4 Coastal Bermuda Pastures Compared with Other Forages for Dairy Cows Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UN IV ERS ITY E. V. Smith, Director Aubui n, Alaba~ma BULLETIN 347 AUGUST 1963 CONTENTS Page EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE --------------5 G e n e ra l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bermuda vs. Bahia vs. Dallis (1956-57)-5 Bermuda vs. Bahia vs. Alfalfa Hay (1958)-5 Bermuda vs. Gahi-1 Millet (1959-60)-6 Pasture Clipping Management Study'(1961)-7 - 5 R ES U LT S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 Bermuda vs. Bahia vs. Dallis (1956-57) ---------------Bermuda vs. Bahia vs. Alfalfa Hay 7 16 (1958) ------- Bermuda vs. Gahi-1 Millet (1959-60) ----------------- 19 Pasture SUMMARY Clipping AND Management Study (1961) ----------- 25 CONCLUSIONS ---------------------------- 26 LITERATURE CITED------------------------------------27 FIRST PRINTING 31/M, AUGUST, 1968 Coastal Bermuda Pastures Compared with Other Forages for Dairy Cows G. H. ROLLINS, Associate Professor of Dairy Science C. S. HOVELAND, Associate Professor of Agronomy K. M. AUTREY, Head, Department of Dairy Science* P ASTURE USUALLY is the cheapest feed for dairy cows. The role of pasture in soil conservation is well known. However, nutritive value of the forage, yield, palatability, and ability to survive when grazed are important points to consider when selecting pasture crops. In most cases lactation performance of cows grazing legume or grass-legume forages is superior to that of cows on grass. Throughout much of Alabama, efforts to provide legume or legume-grass pastures for summer grazing have not been successful. Thus, perennial and annual grasses are the main source of summer pasture. In the search for a high quality perennial summer grass, Coastal Bermuda, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., has shown promise. It is well adapted in Alabama and responds to high levels of nitrogen fertilization (6). Yields approaching 10 tons of dry forage per acre are possible on a wide range of soil types if enough fertilizer is used (2). To maintain good milk flow in the summer, dairymen often use such annual crops as Starr millet and Sudangrass. Millet pasture work of W. R. Langford, Agronomist, now with the Southern Regional Plant Introduction Station, Experiment, Georgia, in the early phases of this experiment is acknowledged. SThe 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION in the Southeastern States has generally resulted in good milk production (5, 9). Gahi-1, a new millet variety, has been found to be more productive than Starr millet (7). These temporary grazing crops require soil preparation each year and are expensive to establish. Harvested forages, such as alfalfa hay and corn silage (4), may be used for summer milk production or at least to supplement permanent pastures. The nutrients from hay and silage are more costly than those from pasture. Certain management practices have been shown to affect lactation performance. Results of research in Sweden (11) showed that milk yield per cow per day was lower where the animals were kept indoors at night than where cows had access to pasture day and night. In that study cows on pasture only in the daytime grazed more intensively than cows pastured both day and night. Studies have been made on the behavior of cattle in day and night pastures of the same forage species. English workers (1) concluded that cows need day and night paddocks of equal size and herbage of similar quality. Similar conclusions were reached in Virginia (3). However, in the latter study it was found that the least grazing was done between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. Work in the Fiji Islands (10) indicated that dairy cattle in the tropics should be put in the best pasture at night and early morning hours since grazing is reduced during the hot daytime hours. Summer grazing studies were conducted at the Dairy Research Unit of Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station each year from 1956 through 1961. The main objectives were: (1) To compare three common summer perennial pasture grasses for milking cows. The grasses tested, with and without irrigation (1956-57), were Coastal Bermuda, Pensacola Bahia, Paspalum notatum Flugge, and Dallis, Paspalum dilatatum Poir. (2) To compare Bermuda and Bahia, under continuous and rotational grazing management, with alfalfa hay (1958). This study was developed after evaluating results of the first 2 years. (3) To compare Bermuda with millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., (1959) after Bermuda proved superior in yield to Bahia during the first 3 years. (4) To evaluate clipping as a method of improving quality of Bermuda and millet pastures (1960-61). COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 5 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE General All of the studies were of the split plot, randomized block design with three or six replications, except the 1958 studies were of the Latin-square design. Six 11/2 -acre paddocks each of Bermuda, Bahia, and Dallis grasses were established on Cecil clay loam, a droughty soil with rough topography. Lime was applied according to soil test and fertilizer at the annual per acre rate of 1,000 pounds of 0-12-20 during the years 1956-58 and 500 pounds of 0-14-14 thereafter. This was more than the actual mineral needs of the grasses, but the high rate was used to be certain that phosphorus and potassium were not limiting factors in the experiments. All groups of experimental animals had access to pasture from 6:30 a.m. to, 9:30 a.m. and were confined to pasture at night. In addition to,the tester cows, additional animals were used to graze surplus forage during periods of rapid growth of pasture grass. Pasture forage was supplemented with a 16 per cent protein concentrate mixture (corn, oats, and cottonseed meal) at the level of 1 pound to each 4 pounds of 4 per cent milk (FCM). Milk weights were recorded for each milking and 48-hour composite butterfat tests were made each 2 weeks. Bodyweight changes were recorded in all the studies. Forage yields were determined by the cage-difference technique. Forage quality was measured by chemical analyses of samples taken from caged and uncaged areas, by intermittent digestion trials, and by measuring milk production level of cows consuming the forage. Intake and digestibility of the forages were determined by the chromogen-chromic oxide method. Bermuda vs. Bahia vs. Dallis (1956-57) In 1956 experimental pastures'received nitrogen at the rate of 200 pounds per acre for the growing season. This was spread in split applications at 6-week intervals. In 1957 the procedure was the same except that nitrogen was applied every 4 weeks. The paddocks were irrigated during dry periods. Cows were grazed continuously. Bermuda vs. Bahia vs. Alfalfa Hay (1958) Since Dallisgrass stands were poor and yields were low after 2 years, Bermuda and Bahia were the only two grasses studied in 6 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 1958. They were compared under rotational and continuous grazing with alfalfa hay as the only forage for milking cows. The paddocks under rotational grazing were divided into subpaddocks and cows were rotated to a fresh sub-paddock weekly. Each paddock was completely grazed at least once each 3-week period. Nitrogen was applied to pastures at the rate of 50 pounds per acre at 6-week intervals from April 1 to August 5. The 5 X 5 Latin-square design was used. Fifteen cows were put on a standardization treatment for 2 weeks and then divided into three comparable groups of five cows each. The cows within these treatments were assigned at random to the following five treatments: Alfalfa hay fed free-choice in dry lot, Coastal Bermuda grazed continuously, Bahia grazed continuously, Bahia grazed rotationally, fresh sub-paddock weekly, Bermuda grazed rotationally, fresh sub-paddock weekly. The experiment included five 3-week periods beginning May 14 and ending August 26. Bermuda vs. Gahi-1 Millet (1959-60) In 1959 a study was made of the performance of dairy cows grazing Bermuda and millet concurrently. Twenty-four cows were divided into four comparable groups of six. The cows in the various groups were assigned to the following treatments: Coastal Bermuda grazed day and night, Bermuda grazed day, millet grazed at night, Millet grazed day, Coastal Bermuda grazed at night, Millet grazed day and night. An effort was made to provide high quality forage by applying 50 pounds nitrogen per acre, mowing the Coastal Bermuda to a height of 8 inches and millet to a height of 12 to 14 inches at 3-week intervals, and irrigating during dry periods and grazing rotationally. Each 11/2-acre paddock was divided into three subpaddocks and the cows were rotated to fresh sub-paddocks each week. In 1960, 18 cows were divided into 3 comparable groups of 6 and assigned to the following treatments: Coastal Bermuda grazed day and night, Millet grazed day, Coastal Bermuda at night, Millet grazed day and night. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES7 Pastures were treated as in 1959 except the Bermuda was clipped each 3 weeks to an approximate height of 4 to 6 inches. Pasture Clipping Management Study (1961) Various heights of clipping were studied in 1961. Four comparable groups of six cows each were assigned to the following treatments: Coastal Bermuda not mowed, Bermuda mowed to a 4-inch height, Bermuda mowed to an 8-inch height, Gahi-1 millet mowed to a 12-inch height. Small paddocks of one-half acre were used and cows were rotated to a fresh paddock each week; thus, each paddock was grazed every third week. After grazing, the paddocks were clipped and nitrated at the rate of 50 pounds of N per acre. All pastures were irrigated during dry periods. RESULTS Bermuda vs. Bahia vs. Dallis (1956-57) Figures 1 and 2 show the crude protein content of the three grasses by periods from May 21 to November 12, 1956 and May 7 to October 21, 1957. The crude protein content of the grasses varied from low values of 8 to 9 per cent to highs of 15 to 18 per cent on a dry matter basis. The highest values occurred in early summer. However, even in late summer crude protein content of the grass forage was relatively high. There was no difference in protein content of the three species and no, difference between irrigated and non-irrigated grasses. A total of 8 inches of irrigation water was applied in 1956 and 16 inches in 1957. Caged samples were taken on the same dates throughout the summer and were similar to the uncaged samples in protein content. Digestion trials in the summer of 1957 showed that protein digestibility was lowest in Bermuda. The coefficient of digestibility of protein was 36 per cent for Bermuda as compared with 52 per cent for Bahia and 42 per cent for Dallis. Thus, even when the total protein content of Bermuda was 8 to 10 per cent in July and August, the digestible protein content was only about 3 to 4 per cent. 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Crude protein, % 15 x Non-irrigated Irrigated x __ 7.5 Coastal Bermudagrass 15 X "Non-irrigated Irrigated. 10 7.5 Pensacola Bahiagrass - x Non-irrigated 15 Irrigated 7.5 *X Dal lisgrass 5/21 6/18 7/16 8/13 Sampl ing dates 9/10 10/18 11/12 FIG. 1. Seasonal trend in crude protein content of irrigated and non-irrigated grasses at 28-day intervals from uncaged areas, 1956. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 9 Crude protein, % Non-irrigated · 10 7.5 Coastal Bermudagrass / I rigated r \ \ Irrigated / -x. 10 Non-irrigated / 7.5 Pensacola BahiagraSs 15 \ Non-irrigated 10 -Irrigated 7.5 Dal lisgrass 5/7 6/3 7/2 8/9 Sampling dates 8/26 9/23 10/21 FIG. 2. Seasonal trend in crude protein content of irrigated and non-irrigated grasses at 28-day intervals from uncaged areas, 1957. 10 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Oven-dry lb. 1 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 i I Coastal Bermudagrass 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 "-* L \ X 1 Irrigated / / ( ~(Non-i rri gated Pensacola Bahiagrass 1 _ _1 -7 2500 2000 1500 1000 1 I 1 Irrigated S - Non-irrigated 500 x/ 5/22 j 6/l8 ss Oallisgra! 7/lb /1 8 Harvesting dates 9/10 10/8 11/5 ,VV FIG. 3. Seasonal trend in oven-dry forage yield per acre from irrigated and nonirrigated grasses, 1956. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 11 Oven-dry forage/acre, lb. 250 Irrigated 2000- 1500 / Non-irrigated 1000- Coastal Bermudagrass Irrigated 1500- 1000-500\ /x Non-irrigated Pensacola Bahiagrass I I I I 1500 1000 x / Irrigated Dal ligrass (Non-irrigated 00 500 -x 5/6 i 6/3 7/.3 I 7729 Harvesting dates 8/26 9/23 10/21 FIG. 4. Seasonal trend in oven-dry forage yield per acre from irrigated and nonirrigated grasses, 1957. Forage yields of Bermuda in 1956 and 1957 were considerably higher than that of Bahia and Dallis, Figures & and 4. In 1956 irrigation water applied in June and July slightly increased forage production during that period. Both Bahia and Bermuda responded to irrigation in 1957. Dallis stands were poor and total production for the season was not increased by irrigation. Figures 5 and 6 show changes in TDN yields by 28-day periods for 1956 and 1957, respectively. TDN yields were calculated according to Knott's formula (8), which allows for milk yield, gain or loss in bodyweight, and amount of nutrients from concentrates fed. In 1956 there was little response to irrigation by Bermuda 12 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION and Dallis. However, irrigated Bahia produced about 50 per cent more TDN than the non-irrigated Bahia. TDN yields of all three grasses were higher in 1957 than 1956. Bermuda yielded about 29 per cent more forage than Bahia, and Bahia 47 per cent more than Dallis. Irrigation of Bermuda and Bahia resulted in a TDN yield increase of approximately 48 per cent in 1957. Irrigated Dallis yielded only 18 per cent more TDN than the non-irrigated; however, this species was more severely affected by dry weather than the other grasses. Digestion trials in 1957 showed TDN values for Bermuda of about 55 per cent. This compares with about 60 to 62 per cent for Bahia and Dallis. Forage dry matter intake per 100 pounds bodyweight during June and August test periods averaged 2.10 pounds for Bermuda, 2.58 for Dallis, and 2.82 for Bahia. TDN/acre, lb. 1000 Irrigated ---j, , 500 - Non-irrigated" oni rr Coastal Bermudagrass II I I 1000 Irrigated- Non-irrigated Non-Irrirrigatgated -ed - Pensacola Bahiagrassss 00 6/10- 7 7/81-8/ 8/5-9/1 9/2-9/29 9/30-10/18 Dates of 28-day periods FIG. 5. Seasonal trend in TDN yield per acre from irrigated and non-irrigated grasses, 1956. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 13 COSTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 1 TON acre, lb. 1500 Irrigated .- 1000 \ 500 Non-irrigated Coastal Bermudagrass 1000* Irrigated -IN 500 Non- irrigated Pensacola Bahiagras> 1000 Non-irrigated 500 Dal l is rass,f 5/8-6/4 6/5-7/2 7/3-7/308/28-9/24 Dates of 28-day periods 9/25-10/22 FIG. 6. Seasonal trend in TDN yield per acre from irrigated and non-irrigated grasses, 1957. Average daily milk production yields per cow are shown in Figures 7 and 8. In neither year were there differences among the three grasses in milk yield. However, persistency of lactation was poor on all three forages. Milk production of cows on irrigated pasture was more persistent than the production of those on non-irrigated pasture during periods of low rainfall. Severe dry weather from late July to September, 1957, made it necessary to remove test cows from non-irrigated pastures for irrigated about 28 days when forage was nil. This loss of grazing on non- paddocks is indicated by the incomplete curves in Fig- ure 8. It is important to note that irrigation prevented the interruption of grazing caused by the August drought. Given in Table 1 are rainfall levels by months in 1957 and the amount of irrigation water applied from June through September on irrigated paddocks. 14 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 14 ALABAMA AGRICULTU 35 30 - Irrigated INon-irrigated1 25 x 20 15 I I x I Coastal Bermudaqrrass VI 111-M4y1 MJJ I 1 1 200 .Irrigated Noma 25Non-irrigated 3o 15 decline curve drop each (6%~ days) 28 Pensagola Bahia rass 30 Non-irrigated 25 Standardi20 15 nation Experimental< period Irrigated eiodDallisgrass 1 I 1 1 5/27-6/9 6/10-7/7 7/8-8/4 8/5-9/1 Dates of 28-day periods 9/2-9/29 9/30-10/18 FIG. 7. Seasonal trend in average daily 4 per cent FCM production per cow on irrigated and non-irrigated grasses, 1956. (Each point in experimental period is average of a 28-day period, except the 9/30-10/1.8 average is for 19 days only.) COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 15 35 30 N' 'v-Non-irrigated 25 -_ 20 Irrigated-<7' x 15 Coastal Bermudagrass- - 10 d.Normal -- decline curve (6% drop each 28 days) 30p 25 x ° Nond irrigatedIria - 20 15" 10 35 Pensacola Bahiagrass4 Stand 20 period Experimental period Non-irrigated-~ Irrigated § 15 FIG. 8. Seasonal trend in average daily 4 per cent FCM production per cow on irrigated and non-irrigated grasses, 1957. 16 TABLE 1. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION MONTHLY RAINFALL AND IRRIGATION WATER APPLIED TO WARM SEASON PASTURES IN 1957 Mouth January -------------------F ebruary ------------------------M arch -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- A pril .-------------- --------------------------------------------------M a y -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - June Ju ly -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -A ugust-------------------------Septem ber----------------------O ctober-------------------------- Rainfall Irrigation In. 4.1 In. 0 3.1 5.1 1 1 .5 6.0 8.0 6 .9 0.2 6.9 2.3 0 0 0 0 2.0----------------4 .0 8.0 2.0 0 Bermuda vs. Bahia vs. Alfalfa Hay (1958) The crude protein content of pasture forages by periods is shown in Figure 9. These data present a striking decline in protein content of the grasses with the advance in season regardless of treatment. Forage yields of Bermuda averaged about 57 per cent higher than Bahia for the entire season, Figure 10. As in 1956 and 1957, calculated yields of TDN were greater for Bermuda than for Bahia. The milk production level and persistency of production were higher on alfalfa hay than on any of the pasture treatments, Table 2. TABLE 2. MEAN DAILY FCM AND PERSISTENCY OF PRODUCTION, 1958 Species and management FCM 1 Persistency' Lb. Coastal Bermudagrass Continuous grazing.------------------Rotational grazing--------------------Pensacola IBahiagrass Continuous grazing-------------------Rotational grazing--------------------Alfalfa hay------------------------------84 value is 2 Persistency is month. 3L.S.D. (.05)= 4 L.S.D. (.05)= 1 Each Pct. 824 84 85 85 89 31.53 32.2 32.7 32.4 0 an average for three cows for 15 weeks. expressed as per cent of level of production for the previous 0.91; L.S.D. (.01) - 1.33. 2.45; L.S.D. (.01)= 3.57. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES Crude protein,A 17 1 30 25 fRotational * ,I _ 20 15 10 Continuous 5 Coastal Bermudagrass 30 25 20 ' Rotational 15 10 Continuous 5 Pensacola Bahiagrass I I 5/12 2 6/23 1 7/14 I 8/4 8/25 9/16 Sampling dates FIG. 9. Seasonal trend in crude protein content of Bermuda and Bahia under continuous and rotational grazing, 1958. 18 18 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL 1~ I II I l I - -I EXPERIMENT STATION Oven-dry foraqe/acre, lb. I 1600 1400 1200 $ 1000 Rotational 800 600 4+00 200 Coastal Bermudagrass L-L J x/ \ / ~ 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 Rotationalontinuous x 200 Pensacola Bahiagrass 5/1 2' 6/2 6/23 7/14 8/4 8/25 9/15 Harvesting dates FIG. 10. Seasonal trend in oven-dry forage yield per acre, 1958. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 19 Bermuda vs. Gahi-1 Millet (1959-60) The crude protein content of Bermuda and millet by weekly intervals in 1959 is shown in Figure 11. The millet forage was consistently higher in protein content than Bermuda, though the protein content of the Bermuda was uniformly quite high throughout the summer. Seasonal average protein content of Bermuda was 13.6 per cent and that of millet, 16.9 per cent. Figure 12 shows milk production curves of the four treatments throughout the experiment, June 25-September 17, 1959. Milk production dropped an average of 12 per cent per month on Bermuda during the experiment. The corresponding rate of decline on millet was only about 3 per cent. Under good feeding conditions a monthly decline of 6 to 8 per cent in level of milk flow is considered normal. Cows grazing millet and combinations of Bermuda and millet milked at higher levels than did those on Bermuda alone. How- FIG. 11. Seasonal trend in crude protein content of Bermuda and millet pasture, 1959. (Each value =- composite of samples from six paddocks.) 20 Av. daily FCM, lb. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION I 35 9\®\ Stamd ' period 30 Expt. period I 25 (A - - - eMilet grazed day and.ryighz N hillet grazed dayB G--0 Bermuda- grazed day, millet at night. Bermuda grazed day & night. 20 6/11 6/18 6/25 7/2 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/6 Dates 8/13 8/20 8/27 9/3 9/10 FIG. 12. Mean daily 4 per cent FCM production per cow on Gahi-1 millet and Coastal Bermuda, 1959. (Each point is average daily production of 6 cows for 1 week.) FIG. 13. Seasonal trend in crude protein content of Coastal Bermuda and Gahi-1 millet pasture, 1960. (Each value= a composite of samples from three paddocks.) COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES COASTAL BERMUDA Av. daily FCM, lb. PASTURES 21 2 451 4 2g.. -x. period 20 period Coastal Bermuda ~eieia grazed day,and night. ~2=. Millet. 3 = Millet grazed day 1= CoastalBermuda grazed day night. and at night. I 5/30 6/6 I "_n.. 6/13 6/20 6/27 7/14 7/11 DatsJ 7/118 7/25 8/1 83/8 8/15 8/22 1/29 9/5 FIG. 14. Mean daily 4 per cent FCM per cow on the three grazing treatments, 1960. (Each point - weekly average of 6 cows.) Digestible dry matter, % 70 H Millet grazed day and night. -KJ- - Millet grazed day,JCatl emd night. " 60 Coastal Bermuda grazed day and night. CC 55 ____j /1177/12-15 Dates of digestion 7/26-29 trials 8/17-20 FIG. 15. Seasonal change in digestibility of forages, 1960. 22 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ever, the differences between millet and combinations of Bermuda and millet were small. In 1960 crude protein content of the Bermuda varied more from week to week than in 1959, Figure 13. Average protein content of 13.4 per cent for the summer was about the same as in 1959, but protein in the millet, 14.3 per cent, was slightly lower in 1960 than in 1959. There were no differences among the three treatments on the basis of milk production levels. Figure 14 shows milk production trends throughout the summer. The average monthly rate of decline of about 8 per cent is near normal and indicates uniformly high quality forage was available to the cows on all treatments throughout the summer. Other evidence of the high quality of the forage is found in the high level of digestibility of the forage dry matter during the summer, Figure 15. Estimates of digestibility of the forages were made four times, the first being June 14-17 and last August 17-20. The unusual increase in digestibility of forage is difficult to explain. The pasture management in 1960 - rotational grazing, clipping surplus forage, irrigation, and split nitrogen applications - probably contributed to forage quality. An attempt was made to determine whether the cows were Bites/min. ( 454 Millet at night(Bermuda in daytime). 40o Millet at night (Millet in daytime). 30 Bermuda at night (Millet in daytime). 20 ermuda at night (Bermuda in daytime). - Fri. Observation days Tues. Thurs. FIG. 16. Bites per minute by dairy cows at the beginning of grazing periods at night, 1959. Each figure is an average of observations of 6 cows. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES i'4 Millet in daytime (Rermuda at night) Mille: in daytrme ( :illet night;. at Oa F ermu a ermuc da in daytimie (Berniua at night) A in aaytiue (Millet at night) Sues. Tnurs. Obser at - dar, FIG. 17. Bites per minute by dairy cows at the beginning of grazing periods during day, 1959. Each figure is an average of observations of 6 cows. ,i- 4 4i:" * Iii. -. rs S _. i t t. c- .ts-i.E S i: is 'fI - U; Ii~* 'i .5 S ~ ''4 a; "-~'/~ ',,i ''v .1 i' r -pparoncc ot Coostui bermudograsn atttr 1 week ot grazing is illusFi U i 0 trated here. Pasture at left was mowed to a height of 4 to 6 inches 2 weeks before grazing was begun. Plot at right was mowed to 8-inch height 2 weeks ahead of grazing. Nate stolons that were rejected by the cows. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION FIG. 19. This is Gohi-1 millet regrowth in a paddock that had been grazed and mowed 2 weeks before the phato was made, 1959. gfrazing~ Bermutda ,vhen tlle\° had access to millet part of the 24hiouri periodl. Bites per mini te wxere coun tedl for three 1-minu te period1s for the tester cows en each of the 12 paddocks wh len cowxs were first turned in to graze after milking. All the cowvs oni Bermudl~a paddocks grazedl this grass to some extent hut it lbecaliei le'-s attractix e to them as the week progressed, Figures 16 and 17. - Is FIG. 20. These plots are typical of millet that was grazed rotationally in the experiment. Cows were rotated from the paddock at left and moved to one at right August 9, 1960. The millet was planted in late April. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 25 Cows on Bermuda walked further between bites, thus reducing the number of bites per minute. Large numbers of Bermuda stolons were rejected by the cows and dropped on the surface of the grazed grass, Figure 18. Also, shown in Figure 18 is a closeup of one of the closely grazed Coastal Bermuda paddocks. Figure 19 shows the new growth of millet forage available following grazing and mowing the stubble. Typical 1960 millet pastures are illustrated by Figure 20. Pasture Clipping Management Study (1961) In 1961 milk production level on millet was higher than on any Bermuda pasture, Figure 21. During the experiment the average monthly decline by cows on millet was less than 3 per cent. The monthly rates of decline ranged from 7 to 12 per cent on Bermuda, the most severe decline being by cows on that Bermuda pasture clipped at 8 inches. The rate of decline for Bermuda clipped at 4 inches, each 3 weeks was slightly greater than for the similar treatment in 1960, Figure 14. Av. dai ly FCM, Ib. 50 - .- Millet mowed at 45. ·Bermuda 12" hgt. mowed at 4" hgt. each 3 wks. 45 - 30 Standardiration Experimental period ,- A' 4 period 25 Bermuda no mowing 20 - Bermuda mowed at 8" hgt. each 3 wks. 6/5 6/12 6/19 6/26 7/3 7/10 7/17 Dates 7/24 7/31 8/7 8/14 8/21 FIG. 21. Mean daily 4 per cent FCM by weeks per cow on Bermuda and millet under different clipping treatments, 1961. (Each point represents average of 6 cows.) 26 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION SUMMARY and CONCLUSIONS Summer grazing studies were conducted on the Dairy Research Unit of Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station each year from 1956 through 1961. The objective was to compare perennial summer grasses (Coastal Bermuda, Pensacola Bahia, and Dallis), Gahi-1 millet, and alfalfa hay for lactating dairy cows. Annual nitrogen rate was 200 to 250 pounds per acre put on in split applications at intervals of 8 to 6 weeks during the pasture season. In these studies concentrates were fed at the rate of approximately 1 pound to each 4 pounds of 4 per cent fat-corrected milk. Milk production from continuously grazing Coastal Bermuda, Bahia, and Dallis was unsatisfactory and persistency of lactation was below that normally expected. Irrigation increased the forage yield of Bermuda and Bahia during dry weather, but supplemental water did not improve forage quality or level of milk production. Rotational grazing of Bermuda and Bahia was of little value in improving forage quality or milk production; however, a combination of intensive management practices - irrigation, clipping surplus forage, applying nitrogen, and rotational grazing at 3week intervals - resulted in improved milk production by cows on Bermuda. Gahi-1 millet when intensively managed was consistently the best forage for maintaining lactation at or above the normally expected rate of decline of 6 to 8 per cent per month. A combination of intensively managed Bermuda at night and millet during the day, or vice-versa, resulted in lactation performance nearly equal to that on millet alone. The principle advantages of the intensive managements imposed were: (1) a more uniform, high-quality forage was produced throughout the season, and (2) there was a higher intake of forage by the cows. No significant changes in bodyweight of the cows occurred during any of these studies. COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURES 27 LITERATURE (1) CASTLE, CITED (2) (3) M. E., FOOT, A. S., AND HALLEY, R. J. Some Observations on the Behavior of Dairy Cattle with Particular Reference to Grazing. Jour. Dairy Res. 17:215-230. 1950. EVANS, E. M., ENSMINGER, L. E., Doss, B. D., AND BENNETT, O. L. Nitrogen and Moisture Requirements of Coastal Bermuda and Pensacola Bahia. Auburn Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 337. 1961. HARDISON, W. A., FISHER, H. L., GRAF, G. C., AND THOMPSON, N. R. Some Observations on the Behavior of Grazing Lactating Cows. Jour. Dairy Sci. 39:1735-1741. 1956. (4) HAWKINS, G. E., MAYTON, E. L., AND BLACKSTONE, HOMER. Har- vested Forage Versus a Pasture System for Milk Production in the Piedmont. Publication pending. (5) HOLLON, B. F., WOODHOUSE, W. W., AND MOCHRIE, R. D. A Com- parison of Summer Annuals for Milking Cows. Jour. Dairy Sci. 39:936. 1956. (6) HOVELAND, C. S. Bermudagrass for Forage in Alabama. Auburn Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 328. 1960. (7) HOVELAND, C. S. (8) Millet and Sudan Varieties for Forage in Alabama. Auburn Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Var. Rept. 1961. KNOTT, J. C., HODGSON, R. E., AND ELLINGTON, E. V. Methods of Measuring Pasture Yields with Dairy Cattle. Wash. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 295. 1934. MARSHALL, (9) S. P., SANCHEZ, A. B., SOMERS, H. L., AND Dix ARNOLD, P. T. Value of Pearlmillet Pasture for Dairy Cattle. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 527. 1953. (10) PAYNE, W. J. A. Grazing Behavior of Dairy Cattle in the Tropics. Nature 167:610-611. 1952. (11) VIK, E. Samanlikning Mellom Berre Dagbeiting Med Dogerbeiting for Mjolkekyr. (Comparison Between Day Pasturing and Day-andnight Pasturing for Dairy Cows). Forskn. Fors. Landbr. 7:109-128. 1956. Abstract in Herbage Abstr. 27:91. 1957.