V I VOL. 22, NO. 1/SPRING 1975 of agricultural research AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION/AUBURN UNIVERSITY R. Dennis Rouse, Director Auburn, Alabama DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS TWO YEARS AGO il this columin I revic\ed accoiiplishliilcils (of the Nation's agricultural experimnent stations. At the smle tillme, I told a1)bout the needs for relocatilng and modtlernizing Aullbllor's \lai Station field research facilities. 'ui , the Go\erlor , IIt h(] lI I is-e I lature responded to our request for capital improvement futnds. low Wxe are using these funds is reported iii the page 3 sketch describing majol land acquisitions and plans for its use We are proceeding as rapidly ias po, sible within limits of funds, planni architects, and construction. I am co- fident we are developing the kind otf researchl facility that Alabama needs. The year 1975 is a special one - fthe Centennial Year of the agricultural experiment station svstem. To recolg- nize the beginnillg of this great ilove- ment, the Experiment Stations' Sec- tion of the National Association of R. DENNIS ROUSE State Universities and Land Grant Colleges in its 1972 meeting resolved "That this significant National Centennial be celebrated in 1975 with appropriate ceremonies and other commemorative acts." One hundred years ago fertilizer was coming into use but farmers had no way of knowing whethier it was rich Peruvian guano or a worthless imitation. The first report issued by the first agricultural experiment station (Connecticut) was an evaluation of a fertilizer being sold by Pollard Brothers Manufacturers and D)ealers in hI- proved Fertilizer. The product was being offered for sale at 832 per ton, but the report said its analy sis showed total plant food content of 4% and a value of $1.03 per ton - "not worth barreliing. In a recent address, Dr. James J. llorsfall, Director Emeritus of the Connecticut Station. compared conditions inl England inl 1798 with conditions in coastal United States in 1875 and now in 1975. lie concluded that relative food supplies are not greatly different today. There were five options itn 1798 and 1875, and the same five exist in 1975. 1. Export surplus people. This could be done in 1798 and 1875, but it is not an attractive alternative in 1975. 2. Inhibit reproduction of population. This is perhaps less of a "no-no" now than in 1798 or 1875. 3. Prohibit export of food. This option is being talked of today, but it proved impractical in 1798 and 1875. Such a dangerous option would require considerable care. 4. Go industrial anti buy food. This, like option one, has mnuch less possibility than in 1798 anld 1875. 5. Imoprove agriculture. This was the best option in 1875 aind appears best for 1975. Interest in scientific approaches to agricultural production showed great increase when agricultural experiment stations had their start. Over the 100 years since, the Alabama Station (established iti 1883) and those of other states have set a pace for agricultural production that has brought leaders and students from every nation in the world to learn our system. If we are to achieve another breakthrough, the attitude of so- ciety must again change as in 1875. Society as a whole should recognize agriculture as a noble profession. Farmers should eln- courage their brightest sons anld daughters to studv agriculture. A much higher priority must be assigned to agricultural research. Agricultural production and agricultural research have both worn the yoke of surplus production for over 20 years. Now there is talk about shortages and the need for a "reserve." If we are againl to hear the accolades of reserves of food, increased emphaillsis mullst bie placed on agricultural research. m y wce intrzodcce ... Dr. (Cale A. Buchanan, author of the story oil page 6, has gained national and international recognition for his weed control research at Auburni. I I has tti;ide malinV contributions to the field of weed science througli leadership roles in tie \VWeed Science Socicty of America, and currentlv is editor of W1rcds Todlay, a quarterly magazine of WVSSA. His research on herbicidal weed control in cotton, peanuts, soybeans. and other crops has provided useful inforlaltion to farmers of Alabama and the Southeast. A native of 'Madison Counlty, Florida, Buchanan came to Auburn 10 years ago after completinig his doctoral study at Iowa State Universitv. He is associate professor in the Department of Agron- omy and Soils. Buchanan was an honor student at University of Florida, where he received his B.S.A. degree in 1959 anid M.S.A. in 1962, both xviti majors in agronomy. He was namned the outstanding student iin agronllomy at University of Florida, where lie was honored by membership in Phi Eta Sigma, CamIa Sigma Delta, arnd Scabbard and Blade, honor societies, and was president of the Agronomy Club. lie currentl holds the rank of Major in the Alabanma National Guard. HIGHLIGHTS of Agricultural Research SPRING 1975 VOL. 22, NO. I A quarterly report of research published by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. R. DENNIS ROUSE CIrAS. F. SIMMONS- T. E. CORLEY E. L. McGRA w R. E. STEVENSON RoY ROBERSON Director Assistant Director -Assistant Director ...... . Editor Associate Editor .Assistant Editor Editorial Advisory Committee: O. L. CHIAMBLSs, Associate Professor of Horti- culture; H. S. LAHSEN, Associate Professor of Forestry; EARL L. WIGGINS, Professor of Animal and Dairy Sciences, AND E. L. McGRAW. Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. ON THE COVER. Apple color development resulting from ethephon spraying is illus- trated by a comparison of green fruit from untreated tree (in hands) and red fruit on treated trees. See story on page 4. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH FOR THE FUTURE ROY ROBERSON, Department of Research Information The E. V. Smith IN AN EFFORT to further help Alabama and the world to produce more food and fiber, the Agricultural Experiment Station at Auburn has undertaken an extensive upgrading and modernization program, which will be highlighted by the transfer of field research facilities for field crops, fruit, nut, and vegetable crops, dairy and beef cattle nutrition and management, and beef cattle and swine breeding to a tract of 3,200 acres of recently purchased farmland about half way between Auburn and Montgomery. The new land is located on Interstate Highway 85, with access from the Tuskegee-Franklin and Tallassee-Shorter Exits. The land will provide adequate acreage for the de- velopment of team research. The animal units there will be serviced by a modern feed mill and adequate land for the production of forage for feeding. Research Center With the transfer of these research areas to the new land, an upgrading of Main Station research facilities will b. possible. A Forest Products Lab is being constructed and the Poultry Farm, which was constructed in 1924, is being replaced by a new Poultry Science Field Laboratory. In a cooperative project with the Alabama Farm Bureau Federa- tion, a new swine research facility is being constructed. In addition to these new facilities more land will be made avail- able for forestry, wildlife, and fisheries research. These improvements, necessitated by continual University expansion, the inadequacy of soil and topography for re- search, and the obsolescence of field facilities, are an invest- ment in the future. It's an investment that is geared to ensure continued progress in all phases of research, and thus in the production of food and fiber that is so vital to us all. I,,,, I I I , d- I ~L-Kc~c~r///lll I II.I I !I I II.~ Growth Regulator Sprays Improve Color, Quality of Alabama Grown Apples W. A. DOZIER, JR. Department of Hticulture W. A. GRIFFEY, H. E. BURGESS, and E. L. MAYTON* Piedmont Substation A StLt. I it' TO TIHit PIuiiLEtM Of' pol color developmnt oif Alabama apples mav he just arounid the cornuer. Spr ay ing xwithi a grossth regulator has effectivelv inieased red color wshiile speediog up maturity atid enihancinig eatinig quality itt Auburn U 1' ixersits Agrietilturial Experimntt Stationi tests. Overcoming Climate Effects R~ed Delicious appfles i toritally teach mintimumtutnatut ity for hatvs t iii cetral Alabamia by August 18-24, depeniditig on year anid straini of Red Delicious. Iii most years, howxever, fruit color is pol atld xwashed out at this time atid does not meet the standcards for high Fedrtal grade. Thbis p)oor color and quality wxipes out the marketing adsvatitage that Alata gi OwSers Slihold enjtox bicau se of catrlier apple mna totity tbhall iii competing areas. fit efforts to oxvercomie the color problem caused by the South's hot climiate, foliar spray s of etbiephoti, (2 ililoroetltyl) pliospliotic acidi, xxecie evaluated at the Piedmnt aSub- statioti, Camp H1ill. Rates lip to I ,000) ppm,1 wet t tried, each xvith 2) ppmi 2,4.5-Tit added tit prevenit frit (1101. coicutaioll, 200 2501 ---- 300 Fi inness, lb). 18.7 18S.1 18.0) 18.7 18.0) Pct. soluible' 11.5 11.8 II .9 12.1 12.0 11 i xiirfacc color P0t. Pct, of siili(l surface blush 5/i , red 25 71 38 80) 318 79 51 86 66 92 Fruit froml trees 5Jpiax 'ed wxith 300) i. 1. etI 11 ) xxc imature at id ready f01 harvxest 8 (ax .xN afte ret catm en t. Noll11 trea tcd frit d(id rItot reach thle same lexvel o)f co lot a tid iia- tiiritv unttil 12 daysx laterthdati treated ftruit. Mollies Delicious Sensitive The early ripet Pt Mo Itllites D el iciou hi as good eatiniig il Ial- itv, hot ft develops poori clor. TIiis xvarietx xxas f otuid to be highly respotnsixve to etbepliot malkin g it i lcessat x to s low et concenitrations of spi ,i to prexvcint frutit datnage. Rates as high as 300 ppm. were tried with \lollics De- liciouis, but 75-151) ppm. gave best results. Jutly~ 6 applica- tiont (2 wveeks before atnticipated harvest) gave hest r esults wxithi the 75-150) ppm. rtes. The 151) ppm. tate einhaticed ted color, soluble solids, atid matut its, but decreased fitrtmtess. As xx ith sprays fot Red Delicious, a stop drop treamet xwith 20 jp.m. 2,4,5-TP was Used wxith the etlieplitn. Rates higheri than 15(0 ppm. itt sprays causedl rapid iii- tetrnal hireakdoxxni of M~ollies Delicious ftruit. Iii some Nears maoiv of the fruit treated xvith 300 anid 225 ppm, had in- ternsal breakdoxvn 8-11) days after treattoctit; xwibh 151) 1)1)1., this effect rarelv showed even after 16 days. Apples treated xx ith 150 ppm. xwere ready for harv est 8-101 days after treat- mtent, xwhereas ioti-treated apples had not recached the sm mmatritv even after 11-13 additionial (laxs. Effect of ethephot il 0Molhies Delicious is illuistirated liy tile data below: Etbephlon conenutratin, 0- 10 225 Q)uality ico i rt Pct. lirinei, stolble lb. sobls 20.2 101.6 16.3 12.8 16.1 12.8 15.3 1:3.5 15.3 12.8 Red suorface ciiloir Pct. Pcrt. of xolid siurfce blush eta tred 4 2(0 :34 65 4:3 7:3 4:3 7:3 4.5 76 Curt cut results indicatc that \follies Declicious should tiot be treated with rates hiighicr thani 7.5-1.5(1 p.p.ti. etlitphttt at P should lbe liarsvested 10-12 days after treatmten t. Effectiveness of etliephon sprays on color development of Red De- licious apples is illustrated by this contrast. Green apples are being held alongside fruit on tree that was sprayed with 300 p.p.m. ethephon 8 days earlier. Red Delicious Responded Frtit diamage resuiltedi from s 1 )ra ,%, of .5001ppil etlitlilit, )ut (Oli enutrat iota, up to :30(0 p. p.m. xx ere sale at initpr)1ox ed color aiid quality . August (6 application at a rate of :300) p.p.m. gTaxC biest t exults. Red (0101 dcx elopitici t x ax greCatly ell- halced, xx ith ilicreases iii iitcisitv of color , area of frufit wxithi .sol id red bldush , ao d total surf ace area of fri t wi th redl coltor. Fruit quiality' an td m atuinty xwere als xim tproxved, alt houigh there wxax a slight decrease in irmn11eoss, ax slhown i 1 tell xs: New Vegetable Varieties Evaluated for Production in Alabanma Gardens JL.TURNER and HARRISON BRYCE, Dept of Hortiulture MARLIN HIOLLINGSWORTH, North Alabama Horticulture Substation U IIi CA-l)IENIN(. is ill. People who hax e unexver gai deuied b~efo~re are joininlg the erowd c to "grow their own fo Iod andl enjoly garden fresh v egetables. Auburn Uiversity Agricultuiral Expeirimeiit Statjiii i., ixlp- polrting this interest wvith continu~ed research in mlalix ploixex of vegetable procductioii. Ani important part of this reseni (i ivailety testinig, a fiirsl step iii dectermiiiing the potential ol niewv or inmpiroved v egetables for adaptability to Alabama. Fertilization and liiniiig of the bell pepper. eggplanit, awi eabbage xvairiety trials rep~ortecd xx ere onl the b~asis of ineecds as shlowxn lby Soil tests. Soil wxas tireated foi nemaitodes, anid xpi ax ig cdonie as iieeessarv for inlsect antI disease coiitro~l. The p lotsx \xeie iriigated ax inceded thri oughoiut the seasoni. Bell Pepper. Calif orniia WVonder 3001) N I cur -v, and M id- xx ax P prodcled good x ields of large, xxell shiaped frusit, Table 1\lMost v arieties produe(d pods wxith -3-4 lobes ceh. E\- ceptioiis were Canape, Earl\ Bountiful, and Hybrid No. 19. wxhich had 2-3 lobes; Pick-A-Peek, xwhich most oftenl had 2) lobes; anti 'Yolo WXondier 1, a 3-lobe variety'. (Pods xwithi I lohex aie econxider ed inure desirable for stuflig peppers sinci.e thev stand oii end imorxe easily than the 2- or 3-lohe type.) Pod wxall thickness xvas 6-7 tum for all v arieties exeept C:anape and Worlhi Beater, xxhieh measured 5 inm. Small fruited v arieties Carnape, Hvbrid No. 19, Pick-.\ Peck, and WVorldl Beater prorduced more pods per plant thai the large fruited v'arieties. All v'arieties procduced additionial pods that xxere considleredl uiniirketable by present stai il ards, but xvbich wvere suitable for home use. Several v arieties that torn red early could be desirable fori addiinig col or to sal ads oi o t hei dlishes. Eggplant. Jersey King Hybrid and Peerless Hybrid are simn il ar and ibo ith pertfoirmed xxell. F arx [teaustx lixbrid eoil]( he consiidere o lrniamental siince it has a heax ilx\ pigmented purple plant. Other varieties iii Table 2 also viedr well. Spines are characteristic of egglitaidocroi h ri stem andi plant Earl , BeasutY Hybrid andr Loiig Purple wxere almost free ofi spines. Hybrid Cabbage. Jet Pak has been the earliest miaturinlg hlYbrid. Tabl~e :3. Green Box' and Tastie produced large heads aiid Stonebead conlsistenthx' produced small bead". Eaik cuesttin g is clone wvhen mnore green leaves are desii ci. Leav ing in the garden longer than the days reportedl li hiarvest perniits these v arieties to produce large beads. Slote b xbrid s tend to lbe uiform in m atilrii ig. planting mnore thlli oii e variety wvould extend the harvestinig pxeriocd. All hy brids xx'ere harvested only once, xxhereas Bounrd Dutch wxas bar- vested thre'e timies. TABL COD.1 E:~lF Ciiliir-L light green, G greeni. l); (lark green, B( - blue greculi, P) purple, B -veix (lark purple tha t coildc be conxi due bl 11ack, IDP (lark pu- ple, PB purple toi blaick, and LP light plimple eye' appeal aIl(I plant x igir-l \ ery poor, 2 -poor, :3 fair, 4 =good. an] .5 -exc'llilt; Sipe R round, E elongated, and 0 -oxval; season-F early, I midlxeaxion, and L -- lali TABLE 1. BELL PEPPER VARSIETY TRIAL, NORTH ALABAxIA HORSTICULTURIE SUBSTATION, CLLMAN, 1973-74 Vrev Pods Pod Fruit Eye Pod Pod plant wveight color appeal length wxidlth California \Vonder- California \Voncler .30(0 Calnape Delawxare Belle Eairly Bountifl \lidxkaNi N1 lxx Belle Pick- A-Peek 'Titan Txx illex' Bx Pack \Vild( Beater Yo1)1 S(Iclet Pak Yolo \\'oidei L No. LI). In, In. 5.5) 0.27 G :3 2.75 2.75 ;3.00 .3.001 :3.7 - 2.25 :3.25 :.00 01) :3.001 Txii 2 c.i s;i L\I xlIIIiIA TIAiL. Noin .\LmiAxxi llnii~s iioSt-isi.\lioN ci x 19177-1 Fruiit Varot\ x pcr p1:11iii Black Ma~it Itin kniti' Ix I\ riil lix brox Ea.,rl\ lBuaiitx I I\ Iirii Flornida I tigliluilx Floridla Market lxbrid No. 214 Jeirsey KiM- I lbric Pcerlt Ix ki bii si C ii t ( )li t Plxi NVo. Lb. 8 L0 1 1) 2.5 BI 2 8 lI. 19 2.5 Bt :3 10 . ,, It 4.5 E1' 12 1.015 D)1' 3.5 0 :3 1:1 .5 6 1I) 2.5 (4 5 8 1.0() roi ;, 0 :3.5 (6 197 I, :3.5 :3 8 1. 16 I' 2.5 R4 3.5 12 .81 I, 4.5 14. .3:.5 .5 . 32 ITE 2.5 E, -1.5 94 1.1.5- 1 :3.0) ( 2 94 .9.5 ) :3.0 0) 2 1I .871 DP1 1.5 E 2 6 1414 Fill .1.5 0 2 I runv ii ,5 tixx to 01)10. TI nci:3. 1ioi (500I xiMA; \i~i ix liiixi At ic n\, 197:3-74 Varict\ ~ ~ ~ Cooxesn F N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ piipxeaal (cirS (reeni IBov I fciriaster lI Ir-ulix lit Paik Kilt Cole Nlitiket Pize MIarki t Toippir lPrinii Pak IBoilnd tc Ilo \ cili 8,ibih stheiili i iTixtii' :' ). -1.0)T .3.16 .3.3 1 :3.54 :1.29) . 72 .3.7 8 2.881 4.17' laniit I 4.5 719 1.0) 80 4.5 863 :3 80 4.0) 71)0 4.5 75 4.5 81 * , 16 -1.5 8.3 1,5 8 5 1.5 .80 1.0) 76 4.0 7.5 3.5 7 $6 19)74 data only. - ot a lxx )111. 19T l dittit onk Sege Tis profpertY alone w ould make them xx elcoine adiditions to available cot- ton herbicides. Perfluidoiie and norfiurazon have been - evaluated for 4 years or longer by the Au- 4 -W hn n University Agricultural Experiment tion. Fil -xeiments xxere con- L andl onxLpce duted on Decatur clay loam at the Tell / a csedvaloam at the Pratvil Epxi eiiet Field. Predomninanit weed species ini test ar-eas incue ag rbrs TOfootgi ass, pr ickly sida, redroot pilg- %x cd, morningglorics, and Pennsylv ania smnartxveed. Control of annual grasses wxas essen- 4, tially complete wxith rates of perfinidone IS low as 1.5 lb). per acre. For broardleaf wxeeds, however, rates lower thai .3.0 lb). we re not s.atisfactorv (control measured at end of season). Pertluidone caused substantial stunt- ing of cotton, particularly at rates of 3.(0 1) er acre or highier. this stunting re- Ile in shorter pl anits at harv est but D ESTUN and (ld..ot redluce Yield of cotton, Table I. ZORIAL - With norfliiazon, a r ate of 1 11). per acre was usually sufificient for satisfactory control of annual grass weeds as meas- ured at end of season. Rates loxver than 3 lb). provided less than complete con- trol of broadleaf weeds, however. This herbicide performed about the same wh~eni applied eithier as preeinctgenee or preplant incorporatedi treatments. Cotton tolerated rates of noi finrazon as high as 4.0 lb). per acre xvithout ad- verse effects onl groxxth or yield. Weed competition in time test fields5 wssevere, reducing cotton yield by 0% wvithout herbicide treatment or mnechaiii- cal cultivation, There wxas no y~ield re duction from xveeds xvhen as much as 2 lb. per acre of norfiurazone xvas usedl without cultivation. Y ields wvere as hig~h as when wveed competition xvas dimo mnated by cuiltivation, Cotton is generally more tolerant (If norfiurazon than (If perfhiione. Nor- finrazone also gives better broadleaf wxeedi coniitre. TI, si 1 . EFFEC irOF PBEEMrGuENC j Ai' i'LirAl io\- OF PELIDN iiONr ox X IF CON 1-1(1)1 CROP REFSPONSE, AND) COTon x Xiio) AxFiiAcr (OF rNwo LOCAT IONS FOB -1 Yi AiS New Herbicides for Use in Cotton GALE A. BUCHANAN, ROBERT D. McLAUGHLIN, and GERALD C. WEED Dept. of Agronomy and Soils F On THE~ FIRST 'ii \E ill almost a dec- arde, thmere is sonmethinig newv in preemer- geimee herbicides foIC cotton. TXwo herbi- cidles scheduled for 11ar1keting iii 1975 (or t976 differ xxirlelv in chemnical struc- ture from all currentlx used cotton hmerbi- cides. Both offer some newv herbicidlal properties. Thme twvo newx materials are: (1) pci- fluirlone (1,1,1 -triflnoro-N-[2neth 1-4- phenvlsulfonv I) phenvl] inetliai esil- fomiamide) , xx iieb wvill be sold nli- (lie tradle narne DestUnl; air 1 (2) iiorflliraIom (4-crlo(-5-(mtllnii 2(aaati flrioro in - tolX I) -3 - (211) -pyridazinone), haxving the trade name of Zorial. The two I chemicals are similar in sevecial re- spects: bloth am e fornmulated as xvettable p)ow\ders, 1bodth are applied to thle soIil surtface, and bIo thl are actixve again st am- nual grass and nmanyv broadleaf xxweed species. Ali imporant advxaint age (If tle nexyv hlerbicidies is their actix itY againlst nut- Lb. per acre We ons per liidofe Grass B ICA~ Preernergence ,\,onie 1.0 1.5 2.0 3(0 4.0 8.0 Preplant No(ne 1 (0 2.1) :3.0 4.0) 665 1.34 11 113 (0 M 1 18 1 5 1 6 0 6 inlcorporatedI 5(09 74.3 44 297 (0 198 5 22 2 7 Pca. XVI cot(ntro 1 " Grass Broadleaf Early Late Early Late Seed Crop inuy cotton/acre in~iUn- Early Late Culti- cUn~ Luet x td V'ted No. No. Pct. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Lb. LI). None ----- 413 4(14 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,844 311 1.5 __-__- 69 76 97 83 71 39 10 16 2.0 ------- 25 20.3 99 96 73 40 5 6 2,057 2,139 2.5 - ----- 19 161 100 96 88 4:3 6 6 :3.0 ----- 2.3 1:38 99 98 82 50 26 3 -- 4.0 ------- 10 117 100 98 93 82 19 15 1,750 1,828 6.0 -------- 5 20 100 96 99 91 25 34 2,007 2,046 8.0 -- ____ ------ 1 -44- 100 10(0 100 96 32 21 1,944 1,727 TA1BLE 2. EFFiC r Oi(F PRELXIFRa(.NCc AND PREPLANT INCORP~ORATED APPLICATIONS OFI Tol~ es ON ox WED CONTROL, CROP RESPONSE. AND YIELD OF Co'i ION. AVERAGEx~ OF~ [XXI LOCmATIONS FOR 5 YEARS Lb1. per acre-N cdclns 11(1 liiran Cis', Broad- leaf I~ct.X~re coltroSeed( Put.wee cotro" Crp ililryn cotton/acre Grass Broadileaf Carop Lte I t*-lr 1 n Earlx; Late Erx lI Earl y Late Culti-l clii- xied X ,ltecl Lb. Lb. 2,799 3,028 :3,17 7 4,08.3 :3,097 2,499 :3,179 2,645 3),637 :3,655 1 N niber (If wecdX per 80 ft. of row, 12-in, band. 20 110 colltrol: 100 colliplete colntroll. 0 110 injury; 100 I.Inplete kill. :355 2,461 2,722 3,889 3,387 224 2,460 2,781 3,500 :3,5.39 No. No. Pct. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pct. WDNEXPOSED to equal infestation s of insect pests, mainly the cowpca curculjo, some southernpea varieties suffer much less damage than others. This resistance is believed to result from physical and/i 0 chemical factors in the pods or peas. Po(1 thickness or the position of peas in thec pod may prevent curculio from reachiig the peas or the larvae fromn surv iving while the lack of chemical attractanits iii the pod~s may make them less attractix to insects and discourage their feeding. To determine the importance of the chemical attractanit or feeding stimulant factor, a variety of lahoratory experi- ments was conducted at Auburn Uni- versity Agricultural Experiment Station. (luring the sunmers of 197:3 and 74. (in- TAB~LE- 1. Ci BLULII) FEE DING RESPONSE TREE PODS PER DISH' arey Punctures 1 Feed CBE 612 246 858 .Ala. 963.8 597 145 742 CR122-2-21 376 'One pod each of tli culios per iih-fed 24 -27 trials, 6 replication "Average feeding hol min. Larger pod surfai estimatedi as multiples holes. TABL E 2. CuncULio F (ONE POD PE Varietx Punctures h CBE 69 Ala. 963.8 227 CR22-2-21 173 ' Fifteen Curculios pic starved 24 hrs. 17 tria Aug. 1973. ' Average feeding hole Larger pod surfaces cc matedi as innltiples oft 2: TABLE 3. FEEDING RES CCcuSios\ AGARn HOT WXATEI5 EXThAC -S' IOI(NIA BLACKEL, A CR22-2-21 Sou' Feed V5arinety Puniiti CBE :38.2 Ala. 96:3.8 10.4 CR22-2-21 9.0 Control (agar only) 0 'Agar plogs inade xxi pods wxith pcis remoxved "Fifteen cilrellis pCI starsved 24 hirs.-3 trials, 197. 4 IT77, IXSECT RESISTAXT SQI'THERNPEAS MAY LACK CHEMICAL ATTRACTANTS KENNETH S. RYMAL and OYETTE L. CHAMBLISS Department of Horticulture 1652 58 -ciulio larv ae wvere collected as thev e S v, ar. Tenii c- cmnergcd fromr infested peas aiid were lirs., starved 24 irs, placed in conltainiers of soil. III ab~out 2(0 sAug. 1973. dax s iiexl mre dut eec IC diameter waS 2') mrgdaut x r o ces cosue cNrc lected aocd placed io plastic containers of 2 Rum (liarnetel wxith fresh pea pods or wxith filter paper tubes containing agar and hot -x ater ex- tracts of the pods as showxn iii the illimstra- LEDINI. RESPONSE tion. Pod Punctures and feeding rlamage is Disn ) to fresh pod surfaces, or punctures iii filter Feed paper tubes xvere counited daily arid ex- les2 (F If) Fit P 1 )erfiments wvere repeated evecry other day for about 3 wveeks. Table 1 shoxws cuir- 90 1.3 1 culio feeding response to fresh southern- 49 0.22/1 17 0.44/ peas wxheln they xx ere given a choice of the California Blackexe (CBE) varietx, r dish--fed 24 firs. Aa 963.8, or CR 22-2-21 reedin~g line's. Is,.34 eplcaios, There wxere fexwer pod punctures 1(11( diameter \\ as 2mmo. total pod surfaces consumied on the re- *nsiiet we re (sti- sistant breeding lines than 0on the ss mmn diametir holes. ceptible variety. W\hen the insects in each container wxerc presented wvith (,iIIlx PONSE OIF Coxx EA one pod at a time there xxere more total PLUGS CONTIAINING. podl punctures oni the resistant breeding PoA. 96.8 A lines, hut the 1p0( surface consumed xwas THERNPEAS greater on the CBE, 'Fable 2. Table :3 ingtriIS2iiidicates the preference shoxwn by cur- lirig rials 2 culio for agar plugs conitaininig hot wxater 2 :3 extracts of CBIE ovxer plugs from resistant i res pei plng lines. The photograph above was made 27.4 20.6 soon alter the plugs xx ere placed in the 9.8 4.4 container and the insects are obviously 0.8 0.2 shioxxing this preference. 0 0 The feeding Stimulant, or attractant, -xxwas found to be extractable in ether by th wxater iii xxhich a series of exper imenits summarized in xeeboiledl m3iRu. Table 4. inotlepasoth a- .5 replications, Oct. Resista-inin oterpe o t tack of coxxpea cureillim) depends in part oii a reduiced amitiit o)' (hellmeal sub- stanices containedl iii the pods wvhichi act as attraetants or feeding stimlal~mnts. Breeding lines Ala. 963.8 and CR22-2-21 haxve less of these substances than the C~aliforniia lBlackey e xvarietv. These chem- icals are solsuble in hot xvater and es- plecially in ether and xxill stimullate cur- culio to feed on materials other than soutliernpeas. TxABLE 4. FEEDING RESPONSE OF COxvE~A Cent ELIOiS ON AGAR PLUGS CONTAINING: A. Hfor WAE rE xriicis OF S05J-IHERNPFA POoS. B. EXT-RACTr WITH ETHER SOILUlLES HRExIoxLI). C. EXTR X( s As IN B Wri i EFnin SoLCIIIES FROM5 MosT SUSEPI LE~ \'Ao. Aoio- o TO EXTRAxCT OF MOST BL515 IAN r LINE' Experiment2 \arietv A CBtE Ala. 96:3.8 C1122-2-21 B CBtE Ala. 9(63.8 (C1122-2-21 C CB3E Ala. 963.8 CR22-2-21 Punctures per plug 48.4 17.5 8.4 12.6 5.1 0.25 6.7 1.6 :3.3 'The differendce iii total teed inig response betweenci 13 and( C is due to rmduced x i gor iif the insects xx ith age. 2 A. Agair plugs made Nxith wxater in xx bich pods xx ith peas rcmnove we x re boliled 5 ruini. 13. Ib[lt xx ater extracts xvere extracted xwithi etljir before agar plugs wvere made. C. T[he ether soluble materials fromn the CB3E ex- tract xx crc added to the CR122-2-21 extract in B. lxx (wntx curculiris per dish-fed 24 firs.. starv ed 24 firs. A .3 trials, 14 replications; B alid C 2 trials, 14 replications. Aug., 1974. 7 The Figure shows the preference of curcuio for susceptible varieties of southernpeas. The in- sects are shown feeding on paper wrapped ogar tubes that are made with hot water extracts of re- sistant and susceptible varieties. Major Viral Diseases of Corn In Alabama ROBERT I. GUDAUSKAS Department of Botany and Microbiology S TUNTED AND DISCOL ORED corn plants haxve beeti observed in Alabama fields for several years. Frequently, xwide- spread occurrenice of such diseased plants has beeni associated xxith sizeable re- duccticjis ii juiaiititv anid qucalitv of x ieli. Prior to the mnid'to late 1960's, stircl a disease xxas ofteti diagncsed or i- ferrecd to sitnpl " as "cort stuint," wxith the assumption that it wxas caused lbx the corn stunt xviruis." To date, three' patliogc'is, maize clxxarf mosaic sirus ( N (DXIV), mnaize c-blot (tic dsvat f xiir(s ( N\ ) ), anid the coni stut spiroplaism, hav e beetn assciatedl xwitl stun ted, dliscoclored corni. Otn XI)NI anic XICDX hasve beeti fouinid its Ala- batiia.' Cotrn stunt spiiroplusnia. althouigh not a xvirus, is sread bhs leafhoppers and is noxv recogntized as thme cause of the 'A n-c i t papei irepoted-c the assoc iation of a thi rdl \ito in stuniteid cort in Ai labama, bitt inciden-ice andirilmportmTiC-e of this s mix In.( iim1kTnV11 disease origiiiall ' described and named as corn stunt in the 1940's. However, the spiroplasma has not been implicated with stunting diseases of corn in many states including Alabama. NIDNIV' and MCDV' appear to be the prevalent pathogens involv ed with stunt- ed discolored corn in Alabama. Occur- rence of both viiruses in the samne plant has often been noted. XICDV' particles are small spheres about 25 :30 im (nan- ometer equals 1 1,000 mnicron) in di- ainctei , and ai e similar to those shoss ii iii Figure ]-A. Although oiilx dliscov - ered iii the early 1970's, MICDV has, noxv been founid in practically cx cry state ii the south and midwest. XIDXI1V particles arc long flexuous rods measuring arounD 80t) im in length (Figure 1-1B). This viruis also is general ly di stributedr throughout the L'ijitecl States. Sy mptoms of iinfection by MDXIV aiid N ICdX) are sitmil ar iin appearal ce an c sometimes dlifficuilt to dlistin gutish. Those caused 1)' l\ IDN first appear oi Young- est leav es as in itrregular, light anic cdark green mnosaic oi miottle ( Figure 2-A). Eventually, the enitire planit may appear xclloxxish-grecii and soniewhiat stunted. TFhe initial sym ptom of \ICDV iiofection is a fine, chlom otic strecaking over the smallest veins ikiiig themn appeai wh ite atndc ini istiiigu is iable ( Figure 2-13) . This sym ptom is more apparenit on the cinder- side of a leaf. Stunting and leaf dis- Coloration from yellow to purple have b een observedu iii plants infected b.\ 4s~ A 5 ~ S Sr. .-' -it ~~Ix ~ FIG. 1. Particles of two viruses that infect corn: (A) similar to MCDV and (B3) MIDMV. FIG 2. Symptoms of infection by (A) MDMV and (B) MCDV. B~oth viruses are spread by feeding ac- tix ities of itisects, hut not the same types of' itisects. NICD\V is transmitted by c-r- tamn species of leafhoppers, whlile MIDNIV' is caied icl t some aphidls. The manner iii xxhich each is catried by its xvectori also diflfers. NII) IV is tratismitted bv aIph irs in a iin persist ci t or st vlet-born e iaiincr. In this rel at ioniship, aph ids can aC(huire and transmit the virus during brief feeding probes of sometimes a few -conrls in duration. The aphids very quickly lose the viirus ot ahilitv to trains- muit it. By contrast, XICDV is trans- mnitted by leafhioppers in a semi-persist- ent maimer. Here, a longer feeding pe- riod is required to acquire and transmit the virus. But, the leafhoppers also re- tain the virus and the ability to transmit it for several hours. The host ranges of ICIDV' and NMIMV Mic Similar. In addition to corn, both inifect a xvide range of wild and culti- vated grasses including sorghum, john- soiigrass, crabgrass, foxtails, and millets. lIn Alabamia, johnsongrass is an important reservoir host for NIDNIV and probably also for MCDV'. Preseutlx , rise of resistant or tolerant corn hybrids is the most practical means of controlling these viral diseases. Sev- eral inibied lines and experimental by- buridls have been evaluated for reaction to the xviruses in Alabama and the na- tion, and some souces of resistattee have been identified. Commercially axvailale hybrids are also continually ev aluatedc and several appear less susceptibile than others. Use of inisecticides may have somic value against XII)'throtie conutrol of the itnsect vector, bctt wxoculd lie of little value iii co iitroll iii the stvlet-bortie NMDNIX. Where feasible, controtl of john- sotigrass wyill aid in recducinig virus spirearl from this peietiiiiial r eservomir host itto tlie cirtil c-top. Mlethuods liii cotiti-ollitig the x i risex ,iii d vectors aii I the iir resp)ec- tixve alterniate hosts ate beitig inivestigatecd for possible in tegirationi wxithi host resist- ance iii a pest mran~agemnent system. w/m///// O/ / fiL? 0 isioxN of public golf in g facilities llao aI long history in the United States. fi, fact, the first municipal golf course iii thei United States was built in 'New, Yourk III 1895. BN7 1972, 6,322 municipal and( dailv fec courses bad been built. Although mnicipalities wvere leadei., in golf course dev elopment in Alabain'i in recent vears. municipal anid prix ati dalau fee courses comprised only a sinail percentage of the total golf courses it, operation. Hlowvcxer, public golf cus including pivate clails fees, mutnicipal. and other gov erment owsned courses open to the public, comprised about 56% of all golf courses in the U nited States in 1972. In Alabama only 27%, of the golf couirses xx ere open to the p~ublic. 0f fiv e golf courses under construction in 1974, univ otie w~as to he open to the Public. During the last few years Alabamia has instituted an extensive park dev elop- ient program. Public golf courses we re included at parks in 'Marshall, Lauder- dale, Shelby, Barbour, Wilcox, and Bald- 55 il iiiiit ics. III uliitiol in.rnl cos iin-i PUBLIC GOLF COURSES in ALABAMA E. W. McCOY and K. W. CRAWFORD Department oit Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology jpanies liax ed ployc ves ands courses to the co urses are ope "elected times. sveekends, and Size of lesii' 9u. 18 1 Ilwii I, oi tou) ini 197 1. mnicipal, and Ini 1974 Ala open to the pit ties, xsitli 42 co for public plax publllic golf faie cdexveloped hy inect the locall The Nationat omiidecl 18 people. Utili,i ure, Alabamra IS hole golf c cour-ses should the ineecis, Alat e'(uix aiconts il than the recoin basis golfing p: (Tol f facilitiesS iiig to earls dI IHowver. anm uises in Alal At oxver capacit tciiaice, xvhile are underplay e ing play at ox e T[he preponclc publlic courses hasve used tii sectors and ali: opportuniity toI indicaites ('illa fictedl ill arieas pubilhic ats x\NI li ct' tlie pr)]) ex eloped curises for em- (lenic. The coiurse remains axvailablle iihsequeiitly opened the for play 6 or 7 dayvs per we ek, 52 xweeks public. Sex eral priv ate per year. Y et, golfers 1 )rilnarilx desire ned to the membership at tacilities during the exenmng, oil xweek- such ats exvenings and cods, and during wvarmecr xxeatbcr. A opeined to puic iu se at coursec in ay opei ate 21'2 dlays pei xxek A~ 150o to 200% of capacity dhiin g thle a ~\ 0 (ii I (iipril g and sunim er aindc at less ti ai IiN SI/I oiii ('iic I 9 1 10% of capacity thie remaininig dav s of llic we ek and during the xx-inter. To the t1ia rhao Tltad iuif cc the supplx' of facilities appears in- tltiril (ldequate, % inle to the course operator Mi' Noi. No. tlie (limini foi- gullf itpeari losx . Dif- l 15 H~) feieiiti~il piiing, openting pivxate clulbs 6i 180) topbic useoi oil off' d s andi speccial 0 "1(ax\s. iild otbei p)roceduires hiaxve been 10 42 52 'I Il ll ii[ittd I0 1 l)t to Stabilize' (1(1111101 iiiiiit the xxeek and x ear. a iecreatinal activitxy, go ll rainks o tixelx lows iii pereltagre pairtici patin the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _111( jidiiAulci . l lilania resideints. laiix risius )oiit 12% ie 11State, 28Z, iccdul t for this tact. The g ito reqiires 60% pirivately owsned. -deili( equiipiment, dexveloped l acili- lbarlia hid 52 golf coursesl ties, at degre ocfu professiiiial istriietuoii iblic, located iii 25 coinl aiid gcnerailsy a fee ciigeci for pat tici- unties hain no)oiil atiin Wi.V'ith inicireasing lex cix of income bxiig pouti x wihout oiln increased axxareness ot the gamne, de- Mans ountes sythou mmc for golf facilities has increased]. lities have prixate courses, iiidividuals or groups to Golf cour ses (11 not appeai to1 rellie- golfiiig deinind. sent viable profit opportuniities under 1 Golf Foundation hais rec- present conditions, Inxvestmnt. opera- holes of golf per 25,000 ti(), and mainteniance costs are relatix'elv iig this recommended fig- high. xxwbile the t um11ber o~f roiiids play ed xx oulci need about 138, i rt'lati~ cix liixx. Inc nases in rounds 'ourses. Assuming piil ic plix ed lixiiiIcoii rsec cilpicitv l ilds to represent about half of' cia'responing ii vi steep) iiicieases, iii oper- ban) a's :38 puic- 18-ho itic' a hg costs ir dleterioratiion of course coil- e approximately :3(1 i'ss clitions. Skillful Imanagemteit is neces- meiiddc niumbler. Oii this sacs for retun s front gireen fees ti) cover ressures on existing puiblic op~craitin~g costs. Since collectivei capital houlci be excessixve. leac- cali ox cine theset difficulties, pii t" etc rio riati01) of cojIIrsf's. clul, ixxxiti irestirictetd mieiiibershiip calli ng thle 52 publ~ic- golf "lix ci lt 1n)sl memblershilp letes anit s- iamia, only 6% report plaxt sessiiiiiits. v in terms of course miIn The combination of seasn alitx of dc- 67% report the courses mai.d high in itial investments [111( ilAper- ci. Yiet, all courses rceport- atii g costs, aiic the i elitis cl smnall po'r- r- capacity xsvere mni)icipal. t io i of te icpopu 1 lit ion pait icipatiii! ralsex rance of 1p1ivatelv oxxnedcc serious qui estion s regariniig thle iole (of iinicicates nmu nilcipali t ies gux crnin ci t ill priidinig gilf fa[ci litic's. scarce resulrce(s iii otheir Pillic a gic icics xxu iinieted '(( to ciii ii iit xx cc ti ec prixa t(' c'ctor ii suilbstan t ia reccsourd's toi prov\idte giolf inig nleet giilfiiig dciiiaics. Th lii' aclities" fi- all xxo iiusisli to p)ins' diiig, itio ul iiici lpis ccl urisi's highl use peiodus. Whlitheru the(se' re- ofl is iiititas gireat ats ex- sour ces should lie used tio expanid aiid whrc'e~ cursex are locaited. tic'seloip guolf facili tices is at pub1 lic issue ell ats piri ate gulf ctoiisc's and c o xIiilih be ciiiisider'c wxithi the al- cni iif it disproiportiiinate teiiii cnieedls fin xc iocu' public flidcs. 8i~l i::: j::::::......... ........ii" ::::i: '' "~: ::::j:::~,::;:: ii ::::j:::::::::j:::........ A watershed protection study~::::::j~i: ........... .:: ; ;: :::.,.;;;;::., - : :: : :: : :I:: :: : was made in Talladega County ;; ; n: ::a::::j:: :' X :: : :: X............ in an attempt to increase land:.:.'":4: ............:: .......... .:: : ~ ~ j~~:: ~s 3i~idi~i ~ use alternatives.ii ...... ..............::::~i: ::: .............iiitPiti#8 :tr! PBi l~itr8i~i::: ... ............. BkP:i~i~i1 ......... .0: :: -:: : .. .... .. ... ... .. ... ..... kiiil alla ega ....... .. :j : :::::~ii~:B i .................. ... ..lr. ' l ...... ... .. ititxa.................." ................. .............i'I: i 1 II ~ i Y ES OR NO. The argument continues on the benefits and detriment of water- shed development. Watershed development is the process of reducing flood damage in local areas. Actual work on watershed protection un- der public law began in Alabama in 1955. Today there are 70 projects com- pleted or underway in the State. Should every county sponsor these projects? What are the gains and costs? To answer these and other questions a study was initiated of one particular watershed in Alabama. In 1962, Cheaha Creek in Talladega County was known to flood several times yearly, causing con- siderable damage and reducing land use alternatives. However, that same year work began on flood control under fund- ing of the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954, P.L. 566. The project was virtually completed in 1972. This area was selected for study to measure the impact of development on the economy of the county and local area. The economy of Talladega County is based largely on textile manufacturing, although the population is nearly equally divided between urban and rural. About 15% of the county land area lies in this watershed. Two major activities were used to measure the impact of development on the county. First, an analysis of the production and consumption of products in the county was made. Income gen- erated by these activities before and after the project was estimated. This was followed by a review of local wa- tershed land use and productivity change and land value changes. 10 In calculating the effect of watershed development expenditures on the local economy, two periods of time, 1963 and 1967, were selected for pre- and post- project estimates. Through the respend- ing process it was found that approxi- mately $1.32 of additional county in- come was generated by each dollar spent for development. This income resulted from an estimated $2.32 output value increase per federal dollar spent. Agricultural output increased most as a result of watershed activity. This re- sult was expected since funds were spent for protection in the rural areas. An esti- mated $2.33 of additional output and $1.90 of additional agricultural income was generated by each $1.00 of water- shed construction funds. Since the project was located entirely in a rural area comprising about 15% of Talladega County, the impact on local people was important. Landowners in the immediate floodplain and upland por- tions of the watershed were interviewed to determine changes induced by de- velopment. A majority of these landowners were satisfied with the project. Residents of the floodplain area were content with the operation of flood retarding dams and channel improvements. The less af- fected upland owners were not as aware of the watershed's benefits as were flood- plain owners, but they believed that an expansion of watershed activities such as land stabilization, sodding, and re- forestation would enhance the attractive- ness of their holdings. There were some objections and ad- verse opinions about the project although over 80% of all landowners were well pleased. From an environmental view- point, loss of vegetation and stream bank erosion were the main objections. In general, landowners were disappointed with the depth of the channel, loose sedi- ment in the channel bottom, and unre- paired damage to fences and other per- sonal property by construction crews. Recommendations for future projects made by landowners were centered pri- marily on these points with most em- phasis given to minimal stream channel alteration. Significant differences in land use shifts were observed between floodplain and upland farms. In the floodplain, major shifts of land to crop use from pas- ture occurred. This was accompanied by large amounts of land shifted from forest to pasture. In other words, as the fertile bottoms became flood safe they were converted to crop production and the less fertile and erosive upland areas were shifted to pasture use. Out- side the immediate flood area nearly all land use shifts were toward pasture ex- pansion. Very small amounts of land were changed to crop uses. Results of these land use changes were increased farm crop yields and pasture carrying capacity and associated higher income. Net farm income for the typical floodplain general farm increased about 12% over the period studied. This change was measured in constant 1962 dollars, which removed artificial inflationary in- come changes. Land values also rose, but only parti- ally as a result of the project improve- ments. The average agricultural value of good bottomland was estimated to be $217 in 1962. This rose to $309 in 1973. However, a small sample of actual mar- ket values showed the 1973 value to be $415 per acre. The difference indicated that non-farm influences significantly in- fluenced rural land values. The differ- ence was even more significant with up- land farms. Land values which could be generated from agricultural income amounted to only $107 per acre in 1973. Yet, the actual average sale price was $358 per acre. In other words, non-farm influences on value were such that pay- ing for land with farm income would be extremely difficult. In summary, this study showed that farm incomes, productivity, land values, and landowner satisfaction increased as a result of watershed development. How- ever, the net effects were not large, es- pecially with respect to the entire county. Immediate area impacts were favorable and benefits did exceed landowner costs. Total effects will not be known for sev- eral years, but continued improvements in land use and farm income are ex- pected. Annual Bluegrass Hard to Control iH Overseeded Lawns and Golf Courses RAY DICKENS, Department of Agronomy and Soils ANNUA U ERS innt cus m 000) ison xx eed became a serious problem iii dor- mnant Iaxs us and on ox erseeded golf greens. Contributing to its profusion are such factorsx as close 111055ing a 11 d execs- six e irrigration. Wihere the blueigr ass prob~lem is iii (101 ua:it xxamsi season grasses, effectixve cr1rbicides are axvailab~le. Preem ci gen ce app~lications of DCPA ( Dactlial) , beii- suilicle ( Betasaus or Presa ) , lieiefin Ilalan) , or pronaicle ( Kerb) give ex- cellent control. Pronamide is equallx ef- fectixve wh en applied after anntual bluie- grass emer ges. Excellent cioitrol xx itb postemergence applications of Eitber en- dotlial ( Endutbal) , siiaziri ( Piincep ) or pairai(uat ( Paracpuat Cl) wxas estab- lislied in earlier Auburn Iiiiversitx Agyri cultural Exper-iment Station s esearcli. The problem is different, boxsexver, xwitb golf greens, fairxvays, or laxvns oxer seeded xvith cool season grasses, sucb as cx egrass or fine lescues. All of tbe above herbicides sexverely injure seedlings of cool season grasses xvben applied at rates recommended for controlling annual bluegrass in dormant turf. Because of this problem, research xvas begun at Au- hurn to determine if beirbicides could be used to selectively control annual blue- grass on dormant bermuda greeins oxver- seeded xx ith coo1 season grasses. Fifteen herbicides xwere evaluated in a greenbouse at three rates at or beloxv amnounts suggested for bluegrass control in dlormant turf. Seeds of annual blue- grass and c001 season tuff grasses xxere soxwn in roxvs in greenhouse flats filled with potting soil. Tbe bei hicirles xwere ap- plied iii sprix' immiedl iately after seediiig. Seedling couints made 12-2t0 dax s after plauting shoxwed little annual cx egrass in jury firomn DCPA, simaizine, or an ex- perimeintal comnpound NC-8438, and these materials controlled annual blue- grass, Tabile I. Soon after counits xweire mnade, lioxxex er, there xvas complete kill (if' all i yegi ass seedlings on simnia'ii treatments. Beissuilide looked pri nmising at loxv rates. NO s''lectix itx amoiig creeping bent- grass, roiiglstailk bluegrass, and annual ldiegi -ass xwas iioted for any of tbe lierbi- cides evaluated. There wxas some selee- tix its toxward red fescue. Ilesults of gi (eiihouse tests xer ic x- teinded to field expeimcints to further cxvaluate control of 1)1uegrass in ainmual r\ egrass seededl oii mlirnant beninudai- gra ss golf greens. Ilerhici les xxere an- plied ii xx ater xx len ix egrass xx'as seededl iiito the hemnucla turf. Stands ofi ix e- grass xxere xvisually estimated during the foll oxwin g xxinter, aid ico(n trol of auin ii bluegrras s xwas dcteriin , nbI i coutinii seedlicads tbce follmssiiig Spring. All herbicides gaxve sligh t to moderate reductions iii cxegi ass standrs. The liigiter rates cof some mateirials caused moire seni- osreduction, Tab~le 2. DCPA produce I Untreated plot in center contrasts sharply with foreground and background where the experimental herbicide NC-8438 provided good control of annual bluegrass. Light areas in untreated plot are annual bluegrass. thle le ast ijurs o Ii ix cgraSS. lbut it did not satisfactoi ilxy control) bluegraiss. Ben- smlide caused sexvere stanld rediuctions,, at the higher rate amid (lid not ciiitrol an- inual 1bduegirass at citb er rate. The onv mx nateiial that prorbicedl con- sist en t cointrol of annu a 1 blue grass xvas NC-8438. Hoxxever, siiigle applications made at time of seeding caused rx egrass damage tbat could not he tolerated. Fur- thecr studies hiave indicated that N C-8438 wxill control aninual bluegrass after it emerges. Perbiaps postemnergence appl i- cations or multiple application of loss em] rates xwill piroxvide selectixve control in dloimant turf ox eiseeded xxill) r e giass. TA1iLE 1. EFrEcis OF PRFLxLFRGLNcE APPLICATIONS Or HRBICIDES ON- tFATiox- OiF ANNUAL BLUEGRASS AND COOL SEASON TcmsFcnASSES IN TiLE GnREEsNUSE Grass Stand as pet. of untreated check from herbicides, lb., DCPA Benelin Stmazine' Bensulicle Terbutiil 212 5 10 34 I 2 , 3 14 12, 1 2'2 5 10 212 5 It) acre NC-8438 12 3 Annual ryegrass 92 74 61 9 2 t) 79 69 7t0 74 56 39 84 82 89 10t) 98 93 tied fescue ------ 55 59 40 9 2 0 t0 0 0)54 44 12 75 7776 4 4 13 Creeping bentgrass 0 t0 t0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 9 0 t) -- Boughistalk bluegrass ------ 0 t0 0 0 t0 0 0 0 0 10 2 0 4 -32321 ------ Annual bluegrass 10 0 0 1 0I 0 0 0 0) 28 7 3 91 70 81 14 11 0 * Rvegrass seedlings on all siinazjne treatments were dlead soomn after counits xveri macde. 'Usi, 2. EFFECT is orl PuE xt11nc.NcL HERInCIDES ox, Si AxDS OF \xxcUm. BIiERA(~ SS AND r cu ISS IN FIrELD EXPERIMENxmTS Pet. of' opltinmum cx egrass stand in Annual bluegrass seedbeacls sq. ft. I [drticidd' )vinter folliiowing fall treatment in spring follmvsing fall treatment rate acre -- - -1970) 1971 - 1972 1970 1971 1972 Pct. Pet. Pct. No. No. No. NC-84.38 1 l). 54 2 ) lb. ----- - 44 --- -- -- -- -- 4 2 Becnsulicle 2')1// lb. 62 5 lb. 18 DCII 4 5 lb.--- - 64 U~ntreated 79 'Too numerous to count. 175+' 35 175-K 19 175+' 7 5 1 7 5 -x- B or on Toxicity A Threat to Chrysanthemum Culture G, JAY GOGUE and KENNETH C. SANDERSON, Deportnjnt of Horticuture FtSSIflLF BORON TOXICITY to chrysanthemumns showxedi IIp it] test plantings at Auburn University Agricultur al Experi- mnent Station. Poor- growthI, injury', andi high conentirations of boron (B) in the plants were noted with chrvsaiitliemurs growsing in composted garbage media. Further insvestigation of the potential problein revxealed that B1 is wxidely used in many products, deteirgents for cx- ample. wxhichi makes it a1 potential env ironmental contanii i t. Chlrsanithemurns are particularlysSusceptile to B toxicitv, andui there is a narrow range betwee dei lficiecy aiid toxicitY. Risk of Overuse (Irvxantheriun floss ci cxelopmeiit is in fluienced 1)- 11 niutrition, so the risk of ind (iscirim iniate applica t ion is iii .l i. III some areas of the countrx . excessivec arnouits of' B occur naturally in the soil. Twxo experiments wxeie couducted at Auburii, to (1) oh- serv'e the effects (of B addition on growxthi, aiil (2) estab~lish axverage toxic foliar levels to serxve as a guide iii cliixsaii_ themumn culture. Boron ranging from 0 to 80 ing per 1.5- liter volume of a santi-peat mixture wxas applie1 to twxo chrxs ,iithemuin varieties. Serious Damage Possible lit sexvere cases, B caused death o)1 plant tissues. Plaiits receiving extremely high B levecls had necrotic blotches or lesions, as showvn by the photo. Young leaf tips became yellowed in early stages, followved by interveinal chiloi cxix. Thiese leaf changes limited photos. iailietic capabilities of the pl1ant, cansig a rcd uct ioni ii gi oxxtli ei easn ii ts, .is slIo%\iss here: Biiron treatoieuit. oIg/1l.5 liteirs ILeiigili iif stemi i'7ii Ma)iooicr if f/oirr, icmi 11.8 10. 1 9.0) Analyses of chrysanthemumn leaves in dicated that Bi levels iii excess of 125-140 ppm. wsere toxic to plaiits. The result xxax reduced growsth. Howvever, lev els of about 1.50-175 ppm. xxerc required before toxicity sy mptoms xxerc iiotice- aihle. These values are approximate becauixe the B levecls \aix xxit 1 slich factors as x aric tx, scaxonii met ho d of attialssx Bay St. Louis. Mississippi. eleiiicital x allies for CF1 .42 Good Nexws aind Iiipioxved Ailbatr oss xvaieities aire giv en lieloss: Nitro_-en P'hosphorus P'otaxssium izaiisirn Ii 'it i cs Zinc Hiro Iiii ()ptiiiiii foii/r \Ifandrd 4.5-5.5', tt.5-0.75, 5.0-8.0t)' 0.5-2.0W 50-125 pmom. 100t i).p.mi. Other Elements Important It is importaint to kiiowx the ranges of these adltitioiial (,(, inn its for a validI initeirpretatioin of the B level. For exam ple,. iiin ic auises B1 toi 1become less axvail able to tl e plant aIII(] theriefiore. less is taken 1iI). This is ilot a pheiniomeiioin resuilt- inig firin a phII chaige. lint iather is the influience that calk ciloni has iii the foiimiationi of' iiisoluble bioron comnpouinds. Hesults of these fidiiigx suggest thlat commnercial chrx s anthemrnum grossers can reduce the chaiices of toxicity pi oh- leis lix, ( I) bein g able to recogize I oliai xx iptiis of excess 11. (2) risiing soil that flas been tested lii ht Itvs orn specifi- catllsv preparied foi plant grossh (b 3) lhising periodic leaf samplle analsxix for vairioiis elemient coiicenitrationis, anid (4) uintg H fertilizers ons wxhieii test resuilts shows nieed for it. Necrotic blotches or lesions of chrysanthemum leaf at right re- sulted from boron rate of 80 mg per 1.5 liters. Normal leaf at left was from plant getting no boron. T HE.IXII L\EEP ANIV NI. tr" j1I it\~ ltr Stifftl 5SigIlifi1(X0 t ies. CI11 iil l oss -cI I ie i t o I 1 Id arri I ti I (11 a 'tI I It I\\or I I, .Ascari/ia ga//i. This par asite inuibits tihe smnall initestinie all I cal cauise irr itation of tile ilitestiiil \Xxall aiti ill r alt cases total blockage ot tihe ilntestine- it larget ilioll rs ale illeseoit. 'File lif(, cycle of the lar ge iintestinial lomidwl(iXX01 inlulIes a tge olulsitle lilt cicke'Is od 'N \\oilin t-ggs it e fr om the thitheii ill dlioppiligs .lad O11LIeil idelta tolltiitioll of temnperatture and (1 oistu101e wxill e 111lN oi ate 111 i 1 bvtoi l~e inifective wXitin 10-14 tiax -s. \bei i .suscepible tiIeels eat tilese eggs, a1 iiexx XXri 01d1tevelops ini the sillaiill tUastil e, Ilia- ttil (5 antd starts proldllillg eggs ill 5-6 wXeeks. Effectiv cntrtol proram are1111 IIt ased tIll 1 akiiig the fille tX'tle byV eiinoiiiatille XXoiis efor 1 th11Cle\ inatilt' ali 1 111)4111 passinlg eggs. Researchi Methods Thie eficc ofI fie uomprni)ds, reported to he effectiv e ill rollondworni conitroi, XXere testeti Xwithi four toi seetiX I batches of broiiers at tile Agicututra] Ll Epii Ilet Stati1on1 Pens withl conctrete floor XXere prepiar ed iby atii l 4 Iil. oii wVood shavinigs as litter. Cickens of(I an earlier triai \\(,It- inoculated wXithi emi- on~ateti XX0111 eggs andit allow\eti t) remain inl the pens until tue uitter wxas seededi XXithi eggs. Conditions of tile litter wvere mlanagedi to enhianee emlrvolla- tioli and~ survival of tihe XX (111 eggs. Txo apens (If'i 1)1) eiek- ens echli wXeire assignetd tol tie follinOX lg ti eatillel iIegilIllis: (1) iletijeateti cotroltls, (2) b grm ciii B3 at 1t) g. 1)", t(Iil ot feetd, conltinuoly (3) 1i' iiltille sllitate ( \Llsii Nit 1 in feed, coninuIlonsl ' v, ( 4) 0.32~)% pipef aznie tiil l l ) rid(i in Xwater at 5 wxeeks of age, (5) 0,77% iptrin e p)hosphlate in teed at 5 XXeeks tot age, and (6) 2 lb). tof 11 ltllaloi per tonI (It feed coui tiouI~siv. Tile uitter XXas no chelangetd tiurini) tile 01 AXvaidl all t/i illl l oilrs \liiatioll list-l Ill it 1(11 i\ iX [ I Is\ l-r411 i 1111 1It 1)iFr toln I Is rooiii Bi[-10 I, I M sash-Nit I' 'lash -Nit S\\ I .2~i e Ili It (id 5 s\xetks Il i l 5 \lcllI 21) iiiItitiadoil As IIagtlll- li A. gali 1(I ir11d - --- - - ill (1at1i est' - 52-i., 52-N 52-P V13 21 52-V 9) 9I 9 9 9 seeks setks \\ etks \xek-. \\ irks No. Nso. so, 'V o. oi. 1:1.7 4.6 1.9 S .( 6. 2 12. 1 :3.5 ').9 7.: 62 - L CONTROL of ROUNDWORMS in YOUNG CHICKENS R. N. BREWER S. A. EDGAR Department of Poultry Science Results :19 .8 0.6 , 1.) oursXe (It tile ex~perilmenlts tile birtis iii tonltrol ipens mi)IjI .3.9 [ 0.9 2.1 1. taied a moderate worrm load, indicating tie iresence ot 3.6 2.7 1 .- 3.:, t e5 oltillued exposure. Treatmenlt -omipoun~ds exhlibited vari oils diegrees (If efficacy, xx itil Tritiadol being ineffective 101. 15.7 0,6 0. 1 1 A)l til tpe of program, aind tile old mash nicotinle treatmenlt 2.65 1.2 0.5 ((1 (1 witas aiih pairtiaily effectivea. Thle Hy gromvt 01 treatmemnt Xwas effeetiv e iii lowvering wvorm load bunt wvas more expenlsive 1.6 0,6 0.2 0.0 0.0 thlan the piperazine treatments. 10.5 1.1 117- 4.1 1.9 1:3.6 Til bidiSrpriwcc ariir.a wo lit iifeitios.1 h XI ~ iiii I 2.:3 0).0 2.4 7.9 10.6 1:3.0) 9) \cs tok lIi ilili Iilit B~oth piperazine programs were effective and test tchickenls ihatd reduedt wVorm 1load to a ilegligillievel bly tile (IIid (It tile seeoiid hlatch (If broilers. This work cleariv slhows tihat a cairef uliy folilow~ed prograill of treatmlenlt at 5 wxeeks of a~ge wxiths the proper leve oi(f piperai It iln wXater or fteed wxill eff etively (c1ontroli roin11 XX 1r1m1 ill conflined cickenls. too daN-01(1-chicks staitcd 1wr pcii, 1). BOA EFFICIENT USE Of farm machinery be- comes increasingly important as produc- tion costs continue to rise. One method currently being used to increase machin- ery field operation efficiency is operation analysis. When the operation analysis concept is used to study machines in the field, some type of record of their operation must be obtained. This is essentially a study of the total production system- machines, fields, and management. An operation analysis involves three basic parts. The first is to obtain ac- curate time records of all activities re- lating to a specific machine operation in a field. An example of this would be a complete field-time record of a cotton planter in operation and would include the increments of time related to each major segment of the total planting oper- ation, as in Table 1. The second part of the operation analy- sis involves dividing the time record into primary and supporting functions as in Table 2. In a planting operation, placing seed in the ground is the primary function. Supporting functions include adding seeds, chemicals, and row-end turning. The time for each component operation is expressed as a percentage of total field time. The third part of the operation analysis involves a detailed study of the informa- tion obtained in parts one and two. This includes looking at each segment of the operation to determine if the time for any appears to be excessive with respect to the total operation time. After the questionable segments are identified each is examined and analyzed in detail. This analysis takes into ac- count physical conditions of the field, the machines used, and any managerial de- cisions that might have influenced the 14 time record. After a detailed analysis is completed, changes in future operational procedures are recommended for those segments which show the greatest possi- bility for improving the efficiency of the total operation. TABLE 1. PLANTING OPERATION TIME RECORD 4-Row PLANTER Operation Total time Hr. Min. Total field operation time..... 8 0 Actually placing seed in ground 3 12 Adjustment and down time---- 0 24 Adding seed 0 31 Adding fertilizer 1 36 Adding chemicals and water ...... 1 55 Turning time 0 19 TABLE 2. PLANTER OPERATION ANALYSIS DATA 4-Row PLANTER OperationTotal field Opertio time Pct. Primary function Actually placing seed in ground 41 Support function .....................- 59 Adjustments and down time- 5 Adding seed 6 Adding fertilizer- 20 Adding chemicals and water. 24 Turning tim e ....................... 4 The value and use of operation analysis can be illustrated with the following ex- amples. For the planting operation in Table 2, the support functions use 59% of the total field operating time, includ- ing 44% to add fertilizer, water, and chemical. In relatively efficient planting operations support functions use 40 to 50%. This suggests the support function time for the planting example is excessive and should be examined for the cause. Adding fertilizer uses 2% of the total field time. This is excessive and needs to be changed to increase planting ef- ficiency, Table 3. Chemicals and water use an additional 24%. Improved meth- ods of handling these items are needed. The times used for turning and adjust- ment in the example are in the range for efficient planter operation. When turning time is excessive, the farm man- ager should examine field size, row ar- rangements, terrace layout, row length, and physical condition of the turn area to determine if changes can be made to reduce turning time and thus improve efficiency. If planter adjusting time is excessive there may be several management prob- lems. These might include poor seed- bed preparation, improper planter main- tenance which could cause excessive parts breakage, improper planter set-up before starting to plant, or improper operator training which could result in a trial-and-error approach to planter ad- justment. Planter maintenance, repair, calibra- tion, and adjustment should be per- formed prior to the start of planting. Operation analysis can be used- to study the total machine operating sys- tem, including specific machines, fields, interaction between the machines and fields, and management of the machines. Some items can be studied in detail such as materials flow, field size and row ar- rangement, turn areas, and improper service or maintenance of the machine. TABLE 3. TYPICAL SUPPORT-FUNCTION VALUES Support-function value i:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~d Add spray-Adigse ________________03 Machine operation Adjustments, Other delays, Add seed, Add Add spray percent percent percent percent percent Plant (4-row) 3-7 3-4 3-5 10-14 7-9 Cultivate (4-row) 5-7 3-4 Spray (12-row) -------- 3-5 2-3 6-9 Harrow -1-3 0-1 Harrow and apply chemicals --------------- 2-4 0-1 10-12 Plow (3-bottom) ----- 2-5 1-3 Plow (4-bottom) ... 3-6 1-3 Use Operational Analysis For Efficient Machinery Operation ELMO RENOLL Department of Agricultural Engineering THI SOU1EAV.ST is geneIraIyI a deficit feed grain area with large grain-con- suming livestock and poultry industries. While certain Southeastern areas ma\ have surpluses of feed grains temporarl , at harvest time, thev are net iumporter of feed grains throughout most of the year. Only a few areas are truly self- sufficient in feed grains. The Corn Belt, on the other hand, is a surp l us producing area. Perhaps, because of the close prox- imnity, the available tranisportation net- work, and the existence of both cus- tomer and supplier, the Corn Belt and the Southeast are business partners in the feed grain-livestock economy. This partnership, especially the movement of all feed grains and other grains, will be reviewed in this article. Data for identifying flow patterns of grain were obtained from surveys of grain handling and processing firms in the three Corn Belt and eight Southeast- ern states. Work was done under Re- gional Research Project SM-42 entitled Predicted Effects of Selected Policy and Technological Changes on the Grain Marketing System. Data were for the calendar year 1970. For the eight Southeastern States stud- ied, 519,60:3,000 bu. or over 92% of all interstate receipts of feed and other grains came from 11 states generally in- eluded in the Corn Belt. For corn alone, 393,657,000 bu. or over 95% were re- ceived from the Corn Belt. Indiana and Illinois were the two main sources of most of the grain moving between these areas, accounting for over 66% of the corn, almost 70% of the soybeans, nearly 57% of the wheat, and nearly 73% of the rye. Grain sorghum, grown extensively in the drier areas of the Great Plains, came mostly from Kansas and Nebraska, al- though 3,656,000 bu., or over 9%, came from within Southeastern States. Kansas accounted for nearly 57% and, with Ne- braska, nearly 70% of grain sorghum re- ceipts in the Southeast. Mininesota alone accounted for about 40% of the oats received in the South- east, with nearly 80% being accounted for when Wisconsin, Indiana, and Il- linois are included. Over 9% came from within Southeastern States. The importance of interstate commerce to the Cortn Belt can be seen by the fact that 1,081,417,000 bu. of all feed and other grain moved in interstate commerce in 1970 and over 42% of this was shipped to the Southeast, with shipments to ports ;GRAIN MOVEMENTS between SOUTHEAST and CORN BELT JAMES L. STALLINGS and JAMES M. HARRIS Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology for export accounting for over 36%. Smaller amounts moved within the Corn Belt (over 15%), to the Northeast (near- ly 6%), and, a small amount to the West (less than 1%). Corn was the most important grain shipped in interstate commerce from Corn Belt states accounting for 688,690,- 000 bu., or nearly two-thirds of all grain movements. Over 52% of the corn went to the Southeast with about 28% going to ports for export in 1970. Soybeans were an important export crop in 1970, accounting for nearly 60% of all interstate shipinents from the three Cornti Belt states studied to ports for ex- port. However, an important amount, over 26%, went to Southeastern States. Alabama, like other Southeastern States studied, received most of its feed and other grains from the Corn Belt in 1970, 92,114,000 bu. or nearly 94%. However, unlike the Southeast in general, Illinois was by far the most important source for Alabama, accounting for over 54%. Illi- nois and Indiniatia together accounted for over 7:3% of all feed and other grains. For corn, the most important grain re- ceived in Alabama, 62,930,000 )but. or over 66%, was received from Indiata and Illinois. While the pattern may have changed in recent years, 6,177,000 bu., or over 82%, of soybean receipts came from Illinois in 1970. Most grain sorglhum received in Alabama came from Kansas and Missouri, over 77%. Most wheat caime from Missouri, over 41%, probably from Kansas City. Other grains received in Alabama were mainly oats and over 49% came from Minnesota. The high dependence of Alabaina and other Southeastern States on interstate commerce in feed and other grains can be seen from this study. Alabama, in 1970, imported nearly 90% of its feed and other grain needs, nearly 94% from the Corn Belt. On the other hand the Corti Belt depended on the Southeast for over 42% of its interstate market for its surplus grains in 1970. Any phe- 1,,mena of the economy which might disrupt the free flow of this trade rela- tioiship would be greatly to the detri- ment of both areas. 54 ~' > ~t4OK~ .4 t F 5 .5 S it' S '4 High density planting of young pecan trees at the Gulf Coast Substation near Fair Hiugh Density Pecan Planting HARRY J. AMLING, Department of Horticulure 20' '4 oF SE~I II 0 'IlI I 11. Variety No rollr ofI laIteralI brtic-lic, per tfoot ofh xoot lxtt 4,00 11 )AN. A moeprai\ m uI ih ill 1t0 ears after plailtil ig is a groal ofl hor)1ticulitu(ra] researchiers inl thle Albatma AgriCu-ltuiral Expelrimenlt Statittl. Suchl prodllctiolk appealrx (thttille bx lliglt dlensity plallting of 4101 irnmre tr ees of aatatble v arieties tot thle aci e. V arieties i0(1st stilt Itealil g it coiisiler-- Abl numbcr Of IIl-tS bV the third, foortth, or fifths groxwing season to lie adapt- able. Such varietics are refeirred to as beirng precocious. The xvarietx Chex cone is tile most pr ecociotis pecan testedi to dlate. Trees of this x arietv at the (;tilf Coast Subs) t atioi neair I'ailope haxve borne (11) to P12 lb). ( approximately 901 nuts) ill the third groxxing season. Adaptable xvarieties are chtaratcterizedl by a tenocv to produce nu~t lletril ig lateral shloots. Ill colltrast, its shoxxiI inl the table, cuirrenitly leconilnenidd v arie- ties such tas Stuart aod flesh able pro- due fexv lateral shioots comlpariedh to vairiet ies nioxx beinig evat lat ed fort h igi (lelsit ,v plantings. II igl1i dlensity plalItilngs byx their xcix nature cletlte cond~itions~ imlI lax 1)1able for scablex del 1 )initt. I leiicc, adalptabile vllrieties noi(st exhtibi t sotie dlegir oc scab iresistancee. Varoieties ('apt, Feal, C:iex i le, a(11( hickasax cil e tlx ex- 1 hit a su~fficent dlegree of scab r esistaite in tc(o1ntratst to Wt ichita, C ablohIls, anl d CAherokee xwhlich shoxx ntone. Ifigh density plainlgs of 4t0 to .50 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA 36830 R. Dennis Rouse, Director PUBLICATION-Highlights of Agricultural Research 3/75 1CM Penalty for Private Use, $300 Crabohis ----------- Cherokee ---- Shoxlloni --- ---- Chickasaxx_ ----- W ichita ---- ----- Cl-ax enn ------- Cape F-ear-- ---- Elliott---- Farlev ----- Descirabille ---- Sttiart POSTAGE PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGR 101 THIRD CLASS 1875 0 eiirI t I to tenIIth I x eo a I tr i pl r )1a I Itin (I ll- aie illl~litclited. ties xocli as Stoait I xxhicli lack piecoslty Midt a latera II ttailcliilg hablit, resutlts ill excessxve 11011 hialciilg xVegetative xltoot development, Suchi primog eliinates nut production o1i tliese varieties tor a 11ulnler ot years. The same degree of p1iting oil adIaptable vaieties resulIts ill Itvi ((rlix (Iex lopiligy shoots that later- allx 1) bailc cll bi 1lear iitx 01l thtese branll ches the folloxx iig Vealr. To (late, proiminiig is the on1lv r ecourIse axailab le to effectivel cotrol tre10 e size ill high d( i C irrent research efforts arie eii' 'II tratcd onl dev elopinig traiilog procedures 01l x 000g trees to facilitate the iir pimlinlg ill later x cal s, dcxvelopmen~t ofl piillg pr1otcedures c vaieital a~dai 1 ) at jul eva Iia- tioix, and~ illrigation mnethods. sp)acitig xtudties are nlow being plaioned uiing ' more adaptable v arieties to see julst llomv close pecaii trees call be p~lan~ted amd still he Inallageable. hope.