BULLETIN 328 AUGUST 1960 A~ / BERMUDAGRASS FOR FORAGE inAlabama Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY E. V. Smith, Director Auburn, Alabama CONTENTS Page COMMON BERMUDA ---- -------- --- --------- - -- - -3 ---- ---- -- -- -- - 4 COASTAL BERM UDA ---- ---- -------- Origin - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description----------5 - 4 Ada pta tion-- - -- - - -- - - -- - - ---- -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - 5 Establishm ent-- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - --- 7 Fertilization ---- -- --- ---- ---- -- --- - -Hay Production---- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --P astu re - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Legumes with Coastal Bermuda-- -8 - 8 - 11 13 OTHER BERMUDA. VARIETIES-----------------------------17 Midland B ermuda --------------------------- ------- 17 Suw anee Bermuda----------------------------------18 Greenfield Berm uda----------------------------------18 N K-37 B ermuda-----------------------------------19 SU M M A RY -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 2 0 LITERATURE CITED-------------------------------------21 ACKNOW LEDGM ENT----------------------------------- 22 FIRST PRINTING 5M, AUGUST 1960 BERMUDAGRASS for Forage in Alabama C. S. HOVELAND, Associate Agronomist THE ORIGIN of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) is obscure, but it probably is a native of Africa. It was introduced into, the United States prior to the middle 1700's. Over the years it earned a reputation as a serious pest in cultivated crops. With increasing emphasis on livestock production in Alabama and introduction of improved varieties, Bermudagrass has assumed a new importance. Because of its vigor and productivity, Bermuda is now considered a valuable plant for forage production. Bermudagrass is a rapidly spreading perennial, having both underground and aboveground creeping stems. It is a hot weather plant, making little growth when night temperatures drop below 50°F. Temperatures of 26 to, 28°F. usually kill the herbage back to the ground. Drought tolerance of Bermudagrass is much better than that of Bahia, carpet, or Dallis. Bermudagrass is best adapted to moderately well-drained soils with medium to high fertility. It will tolerate considerable flooding, but makes little growth under these conditions. When adequate nutrients are available, it grows well at soil reactions ranging from pH 5.0 to 8.0. COMMON BERMUDA Common Bermuda is widespread over Alabama. However, Bermudagrass is a variable species and plants that have developed in different areas of the State over a long period vary considerably in vigor, growth habit, and forage yield. Plants exhibiting such 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TABLE 1. DRY FORAGE YIELDS OF COMMON BERMUDA ECOTYPES COLLECTED FROM VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN ALABAMA AND GROWN AT AUBURN, 1957-59 Source of plant material 1957 Lb. 8,146 8,365 7,559 5,268 6,672 4,755 5,188 3,760 3,948 5,692 4,420 Dry forage yield per acre 1958 1959 Average Lb. 10,548 10,376 8,939 9,124 8,386 8,958 8,200 9,610 6,960 7,295 6,095 Lb. 7,800 Lb. 8,831 Opp-------------------------Prattville ------------------------------------Headland-----------------------Leighton .-------------------------------Camp Hill ---------------------Crossville----------------Tuskegee-------------------Aliceville Marion Junction Camden------------------Auburn.------------------- 7,669 6,942 8,789 7,866 7,834 7,089 6,160 7,534 5,332 3,230 8,803 7,813 7,727 7,641 7,182 6,826 6,510 6,147 6,106 4,582 differences because of local adaptation are known as ecotypes. Data illustrating this variability are given in Table 1. Bermudagrass ecotypes were collected from 11 locations in Alabama and grown under uniform fertility and moisture conditions at Auburn. Forage yield differences between the ecotypes were striking, Table 1. Several of the highest yielding common Bermudas averaged over 1 ton more of dry forage per acre than did the least productive ecotype. The highest yielding Bermudas generally came from well-drained soils. These soils generally warm up earlier in spring, thus favoring ecotypes that could begin growth early. Natural selection under particular drainage conditions over a long period is probably responsible for occurrence of plants with high yielding ability and early spring growth. The ecotypes differed widely in forage production early in the season. The best Bermudas produced more than twice as much forage by June 5 as did several of the least productive ecotypes, Several of the best common Bermudas made more early season forage than did Coastal. These results suggest that there may bc many adapted types of common Bermuda that are highly produc tive. None, however, equal Coastal in total production. COASTAL BERMUDA Origin Coastal Bermudagrass, named for the Georgia Coastal Plai, Experiment Station where it was developed by G. W. Burton has generally proved to be superior to common Bermuda through out Alabama. It is a hybrid between Tift Bermuda (found by J BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE 5 L. Stephens in an~ old cotton field near Tifton, Georgia, in 1929) and an in troduictioni from Sou th Africa. Description Coastal B~ermuida is (listinillislled fromi commflonl Bermud(a ini nulmber of wvax 5. Stems, stolons. and rh izomeis of C oastal are largrer and1(haxc l'onger interi odes, Fi gore 1. The leix es are longer, torim a more acu te anIgle wxith the stein, and are uisu allx ligYhter green in color than leax cs of comnmon Bermudl~a. Coastal p~lanlts grovex taller thanm comnmonm Berimumda, and may ex\ceedl 20 inc h es inl height. Whereas cotnimlon Ber.- iuira has scedlieacs in ai i- daince unler usiial coinditioni s, C:oastal produIhces fcxx cr heads aind these rar-ekx con tail) via lble seed. Comnlse( 1 nmtl\ Coastal l1ernl iida imust be plan tedi from sprigs. sistanit to I elniitlinsporiiuni leafspot, a (disease that niv cause the leax es of comni Bermuda to tulrn lhroxxl) dur ing late smlimer. i Ioxxex er in -1"- ,1, C oastal Berimutda is more re- - 6"-_. ' 4 ___________ certain xears Coastal Bermum da mlax also) be seriou slx damlagcri l)\ thiS (liSeaSe inl the humomiid Gulf C:oast area of tlhe State. FIG. (left) and Coastal Bermudograss are comn- 1. Plant characteristics of common pored in the photograph. Coastaul Bermumda is apparmIitl\ immune1 to thei roo)It-knot nematode. hTints, it wxill stucceed n(Iliandr wxherc nemnatode-suisceptih le commn Bermuda is tunab~le to make v igorous growth. N lmeromiS tests hux e shown that Coastal spreads faster and is mlore resistant I to w cd ciicroachmen(lt thtan commoniii Bemud~mna. Adaptation Coastal hBermuida is suffiicienlth coild bardv to h~e planted arlx ,where in the State, hilt is produtctix e oxer a shorter p~eriod of the \ ear in the Tennessee Vallex thant in southern Alabama. Oxven- 6 TABLE 2. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DRY FORAGE YIELDS OF COASTAL AND COMMON BERMUDA AT THREE LOCATIONS Location and years of test Nitrogen Dry forage yield per acre applied per Common Coastal acre per year Lb. Lb. 10,299 2,417 5,373 2,597 7,293 Lb. 8,505 2,486 4,036 1,698 4,671 Belle Mina, 1956-58 Camp Hill, 1956-58 Headland, 1953-59 200 0 150 0 160 dry forage yields of Coastal and common Bermuda are given in Table 2. Throughout this bulletin forage yields are reported as oven-dry weight. This is drier than normally cured dry hay, which usually contains about 12 to 15 per cent moisture. When clipped frequently to simulate close grazing and high rates of nitrogen applied, Coastal Bermuda has outyielded common Bermuda over the entire State. Where no nitrogen was applied, the difference has been much less. In some years common Bermuda may commence growth slightly earlier in spring than Coastal Bermuda. When compared with other perennial warm season grasses at many locations over the State, forage yield of Coastal Bermuda was generally equal to or better than any other species tested, Table 3. Coastal Bermuda has been somewhat less satisfactory under conditions of poor drainage in the spring, as experienced TABLE 3. DRY FORAGE YIELDS FROM FOUR WARM SEASON PERENNIAL GRASSES AT NINE LOCATIONS Location and years of test Dry forage yield per acre Nitrogen applied Coastal Pensacola Argentine Dallis Bahia per year Bermuda Bahia Lb. 150 150 200 150 150 200 150 200 160 200 Lb. 7,304 10,278 4,984 6,961 10,720 10,299 5,373 8,438 7,293 17,420 Lb. 8,478 10,266 5,519 8,156 6,832 6,658 6,107 8,445 7,045 9,441 Lb. 7,935 8,869 5,309 4,208 1,4001 Lb. 6,205 4,177" Tuskegee, 1955-59 Prattville, 1955-59 Brewton, 1954-58 Marion Junction, 1957-59-------Alexandria, 1957-59 Belle Mina, 1956-58 Camp Hill, 1956-58 Auburn, 1956-59 Headland, 1953-59 Tallassee, 1958-59 --- 2,920 4,595 4,113 4,004 3,985 4,128 7,911 6,783 1 Argentine Bahia winterkilled after the first year. Yield figure is for 1957 only. SYield figure is average of only 8 years as the stand disappeared. BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE 7 in the test at Tuskegee on Boswell fine sandy loam. For good resuits, poorly-drained areas should be avoided when establishing Coastal Bermuda. Coastal Bermuda is an excellent plant for soil conservation. It forms a dense sod with a deep, extensive root system that holds soil in place. On steep hillsides subject to severe erosion, this grass will conserve the soil while furnishing forage for livestock. An often-overlooked advantage of Coastal Bermuda is that it does not spread from seed as do many other forage grasses. Thus, it is less likely to,become a pest and spread from pastures into areas where it is not wanted. Establishment Coastal Bermuda must be planted from sprigs. This involves problems not encountered with grasses that are established from seed. Certified sprigs are the best guarantee of purity. For planting a large acreage of Coastal Bermuda, it will pay a farmer to establish his own nursery on well-drained soil that is free of common Bermuda. Planting sprigs in moist soil as soon as possible after digging prevents drying and results in a better stand. Many stand failures occur because sprigs dry before planting. It is recommended that planting be done on a well-prepared seedbed as free as possible of common Bermuda. Sprigging Coastal Bermuda in a dense stand of common Bermuda will not give a good stand, as revealed by Georgia research (9). Herbicides, when correctly applied, have proved to be highly effective in controlling common Bermudagrass (11). Previously, common Bermuda has been destroyed by plowing, raking, and burning during dry periods. Before planting it is recommended that lime and fertilizer be applied according to soil test recommendations from the Auburn Agricultural Experiment Station Soil Testing Laboratory. Where row plantings are made, it is desirable to apply fertilizer in the row. Planting in rows 8 feet apart and 18 inches in the row will require 8 to 10 bushels of sprigs per acre. Broadcast planting requires a much larger quantity of sprigs. An advantage of row plantings is that weeds can be controlled by cultivation while the grass is becoming established. Herbicides such as 2,4-D may also be useful in removing competition from broadleaf weeds. 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Fertilization Established Coastal Bermuda stands require fertilization for satisfactory production, preferably according to soil test recommendedations. In the absence of a soil test, an application of 16 pounds per acre nitrogen and 48 pounds per acre each of P20 5 and K20 is recommended. As soon as the stand is established, a topdressing of 45 pounds of nitrogen is needed. In succeeding years, a spring application of 56 pounds per acre each of P20 5 and K20 is recommended. In the absence of legumes and if the grass is to be used for grazing only, an application of 30 pounds per acre of nitrogen is needed in April and again in June. For production of grazing and hay, 40 to, 50 pounds per acre of nitrogen is needed several times during the season up to a total of 200 pounds. Where winter legumes are grown on the grass sod, a different management system is recommended. This system calls for pastures to be closely grazed or mowed in the fall, with 56 pounds per acre each of P20 5 and K20 applied before planting the legume. When legume stands are good, the spring topdressing of nitrogen can be omitted. For high hay yields however, the grass must be topdressed in late June or July. Hay Production Coastal Bermuda has unusual potential as a hay crop, Figure 2. It gives excellent growth response to high rates of nitrogen fertilizer. Over a 4-year period, irrigated Coastal Bermuda in east Texas (5) produced an average of 13 tons of 13 per cent protein hay per acre when fertilized with 1,000 pounds of nitrogen annually. In Georgia (10), over 13 tons of 15 per cent protein hay per acre was obtained when 900 pounds of nitrogen was applied in a year having good rainfall. Work in Florida (7) has also demonstrated the high yield potential of this grass receiving high rates of nitrogen. Georgia results (12) also indicate that Coastal Bermuda gives excellent response to irrigation. However, results of tests in Alabama show that Coastal Bermuda is less likely to give a profitable response to irrigation than many other grasses. As shown in Figure 3, this grass has given excellent response to nitrogen in Alabama. In an experiment at the Wiregrass Substation, Headland, the grasses were cut at 4-week intervals and the nitrogen applied in equal applications on March 1, May 15, BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE ~.' 's ~ ~11 N. FIG. 2. Coastal Bermudogross makes dense growth, as shown in this photograph. and~ Augiist 1 of each \ ear. Co(astal Bermutdal gaiIe a b~etter respneto high rates of nitrogen th an did(common11 Berm i da. WVith tihe 0 andc 50-oundi11( per acre niitrogen rates. C oastal Bermiud~a out.ielkled common101 Berini (a 1b)lt gav e sliglht> lower p~rodluct ion th an Penisacola B~ahia. Nitrogei fertilization ii creases the criide protein content of C oastal lBeri ii 1(1 hav. Research ini Georgia, Table 4, shows that this increase iin crode protein occurred regarless of thte time intervsals b~etween clippinig. Although the crode proteinl content is highest w'shen Coastal is clipped freqluceitl, highest forage yields wiere genierallys ohttainced when clipped at 6-w'seek intersals. Applicatioi s of niitrogen to C oastal Bernmiud~a hase had little effect on si ch chemical com ponents of the forage as fat, fibe(r, and minerals (2. ). Research in Alabama showed that the cellillose content of stems and leases wssas similar and wvas not aflfected b)\ nitrogen fertilization (1). Cosa Bernmu da co res faster than most legumle hay plants btecauise of its lox's er water contenlt and small stems. \Vhen cut at the has stage it i siialls con tains ab~out 30 to 35 per cent dlry mat- 10 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Dr Dry forage, forage, pounds per acre 10,000 l::j cafl] Coastal Bermudagrass Bah Pensacola Bahiagrass J Common Bermudagrass 7,29 6,000- None 80 pounds 160 pounds Nitrogen applied annually 320 30pud pound FIG. 3. Rate of nitrogen affects forage yields of Coastal Bermudagrass, common Bermuda, and Pensacola Bahiagrass, as illustrated by the graph. Data used are from results of 1953-59 studies at the Wiregrass Substation, Headland. ter. Because it cures fast, Coastal Bermuda can be harvested during wet periods of the year when curing time is limited.. Hay harvested at monthly intervals from fertilized Coastal Bermuda at Auburn consisted of up to 90 per cent leaves in midsummer. However, during September and October, leaf percentTABLE 4. EFFECT OF NITROGEN RATE AND CLIPPING FREQUENCY ON CRUDE PROTEIN PERCENTAGE OF OVEN-DRY COASTAL BERMUDAGRASS DURING A 24-WEEK PERIOD, TIFTON, GEORGIA', 1953 Clipping frequency Crude protein content from five rates of nitrogen, pounds per acre 0 100 300, 600 900 Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. 9.98 2 weeks---------_-----_-------- 3 weeks-----_______________ 4 weeks______________________ 6 weeks________________________ 8 weeks 1From 9.65 9.25 7.58 6.88 12.89 11.19 13.60 17.39 20.85 22.86 ------------ 7.76 8.44 16.60 15.23 11.28 10.36 18.80 16.98 13.83 12.20 20.83 19.56 15.34 18.33 _---------- Literature Cited (10), The Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Clipping Frequency upon the Yield, Protein Content, and Certain Morphological Characteristics of Coastal Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L) Pers.) BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE 11 age dropped to about 75 per cent. The higher percentage of stems in late-harvested Coastal Bermuda decreases hay quality. Much Coastal Bermuda hay harvested on farms is of low quality. Delayed cutting and exposure to, rain and sun after cutting are partly responsible for this problem. Generally, cutting at a frequency of 5 to, 6 weeks and prompt storage will materially improve palatability, protein content, and digestibility of the hay. It is often necessary to judge age and quality of Coastal Bermuda hay by physical appearance. Good hay has a bright green color. A bleached white appearance indicates undue exposure to sun and rain. Average stem length of Coastal Bermuda hay cut at 6-week intervals will be less than 18 inches (10). This is considered the maximum average length for good quality Coastal Bermuda hay. The feeding value of Coastal Bermuda hay is dependent to a large extent on fertilizer level, stage of maturity, and season of the year when cut. Other factors that affect its value are the level of concentrates in the ration and the kind of livestock being fed. Coastal Bermuda hay has been satisfactory for wintering brood cows (8). However, Georgia research (8) with steers shows that satisfactory gains and animal finish were not obtained with Coastal Bermuda hay containing 9 per cent crude protein unless large amounts of grain were fed. Alabama work with dairy cattle (6) showed that Coastal Bermudagrass hay having a crude protein content of 10.8 per cent was a poor substitute for 18 per cent protein alfalfa hay when concentrate was fed at the rate of 1 pound to 3 pounds of 4 per cent fat milk. However, this study indicated that Coastal hay may be almost equal to alfalfa when the rate of concentrate feeding is 1 pound to 2 pounds of milk. Pasture Beef Cattle. Grazing experiments have shown that Coastal Bermuda pastures are capable of producing high per acre beef gains when stocked to capacity with steers. However, daily gains per steer have often been low. Average daily gain per animal in Alabama tests range from less than 0.8 pound at the Piedmont Substation, Camp Hill, to about 1.25 pounds at Headland. Daily gain per steer did not increase as larger quantities of nitrogen were applied. 12 TABLE ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT 5. STATION FORAGE YIELD AND STEER GAIN ON THREE SUMMER GRASSES AT THE WIREGRASS SUBSTATION, 1953-57 AVERAGES Average daily stockingrate, steers per acre Grass Nitrogen applied per acre Oven-dry forage yield per acre Steer gain per acre Coastal Bermuda Pensacola Bahia Common Bermuda Lb. 0 80 160 320 0 80 160 0 80 160 Lb. 5,050 7,813 11,303 13,419 3,205 5,482 6,473 2,484 5,159 7,401 Lb. 254 337 482 625 221 291 353 102 226 295 No. 1.35 1.71 2.68 3.49 1.25 1.79 2.02 0.74 1.40 1.81 Steer grazing data obtained over a 5-year period in cooperation with the Animal Husbandry and Nutrition Department and Wiregrass Substation point out the superiority of Coastal Bermuda in steer gain per acre, Table 5. In this experiment, pastures were stocked with enough yearling steers to, utilize the forage at each season of the year. Average annual length of grazing season was 168 days. Coastal Bermuda was much more responsive to high rates of nitrogen than common Bermuda or Pensacola Bahia. In addition, nitrogen fertilization increased the crude protein content of the herbage. Where 320 pounds per acre of nitrogen was applied annually, average steer gain per acre per year was 625 pounds for the 5-year period. Coastal Bermuda without nitrogen fertilizer but with some legume growth produced about 250 pounds of steer gain per acre annually. Application of nitrogen resulted in larger total gains from Coastal Bermuda than from Pensacola Bahia or common Bermuda. Slaughter finish of yearling animals grazing Coastal Bermuda has not been satisfactory. In the experiments at the Wiregrass Substation, the cattle were predominantly Utility when removed from pasture at the end of summer. High rates of nitrogen are recommended for increasing the forage yield and protein content of Coastal Bermuda pastures. This raises the question of how nitrogen fertilization affects forage palatability to livestock. Georgia grazing tests with steers (3) showed that palatability was substantially improved by nitrogen fertilization. Even with an unusually high rate of 1,500 pounds BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE 13 per acre, there was no evidence that nitrogen decreased palatability. Dairy Cattle. Coastal Bermuda pasture cannot be recommended as the sole source of roughage for high-producing dairy cows, based on studies in cooperation with the Department of Dairy Husbandry over a 3-year period. Cows on Coastal Bermuda, Pensacola Bahia, and Dallisgrass fertilized with 250 to 300 pounds of nitrogen per acre showed comparable lactation response. These species failed to support high milk production and were inferior to alfalfa hay. Cows in these experiments received a concentrate mixture at the rate of 1 pound per 4 pounds of 4 per cent fat milk. Irrigation gave a small increase in forage yield, but it did not change the downward trend in lactation. Likewise, rotational grazing of Coastal Bermuda offered no advantage from the standpoint of milk production. The crude protein content of herbage in these pastures declined from over 15 per cent in May down to about 10 per cent in October. Probably Coastal Bermuda pasture can best be used in the dairy program as a low cost roughage for heifers and dry cows. Grazing Management. For good quality grazing, plants must be kept in an immature state and not allowed to grow too tall. Best results are obtained by fencing a large pasture into smaller units, so animals can be rotated among the areas and surplus forage cut for hay. Cattle droppings are usually a problem in pasture as livestock will not eat rank growth around them. Droppings can be scattered when pasture growth is short by using a drag or spike-tooth harrow. Under continuous grazing, forage removal becomes uneven, resulting in large clumps of coarse unpalatable grass. Clipping with a rotary or sickle-type mower removes unpalatable herbage and causes the plants to put out tender new growth. Legumes with Coastal Bermuda Growing an annual legume in association with Coastal Bermuda has two advantages: (1) The grazing season is extended by several months and good quality forage is available when summer grasses are dormant; and (2) the legume supplies nitrogen to the grass, thus stimulating growth of the Coastal Bermuda in early summer, Figure 4. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT STATION STATION rte I ~~ ' .5 'H. f }'y M , xaqI- oss is w.here a good stand of FIG. 4. Th, . err or Coosra. b~uu Auburn woollypod vetch was grown the preceding winter and no commercial nitrogen was applied. The photograph was made June 11. nld~a les greatIN in creased prou ct ivity of Co~astal BerAnniua~l legum 1i clippoig tests at three location s in the state, T able 6. Legumes in the p)astulre sward1 more than doubled Yijeld of the Coastal Bieni iida ini the ab sence of nitrogen f ertil izer. The \alue of legnles wxas demonstrated ex en when niitrogeni was applied. Researclh results in Georgia (12) showx that when a winter leaiiine is grown, it is p~rofitab~le to apple up to 200) pounds per acre of niroen TI .1(1. 6. 1. I F oi ('ox-,!xi. Briixu DA5 \listuirc Camnp Ilill. 1956-58 Auburn, 1956-59 Hel~nmd, 195~6-59 (I N 15(11). N u N\ 200 11).N 0 N 160( II. N Lb. 2,417 Coastal 131!illtl(a +p LI 1. 5,373 I . 2,266 6,629 (i,.386 I. Lb. Lb. 1 ) 3,852 8,4.38 1,667 11,924 11,626 3,228 4.12 1 7.9 13 8,336 5,135Coas~tal B~ei mudIa ( >uitol BIl -+ 7,699 7,524 5,97() :3,868 uuuda +- 4.871 BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE 15 Crimson clover and woollypod vetch have generally given the highest legume yields. White clover stands are often difficult to obtain on Coastal Bermuda sod unless moisture conditions are unusually good. Results at the Wiregrass Substation from 1953 to 1959 showed almost complete stand failure of white clover each year. Crimson clover yields from clipping tests are often larger than those from vetch. Vetch is likely to, be damaged more than crimson clover by close, frequent cutting, resulting in poor recovery growth. Actually, under pasture conditions the defoliation is more gradual, thus permitting the vetch to continue growth over a longer period. The effect of woollypod vetch growth in extending the productive season of a Coastal Bermuda sod is shown in Figure 5. Generally, vetch has extended the grazing season by at least 2 months in the spring and increased midsummer growth of grass. The low production in June was because of drought. Nitrogen fertilization FIG. 5. Seasonal forage production of Coastal Bermudagrass is affected by vetch growth and nitrogen application, as illustrated by the graph above. Nitrogen was applied at rate of 50 pounds per acre on March 15, May 5, June 25, and August 15. Forage harvested before May was entirely vetch. Data given are 1956 results obtained in a project at the Dairy Research Unit, Auburn. 16 TABLE ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL 7. FORAGE PRODUCTION OF WINTER EXPERIMENT STATION ANNUALS UNDER GRAZING PLANTED ON COASTAL BERMUDA SOD, TALLASSEE, WINTER 1955-56 Grazing period Crop and nitrogen treatment Dry forage per acre Crimson clover Woollypod vetch Abruzzi rye + 120 lb. N/a Rye + 120 lb. N/a + vetch Lb. Stand lost from drought 5,117 5,450 7,129 Feb. to May Late Dec. to May Late Dec. to May alone did not extend the productive season of the grass, but only resulted in additional growth in midsummer. Vetch stands are generally easier to obtain than crimson clover because the larger seed and more vigorous seedlings permit deeper planting to take advantage of soil moisture. This advantage is illustrated by the forage yields from cage clippings harvested during one season from winter annuals planted on Coastal Bermuda sod at the Plant Breeding unit, Tallassee, Table 7. Fall drought eliminated crimson clover, whereas rye and vetch persisted and made good growth with November rain. In this experiment, sod-seeded rye gave good results. However, in other State tests, sod-seeding of small grains has generally given unsatisfactory results. Stand failures of crimson clover have been more common than those of woollypod vetch planted on Coastal Bermuda sod. Fall droughts have generally been a serious deterrent to establishment of crimson clover on sod in the Wiregrass area. Grazing studies also indicate the value of winter legumes with Coastal Bermuda. In the fall of 1957 the grazing paddocks at the Wiregrass Substation, previously referred to in Table 5, were seeded to woollypod vetch on the grass sod. During 1958, beef gains per acre were much higher than in any of the previous 5 years when vetch was not planted on the grass sod, Table 8. Gains per animal were also higher. Coastal Bermuda-vetch with no nitrogen gave a total beef gain per acre of 477 pounds with an average daily stocking rate of 2.1 steers per acre. In a cooperative experiment with the Animal Husbandry and Nutrition Department and the Piedmont Substation, steers were grazed on Coastal Bermuda-crimson clover receiving no nitrogen fertilizer. The annual animal gain per acre was 301 pounds in 1956 and 406 pounds in 1957. Results with brood cows and calves on Coastal Bermuda-leg- BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE 17 WITH TABLE 8. FORAGE YIELD AND STEER GAIN ON THREE SUMMER GRASSES WOOLLYPOD VETCH, WIREGRASS SUBSTATION, 1958 Crop Nitrogen applied Oven-dry forage yield, Steer gain per acre acre Coastal Bermuda per acre per acre Lb. 7,966 6,318 6,911 9,706 4,191 6,308 9,067 4,392 8,599 9,712 per acre Lb. 477 534 773 806 335 484 456 331 558 487 stocking rate, steers /acre No. 2.10 2.29 2.93 3.60 1.65 1.80 2.03 1.21 2.12 2.69 Average daily + vetch Pensacola Bahia + vetch.__________ Common Bermuda + vetch.______ Lb. 0 80 160 320 0 80 160 0 80 160 ume swards have been encouraging. In these tests at Camp Hill during 1958, a total of 415 pounds calf gain per acre was obtained while grazing Coastal Bermuda-crimson clover. A combination of Coastal Bermuda-crimson clover-woollypod vetch in 1959 gave 387 pounds of calf gain per acre. Coastal Bermuda's greatest potential is probably as a forage plant for brood cows and calves, particularly on upland soils that tend to be droughty. The feed requirements of brood cows can be amply met with a forage such as Coastal Bermuda, particularly when grown with a winter legume. OTHER BERMUDA VARIETIES A number of other Bermuda varieties have been developed by selection and breeding. They are of little importance in the State. Results of tests with these varieties are briefly discussed. Midland Bermuda Midland is a hybrid between Coastal and a cold-resistant common Bermudagrass from Indiana. It is taller, leafier, and more disease resistant than common Bermuda and is more cold resistant than Coastal. However, once established, Coastal is sufficiently cold hardy for northern Alabama and trials in northern and central Alabama show no yield superiority of Midland over Coastal, Table 9. Midland has made more early spring growth than Coastal at Alexandria and Auburn but not at Belle Mina. Midland, like Coastal, must be established from sprigs. 18 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL 1 AI)L 9. D )il EXPERIMENT STATION YILDS 1)' FORAG \CL COA(I)PL, (,it1 INI ItD MIDLA). ND, ANDI N itrogen 1 DlI Coastal forage y itld per acre fil I'l, )eT acre iln SiixxaIOc per year Lb. _Auburn. 1957-59 i LI). 11,218 \i~n LI). L). 8,146 12,)061 LI). 7,881 250 \lcea nd i a 1957-59 Betlie Milna, 1956-5; Tallase., 1958-59 150) 20(0 200 10,720 1(0 11 17.-420 10,657 9200 1.5,195 Suwanee Bermuda Th is \ arietx is an other Station . ri (1 (ley eloped at the Georgria Coastal It is similar to Coastal except that it Plain Experim~eot makes a mucih more open Sod,. thus being less comopetitix e wxith weed((s. Stlw aiee is mutch more difficuilt to establish, b)ecautse of mere rapidl drx ii g out of sprigs after planltinig. G;eor-gia research (4) indicates that on (leep saodv soils of the Coastal Plain, Suwxxanee is higher \ itldinig and1( more efhecien t in its u se of nul trienits and wxater. Suwxxanee has not demonstrated anix adv\antage in Alabamna and has x ieldled somew hat lowxer than Coastal, Table 9. W\initerkilling has b~een a prob~leml wxith Suiwanee in the en tral part of the State, Figure 6. Greenfield Bermuda muida in O)klahonma. C reen field is a wx inter lhardx selection made from comon B)1IeI It has 1)11r1 le stolofis wXithl short rhizom es FIG. 6. Su~wanee Bermudagrass stand (center) was lost during itler of 1957-58. as shown by photograph made May 1, 1958, at Auburn. Coastal, left, and Greenfield, right, Bermuda varieties were not damaged. BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE th at form a dei se sod. Propagation is )\ sprigs. In one experiment at AXlllilrf oX ( a 3-ear period, it NXvas colisidleralh l\ ower \ieldiling thaii Coastal or \Iidlaiid, Table 9. NK-37 Bermuda N K-:37 arel pliaited 1Thiis is a giant commion Bermui tda selected ini Arizonac. froi i seed, has cexeellei t seedlllin r~\ig(or and miakes rap)id growXthi after p)lan tinig. Ilestlts of tests at Antibirn, T ah le 10, K37 gV(XX mnore rapil\ and( sIligh tly outs idlled liowX that Nh -:37 «Xas cxIOX Coastal da roig the estalilishiiit X iar. I1\-vr X('. treiiielx susceptible to I lclriiitlosporiuii lcafspot, the (lisease appeavil g oni the leaX (5 ini late siumomer. Staods of the X ariet\ liax c lo prXIOX 1cc )eiIladll dam:11agedl (lirin g the wXinter, iesi ltin(, ill (Ilictioli the [olowXXini \ car. Figuire 7. This xarietx is riot iecriiiieiiledl for planiting iin Alabamoa. 'I53110. c ni)13 l'imcr i I) n \ K ), CoSAL Sinc 1956-59 ofI p uut~Iirs 1 AND ( OMMON Hi IT\It 1) V ariety 1955 , 195 II). K 37 \K k-37 \itlncgeo rcite was 50 po)undsrii per acre jnc LI). 1 15 see 6.*599c 6 658 a d Aui1~guist (6. sprig"' 1~6 9,u li FIG. 7. Loss of NK-37 Bermudagross (center) by disease and winterkilling is shown May 24 at Auburn. Midland is at left and common Bermuda at right. 20 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION SUMMARY Common Bermuda, a vigorous perennial warm season grass, varies widely in plant characteristics, depending on the ecotype. None of the local Bermudagrass ecotypes in Alabama has equalled Coastal in production. Coastal, a hybrid, is cold hardy enough for the entire State and has generally given forage yields equal to, or better than other species tested. Hay yields of over 8 tons per acre have been obtained. It is not adapted to conditions of poor drainage. Higher steer gains per acre have been achieved with Coastal Bermuda than with other perennial warm season grasses tested. However, daily gains per animal have not been high unless a winter legume was grown with the grass. Satisfactory results have been obtained with brood cows and calves on Coastal Bermuda and clover or vetch. Coastal Bermuda has failed to maintain a high level of lactation when used as the sole source of roughage for high-producing dairy cows. Growing a winter legume on Coastal Bermuda sod has extended the grazing season, increased forage yield, and improved animal performance. Midland Bermuda has given high forage yields but has shown no superiority over Coastal. Suwanee is difficult to establish and not cold hardy enough except in southern Alabama. Greenfield and NK-37 are inferior to Coastal and Midland. BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE 21 BERMUDAGRASS for FORAGE 2 LITERATURE CITED (1) W. B. Cellulose Content of the Leaves and Stems of Several Grasses and Relation of Season to Cellulose Digestibility. Jour. of Animal Sci. 15:1274. 1956. ANTHONY, (2) (3) C. W. Coastal Bermudagrass. Ca. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. N.S. 2:1-31. 1954. BURTON, ---------------------------The Palatability of Coastal Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L) Pers.) as Influenced by Nitrogen Level and Age. Agron. Jour. 48:360-362. 1956. ____________________AND DEVANE, E. H. Suwanee Bermudagrass. Coastal Plain Agr. Expt. Sta. Mimeo. 80: (1). 1953. FISHER, (4) Ca. (5) (6) F. L. AND CALDWELL, A. C. The Effects of Heavy Rates of Fertilizers on Forage Production and Quality of Coastal Bermudagrass. Agron. Jour. 51:99-102. 1959. C. E. Coastal Bermudagrass vs. Alfalfa Hay as A Dairy Feed. Auburn Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Highlights of Agricultural Research. Vol. 5, No. 8. 1958. HAWKINS, (7) MCCLOUD, D. E. Coastal Bermuda and Pangola Respond to High Nitrogen. Chilean Nitrate Farm Forum, No. 55. pages 10-11. December 1955. (8) MCCORMICK, W. C., HALE, 0. M., AND SOUTHWELL, B. L. Comparative Value of Coastal Bermudagrass Silage and Hay for Fattening Steers. Ca. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. N.S. 10:1-15. 1957. (9) J. P., ELROD, J. M., CRAIGMILES, J. P., AND CROWDER, L. V. The Feasibility of Establishing Coastal Bermudagrass in a Common Bermuda Sod. Agron. Jour. 51:751-752. 1959. NEWTON, (10) M. AND BURTON, C. W. The Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Clipping Frequency upon the Yield, Protein Content, and Certain Morphological Characteristics of Coastal Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon, (L) Pers.). Agron. Jour. 48:296-301. 1956. PRINE, C. SEARCY, (11) (12) V. S. Chemical Control of Johnson and Bermudagrass Now a Fact. Auburn Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Highlights of Agricultural Research. Vol. 4, No. 1. 1957. J. L. AND MARCHANT, W. H. The Influence of Irrigation, Rates of Nitrogen, and Interplanted Crops on Forage Production of Coastal Bermudagrass. Ga. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. N.S. 12:1-15. 1958. STEPHENS, 22 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT Much of the data reported in this publication were collected by W. R. Langford, formerly of the Agronomy and Soils Department. Other project leaders who actively cooperated in some of the experimental work were E. M. Evans, R. M. Patterson, and R. A. Burdett, Agronomy and Soils Department; W. B. Anthony, Department of Animal Husbandry and Nutrition; and G. H. Rollins, Department of Dairy Husbandry. Assistance of the personnel of substations and experiment fields, who harvested and cared for many of the experimental plots, is also acknowledged.