BULLETIN 234 (Reprinted Aug. 1934, March 1938) NOVEMBER 1930 Grading Up Hogs By the Use of Purebred Sires By J. C. GRIMES, W. E. SEWELL, and W. C. TAYLOR AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE M. J. FUNCHESS, Director AUBURN, ALABAMA ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TRUSTEES His Excellency, Bibb Graves, President R. E. Tidwell. Superintendent of Education W. H. Oates (First District) Charles Headerson (Second District) C. S. McDowell, Jr. (Third District) T. U. Samford (Third District) 11. 1). Merrill (EF,,irt h District) Harry Hercfeld (Fifth District) J. It- Rogers (Sixth District) Oliver R. Hood (Scven!h llistrict) C. W. Ashcraft (Eighth IDistrict) Victor H. Ilanson (Ninth IDistrict) P. S. Haley (Tenth District. Ex Officio Ex Officio Mobile Euf:ula Opelika Anniston - Alexander City Gainesille Gadsden Florence Birmingham Oakman EXPERIMENT STATION STAFF Bradford Knapp, B. S., LL. B., D. Agr., President M. J. Funchess. M. S., Director of Experiment Station W. H. Weidentach, B. S.. Secretary P'. 0. Davis, B. S., Agricultural Editor Mary E. Martin, Librarian Agronomy and Soils: M. J. Funchess, M. S. F. W. P'arker, Ph. D.-_ W. H. Pierre, Ph. D. J. W. Tidiiorc, Ph. 1).-_ H. B. Tisdale, M. S. J. T. Williamson, B. S. R. Y. Iailey, B. S. ... --_-__ Agronomist Soil Chemist Associate Soil Chemist Associate Soil Chemist .Associate Plant Breeder Associate Agronomist .Assistant Agronomist Assistant Soil Chemist --- _ -_-_ Assistant Agrononist D. G. Strluie, M. S. Assistant in Agronioy F. E. Bertram, 13. S. Assistant in Agronimy L. B. Brackeen, B. S. _-Assistant in Agronony G. H. Jester, I. S. Assistant in Agronomy - ---- _-WV. D. Lucas, B. S. _ Assistant in Agronomy E. L. M ayton, B. S. ----------------------Asistant in Agronimy J. A. Naftel, B. S. Assistant in Agronomy Clarence Savage, It. S. Animal Husbandry and Dairying: Animal Husbandman J. C. (.rimes, M. S. Research Professor of Animal Nutritioi W. Snlmon, A. M. . Poultry Huslandman J. E. Isey M. S. lesearch Associate Professiir of Animal Nutrition N. B. Guerrant, Ph. D. ___-____.---___S. J. Schilling, 1). V. M. P lesearch Associate Professor of Animal Nutrition Assistant in Animal Industry W. C. Taylor, B. S. Agricultural Chemistry: Research Chemist E. K Miller, Ph. . -- Assistant Research Chemist A. 1). Staples. I. S Agricultural Economics: Agricultural Economist J. P. Pope, M. S. .-----------------Assistant Agricultural Economist C. G. Gairmain, B. S. Assistant in Agricultural Economics H. T. Win:gate, It. S. ---Statistical Assistant E. M. Slights Agricultural Engineering: Agricultural Engineer M. L. Nichols, M. S. Assistant Agricultural Engineer J. W. Ianldolph. M. S. __ -___ __-__ __---------------Assistant in Agricultural Engineering Ellis Ilisikec, B. S. Botany and Plant Pathology: Botanist W. A. (;arlner, Ph. D. Associate Plant Pathologist J. L. Seal, Ih. D. Assistant Botanist C. L. Fick, M. S. Entomology: Entomologist J. M. Robiinson. M. A. _-----_--Associate Entomologist L. L. English. Ph. D. _-- _ ---Assistant in Entomology F. S. Arant, M. S. Farm Management: Professor of Farm Management J. F. Duiigar, M. S. ------ - -Home Economics Research: Assistant in Home Economics Helen )uiiiond Herren, A. B., A. M. _ Horticulture and Forestry: Hiirticulturist C. L. Isbell, Ph. I). Assistant Horticulturist W. D. Kimbrough, Ph. D. Assistant IHiirticulturist 0. C. Medlock, M. S. _------Assistant Horticulturist R. W. Taylor, M. S. (Continued on inside back cover.) Go D. Scarseth, M. S. _ Grading Up Hogs By the Use of Purebred Sires By J. C. GRIMES Animal Husbandnman W. E. SEWELL Assistant Professor of Animal Husban~dry W. C. TAYLOR Assistant in Animal Hus bandry BULLETIN 234 (Reprinted Aug. 1934, March 1938) NOVEMBER 1930 Contents In trod u ction ............... . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. Plan of Procedure .................. .... ............... . 3 3 6 7 9 9 11 .................------------------------------------ Results Obtained In Fattening Scrub Pigs ............................ Results Obtained In Fattening First-Cross Pigs .................. Results Obtained In Fattening Second-Cross Pigs Results Obtained In Fattening Third-Cross Pigs .................. Average Results of Twelve Litters According to Breeding-. Summary ................................------------------------------------------ 8---- Grading Up Hogs By the Use of Purebred Sires INTRODUCTION and scrub hogs of nondescript breeding are present on farms in almost all sections of the United States. These animals possess the desirable characteristics of being hardy and, as a rule, prolific, but are inferior in conformation and quality and are not efficient converters of feed crops into human food. Numerous experiments have been reported showing that beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, and poultry can be improved rapidly if purebred sires are used on females from the native stock. Very little work of this kind appears to have been done with hogs. Culbertson and Evvard* in showing the costly influence of an inferior sire reported an experiment in which the progeny of well-bred sows were graded downward by the use of a European wild boar. A litter of half-wild and a litter of threequarter-wild pigs were produced for comparison with a litter of very high grade Poland Chinas. All litters were fed under drylot conditions and received the same feed mixture and treatment. The high grade Poland China pigs reached an average weight of 200 pounds in 210 days from weaning time at a cost of $6.88 per 100 pounds gain. The half-wild litter required 238 days to reach an average weight of 200 pounds and cost $8.02 per 100 pounds gain. The three-quarter-wild litter was fed 295 days before reaching 200 pounds weight and the feed cost was $10.70 per 100 pounds gain. In order to secure definite data on the economic benefits derived from grading up native scrub sows with purebred boars, an experiment was started at the Alabama Experiment Station in 1924 and continued for five years. PLAN OF PROCEDURE SOW-GRADE Three litters of scrub pigs, three litters of 50 per cent purebred pigs, three litters of 75 per cent purebred pigs, and three litters of 87.5 per cent purebred pigs were raised. Immediately after weaning all pigs were placed on a fattening ration and fed until they reached a weight of approximately 200 pounds each. A record was made on the amount and cost of feed and the length of time required to produce a 200 pound hog from each of the different litters. *Culbertson, C. C., and Evvard, John Sire, Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta., Leaflet 1. M., 1925, The Costly Influence of an Inferior Breeding Animals.-The scrub litters used in this experiment were the progeny of three different scrub sows and two different scrub boars. The 50 per cent purebred litters were out of two different sows and by the same boar. The 75 per cent purebred litters were from the same sow and boar, and the 87.5 per cent purebred litters were from the same sow and boar. All the female breeding animals used, with the exception of the three scrub sows, were raised on the Experiment Station Farm. Duroc, Poland China, and scrub boars were used in the experiment. Table 1 shows the breeding of animals used in this experiment. TABLE 1.-Showing Matings which.Were Made in Producing Pigs for the Experiment. Boars used 2 o o Breeding of sow Breeding of litter P o o X X X X X X X 671 673 575 575 568 671 673 "Scrub" D (DXS) PXS PXS "Scrub" "Scrub" D (DX S) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PXS D[D(D X S)] P(PXS) P(PXS) SX S PXS D[D(DXS) ] 50 871/2 75 75 0 50 87/ X X X X X NOTE: X S P D indicates indicates indicates indicates 575 B.S. 3 S.S. 1 673 S.S. 1 PXS "Scrub" "Scrub" D (DX S) "Scrub" 8 9 10 11 12 P(PXS) SX S SX S D[D(DXS)] P XS 75 0 0 871/2 50 matings scrubs Poland China Duroc Jersey Lots.-Sows had the run of a permanent pasture composed of Bermuda grass and lespedeza during the gestation period. A few days before farrowing they were placed in individual lots where they remained during the suckling period. When weaned, each litter of pigs was placed in a separate lot where they remained during the feeding test. Each lot was approximately 12 x 40 feet and contained a covered concrete floor at one end which served as a feeding floor and as a shelter for the pigs during bad weather. Feeds Used.-Sows received a grain mixture during the gestation and suckling period composed of 8 parts white corn, 4 parts wheat shorts, and 1 part tankage. Immediately after 5 weaning, pigs were placed on a fattening ration consisting of 8 parts yellow corn, 4 parts wheat shorts, and 1 part tankage, plus a mineral mixture of equal parts by weight of charcoal, marble dust, and salt. The grain mixture and the mineral mixture were supplied separately in open troughs and kept before the animals at all times. Price of Feeds.-Feeds were charged at market price which was two cents per pound for the concentrate mixture. No charge was made for the mineral which was home-mixed. Weights.-Pigs were weighed individually at the beginning and at the close of the experiment and each 28 days during the experiment. TABLE 2.-Summary of Results Obtained in Fattening Scrub Pigs. Season litter was produced__ Number of pigs farrowed__Number of pigs raised and fed --------------Age weaned and placed on ----experiment Length of feeding period-_ days " Fall 1927 7 5 56 184 21.00 201.00 .98 4438.50 Spring 1928 6 6 Spring 1928 6 5 56 186 20.00 200.00 .97 5186.50 56 193 26.00 200.00 .90 3637.50 Average initial weight per pounds pig ------------------Average final weight per pig Average daily gain per pig Total feed consumed by pigs during fattening period -Feed required per 100 lbs. gain d u r i n g fattening period ---------------Feed consumed by sow in 6 mos. -----------------Total feed required by sow and litter ------------Feed required by sow and litter to produce 100 lbs. live weight_____________ " " " " " " 493.20 973.00 5411.50 480.20 972.00 6158.50 418.10 1048.00 4685.50 " 538.40 513.20 468.55 Feed per 100 lbs. cost gain d u r i n g fattening dollars period ---------------- 9.86 9.60 Total feed cost per 100 lbs. live weight (including 6 mos. feed for sow) .-- -^~ ^, ri " Iu 10.77 107 10.26 10.26_ 9.37 9.37 RESULTS OBTAINED IN FATTENING SCRUB PIGS Three litters of scrub pigs were produced and fattened. Two of these were farrowed in the spring and one in the fall. Six pigs were farrowed in each of the spring litters and seven from the fall litter. Table 2 shows that fairly uniform results were obtained when these three groups of pigs were fattened, especially since they were from three different sows and by two different boars. The length of the fattening period ranged from 184 to 193 days, and the age at which an average weight of 200 pounds was reached in the different groups varied from 240 to 249 days. The average daily gains during the fattening period ranged from .90 to .98 of a pound, and the feed required to produce 100 pounds of gain ranged from 418.1 to 492.2 pounds. TABLE 3.-Summary of Results Obtained in Fattening First-Cross (50 Per Cent Purebred) Pigs. Season litter was produced__ Number pigs farrowed_ _ _ Number pigs weaned and fed Age weaned and placed on experiment _ Length of feeding period __days " Spring 1927 6 5 56 145 33.00 201.00 1.16 3087.50 Spring 1928 7 4 56 135 33.12 200.60 1.24 2694.50 Fall 1928 7 6 56 156 22.00 200.00 1.14 4617.00 Average initial weight per ________-__ pounds pig ___-Average final weight per pig Average daily gain per pig _ Total feed consumed by pigs during fattening period___ Feed required per 100 lbs. gain d u r i n g fattening period Feed consumed by sow in 6 mos. -----------------Total feed required by sow and litter " " " " " " 367.50 1044.50 4132.00 402.20 914.00 3608.50 432.30 1014.00 5631.00 -------------- Feed required by sow and litter to produce 100 lbs. live weight "-------------411.10 449.60 469.25 Feed cost per 100 lbs. gain d u r i n g fattening period ---------------- dollars Total feed cost per 100 lbs. live weight (including 6 mos. feed for sow) ______ 7.35 8.04 8.65 " 8.22 8.99 9.38 RESULTS OBTAINED IN FATTENING FIRST-CROSS (50 PER CENT PUREBRED) PIGS Three first-cross litters, with a total of 15 pigs, were weaned and fattened. These pigs were sired by the same boar but were out of two sows. The smallest group which contained 4 pigs averaged 33.12 pounds each at 8 weeks of age and the largest group of 6 pigs averaged only 22 pounds each. Table 3 shows that fairly uniform results were obtained when these three litters of pigs were fattened. The length of the fattening period ranged from 135 to 156 days. The rate of daily gains ranged from 1.14 to 1.24 pounds, and the amount of feed required for each 100 pounds of gain during the fattening period ranged from 367.5 to 432.3 pounds. The age at which TABLE 4.-Summary of Results Obtained in Fattening Second-Cross (75 Per Cent Purebred) Pigs. Season litter was produced__ Number pigs farrowed Spring 1927 9 9 56 " per pounds " " " 28.89 200.00 1.20 5290.00 27.14 210.43 1.23 5416.00 29.17 201.00 1.15 3989.00 143 Fall 1927 8 7 56 142 Spring 1928 7 6 56 150 -___ Number pigs weaned and fed Age weaned and placed on _days experiment -----------Length of feeding period Average initial weight pig ------------------- Average final weight per pig Average daily gain per pig Total feed consumed by pigs during fattening period __ Feed required per 100 lbs. fattening gain during period -- " " 343.50 1152.00 6442.00 443.93 1157.00 6573.00 386.91 1006.50 4995.50 Feed consumed by sow in 6 -mos. ------- Total feed required by sow _" and litter _ Feed required by sow and litter to produce 100 lbs. live weight "-------------357.90 466.17 414.20 Feed cost per 100 lbs. gain d u ring fattening period -------------dollars Total feed cost per 100 lbs. live weight (including 6 mos. feed for sow) 6.87 8.88 7.74 ------ " 7.16 9.32 8.28 an average weight of 200 pounds was reached in the different groups varied from 191 to 212 days. RESULTS OBTAINED IN FATTENING SECOND-CROSS CENT PUREBRED) PIGS (75 PER The three second-cross litters contained a total of 24 pigs farrowed and 22 raised. All three litters were out of the same sow and by the same boar. This sow was prolific and a good mother; she farrowed large litters and raised most of her pigs. The smallest litter contained 6 pigs which averaged 29.17 pounds each at weaning age, and the largest litter contained 9 pigs which averaged 28.89 pounds each at weaning age. TABLE 5.-Summary of Results Obtained in Fattening Third-Cross (871/ Per Cent Purebred) Pigs. Season litter was produced__ Number pigs farrowed ..... Number pigs weaned and fed Age weaned and placed on experimentSpring 1927 Spring 1928 7 7 days 56 122 37.50 200.36 "1 1.33 3665.00 4 4 56 131 40.00 201.25 1.23 2448.50 Fall 1928 6 6 56 140 30.00 200.00 1.21 4588.00 - - Length of feeding period-Average pig initial weight per pounds - Average final weight per pig Average daily gain per pig - Total feed consumed by pigs during fattening period-Feed required per 100 lbs. fattening gain during periodFeed consumed by sow in 6 mos.-- 321.50 1142.50 4807.50 379.60 998.50 3447.00 449.80 1200.50 5788.50 Total feed required by sow and litter__________ Feed required by sow and litter to produce 100 lbs. _ live weight--- - " 342.80 428.20 482.37 per 100 lbs. Feed cost gain d u r i n g fattening period ---------------dollars Total feed cost per 100 lbs. live weight (including 6 mos. feed for sow) .--- 6.43 7.59 9.00 6.86 6.8 8.56 8.5 9.65 9.65 9 Table 4 shows that uniform results were obtained when these three litters of pigs were fattened. The length of the fattening period ranged from 142 to 150 days. The rate of daily gain ranged from 1.15 to 1.23 pounds and the amount of feed required to produce 100 pounds of gain during the fattening period ranged from 343.50 to 443.93 pounds. The feed cost per 100 pounds gain during the fattening period varied from $6.87 to $8.88. RESULTS OBTAINED IN FATTENING THIRD-CROSS (871/ CENT PUREBRED) PIGS PER Three litters of third-cross pigs were raised and fattened. They were all out of the same sow and by the same boar. This sow was not as prolific as some of the other sows but her pigs were all good. The smallest litter contained 4 pigs that averaged 40 pounds each at weaning time. The largest litter contained 7 pigs that weighed 37.50 pounds each when weaned. The other litter of 6 pigs averaged only 30 pounds each when weaned. Table 5 shows that the daily gains and feed requirement of these three litters were fairly uniform when the pigs were fattened. The length of the fattening period ranged from 122 to 140 days. The rate of daily gain in the different groups ranged from 1.21 to 1.33 pounds and the amount of feed required to produce 100 pounds gain during the fattening period ranged from 321.50 to 449.80 pounds. The cost of feed per 100 pounds gain during the fattening period varied from $6.43 to $9.00. AVERAGE RESULTS OF TWELVE LITTERS ACCORDING TO BREEDING Table 6 shows the average results obtained when three litters of each kind of breeding were fattened. It will be noted that the average number of pigs farrowed and raised was fairly uniform in the different groups, with the exception of the 75 per cent purebred pigs. The mother of these pigs seemed to be more prolific than the other sows used in this experiment. This was probably an individual characteristic of the sow and has no important bearing on the experiment. Better breeding resulted in heavier pigs at weaning time as indicated by the fact that at 8 weeks of age the average weight in pounds was: scrubs 22.20; first-cross 28.63; second-cross 28.42; and third-cross 35.42. The weight increased as the per cent of pure breeding increased except in the case of the second-cross which were slightly lighter than the first-cross. This can probably be explained by the fact that there were fewer pigs in the first-cross litter than in the second-cross litters. Records which have been kept on the breeding herd at Auburn indicate that pigs from large litters usually weigh less at weaning age than pigs from small litters. 10 TABLE 6.-Summary Showing Average Results of Twelve Litters According to Breeding. 50% 75% 871/2% % Scrub Number of litters_ -- 3 6.33 5.33 days " 56.00 187.67 22.20 200.44 .95 Purebred 3 6.66 5.00 56.00 145.33 28.63 200.50 1.18 Purebred 3 8.00 7.33 56.00 145.00 28.42 200.82 1.19 Purebred 3 5.67 5.67 56.00 131.00 35.42 200.32 1.26 Average number of pigs farrowed per litter_ Average number of pigs weaned and fed per litter Age weaned and placed on experiment __---Average length of fattening period ---------------- Average initial weight per pig ------------------- pounds Average final weight per pig Average daily gain per pig_ Average feed consumed per fattening litter during period -----------Average feed required per 100 lbs. gain during fattening period " " " 4420.83 3466.33 4898.33 3567.17 ----------- " " " 465.35 997.67 5418.50 403.37 990.83 4457.16 387.63 1105.16 6003.49 381.52 1113.83 4681.00 Average feed consumed per sow in 6 mos. -------- - Average feed required by sow and litter----------Average feed required by sow and litter to produce 100 lbs. live weight --- 507.19 444.60 407.85 412.12 Feed cost per 100 lbs. gain during fattening period ---------------- dollars Average feed cost per 100 lbs. of live weight (feed of sow included) 9.31 8.07 7.75 7.63 -10.14 8.89 8.16 8.24 All pigs were weaned at 8 weeks of age and fed on concentrates until they reached an average weight of approximately 200 pounds. The average daily gains in pounds in the different groups were: scrubs 0.95; first-cross 1.18; second-cross 1.19; and third-cross 1.26. The number of days required for the hogs in the different groups to reach an average weight of 200 pounds after weaning was: scrubs 187.67; first-cross 145.33; secondcross 145; and third-cross 131. It will therefore be seen that the average daily gains increased as the per cent of pure breed- 11 ing increased; likewise, the length of time required to produce a hog weighing 200 pounds decreased as the per cent of pure breeding increased. The average amount of feed required to produce 100 pounds gain during the fattening period decreased as the per cent of pure breeding increased. For each 100 pounds of gain produced the scrub hogs required 465.35 pounds of concentrates; the firstcross 403.37 pounds; the second-cross 387.63 pounds; and the third-cross 381.52 pounds. The cost of producing 100 pounds of gain during the fattening period decreased as the per cent of pure breeding increased. In the scrub group the cost was $9.31; in the first-cross group $8.07; in the second-cross group $7.75; and in the third-cross group $7.63. The sows used in this experiment were bred to farrow two litters of pigs annually. In order to arrive at the actual feed required to produce pork, it was necessary to charge each litter of pigs with a six-month feed bill for the sow. When the feed eaten by the sows was added to the feed eaten by the pigs during the fattening period, it was found that the number of pounds feed actually required to produce 100 pounds of gain in each group was: scrubs 507.19; first-cross 444.60; second-cross 407.85; and third-cross 412.12. The feed requirement per unit of gain again decreased as the per cent of pure breeding increased with one exception. The feed required for 100 pounds of gain was slightly greater with the third-cross than with the second-cross. This was probably due, as previously stated, to the fact that the mother of the second-cross pigs was more prolific than the mother of the third-cross pigs. She raised more pigs to weaning age and did not consume any more feed. This lowered the feed requirement per unit of gain in this group. There was a marked improvement in the quality of the first-cross pigs over the scrubs and in their ability to make rapid and cheap gains. This improvement was continuous through the second and third-cross, but was greater in the case of the first cross than any succeeding cross. The third-cross pigs were uniform in quality and resembled purebreds in many respects. They made fairly rapid gains at a reasonable cost, topped the market when sold, and, for all practical purposes, were considered as good meat hogs as purebreds. SUMMARY (1) The use of purebred boars through three generations resulted in marked improvement of pigs in type, quality, and ability to make rapid and cheap gains. (2) The length of time required to produce a 200-pound hog decreased as the percentage of pure breeding increased. (3) The age at which the different groups of hogs reached 200 pounds in weight was: scrubs, 243.67 days; 50 per cent 12 grades, 201.33 days; 75 per cent grades, 201 days; and 87.5 per cent grades, 187 days. (4) The average daily gain in the different groups was: scrubs, 0.95 pounds; 50 per cent grades, 1.18 pounds; 75 per cent grades, 1.19 pounds; and 87.5 per cent grades, 1.26. (5) The amount of feed required to produce a unit of gain decreased as the percentage of pure breeding increased. (6) For each 100 pounds of gain produced the scrub hogs required 465.35 pounds of feed; the 50 per cent grades, 403.37 pounds; the 75 per cent grades, 387.63 pounds; and the 87.5 per cent grades, 381.52 pounds. (7) The average feed cost of producing 100 pounds of gain was: scrubs, $9.31; 50 per cent grades $8.07; 75 per cent grades, $7.75; and 87.5 per cent grades, $7.63. Agricultural Substations: Fred Stewart, B. S. R. C. Christopher, B. S. J. P. Wilson, B. S. Superintendent, Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina, Ala. Superintendent, Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville, Ala. Superintendent, Wiregrass Substation, Headland, Ala. CHANGES IN STATION STAFF DURING 1928-1929. Appointments: J. L. Seal, Ph. I). S. J. Schilling, D. V. M. O. C. Medlock, M. S. . G. D. Scarseth, M. S. W. C. Taylor, iB. S. Ellis Diseker, B. S. W. D. Lucas, B. S. E. L. Mayton, B. S. Fred Stewart, B. S. R. C. Christopher, B. S. J. P. Wilson, B. S. Resignations: W. H. Pierre, Ph. D. F. E. Bertram, B. S. Clarence Savage, B. S. Associate Plant Pathologist Associate Professor of Animal Nutrition Assistant Horticulturist Assistant Soil Chemist Assistant in Animal Industry Assistant in Agricultural Engineering Assistant in Agronomy Assistant in Agronomy Superintendent, Tennessee Valley Substation Superintendent. Sand Mountain Substation Superintendent, Wiregrass Substation Associate Soil Chemist Assistant in Agronomy Assistant in Agronomy Research .. ..