BULLETIN No. 62. FEBRUARY, 1895. ALABAMA Agricultural Experiment Station OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGF, AUBURN. CORN AND COTTON. ALEX. J. BONDURANT. MONTGOMERY, ALA.: THE BROWN PRINTING COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1895. COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES ON EXPERIMENT STATION. I. F. CULVER....................................Union Springs. Hull. J. G. GILCHRIST................................Hope H. CLAY ARMSTRONG.............................Auburn. STATION COUNCIL. Wm. A. B. P. J. C. J. LEROY BROUN.................................President. J. BONDURANT .................................. Agriculturist. B. Ross..........................................Chemist. H. MELL. ..... ................................. M. STEDMAN.......................................Biologist. .......................... Veterinarian. A. CARY, D. V. M ASSISTANTS. Botanist. T. ANDERSON ......................... First Assistant Chemist. .C. R. E. NOBLE .......................... C. L. HARE............................. T. U. CULVER .......................... Second Assistant Chemist. Third Assistant Chemist. G. GREENE................... Assistant Botanist and Biologist. Superintendent of Farm. ~The Bulletins of this Station will be sent free to any citizen of the State on application to the Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Alabama. CORN. FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS. A given quantity of kainit, acid phosphate and cotton seed meal mixed thoroughly and applied at time of planting, conpared with a compost of a certain quantity of cotton seed, acid phosphate and stable manure applied at time of plant- ing. Plot No. 1 was fertilized with kainit, acid phosphate and cotton seed meal, well mixed, at the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre. Plot No. 2 with cotton seed, acid phosphate and stable manure composted, at the rate of 2,000 pounds per acre. By referring to the following table of results, it will be noticed that plot No. 1, which was manured with a compound of commercial fertilizers made a larger yield than plot No. 2, which was manured with compost. By comparing the cost of substances used in this experiment, it was rather more in plot 2 than in plot No. 1. Kainit, acid phosphate and cotton seed meal in plot No. 1, compared with compost of cotton seed, acid phosphate and stable manure in plot No. 2. Corn planted April 4th, and fertilizers applied in drill at the same time. Size of plot acre. PLOT 1. Name and Quantity of Fertilizers used, per 2 Acre. ' . .r e Kainit ............ 100 lbs Acid Phosphate... 150 lbs. Cotton Seed M eal. 250 bs. 500 bs. 200 lbs. . ....................... 300 lbs.................. 500 lbs........... ........ ......... 1000 lbs. 815 1630 21.11-19 61t PLOT 2. 4-4 r- 1 i C1 k Names and Quantity of Fertilizers used in Compost for 1 Acre. O N P4 a) w Cotton Seed..33313 I1s5. 666% Acid Phosphate. 33313 1Is. 666%3 Stable Manure.. 333%3 I s. 66623 1000 lbs.2 2000 1s........ 1 s........... 1bs............ . lb s. 550 1110 14 3-5 CORN. VARIETY EXPERIMENT. Object of this experiment was to ascertain the best yielding variety. Corn was planted on plots 1-14 of an acre in size-rows 5 feet wide and corn dropped 3 feet apart in drill. Fertilizer, composed of 250 pounds cotton seed meal and 250 pounds acid phosphate, was applied in drill at time of planting, and was mixed with soil by running a scooter in the furrow. Corn came up well and was killed by the severe freeze March 25th. Replanted April 4th and several other times after. The Renfro, Experiment Station Yellow, Cocke's Prolific, Pride of America, and Clayton Bread, gave the best yields in the order named. A perfect stand was never secured upon any of the plots, though it was. better on some plots than on others,, and hence this fact with some inequality of the soil, prevents reaching any reliable conclusions as to the best variety. Further experiments will be necessary to arrive at correct conclusions. The following table shows the results of the experiment : Plots 1-14 acre. Fertilizers applied in drill March 10th, consisting of 250 lbs. cotton seed meal and 250 lbs acid phosphate per acre. 65 Corn planted March 17th, killed by freeze, and replanted April 4th. Names of SEEDSMAN. 4 ,c.5, Yarieties. Expt. Station Yel1 low,,...........Expt. Station......96.5 2 Clayton Bread.... Jas. Clayton.........82.2 99.5 3Renfro .............................. T. W. Woods & Son. 4 Pride of America. Richmond, Va......91.0 .. 75.0 5 Gentry's Market 74.0 6 Hickory King............. 7ilount's Prolific...70 8 Giant Broad Grain.61.0 90.0 9 Cocke's Prolific........ Virginia Gourd 66.0 ........... 10 Seed.. ... 45.0 . 11Clarke's Mastodon Improved Golden 12 Dent...........750 Improved Learn 25.0 13 ing . ........... 14 Dallas Prolific.....{.......75.0 1351 17% 1151 1393 1274 1050 1036 15 1-7 181 16 13 4-5 13%4 1050 854 1260 924 630 1050 350 1050 13 4-5 11% 169-10 11 7-11 8 3-10 1345 4 13 4-5 COTTON. Compost applied on February 1st, against compost applied at planting time. Floats vs. Acid Phosphate. Numerous enquiries have arisen from time to time, which pays the better, to compost green cotton seed, acid phosphate and stable manure about Feb. 1st and let it remain in bulk to be applied at planting time, or to apply it as soon as made, thereby saving any further expense and trouble. Also to determine the comparative value of acid phosphate with floats, in compost, to be applied at time of planting. Plot 1, applied Feb. 1st., Plot 3, applied April 17th. Plot 2, Floats with compost applied April 17. 66 For this experiment, one and a half acres of land, of uniform fertility, was selected and divided into plots of j acre each. The soil was sandy and poor. On Feb. 1st, a compost of equal parts of green cotton seed, acid phosphate and stable manure was made, and on the same day was put on plot 1. An equal quantity of this same mixture was put in a heap until planting time, when it was put on plot 3. While the results are seen from the table, one fact is worthy of note, that plot 1iremained greener and maintained its vigor a longer period than plot 3, and did not yield to the effects of rust as badly as plot 3. In plot No. 2 as will be seen from the table, floats were substituted in place of acid phosphate as in plot 3, the same quantity of green cotton seed and stable manure being used on both. The following table shows the results: COTTON. Compost Applied February 1st. Yield Seed Cotton Plot. Name and quantity of fertilizers used on onehalf acre. zP Green cotton seed, 400 lbs. Acid Phosphate, " Stable manure, " " 800 800 800 1 1200 lbs. 2400 336 187 28 5511102 67 COTTON. Compost Applied April 17th. 4 and quantity of fertilizers used on onehalf acre. Yield ,c Seed Cotton Per Po.Name b. FPlot. O r r, 0 0a, Green cotton seed, 400 bs. Acid Phosphate, Stable manure, 3 4 " 800 0 " 800 1200 ls. 24001-439COTTON. 97 9 545 t090 Floats vs. Acid Phosphate in Plot 3. " ' 00 120 24 St-%s Yield Seed Cotton Per Plot. 1 Name and quantity of fertilizers used on onehalf acre. 0 0 ~4-D O~ . 0 CJ . 4-D 0 0 4-D Green cotton seed, 400 lbs. Floats....... Stable manure,... 1200 1bs.1 ----- ! -1 2400 392 1 1 -- -L 1--l- 138 30 56011120 COTTON. COMPARISON OF FERTILIZERS AND COMPOST. The object of this experiment was to compare a given quantity of kainit and acid phosphate mixed with a certain quantity of cotton seed meal as is shown in plot. 1, with a similar quantity of kainit and acid phosphate composted with a certain amount of stable manure and cotton seed as in plot 2. That is, the quantity of kainit and acid phosphate in both plots being the same, using the cotton seed meal in plot 1, against the cotton seed and stable manure in plot 2. Fertilizers in plot 1 were thoroughly mixed and applied at 68 time of planting; on plot 2 composted and applied at same time. The plots being about equal in natural fertility, and both receiving equal quantities of kainit and acid phosphate, the results appear in favor of the cotton seed meal as against the cotton seed and stable manure. Should the improved condition of the land be considered, which thing however was not contemplated in this experiment, the question arises, which has paid the better, plot No. 1, or No. 2? In plot No. 1, the nitrogen in the cotton seed meal was more available than in plot 2, and this being true there is left in plot 2, for future crops, a larger per cent. of fertilizing matter. No conclusions however can be drawn in this particular, as it would require further trials on both plots to ascertain the comparative quantity of fertilizers now in reserve on both plots. It is a known fact from observation that land fertilized with stable manure and cotton seed shows the effects for several years following. The following is a statement of results: A given quantity of acid phosphate, kainit and cotton seed meal mixed to be compared with a given quantity of acid phosphate, kainit, cotton seed and stable manure composted. Size of plot, - acre. PLOT 1. Yield per Plot. Names and Quantity of Fertilizers Quantity per Acre. used on % Acre. . ; • COC . r a ) Kainit....'.100 lbs. Kainit..... 200 lbs .... ..... .... Acid Phos..150 lbs. Acid Phos. 300 lbs...... ....... Cotton S. M.250 lb. Cotton S.M. 500 lbs............ 500 1000 354 285 86 725 .... . 1450 69 PLOT 2. Yield per Plot. Name and QuantiQuantity per Acre. " CP - ty of Fertilizers used on 2 Acre. Kainit..... Acid Phos. Cotton Se'd Stable Ma. 100 bs. Kainit..... 200 bs .... 150 lbs. Acid Phos. 300 lbs......... 375 Cotton Se'd 750 bs......... 375 Stable Ma. 750 s......... ...... bs. lbs. 1000 2000 245 30 77 27 1254 COTTON. INTERCULTURAL EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS. The object of this experiment was to ascertain whether or not, it would pay to apply nitrogenous fertilizers interculturally. For this purpose, a piece of sandy upland of medium fertility was selected, and made into plots of 1-10 of an acre each. Rows were laid off, 210 feet long by 32 feet wide. Just before planting, the following mixture of fertilizers was applied to each plot alike, at the rate of 200 pounds per acre: 200 lbs. acid phosphate, 66 lbs. muriate potash and 66 lbs. sulphate ammonia. Soon after the cotton came up, it was chopped, and then sided with heel-scrape. The stalks of cotton were counted in each row and the same number allowed to stand on each plot. On June 16th, cotton seed meal and nitrate soda, in different quantities, were applied broad-cast, at which time the cotton was plowed with heel-scrape. From observations made during the latter part of June, the plots fertilized interculturally began to show a little difference, and by the time the second application was made, the difference was quite marked in favor of the fertilizers. Further observations later on showed a still greater and 70 more decided improvement in the crop, that is, the stalks, were much larger, were taking on fruit more rapidly and presented a richer color than the plots not fertilized after planting. By noticing the difference in the yield of plots having the same quantity of fertilizers, it appears that a given amount used interculturally at an earlier stage of crop growth, gave better results than the same quantity, one-half applied at the earlier stage and the other half several weeks later. For instance, by comparing plot No. 1 with plot No. 7, It is shown that a better yield resulted from the single application to plot 7 in June than from the two applications to plot 1 in June and July. Also in comparing No. 2 with No. 8, it is seen that a better yield was secured from the June application on No. 8, than from the June and July applications on No. 2. By a still further comparison of plots 4 and 9, the same fact is established, that a single application of nitrate soda in June on plot 9, gave a better yield than the same quantity of nitrate soda at different times on plot No. 4. The 100 lbs. applied at once to No. 9 acted more efficiently than the two applications to No. 4, and the inference is, that the most favorable conditions existed as to No. 9, for a maximum yield. Taking the average yield of the three unmanured plots, which is 8091 lbs. seed cotton per acre, the difference in favor of fertilizers is plainly seen by reference to the table of results. The following table shows the results of this experiment: COTTON-INTERCULTURAL EXPERIMENT. PLOTS 1-10 OF AN ACRE. At time of planting, April 14th, Acid Phosphate 200 pounds, Nitrate Potash 66 pounds, and Sulphate Ammonia 66 pounds, were mixed, and 20 pounds of this mixture applied to each plot. following table: Subsequent fertilization is shown in the Yield seed cotton per plot No. Fertilizers used per plot, Applied April 14th. Name and acre. - fertilizers and when applied. Rate per -~ quantity of Name and quantity of . fertilizers, and when applied. Rate per acre. P "¢ L, C , . 5 Phosphate..12.05 SMuriate - June 16th Potash..... 3.97 100 pounds. Sul. Ammonia..3 9 7 L Cotton seed meal. Acid July 5th. 100 pounds. Cotton seed meal. H 48.15 55.50 31.50 13.50 148.65 H 146 .5 2 20 lbs. Acid Phosphate ... .12.05 June 16th. July 5th. Muriate Potash .... 3.97% 200 pounds. 200 pounds. Sal. Ammonia..391 Cotton seed meal.... Cotton seed meal. 20 lbs. Acid Phosphate....12.05 Muriate Potash... 3.9712 Sul. Ammonia .. 397 No manure.......... No June 16th. 50 pounds Sul. Ammonia..3.97'% Nitrate soda. ....... Acid 41.25 50.25 43.50 24.75 159.75 1597.5 3 manure ........ St.15 25 50 6.30 1.50 84.45 844.5, Phosphate.... 12.05 20 lbs. 3.971/ 4 Muriate Potash.... July 5th. 50 pounds. Nitrate soda...... 42.60 63.7 5 39.30 19.50 165.15 1651.5 5 20 lbs. (Acid Phosphate .... 12.05 June 16th.........July 5th. JMuriate Potash._. .. 100 pounds.........100 pounds. Nitrate Soda.......Nitratesoda....... 1Sul. Ammonia-. 3.9712. 3.7/ 35.5 557.00 29.55 1. 90 141.00 1410.0 20 lbs. C OTTON.-INTERCULTURAL EXPERIMENT-CONTINUED. ,CL.RA X.seed cotton per plot b. Yield No. Fertilizers used per plot, Applied April 14th. Name and quantity of Name and quantity of CJ U _ NaU fertilizers, and when ferti ilizers, and when applied. Rate per appl lied. Rate per 04 acre. acre wCD ~~0 Go Z C) U UCRrt 0 0*K; C .. C O 6 5Acid Phosphate....12.05 5Acid Phosphate... Acid Phosphate H e.... Muriate Potash.... 397% Sul. Ammonia..... 3.971 No Manure........No Ma nure......... 44. 5 22.50 7.50 77.25 772.5 7 20 lbs. .12.05 June 16th. Muriate Potash.... 3.971/ 200 pounds. Sul. Ammonia..... 3 974 Cotton Seed Meal....... 20 lbs. ... 5 78.00 30.00 21.00 184.95 1849.5 .~55.9J June 16th. 8 Muriate Potash.... 3.97% 400 pounds. Sul. Ammonia..3.97L%Cotton Seed Meal ....... 12.05 . 25.80 9.00 .66-75190.001 191.55 1915.5 .20 lbs. Acid Phosphate... .12.05 June 16th. 9 Muriate Potash .... 3.97%2100 pounds. .7'% Nitrate Soda ........ Sul. Ammonia.. 20 lbs. Acid Phosphate .... 12.05 10 'I .. . . .... . 42. 451 90.OC 23.55 15.75 171.75 .... 1717.5 uriate Sul. Ammonia..3.97%2 No Manure......... No Mf nure......... 20 lbs. Average yield of unmanured plots, 809.5 pounds per acre. Potash..,.. 3 97'2 51.75 24 OC 3.90 1.50 81.15 811.5