Vol, 31, No. 2 Summer 1984 -w ~ - m - of Agricultural Research we:1 frNll S_-f~ 'I~ )Ii Kir L k" . z 724 E E, ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GALE A. BUCHANAN, DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS P " ue 4teioee. recaIixid ix111 oii il i l)i' I)a i i 14t) OV \ S(; I't'Sl fiiir14 IS agitciitul II. Ier n ci tlAXh l hult lll' ni xxiiilu esi ,19 FI ciw tSain 4,a labam 11(1 it x xxnd ita iiniis mio tgil iit'iicni s txlThi r)111arcit ct t 1 xi tinl))1 lxndn prfiailt iNh11111) ca hI madi/ti such wiitt Ill i2,x ipait in i ftii' t lal is i i l lt t n a h aiti ita k i-m)i'ii 'ins , scitit rtes I f r~ill to t ul l plxi' t si tll axti lit i a ecn hirsct nete 0to e t percen 112, 1 til i sxit nci t'xx lt tut 90s 1 tiltt I 9? I ,iih i lii fo ) oxiitic tl i nt Ii)" 9 p Irieit'tiii 1 11.1 iii ti x ic 11 lla.iti'ii t iln, tt i i t iiat iti ll~ , i idc In at dc- t'oiattr'i il'sx in t ,tj Iii 1'i1.111 i 'i i iI uli' I 1 (ii e it'lNI111 is ea iid itht li i 1Ith tl tipii 11opu- iii SUMMER 1984 'i~fi VOL. 31, NO. 2 A glla terk report of rescarch published bs fitits tiisuct li ix s isi al i'l'lt' it 1114ti '4111 x llI the Alabama agricultural Station. F.spcriuu'nt Auburn craisersits. i 1i .... N ... (,. F. X D\\ n)(1 I I s1.... h. F .i Si I Iso ... .. ii t 11111tc n 1411111 f1 iur ii TII 1.1 ~ l. i111 rc ... Ait Jci-, rii I tiiii ch) rica 11 x tt'i x ini ) i iiiix til 'i))1 aii 11 tii 1 giiui itt musii 1t trpi ' i tha'xt i iii ltue i .1111 11 kii ut itui itill 111 Itii.ii i 11111 x x' i i i li li1111 xi litCH ts tL 1 xi'1111 ii'lt lii i needs't Inl ar111 illlx"ii'1' lii .glait r h1 iittNo11 1)t iL . 1 hepatclpo c1sh d r~sd (c tNAN wvai a i',ItoilI Commiiiittee: (;\iI a li (u X IN P1,1 I sit/i i/ X ' xiii iiitiii ''11111 1111 ._\X 1) 1i1i,, 1i1.. X xxii lilt C I:. ititi/ollt xN l\ 1/ Fi- /111 xxi i c fl "iii c I? M elt (I Ai .No-t/t~i Citciiiiix111 Profiiio of lo vi'xxi iuf iiir unt/u 1 lo ti 1. I)iisr, Xiciiii lith /ll uu/ x. cso iix Nxs of PxoXIti I ll ttN ro A\it Ir~ a 1,l xi, t~Oana CV THE R trcrl vailue of theI) Ayuutrn-veloed copoit F-ea ~ wasa determined in lab tests by R.J. Leichti (right) and R.C. Tang. If the Squash Is Bitter, Don't Sw~allow It -S YMAL, 0L CHAMBLI SSand D.A. SMTH, Department of H~orticulture M.D BOND, Aabama Cooperative Extension Service .. lll~ 11 Mol, S k SI I i tu I 1i l iic uiitei ini Uai t 0 iit 1 ccn I- ll I.ii I I ii I 1)114 ai ilkk in t19 1 \k t liiA to t((ml ii Ik 1.4 lalt 1iill tI t iii ikitoi i it 11(1 (1 eo cn l (ii it itt" tiit', l t t)i,t i tn polii k u n itie c tk il kki i iiii of(Iti vl t 1 ('(iIp i(ilii o it iiitk' iii o , i tilar . i ll lIn :lt tiii, the t u kil \ rct to ti l Iiiit itIloii (s( 1iii i (Iii till iiti 1i /iittii tliff r nI il ,iii(i of (kitI t11( tllw ti luiilI Ihtil it kth of it l(ii tk liii iilii, i 22iiulI iat\ 11(k ii iiii ll \itili uk 1.vp 1k Bitter zucchini analyzed by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. kk i( t i iti iiiIiiIl i liiiit i tutut \ii 0 (lil iyi ito( l i :iI)I~ii 11111 tii t illiiii I )ii Iii /il itov ,lt I t i k lllt it ti I liii Ii t a ti tilt (Ii (Ii t lii I til i l2 al (1i/li111 1 in' t ro 1 i ti l ( ii 11t iitill I'l( t . ofi 1051 a l( il' iii ( i ti i(i ii n - t itv 111 kk t tillg 1 util l I v I it iii*t hi kil kii i tk 11 ii tlkt 1 pi l 1k t li or o if I ii I i l 'I. e h Inpc lllii -I t Itll il cit i fc n lti I 2 l -. ?til kkitl I littiflilk Sii(, l kk lnt i i /Itl\ iiim tli~hl( Ill ite illollt i tiiii 11c oL ai (( () .4): ~l Ittk /1i lit 1111 I11 ttt a( i 1 111111 iiil( t I111k lllilt lit roiiilittit i ((Ill Ih t ii \ r ,c111 t 1( t lilttiI. ,ante 1111liii t111 1 I it w Io(1 )i kiti ill, (,11 1111 "'ti ttit i a i 11 ii(hi ( . ll pkclt till l of i ~ 1 Mlt (t ii iIr Ill Ill Bth t iiii , li k liii I lli ot . i ( ,11i n 11111it lll to kk ii urkjlit 101i kili l k ii tha it ,IIItcIill I/ khIIti h ie k, 1 lA i 11 lik ii tili 1k ll i it kit11111 l el t por i o,1 ,l of iii"111111 i I (Ii c1 nhokUi t ii I iil l iii'n it )] of111( I a \11it~i k I lii Iuit thailtvc I in11 _ t. till n liii I ii li it t kilconik p tt ( to k111 t kt (I \\111 (,i tI i ((1 11 111 1111( o 111( k it ter111 iIh1 i1 tc cu11t l it ii iii iii n ti I 11111 .11 il rlit 1i[lit lil t I t\ p iti i iik t i f i l lili iii iii t I plll t 1 1(1 XX (I liii( hilion it paiii tioll lttil 1 11k I of til it pl I k a1ti iii .1 1 ep tiitill :2 . Ilitlt i Tiii iii iit ~t iII (e i ticilii Il hulkI k inlt tii I li t I kk lii ikk y it( \Al/m/) tl X1tit ti/ill ill I k/li 111111lit Statjion Light frame structural elements tested were, left to right, composite I-beam, 2 x 10, and 2 x 12. 4~N Southtrn ine p2 x in 20- ft. pieces'. tionte at timec of specit'fy (2ach1 piece't 10.5 and 2 x 12s purchasetd f No) quIlit\v sele.ctioni was purchae, other thani to had to Ie giradie stampe 1 (d. lihe lumbtr \ a', cut to IIi lt'ngths h\ It. rel otate tniatur al diefets or inpo c1 graO lde by All I-bieamsi and~tlumbe~tr were~ testetd staticalXc und11r at 1/3-point lht'I(i load on(1a (i 1.5-ft. span at tine Expim nent Stations Forest Pr odtiis I ahot atoi' A \(ompu)IteI 1con((ott ist IIIIIItt(tiI( ftn pies of data. I' o~tu load and tiflettion t'ach fabici(ate'd beams im\iIIon loadi cap~acitX ofi th( 21) struct tural I'lem(ents, aX crtaved aiboult 5,TOO 1b., and di~fferenes' amonI)Ig tilt fixt' types XX rec not statititttalX Iif~eti 21. 'lit' Xas ation oIf nuIII(II(t loa 1011 statistic2al Xari fintod to Ine e'- glIXetc tle IX lfin l thret hpe)1 tli of(1 ia (- R.J, LICHT! and R.C. Tang, Department of Forestry XX (1)112(1 tac Ib',ams. XX l vrain solid XX 212 kii.ofSodi il lut er dctit and counln quantity longer sections needed fin' floor and roof fruning. such as 3 x 10's and 2 .x 12's \\ itb 20-ft. lengths in structural grades No. 2 and bcttcr, are becouting Icss mailable and more c.epcnskc. In addition, although luutber is graded. there is increasing ccidencc that thc" grading s\ stets does not cffccti\ eb distinguish lunther quality . A possible Solution to the problerat, and one that could base economic adv:uttavcs for Alabama, imokcs the use of composite Ibeants to replace solid seen hearts. Such composite heaut.s, fabricated front smaller, less valuable timber, proved suitable for construction use in Alabama Agricttltttral Experirau"nt Station tests. Use of such materials could procicle it market fin' heretofore tntuscd wood products schilc filling it need for holding materials. I'll(, Auburn study svas deg eloped to establish snore efficient methods ofusing.n ailable forest resources in structural application. Spcc"ificall\, it incestivatcd the rclatiSc pcrforntance of composite 1-1eams in comparison to traditional solid simil lutnbcr. agricisral ultu are pros ides solid Sims timber products traditionalb cntplo} ed for light fi-atm IlE'; FOBES"I' HESOIBCI'. that changing. construction s\steius in this Saw log quality' and slowk dcc"linimv. The larger and Intpro cd technology has agate av ailablc a m"sc veneration ofvs oodbascd panels nuuotfactu-ed from otlicnwisc unusahlc and Icss desirable tecs, espec"ialk the broad-Ica\cd species. Bec;ursc these panel products arc Ihln(X gofetned ailtre l tu in t trlIX deig and tis (is of(t kX dtii lcction.11 l charac- tertist'ic vi siittic tk a(toll t5Xhe test characterized hs several onlslanding qualitics. thcv have found application it's slicar sobs in built-up structural elciuents. These built-up ntenthers hag(' been used as Stihslilutcs for traditional simil luntbcr. The cxpcriratcutnl composite 1-beasts were fabricated in 20-ft sections with butt joints in the weh.s at 4t. internals. 'I'll(, ssch taterials were lI 13/S-in., three-ply soutbcro pine structural-1 pbsvood, (2) 3/8-in. oriented strand hoard (OSB), and (3) TS-in. webbcdi Nl a I-bt(I w s ifh XIII ( till i stI est, ant' st ilt'umber rxt10's teic Ie tht lest vcafcrhoard. See photo. Both the OSB and ssafcrhoard ssrrc composed printarik of aspen. 'Flic length of the panel used as web materials vas perpendicular to the heart axis. Flanges were southern pine lumber of select structural grade with Suitable ntachinc-stress rating for stiffimss. Flange ltnttbcr contained finger joints at random intcr\als grcat"r than 72 in. A phenol formaldeh\dc adhesive, which is iighl \\ater resistant. wits used in the flange-\ccb joint and butt joints. A11 beams were cut to Ili-ft. length for static bcndinv tests. Solid lttnthcr specinuns leslecl were No. 2 Alabama Agricultural F.ritci-iniclit Station ION11 IIIA(;1: ()NSLI '\I thet teill of iian aging cr op residue o1n sy soil surface wi th nmini i or no tillage. WXithi the dev elopmnent of effectixve cheica weedl cointrol and souital le planting euf ipm ilent, u se of coniisers atioin tillage xxystemvs has increasedi co(nsidler ablx iin Alabama. Sex eral inimuimii and no-tillage sxystems has e b)112n dtltx opI1 that produtce corn 1 d yite]ts equnal to or higher than those obtained with conxventional tillage. Howtexver, ad- C D.L. THUJRLOW and Jl.H. FDWARDS, Department of Agronomy and Soils J.T, EASON, Sand Mountain Substation the ill-tillage alit in-ross ehiseling tillage, respeetisvel, in 1983. The 3-sear asverage yid of sos beanis in 2-sear rotation wxith cor n, across all thle tillage sx stecils, xxas23 higher than undter conitinuious sos lians, higher SCN couints than other tillage treat- tditioiial iniformnationi is nieetded on conl- serv aton tillage sy stemls flir soIN beanis or ini rotation wxith co~rn. sovcns11,( A recen t s ttici bi the A labamia Agoent Station showxed that ricuItur al E xpeim soyblean y ields xxeir1 increased biy eon- significantlx hligher thlanl under( other tillage 5N sttemsi. till II as soi5 beals. The1 stillnt iiitoite tioun)t u1ndtr lit' niot affettdt lix r otationl wxithi This reducltion1 of soybI an s ield ndler servxation tillage piractites and erop rotation. Cons entional tillage sNsteims wxere com-i (Aontinulouis so5 beanls lois bei causted b a sos ean es st necinatodle (CN) popuolat ion t pared to in imum andi no-tillage sy stemlis on fountd in Septemiier 1983, tablk 2. SCN so5 beans, coirn, anti xwheat on a Hartsells tine sani idxo aim soil oin the Santi MIotintail) Su11) conts xxete lossr pilots xx htie sos bianls tin wxeri r2otated xxith tillrn than ini continuiouis station at Cirossx ille, fr om 1981 to 198:3. consventioniia] tillage. The m~iinium tillage treatnient consistedl soybI eans, exeplt xwi thi 'Ihc iltiatoitl numbers xxere fnirther r(of pl antiniig corn aind soxvbean s oxver 8- to 9-in.-(deep chisel slots; the no-tillage tireat- duledl iin a doubllteoppiitd5 stemi xxithi nments xxere planted xwitlh a double-disk xxheat for grain. It is speeulateti that the redtucedl time the lantd xwas cropped to sosopener planter directis inito tihe ontilled soil hals 15 tilt reasoni fori this I ttiictioni iln surface. Ross spacinig wxas 36 in. Cropping sequenees xwere continous soybieans; 101Corn1 ields in 1983 were 141, hlighetr 1 tinuouiis cornii eorn-s05vbeans: anti cornI(tateti w5ithI soybans ii 5tl xitha crn iihen wxheat for grain-sos ilanis. WXheat wxas oil all xte ro21 p)lots as a swinter cov5er, incltuding those p)lots wsas groi coxnitlltinuoullsly, ant Sc high~er for the 3-x ax ear erage aero ss all till age, talde 1. not uisedi for grain crop. The wxheat xxas killed Y1ieltls in 198:3 wx2re 101% lossr 111conti on the wxinter co1)r pilots 1t0days blole 1 eentiontal tillage than other tillage 55sstem planting ciorn or soN I)ans (Continuous sosybeani yields wxei e in- xxhen a5 tragttd atcross all cropp))ing .sxxste iis andt lostr 7%4 tfor a 3 stal asvtrage. SCN xa, ereaseti 16r wxithi thle no- till and in-riow steusDer eonsventional chiiseliiig tillage ss olnseitioinal till, wxas grostn The cFi tillage in 1981 and 1982, and 52 and :31% lbx 1hct results of this stuicl slhowx that sos bean y ields twerte inereaseti his coniseri ation~ tillage prlatt icts and c riip ro tation. Furinthter, thet xre(su~lts suggest thait ecultis atinig soyi an e11) clively sill result ill the buiiltdup of sos w~ Itinig tcorn1 Ibeoan cst' nAIi'llatodte's, anti euti a resuilt the builtdop of stunlt ill exelilsit els xxill lieiiatlets. This mlas lbt a factoir toler ielcis ofhthelse trop]s. tribtinlg to loss FROM TOP: Soybean growth by August 8, 1983, when planted by conventional tillage, chisel tillage, or no tillage in a continuous soybean cropping system. '.4. CRPPING, S1 1, INCE L AND SM Il 55, N Tli )S Oi COIIN L 1981-198:3 treattiieot Ioar: Si nN I oi i's lo IN Srx) ,iII' Ni 5)I 198:31 Xi ii 1:3 'II Otis'orii Per aere xieltd li Cropping~~ seuBc ~ udr hsel loyet N tillage~l y Cr oppig Co( tionl coChII l N- inl segnence' enderillg :1-ye ali sos bean seld I. cti uousil ... l SSobeans-corii) Courn-whea.t fill grll in flihlii5.. Ayc agc... S115 han cy xtlarv ae and (-t I '-- 20. S 31.0 33.9 28 t6 27..3 31.8 33.8 .32.9 :31.2 30f.5 26.6 32.6 91o11)1s 1,1 uu 4601 1(090) 216 Sf06 14:3 1:3 498 21 2 _)T 11 1)5 27.5 :31.01 30.9 cotx 'I .1 3-sear as. corn }ield g.1ai1 soixliliils ill) ,115fiails. 598 :321 1859 Sos beau cxst tanrsli aind cysxl 127 127 121 31.1 118 122 116 28. 7 118 121 30.S5 A( e age f(i .Ix i .. Coro 111 114 114 gral s1o5bcans.15. Axulagl ... 19 I 100) 51 51 I 2:3 39 21 1 1 I 1 " 2-vx or ax. xxheat yield \Vh ct ... ... 32.6 :3 2 1 . 'Wheat xxas on all plots as5 wxiter over, ina1 \l'hcat was ou all plots as a winter cover in eluding those plots not used fur grain crop. Alabamia Agriculturcal Exp)C(rimenlt S tationll Ammoniation of Fungus-infected Fescue Hay Improves Weight Gain of Steers S.P. SCHMIDT, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences LA. SMITH, H.W. GRIMES, and J.L. HOLLIMAN Black Belt Substation Crude protein is determined by measuring total nitrogen and multiplying by 6.25. It should be emphasized that this ammoniation procedure adds nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) to the hay, that this is not natural protein, and that the added nitrogen (shown as urea in the table) has little nutritional value for cattle fed only hay and no grain. The crude fiber and cell wall constituent values show that the fungus-free hay was more mature than the fungus-infected hay. Hay loss during storage was also reduced for the ammoniated hay, probably a result of being covered with plastic. Steers fed ammoniated hay consumed 29.2 and 25.7% more than those fed untreated hay. This response was greater than expected based on other feeding trials. Ammoniation of the fungus-infected hay resulted in a doubling of the daily gains of steers. Most of the increased gains can be accounted for by the increased consumption; however, it was calculated that the digestible energy value of the fungus-infected hay had to be improved approximately 5% to account for all the increased gains. The increased gains observed for steers fed ammoniated, fungus-free hay were not as large as expected based upon other feeding trials. Also, as indicated by the feeding efficiency values, there was no improvement in energy digestibility. The lack of increased gains proportional to the increased intake for the ammoniated, fungus-free hay is unexplainable. Comparing the untreated hays, it was found that infection of tall fescue by the A. coenophialum fungus decreased cattle performance in cool weather as well as warm weather. Hay can be ammoniated anytime. In general, the reaction of the ammonia with the lignin and cellulose in the plant takes 7 to 10 days during hot weather and 30 to 45 days during cold weather. Moisture is important for the reaction, with 8 to 10% moisture being adequate but 15 to 30% more desirable. It is recommended that the treated hay remain covered with plastic until 3 to 7 days before being fed. No toxicity problems have been reported in any cattle fed low quality forages that have been ammoniated. However, researchers in Kansas recently reported that calves nursing cows fed high-quality ammoniated sorghumsudan hay became hyperexcitable and that some of the calves died. Until more information is available, cow-calf producers should refrain from feeding ammoniated, high-quality hay to cows with nursing calves. When working with anhydrous ammonia, keep equipment and gauges well maintained, work upwind from the ammonia, wear goggles and rubber gloves, make sure tears and holes in the plastic are taped before application, and have water nearby in case of AGES with anhydrous ammonia has to boost feed intake by been shown LOW-QUALITY FORcattle by 15 to 20% and to increase digestibility (and therefore available energy) by 8 to 15%. Research done at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (see Fall 1983 issue of Highlights) also showed that ammoniation of over-mature johnsongrass hay improved intake by steers 10.1 to 17.6% and increased the total digestible nutrients (TDN, a measure of utilizable feed energy) by 9%. Previous research had demonstrated that the gains of steers grazing fungus-infected tall fescue pastures were reduced 40% compared to steers grazing fungus-free tall fescue, and that this difference was even larger when steers fed fungus-free hay during hot weather were compared to steers fed fungusinfected hay. No data were available, however, showing the effects of fungus infection on cattle fed fescue hay during the winter months or if ammoniation would overcome the detrimental effects of the fescue fungus. It was of interest to scientists at the Experiment Station to find that ammoniation of fungus-infected fescue hay dramatically improved its nutritional value for beef cattle. TREATING Kentucky 31 tall fescue at the Black Belt Substation that was either infected with or free of the fungus, Acremonium coenophialum, was harvested as hay in large round bales. Half the bales of each type (fungus-infected or fungus-free) were stacked end-to-end in separate stacks, two bales on the ground and one on top, and covered with 6-mil black polyethylene. The edges of the plastic were covered with gravel to seal in the ammonia. Anhydrous ammonia was injected under the plastic, near the middle of each stack, at the rate of 3 lb. per 100 lb. of hay. The treated bales remained covered from the time of ammoniation (August 4) until 3 days before being fed to cattle, at which time bales were removed one at a time as needed. Untreated bales remained outdoors, uncovered, as is normally done with large, round bales. Beginning November 3, a 47-day drylot feeding trial was conducted using 32 head of steers averaging 562 lb. each. The steers were divided into four groups and the hay was offered free-choice in feeders. Water, salt, and minerals were available at all times. Results from this experiment are summarized in the table. Ammoniation increased the percent crude protein in both the fungus-free and fungus-infected hay. EFFECTS OF AMMONIATION OF FUNGUS-INFECTED AND FUNGUS-FREE KENTUCKY 31 TALL FESCUE HAY ItemInfected, emuntreated i Infected, ammoniated Fungus-free, untreated Fungus-free, ammoniated Hay analysis (dry matter basis) when fed Crude protein, pct. ......... Equivalent urea, pct........ Crude fiber, pct.......39.1 8.9 0 75.2 6.2 11.3 -.68 . 16.6 14.3 1.87 38.9 6.7 0 41.2 10.0 1.84 42.6 Cell wall constituents, pet. ... Dry matter loss from baling to 73.9 0 14.6 29.2 1.43 10.2 78.2 9.5 8 74.2 0 8 feeding, pet. .............. No. animals ................ Animal performance 8 8 Daily dry matter intake, lb. .. Increased intake, pet. ....... Av. daily gain, lb............ Hay dry matter per lb. gain, lb .................. 11.3 -.81 14.0 14.2 25.7 .97 14.6 contact with skin or eyes. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station story about the efficiency of Alabama agriculture. In DATA tell awere 1.33 1920 there dramatic million people living and working on farms in the State. By 1980 the number had plummeted to 87,471, but this efficient group was producing the raw materials to support an agricultural industry that is a major contributor to Alabama's total economy. The farm population is identified only in rural areas and includes all persons living on places of 1 acre or more from which at least $1,000 worth of agricultural products were sold in the previous year. Thus, owneroperators living in urban places and individuals residing on acreages that did not meet the sales criterion are excluded from the farm population. The table, reporting data used in Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station research, shows trends in Alabama's farm population over the last 60 years. Some changes in definition occurred over the span, but the figures remain generally comparable. For the State as a whole, about 2.3% of the population is classified as rural farm (87,000 out of 3.9 million). Total population grew steadily over the 60-year period, going from 2.3 to 3.9 million. The decline in the number of rural farm people is largely similar among whites and nonwhites, although in the last 2 decades the nonwhite rural farm population has dropped even faster. Until the 1960's, a higher proportion of nonwhites tended to be farm residents, but in 1980 only 0.5% of the nonwhite population was classified as rural farm compared to 2.9% of the white population. Nonwhites now represent about 5.7% of the State's rural farm population compared to 38.6% in 1920. The map shows the distribution of rural farm persons across Alabama. This segment of the population tends to be clustered in the northern and southeastern parts of the State. Cullman and DeKalb show the largest number of rural farm people, more than 4,500, reflecting the many small and part-time farms found in these counties. Madison, Lauderdale, and Limestone have around 3,000, and Lawrence, Morgan, Marshall, Blount, Baldwin, Coffee, Geneva, and Houston have more than 2,000 rural farm POPULATION tOBR RN* K" E a AWRENCE " "" * * " 0 *".: """"*i *"* o* " Alabama's Farm Population Distribution 1980 M E " ** * ." A* . . : one dot = 250 rural farm residents ars " * 0AN .. * , 0 T." ... ""D 0 , " " 00 @000' 0 " 0 . Farm . M ."0 Pa o Ch"ange"in J.JMOLNAR Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology residents each. Clarke, Wilcox, Bibb, Greene, Bullock, and Coosa counties each have fewer than 500 rural farm residents. Although not shown in the table or map, counties also can be compared on the percentage of their population that is rural farm. DeKalb, Cherokee, Lawrence, and Geneva counties have the highest proportion of rural farm residents, more than 8% each. Four central-city metropolitan counties-Montgomery, Jefferson, Mobile, and Calhoun- TRENDS IN ALABAMA'S RURAL FARM POPULATION BY RACE, 1920-80 Year Total No. 1,447,032 1,700,844 1,849,097 2,079,591 2,283,617 2,535,823 2,873,289 1920........... 1930........... 1940........... 1950........... 1960........... 1970........... 1980........... White Farm population No. Pct. 819,162 56.6 49.4 839,531 860,687 46.5 641,908 30.9 278,024 12.2 128,997 5.1 82,500 2.9 Total No. 900,562 944,834 983,290 982,152 983,123 903,000 996,283 Nonwhite Farm population No. 515,082 496,542 477,767 318,585 124,831 30,482 4,971 Pct. 57.2 52.6 48.6 32.4 12.7 3.4 .5 Total population No. 2,347,594 2,645,678 2,832,387 3,061,743 3,266,740 3,438,823 3,869,572 and Lee County have less than 1% rural farm residents. The shrinking number of rural farm people has important implications for the conservation, wise use, and productive development of the State's fundamental natural resource, the land (about 27% of the State's land area is in agriculture and more than two-thirds is forested). Fewer people are using increasingly potent technology to make significant decisions about larger sets of natural resources. These decisions can protect our soil and water assets for the future and generate employment for many people today, or result in waste and a legacy of lost opportunity. Education and research efforts must reach a narrower segment of the population with effective solutions to current and long-range problems to generate more jobs, business activity, and income from the agricultural economy, as well as assure well-being for all Alabamians. Farmers may be small in numbers, but they continue to be a vital force in Alabama's economy. 7 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station The high cieat aiie sprax er sp' (fliX Bredi ae to tilecollairds thiroughi tdi(ce hollwx driops diirecedl 11 tint tside ofd til iaints at a 15 dowximX at d angh'. loxhi macineo XXaX01)4) a(dat 250 lb. pe'r sq .n. and (feliX (' 901 I ii erd gal. pcr~acre'l bIXspr'aX 2(0 sid. i1( t'ach'r'oX ilto) each.1 d oIf t114e plantsX XXil Xaltkting 114. oXX ( tile roxx s. hi ee ilioX .tid two) onl (.01)1nules.' drop ang iled.'. on4. (IX toXX t topt) e 1 sidils(f, at itt'e lie planlts. It dlkeXred.4. 1.3gal pcr.' ace 1)111fog tl ilill applf il' August 1:3, one4. Septeillafter 23 taidi.' IIii~lintingolta XXsIIId'ings,'( d ilI.3X XXcr cont.3'iailld at (i 114)1 I efin-t MH. HOLLINGSWORTH, North Alabama Horticulture Substation \yilxeiuntiliXf tlt'atii i.I wer the 4.'r ha)(n estable of iliae madliiat int ta t s iII O t o I;HC 1111 I illutt lx II''LL.X.X 11 it (((1(is( atilols XseI'n flaX ttm lt If tilt' in tie ('tietiXre~ o'l~x(f anlli Siitemb XX ithe o l~il~er 111(clcontind iceaf thI at se C(ii f Bl XXiti s~'it It lb extaiixit't ac fieild tiaiti X tile NihtiiAlaaIl or1tilfit, ald to11(tes't tis totre. Subs~tatio Four) hXpo~thlesix. tir-las and3i hand014 aump( st(ms. applicati1on(11 u114.Iiou ain techiqu Ii (txXXil ihadIl 4 X b(1 11 , irn c rsa d r been)1 Isxd gaixXers testin~g of, mllotit cropisil a iiuttrl l~ trplillar pest Xabae cldan Xoi altht'Xugh cli tle idXoX iicaile tilt aiil(Xt efies addit(11 Appl11ictin XX)'))i l fill 6tXX tiitfh as broii ccot'li.~ (fotXtd XtpX oi XXpicIa tilt.as' ti Asi x(a lit as 1969 l t sz .Tl iU Ith.4(i, tiu I (11101iii ofI theI fadepxit.o t i 4 ti )11) 111b iIX (fIl 1111 rI IXult tilc obtapp iliaii eciqe pir( flilo~x aX tilab m 1)1Ill iitX ax XX 4. liliwi i m n ix tti on iiX reeaX hr havX~xIie cntinulleX maXXial ItX q to'aI tt nosy XXirnl ('t 1( I')lut thIf I XX (i s, arti ous Cullic 111 y types leIpictation iused1 ((Xe lel14n1 XII (wOi I'm u. Co XixI'l, Iixi\'so (01 9(1 ia 1)y:rii~n jul or(:OI,[ wlI)s I i-IOOI iIt ill ti11 i 1 scarsi~~. rn ip t (ill 14(1( . . .. . Sept. 2 . . ... Scipt. 23 Sept 2 3.95 .27 2 .5 3.5-1 -9.12 Sept. 1(i :3.51 2.21 3210 5.1S 1(4.94 Sept 23 2.1(1 1 .55 2.29 3. 53 2 .39 Hjighl arance .. 2.1 .96 0.91I .52 lii-blast . . . . . Ilaiit pi[11p . . . ( a c dilod.............. Contrl .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1.7.5 3. ( 5 35 .9S 1. 115 2.10 'All spray nisix conitinedI 0. I 'G Chloroin Sprtedr AfilbnnaA--ricnlluralExpcrinicnlStation Carryover Residue Levels of Alar in Apple Trees Sprayed the Preceding Spring and Summer WA. DOZIER, JR., K.S. RYMAL, and J.W. KNOWLES, Department of Horticulture AMINOZIDE (ALARŪ) applied as foliar sprays has been used as an aid in overcoming certain physiological problems associated with apple production. Daminozide decreases vegetative growth and enhances flowering and fruiting of young trees when applied 21 days after bloom. Daminozide applied 8 weeks prior to harvest increases fruit firmness and red color development, delays maturity, prevents fruit drop, reduces scald, and delays the development of water core. These effects are of great economic advantage to apple growers. Recently, however, there has been concern over the use of daminozide because of its implication in the production of tumors in mice, and because its hydrolysis or thermal breakdown product, 1,1-dimethyl-hydrazine (UDMH), has been shown to be a carcinogen. Recent research work at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has shown that daminozide, when used properly, presents no residue problem. The EPA tolerance level of 30 p.p.m. for daminozide residue is much greater than that found in treated fruit. Daminozide residues in fresh apples and daminozide residues and UDMH in processed applesauce were found to be low and well below the EPA tolerance levels when daminozide was applied at recommended rates and time of application. However, some questions were raised about the carryover of daminozide in treated plants and whether this carryover residue could accumulate in the fruit. A study was initiated to determine the daminozide residue levels in fruit and other plant parts the year following treatment application. Daminozide was applied as foliar sprays in 1982 at the recommended amount of 1.5 lb. of daminozide in 100 gal. water (1,500 p.p.m.) and at excessive rates of 3,000 and 6,000 p.p.m. Sprays were applied 21 days after full bloom, 8 weeks before harvest, 2 weeks before harvest, and on the day of harvest. Residue levels were determined in spur buds, bark, and xylem, and terminal buds, bark, xylem, and lateral buds of current year's vegetative growth on December 20, 1982, and March 24 and August 25, 1983. Residue levels were determined in fruit samples collected at maturity on August 25, 1983. Daminozide residues were found in all plant parts at each sample date and the levels ofthe residues were affected by both the rate and time of applicaton. In general, residue levels increased as rates were increased, but the response to rate was less when treatments were applied 21 days after bloom than when treatments were applied closer to harvest. Daminozide applied at the early application date had either dissipated or been diluted by tree and fruit growth over the summer so there were smaller differences in residues due to rate of daminozide. Residue levels were found to increase as treatments were applied closer to harvest. On the December sampling date, the highest residue levels were found in the spur and terminal buds and spur bark and xylem, while the lowest residues were found in the stem bark and xylem. In March, residue levels increased in all buds (terminal, spur, and lateral); as buds began to swell, daminozide moved into them from other parts of the tree. By August 25, 1983, however, there were few differences between treatments, and residue levels were about the same for all plant parts. Contrary to previous reports for the South, daminozide residues in apple trees are persistent throughout the winter in Alabama. Residues of daminozide were found in apple fruit harvested in 1983, a year after application of the growth regulator. However, residue levels were below 1 p.p.m. for all treatments except those at 3 and 6 lb. per 100 gal. applied on the day of harvest in 1982 which had residue levels of 1.4 and 2.4 p.p.m., respectively. Use of daminozide posed no problem with carryover residues in fruit when spray applications were made at the recommended rate and application dates. When daminozide was applied at 1.5 lb. per 100 gal. at the proper times, the residue levels in plant parts were present at low levels and did not differ significantly from check treatments. Daminozide residues were found in all vegetative plant parts with the highest residue levels being in the buds. Daminozide residues persisted through the dormant season but had dissipated by harvest time the season following treatment application. Residue levels found in the fruit the season following application were very low. From this data, the use of daminozide would pose no problem with carryover residues in fruit when spray applications were made at the recommended rate and application dates. DAMINOZIDE CARRYOVER RESIDUE LEVELS (P.P.M.) SAMPLED IN APPLE TREE PARTS AND FRUIT Plant material sampled Residue by application rate and treatment date 11 -I 4-22 p.p.m. 1,500 p.p.m. ) p.p.m. 35.2 17.5 12.5 28.2 9.3 3.1 4.1 55.9 9.4 6.3 41.5 15.0 3.2 5.2 17.1 11.1 8.7 37.4 40.6 6.2 9.3 .1 I c;llll1~~ 6,000 p.p.m. 6-29 Spur bud ........................ Spur bark ........................ Spur xylem ....................... .............. Terminal bud....... Lateral bud ...................... Stem xylem ...................... Stem bark .................... Spur bud ........................ Spur bark ..... .................. Spur lem....................... Terminal bud ..................... Lateral bud ...................... Stem xylem ...................... Stem bark........................ Spur bud ........................ Spur bark ........................ Spur xylem ....................... Term inal bud..................... Lateral bud................... Stem xylem. ................... Stem bark ..................... Fruit ............................ mnC~r;nl 9.5 3.1 4.6 17.0 3.3 2.4 2.2 10.9 3.2 3.7 25.4 10.4 1.5 .8 16.2 13.7 9.6 44.4 19.7 3.3 7.9 .4 . I, L, p.p.m. p.p.m. December 20, 1982 149.9 24.9 64.7 11.4 54.4 11.0 21.8 153.7 30.3 5.8 12.1 3.8 17.8 4.3 March 24, 1983 38.4 262.1 8.4 55.3 45.8 10.1 34.5 306.7 118.5 11.9 2.8 14.6 23.0 3.1 August 25, 1983 14.9 13.2 17.5 11.6 9.4 18.6 41.1 32.7 19.8 10.8 6.1 6.4 13.0 14.7 .2 .6 m 8-25 4-22 6-29 8-25 p.p.m. 148.6 71.8 57.2 155.1 24.2 10.5 16.1 235.4 51.5 42.5 201.9 53.2 10.2 16.0 10.9 18.5 15.5 18.2 10.5 14.0 15.2 .6 Alabama AgriculturalExperiment Station MANAGING ALFALFA FOR HAY C.Y. WARD and D, KEE, Department of Agronomy and Soils Treatment E represents the presently out of alfalfa calls for good recommended hay management for alfalfaYOUR includes worth management. This money's timing harvested when 10% of plants have bloomed hay cuttings for top yield and quality and for ("bloom stage"). At this growth stage the long lasting stands. plants are still leafy and contain about Preliminary results of Alabama Agri- 18-20% crude protein. After being harcultural Experiment Station research indi- vested, it takes alfalfa about 30 days to again cate that cutting once or twice at the bud reach the bloom stage. This provides sufstage, with other cuttings at early bloom, ficient time for plants to store starch in their provides a good combination of yield and hay roots for a strong regrowth following the next quality. Making all cuttings at the bud stage cutting or after overwintering. reduced total yield. How this cutting Yield of alfalfa hay averaged over all locamanagement-and date of last cuttingtions ranged from 10,750 lb. per acre for affects stand life will be determined as the stands cut repeatedly at the bloom stage to project progresses. 8,900 lb. when cut repeatedly at the bud The test plantings were made in October stage. All other treatments were inter1982, with Florida 77 alfalfa seeded at mediate in yield, see table. Harvesting alfalfa at the bud stage in early Shorter, Marion Junction, Fairhope, Brewton, and Prattville. All sites except Marion spring followed by four harvests at the bloom Junction had acid soil and were limed to stage did not reduce yields below the recbring the soil pH to 6.5. The Marion Junc- ommended cutting management. However, tion test is on an alkaline Sumter soil. Plant harvesting more than one time each year at nutrients were incorporated at 0-60-200 (lb. the bud stage reduced hay yield by slightly N, P, K) plus 4 lb. boron (B) per acre at all more than 1/2 ton per acre. The reduction in yield from more frequent locations. The alfalfa seed were inoculated and broadcast on the surface at 20 lb. per bud stage cuttings may be offset by the acre and cultipacked to firm the seed to the higher quality of hay obtained at this younger stage of growth. Hand separation of soil. Experimental cutting treatments began in alfalfa plants into leaves and stems revealed spring 1983 to compare yield under different that bud stage has 57% leaves, compared to harvest schedules and to determine how approximately 50% for the bloom stage. date of final harvest affects stand longevity Leaves of alfalfa contain higher percentages of crude protein, sugars, vitamins, and minincluded: erals than do the stems. As might be expected, higher average hay Treatment Stage of cutting yields during the first season were obtained A ........... Bud', bloom 2 thereafter B ........... Bloom, then bud alternating from plots harvested the last time in Nowith bloom C ........... Bud, then bloom alternating with bud Bud continuously D ........... EFFECT OF CUTTING MANAGEMENT ON ALFALFA HAY YIELDS E ........... Bloom continuously F ........... Bud, bloom, bud, bloom No. of cuttings and hay yield/acre, by location Av. yield, (last cut in September) Prattville Fairhope Shorter Brewton Marion Jct. Treatment Bud, bloom, bud, bloom, G ........... all locations Cut- Yield Cut- Yield Cut- Yield Cut- Yield Cut- Yield bloom (last cut in Novemtings tings tings tings tings ber) Lb. No. Lb. No. Lb. No. Lb. No. Lb. No. Lb. H ........... Bud, bloom, bud, bloom, 10,600 6 16,100 6 12,800 5 9,700 6 10,400 5 4,050 bloom, (last cut in De- A.............. 10,350 B. 6 14,450 6 15,350 4 7,400 8 9,400 5 5,050 ............. cember) 9,850 ............. 5 8,950 8 8,850 5 3,400 6 15,450 6 12,150 C. GETTING vember, as compared to September or October cuttings. It will take several seasons to fully assess the influence of late fall harvests on alfalfa persistence. Among the experimental locations, highest per acre hay yields were obtained at Fairhope (15,500 lb.), followed by Prattville (12,750 lb.), Brewton (9,650 lb.), Marion Junction (8,300 lb.), and Shorter (4,300 lb.). Yields at Shorter and Marion Junction were restricted by low rainfall in August, September, and October. At locations where high populations of the alfalfa weevil developed on the spring growth, plots harvested at the bud stage suffered less weevil damage and had higher yields than where the first harvest was delayed to the bloom stage. This relationship was noted at Marion Junction and Fairhope. Since the alfalfa weevil affects only the first spring harvest, a logical approach to avoid use of pesticides is to harvest the first cutting at the bud stage. This will eliminate the weevil by taking away its food supply. Although taking the first cutting at the bud stage may reduce yield, the hay will be leafier and higher in quality than if cut at a more advanced growth stage. In summary, the results of 1 year's comparison of different clipping frequencies show that alfalfa cut at the bud stage each time will result in a lowered yield. Alfalfa can be harvested in the bud stage once or twice annually if subsequent harvests are made at an early bloom stage. Since summer showers are a major problem with hay making, this schedule offers flexibility for fitting the cutting schedule with the weather. While higher yields are usually obtained by delaying harvest to the bloom stage, cutting can be done at an earlier stage without fear of reducing total hay yield for the season. Serious alfalfa weevil damage can be avoided without the use of pesticides by making the first harvest of alfalfa each spring at the bud stage. This eliminates the weevil's feed source and provides a leafy, high quality hay. D ............. 5 6,600 8 8,400 4 7,400 7 11,600 'Bud stage is characterized by a developed E ............. 8,800 5 9,100 5 and swollen flower bud, usually 7-10 days F ............. 5 8,250 7 9,300 G ............. before flowering. 6 10,500 5 9,200 H ............. 'Bloom is when 10-25% of plants have MEean.......... 9,650 8,300 3LLlllll IVII~~L;VILY LVIILalllIll~jllCI ~C L~GaVC3 VI aiiaiia flowers. 6 5 5 5 5 4,450 5,050 4,250 4,000 3,950 4,300 7 7 7 6 6 14,350 15,250 15,000 16,800 16,750 15,500 6 6 6 6 6 10,750 14,450 11,700 12,750 12,100 12,750 8,900 10,750 9,800 10,200 10,500 10 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station -~ f. '.- N-'- ~i Ii A, 4 . . Rr - x~j .~s r. r 1 X' 1 Herbicides an Essential Component for Profitable Weed Control Systems C.E. SNIPES ana R.H. WALKER, Department of Agronomy ana Soils N.R. MARTIN, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology I II 13131ON Iii HI;IN)i;.N'I C lo \\x conit iott tltI l it i In l~it ait ltttit ix' t ii to he xi ler icii l s I tk t 1ameos tion iUh oltf111li.i tiii tltiiU's iii totilxi itc tiul Icin-ti xli t tc fo nu iitl i Ihell It1 ,ssI. llpeiti i Il ( on til litoalitoh 'x I y ctioL.Nccc~ p li h\tIit i It. li in,('1n11 t I tb r )ttx liltc lso t o ht t lit 1 II i i coos 1 tl i i iS Iti ain iii"a lin ttit i tI i x irelti -it hkiii itti i it lxl'n ts tlh I it 'i as tiltxt th ti l h l t of ti so)11 ( l ott i itt I n ttis t il tn tld.1t pi1. fitlt lti tixtol o tit xce~~ presnt.t ti'xt K ciiilx heit idtt(ltlt ar e s nikl I otton t i nit ti n ti(5 w lte iti I hit 1 ii itl' II it ti niti l ii Ptlt iI-hoedIat~ti tin itit tillic~ icd hc of xx c it it tti l'xs.i ttil - 2ction . I tcct ltbl ix proti allt aeItith it : t< 111 151ti ln it ti t n ro it en' p oI lit sttil II ( tt il ot un-1 il It it i li ot It and snp o plilt baI titit aix txxite it 70ti itr ll t Co i it . alixlxi ofpolix t liiie(I ittit1 iti lti lii vih kttin n tro(tI 2onia alt tlollaic int Ica r j su stin Bel i e c . \ \r i it 5tJo ce42 co to nict 2ta t i'f tncsl 51alc 'lit t 1 t (ot h s- to be iotrol i co iii to t I i lxin t ii clt itc ' 'ti i n uidlglt i I \- t til-i m( i ,) i 'i ii ir t tr"ilt I t h 'Iil itli ht th ll' tI t x h~ ii tltlit ix t" ti 111iie I xi'iiIIilltt Hetm-ns to ]allot. ill$L a(n" osii lilt teit iti IS); 19;5 Ih)l Io) t)el. I9s0 i)ul. tp I) J. re lc t td plot th 4 iset inx i lt tt I i It on I spe ie ii Telo iip plut i 'upor tc( an I ~- t _ ilt tilt. It tlt tilt 121 155 Ilcrlw iol( call's II). ;(. i. Ix°r actit (tir 0--5 and 1.0- rcpceli rl(. I ir (:i tit [I rrellan- Ind I:urnne\lI0i -142 ai0' Ii ixs k/o/ utnn A-111 irn0111-0 1-k-pt'l-hilcut station Litter Separation for Reuse or Fuel Litter weight, pct. retained 35- 3 New litter 2 or 3 batches 25 20eB 15 - 5 BROILER J,L. KOON and CA. FLOOD, JR. Dept. of Agricultural Engineering R.N, BREWER Department of Poultry Science PRODUCERS in Alabama 4 6 8 12 Sieve size 16 20 pan Various fractions held by different sieve sizes are shown for new litter and for litter that had been used for two or three batches of broilers. depend mainly upon pine shavings and pine sawdust as a source of litter. Each year over 500 million broilers are grown on this litter and add approximately 2.5 billion lb. of manure (wet basis) to this litter. When broiler houses are cleaned, the shavings-manure mixture is used primarily for fertilizer and as a component of cattle feed. These uses generally require little or no processing. There has been increasing interest in drying and separation of the larger wood particles from the manure and finer wood particles to increase the value and use potential of these components. Research at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has centered around separation and characterization of these components to determine their potential for use as animal feed, fuel for heating, and for relittering poultry houses. Initial studies were designed to determine the particulate makeup of pine shavings as they are received from the planer mill. Composite samples were taken from a truckload and separated using a SoiltestŪ brand shaker equipped with pan type sieves ranging from 4 mesh to 20 mesh (4.75 to 0.85 mm opening) screen sizes. A measured amount of shavings was added to the number 4 (top) sieve and shaken for 5 minutes. The litter fractions retained in each succeeding sieve were collected and weighed. The results of these tests are shown in the figure. The large particle size consisted of all particles failing to pass the number 8 sieve. This determination was based on fine particle size considered compatible with manure to be pelleted or otherwise used as fertilizer or animal feed. The large particles could then be used for relittering of poultry houses or burning for fuel. Based on an average of multiple tests, the large particle fraction made up 72.1% of the sample and the fines 27.9% of the sample weight. The second series of trials included litter taken from floor pens following two and three consecutive broods of broilers. When separated at moisture levels normally encountered in broiler houses, large particles made up 22.7% of the total and fines 77.3%. Further separation of the manure from the large particles would require additional processing. The various fractions held by sieves 4 through 20 and passing the 20-mesh sieve are shown in the figure. This shift in percent of large and fine particles from new shavings represents the dried manure present in the sample. Preliminary separation trials on used litter from various sources point out the variability in consistency of litter and the effect of management factors on litter moisture during the growout. When the litter is allowed to cake during the growout, the large particles stick together, making accurate separation difficult. Along with drying, some type of agitation or grinding may be necessary to completely separate the manure from the large particles of wood. As the number of successive broods grown on litter increases, the larger wood particles tend to break down, reducing the amount reclaimable for use as fuel or replacement ings, and would have a value of $150. If this portion were burned in a furnace or boiler, based on relative B.t.u.'s generated and a burning efficiency of 50%, it would replace 466 gal. of LP gas having a value of $359. The fine portion would have a value of approximately $2,590 when mixed into cattle feed and would be worth approximately $740 as fertilizer. Particle size of this fine portion is small enough to blend well with other feed ingredients and would not interfere with the pelleting process, should it be used. Broiler production trials using unseparated pine shavings, large particles, or fines as litter indicated no major difference in litter management requirements. Although birds grown on large particles had slightly better feed conversions on new litter, no significant differences in feed conversion or weight gain were found, see table. More research is needed to determine how poultry litter may be better utilized and the economics of use. EFFECT OF LITTER PARTICLE SIZE ON GROWTH AND FEED CONVERSION IN BROILERS Treatment 4-wk.-old birds Av. Feed wt. conv. Lb. 1.70 1.69 1.61 1.61 6-wk.-old birds Av. Feed wt. cony. Lb. 3.69 3.71 3.71 Trial 1' 1-control .... 2.12 2.04 2.10 2-large ...... 1.74 3-fine....... 1.69 2 Trial 2A litter. The percentage of original large litter particles reclaimed after 3-4 successive broods is approximately 50 to 70%. This large particle fraction would amount to approximately 6 tons from a 12,000-sq.-ft. broiler house. The fines plus manure would amount to approximately 74 tons. When predicting relative values of these materials, allowance must be made for planned use and the value of new materials 1-control .... 2.09 2-large ...... 2.08 3-fine ....... 2.09 3 Trial 3B 1.57 1.51 1.54 1.59 1.54 1.52 3.89 3.89 3.84 3.84 3.86 3.87 1.88 1.86 1.88 1.88 1.79 1.71 4-control .... 1.99 5-large ...... 2.01 . 6-fine....... .2.01 replaced. As poultry litter, the large particle portion of 6 tons would replace new shav- 'Eight replicates per treatment. 2 New pine shavings used. 3 Second grow-out on litter. 12 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station I. A\ l '15 arc the ntuuhcr I cits h clop on most fat ins in I1 counties in south( tst - htlrtma. In 1983, f.u tiers in tlhesc counties plantccl 183,000 acres of peanuts and pro(lueecl an average Metal of 2,310 Ib. per acre. The price recck cal for peanuts by fin-mc r_ has not kept pace with the iocreascal cost c,, proaluction. Profit or loss is often (Ictcl mined by the farnuer's ability to control pro cluction costs. Onc way to control such cost ito re(luce the number of tinecs a tractor all, its equipment passes over a ficl(l. par I 4 t, ticularl\ syhcn the land i.s being prepared for planting. "No-till" and "Inininnun till" are popular terms for planting and ,growing crops without turning or cultivating the soil. If this tcclnticluc has it place in peanut production, it offers an opportunity to reduce input costs. To (lcterutirnc how pcanut.s might perform under reduced tillage systems, 10 Alabama Agricultural Eyperinlcnt Station cspcri tucnts acre conducted on cooperating farn, ers' fields ut 1982 and 1983. 'I'll(, 13tosyn Ilaralin How-"fill,, s\as used fin- planlntg ii stnull grain stubble or residue ino-till treat item. and this was compared to a(ljacent, . s. .td~r , norntall\ clikkatcd plots.'I'reatntents were replicated fora- times. f:ach f(u-mcr chose his osvn herbicide program to control wccd.s, as well as all otbcr cultural practices. Hcscarchcrs at Auburn l niycrsity made ntonthb weal counts in each plot during June, Jule, anal August. " \\ hits mold hits were couutcd in all plots 1 week before harvest is hit is 12 in. of rovy that has been killed by white nml(li. Soil samples were taken from each plot in August and assayed fin- ncntatodc abundance. I inally, yields and grades were taken for all plots. Findings from these 2 gars of research tar encouraging but not definitive. All farm- D. HARTZOG and F.ADAMS, Department of Agronomy and Soils traclictory yiclcl effects were obtained with peanuts plantccl in wheat or ryc stubble 195:31 and in paracluat-killed hoot-stage rye. t 19821. cast Alabama scenes feasible, climinatiug all tillage aloes not. These sanely soils rcaclik compact, even under the impact of' rain- (Nearly, ntininonu tillage research with peanuts needs to be continued. A1'hercas reducing tillage on the sanab soils of south- (hops, an(I land turning will be ncc(le(l sontctintcs during the year to loosen the scufuce soil to alloxv for freer tnoventcnt ofair an(I water into the soil. Twt.r L \1 (Jett \\ vrl) Srrc na Coyntoi.i.r.o I\ AIuun si ni i. 1'r vt rs, 1952-198:3 Sitc nanlber Farnxcr H. & i. Prtitt I. I Itt tit't Soil 'cries 1952 I uyu;n I, \V'ccd spccics conhollcd ers cffcctiycly controlled \ycc(ls by chemicals, and yields were unaffecteal by wcc(1 pressure. The 11MJ01- wccal spccics that bad to be controllccl are listed, table 1. A\ ith the csccption of horscncttlc, carpctwcc& wild turnip, spring amaranth, au(1 wild nntstard (all of which ill-c controllc(l by cultivation), these same weeds are generally present in conycrntiornally tillccl peanuts. In no case was \yhitc nul(I more scycrc in the ntiointunt-tillccl plots than in conventional plots. Aor svgs there any aliflicrcocc in ncntatodc counts between reclucc(I tillage turd couycnlional tillage. Although weals- white mold, anal neonttodesdid not appear to affect yield, yield was sontctintcs ,tfl'Cocd by tillage, table 2. fn 1982,, slight yield increase for ntininnnu tillage occurred at site 2 :uxl it severe yiclcl loss occurred at site -1. l0 1953. yield was ... ...... I. It itIIc lt I t ttt' iAlepod. \cllocc nutsedgc, horscncttlc Or:ui churg I, Florida bcg_'itmccaf cellow nutscdge- sicklepod Not Ielk sl horscncttlc, crabgrass Norfolk Is crabgrass, c:npctwecd. vcllov oittscdgc Florida begg;uwccd- crabgr;u, licnifM Is 1953 \,n-ina sl (myca, \cild turnip. Florida bcgt;ancced I)otb:ut sl . crabgrass. spin aiiiarauth- bnrm:udgrass uutscdgc- false tnorningSlore, si(k1cpod Luce Is buflitlogrtss, crabgrass, Florida heggarwced Fuclnay is Florida bc;t;:uscccd- uutwdgc, cild nntst:nd Ronifac sl Itlil r: 2. (t\ i tN Xt. X\o \11I\x I \t it Itt \trt t 'iiios 19,)~t2-19 i3 Pcr acre cicld by site number 2 4 5 Tilg trclh2n lit. 5- 100( lbt 1,2601 1,It5)) 5 t10 :5.2110 1911 11111 1111',I'll. fil 1. .. . . .. .. .3,770, 2 ')0) 000-11 :3,650) 33701 I 371' 2,1201 2,541 sollwvyhatt higher at site I anal slightb lower at site 2 \( ith ntirninuun tillage. The reasons lint- these yield cffcets arc not known. (:on- i i'ittl t plantit illt X I s XXt~ le n pwboo i tilt1 mtht pt Alabama Agricultural E'XI)criniclit Station The ddnm Costs of Income Taxes for Alabama Farmers G.D. HANSON, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology TAX PREPARATION COSTS: PREPARATION FEES AND HouRs TIME SPENT tax rates are currently receiving INCOME at both the federal much attentionTAX provisions and and state legislative levels. It is important to recognize both the advantages and disadvantages of the present tax system as it affects farmers. Many of the disadvantages of the income tax system are "hidden," not showing up as a KEY Question Response Yes No Did you prepare your taxes last year?.............. 2. What was your tax preparation fee? (dol.) ....... 1. 84 0-100 272 0-39 216 0-9 111 0-3 72 433 100-300 112 40-79 149 10-19 139 3-6 67 3. cash charge in farm ledgers. To examine these issues, a questionnaire from the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station addressing income tax issues was mailed to a random sample of 1,000 Alabama farmers in the early spring of 1983. Survey Findings Tax complexity problems were explored in several ways. First, individual farmers were asked to indicate their "familiarity" with key tax provisions such as capital gains deductions. Of the farmers responding, 61% expressed little or no familiarity with these key tax provisions. This is disturbing since farm taxpayers need to be well-acquainted with tax provisions to properly and efficiently file and manage their taxes. Seventy-seven percent of the responses "strongly agree" that tax preparation requires outside assistance, and 60% "strongly agree" that too much tax assistance is and tax filing? (hr.) .......... 4. Farm tax sheltering activity begins at what tax rate? (pet.). 5. Tax savings for each hour spent on tax management? (dol.) .......... 6. Should tax management have a higher or lower priority? .... iuuuiu I-vvr~rrr~, rui~ urirri r usu Hours spent on financial record keeping, tax analysis 300-500 27 80-119 79 20-29 106 6-9 57 Lower 14 More Average than 500 cost 31 $141 200 120-199 or more 21 26 More than 30 69 9-12 38 More than12 52 Average hours 61 Average savings per hr. $6.50 Higher Unchanged 376 30 v vv respondents spent less than 40 hours per year on tax management and record keeping. However, the remaining 56% of respondents spent from 40-79 hours to more than 200 hours. The average estimated time spent managing taxes was 61 hours. For farms with more than 100 tillable acres, the average estimated time spent was 83 hours. Valuing this needed. The third issue, that legislators should be concerned about the highly complex nature of managing and filing taxes, also received strong agreement from 61% of the farmers responding. Only 1 to 5% of respondents expressed disagreement with the tax complexity issue. Tax complexity translates into increased tax management and record-keeping costs for farmers, as illustrated in the accompanying table. Only 84 of 517 farmers prepared their own taxes in 1982. Nearly 84% (433) received tax filing assistance. For most farmers, the cost of tax preparation was less than $100 (line 2), while 112 farmers paid $100-300, 27 farmers $300-500, and 31 farmers paid more than $500 for tax preparation. Multiplying the average amount of each category times the number of responses in that category results in an average estimated tax preparation charge of $141. For farmers with more than 100 tillable acres, the estimated cost was more than twice as high, $288 per farm. The true cost of tax preparation also includes the time spent keeping such records as sales receipts, cash costs, depreciation, time at $5.00 per hour, the combined preparation fee and hours spent in tax management would be $446 for all farms and $703 for farms with more than 100 tillable acres. Time and tax preparation fee costs in the $446-703 range would undoubtedly be a significant share of average income taxes paid by many Alabama farmers (especially in recent low-income years). For those farmers with both high preparation fees and also large numbers of hours spent in record keeping and tax management, the average tax more than $12.00. For those farmers with more than 100 tillable acres, the average estimated savings per hour was $8.77. Given this relatively high level of tax savings in tax management, it is not surprising that an overwhelming number of farmers, with an opinion on this issue, suggested a higher priority for tax management was suitable (376 of 420 responses). A final "hidden" cost of the tax system has to do with tax influences on farmer investment decisions. Capital investments can provide immediate tax savings in the form of investment credits, depreciation, and interest deductions. Because of this short run, tax planning may influence farmers to undertake investments to save current tax dollars. However, often such investments weaken the financial health of the firm by "loading" the farm business with higher costs of production and long-term loan repayment commitments. The influence of taxes on investment decisions was tested for in the survey. There is widespread agreement among respondents that the tax system encourages preparation costs would be substantially higher. The reasons that tax record keeping and management require large numbers of hours are related to items 4 and 5, see table. First, farmers believe it pays to actively shield farm income at low marginal tax rates. This is shown in line 4 where 250 of the 425 respondents (or 59%) indicated they shield income from taxes in the 0 to 9% and 10 to 19% marginal income tax brackets. These are relatively low levels of tax rates and this perhaps signifies that tax sheltering strategies are widely available in farming. Supporting this conclusion, item 5 in the table shows that most farmers believe they can achieve more than $6.00 in tax savings farmers to substitute machinery and capital for labor (93% agreement), encourages machinery purchases in years of high income (85% agreement), and provides incentives to purchase land to lower taxes (84% agreement). Disagreement with the first two statements was less than 5%, and for the third statement, 16% moderately or strongly disagreed. The above suggests that tax management has a strong influence on investment decisions. While taxes are an important man- investment credits, and capital gains. As shown in line 3 of the table, 216 of the 491 for each hour spent managing taxes. That is, 147 of the 286 respondents estimate tax savings are in the range of $6.00 to $8.99 to agement factor, economic efficiency (maintaining low-cost production) should be a much more important goal for farmers. 14 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station iii i hut k~l it 41al iiiIun in ti IIi J((, v it 1i Ii, Ixx tilits (al iii Ii t i itii d ii ii , toi ro tI llid l ithi ih .11 iiitI'.i* lii di f Ic iiit ii~I iatcii~ii ilit 5 itl ioir s N(Iiit i A ~> .x 391 *i ., ~8r Ii'iii Iii al l d vl\iiitiliiin ii it iol ii (' cil iiii i ofi tillxi ii list iiits xi 11'1i (iji yni itsofiInlii ciul till,(n11(1 of li lcii ii. iiulilSv thei ov lxt i iii iti(Ill S iio Ni lp, 'iiitic iji / Iii tlits \itimu chaaiteis iticx to iii5111 hise iiiitili/ti i)e .4 I il ilit itiiiNl(ulii (l n iii tss ii po taiTt ,n ii ~lits ji ii iiiiiti tha ii v ( Lt (coii t ,i l i 1. a I I(i I t riI (Ii iii I (lireii I Ii e x ft I VIit titi 1 l (ii its111 it i t ii y i l Ii i' l I I i liiiOci' x I St IIili It ill c I i tii,i ( (( c l il ii p rn ;Ii )i c liii li do IIN I \V111 II(i V'Ii tx xii iilii (( I I i l i i i t li( liii -i pc Il clt 5i5II i ; I Ili 5 i itiiiit lit ti it S.F BTGU ard JA. RENDEN, Deparrtmunt of Polftry SciecKe bi i I)\it li de Sp rc ls i i s xi tll d 1111mie ii ti A ttc i tiiclti igll ti i tilh xt xjci ii ii lix iI c iiiii tiii \\a, ti eac ii lilili a, ii i d t xli d iiiuiix llI1i TIii ii i Tu I U1111Ii f wili l ti i xjiidei I xxix tl i nli5c( h\11iluooits ar(Ii iii' t it iT oc ii vx t Id~c thcfi nii (i (ii1 111 r'1it 1 i *i( ti t i t11111e ini ph\ix ii lti ii i lix itiiii. 1,1 c$ ol i xiiili ani t r n iii t hlbc11 is ii lII, 1111 li 1 t i I ll Tc i yI iii olii t iii Iliii . 1 1 t II p,i li, xlii i iinc ofi i it Il1o th ii s iii theii itil i li r~ d i 'llii i tIit l iIi , ti li ll' ti , 11 iut 111 u u 5 d iit ISr ol ( c in xnii lioi III till i i i it ,il i IlI un iii x iiti c i xiiii , pro-'~ i tii ii iol i Nol 1 Fluorescence units 'Iiiiii h( to tiliil. a iii*m.hiI III t it ii ii of t 15 iii Dead sperm, pct 25 20 i i xt rnint i xx nto all I v atiiidi I'lill 'his (i gi i i in 1 intoii li t o i ( (11 oar- F r 99 th iiii(e li lcii I ts tilllliN xdth \, ii it it thl ii l i t .itIlo i l io oolt i xiI i ii etit i t.1 iii, at toi iti i Ii I I( (()till f i iO 111 , ( Ii tI uo~et l i i i ii pii til liiix tllli IiiI of xlii 1iii W.111 ll.SAtual I. 20 Thieoretia - 0 -- 0.5 10 i5 cor 4.0415 5.0 0109 8273 64 55 4.63.728 1 90i10 Sperm eu'c'ioin !.09ml) Fresh kiled semen FIG. 1. Rietationship between fiuorescence and sperm concentration. \/i/lnnhi \ 1 FIG. 2. Percentages of dead sperm cells determined by fluorometry. iitilli/ l i riii ni S /liui ht, xxc lat, aitt s\\ (ctt pittoei. N1 ih olttir idla crops.x itiixxt Itigltc\ filix on itulix ti, fai iiitlttate ti uti potnial fuitn 11 ixc- J.H. YEAGER, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology I cted tn ox ec tini t xitiId icr that apit beani \ ilix I lii~h pecars toib lint itit soi Altaaia xicitix xxrr hcli"'hc ini 1952 tuan far reliii t3Int realxiti (ta iii~r tweit lYSax scars ctips ac-ii froniit rp. niiulx fI otti abut 'I'bisx tiiaie t rie t i reiceipts. oi li lindan 157 oif casii fur tcire aboiut xxwith tt xtese ltio hrit pit fiiiii-u lcipts ini(he Stlte t aiti xxx itt poltatoesx Sox licaix ix eci the 1 xamiias inu 197 i. 26 liii per itie Lowesx ct sicll liiin xlsti (iopx in g (l h 30i car)sii xxuri in 19.51, a x ai ot exliem chii roiuight. Fiir all tropix cxccpt xiantsxii ixe crat'c xichlxl fini 197 -I-S3 xxtic ixlowe i Xlahaui f thanth I. S.axt iau'. Ili Alaatt ix musnt u itihj pattical prodiiti oni s\ steinos proi tlii e tiix t 'til ttuti iiif binii usxtt in irtxiarcx Siit sct ii ipxoog rn tehpcitn Co \It Txistrnd ititnt idic(ate dpi ilxx ci I) oi xica nis lm \i r\I P t~ [I\\ Ix o(.5 \3 I xxi -6 Ca74 S Siiro 195 i. rliiiu co 17--8 xofiixd c imprtn) upiiotutin to Altiitma i ilt ciix impoxtace as~ iithbis x Sotit :lix lint tiiii fltx ci bai fitria - 1311 Cropsititi il w 1 B1. .32.0 :3.41 1311. 22 T7 25. 6.2 22.9 :32.7 1311 2 4 35.li5 13it 20.6 22.2 1.6 3(.0 28. 5.5 Lb 393 466 7.3 1:31 49~ Lb. 927 2 _471 1.547 Cut. 10-4.5 132 6 2S.1 (lit. tot ibt tiit malit art ofixt labaxt' toiltll aix xlitr ouiatitx niwe cpintlictis abtcfni to impx oite ilst tiotate adntage oft axtntitl tiixt forlt 9.51-63..... 111--1-S3 ..... Diflliuiluc .... 19(51-3 ... .... :3(1.11 5(19 209( 5.3.3 95.5 11) 1).4 5. 1:.1 :33.3 5:3.5 55.:5 100.)5 15.0 1974-3..... littiicce... \lcausx xhe iiilit xioitil i rll ari c cotx t I t ind ic ftiitiiii 42.2 11.9 9.S 20. 3 5.5 71 A 1, lOS 153.1 1 15. 2,(160 26:.1 1.3.52 5)).5 1445 te leiilttt ius ojt iti I.ouil Statlis 1974-8...... .53'/ 5-14% S55% 697 7S% 95'k 1011/ 50(/ 5%9 produiciil ai xraxt Sucth xonatte real etait tt ar cost ax ines e deiprecix ationli tiic ntitci tiipx lution ali 'h\ltliaiafa 1 ilci Trends in annual yields for eight crops in the United States and Alabama. prou tinx x itill detliciI ftit i'if L'. suibsxtit tiallitl tn .it clx ti l tio ix ceah e x in the suhiacrop jutdc atlit ctlp xxieltad . iii. So ty utitiliatxn,ni isetil itnd diseiatxsxctolii pioatr lled byliin cincrliie xx ltc tLot ngtim xxxcld ittiitx ui iipanixtl iust atxc itihei xx 1a ui ait aiind ttos~. For c - Apc labax fXamiia aitxe othex coiltbct fboitdrx oduiixctio xaicit I .47ai proi Ilint ixaint sothtix soicrcans e, ammmo .u aeasm.es alt xcxx c 195463 and 197153.lban' .vim 3sc ,ss 5., s , -. sec \I(( )(IIIW A u 44/f tral L'a- in((itnt Stfafti Effect of Trickle Irrigation, Nitrogen Rate, and Method of Nitrogen Application on Field-grown Japanese Holly D.J. FAKES, C.H. GILLIAM, arid H.G. PONDER Department of Horticulture prouctioni I N testl usx('d werI :30, 6tt 120) old 210 Ili. H lS E D N U iS Vl k T practices. (n )o' plant fin xax ( 1 1O 1 10 P ) ( to pro 0(10(1 per act)' xplit ('If)b Ia cations ixduhrill l' eac I rti mong011 foot appliixx x(ixl I i(l ti aso4 high1 iai~tci it shorIitr ptrductiok tiiliotll of 12t0 Ib. N per act e fio ftikl xtock. (lxxi ilrstxt' wiertiti is irfigtion it t i' i ii~tio i nithtlg d br~lue o ))xtr 111111011tot is cot feld onni(lx -gr~nnr tc prt'xxllt nenslln'ixtii4 emiitter't I gil. pe'r latox atics'rt fate hourt xxgs intll'd pr ill till ttrickil' ittrigationi hetxt25 (If pait aso tot x hll torx pits xatl'trxtt lixtintaoll anxd matain AntK xxn ati~' thl lasx oixc plant Atiitthxpleli~ h (Itof xxat('t tilac oxtrIile( irig.aton ax xxor o sti xaf ofi x irrg th ltterall~ lin o s f tilelx izrlx sic clit uiot)itl ir nor rcti xtor ck a A row of irrigated Japanese holly. tiloixtitc II T ckltte (iithll iigt'itx for irriatin ('ld-growtnl fiex fetilltill' from naix) x lati c'Ita~ i (xx.lThe If xth e il wtx r(inl xt ox l'exs iofi 3/ paxtsroot Ilix stxi) idtt'l thatr wtc tes T xxl his t odxjl'lf use ato il0i/tess 0 (litl solix vti 'ctital in tilt' lici) fotciog on\ xxnaei fhou Il ilt (l xxatet into tile grexxatr ('axxx f ili/Ilthe1f11st'xxallialdt3xx/ xwatethanl of rtica tIl aplied at) x irt atifona tthe rototf o t te aterx Pis ll tiii' tuiti xbase fieeldir~x the cll tAl/I secon rxe'lx xtha(It'krg xwat ill focetil toug thtnk lif rtog 2fx'ti Diste asttstile redutctx of tiirlt' xliri displatc'r xxi continullilx 1111 ningl iteA isl ipction tn lilt't fll of N auisllatilt t)I fili andx wld ('lo t nt One eirttyer (showeneow)wia jPacta aon x l~llix plad adja eemr hat xx als indited t xxecitc arllx xicc at t etil izrsltoxi h a k caet thachoiritc plant rtrctitx roxx xiru xx( v~antaltli xxter ~~cto i3t t Daxtilll rinfllx classt xx pan til wer fult eit tprtio iti itx 1 o1'3 t apate . 1 oft trickl irrIig hxcrc xxossillatl 4ti ii f textr tee- cordedli tthrk gh'ut tithel liltr a'Ie teinctin cx alltate at fii hf o ci i oIf faertiliexxcrcs .aex(dl. M~slcicaptii ol(f this titla1h Iit a t-tarshiaiit Watl x r was appxxiix lixl' ofe nct xt t lvaxoratiotx receilli z xix. lixr grlctrxati the (N apicat:;itnaicx x tldron 111(1 xx tilll Alabama A,<;riculturalE-ipct- n cnt Station Inadequate Vitamin C Nutrition Found in Smoking Adolescent Females R.E. KEITH and S.B. MOSSHOLDER Department of Home Economics Research ADOLESCENT quently are a high risk group as FEMALES frerelated to nutritional status. Because of their rapid growth, adolescents generally have greater nutrient requirements than adults. Various dietary surveys have indicated that many adolescents obtain less than twothirds of the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary for many important functions in the body, such as the proper utilization of iron, the detoxification of many drugs and chemicals, the production of various hormones, and healing of wounds. Deficiency of vitamin C can cause easy bruising, swollen and inflamed gums with possible loss of teeth, anemia, muscle pain when touched or moved, poor wound healing, fracture of bones, increased infections, depression, and eventual death if the deficiency is serious to assess the vitamin C status of a group of smoking and nonsmoking adolescent females. This objective was met by evaluating the dietary intake and plasma vitamin C levels in these girls. The population sample for the study included 69 adolescent girls (11 smokers, 58 nonsmokers) aged 14 and 16 years in Lee and Chambers counties, Alabama. Two 24-hour diet recalls were obtained from subjects with an interval of at least 2 weeks occurring between recalls. The first diet interviews were conducted in the subjects' homes. For the second recall, the girls were transported to Auburn University where data on their smoking habits and blood samples were obtained. The dietary records were analyzed for intake of vitamin C using nutrient composition tables. The blood samples were analyzed in the laboratory for vitamin C content. The smoking girls consumed an average of one-half pack of cigarettes per day. This group ingested less vitamin C and had lower plasma levels of the vitamin when compared to the nonsmoking group, table 1. To exclude the effect of dietary intake on plasma vitamin C levels, a subgroup of nonsmoking females (23 girls) who had dietary vitamin C intakes approximately equal to those of the smoking group was selected, table 2. When smokers and nonsmokers were matched for dietary vitamin C intake, the plasma vitamin levels of the smokers were still significantly reduced in comparison to nonsmokers. These findings with regards to smoking and vitamin C status are consistent with reports on adults. When compared to current recommended dietary allowances, the nonsmokers as a group had a good intake of vitamin C while the smokers' intakes would be rated as poor. Plasma vitamin C levels of the nonsmokers were good, but the plasma levels of the smokers would be classified as low. The smokers in the present study were from a low-income level, which may have contributed to their reduced vitamin C intakes. Also, many of the smokers were age 16, and these older teenagers have more direct control over their diets and have more opportunity to eat away from home at eating establishments which serve foods that are typically low in vitamin C. Smoking has also been reported to reduce appetite, which may be another factor contributing to the reduced dietary intake of vitamin C by the adolescent female smokers. Although vitamin C intake may differ between smokers and nonsmokers, other factors may be involved in vitamin C nutrition. When a subgroup of nonsmokers was selected to have vitamin C intakes in the same range as the smokers, there was still a significant reduction in plasma vitamin C levels in the smoking group. This finding suggests that cigarette smoking is in some fashion interfering with the absorption and/or utilization of vitamin C in this group of smoking teenagers. In summary, nonsmoking teenagers in the present study showed good status with respect to vitamin C intakes and plasma levels. However, smoking teens had poor intakes of vitamin C and extremely low plasma levels of the vitamin, which could contribute to health problems. These findings provide another compelling reason for abstaining from smoking. TABLE 1. AVERAGE DIETARY INTAKE AND PLASMA VITAMIN C LEVELS IN SMOKING AND NONSMOKING ADOLESCENT FEMALES enough. Cigarette smoking is known to adversely affect vitamin C status. Studies have indicated that smokers consistently have lower body tissue levels of vitamin C than do nonsmokers. Also, the effect of smoking on vitamin C levels is directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Several recent studies report that 15-20% of 15- to 17-year-old teenage girls are regular cigarette smokers, indicating a potential problem of vitamin C deficiency in this nutritionally vulnerable population group. In light of these considerations, the objective of the present investigation at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station was Group Smokers ............. Vit. C Plasma vit. C intake, mg/100 ml ml mg/daymg/ 0.3 232 TABLE 2. COMPARISON OF AVERAGE PLASMA VITAMIN C CONCENTRATONS OF SMOKERS AND NONSMOKERS ON MATCHED DIETARY INTAKES OF VITAMIN C Vit. C Plasma vat. C, Group Smokers ............. Nonsmokers .......... . . intake, 32 39 mg/100 ml 0.3 1.0 18 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station T theft is i A IF 1 NI'R \:E ED rc X 3L U I 1 oodsX' coi retiltmttso t'in utr~ i sn Long Storage Life Possible for Restructured Beef Nuggets iofiunt X r-t'iliz tat s, .suchitt as p I( st -c- n tit t LaI 2 In25 itos pli ltroducer a AIutur tt t 1 tit tilt 0c ~ttslabatt A l it i le it ltttio c aX t Xeac hattt ben fXs ititilittn D.L. HUFFMAN, M.H. STANLEY, and JOC CORDRAY Department of Animai and Dairy Sciences Phosphates can be used to extend storage life of such restructured products as beef nuggets or sticks. prittXit aal tiut liiiconcei n of t h m i t nduXi> ii aboui t IIXin tiXne ofX tiltor and pii I icl lilh til l i itegtity anX rt' 1 t iiit i lilt tilt' r ptaXti l o n not baX'sttrd itgc Xee th irse s r acceptabI 'o ii i t withoutiitiillX . iiii t cit I ngeXIill hil at esult ii .tX iiti i or iX aw Xlii es oftliii t ilt irdut ti ft th 1 t i v,1 t t) lilgt wa ittIXproiit iT heitX tiltftur'5 o ittife th it I'll it t it i~ r io n ~r 0t ai XXI dit nchita Xlii I t t)'~i e tihott Iii r littt Xttt l' tfi'C of itemIi 0. 2.5,(t0.50; 127 30.,5 1-1.9 31.3 phlte it'X i tifs'her itt iltttt 75(4( itt of racidtXitl i Cuomposiioun itionit i'rti \Xistn Cltici lilt piiit. t 11.i iftnt lge t Xu hrti XXItchs lit,pt. X 0.15 Sslii i'ct X ilit panel' .. \ 1t Xiii Jiineiii . tanidi iii . Sit .1 Iet, i LI lj9) .35 22 stilt' I of 111c S ilht lull Xw ieti I = Xtit'it'i uiitiesitall oetitid IX itnb r s thii 01balrnn .1;,'r-ic"ulfurul haf)c l-imcnf Sfulicnt -7 ISO ( 40 cges OCafeed 1,500 oC. cage - _ e 20 i2 0 ' - - CogeI Caged4 oge 2 Cage Ne. feedcages 1,500 Dc, cape 80iI t Sampote 40 20 toll dayof old feed 0 5 10 15 20 25 Q08 30 feed 35 40 0005 Offer initial feedingof FIG. 1. Channel catfish showing clinical signs of no blood disease: white gills and pale internal organs. FIG. 2. Differences in mortality between fish fed old feed and new feed showed up in study of no blood disease. .m iite to "N Blooid Diseas&, o1 of ome '.0000 0020020.bg uwedt l 00.oto\iii' atfish 000 fishi liox 1000000 0' e JA. PLUMB and WA. ROGERS, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures F ('.0', i,,iioittoi\ l3U1 \3I'II ref102 0(0 T() NO\F\131.13t to.' i at toldl f(0ed 0 '.'.(' st~igificantly IO'.s port0 d 10t thc ox b(0 n00ote'.021Ixtl paollol thet o 5.3 indiox tiol foi to'stcoli(h '.h t, no ) blood Oh'. F'ih '.020 101 tedoldl 1100'diseae,0' ~as0' at diagosed0r( thoc Alabi),oma Agiculotura tlit, Southi(asitern' ( ooo10'oatkc Fis te D'o.olisi'a'ri Ai~lbamai ait \ oltoo l Filjt h pcr10imcn't Station00 L'iri'. lIntionso' dliseas,i'' pes''t10icides loo'. feed.( .327 b lad lio'ooatoci its. loxss thon 26: o0000 10201 1(0 oft thoseo tofrih d loiatoo'o t'l)(1lo0\ Whelotoor thio '.ankio '.ubta0c0 0 ro'.ulted( il 26o. 11o'ooooot.biooi ncen'(Otraion in bl0) 1000(ot al~l .o00(0000. (a050 is n'0o~t cle'ar. Ciri'oini'.taoio fishl rcccoxn o0ld d 1(0(1 f01( les0sIt. the tlhaon heoloboino (c0oncen'otra.tionsi' oft lobh reo'o'i' oin and1( o01ther 000an and0i' 0110(ing tot inites'tines)' ,li blood1 f00r0(om00 timot( ofole fres 100 (ottinot. ('I ed tx'.0(0 tis el) thie o~t old x' 0'd01)1)0 f oo'.oiiato'lx potits tot s'ooiia too'int ini alI intanceso'. 1100 siomilaoo it mooost cass.. oooota~litx paottor 000'' 1 ~ (',ux'o'' till an iii ol a.0, It'.'.i' Onote'(l lto'.o c'' . k.Oe)(2 l in0g, th anciaooo aiooo fee,(1' r stope tha~t tottoi tool tlio'to (frs o i Gr~tl orato of .0. 0010 d i'ls() lesso Ithan11, tha~t of fish f0(d th old 100(1 tishl g't0tituto frsh feed.( tIo this' s.tud!, i 1 xx.'.0lear thalt tilt, 1f202( a '.50' i0 'xponoiilo boo' the( anoiao~ and1 ootheo changs in~ bloo o c000( '00Iopon000ts 'rthc l('('0,00 dd.it is oit knoow.' 0 oc0'( mic.00 tnti f0' ishin00 tloi p~opuolation were ('0' l'o'o toed ela'~to'd ancn'itia ini o'oltoooo'o chann000l manufac~turoo'. Mlos't casoo's tot an01'Omia 1 ith ld 1d0 or fboo tha~t )11 catishr. d Ili. to 3 Ili. _11(2(1 '.p)I0ens,' and0( in3tes'tOines, 0 I Ioto'.. o theo toxic agt.o'nt casitngi. thl (king spcci'.n (ad l~ or f~iure 0 loot been'O id1enttiid F0( gal~ io )00101000Iii' toxi\s \.0' wtr sutspIec0ted( '00i '0000 oio hay eo(be'n 5e'e ('00'o0'. tool d '.Itoxx 0 to (10,10ox the0 blotodc pr000 in 0It'0t.iso1. IBiood oft su0es' of tIiI bo'.'. 02 er al. 0 ot tihetfeedo reod anod 1)0ch s'' ciiO~ 00000 .00ncntia-o 'tt'.ig totiui an0. xox 'io'x 000000 i ish tutcu ,0, light p~ink to ('oool ruled'( ouot tiit, kownx iinox 'oto\000' tond lo oo, Icssr' ,iid tiltp)(rc(('Ot,0g0 02(1 bloodo~ 0 0Ils Iteax x ooiotaoI'. pes2'ticid00s, and per 0\oxde '.0 0.gO(''t('( I o nlot alow' od to do 'o'0 to aocu;I to 00 Iht(o0totort! oft sick tishilamiictd fon froowla0\tiOuon totlipids.' -\Itliottgl th00tto\0i 9" '1 0 '.o'.t~a fom0 Iis anemic t i fO0 MtondO~ 'in000 agen(0t 0i0th00' tO d . a r n(( identt ifi('( i0 '.0olo sh tot anod 3 1)p''. tot Itolk '.torage'oootainers' om '. tt .aionoo ptoplation ha boo iomtatocri'o tar'o 'rtaot'o toto t Ito shimp Irit( iltof '. ola0' d in0,00( i0 (.oCtOig '.0 \ciclola1.01' to (1.0001 tootI a00d 1 20t,417. to' tttntoo('OitI out \ cha ne caiiioI(,t- ostol it ine 0of fishl ((d T10e eff'tst crud0(I( t 0000ht 0 tishi rage bi~c0'lltwcn ('(0It r a0al -109c. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. AUBURN UNIVERSITY fed1 I- o ld 1(01 . fto ch ii ngiot tfo'.h AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA 36849 '. f101( to o th lto' 0001 '10'(tr POSTAGE PAID U.S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE it fo oi t ' theo cges' linth ool~is the ol1( anl t e to ee 30''l too feecd agai fr~oI ot F'ishiitol old fecol fo(rh fe0(d ca.igo Gale A. Buchanan, Dorector PUBLICATION-Highlights of Agricultural Research 6 84 Penalty for private use, $300 BULK RATE Iu L wee ;o' thir s'ize ut .0/0' o itoo' c 0 turd00( othe00 oxe blo001 od harac0tertics 1)0 000t t,it m00asuired'((. Ini thet tootal oot ot:3,0~t)lo00 26k fih f~ 1 0(7 thec ooldlard02(li d10211r0oit.g (lax tlie 35 s.tuOdi t .554i died in lj' p)0riod.( ()ills 1.5 ot 3,0 itt ti h tli'tx' .i Woo shfecl cgs ('.0o'rtgoto Fish looc~o 02 sot' bei0.00g ( og Iac o to old1( to d10e oloxaft('o . ch 5 1 (I(''rib s10g2 oo r~o f(0cd ain sht'.. 2( thot blood dis'rase.r(