'I '~ .4 ~ / .~ -4-- N~, ~'.- -'-4 *~ -lab '-..~ -~ -5- 5*'-, 4r~ h 9 - U 4 ':-' -0 - 'N; 4 I'lk <''4W *5~* '-.5' ~ %W~ ~" a'-- ,a -5.-. I-..) A-ibN ~75 '- - -*. - -4'- - -4 4-4 -~ * N~ DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS ALCOHOL or alcohol blended with gasoline (GASOHOL) to stretch our liquid fuel supply and decrease the amount of petroleum the United States must import is almost certain to be increasingly important. Much has been written and spoken both optimistically and pessimisti, cally on this recently. During the last several weeks, a team of scientists at this Station has analyzed knowledge on this subject and our conclusion is that production of alcohol can be a major new ::::: profitable enterprise for Alabama far- i mers. In fact, the potential to change Alabama agriculture is as great as that .. brought about by soybeans. To realize this potential for alleviating critical energy problems will require concerted effort by federal and state governments, industry, producers, and consumers. Scientists at Batelle Institute have R DENNIS ROUSE projected that the greatest potential for at competitive prices is from sweet producing ethyl alcohol (ethanol) sorghum or similar sugar crops. They predict by the year 2000 the United States could be producing 8.3 billion gal. annually from sweet sorghum. That could mean 3 to 4 million acres of new crops for Alabama farmers. We believe that with aggressive research and develop ment these are conservative estimates and can occur in a shorter time than the Batelle estimate. Man has long known how to produce alcohol from sugar and starch but has not done so for fuel except for special purposes and when petroleum-based fuels were in short supply. In these instances, costs have not been the determining consideration. To produce alcohol for fuel at competitive prices requires development of production systems that utilize the total product of photosynthesis along with development of crops specifically for high alcohol production. Agricultural Experiment Station and School of Engineering scientists have training and experience to combine effective production systems However, funding must be found to support this work. We can visualize small or medium size alcohol distillation and dehydration plants with cattle feedlots to utilize some components and a methane gas production system to utilize others. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges for such a system is to provide for year-round operation. This is where Alabama and the Sunbelt have the competitive advantage. Your Agricultural Experiment Station has begun research to find the best crop plants, cropping systems, and methods of utilization. This requires both applied research directed to answerthesen purp al short-term questions and basic research to find solutions to long-term problems and opportunities. We are fortunate to already have the network of Outlying Units throughout the State to complement the Main Station at Auburn University. Millions of federal dollars are being directed to other areas of energy conversion. We need to inform our congressmen on the potential for production of energy through agriculture. With funding, the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station can perform the needed research program and lead the way in developing a renewable source of energy. In spite of enthusiasm for the potential from this system, we must be cautious at present. Many questions must be answered before a system of production and utilization can be outlined and recommended to Alabama producers. Those who invest before a workable system has been developed and evaluated by this Station should recognize it as a high risk investment. Those who profit in the long run will be those who combine the use of sound research information and good management. of the Department of Botany, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology. A native of New Orleans, Dr. Lemke comes to Auburn from Mellon Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he served as associate professor and senior scientist and then as adjunct professor and director at the Institute of Research during 1972-78. Prehe worked with Eli iviously Lilly and Company for 6 years as a senior scientist. Dr. Lemke received his B.S. in biology from Tulane University, M.A. in mycology from the University of Toronto, and Ph.D. in genetics from Harvard University. Ie has authored or coauthored 45 publications and served on the editorial board, editorial committee, or as editor of three different professional journals. His honors include membership in Phi Beta Kappa, Woodrow Wilson Fellow, National Academy of Science exchange scientist with the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences during 1978-1979, Htumboldt Award, and fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology in 1978. 4Uodaee ma Paul A. Lemke, new head the Dr. LUGHLIGHTh of Agrcultural Research WINTER 1979 VOL. 26, NO. 4 A quarterly report of research published by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. R. DENNIS ROUSE............... Director STANLEY P. WILSON .... Associate Director CHAS. F. SIMMONS ...... Assistant Director T. E. CORILEY.......... Assistant Director E. L. MCGRAW.................Editor R. E. STEVENSON ....... Associate Editor STEVE GRENADE..........Assistant Editor EditorialAdvisory Committee: STANLEY P. WILSON; C. A. F OOD, JR, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering; J. D. HARPER, Associate Professor of Entomology; NEIL R. MARTFIN, Associate Professor of Agricultural E2conomics and Rural Sociology; AND E. L. MCGRAW. Information contained herein is available to all without regard to race, color, or national origin. ON THE COVER. Preparing seedbed on reclaimed surface mine with springtooth harrow. ol %NI lIii ()v F:xlx surfae mine v il it'tlilltiists iii Alabamia flax b'Ieen (fisilig, hliiig atitd Soils fer tilizing iimlto facilitatte surf ace mine rex egi'tatii )O TIhex hiax e eni lierforllini thiese treat- F there lias beeni lii agi ecotent i egarlinig the iiiitioiits liaxe bee'tn knitxxii to telimiinate all ftle ab)ove( treatit'ntx xx hc'i xoxxing foiai.e cropf sted. I'ie coinditionsi of igout \\ eather anid fertile soil it is piossible that all adequate forage co\ em'could he FIG. 1. Pearlmillet growing on a plot di ume FKellerman-4 mine that had been fertilized, disced, and mulched with straw. FIG. 2. Pearlmillet growing on a plot at the Kellerman-4 mine that had been fertilized and disced but not mulched. esxtalishxled x itliott anN ot these treat- ine'its. Iloxxc ('xi thie occurrence of goodl xxeatiem condlitionis cannot he piredicted \ ith relialitNxi enel xxhenl a fertile soil ix E S LYLE, Department of Forestry ax ailable. ITerefort' it e('mis inore dIt' siralet to enhanc il''te chances for suc'essfuli rex eg('ttin hxv iing allx cuilturial ftrieatmets that aidl planit extahli,hiieiit. andi~ seed't cotxver, (8) fertilizer, diseing, ('tlltent, b ut the xiil material xxax high in 'Tle experimnti described iii tlisx article xcet ctixer, and mulch, (9) (liseilig, seedl xilt and clax 'fT'e xilt and clax fiiriied a %\as intendted to 'Joxx the \ aluie, xiiiglx and ('oixer, andI mulch, and (10) lii trtatment. hardI cruxt at fte xsiil surf act' af tr the firxt Cultural Effects on Forage Plant Establishment For Alabama Surface Mines in combhinationi of the aho\ c cuiltutral factor,, for estahlishng~ a foragec -ox er nit ii immt'xilx. Th lree iiimext ils ( Kellerinami 3, -4, and -5) of xx deix rag\\hrctiite xere chloseni tfti tlim t'\pieiniemt. Thie\ x aricti in le\tir''. aciditx ,e ani itriemt ecoitenlt. Tis range of ininesoik encompassxe's ]]lost of the ones fonnd in AXlab~ama. 'Ilie cultural tieatientx usxed xx ee dixcing, atlan Soil aimiendinitx. lililitix cmi'erimig ft(e s~eed Lotte \\x ailsii appiliedl to fte Kellermuan a ittitisitil to ctirrect the high-soil acidhitx. Sitiiingi'as xx\ax plantted tin thie Ki'lleriiianl 3 mnetltt'ti tli'~ik~iintxof this iniii'xtil. lT'e Kt'lleriiiaii iiiinexoil \x ax neiitral itil Killirian-5 xx\its acid. Petirlutillit xxax paott'd tinlititli these liiiixiilx, All of pilantting xx (don' tht' ax ii utiddli' if Aiugumst anid ha~rxvests xx ee inade :3 iiiiitlis later duiiiig Noxveniher 'T'e best uiix fthantI ctix r\xxax iihtai iled raint anIilfr'i tid ed ligext seee aiftt'r seed geriiiltiitn. iif xiiil xifau's ('tix ixi e xx soil, andi~iiiiilchiiig xi lxx 'I lit itli xxitli itmttr ii xx Iitliall ti tatilit'its xxiii'ei1)fliedl x\\is: app~licationm of Soil atiiilnemitx. (listilig, xoxxmig. light raing to cox er the Ced xxith a thin soil (coxver, andi straxx inuimin. 'I'lit' treatment coinhiiiations xXii e as folli ixx (1) f ertilizer onlx, (2) fer: tilizier and ii Id ('3) til izer andl seedl fer cet r, (4) fertilizer, xeecovtier, aind inuleh. (5) fertilizer and dixcing, (6) fe'rtilizer, Ii xei i g, and in lch , (7) fetrtiliz,tr di xcing., '1lwi TIre'atiimnt' Mmu \if~is T hie tahble xlii xxs x ield x and pe rct'ntages ret for eatch if fte treatmient t'oiniinatiiinx. It xxa axissiimned thait treatmient 8 xxtiuld lirtihilte thle b~est xil a ndh xuiil t'iixer xinee it uitilizedl all ecultu ra l treatments th at indlix idi alk had apI 1 'eared ti be benheiu'fit'ial to) plan t gi i xxth onl miniiisiilx I iixx t'xtr, thix xx'as nut tlit ('axe. TIieaitiient 6. xxhiici did not inicluide seet1 iiii(siil xx ix le'sx stitux than the' othetr txx oi ciix cr, appefars tio he th(e he'st cominmationm 1 fur forage piriiducttin. 'lhe de'tr'imen'mtal nmiiloisils aind hia a better Sioil ti'\tile for 'f fect oif xeetl ctix t'mig xxax piriilal\ due toi hurxing secil tioo deeplx for xeedling K'lli'riian-3 iiiit appeared'i tii hei pax ed cieilrgence. Figuire' I (left) xhoixx one of xxitli xtiine afte'r thie first raint hadl xx,shetl the plots iim Kt'llt'i ii -4 that xx ft'rtilax all xiiil-sizi't puarticlesx hetxx tt'i and heized, disctel, aiid( mulche'd. Figuri' 2 (right) necath i te sirfiti' stoinex. 'lliis c'iindiition ssiix p~lot ii Kt'llt'i an-4 that xxax fertilxa sigiiifieantlx riediieed the aiiioiiit if xurizted amni discedl hut xxax not mul11ched. T'he face area ftor the xiiuppoirt oif x tgc'tation. \alto f straxx inlh~ ix ohx ionsi fronmt tiexs' Kelletri nan '5 x ax in termed ia tet ill Stt O figtures anld the tahle. It ixcoincluided friont this studyl that the inii iuil treatnm'nts inuxt he usxe't in comnii 5 hiitatiuinx fur hbest fiirage c'rop xyie'lds. TIhix is t'eviel hx the results froti treatments ('li er' 6, and 8 slitix i in the tahle'. Grund P .4, cox er results foilliixx edl the samet general :3.6 20, t paitern, hut ftui iiicluxion tif xoliuntc'er :3 9't 7.6 55.1 :363 16.2 0.3 pla ntx in cioixer in taxiurem en tx obshciured tret'ineint eff'ectx. 'Ilhe yield re'siults frotin trittients 1, 2, and 5 shtuxx the f iitilitx' of ftrii18.8i iiimgx'thum the ra ihutohrtet fetlzn:3dlmn or in'uis xiith ax tlist'ing muldhing. 'The difft're'n'ex in xyit'ltd hetxx eo treatmnents 8 aid 9)xho~ixxt it' x e olctf little and fertilizecr ('N ii thigh de'trimental physical effects of thet xsiilx hiaxe tbeen ameliotrated by disc'ii g and in i ilc'lin g. AI lIiri S~mIul\, 3 Kt'lleriuiami Pct. 4.9 20t.3 14.9 17.9 27.6 17.2 6.6 1.0 . Kt'llt'mtani lbI., ar' 6 968 5f3 2,751 :3,128 1,187 2,187 1 21S 0 Pct. 1.0 36., 2'1.5 52.1 52.8 36. 6 4 1.3 :37.1 1.7 Yild Ilr it N). acre 14 -FMf........ 244 -F('............... 155 F( l.. .. . 4423.5 . . . -F . . ... . . . . . Lb. (tin' 24 HxFO........ 530 F]W . .. . . 3 2 . .. F1)(:NI. . . . . 422 . . 1 A l. . . . . . . 1 (Contriil ......... 0 Si itLigraxx, iitluilts sowxx a'ntl xoltuntuir plants. 114 234 146 940( 260 676 0 rx xx tight. 'Pei'imllc't. drx xxeight. App~lie'd linjit' is xx(Il as fertilizer. A ubnu'n University,Agricultural Experimuent Station Pasture vs. u SYSTEM./ I, for Growing-Finisr:. BEEF CALVF R. R HARRIS, Department ot Animal and Dairy Sciences J A LITTLE, Lower Coastal Plain Substation W. B. ANTHONY, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences RI I H \\I IEH B/l\(. and drxlot feeding are suiitable SNxx tlioxe groxX itandI finixsied in tdry lot wXere finxhed for xlaughiter by lt(, M\la. Initial XX eigitx (of steers aX\ (1agitI 61)65 1.39l lieifei orand x ax agedl 575-69))1lb. Steers X eragedl gaining 2.1 lb). x tlarlv during the anttges. D r\~ lot feeding gets the job (101)0 qicker, bot the 'Ils lioxo((Iluso(Is alre lbased onl a 2-x oar Auburn t'nix ersit\ Agr icultuiral EI1)orirlielt Station stud~\ atl the Lowier (astal 0 Plain Suibstation, (aiidleri l1x Xenrg f(l 1 1f(lrllc 1 bredl stecrx ale befi Xa I~\iloil tXX XX tcIIIs: 0 1) (li .1 lot plIan, XX loch in(clud~ed feeding of corn silage w~ith corind( 2 co( (ln-'( ttonee iial fron \N1 cXaining tintil slailt(cran .1( ) i a ~'tllrc V. xtelll of 011.111 glairl tcoxc (I XXar(Ix. XX 11(1 wer(e grazedl front \Nxenber unitil the forage w~as d10p10t0( (late \Iav or earIX (xtOe fl((lstluf 1 until X Junel, aftcr \\liiIhl calve \x re fed liarx tiox wXere judged to it\(, reachedl Good (iloico xlaiiglite gradles. 299 la\ tlrX foeling period. ( oriparalble heiferx Lrained 1.82 lot lb). (IilXI 11(1fedl sfimilar~v ~ Iago r XX lx ate (If gain \X\as slXor duirirng tbe 265-daX pleriodI that I)astllrct' sXterin caI cx \\ ere kept. 1.66 aid)( 1.36 lb). (lax\, per~ roxIpectX edx for xteers and hoif erx. Calve sxired bN .Xniixu H ereford cows or C'harolaix bl)lsx andlt out of A\ngus x Frinal XXights attained under the IX (Iplansx XXere similarii, ave01 agingv about I,3 9t) . fo.rsteers and 9 45 lb) fr oi ei x.sbit slaughter gratdex \\ ore Iquite (lif ferent. Nuearly all (if the cattle fromt the clopared tlr\ xxstern finixsied wXithi lot (Cboicecarcasses (91l), axs XXitli 5l for cattle onl thel pasxture p)rograin. 'I'lie reiiairiter gradedt Xood. As at general nule, heifer carcasses gradled one-third (If a qualxx. high Good). txIualIN itN giado logler tban xtecrs OIIX (ice calve ox v AX.ngux xires gradled ab~out o1ne third gradeo higher than those b\X ( liarolais xires (IoXX Choice xx. high Golod). used10110( Xtul\ IheX XX for tile (1 orn intIw fall ()ttol)0 1) jaoiiarx 15) and(XX caniet at .11)111iIn1,tel 2.5) (laX of ave. FIoXXowig xxealling, all] c'akex oxxert' 1111c c0 orn silage XXitl abouit 1 lb). of corn and 1.5 lb) of cottonseed imeal ilX for about 45 daxs xSepterinber 1 latc October). Graz'ing loganl October 29, 1976, and Nox ember :3, 1977. Iii 1976-77, the (tm lot caiX Ox XX X ore liift feti silage, \Xitli corn fed to appeltite. As it rexsult, these calves ate equal quanitities of silage and corn (1 4 lb). head daidx ) phi 1.5 lb). per cottonseed HiC;a,1lTis Ifeeding plan causxed se\ oral cases of founder late in thle cediing pleriod; therefore, relatix el\ iore silage wXaxfed in I the 1977-78 tlrxlot XXxteini. Silage intake dumring 1977-78 ax eragetl about 25 l) (fail\ ,X with a niaxinonil of 15 lb) of corn, antI fouder wXas rIot at 1)rollcl( Calve oilo tbe pasture' pr'.grarii \Xere fill fed silage with 411). of corn and l.5 lb). c ottonseed mneal per headl (ailN dutring of JainiarX -February whben grazing wXax not suifficient. At tbe end of TI h tk g rat (In (21)11l lin toi oI)Xiiis tlire XXats 0.76 acreI-( pr ani I) inal. TIhix aiolit (If grazirng substituited for 1,291)1lb. (If corn xi lage, 2.118 lb) xbel led coIrn, 167 lb). co ttornsexed inoeal (If (If and :386 lb). fattening miixtuire. Baxed onl cur rent roar ket prcs (If the ,"acre (If grazing xsibstiturted for $159 XX Irth (of feed. Stated anolther XX\ ,X acre of grazing XXv(iild be wvorth $20t9 baxed onf an itx xurbtituition value at cuirrenlt riarl kot lricexs. Colst (If pastuire ix abo((lt $10 pte101 acre. III xtudy repolrtetd, Good arnd Cboice slauighiter beef wXax the p~rodulcedl usirig eitheor a tm xon ilage syxtem) or at smiall grainclIX er paxture xx xtoii. I Io\\ Oevor, athigher peurcentage oIf arirrialx in the tlrx groupi~ p~roducedl Choice carcaxxex. Thet pasture pmolot grain requ~iredI aboult 65 daysx longer tol p~roduce firnished beef, but it Xxslmore conroiflical uiing cuirrenit plrice inpu~lts. CalvXex oIil jlxtlire xx stemn XX re not finixbed for xlaulghlter at the thel end (If grazing indl requliredl abolut 70) days xo(f feeding tol reach X eNiiglit grade comriiparab)le to thos(I fed 11l tbe xila go and] e plIani. \\ ben fed ((r grazed~ fo~r the samrie length oIf time eiffers av eragedl S5 lb). lighter tbari xteerx, but their carcaxxex xWer lonethul oI(fat grade higber (loXw ChoIice vs. high Good).( gra/ing (-ill\ es XXere judged to be less tban Good or (Cboice gradex, therefore they vvere finished in drylot. In 1976-77, they we re fed fimited silage wXith corn and cottonseedl meal dulring the 56d\,poxt-grazing, finisbing p~eriod. A blendled highroughage mnixture (.3W hay , 70T concentrate) wXas fed during the 86 tlay poxt-gra/ing periodl of 1977-78. The calveox growXn on pasitulre wXere xlallgliteredl ill late July or carix August. Xwhereas Auburnr University, Agricultural L'xperiment Station CAPTAFOL SPRAY Effective Against SOOTY BLOTCH AND FLYSPECK of Apple A. J. LATHAM, Department of Botany, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology M. H. HOLLINGSWORTH, North Alabama Horticulture Substation BHY C10(1 N D11) II A SPEC a e I h IIld~o~i~ onIapples (iscases )4roxx ii in hum idl i- as su ch as AIlaama. Be sides ha\i Inig an u1aaingll11 a ppearance, heax ii x diseased fruit mnax tall sex eral w.x ecs earlier than (hisease-free fruit. Spray schledulles recolmmendied in apple groxx ing areas call for funlgicide a1pplicatio{n for c ontroll of sooty blo tch iand fly speck, genlerally to begin with the second to foulrth cox er spray andl co~ntinule unitil harx est. But this schedule dloes ntlt aiiear to col cide ox th tiex e101)Ient oIf the disease in Alabania. The fungi that cause sooty blotch and fly speck (Gloeode~s pornig'naand Zyjgop/ilk jtafllticensis, reslleetix ely) are actix e (during hillnid, colll spring wxeather, hut may be entirely absent (hiring lint, dry su~mmer xN cather. SOT Farlx spraxs wxith ca1 )taftil (0lifolatan 4f'( j appeared topo ide needed control of the txx oI diseases in 1975, 1976, and1(1978 explerimlents bx the Au~burn [ Ilix ersitx Agricultural Expehimentd Station at the -North Alabalna Ho(rticulltulre Substation, ('llilll. Other fungicides tested xxcrc benolloI ( Ienlate 50\\ (il 1975 and (Iodine (Cypr''x 65W C') in 1978. Treatmlenlts ulsing ca1 )tlfIol andin10eti rain1 80\VX (Po11Sramn 80W ( ) and (Iooline an1d( 1 etiralni 80\V also xxere tried in 1976 and 1978. Fungicides Compared in1 1975, henonx' 1(0.5 lb. pils 1 (It. 1111) ihx tlotIIic oil per' 100 gal. xwater) and captafol (5 (It. pis I (it. 11n1oiillytlltlxic (Iii per 100( gal. xwatelr) xwere iaplied at the sii e r tip, tigilt llis ter, and1( pietal fail stalges of groxx th to Biehared Red I)eiicions apples. Subsequently , Golden Delicious apple piollen xxas applied tol the stiglills oIf blosso~ms oIn spraxyed and] unlsprayed trees (\xxith a eanel hair b)rush). The li(ssIonis xxere c(Ix ered xxith plastic bags tlo m(ake suire that later infection hid nolt ~cculr. I'lie next ecar, ca ptafoIl xxas ap1111ied (]irinI g the p k anid full1 1in stage s tol 12 lRed D~eliciouls trees. Six trees reccix ed no adiditiolnal fungicide, xwhereas the tither six xxere sprayed wxith illetiramn dulring the ((Ix er spray period. 11n 1978, ca)tlf(Il xxas ilp plied1 at tile green tip stage, fo(1111wed li ((I cti rali clix er slira~x . IDodille xwas appllied (during bloomn, alsoi followxed bx ineti ralin clixcr spraxy5. 1. osprax ed trees serx eti as chcks (irin~g xear year. 111(1011 (INA\il 197.5 JI]\ ('I(lilt' Treatment' Blossoml~s Nit Sooty blotch Bc101101 50\\ .l..... l15 1,70 4.95 Captafol 4F ..... .60) .56 80 ('hec k . . ... . . . . 1.52 1.94 5.00 Flyspeck Beno115iny 50\\ ..... :32 .25 :3.89 ( .1 1 tafl 41' .. . . . . . 09 .07 .24 Che......................16 .22 :3.61 St ale of 0-5: 0 =no disease, 1 trace, 2 -2 10, 3 11II 2.5 : 4 =26-5M:, 5 .51-101 of fruit su rfae diseasedc1 'lates wxere 0.511). of beloix 1antd 5it. ofct af,It atli wxith 1 (It. of nollphx\ totoxic oil, 1r 100 gal. of x\ ater. Captafol Reduced Disease Results of the 1973 test showxxed 011 disealse colntrol froin heal)mx I, blut ca1)tlfli reduced indices ofI boith soo(ty blotch and1( fiysipeck beloix tilose of the co~ntrls, table 1. I)ex elliiment oIf the diseases o)1 appiles growxxn ill plastic bags indicated that the inocIilum (if both fuingi xxas oin the txxigs, foliage, oir blossolos at the time thex, xxere coxvered. InI the 1976 ald 1978 tests, luse (If captaflll resulted iIn tdisease indices of oly 0.5 toI 1.63 (0.1 to .5M0 diseased fruit su~rfalces), table 2. Chemnical toxicity shoxxed Ill) as f ruit rulsset xxhen ca11tafol wxas ulsed aifter the green tip) stage (If growxxth. Larky app1lication of captafol at the green tip stage shoxxeId prinmise as an eradicant to lirexent infection hx the sooty blotch and( flyspeck piathtigens. The single app1licatioIn rccllmlllendied 1)111(i2. ELici i\1 55 s01, Ft \t.It 1111 A11, IC 5[ION!,FOH COI [m[, or Sow,) l31.ot'ui Am) FtSxII 1,-I 1976 sxo 1978 1' ingititle. ratec per~ 1001 gzal. Stiotv blotch Fixyspeck 0).52 .9T 1976 CaptaflIF,1 5 (ItI...................1 (~aptafoll IF, 5 (It. tolll\s (,11 b\ Iletiralin 80Wl 2 lb. ................. .09 63 1978 CIptatol 4F, 5 (i. folio\N e't 1lix 1(1 1.43 16 littliron, 80\\ , 2 11i. . .. .. . lDlltili 6.5\\ , 05 i1). foiloss eti b\ Iltirail 80W,. 2 11b. ............... Check.......................... 4.7,3 Scale of 0)-5: 01 -no disealse, 1 trace', 2 =2-10q, :3 4 =26 .5W, 5 -51 10%T fruit sulrface tiiseased. of 28 :3.62 11-2.57 by the mnanulfacturers of eapitaftii for conltrol (If apple seali perinitted tin]\ trace arnoulnts of soolty blotch and filyspelck xxhen folloxwed by applropiriate clixer spirays. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station Stemntrol drenches were observed to delay flowering (top) and stemtrol sprays were comparable to the standard commercial retardant treatment (bottom). A 15(0 pp i. Steintrid spray gae adeqluate h6i13ht ionitroil as sloxx n here: l'Iiit hin it ill 11111r, Ocaincl "r N 01 . .. . . B, c 14.3 12.8 11.7 ) /',ot 14.0 11.8 10.8 Ala lidal.a 12.8 11.7 15 1) ) . 11 1 I. 0.4 10.8 10.0 11. 10. B-Nine .. STEMTROL A New Growth Retardant for Flowering Potted Plants KENNETH C. SANDERSON, WILLIS C. MARTIN. JR. and GARY E. MURRAY _11e -1inel lts oil ( ange Bowil' and1( \Iand(alay plaitx xxere con1(1dcted M Sii (hiriing Apil to Augusxt, inidicatinig that Steintrol is effectixve at high groxx jog eiiperimoentsx xli d Resu~lts I ri d rench exC trenchl oii thati Steiiitrol is all effetiv d Bright Golden Yelloxx Princess Ane chrx xalthieliii phlnts: Plint io. of f/lilt (IS Department of Hortictltre Ini a iiex 131 xx ietald(lo). otli thaienxot) Itie1lixia, a pLIlla) Scpitiir i.\1ilinlki~ at thei \Illllii illix ii lexfoiid xxleth A( i ) tll x iii I F~, f il it xx Buie xxl Jnic a/ Iroltincut li olhtI in. pciTplat ipjibiiil2xx(ix elien Pix lisine x re l Iiiitx xx rillx e1 ii N~one................. Clel(l li\ ar iexliolixe to Steintrol. 8131ax s reduiedl the hieight) ii the (.1116\ a!s Ba3,3ad, \\ ill Stoll C 11(111tliill, and (Sirtclillicixter Bon-(1 bilt X (I ilielleiixe oil lPiilal Steil) plils Iarioex ciliillerx. Itlili xx S111x1 Ma n. jieits 15.8 14.8 1:3.2 11.5 11.9 .33 3.1) :3.1 li iii iii . 200 pjpi) ' iiiii ... iii o 5xIX)) pliii B-in . Not :31 :3.1 13l ollox aillle e be)' )latlii toi L\ce 113ilii)alixolt( 11 thuh per pot ii) fix(e Lib.~ 1)relehiex xxele appilicdto th L 3 iixx \ 111ledliilli colixixtilig of e ptI i p ii l t of Sil, peau t iilss lxxalitjue I haik it the late iii I oz. 11(1 6ili poii. ob e Stel itlri dhex xx re alsoiii)xi' ti to i(l (delay tliixxering iin clyxaltthieiilllii. steitriil hiax alxso Iill 1)111in)) it, EInglishl ix x tested ohl lielilili, (ldie (teli cliha, Spra Iinooil) inuj Badad Dollarii ( n/1it (1i /lii2/t) ill Plincc i (airli itiuixli 3 1i ii IicdI 16)) 1:.2 1:3.2 Xl iixoit Nil l........... i ... Stiaiitioli ... 5,000)) pliii lii1Nine .. 200 16.0) 14.,8 14.8 1:3.6 11.4 16. liiof I 3 7ll'llillic, uia 12(0 12.8 1:3.6 12.4 12.4 1:.32 150)1 ppm Sfcmtiiii p Ii ii i 1:.2 14.S 14.0) Chulol ll 12.S 10)4 11 2 11.2 1:3.6 11,6 1.5))piii XHex) .. t Nixi ll o i1th en ibheedtinig heiarIt Soi plaiitx xxitli mixed rexiltx. Steintrol xSpraysx po1( ireduedi the groxx lii of petuiaai d tiiiage tiifl iiage. xe ttia hut caiixed xex erIe jirayS iin dr(Ienches haxe iiot x Stellitrlo glixltix x iiti ilt gix eli li~oixtlciiitrulo fenhaclii tiimiito, tnd Soiuthierni hleedinig heart. 'Ilii iieclalilili iifStentrul actilon ix not kliixx\ It rejulexelll a iuexx cliss of reii. to inaitiiaind 111 Niili steiiitriil it the the xjiltx (\1)eilliiitx Ini I ill iuct\x 1) I (2 0rli1eid I p iier~iiiiiii I 50,) 100, 150) and 20)) p~m xxax latex, ofi icunil Beljox iliaec) i )I iiiitelii 'iii t1id. andI 5,00(0 c(oi rc to noi iiiI a) iioil i ti Ia litliiillilali fo b docai 3 ine' (the xtand~ar d coilillielcial lanits xirix id xxith Stilotrul aid 13Nilie had deep, idiik ureell foliage. treatlilII). p ii like 13Niiie and A-Hext. Iln ioiltuin, Steitrul ix all effectixve xand1 l 11 ertai n plan1 ts gri ixxtI rIeta rdt tiiltixarx It ix effectixve as a xIplax anid (drenich atit at high tiemperatulres. At lilehas lbtein iien ti usIe ieriit senit, alle \ the I Iliteil States. obhtaiiied tiir Stelintro inIl Auburn Univ'ersity Agricultural P'xperiment Station iFuiPi' pltiiigs. IM- o urse ics lia,,, p)r((ice A Ilistoricalix pr1oduictioni lit,, hu'it predoinanilitly phue, b)ill ill recent v(io iteiest in hardxwood( reforestation usin g niirserx grllxx n seedlings has inlc reased and p1( Irodu11ction) of these splecies ha(15 \jpllled. lisect ptests of pineC seedlin~gs ar e %N de mned, but thosxe associatedi ell %N hard\\x 001 seedlingi.s are relatively un-1 itli kioxx o. ( ollsequnlct, at stiltix \\ as Coll ducted inl 19778 oilt, in dlxtri Sit ilt I three state 11(11 -sties ()il insect pests of ioseryx ilIl~ .Z~ .1,2_'I I ~r A grownx hardwood~x0( seedlings. Resuilts of these nursery studies rev ealedl the preseince ofI ap)])o '1ill t t 5x4 sp ecies ofI insects cauisiing or associated wxitht dain age tol seedIlings of somie 21 d ifferenit de(1(11111 ll pant sp ecies, M\iai' insecits illtlx td \\eIre species piajolosix kiowxn to feed tol diec iduous11 trees aini sihiubs or helon11ged to insetct group wh i cIhI otainedi 1 some11 spec~ies knloxxn tto halx tilis Ihahit. "Field Crop Insects)) May Become Sex eral splecies, lltox cxer, xxer Cinjterestinlgix Conisp icuoutis by their presence in ai 4 sects nted( fttr thleir dlioagt tot siticil Crops in Forest Tree Nurseries JONATHAN EDELSON and LACY HYGHE Department of Zoology-Entomology its co~ttonl s11 euns. aiid cornl. 'Iliesc xxere 5113 Ieall lotlier, heet arillx\ xxNo Il I (Irilixx tril xx Iil, fall corin earx\ I 0111 tobaccoI hold- alld x tlloxxstipiie( ar-I I Iurxil aofI the~se specits fed till foliage ofi se cral seed linig spieis and cauised tyical catrcii ad mlage . Earl in staIr larx ae o f fall arm\l xxorin also1 fed toil setlinlt stemls. Beet atrm\l xxrm ft i iglre 1, xxas thle most abundl~ant o~f the field citli siees, reaching aI peak polaiitioni It onie tibltl (If I1ho larx i(, ecr 100 xsi. ft. of ntursery bled. It icCuriii oil) 11 seedling spIecits, includ1ing wxhiite aid 1(wxater Ioak , ash, tuliptrec, do gxxo111(, and sy camo~re. Larxae were inlitially nolted earlx ii) tile grllxx ing sealsoni - May ailniJi~ l( -i an 1 xxn wr present thlrou~gh Auigust. Earlx Iccuirrence xxhlen seedlings are siiall ad f(ott liage ix Iiite tcou('Ild ilcrease thlis insect's poltential ats (I seriouls W 0 p)est. SoybIean looper, figure 2, and fall] arinixxxorill, figure 3. xxere fairly abundant xxi th pe~ak popu1)IlaItioni dnlcsities (IfV a3Ind :3 larv ae per 100 sq. ft., respc~tixvely. Both species toccturredl in late season, il.Jly thlrou~gh Sepltembler. Stoybea(n lolIpilr xxas ftun i oi tulip tree, ash, andl ca talipa; fill] arinywxxoril oil sycamlotre, tuliptree. aind wxater o1(k. Co~rn earxx(ril, figure 4, toblacct hlidxx rnI, figurc 5, and y ellowstripedl ariiivxlri, figure 6, populatitons xxcrc relatix lx lowx, 4 tol 1:3 lrxite per ~l xwolrm, xx IriO raint so~xbcan l 111 er, and( fall arillx caused sufficient dlamlage to wxaraplicationi ofI controll mleasu~res. Aduilts (If m11 ed toIniu x fields (If cttonl th ese in sects5 app aren tly rseries frtm su1 1rrouI ndIinlg stoxlans. and1( co~rn. Oxi FIGS. 1-6. (1) Beet armyworm larva on autumn olive; (2) soybean looper larva on green ash; (3) tall armyworm larva feeding on tulip tree foliage; (4) corn earworm larva on sycamore; (5) tobacco budworm larva on Chinese chestnut; and (6) yellowstriped armyworm larva on sycamore. Field crop~s illay still he plreferred holsts fo~r the~se filsects: howxxexver, it should1( he noItedl tha~t i]] hlaxve great reiproductixve poteiltial , thu 15cIIu ld pt s sihlN xbecome sen toll I pests ill forest tree nulrseries dutrin~g p~eriod~s o~f high popuIlation. 100) sq. ft. Larwxorox xxvas colllectedl only froln red toak, xxith bnulxxori andl x lloxx stripedl arinyxx lriii occurring onl sevecral hosts. Of the "species, olnly beet artily' li1tionl octri IC (( a nd lar ae (of cach spewciecompl11 eted dcx eloII)illn ( tilt seed(1lin g floliage, ind~icaIting suiltability (If seedlinlgs as ho~sts. Auburn University AgriculturalExperiment Station A, B. WEATHERLY, J. H. DANE, and C. C. KING, Department of Agronomy and Soils im) (;iI I RiMI\("iwt (.111 I\( iv: .ksX s) often limits pllant gri xxtli If there is a hard pan near the soil surface to redu[ce the aioilot ofi soil xx ater ax -ailahie to pilanlt roots, crop p)roduction (aln he limiited w, eni further. .Siihsiiliiig appears to offer help in ox ercbullg dIrouight effccts, basied on tillage ciomparisonsl b\x Atiirn t I nx ersitx 's A\griciultuiral Experimenit Station. Riooting dep' th wxas increased 1 b\ sohxiiiling. xN hich resulted in greaiter \\ ater up~take and hon '['e(field ex\perilmnents xwere cionduc edl at the P1ant Breeding l tLot, lallassec, oiia Cahaha sand\x lolaml soil that had a coinpab t((l ayxe r heginn ing ab)ruptly lit 6 ini (dep! io f disk inhg) and th esxfelinlg to a depth of 12 in. (ahbout 4 ill. bielows the dlepthi of plowxxing). Tlilage treatmen ts compaj iired xxcre. 1. ixCo ietuial hIlage (tulrninig 8 ii. (deep and1( di sking to 6-in. (lepthi) xxitlniit subsoiling' 2. Conkx en ti a! tillage (Wtoiung 8 ill dIeeup and1(disk ing to 6-in. i (lepthl) xx xillbsolling, iti :. No tillage xxitliout sohbsoiling' 4. Noi tillage xxith sihsoiling2 Thie corn (Pioneer 3369A w planited April 24, 1978, in 50 ft. xax liing ro\\s spaiced :36 in. apart. I'lltilizei aind hierbicidles xxere apipliedl according to recoimmenidi~atiiins. Thle cooxentional tillage x\ ithout sul1soiing alid cionix elltliial tillagie xxith suihsoiling pliits xxere cuiltixvatedl txx ice diurinig the groxx ilig season. Toi determiine amnounits of x\ atel binlg extracted fronti the soil Iv plant roiot sx steins, the soil priifile (arhltrarilN ciiosen as 56in. deep) xxas (lixvided into 8-in. thick lax ci s iFor each lay er the soil xxater re ssuire hiead and the sil Wxate coniiliten'lt xallies xwere (deterinledl wxith tensioilicters anid nieuitroni scatter eqipmilent, lesliectix clx. The hydiraulic colidlictix it functioni aind the Soil xxater retenitiion iurxve for each laxe \\cr de(termiiined in the xx hihiiratorx on iuidistiarhed (ore samiples. Ilinifall x as also reciordled. Field mneasu remnen ts xx\e re started xMienI coirn plalits xxci ahout 8 in. high (Max 15) and wexcr eded 6(0 (laxs later x\ lien xxliter use patterns indicaltedl little uptake of xol xxater. At theenldlof the groxxing season. pits xx(,i( (lug Ill e'achl ploit for 01) xcix ation o~f rooit (distrihbutioni Ii the soil lillfile. Thle Iiannler in xxhlch soil xxalter dlata xx rc collected necessitat ed theii cim ~parisoin iof xxater-us daxc(Ita tir axi of cir x ei gh oni icI (liff erences.x Thie ten siol iieters and (Ici' i ri iiip ri i access tiihes xN erc instlled~ (lirectl\ betx\ ('en hecalths (urn plants. Therefore, xxater iiix emient ineasilrelnints xxere made oui a plant haxis and not iol a plot hasis. The tahle reflects (as inidiclateby number of ears per~ roxx ) the poorer standi xwith suhxisiiling anid/or no tillage than xwith coroxentioinal tillage xwithout siihsiiiling. Ytields for the different tillage treatmeinlts are p~resentedl in the table, xxith corresponding xwa~ter coinsumi ptiiins bx depth gix enl in the chart. TIhe no tillage xwith xuihsoiliiig treatmlent, xxhich resullted( iii the highest Nield on a xweight per car biasis, also resulted iii the greatest xxater upitaike (1(0.6 in.). The (iol\xcntiuinal tillage xwith xuhsoiling and the no tillage xxithioiut xuihsoiling treatmnents resulted in similar xx-eight per ear and almost idienticail xxater u1) take xlulies ( 10.1) and 1(0.2 in., respectix cl ) . 'Ile conxventional 'In the russ iihsoilu'r xxas ulsed at timei ofiplantiing; chisel xx nftli in. 2 chisel dep~ th .5 in. 'In flue riix suihsiiler xxax ulsedl at tlie ofi plantinig; chlisel wxidth =2 in., cblxc depth -14 ihi. D tillage xxithiout siihsiiliiig treatnient resultedl ii the smiallest ears ali thle loxxext xxater iuptalke (8.9 in.). ()hscrx atiiils it root distribuionis at thten o'ilif the groxx ing season agreed(\\ itli the( xxat('r uiptakie piatternus ioi the (different la ers. Fori the piarticullar Siiil stud~iedl. and(fiora Iclatix clx clix it iixx hg season (5.6ili. raini fronii Mayi 10) toJiily 16, l98). Suuhsollingc('i(lent!x pe'rmiit ted greater ro ot pienetratioun intoi the 21) to 41) in. soil laxyers andl thius alloxwed greater wa lter uptalke ait these depths. Noi tillagec xx xsiisiling xxax the iiist t'ffi'ctix ith e tillage mtethiid ili permilittinig xxater uptake by the roiots frontl the lowxerc soil laxers. I Iiixx er, xuhxoiling xxouild~ he of less beniefit du~ring c years xwhien rainlfaill is liiire nearl\ adequate for the croil. ()x iraill xOeld daita f or eight locations iixer a :3-x i'a rieriiid shioix d an( avieoxurage x1(1( inlcrea'se of 25-4W~ (]ile toi sihsiililig of 1bo)thi con xen tioa I tilIlage and] no tillage trealtmen (IIts. M\ i 'Ii I[ Iii t iiii\Ixn iixi\F M\s(xx Iiy1\Iv NIx \VI Iit PII \\I Bim Treaitmelnt )iii[ i'. . III l ii soi NVixl MINFI) \ SNi, lFt n 25-1 1 liixxx i lxii Nsxxii 1978 Folll iil~,"siiN Ytield per roxx Ears per rows \% i~lii per ear Lb. ( i n i'iii i,, tillatze 5itii su.iig.......... 7.4 7.9 I]). 27.1 21.5 L. 0.28 :3 6. 6 No tillage xxitli siihsiiling.. 7.6 20.0 190 .3 .)40) SOIL WATER UPTAKE, INCHES Total water uptake by corn roots at ditterent depths, by treatment: (1) conventional tillage without subsoiling, (2) conventional tillage with subsoiling, (3) no tillage without subsoiling, and (4) no tillage with subsoiling. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station FOWL CHOLERA remains an important disease of broiler breeder replacements in some areas of the Southeastern United States. Although a commercially prepared inactivated vaccine that reduces morbidity and mortality associated with this disease is available, problems with administering it has limited its usefulness. This vaccine must be given to each bird by injection, twice at 4-week intervals, and the labor involved with catching and handling is costly. New Vaccine Tried Recently a new commercial vaccine (Orachol®)1 containing a live virulent strain of Pasteurellamultocida (the bacterium that causes the disease) was developed for protecting turkeys against fowl cholera. This product has been effective in turkeys when administered in the drinking water, but has failed to adequately protect chickens against cholera when given this way. Effectiveness of Orachol® in protecting broiler breeder replacements against fowl cholera was determined in a test at the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station using a single injection of the vaccine. Commercially-reared broiler breeder replacements (Hubbard x Hubbard) from the replacement farm of an integrated company in Alabama were vaccinated at either 8 or 9 weeks of age with Orachol@. To minimize handling of the birds, this vaccine was mixed with a commercially prepared fowl pox vaccine and given by wing web stab, a method commonly used to administer fowl pox vaccine alone. The standard dose of pox vaccine and one-fifth of the Orachol® dose recommended for turkeys was mixed with the pox diluent and given by a trained vaccination crew. Vaccinated, Unvaccinated Birds Challenged Representative samples of unvaccinated and vaccinated birds were transported to Auburn and placed in wire battery cages. Half of the birds in each group were then challenged with Pasteurellamultocida strain X-73 (108 organisms swabbed on the palatine cleft). All birds were weighed just before and 7 days after challenge. 'American Scientific Laboratories, Madison, Wisconsin. IMMUNIZATION of Broiler Breeder Replacements Against FOWL CHOLERA J. J. GIAMBRONE, Department of Poultry Science M. K. ECKMAN, Cooperative Extension Service Dead birds were examined and impression smears taken from the liver were stained and examined for presence of Pasteurella type organisms. Selected specimens were also taken for bacterial isolation on appropriate media. Three separate challenge trials were undertaken with different replacement flocks. In all trials, birds dying 24 hours or more after challenge had gross lesions suggestive of cholera. Impression smears and isolation cultures from these birds were positive for Pasteurella. Vaccination Reduced Mortality Results given in the table indicate success of the vaccination. In trial 1 there was a 50% reduction in mortality in vaccinated birds, trial 2 had a 40%reduction, and trial 3 a 70%reduction when compared to mortality of the control birds that were challenged but had not been vaccinated with Orachol@. In two of the three trials, Orachol® did not meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture's recommendations that 80% of the chickens should be protected from clinical disease. However, it is noted that the challenge used in these immunity checks was considerably more severe than what is typically encountered under field exposures. Mixing with Fowl Pox Vaccine Suggested As stated in Auburn recommendations, if Orachol® is selected for use in a vaccination program it should be mixed with fowl pox vaccine and given by wing web stab to breeder replacement birds between 8 and 12 weeks of age on farms with a history of cholera. Farms with a history of severe cholera may want to give a second vaccination with Orachol® only, by injection, approximately 4 weeks after the first. If the second injection must be used, cost of using this vaccine should be compared to the cost of the inactivated product. MORTALITY FROM CHALLENGE WITH PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA IN BROILER BREEDER REPLACEMENTS VACCINATED WITH ORACOL® Treatment group C hallenge O rachol No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes TRIAL 11 no no yes yes 23 TRIAL ' yes yes no 4 TRIAL Mortalitv . .. . . 0of 10- 0% 0of 10- 0% 6 of 10-60% 3 of 10-30% 4 of 4-100% 6 of 10- 60% 0 of 20- 0% yes 15 of 20-75% No 4 of 20-20% Yes yes 53 days Straight run broilers were vaccinated atadays of age and challenged 32 2days after vaccination. 3Straight run broilers were 6 weeks of age when challenged. Pullets were vaccinated when 11 weeks old and challenged 7 weeks after vaccination. 4 Straight run broilers were vaccinated at 8 weeks of age and challenged 3 weeks after vaccination. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station D~ate~s for Planting COMYX~r~ Ini Alabaamia 41 CLIFF G. CURRIER, Department of Agronomy and Soils S Fiii(: iO of the hest hix rid and dates ofilanti ng are t\x ot miajor dIecis ions madle h\ tarnmers to mnaxiizie corn x jeids. lix b rids ( it Ie i'n ), ield po ten tial nt di the iii her of daxys requnired to reach maturity. Hela tix e xjeids an d ma tuinties are putblished antnt aiiv iii the Xi ibii n 1.nix ersi tx Agricultural Experimnent Station C orn Ilx rid Report. It is desirable to pliant corn at a time to ensure adlequ1ate rainftall du rin g the cri tical 3- to 4 xxeek period of fioxx ering, poiiination, and grain till. H oxx ex er. rainfall disne sea son is unprediettributtion in any o able. Experience has showNn that the best time to jilant corn is soon after the ax erage dlate of the last frost in the spring. Mioisture is generally adequate at this timec for gerinitiationi and plant establishmnent. Publishecd results bx this Station fromt date of planting tests in 19.57 suggest that tie(optiinti period s for p latitin g coinn are M arch 2(0 to Ap)ril1 20 ftor situtthern Alaha iiia and April 1 to AXpril :30 for central and norithern Alabaiiia. In 1977, dlate itf planting corn sttudies xxere initiated to dleterminie liitxx sex eral cuirrently reenmiiecie lix iridis respond~led xx hen plan0ted til diates rat i ing frot iidFehtiar to mnid June. TA'1 'lhe date of planttinig corn studies xxcrc coincdiucted at th ret' lo cati ons iii noirthertn, ftitr iii centtrail, andc ftiee iii soithicrn Alahaia. Txwi ('ar-ix tatuiring hyxbricds xwere choi sen frtt liinctt3369)A. ( tik('i 16, atid Fu'ii s G-150)7. 'Lxxii latte-iatiing ix\ hidHs xxere chtisten frotii ioinceer :31 17, MicNirt 51)8, Funk's G-4864, and Futttk's G-4848. The litotiir lix brids xxt'i-e plante'd tint three iir fixe cdatc's it appiroiia~teix 2 xxc'c'k interxals. 'lh' ax crilgc nuttmber itf daxys trotii platnting 1ititil ione-half oif ti' pilants inl it(' tiloit procdtcedi silks (Illicsilkj, and tile numtiber of dlaxys fronii planting until thit moiistturt' ( c'iibiiit grain reachet'c 2,5 read\cl ) fur sex eral of tiicse hxbtits art' it' set'itcc ii) taibie 1. li b0-ricis, O)t thit ax erage, mtatturecd 4 tio 6 dax s earlier fur ex erx 2xxc'ck cdelay iii p)anting. 'The iiixxer xaltits in the ci ititine readx ratnge,, xxtre obtain'c tfrumnt t'e Iatest plaiinting diaties. lxx I) xear ax eragt's ot yield dlatai are pre- Corn plots at E. V. Smith Research Center showing tour dates of planting corn. senit(,c] in talei 2. It is iectugii/ei thait 2 years ot data are not an aideiquate basis titr ctled tihit Data inica rectmtndctcat it on eirlx iiiatirini, lixbricis piroducedi their highest \ ielcis itl the sotittlern regittn \\ lhen plan ted in lilte Febri arxN or Mariic'h andc during March for lat' iiattiriig Il-i ics. Earlxiatuitiitg hybricds pla~nted( ii Marchi at illt-matut riong hyxb ridcis plaitted MIarch 22 p rtocdu ced hiighiest xielcIs in th e central re giion. II the noi rtherniriegiotn th e highest cor x elds rtesilted xxih'i ciorti xxas planti) edh at the tirst date ofi planting, April 8. WXhenl piiaitiiig xxas potstponited. iet' tti late NIa rchi ii central anidc soiithiern Ala bai toir hevoinid earls Ap ril iii noriithern and Alabama, iiN.xield s dcinitied. 'The(earlyx iate-iiiattiriig lixbricis itsed( in these tests xwere sinmiar iii xyielcd restpon se to al 1p1)1tIng dates. 'lxiii 2. lxi c \ii A\ viix 'Fi Hi ii Pu xNTFi II I, tiN SV\ER5 I FIi Exiuu x I iCOsiiiFO I s I) xvic N-I I hI. ( t)Au IN Ai iuxixI I\ 1977-78 '2/23 3/08 D~ates ot plan~tin~g :3/22 4/)8 4/24 5/07 90.)7 tIl I Ii)s itixi Ol)~i 1.i A\ uisi(i Ni \\iBiii(i DA ii3 op ii ii fix imlis Pi-5\ I i\(. Hvi ii i0 Hi xI ii \tiDosi K, CuuxuitF READ), AMi) H Nil 5 IN CMiBuiuuo \litisilk Ciomibine Ciiiibine ready~l as uage, reic\ la\ axrage, rnug' s 9a xs day N o. 66 72 77 80 Nii Rt'giion and l~ix d toatiurity Northern Alabamna' Earl\ ............ Lat .. . . . 2. . . . . . Cetntra]l 4lahania 1:urlx .................... .. La~te .......... ...... Numirber ofitecsts 5 5/20 6/12 61.5 36.1 -- 92.2 6 64.1 73.5 45:3 71.4 82.3 4(.8 7411 --- 68.9 ---- o l1-id 31.6 48.2 8 79.8 9 .1 63.1 43.2 47.8 --- :3,8.6 -- Sontthern Alabamai' Hl-~~I 904 91.4 II.................i... ... ... ... Lat .. ... .. 100).3 9:3.9 79.1 79.7 79.1 74.9 42.9 5:3.3 ----- --- Coker 16 ... Pioneer :3369A 126 130 Not 11 1.5138 I 16- 143 .. Piotneer :3147 ... le-Nair 508 . ... 1:36 1:38 1203-14 12 11)0 Sand Mnittain, 'iiTnn'ssc'c \Vallt'x and I o ocr C'ioaistal Plain subtstationis. tE'HxperimentI Field, and E. V. Sm ith I .ixx cr CoX astal Plain aiid Piedmoi int siiubstatioi ns, P'rattxvill lt'st'arch Cettr. (;uiif Cioatst and Nu\i rugrass suib statiuons andt \ iinrotxlilt' Exper'~~imei'nt Field. A uburn University Agricultural Experiment Station An Objective Method of Evaluating WILLIAM E. HARDY, JR. and JOHNO B. WEED Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology DF EDUfl Lending Policies Are Important Lending policies of the financial institutions are important in determining what the cut-off score should be. If the institution is relatively conservative, then the score should be relatively high. More liberal policies would justify a lower score. The -20.2 value represents a policy of treating misclassification of good and bad loans equally. The figure represents the trade off that exists between correct classification of good and bad accounts. If the required score is raised, then the portion of bad loans classified correctly increases and the percentage of good loans classified correctly decreases. Lower cut-off values have an opposite effect. Objective credit scoring techniques can be an aid to credit analysts. These tools will in no way replace the valuable judgment of the trained professional, but will assist him in categorizing his accounts. By being able to classify an account with little effort, he will be able to spend more time working with customers who are in financial trouble and need assistance. of agricultural borrowing in recent years has placed added pressure on lenders to effectively evaluate all loans. Borrowers, as well as financial institutions, benefit if the volume of bad loans is reduced. If all loans are carefully evaluated, then borrowers are less likely to get so deeply in debt that they might encounter problems in meeting repayment obligations. Also, if few bad loans are made, the costs of borrowing which must cover loan loss rates are minimized. THE INCREASED VOLUME Statistical Analysis Valuable Statistical analysis is of great value in determining and evaluating the most important characteristics of a set of data. A technique called discriminant analysis is particularly useful in determining which characteristics most strongly differentiate between two or more groups of data. The technique is ideally suited for objective credit analysis since the goal for such research work would be to determine which characteristics are most useful in predicting whether a borrower will eventually be classified in either of the two groups good credit risk or bad credit risk. To analyze characteristics of Alabama agricultural borrowers, data were collected by researchers in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology from all eight Production Credit Associations in the State. Each association president was asked to provide data on existing loan accounts. PCA personnel recorded necessary information for each loan on a questionnaire so that confidentiality of the borrower records would be preserved. Data on a total of 220 loans the lenders classified 143 were obtained of these as acceptable loans and 77 as problem loans. Data Collected Descriptive Data collected from the loan accounts contained several characteristics concerning both the loan and the borrower. The following variables were constructed from the data for use in the analysis: Age of operator; acres owned; acres rented; current assets divided by current liabilities; current liabilities divided by total liabilities; total assets divided by net worth; current liabilities divided by net worth; total liabilities divided by total assets; underlying security value divided by total loan commitment; total loan commitment divided by net worth; total loan commitment divided by current assets; total liabilities divided by net worth; loan repayment made divided by loan repayment anticipated; loan repayment made plus marketable inventory divided by loan repayment anticipated; and loan repayment anticipated divided by total assets. These variables were analyzed using step-wise discriminant analysis to determine which were the most significant in determining whether a loan would be classified as acceptable (requiring little, if any, repayment supervision) or problem. Of the 15 variables considered, two appeared to have the greater discriminating power. These were: total liabilities divided by total assets (X 1) and loan repayment anticipated divided by total assets (X2). Both significant variables reflect that the debt load and associated repayment requirement are important in predicting loan repayment success. The discriminant equation-SCORE - 186 - 460.8 X1 - 161.2 X2-which was derived from the sample data indicated that as the levels of debt and expected repayment increase then the score for the particular loan would decline. If the errors of misclassifying a problem loan as acceptable and an acceptable loan as problem were considered to be of equal severity then the cut-off score for predicting the eventual outcome of a loan would be-20.2. If the calculated score for a loan fell below this level, then past loan experience and characteristics of loans and borrowers would indicate that problems in repayment might be expected. If the score was above this level, then the account would likely be good. Tests with this estimated scoring equation on the sample data indicated that it correctly classified 88% of the loan accounts. Percentage of correct classification for acceptable, problem, and total loans at various cutoff scores. 11 Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station THREENE CHINESE CHESTNUTS 11I 1 1 '1 11 I]) u \] a I S,1, ( C I imxi C(ili xIi I isA(Ili it\ Ai \it~ , i )167-1975' ( 'iilti\ ill seed t Topt \ it Y ild lIx 1 AU-Cropper, AU-Leader and AU-Homestead pilanfted rked Xx N, lb. 1967 Ii 107.(I 1968 Lb. 112.9 70.6 1 969 Lb. .55.5 Y9.3 1970) 1971 Lh. Lb, 197-1 Lb. 1975 I]), BlIack lit',iit\ ....... MX C~ i I e Xt -(I iii ........ ii..... Al, ILae ltit.t...... , Ill.( b\ 201 19:35 1935 1954 19)5 1 1951 195) 195.1 ----1965 -1967 -196i5 41 3S 11 :35 :34 .39 41 --42.5 S.4 39.0 19.:3 71.6 3 0o) . 2519 47.5 28 50)A 71.0 (62.5 10. 1 11:3 8.9 27.0 "A3 25.0 Nook wiefore, m (1, al u ()It 'int."Ic It ce,,. Mitilitclialicc Ila, becil Ifillit('d to()(( itionill it I(] indi \ I( It tit I, it( )t wc ordcd . o I Al, -Lc it of e I \ ;o, top \%()I ked to it I I ot I I c I ,ecd I IIIi Im lllo\% ]I Iktake. TI ed :I dclit\ q I it I I el, igi I I it I twe it) I)T-()(Ill( tion leslilted. inatue 2,0 xet(liitgx (11( Xl t'- liliti X\\as Se'l'c'te'ldil 1 and ll!hi cttiixixtt'itlx attil it, xt''(lli1 :35-A--4It Depar'tmient .-Tf+ , gloss\litld ax xact~iii.4 26otil(( xIlli illihl ill lxilhut l ra titextix Inei tl sitze l il T ill tit( tgx !ite i xat'iC r (11 sixttilt' i ili l elll l I 10 xx 1 C'tlc itht' t'x I!,'.S. peCr Imtitil iS :3S. Cotlor ttt tiht clilctililtC 1)rtix\ it gliixii mitt is (lark. 7 .5 YE1 ihi\1 'Ic laxlitg~i\ieriitof til xx itiliit\ nit 1 :3/2)' DeI The tietrlaiit alt' arex S \x itlin .11( iiitxx it ixpulit'xt'ii vli ttlactix C. T\X\i) to meiidtiiiiit large (i li toIi f \\ .1i aitia l tlillxt tl,,( tI'its lIpl l ittili are plresent'il i it anti (iwfit'titi \\li i hen il( Iiltili'C~iC xx tiit ti i lix g xx ei til ilil riond. tlt'lii XIc C'Im til i xtlil ihtlt XI 1ti lt' tilili 'Te it' bge h iit"1)t 11(1Icchlli Ilt' lil xt(Ili1x hh i x i itit'x talei 2. Ait t itt tilt' lii'Stiiik I()) i .8 il( 1 toipme 12xitict ( tIiliat', I. it'l \i alt Slecited laud c\xtit aThiie lilXit' oloriis ittitt'iitteedli'! ilpiCiii t 5tt13.tIt it~ \ Ii'awlhix drk- iocolate m' elini 21 it8 81it l' l i lI ail i I a i iia I )i'j it l i xra cris lx Xii thxe apv it 5 ' Rii 3/3lti hrxio h \\ ithit eli lhtluii \ l :30whi( e to iiritlitit iC lli xx'lle hli e S c it C t' tIlt' crop.i'a isit o u Tis "is~i darker mid more i Xi".) S r Igrax ih Ili-()t\xx 7.5 )hB 3/ Mx 2) CIi \%x itli libesi'c'CicC \\ lich ix thli giaxixh liitlx blilt til th i h st seax C' xx til\lx llt' ic1tit' \i xl 2 II ( lille,,, ( (lo ~ lot Fxill), xitC \lll ~ :) ~ hc \1iml ~ I.\il lix!! i0 ( X bear befl itblialit crpsxixttillil xit'tof i(t\ii art' thet Bur't 0it ('itIlix iil lectIX itthxCl.n Iil'x (Idit hit ics hi AI -C i tt I96T 196S I II 0 1969 10) 17 19701 --- 1971 t(li(' I-' itiiiftiriiii M1) I tv I m 10to1ixit-od e ....... . itt! Ii_)11 i 1 Xl (I )1 --10 12- 10/15 - 10) 20 10) 14 10 So 10, F t9 '2S10),21 10/2 -- 10) 1.5 9,'24--10/ 17 10 2 ---- 10)/15- 9 /2410/ 23 10/2 9/ 24 --9 16t,/27 9/169,1) 9 IT" F M G F F I I G M If 9/27 9 (m ixx ilkit Al , Icai t. .f .i e . .. tt) IXX ld .'.. .l 9/ 24- ki) 10/ 12 10/2:3 10 /2 10/ 12 10)/3) 10/ 23 9 '25- 9 /20) 10) 2 10) "5 1710) 17 9) L G; Alatmit\ date: F - eitih M midscitsow and 1, = Lite. J liifoI.lllit.\ : G - I_,ood: F = lilil aild P - poor. 'Blill opclljlls. and lilit ,Iled: I - excellent, hill-I opells \Xell illid lilits Oled \ ell: 2 fitirk \\ (11,and :3 = polot, inam buri-S (]lot) \\ ithout opciiniv. Iiir, 1!r I lul i i'l' Aiubiurni Utiri rsty Agricultural L xperimnt Stationi Evaluation of Hybrid Sunfish for Alabama Farm Ponds K SHAFFER and W DAVIES Department of Fisheries and Allied AquacultUres \l II\IIl \I\ i's in ile( Solutheasterri lbnited States are uliall\ stockedl xxitli largern i )ll las anid 1)1ie gill tlinIixh. lIn fertilizied pons )1 egillI are st ockeid at a rib( rate of 1,0001 tingerings per acre (diring Noxeiiber-Fehi iaryx bass fingerliiigs are stocked thre followxing spring. (n \ii ar c after stocking, fisih poptulations shldli~ be iii balance. At this tfime bliregills axverage 01.25 lb) arid apIprIIxiiatelx 6 in. inl length. Bass t\ piecrllx x eNighi 0.75 lb). and ineaxnre 9 I.1 SML Good fishlin g for h arx etahle sizie b)1uegil ls and bass ean be maintainiied xyear after year if animal bass harxvest is fiijtedl to 152(0 lb. per acre. Many hltregdls escape predaition wvitlhount air adequnate numi b er of bass to prex oil themn. Too rrranx bluetgills in the poIndl resuilts in comrpetitioni for foodh and xloxx gro\w th. Rlegurlatioin of bass harv est, hoxwevxer, is diffieuilt to aechiexve because oif their dlesirability to fishrermien and suisceptibility to angling. The irse of liybridl xirnfixh \\ ith loxx reprrcrtiw peot en tial wxas tes ted in 1)o nds as an alterirativ e to bluegill stocking. One hyxbrid~ of piarticurlar interest is that lpnoduiced bx croiniig tire green suinfish iniale and redear stintixlr feinale. Tisx lixbrid is aggressixve, has a large mionth siiiilar tor that of thre grier sunifixsh, feeds our a wxide x arietx of organixmns, anid ix xsaid to groxx raiilx .Iii extrerirnentx at the Auburn tbnix erxitx Agicutltural Experimieint Staion. hyxbridx xxerr pirolduced b\ xtockiing irrale green an d fcniia 1 e redlear xuiishix in to a recentlx uerirxated poind. lIi thrix case the sx' rartio of thre hy brid population (Fi generatin) xwax 70:30 irialex tuo teiralex. irhe greeri \ reclear lixbrid x\ as xtocked into (I 25 aere Station ponrdx it tx\ ot densitiex (5001 arid 1,500 per aere) borth xxith and xxithotit 1t00 baxx per acre. (a xxtlr and reptroducrtioni of thre lixlridl arid xnrx ixal and gi otlr of the baxx \N e of special interest. Periodic xeilling (if tire poind's fixh I)op)i lationx (M\arctr Sept' ':iber) indlicatedl that hixbrid sunrfixlr(\ r tIt rexxi~i blx faster in .poindsx xtocked at the loxxer rate. The presnce (If baxx in this caxe did not have anl effect. More xsinfish reproduction (F 2 generation) xxasr found in ponds1 xtocked at the higher rate. A large numirber of hy bridx xtocked it ean t irire fern alex in the population ard a greater potential frrspaxx ning. Bass xxere effectixve in redntcing thre now111 her of youing fish xurvixvrng iii thre ponds by SW( and 6W( at thre loxx and high xtocking densitiex, respiectixvely .Slnxix nI of baxx xxasr reduiced through cotmpletitionr xxith lhybrid xsunfixh at thre higher denrxity . ThIe large rirolthparts (If tilre lixbridx allowxed thrernr tot eat thre xarrre xize fooi tttemxs ax the basxx. ( nlx 4M otf the bassx xirx ix ed in ponrids xtocked xxith 1,500 lixybridx compriaredl to 8( xurxvixval xxhere Oly .500 hyb ridx pier arc xx e r esrendt. r After 6 mjonths oif groxxthr 86W (if the lix' bridx. fromr the loxx stocking dlenxity xxerc oft rr exstable sizc (6 iii.) compr~ared to olxi 161 fromr tire high xtocking denxitx. (;rtlx\ tl of bass xxax less than that expected frrinr farn piondx xtoickedl xxith bass andl bhiegillx at the recommrriend~ed rates. IHyblridx xtocked at loxx dernxities canl (lix lop into a fishable populalltion in it 1 relatix elx xshort tun. They xxerc easily caurghrt b\ fishirig geair (oitti nonlv u ised for blrtegill. ALthringh excessiv e relirlid urtioin is not a p)robllemi, esp~ecially xxithi basx ptresent, the growxthi potential of the F, generation hax flo t been adleuately exvalruated. MIaintain inig goo11d fisxliin g iax depi end il pnerioi Iicalix restocking F1 lix brids. These and Itli er qurestioins (feed inrg hyxbrid p)01puilations stoceked at a high density , for examipile) are tire subject (If cointinuring sport fisheries research. Auburn Univ'ersity Agricultural Experiment Sration Increased length of promain treated apple (right) in comparison with untreated one held at left shows how apple shape can be altered by growth regulators. 8ince rio sfiudle groNx th rigirlator has all of tihe tin c regniators irax e en tried iii Allirir1 tiris ii itx Agricultral E\(eri ilicit , tation r(-xear ti. Fr uft shape, iia- treiatrmenrtx (fill not x arN fron tihe cheek frurit. irorinalin treatedi frurit xx longer ax tharn fruit tieatcel \x itir alar -pninaliri or alar +r proirialin +r etilclpriir. Froit trteatedi xxitli iriirialir -~ etliel ori (ditd iot x arx in lerngthi trori that treatedl xxitir prinalir alone. Thirefr oe, it appecarsx that alai c-orurteracts tire effect (Ifprorinair onl frruit lengtih bunt etliephii n does not. p Apple Color and Shape Improved by Growth Regulators W. A. DOZIER, JR., Department of Horticulture W. A. GRIFFEY and H. E. BURGESS Piedmont Substation trit\, and riei color dceiiiiirient \vetriierdiiiiiit Sii~tatjon. text ort larti it thet Camrip Iil. 1Pr onallit \;ts app~lie-d as a fnliar xjpra\ at thei kinl,,, bloson stage (AXpril 5) at the rate of 50 ) p in A foliar xjiraIi air \\ ax of applliedi\Nic'ks prior toitie n' ticipated 6 harx ext daN i1(11x1) at tin rate of 1,5001 p11 Ethcp Inii xx as applied as a folian spra\ 12 lax, betfore anticipated hrarvxest \Iilglixt 6) at the rate of :300 p 11Am. A stop-) dIrop material, 2,4 -T It \Nax applied xxitli tihe etirephior tre-atmnts at tire rate of 2(0 p pin. iliexi treatmnits \\ere applied alone arid ill all possxible toliiiatioix. Wh iole tree ploits of Miiller's Sturr-deexprr B~etd Delicinous oil 1(106 rootstock xxere used.l Fruit (hianiueter. Thie (liarmieter (If friornt treatedi xxiti alar, alar proin ruiir arid ala r +r pnrl ali n 4r etir i) rl n xxax lessx thani tihe tieck fnrrit. iruiit gettrng tire iithier treatrients showixed noi dnarirterdlifferee frorin tire check fruit. iiixx ix er treatrmerit xxitli lroirall, a -4 etiii-piiorI andi proi riahri etirephoir resrilte-d in frrrit xxitir abou(lt the sami it- ame r ax alar treated rnte L/1) ratioi. Pririalin ic-reaxed the I. I ratiii xxherr applied either alone oir iii conhurratirir xxitli etiielllin ori etheprir 4- alar. Prirrialin 1alar (it not affect I I) ratio, 1 hrea triients xxxi ti a irror ctiiep hin o0ir coihurritioiri iof the txx o, tlid niot affect tire L I) ratio. Fruit xxeight. Frurit \x eight xx-iax retduced byx treatrmernts of alar, alar -+ lrorialin, andi mients diid not affect fruit xxeight. Color dcx elopnient. All froit treatedl xxitir etiielpiiir or etiiephoin in combiiinationr xxitir a lar or pri i aI in inct-reasedi tire 1percerntage of the froit xsurface xxith red tilo r and( rid lu1shixi. Alar aind 1Inial in at)p[ied alione hati iii effect onl r(-( ciolor dc illert. Hiextlts olf this xtrudy indicate that shape anti color iif HRet Deliciius apples can lie improvxedi xxith filliar tr-eatmnentx oIf proiralin anti etirephon. In colntrast, alar treatmnitx rexiulttet iii smraller, shorter, and firinrer fr-nt, anti usxe oIf aiar det-reased tire effect (If lririalin onl fruit shap~e. OiF REi The fr irit xxax iarx isteil on rrgiis 18. FLx iatrinx xxcrc rmadle to deterire ci- (M ilFlRll II'll lIFan i t- olor illihut tire mrarket poltential o~f applles L,,iixx n iii tire Siiuth. 'Ilre hrighr Iixt bliiiin termpieratulres carise fr-uit (If lRed Delitciou~s appilex tio le flatter andi lack tilt pinrtx near the fruit talx thait ar-e tN pit-al (If fruit groiixn iii tire N ir-tiix ext. termperatiures iii the Soiuth hnit red tcololr deilxclilnient. cuiirg tire ripIerinrg seaixonr P lects nt treatmiertx onl fruit firrirwxx percenit soluible soilidx, lerigth, drarneter , L I) ratii, x\\eighrt, indl percetrt of fruit surface xxith re-d color anti a re(d bluish. Firniness. AOar treatetd frruit xxcre firmier tiiani those reeivxing other treatients, xxith tire, exeiptiori ofi lprioaliri alone. Iloxx cx -er. I muit treatedi xx ii proruralin xx not firmner crc than the cheek trrrrt. Tlie percrnt soluble soidsci of' the frurit xxax riot affected byxanx treatme r-nt Fruit length. Alar had a sinortening effect onl fronrt. Length (If fruit getting tille other Fri Ill1 oil (Gr(ixlv if Hrt.i I Iligr inigirt Fo~rtiunaltely fir inSouthrern appilt-gri\x er-s. threre are gr(Ix ti regulahtors thrat c-air le sprir et il the fiiliagte to mnanipulate aile frurit c-iloIr tiex elipinerit, qua lityx, xlhape It, anti matunrity.F.tirt3 ii s uI)li to enhantcertl clr setd e i dix elpmient, fruit qurality - ant i ratirritx rliixitN), Fillr I )F:\ i:i liuxI o )iriot's Air cxF~ Treixtilrunt - Frurit fir-mrnexx' Lb. 14.5 Wt. lied cilor rtingFruit Fr-nit xize To tal Length Diuamreter L I) rartio fruit Bliuxi sulrface Alar hras bn used tio ernhanc e red co lor ci inc-reaxe fruit fir-irness, anti tilax inntrnritx. I inrx cxer, alar alxio reduices fruit eloingationIi anti percent xiolubile slitdsx Foiliar 510 a\ x of prinalin hlax e inctr-eastt tire Irn iiiente iif thne pi ints rnear the f rori c-alyx,. fruit length, froit lengtin-tiarrnetlCr (I.I)) ratiii ntl fruit xxeight. Buit pr-i nialin dioes unoit alter friuit ti arm eter ior c-ilo1 r. Check (rio treaitmient) .... Alar alone-----------------------16.7 lt11" hhi) abt--------------- 13.6 ,'I itlliatili aliirii---------------1.3 Alar - prtinalin-----------------14.6 Alar + etirephlilrI----------------14.5 l'nllrnain etiii-liin .... + 12.9 Mjar + (I tlnialiii ethilliln. + 14.5 2'1,ire hIn 2.53 23 2.56 2.62 2.38 2.48 2.67 2.43 171. 288 2.t67 2. 53 2.0 2.61 280 0.&8 .86 .90 .97 .91 O-. 6.:32 4.77 5.65 5.33 4. 94 5.54I 2.73 2.58 .88 .98 .94 5.72 5.01 Pc-t. 21,9 16.1 41.9 2:3.0 28.0) 38.5 39.1 .37.9 Pct. 48.7 48.5 74.0) 48.3 57.3 74.5 68.4 72.2 Frurit fir nhni-x xxa ax cliird wxith aon Instrli 1122 ikris xal tesxtng rnxtrunicnit i ierenr tage (If tin- froit xiur-face xxithr anx re d color xvitdent aint tilt pert-entage of tire srface xxith a red 6 lui \\exre xiilijettix ii rated. Auburn University,Agricultural Experiment Station AGRICULTURE and agribusiness include farms that produce agricultural products, the firms that handle, process, finance, store, and distribute these products, and firms that supply items used in production. While the number of farms and people on farms have declined, output per farm and total value of production have increased. Also, the value or cost of inputs used in production and marketing has increased. Farmers are producers of food and fiber. Their products are basic to the needs of man. Their production is essential for domestic markets and of growing significance and concern in holding down the balance of trade deficit. Food and fiber are the raw materials on which many industries are based. Employment is supplied for a substantial segment of the population. Thus agriculture, in terms of the total number of firms and people involved in all the inputs and outputs used, plays a major role in the economy of communities, the State, and the nation. Changes Two major changes are cited in connection with the significant role that agriculture plays in the economy. A generation or more ago, two-thirds of the resources used in farming came from within the farm; they were produced on farms. Today two-thirds or more of the resources used are of nonfarm origin. These resources as inputs are supplied by numerous manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and other distributors. The change in farm production expenses for Alabama farms from 1960 to 1978 is as shown in table 1. One of the major changes between 1960 and 1978 was the purchase of seed which increased 852% or an average of about 47% per year. Second in importance was the increase in interest paid on the farm mortTABLE 1. CHANGE IN FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES, ALABAMA, 1960 TO 1978 AGRICULTURE'S ROLE IN THE ECONOMY J. H. YEAGER Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology bama's agriculture. Generally, population and per capita incomes are increasing in the South. Land and water resources are favorable for continued expansion if used wisely. However, farmers must be able to continue to be effective users of research and technology and responsive to continuing educational assistance. Public research and educational programs must be adequately supported. Research shows returns on these programs to be two to five times the average returns of private investment. Other Factors Besides the significance of the inputs and outputs of agriculture and their role and effects on the economy of the State, the Southeast, and the nation, there are other factors of importance in Alabama agriculture. Land in farms accounts for about 12 million acres of total land in the State. This acreage has declined as population increased and nonfarm demands for land grew. No doubt in the future, further needs will be expressed for farm land to be converted to nonfarm uses. This will point up the necessity for greater productivity and efficiency on the land remaining in farms. It will be a challenge in the years ahead to preserve the best farm land for agricultural uses and to provide sound overall land use to meet a changing and developing State. One of the keys in the development of our agricultural production and efficiency has been the free enterprise system. Farmers have had the incentive to use new knowledge from research quickly to improve their operations. They owned a major portion of their resources. By making improvements, farmers operating in a competitive market passed on to consumers the benefits of new technology. In addition, farm families encouraged the development of desirable communities in which to live. A major challenge to farmers and rural people is to maintain and to improve the rural environment and to make it an even better place to work and live and to rear the children who will be our future leaders. TABLE 2. CHANCES IN ALABAMA CASH FARM gage debt, which showed a 707% increase for the 18-year period. Net rent to nonoperating landlords was another expense that went up substantially. Increases in production expenses as indicated in table 1 mean that volume of business for firms supplying these items has increased. There has also been an increase in the amount of capital and credit required to operate farms both from the standpoint of financing real estate and operating capital items. The second major change involves consumers. They desire food packaged in certain ways, ready for use with a minimum of effort. Many wives work away from home and wish to minimize their time in the kitchen in preparation and serving of food. More meals than ever before are eaten away from home. As a result, a growing number of firms and people are involved in preparing, precooking, packaging, and distributing food and food products. Total agricultural production from Alabama farms also increased as indicated in table 2. The right hand column shows the change in constant dollars. The level of agricultural output and changes that occur have a multiplier effect on the economy in terms of both employment and income generated. An inputoutput study of Alabama's agriculture' indicated that each dollar of sales of livestock products created $2.49 in income in the form of wages and salaries, proprietor and rental income. Each $1 sale of crops created $2.75 in the above kinds of income in the economy. Tremendous opportunities exist for further growth and development of Ala'Curtis, W. C. 1972. The Structure of the Alabama Economy, An Input-Output Analysis. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 429. 1978 1960 Mil. dol. Mil. dol. 412.8 Feed............... 98.0 28.6 83.4 Livestock bought .. 65.7 6.9 Seed ............... 104.1 43.8 Fertilizer and lime .. Repairs and operation 156.0 49.6 of capital items .. 80.6 38.1 Hired labor .......... 55.5 261.7 Depreciation ......... Taxes on farm 7.2 12.9 property ........... Interest on farm 8.8 71.0 mortgage debt . Net rent to nonoperator 3.1 24.1 landlords ........... 227.7 39.5 Miscellaneous ........ 379.1 1,500.0 Total ............ Item Chge. Pct. 321 192 852 138 215 112 372 79 707 677 476 296 RECEIPTS, 1960-1978 Year Alabama cash farm receipts 1966-68 Current dollars dollars Mil. Mil. 530.3 519.9 1960 ................. 1965 ................. 1970 .............. 1975 .............. 1976 .............. 1977 .............. 1978. ................ 646.3 766.8 1,338.5 639.9 716.6 778.2 1,618.1 1,541.7 1,895.3 889.1 842.4 915.6 Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station 15 IBirrgatlo I xx sxtl'iil liax e adflt'xibilit\ for ilxt oil iI regniarx shapiied field". ailt (2) poIrtablilit% htxx tll fiteld locations. Bo~th s\ xtt'lix iitiliie lh,4h \ ollinic xprinkit'i hN tontinig thelii l VFxA\ ) 1H )11FO~ Il 'I M% x artai'xe C of ( Predicting Irrigation Uniformity of Travelers EUGENEW. ROCHESTER Department of Agricultural Engineering Application rote, In. per hour thij~i Ilane their toIX\ing techiliiiiex ale (iitfel('llt. Fac(tors xliit' asx xpaeili. xjrllnker tx pt and size, xxAe itr aesxnlre aIt the sp~rinlkler, and ti axel sp't't teteiiie thet resulitinig xx (ter (lix iniit'i xxater to b~e appilietd aIt sonlic' locatjl ions l nt and oithers x tlioiiilih at ()ne( tetiini(tic being diex Ioi)t'l at thetA uibuii Vixi erxitx AXgriciulturial L\)erfii'lt Statinn for ex\ illiatiig the Nar'liiix de- 1.0 0.9 0.8 FIG. I stxt xxisi e ax eintil lita llite xili te xiaillke Tihlisinel (i (atinlit il X II enagd tredietx the 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 xouti iit spilkr- characataeiin xxitlilu 4N terale ill tin gter i( eds Ft) liia).i.). a~t fhield t\ ris atl aIIt xx ettil t\ii' (ll le ail nf the nd 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 C Distance from sprinkler,ft. Depth, in. tiilillett'r x li' ff11112) fetel and ft.odt dependn ctionll and eiite lint rvl \\f te asiti' sofltilxinr (lre4ge x iit I T'h1e ea C a~r the T xnl )c xx t-ir lleataingxo 45d\ge t t li dta andIktitteii. ( l ('a IlfI iIn I aide taii e I) an I t I x Seeeinn iaf2 ftr pp lile atrax cioxielti xx nsiter 1t he sikler iax igr 'I' iie xx n tinrt i a (,xInt,] lgi cal hI')' xrlIIa tll ' jlttIi'Ifrin ti5 xlll' xepinkers I\j'rttillg xdial'liilletr d li ot li x t xli lxli fonitin' (14 if tomn 1 ia ltill txxa j 10 ta eNtigiaeeohti iai lixi S'txx 'eIiisltingtlilx 0 Depth, in. 50 100 150 200 250 300 Horizontal distance,ft. 350 ik~xt x Itt fill X2 fti.x, xit Xp clodditla be'llx FI. 1 Wetin pa5ttendyical spnklher FhiG. 2f Werg appictonbetween0twoutrve h lane spacg ie 0f.aar FG . erI applidsrbiaplcation w bewe ravellanes spa 300 tt. apa. Fi. 4 ae t appicaka betee twot.pr esiiSlction travellae spacd32etdaat iin 50 150 200 250 300 100 Horizontal distance, ft. 350 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Horizontal distance,ft. Aubun Uirih sty, Agricultural 1'xpern'nent Station Breeding Tall Fescue and Orchardgrass for Resistance to Grass Tetany R.L, HAALAND, C.B. ELKINS, C.G. CURRIER, C.S. HOVELAND. J.W. ODOM, D.H. SIDES, and C F. WEAVER, Dept. of Agronomy and Soils H x5IF'! \\ RS IS A PHI HZ LE that challenjges plant hireeders. Tlhis dlisease causes dleath of lactating cowxs grazing tall fescue. orch ardgrass, and other cool scason grasses in imost temperate clinates. A metabolic disorder, grass tetn is also knowxn as hypoiiiia gieseinia betaui se it is cauised by a ioxxlexvel of 1)1looid serumi magnesiumn (M\g). Occurs in Cool, Wet Weather T'he disease niost often occurs in cool, NN -wetather. TIhis nma et he (I1 it to dep res sedl mineral tiptake (if pl1ants that occuri oni Sils havin g Ipoor aerati on. Plants that coniitai n less thai 0I.2' MIg in the forage ame coinsicdered tetany p~rone(. The normal range of M~g in forage grasses is 0.2 toi O.5g' T he chal le nge facin g plant breeders is to cIex cli)p \ a rieties iof tall ftstcit and 01 thai cgrass that \Nill be less condclivxe to grass tetnyx Thiousands of plants moust be exvaluatecd for their ahilitx to take uip MIg in 1)oth~ n orinal and poorlx a era ted soils. I igh NIg plants inuist be sy nthesized into ncex \ arieties and ce\ aliiatecl fo forage x i eli pi i ntial at sex tral lociat0ins in the Si)n thi. Themfinal test xxill he graz/ing trials that xxill io taxi re an ifinal terf orinaice on time nexxr varieties in toimparison xxit]) existing xvarieties. \With nexx xvarieties like those heing sought, tefmi\h lixsould 11Wi occur ex en on soils wi'th poor aeration Resistant Varieties Sought 0urrent xxiirk at the Auburn I. nix trsity Agi ultuii I Axpei I nit S tati on is cioncen trating on dIexelopm ent of tall fescue awil ortharclgrass x arieties haxving the desired resistance to grass tetanx . Special eqii)ient to exvaluate germoplasimi of the txxoi grasses for miineral uptake has been dlesigiiec bx the Experiment Station in ciiopleratioin xxith 151) X SE X Soil and I %ater ResearchI I. nit, figure 1. Seedlings can be groxx ni in either floocded or nonfloodecl comindlitions to determnine the tfficienc\ oif \lg uptake under loxx soil aeration. F'ortiinatelx there are tall ftscue and orcharclgrass genotypes that take up sufficient lexvels of NIg xxhenj groxxi niti either soil iioxygen lexvel, see table. Stich genoty pes aresvaluable h a breeding programn hecause research has established that NI uptake is an inherited trait. Plants containing high amiounlts Nig can be intercrossecl to toibine genes for high M~g upta. figure 2. These )ppulatioins of plants xxvill serxve as the hasis fIi grass varieties that xwill rioit pirodcie grass tetanx G I -0 i Ar. d / 'V U Coop. SEA, Federal Research, 1 51) X UPiiK OkiF NIACEsHii xi ALL Fi,,tiii Selection s i) On(in wiiii, Selection I..........0.60 2 .. . . . 3 .. . . . 4 .. . . . 5. . . . Fescie Nourinal Lossv soil soil oxy gen oxxygen Pat. nig Pet. Ing 0.3 V .41 .27 .39 .28 36 .23 .36 .22 I........ 1 2 .. . 3 .. . 4 .. . 5 .. . . . . . . . . . (lrcharlgraiss N ormal Loxw 'Soil sioil oxy gen (lxx vtl Pct. tng Pct. mig .0 0.22 .30) .26 .30 .26 .28 .2-1 .28 25 Selec tions abox e 0.207 Mig shiiulcd niot cause grass tetaiw FIG. 1 (top). Determining mineral uptake ot grasses with specially designed equipment. FIG. 2 (bottom). Inlercrossing combines genes to provide for high Mg uptake of tall tescue and orchardgrass. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station POPULATION TURNAROUND & ALABAMA'S RURAL COUNTIES J. E. DUNKELBERGER and J. J. MOLNAR Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology occurred in rural America during the 1970's was the reversal of long-time patterns of population decline. Nationwide, nearly 60 million people live in the open country or in villages or towns. More than one-fourth of all Americans reside in counties that have no urban center larger than 50,000 in population. IMPORTANT CHANGEthat O NE Il IIIII II Il to the State rate of 4.9%. This compared favorably with the lower rate of growth (2.8%) registered by the eight metropolitan counties in the State containing cities of 50,000 population or larger. Nevertheless, the highest growth rates were found in those primarily rural counties located adjacent to a county containing a large city. The growth rate was 11.4% for these counties. It is these adjacent counties that are experiencing the most immediate impact from the exodus of urban people to towns and the open country, see figure. The major growth counties in this category are Shelby (25.9%), St. Clair (19.1%), Elmore (18.2%), Autauga (16.9%), Walker (14.0%), and Baldwin (13.7%). Thirteen rural counties had high growth rates of 9%or more. These tend to cluster in two areas of the State. Four counties are in the Southeast bordering Georgia. Except for Chilton County, the other seven high growth rural counties are in north Alabama but not in the Tennessee Valley. Comparatively, the no growth or declining population counties are located solely in the Black Belt with the exception of Dale County which is effected primarily by the fortunes of the Fort Rucker military installation. The declining population pattern of these nine counties represents a continuing but slowing trend of outmigration. Perry and Wilcox counties suffered the most severe population loss with rates in excess of 9%. Although some Alabama rural counties have experienced a population turnaround, 27 counties are still sending more residents to urban areas than they are receiving. For many years, these counties have experienced high rates of natural increase (excess of births over deaths) and a shortage of employment opportunities, creating a surplus of people to fill a relatively stable number of local jobs. In summary, it is worth noting some of the potential consequences of rural population growth. For many rural residents this trend will mean improved social and economic conditions. Operators of businesses and landowners may benefit directly from expanding demand. On the other hand, the local labor force may experience competition from better qualified urban migrants for available jobs. Also, new residents from urban backgrounds may expect and press for additional community and governmental services which often result in higher costs of living and increased taxes. Historically, rural areas have exported people to metropolitan centers. The high rate of out-migration has beenhighly selec tive of the young and better educated segments of the population. Some of the problems of economic decline and the depressed quality of life in rural areas have been magnified by this out-migration of human resources. Solutions to many problems associated with rural America have focused on stemming the tide of outmigration through industrial and rural development. During the decade of the 1960's, the rate of rural to urban out-migration began to slow; however, not until the 1970's did a widespread reversal of the trend occur. For the period 1970 to 1975, the country grew by 10 million persons for a rate'of 4.8%. Rural areas gained more than 2 million residents. The rural turnaround in population affected counties nationwide but was obscured somewhat in the South and West by the fact that 85% of the national growth occurred in these two regions. The growth rate was more than 8% the for South. Both urban and rural counties in the South grew from interregional migration. SMetro counties with central cities (50,000 or more) Nonmetro counties withno city of 50)000: High growth adjacent to metro High growth (9% or more) i Moderate growth (0.1-8.9%) No growth or loss (0.0% or less) Population change in Alabama: 1970-1975. which grew by 21.8%, had percentage increases in the range of 5 to 10%. Population turnaround is only a part of this Southern pattern. Not all of the 15 Southern States experienced declining populations in counties containing cities of 50,000 or more. Instead, the general pattern was for both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan (rural) counties to experience population increases. Every state experienced rural population growth. This reversed the out-migration trends established in recent decades. Rural population growth ranged from 2.2 and 3.2% for Louisiana And Mississippi to 8.6 and 27.5% for Virginia and Florida. Turnaround and the South The population of Alabama was estimated to be 3,615,000 as of July 1, 1975. This represented a growth of 4.9% since 1970. The striking thing about the increase is that Alabama has not shared in the accelerated growth characteristic of the South. Only two Southern States-West Virginia (3.1%) and Louisiana (4.4)-grew more slowly. All Southern States except Florida, 18 Alabama Turnaround Weak In Alabama, the growth of rural counties between 1970 and 1975 was 5.5% compared Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station Shredded Pine Cones Valuable as Amendment for Growing Media KENNETH C. SANDERSON and WILLIS C. MARTIN, JR. Department of Horticulture TABLE 1. GROWVTH COMPARISONS OF ANNETTE HEGG SUPREME POINSETTIAS GROWN IN SPHAGNUM PEAT MOSS AND SHREDDED PINE CONE MEDIA Plant Flowering bract height diameter In. Ill. 1:1 soil-peat moss........ 11.1 12.7 1:1 soil-pine cones ....... . 11.8 13.2 1:1 sand-peat moss....... . 8.2 12.6 1:1 sand-pine cones...... 8.9 13.3 1:: soil-peat -perlite ..... 12.3 13.0 1:1:1 soil-pine conesperlite ................ 12.4 12.0 Media, by volume Most Value in Sand Based Media The value of shredded pine cones as a media amendment was best shown in the sand-based medium. It produced the largest flowering bract diameter and one of the greatest differences over sphagnum peat moss in height. Two plants were grown per 6-in. pot with 16 pots per treatment. In the snapdragon test, plants grown in shredded pine cone-amended medium had much greater growth than those grown in a medium containing sphagnum moss, table 2. This showed up in all growth measurements-height, weight, size of flowering spikes, and strength of stems. TABLE 2. GROWTH OF WINCHESTER SNAPDRAGON IN MEDIA AMENDED WITH SPHAGNUM PEAT MOSS AND SHREDDED PINE CONES PINE CONES MAY REPRESENT more than just the seeds of tomorrow's trees. Shredded pine cones also contain valuable nutrients and organic material that may be used in media to grow tomorrow's seeds, plants, and trees. Shredded pine cones have been investigated as a media amendment in the production of ornamental plants at the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station since 1974. Poinsettias and snapdragons have been successfully grown in media containing the shredded pine cones. Commercial Product Tested additional nitrogen fertilization would be necessary for growing plants. High analysis water soluble liquid fertilizer was used in the Auburn study. Trace Amounts of Plant Nutrients Spectrographic analysis showed the presence of trace amounts of manganese, iron, boron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium in the shredded pine cones. Potassium and magnesium concentrations might be expected to make some contributions to a plant's nutrition if available. Nutrient concentration was as follows: Growth The shredded pine cones used were provided by a commercial media manufacturer. Shredding produced a coarse product ranging in size from 12.5 to less than I mm. Proportion of particle sizes were: 12.5 mm-5%; 5 mm-37%; 3 mm-19%; 2 mm-20%; 1 mm-6%; and less than 1 mm -13%. Use of the large particles in media made it difficult to insert cuttings and small seedlings. A dibble was required to make the opening in the media for cuttings and plants. Further grinding or screening is suggested to produce a more uniform product with no particles larger than , in. (6.3 mm). This would facilitate manual transplanting and the use of potting machinery. The pH (6.2) and soluble salts (0.11 millemhos per cm, at 1.2 dilution) of shredded pine cones are satisfactory for most ornamental crops. Micro-kjeldahl analysis revealed that shredded pine cones contain a small amount of nitrogen, but Element Nitrogen ................ Phosphorus ............. Potassium ............... Calcium ................ Magnesium ............. Manganese .............. Iron .................... Boron .................. Copper................ Zinc .................... Concentration 0.740% .036% .479% .121% .914% 83 p.p.m. 636 p.p.m. 25 p.p.m. 63 p.p.m. 76 p.p.m. measurement Result, by media (1:1:1) Soil-peat Soil-pine mossperlite conesperlite Plant height, in....... Plant fresh weight, oz ................. Flower spike 45.20 1.57 49.80 1.92 length, in........... . 9.50 .14 9.90 .18 Stem strength, g/rcm Cuttings of poinsettia (Annette Hegg Supreme) were directly propagated and grown in the three media combinations used in the poinsettia study. Height of poinsettia plants grown in shredded pine cone media exceeded that of plants grown in sphagnum peat moss, table 1. The most desirable height for poinsettia depends on their use. With the exception of plants grown in soil, sphagnum peat moss, and perlite, poinsettia plants grown in shredded pine cone-amended media had the largest flowering bract diameters. Seedlings of the Winchester variety were transplanted into flower beds in the greenhouse on July 25. Plants grown in soilsphagnum peat moss-perlite flowered September 19-24, as compared with September 24-29 for plants grown in soilshredded pine cones-perlite. Approximately 140 seedlings were planted per replication (two replications), and 20 plants were selected for data. Results of the Auburn study show that shredded pine cones could be an outstanding media amendment for growing ornamental plants, but shredding should be adjusted to provide a more uniform particle size. Questions about availability and supply remain to be answered. 19 Auburn University AgriculturalExperiment Station J. BRAKE and G. R. McDANIEL, Department of Poultry Science this response. It inuist beC recogized, hoxv cxcir that inl this test birds wxere kept inl ixi id ial cages. Floor flocks, wxith tI ei r (lifferent social structure, woul (11(1iidouhtedly requiire miodification of the proce(lire. '1achieve op1 1 tiiln) body wxeight loss, hens inist be prev'~ented fromn eating for sex cral (laxs This calls for reinox a] of iiil feed plus reinox al of n utrieints ax ailabhe inl litter. Reimoxval of 01(1 litter and replacemeint xwith xwo00( shaxvings or other nonedible miaterials has been found ncessarx. Such litter mnaterials as rice or peanut hulls aire uinaccep~table . Acces s to built -iip iianutre unde pi artial slats ii s t he prexventedl bx using xwire or xwo00( partitions. Fexx er (laxs ioff feed generallxy are requiiredl in cold xxeather than inl hot xxeather to accoiiphli xwei ght lo0ss. WXithin large p)opulatiiins of broiler b)reedlers, there are often xxide xvariations inl body xxeight. T]his reqip res extra care to aoiix d~ get tinig toil inan lens at a hixx er xxeight than is reh quliredl to mnaintain their health. o\N Pe im (: r1" F xw j owhis. Iii~s [(Ii'lii xs Nx \arioux tx~;es of tcdsne1:0 'Ic( p~oiiltrx usbelpa p)ractice has the ecoiioilii adx autage oif increasing the llcxibilitx of produictioni 1)rogriiis and lengthening the proidlictix c life of hensi x. 'Ihi lenc gth eed produ1ictixve life reduiicex heil l reci ation1 and( thusx reducii coi sts to the prond(1iucer and~ c nst itoer alike. (;reitest use iof force miolting lias beeni hby(Ii inn cil egg p io0(i ieis ei xwxho use egg-tx pe~ Leghiorn henis. Riecentlx, hoxwexver, p~roduicers of hatching eggs Ii oml iiiat-t\ le hiroiler breedecr hens hax c hecoic interestedl inl forced mnolting to increase' their flexibilitx of operation and redune coists . Inufirm ati on abo ut prioper itietliiidoliigy foir forced miolting of br oiler breedler liens has been liinitedl so a research I wograrn to h elp f~ill this infIormnatOin ueedl has been xtartedl at the Auburn ii i\ersit\ xAgricuiltuiiial E xleriiiient StatPin. Tbhe gei iral fo rcedl nioltii g piroceduire mxi olx es reluiug the dlailx hours of light, rein ioing feedl ill ~i lioutel\x 10 day s (oir xxhenl a Splecific xx\eight is achiexved), and reinilxing xwater for a (lax . Fillowxxing this periiod of feed (leprix ati :on, the hens are then fed a high protein mnolt ration xxhich alloxx s a rapidl recoix ry and renexwal iif feathers. The niales are not molltedl because certain endocrinological features make the prioceduire lproibilitixe I nstead, the imiales generallx are replaced xxitli (lung rioiosters inl natolrally mnated popu-i lations. It is xxelI kniixxn that feed restrictiil urn proes 1 )erfilriiiance iof broiler breeder piullets; hoxxwene, the practice has niot been ixvestigaitedl thilroughlx inl fiored miolted breeder hens. As (lemilnstritedl by results iof txx,, ilAuburn trials, gixven in thle table, feed restrictiiin prodluce(] beneficial effects inl fiorced nolted breeder hens. These tests ciimnlared six (lifferent feed intake lexvels dluring sustained egg p~riiductioln. Feed1 restriction xxas fouind1 to ciontrl body xxeight gain, and a gradual iniilmniix iiient inl feed cionversiioi xwas exvident as feed intake dlecreasedl fromn .5' tio 44 ilz. (173 to 145 g) per hen per day . Further restrictioln dlid not iniiprilxe feed cionxersiion but decreasedl egg ploputlation. Smialler egg size and iniprioved shell quality (specific graxvity ) xxere assolciatedl xxith feed restriction beloxw 514 oz/. (163 g) per hi.ei per day. W F) [t~ \)i'.ofx F )thier (lata sugges ted a trend tiixx amd juin Inroved fi'mtiIi tv aid liaitclilit x as 511 cia ted xxi th sii a le 1)1,(l x weight gain. 1 uk en tiogeth eir, th e se and ioithier dIat a indicafe that boidx xxeight o~f the broiler-breeder I cii ale hias a priofoliinid effect il reprioi dulctixve efficienc\x . (( that carefllyx illana gedl feed irestri ctio proIl~ grai can ii iiirilx -(i ,~ciidctix e efficienex,\ e 11'ii il i g fee(l du irin g a f orced inlt is doiuil ti redune bod\ xxight . Final bio1( x x\\eighit achiexved, irres pecti xe iof 1)1ow inich xxeight is lust, is a miajilr factor iii a successful pn ograni. TChus, the achiexveinent iif a speIcifi c b ody i nas i ax be thle xx body xxeight toi be acliex edl max be as loxw ais 6.6 lb. Fiurther cxi eriniieita tio liiwxill b~e nieedled tiideterInine the exact nature ilf ELrii(i iorl \'.iliil s l~ti\ iixiii Ftbi,') 1IAiKi Filici MoNl. [t"]) R exult', bx treatiia at trial nd( Production Treatment I Treaitimen t 2 TleiI Irial 1 intake, g/heii Trial 2 TIrial 1 T1rial 2 T reaitment 3 T'rial Tr'ial 1 2 TFreatmemit 4 T1rial 1 TIrial 2 (IllS........145.3 127.2 Eggs p~rioduced/ lin......... 10.6 92.1 xxg \eight, g . 69.5 69.6 Egg speif ic gi a\ itx I... 1.10824 1.0)8:30 Feed1 cin irsilon kg/do,. ... 2.8 13 IPostmnlolt boolx \ci ghl ghiml 154.4 107.6 69.4 1 ff814 2.9 1.21 1:36.2 101.15 69.1 1.1)8:33 3.2 .98 163.4 115.6 70).1 1.0801:3 2. 9 1:35 145.3 110.0 69.9 1.0836 :3.2 1.07 172.5 1034.1 710.2 1.1081)7 3.5 154.4 107:3 71.2 1.1)827 3.5 kg ............ 1.12 9) 1.51 1.23 '(on\ ersion factoirs: 1 o.. 28 g 1 kg 2205 lb. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA 36830 R. Oc)i'iii Jhomos 1)io'cIot PUBLICATION-Highlights of Agricultural Research 12/79 Penalty for Private Use, $300 91M POSTAGE PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE XCI 161 BULK RATE