~.* &~3b~ ~ * - * ~~'A~% * ,-' ~A . ~ ".~. * ~ t .'~ ~j1< ".4 ~ .~ - r'*'**'.~~ "-C ~-j' -'~ .:ZZJ~V J I -~i -r r Fes",'.'. ~j~? r, jks ~f i'ce- kol -- -~ di im,,iv ~* ~r.,. ,*1'~,, 7? ~ * C- 7 . . -a Ii!'. '-' A WORD WITH THE EDITOR I S I S I I ( Ii LS primett i i Ili- i '/ltls le tiii Ii cit nu ul ts o' il-l I"'iitif (li Ii"ft i 1)11 h g con', uc' tt'x i'''t' iix fill . bfat' l ltu t jeef ixe x c lit' tjfKyiua t' i St~tion. MAY WE INTIRODUC[ ill tf''tIi c t i o\liit ii ltin ai So ittitlt \ilttIeo ms~i le l in 19 'o Ass'istfalit Itt tlt',',or Ic It' t ', fpt iltt d i t o :Assoc ift' Pi t t il 'o, in i in 19S;. R.E. STEVENSON This issue Icatur(.s a story hascd on the FIX perint(.nt Stations oldest act iyc project the "Old Notation." TlIc story on page :3 reports recent-scar findings on hove long-terns rotations aHirt cotton \ ields. Such infin-ntation is parlicnlarh tinter becausc of th(. growing interest in crop rotations (luring recent will-s. Uthough this is not cowl-ed in the story on page ;3, there is much historical interest ill the Old Notation. The project dates hack to 1596, just 1:3 gars after the h:xperintent Station seas cstablish(,(I. it y us h(.gnn hv- Prol'. 1. F. Duggar. vyho later sewed its Station Director from 190:3 until 1921 ) and Mhusc u.unc is prontin(.ut ill h;speritneut Station history. Aof ()Ills is the ( )ld liotttion :Anhurn's oldest res(..u-ch project, it is the nations oldest continuous cotton study and the third oldest continuous I'icld crop expcriutent in the t'nitcd States. 'I'hc historical significance of the OI(I Rotation rcceiwd national recognition in January 195 5 vyhcIl it vs-as placed on the Aalional Ncgi.stcr of Historical Placc..:A pLuluc d(.signating this listing \\ ill he placed al the plots, located on the soltth side of the campus near tile :Arborettnns southern border. This site. pictur(.(I (m th(. cover, should join other :Auburn Landmarks in representing :Au- btnn's historical background. bike all other research projects of the :Alabama :Agricultural Fxperintent Sta- tion, the Old Rotation Stn(Iv is being conducted oath because it continues to y i(.Id information that can be ofvaluc to :Alabauua fu users. Acvcrtheless, its his- torical significance makes it an important li'aturc in the history ofthc .Alitbatna Agricnltnral 1,1y1erintent Station and in :Auburn I Ilis(,rsity 's owl-all hislorv. Molnar carne(I R.S. and M.A. dcgrccs in sociology Irons K(l Ilt state t'ni\crsil\. Ilc holds lltc PII. D. Ili sociology front loyca statc tniylrsity, yyhlre he yvorkcd as a gruloatc research :(sskt.utl prior to coming to :AIII1111'I1. Sincc coming to luhtn'ti. Molnar has stnd- wd nlilin cvtcrnal Ili( tor" affCcting :Alahatna s f.u-tn industry and riu