ALABAMA Agricultural Experiment Station OF THE Alabama Polytechnic Institute AUBURN CIRCULAR No. 16 Rules and Regulations OF THE ALABAMA STATE BOARD OF HORTICULTURE GOVERNING THE TRANSPORTATION OF ARTICLES LIABLE TO CONTAIN THE Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil Revised and Complete TO October 1,1912 By W. E. HINDS, Entomologist, Alabama State Board of Horticulture Post Publishing Co., Opelika, Ala. ALABAMA STATE BOARD OF HORTICULTURE MEMBERS OF BOARD R. F. KOLB, Chairman -----....--.------ Montgomery. Commissioner Agriculture and Industries. J. H. McCARY .- -- Birmingham. President State Horticultural Seciety. J. F. DUGGAR .. . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . . . ... . .Auburn. Director of Experiment Station. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS P. F. WILLIAMS, State Horticulturist Auburn In charge of Nursery Inspection matters. W. E. HINDS, Entomologist Auburn. In charge of boll weevil quarantine matters. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE IMPORTATION AND TRANSPORTATION OF ARTICLES LIABLE TO CONTAIN THE MEXICAN COTTON BOLL WEEVIL In accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State of Alabama entitled: An Act To Further Protect Horticulture, Fruit Growing, and Truck Gardening, and to Exclude Crop Pests of all Kinds in the State of Alabama, Approved March 5,1903, the fol- lowing rules and regulations relative to the Mexican cotton boll wee- vil have been adopted and will be in force after July 22, 1912, whereupon all rules heretofore published will be revoked if in conflict herewith. Rule 16. The State Board of Horticulture and the State Horticulturist hereby deputize the Entomologist to the Alabama Experiment Station to act as Entomologist to the State Board o Horticulture, and hereby charge him with the ordinary enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to the Mexican cotton boll weevil, together with the requirement and issuance of such affi- davits and certificates as may be deemed necessary in determining the safety and propriety, and in facilitating the proper and lawful movement or transportation of shipments from or into the uninfest- ed territory of Alabama, of seed cotton, cotton seed, cotton seed hulls or other cotton products or of household goods or any other article or material liable to be infested with, or to harbor the Mex- ican cotton boll weevil, or which may be quarantined against by any State on account of that insect. Rule 17. That in order to prevent the introduction of the Mexican boll weevil into uninfested territory in the State of Ala- bama, from any region where the same is known to exist, a rigid quarantine is hereby declared against all such infested territory; and in order to restrict the spread and further introduction into or within the State of Alabama of the said Mexican cotton boll weevil, it is hereby ordered: (a) That no cotton seed, seed cotton, hulls, seed cotton and cotton seed sacks, cotton pickers' sacks (which have been used within eight months), or corn in the shuck shall at any time be brought into uninfested territory in the State of Alabama from in- fested territory or from any point situated within 20 miles of the area known to be infested by the boll weevil; provided that between January 15th, and July 15th, of any year shipments, whether by public or private conveyance, originating within or ginned within a zone 20 miles in width immediately adjoining, but outside of the area of weevil infestation, may be made to points not more than 40 miles outside of the known line of infestation as last officially determined and announced, and further provided that ex- ceptions may be made as stated in paragraph (k). (b) That between October 1st and June 30th inclusive, shipments of Spanish moss, baled or unbaled, originating in infest- ed territory shall be prohibited from entering or passing through the uninfested parts of the State of Alabama. (c) (Restriction on cotton lint). Revoked Dec. 13, 1911. (d) That all transportation of household goods, whether by public or private conveyance, from infested to uninfested areas shall be prohibited unless accompanied by an affidavit, which with rail- road or boat shipments shall be attached to the way-bill, stating specifically that the shipment contains no cotton seed, seed cotton, hulls, seed cotton and cotton seed sacks, cotton pickers' sacks, corn in the shuck, or lcose Spanish moss, either as packing or in any other way contrary to these regulations. In shipments made during the months of July, August, and September, corn shucks or Spanish moss may be used for packing. All such ship- ments may, however, be subject to inspection at the discretion of the Entomologist or other authorized deputy of the Board. (e) Interstate shipments of quarantined articles passing through uninfested territory in the State of Alabama; shall be made in tightly-closed box cars, and the carriers shall exercise every reas- onable precaution during transit and in making transfers to avoid the liability of disseminating weevils thereby. (f) No person except the Entomologist to the State Board of Horticulture or his authorized deputy may lawfully have and keep in his possession outside of the weevil infested territory any living stage or stages (egg, larva, pupa or adult), or any cotton square or boll containing such stage, of the Mexican cotton boll weevil. No person except said Entomologist or his authorized deputy, may give, sell, or transport such living stage or stages of the Mexican cotton boll weevil from any point within the territory wherein the boll weevil is known or supposed to exist to any point outside of such territory except that specimens suspected of being or of con- taining any stage or work of the Mexican cotton boll weevil may be given, mailed or shipped in STRONG, TIGHTLY WRAP- PED AND SEALED PACKAGES NOT SUBJECT TO BREAKAGE, to the Entomologist, Auburn, Alabama, for his ex- amination and identification. (e) All railroads, steamboat and express companies or other common carriers, and all private parties operating vehicles, boats, etc., in the State of Alabama are especially enjoined to comply with requirements of this order and of the laws of the State of Alabama governing the same. In case of violation of these rules and regulations, constituting a misdemeanor, the facts in the case shall be reported to the Commissioner of Agriculture, ex-offico Chairman of the Alabama State Board of Horticulture, and he shall proceed to act in accordance with section 6228, of the crimi- nal Code of Alabama of 1907, which reads as follows: "Any person who fails or refuses to comply with any of the lawful requirements of the commissioner of agriculture and industries, or of the state horticulturist, or the state board of horticulture as provided by law, after having been warned to do so, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- ticn, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars." (h) That the quarantine hereby declared may, from time to time, be extended or so modified as to apply to all territory that may hereafter become infested by the boll weevil or other unusual- ly dangerous insect pests. Any other articles or materials whatso- ever found by inspection to contain boll weevils shall be subject to the quarantine regulations and may be condemned or subjected to trecatment prescribed by direction of the Entomologist. Rule 17, (a)-(h) adopted April 4, 1911. (i) That these rules and regulations shall apply to the en- tire area of any county in Alabama or other State as soon as the bcll weevil is reported by the Entomologist of that State as having been found at any point within said county. This regulation shall not at any time nullify the provision for a 20 mile safety zone as provided for in rule 17, paragraph (a). Parts of counties outside of this 20 mile zone will be excepted from the application of rule 17, paragraph (i), after the line of weevil infestation for the season shall have been determined and publicly announced. Adopted, Sept. 1, 1911. (j) Restricted Articles: 1. Seed cotton. 2. Cotton seed. 3. Seed cotton sacks, cotton seed sacks and cotton pickers's sacks any of which has been used within eight months for any of purposes indicated. 4. Cotton seed hulls between August 1 and December 31. 5. Spanish moss and corn in shuck between October 1 and June 30. 6: Living weevils or weevil stages or weevil work in possession of any person outside of the infested territory except a qualified entomologist. 7. Household goods containing any of the foregoing during the period of quarantine applying to each. Where no time limit is specified, the restriction is continuous. Articles not restricted: 1. Baled cotton, flat or compressed. 2. Linters and loose cotton lint. 3. Cotton seed meal, cake and oil. 4. Corn shelled or in the ear with shuck removed, oats or any other seed except cotton seed. 5. Cotton seed shown by affidavit to have been sacked continuously for nine months or more. 6. Cotton seed for planting purposes after fumigation with carbon disulphide by a competent entomologist. 7. Hay. 8. Empty freight cars. Adopted December 13, 1911. (k) Any oil mill in the State of Alabama located within a distance of less than 100 miles outside of the weevil line as official- ly determined at the end of any season may be allowed during the succeeding season to draw cotton seed for crushing at said mill from any territory, even including that within which the weevil is known to occur; provided however, that such seed originating in quarantined territory shall be held subject to rule 17 paragraph (e) as to transportation and may be moved by transportation agents only when accompanied by official certificate permitting shipment, signed by the Entomologist of the Alabama State Board of Horti- culture. Amended July 22, 1912. 7 Address all communications relative to the boll weevil to the Entomologist, Auburn, Alabama. Address all communications relative to nursery inspection to the State Horticulturist, Auburn, Alabama. For full description of the Mexican boll 1eevil send to the Experiment Station, Auburn, Ala., for bulletin 146. The weevil area for 1911 is shown in Alabama Experiment Station Press Bulletin 54. The weevil advance in Alabama to October first, 1912, is de- scribed in Alabama Press Bulletin No. 59. The final quarantine line for 1912 will be shown in Alabama Press Bulletin No. 60, which will be issued about December 1. Ar G 4 t.. *t At Sc" C4 K I~ig.1,\I l/ I tcl II iieI! hI'Nit ahi I; a. u/S nt tintiti: hg. 2. idit weil, sudb xiii; fig. 3. t,~gt int'rl; fi:g 4. gt aiottN~ dai ti nit!, fig 5, gtiilt at citiantte to sentoc it!a~go after ihtdtiii, fit sk in, alitut 111;c clax nit!: fib. 0,. giubt tulle glittini, aiot tll daii' tugsfutittg; fig;. 8, ptfa! stage, n trust i ot ftg. 1- s,. 1, 2, 6,. 7 n itieltrged ab'u gttn daee, nagdabu te