry summer of 1962. In this case, forage yield was increased about 75% by irrigation, but crude protein content of the forage was not greatly affected. Since results from both locations were similar during the 2 years, except for the 1962 irrigation difference, data from the 1961 test at the Lower Coastal Plain Substation are used to illustrate major findings. When compared with the 6-week harvest interval, clipping every 3 weeks resulted in a 26% decrease in forage yield. Total dry forage yields from different nitrogen rates were: Nitrogen per 3-week 6-week acre, pounds harvests harvests 200 6,761 lb. 9,892 lb. 400 9,808 lb. 13,474 lb. 600 12,059 lb. 15,074 lb. Average 9,542 lb. 12,810 lb. Crude protein content dropped as harvesting was delayed. Clipping every 3 weeks resulted in 30% higher protein content than in forage harvested at 6week intervals. Protein contents were: Nitrogen per acre, pounds 200 400 600 3-week harvests 13.9% 16.1% 18.4% 6-week harvests 10.9% 12.4% 13.9% :rer c EaIS Crude p 20 The influence of frequency and rate of nitrogen fertilization on seasonal forage production is shown in Figure 1. There were no differences in total yield from the three frequencies of nitrogen application. Fluctuation in yield from one harvest to another was greatest from the most infrequent nitrogen application and least from the most frequent application. The higher rates of nitrogen fertilization increased quantity of forage produced, with little effect on distribution of production. Protein Affected by N 18 5-Il 6-I 6-22 7-13 8-3 8-24 9-18 Harvest date Crude protein, per cent 20H nmeSQrb NfAea *-6001b.N 18, 2001~b.N o F s56-1 6-22 7-13 8-3 8-24 9-18 Harvest date FIG. 1. How frequency and rate of nitrogen application affect distribution of forage production is illustrated here. The top graph shows effect of frequency of nitrogen application (400-lb. N rate). Effects of three nitrogen rates, applied at 3-week intervals, on yields is shown below. FIG. 2. These graphs illustrate effects of nitrogen rate and frequency of application on crude protein content of Coastal forage. Effect of application frequency (400-lb. N rate) is shown at top. Bottom graph compares crude protein contents from three N rates (3-week application frequency). Crude protein content of forage was greatly influenced by both frequency and rate of nitrogen fertilization, Figure 2. Harvest-to-harvest fluctuations in crude protein content were greatest when nitrogen was applied at 12-week intervals and least when smaller amounts were put on every 3 weeks. Content of crude protein was directly related to rate of nitrogen fertilization, as shown by Figure 2. Regardless of nitrogen level, there was a slight decline in crude protein after the July 13 harvest. As revealed by the test results, frequent clipping and frequent nitrogen application improved quality of Coastal Bermuda forage, as measured by content of crude protein. Quality was also directly related to rate of N. Distribution of forage yield was more uniform with frequent applications of N and total yield was proportional to rate of N used. These and other tests indicate that irrigation would be only occasionally beneficial in intensive production of a deep-rooted grass like Coastal Bermuda. 15 - Quail used in Station tests were confined in pens on treated soil. The fence in background eliminated predator prob- tito l iii Ii iid~ toc o si ill( lill i II to i1di- tuiolld t iltlti kems llt il tix of l. tei tli test lwi lloi. Q iii itll fit-iyiil-itl , lost its ot icsit Ofi 5111) Ii)i Iid m0 ldlilci ul t I g ill (1(0eth \\ a-s IB It (01 situ I a it r. 51 t ofi li I x tltxltlilclt. No) 105515s o)1ciiitl iii tlil 6 pens1 subijeted~ to iligliest IOtc ofiapplicao tie tue( , ~-~-- tliiii toarnt l~l milui i l( itic c (lit l itStioll (Slu Of (I tuii oi iinlilil New FIRE ANT BAIT MAURICE F. BAKER, Research Unit Leader, Wildlife i1111111 ilt bloois itt o liii iiiit. Ill i Ili l i it iolt 515 ril PC titils i i itcl il hn ilt alii to i hli. re its lsi X lk-i1 i ittitti~ lii I XX05 I)Sxx)( clilcci oitil Iit Oirr c it could SI bi I t c to .iiX riiic ill s I ii1 lit\ cX dcic-stf ai tilhrs -it a ii shioiw iix. efftcts Of 11 I ill on tiIlaii. Ill 1 1i ill iii t tiit iitttol ill opc1 iiiiih tin l)111 ald kept ii tiitteti soiil 0pe11rill tof 8 weeks. 1 xoi loiii p tlots 011( \l t till- oXi lii 'iil\ttc XI 111is, isi i ii lc f1011I). a f (liii Iji tisiti xxitlii ioi tizr xxiltiuh. to Thiis hut lhIs 11111 tistlli txtt-uisjx 11 ,vithoiiit hiss ofi 55 li 1 c. 0listi.s otittils ofiitlit fiirst loit- f11-1( test St-siiiilitlIiiiiillstiltiiili tivttililts XXIll o s(iii 511 it i) c 6jt2 xxiti liit sli.( iifitiiit It- tof 100 s tue isit pc tt. ace 2A1 iii itt 13e i (111).1nd of1( (1 ,00 11 I ). 1 'lcaill III liaion IcItillcIlit t11 Ii Io (Iliil iii ill liii 1)10X, 1110 1 ii ii (h is tIl li itil 100iii Lb. t0tI I l tt hFCitltIillIX luste it bti ti ii iitiic cllili its Wx l pairs1 Jutls peisc ~ i cic X-i\ *1 I (I 111120 \\t-i- lace8dx sail 0 ti 110111 10(i ) INX II lit IO doises o iii Miitx sO ti oll is I x \11 \Xithliit hiss. at hilt ciomposietd c Ill ot giiiii I ll l lii 1I00 8 It Ox i f Islc titi li tobs0 lii 1t1)1 , The onc dcath "vits not attlibilted to Hoc trcatnicnt. thu-i, itsI li 111 (111 t llli tI 1 liit eblilt ti M osit 0ch14ott il f l 11 l oi d I ld FREE Bulletin or Report of Progress p ith- iisi il ttI r ii i~ i) ii o ut 1)1 I-~sl\ ofi AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY E. V. Smith, Director mit~tii i it ~iill Auburn, Alabama lii , l Ii cti siiti i Permit No. 1132-5/63- lOM i tts l( IALTY PAYME it PRIVATI USEI TO AVOID OF P0STAGE, $300 hutbait iii .075t' ispisi t i lis 1961 Hiii lot il tr Or1 y-iti t li ot app51licatittti li 11i).i iill( iiii pp is 2iioi ca o Of lst pii i XIII Ort Ill OZ.of ililiscctit Webb .r1on Ce re~ AIla.