HIGHLIGHTS of agricultural research VL 16NO FALL 1969 Agricultural Experiment Station AJ AUBURN UNIVERSITY l I goo Ilk, DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS I0 () lii 111" I U , S II I iBS ill tilix Coili i Itill li xl i I I ,io lli f iill ~t \\i itiIl Iii itii (oii 1111 (e elii iii tiiii iiiiii t ll 111 1w [lip u t o ( it I ix lix iii k ii ll iii' ill( comi-i i lt l i i I l lx I i -1.Iiii iiih1it x.( i lxi ili liii liii tii I I it I ki il i t 1111 t I14 Xx 11. t I l t lIi II I I I i I I IIt l Ii Ix l Ii x i I I I i i l t Il 111 lii 114 it xii )11 Ii lol fli t aII il i I I t1 1ti , ,11k l . (1 iiliiied i l( t I l t ii \\ii iliter li m oI Ii I ti i,i x 11li i 1111 i tc ,i ilil ximt lo 11k iii m ii t i i tii iis Iti wx ii i oo d11 ik i I ~ t( .11 it \,, I Iitii ii l t". i t I itl Ii i i tii 1-111 ( 1,ii txli II ~ i i it Sm lI iti' \\ tI I It . ii foilI Is xt w a l lit ) \ ii .S 111114 i l ostxii i I N f it, lx Iti 1 fii i t iii ( ix ii i (111 A li x x l w all ill ( i till i lit i . 11 t iii lIii lI I .1(i ii ~iit.11*i x I .11 (' l lo iii (a11 lx i i l i I li ixl ii i' o iI l I I I11 t I liii li xi 1, 111 I(J l('II ix iii ~ 11111 i t Ii c ii t i ( 1 i it i I I lxx t l I Ii I ti l ii .it 1411 it o ii i ( I 11I1I 1,t1X 1 i tIII it 1] 1) I I I i I I I I t Ii i o('1 l l)x oii bi 11iiill l it 11 It ix I til )11 1 11 i t xx I I I i 11It I I xliii i11 S Ii i l l iif -\(, i o it l .I t i ll lxii hx its t .1 1ii, a ii "( I ii oIti l. 1 1 I iit ill of ii t t )Ix o "Ii II .111 t Ic li" Ii ci It Ix iete tlii' it li )I I h ti I I c k lii t I it li I lSo' Ii it I111 l itt i i ll I i I 1o 1 I111 11 i t i t i i)i 11 i it 1 t il t( xI ' 1.111 ( i peopIeI i .1141 1 ),lit iii i 1)1 o Ii i I Ix. IIiti II, I I l (1 1 1 - 1 i ilxi (,]( i iiii\ ,ix ii ) it x,. ' ~ ill c11 i t14 iii i 1 ll l , ( ii1i)'wI to ill i icpi ' t bc ie I ticvufol(i]iid(d Ifs;de -Ii 4 "Ii Chaoiat(Itistid (l Hos Jersey, Clveslii Fastl Grwt 4 14 (s(di Doesl Marke t Pr()lice AIIIIi Reficc Dean lforw i Qun' ilI Cit col 6 IBm ro r iil H ous i s t I ) ( ion 7iti (II (tll\ IIil 11 Ant H itory l( ,I tw,(li ,tik of Agon m an S i a i i tiit(( IIi iAu ur i i Unuua Fru(;II iII(it Rot( Foun in Ailabm 13" \ - le IIII, tab, II(I li i 1(,, C onvetch 14 , t(Yw 1tI11('III], I ' IIII) Htch r Managemen,(- I iII I II tIIi tan Saitton 1 5(,IIIi I) l iIII Radpios Tracinik e W i i ,(I tr I keys ( III) III,~ o 16 I I. I.,11141 ill t l( I tol \ i m li w iil li ild ill l l ix I II Iwilli oil l itii ,ilwc 19 i . it I. lix itt x of \ixissl i, i j li1li llde 11 i ldiii~t ,tld atl o11 (111itI iii )111lxily iilx 11 ii I II I i I I ,i to A I Ii )I I I i i 1i i 1,1 ,l)ii i ii , ii \\ iL, il I x it\ 14 i i i [i \ i iii' 01olii i Ii lxiii iit Ii x I i liiiii Lot t, i ll xi i Fli t iii ,xi l li X I iii . i F i1 1,,11il ', )i l l it m lo ix Ii i iii ilx ill ix itli,i iiii xliii/l I ii I it , X )ii l lti ) I] p ll w it 'tti l lii xx. 1 Sm lldillN I Xll i, illc 1)11 I\ il AK w iii S(cit (11 d AN'olll ~ Xsisu Iiiiill~ 'kH. l for N I IS I t\ol , ,cl i ll/ to wll- I 1). h i 1wi001 i ', xi'il is/a t ( I il i/iiio Io w w,'. l/ l 1 i lill ii oi i''l X I . 1)c xi xx .I xlllllm il 11I1111 xiii i o111 f XI. ii L hI , I ' ill i \ 11 xxxi cavte tendress, ias deeried t ati3. lt Iix IFt t t 1i 1t1tt ilt I I th 2 it ttIx i t It I IF It F. i~t Ittt Fl~~~~~~ Ii i ~i tlti i cIi I t i ' It k i I FI I iti I ( tI I I I tIi Ill 2x i t lI Ii t tF Ii t ~ ii it! ItFF FI i i i i t I t I I ii xI I I I F t I xF Iii it tl I f I. tt Ix t tF I tItI'I To qi /iii I I x/ iiilf I I I I d 11 t It 'F ti 2' ii l ii F 2 Itt I I i x { t St FI i'i Ii I IIt ) I I t I tx xx I l tx i I I I ItIxW o x i (d tli ti xlitiii xx Ili t I I i " i t i i IF Iti ii I (di xi 1 1 1t kFF xtF iF ttl1 F ill i xiii ttItIlIII i x iFl I Ii II I Ii A i I I Ii I I i t I t I i )I I I I I F F i xiilI F iitF 75 it Lix ilm, ix f It 1i xiii1 c lii xx ',i hu I 'xxix - I 2- k \ 6 i 1 '(lxi S it \\Iit \(.I I tit F Ii i ttl \\ (,Ir i' ,\ () ' d\\ i I Ii x t I\(ilt iii ti 2 xx tivk ii I (I tl \ l I Ii I III t I x \% i- c t d 1xi 1, I I,[( ( I tt )(i I( , x I~ t ( x, x il 1k 1 ' I I IF , iI(, F F .1 ) it \\ i ( I \ i i , , k't pt it t xii--5 I ' i I , it it, I F F]t(i I m mt iF, iii \ i. i Il 'x I xii Tiod li i2 i itt hi (xi, \\ (,I ( ,ii kc iF I i I xx it \\ ; it' I F) F w ii (I To - I ttm liii )k F it I t iim iii ial ,,I 'It itittixti Fit (), )- ' I l () I iti I F) ) l 11( ) x I l I I \ Fc I l it 1 111 t I It i F I F() ( 1 f ii It IF I i F tF I (, I, i t I , ~ it x i i I xx Ii ( i-(i i t i i. i ~It i i Ft i 1 it ,i x 1(11 t ) t l I ll x i I Ix 1iF 11tt . I i I it i F\ ilt x m ttdtFI (1tiux ~t\ I x lt u tIi ~ ,I(tt ] 1IF t Tc tII ll w I FIt F i I i I I I t I i I~ t i I I t I I it ii 5 1ii iti iit im iill Fid\/c Fttttx Tl(ii tillculil t.u xm~itt ;Ild xu)11,,1tt~ h- (~i iIi i tc m ic \ ti'itiliix li F F 'xl it F it St I Fa m ' it F it x 0 I1 I i, 'xx.( 16. 1 (i .5 1 1 ~ Ii. it 1 3 t lt ' oft1 .5 1.1 1st .5 It 1st I . ItT h-.I T li; 1 ( l. 61ii t xxi)\ c) 'I I, I i I il i t ( I I lo.i I t I I It Ii c I I I 11t .t (ITi ii t i I t Ill x it F I t 0 1 t iiiii' i x 'F t .l d () I ,il xxtitI,' Fxxt, b lI \ Country Hams In A Hurry D. L. HUFF'MAN, J. R. JONES, aiid W, E, POWELL, Det. of Aititixit Sxtottxc (li t F (. I I T l l iI II x x t l F F i I i i Ff (, i it ittl I xx Ii. i i , i l ' if I ti 'it xii To I ( I hilF l i rtlxxtx i k t i l ii xl itt\ Ftc Ft x', xI t il cd i ) Gt x ti l i' I x Ii i x ,I F, t i\ iii Ii xl ( i I t'x x 1 ( I i t 'x ii xi xi Ii It x i I t I t I II i p ililw Itti i it xxi (di xlii I ld ( 'l st lii\ c I) id (dk lii liii Il x I 'l' t ii I )I I t I l ( i\ (' Il ittix's e lt til ldi li ! li ixil I[)%c\c ,"lc \\i iii i li He I (,];ix l o t Ii 'I il\ cl "Iii il Ftx xi l tIif l,,t i] ' t lui tix l ii\ if -l d l iii 111Lxx\ ' Im iti F xxit tli T IFit Fit F it l xi i 'x F ittI I ii t~ i 'itt x F xx ( xii If (i lxxii fi ti lt F i t x I it] i ,I t i I. itk, 1t tt i xi i lit .i xF~ i lit i Ii I I it Ft x11 t t ixuI itiit~t t t''x' iiI i i I F I it l,, to Ii 'x x ii F F xi wi l 1i \Itixt ( ( fixu tlu I ii ( 1 I lt '1 ( x tt I I ( ,x I i i x F I i I ) it 1 I( I i i L m ,c 'i ii l lIf .3 xx I lx \\ If ( ) I 1 i((i I lii F III( It Ill,' S1 1 F t\ ill i/it . Ii t lu jit l ft 'i tha ;i' If xx ii cck It F Itt xi i t i Iiit If iTo 11 i ii lxii 1 i li I I i I t i t 1 1 _ I I t ,u 11' 11i 1 cl, tIttixoli5 tit ltxii i xi icd th (I' l iiic i ( ci )i li't ,cm ,' _i I I _ii i t IT(F toi iF ki st (dt x IL i i x If- -,i I t, fll l I )Ii' uiu l I i iF F(I lit ilii l I. I I ti i t I 1 .1 1 cl c h IFI \i iii it F ,txIt' F (n li I S xI i'x d i F ili2 t\ xl F, it mF ,, lxxi if (-)I' tu (I' i i x t I iI I tI iw 2 t I ) il To F I T 1 i I _I it li Ix x i t F 1ix 1 1ii lxi ci iiii it I t il f t( 1-11 1 1 ( I ( I ( , to] \(. \1 I I I I( ol), ( )\ ) I I I I, \ \ 1) Q( \ I I I N ( )l Q1 I( 1\-( :1 Itl , ( ( )I \ I to) 1, 1 ) I I I I \ \1 t . "Ild -) Im"t J 4 ~* '4 Charolais x Holstein-Jersey Calves= Fast Growth and High Returns T. B. PATTERSON, Department of Animal Science R. A. MOORE and W, W. COTNEY, Upper Coastal Plain Substation attex 0 of tii pasturlahid iii 1960, ii d i fi6gurt' is t'xpiected to exsceetd 4 m il h11)1 bx 1975. Ax ii i141 farm-i size is still smal~il, but1 tip) ft oin 99 acres iii 19.50 to 164 iii 1965.1 A5 iaolOiitx of ite Sitt''s opet'n pisti re pet' actre is losw bettciuse' iif hiss stiiekit 14 raitt' (4-5 aitres pet' co\\) ca(ll tirop of' 80%3 oll loxx ei'. 110( 55 i'liilg xxetighii of I'iiin detvotetd to bee'f' tatt'e wold gro ss ft-r S:30) pei' cxxt. Ni'! rtturnis xxouldi be~ kel iiig xxitb no proxvisxioil for replact'- tInli ts. W\itit suhl los, r'turnis, bteef Catitle' show15 liitile proi se i 'for AlaIlbaiima1's inaIi i oif, ro crxx piniffug 1) y\ libl shotalge ai it il C ondsition fo isll a ills i 0o rtlthlli iu' I WCitpta' i til to liih t'eiilt o prioduceil CbI.'p i l s h ilxtt'ie ttetooo irtls tiio- Ilit teil. 4 tili iil.rx cus\s resuiltetd ill xxi' xxciglhtx is high als 801(1). aint ild xxili uis itf 1.000 1)li. loii soiitii (:(i\\s rifti i t'o i aie t's t'i x'sII tirtsstes fti iit a eiiiiiiiiid dairt Citit's5 tuu tll) n chc itll la't uiitilii cw l xxe 115 ollo Ioe Ill'lti'I ii s. jilt ). As mre iiilitlts bcctutu iake is fot tilt 2 xetis. frt itiiilirth. .Xppicil "i \ iiie coix jiistt't raIpidlyV to (filxv iiiilk jil t tiii'l t'il i Excep i t'i Io its lii i ciox xx ith)i a 16.0011) . milk i t'eii Tuix xx \\ eii' caket htaidt inili xx litti- mid( xxere it'd ciiirn silalge time's pir xxeek. Txxo itli. itt i1 cake ts xweret piaieed il Coiasital bei pa~stilri that1 had1( bett'i ox ii cdc Tn rnicndou , qi,ho -haboo, Hol stein-Jersey crosses is illUstr at ed by this .~ nursing calf. The photo was made in late July 1967, several weeks before weaning. moit -sct'lob'I ltt' e~ bt'i al x es wx ti r W5 (Ii d' anid platced ill dry lot. (Calvets werte creep ledt] hig 11141 tI011 feed . Abtl :3 wxeeks belorew xx (jul1 the creep) feedl wxas replaced by at lended'( rationi of' :30% grun C401 t oastal se(l i ocal I \itainio A andt inerls ill- elluded) We ight wxas recorded for each eall xx et it reaclhed :365 lax 1)1(1., TIhe ca~lv es wxere slawlitled bv 1Trooips ats illex rt'ac'Iu'l i11a1tket xxeigllis anlld girades. Bith bx(igits rangedi fromt 55 to l100 11). a1tot ax ie1d14 76 lb.. as xlioxx i ii the tabl le. Sixs cliles exceedted t'e ax ei agre, midii these bad 2.72 11b. wxeight per (lax of 101 at[ I x 111. The I I NO t ib belowx ax erage1 bli ib x (iglits axveraged 2.38 lb). per~ (ft\, oif' age' at I y ear. NI) apparentCII tlifficulties werie nlotedl at ealx 11114 Thbe 2.51) (ax axveIrage adj1]usted xx ('111 itig xx eiflt of 679 lb). xxas obtaiied liv aill'stimi for- sx of calt anid age dfille,]-- t'iwe', to i xsteter equilxIent basis. No ad( (lstitl('lwi wxere iade for aige ofi (dam. 01t pairtitular inteirest is the' axerage aoas acltual xx eight of 912 lb). Ill I 'veai . At calves (tui tll c11 maket pices these calvt's xxoild t 'lge bingiotl 'S270) per head at I yetai. lim \eigI ii of cows5 avxeragetd 1,1I92 lb). twhet'nt.l t tic i we xe caves5 ,ltitl (, scm pit 11 1et 9 e tBls ('5 xx(o ( il ave ilcs tt'et IN a pr.o1 (' il e 'I th i4t w igt t x tig t nd at I2 lb. li 1ro6ec ihe 17kc gr\ttter'be agted it t oiai' (I tollI "' ill the' Iitse da~ta sulggest poissibitiest' of avil-rt iiia Ili tdoubling gloss iicoeoit I tol bieef, ca'( lvixes bxv t'otnbittiiig ( I) gi1oss ii ctillat ' itt of tilt clf, (2) milk pr otdictioni of' T tile coxx, ainid (3) supplemoetal tei'ttht t'l I i (ilixi NII' 1OF CIAxOtAIS X I Iiic'li ii' ik(' of' PlAXl' S Ii S-ilo's, W'''INIELD0, t966-68 pallet 10-11)I. td, the '('5 iti thurit)" thriee '7 cot- 'te fit] s a1(1 iiiiitidi I xwith Nf iiti it (i t 's t.5 lii ii). Ii A\ .w t. a a,1) Ax . xwi. p'r dlay of 1 9665- 1967 Total (67 (i8 iii a\ 4 1:3 17 85 7:3 76 723 (665 1679 1,0(01 88:3 912 2.75 2.42 :2.51) 11.5 11.5 11.5 *i~7 en-' A stairway in the small building (left) leads to the rhizotron. The bin tops con be seen behind the building. At right is interior view from foot of the stairs. Note the vertical faces of the bins on the left and the sloped faces of those on the right. f1h AUGIBUIiN JKIIU IKUI-0N J. D. HARWOOD, Department of Publications Uiiitt't States aid one of onix four iii the woriti. Ilel(,iloao )I , t Fllil troll", xx as buiilt hx tile AgTi ieotii( al Ill searchb Seixvice, U.SDJA, on Llnd It11iiSlietI 1)5 tihe Auburni 1nix eisitx A~gricuilturtal I2 XPcrillt' it Stationi. Te I liiotroii is lbdsiclkl aii miitei grountod xx alkLxxax fitted 1)1 ('it her sidte xx itli gfliss xx ails s1o that 5ti('iitists eanl olbseix ( plilit roolts groxx in g iii the soili. It is 72 ft. long. S ft. deep, andt slightly over 1:3 ft. xx ide. There e t:20) sodl com- partmsents, It) onl e'ach side of' the xx alL- xiVa. l'o. Ii ('1111 phtillent is alhotit 74 iil high mnid 48 iii. x itle. T'e compariitmen'its oIii oIi i( side (if' thi( xxalk\xs \ anre :3 1 ili. tap 1 rolts xxiii stav agiist (t'e glass. searl ht's ctan iiil stud\l thit iitiaitimi gr-oxx t Ii, deepext ('t[ii'i. aiit dleathi ot tis iiii li miceroscet ts, or i ix se'ria ph o ii tograpslxh it I Th e iiitx also ihas tqip-f i~iotlo- midorogan oinlosNre Betse'arch ittss iitlt' x va iii the rhi/Il troll is cenitert'd tIl the i'll tes of sil t'nx iu-oiiiiiittal fattrs sli as -'iditx, pat t Ii5s (If stI\~lls 1 t ciIS oxxpt ii5.((1 tlit'es. inl sijilx soil. 0tiII, 11111(1 ii and~tI Xli it Edge KV General development of corn root system is shown at left. Center photo shows temperature and moisture probes in bin containing cot- ton. Right photo shows oxygen probes in soil surface of same bin as center. AN INTENSIVE EFFORT was made in 1967 by professional agricultural work- ers and certain segments of the cotton industry to get farmers to produce the highest quality cotton possible. The producer was urged to plant new varieties and control quality through production, harvesting, and ginning. Farmers generally accepted this chal- lenge and attempted to improve quality. In many cases, this was at the expense of reduced yield and higher seed cost. Prices and Quality Cotton prices were relatively high in 1967. Alabama farmers interpreted the higher prices as a premium for higher quality cotton. Coker 413, the most popular "high quality" variety, increased from 10% of planted acreage in 1967 to approximately 56% in 1968. As the out- look for a larger crop and decreased con- sumption in 1968 became more apparent, the price began to decrease. The price of "quality" cotton declined also. The problem of quality determination is complex and includes criteria other than grade, staple, and micronaire as established by USDA cotton classing offices. However, the USDA standards are primary determinants of price, re- ceived by the producer and he generally looks at these standards as a guide to the quality of his cotton. One of the major differences in "high quality" varie- ties apparent to the producer is longer staple. The supply of particular grades and staples of cotton affects the prices re- ceived by producers. However, supply or spot market quotations may not be a good indicator of prices expected for any one bale of cotton. Spot market quotations are average prices or in some instances only a "best estimate" by mer- chants. Preliminary studies indicate that most farmers in Alabama sell their cotton in round or mixed lots. Analysis of the price of 1,500 bales of "quality" cotton sold in 1968 reveals the relationship be- tween price and class card quality fac- tors. In a study of price-quality relation- ships, a stepwise regression technique of multiple correlation was employed to measure the relationship between cotton prices (dependent variable) and grade, staple, bale weight, CCC loan value, and mirconaire reading (independent variables). All five independent vari- ables explained only about 11% of the variation in cotton prices. Likewise, the overall relationship of cotton prices and the independent variables had only a correlation coefficient of .3285, where a perfect correlation is 1.0000. Therefore, the independent variables of grade, staple, bale weight, CCC loan value, and micronaire reading explained very little of the variation in cotton prices. Loan rates established by CCC do not take into consideration important quality DOES MARKET PRICE REFLECT DEMAND for QUALITY COTTON? JAMES H. SANFORD and JAMES R. HURST Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology PERFORMANCE OF COTTON VARIETIES IN SOUTHERN ALABAMA, 1968 int characteristics, average all tests' Value per acre _int hrtii average all_ tests_ ibased on av. yield, Average lint characteristics Variety yield per Dig. fibro, length and CCC loan acre' Micro- Pressley _________ rates' naire strength 2.5% Unif. Price Value span ratio per lb. Lb. Units mpsi In. Pet. Cents Dollars McNair 1032B 839 4.6 86.1 1.07 48 22.30 187.10 Auburn 56 835 4.3 82.6 1.06 46 22.30 186.20 Hy-Bee 100 805 4.5 84.2 1.10 46 22.85 183.94 Deltapine 45A 804 4.6 82.2 1.10 47 22.85 183.71 Stoneville 213- 803 4.7 88.1 1.11 46 22.85 183.48 Hy-Bee 200 797 4.5 83.8 1.09 46 22.30 177.73 Dixie King II 786 4.4 85.1 1.05 46 20.50 161.13 Deltapine 16 785 4.6 81.0 1.13 47 22.85 179.37 Stoneville 7A 783 4.7 88.1 1.11 46 22.85 1.78.92 Coker 201 778 4.6 86.9 1.12 46 22.85 177.77 TH 149 775 4.4 92.0 1.13 47 22.85 177.09 Auburn M 768 4.1 83.0 1.08 46 22.30 171.26 Coker 413-502 ------------------ 763 4.1 91.6 1.17 45 23.40 178.54 All-in-One 748 4.5 85.6 1.11 45 22.85 170.92 Atlas 66 726 4.6 96.5 1.10 47 22.85 165.89 Coker 4104 ------------------------ 724 4.1 83.8 1.16 45 23.40 169.42 Hy-Bee 401 722 4.6 94.1 1.09 47 22.30 161.06 Coker 413-68 715 4.2 87.3 1.17 45 23.40 167.31 Atlas 67 - 711 4.4 98.7 1.09 48 22.30 158.55 Stoneville 508 682 4.2 82.4 1.16 45 23.40 159.59 Coker 421-7923 ---------------- 667 ,4.2 88.9 1.14 47 23.40 156.08 Rex Smoothleaf ----------------- 660 4.1 83.1 1.09 45 22.30 147.18 1 One year results of variety tests conducted by the Department of Agronomy and Soils at five locations in southern Alabama. 'Results of fiber tests conducted by Textile Engineering Department. 'The 2.5% span length was converted to staple where .03" - 1/32" and Grade was assumed to be 41 (SLM). factors such as strength and uniformity that are important to users of cotton and which influence price. But the relation- ship of CCC prices and grade, staple, and micronaire are definite and can be applied to each individual bale of cotton. In recent seasons cotton has sold for prices considerably above loan value and factors other than those on class cards have influenced price. With the outlook for a larger 1969 crop to be harvested and decreasing consumption, a large part of this year's crop will prob- ably go into the CCC loan program. An analysis of cotton varieties at five locations in Alabama during 1968 showed that the decreased yield of some of the leading "high quality" varieties was not offset by increased price for longer staple at present CCC loan levels. The table shows that cotton varieties ranked in order of yield are almost identical to their ranking in value per acre. Profit is still of paramount impor- tance to cotton producers. They will continue to plant proven high yielding varieties of cotton that give the highest return per acre under present pricing schedules. Planting of such varieties, however, may not be consistent with im- proving the competitive position of cot- ton in the market place with manmade fibers. l i I \i t I i I ) Ii I Ii Ii It I Illt I ti t I Lt v \ ti t I I ( , 1 I I Ix IX . I ( II i( I t i'i I I) I1 It x Ii i Ihu )lxl til 1 t l ,it Ii( o I I i 1(iiii A i d ili I Iit il I I I1 I' I )I I I i Ii x i l 4 t .1 1 1 1 1' u t i t I ll li x I lIil I i ' xx I i 11 t I Iit Aitx' I i I J i h i t\ \ 1 ittiit- )ill Ilt I ii i I It ii it ilt.i I L t i )I Ii I t l i I11 Ill I t It I I I i It I it Ix ill ti til x I t li i tl i t i ti It I i t i II x il tt till I tt It) I Ixl, ( xx I I i xIi tt t I . t t t it 'x It i l IIi i4 Ix I t 1 il x I tI t Itt I It I I Ii t txlii ili I 'lI 'i t t i I i l ' t I II i Ix I ll I tIt I I I i ~I I t Fcst I I xI, C Itc 2 q . \x 1 t it 't tt 1i ti 150 SI 1. 2I it56TtM 151 7:3651 1). 00l 1)1 ~ -) 01. t 100.10() Til t I i t 50, 5 1 Broiler house at left was in walls and ceiling. insulated only in ceiling. House at right was completely insulated 'xil I It i x it tt I t I x ) 11 t t i I it xx I II ti L i I I i l I itL i t I xl 'I I111 I I it I i i t Ix I It tMt ' H ~ i 111t it, xt 1 .1 t ( II 1 L I cti i t I I t I Il \ I t I lii it lxi It'd it It t II t I ixI 2 II II t I I( t I II iI(- 1 1& \ 1. \t, li0 it 1)1 ll. i 0 1i Sit i)15 Si I ;' 05 Sill (I'1) 5, ) tLStI- 1 00 1 T. I I lm l ii W 11~ li4 lt li ili ii t1;illtiill 'I li l xiii xxi dii I ill' .2 ix I )ct tl~ ill tc]it .l i , ,,l \ill 2 S I c t S . oI' ll (t It t I I I t (t I I tI t I i t I tt li L' I t I Ix I Ii Ii Ii t I Ix lil Ii Ix til It~ d i I . tIlt I t It i t I l lit I11 it [ l It' i ; t I ( Itt I 11 I it I5 I t i ix I ll lii t 1 l1 11111 I i I It ' i I ' i t It lilt It Iti I I ' I t I .1 i i i lit i lt t xxi 5 t 'xt x t 1,ttI it ' I I ,i it Ii xx iI ti I Iii I r; i l 't t i i t I11 I I Iii I11' till Ii Ii I~ til ii 11 t111 ii t I xI t t I ii( it it it It (i 't t t I I1 1 t il ix i I ~t I I i I I11 xt I i tI I 'l I x I t ii t it, t Ii I l It lI t li of I tt II t it it'l /t 11 I'x 'it t I I II I Ii'I t IItiI BROILER HOUSE INSULATION.. What are the Effects? C. A. ROLLO, Dept. of Agi'culturatl Entgieer~ing G. R. McDANIEL, Dept. of Poultrty Science Processed garbage proved to be a good mulch for ornamental plants in Auburn tests. Note characteristic texture of material. S\I II ' C'.I~it.I C(lxixSJ fileiog tbt' flitioli eoold( '.\iiitf Ifl) xmiellii like a rose! Htxt'.i th at Aiihiii tiixei sitx Agi icItlirri Expei iilijt Stltioii hlas IC' t'IIf that1 processedt' gillbage ix s : silitaile tIlirfer i (Talit fioiol thle U.S. Pubuic ealth~ Service, I011( pr ocessed( .gi iage mOiddlesC to be' as t'ffectixe axs miany il e (lllllOllll ' liseI fillilchflig Ilileiis. Ther arCeC~ sex ei a]points fax 01ilig p~rocesex d gailxige Inllee: ( I1) thitv ie effectix e for mlore thiai I v ear; 2 ) I IC. ilnfflIlicC soil ilioixtiic. tei1eratillr(' f)If I 11illitlitioli: :3) '.. ilt biii esisttimt to (los1i(T, p~roceed' galiii-ge mulhes dox n1 ot pac k of- mjat; and (14) xxc eel giox'. t is Ifliedt ZilI [~ pf.ilt If)olI)Se grli tix ilf)Io\,e(I 1\r Ilii~g thisIilltl Abundant Supply Available ILadc \.(,ill tile av.cri1(4 Aii al dlisposes oif 10 61(1)li. of Iii li t \%ictit' fiC iiix(lthifibbr paper(, li ic a , g).1 1 )CI ilag. Al1(f liiit~ifx ille he(111( salvaiged. fTe rlliaililing leflxI is Ill lii hdil i o p se o-ls ti S i lin filt e tlz l AiibuiiI's It'tich fax tie at compost prodfiuif 1)' thle Cit'. of Mfobile. Thi. pocessed(' gui hae has. ar,k f)OMi~x color?, xx itfI i falgt'llilinlt'. of ff('\ih)I i11(1 rigif plastic aiiffl- II t. All glax'. is groim id toif as'.ze tfiat tdoes' ilt fplC51'lt .1 prolem~i ill hliinfflg. 0x trill] tCxtlI of thle froictll is xiolii'x fat giliiiilair. It ix (fifficlIft to ignite, with a1 lliltdli. foeioical iiiilx xsix ( Spoi xx ax ) oif processed gal fbiage shox'.' 20- 4(0 pp.m1., aod calcioni of 15(0 :3(00 f).f).l. 1'( f)II ix 8.6 anid liigfilx l.ixtillit to chlige. It ha'. :i hh salt Coltlit rpPCCrrFDn- CAPACF: Useful Mulch for Ornamental Plants KENNETH C. SANDERSON, HtNRY P. ORR, and WILLIS C. MARTIN, JR., Dept. of Horticulture ('.01011itlgt irtatfinig I :5 dilutioni fail d.tred 7(1 iiifiti'. bult the salt xit le eail'. leied. Good Mulch Results Interiest that gilel iiatcd t'\Jel illilit'. xxitfi plrol'Cc~fe gill (age 11011-11 xx il iteilisI. (if fte firgt' (Iflilitities of thelit' 11111 af iaiflib bif ht could( he Its'ill park iiid fir\igf ix' l plillitil 4'. \ld tfiese lolilels it'. li.c piox ('I '.lieeix.fIl il 0 0011 ()Il' -Not apifl-lilt (filelic tI cr tot x x I '0!ixI ii ill thei growxth of procestsedt(f grfit'.c xaxx fiixt. of- pine '.trixx. Lea',f an1d floxx Cl- colo old pfl ,roxitiSie. a\le olk'.x ll tot .1i~ll fi i e giddle.'i oil lili itlllit' 1111(1 tt'iii shoretlil lli1 Ii p it xe ghn seillie 11141 lit \,bell la ttn cIllipil ifl('c to) results \xitfi othiel i11il lis.fi' \Ioutfif Illititl a'lld tt'llipetrltuilre t'wigx(T (fil (g \IaN to nuIN 19(68 (if 48 plot. til it liixax sliipte xboxxed thei f'ol lo'. ilil" t Ii' Cs ': f)l (f It I 1 11 'ilIt '.t Ilxx pct cclit 78 .S 90l. 1 92. 1 94.8 J2 .5 9 t1.7 Tc Il ipi'latIlic 79.3 78.1 7(6.5 77.4 78.3 Prociesied gill iigt' mulche~s xx cIC also fool 1( to enhi'i thet .iiil. \fi, ktd 111(1 ('axe ill pf I. fhflihxf-fiiisl poilssolil. a111( callcillill I '.'elo aifter li111clltfi xxr ('1.' xiox b\ these s.oil tett rlts ' 11111101 111lff 1111 Si'. (l1lxt Ficinlit, I' K tt 1 89.5 2.1 2118.8 1.5 85.1 5.9 88.5 1.5 2:30t.5 lb. peri (Jill Ca 882.0l 9t0 1.0 851.01 899).0 9.51.01 1.20(1.01 1115.8 1012.0) 11 8.5 \ i i\ \ 'I IS M I H Pi I, \\t I I 1 ' t ,11iJ )) 1)1()1)1( m ( t Alii~aama grtows . A' lthioughia ttnumber of f actors atre ill volvel, tille 1)1 iiii-xx weatlIicr elements are tsol) tc eti ti tt t and monisturie. Sitc soil temperature x atit's lri daxy tn day, \xx e ned tn knoxx its influence ott seed gerinittafiont alt) 1 seedilig ('11ttt'rt'ttCC tinder field conditinns. To (lete itlint' ft'e effeet of soil tetlip 1 eratttte oil c'it('tgetlIte Mitd estaihislillnelt of, a stiti of peittitits. it ('\pet inlit i s Stafoolt fo it a 5-s tat periodi from- 19654 ftotigli 19(68. Tie soil wxias pu epat ci 1) - toi oiln g with iii 01(11 a d plowx to i depth of (6 to S itt. aind diskinig pr iot to the first plaititig each ' \ear. A ri t a -v tille \-it s used to ptrepare at lt'x-c seed(I lbt'd beforeI pliit it 04. Seed o)1 Eatk lx ittuet'vrc\\j~ getiitiation inl exceIs. of' 5% xxet-e tised. Seed wxere pliteti 6 itt. apat foi at)l 2, itt. deep at xx ekix inftx aixs hegittitti ig iap 1 roxitiat clx X v arclh 1 7 of each y ear. Eatch plot cotnsistetd of 2 ruixws, 2-1 itt. aixo t anid 20 ft. long, wxithieh pilattittg onl at ? x en datte replic(at ed I our tim es. Seedlitng ('met get te xwas recorded each xweek fot :3 wek lolioxi iig eatch plantitng. Mlaximum aittd tititititi soil teni) fieraf tires at 1, 2, -4. atid 8 itt. bloxx the stil stit face wxere record(ed da~ily. Since so il temrntu~tre at tilt' 4-in. depthi xxas ;ifleceel les.s i) -vilittpt eliatigyes inl atir tlipert iiite and 1 other~ xweathier x ililes. dils. maxiilmim teiiiperattttes at fthi diepth lior 1tt dax ' prior to each planttinig date xwere used. The S itt. tleptli wxits thought to he too fatl beloxx the pliatitig iotte of' the jpealltti Seed. Asiunnti of' ft' results of this sttudx is presetfed ti the gtraphi. liesuiits itndicatte thait the itt (ax itx (ritgt' iiaiil tti shot iid he (65 F ot alitoxe fotr siltisfa~ctory seedlit ig emet geutIee. This iivetitget' flpti ittutl l' slitu~ll oeetirru't ,ilut April .5 tll(Marrl Apr.Au iii J11 eff~pefLUre AUBREY C. MIXON, CR. ARS. USDA E. M. EVANS, Dept. of Agronomy aind Soils PAUL A. MOTT, U.S. Weather Bureau Ilt fit', lmit ti at of Aliaama the U9.S. XX e~iftr lUiti a miiti liis tilset xitig statiutios att I leattlid i, ( ,l'ttt anmd En- titinled bliisft'tliig tio those locatl ritlio antd t('i('x isioti staitis inl ft'e peii tiIt r.i th1a ,t tooperaite xx i t fle Wet'heir I t reiti Agtriculi tutral Set xitt'. 'IT'e jj apox~ima tt' date('sx lit' tflt' soil tetiiperitturretachetd atll axvtetrage of 65' F' or ifmlmxe att the 4-itt. depth ditriting the patst 4- or .5 xeatr petritid ait [lie abovmxe locit- tiotis wxere its 1 tilitiss : Illtiti -b I )Vcs' w'ie a .XlateI 22-Api 7 March l()Xii 13 lit tiltiii .Xlat'el I 5' ipjil 7 Pct. Seed. Emerg. 80 I- 70 60 50 40 20L o i l] - - - - , . 57 60 63 66 69 72 [ Soil Temperature 'F Peanut seedling emergence as affected by soil temperature at the 4-in, depth on a sandy loam sail at Auburn. if it flirinet utecds to kttixs thle itppu txiiuite Sil teipil- ture of it pitttictular fit'eld, lit' may obtaini it wxitht ailmost alix Iin. itt ft'e stil at sei liiiitoctis xxitintiflt fie'ld. The 0xc it I the i eaditts x\\ill grixve ft'e field tcnipe atm t'. A tt'iliil ,ftute otii ediit ill this inittei atround 10(t:tt0 it. tin clea'.r da shudaprox\im ate the da~iki ax era ge somil tern - Low soil temperature can result in uneven stands of peanuts. 15-31 12 15 19-21 26-29 5-8 0 0 Mar. 15-31 Apr. 12 - 15 19- 21 26-295-8 I I i I I I Some ECONOMIC and LEGAL ASPECTS of FARM LEASING HOWARD A. CLONTS and JAMES R. HURST Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology LAND OWNERSHIP is not essential for successful farm operation. This was affirmed in a recent contest for outstand- ing farmers in which a majority of the entries rented a substantial part of the land they operated. Alabama farmers traditionally have attempted to increase their farm opera- tions by purchasing land as opposed to renting additional acres. Throughout the Southeastern States renting has been associated with "tenants" and "share- croppers." However, in recent years purchases of farmland have become eco- nomically prohibitive to many farmers because of high interest rates and price inflation. Consequently, leasing is be- coming commonplace in certain areas of agricultural production, such as cotton and soybeans, and the "sharecropper image" of farmers who rent is rapidly diminishing as a barrier to farm leasing. The 1964 Census Indicated The 1964 Census of Agriculture indi- cated that only 20% of all Alabama farm- ers were full tenants. The proportion of Alabama farmers renting (leasing),part of the land they farm is increasing, and in 1964, 20% of the farmers were con- sidered part-tenants and part-owners. However, the 40% of Alabama farmers operating under a lease agreement is still low when compared with some Midwest- ern States where 60% of the farms are operated under leases. 10 In addition to increasing land prices and interest rates making leasing more attractive to farmers seeking to expand the size of their operations, renting land releases capital for acquiring more ma- chinery and other technological re- sources to increase. efficiency. Leasing is also attractive to landowners as a means of increasing income from under-utilized land. As a result, the farm lease has new importance and acceptance in mod- ern agriculture. Legal Aspects In a legal sense anyone who uses the land of another and pays a rent, whether the payment is in cash or kind, is a tenant. In the Southeast, the word ten- ant has been associated with a share- cropper, and there is a distinction be- tween these two classes of tenants in some states. However, a "sharecropper" in Alabama is merely a tenant who pays rent in crops, not cash, and has the same legal status as a cash renter. "Share- croppers" are rapidly decreasing and to- day's tenant is typically a relatively ef- ficient farm operator. The modern ten- ant has the managerial ability to employ his limited capital in acquiring the com- bination of resources that will yield the highest return - often through leasing. A farm lease is a legal agreement be- tween the landlord and tenant which specifies their rights and responsibilities. The traditional lease has been an oral agreement for 1 year. Oral leases for 1 year or less are legal and binding upon the parties but increase chances for mis- understanding terms of the lease. Writ- ten leases can eliminate many of the problems of miscommunication and are a legal necessity for a lease of more than I year. Because additional invest- ment in machinery, equipment, and land treatment not recoverable in I year is necessary, leases for periods longer than one year often are desirable. Longer term leases also facilitate farm planning and adjustment. For legal and practical reasons leases should be in writing. Requirements of a Legal Lease A written lease to be legal and bind- ing must contain: (1) Names of parties (landlord and tenant) (2) Description of property to be leased (legal description) (3) Time of lease period (beginning and ending dates) (4) Amount of rent and time sched- ule for payment of rent (5) Signatures of parties to the lease. Terms of Lease In addition to the basic legal require- ments of a lease, other terms stating specific rights and responsibilities of the parties should be included. In the ab- sence of contractual agreement between the parties, certain rights may be mis- understood and determined by opera- tion of law as specified in the Code of Alabama'. It is good management to have a written agreement on any matter that may give rise to misunderstanding and possible legal proceedings. It is not possible for laws to cover all possible situations, so to secure equity for both the landlord and tenant the terms of a lease should go beyond legal aspects of a lease. The cash lease is more practical and is becoming more widely used than share leases because of its simplicity and aid in budgeting and planning. The terms of a cash lease pertain mostly to amount and method of payment of rent and to certain f arm- ing practices related to maintenance and productivity of the land and improve- ments. Farm leases equitable to both land- lord and tenant can increase the land available to efficient farmers and provide a satisfactory return to both parties. 'Lewis, W. 0., et al. eds. 1959. The Code of Alabama, 16:31:78-117. .. A History of Agronomy and Soils at Auburn University L. E. ENSMINGER, Depoartment of Agronomy and Soils AGRONOMY WAS FIRST listed as a sep- arate teaching unit in the 1916 catalog of Auburn University (then Alabama Polytechnic Institute). It was one of five departments in the College of Agri- cultural Sciences. The staff consisted of Professor J. F. Duggar, who was also Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service, Associate Professor M. J. Funchess, and Instructor Frank Boyd. All three staff members held the Master of Science Degree. The Department of Crops and Soils was created in 1919 with Professor M. J. Funchess as Head. Although the De- partment was not formally organized un- til 1919, agronomic research was first activated by an act of the 1911 Legisla- ture that made funds available for co- operative field experiments with farmers. J. T. Williamson was hired in 1911 and put in charge of conducting fertilizer experiments throughout the State. He also established Experiment Fields at Atmore, Hackleburg, and Gastonburg. Much valuable information resulted from these early agronomic experiments con- ducted under his supervision. In 1931 the name of the department was changed to Department of Agron- omy and Soils. By this time the teach- ing and research staff numbered 13, with M. J. Funchess serving as Head Professor as well as Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Dr. J. W. Tidmore was appointed Head effective July 1, 1935, and served in that capacity until his death as the result of an automobile accident in July 1941. The Department earned national rec- ognition for its early work in soil chem- istry and soil fertility. Besides the staff members already mentioned, the follow- ing scientists contributed toward this early recognition: Dr. W. H. Pierre, Dr. F. W. Parker, Dr. L. D. Bayer, Dr. N. J. Volk, Dr. G. D. Scarseth, and Dr. Anna Sommers. Dr. Pierre's classical research on resi- dual acidity or basicity of fertilizers was first published in 1928. This work was the basis of the method adopted by the Association of Official Agricultural Chem- ists for determining the equivalent acid- ity or basicity of fertilizers. The research program in soils has remained strong with the addition to the staff since World War II of many other well trained soil scientists. During the early years of the Depart- ment the emphasis was on soils and fertilizers. Since 1940 the crop research program, including plant breeding, crop production, and turf management, has been greatly strengthened. Crop scien- tists of the Department have made a number of important contributions. Homer Tisdale developed and released Auburn 56 cotton in 1955. This variety is still used to some extent as a variety, and it has been used extensively as a genetic base for many new varieties. Regal clover, developed by Drs. P. B. Gibson, E. D. Donnelly, and W. C. John- son, was released in 1962. Because of its many good qualities, Regal has be- come widely used in the Southeast. Dr. Donnelly has developed improved varieties of sericea and a reseeding vetch that is ready for release. The introduc- tion of zoysia matrella in 1927 by Dr. D. G. Sturkie was a significant contribu- tion to the Southeast. In 1946, Dr. C. F. Simmons, now As- sociate Dean of the School of Agricul- ture and Assistant Director of the Agri- cultural Experiment Station, became Head of the Department and served un- til January 1, 1951. Dr. Howard T. Rogers became Head on July 1, 1951, and served in that capacity until, be- cause of ill health, he accepted a posi- tion in the Department with less respon- sibilities on January 1, 1966. Dr. Rogers was responsible for organ- izing a soil testing laboratory in 1954, with Dr. C. M. Wilson as its first direc- tor. Upon Dr. Wilson's resignation in 1957, Dr. R. D. Rouse assumed direc- tion of the laboratory. He remained as director of the laboratory until his ap- pointment as Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and As- sistant Dean of the School of Agricul- ture on July 1, 1966. Dr. J. T. Cope, Jr., is presently in charge of the soil test- ing laboratory, which is now analyzing about 35,000 samples annually. Upon completion of Funchess Hall the Department moved from Coner Hall into Funchess in 1962, along with the departments of Botany and Plant Path- ology, Horticulture, and Zoology-Ento- mology. Agronomy and Soils now oc- cupies most of the second floor of Funch- ess Hall, as well as space for the soil testing laboratory on the first floor. Although the laboratories in Comer Hall were well equipped, laboratory space was not adequate and office space was entirely inadequate. The Depart- ment now has the space and equipment necessary to carry on research programs in almost all phases of crop and soil sciences. Three growth chambers in Funchess Hall and one in the basement of Comer Hall are used in research. For a number of years the Depart- ment has operated an agronomy farm located on the southern edge of the campus. Here several experiments of historical importance, some dating back prior to 1900, are still underway. The research program was further strength- ened in 1946 by the purchase of a 400- acre Plant Breeding Unit near Tallassee. This unit was originally used for plant breeding research, but in more recent years work has been expanded to in- clude other agronomic research as well. While Head of the Department, Dr. Rogers organized a foundation seed stocks program with a headquarters farm near Thorsby. This farm was acquired in 1954 and is being used for produc- ing, processing, and storing of founda- tion seed and for cooperative field re- search with USDA-ARS. An undergraduate major is offered as well as graduate work at both the mas- ter's and doctoral levels. The first mas- ter's degree was awarded about 1925, and some 100 such degrees have been awarded since that time. The doctoral program in the Depart- ment was initiated in 1959 and the first Ph.D. awarded in June 1962. A total of 20 doctorates has been awarded to date. Thirteen members of the Depart- ment are also on the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University. Dr. L. E. Ensminger was appointed acting Head on January 1, 1966, and became Head July 1, 1966. At present there are 31 professional staff members, 19 of whom have Ph.D. degrees. In ad- dition, there are 10 USDA-ARS profes- sional research workers attached to the Department. There are 30 research proj- ects in the Department covering most phases of crops and soils. 11 VIRUS INFECTION of GRASSES JAMES V. CANERDAY and ROBERT T. GUDAUSKAS Department of Botany and Plant Pathology SEVERAL VIHUSES infect many impor- tant grain and forage crops. These infections are known to reduce quality and quantity but the effects of such infections on growth and yield of many grasses are unknown. Maize dwarf mosaic virus ( MDMV) is a damaging pest of corn in Alabama and at least 19 other states. The virus also infects many other grasses. In studies at the Auburn University Agri- cultural Experiment Station, the sus- ceptibility of many grasses to MIDMV was determined and effects of the virus on performance of some were investi- gated. Grasses were grown in pots in the greenhouse and inoculated in the seed- ling stage by rubbing leaves with a cheesecloth pad saturated with sap from an MDMIV-infected corn plant. An equal number of plants of each grass were inoculated with sap from healthy corn to serve as controls. Plants were ob- served for symptom appearance for 5-6 weeks following inoculation. Grasses showing questionable or no symptoms were retested, and back inoculations to corn were made from symptomless plants. Reactions of some grasses to MDMV are given in the table. All sorghums and sudangrasses tested were susceptible, as were 32 of 34 sorghum-sudangrass hy- 24r Hec thy 2 D.iseased 2 Cutng FIG. 1. Protein content of healthy and MDMV-infected johnsongrass. brids. Gahi 1 pearl millet was suscepti- ble while four other pearl millets were not. Johnsongrass has long been known to be susceptible and is recognized as an important natural reservoir of MDMV. All infected grasses showed the symptom typical of MDMV infection in corn, i.e., a mottle or mosaic pattern that appeared first at the base of youngest leaves. Some non-susceptible grasses included bahia- grass, Goar fescue, Boone orchardgrass, and Italian ryegrass. Effects of MDMV infection on per- formance of johnsongrass and a sorghum- sudan hybrid were studied in additional experiments. The grasses were grown in the greenhouse and inoculated as be- fore. Cuttings of healthy and NIDtV- infected grass were made periodically after inoculation and yield, protein con- tents, and digestibilities were measured. Protein contents were calculated from nitrogen analyses; digestibilities were determined with fistulated steers. MDMV infection had no apparent detrimental effect on protein content or digestibility of johnsongrass or the sor- ghum-sudan hybrid. In fact, protein con- tent and digestibility of infected john- songrass were slightly higher than those of healthy, Figures 1 and 2. Similarly, yield of johnsongrass was unaffected, however, yield of the sorghum-sudan hy- brid was reduced by 40% at the second cutting and 12% at the third, Figure 3. Much of the reduction appeared to be due to die-off following the first cutting. SUSCEPTIBnLITY OF SOME CGnASSES To MDIMV Susceptible brown top millet sudangrasses johnsongrass Cumberland Trudan pearl millet, Gahi-1 Monarch Tirudan sorghums RP Su I TruidaTn Beeflbuilder NK 300 sorghum-sudangrass hybri F-101 NK 315 Big H 3 little Ii Funks 2615 NK 318-S Captain Die Milkmak FS 15 NK 320 DeKalb SX-11 Orbit FS 22 NK 330 DeKalb SX-12 Pioneer 9 Ga 615 Pioneer 931 DeKalb SX-16 Pioneer 9 H 6354 Pioneer 940 Funks 77F Pioneer HOK Rudy Patrick Funks G-78F Pioneer 55F Golden Sue RP Mor Husky Silomaker Grazemaster Southern LEH 4031 Su Chow 2 Grazer-A Su Chow LEH 4048 Titan R Green Graze Su-4 Yieldmaker Greenlan Sucrosse Green M Summerq lHidan 37 Sure Gra Hidan 38 Sweet Si, Leafy Sue Thunder Non-Susceptible I bahiagrass II canarygrass, Auburn Reed III centipedegrass ds tall fescue, Goar ndians koleagrass er orchardgrass, Boone pearl millets )50 Millex 22 )80 NK-X-1002 985 Pearlex 21 988 Pearlex 22 Su ryegrass, Italian Cross sorghum-sudangrass ,35 hybrids Gro-N-Graze HG-12 FIG. 2. Digestibility of healthy and MDMV- FIG. 3. Yield of healthy and MDMV-in- infected johnsongrass. fected sorghum-sudan hybrid. UNUSUAL FRUIT ROT Found in ALABAMA ARCHIE J. LATHAM, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology S. commune occurs worldwide as a common wood rotting fungus. It has shown preference for apple wood upon which its fruiting structures may be found, Figure 1C. The paucity of re- ported studies on apple fruit may be an indication of the lack of importance of this apple fruit disease or the failure of investigators to successfully identify the causal agent. However, the occur- rence of Schizophyllum rot on apple fruit exemplifies the need for practicing sanitation in producing orchards. The elimination of dead wood and its de- struction is essential to remove potential sources of inoculum to ripening fruit by Schizophyllum and a multiplicity of other fungi. A N UNUSUAL PATTERN of rot was found in July Delicious apples in a basket of discard fruit in a fruit packing shed in Central Alabama in July 1967. The diseased apples were incubated in culture dishes on a laboratory table for 6-8 weeks at 22-33"C. During the incubation period a zonate-like rot spread over the apple surface, Figure 1A, and small tufts of white mold de- veloped randomly from the fruit. The tufts of mold continued to form and spread until the entire apple surface be- came covered with a felt-like mat. After 8-weeks incubation, the cultures were removed to a darkened shelf and allowed to incubate for 30 days. Mushroom-like structures (basidiocarps) were observed on the rotted fruit at the end of the 90-day incubation period, Figure lB. The fungus has been identified as Schizo- phyllum commune. Only two other reports of S. commun o occurrence on apple fruit have been found in a literature search. The first report came from Oregon in 1931 when the basidiocarps of S. commune were observed on green apples thinned from trees early in the growing season. The other report was in 1961 when the basidiocarps were also found on fallen apples and pears in an orchard in north- ern Italy. However, the Italian research- ers were unsuccessful in clearly estab- lishing causal relationships with S. com- mune. Failure to reproduce basidiocarps on artifically inoculated apples was at- tributed to an inability to produce proper environmental conditions and possible genetic variability of S. commune. Preliminary investigations were con- ducted to determine the temperatures at which optimum growth of the fungus occurred, and to develop information relative to light requirements for proper fungal development. Subsequently, the following apple varieties were inocu- lated: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Jonathan, Rome, Red Steele, Winesap, and Red York. A mycelial agar disc cut from actively growing cultures of S. com- mune was inserted into a hole aseptically cut into the fruit. The hole was sealed with Scotch tape, the apples were placed in plastic refrigerator cups enclosed in plastic bags and subsequently incubated at 21, 24, 27, 30, or 33 0 C. Four apples of each variety were used at each tem- perature. Optimum rate of rot develop- ment occurred at 30 to 33'C. Golden Delicious and Red York apples rotted fastest and became completely envel- oped by rot within the first 18 days in- cubation. After 8 weeks incubation only two basidiocarps of S. commune were observed though the cultures had re- ceived the previous determined minimal incandescent light exposures. Therefore one apple of each variety was removed from the 30 and 33' incubators to a shelf where minimal daylight could be received by the vegetative mycelium of the fungus. After 14 days incubation, typical basidio- carps of S. commune had formed on these apples, thereby establishing con- vincing evidence for pathogenicity. Other research has shown that S. commune infects apples through wounds or natural openings into the fruit, such as at the calyx end of the apple. Shown here are identifying features of Schizophyllum apple rot. A. Zonate symp- toms on rotted fruit. B. Basidiocarps formed on rotted fruit. C. Schizophyllum basidio- carps on apple twig. D. G. STURKIE, Dept, of Agroooeiy o,,d Soiis Crownvetch anud weeping Iovegrass planting on roadside. Left photo shows site on May 5 of year of planting. Right photo shows some site on May 15, 3 years toter. -ill.lil ill ititlit 2 tii ix t ii c d t ill \xI I I I N.l i tt~ijt Ii S F t i i Iri Ii I, I N I iLN t i2 1 '9 (i I I I i I I n I I I I ,I, i( )1 1x 11 If 0 2 ii ~ Ic. It -t/i x i xi xlx,1 )-5 xx ii I L ifi ix N. I I I I ( lI t I/il I (Itt iii I ks I I II; F t I III li c till ~ lh , it (i lii xx x ( , i ,Ii I I Ii Ix_ I *i I I x l I I I Itl w I I I\i i ii N. s I It i p - (111 5 I IIf, ti; , .1 1 1( , i I iii tr I t ki crn I \ N) iii (1 iii xx 11 ii, l l rst I ( 'III- A(li Lu,,\ x sl I iix'il x ti 1 t (M5 x ii 'IW i I i his I it I iir ifi t n i XI' I i d ( Xi Ii )xxjI Ii itt, dl tmiiiis I l tiii xx is llt \i ti It i m 4 I r, ~ i()1(' .s I i \ 1I ml c I t i's i I'111lli t' ~l k I'11 x t tildrii _ us iii ,i :ixx Nixit -(,I ii I (,, 1 1 5 11 4 11 i 1 1 i ( ;\\ it ii I qs iF ii t Ir tf-1 5 1 ) it i t h OfI~'l I . Xii l i It I lI't,i Ii. F ~ s AI]iixi Iu 1 n i dit i k,tl lullh s lit t ,it ix sI I I xx ii xi ixx If I 'I~ it r i1 lx x I I f. I fr Is If li ! I I [) i li l I ( I I I \x Ixiiti~ ~ 1( Ii x',ts li (I,,x xi \11! iii xi Xi,,, ir I \\xix I()\ \rrrxusxii\k it ixi xi xi, ii M I iii itiirlrriiiqi Clxx ix it, hi x;i, I \li liii( 0, N 'N, 'x. A (.iio Pll I.., H.5 ii ~ I i I tM 1. 1x ill xil, 20 1 K 1,11 1c c c 20 1)t Ii \sir 1x.Pl Ix S i t; xi Ni i xx Xi Ii i i i NI i x1 \ tntl t lI p xtciIi k F1 I 1 1, f i if I I f \l ,It'I " x , )ill h'1' mill I iii ili ] ist; (1(, id liii i I m i l x tllh , i iixx 11,c ix it it llt F, I I Ix Il Ix ix Ii ii I I I ~ Iii I i Ii, ,ii x, nit 4 iiix I i lx It , ~I IiiLt Ifi Iiix Iii l nit i I . llinit I t xI I t x I t I i I Ix I I t II I I I I, 'i It I i L (~ i i I ix N il xi' I t ,,i -I I i I it xx st ,i xx N. NI I I l I t I i Its sil ii , s x I I \NiI I ', i s i it I i i Ix I lI i lI If NNI 't I I41 IFu I i t I n I ' ii Ii T tI I Ix I I I I IIIIII xiiil. , d lixc, l1i s intl'l To()( 14 ixcll 1 )65, ;ti,(l \I)iil 2 5. \11 (T(y', tcl,,tcd ill (k-w Illdiu Ilit\c Hatchery Management and Sanitation Affects Poultry Profits S. A. EDGAR and J. R. STEVENSON*, Department of Poultry Science M ANY ERRORS in hatchery manage- ment and sanitation that had a detri- mental effect on poultry production were revealed in a recent 3-year study by Auburn University Agricultural Experi- ment Station. In most companies, usually not one but several factors were re- sponsible for losses, but sometimes one serious error accounted for most. The most important faults encountered in hatcheries were reported in an earlier issue of Highlights of Agricultural Re- search (Vol. 13, No. 3). Faults affected production in two ways: (1) in hatchability, and (2) in quality of chicks and their subsequent performance as broilers or layers, or in breeder flocks. Most problems affecting hatchability were found to be mechani- cal: infrequent or improper gathering and casing eggs hot, breaking or crack- ing eggs, holding eggs at temperatures too high or too low and for too long, and setting cull eggs. Such errors did not affect chick quality greatly. Other factors, such as poor egg sani- tation, were detrimental to hatchability and were evidenced by "exploders," dead-in-shell embryos, dead pipped em- bryos, early chick mortality, and weak, infected chickens that died early or were stunted. * Resigned. Although certain diseases were egg- transmitted, they are not covered in this report. High microbial contamination at one or more locations in hatcheries had no effect on hatchability, but was detri- mental to chicks and their performance. Diseases most often associated with poor egg or hatchery sanitation included: (1) Aspergillosis. Severe infections caused brooder pneumonia and early chick mortality. If low grade, there was less mortality, or none, but some birds were stunted and there were some deaths as infection progressed. Some birds died later from toxins or fungus growth. (2) Omphalitis. This was caused by Escherichia coli, coliforms, Staphylococ- cus, Proteus, or other agents and resulted in stunting and early deaths. (3) Salmonellosis (mostly paraty- phoids). This resulted in some deaths and stunting. Exposure of newly hatched chicks to high microbial contamination on surfaces or in the air lowered chick quality and performance of chickens. Correction of errors by several broiler companies resulted in considerable im- provements in hatchability. This is shown by results in table from some firms. An efficient broiler producing com- pany, such as A, that was already averag- ing above 85% hatchability of all eggs AVERAGE HATCHABILITY IN Six HATCHERIES, BEFORE AND AFTER CORRECTING ERRORS Cracks or Infertile Embryo deaths during incubation' Hatch Company cull eggs eggs 1-7 days 8-18 days 19-21 days Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Company A Before correction .- 1.5 8.1 3.0 0.5 1.6 85.4 After correction- 1.0 8.0 1.5 .5 1.3 87.72 Company B Before correction - - 1.0' 9.9 5.0 9.5 5.0 69.6 After correction- - 1.0 8.0 2.0 .5 2.5 87.2 Company C Before correction ------------. 11.3 9.2 2.0 0 3.0 74.5 After correction-------- 1.0 9.3 1.0 3.5 2.0 86.0 Company D Before correction ---- 1.0 8.0* 0 2.0 0 10.0 79.0 After correction .-. 1.0 7.0* 2.0 0 2.0 88.6 Company E Before correction ....... 8.0 ... ... 78.0 After correction--------- 1.0 8.0 1.6 .4 1.6 86.0 Company F Before correction - 1.0 9.0 2.0 6.0' 6.0' 76.0 After correction --- 1.0 9.0 2.0 0 2.0 86.0 ' Includes pipped and weak and cull chicks. 'June to November. 3 In addition, slightly more than 5% of hatching eg reduced to less than 20%. * indicates that figure was calculated. ' Some hatches were 50-60% with many weak chicks. 'Failure to pull all chicks because of uneven hatches. gs were lost in cracks, and this was set had only slight improvement - from 85.4 to 87.7%. Companies B, C, D, E, and F experienced much greater im- provement - 8 to 18%. Company B's improvement resulted almost entirely from (1) improving egg and hen house sanitation, and (2) dis- continuing improper washing of hatch- ing eggs so that only clean or dry cleaned eggs were set. Clean eggs were attained by improving breeder flock management. In the case of Company C, improve- ment was mainly from reducing egg cracking or breaking at gathering and traying, by repair or replacement of warped egg trays and buggies that caused breakage, and by reducing break- age at transfer. Company D, a white leghorn opera- tion, improved by correcting egg gather- ing, setting only clean or dry cleaned eggs, and reducing inside hatcher tem- peratures of some machines from 104- 1050 to 990F. Improvement by Company E resulted entirely from proper scheduled setting of eggs so that none were over 4 to 5 days old when set. Previously some were held more than 14 days before set- ting, and at improper temperature. Company F's problem was caused by duct work on setters that caused hot and cold pockets. This resulted in some embryo deaths during incubation and uneven hatching so that many chicks were not pulled. After correction, all six companies were setting less than 1% cull eggs of all types, and these improvements were averages for 6 to 12 months. All com- panies had several flocks each that hatched above 92% of all eggs set some- time during the period of lay. The best 6- to 12-month efforts of 15 broiler companies show that at least 90% hatchability of eggs can be reached. Two companies averaged within 2.5% of this potential. An average of 93-94% hatch should be attainable for commer- cial egg strains. Although increased hatchability is highly important, other advantages from hatchery and breeder flock improvement are equally profitable. In the case of one company, these additional advan- tages included (1) a reduction in runts from 1 to 5% down to nearly zero at market age, (2) 2.5% less mortality, (3) 2% lower condemnation, and (4) greatly reduced drug bill - worth far more than the hatchability increase. 15 NW RADIOS Keep Track of WILD TURKEYS LARRY IH. BARWICK Deportmei of Zoology-Ettonitology li\V ol i Il XX lit tilt i \oI o I~I I(' 1 Ic,, h liii I 1 hch m III( liipili _ ol t il i it i ll i t iltd i III (. \\11 ill 1will t i Xi. XiI , l l t XX1,1111I t i N X I I Ii. \tiiit L \\ lill ti *Xi kc (iii I I [lit kX itd X i i t XX il( I I lo iii II', 11, it tit. i I I t itii\ i I t (I I ii t k(\ o hhi it , till(( iii c ll l W , t\(I ( h h (I, i [\( I icit o ltti Io - i lt I, ill i I l i IicX it ic tI illed \ I I it illId l i t l it It IlillktX ilt l whIt 'w l w p il , lthi Il IX I lit t cXX I (.l 111 l l It t t w itid\ Philidi itif( IXofi itti 4 ilt I tiloltll 1111111 liii liii 'tth11o11.l ((' (t t -l~~ li c i li ,1 1 1 ti lIti hil ilt li IX li 1 I I I ll cIi\ " I ca i 1111 t 11t i t iffS'la 1111111 t ( t I I I I Ic tI it] i oNt ki 'I I - I qI 1) i ilI it iil t ' lt\lI( t )I oft I( tL I Ii t Il it t )I It l I l I )i I I t It I(N II II ( t \ itt it i t Ii IX I I i i lt till it I _ Ii I I( \\i t t It( I N 1 l , ,tc XXl llIt clii llI tw il it. \T will il t 1,(' C\i \I i I l,(id i\ lilt IiXl iIIPI IPX c illi Xit w I (ixi oI (I . .1111 I ol i i It il( I Ii1Y , I i I i \ iI ~ miw of l I X m k i\ X l o k ;Lt f I (dl Iw l 'tIlt i i I I I t i (d IX I I \ I t N \ iXt )Ii I I Il it I Si,, till \ilXli I~ I I~ I >1 i I I I Nil1 th I N t I I (i't. I 1i_, I lt. 5t1l5,.till I 5:l: 1 1 o I IN NIo 2I Il o I (I I \ ,)I I I ti"ll lto ti (q), 111 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA 36830 E. V. Smith, Director PUBLICATION--HighightX of Agricultural Reseaorch 8 69 1GM One of the gobblers studied. Note th2 identification strectanr attached to his wing. I ot li tiIll lii . huvi It hhNo ilX ( ii iI lh it 1 111 ('I X_ ill li % il c I i ,~ Ii Xdit 111i t )( it t Ii X of IX \\ it t lii kc\ X ,l LL- Ilit i I I- hull it\ litittI ~ ilil IhilitN '11 c m lip I I i\ it I iy a INI hlt tiiI I Ill i it ;() 1 I it to I- t11 I ii )I I X l I Ut Ilt it I I 111 di it'( I ( I " Ni IX I~ilP t.l til XX i l I lIi I I IX\ It~ II do l l r~ it I Iii I 1111 i XX I iI It I lI XI I II t ilt o I I ~ i X I I I o It S I I I l 1 1 ( \ I (I ill ( I I l it iP4X ,11 1 il I Ii I t I I M i X I I I I it 1 I I I L 1 .i l I I t I P It I111 i N fi \nlIl to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PO T G PAI(Iil iI I( II IDIIi US1dt4\(o mEAtMEN OF~ AGRICULTUR 4 *