a, 'V A k p rod a A Word With The Editor T ODAY'S SUCCESS-ORIENTED farmer or other businessman likes to cut through detailed analyses and get to what is com- monly known as the "bottom line." After all, that bottom line is the final measure of success, representing the profit made in a business or farming venture or the return from an investment. This same bottom-line accounting system is ap- propriate for evaluating research programs at state agricultural experiment stations. Large sums are spent on U.S. agricultural research, so it is important to know what Americans are getting R.E. STEVENSON in return. We're regularly told that money spent on agricultural research is an inxest- ment that pays big dividends, but it has been difficult to document this payoff. Now there is reliable information from research to accurately measure the tate of return. These national studies computed dollar returns from research in regard to the national economy, the efficiency of agricultural enterprises, and advantages to consumers. In every case, returns far exceed what might be ex pected from investments in other areas of the U.S. economy. Such research advances as superior crops, farm mechanization, genetic and nutritional break-throughs in meat animals, and effective insect and disease control systems are universally recognized. But these are just the tip of the iceberg. A summary o 21 studies dealing vith different crop and livestock enterprises indicates returns of 30-100 percent annually from long-term research. Technology-oriented research in the South from the mid-1940's un- til the 1970's was reported to return at the rate of 130 percent annually. The secondary or multiplier effect on income and employment has received less attention, but a Virginia study showed that adding $1 million for public agricultural research adds about $9 million to agricultural output. Further- more, this $1 million investment adds almost $11 million to the gross state product and more than 300 man-years of employment. Based on this same multiplier effect, Alabama's $26 million expenditure on agricultural research adds: (1) $234 million to the State's agricultural output; (2) $286 million to the gross state product; and (3) 7,800 man-years of employment. Other data established the payoff to the consuming public. Taxes paid per family to support U.S. agricultural research vere reported to average $14.38 per year. For each $1.00, there was an average return of $2.68. Low-income families received the greatest return, $11.60 for each $1.00 they paid in taxes to support research. Future payoffs should be even greater as research utilizes genetic engineer- ing and other high-tech research methods. The bottom line should be high quality agricultural products at even lower consumer costs, along vith a clean environment to be enjoyed by all. SPRING 1988 VOL. 35, No. I A quarterly report of iesearch published by the Alabama Agrieuliura Experiment Station, Auburn University. LOWELL T. EROBISH ...... Director DAVID H. TEEM ... Assistant Directoi R.E. STEVENSON ............ Editor ROY ROBERSON ... Associate Editor KATIE SMITH ....... Assistant Editor TERESA RODRIGUEZ .. Art Designer Editorial Committee: Iowell T. Erobish; P. A. Duf fy, A ssisitan Prole sor 01A ri- cltural LEonomiics ((d Rioral Socio/og i R.I. LovelI, Professor of 1-isleries and A/lied Aquacultuires; T. P. Mack, Asso-) c/aLe Professor o1 Entiomologyv; G.J. Keever, A ssociae Professor of Horti- cuiture; R.E. Keith, Associate Professor of Nu uionl and I oods; A.I. Iatham, Associate Professor of P/ant Pathology .IA. Renden, 1Associate Pro/essor of Poultrv Sciene; D.1. South, A ssant Professor of/ orestri'; tD.A. Stringfllow, Assistant a Professor of Microbiology; and R.E. Stevenson. MAY WE INTRODUCE Dr. Graeme I ockaby, Asso- ciate Professor of IFoiestrv. A native of Seneca, Southr C arolina, L ockaby iame to Auburn in i986 from Iouis- iana Tech Univer- sity, sheire he held a teaching and research appointment in forestry. ILockabs eained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in forestry from Clemson Universits and his Ph.D. in agronoms from Mississippi State Uniersisit. While at Clemson. he served as a graduate research assistant in forestiy and feld a siiila position in agionoms at Nliss- issippi State. One of his firs assignments at Auburn v as to help initiate an air pollution studs to deter- niiiie the effect s of acid rain and other con- taminants on the grov th rate of pine trees. He is also studying the ielationship of cenetics and nutrition in pine trees and is workiig on a joint project vith researchers in w ildlife to study forest practices that could impiove vw ildlife Ihabitat and increase forest land huntinc lease values in Alabama. Some of I ockabys work on the factos influenc- ing pine productivits is ieported on pace 3 of this issue of Highilighs. ON THE COVER. Broadleaf weed control in strawberries, like these at the Chilton Area Horticulture Substation, is a major problem for Alabama growers, because of a lack of herbicides registered for use on berries. See related story on page 4. EDITOR'S NOTE: Mention of trade names does not indicate endorsement by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion of one biand over another. Any use of pesticide rates in excess of labeled amounts in research repoted does not constitute recommendation of such tate. Such use is simply part ot the scientific in- vestigation necessary to evaluate various materials. No chemical should be used at rates above those permitted by the label. In formation contained herein is asailable to all vithout regard to iace, coloi, sex. or national origin. \ I'I VARIATION in forest productivity occurs with large changes in lati- tude and longitude. Much of this variation may be attributed to climatic patterns, particularly those associated with precipitation, temperature, and growing season length. Although con- siderable variation occurs, world forest productivity generally increases from north to south (as latitude decreases). The same generalization has been made for the United States and appears to be true for pines in the Eastern United States. While knowledge of world patterns of potential productivity has considerable value, an understanding of productivity patterns for single species is also impor- tant to understand ecological processes and how they affect growth and to pro- vide new management considerations. However, the first step is to identify any productivity patterns, which was the ob- jective of a recent Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station study on loblolly pines in the State. Site index at 50 years (the height specified trees are expected to grow in a set number of years), based on field mea- surements by the USDA Soil Conserva- tion Service, was used as the indicator for site productivity. Field data obtained from the Soil Conservation Service con- sisted of 461 site index estimates for natur- ally reproduced loblolly pine stands Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station distributed across Alabama. These field estimates are based on height and age measurements from 5-10 codominant loblolly pines per plot and were taken in conjunction with soil series identification and descriptions on the same plots. Ap- proximate plot locations, in terms of latitude and longitude, were also ob- tained. A comparison across all soils of site in- dices versus latitude revealed the presence of considerable variation. However, site index values tended to increase as latitude decreased until an inflection point was reached just north of 32 ? latitude. Site in- dices then decreased south of this point, as the Gulf Coast was approached, figure 1. The range of site index values associated with this pattern was approx- imately 60-105 ft. No relationship was ap- parent for site index versus longitude. In an effort to reduce the soil variation associated with the observed pattern, data associated with Typic Hapludult soils were separated and compared with latitude. Typic Hapludults were chosen because a much larger subset was associated with this subgroup designation than any other. This subgroup accounts for numerous soils in the Appalachian Plateau, Pied- mont Plateau, Coastal Plains, and Flood Plains and Terraces areas of Alabama. Included are the series Albertville, Ap- pling, Cahaba, Cecil, Cheaha, Enders, FIG. 1 (left). Relationship between loblolly pine site index and latitutde. FIG. 2 (right). Relationship between loblolly pine site index and latitude for Typic Hapludults with siliceous mineralogy. Grover, Hartsells, Linker, Luverne, Mad- ison, McQueen, Tatum, and Townley. Figure 2 reveals the relationship be- tween site index and latitude for Typic Hapludults with siliceous mineralogy. A similar pattern to that described in figure 1 is seen as site indices increase with decreasing latitude until maximized just north of 32 ? latitude and decrease thereafter. However, no pattern was ap- parent for site index versus longitude for any Typic Hapludult subset. The identification of this gradient will help define interactions of growth factors that control loblolly pine productivity. Several implications for management also are generated by the existence of this gradient. Spatial patterns in the natural productivity of the species may indicate the need for adjustments of silvicultural prescriptions to fit the gradient. Similarly, the element of risk in forestry investments may be shown to be influenced by the pattern. Lockaby is Associate Professor and Caulfield is Assistant Professor of Forestry. A.W. Caylor, W.A. Dozier, Jr., G.R. Wehtje, and J.A. Pitts LACK OF registered broadleaf herbicide compounds for straw- berries makes broadleaf weed control a difficult problem for strawberry producers. Most of the herbicides now available for use in strawberry production are restricted in use and in effectiveness. For example, Tenoran , the most com- monly used herbicide for broadleaf weed control in the Southeast, generally exhibits poor control when used'alone. Other her- bicides, such as Sinbar , Princep , 2, 4-DB, and Paraquat?, are limited by such factors as soil composition, plant matur- ity, and growing seasons. Research at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station may help expand herbicide choices for strawberry pro- ducers. At the Chilton Area Horticulture Substation, various herbicides were evaluated using them with and without Tenoran. All herbicide treatments con- tained a non-ionic surfactant at the rate of 1% by volume. Herbicide treatments were evaluated for their effect on percent broadleaf weed and grass control, percent strawberry foliar injury, runner mortal- ity, and yield. Dormant Delite strawberry plants were placed in a Ruston fine sandy loam dur- ing the fall of 1985. Plants were spaced 12 in. apart in 42-in. rows and allowed to form a matted row. Plantings were drip irrigated using biwall tubing. Recom- mended cultural practices for fertility and insect and disease control were followed. Natural weeds present in the plots in- cluded common purslane, Florida pusley, carpet weed, spiny pigweed, large crabgrass, and goosegrass. All plots were overseeded with sicklepod, coffee senna, morningglory species, and prickly sida following renovation of the planting in June. Tenoran was applied pre-emergence following renovation. Diphenyl ether herbicides (Blazer?, Cobra?, and Reflex?) and 2, 4-DB were applied when 70% to 80%o of the broadleaf weeds were in the dicotyledon to three-leaf stages. Weed-free plots were hand-weeded as needed to control broadleaf weeds and grasses. As shown in the table, all diphenyl ether herbicide treatments resulted in ex- cellent control of broadleaf weeds, con- siderably better than 2,4-DB treatments. The addition of Tenoran to the postemergence herbicide treatments in- creased broadleaf weed control. The only weed not effectively control- led by treatments was sicklepod. The first flush of sicklepod germination was killed by the diphenyl ether and 2,4-DB treat- ments. However, second and third flushes of sicklepod germination were not con- trolled by any of the herbicide treatments, even with the addition of Tenoran. Blazer, Cobra, and Reflex treatments resulted in good control of some annual grasses in strawberries. Crabgrass and goosegrass in the seedling stage were killed by these treatments. Mature crabgrass and goosegrass were stunted by the three herb- icides, but the grasses outgrew this damage in 2 to 3 weeks. The treatments were able to control annual grasses for up to 6 weeks, and their use in conjunction with Tenoran increased annual grass control. Plants treated with Blazer, Cobra, and Treatment, lb./acre Reflex experienced some slight foliar tox- icity to the foliage present at the time of application. This injury was characterized by chlorosis and necrotic spotting on the foliage; however, plants outgrew it within 3 weeks. All diphenyl ether treatments caused in- jury to runners present when applications were made. Cobra and Reflex caused the highest levels (20% to 25%o) of runner mortality. Blazer resulted in the lowest rate (15%). These injuries also were characterized by chlorosis and necrotic spotting. Immature runners were killed by the treatments but mature runners out- grew the damage in about 3 weeks. Plants treated with the diphenyl ether herbicides alone developed the highest number of runners, while plants treated with Cobra and Reflex combined with Tenoran developed the fewest runners. Strawberry yields were not adversely affected by the diphenyl ether or 2,4-DB treatments when compared to yields from the hand-weeded and Tenoran-only plots. Highest yields and best weed control were achieved when Tenoran was applied in conjunction with the diphenyl ether or 2-4-DB herbicides. Caylor is a Research Specialist and Dozier is Pro- fessor of Horticulture, Wehtje is Associate Professor of Agronomy and Soils, and Pitts is Superintendent of the Chilton Area Horticulture Substation. Broadleaf Runners/ weed control sq. yd. Tenoran, 4.0 ...................................... Blazer, 0.5 ........................................ ... Cobra, 0.25 ............................................ R eflex , 0 .25 ............................................ 2,4-DB, 0.25 ............... .............. ......... Tenoran & Blazer, 4 + 0.5 ................................ Tenoran & Cobra, 4 + 0.25 ............................... Tenoran & Reflex, 4 + 0.25 ............................. Tenoran & 2,4-DB, 4+ 0.25 .................. ........... Control/hand-weeded ................................... Pct. No. 62 47 89 47 89 40 91 47 82 46 96 48 93 36 94 29 86 53 100 54 *Blazer, Cobra, and Reflex are not registered for use on strawberries. Yield/ acre Qt. 24,903 32,509 27,816 23,415 28,862 27,978 32,015 31,167 27,472 29,774 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station EFFECT OF POSIE ME RGENCE HERBICIDES* ON BROADLEAt WEED CONTROL, RUNNER DEVE)I OPMENT, AND YIEILD OF DELIIL STRAWBERRIES SINCE REGISTRATION of dino- seb-containing herbicides for use on peanuts was cancelled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in October 1986, the Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station has accelerated testing of several herbicide alternatives. While no herbicide offers activity iden- tical to dinoseb, some of the replace- ments proved to be superior in some respects. Though Gramoxone' has received the most interest as a dinoseb replace- ment, it was not included in this research. This study was intended to focus on herbicides that have received less attention. Sicklepod control with treatments 1 and 2, see table, was variable and did not exceed 680o with any treatment or year. Florida beggarweed control was also variable. These two treatments pro- vided good to excellent beggarweed con- trol, with Lasso? being slightly superior in 1986. The next year Dual' provided 92Wo control and Lasso only 540. This performance demonstrates the unpre- dictable weed control from these treat- ments. Peanut yields from these treat- ments were superior to the untreated check. All treatments with Amiben' (3-6 in table) provided at least 8507o control of Florida beggarweed. In contrast, sicklepod control with Amiben alone never exceeded 3507o. The addition of Dyanap increased control, but the amount of improvement was variable. The best treatment was Amiben (2.0 lb. per acre) plus Dyanap (4.5 lb. per acre), which provided 55% and 88% control of sicklepod for the 2 years, respective- ly. This treatment also resulted in the maximum yield among the Amiben- based treatments. The next series of treatments (7-11 in the table) utilized Cobra' , and since no Dyanap was included, it is meaningful to compare performance from these treatments to that of the standard. The total amount of Cobra applied was 0.4 lb. per acre, and with the exception of the last treatment in the series, control of Florida beggarweed was in the good to excellent category. Sicklepod control was not as good, nor was it as consis- tent. The best control was from Lasso plus Cobra applied at ground cracking with a sequential application of Cobra. This treatment also provided the highest yield in this series. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station The next series of treatments (12-15 in the table) utilized Tough' (pyridate) and Tough plus 2,4-DB as a supplement to the traditional cracking time applica- tions. Tough was initially targeted for use in peanuts as a supplement, but it is now being considered as a replace- ment for dinoseb-containing herbicides. Tough is extremely active against Florida beggarweed (at least 98010 control from any Tough-containing treatment). In subsequent tests, this degree of control has been observed apart from the use of either Lasso or Dyanap. Tough offers some sicklepod control, and this control was consistently enhanced by the addi- tion of 2,4-DB. But since Dyanap had been used, further tests are needed to determine if Tough can be relied upon as a sole source of sicklepod control. The highest yield in both years was pro- vided by Tough-containing herbicides, demonstrating the herbicide's excellent crop safety. The final two herbicidal treatments (16 and 17 in the table) featured Zorial' alone and in combination with Lasso. While Zorial alone provided variable control of Florida beggarweed (990o and 6101o for the 2 years, respec- tively), control was consistently 9907o with the addition of Lasso. Zorial alone provided poor control of sicklepod. Control was markedly improved with Lasso. Yields were intermediate between the best treatments and the nontreated control. Vehtje is Associate Professor and Wilcut is a Former Research Associate of Agronomy and Soils. PERFORMANCE OF VARIOUS HERBICIDE TREATMENTS FOR WEED CONTROL IN PEANUTS, WIRFURASS SUBSTATION, 1986-87 Weed control Peanut Treatment, lb./active acre Sicklepod Florida yield/acre 1986 1987 beggarweed 1986 1987 1986 1987 1. Dual (PPI), 2.0; Dual + Dyanap (CR), 2.0+ 4.5 ................................... 55' 30 87 92 3,521 2,468 2. Lasso (PPI), 2.0; Lasso + Dyanap (CR), 2.0 + 4.5 .................................. 68 31 99 54 3,075 2.868 3. Amiben DS (CR), 1.8 ........................ 21 36 99 92 3,220 2,061 4. Amiben DS + Dyanap (CR), 1.8 + 3.0........ 28 41 99 92 3,231 1.742 5. Amibcn (CR), 2.0 ......................... 34 27 90 91 3,111 1,815 6. Ai Dvanaip (CR), 2.0 14.5 ...... 88 99 85 3,526 2,214 7. Lasso + (obra (CR), 3.0 + 0.4.............. 76 0 97 100 3,568 2,069 8. Lasso + Cobra (LTCR), 3.0 + 0.4............ 64 0 95 92 3,532 1,343 9. 1Lasso (PRE); Cobra (EPOT), 3.0 ? 0.4....... 86 24 95 92 3,412 1,924 10. Lasso + Cobra (CR), 3.0 + 0.2; Cobra (EPOT), 0.2...............................91 64 99 88 3,884 3,013 11. Iasso + Cobra (CR), 3.0 - 0.2; Cobra (EPOT/7 day seq.), 0.1 + 0.1................ 55 0 78 0 3,412 2,868 12. Lasso +l) yanap (CR), 3.0 +4.5; Totgh (EPOT-seq.), 0.9375 ......................... 90 14 100 100 3,26' 2,795 13. Lasso + Dyanap (CR), 3.0 + 4.5; Tough + 2,4-DB (EPOT-seq.), 0.9375 + 0.2............ 99 66 100 100 4,211 3,703 14. Lasso + Dyanap (CR), 2.0 + 4.5; Tough (EPOT-seq.), 0.9375 ........... 84 32 98 100 3,438 3,521 15. Lasso + Dyanap (CR), 2.0 + 4.5; Tougb + 2,4-DB (EPOT-seq.), 0.9375 + 0.2 ........... 100 79 100 98 3,510 3,340 16. Zorial + Lasso (PRE), 1.5 + 3.0 ........... 96 69 99 100 2,987 2,940 17. Zorial (PRE), 1.5 ............................ 52 22 99 61 3,147 2,178 18. Nontreated-weedy ............ 0 0 0 0 2,904 1,742 Vi ccJd s cw harvested and weighed and percentage control for each herbicide treatment is a comparison in weed weight to the nontreated plots. ~eanut Weed Control Af r i"-. ; G.R. Wehtje and J.W. WilCut Small Towable Center Pivot Systems Offer Economical Irrigation E.W. Rochester, L.U. Hatch, and J.M. Gillespie HE LARGER the better is the general rule for reducing initial per acre costs of center pivot irrigation systems. But what about smaller fields or fields with irregular shapes where large systems just won't fit? Research at the Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station indicates that a small towable center pivot system may be the answer. Although more labor was involved, towing a system to several points effectively reduced the cost per acre of the system. To evaluate the potential of towable pivots for Alabama farmers, a two- tower, 13-acre towable center pivot ir- rigation system was set up at the E.V. Smith Research Center. The pivot was to be moved over five pivot points to provide measurements for the required engineering and economic analyses. These results were then extended to evaluate three- and four-tower systems. Thus, the study was applicable to ir- rigated fields from 13 to 220 acres. A key feature of the procedure was to irrigate a full circle in less than 24 hours so that the system would be towed once per day and at the same time each day. An automatic shutdown allowed the system to stop unattended, usually dur- iAg the night. The next morning, the electric motor-driven system was moved at its highest speed to provide alignment for towing along the prepared travel lanes. Two men made the system ready for towing by rotating wheels and unhooking pipes. The system was towed to the next pivot point where it was set up and irrigation was then begun. Some of the layout configurations are shown in figure 1. The straight parallel lines represent prepared travel lanes that were left out of production since a tall crop, corn, was being grown. The lanes were 21.5 ft. wide and represented up to 3.6% of the field area, depending on the particular configuration. Economics was the major interest, so the engineering designs and budgets were based on minimum cost pro- cedures. For example, it was assumed that an established water supply and three-phase power were adjacent to the field and no pumping lift was required except for that required by the center pivot. Some of the other system features in- cluded a centrifugal pump and three- phase electric motor with a buried pvc pipe distribution system. Power was provided to the center pivot with buried electrical wires along with a kill wire to automatically shut down the pump. FIG. 1 (left). Lane layouts with different con- figurations and positions. FIG. 2 (below). Effect of irrigated area on yearly costs. Cost/acre $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 - I I I I I I I 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Irrigated area, acres Component costs were obtained from a local farm equipment dealer and annual interest and insurance were assumed to be 9.7% of the average investment. Pumping costs were based on seven 1.5-in. applications. Economic results were gathered for five major system components: center pivot machine, service bundle (water and power), pump components, labor, and energy. The total annual cost of some of these components decreased with increasing irrigated area, while the reverse was true for other components. For example, the annual cost of the center pivot machine was much higher than any of the other components for small irrigated areas. This changed as irrigated area increased, with machine cost decreasing to about the same as the service-bundle and energy costs. Pump- ing plant and labor costs also decreased with increasing area and were the smallest cost components in the higher flow rate range. Combining all costs resulted in the relatively simple relationship illustrated in figure 2. Total annual per acre costs decreased sharply with increasing area for small areas and then approached a relatively constant cost of $80 per acre per year for irrigated areas in the 125- to 220-acre sizes. Importantly, neither system size nor number of tows affected the bottom line costs. Thus, small towable center pivot irrigation systems are a cost effective method to irrigate crops in Alabama. Rochester is Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Hatch is Assistant Professor and Gilsi saGrdaeSuet fArclua Gillespie is a Graduate Student of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station THE PROBLEMS confronting U.S. agriculture from the mid- 1970s to mid-1980s caused a farm crisis with major challenges to young college graduates seeking jobs in agriculture. Employment opportunities, both on and off the farm, were often limited, sporadic, or nonexistent. University recruiters and advisors were asking if, in good faith, they could recommend agriculture as a career. To assess the impact of the farm crisis on agriculture-related jobs, research turn- ed to the actual experiences of agricultural college graduates for answers. In a study conducted through the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, career experiences of students who had been enrolled in an agricultural ma- jor at Alabama A&M University, Auburn University, and Tuskegee University in 1977 (a time of peak enrollments in agriculture at the State's land grant universities) were surveyed. The results provided detailed informa- tion on 293 students. Of these, 34 (13%) graduated from A&M, 177 (69%) graduated from Auburn, and 44 (18%) graduated from Tuskegee. The educational accomplishments of this survey group were varied. In 1977 the sample included students at all levels of undergraduate education-freshman through senior. Ten years later, 253 (87%) of the survey respondents had graduated, most of them (82%) earning a degree from the same university in which they were enrolled in 1977. The graduation years ranged from 1977 through 1985. Among these graduates, 91%o com- pleted their undergraduate education in an agricultural major. The remaining 9% changed majors between their enrolling in an agricultural major in 1976 and before completing their college work. Animal science and forestry/for- est management accounted for the largest proportions of students, 17% and 20%, respectively, table 1. Many of these graduates continued their academic studies at the graduate and professional school levels. Masters degrees were obtained by 23% of the graduates, while 3% earned doctorates and 7% received professional degrees, primarily in veterinary medicine. With these degrees in hand, were graduates able to find jobs? More than half reported their first job included Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Job Opportunities for Graduates Stable Despite the Farm Crisis J.E. Dunkelberger, S.F. Holland, and G.W. Wheelock TABLE 1. GRADUATES IN AGRICULTURE-RELATED ACADEMIC FIELD OR MAJORS Major No. Pct. Agricultural Economics .............. .......................... 10 4.4 Agribusiness................................................ 10 4.4 Agronomy ................................................. 17 7.4 Horticulture ................................................ 18 7.9 Forestry ....................................................... 17 7.4 Forest Management ............................................ 29 12.7 A nim al Sciences .... ............................................ 39 17.0 Poultry Science ................................................. 20 8.7 W ildlife ........................................................ 8 3.5 Fisheries ...................................................... 5 2.2 Veterinary M edicine' ........................................... 2 .9 Agricultural Education .......................................... 16 7.0 Agricultural Engineering ......................................... 7 3.1 Other 2 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 13.4 TOTAL ..................................................... 229 100 'Student accepted into the Professional Veterinary Medicine program prior to completing the B.S. degree in an agricultural major. 2 Biological science accounts for 23 of these majors at AU, where this was included in agriculture during the 1970's. agriculture-related duties. Of these, 17% were employed in farming either for themselves or someone else and 36% were employed in agribusiness, a total of 53%, table 2. By 1986, fewer than half (48%) said they were currently employed in farming or agribusiness. This indicated only a modest shifting out of agriculture-related employment during the farm crisis years. The majority of the students who changed from an agricultural major to a non-agricultural major entered non- agricultural occupations. Only 12% of non-agricultural majors said their first TABLE 2. CLASSIFICATION OF FIRST AND CURRENT EMPLOYMENT AS INVOLVING AGRIBUSINESS OR FARMING DUTIES Employment duties Employment Farming...............17 NA' Agribusiness ............ 36 48 Non-agricultural......... 47 52 Non-agricultural graduates Agribusiness ............ 12 22 Non-agricultural ......... 88 78 'The question pertaining to current job did not distinguish between farming and agribusiness. Farming is included in the 48% reporting agribusiness occupations. employment after college was related to farming or agribusiness. By 1986, following several years in the work force, 22% of this group had jobs that involved agriculture-related duties. These survey results showed a surpris- ing stability in agricultural employment despite the farm crisis. It indicated there was no major exodus of young, college educated people out of agriculture. But it also revealed that many young people who were interested in agricultural careers never had the opportunity to enter those fields. This suggests that the real issue may be the failure of agricultural job markets to provide enough jobs for the number of young people wishing to enter the agricultural work force. Comments from those surveyed also indicated that many of the agricultural graduates who did not find employment in agribusiness were frustrated and disappointed by the lack of opportun- ity in these fields. As a group, female respondents indicated they found even less opportunity in agribusiness than their male counterparts. Dunkelberger is Professor and Holland is a Graduate Research Assistant of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, and Wheelock is Professor of Agribusiness Economics, Alabama A&M University. Llean, ury zurrounacings impede 4V A.G. Appel MASS MIGRATIONS of the garden millipede are relatively common in Alabama during the late spring and early fall. Thousands of millipedes may move from their habitats in decaying leaf litter and under debris into man-made structures such as apartments, homes, and hospitals where they become a nuisance. Although relatively harmless, in severe cases, their control may be desirable. Barrier and soil treatments with pesticides have provided only limited control of migrating millipedes. Because of numerous infestation reports and the lack of basic biological information on millipedes, the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station began studies in June 1987 to develop a biologically based control strategy for these migrating insects. Since millipedes do not possess the water-proofing cuticular wax layer of many other arthropods, moisture is an important factor in their biology. Laboratory studies were undertaken to determine the rate of water loss and des- iccation tolerance of migrating garden millipedes. In addition, the effect of water loss on millipede movement was investigated. The practical results of these studies were then taken into the field to develop a control stratgegy. Millipedes were collected from around ornamental plantings and under rocks outside an infested building. They were maintained in plastic boxes con- taining moist soil and provided water and food. The size and weight of in- dividual millipedes were measured prior to the experiments. Groups of millipedes were then held at 85 ?F and 007o relative humidity, reweighed, and mortality evaluated hourly for 10 hours. Then the millipedes were completely dried at 140 F. From these data, the rate of water loss, the percentage water content, and the level of water loss causing death were calculated. To determine how desiccation affects millipede movement, 1- to 5-hour desic- cated millipedes were placed into 33-in.-diameter petri dishes lined with filter paper. The distance moved in 1 minute was measured by covering the petri dishes and tracing the movements with a marker. Paper copies of the trac- ings were retraced with digitization equipment and the distance traveled computed. Migrating garden millipedes contained approximately 6007o water, and they lost water at an average rate of 7.707 per hour. These factors caused millipedes to die after about 6 hours of exposure to warm dry air, or a loss of approximately "a~ :9ar~~4-" rw; COMPARISON OF CUTANEOUS WATER LOSS RATES AMONG SEVERAL ANIMALS RELATIVE TO MAN Animal Relative rate of water loss Earthworm ............... 8.33 Frog ...................... 6.25 Garden millipede.......... 1.63 American cockroach ....... 1.02 Man (not sweating)........ 1.00 Iguana lizard ............. .21 M ealworm ............... .13 460o of their total body water. Even slight desiccation dramatically affected millipede movement. After only 1 hour of drying, millipedes reduced their distance moved per minute from 31 in. to 14 in., a 5570 decrease. Move- ment decreased linearly with desiccation time; there was no movement after 5 hours. Other movement experiments have shown that millipedes are attracted to moisture and are repelled by dry environments. These laboratory studies suggested that moisture is a critical factor in millipede distribution. Since millipedes lose water rapidly, do not tolerate dry- ing, decrease movement when desic- cated, and are repelled by dry areas, a control strategy based on moisture reduction was devised. Lawns, or- namental plantings, and debris often form a continuous high humidity pathway for millipedes to migrate. Dethatching and removing moisture- containing debris will aid in lowering microclimate humidity and should also repel millipedes. This strategy was applied to the site where millipedes were collected for the laboratory experiments. Within 7 days of a thorough outdoor clean-up, primarily debris removal and close lawn mowing, the average number of millipedes entering buildings decreased from nearly 200 per day to less than 15, a 93%0 decrease. The numbers of millipedes remained unchanged in the one untreated control building. These results suggest that a biologi- cally based, non-pesticide control strategy consisting of environmental moisture reduction can effectively con- trol migrating millipedes. Appel is Assistant Professor of Entomology. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station :4e ;itw G"'k ~ : h_.rd Adequate Prey Populations In Ponds Assure Growth of Largemouth Bass W.D. Davies GOOD CONDITIONING and growth are important factors in largemouth bass production. Research at the Alabama Agricultural Ex- periment Station has shown that, for largemouth bass to appear plump and ex- press satisfactory growth rates, they must feed efficiently. That means the energy content of their food must be greater than that required to forage. This situation ex- ists when the pond has sufficient numbers of prey of the appropriate size that are readily available to the bass. Adult largemouth bass feed primarily on fish, although frogs, snakes, turtles, and small ducks are also eaten. They can swallow a bluegill or related sunfish ap- proximately one-third their own body length, though fish that are not as deep- bodied as bluegill are more readily swallowed. A measure of the general well being of fish populations is the relative condition of the individual fish. For example, if a number of bass of a certain length have an average weight less than the Alabama average (predicted from a large number of measured lengths and weights collected across the State), then it is likely that there is a scarcity of the appropriate size prey for that length of fish. On a relative scale, poor condition would be expressed as a value of less than 1.0 where 1.0 indicates an average weight for a specific length equal to the State average. Sampling Southeastern farm pond fish populations from 1977 to the present by seining and electrofishing provided an op- portunity to observe a wide variety of con- ditions under which fish populations were functioning. A total of 187 ponds was sampled during the 10-year period, with evaluations made of 1,029 largemouth bass. Fish from the stomachs of these bass were measured (total length) and com- pared to the length and relative condition of the bass. The stomach contents were flushed from the bass into a container by running a strong stream of water through a tube into the stomach. Using this pro- cedure, almost all of the bass were released unharmed. As illustrated by the drawing, results im- plied that prey of about 15%0 of the bass' length must be readily available for large- mouth bass to maintain a relative condi- tion of 1.0. Other factors also appeared to affect this relationship. For instance, The chart shows the weight-to-length ratio of largemouth bass in relation to the size of prey available, with 1.0 representing an ideal relative condition for bass. rooted aquatic vegetation, if abundant, ap- peared to reduce feeding efficiency. Also, fish populations in ponds that were not well fertilized (did not have desirable phytoplankton "bloom") had average relative condition factors less than 1.0. Results of the study indicate that good management practices can help correct an imbalance in largemouth bass condition. Such practices may include the elimination of the rooted aquatic vegetation and fer- tilization to increase production. Harvest regulations also appear to be helpful. Harvesting thin and "racy" looking fish while leaving the plump, fast-growing fish in the population also can help improve the relative condition of the fish. The research did encounter small bass (12-in.) in relatively poor condition while the few large bass present were consider- ably more robust. This indicates low growth rates and reproduction in the prey populations, which can sometimes be so severe that returning bass to the pond will not be enough to restore a balanced fish population. Under these conditions, addi- tional management inputs may be required to sustain quality fishing in the pond. Davies is Professor of Fisheries and Allied Aq uanult ures. Relative condition of largemouth bass 1.5 r 1.0 0.5 0.0 . k ,. rI .05 4A I 0.15 0.25 Ratio of prey length to bass length Disease Resistance an Advantage of New Auburn Plum Varieties J.D. Norton, T.L. Kamps, and T.E. Conaty LUM PRODUCTION in the Southeast is limited because com- mercial varieties are susceptible to black knot, bacterial canker, bacterial fruit spot, and plum leaf scald. Thus, there has been a need for varieties resis- tant to these damaging diseases. Four varieties developed by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion (AU-Amber, AU-Rubrum, AU- Rosa, and AU-Cherry) should help overcome the disease problem. Au- Rubrum, AU-Rosa, and AU-Cherry proved resistant to all of the diseases listed, and AU-Amber was resistant to all except black knot disease. The new varieties, developed for areas that receive 700-800 hours of chilling below 45 ?F, resulted from crossing native plums with commercial varieties. Resistance to bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases came from the native plums, while the commercial varieties in the crosses provided desirable fruit quality. Evaluations of the new varieties were made during 1979-87 in test plantings at the Main Station, Auburn; Chilton Area Horticulture Substation, Clanton; Pied- mont Substation, Camp Hill; Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope; Wiregrass Substation, Headland; and E.V. Smith Research Center, Shorter. Observations were made on fruit and tree characteristics, disease injury, and yield. Recommended pesticide sprays were applied to the test trees, but susceptible trees at all locations showed injury from brown rot, bacterial fruit spot, leaf spot, and canker. However, injury from black knot was severe only on susceptible varieties at the Chilton Area Hor- ticulture Substation. Plum leaf scald in- jury was recorded on infected trees in the disease screening planting at Auburn, where trees had been infected by double budding 1-year whips with in- fected wood. The varieties were tested before being named, as Methley 12-10 (AU-Amber), Crimson M-1 (AU-Rubrum), Santa Rosa A-5 (AU-Rosa), and Methley C-50 (AU-Cherry). The original designations indicate parentage of the new varieties. Low disease severity of the new varieties (except for AU-Amber's susceptibility to black knot) is apparent from data in table 1. They are similar in resistance to AU-Producer, AU- Roadside, and Crimson, other Auburn releases. Other commercial varieties in the comparisons (Methley, Morris, Ozark Premier, and Santa Rosa) were much more susceptible. Fruit quality of the new varieties was rated excellent. All had peak maturity around June 19-24, except AU-Amber 10 which peaks June 2, table 2. Yield of the new plums com- pared favorably with earlier Auburn releases and with the standard Methley variety. De- tails about each of the four follow: AU-Amber-red/purple skin, yellow/ amber flesh; small fruit with medium firmness limit it to roadside and local markets and home use. AU-Rubrum-maroon skin, red flesh; large, firm fruit makes variety suited for commercial market. AU-Rosa-red skin, yellow/red flesh; large, firm fruit suitable for commercial market. AU-Cherry-red skin and flesh; small fruit of medium firmness makes it desirable for home production only. TABLE 2. SELECTED FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS OF PLUM VARIETIES AT AUBURN Ftuit Fruit Sol- Peak Variety size firm- uble harvest ness' solids date In. Pct. AU-Amber .. 1.5 7.2 18.0 6/2 AU-Cherry 1.3 7.0 18.0 6/23 AU-Roadside 1.9 6.8 17.2 6/23 AU-Rubrum... 1.9 8.0 15.6 6/19 Crimson ..... 1.6 8.3 16.3 7/10 Homeside .... 2.2 6.6 18.8 6/22 Methley ..... 1.4 6.6 18.5 6/7 Morris ...... 1.8 7.5 13.4 6/20 Ozark Premier 2.1 6.8 15.7 6/29 Santa Rosa .. 1.7 7.7 16.7 6/22 'Fruit firmness: 0-10, 0 = softest; 10 = firmest. Tree vigor and tolerance to plum leaf scald are primary advantages of the new varieties. Trees of these resistant varieties were observed to be vigorous where plum leaf scald was present, whereas trees of susceptible varieties grew slower. Tree vigor is an important factor in the Southeast, and plum leaf scald is implicated in phony peach dis- ease of plums and peaches. Therefore, disease resistance of these new varieties should prove valuable. Short tree life and low productivity of susceptible varieties in the test make them unecon- omical for commercial production. Trees of the new varieties should be available from wholesale and retail nur- series for planting in the winter of 1988-89. Norton is Professor, Kamps is Research Associate, and Conaty is a Research Assistant of Horticulture. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 1. DISEASE SEVERITY ON PLUM VARIETIES IN EXPERIMENTAL PLANTINGS AT AUBURN, CAMP HILL, CLANTON, FAIRHOPE, HEADLAND, AND SHORTER, 1979-87 Disease index' Variety Bacterial Bacterial Bacterial Black Brown Plum leaf fruit spot leaf spot canker knot 2 rot scald' AU-Amber ................ 0 0 0 5 2 0 AU-Cherry ................ 0 0 0 0 2 0 AU-Producer .............. 0 0 0 0 2 1 AU-Rosa ................. . 0 0 0 0 2 1 AU-Roadside .............. 0 0 0 0 2 1 AU-Rubrum ............... 0 0 1 0 2 1 Crimson .................. 0 0 1 0 2 3 Homeside ................. . 0 0 1 1 3 1 M ethley ................... . 5 5 5 5 3 4 M orris.................... 1 2 2 2 2 2 Ozark Premier ............. 0 1 1 1 3 4 Santa Rosa................ 5 5 5 5 3 5 'Disease index: 0=0, 1 1-20%, 2=21-40, 3 =41-60, 4=61-80, and 5=81-100% of fruit, leaves, and trees infected. 2 lnfection and severe injury of susceptible trees only at Chilton Area Horticulture Substation. 'Injury recorded on trees in disease screening planting at Auburn. Trees infected by double bud- ding 1-year whips with infected buds. DUE TO heavy selection pressure placed on growth rate, broiler breeder males overeat and become obese, resulting in decreased flock fertil- ity. Preventing male obesity by restricting feed is difficult because they are subjected to intense feed restriction during the grow- ing period, then essentially full-fed during the breeding season. Males, being larger and more aggressive than hens, eat as much as desired. Overcoming the problem has been dif- ficult because little is known about tem- porary or permanent effects of feed restric- tion on male body composition or repro- duction. Therefore, research was con- ducted at the Alabama Agricultural Exper- iment Station to investigate effects of three common feeding regimes during the grow- ing period (3-22 weeks of age) on body composition and reproductive perform- ance of breeder males. Feeding regimens included (1) limited daily (LD) in which birds were fed breeder recommended amounts of feed on a daily basis, (2) skip- a-day (SAD) in which birds were fed twice the recommended amount of feed every other day, and (3) limited time (LT) in which the birds were allowed to eat for a limited time period each day. During the growing period, body weight, feed consumption, age at first semen production (sexual maturity), and litter moisture were measured. At 22 weeks of age, one-half of the birds in each treat- ment were randomly selected, and testes and liver weights and body composition were determined. The remaining birds were placed on unlimited feeding to stimulate commercial conditions during the breeding period. From 22 to 34 weeks of age, body weight, semen weight, and sperm concentration were measured at regular intervals. At 34 weeks of age, testes and liver weights and body composition were determined. Body weights of the three treatment groups were similar throughout the grow- ing period. However, limited daily birds consumed less feed per day than the other groups, indicating more efficient use of feed. Litter moisture during the growing period ranged from 570/0 for limited time and 52% for limited daily feeding to 32% for skip-a-day regimen. Litter moisture levels for limited time and limited daily were higher than optimum (20-40%), in- dicating a difference in water consumption among the treatments. This difference is important due to cost of litter replacement and increased risk to flock health. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Age at sexual maturity ranged from 170 days for limited daily to 180 days for skip- a-day. Stress of having every other day without feed may be sufficient to slow reproductive development. Body composi- tion and testes and liver weights at 22 weeks were not affected by treatment. When the birds were placed on unlim- ited feeding, body weights of all groups increased dramatically. The limited daily birds gained weight most rapidly, prob- ably due to the higher feed efficiency established during the growing period, compared to skip-a-day and limited time feeding. By 28 weeks, however, there were no differences in body weight due to treatment. Reproductive performance was af- fected by feeding regimen. Semen weight and spermatozoa concentration were higher in skip-a-day males than in limited daily males. Semen production also declined less rapidly after 30 weeks of age in skip-a-day males, figure 1. At 34 weeks of age, testes weights were lower in limited daily birds than in skip-a-day or limited time birds (LD 1.5 oz., SAD 1.7 oz., and LT 1.9 oz.). The limited daily birds had extremely en- larged, yellow, fatty, friable livers when compared to the other groups. The lim- ited daily birds had more body fat and less body protein than skip-a-day or lim- ited time birds at 34 weeks, figure 2. These differences occurred at similar body weights among treatment groups. FIG. 2 (above). Effects of feeding regimen during growth on body composition at 34 weeks. FIG. 1 (below). Effects of feeding regimen during growth on spermatozoa number from 26 to 34 weeks of age. Spermatozoa number (x 10 9 ) 12 9(.--- . / ...... Skip-a-day 3 n- - - Limited time ----- L im ited daily 0 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Age, weeks Although maintaining desirable body weight is important, it should not be the only criterion for selecting a feeding pro- gram for growing birds. The results of this study can be summarized to indicate that feeding programs have these effects: 1. Litter moisture content-higher than desired on limited time and limited daily feeding. 2. Feed efficiency-limited daily birds made most efficient use of feed. 3. Adult body composition-limited daily birds were fatter and had less body protein. 4. Male reproductive performance- skip-a-day feeding resulted in higher semen weight and spermatozoa concentration. Sexton is a Graduate Research Assistant and Renden is Associate Professor of Poultry Science. 11 L.i l.JL a a C -a ., ,Ji x i i ,..t 4 For North Alabama Soybeans C.H. Burmester, J.F. Adams, and J.W. Odom RESEARCH with soybeans in Alabama as early as 1907 showed yield increases from liming acid soils. Only recently, however, have yield increases been observed from additions of small amounts of molybdenum (Mo) to the soils of northern Alabama. The Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station established on-farm pro- grams of soil fertility experiments in 1976 for the northern counties of Alabama to improve soil-test calibra- tion. A part of this program was to iden- tify critical soil pH for soybean produc- tion on the three major soil areas of north Alabama. These areas were the sandy soils of the Appalachian Plateau, the silty clay soils of the Tennessee Valley, and the silty soils of the Highland Rim bordering Tennessee. It soon became apparent that the critical pH varied widely among sites, suggesting that more than one soil fac- tor was involved. In several of the unlimed test plots, soybean plants had a noticeably light green color. This in- dicated a possible nitrogen deficiency caused by poor N fixation by soybean rhizobia. A possible Mo deficiency was suspected since Mo is needed in nitrogen fixation and Mo availability is less on acid soils. The possibility of a Mo defi- ciency was unexpected since earlier tests EFFECTS OF LIMING AND Mo ON YIED OF SOYBEANS IN NORTH A ABAMA, 1981-85 Yield/acre Site Unlimed No lime Lime soil pH -Mo +Mo -Mo + Mo Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. 1... 4.6 10 13 16 16 2... 4.7 11 13 13 14 3... 4.8 28 37 46 46 4... 4.9 27 26 31 37 5... 4.9 31 34 35 34 6... 5.0 35 38 45 47 7... 5.0 24 28 30 29 8... 5.2 22 22 22 22 9... 5.3 44 50 54 51 10... 5.3 30 38 43 44 11... 5.3 22 31 30 32 12... 5.4 50 53 53 56 13... 5.4 26 37 40 38 14... 5.6 24 30 25 28 15... 5.6 20 26 31 34 on soils in north Alabama had shown no response to additions of Mo fertilizers. Starting in 1981, on-farm experiments were established to identify the soil fac- tors causing soybeans to respond to lim- ing. Lime was applied in farmers' fields at rates of 0 and 2 tons per acre in late winter. Farmers planted these test areas (one in each field) along with the rest of the field and followed normal produc- tion practices. To check for response to Mo, a sodium molybdate solution was sprayed on two rows at a rate of about 1 oz. per acre in both the limed and unlimed plots about 2 weeks after soy- bean emergence. Fifteen tests were con- ducted on sites between 1981 and 1985 with unlimed soil pHs ranging from 4.6 to 5.6. Liming increased soybean yields at 12 of the 15 sites, see table. Of the 12 sites that responded to lime, 11 also showed a yield increase with Mo addition. Soy- beans in the unlimed plots were a noticeably lighter green color and leaf analyses confirmed nitrogen deficien- cies. Deficiency symptoms did not ap- pear until soybeans reached the bloom stage, when the soybeans' requirement for N drastically increases. These N defi- ciency symptoms were seen in soybeans grown in all three soil areas of north Alabama. Addition of lime or Mo cor- rected discoloration and resulted in higher yields. Addition of Mo was found to produce the same yield increase as liming at five sites, while at seven sites liming Iro- duced the larger yield increase. In three cases, addition of lime plus Mo in- creased soybean yield more than liming alone. The average soybean yield in- crease found in these tests was 6.0 bu. per acre from Mo addition (11 sites), 8.3 bu. per acre from liming (12 sites), and 6.8 bu. per acre from lime plus Mo (3 sites). Results of these tests suggest that Mo deficiency is extensive on acid soils in north Alabama, a condition which would not have been found through soil testing. Addition of lime or Mo gener- ally has increased Mo availability and corrected the deficiency. Liming is the preferred treatment as it can correct other problems, such as aluminum and manganese toxicities, associated with acid soils. However, the low cost of Mo treatment ($1-2 per acre) and the possibility of a response at higher pH values make Mo application attractive in northern Alabama for optimum soy- bean production. Molybdenum is needed in only a small amount by the soybean plant, so no more than the recommended dosage is indicated. Molybdenum can be applied as a seed treatment or as a foliar spray prior to blooming of the soybeans. In either case, 1 oz. per acre of sodium or ammonium molybdate should be suffi- cient. Burmester is a Research Associate, Adams is Assistant Professor, and Odom is Associate Pro- fessor of Agronomy and Soils. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station ~i .. RODUCING PLANTING seed f'r' for game-food crops offers op- portunities for a farm enterprise. There is a strong interest in such crops Tolerance To Posterergence- as American jointvetch for deer food and Comanche partridge pea and Am- quail lespedeza for quail food. As a result, there is a shortage of planting A pp lied H er Bcides seed. R H Walker, D R Wyatt, and P B ALoes As with any other crops, weed con- trol is essential for economical and ef- ficient production of seed. Broadleaf weeds are particularly troublesome in the desirable game-food crops. Since no information was available concerning tolerance of these plants to herbicides, a greenhouse study was done to deter- mine response of American jointvetch, Comanche partridge pea, and Amquail lespedeza to seven postemergence- applied herbicides. Ten mechanically scarified seed of the appropriate species were planted in quart containers that contained 2 lb. of a sandy loam soil amended with peat moss. Soil-test results indicated a pH of 6.2 and high levels of P and K. All con- tainers were watered daily and plants were thinned to two per container within 10 days of emergence. Natural sunlight was supplemented with artificial lights which were set for 16 hours light and 8 hours dark. Day temperature max- imums averaged 90 0 F and night temperature lows averaged 70 0 F. Relative humidity during the day averaged 500o. Herbicides were applied when the jointvetch plants averaged 5 in. in height and had nine fully expanded leaves, par- tridge pea averaged 5 in. tall and had six leaves, and the lespedeza plants averag- ed 4 in. in height and had three leaves. All herbicides were delivered in a volume of 15 gal. per acre. Ortho X-77 nonionic surfactant was included at 0.250o by volume in all treatments. Data collected included injury ratings using a scale of: 0 none; 1 to 29 = slight; 30 to 59 = moderate; 60 to 99 =severe; 100 =death. All plants were harvested for dry weight determinations after the final injury rating. Results arc reported in the table. American jointvetch and Amquail lespedeza tolerated three of the seven selected herbicides. Injury was slight and dry weight was equal to the untreated when these species were treated with 2,4-DB (Butyrac? or Butoxone? ), Alabama A gricultural Experiment Station AVERAE RESPONSE OF GAME-FOOD CROPS FO SEVEN POSTEMERGENIE-APN 1ED HrRKICIDtS, THREE EXPF RIMENTS, 1987 Comanche Anerican Amquail Herbicide' and rate/acre partidge pea jointvetch lespedeza Injury Wcight' 2,4-DB13 amine, lb............ Scepter, '/lb ............... MSMA, 1 lb. Classic, '/, oz. .............. Blazer, !/ lb. ................. Basagran, 14 lb................ 2,4 1) amine, % Ib............. Nontreated 1. Gins 30 1,35 57 2.84 34 3.13 33 1.07 )0 .08 2 4.14 35 1.69 0 5.35 Injury WXeight Pc. Grains 9 4.03 53 2.55 65 1.30 74 .57 100 .15 9 4.30 11 4.53 0 4.36 Injury Weight Pct. Graims 13 3.00 48 1.31 88 .17 87 .14 85 .6 8 3.72 9 2.47 0 2.40 All rates are given as active per acre, except 2-4-DB and 2,4-D which are acid equivalent/acre; Ortho X-77 nonionic sut factant included at 0.2511o by solume. Injury ratings taken 12 to 24 days after hetbicide treatment. Average grams dry weight per container 24 to 33 days alter treatment (1 oz. =28 grams). 2,4-1) (" ccdar 64' ), ot IBasagran " . These three herbicides show potential for control of a large number of broadleaf species in both Aterican jointvetch and Amquail lespedeza. Earlier Experiment Station research had revealed that AU Lotan and AU Donnelly low-tannin sericea lespedeza tolerated three applications of 2,4-DB ('2 lb. acid equivalent per acre per application) or 2,4-D (4 lb. acid equivalent per acre per application) when applied to young seedlings. It is highly probable that Amquail lespedeza will respond in a similar manner to these two herbicides, but this has yet to be determined. Comanche partridge pea was injured by all herbicides except Basagran. However, there was enough tolerance to \1\IA (Bttno 6" 1 anhied at 1' lh. 1 l Y~ W"! 1' L + 00 JP, act sc pet acre to \at tat cxaluatton of this herbicide at lower rates. Tolerance to Basagran is tot sufficient to an- ticipate good weed control in partridge pea at this time because Basagran does not control sicklepod and several of the annual morningglories. In another ex periment comparing herbicide tolerance of the native Alabama partridge pea and Comanche, both responded the same to these seven herbicides. Since the game-food crops tested proved tolerant to some of the seven herbicides, there is hope for effective weed control programs. At this time, however, none of these is labeled for weed control in partridge pea, joint vetch, or lespedeza. Walker is Assoctate Professor and Wyatt and Abnev are Research Asststants of Agronomy and P4 Marketing and Processing Viewed As Major Constraints to Catfish Farming CATFISH FARMING has been the most rapidly expanding Ala- bama food producing industry in the past decade. Like other aquacultural enterprises, catfish production offers the promise of profitably combining the State's unique water, land, and climate resources in an era of stagnant prices for many other commodities. Several public agencies with agricultural and natural resource management responsibilities have worked together to assist catfish producers in responding to the new set of opportunities. In fall 1987, a Statewide survey of ad- ministrators and officials in public agen- cies serving the aquacultural industry was undertaken. The 144 respondents to the mail questionnaire represent a 95% response rate. The study, conducted by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, asked these individuals to rate a series of possible constraints or sources of difficulty for the future of Alabama aquaculture. The table shows the top 15 constraints as rated by public agency personnel in the sample. Marketing and the availability of pro- cessing facilities were viewed as major constraints by more than 83% of the respondents. Currently, catfish process- ing plants are located only in the Greensboro area in Alabama. Producers often express concerns about the somewhat lower prices (about 5? per lb.) they receive for catfish in Alabama relative to Mississippi, a consequence of more facilities and greater competition for product that occur there. Clearly, the sale and utilization of aquacultural commodities is the major concern in the industry. The availability of more pro- cessing plants in other parts of the State would enhance the expansion of catfish production. Off-flavor detection is a concern for many catfish farmers because this deter- mines the quality of their product and J.J. Molnar and S. EI-Ghamrini the price received. Thought to be caused by geosmin found in certain pond algaes, off-flavor can force growers to hold stock until the problem corrects itself or go to the expense of moving fish to uncontaminated ponds. Only 23% saw production advice as a limitation. About 30% saw the need for adequate financial management ad- vice as a constraint. The lack of will- ingness by Alabama farmers to innovate was viewed as a constraint by about 31%o. About 27% saw the need for quality control in fish production and processing as a constraint. Genetic stock and water availability were seen as major problems by about 23% of the sample. Fish disease treat- ment was felt to be a limitation by only about 21%. Less than 21%0 thought that water quality, legal definitions of fish culture, fish feed, and seedstock supplies were constraints on the industry. An addi- tional four items were rated by the public officials, but were noted as con- straints by less than 10% of the sample. These included: adequate feed for- mulating, consumer acceptance, dam in- spection, and water discharge regulations. The data profile the perceptions of public agency administrators who have extensive contact with and knowledge of the aquaculture industry in Alabama. Financial and marketing concerns dominate their view of the future of the industry. Producers, however, may have somewhat different perspectives on where their industry is going and how it will get there, but they are not likely to differ greatly on the relative impor- tance of the major issues facing fish farming in the State. Molnar is Professor of Rural Sociology aid El- Ghamrini is a Graduate Student of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 14 xood structural plywood pro- duced primarily from Douglas tir in the Pacific Northxest began to be utilized as sheathing in house construc- tion in the United States. Softwood plywood soon replaced lumber in hous- ing as floor underlayment and subfloor- ing and roof and wall sheathing because of its high strength, dimensional stabil ity, and significantly lower material and installation costs than tongue-and- erooxed lumber. In 1960, production of softwood structural plywood from souther n yellowx pine began in the Southeast. Cur- rently, about 5007o of all softwood plywood in the United States is pro- duced trom southern yellow pine. The next change was the introduction of non-veneered structural panels, primarily oriented strand board (OSB) and waferboard. In 1987 these products accounted foi approximately 13(7o of the total xood panel sheathing used for floors, roofs, and walls in housing. All of these non-veneered panels arc fabricated with exterior type resin (phenol-formaldehyde) and approved for use in housing by all regulatory agencies and codes. However, there are significant ditferences among the dif- ferent types of panels, and recent tests at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station exaluated the mechanical and structural properties of southern pine plywood (3-ply, !/-in. thick), southern pine OSB (oriented flakeboard, 7/16-in thick), and aspen aferboard (' -in. thick). From each panel type, three panels 4 ft. xide by 8 ft. long xere randomly selected and cut into standard small specimens for flexure (stiffness and strength) testing. Flexure testing was with span parallel to face particle orien- tation for the oriented flakeboard and span parallel to the tace veneer grain for plywood. Six specimens from each panel xere tested to destruction under each of two test conditions: (I) Original. condi- tioned to equilibrium at 65%Io relative humidity and 72 degrees F, and (2) cy- cled, soaked for 48 hours in xater and then reconditioned to original condition. The flexure properties of the three panel types are shown in the table. There xas a significant difference in panel weight ranging from 45 lb. for southern pine plywood to about 48 lb. for the other two panels. Alahama Agricultural Experiment Station Oriented Strand Board and Waferboard Competitive With Structural Plywood E.J. Bihlis Test samples shown are (A) waferboard, (B) southern pine plywood, and (C) oriented strand board. In Ilexure with spans parallel to face orientation, or veneer grain, the stiffness and strength were higher for the southern pine plywood, followed by the OSB from southern pine and the aspen waferboard. Although the southern pine plywood 'as 13% less dense than the OSB, after cycling it was 2880 stifler and 208 o stronger than the OSB. On \Ioiii e the other hand, the OSB panels in the direction of flakcs aftet cxcling were 3300 stiffer and 30%7o stronger than ian- domly oriented aspen waferboard. Though retail prices vary\, plywood sheathing ot approximately equal thickness costs about 20%7o more than OSB or aferboard. Itibli is 0201es r o orests. PaIniel (southerr o)ricntcd Ilakehoi iout he WaierTh (aspen) n pine) Ird I pine) ),aLd ( )i illli ( xlcd Reiuction I01) or)iiaii (dicici i Oo) eigll Si ill c> 1h. Lb. /sq ill. 17.7 49 699.4>_ 464,4> (33.6) 48 477, 33) 349.4y5s (26.8) I k'.tre Siiei ill i/i sq. inl. 2,650 (30.7) x,1(1 (20. ) I'll Al R,11 PRO N Rrirs (A 1111 SIRrcH R:V wOOU PAM I Panel type )s Show Promise As Energy roducers Of The Future .I. Bransby, C.Y. Ward, C.C. King, Jr., and G. Sims MEETING DAY-TO-DAY energy needs by growing crops may seem far-fetched. Yet, judging by the extensive research effort in this field, many scientists and institutions consider such a possibility entirely feasible. Plant material (known as "biomass") is obtained from woody or herbaceous energy crops and can be converted by various processes to liquid fuel, gases such as methane, or thermal energy. Due to the relative abundance of con- ventional energy sources, such as fossil fuels and atomic energy, and the adap- tation of technology to these energy sources, biomass has not yet received adequate research and development at- tention as an energy resource. Although interest in biomass as an energy source has been sporadic and surged periodi- cally only in association with energy crises, certain institutions (the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Gas Research In- stitute, and the U.S. Department of Energy) have developed ongoing bioenergy research programs. The Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station has been a cooperator in new research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Biofuel, Municipal Waste, and Technology Divi- sion, and coordinated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The aim of the research is to evaluate herbaceous crops for biomass production in the Southeast. Warm-season crops in the research in clude annuals (sweet sorghum and pearlmillet) and perennials (ber- mudagrass, johnsongrass, switchgrass, Weighing samples to determine biomass yield in field trials. .and cntca lepedeza). Cool-season species are mainly rye mixed with various annual legumes. Tall fescue is the only temperate perennial. These cool-season crops were planted in rota- tion with summer annuals or into the iod of summer perennials following fall r\esting of summer growth. ienerally, sweet sorghum has been best summer crop, producing over 15,000 lb. per acre in a good season at some sites, see table. However, a disad- vantage is that this species requires an- nual planting and its soil protection capability is lower than for perennials. The most successful summer peren- nial species have been switchgrass, johnsongrass, and sericea lespedeza. These produced up to 8,000 lb. per acre in low rainfall years. In 1987, however, elephantgrass (a sub-tropical perennial grown in south Georgia and Florida) produced over 20,000 lb. per acre in spite of erratic rainfall. The problem with this species is low winter survival. Therefore, specialized management practices must be developed to grow this productive crop in north Alabama. Production from cool-season species has been as high as 6,942 lb. per acre, with most of this composed of rye. Con- sequently, rotation of warm-season followed by cool-season crops appears to have potential for production ex- ceeding 20,000 lb. per acre per year. Cost of biomass production under these high yielding production systems is estimated at around $40 per ton. The cost of converting this biomass to liquid fuel would result in a price of about $3.00 per gal. with existing con- version technology. Thus, fuels from biomass would not be competitive at current prices of gasoline. However, in the event of cheaper biomass production and conversion methods and higher prices of gasoline that may occur in the future, this situation could change. In many European countries with strong economies, the price of gasoline is cur- rently similar to the production cost of fuels from biomass. Bransby is Associate Professor, Ward is Pro- fessor, King is Professor Emeritus, and Sims is Research Associate of Agronomy and Soils. AVERAGE BIOMASS YIELDS 01 SOME TEST SPECIES GROWN ON MARGINAL LAND AT FOUR SITES IN ALABAMA FROM MAY 1985 TO MAY 1986 Crop Dry matter yield/acre Summer Winter Total Lb. Lb. Lb. Sweet sorghum-rye + sweet clover ............................. 15,989 6,942 22,931 Johnsongrass alone ........................................... 8,995 0 8,995 Pearlm illet-rye + vetch ....................................... 11,743 4,265 16,008 Sericea-rye ......... ................................. . ..... 3,226' 4,896 8,122 Switchgrass-rye + vetch ....................................... 1,789' 4,163 5,952 'This was the establishment year for these two perennial species and yields were lower than would he expected in subslequent vears. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA 36849-5403 Lowell T Frobish, Director POSTMASTER-Address Correction Requested NON-PROFIT ORG. POSTAGE & FEES PAID PERMIT No. 9 AUBURN, ALA.