BULLETIN NO. . NEW SERIES. :E 1 EJ:Eo:R OF AgricuItuiaa eaioll Agricultural and Mechanical College, AUBURN, ALA. SUBJECTS. REPORT OF EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, SWEET POTATOES, GROUND PEAS, TURNIPS AND GRAPES. ANALYSES OF FERTILIZERS, SOILS, ETC. WOODS OF ALABAMA-CONTINUED. METEOROLOGY. THE BAPTIST PRINTING CO., MONTGOMERY, ALA. 55 PEPOEJT OF j1ricftu a1 Expim AUBURN, ALA., Saiop, 1889. Agricultural and Mechanical College, JANUARY, BOAR7 Off'' VI ITC S COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES ON EXPERIMENT STATION: HON. J. G. GILCHRIST, HON. R. F. LIGON, HON. J. B. MITCHELL. W. L. J. S. NEWMAN ...-.............. N. T. LUPTON..................... BROUN............. ............ Director President. and Agriculturist. Vice-Director-and Chemist. ............ Botainist. *P. H. MEL......................... ................ ... :........... ASSISTANTS. Biologist. JAMES ISAAC Ross .. . .. First Assistant Agriculturist in Charge of Live Stock and Dairy. Seconli Assistant A griculturist. CLAYTON... ........................... J. T. ANDERSON, PH. D ...... L. W. WILKINSON, M. P. L. HuTcINSON......................... SC..... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..... First Assistant Chemist. ......... ....... Second Assistant Chemist. Third Assistant Chemist. T. D. SAMFORD, B. Sc.... ... .................... Assistant Botanist. ITo he filled. *Pref. Mell also has charge of Meteorological Ohservations. 56 Repoi' of gricuIluI't$ EXPERIMENT WITH CORN. The object of this experiment was to inquire if corn could be grown profitably upon land hich chemical analysis classes as practically sterile. The soil in question is a sandy drift with no clay within three feet of the surface. When the station took charge of it, it had been "worn out" and had grown up in stunted pines and broom sedge. Chemical analysis showed the following Dercentage composition: Soil, Per Cent. Sub-soil, Per Cent. Sand and insoluble matter Soluble silica............ Sulphuric oxide.............. Phosphoric oxide..............0.017 96.00 . 0.02 0.01 95.95 0.04 0.011 Ferric oxide ."..," Aluminic oxide g.............055 Lime ...................... .513 0.0510.14 Magnesia .................. Potash ...... ............... Clorine......... ........... :. o.o 0.15 0.010.01 o.1 .acre. Moisture.2.920 Organic matter c .......249 By order of the Board of Trustees, ten acres of this land were carefully prepared and fertilized, an account of all expenses kept and products carefully weighed. The land was thoroughly broken with turn plows on the 6th, 7th and of March, and the corn planted on the 15th and 16th -rows five feet, stalks three feet in the row. Compost of cotton seed, stable manure and English super phosphate was applied between the hills of corn in the drill at the rate of iooo pounds per After the corn was planted heavy rains, followed by drying winds, baked the soil to such an extent as to render it neces: ary to re-break the land after the corn came up. This seriously checked its growth by breaking its feeding, roots. A_ drouth and heated term, which occurred while the plants were in flower, caused an estimated injury of twenty per cent. Corn planted upon land adjoining, which was broken and planted after that on the ten acres was up, produced, with half the manure, twenty per cent more per acre. Ordinarily, early planted corn gives best results, but the last season proved an exception in this locality. One acre adjoining the ten, and of same quality of soil, was planted without manure and cultivated in the manner usually practiced in this section of the State: TEN ACRES CORN FERTILIZED-RESULTS. 387.3 lbs. Fodder per acre ................................... 8th Shucks per acre .. Corn per acre .... "................i69.o6<< ... .................................... . 1 3 .68 b'shl's. Total value of crop per acre........... ............ Cost seed corn per acre .......................... Cost of fertilizer Cost of labor per Profit.... per acre. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... acre.............................4 " "........................$ " "" $15 oI-$15 01 o 2o . ... . .. . ... ..... 5 00 z6--$ q 45 ".".."........"" 5 57 4 ONE ACRE CORN-WITHOUT MANURE. Fodder per acre... .... .... ... ........... 202. Shucks per acre.......................... Corn per acre .. ... ....................... Total value of crop per acre..................... ... .... lbs. 74-9 " .... 6.5 b'shl's. $ 7 26-$ 7 26 Cost of seed corn per acre................. Cost of labor per acre..................... Total cost per acre ......... ...... ....... ...... . ..... .... ... o 20 4 57 $ 4 77-$ 4 77 $ 2 49 Profit................................ GROUND PEAS. The accompanying experiment with fertilizers applied to ground peas was undertaken with the hope of discovering a remedy for the tendency of this crop to produce faulty pods (pops) upon sandy soils. The yield was so far beyond our expectation that extra pains were taken to secure accurate and absolute results. A given number of hills were selected from each plat of apparently average vigor, the vines carefully lifted and all peas collected and counted with the results shown in the first column of the table. In order to ascertain as nearly as possible the whole product, after the vines were lifted the ground was carefully raked to collect the peas which remained. To ascertain the effect of the different manures in reducing the percentage of "pops," a measured peck of peas was taken from the prou of eacpot and t d peas and "pops" in each accurately counted. It will be observed that an application of air-slaked lime gave the largest per cent ofgood peas, while the Complete manure a combination ofthe socalled complete manur wi thelime might possibly combine the large yield with good quality. EXPERIMENTS WITH GROUND PEAS. Planted March 6th and gathered November ist, 2d and 3d, 1888. Object: To compare effects of different fertilizers. 58 tkP1PRIM3tNT WITH SWEET POTATOES. Planted May 7th, and gathered November 21st, i888. Object: To compare effects of different fertilizers. Plat No. 1 2 20 0 lbS.C. S. Meal....... 100 ........................ ................................... 69.2o57.7283.4 230.45 215.70 Kainit............... 88.7 3 4 50 200 c. S. Hull Ashes ............. ... 32.22 118.33 English Acid Phos......................................245.72 232.45 89.5 90.9 5 6 7 50 200 Sulphate of Ammonia....................................68.15 153.85 165.21 Gossypium... ......... ............................... 18o.56 . . ...................... .... 228.28 109.59 9.5 92.5 No manure......... 8 9 10 ii 12 13 56.06 142.48 .... ............................ 400 ls. compost. ................. 54.0043.52 .............. I .. 70 " Nitrate of Soda. 142.76 C. S. HAshes.....156.54 200 " C. S. 5o lbs. 200 BE.S. 5o lbs. C. S. H. Ashes............... 5.65 240.55 200 " E. S 200 c. S. Meal .. .. . 86.22 75.87 Meal & Phosphate& 85.5 9.3 932 91.2 93.3 88.2 200 14 No Manure......................... *Plats i and 22 4k E. ..... 88.o S 200 &olbs.C.S.H.Ashes ......................... 9.15 3 7 .2 9 120. 9 5 78.57 86.2 were injured by shade and roots of wild vegetationalong a fencerow. FERTILIZERS FOR TURNIPS. The following.questions were propounded to the turnip plant. Beds one acre in length and ten feet wide, were prepared and planted August 22nd in plais as shown in the tabulated statement. The questions asked, are: (a) What element or elements of plant food does the turnip plant need to be supplied on the soil in question? b) From what source does it prefer to derive its nitrogen? c) From what source its potash? (d) What are the comparative effects of acidulated phosphate and the raw phosphate? (e) How do cow-lot and horse-lot manures compare in producing capacity with commercial compounds? (f) What is the best distance at which to leave the plants in the drill? The Norfolk variety of turnips was planted on all. of the plats August 22nd. In order to detect the effect of the different manures in securing and maintaining a stand, all were planted exactly alike in the same seed and missing places filled by transplanting once, and finally, the number of turnips on each plat carefully counted. To compare the effects of the different manures in producing tops and roots, the whole plants w~ere weighed when gathered. December 18th, then the roots weighed after removing the tops. In answer to the first question, kainit gave a larger yield than any other single substance. See plat 5. It will be observed also, that the application of the same number of pounds of kainit and cotton seed hull ashes resulted in favor of the former, though the cotton seed hull ash contains an average of about twice the per centage of potash. While cotton seed meal compared with sulphate. of ammonia with reference to the percentage of ammonia in each gives better 59 result than the latter when each is used alone, the sulphate of am. monia gives better results where it was used either in combination with potash only, or with potash and phosphoric acid. The former result in favor of the cotton seed meal may have been due to the fact that the latter contains both potash and phosphoric acid, while the sulphate ammonia contains neither of these. See plats 2 and 3, and 8 to 13 inclusive, and 19 to 22 for compari- son of sources of nitrogen. High grade English super phosphate was compared with raw phosphate presented to the Station by the Meridian Phosphate Company, Meridian, Miss. In the former nearly all of the phosphoric acid was soluble; in the latter it was all insoluble, but the quantity greater than in the former. It will be observed that the raw phospate was applied in twice the quantity per acre, but it will be remembered that its cost per ton is but little more than half that of the super-phosphate. Considering the results on all of the plats to which the two forms of phosphoric acid were applied alone, and in various combinations, the plant seems to have been indifferent as to the source from which it derived this important mineral element and seemed to have the means of procuring it from the raw as well as from the acidulated. The effects of 212 tons of cow and horse-lot manure do not compare favorably with one twentieth that weight of commercial goods. See plats 27 and 28 and compare with 2 and 4. Finally, the turnip finds itself somewhat crowded at six inches in the drill, but lonesome at two feet. The best results both as to the aggregate weight and average size were obtained from those left to grow one foot apart in the drill. The season during the last fall was exceptionally favorable for growing turnips. The accompanying tabulated statement gives the results in compact form. 6o EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS WITH TURNIPS. VARIETY. PLANTED AUGUST 22D. NORFOLK 3:. WI'0 FOLO 0. 0 z Z NAME. [E.. 0. onia Lealo 0. 0 23200 2730 26500 ;0. 0 220 l440 English Super-phosphate. bs. " Sulphate Ammonia............. cotton Seed Meal...... " Cotton Seed Hull Ash......... "' Kainit..................... " Raw Phosphate................. Manure.......................... lbs. c. S. H. Ash, 220 lbs. Sulph. Am. " c. S. H. Ash, 220" Sulph. Am., 440 English Super-phosphate. 20220 lbs. c. S. H. Ash, 220 lbs. Sulphate Ammonia, 88Dlbs.Raw Phosphate.. 22 220lbs c S. H.-Ash, 44o lbs.C. S. M.. 22 220 " C. S. H., Ash, C. S. M., 440 440 lbs. English Super-phosphate.. 23 220 lbs. c. S. H. Ash, 440 lbs. C. S. M., 440 lbs. Raw Phosphate .... 24 No Manure. ........... 220 lbs. c. S. H. Ash, 440 lbs. English 220 22330 30360 3 440 4 220 5 440 6 38o 7 No 8 220 9 220 32670 20790 25960>hoto 16720 39600 325080 23320 28480 30800 22220 32020 289%3 34612 2782 253 249 8o "93 "79 66 43 88 225 82 264 1o6 428 19360 24960 30360 31900 20240 "77, 99 352 64 229 252 90 230 122 29261 8 "73 .92 2.04 393 0 50600 22400 34320 33000 29480 20900 25740 5o6 5422/1 387%II 23923 202% 27600 21340 2732 35523 339%,/ "84 .82 " 36911' 20350 29260' 20680 ' 23200 .69 .95 .50 .71 4023 15 29800 37400 23640 S 660 20460 23320 37400 330 120 294% 176 Super-phosphate........... lbs. C. S. H. 88o lbs Raw Phos.. " Kainit, 440 lbs. Eng. Sup-phos.... 1220" Kainit, 88o " Raw Phosphate.... 29 220 " Sulphate Ammonia, 440 lbs. Eng Suiper-Phosphate.... ............ i6 220 27 220 20 220 Ash, 88o ... ii88o 26720 22540 19800 28480 26 18260 23200 20020 209 -330 43780 28820 30240 3083 .68 .85 .90 55 276 36 214 lbs. Sul. Am., lbs. C. S. M., 440 lbs. Eng. Sup-phos. lbs. c. S. M., 88o lbs. Raw Phosphate Manure.. ..... ...... .. . 2 4 4 4 01bs. C.S. H. Ash, 4 4 o lbs. Sulp. Am., 440 lbs. Eng. Super-phosphate, Turnips 6 inches in drill..... ... . 25 440 lbs. C. $. H. Ash, 440 lbs. Sulph. Am, 440 lbs. Eng.. Super-phos, Turnips ifoot in drili............ .... 26 440 lbs. c. S. H. Ash, 440 lbs. Suiph. Am,, 440 lbs. Eng. Super-phos., Turnips 2 feet in drill .................... 27 440 22 440 23 No 27 4400 lbs Raw Phos.. 24960 26940 15400 23200 23200 27260 20900 24923 2881 20223 .64 "73 .70 92 83 30 25080 33220 25623 202% 21880 *616o 36300 ioi60 "73 6o I.o6 6o 19140SI18oa 3291 1652 107 42460 22880 28700 382% 227 247 lbs Rotted " 28.4400 I"C Horse Lot Cow Lot Manure...Manure .. 23760 19140 23540 12760 22440 212% r65oo 22540 19140 168% 209 .0.p 1.10 582 14% .61 38 o8 35 COMPARISON OF VARIETIES OF TURNIPS.Twenty-five varieties of turnips were planted August 23d upon thin, sandy land, well manured broadcast with compost, cotton seed meal and cotton seed hull ash. on the plats, due The difference in the stands to the difference in vigor of the varieties in their early growth, was quite marked, though in nearly every case a good stand and in many a perfect stand was secured. Some of the seed of the varieties were purchased from D. Landreth & Sons, Philadelphia, and some presented to the station by the United States Department of Agriculture. Red Top is the earliest the twenty-five varieties; Milan Strapleaf, second; Early Flat Dutch Strap-leaf, third; Purple Top Strap-leaf, fourth; and Large Early Red Top Globe, fifth. White of Earliest Bloomsdale Globe and White Globe Strap-leaf seem to be identical. Each of these varieties has been put in hills in the open ground, as sweet potatoes are hilled, to test their keeping qualities. The tabulated statement presents results of observations in compact form. EXPERIMENTS WITH VARIETIES OF TURNIPS. [.C N 0. 0 to, P.O 0 0 b 0 NAME. 0 ia 00r Cc U .0 0 4 o -o Q n i I i n i z 856 39 39612 24 932 41512 428 25 346 44 737 24512 424, >)) .0i ,- 69g 394 5-6 70 2%4 Long,Round,Point'd 36 9.3 615'/ .98 35 Pointed Globe. 35 815 596<-6 .83 5/ Greenish Yellow. . Globe. 24 795 463'6 I.00 White) . Flat. 32 607 43 391/4 26 274'3 4375-6 .83 5 . Bright Purple. 43 529 37 9o834 32 23332 437%6 .73 54 22 594 97334 8 54032 142% ".37 34 Golden Yellow. Globe. Greenish Yellow. 49 U.S iet.Agi 33 o6o Yellow. ii Impr ved Yellow Ruta Baga.............. 29 203 486%3 .88 Purple. 52 794 White. Roots Sprangied. 26 448 46 284 30 105 50123 4.23 I4 I2 Long French.......... ......................... Greenish Purple. . IT. S. Dept. Agri. 49 285 26 37o14. 13 324 ............. 13 Landreth's Snow White Globe .. ..... White. Glohe. 222 .69 32 27 o8= 28 201 20 214 3365-6 1.18 Bright Purple. 14 Large Early Red Top Globe......................... ....... Landreth. Rouiidish Flat. Purple. 15 Milan Strap Leaf.... ...................... 29 754 39 396/ 25 794 42923 .86 ....... 14 326 26 60534 I1 29534 188%6 .78 43% ..................... .. ....... Pointed z6 INsorfolk.... White. 3 34 27 Purple Top Strap Leaf............... ...... ... Flat. Purple. 33 611 34 299 23 968/A 39423".71 i8 Purple Top Munich.............. ............ ....... 24 489 22 626/4 9 678 Golden Yellow. Globe. Dingy Purple. U. S. Dept. Agri. 22 x9 Prussian........ ... ................ . Roots Sprangled_ 591 47 386 28 652 4774% 1.22 Landreth. ... White.. .. 21 489 White. 20 Pomeranian White Globe Strap Leaf .......... ..... . Flattened Globe. 29 478 25 288 25423".71 44 Roots Sprangled. 22 Sweet German.... ........... ................... . 30 205 46 835 27 8253 463'%3-.92 3%2 22 White Globe Strap Leaf........ . ...... ...... . -White. Globe. TindwithPurple. 48.734 312%6 .59 34 407 40 35034 23 White Fleshed Purple Top White Swede Ruta Bag.... 22 040 367%3 .69 3 4Y7 Purple. 33 611 39 X21 24 White Stone............... ........... White. y............. Pointed Globe. 24 244 .84 43 529 29 836 330' 25 White Globe......... .................... ... 203 29 Globe. 43 529 22 349 372%3 .73 23 3 Bloomsdale Swede Improved Purple ... ....... ...... 4 Champion Swede.... ........ ....... . ........... .......... ............... 5 Cow Horn............ ..... .... 6 Early White Egg.................. 7 Early Snow Ball.... ... .. ....................... 8 Early Flat Dutch Strap Leaf..... ................... g Earliest Bloomsdale Red Top.... ............. :...... 20 Rose. ...... 2 Aberdeen, S Amber Giobe Strap Leaf ............................ or Scotch Yellow......................... Landreth. . . 25 "97 45 39 440o80 30401 501%3 .96 34 .76 2/4 37 Greenish Yellow Purple. Light Purple. White. Golden Yellow. Yellow. White. Globe. .. 33 61i 44 oS's 37 468 56 89034 51 293 42 978 24 795 38 15614 .olden Purple Top .......................... -Globe.. ..... VARIETIES OF GRAPES. In order to convey reliable information with regard to the general adaptation of varieties to this soil and climate, a large number of the varieties of grapes generally grown by nurserymen are being tested on the grounds of this station. Thirty-nine of these fruited last season, on Vines just three years old. The accompanying tabulated statement of results of observations made upon the vines an'd fruit may serve as a partial guide to those desiring to purchase. To render these observations very valuable and reliable, they must be continued through a series of years under the effects of different seasons. In order to test the practicability of protecting the berries from the attack of "black rot," insects and birds by means of paper bags pinned over the bunches, in early spring, about 7,000 bags were used on varieties under test and in the commercial vineyard. The common two-pound bags used by retail merchants were employed on the varieties to test the effects of bagging upon the berries-on the standard commercial sort, to determine the question of profit from their use. The effects upon the varieties is given in the tabulated statement as far as practicable in so compact form. The effects of confinement in the bags are not alike in all the varieties. The Delaware takes a soft rot in the bags or dries like raisins. The Perkins is preserved perfectly in bags, but is not good when thoroughly ripe, and hence it is not profitable to bag them. The Hartford was planted on the lower edge of the vineyard with a N. Western exposure-that most favorable to the development of black rot. All of these not protected by the bags rotted before they ripened, wnile the berries upon the protected bunches were perfectly preserved and good August or 33 days after ripening. The Concord and Ives are well preserved in bags, the Ives perfectly. The skin of the Concord is so thin that the berries burst in the bags when very ripe and thus cause fermentation, which attracts insects. The Ives improves in flavor for a month after it turns black and shipped well as late as August 1 th, forty days after the crop is 9 usually marketed. These standard varieties sold at five cents net when first ripe without the bags early in July. Those protected and preserved in the bags brought ten cents per pound net a month later when the local crop not so protected had been consumed or destroyed. It costs one dollar to protect 500 pounds or i,ooo bunches of grapes. The bags should be put on as soon as the berries set. The bag is simply slipped over the bunch, folded around the stem and pinned. Before taking the bags out of the bundles in which they are packed, a small opening should be made in the bottom of each by means of a sharp knife or chisel in order that any moisture which may accumulate in the bags in wet seasons may escape. It is believed that it will not only prove desirable for the amateur grower to use the bags to prolong the season and irnsure exemption from attacks of rot, birds and insects, but those growing grapes on a commercial scale may find it to their interest to thuis protect a portion of the crop. 18th, 63 to NOTE-The bulletins of this station will be sent free to any~farmer who desires them. Address all requests to Experiment Station, Auburn, Ala. J 4; 0 o j .00~ 0 .. .. . . . . . . 0 .00O o o ,. _ . N U a UQ "0 U 0C v aJ 0 .c0U 41: 4_j j0 H N ~0 a " bi0 "mac b 0 H i U o .. ":td'OC', , 0C 0 ' ;" . : . . . . 'U.::: . .. >0000Ojoo8 ~ UUNU , r +-.t7::: .: 00 05a00.00.0 0 :UG88U 0 .o0 ..'"t NE8UN -0$-:::M:t7:::::::::O.b:'7::: :' . (L V C3'CyII.:.R . . U ° .c R 1.. UU ......... '0 O0 00 . z a 0 b - :O-d5& 0 . b :: -. '° '0 iv 0'' 00 .. . 43 u H 'c "d :3 'U :.' 'C '3: :.j b0 4-joo4-104-1 ;>1 04 0 0". : o0 a:' ~N ; 0 N 0 N OO N Z o .Oa ' ,Ua H 4 :O ,O Cl 0 o N 0 b Ao oWIb)bi 4 ,C' > O 0b , o '0 ' n bA ,Ub o 2 H N :. N 110 '>.04 z NNH 0 N0NrfON 0 , NU 0 -Ox 0 . : -N: AN 44 U . U xxx xA'N0 0 L 0 N(cz 'J')'0~.Q 00 NN .'"A A . 0 64 4- Chemical Laboratory has been chiefly the analysis of commercial fertilizers received from the State Commissioner of Agriculture. This includes thirty-seven samples of fertilizers containing phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash, twenty-one acid phosphates, and twelve miscellaneous samples, consisting of muriate of potash, cotton seed meal, tankage, Swan, Island, Mona Island, and Carib natural guanos, also several phosphatic marls. In addition to these, six soils and sub-soils, and RkeporI of1N. T._Lupfton, heiit. 1888, the work in the During the quarter ending December 31, alyzed, and a variety of minerals examined and their character de termined. The details of these analyses are as follows: two specimens of coal have been an- 000N '10 HH .QnIeA. n ) 0 03030 N0-.m 0 '0303003 M3U '-1hHWas0)03 300 N00303 0H00 4- 'o'v)iN-03 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 N H03n00 3M3-t'0-0 ~03 0 03Hin0 00 100300 U 0 000300300 H HN 00)3000 030)00 I 'O H 3t 00NC) i 0 0000 03N0,00 0000 0o M.3. 00 N0 N 00- 00033-H000t_00003 000t' 0 -3- 0 Q.1 r". cotoo 000 0 L o N 0-ito" a O 6 Mnn t0 Z 0\Z . L11 0 o4 Q 0 . ~ 00.00 14 . * d Q . 00r-LE.; * . N 1.O.. -UV : : :30wo 0 W030::" 0-a NO >~ y u03 ...U ' N . ~ i QI 000~ I:j~N~3)0~ CZ 04 -1 CL o 0, z o-, u ° PHOSPHATES WITH, NITROGEN AND POTASH. Phosp'ric Acid. a o Name of Fertilizer. Nasyau By Whom Sent. 0 -0OU) ; wanoE ay izo8ssuGao..... 1109 Carib Am. Guano...W. sxii Fertilizer ............... John D. Weld, Savannah, Ga 1.82 J. Hudson, Mobile, Ala . .6 East Alabama Fertilizing Co., Clayton, Ala....... vannah, Ga .... .. 1. 7.37 2.98 2.31 2.64 24.25 0.65 9.58 7.89 3.19 23.44 1112 Complete Cotton Fertilizer Commercial Guano Co., Sa1J13 1114 1119 6 9.00 1.11 1.98 2.50 25.30 24.71 ........ 7 8.771.51 2.732.47 Chatham Guano.... Pomona Guano..... Rasin Fertilizer .... Holmes' Formula...N. Ivey's Formula......N. 1123 1x24 Commercial Guano Co., Savannah, Ga..... ... .... Commercial Guano Co., Savannah, Ga.......... . Rasin Fertilizing Baltimore, N ............. d. H. Holmes, Montgomery, Ala .. ................. 1.61 .64 2.06 2.20 3.04 8.41 1.71 2.76 2.20 8.31 2.34 2.77 2.48 7.39 2.57 2.52 2.22 8.04 1.82 1.74 0.59 23.65 24.84 25.05 24.96 23 22 22.29 Co., H. Ala Holmes, Montgomery, ........... 6.500-46 1-850-92 4.22 1125 1115 iif Soluble Pacific Guano. Prof. W. L. Hntchinson, A. & M. College, Miss..2.24 1117 Farmers' Alliance.....Troy Fert. Co., Troy, Ala. 2.02 2.45 Tiny Perfect Guano.. Pike County Fertilizer... 1.75 3.97 5.99 1.28 7.94 2.18 1.53 1.11 7.56 1.19 1.6o 1.73 7.48 24.16 24.40 1.46i.08 2.56 23.79 ACID PHOSPHATES. Phosp'ric Acid. 0 0 S a n , gor-. z 0 0 r1 n1 Name of Fertilizer. By Whom Sent. 0a Ca t W,F advr oMotg, Baldwin.. Fer. o. Saanah G 2052 Diamond Soluble Bone, No. 1. W F'Vandiver & Co,Mont'gy, Ala Bradyo Fet o. otnMs. 1053 Diamond Soluble Bone, No. 2. ClubFrLoCLumbG o Saanh Baldwinr.. Fet a XX Acid Phosphate, 2055 < 2056 Cotton Boll Eng. Acid 2054 s I----- ^-- U 1o.36 io.o8 10.36 10.36 4.42 4.23 U 0 3.181 $92.17 N~o. :r... t2... 3.2x6 21.46 3.772.99 21.19 4.08 2.6o 21.66 22.00 21.70 1057 Cotton phate, No.... Boll Eng. Phos....... 20.84 3.26 3.08 2.38 Acid Phos- phate, No. 2......... 2064 Furman Acid Phosphate:. 2069 Georgia State Grange Acid Phosphate .. ............. 2075 io.o8 4.393.29 11.1II 2.77 10.36 2.77 0.69 10.54 4 092.65 20.84 4.50 2.41 12.36 4.58 1.35 12.17 2.97 2.31 20.25 2.39'2.50 20.92 2.542-3 40.50 23-.61 12.46 20.82 29.69 21.94 23.01 25.41 22.71 XX Acid Phosphate....... 2o76 High Grade Eng. Acid Phos. io8s Acid Phosphate............ .. 2o82 Troy Acid Phosphate. 2087 Eutaw Acid Phosphate. .. JohdnD.Feld C, Savannah, Ga 2o88 Ashepoo Acid Phosphate.. 2091 Brady's Patent Acid Phosphate DaFVs arshall&Co.Mobi'ge,Ala 2096 Georgia State Grange Acid N.o H.rt.Holme,Troytoera..a. Phosphate.............. 8.96 20.29 22.54 22.32 21.04 20.20 2.421.49~ 22o2 Soluble Bone................ 1104 1105 11.28 12.19 1.28 2.6 122 11222 Nassau Dissolved Bone... Bowker's Dissolved B...... Magnet Acid Phosphate... Dissolved Bone............. 7.393.773.52 11.98 2.57 2.17 22.40 x.0312.79 26.74 2.0.32 20.26 66 '3 MISCELLANEOUS 0 FERTILIZERS. Phospric Acid. 0 00 "4 4I NAME OF FERTILIZER. BY I WHOM SENT. 2073 04 Muriate of d Potash. East Ala. Fert. Co., Clayton, Ala. . 7.0o . 7.14 .. 0.69 .. 46.25 .. .. 47.48 . . Cotton Seed Meal.... i Troy, i 1085 Tankage ............. . Troy 1094 SwaITIslaiid Guiano.. Frank S. Ruberts, Mi.bile, Ala.. 1095 Mona Island Guano.. Campbell & Co., 59 Wall St.. N. V. 1103 Swan Island Guano.. Frank S. Roberts, Mobile, Ala.... 1110 Carib Natural Guano.... W. J. Hudson, MoblleAla. 1118 Swan Island Guano.... Frank S. Roberts, Mobile, Ala... 1120"Phosphate Rock.. Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala.... 1077 .352 1.99 .9.52 0 10 .0222.73 .. 22.51 11.42 . .. 0.23 .0.79 26.57 7.48 .. .. 0.84 15.76 6.68 . .0.62 23.59 6.66 . . 0.38 .. . . MISCELLANEOUS STATION SUBSTANCES. MCCALL, CALERA, ALA. ....... 0.40 NO. 1061-COAL FROM H, G. Mosture.............. Volatile Matter.... .............. Fixed Carbon..............................51.90 ................. Ash.... ....... ....... 32.40 Total..... 15.30 1o. ...... ................. STATION Sulphur...................................... No. I102--COAL FROM PROF. 0. F. CASEY, Moisture...................................3.60 Volatile Matter............................. Fixed Carbon..............................54.61 Ash........... .............. ... .. ........ .... 6.64 AUBURN, ALA. 33 00 8.79 Sulphur................ .. STATION Nos. Total..................... ............... 100.oo 1.21 1126, 27 AND 2S-"MARLS" FROM R. M. PARKER,, COATOPA, ALA. Phosphoric Acid............. Carbonate of Lime ....... AIR-DRIED Locality........................... Soil Marked ........................ Station No .... .................... . . . No. i. 0.77 No. 2. 0.51 0.37 No. 4.13 3. 75.90 8..80 SOILS AND Butler Coun y. 8 (a) 8 (b) Soil. Sub-soil SUB-SOILS. Talladega Co. Aq(a) 9 (b)i Soil. Sub-soil 1131 I 1129 1 Pike County. Io (b) 10(a) Sub-soil Soil 1133 1130 I1132 0.175 I11234 0.102 Moisture......... ............ Insoluble Silica ..................... Soluble Silica...................... Hydrated Silica.................... Sesquoxide of Iron.................. Alumina. ...................... Phosphoric Acid................... Lime 2.267 0.827 3.670 3.676 78.379 68.586 66.i26 ,68.159 -92.931 85.507 2.559 0.105 2.460 0.198 0.153 4.759 1.864 4.562 0.029 0.275 0.293 11.084 3.584 9.684 0.020 8.627 3.942 8.007 0.150N :7.280 4.128 8.020 0.174 0.255 0.067 2.118 0.8122 1.609 0.032 0.039 5.417 .601 4.472 0.035 0.050 .......................... 0.176 0.409 Magnesia ..................... Potash............ .................. ..... . 0.289 0.633 0.903 0.391 0.233 0.654 0.992 0.062 0.149 0.350 0.127 o.o8x 0.174 0.293 0.153 0.182 0O550 0.194 0.410 Soda................ Sulphuric Acid..................... . Chlorine...... ..................... Carbonic Acid...................... Volatile and Organic Matter........... Total ............................ Nitrogen......................... 0.287 0.177 o.103 o.oo6 0.233 o.o68 o.oo8 0.046 3.219 100.155 0.239 o.056 0.214 5.462 99.361 0.260 5.969 99.369 0.260 9.81 0.039 0.154 6.089 100.253 o.oo8 o.o66 . o.o88 0.009 1.553 0.209 1.50 1.603 0.087 1.92 100.741'1oo.851. 0.280 Air-Dried Coarse Gravel ............. Contains Material........ t!Fine 8.5o .. 91.50 6.91 93.09 12.49 87.51 " v 00.20 7 _7, 98.50 98 o8 67 Department of Botang. WOODS OF ALABAMA-(Connied.) P. H. MELL. Fraxinus (Ash.)-The trees of this genus grow rapidly and attain a height of forty feet or more. The quality of the wood is very much the same in all species--the white ash, however, is considered to be the best. The wood possesses great toughness and durability. Experience has shown that in the case of white ash the second growth is superior in toughness to the first growth of timber. The wood is well adapted for all purposes requiring light colored, tough and hard material as in the manufacture of carriages, oars, cabinet work and blocks for pulleys. The roots are finely veined and sometimes have knotty convolutions, which resemble certain compound figures and are susceptible of high polish. In the trunk there is little difference between the sap and heart woods and therefore a large proportion of the stem is suitable for cabinet work and most farm utensils. It has been estimated that the cohesive power of the wood is about 160 pounds to the square inch when the load is applied transversely. The tensile strain per square inch is 5,495 pounds. The crushing strain per square inch is 2.4 tons. In selecting the timber care should be taken to obtain the wood that is gray white, because when the color changes to a dark shade, it is an indication that the wood is decaying. The best season for felling the tree is in winter, and it should be cut into boards soon after felling, because if left in the log state, cracks will open on the surface and severe loss be sustained. If the trees are cut in any other season than winter the timber will perish quite rapidly. The flexibility of the wood renders it unfit for the framing timbers in buildings. The leaves of the white ash fall so early it should not be placed by itself on the lawn if transplanted, but should be clustered with other trees, so that its ragged condition, when denuded of its leaves, will not be perceptible. It requires a moist, cool,deep soil, and stands transplanting well on account of numerous small fibrous roots. The green ash is a very handsome tree and will be quite showy on lawns; it is, however, smaller than the others. This tree is found on river banks in moist soils. The red ash resembles the white, but differs from it in the down over the young branches and lower surfaces of leaves. It has a broad spreading head and is quite graceful in a landscape. The bark of the ash is used for tanning calf skins and for dyeing black, green, and blue. For medicinal purposes the ash is highly prized. The white ash furnishes an excellent tonic and astringent. The extract of the bark is valuable for salt-rheum and other cutaneous diseases. When used as an infusion, it is good in some cases of constipation and dropsical affections. When the leaves are rubbed on the sting made by mosquitoes, the inflammation is reduced at once. "A decoction of the leaves is said to be an antidote to the poisonlof lamb68 I5 kill, or sheep laurel (Kalinia Augustifolia) when taken by lambs." (Trees of Mass.) Aesculuspavia, L. (Buckeye.) The tree is ornamental, but the wood is of poor quality. The bruised branches and bark are used to stupefy fish so that they may be easily caught. Cephalanthus occidentalis, L. (Button Bush.) A handsome shrub growing to a height of six to twelve feet. It is generally found in damp places. The bark is used as a remedy for intermittent and remittent fever, and the inner bark of the root forms a bitters that is thought to be good for-coughs. Bumelia lanuginosa, Pers. (Buckthorn.) Grows from fifteen to thirty feet in height. The wood has been used but little, if any, in the arts, although it is very hard. The berries make a good vegetable paint .and a first-rate dye. They are also strongly purgative or cathartic, but the action is so strong and severe the remedy is but little used now. The tree has been tried with some success as a hedge and for this purpose may be propagated by means of seed, cuttings or layers. It requires a rich, moist soil and will stand transplanting and training very well. Thd juice of the berries, evaporated to dryness with alum or lime and gum arabic, make the color sap green. Juglans nigra, L. (Black Walnut.) A graceful tree with a straight trunk and broad branching head. It grows quite rapidly, and is a valuable tree to transplant and cultivate for lawn, or for the fruit or timber. The wood is dark purple, becoming almost black with age. The fineness of the grain, toughness and durability make it valuable for many purposes. Even the roots of the trees are now cut up for veneering, and beautiful variegated slabs are thus obtained. The nuts furnish an oil that is used in mixing paints and is not congealed by cold, and the sap is said to yield sugar that will crystalize on evaporation. The bark when properly treated gives strength to the stomach and is recommended in fevers. The hull of the nut is used to make an excellent dye. The walnut and butternut furnish in the young stage of the fruit an excellent material for pickles. Walnut trees are rapidly disappearing from the State because of the great numbers cut annually for lumber; and unless some steps are taken to protect them they will soon be unknown in the forests of Alabama. It would be a wise plan if the people of the State would plant even a small number of the trees each year, to take thd place in some degree of those now being cut. The cultivation of walnuts will well repay the outlay. Fagus ferruginea, Ait. (Beech.) This is a large and graceful tree and the wood is very hard, fine grained and will take a very fine polish. The color of the wood is red, with a delicate silky gloss, and it cleaves very easily. It makes an excellent tree for the lawn, but for one drawback: the leaves remainuntil nipped by the frost and fall very slowly, producing constant litter on the grass throughout the winter. Betula nigra and Cuta, L. (Black (and cherry birch.) The cherry birch g ows 70 feet high, with a diameter of two to three feet. This'is a beautiful tree and flourishes best in mountain 69 r6 districts. The wood is a delicate rose color, takes a good polish, and deepens with age, but never becomes dark. It is even grained and works with ease. The variegated cast given to the wood by the annual rings adapts it for panels in cabinet work. The bark as a dye gives a beautiful drab color to wool. Catalpa bignonioides. (Catalpa.) This is a handsome tree that grows to a height of 6o feet or more and two to four feet in diameter. The growth is rapid, but the grain of the wood is close and will take a fine polish. The color of the wood is grey white, and it is quite durable. It is commonly believed that the seeds are poisonous, but the United States Dispensary states that they have been used with good results in cases of asthma. It is best, however, to begin with small doses of the decoction made from the seeds. Castanea vesca, L. (Chestnut.) The wood of this tree is coarse grained, but retains considerable elasticity and is very durable. There is but little sap wood. It is used for fences, and wherever wood of durability is required. The grain, however, is so coarse and so porous it is not well suited for cabinet work where high polish is desired. The color of the wood is light yellow or brown. When the bark is treated with iron, an exceedingly black ink is obtained from the tannin, which abounds in the bark. The tree thrives best in granite or sandy soils and submits readily to transplanting. The nuts may be improved in size and flavor by cultivation, but there are certain varieties to be found in the wild state that produce unusually large nuts, and it is best to select these for transplanting, if the yield of nuts is the chief object. The trees of this State seem to be subject to a blight or some destructive disease that is rapidly destroying them. This is particularly true when other trees are cut from around them. This subject is worthy of careful investigation, and it will be a problem for the experiment station to solve in the future. There is a very good market for the nuts and many of them are sent each year to Europe. One great drawback, however, in keeping the nuts consists in the fact that they wither and become mouldy. They may be kept successfully by placing them in boxes of clean, moderately dry sand and the boxes buried in the ground, where they will be neither too wet nor too dry, and of sufficient depth to be out of the range of sudden atmospheric changes. Before burying, all wormy and imperfect nuts must be carefully pickyd out. In using the wood for fence posts, it is best to select old trees, because ex perience has shown that young wood will soon decay-within six or eight years unless coated with tar or other preservatives. The wood makes an inferior fuel. The bark of the chinquapin, a species of the same genus, is used in medicine as an astringent and tonic in intermittent fevers. The following woods are added to the list given in the last bulletin: 70 17 COMMON NAMES. ro8. Ash, blue. Alder, black. white. .111. Arrow wood. 112. Arrow wood. Blueberry, swamp. 114. Blueberry, Farkleberry. 115. Buckeye, yellow. 109. iio. 'Alder, SCIENTIFIC NAMES. Fraxinus quadrangulata Michx. Ilex verticillata, Gray. Clethra alnifolia, L. Vibernum acerifolium, L. Vibernum dentatum, L. Vaccinium corymbosum, L. Vaccinium 113. Aesculus flava, Ait. 116. Chokeberry. Pyrus arbutifolia, L. 117. flaw. Crat egus arborescens,,Ell. 118. Hawthorn. Cratregus spathulata, Mx. 119. Huckleberry, dwarf. Graylussacia dumosa, T. and Gray. 120. Hazlenut. Corylus Americana,' Walt. r21. Mock Orange. Prunus Caroliniana, Ait. 122. Mulberry, French. Callicarpa Americana, L. 123. Oak, overcup. Quercus lyrata, Walt. 124. Oak, white. Quercus al ba, L. Oar, post. (Typographical er- Q uercus obtusiloba, Mx. ror in last bulletin.) 125. Prickly Ash, Southern. XanthoxylumCarolinianuni, Lam. 126. Strawberry Bush. Euonynius Americanus, L. 127. Titi. Cliftonia ligustrina, Banks. (Continued in ntext .bulletin.) arboreumn, Mar. 7' 1eteo oloicl 1epo , P. H. MELL. T. D. SAMFORD, Assistant. Climatic influences upon vegetation are of the greatest importance. The success or failure of crops is due largely to the state of the weather. , It is a well known fact that, not only the warmth of the atmosphere, but also the heat in the soil is necessary to germination of seeds as well as for the development of the plant. Recognizing the importance of these principles, meteorological observations have been made at this station for the purpose of more accurately determining the effects of the weather upon crops and to ascertain the exact temperature of the soil at different depths, as well as the conditions affecting climatic changes. To accomplish this work the station is furnished with a complete set of atmospheric meteorological instruments, and also with thirty soil thermometers, divided into three sets, ranging in depth from one to ninety-six inches. Two of these sets of soil thermometers are placed on the top of a hill which is exposed to the constant sweep of the winds and the full strength of the sun's rays. The third set is situated in bottom land on the banks of a running stream. This set is more or less shaded by.a rank growth of vegetation. Over each instrument is placed a box perforated with holes to allow a free circulation of air and at the same time to exclude the heat rays of the sun. The character of the soil is sandy and is well drained. In studying the data of these instruments the following conclusions may be drawn: During the summer months the upper layers of the soil are ten to fifteen degrees warmer than the atmosphere, but become cooler with depth, and in July a depth of five feet below the surface shows a temperature ten degrees cooler than the upper layer. In the fall and winter the reverse of this is true, that while the upper layers of the soil are still somewhat warmer than the atmosphere, yet the lower layers increase 'in warmth, proportionally so with depth. For instance, the month of July shows a temperature, at the depth of ninety-six inches below the surface, eleven degrees cooler than the air; while December shows a temperature at the same depth nearly fifteen degrees warmer than that of the air. It is also observed that while the range of temperature of the atmosphere fluctuates considerably, that of the soil is more constant; and further, that the daily range steadily decreases for twenty-four inches, below which depth it is practically nothingseldom being higher than a half of a degree, and from the figures in the table below it will be seen that the daily range of temperature is several degrees less in the bottom than it is on the hill; showing the effects of location of land, moisture in soil, and the 72 effects of exvaparation cattsed by the sweep of the winds-the bottom being greatly protected from this agent. Again, it will be seen that there is but little difference in the temperature of the bottom land and upland, during the fall months. During the hot summer the bottom is a little cooler; during winter it is a little warmer than the upland, and whenever the temperature is about forty degrees and below, then the bottom land is several degrees warmer than the upland. 73 DATA FROM SOIL THERMOMETERS AT DIFFERENT DEPTHS COMPARED ATMOSPHERE. ATMOSPHERE. OCTOBER. BER. N OVEMIB WITH TEMPERATURE OF DECEMBER. 46.2 Monthly mean.........62.5 81. M'onthly maximum... ...... 6 Date. ............. .. Monthly minimum......... .43. .. 21 Date............. 38. Range for month ........... 19. Greatest daily range . Date....... 54.7 78. I 66. 25 29. 28 49. 22. 46. 25. Least daily range..... Date................... Mean daily range SURFACE. .......... ....... 0o24 .... ... .1 tIo 17.4 .. 50. 62. 23 42. 2 ...... 22. SE SET SET SET 3. t.'I 8 26,31 Monthly mean..... .... Monthly "naximum..... 43.2 66. 38.4 52. 29. ......... ........ Date. Monthly minimum .... ...... Date................. Range for 'month .... ONE INCH. 8 30. 26 36. SET 57.5 SET 33. SET I. SET IiH. SET I2I. Monthly mean..... .. ... :...65.5 Monthly maximum.......... Date....................... 78.5 6 65.5 81. 5 65. 76. 5,6 24 77.5 3,6,7 56.5 76. Monthly minimum.......... ... ........... Date .. ...... Range for month............ 49." 29 29.5 47. 29 34. 22. 4,22 I2. 25 22.85 52. 24. 34.5 28 43. 29. 2 34. 42. 29. I 73. 3 38. 8 28,29 48.2 48.3 47.5 6o. 6o. 55.5 16 30.5 25 25 32.5 23. 5 24. 32. 29. 22. 28 35. I2.5 Greatest daily range ........ Date... ................... Leat daily range............ Date...................... Mean Daily range.......... THREE INCH. 22. 1,4,21 21.5 16.5 1i. 29.5 22.5 122 2. 3 .5 26 3 20 22 3 10,26 1. 25 213.37 "g 9,14,2I 11,25 22.5 9.8 11.21 65. 75 6 53.5 24 5 7,55 22.43 53 Monthly mean ............... Monthly maximnum......... .... ........... Date ... Monthly minimum........... Date............... ..... 66.5 8 o. 5,6 52. 213,14,29 65.5 8 0.5 49. 14,29 5.5 75.5 3,7 37.5 28,29 57.' 76. 7 35~5 5 289029 56.5 48.2 59. 71.5 16 3 7 40.5 48.3 48. 28.5 55.5 25 25 33. 26. 15.5 33. 25.5 35. 21,22 20.5 22. 2,3 2. 9 Range for month........... Greatest dailyrange Date ......................... Least daily range............. Dy .25 29. 9. 2... 32.5 22.5 22.5 13.5 38. 25.5 2 0. ... 40.5 27. 5 28,29 32. 29.5 .5 221.53 2 4 2.5 25 5 2.5 25 .5 20.22 2 7 "5 13,20 I 2 7 88 io.i6 20 Mean daily range. ......... Six 22.33 7.84 73. 7.8 72.5 6.03 8.62 1o.56 58- 6.8So 48.5 55. INCH. Monthly mean.............. Monthly maximum .... ...... Date ... ............... Monthly minimum.......... 66. 77. 6 53.5 3,14 66. 78.5 5,6 65. 57.5 57. 57. 24 Date ................. 52. 6 3,6,7 40.5 47.9 48.2 57.5 6. 73.5 570. 6 9 3 77 5 44.5 35.5 35. 38. 9 Range for month........... Greatest daily range......... Date ...................... Least daily range..... ......... 23.5 212.5 24 27.5 .,5 5 17.5 1,4,5 2. t6. 8. 5 1. I0,22 28 32. 20.5 28,29 29 25.5 20021 22.0 22 35. 23. 122 22. Dlate.. ..... .... .......... 25 7.62 20.46 .5 74.5 56. 1,12 2. o. 8 8,17,21 24,20,222 5. 2 6,7 .5 22.5 6 .1 27 24. 3 2.5 20 48.4 Mean daily range............ NINE INCH. 4.03 65" 71.5 6 6. 57. 70.5 3 7.58 55.5 71.5 7 40.. 3 3.33 6.16 47.4 5 68.5 54.5 20 7 3 46. 38" 9 29+30 22.5 20 7.90 Monthly mean.... ... ...... Monthly maximum..... ..... Date........... .......... . Date.................6 Monthly minimum........... Range for month.. Greatest daily range ..... Date.. . .......... 65. 76. 47.4 55. 10 46.5 6.5 2 5324 6 59. 24 43 29 27.5 38.5 22 213,14 .8.5 8.5 Least daily range ........... Date .................. .5 5 0 Mean daily range............4.77 TWELVE INCH. Monthly mean............ Monthly maximum ......... Date................6 Monthly minimum.............8. Date........................3,142 23. 22.5 12255 .5 4 5 2. 8 20 7.43 2.9 29 32.5 5 o6 6.5 1 0. 9.5 7 0 21 .3.5 7 I 2,7 9,19 I2. 6 16.5 18.5 9.5 48.5 6.5 54. 3 25 0.5 27 2. 27 9,0 8 3.4 57" 69. 3 29, 5. 3 6 57. 68.5 3 43.5 29 5 2.o6 3.22 5.27 42.5 922 65. 73.5 64.5 73.5 6 55.5 65" 70. 5 9 5867.5 47.7 54. 20 47.3 54. 20 1It 6-E. 45. 24,15 3 9 5 48. 29,30 i 39. 22,22 " 39.5 2I,22 - 74 2I DATA FROM SOIL THERMOMETERS. iCONTIN UED.) ATMOs] PHERE. TWELVE OCOBER~~i. ! NOVEMIBER. ' DECEMBER. INCH . lET 1. 6.5 SET 1. 13. SET 9. 35 3 S T 24. 45 I SET S 19.5 .5 14 axSET SaT 155. 14.51 SETL 12.5 .. Range for mor. nth. Greatest daily range...... Date.., 25. 4.5 1.24 4. 25 3. 0....... 9 14 314,9 0.. 2 71 4. 9 Least daily rar. oge.... ......... 0 Date. ... 20 Mean daily rarnge. . ... .9 TSWENTYF our INCH. Monthly mean Monthly maxi: ..... 70.5 Date i.. 6,7 . .""-"". Monthly mini mom.......64.5 ........ 8 Date.... Range for mor 3.5 Greatest daily range::::.:.. .5 20,24 0 21,22 2.46 0 29 0 19 0 8 0.5 10,27 0 05,21 3.51 2.2 2.28 .81 67. Ig9o 1.31 50.41 54. I0,II .9 .. 67.5 66.5 65.5 6o.5 59. 70.5 70.5 Mmm._... 61.5 51.1 55. 10,01 I 68. 67.5 52.6 55. 3 8,9 7 63.5 64.5 52. 8 2. II 17 8,9 51. 29,30 9 54. 30 45. 25 45. 2.5 49. I. 20 22 29,30 2. 00 4. 100 2.5 20 0. 14,24 2.5 31 2.5 25 Date . Least daily .. Date . 8 . 8 Mean daily rar .5 .56 nge............ THIRTY-' IX INCHl. Monthly mear1..:..... 69.5 68. Monthly maxi moum.......... 70.5 70. Date. Mtnthly mini mu m.... ....... 165.5 Date ... 5.5 . 6 Range for mon nth.... .5 2.5 Greatest daily range.......... .I I ra:nage............ II 9 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 .72 8 .4 8, .4 8 .28 63. 67. 00 8 .51 53.1 55.5 8 .5 8 .18 54.6 57.5 2 68.5 62.5 62. 70.5 67. 67. 1 5,7,8,9 8,9 12 10,11 53. 55.5 49.5 6. 66.1 5.5 I. 0 53055.0 12. 012. 1. 57.049.5 6. I. 04,16 0 Date . .. 8 0 1o 0 5. 8 0 10. .5 8 0 50.5 6. .5 8 .5 8 14' Least daily oge............. raae. . o 8..15 .29 8 .16 8 8 0 0 8 64.5 67.5 8 8 8 .08 55.2 58" I S .,8 Mean OT-I daily'ra.nge............. GHT .32 .00 .18 .18 .13 INCH. I'. Monthly mear i........ 69.5 69.5 69.5 Monthly nmaxi moor..........72.5 72.5 72.5 I Date. 12 I Monthly mini imomu..... .. .. 67. ... 67. 67.5 .. ..... 30 30 29 31 Date... 5. Range for morLth............5.5 5.5 .5 r a g .... 1 . Greatest daily . II .. Date. 1n 0 0 0 Least daily range............ t . . 8 8 8 ,..,....1 .05 .25 Mean daily ra]Ige. ........... 014. SIXTY INCH. Monthly mearn ....... 70. 70. 70. 64. 67.5 7,8,9 64. 67.5 2,9 54 58 . 3 1,2 56.5 59.5 1 58. 585 30 So. 30 9. .5 30 9. 0. 7.5 52.5 25,26 5.5 52.5 25 53.5 29 5.5 6. .5 0 8 C .5 8 0 8 0 0 2 .5 8 0 .5 8 0 8 .11 8 .16 65. 68. 8 .10 65.5 68. 8 .o6 6o. M~onthly 66. 67.5 8 6.8 0 8 .o8 57.5 6o.5 8 .08 58.4 61.5 maxiimool.......... 73. 73. 72.5 I12 I 0.2 I,2 2 I Date.... I im ..... Monthly mini 67.5 68. 68. 6.. 61. 62. 54. 55" 56. 30 8 8 31 27,31 29,31 30 30 .......... .29, 30, Date ... nth..........5.5 Range for nmn 5. 4.5 7.5 7. 6. .6. 5.5 5.5 .5 .5 5 .5 1. .5 .5 Greatest daily range...... s 8 8 8 8 14 Date . 8 8,16,21 .. 8 0 2 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 Least daily ra: nge............. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Date.... 8 ... . .. .. . .o16 .04 .of .o6 Mean daily r ange........... .1 .13 .19 .05 .o6 SEVENTY' TWO INCH. .. Monthly mean 66..........58.7 70.5......... n ............. 68.5.............62... Monthly maxi.imom............. .... 73. ......... Date . . .. ... 6.I0,2 ... .......... 2,2...... .... iu . 6. 12 Monthly min 6. 62..... .561 ............ )mo............ Date . . 26,3.5...0....3.....31. V.... ane Range for mt ... 6.5.............6 ..... Greatest daily t........... o................ 01...... .... .... ........ o.... ange........... Date.. Least daily ta 08.. ... .ng............................8' Date :. 3...8. ...... ....... ange.....8..............0..... .Mean daily ra . . . . .. . . . . .. ..... . . 6o1.. . . . 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . EIGHTY-)n ..... ..... .... . . . . . Monthlyincal ... .o... 66..... 70 ...... Monthly max ... 01 . .. 63...........6.5 Date .. imom........ ... ................ 1.. .. 3 Monthly mit 232, .8,1 .. .... 5.............7... ... ..... ............. Date ... o........ me Range for 6.. ...... ... ...... ........ yrne................... Greatest daily ... o,i8................ ......... Date. ................. Least daily snge..... .......... o.............................. t.... r 1 1,2 .5 8.5 . Mean daily ra ie.......... ........... 07 .... .. 8........ ......... 8 .1ATAFPROM ATMOSPHERE. NINETY-SIX SOIL (CONTIN IJBLI SET II. THIERMOMtTERS. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. OCTOBER. INCH. I Monthlyrnean ............. SET.I .I ........ I Monthly maximum.......... ..... 73 ..... ...... 69 ....... ...... ......................... ............................. Monthly minimum........69.5................ ......... 59.5 .. Date..................................30 .. ... 3z.. Range for month......... .. 35.................. 4. .... 5.5... Greatest daily range.............. ... ........................ Date............ .................. .... .... zo . ... ... 2.. Least dailyrange.......... ....... o..............o............o.... 1 .. .. Date..................... ....... I 8..............8............... Mean daily range..... .... .6 ... .ry 71....67.5.........62. I SEP' I SETI SET I I II. I .I II. 1 SET III I I. SEr I I SET I II. SET III. Date 65. 00... ... DATA FROM OTHER INSTRUMENTS. AT MOSPHIERIC PRESSURE (In Inches.) ,................. Oct. ,J Nov. 3o.06o 30.060 30.340 30.360 I8 Dec. 30.233 30.x250 23 29.720 Monthly mean .................................... Maoximurn...................................... Date.................. 12 MiSnimum ..................................... Date ........................................... Monthly range ................................ PRECIPITATION. 29.740 29.770 II 9 .6oo .590 .440 2.94 Total in inches.. ......................... Greatest daily..................................................... Date................................. Number of rainy days ........ ...... ......................... ........................... .. 4.39 i.o8 25 4.96 2.15 Nu~mber of clod~dy days................. NIumberbf clear dayB ............. Prevailing direttion ..................... ...... ................... .................... 8 9 . 15 6 12 7 6. 9. '3 9 Number of fair days ............................... ,. WINO. frorm.......................... Total monthly movement (in miles)................................. . Average daily movement..... ...... ....... ............... ........ . ..... ... ................ .. Greatest daily movement ..... ........ ........................... ........ Date.................. 5 S.E. E. N.W 3.632 4.361 118.2 220. 250.4 27). 14 29 76 APPENDIX. In response to a number of inquiries for the act establishing the experiment stations in connection with the Agricultural and Mechanical colleges of the different States and Territories, we give below: THE HATCH ACT. An Act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several States under the provisions of an act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the acts supplementary thereto. Be it enacted in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to aid in acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects connected with agriculture, and to promote scientific investigation and experiment respecting the principles and applications of agricultural science, there shall be established, under direction of the college or colleges or agricultural department of colleges in each State or Territory established, or which may hereafter be established,- in accordance with the provisions of an act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled "An act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," or any of the supplements to said act, a department to be known and designated as an "agricultural experiment station:" Provided, that in any State or Territory in which two such colleges have been or may be so established the appropriation hereinafter made to such State or Territory shall be equally divided between such colleges, unless the Legislature of such State or Territory shall otherwise direct. SEC, 2. That it shall be the object and duty of said experiment stations to conduct original researches or verify experiments on the physiology of plants and animals; the diseases to which they are severally subject, with the remedies for the same; the chemical composition of useful plants at their different stages of growth; the comparative advantages of rotative cropping as pursued under a varying series of crops; the capacity of new plants or trees for acclimation; the analysis of soils and water; the chemical composition of manures, natural or artificial, with experiments designed to test their comparative effects on crops of different kinds; the adaptation and value of grasses and forage plants; the composition and digestibility of the different kinds of food for domestic animals; the scientific and economic questions involved in the production of butter and cheese; and such other researches or experiments bearing directly on the agricultural industry of the United States as may in each case be deemed advisable, having due regard to the varying conditions and needs of the respective States or Territories. SEc. 3. That in order to secure, as far as practicable, uniformity of methods and results in the work of said stations, it shall be the duty of the United States Commissioner of agriculture to furnish forms, as far as practicable, for the tabulation of results of investigation or experiments; to indicate from time to time, such lines of inquiry as to him shall seem most important; and, in general, to furnish such advice and assistance as will best promote the purposes of this act. It shall be the duty of each of said stations, annually, on or before the first day of February, to make to the governor of the State or Territory in which it is located a full and detailed report of its operations, including a statement of receipts and expenditures, a copy of which report shall be sent to each. of said stations, to the said Commissioner of Agriculture, and to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. SEC. 4. That bulletins or reports of progress shall be published at said stations at least once in three months, one copy of which shall be sent to each newspaperin theStates'and Territories in which they are respectively located, and to such individuals actually engaged in farm77 24 ing as may request the same, and as far as the means of the station will permit. Such bulletins or reports and the annual reports of said stations shall be transmitted in the mails of the United States'free of charge for postage, under such regulations as the Postmaster General may from time to time prescribe. SEc. 5. That for the purpose of paying the necessary expenses of conducting investigations and experiments and.printing and distributing the results as hereinbefore prescribed, the sum of fifteen thou and dollars per annum is hereby appropriated to each State, to be specially provided for by Congress in the appropriations from year to year, and to each Territory entitled under the provisions of section eight of this act, out of any money in the Treasury proceeding from the sales of public lands, to be paid in equal quarterly payments, on the first day of January, April, July and October in each year, to the treasurer or other officer duly appointed by thegoverning boards of said colleges to receive the same, the first payment to be made on the first day of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven: Provided, zowever, That out of the first annual appropriation so received by any station an amount not exceeding one-fifth may be expended in the erection, enlargement, or repair of a building or buildings necessary for carrying on tree work of such station; and thereafter an amount not exceeding five per centum of such annual appropriation may be so expended. SEC. 6. That whenever it shall appear to the Secretary of the Treasury from the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of any of said stations that a portion of the preceding annual appropriation remains unexpended, such amount shall be deducted from the next succeeding annual appropriation to such station, in order that the amount of money appropriated to any station shall not exceed the amount actually and necessarily required for its maintenance and support. Sac. 7. That nothing in this act shall be construed to impair or modify the legal relation existing between any of the said colleges and the government of the States or Territories in which they are respectively located. SEc. 8. That in States having colleges entitled under this section to the benefits of this act and having also agricultural experiment stations established by law separate from said colleges, such States shall be authorized to apply such benefits to experiments at stations so established by such States; and in case any State shall have established, under the provisions of said act ot July second aforesaid, an agricultural department or experimental station, in connection with any university, college or institution not distinctly an agricultural college or school, and such State shall have established or shall hereafter establish a separate agricultural college or school, which shall have connected therewith an experimental farm or station, the Legislature of such State may apply in whole or in part the appropriation by this act made, to such separate agricultural college or school, and no Legislature shall by contract express or implied disable itself from so doing. SEC. 9. That the grants of money authorized by this act are made subject to the legislative assent of the several States and Territories to the purposes of said grants: Provided, That payments of such instalments of the appropriation herein made as shall become due to any State before the adjournment of the regular session of its Legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made npon the assent of the Governor thereof duly certified by the Secretary of the Treasury. SEC. IO. Nothing in this act shall be held or construed as binding the United States to continue any payments from the Treasury to any or all the States or institutions mentioned in this act, but Congress may at any time amend, suspend, or repeal any or all the provisions of this act. Approved, March 2, I887. 78