VOL. 22, NO. 2/SUMMER 1975 of agricultural research AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION/AUBURN UNIVERSITY R. Dennis Rouse, Director Auburn, Alabama i-if~~ gf~ 4~ DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS WXI IAi' IS THE \t X \ltl of tlt Agriculttural ixpeiitilit Stitioii til hin ut it is xxiiitix of oor1 tI i yit t, epci~i ki il 1 975 ixs we elli- (!elitili l i o (stoat ii till s,1til( ti plt ofit Wtl( ( (;T I bea 10il 5 ao iit iiix t it itigititi. h pittli lit tile ftee iltils f Arir xx ste th11it is iiintelxt -Xilitiicii le ildl io sntiitediii a T x atilitiofc lixlgiltl lI pitii of inseac Nitill to hat ti R ENSfOS o iIltr\) esetit \\iil i i Itie x ijj o iti icxiaiei siti at icv~cIt mi t il isl lal tiii of .100 (itlllhx iitgig tt is tils iXt thinkl tii oili illd itfis l~ii lgti Fi utr ctioni atid itefetisiit i e artto eas tiltftregieaii thit i~s thatue xxt ini iit itti h iat iot iiiaxiiii i xijili slau ( illi~ i ii etiti iix tit.f l iil ei sol (Ithe illillit ltt equalexd i) tulleis wxl hot lii is itl l lRi tENI ROUSechitgEt tr i pr Tese t h il ilt iif i p ofta ti lili d siiti ( r1ea s aruc eaiiig( ehilti> tiei ewlithtits prtic hul t elte( lx Ti li l it s till s litai T hecic prblm otit imp i tlx ti n t ilti ollt f ilillillhial ( pt itl. mo is urttt s thitnt ii jb is x fll t its at fo IT(iil l fituit. tltih itlI iberiati is abefoire iil Us A ieat ilil eeflot uit iil ioltitis t b i - tiplid isd IincitniiiiI is i \ ci a eft tev t o ,( fux i itue (titatiiti tl fri w\~a tat e ofnheiitedit . i n tilto a iti I (3 etiit il ishl- intxt reise a tet iiit t il is st 1 t m ofs rx t rxio stice lillte nit iefpo orgillixi totlotionicltaxd hav trit xieleix effect illittprolemsti th~ftal sit to II(Iit researh x01 iiieill ite eanutsfo iii .\iahaiiiatxeere titititi xx itfi tue fiii~t itit iix ttiniotl sthe sConisTsi let sottes oficsathe liil 3lIch ilei ti itss of teaie shtietiti t tiiiel iie tiaiilitii t' o motrei a xeartii ~ ht s tStit ill'ats tol til-( ee i a t itiicitIis xxei il lt to itleasttutul pfixationcti 1 a- ptitx o iteplat fure 97tic initinti. iiut 197 t rtat cattie Xfiie gi ass Stlhstatiil i x itiitilta ctis o f'iloicai plots t asi xil t Ai ltimicrtaenti x iit i hiese ic la ro ti trex liiti th isiitite utg ia igipoftanit iaiti li iii reii arihiit ibis oiexta d tii if lliiii the (riip iftitle ihoiti eitii t 1-s i glc efotts. e \itift' h ign gimictitl aue opilrit it e tIII theta ii] till 197:h33ii it iani dis-e eit(x Wsiiiai fteilot th iIiiis stto bere ptiitiui itu lot iitil pea- Tint tefotislirgaii oi oos.~eta a ee oc~~ei I - "4 eve ewe5~e4e ,. . pontedi asociate (iircoi of tihe \g'riciill (leali of tile Siliiiil of, A.\ijliltill Dr. W ilson il s blorn ill Esamiia (:ntvmdAuw his falt still oelc there. lHe eat( lit B.S tlegie ill ii i l ina siu (l\ix o( diat] M.S. il.o~~iA lirililig frloint Ali)"111 After eat 11111 t I'l fr~ot Moklhon- State Unktisi ei htSle5 itx accte itits at post doctoi al schliti att the Natinial Academyv of Scienices. Wh'lile alt A\ilirtl. D~r. X'ilsol xx as ait ~liti if Galnit Sigttia Declta aid Sigitlit Xi hlo- titi is, thle g (:fllb. aiid thle \g ('11o1- cii. IHe is allso listeti ill Whoii's XWhl iii thle \lilxest. Amoericaii Mein ill Sciene. andh tile lictioliiV of lInternatioinal lBi ogr aphix. Foillowinlg h is txxvo 0-year 1 )ost dIoctoral stin lit s I-. WVilso b(1 egan ia 1 2-year ca- reer \\ itl i t( L'.S. D)epartmnit of' Agri- tcultuttes Agictiiiil i eseii el Serv ice. He set~e vets Coonrd iniator of thle Notrth Car oliia Htg(iiiiial Pliltrv Hi oiler Lahb, theiets Nitiiiii Leadet tot Pniltt xGe- nietics. I 1967, lie \\-ias prtllhiotcth tot Di- rector of the I'oiiteriiig Research Lahbota- ttirx Since 1 972 he has set xiii as Be- searcicii l~i tot- the Agr icultural lBe seatrch St ix it ilt Pit(Ili t nkixtsitx HIGHLIGHTS of Agricultural Research SUMMER/ 19/5 VOL, 22, NO. 2 A quarterly report of research published by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. R. DENNis ROUSE ------ _Director Si SN it P. WVILSON Associate IDircctoi CHAS. F. SIMNS ------ Assistant Director T. E. CORLEY ---------Assistant Director E. L. McGxAW ---------------- Editor R. E. STEVENSON ------- Associate Editor Roy ROBEtRSON ---------Assistant Editor Editorial Advisory Commnittee: 0. L. CHAMBIitSS, Associate Professor of Ilorti- culture, 11. S. LARSEN, Associate Professor of Fore stry/; EARL L. WIGGINS, Professor of Animial and Dairy Sciences, ANT) E. L. \eGRAxv. Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. I ON THE COVER. Catfish pond aeration ii done by 1, hp. electric motor is illustrated. iiSee story on page 3. FIG. 2. Motor and paddlewheel sides of catfish pond aerator used to oerote experimental catfish ponds at Auburn. C .O\IIIINA rl ION OF X\loN \N11.1 XX XI! lll,[ I( Ilouidi days Xill late Xllnlcr (-all llllt it ioxx oxygeii levels for l('( eatlisil piIlldi's Tile criticail period is likely to be( jus after XlIIII'I Xc (its Xi o\\x ill Fi gur I I XX ill oX Crl ilit (Icliblili lilaX (i 1 icpto0I till ol\gell Xtlage ill thec WXater and IV- li\ii3 park ).tOXlltilCiojX p .11) Il at fih ,oll li11111 O\X'i feed \it elschli 1)1 asni. Oxval eels ' (1 )CIoXX I p.p.nl1. ale likeX to lead~ to fIih kills. Test Aerator SeverialI tX pCX of mlechan ical .ll'ratol)s' are I' illisIcI to mailitaill all al(llat(' (IiXXoiXed ox.X gell ilevel ill catfisil polld. illIXO' iiilludt air b~ilowers, XlibllergIel binlg deveCloped~ allnd tested at the -Xtnl ciltill rli Expelrient Statioii is i adl Padd lewhccls For Catfish Pond Aeration C. D_ BUSCH and J. L. KOON Depar-tment of Agricultural Engineering XX hel powXxeredt bY aX '/4 ill). Ii t't't lit o r1 HigI i e 2 ). 'Ill', paddIch'xi 1 ei ihas it,~ prll('it (LIX tIse ill tile treaItmen'lt oh (IoI illostic XCXX age id ivIXestoc'k Xwastes. Bel' Iiced ill ize, it is n oXXwIX sh\illg ipromi 5I asX all etwi" s(rg aver Xhii usXed to 10,1111 talilI II\ g l)llievel oi -1 catflih flldS Auburn Tests Ill tISIXS at tile \llbhol FilShICI I('X Be- I if d it('I I l l a C tim (' i 'cl tI prll i o' sht Nil Fiatr 3.IIC The IlladI t lewhoI eII Initiw theI IlIN n le\ XX abot e(11 5I Po~wer lIts( * 1L- kloIll laft ll. 'II'x' 11 ' 1 'ic t15 472 Ae'ratorl 16 5 1:3 LI I I Il pl il Aci t, I FIG. 1. Typical dissolved oxygen pattern. 1) 11 ) .\ il t he II folIltil r t tll 1 b{ tl gIX it t ICl i eo% 4 CI t 1(11 01 Itt acrte l e ('acil Xl)k XXiti p l (tt \ elll li 20 l com are w 1 1 laiht ia ll S) 11001 Jli tilc lligif Sfolail ca .Vl table (ives e sul9t-4 si ls Irnifu I10)1atr I od aX valc h stocke Cl l t 80 0 t tcliXal 'il ctish. The l l rltito X calipi 1 1 ill' prx90 t-1 20e ofth >a+il. io Fr /n avrg p\c cs f 00 per kioathute otoiad FIG.l 3. olwl andll~ biofilter isslve cxyge profcie szdpol Poolld N o. I I FOI UIING OF THlE FEDJERAIL AGRIII'LTI'l 1111I EXPERII T STITIOI SYSTEMI ROY ROBERSON Department of Research Information ED)ITIORS NOTI : 1111, 1, the fi-t xl(Oiiit of the 5 ' utia IFROM05 A SLi ll Of SuspicionI alnd dlogged decteriniation of at young chemist in Conl- nectielit a hunoiided yasago, sprang the wxorld's largest agricultural research or- ganizatioii- 'Ihel( A gricuolt ur al Expert- muent Stiitioii Sx stem xx itli oxvir 100 scientists ill 501 states, Goaiu, Poci to Rico. iti(1 lit Viirgin lsliiiiil. It liegaoi xx itli Sztiiiiel loiiisoi, a Newx Ytoik 1)0111 lciiist wh Io Ibctsid ii(ed at Y ale anid iii Germ any. lie ireturniedl to -Nexx fiavt'i, Connecticut and Y ale Uni- x ersitY ats a professor of analy tical dhim- istrx in 1 855. Johnson took an active part iii agiiciiltii and became a proponent ofi wxhat sciii H could do to h elp farm- il(g. At at iiietiiig of the New Yoik Ag- reoultural Society in 1856, lie lectured oii the piroblleim that fariiirs iii the north- eastern U.S. had encountered concern- ing high prices for fertilizer that often c'onsistedl p)iiail , of hairbor mud. John- soil piroposed at moithly anialysis of fer- tilizeirs xxith puiliication of the results, wxhlich lie sad wvould compl~ fertilizer prodlueris to be "honest and careful." joloson began to advocate a sx stein of agricultural research similar to those in operation inl Cermany. He described such a sx stem near Saxonv, xvhere be had studied chemists',, as' consisting of anl expeirimeintal farm wvith laborator ies and field research, for the exclusiv e piuripose of promotiiig scientific research onl le- half of farmers in the region. The Civil War disrupted Johnson' plan to start a state agricultural reseairch system in Coiiiecticut, l)ut in, 1866 hie helped establish a Board of Agricuiltuie. Inl 1873. Ie( wxas namred chairman of a committee to study way s of setting up ';I il a ex~periiment Station sx stein. .\tt; I 7 mecti i s, the Colniecti ciit Board ol \giltiiire tlrexsN up a bill iii 1875 to p~lace such at station unider its jurisdic tioni. The bill appeared doomned to defeat in ttil a 1) pilisi ei and local agi icnl tioralis t took tip the fight to hav e it passed. The- legislatuire passed the bill andl allocated Siiiidig for 2 x ears, thus, thle first Agri- cuiltural Experiment Station xvas bori October 1, 1875 at Wvteslevan University. BxN, 1877. the experiiueiit station had provenl its v'alue and was set upl onl a pernliment basis. tt xxals cooti olled bv a State Board xx hicli replaced the W cs- lex ii I. nix crsitxv trustees, wh lizod -ox- elie ith le id tial statioli. -ohinson", s mistruist of the hi tilizii oii- dustr\ wax s bm i L no bx thli irst t uid at the~ uexx lIv haoiiedl Fxpciiiieiit Stattionl, xx idh it s i e-locittetl at \il al' I.ix cisitx' ili Xess flaxen iii 1877. Jonsonis, experi- ieiit proxd that the s5iiposedly rich Pertixiaii gulimi being shipped to farm- esiii the northeastern U.S. xxas mostly harbor mudi and decayed vegetable mnat ter wonrthu only $ 1.03 per toii, though it wvas selliiig for $32 at toii. Another cam lx advocate of thle experi- ment stationi concept xvas Willard C. Flagg, who b~ecame a student of Scot- laud's: H ighiland arid Agr icultural Society. While Johnson wvas xxorking towvard the experiment station concept iii Coniiecti- cut, Flagg was espousing it in Illinois. Flagg sooni realized that others wvho shared his groals also sought guidelines on uiiiform research proceduires. In 1871 lie persuaded Illinois Uivxersity Presi- dent Johii NM. Gregory to call together the presideiits andi professors of 12 land grant institutions for a meeting in Chi- cago. A committee wvas set up to provide guidlhines for experiments at agricultural colleges. By 1874 iiiterest inl the exper iment sta- tion concept had spread wxest to Cali- fornia. Inl that x'ear Eugene Woidemnar Hilgard xxas allotted $2.50 by the Cali- fornia legislaturie to organize- studies onl problems peculiar to California's topog- raphy and agriculture. By the 1880'sex peili iii itt i t .0111 551)5c ill l 1 ,tiiii foill Alabamia (the Auburni Station beganiin 1883) to California. Thel( experiment station idea caught onl ipii k. and in 1887 the U.S. Congress pa e fte ] latch Act, which provided fori t ilidinig of cXpi nemt stations at laind gTimot collegres iii each state. Th' fI)I escuIIt itgi icilltuil l expeuliiliieiit Statinil xx steli cllisists ()f e\piiiieiit staticoiis inl all of the 501 stattis. Ciiaii, Thie Virgin Islanlds. iild Piuertii Rico, xxkithi mlost states bx ii ig suibstationis for- spiecialized re- search iii different sectimis of the stitte. Ill aditin to dcx ehopilig thiousanuds of ness scc d v ariet ies, imiiproxved amiimu ii biceds, Ilitihiincs, and other scientific Iii iaktioiighs that aillow *5 ' of the \meiiciiij popilatiom toi puidiice fioid a iid fib ei for the othler i95%, tI ere I as beein some research that isin't ordinarilyv thoughit of as agriculturail. F~or example, in 191.3, scientists at fte Coinnecticut stat tion discoxered a substance iii butter that is essential to animal 'gi nx ti. The sub]- stance xwas later nimned itani A. Not only do todax 's agricitni al ex- periulient station scientists hiaxve to be coiisuimier watch dogs, like Saiiuel John- soii, they have to be ecology minded, economics minded, cfhicieiicv minded, anid careful in general iiot to disturb their surroundings, xxhile seikingr xxavs of pro- x iding food, clothing. aind shiilter for the woirhI. After 100 years of' xxorik, the task appeairs greater thaii ev er for experiment station scientists, lint the resourcefulness that prompted Samuel Johnmson to ques- tioll the xaliditx of Migh pricedi fertilizer iii I 857 xwill spur scientists from the Ag ricijltural Experiment Station system tii eni ithiim to dexvchip liex\, infoimation whiich is the fooimiltiii iif efficient ag- riculture. Two Housing Systems Prove Equal For Confined Swine Nursery D. J. JONES, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences J. L. KOON, Department of Agricultural Engineering J. T. EASON, Sand Mountain Substation Slatted floors reduced labor requirements for cleaning of swine nursery pens. 11Ix-c mlade confinietd sxwinie rearinig sxx- tens .ippieilitig to bogT farmers. 1. mif~trto fot mat iii aboiuitit pig I )t'i ailcc' atnid labor lo)1 miaiiirlir atidliuig to idlentify' tile moist diesirable Is pe oif cotifimienet titir sci xxstemi for use in the Siittli. Tius lack of infonrm ation promt 1 edI tlr coiisti'tction of twswxxinc ntier xlx iuieS at thei Siid XI \ I11t i S cLISttt 6iii, Ciross- xvill e, lot it st' iii research i. Tilec facil ities prid ed Ifor cxaI i a timi g labor' req Iuire'- illeiits antd pig Ipertormnnaice lisin g txxo iiethiodils otm itt ic tdi sposal andii fixe Sx pc' iof floors. Eatl otrxeiv xmleasu red 20) X 64 ft. antd 'onltainiecd c'igit 8 X 16-It. penls. One was built mxer .1 lagoon and the other oxver a ])it. Floor's exaluatetd xwere: (1) 4 X 4-in. oak xx liit slats, (2) 4-in. alumintum slats. (3) -1-io pou'-in-plice concrete slats. (4) - in lporcelaiiiiictl steel slats, and (5) xolid contcretce flooit. All slat spacings wxere I ill. the iourscr% hotuses at 2 xweeks post-tar- YONViiig aini remainied there until pigs 55cr \%' xcaoeI att 8x weeks. Supplemental li at wxas piroxvided as nieeded lix the pigs, a id ali 18% clthb' proteini creep] ration \5 ix av ailabhle at all] times. Mlethiod of waste disposal had no sig- iiicaiit effect oil pig average daily gain or oi ttal creep feed coti stimled per pi a tu ilg tile 6-\s eik test piei od. Pig dhails ginil ax eragTed 0.65 l1). for those inl houis( s ,itboC pits aind 0.63 lb., for tliose aliox la groi i. Fee(l (oils timed per pig aver- ager(ld I6.1 ani 16.01b l., respectixelx', for thet pit id hlgoon i iirseries. Cassi's liiriti ccd hx v loat ire decoml- 1 )ositioii can liax it (letriuliceital effect onl pig performan ce. InI tllis stuix', hiowexver, pi ,gs performed eipiallv \\ ell onl each xWaxte rdisposal xx stem. Venitilation il bothi houstiex xxias mnaintainled lix idtlg\ x (tila- toas atit bvx raixing an love it drop eutiti al ong tile xide. Axverage ambiienit temperature was higher 1)0th dax' and nig,,ht in thle houlse ovxer the lagoon. p ohahlx' hecause wvato-r inl tile lagZoon absorbled ai it later releasetd heat. Althoutghi high temnperatuires coulid hav e aeit epr ii ig effect on soxw lacta- tioti. tlisx xxas t) reflected in pig per- fotniatice inl this studv. 'Fthe floor xx stemn on xwhich pigs were rearedl had noe xigt ifficant effect ron aver- aedailV *' 1 gain ii, CI tt'i 1SUPpT citi-rpim pigr. Onl the btasis of' pig- petrfirnatce ill the mimirserx , Ii eieli re, thle soitit cotnicrete floor had nio avi aitage oxver a slatted flo. PIG PERFORMIANCE~ AND LAO xiii ii i ,t IMi xiix ox Fix i] Ii iii 'xxxiV\i x P~erformiance meiasure (Niiiiri I slats Restilt, hxv t\ pe II ioi it 1 Alittmi- Iorn steel Filly Ijts 1111ni slitts slats concreted Ave rage' daily gain, lb). 0.62 0.65 10.63 0.66 0.64 Creep timistimptioui pig, lb). 15.6 16.4 15.7 16.1 18.0) Labor/soxv and litter, mumn 57 76 43 47 I 716 Laboi r i i irtmnent, p)ct. oif fillx\ contcreted floor :32 1:)24 27 1001 NmimnIII r of pigs -421 '360 473 371 14(0 \'illobir of Iitter. - .5 1 1- 5.9 " __55 is 'Daita cmixer 6 xxeeks-frotii 2 xxii(ks post-farii x ig to x tamijngt timie at 8 week. Luil ir ,ive n is for teein lg and c~ctii i one~ 8 X 16 ft. pen i tai niiim onie sx x nd0( litter. 1 Totil tmt11iiihi of tc ilx t~pi float xx ire: 4 eiiiicriti' slits. 4 xx ioil slits., 3 aiotiiiii slats, 3 pinrtilainize'd steil slat'. andii 2 f illh- ciii ii itmi. I .t lii Ii) ul dIll i th x a\ i betsween solid and slatted floors. Sosvs and litters cotifitied to thet futllsv cotncreted floor s - sten tequiired approxiniately 4 titmes as ill ic 1 l ahor as for tI ise iii pet is xx ith citbet p~orcelainize(] steel slats iir alutmintut slaits, as shoxx 1) vi data imutr table. Although theie \\e eti fexxem feiet .ini1 leg ilitjunies onl fills\ iiicl i'eteil llOiii high labor re'quiteetnts xx iitlt pt imhablv itrecludle their uise. Artntuii thle slattetd flioirs, those tmade' of oak xwoii h iad highe st l abor rteqire-it nemits. Some if these xxooiid slats became xxarped. xxhIichi iticreaxeti tittit fo~r (hcail- it g. If xxotiot slats are u sed, spatetrs xshoutld lit plai elcx r 2-." ft. ti ,isxne lIiifiiriii slot xx iih. Alsoi oIxI drieid tiii- her xhltti be tised. The mlost tdurable slats xwere tlimso mtatle of tomict ite auth almimiiim. Thlese xx ere easv to steam thean and fexw had tio e replaced oxver the 5-year sttidv period. At i excellent etiticrete slat call lie constructedl oil tile farmIl (polr-mul- place slats),. proxvided proper care is (-x en ti ito tiopottiotliiig tilei mix, castitig the slat. atid] coiring. tiless proper prto- cedtires are followved tile slats may chip .itid] crack, resuilting inl sharp ctittii:.r etlges that call injure a pig's leg. Pre- catst conciretc slats that are oin the maiket hiaxe the arixantage of nniform qtialilx' lit construction. M\an' oit the porcelainized steel slaits hiad to he rep~laced becatuse of t tst it i ,ilitl deteioration, iisuilh at aI jimciit \01t i anthe ir slat or arou ntl the hiolt se - cttm big slat to floor. The g,,lass coatitg of tile slat. xxhich munst t eroaiii ititact 10 prexetit rustinig, appears stubject to bivak- age at the pnints indhicatedl. Finhiuis ftrom the Saind Mloutaint Sith) station project indicate that either iiti- .set-\ hioiisiuig svstemn (pit or lagoon) xx'itlt concirete or alummiui slats call athe it atelx' setrxe South etrn I)g prodlt it , x Howeverx cxIi.s\\i prtidiiers pl at ii to bijld a1 tiirse x inl the ftmte max' xx ai loi 15 alt ate a1 xxaste disposal sy~stemi xx hit hi pei'ihiallx- fltisiis miatitre aol1 oioeitc fromt thit ilirsers, inlterio~r. '1liis sys- wtml shoiis p romtiise of hax inf- loxw luihor I 1)111 iiii'iits xx huec im 1 )ro ino elixiroli- inetit xx itliiii the house. Such at xx xtcmI can he iibstrved ait thle Msaini Staition, Auhutii. MULTIPLE APPLICATION OF DINOSEB DELIVERS KNOCKOUT BLOW TO TOUGH PEANUT WEEDS GALE A. BUCHANAN, Department of Agronomy and Soils ELLIS W. HAUSER, USDA.ARS' JAMES BANNON, J. G. STARLING, and HENRY IVEY, Wiregross Substation IFTHEY HIAD HI~iAN emotions, Florida beggarxeed atid] sicklepild xxould be xxori- ried about their future. Results of lluetx resealrch inidicate that multiple applica- tionis of (ios0ebl may' be the xx capon to prov ide xvictor 'v over these txxo trou- blesonit xx eds iii Alabama and Georgia p(itinIit filds. Effectixve control of Florida lltggilxx ed and sicklepod xxoutld t epre- sit i rin aior accomlmI!islhmen t. xlechati- cal icontrol is getuerallx utisatislactorv, hiand putllting is tooi expenisiv e anid lierbi- -' oitiellx Assi statnt Stuperintendent, WXir,- grass Stuibstatin, antd niowx Graduate Assis- tanit, Loutiisiania Sttt' .ins i it bt\ I- 1-6-dlttiititjilaiitt. Xliii ii salts art Often lemicd tit sittipl\ is "Dinlittit di- Prtiergc , 13 :..,mitt, Si tilt PE comtrbina~t itons xx itli ilitiaiar ,ir d sittis Aiicratk, Do ap. Clean peanuts in foreground received 3 ap- plications of dinaseb. Weedy plot in back- ground got no herbicide (check plot). cide treatments hav e not been saitisfac- torx Dinioseb is the most wxidely used her- bicide for wxeed control in peanuts, mainis as a cracking-time or early postemergence treatment, but single applications often don't get the job) done. Oflten it is applied in combination xx ith alachior ( Lasso) , di- phecuiaid (Entide, Dvmnid ) or- naptalamn C Alitnap ), wh ich prov ides some r esidual Wxeedl control. Experiments we re begun in I 970) its- itig multiple applications of dinoseb. This wxas a team effort, xx ith Auburn Uiiiver- sitv Agricultural Experiment Station xx orkitig xith tUniversit 'N of Georgia Ex- periment Stations and U.S. Department I) Agriculture. Ileseatc \,it s done in areas h axving a it airls I iax x in festatilon ofsick lepod in FlorIida I eggarx ed, or honth. Results t (pot ted here are oil]. from the Al abam a test locatiotns. Peaniuts in test plots xwerie treated xxvithi bet efini ti contro 1 a tnnual grass atnd small- seeded broadleaf weeds. flitoe w0( xas ap- plied either alone or in combination xxithi itaptalatn. Rates from 0.56 tol 1.0 lb). per acere xwere applied xxith ~onvxenitionl~ grounid sprayer set to dleliv er 15-201 gal. of spray per acre. Control oIf sicklepod aiid Florida beg- garweetI xNias sulistantialx bletter xvith 0(.75 and 1. 1) l. per acre than xxith [t(t 0.56-11). trate. As inat iv as six applicationt s of the loxxest rate (lidl not gixve conisisteiit con trol at the XX iregrass Substation. Dinoseb It i i i iI ) r itf tioti 17 Pct. 0.56lIb. /acre 1' :1 1) 2 44 all) 4 281) 8 7 0tia 0.75 lb./'acre I 4th1 2:36 1 4 -- --- 5:3 ab 6 82 i 8 --- tai 1.0 lb./acre 6__ 8 ----- ----- Cotitrl-- 0 c WXheti the rate xxas iticreased to 0.75 lb., hoxvever, control xxas acceptable from onlxy four applications. W~here sicklepod xxas the predomitiant xweed species, six ap~plications were required for satisfac- tory control. Txvo applications at 1.0) lb. per acre gave control in one experiment. Dinoseb did a better jot) of killing the xxeedis immediatels after they emerged than after true leaxves began expanditig. Activity xvas coitsiderablxv better xwitht 0.75 atid 1.0 lb). per~ acie thatn wvith 10.56 lb. Further obserxvatiotns revealed that Florida beggarxeed xxias more susceliti- ble to tlititsch than was sicklepod. Yield of peanitts xx,,as tnt reduced by six or fexxer applicatiotis of 0.56 atit ((.75 lb. perV acre. Eight ap~plicatiolns tended to loxxer productiotn. Yields(1 inic uate a surpi,~risin g tolerance (if pe-atbuts to repeatedi applications of (liii st I. Based oti 4-year fitnd ings, pea- nut, s xxill tlebrate at least fourt appl icai tion'. iol dinoseb at 0.75 1l). per acre. It is in1)mporanit to reinembet, hi \xxcx er, thtat factoris such as temnpetrattire, spi ax vu cve- a ge, i li prexviout s pestic0ie treatmen ts in tax affJect sutscep tibilIitx itt peat iuts toi (littiseb as thex influenice xxe ect otrtol sutccess. Effectixeniess againist the txso trouble- some xxeeds -Florida beggarxxeed at id sicklepod -atid safety' ott peanuits in the research repor-ted suggest that multiple appillication s of (linosel) xxill fi11 a ti ed iii future xx'eed conitrol programs. The treat- mnet ts described atre not presently lat- beled, bitt such label clearancee is ex- p)ected for the 1976 groxx'ing seasoni. WVeetl citt itPeaniut intjury 1972 (9713 1971 (972 197:3 25 c 48 hc 74 ib] 60 illtt 99 it 1:3 c, 64 abt 81 ab) 86 abl 1001 at 2t0 v 44 (Ie 4:3 de- 20) e 29 dc 25 de 54 (It 85 abl 8:3 il) 88 ill) 51 (IC 98 at 96 i 86 abl 98 at 2 f g tIg 2 f 2f 221) 4 cfIi 19 Ia. Pg Pg ' 3 Cfg, 12 bed :3:3 it Pe anut yieldl acre 1971 (972 1973 1.976 it] (.976 all) 2,12-1 ill 2,058 ill 1,471 (Ie 1,829 abt 2,271 ill 2,375 at 1,97.5 abc 1,323 c :3'8S9 at 2,920) a :3,181 it 4,1:34 it 2,50)2 at 3,916 at 2,756 at :3,47:3 at 2,774 at 2,2121b Od 0 f 0 b 0Pa (19 1,666 abe 2,614 at 2,865 abl 2,960)a 2,865 abl 2,594 it 1 ) 2,358 1) 2,80(1 it 1 ) 2,90)1 ill 2,697 all 2,88:3 itll 2,344 1) 2,88:3 ill 2,937 ;it :3,0(60 ii 2,556 illi 2,84:3 ab! ' Valoes within a column noit followed by the same letti itrt sigificantly (differett tho 0.05 level. EFFEiCr OF tMuui. rtLi Att'Ltd xiioNs OF Di~ilshti ON CON I Ot. 01' St'KLF.PoO AMt) Ft~ontt)x 13H.ARIVEEi), PELiitF~l Ni E~ANI. IN JURiY, ANt) PEANU t YIELDI, 1971-73 Pet. Pct. PI -. P0t, Pet. Lb. Lb. Lb. TE DAIRY INDUSTRY in Alabama and the United States hasundergone dra- matic changes since the early 1960's that affected milk producers, processor-dis- tributors, and retailers. Rising production and marketing costs resulted in sharp re- tail price increases in the past few years, which caught the attention of consumers. Alabama is primarily a fluid milk mar- ket with practically all commercial sales of milk from Grade A dairies. The num- ber of dairies reached a peak of over 2,200 in the early 1950's. With adoption of bulk milk tanks in the late 1950's and other cost increasing changes on the farm, many small producers left dairy- ing. By 1959 the number had declined to 1,673 Alabama dairymen plus 301 out-of-state dairymen supplying milk to Alabama processors, see table. In the past 15 years, the decline continued. Re- maining dairymen expanded herd sizes and increased production per cow so that total milk sales increased. Demand for fluid milk products increased more rap- idly, however, and more out-of-state milk producers were solicited to ship to Ala- bama markets. Dependence on out-of- state milk has increased from less than 20% of total supply in the early 1960's to about 28% in 1975, when in-state pro- duction declined over 8%. The decline in commercial sales in 1975 was the first experienced in Alabama's dairy industry. In the late 1960's two producer co- operatives became active in milk market- ing in the State. These cooperatives are Associated Milk Producers of Alabama (AMP), with the main office in Mont- gomery, and Dairymen, Inc. (DI), a regional dairy marketing association, with headquarters in Louisville, Ken- tucky. AMP is a state-wide association with out-of-state membership primarily in Tennessee and Mississippi. DI, which was formed by merger of smaller co- operatives, has membership in about 8 Southern States. Currently, over two- thirds of milk marketed in Alabama is through these associations. The remain- NUMBER OF PRODUCERS AND AVERAGE DAILY SALES OF PRODUCERS SUPPLYING MILK TO ALABAMA MARKETS, SELECTED TIME PERIODS, 1959-1975 Alabama Out-of- Av. daily Yerstate sae Yer producers producers sae No. No. Lb. 1959 ...... 1,673 301 728 1964 ...... 1,231 163 1,311 1973 ...... 650 208 2,624 1975 -..... 567 266 2,893 Source: 1959 and 1964 data from Ala- bama Experiment Station Bulletin 871; 1973 (July) and 1975 (January) data from the Alabama Dairy Commission. ing volume is marketed by independent milk producers who ship directly to spe- cific processors. Producer marketing associations en- gage in such activities as milk hauling, pooling supplies, diverting milk to its best use, seeking new markets, bargain- ing for prices, and representing producers before regulatory agencies and legisla- tive bodies. Following cooperative or- ganization in Alabama, an early effort was to gain control over farm-to-market assembly of milk. Lower rates were ne- gotiated; later the Alabama cooperative gained control over hauling. Following a study of hauling costs in 1973, a rate schedule was developed based on volume of milk shipped and distance of the pro- ducer from the market. The schedule was adopted by the cooperative and in 1975 about three-fourths of farm-to- market assembly is under the common schedule. The rates have also been adopted by haulers of independent pro- ducers' milk. Producer cooperatives on a significant scale were late in developing in Ala- bama. Favorable Class I prices and the ability of individual producers to main- tain a high blend price through a quota system discouraged cooperative develop- ment for years. In the 1960's, Alabama producers recognized the need to organ- ize and act on their own behalf. The old Milk Control Board did not (and could not) provide all the market services needed by dairymen. Further, the future of the Board was uncertain. Subse- quently, the State Legislature changed certain provisions of the milk control act. The notable revision was a change in membership of the agency from an in- dustry dominated board to a five-member consumer commission. Number of milk processors declined from around 50 in the early 1960's to 23 Alabama processors in 1975. Most pro- cessors leaving the business were small producer-distributors and local indepen- dent firms. However, two Alabama plants operated by regional and national chains were closed. Their customers are being served by the same brands being pro- cessed under their brand label by other dairies and from other plants operated by the chains. In early 1975 the seven largest plants processed an average of 32,000 gal. per day (12,000 gal. per day in 1960). Currently the four largest milk processing firms in the State operate 11 plants which process over 60% of the fluid products in the State. Entrance of integrated processing op- erations by grocery chains and a pro- ducer cooperative occurred about 1970. One grocery chain constructed a limited line milk processing plant in Alabama while another purchased an existing plant. Some grocery chains are being served by their brands which are pro- cessed in other states. In other instances, conventional processors are packaging milk for grocery chains under the chain's label. Fluid milk products from six in- tegrated operations are being distributed in Alabama. Three of these plants are located in the State. Changing shopping habits of consum- ers brought about a shift in milk distri- bution from home delivery to store sales. In January 1975, slightly over 90% of milk sales in Alabama was through wholesale distribution. As milk is a major grocery item, large grocery store accounts are eagerly sought by processors. Eco- nomies are gained in selling and distribu- tion from serving large volume accounts. Thus, much bargaining strength in the industry shifted to grocery chain man- agement. The Alabama Dairy Commission regu- lates the, fluid milk market at all levels. The Commission and its predecessor the Milk Control Board have regulated the state's dairy industry since the mid- 1930's. Alabama has one of the oldest continuous state milk regulatory pro- grams in the country. State regulatory programs where retail prices are established have long been subject to controversy. State control of milk prices has been eliminated in sev- eral states including Georgia, Mississippi, and Florida. However, the evidence is not conclusive that consumers in these states have benefited. Attempts are be- ing made in some of these states to re- establish regulatory agencies. Future adjustments will likely be a con- tinuation toward fewer but larger pro- duction units and a further expansion of producer controlled marketing activities. Processors will continue to exit. Remain- ing plants will increase in scale of opera- tion while seeking more economical dis-. tribution systems. Grocery chains will likely integrate further into processing unless the industry services their de- mands. A CHANGING DAIRY INDUSTRY L. E. WILSON, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Some Ways To Conserve Tractor Fuel ELMO RENOLL, Department of Agricultural Engineering XGRICULTUBE IN THE U.S. is presently using about 4 bil- lion gal. of gasoline and 2.5 billion gal. of diesel fuel per year. This is more petroleum than is used by any other industr v. While petroleum usage has gradually increased, the proportion used in agriculture has changed very little during the past 35 years. The past 2 years has been the first time in over a luarter of a century that agriculture has given serious consideration to its fuel supply. In that 24-month span the price has riseu sharply and the supply has often been interrupted. Thus it is impierative for the farm manager to be certain that each tank full of fuel is used as efficiently as possible. lie needs to consider carefully which of his tractors to use and how each will be operated. The following tips for efficient tractor and machinery op- eration are suggested: When there is a choice of gasoline, diesel or LP gas, use diesel. For tractors of about equal size doing the same amount of work, the diesel engine uses less fuel. For example, if a diesel tractor used 75 gal. of fuel to complete a specific field operation, a gasoline tractor would have used 100 gal. and an LP gas tractor 120 gal. Keep the tractor engine tuned. A gasoline engine which is properly adjusted for carburetion and ignition will use 12 to 15% less fuel than the improperly tuned engine. Keeping the diesel engine in top condition pays off with a 10 to 12% fuel savings. Check air cleaner frequently, especially under dusty conditions. A clogged filter increases fuel consumption and tends to reduce tractor power. Do a better job of matching the load to the tractor. Use a small tractor for lighter loads. For larger tractors, consider Large tractors are needed for heavy field work. These tractors can also be used to pull several machines at the same time thus saving fuel and reducing trips across the field. coupling equipment together to do several jobs at one time. This will save extra trips over the field and will operate the tractor nearer full load where fuel efficiency is high. Avoid lugging or overloading the engine. If engine speed lugs down, shift into a lower gear. This saves fuel and re- duces engine wear. If the tractor is not pulling a full load, throttle the engine down and shift into a higher gear. Consider using minimum tillage or other cultural practices which can either reduce the required horsepower or the total hours of operation. Using minimum tillage on corn, for ex- ample, can reduce fuel needs 30% or more. Similar savings for minimum tillage soybeans can be expected. If tractors or self-propelled machines are moved long dis- tances, consider using a truck rather than driving them on the road. This will save fuel and it is safer. Efficient field operations require good traction. Excessive wheel slippage causes undue tire wear and wastes fuel. Con- sider changing wheel weights according to field conditions to maintain good traction without excessive weight. Keep idle field travel time for tractors and self-propelled machines to a minimum. Shut the engine off while making field adjustments, loading supplies or servicing equipment. Operate machines at proper ground speeds. Have them properly serviced and correctly adjusted. See that cutting edges are sharp. Mowing machines and forage choppers with dull knives require extra horsepower. Dull shares on a mold- board plow increase power needs by 10-15%. If these suggestions are correctly applied they should re- duce operating costs, save time and labor, increase operation efficiency and conserve fuel. Matching the tractor size to the job is an efficient way to operate and conserve petroleum fuels. For light loads, small tractors are more efficient than large ones. Partial Shadi ng Gives Better A rizona C'ypreis Seedli ngs WALTER D. KELLEY, Department of Botany and Microbiology P DUTION OF GOOD quality Arizona cypress (Co pressus arizonica Greene) seedlings is no easy task. Alabamra no,- series growing these seedlings have been beset by probleni for several years. Research by Auburn Uniiversity Agririil tui al Experiment Station has found no sure cure for dliscai problems, l)ut results point to an insect, the lesser corn-stalk borer, as a production problem. Auburn research, done in cooperation with the Alabamr- Forestry Commission, has been directed toward control of foliar diseases. Most prominent foliar disease at the Auburn Forest Nursery is a tip blight caused by the fungus Curcularia mU irillednls, which wxas first observed in 1966. Since then IIe( number of seedlings in nursery b~eds exhibiting symptoms of this disease has approached 80% (luring some groxxing Seasonsx. Earlier cont-rol research indicated that (1) the disease nia\ occur sporadicalix one Year and be sparse or ab~senit thie fol- lowxing yecar; (2) most damage to seedlings occurred dlirilig thle hottest part of the summer -jilh and \iigst: aond (3) inian', ilerrot ic lesions not attributable to U . inl U rill '(lis or anyv other in iiroorgaritisms wxere present on thle seedlings each ya apparently of physiological origin). Field plots wvere established at the Auburn Forest Nure ii v to evaluiate potential control measures against the dliseaise problem. Treatments tried during the 2 years included dif- ferenit fungicides, with and wvithout shading. InI thle first study year, three fungicidles were evaluated for effectiveness against Curvularia tip blight: DuTer 47.5 WP (triphenvi tin hydroxide), Difolatan 4-F (captafol), and Benlate 50 WNP (benomyl). A single rate of each fungicide wstriedl in six plots, 'with three of the six plots shaded wxith Saran shade fabric (63% shade). Shading xwas iiielUded to determine if loxwer soil and foliage temperatures xwould re- duce phyvsiological damage. Shade fabric was erected onl wooden rails 24 in. above ground. EFFFCT (rF Ft \GICIDES AND SHAnIxr, oN DISEA SE IxNCInENCE A-\i) SEoLINCe HEIGHT OF Atirzox S CY PRiESS rwiati i i t. fiuiigicidle an--- - i'ate per 100 gal, water First x'ear (ioitrid Coniitrol (shaded) lDiiTei 17.5 NI'. 0.3 11). 'Not shiadedl shaded Not shaded ----- Shaded lcilite 51) \VP, 0.4 11lb. -Not shaded Shaided Se((lliIIIC hai'dt Seconil Firist Set od year xNa ( xci' ('mo, cin 2.27b1- 2 2.66 c 2.1-1 b 2.26(- 2.57 a 2.23 1) 1.50)e 2.77 ab 1.83 cr 2.27 e 15.5 12.2 17.8 163.5 15.3 17.2 1.9:3 c :3.00) a 17.A 14.2 1.67 (de 1.87 d 20.1 18.8 'Diseci'. iindex oii Scale o~f I to) .5: 1 0-20%'', of grixwing tips disiascd ' 2 " 1-41)'r 3 -41-W ;0 -1 61-80 , and 5 -81-100' . (dead~). 2Niini1).far tollaxx I)\- the samie li-tter xxithin at coluin are not sign iticaat lx dilfeent from one aiiother (p 1)>.015). Shod, co~cr uspended atbovc Arizona cypress seedlings resulted in less disease incidence than on seedlings grown in the open. Piots xxi iiiiiilx seleteld fci treatment and 1 for Shad-I inig. Fungicides we re applied onl a 2-xx eek sprax sce il beginning the fii st xweek Of' Trne and terminating in iti ifek- gust. Data werce collectedl wxithin a xveek after sprax jor wals stopped. All seedlings in txxo( subllots in each 1p1ot xx crc ill- dividually evaluated for rdisease and their heigl its mitsi red. Each seedling xwas assigned a (lisease index basedl oil the per- centage of diseased growxinig tips, as recorded in tile talbl-. The study -xvas the sam-e the second year. exep 1 t that the fungicide Differ -xvas omnitterl. Severity of the disease problem is indlic'ated bx' disease indices reported in the table. Disease incidlence xvas hig~h during the first year and eveii higher the second. Of the' fungicides tested the first - ear, Difolatan and lBenlate signii cantly reduced dlisease incidence. DoTer caused some seed- ling- injui v. Jni in g the second x-eai , Difolattaji was not ef- fective, but Benilate unduer shade r educed rdisease ii iidei ic. Any- fungicide treatment unider shade gave better disi'a,e control than the corresponding unishaded plot, as sioxx1 b% hx disease index ratings. Mliddax soil temperaltures ill xsihad plots xwere 90C (16F) loxwer than ii onoi-sliaded~ jlot,\. Lower soil temiperatuires could hitx(, resulted iii a rediiet i of the physiological damage obserxvcd in earlier researeh. Close examiiiation of soime inecrotic lesions dur-ing lie sie'- ond( - ear rexvealed what applearedl to be insect dila, ige. Siibi scqjueiit iiixestigatioiis shoxxed the damnage was caiisedl bv the lesser corn-stailk borer ( Elasinopalpnms lianoscffiv; Zeller). Tbhis un controlled varial e com plicatedi interpretation iof' (Ii case data. As expected. seedlings groxxn uinder shade wxeire taller tio those in open plots. Hoxxever, hecight xxas not increased enlough to redi ice seedlingl fait". These iresults iiidicate (1) noi e of the fungicides, at the rate and treitineiit in tervxal testedi, reduced disease iiicideince to ,in acrepItale lccci ( 2) scl liii igs gioxxii unde r shade cli crallx exhiblited less diseaise thli their coiiiitei pails inl the Open; aid (3) r'o il of the lessei corn-stalk borer \\xxill he necessai x for if t iie fungicide ix ahtiation studries. Disease index' Many other types of fish of excellent eat- ing quality have much lower feed and water quality requirements than catfish, such as talapia or carp shown above the catf ish . CATFISH are not die Only FISH in the POND E. W. McCOY, and K. W. CRAWFORD Departiment of Agricultural Economics and Rurat Sociology I Ni)LO WIiD nOr liicoltirled Coinditioiis catfish coi st xxi th i 101 ( Iolis other spe- cies of fish. each uitiliiiig at differenlt segment of tile food chainl. Natuiral pro- dluction, (of coulrse, does ilot x ield the Inns estahle poun dage obt aiinIed uniider in- tenisive culture xx itl siupplemenital feed- iilg. D~uriing 1974 abhout 1 ,900t Alaiona f armners devotedI apprioximately 11,000~t acres of xx ater to catfisi productioin. Less than 1 ,0t00 of the produicers grews fishl for sale thlroughl the vaious av ailable mar- kets. TFie remaiinig catfish producers mainltainled recreationial ponds for tlleir owni use and to prosvide fishing for frienids and relatives. Catfishl producctioii, even for personal use pondis, xxas similar to feedlot operatins for cattle or S',vine. Thle fish xx ere stocked iil pw)1ids ti sialix ait sizes ranging fromn 3 to itt iii., 0 ,t)I- 03:3 lb). eachl, anld svere fed at high pro - telin, complete in itriei t ration. I itt i, growsthl xvas obtaiiied bxv fish feediii g oin niat ural foodls axvailal e wxitllli ponds. Txxo biological factors l im it produc- i tin xwhen ii tfi sIi are stocked and itfIed at re Iatisel ci biigh rates unidier conidit ions similar to thlose discussed. First, catfish do ilot utilize feed efficici tlx wxhen wxater tem perat ure is hebI\ iss (itF. Secoind(, total nuitrienits axvailable iil thie ponid atre uin- ilci utilized. Caitfisfh cio not consume and coilver it] ol(f' the ratin fedl inito flesh. Blothi the uiitlizcii feed and catfish hi- ological waiSmste prodiu1( lcts ei 1ridi thle ini ti ieiit lev el of the pioiic. Aiilthler liiiiitiig factoi iii catfish pii- (Ilict~oii for mlus i frmers is tile iiiailitx toi lilaiitii xx mter f11ilitx iii their pond1( sittiimi. Auiatic oni muisms that are alai coml~petitixve xx ith catfish iiii iiitrieiits, lax\i, econolimic x lie, and imp)roxve water ifi .1lits xx (liil 1( be ideal for inicilisioni in cat fishcil tuiire. Siuch organ Iismfs (01uiid iii- chude boithl plants and~ aniimals. Rlesear chers atre iilterested iii aquatic orgaiins thiat tail extenid tile iise of pra ciuctiiii facilities and or uitilize the ex- cess ita iable inttrients durinlg the catfishl groin ig season. Ideaix . such aquatic or- gan isms shotild have economic, value, btt this is ilot mc necessarx con dlition. Ill cases xx here inlcreasedl Valtie or decreased cost of1 prdcn catfish exceeds cost (If in- corporatinlg these types of oirganlism s , then tfiev ciould feasibly he included in lie p riiott10ion init. T1riiit p)erforml wxeli wh len xwater tenil peratoire is belows 60'tF. Good xxater qualit is reqiriied hbv troult, but the dOll- (Itl(Iii is siomewhiat easier to illmiiitmii 11i1hid1 relitix ely cool xxatei temtpe ratutres. Se \i ,il Alabamia procducers wxithl suffi- cielit wxater supplies are dloublle croppinlg their ponds olr racewvays. Trout aie st~cked iu late fall], fed through thle xviii- ter monithls, aid h 1 arxvestedi duringr the~ eairix sfing M51~i tile xxater temperatuire is xxai niiig Pondus or racexvavs are imi- inc'diatelx r estiocked wsith catfish xwhIichl r eacih funvestihie size byv fll. The feed rI l iirlnici its for trouit and catfish are similar afliiugli catfish caii le fed .1 lowxxerI cost ra tiion . The f ccc coiiversion ratiols for trouit lnd catfishi aie approxi- illitcei', thei Saint,. The dciiiaid i c ofi, trouit i; b igi io til ot li recreatiili aini inarket sales. ai icf the resuiltiiig high lix exxeight price provides a goodl profit mar gin. So, in some instances the trout operation with its higher variable costs is more I I fitabie than catfish. -k species that has been successfully i1tured for quite a while is the bait iinow. Many fishermen wxho regularly ii chclase bait ininxx (1 dl sot realize Iat the fish ar e pot id raisedl. 1Bait miii- lv rodclltioni is highly' developed in tic Mississippi Delta aind dlealers haul the small fishl to all parts of' the country. AMabamra hats one major bait iiiiow pin)- tdnter who oper ates onl a similar basis. Some biological research hats showxn that the bait mninnoxv canl le successfully uti- lizedi to capture excess food supply in the pond wxhen catfish fingerlings are smnall. Then as catfish become larger, the, coilsilnie the bail inniiiiw s. thus uitilizin Ig thosel5 excess liii tiiei ts capltutred early, ill the pirodui ctin pjeriod. Buiff ab ifsh, carp, Ti Iapia a. 11( other species 1 inliigicall s a ppeai to coiple- meit catfish wxeli iider po01 , culture Cni (litmulls. Sinice at poiid is a ii ('re (lflicil- sioiial spaie (on tainiing bothl plilits andl ailimals. fish that graze oii aqfiatic p~lanlt,, anud fish that feed oji aquatic aiiiabs should utilize at high degree of the avail- able niuitrien ts inii pon d. Un fort unately, the market demnd for maiuv of these species ats food fish is relativelx low. Luider these Cii cLUmStances iincorpoiration of at second fish species in the pond must increase the prodluction of catfish or the iiet market gain from the second species must exceed the reduced market of cat- fish. For example, if catfish sell for 45c per lb). and Tilapia at 15( per 11)., 3 lb. of marketable Tilapia must be sold for every pounid~ that catfish production is decreased. In a wvild or natural state these two species are iiot compe(titors. [Tocer pnid coiiditioiis xx uth supplement- ar-v\ feeding, lioxx exer. mnany of the Ti- lapia coinsume the feed ration rather than seeking naitiural food1 items, nill like steers oIil paZst lire t Iiat wxill coiislinid' grilli if axvailable iii preference to grass. Mlani other types (of fish (of excelleint eat iiig (Iia l its have inuiich lowver feed ai d water (fualitY reqiriiements tliai catfish aild requiire inuch lower lexvels of capital and manalgenieiit Common carp, con- sidlered at trash fish in the Uniitedi States, have hisw level capi tal ai d iniiagemnie it re(jiiirenieiits. Althioughi ot produiced cx- teiisivelx iii this couilti v, tl cx are the most xvideix- cuiltuired fish iii the world. Ill icoiiclusion. cat fish alre iio t t I e ni I', fish iii the ponid and researchi canl lead to terns xx iicli \\ill uitilize eatch niche iii the food ciiaiii aiid returin ouitput to iniput ratios unithinikable at thle pres'ent timel. Marketable tomato yields went as high as 750 bu. per acre from one harvest when grown with adequate water and fertilizer. B OT (tl I LLD AN IZE oi f t toflltonS arl increased hv ir rigation and nitrogen at)- plicationls. Bunt there's no nieed to uis' large arnm tits of eithier. A medium irri- gration level andc loxx to mrediumi N rat's coitriil to ivie mios t profitable pr d Experiru cit St atin re search. Expet imet its xxetc cotndcted at Tiori Its (1(1ilig 1971 -7:3 wxith the objectixve ni identitx ing nitrogeon ieeds and Icart tin the valune of suapplem etntal in igat ion. Fi\x rates of fertilizer N at three ](,\(,Is )t irrigation ( ftrrovix mrethod) Iwere evalu- atecd. lirrigatiot I lev els wee ( I ) ito it rig.1 tion. (2) irrigated %\hlit :30% of av ail- able wxater t eiitiiiedl ill the soil - t/ti mioll(' 'tl, iid (3) irtrigated ll xit 60% of ava:ilable wa tter remlan icd i hligh he eel. Thi e itt teno edi ate lex eI alit\,e t thc Ile soil to beconme relatix clx dr\s . ht otin iliw entigh tt cause plailts tou xxilt. idig irrigatiot i kept thle soil at at high lev el of noistutre at all times. Ratinfatll (lititig the grttxxirg seasn w xas abot 95% of tiorm til iitng 1971 alli 197.3, bitt ootlv 60% ill 1972. Nittrngeti apliitittt tates xx ete t0, 60, I 20. 1801, atid 241)1lb. per aicre. All plots lIS i NI xxii titti I l IiitA I lilA 1, .i ,s I 17 tLb. N /acre 1971 0) 61) 120) 181) 241) Pc tcre yield by irrigatioti level Noine Inter- 1.6. Lit 19. t100 5:3,1001 4 8,:300~ 49.7100 4.3.,4100 0) 52,7001 61) 04,2001 120) 56,600t 241) 17j)1(10 197:3 0) 1:2,2001 61) 52,2001 121) 53,811 1810 59A0011 241) 5:3,.5001 1971t-7:3 average 0) 44,7100 61) .56 5100 121) 52,9001 1801 57 17111 241) 48,3001 45, 500~l 47,2001 49,0001( .50,:41100 .5010011 6:3,8001 86.,8111 82,401) 88.1001 7:.21 ii 42,.5001 60,600il 6910001 67.,50111 601500 .510,(6(1 64,9006 66,8001 68 7(11 61,.3001 I I gh 1Li1. .40,0t00) 5:3,30(1) 55,40t0~ 49,9001 5I1,8001 6:3,3011 80I, 3001 9.5,10t0l 9:3.6001 41 91111 5431(1 68 (1111 47,.7001 58, 50011 68,50)0 62,7111 711,100 xx etc fertilized x iti, P~ iid K itccordit to Soil te(st. Best ktiox i cidil 1 ptractices xxet utsedl for the Staked tiiriatocs, .tttc sprax - ilig \\,its (lone reguiarx to cottiol insects alI id diseases. Tomatoes wxere harvxested at xxeekl v in terx a I frin late i titte itt til lat' Atigost. Growth, Yield Differences Bate of plitt growxthi carx inl thie set- soil and plant height at Vegiiiiiiig of harxvest xxere influten ced inore bx N rate tha bai yi irrigat ion. Mo tst icreased p 1 lant height resulted frin tlte first (it). per acre of N. Higher rates gaxvc little addli- tinlal grossthI sI irnolatit it. PIa its axver- aged 3t0 to 40 itt. tall at begioiiiiig of' harxvest oxver tlie :3-xeat per io~d. MIarketable x ielcls xx e ighest ini 1972 anid loxxest itl I1971 I. as sllttssl 1) \ datal ill the t~ilile. Siipplcmle:lial irigatioti (did not itncetease x iclcs inl 1971 or 197.3.' hut oiarlx doulcl ptodutctioni iii 1972. I igliest sield itt tte \csals xx\as iii 1972 lit Iili igat (' ploits. Althouigh train~fall xxvas ts l iii din-ig lulls tN72, adct~tiate inoistttre \ppliicl N 111(1easeil tmariketable to- niato x ilds each Neat. IlTere ssasi at s eld ttii ase ft (tn (it) lb. pert acre ill 1971 atnd 1972, butt ito aciditioiri btotst ft (ill highter ra.tes. Iit I 9:3, sicids ssci ill- creitsec b I12t) lb. Toital .3-seat itx tagc mat kitblc x lelds t m1iged ftm abutiit -. 5M00ll lb). pcie t i xxitli no N anid n1o ir rigationtt) tot tIPlioxitnatilx 71,000t1) l. ;i Ole 240-lb). N rtte atid] higrh irrigatioii. Fruit Size Affected Botht rate otf N atid iii igatittn affected ftit size of tomnatoes. til general, the Ipercen tage of large tom attics it ereased ats irrigationi inlcreased l bit decreased xvitli 1 progressis clx high er rates of N. Art aver- age of all tr~eatmienits for all years shoxs t)% of matrketabtle totmatoes xxere large I(diamte~tr 2 11 163 iii. or greater), 16% xxere miedium (2 12 to 27/s iii. ) , moid 14% xx ere small (diiameter 2'/4 to 2',; ini.) Ciull tom ati is inade upl abou tit 1 4% of totail x leld reigardles of it rri gat init. NI t cil] t oma toes x etc ftonm (at t tcit g. xxhich is l)rttl+ 1 lx t it t t atl's tiff te 1 1)v lxSoil fert iiit x or itlotist ore. Ih \cxield cinicrease fri i i rrigat itt w xas tiited tto the ittterltineitte irrigatiton leel ci. iiicatillg noitil atiatage tot Keep- lugy sotil itttistoire at it ligh1 lexvel all] the( timte. Applied~ N itnctreased marketaitLe viebls alii scars, blit xieii iesptiise N,,as hititel to 60)lb. peri aicre foti 2 xears tioi( tt 120 1) tit( otther x eat. Based (til results reporited, the itest iticl applied N i tte \\itas 611 to 120 lb). pet itct e tl itfiplitd N atici iiiigatittli ats tltic v,itt it the ,lii srfitce 2 It. otf sotil. I Medium N Rate, Irrigjation Leuel Best for Staked Tomatoes B. D. DOSS, Deportment of Agronomny and Soils (Coop. USDA) C. E. EVANS, Department of Agronomy and Soils W. A. JOHNSON. Department of Horticulture (Refired) BERMUDAGRASS TREM( IN CATTLE IN ALABA U. L. DIENER, N. D. DAVIS, G. MORGAN-JONES Department of Botany and Microbiology J. P. CUNNINGHAM, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences J. W. LANGFORD, Plant Breeding Unit W. C. JOHNSON, Department of Agronomy and Soils prepared and fed to hamnsters, gerbils, and mice as well as guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, and chicks with no toxic or tre- morgenic effects. A rapid, inexpensive ORS bioassay system for the toxic principle is urgently needed. AThe predominant fungus present was isolated and identified and it was not one of the fungi previously isolated from bermudagrass hay in the 1973 studies. Research is currently underway to de- termine whether this fungus was the toxin producer or if another fungus of low frequency is involved. The authors ultimately expect to isolate and identify the fungal toxin(s) involved and to de- velop control measures for prevention of fungal growth and toxin formation on bcrmudagrass. There are also possibilities of developing an antidote or treatment ,,:, for afflicted cattle in cooperation with the School of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn. B IE\ninAGi1ASS 'FrExOiS ( BC') af- fected about 25,000 cattle in over 500 herds in central and northeastern Louiisi- aua in 1971, resulting in the death of at least 600 animals. Similar, but less spec- tacular, outbr-eaks have been reported in Mississippi. BGT affects the nervous sys- tem, causing cattle to become extremel excitable. Infected cattle twitch, tremble, lose body coordination, become stiff- legged in the hind quarters and weak in the front legs, and may eventually fall down, getting up again only with great difficulty. Cattle stay alert, but quickly lose condition as weight gain or milk production decreases. Milk production in one cow dropped from 35 to 6 lb. per day and body weight dropped by 100 lb. in 3 weeks. Spontaneous abortions are commonly associated with the disease. Deaths associated with BGT usualiv are caused by secondary effects, such as pneumonia, animals falling in stock ponds or bog holes and drowning, or from dehydration as weakened, uncoor- dinated cattle are unable to get to water. Animals recover readily when removed from toxic pastures or hay and placed in feedlots on grain or non-bermudagrass forages. Research at Louisiana State Uni- versity, and later at Auburn, indicated that only cattle are affected, since toxic hay had no effect on rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, or chickens. BGT was not con- tagious, nor was it caused by pesticides, high nitrates, mineral imbalances, selen- ium and molybdenum toxicities, or grass tetanv. Toxic hav clipped in October re- mained toxic 4 months later, even after being held at 120) (C for an hour. Ani- mals showed symptoms in 36 hours, and s mlptOmS renainled for a long period of time before death occurred; recovery oc- curiired in 2 to 12 days after removal of toxic hay. The toxic factor was not pres- ent in milk. A similar nervous disturbance was ob- served in 1950 in east-central Oklahoma. Symptoms were similar to those de- scribed in Louisiana 20 years later. No ergot was detected on the bermudagrass. In 1953, a paralysis of cattle resembling BGT, but designated "downer cows" or "lbermudagrass poisoning," occurred in Georgia and Alabama. In the fall of 1973, commercial Coastal bermudagrass hay from Autauga County was associated with toxicity and death of several cattle that had shown tremors or staggers symptoms. Several bales of toxic hay were brought to Auburn for analysis. Twenty species of fungi were isolated from the hay, identified, and bioassayed for toxicity to brine shrimp and chicken embryos, see table. Ten of the more toxigenic fungi (rating 4-6) were each grown on one-half bale of sterilized bermucdagrass hay for several weeks. The hav was dried and fed to calves, but none of the fungi was toxi- genic under those conditions. In September of 1974, 40 of 50 cattle in a pasture at the Plant Breeding Unit near Tallassee, Alabama were afflicted with a disease that resembled what has been described as BGT or staggers. Once pesticides were ruled out as the cause, the possibility of induction by fungal toxins was investigated. Fifty bales of hav were made from infested areas. Albout one-fourth bale induced tremors in 36 hours in a 350 lb. calf at Auburn. Pelleted toxic hav and extracts were ToxlcrrY OF FrA ISOLATED FRHOX BRFIM\UI)AGRIASS IHAY (1973) To BiINE S 1111I1P AND (HI(CKEN E SiHlYos l"nguls Brine' Egyg Genlls shrIoip Species Yo Pri- orit\ lk rating' D)rechslera halodes 0 2 2 4 Cladosporian herbarunim . 0 1 1 2 Penicillium lanosum 2 2 1 5 Cochliobolus spicifer 0 2 2 4 Paecilomyces varioti .... 2 2 2 6 Cladosporium sp. 0 2 2 4 Fusarium lateritium .. 0 0 0 0 Cliocladium fibriatum . 2 2 2 6 Epicoccum purpurascens 0 1 2 3 Aspergillus fumigatus _ 2 2 2 6 mcremionium sp. () 2 2 4 Nlucor sp. . t 0 0 Curvularia lunata . 0 0 0 0 Nigrospora sphaerica 1 2 2 5 Periconia ininutissinma 0 0 0 0 Pithomyces chartarum 0 0 0 0 Virgaria nigra - 0 0 0 0 '2 - 60-100% mortality of shrimp; 1 = 20-59r%, mortality; 0 = 1-19% mortality; about 50 brine shrimp per mnil. "2 - 80-100; mortality of chicken em- bryos; 1 - 41-79/,, mortality; 0 = 0-40% mortality; 5-1) eggs and injetion ilethod. Flungi with a priority rating of 4-6 are bioassayed for toxicity to rats. HOW MUCH N FOR GOOD SOD? C. H. MITCHELL and RAY DICKENS Department of Agronomy and Soils Nitrogen rate of 0.5 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. applied at either 2- or 4-week intervals resulted in superior sod strength. IFWAY AND TIFGIEEN bermudagrasses are grown extensively for athletic turf, lawns, and roadside erosion control in the Southeast. Tifgreen is used on golf course tees and greens because of its finer texture and tolerance to low mow- ing, while Tifway is preferred for fair- way use. Sod producers like both be- cause of their rapid growth rates. Past recommendations for sod produce- tion have called for high rates of nitro- gen (9 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. per year). Increasing costs of nitrogen fertilizer, however, demanded a new look at the economy of such rates. Results of new research at Auburn University Agricul- tural Experiment Station indicate that lower rates of N can be used without sacrificing growth rate of the two ber- mudas. EFFECTS OF NITROGEN RATES AND APPLICATION FREQUENCY ON TENSILE STRENGTH OF TIFCEEN AND TIFWAY SODS N/1,000 sq. ft. and app. fre- lquency Tensile strent Tifgreen 1973 1974 Every 2 weeks % lb. 29 abe* 26 ab 1 lb. 26 ed 26 ab 2 11. 23 de 25 ab Every 4 weeks '/ lb. 32 a Slb. 30 ab 2 lb. 27 be Every 8 weeks 2 1b. 27 be 29 a 27 a 25 ab 23 ab NoN ..... 21e 21b * Means within a column same letter are different (P- New Growth Factors Considered Nitrogen recomeinralatiois formerly were based on such factors as clipping yield, shoot density, and general appear- ance. Extent of root, rhizome, and stolon development was not considered, despite the fact that tolerance to traffic and re- cuperative potential are improved by an abundance of roots, rhizomes, and sto- lons. Thus, these growth criteria repre- sent a crucial factor in growing turfgrass for the cut sod industry and for main- taining sod on athletic fields and golf courses. Length of time to produce a dense, high quality sod - one suited for har- vesting or that will tolerate traffic - is another important production factor. Mowing heights are known to affect the rate of sod formation by cool season grasses, but no such information is avail- able on hermudagrass. N Rates, Mowing Heights Studied Experiments over a 2-year period onl gth of sod a Dothan sandy loam soil at Auburn Tifway measured the effects of nitrogen and 1973 1974 mowing heights on sod formation by bermudagrass. The test area was fertil- ized (except for nitrogen) and limed ac- 49 be 39 ab cording to soil test recommendations. 44 ed 35 abe The area was roto-tilled, smoothed, and 40 d 31 be planted in mid-June with 2-in. plugs on 10-in. centers. Nitrogen and mowing treatments were 61 a 36 abc begun 1 week after planting. Three N 4 ab 40abc rates and three application frequencies were included, along with mowing heights of 1z, /4, and I in. Frequency of 45 ed 30c imowing was twice weekly. Weeds were controlled with MSMA and 2,4-D or 30 e 28 c 2,4-DP. Clippings were removed at each not marked by mowing. -0.05). Sod formation was evaluated by meas- iring tensile strength of the sod. Sod strips (2 x 1 ft.) were harvested at '/z-in. depth and fastened to a platform, half of which was stationarv and half mounted on wheels to move along a track. Ten- sion was applied to the moveable section until the sod strip tore apart. Amount of tension required to tear the sod apart was the measure of sod strength. Tifway Stronger Tifwav produced sod strengths 30-50%o greater thanii Tifgreen during both years. There were no measurable differences in sod strength as a result of mowing heights. Evidently both grasses are cap able of forming dense sods when mowed as low as 1 in. Strongest sods were produced with low rates of N, 0.5 to 1.0 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. Fertilization at 4-week intervals gave results equal or superior to those obtained with 2-week frequency. Al- though higher rates of nitrogen may pro- duce a more pleasing appearance and uniform establishment rate, these results show little effect by high rates on strength of mature sod. Likewise, continuous low mowing during the early part of the sod growing operation may not be necessary to produce strong sods. Factors other than sod strength must be considered when developing a sod production pro- gram, however. Of importance are effects of mowing heights and nitrogen fertility on weeds, appearance, diseases, and in- sects, as well as on mechanical harvest- ing and regrowth after harvest. Superior sod strengths were obtained from nitrogen rates of 0.5 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. regardless of whether the applica- tion interval was 2 or 4 weeks. Mowing heights from 1/2 to I in. had little effect on sod strength. The Southern Pine Beetle L. L. HYCHE, Departmenti of ZooLogy-EntomoLogy E P;' I DEMIC (IND IONS l of 67 /andi(tiff cluc'. .-31 million board ft.' of infested saictindibr and 1 12 iion/i)i t'ibic ft. of piuiicool liarvc ies(d inl 191.3. " These (itites froitm surxvev repourts de- scr'uili iii pairt the impact of thle latest tixthi eak of souithierni pine bieetle (DrJ)- t/routtonus froniui; Zirii. Ioin Alabaman foriests. SuIch cctHiiiniC CValu-atious genl ci ally focuis oi the ctirninertiaI fourext.' H oswever, .souttherin pine beetles xxill at- tack all Species of inatixve southiri ineh ts. aiid tifttei infiest x aiial utriees inl iresi- tdenitial aireas an pa Jirks s.'5peci al ly durtin ig o)utbre tak peiodstl. [airge tirees killetd iii these sitiiatii'is cannot be replacetd. and Ilosse s canno tt lie lullsv as se ssed ill ci iii iiierti a fortiiext termns. The southerni pmie beetle ax at pest of ('timlilt'rcial foruest s 1a rec I('eixved c'(isid ti alli ,ttcli~lill thle Ipast, ,iuit is tua - riitlx Iiii studtiedl lx xvariotus fetleiral aint state aii'lteit'x in cluiig Anuiin (Ti i iersitx gicn~iIt uial Expeimeni i t Stita thoul. Kiitxxledge ginetd tto (late pr'ovidets in f ormiat itn hefle it r nieco giiniig beetle actix itx aiid iii tlexeliipiig (guiiteliuies for kiihail f orext arecas. 'T'e adult is, a cx lii uica 1 . redd~ish- browxn i to hli .tk heetle il ou t ls iii. ]l( I lig. I ) . A\ sinilI iieliai gilix e iii tlif firont of the' heatd (coixpitiis iit' I" is ii iis'hil idet'iiLiig thai acteu isti'. Larx'ae adl ptp are cii iespiindii igl FIG. 1. Southern pine beetle adult (malei. ii x t Ii . (Iil i I lii'si i Iii tI( lill)id late. it' igs ieO i Ili c'ile(ijc \ ('iis \\xlihet c l plpi 1 - laitn arei ix , ipiiifeat io aii resencai lv\ toi ntieak pronportionsi, miid large aireas Of dl) cIiQ(1i \ Ilecalthli trees are attack ed. Attacking adi ilts hi re tin 11-nLgh1 theC ointer bairk and construct xx in ding S-shaped egg tunnls or- galleries, char- act ei stic tf this species, fi the ii iii ci lbark (Fig. 2). Eggs are laid singix inl niches at interxvals along eachi side of the galleix . Lairvae ttiniiie axxax froti th'2 inaini gailli x excaxvati ng shoirt in(lixvidu al gal ler ies in te icniei lbark . Pu patin take pl1ace if)ii a iiiall cell at the( endu of cadh I ril l gall ei x . N c\\l Iv tinmed aci IIIt eineirge throu igh t Iie outer bairk leax iii "biori i r id shot-si,'e' exit hides. The life cx dc is conmpleted iii ahout :30 (lax ainid fonr to six gei ieratixn nia octcutr per xYeai ill Alabamia. Soiuthierin pil icctlc actixvity begiins ill sprig (late MIairch to late Apiril ill t~c' Anlinil ii i iitx itiid com tfllesii ilti i FIG. 2. Galleries of southern pine beetle in inner bark. teiier. Tle lbectle cix ei itei x ill 11l staucx of (lix lopiliel it ill titheiier i l]\ of hlost tieexs. Iv ieriist cx iiiice of in- festationu otteil i iited is the chaniige ill tillirdtiioi (if ti cc toliage. Nceedles ill in- I ixtetl tree's fiirst hintixilix thein ireddiishi I(lxx ii. lIn xiiurinei cotlorl dialwiC ilax he 'x ieiit xxithini 2 to :3 xxecks lollixx ingr ,,itck. Croxx tis tlox e)\(,xx\ i I Itei Ili ti tcx ttack~id in) late siiiici aiit fall] iiiax I iniii gi (c'i uiitil late xxinter or earIx spbg.Fiitliei cx itleuic of iiifcxtdtionu is tle piresenice oif iio is xnmall xx litisli gltihilexc of ri ii (plitchl tubes) ahtuit 1 Ill. io tlianictei , onl the( harlk at poiiits ofl beetle eiitrx' (Fig. 1) . Thesce ai e gTell cidal\ chairaicteiistic tif sotenii pinle bet te attaick all(] id Ilii' 1ta ,,ileld iliel tile tiriuik firon fx et .iiii \\ qjaore gynui' lcxvel 11p tii the loxx ei ciroxxn. lPiiii w xeaikeiie ictl fiindter stress il-e higll sixceptible to attack bx siiutherin piii' hectic ;1id( otheri pinle lbiik beft.'x. Teesx ill poipilatied iia high use ai (as ii~ ixftell ill such ciiintitiiii(fdle to inijury iii coinitirictioin of horres, roiads, streets, sidexxalks, public utility lines, and geni- eiral aurea ui bx mn.~u To u educe tho FIG. 3. Pitch tubes beetle entry. ani bark at points of chaniices of dcilux inenuiiit of beetle iiitcx tatiiu s, trics shotuild he kept iii a vigorouis di ld iii iiiiiiuiu'td coiiditioii. Sonme gnide- hunes to Itiltixx aie: if prac'tical, StI 1 ) 1 il xx ater to x aliabl tres dIIII ing (1i-ought lieriids ixvoid iinrx to truiiks and root xx tciii if) coinstruct ion of hii iiex, roads, etc.; iniiiil thle Ilse tif lueaVx \ ur i mieit iicar tuecs inl iiainuteinance od parks iid icieation areas: keep prnnug of g(cii limits tii a iiniinti. hut if printing is, ie,ssil x (1(o oulix ill xx iiutcr iniiiitus, andit axoi tiile cxce of stuadaurd pole ciih- cis on tirunks of green fiecs its at geeral priactice, iiuake ioutinue iinspictionsx for xigns of heetle attack. Iiifestatioin lbx anx one of scveida spe- ties of pine bairk bicetles miay pri dce xx mlptoix ill trees xtinexx at similar to Itlose ca used lbx souither pci ine biic eetle. Whl xx mptolis tif heetle attack appeau, as er tain ~ tIile pri nia ii, 'p ciex responi s ilei. It soiutherin pinie bieetle is iiixolxved, iii specct tile area i a i etill v, dIeterine u tbI exteint iif tile' iiifct'Stili anidt cut all] ill- hI'xt('t trees 1)1 ii. All fellied Ia ci ial shiolil d the I bi e in tnpt l\ remioxved f ront it i premiiises ofi the 1broiol d ue the biairk dexti ox et. Broodits mnay he tdc stiox' \elld lix liiiig, if Pr actical, or spray- iiig iinfestetd umaterial xxithi 0.5% lindtauuo inl fuel oil. All log surfaces shiouild lie spraxc eto ptinuit of runouuff'. FIt, oil xwill iijuuu foliaige (if iiiaix plants and xxater shiioltd he suibstitiitedl for iiil fi the spray or iiupur' ofi nearbv 01riiainei tah planits is likelx to he at problem11. ALTERNATIVE LEASE OPTIONS for FARMERS H. A. CLONTS, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology F ARM TENANCY in 1975 is attracting attention of Alabama farmers as it did in 1925. Leases today vary little from those years back; yet farming today bears little resemblance to farming in 1925. Only a small proportion of farm op- erators utilize a full share-tenant arrange- ment today. The full-owner-operator class of farmers is the largest tenure group. However, few people realize that the majority of farm products are produced under a management system involving some sort of land lease arangement. Alabama farmers generally have lim- ited knowledge of the effects leasing has on net farm income. This includes op- erators using the more popular cash lease or the traditional share arrangements. Farm problems: of recent years which stem from crop and livestock prices may also extend to the contracts under which land use is achieved. For example, in 1974 many farmers may have paid cash rents for land use which exceeded net income per acre. These types of rental contracts are fixed instruments which al- low little or no rent variation from year to year. Traditional crop share contracts allow for more sharing of poor prices be- tween landlords and tenants. However, equity disadvantages to tenants may over- ride gains from sharing. Is there a better alternative for leas- ing? Can cash rents be adjusted to allow for price and yield variations? Many share-lease landlords say they have al- ready achieved this adjustment by ac- cepting the cash value of their crop share rather than the commodity. In part, this is correct. If cash rents are adjusted for price and yield variations, a quasi-share rent arrangement results. Differences in traditional share leases, cash leases, and a procedure for adjust- ing cash leases are being examined by the Auburn University Agricultural Ex- periment Station. Data for the tests are from actual farm production activities on the Auburn University owned Gilbert Farm. This unit is being rented to a com- mercial farmer under a proposal to ex- amine effects of alternative lease ar- rangements on farm income, production efficiency, and capital equity. During the first 5 years of the project actual rental arrangements were cash agreements. However, three alternative cash plans were tested. Additional alter- natives, such as various share plans, were simulated using actual farm data and traditional lease terms. During the first 2 years of operation under review, a 1-year simple cash plan was used. This plan was followed by a 5-year compre- hensive contract based extensively on prevailing government cotton and feed grain programs. After 8 years of this plan, changes in government programs required adjustments in the contract. Thus, a variable cash rent plan based on previous yields and rents and current farm prices was initiated. Results of the various alternatives thus far show that on the average farm land- lords and tenants receive more net in- come under an equitable cash plan than under traditional crop-share plans. Tra- ditional livestock-share plans, which ac- tually are 50-50 partnerships, showed no income disparity to either party. Income disparities under simulated crop-share conditions were rather heavily biased toward landlords. The most important element under all alternatives seemed to be the security offered tenants under a long-term (5- year) plan. In conjunction with a 5-year lease, a program was initiated to reim- burse the tenant for the undepreciated value of any investments made during his tenure, but remaining at the termina- tion of the contract. Without the certainty of time and un- depreciated investment recovery, re- source exploitation by both tenant and landlord would be common. In fact, ex- tensive data on numerous farms under 1-year cash or traditional share leases confirm this fact. Liming, terracing, cover crops, etc. are frequently avoided to reduce costs in the short-run. Obvi- ously the long-run implication of such action is an income reduction. A new lease alternative was employed in 1974 and 1975 based on price and yield variations. The extreme cotton price fluctuations of recent years caused con- cern about a fixed cash price each year. The current plan is as follows: The leasee agrees to pay cash rent on land in cotton using the formula. 1 Average rent paid per acre of land dur- ing a 3-year moving base period aver- age cotton lint price per pound during the same period X price of lint per pound on November 15 of the respective crop year. Average rent base period Average lint price for base period pounds of lint charges as rent per acre in following year Pounds of lint charged as rent X mar- ket price November 15 = cash rent per acre. This system has the advantage of ad- justments for price changes. Also, land- lords and tenants share in the crop. Thus, a partial return to sharing is achieved, but without traditional encumbrances. Disadvantages include problems asso- ciated with an absence of historical cash rents and possibly some rental instability during the first 2 or 8 lease years. How- ever, setting maximum and minimum rents can resolve these problems. Results of the variable cash plan are not conclusive, yet promise of a more equitable plan is evident. In any farm situation operators and landlords should be alert to new procedures which will increase equity, efficiency, and income to both parties. Perhaps this plan can do that for some farms. :'Similar plans may be developed for other crops. Also details on base years and cotton grade must be specified. 15 Experimental plots of peanut disease research at the Wiregrass Substa- tion. C 1 Ill, I t I l It -A I) \1B WK itt (C 111 ts a rclatixeN nltexx disease ofi peatnuts cautsedl b1 the soil-bort c mu guts ('ijliin- dItociino cro10alas'. Ti s inid kIious dislxease has spread stead- ily throuighoutt the peat iut gt 055it g area oil the Easternt States fot the past decade. At pt cxci it it Causes substanitial x ieli losses to girossers ill \irgitiia atud( Notrth Cat olitia. III the field, CBI{ is readilv recogiziaisle lby an initial pale discolora - tioti ofleaxves itt affected1 planits, xxhicb also hav e a xx ilted appearanice and num- ci ots, brick-red, small, spore-producing structures onl pegs, pods, and stems at or near the soil line. Roots and pegs de- celop a black tot thsat results in death of the platit. ('BR was first idenutifiedl in Alabama irs 1972 in peanult fields at the Wiregrass Substation near Headland. Since no method of control for this dis- ease is knoxvn, experimensts we re con- ducted at the Substation during the 1973 and 1974 seasons to evaluate vatrious soil treatments for control. Plots of four 33-ft. rows were established in areas heavily infested with the paathogen. Applications xvere made 3 wveeks before planting, at plan~tin~g, and at blooming time. Each treatment was replicated seven times and plots xvere arranged in a completely ran- domized block design. Data on dfiseaseI incidence xvere collected 1 xveek befotre harvxest by counting the number of i oxx let gths (1 ft. or less) that xvere affected 1)x the disease. Yield data xwere obtainer] from txvo center rowvs in each plot;, these~ data could not be obtained in 1973 be- cause of adverse weather conditions. Txvo broadspectrum materials, sodium azide and Vapam, see table, resulted in sign ificant r eduictions in dlisease and in- cessinl yield, xwhlereas the fungicides rerraclor, Ten aclor-Stiper X, Demosan, atE] timtc Des BCP and Furadan failed to reduce disease or increase yield. Comini ations of preplatit and lXost-emer- gel ce applications of sodium azide gave the highest rediuction in dlisease. ]1n 1974, sodium azide wxas the only material that resulted iii signtificantly higher vie 1 Is than the con trol wvhen it was applied preplatit at rates higher than 36 lb. per acre aid wh'len preplant and post-emer- getice applications wxere combined. Our- results indicate that few materials are effective iii reducinig CR on pea- huits. The only treatment xvith potetitial for control of CI3R was sodium azide in aI single post-emergence application at 12 lb. active per acre or possibly this treatment combined with a preplatit ap- plicationi at rates beloxw those used In these exper iments. CONTROL of CYLINDROCLADIUM BLACK ROT of PEANUTS in Alabama R. RODIGUEZ-KABANA and P. A. BACKMAN Department of Botany and Microbiology LEFFECT OF SOIL TRESArML-1i'S ON THlE INCDitliNS OF CYLINissOr LADIumx BLACK ROT IN FLOnUNNER PEANUTS DURING THE 1973 AND 1974 SEASON Treatment Con trol Sodium azidl( Sodium azide Sodium azile ---- Sodium sizirl Sodium azicdc Sodiusm azile --- Sodium azide----- Vapam _n _ Rate per acre Disease incidence Preplant Plant lPost 1973 1974 Mean Lb. Lb. Lb. No. No. No. 36 48 60 36 48 60 t0 38 gal. 3.3 2.1 1.3 0.50"" 0.3"" 1.0"* 1.10 Yield / acre Lb. 3,7.56 4,121 4,3280" 4,3)4* 4 4,308" 4,242"" 4,072 4,114 tigures represenst averages of 7 plots and those with asterisks were significantly (diffteett from the control in the same columni. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA 36830 R. Dennis Rouse, Director PUBLICATION-Highlights of Agricultural Research 6/75 1 OM Penulty for Private Use, $300 0o 1875 I1975 r m 0 -q/ /LcT5\ POSTAGE PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGR 101 THIRD CLASS