. 'rA BULLETIN 327 JUNE 1960 ESTABLISHMENT and MAINTENANCE of WHITE CLOVER-GRASS Alabama PASTURES AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION A U BU RN E. V. SMITH, Director UN IV ER S ITY Auburn, Alabama CONTENTS Page EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES -------------RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS -----------------3 4 L im e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Nitro ge n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Phosph orus--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - 5 Po tassiu m -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 Combined Effect of Lime, Phosphate, and PotashFrequency of Fertilization Application-9 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS-- 8 9 ---9 Factors to be Considered -----Species-Site Combination-----Land Preparation or Renovation-11 -10 - 12 S eed -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Time and Method of Planting-13 F ertilizers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 Weed (C ontrol-----------------------------------14 Clover-G rass Balance-----------------------------15 S UM M AR Y -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 LITERATURE CITED ------------------------------------ 17 ACKNOW LEDGM ENT------------------------------------17 A P PE N DIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 eRC' -Beef cattle on improved white clover-grass pasture. FIRST PRINTING 5M JUNE 1960 Establishment and Maintenance of White Clover-Grass Pastures in Alabama L. E. ENSMINGER, Soil Chemist E. M. EVANS, Associate Agronomist A LABAMA HAS ABOUT 212 million acres of improved white clover-grass permanent pastures. In addition, there are at least 2 million acres of unimproved pasture land in the State. Many of the so-called improved pastures are not highly productive because of lack of adequate lime and fertilizer and/or other poor management. Thus, the carrying capacity of Alabama pastures could be greatly increased by better management of improved pastures, as well as by development of unimproved pasture land. Most soils in Alabama are inherently low in available potassium and even lower in available phosphorus. With the exception of some Black Belt land, soils of the State are moderately to strongly acid. Fertility problems involved in establishment of pastures were recognized early. The Agricultural Experiment Station began a pasture fertility research program in 19389 that has been expanded gradually. This bulletin summarizes pertinent results of this research showing response of permanent pastures to lime and fertilizer and gives recommended production practices. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Many of the pasture fertility experiments were conducted on farmers' fields. Therefore, a wide variety of conditions was covered. The main objective of early phases of the fertility work was to determine if lime and fertilizers were needed to establish and maintain productive clover-grass pastures. Later phases have been more concerned with lime and fertilizer rates needed for most economical production of herbage. These phases have also been concerned with nutrient balances and interactions. 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION In most cases herbage yield was the only measure of lime and fertilizer effects. In more recent experiments, nutrient uptake and soil analysis were used along with yields to measure treatment effects. Soil analysis data are being correlated with yield response. In evaluating data given in this report, the authors recognize that clipping yields do not represent total yields for a season. Often only one clipping was made during the peak growth period for clover and perhaps another during the peak growth period for the grass. More frequent clipping would probably have shown greater treatment effects. RESULTS of EXPERIMENTS Lime Dry matter 4 o0 yield, 3 pounds per acre 4040 3489 3,82 White clover is often grown with grasses in permanent pasture. This combination pro- duces a high-quality feed and gives better seasonal distribu2,421 2,00 tion of forage than from grass ] ~alone. poo, o , 2 3 The clover also furnishes some nitrogen or grass following the main flush of clover growth. Many soils of the State are well adapted to white clover if properly limed and fertilized. mixtures to lime Lime per acre, tons FIG. 1. Effect of lime on yield of clovergrass pastures is shown by the graph.t Yields are averages of 21 experiments. The response of clover-grass has been de- termined at several locations. Data for individual locations are given in Appendix Tables 1, 2, and 3. A weighted average for all locations is given in Figure 1. Lime increased forage about 70 per cent, with most of the increase coming from the first ton of lime. The herbage yields given include both grass and clover. If only clover yields had been determined, the relative yield increase would have been much larger. Many of the locations produced no clover without lime. Although 1 ton of lime per acre will usually be adequate for establishment of clover-grass pastures on moderately acid soils, WHITE CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES 5 yields may not be maintained for long without additional lime. Applying lime according to soil test prior to seeding gives best results. After establishment it is recommended that lime needs be determined at regular intervals and the soil maintained at pH 6.0 or above. Nitrogen Vigorous white clover stands are capable of fixing large amounts of atmospheric nitrogen in forms usable by plants. With moderate grazing, enough nitrogen remains after the spring flush of clover growth to produce a satisfactory growth of summer grass. Under such conditions only slight benefit may be expected from application of commercial nitrogen. In situations where stand and growth of clover are not satisfactory and additional summer grass is needed, application of nitrogen fertilizer may be desirable. Data obtained under such conditions from a grazing experiment at the Black Belt Substation during 1952-57 are given below (5): Nitrogen treatment, lb./acre 0 40 80 160 Forage, lb./acre, 4-yr. average 3,536 5,106 5,594 6,529 Beef, lb./acre, 5-yr. average 168 261 291 312 Nitrogen applications at rates up to 80 pounds per acre were of definite benefit for forage production and beef gains. This practice does not adequately substitute for good clover growth, since the earlier growth of clover usually extends the grazing season 30 to 60 days. Phosphorus Laboratory and field data show that phosphorus accumulates in soils as a result of past fertilization and this accumulation is of real value for crop production (4). Because of variation in past fertilization, soils throughout the State now range from low to very high in available phosphorus. Data showing response of clover-grass pastures to superphosphate are presented in Appendix Table 4. Weighted averages for all locations are given in Figure 2. A response to as much as 80 pounds of P2 0 5 is indicated by average yields. Many locations included in Figure 2 had received little or no past phosphate fertilization. 6 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION FIG. 2. Effect of phosphorus fertilization on yield of clover-grass pastures is shown by the graph. Yields are averages of 23 experiments. FIG. 3. Effect of potassium fertiliza- tion on yield of clover-grass pastures is shown by the graph. Yields are averages of 25 experiments. Since the yield figures presented do not represent total herbage produced, a complete economic analysis cannot be made. However, based on the data presented, phosphate fertilization appears to be a paying practice in terms of increased forage production. Superphosphate applied at the rate of 80 pounds P 2 0 5 per acre annually increased herbage production about 1,800 pounds. Phosphorus is the mineral most likely to be deficient for grazing animals. The minimum phosphorus requirement in forage varies with the type of animal grazing. Setting a minimum figure is difficult, since borderline cases often pass as normal. Young animals and nursing cows require a higher level than older cattle and dry cows. Studies in Texas (6) indicate a minimum phosphorus content of 0.14 per cent for maintenance of grazing cattle. Effect of phosphorus fertilization and lime on phosphorus content and yields of white clover is given in Table 1. The phosphorus content of clover from unphosphated plots and those receiving the raw phosphates was near the critical level for certain types of cattle; clover from the superphosphate-treated plots appeared adequate for all types of cattle. Leguminous crops are usually higher in phosphorus than non-legumes, but the content of either is determined to a large extent by available phosphorus in the soil. Lime increased the uptake of phosphorus where superphosphate had been applied. Rock and colloidal phosphates WHITE CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES TABLE 1. EFFECT OF LIME AND SOURCES OF PHOSPHORUS ON YIELD AND PHOSPHORUS CONTENT OF WHITE CLOVER GROWN ON VAIDEN CLAY 7 Source of phosphorus Yield per acre and phosphorus content, for liming rates None 1 ton 2 tons 3 tons P Yield P Yield P Yield P Yield Pct. 0.18 0.28 0.22 0.20 Lb. 768 5,926 840 988 Pct. 0.18 0.32 0.22 0.17 Lb. 706 5,620 660 1,072 Pct. 0.17 0.81 0.16 0.17 Lb. 698 6,243 793 978 Pct. 0.17 0.81 0.15 0.17 Lb. None_____ _ 534 Superphosphate__,__. 5,220 Rock phosphate------ 2,000 Colloidal 2,103 phosphate -.......... 1 All phosphates applied at rate of 160 pounds of PO5 per acre. produced much less clover than superphosphate and their efficiency decreased with increasing amounts of lime. There are several sources of phosphorus on the market at present. Results from research in Alabama on sources (3) show superphosphate to be satisfactory under a wide range of soil conditions. Most other processed phosphates are satisfactory sources for pastures. Raw phosphates (colloidal and rock) have not produced as much herbage as superphosphate when compared on the basis of equal P2 0 5 or equal cost. Potassium Grasses take up more potassium than do associated clovers (2). Data reported by Alabama workers (7) show that yield of white clover decreases when the potassium content drops below 1.8 per cent, whereas yield of Dallisgrass is not affected until potassium content drops below about 0.5 per cent. This means that clovers are more likely to respond to potassium than grasses in a mixed pasture. Continued use of phosphate without adequate potassium may cause a potassium deficiency, as shown by results of a grazing experiment at the Black Belt Substation (1). During the first 7 years plots receiving 800 pounds of superphosphate per acre every 3 years produced more beef than plots getting 400 pounds. However, during the last 4 years the 400-pound rate of superphosphate out-yielded the 800-pound rate. After 7 years white clover growing on the plots receiving 800 pounds of superphosphate showed symptoms of potassium deficiency. The most characteristic symptom is development of small white spots near the edge of the leaflets. In severe cases marginal leafburn develops and the leaflet may die. 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION IHesi lts shiowxing the response of pasti ires to potassiti in are (Ox\ en ini\ppendix Table .5. Axcragc respon se x aloi(s for all location s are gix ('1 i in ken ire 1. Tbhe ax (lage resp)onrse to 40 pomiiids of K..( xxas .525 pounrds of herb age. lT(e responise for the second -401)0111( imiercemet wxas 4ny3 poiiidsxwhicli is little more thian enou01gh to pa, 10r the additional K-0. Combined Effect of Lime, Phosphate, and Potash tIhe dlatat presen tedl thuiii sh owx the scpirate effects, of limei far phiosphl)rus, Midl Potassilit. Iii Table 2 are (data shini ii the effect of noi treatniieit x e-sis liiie plus phosphoris and~ potassimnu. Liite and~ inierals incereasedl clippim ig v ields 2 toi is. IThe xveiglht(' ax r(.1aes for thle sex e locations sh oxw an in crease of 2,933 po0l1Ids AND) PO- ,H r tilie .icilii] p lidnemttrLiddprar per acr So le 2.1ih Is 1\ il :33 Och7c i7(i 5 271 In.37 s l it- (j0 SO 01 (1 10 li 311 Wi 4,255 :ii 3,779 :3.9:37 _ 5,21I6 3,926 3,139 ti W1 il . 1 )I '* " a . ) n s FI. 4 h FIG 4.Theplotreceived lime, phosphate, and potash; untreated plot is at left at Susquehanna fine sandy loam on Brabhom Farm near Coiner. igh. Silis WHITE CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES 9 of forage. Since clipping yields do not reflect total yields for a season, the actual increases would be greater. The combined effect of lime, phosphate, and potash on growth of white clover is illustrated by Figure 4. Frequency of Fertilizer Application Many experiments have been conducted to determine how frequency of phosphate and potash application affects herbage yields. Yields for the various locations are given in Appendix Table 6. Average yields for the eight locations are given below: Frequency of application Annually Every 2 years Every 3 years Average yields, lb./acre 8,581 3,692 3,639 It is evident from these data that periodic applications of phosphate and potash are as efficient as annual applications for soils well adapted to white clover. An experiment was conducted at the Black Belt Substation from 1933 to 1942 to determine effect of frequency of superphosphate application on efficiency as measured by beef gains. The 3-year and annual applications (equivalent amounts) produced similar amounts of beef, Table 3. Observations indicate that this may not be true for soils very deficient in phosphorus and potassium or for very sandy soils susceptible to leaching of potassium. TABLE 3. YIELDS OF BEEF AS INFLUENCED BY RATE AND FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION OF SUPERPHOSPHATE, BLACK BELT SUBSTATION, 1933-42 Superphosphate treatments Rate per acre Lb. 0 .................1 200 400 600 -3 1,200 SStocking Frequency Beef produced per acre annually' Lb. 88 241 307 276 352 Increased beef production per acre Lb. 53 119 88 164 annually annually years 8 years rate was adjusted according to forage available for grazing. DISCUSSIONS and RECOMMENDATIONS Factors to be Considered Although lime and fertilizer are important in establishment and maintenance of good pastures, other factors must be considered. 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION These include species-site combination, land preparation, quality of seed, time and method of planting, weed control, and grazing intensity. Species-site combination. The productive capacity of a soil is determined largely by its moisture relationships-the ability to absorb, to hold against gravity, and to release water to growing plants. This, in turn, is influenced by soil texture, depth, and slope. The intermediate-textured or loamy soils have the best moisture relationships. Alluvial soil areas, such as creek bottoms and river terraces, usually have a large percentage of mediumtextured soils. Although an individual farm may have only a limited area of soil well suited to production of a certain grass-legume combination, there are climatically-adapted pasture species that can be successfully grown on most Alabama soils. Selection of crops best suited for the soil situation is one of the most important steps in developing pastures. Dallisgrass-white clover is a combination best adapted to moist, well-drained bottom lands of medium texture and to the heavy clay soils of the Black Belt. Seasonal distribution of beef gains and carrying capacity for this combination on such soils is shown Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. FIG. 5. This graph shows seasonal distribution of beef gains and carrying capacity of Dallisgrass-clover pastures on alkaline soils at Black Belt Substation. received 1,200 pounds superphosphate every 3 years (from Lit. Ref. 1). Pasture WHITE CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES in F igurc 5. 1n niortherti Alab~ama orchardgtass should be inc~ludedQ inl the nmixtuire. MIam Alab amna soils arc not wxell adlaptedl to D~allisgrass. O ther adap~tedl grasses nmax be usedl to advatg i uhsis Coas~ital Beron udagfrass and~ cimson clov er hax e beet the most produuctive( species for li ght-textinirci sandv or drouightx uplands. Pen sacola Balhiagrass is lhest aclapted to moist, sandx lands of central utid southern Alaama. Although it persists oni drotighty oin suche sites, B~ah ia is not as prodiuctix e as Coastal Ben iiudagrass soils. It comupetes xxessiI wihearpctgrass if tnot ox ergratedl atnd( if fertil ized property. Tall fescemc is Wxell su itedI to t elatix clx wet areas in ccintral and niorthern Alabamna. Lad ino) white clox er has been) the most suctcessfu l l('glttul groxx) n xith tall fescue. Landl( preparationi or renov ation. The tx pe of land preparation Xx dlepend( on wxhat is growxinig oil the landl. W\herci( desirab~le ill p~lan ts arc alreadx growxingf it miax 1be desirab~le to onlx scarifx the land so an other species can be added. For newx scedin gs the laid ito tst be p)reparedI far etnouIgh ahead of seeding to be settled 1bm t'ains. .45R.' 't t a '';T +? f r * ~ -'~'J FIG. 6. Good stand at left is on arca that was well prepared by plowing and Fertilizing and seeding was the same. disking. Area on right wos nat prepared. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 0I i an11HifestedI wxith undesirale Perennial species. it is de) siral ) to use a hertiie before seedlin g to lDall is grass and cl) )Xcr. EN (cm if the dIesired species can he establishedl it Itlay be itoPossile to mtaintajin them for al 'lengtb ot time ill the preCseceC of highI\ coinpetitiX C untdelsirablC Plants. Use of I alapon has prox cd to be as good, or better. than lan(I Preparation to retiox ate carpet(Yrass pasture for (stablishmenCtt of XXhite CIoX er. I IoXX\ er, Hsonic Cin cases it is preferab)IC to use b)0th herFbicide and( land( 1)reparationl. Unes ]c5 oil )tCIX CradIicated, itt desirable spcies tiaY ain croXXd( ouit the cloXrr eF specially uniderC untfaXvorable grazing toatawct) (1t. TheC (ff[ct of renioXatijot) of carpetgrass sod bIX luid preparation) is shown in Ft) tie 6. A g~ood1 stand( of cloX Cr Xwas ohtaind )t carpetyrass Xwas inot comt)plete\ eradIicated. IC(I. seed. Xwh)ite cloXe t a Ct cloXe CF CrtiftCed seed of eithert Lad itno or atl iitetrt )diate t)vXbe utsed Xwith I allistlrass. l IoXXcX CF. stincC t\p XXhiitC n~Xtot stttX kXc SX elt( Sottmtmer (Irou'Fttst it is adX isall to use( a (lOX Cr that Xwill )roduice sit fhicit seed for t iatt tral reseedIitt. California ILaditno ttsttall proucms eno(ugh~ sCCed tor rescedni. XX llrcas O(r Lad(t I.ino does (CStot. A comparisoni of f~oXXerit" itert~mediate XwIhite (loX Cr atn1 ( )ron Ladino0 is sh)oX1)ni in Fi of~1 t FC Ihe secCi(liF rate of XXhIite CIOX r is 3 to 5 jpotttis of itiottluitcd r x .' ST r o 5 FIG. 7. Difference in flowei~ng between intiermcliatc w.hite ciov' r .r -..a . re gon Lodino grown on Pittman Form near Auburn. Fertilization was the same for bath plots. WHITE CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES 13 seed per acre. Under ideal conditions 1 pound will give a good stand. Dallisgrass is difficult to establish even with the best seed available. Either domestic or imported seed may be used. Domestic seed is likely to be lower in germination than imported seed. Dallisgrass is seeded at the rate of 10 pounds of live seed per acre. It is important that seeding rate be adjusted to live seed basis, since germination of domestic seed is often as low as 60 per cent. Time and method of planting. White clover is seeded in early fall. For best results the land must be well prepared and should be culti-packed after seeding. Later fall seedings are more subject to being lost by heaving. Dallisgrass is seeded in late February or March on top of fall-seeded white clover. It may be broadcast, but drilling is preferred in most cases. On droughty land that is not well adapted to Dallisgrass, it may be better to seed Dallisgrass in the spring on well-prepared land and then overseed with clover in the fall. This gives the Dallisgrass a chance to become established without competition from clover. Lime. Lime must be applied for production of white clover on soils below pH 6.0. The amount of lime needed depends on the soil and can best be determined by soil test. Most soils require 2 tons or less. This is not an expensive treatment since a lime application should last for 4 or 5 years. Liming is of first importance and lime needs must be met if fertilizer treatments are to be effective. Fertilizers. Data presented in Figures 2 and 3 show that, on the average, pastures need 80 pounds of P20 5 and 40 pounds of K20 per acre annually for maintenance. Areas that had not been fertilized to any extent previously responded to as much as 120 pounds of P20 5 per acre, Table 4. Soils known to be low in available phosphorus require about double the maintenance application for establishment. The extra phosphorus increases growth and improves seedling vigor. The amount of fertilizer needed for either establishment or maintenance is best determined by soil test. For most soils maintenance applications may be applied either annually or a double amount every 2 years. Even though data presented show that 3-year applications are satisfactory, the chances of lowering efficiency are greater than with 2-year applications. Thus, application at 3-year intervals is not recommended. 14 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION PAY per ac~ apliedt tre Norfolk o -- - ------- - ----------- 200 ;310- ------------ - 1.799 2.722 2,814 :3.851 296 1,087 2,372 4.085 2,063 2,906 41 ifl 100 (il(1 Feed control. Good andIil iiaiiteiiaiie inai ia~rcn1t is essein1tial inl estal1ishmci it of pernllint pastures. \laiia(emenlt p~ractices AI I\ space occu(1piedl I~ )V hrslidl and \(INIs \V ill decrease prouc- tioni of Iierhig. lessenl tis trol hc(11 nthat icidl(5 Proper o-raziuog iiitelsit\ and~ fertilization lifli piol(Ii, buIt XX ill ntot (liliilat(' it. \lo l will (co1 of1) the mi ohj)ectio a])lc wcc((ds. II I)XcX er, the u se of ost is mor0W ('flcti and~ (cO~oomical thiani moii)X11 ini lidu FIG. 8. This is an ideal balance of grass and clover growinig an Izagara fine sandy loam on Warren Farm near Batesville. WHITE CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES 15 cases. One half to 1 pound per acre of 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) will control most broadleaf plants. The amine formulation of 2,4-D is less toxic to white clover than is the ester. Clover-grass balance. Grazing intensity is important in maintaining the proper clover-grass balance of permanent pastures, Figure 8. If clover stands become weak or fail, it may be advisable to apply commercial nitrogen to the grass (5) until clover is reestablished. With adequate summer moisture white clover may act as a perennial, but it may not survive during dry summers. If grass is either clipped or grazed close in early fall, the clover will have a better chance to volunteer. 16 16 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ALABAMA AGRICULTURLEPIMNSTIO SUMMARY Field tests have been conducted during the past 20 years to determine the response of clover-grass pastures to lime, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. In some experiments, frequency of application was also studied. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Lime is necessary for establishment and maintenance of clovers. 2. Nitrogen applications increased forage yields and beef gains from Dallisgrass pastures that did not have satisfactory stands of clover. 3. Soils not previously well fertilized are very deficient in phosphorus. Heavy applications are needed for establishment of clover-grass mixtures. Phosphorus status of soils depends on past fertilization. 4. Most soils require potassium for establishment and maintenance of clover-grass pastures. Removal of large amounts of hay or silage will soon result in a potassium deficiency, especially on sandy soils. 5. Frequency of applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to pastures on medium- to heavy-textured soils was not a critical factor. On such soils, applications at 2- to 3-year intervals produced as much forage as did annual applications when total amounts of fertilizer were equal for the period. 6. Phosphorus content of clover grown on well-fertilized land is usually above the critical level for all types of cattle. WHITE CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES 17 LITERATURE CITED (1) BAKER, K. G. AND MAYTON, E. L. A Year-Around Grazing Program for the Alkaline Soils of the Black Belt of Alabama. Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron. 36:740-748. 1944. (2) BLASER, R. E. AND BRADY, N. C. Nutrient Competition in Plant Associa- tions. Agron. Jour. 42:128-135. 1950. (3) ENSMINGER, L. E. Response of Crops to Various Phosphate Fertilizers. Ala. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 270. 1950. (4) __ _ Residual Value of Phosphate Fertilizers. Ala. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 322. 1960. EVANS, E. M., SMITH, L. A., AND GRIMES, H. W. Nitrogen for Dallis- - (5) (6) grass Pastures in the Black Belt. Ala. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 186. 1959. HOLT, E. C., POTTS, R. C., AND FUDGE, J. F. Bermudagrass Research in Texas. Texas Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 129. 1951. (7) PARKS, C. L. AND ROUSE, R. D. Potassium Content and Forage Yield as Affected by Fertilization. Better Crops with Plant Food. March, 1958. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This report covers data obtained by workers of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University over a period of 20 years. Summarized are results of cooperative field tests conducted on farmers' fields by J. D. Burns3 , E. M. Evans, E. L. Mayton, R. M. 3 Patterson, Howard T. Rogers, J. M. ScholP, and E. L. Stewart . County agents in the counties concerned were helpful in selecting suitable cooperators for the tests. Tests on the Substations were conducted by K. G. Baker', Otto Brown2 , Lavern Brown, W. W. Cotney, W. B. Kelly', E. L. Mayton, and Harold Yates. Work on the Experiment Fields was conducted by J. F. Segrest 3 and J. T. Williamson'. SRetired Deceased SResigned APPENDIX TABLE 1. RESPONSE OF CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES TO LIME ON COASTAL PLAIN SOILS Dry matter yield per ~r\ ~*~z~~rTo~cr acre r~rr~o_~~D~c~~ Wickham Izagora Susque- Lime applied per acre Susque- hanna fsl Tuskegee luka sil Winfield Norfolk Norfolk si Fairhope si fsl Camden 1950-51 fsl Corer 1952-54 hanna fsl Corner 1943-46 1948-52 1944, 1946 1942-46 Lb. 706 Geneva 1952-54 Lb. 3,894 5,428 Norfolk .sl Auburn 1943-44 Wickham fsl Miller's Ferry 1945-50 Lb. 2, 000 --------- --- 7,696 8,624 --6,468 Lb. Lb. 2,045 Lb. 1,151 Lb. 2,689 Lb. 1,740 Lb. 28 1,458 1,402 Lb. 2,783 4,052 3,883 -2,028 --- 3,125 --- -1,174------- 3,332 3,478 1,870 -- 30 00 --------4,00--------5,000 ---------- ---8,449 5.4 3,364 6,000 ------------------------7,000 2,236 1,827 8,000 pH of unlimed soil -------- - --- 6.2 5.7 5.4 5.4 6.5 C APPENDIX TABLE 2. Lime RESPONSE OF CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES TO LIME ON BLACK BELT ACID SOILS Dry matter yield per acre Oktibbeha c Lamison 1943-52 Leaf sil Safford 1944-46 Vaiden c Vaiden c Vaiden c Marion Junction Marion Junction Marion Junction 1950 1950 1950 Susquehanna c Tuskegee 1950-52 m x z -I Lb. _ 4,000 --5,000 -----------6, 000 -----------8,000- - pH of unlimed soil 412 3,787 3,235 5,172 4.7 Lb. 1,793 1,925 Lb. 1,868 1,586 2,410 Lb. 5,212 6,113 5,654 Lb. 4,614 Lb. 4,426 4,348 6,138 '1 m m 2,485 __ -_ 5.3 5,466 2,146 I Ir 5.2 m~ffnr ~~inlr rr 5,859 5.2 5,556 4.6 z zn m 0 m APPENDIX TABLE 3. RESPONSE OF CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES TO LIME ON LIMESTONE VALLEY AND PIEDMONT SOILS 7v Lime Huntington Sil applied pe ceGlencoe pe ce1946-49 Lb. 0 ------------------2,000-------------------3,000-------------------4,000-------- ----------6,000-------------------pH of unlimed soil---------.-Lb. 4,048 ---4,845 ---5,517 Huntington sil Alexandria 1946-48 Lb. 3,193 3 5 23 Dry matter yield per acre C gareei Creek bottom Con Oxford 1947-49 1944-46 Lb. 1,748 0 1-- Cecp 1953 Cpill ill God Hl GLlodHcll C Lb. 967 1,392 1,728 - Lb. 7,464 8,822 ---- 1952-53 Lb. 3,665 4,047 -5.7 H 3,226 2,822 ---- 7,291 ---5.9 i 0 APPENDIX TABLE 4. RESPONSE OF CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES TO SUPERPHOSPHATE AS MEASURED BY DRY MATTER YIELDS yield Location Soil type obtained No. Dry matte None 36 r yield per acre, seven P 20 5 treatments 54 Lb. 72 108 144 Lb. 5,289 w 162 Lb. Henderson Bro's. Farm, Miller's Ferry Lufkin clay Houston clay Black Belt Substation Oktibbeha clay Moss Farm, Lamison Vaiden clay Black Belt Substation Sumter clay Black Belt Substation Sumter clay Black Belt Substation Lloyd clay loam Ensminger Farm, Gold Hill Cecil sandy loam Piedmont Substation Izagora fine sandy loam Warren Farm, Comer Susquehanna fine sandy loam Brabham Farm, Comer Wickham fine sandy loam Lower Coastal Plain Substation Iuka silt loam Upper Coastal Plain Substation Wickham fine sandy loam Lower Coastal Plain Substation Boswell fine sandy loam Tuskegee Experiment Field Boswell fine sandy loam Tuskegee Experiment Field Norfolk sandy loam Gulf Coast Substation Leaf silt loam Colley Farm, Stafford Norfolk sandy loam Baxley Farm, Enterprise Norfolk sandy loam Dees Farm, Ozark Norfolk sandy loam Dees Farm, Ozark Norfolk sandy loam Hixon Farm, Banks Norfolk sandy loam Womack Farm, Ashford Norfolk sandy loam Wood Farm, Headland 3 3 10 2 5 4 2 4 5 5 3 2 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 Lb. Lb. 722 3,646 2,541 4,256 2,308 543 676 1,130 3,208 3,995 4,978 1,010 2,262 1,124 3,104 385 i 2,189 3,529 1,747 3,745 1,1983 1,125 1,737 169 150 1,6038 2,672 825 640 ,,, -, Lb. Lb. 4,118 3,737 .. 6,958 ___ 4,229 4,255 2,275 .. 2,680 .. 2,333 3,731 5,358 . 4,046 2,281 4,670 C I- 1,666 .. 4,148 3,926 .. 2,788 4,991 2,236 2,001 2,001 1,828 1,631 2,309 3,169 581 1,965 7,696 2,082 3,585 5,166 2,417 7,973 3,124 1,060 1,894 2,531 2,745 769 1,837 1,294 5,249 2,718 -I C c I- m c 1,294 2,119 2,627 3,844 2,156 2,453 m F m -a 0 ZI o APPENDIX TABLE 5. RESPONSE OF CLOVER-CRASS PASTURES TO POTASH AS MEASURED BY DRY MATTER YIELD m Years Location Soil type yield obtained No. 9 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 6 3 2 5 5 4 2 5 1 1 1 1 Dr Dr y matter yield per acre, seven K20 treatments 0 Lb. 4,062 1,4783 2,330 4,103 3,004 3,404 1,843 2,182 2,168 4,198 1,971 837 940 3,486 3,577 1,408 3,404 1,345 4,094 3,535 1,787 553 2,165 4,284 1,982 °_ I- 30 Lb. 4,251 2,315 2,032 3,264 2,993 2,040 2,325 2,156 5,517 40 Lb. 60 Lb. 80 Lb. 90 Lb. 120 Lb. 7I Ci Oktibbeha clay Leaf silt loam Colley Farm, Safford Vaiden clay Bledsoe-Vail Farm, Armstrong Cook Farm, Miller's Ferry Lufkin clay Lufkin clay Bruce Farm, Catherine Bledsoe-Vail Farm, Armstrong Kaufman clay Iuka silt loam Upper Coastal Plain Substation Vaiden clay Black Belt Substation Henderson Bro's. Farm, Miller's Ferry Ochlockonee clay loam Huntington silt loam Miller Farm, Glencoe Creek bottom Turner Farm, Oxford Congaree silt loam Green Farm, Abanda Loftin Farm, Auburn Creek bottom Henderson Bro's. Farm, Miller's Ferry Wickham fine sandy loam Cahaba fine sandy loam Passmore Farm, Montgomery Norfolk sandy loam Gulf Coast Substation Susquehanna fine sandy loam Brabham Farm, Comer Izagora fine sandy loam Warren Farm, Batesville Appling gravelly sandy loam Piedmont Substation Lloyd clay loam Ensminger Farm, Gold Hill Sumter clay Black Belt Substation Sumter clay Black Belt Substation Sumter clay Black Belt Substation Vaiden clay Black Belt Substation Houston clay Black Belt Substation 1~ _1 Moss Farm, Lamison aI H 2,822 1,392 1,445 3,883 4,589 2,881 3,779 1,380 4,656 3,519 2,244 1,170 1,820 4,327 2,145 .1~ 3,933 3,704 8,055 2,215 2,1083 2,053 5,671 3,104 3,942 4,036 1,660 4,631 4,046 2,680 1,263 2,809 4,500 2,379 3,612 2,825 C 2,494 1,030 2,865 4,313 2,656 1,420 2,725 5,314 2,782 I-d APPENDIX TABLE 6. RESPONSE OF CLOVER-GRASS PASTURES TO RATE AND FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION OF PHOSPHATE AND POTASH Location Soil type Years yield obtained No. 9 9 9 3 3 3 2 2 2 6 6 6 2 2 2 8 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Fertilizer treatments per acre Initial Thereafter P205 Lb. 162 162 162 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 K20 Lb. 90 90 90 90 60 30 90 60 30 90 60 30 90 60 30 30 30 30 90 60 30 90 60 u 30 P20 5 Lb. 162 108 54 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 216 144 72 K20 Lb. 90 60 30 90 60 30 90 60 30 90 60 30 90 60 30 30 30 30 90 60 30 90 60 30 Average yields of dry Frematter quency per acre 3 years 2 years annually 3 years 2 years annually 3 years 2 years annually 3 years 2 years annually 8 years 2 years annually 3 years 2 years annually 3 years 2 years annually 3 years 2 years annually Lb. 5,285 5,184 4,251 4,474 3,787 4,968 1,805 2,156 2,296 3,715 4,052 3,937 3,209 2,998 3,845 1,205 2,082 2,007 3,306 3,051 3,326 1,896 1,445 1,183 A r M 0 Moss Farm, Lamison Henderson Brothers' Farm, Miller's Ferry Henderson Brothers' Farm, Miller's Ferry Henderson Brothers' Farm, Miller's Ferry Oktibbeha clay Lufkin clay Ochlockonee clay loam Wickham fine sandy loam Bledsoe-Vail Farm, Armstrong Kaufman clay Upper Coastal Plain Substation Iuka silt loam m Turner Farm, Oxford Creek bottom -I C -I 2 Loftin Farm, Auburn Creek bottom > q