BULLETIN No. 115. ALABAN4A AUJGUST, 1901. A~riEu1Luvr1 LxpJiEFmEIHL bbH OF THE AGRIIIULTURAL AND ME1CHANICAL ECHLLEGE, AUBURN. CONVIN4HI RCJAL IF~RTILIZELRS JAS. T 1 ANDERSON, Acting Cherxaist. A. ROEMER*. PRINTER FOE STATE OF ALABAMA, MONTGOMERY, ALA. 1901. (81.) COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES ON EXPERIMENT STATION. THOS WILLIAMS..........................................Wetumpka. JONATHAN HARALSON..........................................Selma. STATION COUNCIL. WM. LEROY BROUN........................................President. P. H. MELL...................................Director and Botanist. B. B. Ross...... C. A. CARY, D. V. M *................. ................................ ........................... Chemist. Yeterinarian. Biologist and Horticulturist. J. F. DUGGAR.......................................Agriculturist. ...................... J. T. Anderson...........................Nssociate Chemist. ASSISTANTS. C. L. HARE............................. W. C. NIXON.............................. .... First Assistant Chemist. Second Assistant Chemist. T. BRAGG..................................Third Assistant Chemist. T. U. CULVER...............................Superintendent of Farm. R. W. CLARK... ......................... C. F. AUSTIN........ ..................... Assistant Agriculturist. Assistant Horticulturist. .The Bulletins of this Station will be sent free to any citizen of the State on application to the Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Alabama. *To be filled. (82) AUBURN, ALA., July 24, 1901. HON. R. R. POOLE, Commissioner of Agriculture, Montgomery, Alabama. DEAR SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith, in tabulated form, a report of the results of analyses of commercial fertilizers and miscellaneous fertilizing materials for the year ending July 1st. A large majority of these samples were forwarded to this laboratory through your office, and certificates of analysis were furnished you from time to time as the work was finished. A large number, however, were sent direct to us from dealers and consumers, and in all these cases certificates of analysis were sent direct to the parties. In addition to the analysis reported in this bulletin, analyses, both quantitative and regulative, of various miscellaneous substances-ores, marls, minerals, waters, dairy products, &c.--have been made for parties from all sections of the State, and have been reported from time to time. As an introduction to the tables, I respectfully submit a few observations on "Fertilizers-their selection and use," which, it is hoped, will prove of some practical value to the farmers who receive this bulletin. Very respectfully, JAs. T. ANDERSON, Acting State Chemist. (88) Fertilizel--Thei election and U , Few farmers need be reminded of the necessity of applying fertilizers in some form to their soils in order to maintain their fertility and to increase their crop producing power. The question is not "Shall I fertilize?" but rather "What fertilizers shall I use?" It is proposed in this brief discussion to offer a few suggestions which it is hoped, will be of some value in this connection. These must be taken as suggestions merely, and not as absolute guides in solving the problem. In the present state of knowledge of the science of agriculture, it is impossible to state any general principle of soil fertilization which will be of universal application, so complex are the conditions and requirements to be considered. The character of the soil and the method of its cultivation, the crop to be grown, the season-all these are to be considered in devising any rational system of fertilization. A soil is fertile when it contains all the materials nec- (84) 5 essary for plant growth in the required quantity and in the proper form. A soil which is lacking in any of these materials, or which does not have them in the proper form, is in no condition to produce a full crop, and must have the deficient material supplied in the proper amount an I form in order to make it productive. As has frequently been stated in these bulletins, there are about a dozen constituents of the soil that are required for plant nutrition. Most of these are found in such quantity in the soil, or are in such little demand by the plant, that the supply of them in the soil is not likely to be exhausted by years of cultivation. Three of the constituents, however, nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, are in such demand by the plant that their supply is readily exhausted, and it is necessary to restore these exhausted constituents to the soil in order to make it fertile. For the present, then, soil fertilization consists in restoring to the soil nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in such quantities in assimilable form as may be required for the proper nutrition of the growing crop. The rational course, therefore, to pursue with reference to a given soil is first to determine its deficiency in these three constituents and then to supply the deficiency in proper form. It is not an infrequent occurrence for this department to receive a sample of soil with the request to tell what it needs for its proper fertilization. The correspondent is acting on the hypothesis that a chemical analysis of a soil will determine its fertilizer requirements. Unfortunately it will not do so satisfactorily. The chemist can easily determine what constituents are present in the soil and in what quantities, but he cannot so readily determine whether these constituents are present in assimilable form, and if they are not present in assimilable form, they might as well be absent altogether, as far as ($5) the present needs of the growing plant are concerned. Many agricultural chemists, in this and other countries, are seeking to discover methods for determining available or assimilable plant food in soils, but at present there is no such method known which is satisfactory and which admits of universal application. If chemical analysis fails to answer the question, it may be asked, is there not some way by which the solution may be found? In answer let us quote the language of Dr. Armsby of the Pennsylvania station: ''The most satisfactory, and, indeed, usually the only method by which we can at present determine the needs of the soil is to ask the question of the soil itself by growing a crop upon it with different kinds of fertilizers and noting the results. Such soil tests with fertilizers have in many cases given results of much immediate practical value for the locality in which they where undertaken." On this plan have been conducted for several years the Cooparative fertilizer tests for cotton under the direction of Professor Duggar of the Agricultural Experiment Station of this State, and much valuable information has been accumulated thereby. It would be highly advantageous to the agricultural interests of the State if this work could be greatly extended beyond its present limits. It seems to the writer quite feasible for each intelligent farmer to conduct the experiments for himself and thus secure data that would be highly useful to him. At first glance they may seem complicated and expensive, but in reality they are neither so difficult nor so expensive as they seem. For the benefit of any farmers who may desire to make them the following suggestions are offered: Select ground that represents fairly as large an area of the farm, and whose soil is as uniform in character as MSO) possible. A long strip of land is likely to be more representative in character than a square piece, as it will contain more of the inequalities of the soil, and for this reason is to be preferred for the purpose of these experiments. The land should be as level as possible, and if not level, the plots should be so located that the fertilizers cannot be carried by rain from one plot to another. No part of the strip should be shaded by trees. A convenient size would be 33 feet wide by 416 feet long divided into 6 equal plots each 66 feet long, with a path 4 feet wide between the plots. Each plot, therefore, would be 33x66 feet and measuring exactly one-twentieth of an acre. Each plot should be separated from its neighbor plots, as well as from adjacent cultivated ground, by a 4 ft. path, so that the roots of the plants grown on it can get no fertilizer that is not intended for them. Of course these paths or borders should be kept reasonably free from grass and weeds, which would otherwise feed upon the fertilizers intended for the plants in the plots. Having divided up the plots as indicated and marked them by numbers from 1 to 6 inclusive, prepare the soil thoroughly in the usual way, after applying the fera tilizers broadcast as follows: Plot 1. Plot 2. Plot 3. Plot 4. Plot 5. No fertilizer. Nitrate of soda.., .... ...... .20 lbs. Acid phosphate...............60 " "' Nitrate of soda.............20 Muriate of potash ............ 16 " Acid phosphate .............. 60 " Muriate of potash.............16 Nitrate of soda..............20 " Acid phosphate............. . 60 ' (87) S Plot 6. Muriate of potash...........16 No fertilizer. lbs. The acid phosphate in these experiments should contain not less than 8 to 10 of available phosphoric acid. If cotton is to be used in the experiment, use kainit in the place of muriate potash, taking 48 lbs. If legumes, such as clover, peas, beans or vetch, are to be used, cut the amount of nitrate of soda one-half. It is recommended that that crop be used in the experiments which is to be grown in the field the following season, in order that the results of the experiment may be directly applicable. In planting care should be taken to have the plants uniformly distributed over the plots, and nearly as possible the same number of plants in each plot. The plots should be treated alike in all respects as to the time and manner of cultivation, and in passing from one plot to another, extreme care should be taken not to mingle the soil from one with that of another. This last caution is particularly applicable, when the plow is used in the cultivation. The harvest from each plot should be accurately weighed and the weights recorded. The importance of keeping a full and accurate record for each plot--the kind and amount of fertilizer used, the system of cultivation, and the harvest yield-cannot be too strongly urged. It will be observed that plots 1 and 6 have no fertilizer. These are check plots and are designed to show what the unfertilized soil can do. They will be especially useful in comparatively new soil or in soil that has been previously fertilized, but they should in no case be omitted. If these experiments have been properly conducted, reasonable inferences may be drawn from a study of the results as to the fertilizer needs of the soil. Too much importance cannot be attached to the conscien- as (08) tious carrying out of every detail. The experiments should be under the personal direction of the farmer himself, and where any part of the labor must be done by another, the most intelligent and reliable laborer should be selected for that purpose. It is realized that but few farmers are likely to be induced to undertake these experiments, and in the absence of other means of determining the specific needs of the soil, most farmers must ;ssume that all the constituents are needed and must supply them in such amount and in such form as the general considerations of the soil, season and crop may seem to require. So varied are these conditions that it would be impossible to give specific instructions as to methods of fertilization. A few general principles, however, as to the needs of special crops may be stated, which, it is hoped, will serve a useful purpose. Cotton isa crop that responds promptly and profitably to judicious fertilization, and experience teaches that concentrated complete fertilizers should be used. The profit from manuring with concentrated fertilizers is greatly enhanced by properly preparing the soil in advance. It is profitable to bring the soil into a state of good "tilth" by proper cultivation, and particularly by inco: porating into it liberal quantities of organic matter. This may be done by turning under leguminous crops (like the cowpea) or barnyard manure before planting. The complete fertilizer, applied in the drill, should contain a liberal amount of "available phosphoric acid." Any of the soluble salts of pota h are good, though kainit is preferred, as it is believed to be useful in preventing "blight." Of nitrogen compounds the organic forms (cotton seed meal, dried blood, tankage, &c.,) are deemed to be best suited for cotton, though nitrate of sod, (69) 10 is excellent, especially in soils rich in organic matter. The proper proportions of available phosphoric acid, potash and nitrogen in a complete fertilizer for cotton cannot be said to have been determined with accuracy. As a result of numerous experiments at several of the agricultural experiment stations, 600 to 700 lbs. per acre of a fertilizer running 9% available phosphoric acid, 3 % potash and 3 % nitrogen is to be recommended. For cereals and grasses nitrogen has been considered the dominant constituent. This arises from the fact that a top dressing of nitrate of soda at the season when there is a rapid development of stem and leaf, results in a largely increased crop. This occurs, however, only in soils which have a plentiful supply of the mineral constituents, phosphoric acid and potash. It is recommended, therefore, to use at the time of sowing a fertilizer containing a liberal amount of phosphoric acid and potash with a limited supply of nitrogen, and shortly before the maturity of the plant top dress with nitrate of soda. The Legumes (clovers, peas, beans, vetches, &c.) are crops that do not depend solely on the soil for their nitrogen, but which, under favorable conditions, have the power of drawing at least a part of their nitrogen supply from the atmosphere. To this fact is due their superior excellence as soil renovators, since their growth upon a soil must result in its enrichment in the most costly of the fertilizer constituents, nitrogen. In fertilizing legumes, then, provide a liberal supply of the mineral constituents and a minimum of nitrogen. They seem to require potash in great abundance, Lime, also, is needed to correct a tendency to acidity in the soil which is hurtful to the growth of the bacteria so essential in order that the plant may acquire its nitrogen from, (Qo) 11 the atmosphere. 25 bushels of stone lime per acre, every 4 or 5 years, is recommended for average soils which are used for the frequent growth of legumes. Root and Tiber Crops require an abundance of all the fertilizing constituents in readily available forms, but they differ widely as to their special needs. In one group may be placed beets, carrots and mangels. They require a liberal supply of readily soluble phosphoric acid and nitrogen, and in light, sandy soils the addition of a little potash is advisable. In clay soils they seem to be able to get most of the potash they require from the soil. Turnips respond most liberally to applications of available phosphoric acid, while they seem able to extract this constituent from sources not readily accessible to other plants. A liberal supply of nitrogen, also, especially during early growth, is desirable. While the turnip is a voracious feeder on potash compounds, it seems able to obtain this constituent from the natural soil supply, though it should not be required to depend solely on this supply. Potatoes, both irish and sweet, require a large amount of potash, which should be in the form of sulphate rather than of muriate. The nitrogen may be mostly in organic forms, though the nitrate of soda or sulphate of ammonia is recommended for the early irish potato. The phosphoric acid in moderate amount should be available. Fruit Crops differ from the others that we have considered in that they are produced by perennial plants instead of by annuals, and hence they require a different sort of fertilization. As the plants grow slowly, fertilizing materials which give up their constituents slowly are better, perhaps, than those whose constituents are more readily available. Fertilizers of the latter class, however, may supplement those of the former with advantage at such times as there is a rapid devel 12 opment of leaf and fruit. Perhaps the best fertilizer for fruit trees is a mixture of ground bone 3 parts and muriate of potash two parts. An excess of nitrogen must be avoided, as this causes a too rapid growth of both wood and fruit, the latter ripening poorly under such conditions. All fertilizers for fruit crops should be worked well into the soil. CALCULATION OF COMMERCIAL VALUES OF FERTILIZERS. The schedule of valuations in force this season is as follows : Nitrogen ..................... 14 cents per pound. Water soluble phosphoric acid.... 5 " Citrate soluble................... 5 " " " Potash ....................... 5 " " To compute the commercial value of fertilizers according to this scale, the valuation per ton of water soluble and citrate soluble phosphoric acid and potash is obtained by multiplying the per cent of those constituents by $1 00, while the value of the nitrogen per ton is ascertained by multiplying the per cent. of that element by $2.80. Take for example a fertilizer containing 7.50 per cent. of water soluble phosphoric acid. 2.00 1.25 2.50 " " " " " " " " " citrate soluble potash. nitrogen. " " the commercial value per ton would be: For the water soluble phosphoric acid 7.50x1.00-$7.50 " " citrate soluble " '' 2.00x1.00 $2.00 2.00xl.00-$2.00 " potash " " nitrogen " 2.50x2.80-$7.00 Total .. ,............. .... .. $17.75 X82) Analyses Reported by the State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901. ACID -r PHOSPHATES WITH NITROGEN AND POTASH. L vvv l lr ~ lv IV t iNvuu PHOSPHORIC ACID. a o NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. U ~0 I 4q a) 0 0) 620w-Alabama Phosphate (So called). N. M. Rhodes M. & M. Co.. Shell, Ala.. 5.90 6.90 5.13 2.35 3.17 2.53 2.39 3.38 3.35 4.48 3.78 5.49 2.42 1.80 1.08 1.20 1.26 .37 .37 .50 .91 6.16 1.56 1.96 1.64 1.22 1.24 .99 1.87 2.36 1.32 '.80 1.15 $16.55 2.76 17.50 3.25 19.76 2.95 18.55 2.52 18.08 1.05 17.20 2.22 21.04 4.11 21.55 7.84 22.77 'co6201 Alabama Fertilizer.............. Ozark C. 5. 0. 6208 Dale County Standard Guano. Al. tL cc & F. Co., Ozark, Ala. 8.75 9.65 62091 Ozark H. G. Guano .............. . 4 c 6210 1Guano No.83..................... . 0 G 9 C 6 cc G 6 9.70 10.00 10.23 6224J B'ham 'Dis. Bone Am. and Potash.. . Birmingham Fert. Co., Birmingham,Ala. cc .c cc "c..[N.M. 62251 B'hain H. G. Blood, Bone & Potash. 6229f Dale Co. Standard Guano.......... Ozark C. 5. 6230J No. 2 Ozark G uano ............ 0 M.c& F. Co., Ozark, Ala.. 6.35 7.45 623 . Helm Bone Fert. Co., Birmingham, Ala. 1 Hemes Special Guano No. 1.... 0.00 2.29 12.82 Analyses 'Reported by the State Chemist from Jutly 1, ACID PHOSPHATES WITH NITROGEN AND 1900, to July 1, 1901. POTASH PHOSPHORIC ACID. U) U) z 0) 6 NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. O O a U) U) - 0 62321 Helm's Special Guano No. 2.... U U; Helm Bone Fert. Co., Birmingham, Ala. [roy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala..... cc cc 0 00 7.15 4.61 3.25 5.44 2.6.1 1.65 2.02 2.00 '$11 .23 2.32 18.38 1.53 15.27 2.28 18 17 P6238j:Farmers' Alliance Guano......... 6239 Big Hit Guano............. ... 6240j Blood and Bone it 6.50 :c. c 3 38 3.23 2.41 2.73 3.31 2.42 1 38 Gunfo ...... 8.05 1.64 62411 Hume's Am. Dis. Bone ..... 6242 Meal Mix ture .................. .. . cc cc co cc '' 8.25 2.5: 2.2: 1. 6C 2.321 1.84 2.02 .17.461 7.05 7.40 6.55. 8.00 2.18 17.11 2.57 18.47 6243 Nancy Hanks.................. . cc Lc '' c: cc 2.84 2.36 3.74 2.40 6244 Old Homestead.................. . . .c £ c cc c 3.16 3.25 2.91 1.16 1.66 II1.961 1.53 14.49; 2.00' 17.90 2 321 17.67 6245 Pike's Pride Guano ............. 6246 Troy Perfect Guano ........... cc cc cc cc cc (( LL (C '' '' 6.95 2.09 6247 Soluble Blood and Bone ......... 6248Blood and Bone Guano............ 624 Dundee Guano..... 6254 Fertilizer ......................... Troy Fertilizer Co.,.Troy. Ala...... 7.10 8.25 2.48 2.85 3.52 2.20 1.26 1.60 1.66 14.77 2.00 17.58 6.75 Cliff Foy & Bros., Abbeville, Ala.......8.55 7.35 2.86 2.95 2.45 2.16 3.78 3.63 4.48 4.25 1.68 3.34 .90 3.09 .44 .42 .32 1.18 2 08 1l10 1.50 .99 1.84 1.90 1.80 1.74 1.68 14.59 1.66 18.98 3.70 16.58 2.34 18.20 1.34 17.79 2.52 21.6E 1.31 20.91 1.18 20.22 1.97 19.27 6257 Jones Special Formula............. Hilton, Bentley & Cosby, Brantley, Ala. 6259Gray's H. G. Guano .............- Gray, Dadeville, Ala.............9.50 Ala.... .... " " ... .... 6369 Birmingham Dis. Bone and Potash.. B'ham. Fert. Co., Birmingham, 6270 B'ham H. G. Blood, Bone & Potash. 9.90 10.35 9.80 9.75 6271Birmingham Soluble Guano........"' 5i6272 Birmingham Standard rade Fert.. 6275 Guano .42 .40 3.22 ........................ G. .. ..... W. McKing, Five Points, Ala.......5.75 8.45 6278 Guano...... ..... .. ........... 6279 Fertilizer ............... W. L.Patterson, Oswichee, Ala....... W. L. osby, Walnut Hill, 2.50 2.42 .70 .28 1.98 1.40 1.57 18.06 2.72 16.86 Ala........7.80 8.75 " 6282 Patapsco Guano ................. 6292 Stone &Johnston's H. G. Guano... 6293 Home 0. J. Belcher, Headland, Ala .......... 2.93 2.78 2.79 1.91 1.82 .22 .26 44 .94 1.56 .58 1.50 1.00 15.31 1.79 16.64 1.92 17.03 2.20 16.11 6291 Grays H. G. Guano.............. Dadeville Oil Mill, Dadeville, Ala...... 7.70 " " ' 7.90 7.80 Mixture Guano ......... ...... " 6297 Guano..... .... ... S. M.Day, Five Points, Ala..... ....... 6.60, 5.00 6.60 1.461 .75 16.4.4 Analyses Reported by the State Chemist from July 1. 1900, to July 1, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATES WITH NITROGEN AND POTASH-CO 'tinued a) 0 0 NAME OF FERTILIZER. BY WHOM SENT, M O n SET 6298 Goldsmith's Improved m CI I Mixture. . Prim & Kimbel, 6303 Aurora............. ........... Herren & Dadeville, Oliver, Jackson, Ala.. 8.60 9.00 9.30 3.12 3.20 2.68 2 25 2 32 2.60 3.32 4.14 1.36 2.18 2.06 4.08 2.00 1.66 2.73: 20.05 1.19: 18.04 4.13 2.35 3.48 5.21 2.44 3.92 4.39 4.07 1.00 1.80 1.80 1 60 1.44 1.34 1.16 1.64 1.45 17.68 2.29: 18.8S 2.35 )9.32 1 24 1658 2.18 17.35 2.07 15.74 1.07 15.71 2.32; 1;; i3 63 4Coweta H. G. Guano .A .. 6305 ..... .. ............. ... I 9.20 8.45 6306 W. 0 .0C. .............. ....... McGhee, Driver & Co., Lafayyette, Ala. . R. A. Russell & Co., Gayles yuile, I 6313 Blood, Bone and Potash.... ....... 6314 Mastodon .................. 6317 H. G.' Potash Guano....... ...... 6318 Blood and Bone Guano........." 5.65 8.70 6.00 I 6325 Capital City Standard Guano....Wright, Henderson & E Iba, Co., 7.00 O326lTroy Perfect. k- ............. IWright, Henderson & Co., Elba, 6.85( 5.05 2.59; 3.06 3.85 3.45 4.06 2.30 4.00 1.94 2.20 1.38 2.97 16 57 2.17 14 6327 Georgia State Grange Guano. 93 6331 Georgia State Standard......... Sanders 6334 B'ham H. G. Blood, Bone and Potash Lester f[ & & Son, Columbia, 5.75 8.50 ce 1.86: 2.00 16 41 1. 1.61 1.80 1.04 1.68 1.53 17 .84 1..87 16 20 2.38 17 78 3.48 18 76 1.59 16 39 4 .82 20 37 4 16 63 1. 55 19140 1.651 17 54 1.59 18 39 1.64 16 Co., Columbiana, L< 6337 Blood and Bone............ 6338 Comple Cotton. Fertilizer........ 6339 Jones' Formula 6340 Excelsior..... S6341 Farmer's Special .6342 Helmet.................. 6345 Ox Cotton..-Guano.............. H. M. Beachit & it Son;, Columbia, ie " [eande 5.C,0 8.65 4.02. 2.08 2.24 1 ............... ......... . ............ 8.85 8 00 6.70 3.20 52 .13. 1.98 1.30 2.10 5.74 5.69 1.461 1.11 3.36 1.26 1.34 1.92 6.20 1. 90 1.70 1.94 1.74 1.24 1.72 ,2.2 T. C. Masterson, Avoca, ccit " cc : 8. 7C 4.39 2.85 8.55 7.61 3.38 6347 Armour's 271.............. ... . C. A. Steifelmeyer, Hanceville, 6348 Meridian Blood and Bone ........ 6350 Early Bird....:...... 6353 .. . cc Bros., Jemison, c Georgia Formula Guano.......... : sReynolds 8.10C 3.75 8.85 7.90 8.50 5.50 2.40 2.153 2.04 2.58 96 Campbell & Wright, Jr~., R{oanoke, 2.60 .94 2.24 18 31 6354 Georgia State Grange Guano .... 6355 Pon Pon Crop Grower......:.... . G 636 Randolph Caro 1.65? 3.33 18 01 1.22 2.94 16 90 17 48 2.56 1 92 2.54 Analyse s Reported by the State Chemist from . tily 1, 1900, to Juy 1,19001 ACID PHOSPHATES WITH NITROGEN .AND POTASH-Continlued. PIIoSPHORIC AGID. z 0 a v I I NAME OF FERTILIZER. BY~ WHOM SENT. C U .. .. ~I C s i , '.4 0 ri 0 m -6257 Roanoke Guano.. ......... ..... . Campbell & "Wright, Jr., Roanoke, _ , Ala. 7.25 7.50 I 2.45 2.80 2.81 1.64 1.73 3.84; 3.97 2.70 3.40 1.98 1.41 x^16 65 1.76 1626' ~6367 B'ham amia i 1 Bone and Potash... S. E. Stewart, Hartselle,, Ala,.... 1.50 1.98 1.'88 63381'Xi G u an o .. .. .. . .. . ... ...... .. . .. . 70 7 00 2)4 2.86 2..06 17: 71 2:.:38 16:28 2.85 1. 74 2.90 :17 29 2 30 15 37 2.76, -- 7 45 1 6369 Adairs Am. Dis. Bone...... 6370 Ga.- State it '' '' '' Grange Fertilizer ..... ...... 8.10 8.95 8.40 3.02 1.86 1.54 1;:56 6371 Ox Cotton Guano ....... 6373 Read's H. G. Am. Dis. Bone .. 6374 Sample 6375 1.48 .40 .36 2.24 .72 1.22 1.16 3.72 San P No. : 1 ............... 2. ......... . C. R. Maxwell, Northport, ct (4 4 "...... 4i 8.75 19.00 2.30 .90 1.44 9.46 .. 6377 Helet Brand Potato Fertilizer.. . S. F. Alston, Tuscaloosa, Ala .... 4.22 26 40 6$7S IHelmet '5rand Blood, Bone.& Pot'h. IS.P.. Alston, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 1"i 2.25 1.85 3.30 9.18 1.62 1.14 4.18 10.40 3i .. t , 6379 1Helmet Brand 271............. 6380 Helmet Brand 386............ 6383 King Cotton Grower...... 6385 Scott's GossypiutnPhospho. 6387 6389 B'ham Bone S.14 1.74 17 69K 8 64 2 06 5.26 1.24 1 64 6.20 1.08 1.52 50 *7.55: 026: 49 60 1.'88 1.4 1.60 1.29 13 91 . I ~V. c D. Hamilton, Gumn, Ala........... . c cccc 6 75 4.19 9.90 8.40 7.25 1.71 3.81. 2.90 3.82 7.73 3.91 4. 79 4.37 2.98 3.53 2.87' 3.13 3.98 3.97 !Q A. Steifelmeyer, Cullman, c Ala .. 3.26 '20 13 2.13 18 40~ 2.07 16.70 2.90 18 71 Blood, BoneandPotash.... Compound........... .t4' c 6390 Standard Home Mixture........ a 6391; Helmet Braid 271 6394 Ga. State Standard Superphosphate. 6395 Scott's Gossypiuml Phospho... 6396 63i9 Scott's Blood W. 0. C.......... .~ 7.452.'00 2.12 2.09 17 76 3.32 18 18 3.20 20.60 2.25 16 85 264 17 134 2.07 15 06 1.68 16 47 1.86 17-146 19 42 18 15 Law &Davis, .. r~i............... Lnon <<. "... l..... .............. 6.25 71:.40 2.44- 1.68 96 2.08 3.32 4.02 2.8 1.8 1.10 1.58 1.04 1.74 Formula .. ....... ..... .. .... . 7.15 S. F. Teague, Birmingham,Ala...... 6.30 6.55 T. 11. & A. B. Stephens, Saborn, Ala .. . 7.05 .9.45 F. Ogden & Son, Sulligent, Ala..... 8.35 5.50 6400 Teague's Beef, Blood and Bone. 6402 Animal Ammoniated............ 6403 Blood Form,Ala... ... 6405 B'ham H. G. Fertilizer 6406 Mlobile Standard ......... ...... 2.121 1 .08 .72 6.08 1.54 1.8 Guano......... Analyses Reported by the State Chemist from July:1, 19O, to July ACID PHOSPHATES WITII NITROGEN AND POTASH 1, 1901. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 6 NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. ,.64,O8,Ox 6101 Cotton Guano.......... &Bone. .. Porter & Foster, Town Creek, Ala J. 7.85 4 17 1.88 1.72 1. 2.51$19;35 Blood Bloo d Bone. .. ............. . .... .6.40 J.. B. G'ray ra& ~ .W.W Gulledge_ l e, Ohatchie. 7.10 7.25' 2.86 3 93 3.44 1.42, 119 1.30 1.99 15 2.53 28 . 6412 Read's Blood & Bone No. 1........r. R. Farish &ios., Clayton, Ala... TJas E. Snead, Snead, Ala ....... " "....... 17 35 . 415 Aurora Am. Phosphate .......... ...... .... 5.85 3.32 1.38 6.10 1.14 1.64 1.75 1.35 1.9G~ 15 66 1.78 17.88 1.46 17 10 6416 Animal Bone Fertilizer. ....... 7.20 4.00 7.35 6419A. A. P.Bonewith Ammonia... 4.51 6420W. 0. C. Guano .."..............."...... .. °......" ... " "t 8.30 7.90 8.30 4.47 2.93 5.5;. 1.48 6.82 5.44 2.22 1 64 2.62 21 61 2.22 17 64 1.95 20 58 6421 Sea Bird Guano........ 6422 Coweta H. G.Fertilizer.. 6424Sea 1.72 Gull Compound ........ . .... R. W. Allen & Co.', LaFayette, Ala ..... 8.00 2.75 2.30 1.00 2.34 15 89 6425Georgia 6428 Am. Formula.-,..... Dis. ........... P'one... W. Allen &'o. ,taFayette', Ala. 7.70 8.07 2.18 1.54 . 82 1.80 3.00 .26 5.32 1.96 2.42 2.68 2.32 e1.44 2.40 17.20 2.99 18.84 J. R. G. Howell, Dothan, Ala....... ne G~uano...............e 7.70, 5.41 4.25 3.38 3.45 3.30 3.54 4.08 2.89 3.1'3 6429 Howell's Fruit Food........... 6431 Beef, Blood & Bone Guano. 6432 Solid South Guano............ 6434 Tuskaloosa Guano............. 6436 Goulding's Bone Compound. 6438 Potapsco Guano.............. }6445 3.16 1.12 1.58 2.16 1.48 1.3 1.68 1.48 1.62 3.31 19.79 1.23 15.7T2 2.24 17.86 23 20.25 1'7.17 2 .32 WAeathers, Swan & Co, Roanoke, Ala... 7.90 7. 90 Tuscaloosa C. S. Oil Co.,Tuscaloosa, Ala Hughes 8.30 6.90 Bros., Florala, Ala......... Ala.... Co., Troy, Ala.... R. W. Allen & Co., LaFayette, Troy 8.55 8.45 7.80 8.05 8.55 17.5'7 18. 60 Fume's An. Dis. Bone.......... Fertilizer a S6447 [roy Perfect Guano......... 6448 Blood and Bone 6449' 6453 Complete Cotton Fertilizer... 6454 Jones Special Formula .......... 6455 jiVlerriman's 6456 6459 Blood, Bone and Potash ......... 646C Ga State Grange Cotton Boll 3.32 3.63 1.88 2.65 2.11 17.37 2.34 18.56' 2.57 18.48 2.4 17.70 Guano.......... P. J. Ham & Son, Elba, Ala......... . Hitn etey&Csy rateAa 2.77. -2.18 1.64 7.85 8.85 .3.22 1. 2.00 1 . lton, entle&CsbyBratley. . 50 22 4.02 18.54 4.07 19.82 3.33 ]8.59 1.69 16.85 2.93 16.57 Guano..... . ... 9.95 10-.05 10.00 ,1.38 2.32 1.46 2.53 2.84 1.94 1.72 2.56 1.58 1.34 .94 1.68 Fertilizer. 6 .10 Analyses Reported by the State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1001. ACID PHOSPHATES WITH NITROGEN AND POTASH. PHOSPHORIC ACID. z G o 0 NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. TuS A~6 O CD2 1) 0 O d I z r U 1 I ^ -6461 Jones Special Formula... ...... 0 . Hilton. Bentley-& Cosby. Bentley, Ala. C. Kimbrough, Alexander City, Ala.... 7.4') 8.20 7.05 7.55 6.75 7.00 3.25 3.36 3.12 2.79 3.53 8.10 1.94 1.38 3.26 .95 3.88 17.19 2.88 20.21; 1. °'6462 Sample No. 1......... 6463 Sample No. ........ 2.06 2.43 2.. . 18.50 6468 Troy Perfect Guano............ . J. T. Ramage, Brundidge, Ala..... 6469 Star Guano .................... 1.9 2.65 1L8.42 1.55 18.21 2.68! 20.081 2.181 18. 60' 2.90 17.391 2.36' 19.281 2.43; l 5'.22 2.28 1.84 1 98 1.56 2.16 5.22 7.08: 1.28 6470 Sea Gull Guano................. 6472 Blood Bone and Potash........ . 6173 Goulding's Special Compound ... 6176 Alabama Guano.......... 64781Ammo. .... J. C. Akin & Son, Notasulga, Ala.. \VT* F. 5.25, 4 .10, 4.93 3,7 37 377. Kenzie, Greenville, Ala....... . 6.00 7.05 7.10 5..55 Superposphate...........First Bank of Elba, Elba, Ala........ 3. 5.6 2.80 1.421 ,41] 6479fHume's 6481 Am. Dis. Bone......... . First Bank of Elba, Elba, Ala.........7.85 1. 2.31 3.14 4.44 1.24 2.02 15 651 Patapsco Guano. ........ K. Brantley &Son, Troy, Ala........SO.0 . 9.45 8.30 1.96 2.12 1.46 2.26 .98 2.50 2.28 4.28 .74 1.34 .94 2.50 16 27 .98 .5) 1.41 2.:30 2.16 1.62 6482 Sea Gull Guano.............. 648.5Baltimore Soluble Bone........ 6493 Georgia Formula... 1.23 3.89 2.44 2.53 15 95 1.57 13 76 2.62 16 -56 2..78 18 J. G & John Sanders, Dothan, Ala..... ..... C.I1. Butler, Childersburg, Ala........7.55 6495 Georgia State Grange.......... Buiks & Coston, Bran tley, Ala.........7.20 2.471 6497Ox Cotton Grower........... 6498'Troy Perfect... 0 H. F. Patterson,Falkville, Buiks & Coston, . .. .r 89 Ala.........7.30 3.95 7.70 , 2.02 19 32 2.29 16 60 1.83 .......... BrantleyAla . . 2.07 4.22 CO 0 6499 Blood. a.nd Bone. .......... McMillan & Harrison, Mobile, Ala Grand Bay, 4.80 1.38 2.64 1.48 1.54 14 71 6502 Perfection Guano............. " z <<.. . 7.80 3.06 8 a 1/6 3.57 21 82 3.34 20 59 2.71 18 69 1.06 17 51 2.34 16 4.7 2.24 17 47 2.14 18 16 2.21 19 05 6503 ... ..Jess ' Jackson, ....... :....... Al .5 2.56 9.30 11.35 7.85 7.35 2.37 1.68 6505Gossypium Phospho...... ,... 6508 Big Hit...... V.S. Crass, Pelham, Ala. ............. G. A. Sanders, Luverne, Ala ........... << < 6509 :flume's Am. Dis. Bone....... .. . 2.02 3.42 3.08 2-80 1.22 1.68 1.86 1.83 1.58 2.67 651 Roanoke Guano ......... ...... . A. J. Pittman,_ Wehodkee, Ala......... 6514 Randolph. Guano ............ 6516~ Beef, Blood and Bone... .... . . W. A. Gage J 7.'30 & Town Creek, Ala Co., .... 8.65 8.9 1.30 .98 2 6517}Helmet 282,.;..................., .. .. 2.90 00 3.251 20 621 17- 4.15 Analyses Reported Ly State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July.1,1901. ACID PHOSI IuATES- WITH NITROGEN AND POTASH. PHOSPHORIC ACID. O NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. p zn -6518 Helmet, 271...... 646521 Old Dominion................ 6522 Talladega Am. Dis. W. z A. Gage w0 & Co., Towne Creek, Ala.. 2.501 9.10 .4.051 4.60 6.65 3.(0 2.71 1.00 2.14' 2.42 $20 01 Phillips Bros, Oxford, Ala.......... 2.20 0.20 1 1.92! 3.24 17 27 2.06" 3.38 18 80 1.56 2.10: 2.18 1.26 1.26 8 0 Bone........ Ingram 6524 Ga. State Standard Guano ....... &Co., Anniston, Ala......... 8.65 41 17 96 6527: Eddystone Soluble Guano.........; J. Markentepe, CullmanAla ........ 6528 Fertilizer .'................... . Robbins 6.75' 4.24 8.95' 2.05 7.25 7.45 2.66 2.80 6.24 4.46 ' 31. 67 17 & McGowan, Brewton, Ala.... 2.36 19 46 1.52 1S 71 4.25; 6532 Schucessler & Co's Beef,Blood & Bone Schuessler & Co., Roanoke, Ala.. 3.41 3.341 6533 6534 Special Formula.. . ... . Britt & Johnson, Wetumipka, Ala... 18 67' H. G.. Fertilizer......... 6.75 8.60 3.35 4.99 4.90 .56 1.90: 2.65. 18 07 2.10 2.60 6538 Ala. Fertilizer............. 2.07 .t 654lfHume's Am. Dis. Bone.......... MeEntyre, Henderson & Adams, Ozark. 6543 Troy Perfect Guano.. 7.30 2.95 2.20 3 .66 2.10 1 .02 1.26 1.67, 1.43.1 ....... 6 70 2.34 6.15 3.28 15.85 6544 Goldsmith's Improved Mixture.... 6545 Swift's Eagle................. 6547 Am. Dis. Bone................ 65'8 Crescent Guano.......... 3.65 4.93 5.99 1.96 16.44 2.87: 20.56 1.2 1.0117.04 7.10 B. Bullard, Elba, Ala.............. cc 2.02 1.16 1.62 6.60 4,~96, 0.62 49 6.50 8.00 7.40 7.60 7.20 9.08 3.66 2.89 6550 XXX Blood & Bone Guano...... 5552 Farmers Alliance Guano........ George Kroell, Montevallo, Ala. H.R.& H., Brant-ley, Ala........... Geit M r & ,r .. i A... 2.24 3.26' i.z 1.54' 1.84 1.60 17.57 2. 23; S6553 Nancy Hanks Guano........... 0 2.17. 2.18 2.39 2.46 3.08 1.82 2.10 1.94 2.04 2.51, 17.38 2.81 18.28' 6554 Hume's Am. Dis. Bone......... J0HogesAsh l......... . .1.8 6555 Troy Perfect................ 6556 B. D. Sea Fowl Guano........... 6557 Capital City Guano.... ....... 7 .90. 2.67 8.40 6 80 2.12 18.11 1.35 18.44 2.57; 18.23' 2.98i 2.32 3.76' 3.65 3.52 4.44 6461 6563 B'ham Blood, Bone and Potash... . 9.70 A. P. HowisoAndlp, Ala...... . 8.10 1.36 1P8 1.66 1.68 2.36, 20" Fertilizer.................... 2.8 19..171 6565 Bear Beef, Blood and Bone .... 6570 Ox Slaughter House Bone ..... 6573IBlood and Bone Guano . ... 7. 6C 4.58 .. .... 2.28 1.18 1.42 1.56 2.47 21. 03 2.771 19.06 2.75 17.24 W. W. Carlisle & Bro., Roanoke, Ala.... cc cc c. '' '. 7 .40 4.52 J 4.601 5.13 1.70 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July "1,1900 to Jtly 1, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATES WITH NITROGEN AND PoTAsH-Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID. NAME OF SAMPLE. AP--a) BY WHOM SENT. ) 0 03 0 6575 6583 6574 Roanoke Guano ................... Randolph Fertilizer:."........... W. W. Carlisle & Bro. Roanoke, Ala .. 5.55 6.85 4.44 3.91 2.66 2.24 2.04 2.00 1.86 1.79 17.49 2.03 18.39 1.59 19.07 6579 Alabama Fertilizer.. ......... Sessions & Mizelle, Enterprise, Ala 6.75 5.52 1.38 6582 Helm et 271.:............. A. Howle, Oxford, Ala.............. 2.00 8.84 2.50' 'Georgia State Grange Guano .... .66 1.80 1.98 1.70 1.67 18.05 2.61 17.32 " .it........ " 7.45 6584 Birmingham Guano. 6588 Tip Top..... ................ 059 S'tern's Am.. Raw Bone... ........ X501Champion 4.85 T.J.Land, Culiman, Ala .............. Chapman & Co., Geneva, Ala....... .. "it 4.17 1.48 1.14 1.02 1.52 2.14 9.65 4.30 6.80 2.83 2.32 3.60 3.07!.88 1.27~ 1.75 13.96 16.61 4.40. 1.66 16.92 1.64 17.50 Far.ners' ChoiCe........ J. i" i"...... ..... X5941 No.3 Wet Guano,............ S. Cqllins, Qeneva, Ala... 7.35 5.24 1.86 1.44 1.70 181.32 6597 Mobile Standard............... Crutcher & Ward, Cuba, Ala........ 6599 Helmet Brand................ 6601 Scott's Animal Am. Dis. VI. P. White, Attalla, Ala........... 5.40 17.45 7.50 5.65 6.45 6.50 6.95 7.40 5.10 8V9 6.40 .58 2.82 6.10 4.16 3.38 1..12 5.02 1.65 2.26 1.64 1.72 1.51 1.78 1.50 1.18 2.24 17.36 1.87 18.62 1.55 16.62 2.11 17.18s 2.15 16.47 2.01 17.76 1.75 16.38 1.84 16. 77 2?.22 19.88 1.68 16.13 2.03 14.98 1.86 16.24 1.97 ''6$79 13.79 2.12 18.82 1.50 18.83 1.59 16.17 1.70 18.64 Bone. W. J. Sibert, Gadsden, Ala .......... (Chas. Ivey, Evergreen, Ala........ Zena Shepherd, Georgiana, Ala...... J. I. Covington, Bertha,'Ala......... J. E. F. Westmoreland, Florence, Ala.. 2.98 4.60 3.64 4 27 3.48 4.23 9.47 5 6603 Mobile Standard Guano......... 6605 Blood and Boie........ 6608 Alliance - Soluble Guano. 6609 Rock City.................... 6610 Pacific Guano................. 0 S6611. Armour's 722... .. ........... J. J. A. Kenney, Loop, Ala. ... ....... . 4 05 4.281 1.48 4.24 4.12 4.12 0.42 1.26 .86 2.10 .66 5.34 1.14 1.15 1.68 1.96 .55 1.38 1.78 .56 2. 10 ~6616 Corn' and Cotton Guano......... C. Hartselle. & Son, Hartselle, Ala... I5.85 . 5.30 6.30 6.55 8.90 7.70 41 6619 king Cotton Grower........... 6621 Crescent Guano.............. 6622 Maxwells' 6624 Home W. A. Shaw, Winfield, Ala..... .... 4.43 3.38 2.78 4.89 5.14 4.35 4.49 446 C. R. Waxwell, Northport, Ala... .. . < '' Baltimore Soluble Bone......... Bean Guano:..... ........ Star Mixture......... & McMurray, Ileflin,: Ala... .. 6626 Bear, Beef Blood and Bone ........ 6631 Ox Cotton 6634 . Franzen & Olsoo, Thorsby, Ala.... 8 00 9.05 6.60 6633 B'ham Dis Bone AMn. and Potash.. TP. Crumpton, Maplesville, Ala U. Brand.............. S. N. Rains, Elba, Ala............. W~H Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1st, 1900, to July 1st, 1901. A OcD PHOSPHATE WITH POTASH-Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID. PIIA.4) NAME 24) O OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. .o 0 03lC#s ft2 U 0 4) '4 OJ 0 S.86 p- r) . 6635: Blood Formula.. ............... oT6637 Complete . W. E Crass, Peiham, John Ward, Headland, Fertilizer..*.......... Ala ......... Ala......... . 7.45 4.04: 4.76 2. 6C 2.21. 7.95 7.95 3.00 8.8 2.30 1.22, 1.95 1. 53i 1.54 1.88 1.74 1.00' 6640 Blood, Bone and Potash........... 6641 Beef, Blood and Bone........... . 6642 6643 Asa Griffith, Hanceville, Ala ........ 3.98 2.06' 19.251 'atapsco 6.85. 6.55 ..... ............ .... G. H. Amos, Duck Spring, Ala....... . 9'.00. 7.55 8.05 1.85 2.25 1.78, 2.17: 20.5 1.05 1.921 16k.86 230 18.55 2.25' 17.90 2.67; 16.91, 3.0 3.10 2.90 6647 Meridian Blood and Bone...... 6648 'Home 2.00; 2.00' Mixture.......... ..... ... 1.90 1.68 6649- Armour's 272......... W. T. Andrews, Gold Hill, ".. 1.35 6. '84 6.76- 2.16 .2.40 8 55' 6650 Helmet 272................... 1.50 2.20 2.78 19.89 6651 Ox Cotton Guano.............. Bone..... W. T. Andrews, Gold Hill, Ala.... F. D. Byrum, Byrum, Ala.......... 8.90 8.05 3.5i1 4.00 2.051 1.8 Cs+. vv 1.76 18 81 1.23 16'02 iJ0' 1808 2.02 17 52 2.13 16 52 6653 Blood, Bone and Ptash........ . 6654 Georgia State Grange Guano. 6656 A. G. Winkler's Am. Dis. 1.80 .98 1.78 7.90: 2.50; 2.20 A. G. Winkler, -Greenville, Ala . Jno. H. Wilson, Jenifer, W. W. Burnette, Geneva, .Lull & Lacy, Wetupka, " " . 6.70 2.70 6.25 0.40 2.18 1.46 66581Am. Dis. Bone................ 6664 :Mobile Standard........... 6668 6669 w 6672 o: 830 '; 2.00 ..... 6.80. 7.10 .90 1.84 1.68 1: 09 2.34 2.41 2.1 Scott's " Gossypium Phospho. .. . 9.45: 2.65: 1.15 8.20 3.26 1.78 19 21 Blood Formula.......... AA.. . . . . . . D. D. Hughes, Lebanon,. " 1.95: 16 46 1.45 18 86 1.25. 20 71 2..10 7.30 5.35: 2.70 1.70 ~6674 " Blood Formula.......... ............ Cash 6677 No. 271........... Supply Co., Mountain Creek, Ala. .96 1.78 1.8 3.60; 8 56 74 2.50 6.90; 9.87 6.25 5.05 4.02 4.05 1:7 300 2.80 3.28. 3.42 4. 21 26 6678 Alabama Fertilizer............. 6679 Georgia Farmer........... 6680 6686 Scott's ......................... 2.:10 2 34±18 49 2.12 15 1.59 16 47 2'.31 16 ..... J. G. Land, Cullman,.'Ala.......... . Joel W. Ligg. Elkmont, Ala........... Trawick 1.56 1.76 7.00. 2.95 5.45 4.62 4.73 XXX Am. Dis. Bone............. . ....... & Jernigan, cc c'cc Opelika, Ala..... c 1.52 6 64 37: 6687 XX Blood and Bone ., 2.06 17 04 1.64 1.64 2.48 16 2 55 6688 Old Time Guano.......... 6689 Lee Fertilizer.............. . .. ii 5.50 44 44 3.80 3.86 10 6.45 17 45 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1st, 1900 to July 1st, .1901. ACID PHOSPHATE WITH NITROGEN AND POTAH-Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 6NAME OF FERTILIZER. BY WHOM SENT..-4" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P.4~ r 040 OF.~Z 30 : 6633 Alabama Fetiliz W. D. Brown, Gravilla, Ala....... ......... . 7.70 2.50 5.25 5.29 2 65 4.20 6.25 1 .50 6.25 0. 7c. 1.80 1.25 .. 0 9 1.39 1.35 2.06 1.92 1.43 1.13 2..04 18.01 1.93 16 41 1 .88 18 06 2.38 15 59 6694 Mobile Standard Guano 6697 3.85 Eddystone, Soluble Guano........,.: Coley .. ...... & Alex. Sandlin, & Spigener, .City, Ala.... 7.00 7.40 5.60 6698 Magic Cotton Grower...... 6700ISpecial Blood Mixture... 6703 Goulding's Bone .921 1 58 13 ,96 Coinpound. W. D. Brown, Gravilla, Ala.......... White Goodwater, Ala.. 8.40 9.30 1.70 .78 1.55 .91 20. 32 6706 Cahaba Dis 67071 " Bone Am. & Potash... . 4. 95 3.80 1.32 17,75 2 04 17 93 TI. G. Blood, Bone & Potash. 7.751 6709 Standard Guano................White 6710 & Spigener, 6oodwater, Ala. ,7.00;3.180.60 7.10 5.05 2.45 1.38 .8 1.63 15 64 1.93 Boss Cotton Grower ...... 168 6224 B'ham Dis. Bone, Am. & Potash... Birm'ham F rt Co., Birmingham, Ala 6225 B'ham H. G. 10.00 10.23 3.38 335 .87 .37 99 1.87 1.05 17.40 2.22 21 04 Fertilizer............." 6225 Cahaba H. G. Fertilizer............ it 10.23 3.35 .37 1.87.222104 £712 Merriman's Cotton Boll Guano.... 6714 Troy Perfect.... ........... W. C. Perry, Seale, Ala....... ....... 'Ben. Jennings, Seale, Ala ............. 5.20 6.55 2.65 5.90 4.15 1.55 2.9C 2.10 5.70 1.39 1.62 1.44 .59 1.8 17 46 6.65 1.86 15 1; 1.71'18:94 1.91 6717Eddystonee 5S719 Soluble Guano ........ . W. H. Bynum, Boaz, Ala.............7 30 Blood & Bone.... ....... J H. Myers, Langstone, Ala...........7.25 14'96 6720Patapsco Guano................Bean & McMurry, Heflin, Ala.........8.10 6724 Blood, Bone. & Putash........... McEntire, Henderson.- & Adams, Ozark 6725 Eddystone Soluble Guano........ Elrod & Gibson, Collinsville, Ala.......6.15 6726 No.l Guano..........,........... W.H. Mizelle, Grimes, Ala...... .... 6727 No. 3Guano ..... " 3.85 1.75 .5.60 .82 2.761701 .5.30_5,00 1.96 _.77:17 56 1.94 1.46 2.12 5.59 1.69 3.06 3.06 1.36 1.53 18701 6.80 7.15 2.06 14 64 i....... ' 4.79 4.55 5.43 6.11 2.03'19.91 2.13 19 54 1.53 15.65 2.01 16.54 6730 Magnet Soluble Guano......Davis, 6734 Beef, Blood & Bone ........ Marshall & Co., Mobile, Ala.. R. F. Gilbert, Porterville, Ala,,.... 6.70 6.65 5.80 1.85 1.22 1.44 2.20 .73 .90 6735 Magic Cotton Grower ...... 6738 Alabama Guano ................. Gunter & Ealem, Gantt, Ala...... 6.50 3 54 3.16 1.88 1.90 17 20 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATES WITH POTASH. PHOSPHORIC ACID. NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1:.00 1.98 1.54 2.29 $17 13 2.06 17 20 6739 Old Homestead................ E1 6740 Meal Mixture................. 6741 Pike Pride.......... ......... 6744 Cow Guano......... .. ....... 6745 Gunter & Ealem, Gantt, Ala........ 8.45 6.10 3.60 3.60 3.56 3.03 .83 4.43 6.57 3.10 2.10 . . McEntire Bros., Cuilman, 7.60 1.04 5.02 5.72 4.32 2.98 1.10 2.35 4.90 2.27 17 742.20 15 91 Ala........ ... . 5.70 8.10 1.78 .74 .86 Corn and Cotton Guano......... 2.25 13 25 2.09 149 1.77 6747 Blood and Bone Guano.......... S. W. Henry, Springville, . ....... . . 6.00 6.75 7.45 2 25 4.60 6748 Fertilizer .. .... J. C. Alford & Son, F. L. Johnson ,6751 Farmer's Special Man use ......... . R. Q. Edmonson ,6753282.............. 6 754 .......... & Gadsden, Ala.. Co., & Childersburg, Ala... 1.66 19 17 74 Bros., Eufaula, Ala. . 4.90 7.60 4.50 .74~ 2.81 210 .80 2.18 2317 9 Complete Fertiliz~e ...... ... .... . E. J. N1Tler? 4oliywod? Ala........ . .131 13 74 6762fS. &. K. Am. Dig. Bone, ........ .... . Opeika Chemical Co. Opelika, Ala.. 7.05 7.05 7.50 7.55 4.30 3.85 3.19 3.84 3.03 3.39 5.00 4.23 3.30 2.82 3.73 6.30' 1.30 3'.90j 2.26 1.-30 16s.29 co6768 Blood and Bone Guano 1.668 18.89 2.13 18.81 2.01 19.67 1.25 16.25 1.90 67t0 Alliance Soluble.............. 6770 o C. C. Standard Fertilizer. 6771 Star Brand Guano............. 6772 Pinkard's Home Mixture....... 6773 Meal and Phosphate Compound.... 6774 Good Luck Soluble Guano....... S6775 Diamond Soluble Guano........ 6776 Schuessler Bros.' H. G. Guano. 6777 Schuessler & Co's Beef, Blood & B'ne 6779, 6779~ Special Formula.. . H. G. '' 4.76 4.56 4.82 1.06 1.20 6.62 4.90 5.08 6.22 2.14 2.24 1.72 2.40 2.64 1.28 2.08 1.98 i it .t tg t 7.15 5.45 7.90 6.95 7.05 7.45 "7.05 6.55 7.85 6.50 c" it cc cc 17.481 15.941 17 it' it it' it it' 91 t" t" .72 21.011 1.18 1.27 1.31 19 to it «~ 441 C4~ GC t[ 17.121 'L «~ f i itI 1.28) 1.45 15.811 1.38 2.14 4.10C 3.80 3.47 2.88 4.78 4.32 1.02 Fertilizer.-.. '. .. tt iC t; 2'261 2.00 1.66! 2.1i9 16.22 1.60, 2.29 19.00 1.24 1.29 2.20 1.51 15.94 1.36 15.40 2.32 19 53 6809 Sea Gull Soluble Guano.......... W. B. Wilhite, Hartselle, Ala....... 6810 Capital City Standard Fertilizer.... 6791~ 6793 6.20; -6.03 Am. Dis. Bone.................. Vandiver's Am. Dis. Montgomery gg Fertilizer Co., Montgom'y. t t i 7.00 6.50 3. 96 5.54 3.93 7.12 4.80 Bone....... Montg'y Blood and Bone Guano.... t"'t i' i 7.60; 3.45 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900 to July 1, ACID PHOSPHATES WITH NITROGEN AND PoTASH-Continued. 1901. PHOSP PHOBIC ACID. hemisF NAME OF SAMPLE. BY. WHOM SENT. -4 . i k 0 C)2 0 Montgomery Fertilizer Co., Montgom'y. 7.35 7.25 7.70 3.33 4.52 2.11 3.16 6.82 3.83 3.74 3.27 3.33 3.27 5.32 4.28 5.84 5.24 3.18 4.92 '.96 2.98 4 62 4.68 z 1.28 1.21 2.26 1.28 1.28 1.56 15.77 1.50 16.66 1.19 15.68 1.80 18.90 Fsuthern Pacific Guano.......... Flow Brand Soluble Guano.. Frariff Reform Solble Guano.. . '' '' ~Early Bird Soluble Guano ........ 7.75 6.70 7.50 8.30 Our Cotton Queen Guano........ . Capital City Standard Guano. . West & McMurray, Roanoke, Ala. Montgomery Fertilizer Co., Montgom'y. << '' < 2.28 *2.74 20.45 6800 Willson's Special Compound.... 1.521.55 2.24 2.06 1.67 17#.97 6802. (Planters Pride Guano........... . 6805 Sea Gull Soluble Guano.......... . 6.95 7.70 7.55 2.11 16.67 2.55 19.85 1.521 18.09 68061 Crescent Guano ................. . 68071Clayton Fertilizer............. 6813 Am. Dis. Bone... ............ 68 1 H. G. Patapsco Guano....... Montgomery Fertilizer Co., Montgom'y. 5.50 9.20 3.66 .94 2.40 3.411 19.391 2.37 17.49 1.85 17.05 1.78 17.96 2.01 14.33 1..7 18.15 1.97 21.12 S.92 16.71 1.74 16.78 3 1.47 2.01 17.02 2.85 2.02 17.54 2.08 16.22 2.34 18.81 1.89 15.52 2.13 18.02 2.67 19.85 cc C. W. Bell & Son, Lineville, Ala. G. W. Roberts & Co., Collinsville, Ala. . .54 3 86 1.92 78.1 31-1altimore Soluble Bone......... 7.90 9.20 4.11 3.06 1. 541 1.14 1.84 7.30 1.80 6814 Blood, Bone and Potash. 6819 Alabama Fertilizer............. 6820 Dale County Standard.......... 6822 Solid South Guano............. C. 1.40 .08 1.92 W. Bell & Son, Lineville, Ala. B ................. 5.30 8.60 6.80 2.40 3.91 3.73 W. A. Arnold, Ozark, Ala........... 'ofash 8.70 Reeves, Sanders & Co., Heflin, Ala.... W. F. .74 2.30 2.92 5.08 6.55 1.54 1.43 2.04 1.76 1.29 1.78 1.28 1.68 1.34 1.74 1.68 6823 Am. Dis. Bone............... Vandiver & Montgomery,Ala. Co., 7.15 3.87 '6825 Helmet Brand 271............. -Alliance Soluble Guano......... 829 Goulding's Bone F.R. King & Co., Leighton, Ala. J. C. Pinkston, Shorter, Ala......... F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala........ UanO 1.55 10.10 6.60 3.64 4.22 7.10 8.65 7.20 8.35 6.75 3.44 .60 5.06 4.28 2.66 1.94 1.78 2.22 1.48 1.62 Compound. 6,,,,; ~ owl Patapsco Am. Dis. Bone.......... White & Aubry, Roanoke, Ala........ Pi ................... 6834 Patapsco H. G. Guano ........... 6835 Sea Bird Guano................. ams Sea Gull Guano................ . 687 W. 0.0. Pure Blood-Guano . 2.9[ 4.57 -_-, Yandigrift & Son, B'ham, Ala... . 1.53 4.37 839 Bear Beef, Blood arid Bone....0&. A. B. 7.701 4.78 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATES WITH NITROGEN AND'POTASH. PHOSPHORIC ACID. NAME oF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT.z 0 a0 G3-030M0 to __ __ _ __ _ _O dl 0 ZO 2.1l2 2.78 14.81 W3 684Helms Bone, Blood and Potash No.3 Helm Bone Fertilizer Co., B'ham, Ala. 3-. 0.00 0.00 6.09. 4.36 4.29 5.69 4.66 68i41 Helms Bone, Blood and Potash No.4 684Mobile- Standard ... .......... . EC. H . r & nA .B S.o M Notasula, :Ala Camro Bros , urdock, m N t s l 5.26. 1.92 5.16 5.34 1.88 3.90 6.28 1.12 1.70 1.96 1.90 2.10 1.86 1 74 1.88 1.88 2.13 11.81 C offee a 6845jDismond Guano .................. , lSprings. . .... 3.15 5.70 2.20 16.53 1.33 17.01 2.42 19.07 2.20 17.96 2.76 11.53 1.72 18.31 1.78 17.04 1.28! 14.28 CS l7'Bear Beef, Blood and Bone......... 6S~8 Champion Farmers' Choice... 6851 Complete fertizer............ 48Sea. Foul T. L. Neighbors & Bros, Goodwater, Ala. R. 5., Pilley, Georgiana, Ala......... . F. E. Oliver, Hyatt, Alabama ... 7.65 6.70 0.00 7.50 7.35 3.12 3.85 3.90 3.83 2.65 Guano................ W. J. Mullins, Clanton, Ala.......... . 6855 Alabama Fertilizer.............. . ,657 Magic Cotton Grower.......... . West & McMurry, Roanoke, Ala. .. 6.90 3.581 1.721 0.90 6860 No. 3. Eddystone Solublo Guano... Montgomery Bros., Lincoln, Ala,. 6.30 7.70 9.05 9.50 3.94 4.47 2.60 .96 .88 2.40 1.481 2.60 2.04 1.92 1.83 19.35 19.62 2.84 19.87 1.42 17.75 6862 Bear, Beef, Blood and Bone. 6867 Scott's Gossypium Guano....... 6868 Scott's Blood Formula.......... 6869 Bear Guano................. J. T. Tabor, Keener,Ala.......... Haley Bros., Haleyville, Ala......... 99 itI 3.97 4.35 4.47i 1.0 2.00 8.45 2.70 5.08 2.13 20.53 6870 .Florence King Cotton Guano. 6872 Howle Bros. Bone Compound..... Howle Bros., Wetumpka, Ala....... is c 3.90 6.80 6.75 5.60 1.441 2.08 14.48 1.74 3.99; 6.86 5.99 5.64 3.40 6.49 1.26 4.76 1.80 1.84 17.50 1.63 20 81 1.20 17.59 3.48 15.31 1.04 14.00 .43 17.70 c4 6874 Ozark Guano No. 2............ S9876 Blood, Bone and Potash Ozark C. S. 0. M. and Fert. Co., Ozark. E. P. Duncan, Alexander 2.30 1.84 1.10 1.82 Guano.... City, Ala.. S6877 Georgia State Grange.......... 6879 5.35 J. H. Henderson, Cross Keys, Ala. . S. J. Baird, Gumn, Ala ............... Ala...... . New Brand No. 721............ 4.65 9.85 4.80 11.40 2.25 6.65 9.36 5.24 5.50 6880 Am. Bone..................... 6882 KB in ag C o t t n n u o 7.11 5.80 5.88 7.95 0.11 .84 04 J. G r o w.e.r . ... . ... ... H. Karter Co., Culman, .. . . . . 1.42 14.37 0.00 17.28 1.20 14.79j 6883 6885 Soluble Guano ................. 6889 Eagle 1.22 7.50 . T. H. MoEntyre, Coffee Springs, Ala.. . L. 0. Cox, BoaAla................ L. 0. Cox, Boas, Ala......... J. H. Henderson, Cross Keys, Ala. 1.21 1.72 1.90 Am. Bone............... .. 4.25 2.70 2.32 18.0 1. 971 19.54 689C Eagle Guano................... 6891 Helmet Brant No. 271...... : 8.101 4.15. 2.60 1.901 8.02 .98 2.021 1.80 17.38 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1st, 1900 to July 1st, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATE WITH NITROGEN AND POTASH-Concluded. PHOSPHORIC ACI. NAME OF FERTILIZER. By WHOM SENT.:z" OzO 4 Q O n /I ''' 4S a) Z c 6892 Helmet Brand No. 272.......... o06893 " " J. H. Henderson, Cross Keys, Ala. 2.70 2.00 7.88 8.07 1.02 2.48 2.88 2.31 $19. 55! 5.46 2.92 24.88 1.67 18.55 < 285.......... 2.00 2.90 1.82 6894 African Cotton Grower 292....... 6896 Eddystone.................... . M. Noble, Avery, Ala............... 6898 Beef Blood and Bone ...... 6901, Old Hickory Guano ............ 6902 Am. iDis. Bone Guano ... :..:.... 6908 Complete Fertilizer.... ........ 6909 2.75 11.09 7.30 1.36 1.72 1.98 4.58 4.27 2.86 4.70 3.82 8.50 2.72 ..... . . . Reeves, Landers & Co, Heflin, Ala..... 7.20 7.45 8.15 5.70 .98 1.621 15.83 1.98 1.75 17 60 2.23 16.31 2.38 16.32 TB.Williams, Cullman. Ala........ . 3.34 5.50 4.28 .44 1.58 1.48 Cole-. & Sandlin's Special Guano... J C.Hensley, '' '' ......... TalpoaOil Co., Alexander City, Ala. 6.90 5.65 .50 2.04 16.58 6910 Cotton Queen Guano........... . .78 2.10 2 35 16.60 6911 Standard;Guano.. 6012 Soluble Guano... . Tallapoosa Oil Co., Alexander City, Ala. 6.60 6.25 6.40 3.16 3.36 .64 .54 1.-52 2.10 2.20 16.22 2.26 17.75 6913 Waters' Special Guano....... 3.10 3.85 3.35 1.00 .37 .37 1.52 1.87 1.87 3.13 15.89 2.22 21.04 2 22 6225 Cahaba H. G. Blood, Bone & Potash Birmingham Fertilizer Co., W'ham, Ala. 10.23 "t'c t 10.23 6225~ Earle, Terrell & Co's. H. G. Fert'r.. ~ ~ ~ _ . 1 Crn nrl il~I 21.04 't+ 4 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901. AoID PHOSPHATE WITH POTASH. P PHOIC ACID. ZNAME oF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. 0 m0 00 " C _____ ____ 6222WB'ham Acid Phos. ___ _____ _ 10 8.80 7.73 8.35 4.92 1.97 1.51 7.00C _ 0-4 & Potash Mixture.. ............... B'ham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala... 0.30 .56 3.66 3.64 .22 .40 .38 .38 .48 .58 2.18 16.33 3.59 16.24 3.39 12.3 n16.1 ° 6223 B'ham Potash Bone 6237 Acid Phosphate 0 & Potash........... Troy Fertilizer Co. , Troy, Ala.......... 6250 Dis. Bone &iPotash................. . 6265 B'ham A. P. & Muriate of Pot. Miit.... 6266 and Potash Mixture . B'ham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala... 6.85 3.90 12.20 2.51 17.94J 2"26 4.30 17.62 4.13 18.15 1.41 15.38 4.41 16.38 10. 40 5.03 7-.60, 6.30 9.05 4.27 4.62 6267 B'ham Bone Ash.................. :. 6268 B'ham Potash Bone ............... 6273 B'ham Acid Phos. and Potash.... 6280 Acid Phosphate and Potash .......... . 9.40 10. 20 3.77 lW. Andrews., LaFayette, Ala........... . 8.65 3.32 6295 6299 Coweta Die. Bone & Potash......... 6300 6301 H. G. Die. Bone & Potash. W. Andrews, LaFayette, Ala......... Herren & Oliver, DadevilleAla...... 8.20 12.45 6.95 3.83 3.43 4.98 3.09 3.52 9.00 5.33 5.44 9.36 2.36 6.98 4.8 4 3 1.99 6.18 4.01 2.01 2.37 .72 .62 2.12 .56 .58 1.50 3.12 1.36 1.14 1.54 .52 .52 1.)0 4.89 16.92 1.98 17.86 3.13 15.08 2.13 16.47 4.28 16.80 4.56 14.21 1.84 14.77 1.09 16.73 '49 IL1. 25 9.00 McGhee, Driver & Co., LaFayette, Ala... .6 7.60 10.20 R. A. Russell. & Co., Gaylesville, .. 6302 Coweta Standard................. 6310 Acid Phos. & 4% Potash ............ 6311 Dis. Bone & Potash................ 6312 Bone & Potash................. Ala.. Wright, 'Henderson & Co., Elba, Ala... 6315 Stono:Acid & Potash 6324 Bone & Potash Phosphate. .... 5.15 8 75 6.30 10.25 . 9.45 8.55 9.50 8.30 9.60 8.5 18.00 3.39 14.51 2.41 15.69 1.26 16.34 .01 14.91 6329' Dixie Acid Phos: &Potash........... Jno. A. Nicholls, Childersburg, Ala... 6330 Cahaba Acid Phos. & Potash ........ 6333 B'ham Acid Phos. & Potash Mixture... Lester & Co., Columbiana, Ala ........ 6336 8 and 4.................. ......... H. M. Beach & Son, Columbia, Ala. . T. C. Masterson, Aorca, Ala........... .86 3.02 1.84 3.44 3.68 4.87 15.41 .24 15.92 2.21 1.4. 2 2.17 13.78, 2.52 13.841 6344 Bone & Potash ................... 6349 Marietta Guano Co's H. G. JDi.Bone " Reynolds Bros., Jemison, Ala......... ,6351 Bone & Potash Acid................ . Campbell & Wright, Jr., Roanoke, Ala... . 8352 Potash Acid....... ............ Analyses Reported by the State ,Chemist from July 1, 1900 to July 1, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATES ,. WrITH PoTAsH-Continued. :~e,0s I PHOSPHORIC ACID._ m z 0 NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. 4o~ 00 I 6382 Ashcraft's Formula............... 0 0 ~6398 Teague's 6413 6417 Bone and Potash.......... ... .... WF. DTea. m loBirm in'gham .H ue, ,G i , Ala..... . A a'S. 5.05 5.47 ~4.88 3.68 1.'66 .76 .66 3.64 2.0 12.55 2.12 19.99 6.35 6.15 11.15 9.35. 6.52 4.94 3.49 6 .8 7 4 5.64 4.15 3.52 2.85 6411 Read's Alkaline Bone..... . T. K. Parish & Bro., Clayton, Ala...... Imperial........................... V. B. Atkins & Co., Selma, Ala... Coweta H. G. Dis. Bone and 2. 40 13.49 .72 15.36 Potash.... Jas. E. Snead, Snead, Ala .......... .. . 2.63 18.82! 4.42 19.33 1.11 16.60: 3.76 14.91, 6418 13 and 4 Dis. Bone and Potash. =6423 Patapsco Acid Phosphate........... . %6427Phosphate with Potash............. . X6444 Acid Phosphate and Potash.......... . 0446 Dis. Bone and Potash.............. R R.WG . H o well, D o . l e o , th an , y tla e . . L A 8.15 . J ~ it .. . . .. . . . . l .. .. f0 9.85 7.00 9.55 9.40 1.26 1.30 2.48 2.60 Troy Fertilizer Co., troy, Ala . ....... it i' 5.51 5.98 18.58 '' I' 18.23 6452 Ga .onCompound . P. J. Ham &iSon.'Elba,Ala........... Hilton. Bentley & Cosby, Brantley, Ala... J. C. Akin 7. 95 3.09 1.17 .56 .78 5.14 1.08 2.00 1.26 2.12 1.74 2.04 3.75 14.79 2.83 15.65 46458 Bone and Potash Acid Phosphate. 6475 Opelika Phosphate and 2% 11.65 Potash .... & Notasulga, Ala. Son, Sanders, 6.25 10 50 4.91 3.12 2.05 13.21 1.91 'I5.53 1.97 15.22 "6480 Patapsco Phosphate............... 6483 T. K. Brantley & Son, Troy, Ala....... i. G. 1% Potash. & John Dothan, Ala. 9.901l 3.35 1.80 7.49 6484 Acid Phosphate with 4% Potash. 6489 Acid Phosphate and Potash.......... 6490 B'ham Dis. Bone and Potash........ p6491 Acid Phosphate and Potash....... 0 6492 B'ham Acid Phos. and Potash........ 6510"Guano......................... 5.86 15.15 3.43 First Bank of Elba, Elba, Ala......... C. H. Butler, Childersburg, Ala........ 7.90 3.28 2.76 14.61 9.30 10.20 11.05 1.08 13.14 3.31 2.37 8.76 4.18 5.84 1.66 15.17 1454 1 14 11.35 2.51 14.75 .68 2.32 15.74 W. A. Sims, Elrath, Ala............. .......... 1.45 8.00 8.05 1.94 1.02 6512 Potash Acid.......... .... A. J. Pittman, Wehodkee, Ala......... 6520 Dis. Bone and Potash.............. . Phillips Bras., Oxford, Ala............. 6525 Tenn. Special Wheat Grower......... . Ingram & Co., Anniston, Ala ........... °6531 S. & Co's H. G. Bone and Potash.. Scheussler & Co., iRoanoke,. Ala........ . . W. W. Hicks & Co. , Dadevill1, Ala . . Britt & Johnson, .86 3.86 17.751 1.45 10.20 5.05 7.6 1.90 -5.96 1. 6 . 0 17.68 3. 11.81 1.77 14.54 4.79 ~3535 Sample No. I .. ................... 4.1S 6536 Bear Brand Potash Mixture..... .... 6540 Dis. Bone and Potash............ Wetumpka, Ala....... . 5.80 9.00 5.25' 5.60 3.47 3.49 4.081 16.55 .. ,. McEntyrq, Henderson & Adams, Ozark.. 1.681 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from. July 1st, 1900, to July 1st; 1901. ACIlD PHOSPHATE WITH POTASH-Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID.z I)i Z-- 6NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. o1 1-4 oU CI C . 6542 Dis. Bone and Potash................. MeEntyre, Henderson & Adams, Ozark.. S6559 B'ham Acid .Phos and ,Potash Mixture.. Geo. M. Truss, Springville, Ala......... 3.60 5.97 6.28 3.21 6.04 2.18 .32 .44 3.56 6.00 4.50 4.36 .72 4.11 $13.68 2 10.75 12.00 .64 19.67 6560 B' ham Acid Phos with Potash............... 6571 Bone and Potash Mixture ......... .... M. W. Carlisle & Bro., Roanoke, 2.35 17.56 1.77 13.36 Ala..... 5.55 7.30 7572 Ox Potash Mixture.............. 6577 Aco:d-Phos with Potash................. Sessions 4-.75 5.45 4.80 4.43 2.22 14.27 3 75 13.55 & Mizell, Enterprise, Ala . """." 4.35 6.50 6578 Alkaline, Bone with. 2%D Potash ......... 6581 6607 !Bone 31.07 14.37 2.21 15.59 and Potash. ....... ....... T. A. Howle & Oxford, Co., Ala......... . 8.95 5.80 7.80 Phosphate 2%O Potash ................ J. I. Covington,- Bertha, Ala....... .. . 5.82 3.97 1.68 4.78 2.19 13.81 2.19 13.96 6613 "Complete. Fertilizer".............. Burns & Beaver, Lincoln, Ala....... 6617 Tiger Brand Guano .................... J. C. Hartselle & Son, Hartselle, Ala. 4.85 .4.45 6.12 7.00 6.32 5.02 4.78 6.90 2.48 13.45 2.12 13.57 1.56 18.03. 2.22 14.19 6625 Bear Bone and Potash................. Bean & McMurray, Hefin, Ala....,. 6628 Eddystone Bone and Potash........... Elsod & Gibson, Collinsville, Ala.......10.15 6665 Scott's H. G. [and Potash]L...........ul & Lacey, Wetumpka. Ala...........6.95 1,98 .68 2.96 6667 Pure Dis. Bone and Potash............... 6683 9.80 Trawick & Jernigan, Opelika, Ala........8.85 8.30 8.70 2.80 4.84 .90 1.52 14.22 2 45 14.54 No.I .... .... 6684 No.... 6685 No. 3 - 6695 Maritta H. G. Acid Phos. and Potash.,. Coley -& Sandlin, Alexander City, Ala °i 6696 Water's 3.75 3.30 3.74 1.65 90 2.88 14.93 3.52 16.18 2.31 13.21 2.23 10.48 3.96 4.70 6.20 4.00 H. G. Dis. Bone and Potash...... ................ 4.25 4.30 4.20 3.45 7.40 3 40 6699 CottonQueen 6.00 2.00 .70 2.00 12.30 17 18.66 6705 Cahaba Acid Phos. and Potash Mixture. White & Speigner, Goodcviiter Ahi:...12.75 6713 Dis. Bone and Potash ................ .Ben. Jennings, Seale. Ala................7.95 4.40 ..... 9.90 1.10 5 50 2.20 3.34 14.74 2.13 13.93 1.48~ 14.78 6716 Edldystone Bone and Potash........... W. H. Bynum, Boaz, Ala ............... 6723 'Guano"........ ................... J. I. Brewer, Tabor, Ala...... .... 6728 No................................. J.E.Smith, Stroud, Ala..... ......... 4.95 7.39 .76 .56 3.46 2.21 14.55 1.56 13.70 2.73 13.17. 6733 Dis. Bone with Potash.6..3........1.FGibrPteil;Aa.:7f 6737 Dis. Bone and Potash.............."... Gunter & Ealam, Gantt, Ala... ..... 5639 65 3.94 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATE WITH POTASH. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 6NAME a . OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. - " 0 0 S 6750 Special Potash Mixture.............. S675' R. Q. Edmonson & Bro., Eufaula, Ala... 5.0 6.70 6.85 7.75 7.00 8.20 4.92 5.13 6.06 6.95 5 25 6.18 4.40 6.33 5.89 6.95 4.08 2.42 2.28 4.12 14.04 No. i0--4's . T. L. Johnson & Co., Gadsden, Ala ... Opelika Chemical Co., Opelika, Ala.. ... . 3.37 15.20 2.17 15.09 6763 Opelika Acid Phos. & 2% Potash.. 6 7 6 4 j Potash Acid Phosphate........... 1.301 2.02 16.72 2 50 2. 41 2.80 2.42 2.46 2.39 2.23 1.72 16.10 2.41 14.11 2.34 15.62 2.37 14.76 1.18 15.88 6765 Schouessler Bro's. H. G. Bone 6764 6767 & Co's H. G. .. & Potash.. ... 7.00 6.95 6.50 7.75 6788$ Engli'h Acid Phos, with 2% Potash... Montgomery Fertilizer Co., Mont'gy, Aa. 678~ Moi tgornery Acid Phos. and Potash... . 6790~ Dis. Bone and Potash ................ . &304 jAlkaline Acid Phos. 4% Potash...... 6816 4% Acid Phosphate................ 6831 Potash Acid........ ............ Montgomery Fertilizer Co., Mont'gy, Ala. 5.65 3.78 5.75 2.70 1.92 .80 1.30 1.50 .64 4.70 1.84 2.12 8.20 4.061 13.491 4.25 10.90 1.64 16.24 2.67 14.87 G. W. Roberts & Co., Collinsville, Ala... .90 6832, Patapsco Bone & Potash............ 6858 IB'ham Potash Mixture............. 6859 No. 1 Eddystone Bone & Potash. 6863 White & Aubrey, Roanoke, Ala........... 11.90 .. .. 7.00 W. J. Mullins, Clanton, Ala ........... 8.15 6.45 6.85 10.05 5.75 8.50 4 20 4.86 5.95 6.31 5.18 6.50 4.66 4.85 2.02 16.03 1.86 14.26 2.22 15.38 1.16 16.31 1.00 13.25 Montgomery Bros.,. Lincoln, Ala........ Adair's Formula.................. Jno. T. Tabor, Keener, Ala........... . 6878 Howle Bros' Phos. & Potash... Howle Bros., Wetumpka, Ala......... L. 0. Cox, Boaz, Ala................ S6888 Eagle Dis. Bone & Potash........... 6900 H. G. Bone & Potash.............. . T. B. Williams, Cullman, Ala........ Tallapoosa Oil Co., Alex. City, Ala. . . .. . i 7.14 1.59 12.75 6906 Tallapoosa Dis Bone and Potash... 6907 Our Best Fertilizer Bone and Potash.... 690 Coley & Sandlin's Special Bone & Potash .70 2.00 14.60 0.40 1.68 14.03 7.60 4.75 0: 7.85 4.941 5.35 .66 .30 1.63 14.42 2.18 16.33 2.80 62221°Cahaba Acid Phos. & Potash Mixture...: B'ham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, 6437. Bone UT\~AX- Yr\t-c V ~I~A~I 1 ~ 111 W~IIYII~ - ~ Potash r~ & Ala. i 8.80' .. I IR.W. II1 Y Allen & Co.. LaFayette, Ala. 8.55 -, 3.67 . , 2.08 15.02 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900, ACID PHOSPHATE. to July 1, 1901. PHOSPHORIC ACID. z Y2 NAME OF SAMPLE. By, WHOM SENT. 0 .0 0 0 -- - - --- 6206 High Grade Acid ................... fOzark Cotton 5. 0. M. and Fert. Co. Ozark, Ala. 11.95 12.73 11.33 3.12 3.79 3.62 2.79 4.24 3.71 3.44 .961 15.07 .20 16.52 .23 14.95 .44 14.79 1.76 16.54 5.42 13.41 5.04 12.64 4.94 12.66 5.24 12.01 1.201 12.20 S6220 B'ham High Grade Acid Phosphate..:. Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala... -6221 Birmingham Standard Grade Phosphate. 6227 H. G. Acid Phospate (Light) .......... (228 H. G. Acid Phosphate (Dark).......... 6233 English Dis. Bone Phosphate......... . 6234 Troy Acid Ozark Cotton 5. 0. M. and, Fert. Co., O)zark, Ala. 12.00 12.30 Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala ............. . 9.70 9.20 Phosphate............... 6235 H. G. Acid Phospnate ............. 6236 English Acid Phosphate............ . 6252 Acid Phosphate .................... 9.40 9.45 P. R. Tunstall, Mobile, Ala............... 11.60 3 26 2.56 6.10 T.Y Connor, Tuskegee............. . 6253 Acid Phoe~phate..................... 6262 Wham .... ..... 11.30 5.90 1.00 17.,20 .34 17.81 H. G. Acid Phosphate............ Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala 13.'20 12.55 4.61 .... 6264; .:... . .: . 4.07 2.80 5.57 .48 16.62 .1(' 14.85 1.68 11.57 .22 16.13 1.78 10.02 .90 13.30 .48 15.02 12.05 6.00 6274 Acid............................... .. .. .. ... 6276 Acid Phosphate..:. .. .. .. ... G.W.McKiny, Five Points, Ala............... W. W. Mizell, Grimes, Ala................... 13.00)-3.13 5.25 8.15 11.35 6277 Phosphate.'.......................... W. L. Patterson, Oswichee, Ala................ 6285 Acid Phosphate.................... .W. J. Hulto, Abbeville, Ala.................. 3.77 5.15 3.67 ~62A0 Oil 2 6 Mill Phosphate'................... Phosphate................ ................. Dadeville Oil Mill, iDadeville, Ala............. 629411H .' Acid Phoshpate............... Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala................ 10.15 3.58 .52 13.73 6 9 Acid .. 6307 H. G. .............................. S.M. Day, Five Points,Ala.................. 11.20 .10.15 4.98 7.46 .42 1.00 16.181 Acid V. M. Harris, Kent, Ala.................... 1.64 17.61 6316 Stono Dis. Bone 63 9 ... R. A. Rsssell & Co, Gaylesville, Ala............ . " 4.25 10.00 10.70 4.18 14.25 1 Wando.. .72 14.88 0320 Acid Phosphate..................... D. H. Lewis, Gordon, Ala.................. 6 321 j'Diamond...... ....... . .0.... a.....j0. 1 1.0( 8.951 3.221 2.20~ 9.95 .08115.52 1.44j 13.06 & . P.Dumas, Arlington, Ala...,..........112.301- 6322f Georgia State Grange Acid Phosphate.. Wright, Henderson & Co., Elba, Ala.........1 10.001 3.061 6323 Troy H. G, Acid........... ......... . . ...... 111.201 1.961 4.741 13.16 Analyses Reported by. State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901. . . . , .. ACID PHOSPHATES-Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Conf aaTCI I) 0 0 4a) NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. 62 ' 6rom 6 0 ca I I . 1.50 . 11.50 13.00 11.50 10.80 . . 8.20 11.50 9.25 4.32 3.35 2.53 4.26 3.77 2.82 2.79 5.10 4.75 5.09 15.82 1.10 14.85 6328 Montgomery Phosphate............. S6332 P. & H. Royal Acid Phosphate........ 6335 Acid Phosphate 6343 Ox H. .................... Jno. A.. Nicholls, Childersburg, Ala . Sanders & Son, Columbia, Ala .............. H. M. Beach G 16 G. Dis. Bone................. . ...... . & Columbia, Ala........... Son, Aorca, Ala............... .52 15.53 1.94 15.76 1.18 14.57 7.8 11.02 T. C. Masterson, f I-8 Scott's H. G. Acid .... C. A. Steielmeyer, Hanceville, Ala......... Graves & Burdin, Deposit, Ala ............. Dis. Bone........................ . 6366 B'ham H. G. Phosphate.............. . S. A. Stcwart, Hartselle; Ala........... 6372 Read's Matchless 6376' Cahaba H. G. .66 14.29, 2.00 14.35 1.60 16.15 5.56 13.09 Acid.......... . Phosphate............. ............... . S. F. Alston, Tuscaloosa, Ala............... W. D. Hamilton, Gumn, Ala ................. . 11.40 8.00 6381 Acid Phosphate..... 6384 Scott's H. G. Acid PhOsphate. 6386 B'lam Acid hosphate ............. C. A. Steifelmeyer, Cullman, Ala........... 14.00 9.90 14.40 2.34 3.74 2 98 9.79 6.24' .36 16.34 .76 13.64 1.22 17.38 2.26 13.54 2.16 15.34 3.16 15.44 1.66 16.29 .70 14.30 1.48 17.47 5.00 12.80 1.76 13.94 .56 13.39 .62 17.88 1.44 18.31 2.50 14.35 1.72 13.73 6388talas Acid Phosphate.......... 6392 Ga. State Standard Acid Phosphate. 6393 Scott's H. G. Phosphate............. 6397 Teague's Acid Phosphate............ 6401 Law & Davis, Lincoln, Ala ."................ . 3.55 9.10 S. F. Teague, Birmingham, Ala...........:.. . ". . 9.30 10.35 10.15 13.65 7.95 5.05 8.10 13.95 . 12.75 9.85 9.25 6.14 5.94 4.15 3.82 4.85 8.89 5'29 3.98 5.56 4.50 4.48 Scott's H. G. Acid .... ..... T. H. & A~. Stephens, Seaborn, Ala ........ B. 6404 B'ham H. G. Acid Phosphate......... p6407 Ox H. G. Dis. Bone................. CO F. Ogden & Son, Sulligent, Ala........ ..... . Porter & Foster, Town Creek, Ala .......... 6409 Ala. Acid Phosphate. ......... J. B. Gray & W. W. Gulledge, Ohatchie, Ala.... . 6426 H. G. Acid Phosphate................ . J. R. G. Howell, Dothan, Ala . ............. 6430 Dis. Bone Acid ...................... 6433 Tuscaloosa Acid . Weathers, Swann & Co., Roanoke, Ala........ . Tuscaloosa C. S. Oil Co., Tuscaloosa, Ala... ........ Phosphate. ......... 6435 H. G. Acid Phosphate................ . Hughes Bros., Florala, Ala........ 6440 Troy Acid Phosphate............... 6441 Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala........... ".. . H.G.. Acid Phosphate.............. ,. « 6442 English Acid Phosphate......... ... 6443 English Dis. Bone 9. 9C 3.711 3.60 13.61 6 G Phosphate........... 16 i 9.6 3.93 2.72 13.53 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to ACID PHosPHATES-Continued. - July*1, i 1901. I ~ PHOSPHORIC ACID. 4) NAME 0 c1 OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. a) 0 C - E 0 V1 6450 Co Excelsior Acid Phosphate........... P. J. Ham & Son, Elba, Ala................. 13.40 .1.75 3.47 3.47 4.05 .38 16.87 .18 16.22 1.30 14.15 ~6451 Pomona ......... Hilton, Bently & (Cosby,Brantley, 6457 Ga. State Grange Acid Phosphate .. 6465 H. G. Acid Phosphate......... .... C3 36 Ala. ...... . 10.10 .. JT. T. Ramage, Brundidge, Ala ............. . 13.55 3.16 2.54 16.71 1.98 18.03 11.95. 6.08 9.54 7.17 3.42 4.41 2.67 9.82 64d7 6471 Goulding's H G. Acid Phosphate....... W. F. McKenzie, Greenville, Ala........... Akin & Son, Notasulga, Ala.......... . . 1.88: 16 62 .88] 18.27 4.041 14.76 3.581 15.17 1.481 10.77 14.85 10.35 12.50 .95 6474 J. 0. Akin & Son's No. Acid Phosphate...J.. 6477 6486 H. G. Acid Phosphate......... .... _. First Bank of Elba, Elba, Ala.............. .......... W. E. Townsend, Elrath, Ala .............. 6494 H. G. Acid Phosphate...............Burks & Coston, Brantley, Ala...............8.55 6496 H. G. Dis. Bone. ................... 6501 Acid 4.51 12.50 M. F. Patterson, Falkville, Ala............... 3.50 3.65 4.84 13.06 8.60 16.00 0.20 17.85 Phosphate....................McMillan & Harrison, MobileAla............14.20 6504 H. G. Acid Phosphate .................. 6506" 6507 6511 "" W. S. Crass, Pelham, Ala...................11.53 3.21 1.76 2.34 5.29 1.56 14.76 1.94 17.06 3.26 17.59 4.76 15.74 2.08 16.67 " " .. :................ Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala................15.30 ........ ......... G. A. Sanders, Luverne, Ala.................15.25 G A. J. Pittman, Wehodkee, Ala English Acid Phosphate ........... ................... ........... 10.45 6515 H. G. Dis. Bone .. W. A. Gage & Co., Town CreekAla...........12.25 Bros., Oxford, Ala...................6.95 4.42 8.30 4 61 5.89 -6519 Dis. Bone.........................Phillips v26523 Scott's H1. "'..... 1.00 15.25 1.04 16.17 3.66 1.64 1.58 17.07 G. Acid Phosphate..........Ingram & Co., Anniston, Ala................12.10 Markentepe, Culiman, Ala.................10.751 S. N. Power, Elba, Ala 6526 Eddystone Dis. Bone................J. 6529 H. G. Acid Phosphate................ ...................... ...... 13.00 4.07 6530 S. & Co's H. G. English Acid Phosphate.. Schuessler & Co., Roanoke, Ala.............. 6537 Pure H. G. Acid Phosphate"........... Britt & Johnson, Wetumpka, Ala............ 6539 H. G. Acid Phosphate ................ 5546 '' '' McEntyre, Henderson & Adams, Ozark, Ala.... B. Bullard, Elba, Ala.............. George Kroell, Montevallo, Ala .............. 9.45 11.80 4.91 3.62 5.74 14.36 13.00I 3.81 3.84 .58 15.42 16.81= 0549 Imperial IDis. Bone................. 0551 H. G. Acid Phosphate: ................. I11.351 35 7.27 3.88 5.23 .48 16.62 .82 15.23 3.32 18.58 H. R. & H., Brantley, Ala...................113.35I Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1st, 1900 to July 1st, 1901. AcID PHOSPHATES-Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID. - NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. - o1 a3 1 + cd 6558 B'ham H. G. Acid Phosphate 6562 Acid Phosphate...................... ........... .......... Geo. M. Truss & Co.. Springville, Ala........ . J. 13.95 9.70 13.00 5. 10 6.00 5.76 6.15 4.19 7.08 5.16 3.00 .1G $19 05 CA' 0. Hodges, Ashville, Ala................. . 2.50 2 8 15.70 8 7 6.80 13 05 6564 Bear Dis. Bone....... ............... 6569 H. G. English Acid........... ........ 6576 Matchless Acid Phosphate.......Sessions A. P. Howison, Randolph, Ala.............. iVM. Carlyle & Bro., Roanoke, Ali........ W. & Mizell, 6 90 Enterprise, Ala ........... 7.90 6.75 7.95 3.76 5.84 12.09 6580 Birmingham Acid ......... 6585 Acid Phosphate ..................... 6589 Imperial Acid....................... T. A. Howle & Co., Oxford, Ala............ . F. T. & J. C. Butler, Paint Rock, Ala....... . T. G. Land, Cullman, Ala .............. Chapman & Co., Geneva, .92 13.83 13.11 6589 Stern's H. G. Acid Phosphate .......... 6592 No. 1 Wet Phosphate........ .. ..... ... 1 S.' Collins, Geneva, Ala...... .. J. Ala. ............. ......... . . 12.20 12.70 3.50 1.01./1.70 6.10 6.99 18.80 10.49 4.56 6593 No. 2 Wet Phosphate............... J. S. Collins, Geneva, Ala:.................. l.............. rutcher & Ward C 6595 Crescent City Acid Phosphate........ 6596 I. X. L. Acid Phosphate............ 6298 Read Phosphate................... 660 Scott's H. G. Acid Phosphate........ 6602 I. X. L. Phosphate ................. NI. P. White, Attalla, Ala W. J. Silbert, Gadsden, Ala ................ ............... 12.15 12 60 12.80 9.00 6.80 5.51 5.68. .90 18.95 2.04 18.31 .92 14.68 .98 16.17 5.24 14.86 2.28 16.32 .98 14.52 5.86 13.04 6.44 10.91 6.40 13.80 4.02 13.38 1.62 18.23 Ot., 4.091 2.76 16.60 12.35; 3.82 10.40 11.10 8.70 8.50 6.65 8.35 Chas. Ivey, Evergreen, Ala................ Zena Sheperd, Georgiana, Ala............. J. I. Covington, Bertha, Ala............... 4.46 5.22 5.82 4.5S1 4.26 6604 H. G. Acid Phosphate.............. 6606 J. W. Grace. Elkmont, Ala............... 6612 Acid Phosphate................... J. C. Hartselle & Son, Hartselle, Ala......... "6614 Tenn. Valley Acid Phosphate......... 6615 Florence Acid........ .......... . W. A. Shaw, Winfield, Ala................. C. R. 5.45 4.93 4.58 6618 Phosphate........ .... 8.45 13.65 6.95 10.10 9.60 6620 Tuscaloosa Acid 6623 Bear H. G. Phosphate............, Maxwell, Northport, Ala............. . iDis. Bone................ . Bean & Murray, Heflin, Ala................ 8.13 5.42 6.49 5.33 3.01 1.42 15.18 3.08 15.52 2.86 16.00 2.12 Elrod & Gibson, Collinsville, Ala............ 6627 Sunny South Acid Phosphate.......... . Eranzen & Olson, Thorsby, Ala .............. 6629 Ox Acid Phosphate ................. 0630 Ox K1I. G. iDis Bone................... . T. U. Crumpton, Maplesville, Ala.......... . 9.45 9.80 14.78 6682 Cahaba Acid Phosphate ............. .54 13.71. Analyses .Reported-by ,State,.Chemist from July 1,,1900, to July 1, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATES. PHOSPHORIC ACID.'- NAME OF SAMPLE. 0 BY; .WHOM SENT. 0 - z 0 4a 0 6638 Acid............................. Asa Griffith, Hanceville, Ala.....12.20 4.30 3.30 5.65 5.35 3.20 16.50 1.05 13.60 3.25 13.00 3.55 14.60 "6639 Birmingham Acid.....................10.30 6644 XXX Dis. Bone.... 6645 Sunny ...... G. W. Wise, Madison, Ala...................7.35 . . .. ....... South.. .............. H. G. 9.25 6646 Meridian :Southern Acid.............. G. H. Amos, Duck Spring, Ala.............11.65 4.15 2 30 15.80 6652 Georgia State Grange Acid............ F. D. Bynum, Bynum, Ala................... 6655 A. G. 3.75 .17.20 9.70 1.75 1.45 13.45 Winkler 's Acid Phosphate.. A.G.Winkler, Greenville, .. Hertzell Ala........... .. .25 .40 18.95 6657 Talladega Acid Phosphate............ John H. Wilson, Jenifer, Ala... .. .......... 6660 Ox H. G. Dis. Bone ................ 13.30 11.10 3.20 7.90 .70 16.50 19.00 & Anderson, Madison, Ala........... 6661 Cahaba Acid Phosphate.............. John H. Wilson, Jenifer, Ala................. 13.20 3.85 .40 17.00! 6663 English Acid Phosphate.............W. W. Burnett, Geneva, Ala...............12.00 6666 Port Royal Dis Bone ................. Lull & Lacey, Wetumpka, Ala...............12.35 Stewart & Hazelwood, Eden, Ala.............5.40 8.35 4.45 2.15 5.77 3.34 2.00 16 45 .70 14.50 .48 11.17 .36 11.79 ,6671 6670f Acid Phosphate..................... Dis Bone......... ................ 6674 Georgia State Standard.............D. D. Hughes, Lebanon, Ala.............. 2 30 10.73 4.40 2.07 4.86 2.02 13.03 .80 18.90 .08 13 67 3.34 6675 Prolific Acid Phosphate............. D. D. EcGowen, Cuba, Ala.................14.50 6476 Acid Phosphate....................... Cash Supply Co., Mountafn Creek, Ala.......11.60 6681 No. 1. Dis. Bone....................Trawick & Jernigan, Opelika, Ala.9.50 14.36 S668 No. 2 Dis. Bone.....................................10.00-4.25 6690 [. X. L. Phosphate....................W. D. Brown, Graville, Ala...................11.85 6691 Goulding's H. G. Phosphate.............................. 12.50 6692 Alabama Pure H. G. Phosphate. ... ...... 3.40 14.75 2.50 15.90 1.45 16.10 1.95 15.75 2.55 15.75 4. 55 11.55 4.05 3.60 4.65 5.20 1.15 11.10 19.55 10.40 6701 Alabama Phosphate.................... Green & Mullins, Active, Ala.................. 6704 'Tallapoosa Dis. Bone ................ White & Spigner, Goodwater, Ala........ .... 6711 Phosphate Excelsior Bone Compound.. W. C. Perry, Seale, Ala..................... 6716 Eddystone Dis. Bone.............. 6718 Alabama Acid Phosphate.... .......... XW. H. Bynum, Boaz, Ala .................... J. H.. Myers, Langston, Ala ................ J. C. Alford, Childersburg, Ala............... 6.60 8 25 14.05 9.55 6.40 7.85 2.80 8.20 .70 13.00 2.25 16.10 .40 16.85 1.05 6721 No. 1 Acid Phosphate ................. 17 .75 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1st, 1900, to July 1st, 1901. ACIDs PHOsPHA vEs-Corncluded. I PHOSPHORIC ACID. a13 z NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. " 2 4-D a) O I r 6722 No. 2 Acid Phosphate ................ S6729 Magnet Acid ........ J. C. Alford, Childersburg, Ala ....... .... Davis, Marshall & Co., Mobile, Ala......... . 12.15 9.55 7.85 6.15 6.92 5.71 .95; $18.30 2 98 16.47 . 13.66 54 2.80 17. 10 4.62 13.98 7.88 11.97 3.98 13.57. 2.28 13.97 ............... 6732 Piedmont Acid Phosphate ........... 6'736 H. G. Acid Phosphate ............... 6742 Cow Acid . R. F. Gilbert, Porterville, Ala .............. Gunter & Elem, Gantt, Ala............... McEntire Bros., Cuilman, Ala............... . 13.45 5.90 7.10 3.65 8.08 4.87 5.42 7.12 .......................... 6743 Bull Acid.......................... 6746' Acid Phosphate .................... 6749 XXX Dis. . S. W. Henry, Springville, Ala............... R. Q.f:Edmoison & Bros., Eufaula, Ala....... . 8.15 6.85 Bone..................... 6755 Acid Phosphate..................... . T. L. Johnson & Co., Gadsden, Ala ........... 6756~ J. C. Adkin 9.65 10.80 5.48 5.61 1.32 15.13 2.5~4 16.41 &Son's No. 1 Acid Phosphate IOpelika Chemical Co., Opelika, Ala.. 6757fGriel Bros. English Acid Phosphate '6758 Standard Acid Phosphte ........... "6759 H. G. English Acid Phosphate....... 6760 S. & Co's H. G. English Acid......... 6761 H. & T. H. G. Acid Phosphate........ 6780 H. G. Acid Phosphate.............. 6781 Vandiver's XX Aeid Phosphate. 67828. Opelika Chemical Co., Opelika, Ala........ 10.70 11.30 10.90 10.75 10.65 6.59 6 .0(0 6.48 6.39 6.63 5.69 6.13 5.95 1.86 17.29 2.00 17.30 2.02 17.38 2.46 17.14 2.52 17.28 2 26 16.74 2.82 16.38 2.80 17.00 1.84 17.21 2.54 16.61 1.80 17.65 1 84 17.86 2.12 17.38 2.42 16.38 2.52 15.08 4 .58 15.77 5.80 13.15 1.86 12.29 cct Montgomery Fertilizer Co., Montgomery, Alla.. 11.05 10.25 11.05 & 0. H. G. Acid Phosphate....... 2 6783 Thompson's English Acid Phosphate 6784 Star Brand Acid Phosphate.......... 6785 Early Bird H. G. Acid Phosphate. 6786 S. 10.95 .6.26 10.85 10.40 11.05 11.20 1.1..65 5 76 7.25 6.81 6.18 4.73 6.28 4.87 7.45 7.49 & English Acid Phosphate.... K. Co's W. L. & H. G. icid Phosphate.. 6787 6803 H. (G.English Acid Phosphate ......... 6808 H. G. Acid Phosphate.............. . W. B. Willhite, Hartselle, Ala............ 6811 Dixie Acid Phosphate.............. . C. W. Bell Son, ineville, Ala............ & 8.80 10.90 5.70 0812 H. G. Dib. Bone*.............. . 6815 H. G. Acid Phosphate ............. G. W. Roberts &Co., Collinsville, Ala.... 4.80 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901. ACID PHOSPHATE. PHOSPHORIC ACID. I) zNAME C3 (5821 Marietta OF SAMPLE~. BY WHOM SENT - U~. H. G. Acid.............. Reeves, Sanders & Co, Heflin, Ala....... 11.70 9.00 13.95 10.75 5.14 6.09 5.13 5.17 4.69 .26 16.84 6 56 1.5.09 0.42 g6824 Sunny South Acid Phosphate.......... 6827 H. G. Acid Phosphate............... 6828 Ox Dis. Bone ........................ 6830 Coweta H. G. Acid. ............... . W. B. Vaughn, Elkmomit, Ala............. F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala.............. . ]19.08 2.68 15 92 .. White &Aubrey, tandigraft 6838 Sunny South. Phosphate ............ 6842 English Acid Phosphate ............. 6444 Standard Acid Phosphate.... .. ..... 6846 Bear H. G. Dis. Bone ............... 6852 A. B. & Birmingham, Son, Roanoke, Ala..............6.90 3.26 11.59 2.98 15.62 1.38 17.02 3.46 15.04 3.02 15.28 .71 15.7 Ala.... 10.50 10.70 5.12 6.32 5.79 4.78 4.35 E. H. &A.S.Murdock, . T. L. Neighbors .... Coffee Springs, Ala.... Cameron Bros., Notasulga, Ala ................ & Goodwater, Ala........ Bros, 9.26 10.50 11.40 Brmigha H.G. cid hoshat W. J.Mullins, Clanton, Ala................ . 6856 Marietta H. G. Dis. BoneAcid....... 65858 Eddystone West & McMurry, Roanoke, Ala............ . T .................. . a . Io 6.65 4.77 4.79 2.10 4.04 _78 11.42 Dis. Bone ............... ............ Montgomery Bros., Lincoln, Ala........... John T. Tabor, Keener, Ala ............... n .. 10.45 10.25 12.35 8'.85 2.86 15.24 3.80 12.35 1.06 16.39 4.80 14.45 3.16 15.89 .52 17.83 1.40 15.35 2.541 14.36 6.20 14.00 3.08 14.77 3.84 13.46 21.16 6861 Adair's H. G Dis. Bone.............. 6864 Scott's Acid........ 6865 Florence Haley Bros., Haleyville, Ala............... Acid....... 5.60 5.74 6.48 7.15 7.06 6866 Bear Acid....................... 6871 Howle Bros. Acid Phosphate....... 6873 Phosphate No. 3.... 10.15 Hlowle Bros., Wetumpka, Ala............. Ozark C. S. Oil Mill and Fert. Co., Ozark, Ala.. ..... . E. P. Duncan, Alexander City, Ala........... The J, H. Karter Co., Cullman, Ala........ . T. H. NcEntyre, Coffee Springs. Ala L. 0. Cox, Boaz, Ala ....................... .... 11.35 8.20 7.30 7.90 9.00 5.45 6.00 ............ S6875 Black Diamond Acid ......... 6881 Tiger Acid.......................... 6884 English Acid Phosphate ............. 6.10 5.77 8.01 8.14 6886 Eagle Acid Phosphate................ 6887 Eagle Dis. Bones .............. 6895 Sunny South ...... Mi. Noble, Avery, Ala........... ... 14.14 Acid.................. ................. 9 35 4.54 9.6 . 9.70 10 55 9.90 3.46 13.89 1.22 13.68 3.48 15.32 5.06 16.4 .70 6397 Phosphate ......... Rintz Turner, Thomasville, Ala............ 4.03 5.62 5.94 5.35 6899 Acid Phosphate....................T. B. Williams, Culiman, Ala............ 690.5 69041Eagle Acid Phosphate................ S. J. Baird, Gum, Ala................... Tallapoosa H. G. Acid Phosphate........ Tallapoosa Oil Co, Alexander City} Ala.... 15.25 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, ACID PHOSPHATE. 1909, to July 1,1901. iI PHOSPHORIC ACID. a7 NAME OF SAMPLE. a BY WHOM SENT. - 6220 Cahaba H. G. Acid Phosphate ........ P'6220 Earle Terrell & Co's. H. G. Acid. Phos. 6221 Cahaha Standard Grade Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala. 12.73 12.73 it 33 I 3.7 3.7 3.62 3.7 .20 16.52 .20 16.52 .23 14.95 .201 16.52 Phosphate.. .. 6220 IProlific Acid Phosphate'.. L3 12.73 Analyses Reported by the State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901. MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS AND FERTILIZING MATERIALS. PHOSPHORIC ACID. oNAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. C) 4ao UH -4 AO a 6214 Cotton 96e215 6216 6217 6218 Seed, Meal................. Tucker & Willingham,. LaFayette, Ala.... 2.79 2.77 7.14 6.18 7.20 2.06 1.x62 Off.... ........ Mutual Cotton Oil Dothan Off. ............. ' '' Co., Columbus, Ga ... Dothan, Ala .. 2.80 2.88 7.32 6.42 i. 42 7.11 6.86 6.84 6.9( 1.89 1.87 2.01 1.95 6219 6255 6256 6260 6261~ ... o.l......... LaFayette Cotton Oil Co., LaFayette, Ala. Dadeville Oil Mill. Dadeville, Ala .. No. 10......... o. Of..... ........ .. 2.86 2.67 2.61 1.99 2.0(k 1.94 Walter Andrews, LaFayette, 2.65 2.90 Analyses Reported by the State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, 19~01. MISCELLANEOUS FEJITILIZERS ANI) FERTILIZI\~G MATERIAL,. PHOSPHORIC ACID. ONAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. 6283 Cotton Seed Meal S6284 6286 6287 6308 6359 No. 2 ............. Greenville Cotton Oil Mill, Greenville, Ala 2.93 3.10 6.96 6 42 6.54 6.54 6.54 7.~2 7.08 6.66 7.08 6.90. 2. 0 1 .90 30ff......... D.- E.' Huger-&_Co., Mobile. Ala. ..... . 3.64' 3.48 1 .79 i.81~ 1.88 1.72 1.72 1.58 .62,. J. T. Scott, Buffalo, Ala .............. Jefferson Cotton Oil Mill, B'ham, Ala. Sylacauga Oil Mill, Sylacauga, ''... 3.1(. 2.42 2.8'7 2 67 2 97 3.02 6360 6361 6362 6363 Richmond Cotton Oil Mill, Sheffield, Ala. B. Schmidt & Son, Lincoln, Ala ........ . T. G. Connor, Tuskegee,... 6364 Cotton Seed Meal................ c7 6365 C. C. Woodard, Fruitdale, Ala ........... Jackson & Chapman, Grand Bay, ..... .. Evergreen M'f'g Co., Evergreen, Ala........ .. .. " ~3 .Th ~3.75 3.56 3.82 7.08 1.76 2.9C 6.84! 1.64 6.84! 2.15 7.02 .2.32 6.96! 6.84 1.91 1.84! 6414 6488Ofd. . . C. C. Woodard, Fruitdale, Bri.... " .... 6489' 6662 7048 Bright ......... ...... e 3.25 3.18 Leder Oil Mills, Demopolis, e " 3.80 L. H. Scruggs,Huntsville,. J. F. Duggar, Auburn, g " e 6.96! 1.60! 2.84! 1.511 1.27! 1.80~ .87 1.00! 2.62! 6202 Bat Manure & Cave Earth.......... n 6203 Coarse Horse Manure .. GD 9.35 .52 67 ......... " " .6205 6203 Fine Horse Manure............... Fertilizer No. 7................... Helm Milling Co., Birmingham, . 6207 Muriate of Potash ................. Ozark C. S. Oil Mill & Fert. Co., Ozark....... B'hamn Hide & Tallow Co., B'ham,' Ala.. . Mississippi Station, Starksville, Ala ...... "" 56.15! 10.1[3 " 6213 jTankage. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .... 6226 Fertilizer No. 1748 ................ 6251 German Kainit.................... . 6.04. 2.75 13.40 14.12 . Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala .......... 6258 Kainit ............................. 0288 Soil....................... 1'Trawick & Jernigan, Opelika, Ala........ F. Y. Anderson, Birmingham, ' ° ... .. . . .... 1.85 .20 .07f 6281 Ashes.........................".....14 C. Woodard, Fruitdale, C. 1.28 .05 "" Analyses Reported by the State Chemist from July 1, 1900 to July 1, 1901. MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS AND FERTILIZING MATERIALS-Concluded. PHOSPHORIC ACID. z 0 OF SAMPLE.BYWMSET ~NAME 00 H z ao 6289 Soil .................. ............. Prattville Mercantile Co., Prattville, Ala. .... C. C. Woodard, Fruitdale, Ala.................5190 .... ....... 26 .03 .06 W6309 Muriate . ....................... 6439 Phosphate Rock.................... J. C. Adams, Montgomery, Ala.......... 6464 Cotton Seed Meal Ash................ Huntsville Nursery Co., Huntsville, Ala.. .45...... ... . 15.68 .60-16.28......1.20 .... .... ....... 1.45..... .... .40...... .... 650(0l Berman Kainit.....................I 656 To. 1 Fhos- Rock .................... . .............. McMillan & Harrison, Mobile, Ala... .. .... .... 2.64 . J. A. Alexander, Prattville, Ala........... .... . ....... 6567TNo. 2 6568 No. 3 . . ... ...... ............ ............. F. T. & J. C. Butler, Paint Rock, 6586 Kainit...... Ala........... .... 45 ..... .... .... ... .... 10.74 6636 Marl.... .................... J. F. Jones, Evergreen, Ala............... .... .23.... ... . 6659 Kainit ............... ... J. H. Wilson, Jenifer, Ala.......... .. 13.14 14.14 .32 .22 .72 .34 9.13 2.48 6731 German Kainit.......... Davis, Marshall & Co., Mobile, Ala.......... H. S. Houghton, Blount Springs, Ala......... 6849 Phosphate Rock................. 6850 7049 7050 "" .. .. "" . """ """"""" Prim & Kimbel, Jackson, Ala.............. .. . . . . . . . . . . C. F. Austin, Auburn, Ala................. . A. U. Grouby, Abbeville, Ala.......... ..... Helm Milling Co., Birmingham, Ala... IV~c Llrruvrrr) ~~UIVULIII L~~~LC ~ I 6211 Pure Tobacco Stems. ...... ..... 6212 Mixture Tobacco Stems and Filler.. Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1st, 1900, to July 1st, 1901. MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES FROM ~HE COMMISSIONER. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Q NAME OF SAMPLE.9 BY WHOM SENT. 00 -40c " _ _ _ _ __4_ _ _ _ _ _ __2_. -6914 No. 806.................. Oommissionerof Agricultur'e, Montgomery, Ala. 12.70 7.40 11.95 7.95 i11.95 6.35 11.85 3.79 3.22 5.59 5.78 3.10 3.15 5.07 5.10 2.66 6.20 '76 2.40 $18.89 ~6915 6916 6917 691 i 6919 6920 6921 (6922 807................... 808.................. 809................... 810................. 811 ............. .... 3.78 .66 4.32 1.06 2.50 .88 .80 3.54 .30 1.60 1.60 1.28 2.59 13.21 17.54 2.29 18.60 2.69 17.83 2.59 16.5 2.58 19.50 2.40 19.05 812...............:.. 813 ............... :.. 11.55 7.35 11.20 814................. .815............. .. :.. 2.10 16.55 2.05 19.45 6923 6924 No. 816....... *1°" " 7.30 . . 8.78 3.67 4.20 3.39 4.54 6.21 3.53 5.60 3.55 3.04 .12 1.94 2.20 18.71 6925 6926" 6027' 817..................... .. .. 6.60 6.40 4.08 7.70 1.82 1.98 2.29 17.66 2.13 18.27 16.44 818.......................... 819 ................... 820... ............... 821............... 822................... .. 823............... .. j .. .. .. .. .. .. . 13.05 6.50 .96....... .... 2.46 1.00 6928 6929 6930 6931 x 6932 1 " ... -2.45 16.29 '" . .. .. .. 7.7C 7.60 7.70 9.35 5.34 .... ...... 2.62 1.90 13 91 .. "".. .F 1.82. 1.80 18.03 1.64 1.60 18.49 1.41 14.31 1.67 17.051 ....... 824............. . " 693 82 ............... . . . 825 .................. 827...................... 828...................... 829............. 83 1 8 1 . ... .. 6.20 ..... 5.96 2.14 6933 6935" 6936 6937 6939 9 9 .'..6.3.5 . '" " , 10.75. 2.59 8.70 8.70 2.56 2.23 3.36 .94 1.52 1.42 1.96 1.30 2.49 19.81 2.31 19.06 2.67 17.24 ' "" ......... °"° ......................... ... . . " 10.25 8 3 4.084 . .72 .6.... 3.26 1.42 .28 2 .38 19.49 1 .90 6940 6941 832................... 833 ... . w ... . 48.40 ' 7.00 3.34 4.23 1.72 1.72 2.40 17.56' 2.05 .........to** .19.50 Analyses Reported by State. Chemist from July 1st, 1900, to July 1st, 1901. MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES FROM THE COMISSIONE-Continued. , VOID. PHOSPHORIC A a3: z 0 O NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. O a) 0 a3 V) O 0 ta) O "r, ca 0 1 E it0 i O I ,6942 No. 834................... r. 0I Commissioner of Agriculture, Montgomery, Ala 8.70 9.55 6.68 3.19 2.12 1.66 8.53 .18 2.57 $F18.45 2.56 20.50: 1.32 14.9 14.76 Q S? 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 *835 .................. 836 1.88 .50 .................. 6.95 7.95 5.32 6 81 837 838 ................. .................. 7.841 2.10 2.20 7.95 11.30 8.40 5.50 6.05 4.58 1.72 1..43 19 .70 17.35 839 .................. 840 .. . . . . . . . . . 841 ................. 842................... :.60J 4.54.40 1.0( 3.82, .98 1 .66 13.95 2.10 19.44 13.60 13.60 3.48 2.12 1.88 843 .................. 6952 6953 .. .. 844.................... 845 .. . .. ' ........... .. .. .. .. .. 9.15 12.60 3.61j 3.5t. 2.34 2.40 .... 1.06 2.24 17.97 16.10 ...... 6954 6955 6956 6957 6958 6959 &6960 .. .. ... .. .. . 846......................... 847 ....... "....."."....... . .. .. .. .. "" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 6.85 11.70 9.00 7.85 7.20 7.45 6.70 11.65 6.25 7.20 5.45 4.15 2.93 1.81 3.43 4.49 3.80 2.98 5.56 4.57 3.92 6.62 3.50 1.72 .... 1.34 .82 4.06 6.65 6.32 1.96 1.76 1.54 18.03 4.63 ....... 848...................... 849 ..................... 850.................... 851 ...................... 852...................... _853..... .............. 854.................... 855.................... .. .. .. .. .12 1.39 17.13 2.22 13.84 2.41 19.36 1.80 16.86 1.49 16.43 ...... 17.21 1.88 1.36 1.88 .. .. .. .. .. .. ~6961 6962 6963 6964 .. .. .. . 1.84 .... 2.28 .78 1.92 2.38 2.59 18.79 2.44 20.22' 12.07; 856 ................. . .. 2.28 .... ...... 6965 8966 857..................... 858.................... .. .. .. .a" .. .. .. 10.40 7.50 4.44 4.40 3.66....... .... 5.40 2.18 1.43 14.84 .. 19.43 15.47 6967 6968 8969 to .. .. 859........." 860..................... .. .. 6.65 3.12 2.68 1.70 2.39 16.92 .... 5.05 10.42 .. 1.08....... 861 .......... ".............. 5.50 4.89 6.66 1.88 2.63 18 28 Analyses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900, to July 1, MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES FROM THE COMMISSIONER. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 1901. I) NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. Oz 0 " Z0 o f ~6970 No. C' 862 ............... 863.................. 864...................1 Commissioner of Agriculture, Montgomery, Ala. 9.80 11.20 7.37 5.06 4.65 4.38 ... ..... ...... 17.17 16.20 p6971 6972 6973 .84 2.30 8.65 2.04 3.83 20.84 12.28 12.28 865 8 .-0........674 ................... 12.40 6974 6975 6976 866 ................... 867 ................... 868 ................... 4.90 12.65 13.15 13.00 6.54 6.06 3.93 2.26 6.94 .92 1.86 .... . 18.94 2.31 18.48 .52 17.10 3.87 5.20 4.85 1.08..........17.02 1.00...... ...... 3.20 y82 18.20 6977 .. 869................. 69781 870 ................... 8.10 2.28 17.53; 698,) No. 8 7 2........... 1.651 12.79 7.45 6.80 7.25 6.10 8.02 3.25 3.96 3.49 2.06 ... .. 14.44 6981 6982 8 8 7 ...... 3.... ..... 1.38.......15.47 2.40' 2.94 2.661 1.72 2.30 1.84 2.75 17.62 2.14 19.79 1.91 16.65 74...... 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 '6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 .. 875 ................... 876................... 877................... 878.................... 879................... 880 ................... 881................... 882................... 883................... 884................... 885.................. 886.................. 887............ ...... 888................... 5.44 12.34 7.75 8.45 9.10 3.47 5.11 5.591 .62..........17.78 5.38 4.84 3.56 .54 .52 1.72 1.04 .68 .02 .04 1.64 17.7k 1.31 17.7 1.67 18.25 1.42 16 79 1.19 15 5.12 10.19 10.85 5.25 3.28 3.71 43, .44 1.20 3.00 15.32 6.90 10.90 7.05 8.85 2.90 4.69 6.35 .95....... 2.13 11.93 1.54...... ....... 2.10 .16 2.41 15.59 16.26 2.95 2.09 .35 2.20..........12.80 1.36.............14 6.70 2.02 1.69 17.40 8.05 9.70 -6997 .. 889.................. Analyses IReported by State Chemist from July 1st, 1900, to July 1st, 1901. MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES FROM THE COMMISSIONER-Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID.r. z 0 O NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. -, O 4 CF0 6998 No. 890.................. 0 Commissioner of Agriculture, Montgomery, Ala 7.10 5.80 6 00 7.35 4.55 5.00 4.00 1.22 1.96 3.26 .98 .86 .62 1.84 3.26 9.90' 1.78 1.34 $18.42 S6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 891................. 892 .... .............. 4.88 6.54 3.04 9.371 8.14 9.38 9.66 3.6 1.35 2.32 2.27 19.45 1.54 1.24 1.66 3.54 1.92 2.04 17.53 893 ............... 894 .................. 895 ........ 896 .......... 897 .................. 898 .................. 899 .................. .......... ........ 2.29 17.3 2.41 25.24 2.56 18.73 19.20 2.65 2.2 2 .'0 8.55 9.95, 1.91 2,40 1.24; 2.64 21.32 2.28 17.99 11.30 '7008 7009 7010 7-)11 70[2 7013 7014 7015 &-7016 C 900 901 902 S ..... 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.95 8.20 11.60 2.65 3.39 5.11 6.01 4.97 4.87 3.51 3.52 3.81 3.28 2.06 5.49 7.43 5.67 2.12 4 21 5.63 3.44 2.80 1.96 1.54 3.04 1.98 6.48 1.04 .88 2.04 4.82 3.64 1.36 2.92 4 28 3.98 2.64 2.92 1.96 1.28 1.04 16.23 2.24 13.83 . . . .12 08 .13 17.18 .10 17.58 . ..... 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903 i! .... 0 . . 11.25 5.00 S. 0 ..... . . . . . . . 904 905 . .....0 . 2.77 12.74 .10 2.08 1.96 1.98 2.91 15.86 7.90 6.80 5 . 9 7 ... .. 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 1 51 17 64 2.51 19.2";_ 2.72 17.17 .. .. 15.98 7.70 5.10 12 70 7.40 7.75 8.30 6.85 8.00 7.95 9.25 9.00 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 ;1022 7023 7024 7025 2 04 1.02 2.09 17.26 1.28 17.18 2.00 17.73 ... 12.52 1.38 1.34 2.18 16.16 1.22 17.13 ... 14.88 1.56 1.57, 18.38 Analses Reported by State Chemist from July 1, 1900 to July 1, 1901. MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES FROM THE COMMISSIONER-oncluded. PHOSPHORIC ACID. O NAME OF SAMPLE. BY WHOM SENT. " 7026 No. 918.................. Commissioner of Agriculture, Montgomery, Ala. 9.151 7.60 8.06 9.20 9.25 10.35 7.20 6.40 6.35 7.90 50 3.11 3.74 1.54 4.02 5 64 8.07 3.72 2.15 5.17 1.90 2.74 .66 1 36 1.58 5.86 2.08 2.7g 2.60 1.68 1.48 2.02 2.73 16.52 2.00 18.37 3.22 15.56 C> PT 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 919................... 920................... 921....... ........... 922...................{ 923 ... :............... 924................... 925..... ............. 926 ................... 927................. 1. 70 1.62 2.77 18.27 1.36 19.17 15.99 1.R 17.07 1. 6C 1.34 .96 1.56 16.55 2.24 14.49 .87 16.63 7036 7037 7038 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 928 .................... 929............ 930 .......... 931 '.......... 932............. 933...................... 934...................... 935....................... ...... .13.50 .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.35 2.70 2.18 1l8O 1.64 2.06 18.70 15.68 12.58 2.28 15.09 1.49 17.50 2 32 16.46 1.49 16.82 1.87 18.32 1.76 17.89 .... 18.741 1.72 ......... 1.32 ......... 6.04....... 7.46 4.54 4.04 1.76 2.76 1.40 1.60 1.58 2.02 1.46 6.25 6.85 6.00 5.85 6.45 8.15 8.15 13.40 8.50 7.60 6.33 5.96 6.09 3.81 4.46 2.64 3.89 5.34 5.34 2 90 7031) 7040 7041 7042 7048 74 936........... .. . .. .. .. ~7045 7046 7047 .. .. 937..... ............... 938..................... .. .. . 1.06....... 2.66 3.20 1.10 2.20 1.12 18.04 2.11 18.77 .939........... .. Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers andf Manufacturers. UUARA±\TEED ,xPIIOSPDORIC . Z ANALYSIS. ACID j Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Manufactured.oZ ~~Where C) r"i2 CW y M0 Ow U - 19X0 Oct. 1 Mobile Acid Phosphate & Potash, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala ... ........... ........ Mobile Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Mobile o3 Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala ........... ... Mobile Alkali Bone Phosphate, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala....... Mubile Ammoniated Fertilizer, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala ..... Genuine German Kainit, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate ..... . .. ..... Company, Mobile, Ala ........... Mobile 446 Special Truck, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate ................... Company, Mobile, Ala. Mobile H. G. Truck Fertilizer, manufactured by Mobile Phosphiate Company, Mobile, .... [. X. L. Acid Phosphate, manufactured b 200 200 200 200 2.06-3 200 8-10 8-10 6-8 2-4 2-4 2-3 2-3 2-3 15-2 1-2 2-3 4-5 1-2 12-l3 11 16 12 17 12 17 15 7723 40 12 13 19 26 28 36 12 2460 4840 14 2-4 7-9 2-4 1-2 2-3 2-3 200 3.30-4.50 3-4 1-2 1-2 2-3 4-8 200 6.60-8 4-5 obile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala ...................... .... 200 10-K2 English Acid [hosphate, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala ........................ . 200.......12-13 Mobile Standard Guano, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala .............................. 200 1.65-2.05 6-7 .......... Ala..... 4-6 2-3 2-3 2-3 1.50-21 2-3 14 16 20 00 14 62- Oct. 1 KKK Ammoniated Soluble Bone, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala ...... .... . .............. Eclipse Soluble Guano, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Coipany, Mobile, Ala.......................................200 Mobile Soluble Bone and Potash, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala .............................. 20085-1.25 8-10 7-8 2-3 2-3 1.50-2 1.50-? 1-2 1-2 13 38- 1.65-2.05 200 ....... 18 50 14 62- CD Mobile Double Eagle Guano, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala Rhodes Blood and Bone, manufactured by Mobile, Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala.................................. Mobile Blood Bone and Potash Compound, manufactured by Mobile Phosphate Company, Mobile, Ala ....... Patapsco Guano Co's XX Acid Phos and Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga........... ....... Acid Phos and 4% Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works,. Augusta, Ga .. ................ Bone and Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga.........................................200........8 Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Wcrks, Augusta,Ga.. ............. . ................... ....... Dissolved Bone Phosphate, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta. Ga ............... . Mastodon Ammo. soluble Phos., manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga...... .. ............. ...... Georgia Formula, manufactured by Georgia Chemical .Works, AugustaGa.............................................. Mascot Soluble Bone, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga ....... ... .......... ..... XX Acid Phosphate with Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works. Augusta, Ga.... ... 8-10 2-3 2-3 3-4 2-3 20 00 13 001700 15 62- 2001.65-2.50 7.508.50 2001.65-2.50 6-7 201.65-2.50 200 .. 2.501.50=2 3 50 2-3 1.50-2 2-3 1.50-2 2 3 2 2-3 2-3 4 4 2 6-7 8 2 2 2 21 14 20 14 20 14 00 6200 6000 00 200........5 12 00 12 00 200..... 10 2 2 2 2 1 1300 13 00 200........11 200 200 200 200 1.65 1.65 .82 7 7 8 8 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 4 16 62 14 62 13 30 14 00 Acid Phosphate with 4% Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works. Augusta, Ga ............................. 200......... Bone and Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga ............ ............................... 200....... ................ ... 5 8 3 2 2 2 4 2 12 (0 12 00 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Man ufacturers. I Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured. and Where Manufactured.° G 1900- GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. PHOSPHORIC ACID. a G '' 0 U1 0 U1 0 GA0 e o Oct. 1 Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga................................ ..... ....... 200. .. Dissolved Bone Phosphate, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Augusta, -G...... ............. 200........11 MRuriate of.Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, 10 2 2 2 2 1 .... $1300 13 00 48 00 Works, Augusta, Ga....200......................48 Genuine German Kainit, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works,, Augusta, Ga....... .......................... 200. . .. . Patapsco Guano Company's Patapsco Guano, manufactured bye Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga...........200 i . 6~ 7 3 2 Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga ........................ .......... .. 200 1.65 7 1 1 Baltimore Soluble Bone, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga...... ............................. 200 .82 8 2 2 Muriate of Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga.... .................... ... ............. 200 ....... ....... ..... Genuine German Kainit, manufactured by Georgia Chemical I Works. Augusta, Ga ............. 290............ .... .... .. Pon Pon Crop 12 2 2 1 48 12 12 00 16 62 14 62 13 30 48 00 12 00 Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga....... .............. Grower-Patapsco Guano Co's, manufactured by ............. 200 1.00 7 3 1 2 14 80 Sea, Gull Guano, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga......................................... .. 200 1.00 1A.1d. Am. Diss. Bone and Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga ................................... 200 1.65 1o2% Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga..................... .......... 200........10 High Grade Blood and Bone, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kas ............................... .. 200 7 manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, .... 200 7.50 Fine Ground Beef Bone, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kas........................... ....200 2.50 ° ure Raw Bone Meal, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kas.....................................200 4 A-cidulated Animal Bone, manufactured by .rmour Fertilizer 7 6 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1480 14 62 00 1.50......12 Special, Kas............................................ Works, Kansas City, Kas............. 3 2 50 3 2.50 22 60 23 50 1950 17 20 .... 12.50 12.50 7 6 ... Ammoniated Bone and Potash, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kas... ........................... 200 Blood, Bone and Potash, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer 'Uorks, Kansas City, Kas.................. ............. 167 Fertilizer No. 583, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kris .... .. .... ... .. 167 ..... "200 2 2.50 12.50 4 4.50 3 3 1 2260 15 00 3 4 4 2.50 1.50 6 5 5 .5.50 3 3 3 2.50 2 2.501 2 1.50 7 3 6 5 2720 22 20 21 Go 17 62 Fertilizer No. Fertilizer 386. Fertilizer No. 285, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kas manuafactured by Armour .............................. Fertilizer Works, 167 Kansas City, 167 No. 282, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kas ............................ ...... Kansas City, Kas ........... ........................ ... 167 Fertilizer No. 281, man ufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works; Kansas City, RKa:............ .......... ...... ... 167 Fertilizer No. 212, matnfactured by Armour Fertilizer Wor~ks; Kansas City, Kas 'ertiizera Nob271, mnufactuired 1.50 1.50 5.50 5,-50 2.50 2.50 2 1.50 1.50 1150 2 1 2 . 14 62 1362 by ..... itour Pert11Zer 1Xans~i y as Werkd, . 167 16 1 ... ..... ! ,....leele:!!l~eea!t7 o a 5 13 62 12 62 180 2 j. Guaranteed Analyssc of Co~riercial Fertilizers, Filed in the office of the Manufacturers. Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and GUARANTEED ANALYSES .PHOSPHORIC ACID. Name of ertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. 04-a,~2 _____ ____ ____ _____Z 0 0 CZS 1900 Oct. 1 African Cotton Grower, manufactured by Armour Works, Kansas City, Kansas......................167 Fertilizer 2.50 3.50 5 3.50 4 2.50 1 1 3 4 1 $ 19 (0 19 40 12 20 Potato Fertilizer, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kansas... ................................ 167 Fertilizer No. 721, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City. Kansas.......................................167 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 4 4 4 5 3 1.50 Fertilize~r No. 722, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Karnsas City. Kansas... ................ .................... 167 Fertilizer No. 821, manufactured by Armour, Fertilizer Works, " 3 3 3 1.50 1.50 1.50 2 1 2 13 20 13.20 14 20 ""Acid and Potash, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works', Kansas City, Kansas City, Kansas.......... ........ ..... ................ 167 822, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kansas ............... ............... 167 Ammo D. B. and Potash, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kansas. ....... ............. 167 Fertilizer No. 1.50 6.50 7 3.50 3 2 1.50 2 2 16 20 12 00 Acid and Potash manufactured by Armour Firtilizer Works, Kansas City. Kansas ........................ ................. 467 6 "Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Armour Fertilizer Works, Kansas City, Kansas .......................... 200..;...... 8 Kansas. ........ ............... ............... 167........ 2 4 1 2 4 .:. 12 00 12 00 Old Plantation Guano, manufactured by Union Fertilizer 167 .... ......... na. ....... , Co., Atlnta, G Union Cotton Grower, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., 200 ....................... Atlanta, Ga.................. Dixie Guano, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Company, AtAnimal Bone and Peruvian Compound, manufactured by Union ... Fertilizer Co., Atlanta. Ga.............. Merrimac Guano, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., Atlanta, ............................... Ga.......... Blood, Bone and Potash, mnufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., Atlanta, Ga .......................................... Free Silver 16 to 1 Compound, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., Atlanta, Ga .. . U. C. Dis: Bone, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., Atlanta, ..... .. ........ G........ Union Potash Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., Atlanta, lanta, Ga. ........... ... 1.64.7 1.64.7 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1461 14 61 200 164.7"6 1461 200 200 200 200 82.4 1.61.7 82.4 82.4 7 6 7 7 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 13 1 1461 13 31 13 31 200........7 3 3 7 7 9 9 3 2 2 2 22 2 1200 Merrimac Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co. .................. Atlanta, Ga............ 200 . . . . Bone and Potash Mixture, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., 20......7 Ga...................................... 209).... Co., AtlantaGa........................................... Merrimac 1Potaush Acid Phosphate, manufacture by Union Fer200 ....... ........ Ga............. tilizer Co Atlanta, Co., 200. Atlanta. Ga ........................................... Co., .200....... Atlanta, Ga............... ...................... Dixie Potash Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Union Fertilizer :........:..... } Union Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Union =Fertilizer Dixie Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Union Fertilizer 1200 12 00 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 .. 2 12 00 12 00 . :.12 00 , '9 12 00 Atlanta, Ga .............................................. 200....... 6 2 2 4 12 00 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers-Continued. GUARANTEE]) ANALYSIS. PHOSPHORIC ACID. a a Name of FErtilize- or Chemical, by oP-4 Whom Manufactured, and o '.m.i 4 Where Mian ifactured i"00 Oct. 1 Union High Grade Acid Phosphate and Potash, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., Atlanta, Ga ....................... 200....... Taylor's Anti-Sharp-Shooter, manufactured by Union Fertilizer 82.4 Co., Atlanta, Ga.................200 Star Brand, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Company, Atlanta,, Ga.............................200 82.4 . U. 6 7 7 2 3 3 2 2-3 2 2 2 2 1-2{ 2 1 1 4 2-3 $1000 13 31 1331 12 00 14 61 C. Potash Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Union Fertilizer Co., Atlanta, Ga............................................ 200 .. 6 1.647Read's Soil'Food, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., Nashyulle, Tenn .................. .............. 2c0.. 2.47 6-8 Farmer's Special Manure, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co.,I Nashville, Tenn .. ....... ........... .................... 200 82-1.64 8-10 1.647-1 Read's Cotton Flower. manufactured by read Phosphate Co., 2-3 1-2 1-2 3-4 3-4 15 30 16 60 Wynn's Pacific Guano, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., Nashville. foi Nashville, Tenno.. ................ ............ 200 2.47 6-8 Nashville, Tenno.................... ... .......... 200 Read's Blood and Bone, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., '.ead's Matchless Cotton Grower, manufactured by Read Phog1 hat e Co., Nashville, Tenn. ... ,,. 200 i................. 1.6472.47 1.6472.47 3-4 2-3 2-3 6-8 6-8 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-~2 13 60 13 60 .. .. ,.. .. 200 1.6472.47 6-S 2-3 1-2 1-2 13 61 1,647 Phos, Read's Farmers' Friend Fertilizer, manufactured by phate Co., Nashvile, Tenn ............................... 200 , 82"2.47 6-8 Read's Blood, Bone and Potash, manufactured by Read Phosphate 1.647 200 .. ........ Co., Nashville, Tenn......................... ' 1.647Read's Blood and Bone and No. 1, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., Nashville, Tenn.... ............................ 200 .82- 2.47 6-8 Read's Blood and Bone Special, manufactured by Read Phosphate 7-10 1.647 200 .......... Co., Nashville, Tenn..................... Read's Alkaline Bone, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., 200........8-10 ... Nashville, Tenn...................... Read's Bone and Potash, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., 8-10 . :200 ...... Nashville, Tenn............................. manufactured by Read Phosphate Read's Special Potash Read 3.4 1-2 1-2 1481 13 30 6,.8 23 1-2 1-2 2-3 3-4 1-2 1-2 2-3 1-2 14 61 13 30 2-3 Mixture, ..... 2-3 1-2_2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 2-3 12 00 12 00 Read's Acid Phosphate and Pot., manufactured by Read Phosphate 6-8 200 Co., Nashville, Tenn................................ Read's Matchless Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Read Phos200........10-12 phate'o., Nashville, Tenn.... ....... ............... Read's XXX Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Read Phosphate 200.......10-12 . . Co., Nashville, Tenn .......................... Read's High Grade Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Read Phos200"....".... 10-12 phate Co , Nashville, Tenn.................. ........... 1.647Read's H. G. Amo. Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Read Phos-. 2.47 8-10 ... 200 phate Co., Nashville, Tenn............................ 2 .05Satin Staple Guano. manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., Nash3.07 6-8 200 ville, Tenn................ ............................. 1.02Mu~sing Link Guano, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., Nash1.53 6-8 200 .. ... ... .......... .... ville, Tenn ...... . 823Up to Date Guano, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., Nash1.23 6-8 200 ............... yulle, Tenn ... ........... Peterkin's Improved Formula, manufactured by Read Phosphate Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., Nashville, Tenn ........................ Co., Nashville, Tenn...... ............................. . .200....... 200. 6-7 Co., Nashville, Tenn ..... ... .. 200.......8-10 1-2 1-2 2-3 4-6 4-6 14 00 12 00 12 00 3 4-5 2-3 4-6, 4-6 4-6 4-6 2-3 2-3 1-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 13 00 14 00 16 61 17 75 14 85 13 30 14 00 12 00 8-10 4-5 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture, by Dealers ana Manufacturers, GUARANTEE ANALYSIS.m1 PHOSPHORIC ACID.: " 'Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Where Manufactured. Manufactured, and 4Q 02) 0 1960 Oct. 1 Alvailable Bone Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co,~ Nashville. Tenn. ... ............... 200....... Electric Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., 9-10 5-6 4-5 2-3. 2-3........12 $ 14 00 00 Nashville, Tenn ....................................... Read's Bone and Potash, manufactured by Read Phosphate Co., 200........8-9 200........ Nashville. Tenn , ................... ............. Adair's Acid Phosphate, manufactured by A. D. Adair and Mc200....... Bros., Atlanta, Ga.................................. Acid Phosphate and Pot., manufactured by A. D. Adair and McCarty Bros.. Atlanta, Ga .................. ................ 200 .. ..... 200 McCarty Bros., Atlanta, Ga ............................... "Adair's Soluble Pacific Guano, manufactured by A. D. Adair and McCarty b'4McCarty's 8-10 2-3 10-12 2-3 12 Carty 7-9 7-9 5-8 7-8 5-8 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4. 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 .. Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, manufactured by A. D. 1-2 2-3 2-3, 11 0014 00 14 90- 101300 004v 00 17 OQ~ 16 60, 19 001 Adair and .. ... 200 1.75- Planters' Soluble Fertilizer, manufactured by A. ID.Adair and Mc- Bros.., Atlanta, Ga.... .................... 2.50 1.752.50 Carty Bros., Atlanta, Ga. ................................ Soluble Bone. manufactured by D. Adair and Mc' 200 CJarty Bros., Atlanta, Ga.. ............... .............. Adair's special Potash manufactured bcy D. Adai McCrty Brostoiintl%.dbl bb dtdb bd dbd bd be bb ., 20 A. 300 1.752.50 831125 e e 3-4: and Mixture,. A. 20 7-8 3-4 - 5i8.3-4 g=4 !13 2-4 2-3' 1--2 4-F! 14.90-; 17 ('11 888 13 011 t0- 4 R;12 15 0C lAdair's Formula, manufactured by A. D. Adair and McCarty112-00 Bros,, Atlanta, Ga...... .... ............... 200 *. McCarty's Potash Formula, manufactured by A. D. Adair and McCarty Bros., Atlanta, Ga ......................... Potash Compound, manufactured by A. D. Special Bone Adair and MlcCarty Bros., Atlanta, Ga.........200.7-8 Adair's Soluble Bone and Potash, manufactured by A. D. Adair and McCarty Bros., Atlanta, Ga............................200.........7-8 Adair's H. G. Dissolved Bone, manufactured by A. D. Adair and ... McCarty Brcs., Atlanta, Ga...................... Furman Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Furman Farm Tmprovement Co., Atlanta, Ga............................200....... Furman Acid Phosphate and Potash. manufactured by Furman Farm Improvement Co., Atlanta, Ga.........................200 manufactured by Furman Farm Furman High Grade Improvement Co ,Atlanta, Ga ................................ Buffalo Bone Fertilizer, manufactured by Furman Farm Improve.................................. ment Co., Atlanta, Ga.. Furman Soluble Bone, manufactured by Furman Farm Improvement Co., Atlanta, Ga..................................... Farish Furman Formula, manufactured by Furman Farm Im- . .7-9 7-9 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-. 2-4 2-4 2-3 2-3 4-6 2-3 15 00 12.0015 00 and 200...... 17 00 12 0014 00- 200 9-12 7-9 7-9 1 75- 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 Fertilizer, 1-2 2-3 2-3 1-2 2-3 15 00 12 0015 00 10 oo13 00 Ii oo14 16 90- 00 200 200 2.50 1.752.50 7-8 5-8 7-8 7-9 200 88-1.25 2C......... provement Co., Atlanta., Furman's H. G. Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Furman Farm .... ............. Improvement Co., Atlanta. Ga........... Swifts Special G. Guano, manufactured bySwift's Fertilizer W'ks, .............. ................................. Atlanta, Swvift's Monarch H. G. Guano, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer .............. .......... Works, Atlanta, Ga ... ............. G. Guano, manufactured by Swift's FerSwift's Cotton King .... .......... ........ tilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga............ Swift's Eagle H. G, Guano, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer .... ........... Works, Atlanta, Ga ...................... Swift's Golden Harvest S. G. Guano, manufactured by 'Swift's . ... :.... . . .. A . Fertilizer Works, Atlanta) Ga.. Ga.............................. 19 00) 14 9000 13 3816 00 12 00-, 17 15 00 12 00200........9-12 200 200 200 200 200 4.12 3.29 2.47 1.65 1.65 7-9 6-8 7-9 7-9 6-8 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 .. 15,00 Ga 3 4 2 2 2' 24.03 21.21 17 92 16 62 14 62 H. ~6taa~eieed A.alyg~a oi Co ranrrci 1 ittiliz~s af Fled hI theg OfgIESB Cot 6b Manufacturer's. nei t~ ~~&o9 ANALYSIS, GUARANTEED PHOSPHORIC ACID. Name of Fertilize. or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. biD X4 4.l . . 0 B0 ID 0 u1 + . 1900 Oct. 1 Swift's Pioneer S. G. Guano, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga.. ................................ 200 1.24 Swift's Cotton Plant S G. Guano, manufactured by Swift's Fer-00 200 1.65 ....... tilizer Works, Atlanta Ga........ ............... Swift's Plow Boy S G. Guano, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer 200 .82 ..................... Works, Atlanta, Ga.......... Swift's Homestead H. G. P. P., manufactured by Swift's Fer200........ .. .......... tilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga.... Swift's Plantation S. G. P. & P., manufactured by Swift's Fer- 7-9 7-9 7-9 8-10 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1 $ 14 47 1 1 4 4 2 14 62 13 30 14 00 14 00 12 00 & tilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga........................ tilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga ..... 200....... 200....... Swift's Wheat Grower S. G. P. & P., manufactured by Swift's FerSwift's Atlanta L. G. P. & P., manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer 200....... 8-10 . ....... Works. Atlanta, Ga..... Swift's Capital H. G. A. Phos., manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer Works,. Atlanta, Ca....0 ................. 20........ 010-12 Swift's Chattahoochie S. G. A. Phos., manufactured by Swift's 200........ 10-12 Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga............................ .................. 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-3 1-3 1-3 ,.. 1 11 0014 00 12 00 J3t. 1900 Swift's Empire Std. Guano, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer .......... 200 1.65 Co., Atlanta, Ga........................... Swift's Dixie Std. Phos. and Pot., manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer Co., Atlanta, Ga.200.......8-40 Swift's German Kainit, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer Co., 1 ...... ... Atlanta, Ga ........... Swift's Ground Bone and Blood, manufactured by Swift's Fer............ 200 13.18 ............. tilizer Co., Atlanta. Ga. Swift's Muriate Potash, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer Co.. Atlanta, Ga..............200......... Swift's Ground Tankage, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer Co.. I 6-8 2-4 1-3 2-4 1.-3 2 2 14 62 1200 1 6 % 6 ........ Ano.. 12 ...... 50 11 00 36 00 ......... Amo.......9% 50 00 22 46 Atlanta, a.............. 200 7.31 CD Swift's Nitrate of Soda, manufactured by Swift's Fertilizer Co., ............... Atlanta, Ga........................ Bone and Potash, manufactured by Louisville Fertilizer Co., Lou............................. isville, Ky ............ Eagle Ammoniated Bone, manufactured by Louisville Fertilizer Co., Louisville, Ky ................ Eagle Beef, Blood and Bone, manufactured by Louisville Fertilizer Co., Louisville, Ky ............................... Teague's Beef Blood and Bone, manufactured by Louisville Fertilizer Co., Louisville. Ky.............................200 Teague's Bone and Potash, manufactured by Louisville Fertilizer Co., Louisville, Ky...................................... Teague's Acid Phos., manufactured by Louisville Fertilizr Co., Louisville. Ky..................... ........ ............ Eagle Guano, manufactured by Louisville Fertilizer Co., Louis... ................ ville, Ky........................ Eagle Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Louisville Fertilizer Co., Louisville, Ky............ ................................. Eagle Acid Phos., manufactured by Louisville Fertilizer Co., Ox Potash Formula, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Co., 1.ashville, Louisville, Ky .............................. ... ......... 200 15.65 200....... 200 165 Amo....... 4 1 ... 2 43 83 1200 6 7 7 7 8 7 10 8 200 .82 .82 3 3 3 1 3 4 4 3 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 2 .. 13 29 13 29 12 00 12 00 16 62 14 00 12 00 200........ 200........ '200 1.65 2 . . 200........ 200......... 200......... Tenn,..... .............. .... ....... ...... 7 4 14:00 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture Manufacturers. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. by Dealers and ada ' PHFOSPH-ORICl ACITD Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. P. ; nc z a 19(0 Oct. 1 Ox Potash Special, manufactured by Tennesee Chemical Co., ...................................... Nashville, Tenn Ox Potash Formula, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Co., Nashville, Tenn.......................................200.......8 Amnoniated Bone, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Ox H. Co.,Nashville,Tenn .................................. Ox Cotton Grower, Manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Co., .... ......... ......... ....... Nashville. Tenn ........... Ox Special Wheat and Corn Guano, manufactured by Tennesee ............. Chemical Co., Nashville, Tenn............... Ox Bone with Ammonia and Potash, manufactured by Tennessee U. 200........6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 1 1 $ 12 00 14 00 1662 15 62 15 38 13 38 200 200 200 200 1.65 1 65 .85 .85 6 6 9 6 4 4 3 4 Ox Slaughter House Bone, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical .. 200 Co., Nashville, Tenn..... .............................. )x H. G. Diss Bone, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Co., Nashville, Tenn Chemical Co., Nashville, Tenn ..... ............... ..... .. 1.65 6 2 6 1 1 2 14 62' 14 00 Ox Alkaline Bone, manufactured by Tenne3ssee Chemical Co., ......... ......... ..... 200....... Nashville, Tenn ................ Ox Bone and Potash, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Co.,1 200....... ... ......... ...... .. ...... Nashville, Tenn ............ ..................... ...... ....... ...... 200.....5 9 7 3 5 1 1 2 1 I 14 00 130 130 Ox Potash Mixture, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Co., Nashville, Tenn ..................................... 200. Ox Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Co., .................... 200. Nashiville Tenn............. Ox Potash Acid, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical Co., ........ ............ ville. Tenn................... Ox Special Truck Guano, manufactured by Tennessee Chemical 200 ....................... Co., Nashville, Tenn...... Complete Fertilizer, manufactured by Schoize Bros., Chatta)2G0 8 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 1 1 1... 2 12 00 12 Nash- 7 8 3.30 1.70 00 1. 4 11 00 23 24 15 76 17 8. 7 7 12 Truck Farmer's Friend, manufactured by Scholze Bros., Chatta....................... nooga, Tenn........... Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Schoize Bros., Chattanooga, Tenn............................. Marietta H. G. Acid Phosphate, manufacturedby Marietta Guano ............ Co., Atlanta, Ga................. Marietta H. G. Acid Phosphate with Potash, manufactured by Marietta Guano Co., Atlanta, Ga...................... Piedmont Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Marietta Guano Co., ............................... Atlanta (a...... Magic Cotton Grower, manufactured by Marietta Guano Co., At........ .......... ......................... lanta, Ga. Beef Blood and Bone Compound, manufactured by Marietta Gu. ano Co., Atlanta, Ga.......... ......................... Disolved Bone with Potash, manufactured by Marietta Guano Co., ....... Atlanta, Ga.................................. Same for Wheat, manufactured by Marietta Guano Co., Atlanta, ............... Ca...................................... Wheatjand CloversGroweri manufactured by Marietta Guano, Co., Golden Grain~ Growezrnahueactured b nooga, Tenn. ..................... 200 200 .2 2. 1. 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2. 4 1.70 . 76 200'.. 200 200.. 200 ... 12-14 8-10 . 10-12 1.252.251 16 10 13-13 13 80 8-10 200 .. 200 ... 200 ... 8-9 7-9 >2-3 1-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 1.252'25 2-4 2-4 2-4 16 00 16 65 :1295 12 95 2-3 7-9 2-3 _2-3 Atlanta) Ga Nt Vt.H~ / lanta, ...... r ......... ..... . Marietta Guano Co., Ga . .. i.Ss, ~c~t ::ii1.,.+ :'. qaa3....!.j. y{, At- 200 . 200 10=x12 :2-3 8. o 4o .eo g 14 10 ... dda~artee d atyd of i naiilait e tlisr ,iiec1 lithe (Aice o&the bol ils~ i of Manufacturers. S # giliutire bbeeii ANALYSIS. GUARANTEE) .PHOSPHORICACID. a Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, andG Where Manufactured.0 a) 4-4 46 1900 Oct. 1 Planters Pride Guano, manufactured by Marietta Guano Co., 200 ............. ...... Atlanta, GA .... ........... Solid South Guano. manufactured by Marietta Guano Co., N 200 ................. ..... lanta, Ga. .......... Lee Fertilizer, manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan, Opelika, 200 .......... ................. Ala .. ..................... XX;Blood and Bone, manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan,Opelika, High Grade Guano,' manufactured by Traa ick & Jernigan,Opelika, Ala ... .................... At-*.5 1.75 1.75 1.00 1.75 7 7 8 8 2 2 1 1 1-3 1-3 2 2 1.252.25 2.25: 2.00 1.00 17 50 17 58 15 90 12 80, Ala........................... .................. ... .. .200 200 1.50 7 2' 2 1.75 14 95- Old Time Guano, manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan, Opelika, ...... .200 ................. Ala"......................... XXX Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, manufacturedby Trawick & .... .... 200 Jernigan, OpePka, Ala.......... ......... ... Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan, Opelika, Ala....................................... ... 200 1.25 .82 7 8 12 1 1 1 2 2 2.....13 1.00 1.00 [2 50 12 29 00 Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan, 200........ ............... Opelika, Ala..................... Dissolved B~one and Potash, manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan, ........ " 10 2 2 1 13 00 ~Opelika, Ala 1.. . . 1/. . . f. . i... 16 . .1. t/1. . .. 200 . .... 10 2 1 1 12 00 Dissolved Done and Potash, manufactured by TraWick &Jernigan, Opelika, Ala......200.9 Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured kb Trawick & Jernigan, Opelika, Ale.........................................200....... Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan. Opelika, , ..................... ...... 200...... Dissolved Bo: e and Potash, manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan, Aa.............. 2 9 9 .8 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 13 0 1200 13 00 12 00 1 1 1 1H-G. English Acid,. manufactured by Trawick & Jernigan, Opelika, Ala............. .............. .................... Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Trawick Jernigan, Opelika, Ala............ ........................ Dale County Standard Fertilizer, manufactured by Ozark Cotton Seed Oil M.ill Fertilizer Co., Ozark. Ala.....................200 Ozark High Grade Fertilizer, manufactured by Ozark Cotton Seed Oil Mill Fertilizer Co.. Ozark, Ala.............. .. Complete Cotton Fertilizer, manufactured by Ozark Cotton Seed Oil Mill Fertilizer Co., Ozark, .......................... Ozark High Grade Phosphate, manufactured by Ozark Cotton Seed Oil Mill Fertilizer Co., Ozark, Ala,............. .. English Acid Phosphate, McDonald, imported'by Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy. Ala. ....................... .......... Blood and Bone, McDonald, imported by Troy Fertilizer C. Troy, Ala..................................... ........... English Dissolved Bone, Buford Co., imported by Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala ..... ... ..... Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufaptqlred by The Troy Fertilizer Co., Troy, Ala.... ... _.................... ............. Acid Phosphate and Potash, manufactqr al by The Troy Fertilizer Opelika, A 'a ................................ 200 .. . . & 20 12 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1400 1200 20........11 1.20 200 200 7 7 6 2 2 1.70 2 2 21 16 80 16 80 14 62 1.20 1.65 Xla 200 200........11 200 1.65 3 3 7 2 11 2 ..... .. . 2 14 00 14 00 15 62 & 200........11 0... ...... .... German Kainnit, manufactured by tho T'oaAid......t ~ Co., Troy, Ala...... .. .. . .. ... The Troy Fe ti~izer Co. Troy, .. . . . . .. ........ .200!... ~ ) 3........1400 2 ... 7 7 12 00 3120 8 .200.,".......... ... 12 1200o l~' =~rit ii ofl .. II _ .. d~e~P~ he t ti hv~ QUAR ih tl 1 XT9EP iy ANiAsi§. 0 0 PHOSPHORIC ACID. Q Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. F' 0 0 Oct. 1 1900 G. Acid Phosphate, manufactured by the The. Troy Fertilizer 11 . 200 .... . . Co., Troy, Ala... Pelican R. B Guano, manufactured by Standard G & C. Mfg. Co., 100- 1.652.50 4-5 200 .......................... New Orleans., La.. ..... 1.65Ms.Hm Guano, manufactured by G. & G.. Mfg. do.; New 100Orleans, La ........... El. B. Stern's Am. 14. Sup. Phos , manufactured by Standard G, & C. 100.............. 200 Mfg. Co.,New Orleans, La................ 0. 100Standard Am. Sol. Guano, manufactured Eby Standard G. 200 ............. Mfg. Co., New Orleans, La .......... ° Champion Farmers' Choice, manufactured by Standard G. & C, 100- ""Blood, Bone and Meat Guano, manufactured by Standard New Orleans, * ..... 3..........$14 00 4-5 1.50-3 . ........ Mfg. Co., 1a..............................200 ................ 200 G. & C. 100- 3.29 1.702.67 4-6.505-6.50 4-8 4-5 4-5 4-5 4.254-5 24.25 6.25..24.25 & ,..... 1.652.50 1.653.50 1.6F2.50 5.005.50..1.50o-3 . 1.50-3 1.50-3 Mfg. Co., New Orleans, La................................... 200 ... 4-5 ... Ground Bone, manufactured by Standard G. & -C. Mfg Co., New 100-Orleans, La ........................ 200 2.503.25.......21.00 18 50-.. ... . Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Standard G. &C. Mfg. Co., New 100... 200.....13-14 ............... Orleans, La.............................. " Aid Phosphate, manufactured by Standard G. & C. Mfg. Co., New 100....... 200 ...... ...... Orleans, La.................. .............. 2-5 10-12 2-4 .. ....... IiKainit, Troy, Ala.... Troy,A200 Manufacturedby Standard G. & C. Manufacturing Co.,1200.............. . ................. ,,'New Orleans, La....... Farmers Alliance, man ufoctured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, Troy, Ala...........................................200 1.65 Blood and Bone, manufactured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, 200 1.65 .... 7 6.50 12-14 2 15 62 14 62 2 1.50......2 Dundee Guano, manufactured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, Troy, Ala ................ ... ...... 200 Old Homestead, manufactured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, Big Hit Guano, manufactured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, Troy, Afl...........................................200 Troy Perfect, manufactured by The Troy Fer"tilizer Company. Troy, Al ........................................... 200 Nancy Hanks, manufactured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, .82 .82 8 8 2 2 . 1 1 13.30 1330' .82 1.65 1.65 8 7 7 2..... 2..... 2.........2 1 2 1330 15 62 15 62 a Meal Mixture, manufactured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, Troy, Ala ......................... 200 Hume's Am. Dissolved Bone, manufactured by The Troy FerPike's Pride, manufactured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, Troy, Ala ....... ....... ...... Troy, Ala......................................... tilizer Company, Troy, Ala......... .... 200 1.65 1.65 1.65 7 7 7 2 2 2 .... .... 2 2 2 15 62 15 62 15 62. 200 200 Soluble Blood and Bone Guano, manufactured by The Troy Fertilizer Company, Troy, Ala.............. ......... ...... .. 200 Meridian Homde Mixture,, manufactured by Meridian Fertilizer Factory. Mieridian Miss........................... .. 200 Meridian Blood and Bone, manufactured by Fertilizer Meridian Farmers' Friend, manufactured by Meridian Fertilizer Factory, Meridian, Miss ................. ................ 200 Meiidian Southern Phosphate, manufactured by Meridian Fertilizer Factory, Meridian, Miss..............200....... Factory, Meridian, Miss.. Soluble Pacific Guano, manufactured by the Pacific Guano Co., Boston, Mass., and Charleston, S. C.... ................200 .. .82 1.75 1.6i5 8 6.50 7.50 2 2.00 1.50 1.50 ... 2.00 .75 .75 1 1:00 2.00 2.00 13 30 14 40 15.12 15 12 ...... ... ........ 'Meridian ............ 200 1.65 7.50 1.25 7.50 12.00 1.50 2.00 .75 1.00- 1.00 .... 13.12 14 00 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the Offlce of the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers. I SName of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured. andA c3 OO o Where Manufactured. U) i GUARAN"RzRD ANALYSIS. PHOSPHORIC ACID. m bi 0 4 4QCl 1900 Oct. 1 Meridian English Phos. manufactured by Meridian Fertilizer Factory, Meridian, Mississippi ............ Bowker Cotton Fertilizer, manufactured by Bowker Fertilizer, er.Fertilizer.., 200 Co., Elizabeth, N. manufactured...... Bowker Naston Guano. manufactured by Bowker Fertilizer Co., 200 Elizabeth, N. J ....................... o " Bowker Crown Guano, manufactured by Bowker Fertilizer Co., ..... 200 .......................... Elizabeth, N. J...... Bowker Sure Crop Fertilizer, manufactured by Bowker Fort. Co., Elizabeth, N. J...................200 Bowker Dis. Bone Phos., manufactured by Bowker Fort. -Co.,ElizaBeth, N.J..................................200.... Bowker Dis. Bone with Potash, manufactured by Bowker Fert.Co., ...... 2... Elizabeth, N.J......................... Kainit, manufactured by Bowker Fertilizer Company, Elizabeth, nufa.u...... ..... .... .......................... .. N;..Ft by Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Charleston, Ashepoo Fert., anfcue 200........8.00 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 ... 6 2.00 1.00. $1200 6 6 6 10 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 14 62 14 62 14 62 14,62 12 00 .......... 2 12 00 .... 1.75 .62 ........ 2.25 2.00. 12 1.00 12 00 14 40 "Eutaw Fertilizer, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Charles- S .C...........................200 ton, S.C. ............ ... ,,,~............. . 5 200 1.75 6.25 2.25 2 00 1.001 14 40 Oct. 1.Ashepoo Guano, manufacturad by Ashepoo Fertz. Co.,Charleston S. C ............ . .................................. C areson 20.210 6.0..0.100 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 48 11 38 11.38 11 38 15 40 Eutaw Blood and Bone Guano, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Charleston, S.C............... .. ... .......... 200 .85 6.00 Ashepoo Blood and Bone Guano, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz Co., Charleston, S. C................... .............. 200 .85 6.00 Ashepoo Dis. Bone with Am. and Potash, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Charleston,'S. C ............... ............... 200 .85 6.00 5 Eutaw Guano, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. Co.,,.Charleston, S. ................... 200 1.75 6.25 Enon Acid Phos., manufactured by- Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Charleston, S. C........ ........... .... 2008.50 Pioneer Acid Phos,, manufactured by Ashepoo Fert.. Co., Charleston, S.C .................... ........ 200.8.50 Ashepoo Bone Ash, manufactured by Ashpoo Fertz. Co., Charleston, S.C......... ....... ... :......... 200...... 8.50 Ashepoo XX Acid Phos., manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz.Co., Charleston, S..C.200 ........ 9.50 Eutaw X1 A.cid Phos., manufactured by Ashepoo.Fertz Co., Charleston, S. C ......... .... 2...0. 0...... 9.50 Bronwood Acid Phbs., by Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Charleston, S. C.. ... , .. . . .. . 200....... 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 C 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 12 50 11 50 11.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 .. . 4.00 1.00 12 00 12 00 11 50 it 00 "manufactured 2.00.......12 00 .2.00 Eutaw Acid with Potash, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. .... Co., Charleston, S. C.................. ................. 200 ....... German Kainit. manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. Co ., Charleston, S C..200................................ : . 20 ... 8.50 2 00 . . 2.00 . Carolina Acid Phos., manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Charleston, S. C........................ ......... 200....... 6.00 Coomassie A. P. with Potash, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Charleston, S.C ................................. 20........ 9.50 Ashepoo Acid Phos. with Potash, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz Co., Charleston, S. C. ... ...................... 200........ 8.50 -Ashepoo Arid Poach, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertz. Co., Chareston, S. ......... ........ . . .. . . .......... 1. 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 2 00 1.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 12 00 14 00 11 50 208.501 2.0 1.00......JO0 the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers G-uaranitepd Analyses. of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the Manufacturers-Continued. GUARANTEED ANALYSTS. Crs n h ,0e PHOSPHORIC ACID. bEn tuesl7ntT4 l Office of nd 0 bE ~fie 0 Name of Fertilizer Or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. O oy -e 5E r , .. 1900 Oct. 1 Eutaw Acid Phosphate,.manufactured by Ashepoo Fertilizer Co., ,.. ......... ......... Charleston, S. I Coomassie Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Ashepoo Fertilizer Co., Charleston, S. C....... ....................... Blood and Bone and Potash, manufactured by New Orleans Acid and Chemical Co., New Orleans,. La.................. Acid Phosphate with Potash, manufactured b3 Potapsco Guano Co., Baltimore, Mid.. .... ........ .... ... :... Ammoniated Dibsolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Dothan 0) 200 8.50 9.50 7.00 823 5.00 2 00 2.50 3 3 2 1 .00) 2.00 2 1 4 2 2 1 10 50 200 200 200 200! 1.65 1.65 12-00 13 30 4% 2 2 12 00 14 30 15 6 215 2 Standard Grade Corn and Cotton ComPo., manufactured by Guano Co., Dothan, Ala 209 .. ..... .......... Guano Co., Dothan, Ala......... Standard Grade Grange Mixture., manufactured by Dothan Guano 200 ...... ... Co., Dotban, Ala...................... .- than .. ................... Do- 7.00 5.50 8,00 0.50 2 2 2 1 25 1.00 200 .82 Grange Mixture, manufactured by Dothan Guano Company, Do200 1.65 than, Ala.... .... .... ...... .................... Corn and Cotton Compound., manufactured by Dothan Guano Co., . 2001 1.65 Dothan, Ala ................. .......................... Peterman's Leader, ............. manufactured by Dothan Guano Co., Dothan, Ala... .... .... ............... 3 1 3 2 1. 1 1 13 30 14 37 7.00 14 62 Hovw olY Fruit 1ood, ...... manu~factured by tothan .. Guano Ocm' pang,' . Dothan, Ala . .... ..... .... ... Phosphate with 3% potash, manufacture' by D~othan Guano Co, y..q"...".. 200 1.50 5.50 2.00 1 3.1x~2 15 20 * High Grade Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Dothan Guano Co.. Dothan, Ala ........ ........ ...... .......... .... 200 Dothan, Ala .. .200 ........ 8.001.50 Blood and Bone Fertilizer; manufactured by Dothan Guano Co , Dothan, Ala ........ ................ ... ..... ..... 200 1.65 2.00 Ammoniated Dissoived Bone, manufactured by Dothan Guano Co., Dothan, Ala ...... .......................... 200 .82 8.00 2.00 Genuine German Kainit, manufactured by Dothan Guano Co., Dothan, Ala. ............... ...... ................. 200.... .. ;..... B. D. ... 1 ] 3 12 50 13 00 11.00 7.00 2.00 1 1 . 2 1 12% 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .. 15 62 13 30 12 00. 15 18 15 18 13 62 13 62 200 Bradley's Patent Superphosphate, manufactur. d by Bradley Fertilizer Co., Clharleston. S C.............. ............... 200 Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Bradley Fertilizer Co., Charleston, S. C.... 200 Eagle Amn Bone Superphosphatte, manufactured by Bradley Seafowl Guaano, manufactured by Charleston, S. C.................................... tilizerCo., Charleston, S C ...... Bradley Fertilizer Co.. 1.85 1.85 1.65 6.50 6.50 6.00 6 00 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 ..................... Bradley's Palnweto Acid Phosphate minufacturedbyBradley tilie oCaretn .C ...................... 200....... FerFer... 200 1.65 Cow Phosphate Acid, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Company. Cullman, 9.00 300 1213 1-2 2 00 12 00 13 00 Bull Phosphate Acid, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Company, Cullman, Ala ...... ... .... ......... ...... ... 200....... 12-14 .82-100-d Corn and Cotton Guano, manufactured by Cuilman Cottun Co., Cullman, Ala.......................... ............. Ala .......................... .... 200..... .. 2-3.. 1-2 .. i-11,1.1-15 10-12 1.1-15 2-4 ..... 11 00 13 Cow Guano, manufactured by Cullnan Cotton Company, Cullman, Ala...... ....................................... 200 manufactured by Cullman Cotton Company, Guano No. Cullman, Ala........................................... 200 1... 30 8-P., 1.65-2 ....... ....... 8 2 15 62 14 00 Guano No. 3-S, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Company, Cuilman, Ala ...................... .................... 200 200 .* 4 1.65 6 2 ..... 2 14 62 Guaranteed Analyses of-Commercialertilizsers, Filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture, Manufacturers. C) by Dealers and GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. ACID. PC% '~ °aPHOSPHORIC Name of Fertilize, or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured, C) ' ' .cC bC 0 N0.4 be p C ° Urj bCU)rn a 0 0 C) 4;0 8 2 1900 Oct. 1 Best Made, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Cullman, Ala 200 1.65 Cow Cotton Guano, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Cullman, Ala ................................................ 200 1.65 Corn and Cotton Guano, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Cullman, Ala . 200 .82 'Cow Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Cullmnan Cotton Co , Cullman, Ala . ...................... 200....... Bull Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Cullmnan Cotton Co., CullAgo. 5 B Phosphate, manufactured by Cuilman Cotton Co., Cullman, Ala ............................................ 200 aNo. 6 A., manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Cullman, Ala.................... ... ....... .............. 200 No. 9 C., manufactured by Cuilman Cotton Co., Cuilman, Ala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Guano 16. P.. manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Cullman, 1.65 1.50 1.65 1.17 2 $1662 8.21 7.5 12% 1.79 2.65 1% 1.32 1.83 1 1 15 62 13 80 2% ..... 15 00 15 62 15 20 15 62 60 7 2 2 2 .. 2 2 1 7 8 ~Ala;........... ... Mountain Cullman City;Lint, manufactured ,Ala . ........ .. b%"lman . ...... ............... "1...4 Cotton Co.1......, 60 6 4 1 4 16 30 00 .82 01t. 1 Mountain City Lint, No. 2, manufacturedby Cuilman Cotton Co., Cullman, Ala. a ........ .. ** ........... Cuilman, Ala .................................... 200 Corn and Cotton Lint No. 2, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., ,o. 1024, manufactured 1.65 1 65 1.65 6 10 8 4 2 2 1 4 2 18 60 16 60 1860 H No. 735, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Culiman, Ala............. ................... ................... No. 1034, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Culiman. Ala.....0 . ..... ................... No. 1023, manufactured by Culman Cotton Co., Cuilman, 200 Ala ....................................................... No. 823, manufactured by Cuilman Cotton Co., Cullman, Ala................... ............... .................. 200 No. 822, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Cullman, Ala ........................ 200 No. 1022, manufactured by Cuilman Cotton Co., Culiman, N Ala ................................ ................... 200 No. 922, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Culinian, ......................... by Cullman Cotton .... 200 Co., Cullman, 200 ................. 1 4 2.50 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 1900 2100 17 62 8............... 2 1.65 1.65 165 1.65 1.65 8 6 6 8 7 2 2 2 2 1.50 3 2 2 2 1562 1462 1962 15 12 0 No. Ala ...... ........................................... No. 1014, manufactured by Cullman Cotton Co., Ala....................... Co., Columbus, ................ . .............. ................ Ala ..... 1021, manufactured by Cullman Cotton 200 Co., Culiman, Acid and Potash No. 2, manufactured by Home Mixture Guano Acid Co,Columbus, Ga -' **... Culman, 200 200 1.65 .82 8 8 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 4 1562 16.30 12 00 14 00 Acid and Potash No. 4, manufactured. by Home Mixture Guano Co., Columbus, Ga ................... .......... ....... 200.... ... Home Mixture No 1, manufactured by Home Mixture Guano ............. 200 1.65 Co., Columbus, Ga........ ............... Home Mixture No. 2, manufactured by Home Mixture Guano Co.. Columbus, Ga.........:........................... 200) 1.65 anLPotash No. 12-2, manufactured by Home Mixture Guano ... 20...... ............................... 0 G a............................ 200....8 . 2 2 .. 8 6 7 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 12 00 14 62 14 62 Guaranteed Analyses of Comnmercial Fertilizers, Filed in the office of the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers. dl GUARANTEEI) ANALYSES PH~OSPiIORIC ACID. SName of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. 1900 0 d m Oct. 1 Home Co., Columbus, Ga ............... ...... .................. 200 Home Mixture No 4, manufactured by Home Mixture Guano Co ,Columbus, Ga....... ....................... ........ 200 Acid Phosphate No. 1, manufactured by Home Mixture Guanot Co., Columbus, Ga................ ...................... 200 Acid Phosphate No. 2, manufactured by Home Mixture Guano~ CJo., Mixture No 3, manufactured by Home Mixture Guano 1.65 1.65 . .. . . .10 8 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 . ... $ 16 62 16 62 12 00 14 00 Columbus, Ga. ... ....................... 200.... Potatoe Mixture, manufactured by Home Mixture Guano Co., Columbus, Ga............................ .... ..... .. Kainit, 'manufactured by Home Mixture Guano Co.. Columbus, 12 2 200 200 1.65 .... 4 2 1 6 12 1.0(1 1.00 1,00 d 16 (2 1200 Ga ........ ...... ..... ........ ................... 200.... Goldsmith Imported M ixture, manufacture by New Orleans Acid and Fertilizer Co,Gretna, La.. ........ ........ ...... 200 Gold Dust, manufactured by New Orleans Acid and Fertilizer' Co., Greta, La........ ........................... 200 Blood, Bone and Potash, manufactured by New Orleans Acid and Fertilizer(Co., Gretna, La....................... .......... GodGLuck, manufactured by New eOrleanse Acid and1 Fertilizer , 201/( ........... 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.C0 2.00 2.0( 1.6~ 7.00 1.65 1.65 7.00 7.00 14 62 14 62 14 62 46ies, .576-2 o2 o(f Dixie Soluble Bone and Potash with Ammonia, manufactured by New Orleans Acid and Fertilizer Co., Gretna, La............200 Diss. Bone and Potash, manufactured by New Orleans Acid and 1.6i 6.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1262! 12 00 w Fertilizer Co., Gretna, La....... .................. 200 ..... 8.00 Acid and Potash, manufactured by New Orleans Acid and Fertilizer Co., 8.00 Black Diamond Acid Phosphate, manufactured by New Orleans Acid and Fertilizer Co., (iretna, La.........200.. 10.00 Crescent city Acid Phosphate, manufactured by New.Orleans Acid and Fertilizer Co., Gretna., La...................200 10.00 V. 0. C. A. Pure Blood Guano, manufactured by Coweta Fertilizer Co., Newnan and Columbus, Ga.......................167 165 8 by Coweta Fertflizer Co., Coweta H. G. Fertilizer. manufacturedl Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga.. .. 200 1.65 Coweta Animal Bove, manufactured by Coweta Fertilizer Co., Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga.........200 1.65 6 Sea Bird Guano manufactured by Coweta Fertilizer Co., Brarch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. N\Tewnan, Ga.................200 1.65 6 Aurora Amo. Phosphate, manufactured by Coweta Fertilizer Co., Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Ga..... 200 1.65 7 Coweta Stand,' Dis. Boie and Potash. manufactured by Coweta Fert. Co., Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga. 200.......8 Coweta Wheat and Grass Grower, manufactured by Coweta Fert. Co., Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga. 2001 . ,.. 8 Coweta H. G. Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Coweta Fert. Co., Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga.........260. 12 Coweta Standard Acid Phosphate, manufactuied by Coweta Fert. Co., Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.. Newnan, Ga...200...10 Coweta Diss. Bone, manufactured by Coweta Fertilizer Co., Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga.......... 200...10 200 4.00 Gretna,La...................X00. 14 00 12 00 12 00 16 62 16,62 14 62 14 62 1462 2.00 200 2 2 2 2 2 2.00 2.00 1 1 1 1 1 . 2. 2 2 8 Newnan, 2 1 2 2' 2 2 2 2 2 1, 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ... .... 12 00 12 00 14 00 12 00 12.00 13 31 I. A. P. Bone ""13 with Amonia and Potash, manufactured by Coweta .... 1 4 Chemical Co. Branch Virginia-Car Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga. 200 Diss. Bone and Potash. manufactured by Coweta Fert. Co., Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Ga...... ,.... 200 & 14 .83 ... 8 11 Co., Newnan, 1. 1'.00 guaranteed Analyss of ommiiercial Fertilizers, riled in the Office of the Commissioner of Agrculture by Manufacturers. S GUARANTEED AnALYSI .4PHOSPPORIC ACID.: Healers and by WhmMnfctrd n Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. 0 1900 Oct. 1 10 & 4 Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Coweta Vert. Co., branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga....... 00 8 & 4 Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured. by Coweta Fert. Co.. branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga..... Coweta Dissolved Bone acid Potash, manufactured by Cow-ta Fert. Co., branch Virgiria-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga. German Kainit, manufactured by Coweta Fert. Co., branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga................ Muriate of Potash, manufactured by Coweta Fert. Co., branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Newnan, Ga ................. Old Dominion Guano, manufactured by Old Dominion Guano Co., Atianta, Ga............ ................................. Southern Amd. Dissolved Bone Guano, manufactured by Old Dominion Guano Co., Atlanta, Ga........................... Patent Pacific Guano, manufactured by Old Dominion Guano Co.. Atlanta, Ga. .... ............ ....... Etowah (guano, manufactured by Ol Doinin GanoCoAtlanta, Ga . ....... ... ... ... Blood and Bone Guano, manufactured by.Od oino Guano 200........8 200........6 200 ........ 2 2 10 2 1 1 1 4 4 2 12 48 $ 14 00 12 00 14 00 12 00 48 00 14 12 13 62 13 62 12 38 12 38 200 .. 200 ... .... ........ 1.65 .... ....... ..... 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 3 8 2 2 2 2 2 1.50 1 1 1 1 200 1 65 2016 20 16 200 200 .85 .85 Co., Atlanta, Ga .................. ............ ......... Old Doxnon (U manufactured by Old Dlesolved tone, . Giiaano Co, ABtantR, Ga Old Dominion Dissoved Bone and Potast Dominion, Guano Co., Atlanta, Ga........................200 Old Dominion Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Old Dominion Guano Co., Atlanta Ga...........................200 Old Dominion Dissolved Bone and Potash, manufactured by Old Dominion Guano Co , Atlanta, Ga........................200 er H. i. Dissolved Bone, manufactureetlFtlizer Co,, Nashvill, Tenn...................................200 Bear H. U. Beef Blod and Bone, manufactured by Continental Ferr,ilier Co . Nashville, Tenn......................... Bear Special Wheat and Corn Grower,manufactured by Continen Co , Nashville, Ten...........................200 tal Fertilizer by Bear Bone and Potash, manufactured Tenn......... ............................. Co., Nashville, manufactured by Continental Fertilizer Bear Potash mixture, Co , Nashville, Tenn..... .......................... Eddstne Solble Guano, manufactured by Continental Fertilizer Co., Nashville, Tenn.......................................200 .. ... ........... Eddystone Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Continental FertilizCo., Nashville, Tenn ................... Eddystone Bisoe dPotas, manufactured by Continental Fer................ tizer Co., Nash ille, Tenn................... Eddystone Bn Potashtr, manufactured by Continental Fer...... tilizer Co., Nashville, Tenn......................... manufactured by Continental FerSunysnotaishospate, Dominion 200..,, TO 2 8 2 6 2 8 8 6 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 4 12 00 12 00 12 00 14 00 14 00 16 62 13 00 13 00 12 00 14 62 13 00 13 00 12 00 13 00 11 00 13 38 13 00 200 1.65 Continen 200 200 1.65 200 200 200 200 9 S 3 2 2 3 5 3 3 2 4 2-3 7 10 7 7 10 8 6 tilizer Co., Nashville, Ten................................ i dPts, BearSut Phosphate manufactured by Continental Fer- 200 ............. ... tilizer Co.. Nashville, Tenn.. Eddystone Cotton Guano, manufactured by Continental Fertilizer .85 200 Co., Nashville, Tenn ........................................ Etiwan H. G. Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Etiwan Fertil izert 200 )1. Co., Charleston, S. C........................................1 11-13 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers Manufacturers. S GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. PHO)SPHORIC ACID. and 14 Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and -I Where Manufactured. a'°o o 1900 Oct. 1 Etiwan Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Etiwan Fertilizer Co., 10-12 .. 200 Charleston, S. C.......................... Plow.Brand haw Bone Superphosphate, manufactured by EtiC-S 200 1.64 ...... . wan. Fertilizer Co., Charleston, S. C .... Diamond Soluble Bone, manufactured by Etiwan Fertilizer Co., 200........11-13 ... Charleston, S. C.............................. Plow Brand Soluble Fertilizer, manufactured by Etiwan Fertilizer American Ammnoniated Bone Superphosphate, manufactured by Williams & Clark Fertilizer (o., Charleston, S. C............ Cumberland Bone Superphosphate of Lime, manufactured by Cumberland Bone Phosphate Co., Charleston, S. C........200 Goulding's Vegetable Compound, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co. .Liinited, Pensacola, Fla................... Goulding's H. (i. Acid Phosphate, manufactured by The Goulding .......... Fertilizer Co. Limited, Pensacola , Fla..."... Goulding's Atlas Acid Phosphate, manufactured by The Goulding ................. Fertilizer C~o Limited, Pensacola, Fla: Goulding's M\ixture,, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co., Limited; Pensacola; Fla....................200....... Co., Charleston, S. C........ ........ .... .. .... .... 200 1.64 7-9 2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2 2 2 2 1-2 12 00 2-3 14 60 13 00 14 60 200 1.65 1.65 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1 -1......15 1.00 1 .00 4 13 62 13 6.00 .2.00 5 12 10 10 2 .3 62 00 200 3.30 20 24' 200....... 209.. .... .3 2 1l 1 ... 13.00 I..... (14 00 Genuine German Kainit, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co.. Limited, Pensacola, Fla.................. ..... ...... 200 ........... Goulding's H. G. Phosphate and Potash, manufactured by The Gouling Fertilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola, Fla. ............ 200.... Gould ing's Bone Compound, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizei Co., Limited, Pensacola, Fla .... ....... .. 12 1 1 1 12 00 13 00 15 12 10 6 2 3 200 1.65 .. Goulding's Special Compound, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola, Fla.......... ............. 200 Goulding's Ammoniated Bone, manufactured by The GouldingFertilizer.Co., Limited, Pensacola, Fla....... ................ 200 Goulding's English Bone Compound., manufactured by The Goulding Fertilize. (o , Limited, Pensacola, la. ..... 200 Goulding's St. George Guano, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola, Fla. ........ ........ 20 Winkler H. G. Acid Phosphate, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola. Fla. .................. 200 A. "G. Winkler's Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola. Fla..... 200 Co Gem Guano, manufactured by The Goulding Limited. Pensacola Fla............ .. 200 English Acid Phosphate, manufactured by The Go uiding Fertilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola F la200 Samson Ammoniated Bone, mnfcue by The Goulding Fertilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola, Fla....... 200 Samson Acid Phosphate, manufactured b he Goulding Fertilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola, Fla... .. ....... 200 Goulding's Potash Acid, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co.. Limited, Pensacola, Fla.................... 200 Goulding's 4%o Potash Acid, manufactured by The Goulding Fer-~ 1.50 1.65 1.65 165 .85 . 1.65 1.65 6 6 6 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 15 12 15 12 15 12 12 38 15 00 12 6 5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 Fertilizer 150 2 1.50 15 12 11 62 12 00 15 12 13 00 11100 115 0 16 0 15 3 0 1.65 .. .. .. 6 10 6 6 12 1.50' ... 3% 3 4 2 3 tilizer Co., Limited, Pensacola, Goulding's XXX Potash Acid, manufactured by The Goulding Fertilizer Co., Limited. Pensacola, Fla.......................... F la ................ 200 Tucker, Willinghanmi Co's Special H. G. Potash Guano, manufactured byThe Qxoulding Fevtili ev Cg.initect, PensacQja, Fla. & 0 200 .85 7 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers. S GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. SPHOSPHORIC ACID. d Name of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. a 0 -~j y) m U +D o - -~ S *-43 1900 Oct. Earle Terrell & Co. H. G. Fertilizer, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala.................. Earle Terrell & Co. H. G. Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala........ Earle Terrell & Co. Bonie and Potash, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co.. Birmingham, Ala .. .................. ~adeville Oil Mill H. G. Acid Phosphate, manufactured. by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala ... ................ Cahaba Acid Phos. and Pot Mixture, manufactured byBimnhamr Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala.. ........ ....... Cahaba Potash Bone, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Al.....................20 Cahaba Bone Ash, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala............ ....... .................... ."Cahaba Soluble Bone, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer .......................... Co., Birmingham, Ala. ......... Cahaba Dis. Bone Am. and Potash. manufactured by Birmingham ........ ......... Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala .......... Cahaba H. G. Blood, 1 1.642.46 200.......8-10 200.......11-13 200..........8-10 200'..... .. 200........ 2-' 2-3 2 2 2-3 16 60 100as -3 12 00 12 00 2-3 4-5 2-3 2-3 2 2 2 2 10-12 8 -1 0 6-8 6-8 8-10 8-10 8-10.2-3 2-3 12 00 14 00 0.. .. .... 200........ 200 ... 1.64- 2-3 2 2 2 2 4-;5 1-2 1-2 2-3 12 00 11 80 13 30 16 60 2-3 2-3 Bone and Potash, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala......................... 200........ 200 2.46 2-3' e Cahaba H. G. Fertilizer, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer ..... ........ Co., Birmingham, Ala....... ..... Cahaba Soluble Guano, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer 'Co., Birmingham, Ala................................... Cahaba Star (lard Grade Fertilizer, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer (o., Birmingham, Ala ..................... G. Blood, Bone and Potash, manufactured by BirBirmingham .. mingham Fertilizer. Co, Birmingham, Ala.............. Birmingham 'H. G. Fertilizer, manufactured by Birmingham Fer........... tilizer Co., SBmingham, A .............. 'Birmingham Soluble Guano, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala...................200 SBirmingham Standard Grade Fertilizer, manufactured. by Birmingham Fertilizer Co , Birmingam, Ala... .................... Birmingham Dis. Bone A. M. and Potash, manufactured by.Birm ............ ingham Fertilizer Co., .Birmingham, Ala..... Jefferson County Standard Guano, manufactured.by Birmingham , H. 1.642.46 1.642.46 200 1.642.46 200 1.64200 200 200 -2.46 8-10 7-9 7-9 8-10 -C 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2 2 2 2 2 2-3 1-2 1-2 2-3 2-3 16 60 14 SO 14:60 16 60 1660 1.64- 1.642.46 1.642 46 200 200 .82-100 1.64- 246 7-9 6-8 8-10 8-10 2-3 2-3 2-3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1-2 2-3 1-2 2-3 . 14 60 14 60 13 30 16 60 12 00 13.00 . Cah'aba Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Cahaba H. G. Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Birmingham-FerCahaba Dissolved Bone, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer .. .............. Co., Birmingham, Ala ........ ........... Cahaba H. G. IDiss. Bone, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer ............... Co , Birmingham, Ala................... Cahaba Acid Phosphate with Potash, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala....................... Birmingham Acid Phosphate, manufacitrred by Birmingham Fer................ ... tilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala Birminghamr H. G. Acid Phosphate, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala........................ Birmingham Dissolved Bone, man ufactured by Birmingham Pertilizer Co.,Birminghamn, Ala............. ....... . ... ,d.. tilizer Co , Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala..... ..... ...... 200 2.46 2-3 2-3 2-3 Co., Birmingham, Ala2............... Birmingham, Ala ... :.....00.......10-12 ................. 200........ 11-13 ,.. .. 200 ........ 200........ 200....... 10-12' 11-13 8-10 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-S 2-3 2-3 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 00 13 ... 00 1-2 .. .. ' ... 11 00 12 00 13 00 00 1 200.....10-12 200........ 11-13 10-12 200.... 1..112 GIuaiahteed Analyses of tommercial. ertiliers, Iiled n the tOfice of the Coinissiomer of Agriculture Manufacturers-Con tinued. ____ by Dealers and __ _________ GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. U PHOSPHORIC ACID. -: I ~. N I-ame of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. _ 0 1900) G. Dissolved Bone, manufactured by BirthingOct, 1 Birmingham ............. hem, Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala... Birmingham Acid Phosphate with Potash, manufactured by Biro ............ S Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala... Birmingham Acid Phosphate and 'Potash mixture, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham,, Ala .............. Birmin' ham Potash Bone, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala......................200...... Birminghham Bone and As~h, manufactured by 'Birmingham Fer..... ......... ....... Birmingham, Ala. tilizer Birmingham 1) Bone and Muriate Potash mixture, manufactured by Birmingham Fertilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala.............. Birmingham Soluble, Bone, manufac~ured by Birmingham Fer...... tilizer Co., Birmingham, Ala......................... Navassa Cotton Fertilizer, manufactured by Navassa Guano 1-1, 200..... 200 ........ 11-13 8-10 2-3 2-3 2 2 . 1-2 $13 00 mingham 11 00 1200 14 00 12 00 14 00 11 30 14 62 200. .. 8-l 8-10 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2-3 4-5 4-5 2-3 1-2 C~o., 200... .... 200........ 200 82-100 200 1.65 6-8 10-12 6-8 Wilminghton, N. C ............................. Co, 6.00 ""Navassa Bone and Ash, manufactured by Navassa Guano Co, :..... 2.0......7.00 .... ................... Wilmington, N. C....... Dissolved Bone with Am. and Potash, manufactured by Navassa .82 00 Guano Co,, Willnington, N. C.................................2 00 2.00 3.00 7,00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 12 00 13 30 3.00 °" Nav3.ssa Acid Phosphate, manufactured .. ... .:........ WilmingtonN. C 9.00 3.00 .:...........20 Xaid Phosphate with Ptash, manufactured by Navassa Guano 200........7.003.00 ................... Co., Wilmington, N C.............. Navassa Complete Fertilizer, manufactured by, Navassa Guano 6C0 3.00 200 165 Co., N C ................................ Navassa Wheat Mixture, manufactured by Navassa Guano Co., 3.00 N. -C ..................................... 200.......7.00 Nvssa Grain Fertilizer, manufactured by Navassa Guano Co., :...... by Navassa Guano G., 2.00.. 2.00 2.00 1 01200 1100 14 62 Wilnmington, Wilmington, 1.00 2.00 2.00 .... 4.00 2.00 14 00 14 62 Genuine Geriian Kainit, manufactured by Navassa Guano Co., vilmingt a, N. C...... .......... . Wilmington, NWC............ :... .................... .. 200 1.65 6.00 2.00 .... ............ 200............... 6 6 2 3 12.00 2 1 1200 14 Giant Guaro, manufactured by Rasin Monumental Co., , Rich[.65 mond, Va................................:...........200 Soluble Sea Island, manufactured by Rasin Monumental: Co,, Charleston, S. C ....................... ............ 200 1.65 " Rasin's Empire Guano, manufactured by Rasin MonumentalCo.; Atlanta, Ga .......................................... 200 1.65 Rasin's Dixie Guano, manufactured by Rasia Monumental Co., , .'.200 20....................... 1.65 Atlanta, Ga ........ Kainit, manufactured by R:sin Monumental Company, Atlanta, 2 2 62 6 6 3 2 14 62 2 2 1 2 14 62 14 62 Ga............................................... . 200 .......... "" Acid Phosphate, ma ufactured by Rasin Monumental Company, ................................... 200........ 10 Atlanta, Ga .......... " Bone and Potash, manufactured by Rasin Monumental Co , At200........ 7 .. lanta, Ga.... Rasin Monumental Company, manufactured Dissolved Columbia Guano, manufactured by Columbia Fertilizer Co., lumbia, .... 4 3 ... 2 2 12 ... 2 . 1200 14 00 12 00 by Bone, Atlanta, Ga.............. A la .. . ................... Co-. 200 200 1 .65 1.65 7 6 3 1i 1 2 2. 2 1- ......... 2 Farmer's Friend, manufactured by Columbia Fertilizer Company, .. ...... 200 1 00 ... ...... Columbia, Ala.... Columbia II. G Acid Phos , m'f'd by (col. Fert. Co., Columbia,A Ia. 200........ ... Die. Bone and Potash, m'f'd by Col. Fert. Co., Columbia, Ala..200 .1612 14 62 6 10 6 1 1 1 3 3 15 0013 00 13 00 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Filed in the office of the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS . PHOSPHORIC ACID. SName of Fertilizer or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured, and Where Manufactured. ° U a)0 a c o 03 a Oct. 1 ,German ainit, manufactured by Columbia Fertilizer Co., Columbia, Ala........................200.............12 K Sipsey H. G. Oil Co., Sipsey H. G. Acid Phos. and Potash, manufactured by Ga20......1n2 ...... 200....... ..... S. Oil Co., Gadsden, Ala...... ................ G~raham's Best Guano', manufactured by Gadsden C. S. Oil Co., 2 ........ ... 200 ....... ...................... Gadsden, towah Fertilizer, manufactured by Gadsden C. S. Oil Co,, Gads- Acid Gadsden, 'Ala.............. $12 00 30 .Phosphate, manufactured by Gadsden .. ......... C. S. 20...... 1 Ala 9 7 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1C0 12 00, 16 60, 13 80 den, Ala.................... .... .. King Cotton, manufactured by Gadsden C. S. Oil Co., Gadsden, ........ 200 ............................ ~Ala.... ......... Poash, manufactured by Tallapoosa yr Best Fert. Am. D. -B. .. 200 .... ...... Oil Co., Alexander City, Ala.... otton Queen Guano, manufactured by Tallapoosa. Oil Co., Alex- ...... ... 200 1 & 1 .80 2.06 9 6150 6.50 1 2.50 2.00 1 .50 .50 1 2.00 1.00 13 80 13j,24 15 05 Cotton Queen Guano, manufactured by Tailapoosa Oil (Jo, Alex.. 167 .............. ............. ander City, Aa Waters Special Guan), manufactured "by Tallapoosa Oil Co, Alex- { ander City, Ala,, Ala .................. ... ,6 .. .. 167 2.00 ".1.50 6.00 1.50 .50 .00 2.00 15 10 150 1ander City, , 0 1 0 ..... 8.8 , .. 046, , . 1.. . , 4 6.j 6200 7.501 100 2.80 0 Walters Special Dis. Bone and Potash, manufacxtured by Tallapoosa Oil Co, Alexander City, Ala.........................200........10.00 Coley's & Sandlin's Spe. D. B. and P., manufactured'by Tallapoosa 2.00 200 ........ 10.00 1.00 1.00 200 2.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 . 1.00 1.00 1.00 13 00 13 00 135 1300 1400 15 GA Tallapoosa H. G. Acid, manufactured by Tallapoosa Oil Co., Alex- Oil Co., Alexander City, Ala. 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.30 200.......11.00 ander City, Ala.. .................... Tallapoosa Dis. Bone and Potash, manufactured by Tallapoosa Oil .20C 10.00 Co., AlexanderCity, Ala............................. Our Best Fertilizer D. B. and P., manufactured by Tallapoosa Oil 200........11. Co,Alexander City, Ala ............................... Standard Guano, manufactured by Tallapoosa Oil Co., Alexander Soluble Guano, manufactured by Tallapoosa Oil Co., Alexander 2.00 6.50 City,'Ala..............................................200 Coley & Sandlin'3 Special Guano. manufactured by Tallapoosa Oil 1.50 7.50 200 ............................... Co., Alexander City,Ala. Ober's Sol. Am. Sup. Phos. of Lime, manufactured by G. Ober & 200.......6.50 .................. Sons & Co., Baltimore,Md Farmers Standard Am. Phos.,-manufactured by G.-:Ober & Sons & 1.70 6.50 200 Co., Baltimore,id ...................................... Ober's Special Am. Dis. Bone, manufactured by G. Ober & Sons & ".Ober's Dis. Bone with Am. and Potash, manufactured by G. Ober & Sons--& Co.,--Baltimore, Md .... Ober's Farmers Mixture, manufactured by .......... Baltimore, Md............... ....... City, Ala............................................. .... 200 1.50 7.50 2.00 2.30 1.50 1.50 3 2 2 .50 .50 2 1. 3 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 2 2 2 2 2 15 10 1500 15 04 1476 15 62 13 80 13 10 ca Co., Baltimore, Md... ................................ 200 1.65 6 7 7 2.00. 1.00 G. Ober & Sons ............. Co., 200 .... Ober's Dis. Bone Phos. and Potash. manufatured by G. Ober & 200....... .. Sons & Co, Baltimore, Md ........................ Ober's Acid Phos. with Potash, manufactured by G. Ober & Sons 200....... ....... & Co., Baltimore, Md .............. Ober's Acid Phos. with Potash, manufactured by G. Ober & Sons 200....... ..... ~&Co., Baltimore, Dis. Bone, manufactured by G. tir's Standard Am.Md.......................... Ober & SonsI oc .75 8 6 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 12 00 12 00 14 00 ia1 a iteeci Ana yes of Commercial e 1e~iis, iljed n the Offie o1~te dllliissioner of Manufacturers. Agriculture by £eaje s ANALYSIS. hd GUJARANTEED C 4).. VU 4) A) C Name of Fertilizer 0-1 PHOSPHORIC ACID. C or Chemical, by Whom Manufactured. and Where Manufactured. ~O c 0 CL 1 , U1. 0 Oc't. O~a m -190 ___._ l Ober's Ibis. Bone Phosphate, manufactured by G. Ober & 46 I-e Randolph e, Ala Loanol Roaa .>i Co.. B