SUMMER 1959 of AICULTURALEXPERIMENT STATION YSTEM ofLthe ALABAMA PLYTECHNICANSTITUTE A Quart'erlyReport o~f Reseawllh Serv'ing All of Alabama 47 77" ... ................... . ...... .............. . AGRICUL UPjj---AL RESEA HIGHLIGHTS of Agricultural Research VOLUME 6, No. 2 SUMMER, 1959 OPPORTUNITIES FOR FARM PROFIT- Full Employment and Business Volume Important Factors 3 RADIOACTIVE INSECTS - Tells How Radioactive Materi- als Are Used in Insect Research. 4 DIVIDED FERTILIZE APPLICATIONS - Can Give Tre- mendous Vegetable Yield Increase 5 TIME AND COST OF CLEARING LAND- Gives Results of 1958 Tests with Different Machines - 6 IIARVESTING AND I)RYING COHN - Makes A Case for Early Gathering and Artificial Drying 7 DAIRY, A WVAY OF BUILDING FARM BUSINESS - Reports Operation of 195-Acre Cotton-Dairy Farm 8-9 NEED FOR WATER-SOLUBLE PHOSPIHORUS- Relates How Solubility Affects Crops 10 FERTILIZER USE BY FARMERS- Reports Amounts Used on Alabamna Farms... 1 1 INCOME OPPORTUNITIES F1RO0M CONTRACT EGGS - Points Out Chances for Added Income 12 WHITE CLOVER ROBBED - Covers Research on Damage Done by Soil Organism ------- I---------- 13 VEGETABLE VAlRIETIES DEVELOPED - Results of Years of Vegetable Breeding Researchl Given .14 BLOOD GRoUPING - An Impolrtant Aid in Research on A nim al Breeding --- --------------------- 15 NEMATODE CONTJIOL NIM EASURIES- NMetlods Given for Use by Average Farmer 16 Published by AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of the ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Auburn, Alabama E. V. SMITH----------------- Director COYT ,VILSON ...... Associate Director CHAs. F. SIrsON-s Assistant Director KENNETH B. BRoy ..............Editor E. L. McGRAW Associate Editor R. E. STEVENSON------ Assistant Editor Editorial Advisory Cornrnittee: COYT WILSON; E. A. Cui, Associate Plant Pa- thologist; W. CG. EDEN, Entomologist; T. E. COmLrExY, Associate Agricultutral Engi- i('.r; ANI) KENNETH B. BRoy. Zeew ad 7Tely PUBLICATIONS Listed here are timely and new publications reporting research by the Agricultural Ex- periment Station. Bulletin 314. Marketing Truck Crops in Alabaia presents opportunities for devel- oping truck crop markets and discusses problemlns in development. Circular 128. Livestock Market News Situation in Alabama covers sources, ineth- ols of presentation, and use of livestock market news. Leaflet (i61. Sources and Rates of Nitrogen for Strawberries gives results on effccts of different nitrogen naterials on strawberry yields. (;rain Sorghum Variety Report covers 1958 vaiety testing and gives those recon- mended for 1959 planting. "Iree copies n1ay be obtained froml your County Agent or by writing the API Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Ala. O PPOnTUNITIES for greater profits are present on many Alabana farms! Though prices and productiol rates have both I received deserved emphasis, atteintion to other factors affecting prof- its can also mean greater income. A recent state-wide farm manage- ment study disclosed that under e- ployient (poor labor efficiencv) aid too little to sell (lo\v business volume are two factors needing attention ( tnHiy farms. T'his .management study by the API Agricultural Experiment Station is based on interviews with 252 Alabama farm familics cooperating in Farm aid Home Development activities in 1957 and on their farm business records. About 50% of the operators produced so little farm income that they were unable to pay themselves for their own labor and management. In fact, they were in the "red" after taking out all costs. Conmmonly called operator's la- br incotne," this measure reflects the retttit to the opeiator for his labor and management after subtracting froni gross cash and inventory receipts all cash expenses, value of unpaid family labor, and interest on the money he has invested. Some farmers do not consider capital investment as an expense itetm. Yet there are other uses for such capi- tal; therefore, to itclude this as an expense item is logical and imlportant. Volume of Business The volume of business on the farms studied was measured by calculating -500 ........ t-1000 ...*.... In the "red' -20001 1 0- 200- 400- 600- 800 a 200 400 600 800 OVER Volume of business-productive man work units Fig. 1. For farms included in thehstudy, operators' labor incomes were -higher on those farms with greater volumes of busi- ness, as shown in above chart. the man days of work required for all crop 01n( livXestock enterprises on the. individual farms under conditions con- sidered typical. These man days of work are referred to as prodtctive man (Cork units. They represent the work doneI in one da) by an individual under typical. or )specified conditions. Total work units for various productive enter- prises are an indicator of the volume of ht siness or number of productive work days on the farm in a year. The number of productive man work units on these fartrs ranged from 82 to 3,711. Productive work units on about 30% of the farms fell below the num- ber considered necessary for one man to be fullV td efficiently employed fot a ear. It is pointed out that a similar spread i mechatization occurred On many of the farms, the enter- pises were not big enough to keep a man btusy the year 'routind. Nor vere land and other resources fully utilized. Of farms producing cotton, 30% had less than 10 acres in the crop, and 80% had 25 acres or less. About 30% of the dairy farms had fewer than 10 dairy cows, and there were les than 30 beef cows per farm on 70% of the fartms producing slaughter calves. Of the farmIs studiedl, it vas lfound that as volute of ,l)tsittess itcreasedl the retutttIs to the operator for his labor and iatagetett increased, Fi. 1. Labor Efficiency 1,111 emlll ovi-liI , ()I-1.11m ]. ( ficie icV, Wits ttteattir('(l yI' dividing the total produictive man witork units by the jmnw her of ltlh-time men etjnployed (i rtt quivle ts)tt 1k itig t Iteinr o ttu died. One man wmrking hill time or two v()men Operators br JnR dMeJi 2500 _0 00 ..-.. 500 In he "block logo 500 ef~~eiie-100 in to redlrci~cI~ -1500 an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h red"ao o:thevl~r~ -2500 - 0 0- o00 200- 300- 400 a 100 2 00 300 400 OVER Labor efficiency (productive ron work units per mon equivalent) Fig. 2. The chart shows that for the forms included in the study operators' labor in- comes were higher on those forms with greater labor efficiency. \vorking a h f year each were consid- ee to Ibe one man equivalent. The gi eater the numlber of productive work units per mon equivalent, the greater was the labor efficiency. TIhetre wetre wide variations in pro- (luctive work units per man equivalent ott the farms studied. On 10)% of the I ants mnaking poorest use (of labor, the t~nlmer of lprodutctive wxotk uinits per 1101 equivalet t averaged 83. In con- I ad, the average was 535 uttits per nai on the 10% of farms using labor tuost efficiently. It was found that as labIot efiinyieeased, operator's Ia 1) i omLe itlCreatsed, Fig. 2. IFrott tesults of this sttuly, it is eonl- ('htaleCI that business voltttte and full at L jpro( tct ive use of labor (101)01 I'ffiL'i('tcX) ate tmajotr factors to) be con- siclered htt Itofi talble latnn oIperations. OPPORTUNITIES JOHN E. LEG, JR. and G. D. CHASTAIN Department of Agricultural Economics Slait consumed bythe aits. Whether mi- S. gration of ants occurs from one mound to another is an additional aspect of the research project. Resistance to Insecticides The boll weevil is not resistant to the insecticides recommended in Alabama for the control of this cotton pest. How- ever, in other southern states boll wee- vil resistance is a reality. The nature of resistance is currently being investigated at Auburn, and this study is greatly A laboratory technician is shown applying aided by using radioisotopes. For ex- an insecticide to a DDT-resistant housefly. ample, DDT, labeled with carbon-14, The insect is examined at intervals of time at ab to determine why the insecticide is ineffec- was found to be absorbed poorly by tive in killing the fly. both non-resistant and resistant boll RADIOACTIVE INSECTS? WAYNE ARTI-IUR, Assistant Entomologist RADIOACTIVE fire ants and boll wee- vils may not be headline makers like atomic explosions and "fall out." But, more important, they may lead to im- portant discoveries for better and safer insect controls. The API Agricultural Experiment Station is using radioisotopes as a tool in its search for improved materials to combat insect pests, for answers to problems of insect resistance to insecti- cides, and for determining insecticidal residues on food crops to safeguard public health. Imported Fire Ant The fire ant is receiving its share of attention at the API Station with respect to radiological research techniques. The food habits, ecology, and control of the fire ant are easier to study by incorporating radioisotopes into the food or poison baits of the ants. Even the amount of food eaten by each form, of the fire ant, such as soldier, queen, or various workers, can be determined by using radioisotopes. The best poi- son bait to use in fire ant control pro- grams may hinge upon how well the ants like the bait. This is currently being studied by using radioisotopes in baits and determining the quantity of weevils. However, the resistant weevils throw off the poisonous effects of the absorbed DDT (detoxify) more quickly than did the non-resistant weevils. Ad- dition of toxaphene to the DDT caused greater penetration. Radioactive DDT has been used on resistant and susceptible houseflies to study its absorption, distribution, and detoxification rates. The nature of re- sistance in the boll weevil appears to be different from that in the housefly. The causes of resistance and how to develop susceptibility in resistant in- sects are still unknown. Radioisotopes will aid greatly in solving these prob- lemns. Insecticidal Residues Insecticidal residues on edible crops and in animal products are a public health hazard. Recently, Federal laws have been enacted that establish the maximum amount of each insecticide allowed in or on foods. By making an insecticide radioactive, the quantities of insecticidal residues on edible prod- uce are easily and accurately deter- mined. Such studies have been done with 5 radioactive insecticides during the past year. Residues can be detected by radiotracer techniques whereas they cannot lbe detected by the best heliei- cal analyses. Residues are as easily de- termined in meat, milk, and eggs as on plants. Often radioanalyses are made when chemical analyses for insecticides have not been developed. Safer Insecticides Radioisotopes may make it possible to develop highly effective insecticides that are non-toxic to man and livestock. Research at Auburn with radioactive insecticides has shown that mammals are not poisoned with some insecticides at dosages required to kill certain in- sects, since mammals can throw off effects of the materials more rapidly than insects. As many as 16 different radioactive materials have been isolated from mammals that were treated with a single radioactive insecticide, whereas the insecticide remained virtually un- changed in the insects. To protect the public from the indiscriminate use of insecticides, the Federal Food and Drug Administration requires a complete evaluation of each material in mam- mals, plants, and insects. All of these factors could not be studied without radioisotopes. Insect Habits Studied Many insects have been "tagged" with a non-toxic radioactive chemical to study their migratory habits, flight patterns, food sources, and movement under natural conditions. The more the entomologist learns about the biol- ogy and ecology of insects, the easier it is to plan efficient pest control pro- gramns. Screwworm Irradiation Screwworm research by several south- ern states and USDA makes use of ir- radiation. The male screwworm flies are reared in large numbers, made ster- ile and then released. Female flies mate only once and chances of mating with a sterile male are increased many times when irradiated males are released. Eggs laid by the females are infertile. Thus, the native population of screw- worms is reduced. Such techniques are also being used experimentally to eradi- cate mosquitoes and other insects. The use of radioisotopes and irradia- tion techniques in entomological re- search is in its infancy, and undoubt- edly many new and improved methods will be developed to aid the entomolo- gist in his never-ending fight against destructive insects. Plots in foreground above show, left to Pright, one fertilizer application to potatoes sandy clay, three-applications to Chester- , ,field sandy loam and three to Cecil sandy dclay. VEGETABLE YIELDS L. M. WARE and W. A. JOHNSON Department of Horticulture D IVIDED applications of fertilizer can increase yields of vegetable crops by 5 to 6 times. Yields of many commonly grown vegetables are much lower in the South than in other sections of the country. Research at the API Agricultural Ex- periment Station has shown that a com- bination of good agricultural practices including the application of ample plant food will increase crop yields 3, 5, or even 10 times. Divided Fertilizer Applications On certain soils in some years, di- viding the same amount of fertilizer has increased yields 2 to 6 times. The greatest increases from divided appli- cations have been obtained on light soils during the spring in years of heavy rains. Results of a 5-year study with spring and fall crops grown on a light sandy loam soil are given in Table 1. In the spring, yields of beets were increased 174%, carrots 78%, and mustard 147% by adding the same amount of fertilizer in four applications rather than one. In TABLE 1. EFFECT OF DIVIDED APPLICATIONS IN SrINGc AND FALL ON VEGETABLE Ciiops, 5-YEAi Av. Crops Spring Fall Beets Carrots Mus- Mus- tard tard Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1 app. 3,944 9,899 5,211 22,710 4 app. 10,790 17,641 12,879 23,209 the fall, there was little difference in the yield of mustard from single and divided applications. The fertilizer ap- plications in both comparisons supplied 90 lb. of N, 120 lb. of PO0 5 , and 60 lb. of K,,O per acre. A single applica- tion of 12 tons of stable manure per acre was used with each treatment. Soil and Rainfall Important Rainfall affected increases resulting from dividing fertilizer applications, Table 2. In 1952, a year of average rainfall, by dividing a 2,500 lb. rate to potatoes on a loamy sand soil yields were increased 91%; in 1954, a year TABLE 2. EFFECT OF DIVIDED APPLICATIONS ON YIELD OF POTATOES ON LIGHT SOIL IN YEARS OF DIFFERENT RAINFALL Fert. No. Yield of No. 1/A. Av rate app. 1952 1953 1954. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. 1,500 1 92 17 160 90 1,500 3 188 80 148 139 2,000 1 97 17 165 93 2,000 3 230 110 205 182 2,500 1 122 20 188 110 2,500 3 233 127 262 207 of unusually high rainfall, 535%, and in 1954, the driest year on record at Auburn, only 39%. The same amount of fertilizer was applied in one and three equal applications. In both com- parisons, at the 2,500-lb. rate, 100 lb. of N, 250 lb. of P 2 O, and 175 lb). of K.,O per acre were added. Extent to which soil type influenced the effects of dividing fertilizer appli- cation in seasons of different rainfall is sandy loam and relatively heavy sandy clay. In 1953, a year of heavy rainfall, yield of potatoes on the light soil was increased 297% by dividing the appli- cation, whereas it was increased only TABLE 3. EFFECT OF DIVIDED APPLICATIONS ON YIELD OF POTATOES ON DIFFERENT SOILS IN YEARS OF hIGH. AND Low RAINFALL Light soil Heavy soil 1 app. 3 app. 1 app. 3 app. Bn. Bti. Be. Bu. 1953 57 226 227 259 1954 237 300 232 296 14% on heavy soil. In 1954, a year of light rainfall, increases from divided applications were 27% on light soil and 28% on heavy soil. Fertilizer applica- tions included 120 lb. N, 160 lb. P 2 0 5 , and 80 lb. K.,O. Response was obtained by adding N, P, and K, Table 4. Yields of No. 1 potatoes over a 3-year period were in- creased 58 bu. by dividing the appli- cation of N, 31 bu. from dividing the K, and 28 bu. by dividing the P. The check plot received 60 lb. N, 150 11)b. PO, and 105 lb. KO. The additional applications included 40 lb. N, 100 lb. PsO, and 70 lb. K, 2 0. These results show that greater in- creases in yield are obtained from adding an application on light soils in years of higlh rainfall. Increases are greatest from (1)N, (2) K, and (3) P. TABLE 4. EFFECT ON YIELD OF POTATOES FROnI SIDE APPLICATIONS OF NITROGEN, POTASH, AND PHOSPHORUS, 3-YEAR Av. Check + N + NK + NPK 13u. 13Bu. Bu. Bu. 90 148 179 207 TIME aed COST of cearitg land C. H. STOKES, Associate Agricultural Engineer J. H. YEAGER, Agricultural Economist LAND CLEARING)C b)y hand metliods is hard work and takes a lot of time. But, it doesn't have to be done that way. With machines now available, the job can be done with a minimum of labor and at reasonable cost. There are many acres of land in Ala- bama covered with poor quality or u - desirable species of trees that yield almost no income. Much of this land would be productive if cleared. Own- ers of such land need to know how much it will cost to clear. Such infor- mation is necessary to determine if future income from the land wvill jus- tify the cost of clearing. Cost Study Conducted To study the cost of elearing, a test wvas carried out during October and November, 1958, in southwestern Cher- okee County. A bulldozer and a KG bladel (see photos) were each used on D-6, D-7, and D-8 crawler tractors. Twelve 2-acre plots were cleared - 2 w\vith each size tractor and type of blade. Time records were kept on clearing ea(h plot. Clearing cost was calculated based on ownership and operating costs of machines, labor, and other inputs. A KG blade is an angle blade wvilth a exitting e(dge )arallel to the ground and a protruding point for splitting large trees. It is available commercially. 6 Miachine operators were r()tated every 30 min. to ensure e(qual skill for the operator of each machine. The uni- formlv level plots were of Conasauga silt loam soil. Less than 1/ in. of rain fell during the experiment. Three separate steps - felling and piling, disposal, and harro(wing - ere included in the clearing operations. With the KG blade, trees were sheared off at ground level. On plots cleared wvith the bulldozer blade, most of the large trees were dug up.. After pushliing trees and brush into wvindrows. diesel fuel was omiired on and the piles burned. The 1)D-8 tractor wvith KG b)lade was used to "punch'" firles. Bulldozer (left) and KG blade (right) were used in land clearing tests. Note point on KG blade for splitting large trees. I lar miig or plowilng with a Ilea vy (disk hiro)w \\'is )rinlarily to cuIt roots aindil sill stuimps and to till the so()il. VTliether roots aiid stullips left in lthe ground(l are a prol)lem depends on how the land is used. Cost Comparisons A Comparisoii of time all(! Costs for each. step in clearing is shown in the table. Felling and piling anid disposal time and cost, as well as total machine time and cost, were sigiificaiitly lower on plots cleared with the KG blade. One reason for greater disposal time on bulldozer cleared plots was the dirt on roots of trees, which caused trouble ill burning. Total machine time ranged from 2.2 t(o 5 hours per acre, with total cost ranllging from $34.57 to $61.70 per acre. Time and cost would have been about half that had diesel fuel not been use(i inll disposal and the harrowing omrnitted. There was a time advantage in using a large tractor for both types of blades in felling and piling. ,However, total cost per acre did not vary greatly among sizes of tractors when the same type blade was used. Counts of trees were niade in two() randomly selected sanmple areas of each plot before clearing. Trees 2 in. or nmore in diamineter at breast height av- eraged 510 per acre oin plots cleared with the dozer blade and 700 on KG plots. Hardwoods accounted for 60% and pines 36%. Most of the trees were less than 6 in. diameter at breast height -- 94% of pines and 84% of the hard- woods. The large hardwvoods had more eflfect oiln clearing time than d(lid a large number of small trees. IMAc(;INi. I Io UBns AND COST OF Cll;illNC LAND) Pu Acim, CiiEIIOKEE COUNTY, 1958 Tractor size and type of blade D()zr KG D-7 Dozer .. KG D-8 l)ozer .... K G --- ---- - NMachine timne and cost of each operation Fielling and piling l isposal I larrowing Total .Cost T ime t tiiv( (st I'liC i -CoGst Tiime Coist i Ciioi' Cost Ihrosr )llars Hours I)ollar holro )olhs hor, I)olhlrs 2.7 2:3.62 1.8 :31.23 ().5 5.82 5.0 59.67 2.1 18.98 .8 14.14 .6 5.8t 3.5 :38.92 2.3 23.85 1.8 32.43 .4 3.81 4.5 60.09 1.7 18.88 .8 14.29 .3 3.54 2.8 36.71 1.4 20.84 1.9 36.16 .3 1.2 17.63 .7 11.98 .3 4.70) 3.6 4.96 2.2 61.70() 34.57 Lodged corn (left) makes harvesting diffi- cult and lowers harvesting efficiency. The upright corn at right was harvested rapidly with little loss. HARVESTING DRYING 4g-coit.ue CORN C. A. ROLLO, Associate Agricultural Engineer H AIIVESTING COiN early reduces field losses. Every day that corl i is left in the field after it reaches a good har- vestable stage increases chances of losses. Early harvest is especially important during years of bad fall weather. Fall winds and rains can cause corn to break over badly, making harvestiing slow and difficult with combines or picker-shellers (see photos). In addi- tion, much corn is left on the ground when the crop is badly lodged and picker efficiency is low. Leaving corn in the field until late in the fall also gives insects a greater charice to cause damage. MNoisture content is the major prob- lem in early harvest. Corn can be har- vested with a combine or picker-sheller at moisture contents as high as 27%. But shelled corn at this moisture level cannot be safely stored in conventional metal bins or wooden cribs. It must be (ried to 12.5% moisture for safe farm storage. Harvesting and Drying Studies Research on field shelling and d(ry- ing high moisture corn has been done at the Agricultural Engineering Farm, Auburn, and the Upper Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield. Corn was har- vested at moisture contents ranging from 27% to 18% in these tests. Results show that the combine lhar- vested 27%-moisture corn as efficiently as it did that at 18% moisture. The amount of cracked grain was not ma- terially affected by moisture content at harvest time. Information was obtained to deter- mine cost and time re(quired to dry high moisture corn artificially with heated air. Experience has shown that the moist climate in Alabama during har- vest season makes it essential that the drying system he equipped to heat the drying airl Full Capacity Economical As shown by data in the table, it was more ecojnomical to use drying fa- cilities at full capacity. Fuel, electrical, anld labor costs amounted to only 4.6 per bu. when the drier was used at its full capacity of 600 bu. Drying costs and time varied with initial and final moisture content, out- side air temperature and humidity, and drvilig air telmperature. Wh\Vlen 23.5% moisture corn was dried at night during rainy weather, drying timne was 10/4 hours (see table). The same amount of 25% moisture corn dried during fair weather required only 61/2 hours. Cooling grain to the outside air tem- perature after drying was considered part of total drying time. Cooling dried grain before storage is necessary to pre- vent moisture condensation that would spoil the grain during storage. Corn can be harvested 3 to 5 weeks early if drying facilities are adequate. Getting the crop off the field early de- creases insect damage, lodging, and wilndstorm losses, Vwhich are extremely high some seasons. In addition, early harvest allows more time for fall plowv- ing and seeding of fall crops. FUEL, EL.ECTICAL, AND) LABon CosTs AND DnYoN(; TlE FOR HIGH MOIs'ruIE CON Buslhels Moistture content 1)1r),ig co(st per laishel Wet )ry Initial Final 11,1el ic-Labor Total Drying Cooling Total No. No. Pet. Pet. 1)ol. D)ol. )ol. Dol. Hours Hours lours Leaving corn in field until late fall in- creases chances of insect damage. 8300 26-1.5 25.5 l 1.0 300) 266.4 25.0( 11.7 :300 271.5 23.5 1 1.3 Avratg b00-ht. i tch (600 520.2 206.6 10.8 600 5-14.8 2:3.3 11.5 60()0 568.2 20.0 11.1 Average 600-1). bc Ilt Drying tiime 0.027 .018 .050 .032 .029 .029 .019 .0)26 0.002 .002 .()0:3 .002 .001 .001 0.0)30 .026 .() 1) .033 .()22 .019 .016 .0119 0.059 .0-16 .098 .067 .05:3 .0)49 .035 .0().16 5.67 5.50 9.8() 6.99 8.54 7.07 5.92 7.18 1.08 1.03 .95 1.1)2 1.38 1.63 1.25 1.42 6.75 6.53 10.75 8.0)1 9.92 8.70 7.17 8.6(0 A l s of almost any size Can grow into the dairy business. Dair)yig has advantages over most other livestock enterprises on smaller farms. There is a market for manufacturing milk pro- duced from a fewv or many covs. Lim- ited capital for adjustments is no serious handicap. As a farm enterprise, dairy- ing can be expanded bNi increasing herd size and production per cow. Mklost sue cessful dairy farms of today had small beginnings. Farm-Size Experiment A farn-size experiment at the Pied- mont Substation at Camp Hill, Ala., in an 11-year period proved the profitable- ness of a farming system that combined production of cotton and milk for mw ufacture. Operation of the 195-acre experiment was begun in 1947 with the usual mule and workstock equipment. At the outset, cotton was the main source of cash i comne. About $1,400 was spent to establish the dairy enterprise as a second major source of income. This investment, or capital outlay, was used to construct a milk shed, to purchase 9 milk cows and a heifer, to buy 6 milk cans, and to buidI a milk coolitng vat. A year later, an additional $1,446 was spent to buy a milking machine, a water heater, 10 CowS, 4 pigs, and some new fencing. Three additional dairy cows and 2 heif- ers were purchased the third year, and 2 inore cows were bought in the seventh year. Herd Improvement Throughout the 11 years, a total of 25 cows had beien purchased. At the end of the operation, there were 22 DAIRYIN G--a cal FARM BUSINESS E. L. MAYTON, Supt., Piedmont Substation J. H-.BLACKSTONE, Agricultural Economist Form-size experiment, 1947-58, proved profitableness of system that at left averaged 4,000 lb. more milk (3-yr. av.) than Jersey-type combined production of cotton and milk for manufacture. Production at right (5-yr. av.). Cool weather forages-rye (1) and crimson c! per cow was increased by selective breeding; (2) typical crossbred ryegrass mixture (3)-were used for winter grazing. 8 eni\ s aid 25 lieu(rs of all ages on haii. Most of the origiinal cOWS 1ad b llv re- lflacd(l with leife 5 ised( Ol the fari. jat tle sales greatly cCXCC(Icdl pilv sC of ctle. The bolilit cm)s wei iiostiv small, of am]v 1)100i, aid low i ( p)- ductiol. In first 2 years, nmilk produc- tio0 averaged about 3,690 l11. per cow. 4or the last 2 years, production pe COw was around 6,600 lb. This in- ('I Casedprodctioni was ti-e result of iprovCd breediog, feediog, and man- Production and Sales lost of the feed used by the dairy herd was grown on the farm. Only cot- tonseed meal as a souirce of protein was purchased. About 1 lb. of grain was fed for each 5 lb. of milk produced. Fertilized according to Agricultural Ex- periment Station recominendations, the feed crop acreage for each cow and replacement in recent years was 4.8 acres. This land was used as follows: 0.9 acre for grain and hay, 1.6 acres for tem-porary SUMMCi aid winter graz- ing, and 2.3 acres for permanent pas- tore. During the first 3 years of operation, sales from cotton and cLairying were about equal. As the dairy herd was im- proved, milk sales increased. At the same time, cotton acreage was reduced by government allotments. For the last fill year of operation, sales from the dairy enterprise accounted for 88% of all cash farm sales. The first 3 years of operation were required to establish the farm on a full / research is aimed at dairymen's problems of tomorrow-ways of New facilities have been provided for this current research: (1) a easing production per cow, improving labor efficiency and cutting power-driven elevator to overhead feed bins; (2) auger-type feed ,e requirements, lowering feed costs per cwt. of milk, and the like. bunks; and (3) four-stall milking parlor. production basis. Since that tite, pei- acre and per cow outputs have coil- tiiiued to increase. Due to the fall in farm prices, total dollar sales oi the farm have been declining since 1950. At the same time, purchased items for fariIn produilctiont increased ii price, cro- ating a "cost-price squeeze."IHowever, the farm Nvas able to offset some of these conditions by increasing production and biy lowering costs of production. During the first 8 years, sales aver- aged $3,975, expenses $2,638, leaving a net cash income of $1,337. In the last 3 years, sales averaged $6,148, ex- penses $2,892, and net cash ipcome of $3,256. Returns. For the 11 years'of operation, total cash sales amounted to $62,401; cash operating expenses totaled $1,230. This left at total cash balaiece of $81,171. Capital expendlitures for COWS, tractors, dairy barn, fencing, machin- eladother telated items amnountedl to $10,180. This left an tcash rtLrn of $20,991 o e an average of $1,908 pi v'e. I lad the orign l farim been ownedc~ debhtI t-ethis iamIoont cou)ld h lave been spenlt for. fani-ilv living. II l]iitionl inattyv item-Ils pr()dtloccioii the fiarm 11 VCr used. iii the home by the farm ainilv. Had this farm remained a typical cot- ton farm durinig this 11-year period, rctnrns to the family woild have been less thani hall ,what they were for the cototl-dairy flarii. At the close of operation( of the place as a cotton farm in 1946, the value of all i ventory items amounted to- $1)1,416. Eleven years later the inventory to- taleci $17,555. If an increase in land value is included, the $10,416 farm was \vorth close to $30,000 after 1i years operatiol as a cotton-dairy farin. iTe cotto-dairy farm hasI provided the farm family with a much higher year-to-Year living. In addition, it en- abled the family to accumulate a farm estate that was worth at least twice what it would have been if operated as. a typical cotton farm. This has been possible by adding dairying as a year- round enterprise. Not only have cows beefn milked each day of the year, but a sufflcient number has been milked to make it a true dairy operation. Results from this 11-year operation have been used to answer the (fuestion I ai (airying,w \iththe productiot of manlufacturinig milk, be used to make a good farm family living? The ans~vcr is yes - ptovided dairying is h1andoled ynaear-routi(l basis- with a sufficien-t number of cowNs of a reasonably hIigh p~rodulctioni level. During its operation. this farm has answered nmay pr-actical farm questiofis on feed. prodluctioil toat1Magen tenlt of cm)vs, g-owvii ig te-liae- mneitt Stock, he1r d sue(, breediing and culling cows, al( other relate(l ies- New Research Iaty newv and differetit questions now ieefd to be answered. Some of these deal \vitf w \vays of (1) icreasitig uird poductioti to 19,000) lb..or none of milk per cow, (2) iicreasinig labor efficiency to handle 300,000 lb. of milk or more per man per year, (3) reducing farm atid dairy labor requirements, (4) lowering acreage requirements for feed per cow, (5) feeding and management practices needed for high-prodicing cowS, (6) lowering feed costs per c't. of milk, (7) reducing summer slumps ini milk production, (8) increasing years of milking life of high-producing cows, and other related questions. No longer is there the question can dairying be used in Alabama as a way of making a living? Rather, it is no W a question of how to improve this way of making a living. Present day agri- culture has to compete with many op- portunities for farm families both on and off the farm. Also, many changes are occurtitig in other phases of agri- culture as ellasi airying. Prices of the things that farmers buy wvill co-)' tinue to irise inlthle futu re. Farm labor \vill contintue. tobe scarce. Other states 'ill strive to make dairying a profitable wa'ly of farming. In view of these types of factors, it is necessary that the State's dairy research program be expanded and- ittensified. In keeping wvithl currient (lairyre seal-II inch cds, thle Piedi-on t Stol staIt 01 recently reoriganized tlie cotton-dairv fain i to tm1ake it a mode-l, up-to-date daity ntiit. More cows will be itilked, and a higher productioni er \cov aid per iman is exrected. Changes have bwetn made in the feeding systemn that oay vll redlice tIie acreage reqtire- iintit tper(cow. I'hiis tmoderti (laity of)- etatiot sioild answer dairy farmers (Itestions of tomorrow. NEED WAT ER- SOL UB-LE cc L. E. ENSMINGER, Soil Chemist GC PJ.TN(; TttF RIGT ferltilizer ist 't as simp~le as it (St tee was. A fewv years Isack, the major ry x1, Va's ltsitsg thte right amount.. Then catnie ats aWarHettess of impor-tance of the right combittationI of plant food elemetits antd reaction of soil to different materials. Now\ it is knoxvu. that manuflacturing processes and raw materials used.ini fertilizer manufacture can plhty a lig, part in re- suilts olbtainied. Phosphate fertilizers are a good ex- ample. of 1how\rmantfa cturing processes affect the finial prosduct. The phos-M- phates sold today \vary greatly," tn-1Water solttbility. Improved 'procedures of am-11 Effect of water solubility on w0 moniiation (addinig ammiionia) and niew~ plot receiving 1 4% soluble ph mnanufacturintg processes are cauising a trenid towvatd lowver w\ater-soluible piios- d19ted.since 19 I to exal phiorls in mixed fertilizers. On the towne of xater-soluble ps otherlitancl. high-analysis fertilizers con)- .)tl.AsuyWsMd talllligarnomui phsphaesxilih until 19.34 at 1.85 locatiotst ae100% wvater solulel, at e incereasing feet of degree of amttti-oniiatie ini imnpottatee. Because of' these facts, more1Vittformation abouLthtle needl for phsat cto yil. sltowN that stperpltosphiate a wvatcr-solulble phosphoruts mfrilz wouki be valuiable, nfrtlzr to 4% niti*toget 1inlcreased 85% as much as did regular Several Factors Important fphate. The decrease was at r a decr ease in wvater-solltlle Thec importanice of wa.,ter-solu'ble More recetitlv a test wvas phosphiorus depends on several factors. ait C(3oaitst cemn In, general, nmore w\ater-soluible pios- cottonl to ammn-oniated supet plu16rus is nieeded for shiort-se-1asort than for lonig-season crops. Plants ofteni show TI',: I.*EtrucEr- OF WVArTE' aresponse in favor- of -water-solttlle OF PutOST10US IN 1Ftt--t phosphorus duriisg early statges of GI-rr1oN Yuto1,n, Sixlte growth, lbnt differences inay n iot lbe evlidenit in fiial Yields.Sedoto lImportatice of wvater solubihity dle- Soil Nt creases xith- itscreasinig rate of apphi- type' ~ ~ 2 catitsts. Obse-tationls indieate that Isigrh - Soil kIf knttx S( , dalblil ityx .Itlts a'11c IIc setttt(littll bi.I. A (commerlcia~l et- t il izer with 6(37 )of 'its ,phosphortIls xvat (-soil tlle p cmb dteell aver-age of 12.2 11). Imtore seed cottolt per acre thanl a sin'dilar fertilizer with only 25% of phossphoruts water-soluble. Wheat Response, licsfpottse of.,vwheat to photsphiate fet- tilizer of varvitsg Wa. ter solility was teat during early growth stage is shown by comparison of iosphorus (left) and 85 % soluble (right), ate mnlIP0or sphorits for front19:31 to learnl ef - )II of Super- The (lata .tt 001,01tiaLtedl Yields oly 0sperphos- ttributed to Phosphorus. ecarrie(1out response of rphosphiates Lll ON \ ITONS n yield/acre 48 lb. P20.- !lble Solubile 'b~. 2803 871 (19 1 164 9063 095 95(0 1,326 954 1,1217 SatIt:"lo m otti fL~tt stud~ied at Ih()rslbv. Bes~ults show that fir1st c lipping f'orage yields increased with inlcreasing water solubility, Table 2. Tie effect was less pronotttterl for tlte seetod elipping. Grain yields wvere not affected(. Sitnte the ttced for watet soluhle phosphorus in fertilizer depettds (mt natty factors, it ma)ylbc impossible to' make specific tecommendation]s. How- ever, enou0lgh rcsutlts arc ava 'ilale to show that some phosphorus should b~e wvater-solithle for most Crops. On) the other band, -it is doubtful if there 'is any11 advantage in having more than 50. to 630% in wvater-sollslle form, even for re-spot sive cro(ps, grownV11onM]highlly de- ficient soils. I'AtttE 2. Es EFCu-,uroFWATERi Sot'untitx' OF PttSPostuttUS IN A,-,i tONATExrnSU- PEt1 tOSPt ATE ON \WHEATyR IAG;E YIELDS, Tltotsnx, 1957 Pct. phospsorus tll Nv.Iter-sosltl1('ftsrtss' 5-2 7 1 -- ------- ------- Pc-acre forage vilid First Seconld cuttting eltQtting Lbs. 224 51)1 58! ) (388 8(05 Lb. 7410 977 9.48 1,1638 128(0 1,8(0 '3( 11). P20.- applied in bansds. FERTILIZER USE 0. D. BELCHER and J. H. YEAGER Department of Agricultural Economics 11ip0 NAM (Ile A(tenilled by aot of factors. Such things as variety, plat- ing time, soil fertility, cropping prac- tices, weather, and harvesting methods have a bearing on yields and profits. Since commercial fertilizer has sch an important effect on yields, using correct amounts is essential. This is pointed ill) by the fact that per unit cost of production normally decreases as vields increase. Thus. profits go up with vields in most cases. hn 1957, Alabaia farmers used an average of 51 lb. of N (nitrogen), 54 11. of P (phosphate), and 50 11). of K (potash ) per acre on cotton. On corn, tlhe average wvas 40 11)l. N,27 b , and 21 11). K. These facts on 1957 fertilizer use were obtained from interviewing 463 farmers in 16 Alabama counties in a cooperative study with the Tennessee Valley Authority. N Used on Peanuts Although .nitrogen is not recomn- mended for peanuts, half of the farmers growing this crop in the eastern Lower Coastal Plain Area used N. Average amount used was 7 lb. per acre. The reason given for using this element was "to get peanuts off to a good start ahead of weeds and grass." Almost all farmers used nitrogen oI0 cotton and corn. Only 32% used N, 45% P, and 143% K on hay crops and pastures. The low percemitage using fertilizer oml hay crops andipastiurcs reduced the average amount Ie 0 acre. Amounts of fertilizer used varied 1yw types of farming areas (see table). Sand Mountain farmers used nmre Ni P, ald K per acre on cotton and more N for corn than those of any other area. Fairmers in the LAver Coastal Plainl AYrea wvere elatively ligi 1 Cr acre users. of fertilizer on cotton and corn. They were highest in use for hay crops and pastllres. Nitrogen Sources All farmers interviewed were asked to name the source of nitrogen they preferred and to give their reason. Ammonium nitrate was preferred by 40% and nitrate of soda by 36%. Sev- eral other sources were mentioned. Per- centage of farmers reporting each rea- so for preference is as follows: Reason Per ceit Preferred amnmonium nitrate I igller percenta,,ge N 3 Better reslilts --- - 24 Cheaper per lb. of N-- 24 other - -21 No reason given- Preferred nitrate of soda Always used this source 39 Better results 18 Easier to pll)1)Iy --- 1 Non-acid forming -------------- 6 Other 19 No reason given 2 High Analysis Fertilizers A mixed fertilizer that contained 30 lb. or more of plant food per 100 lb. \Vds Cal5sl dereol a Ihigh analysis fert lizer. Only F7% of all farmlers reported they had se( a high analysis fertilizer. A majority of these lived in the Ten- nessee Valley and Lower Coastal Plain (eastern) areas. Most commoI ones use (1 were 0-10-20, 0-12-20, and 0-20-20. High Analysis Preference Of those who had IseId high a1l1y'sis fertilizers, (2( saiid they preferred s1cl grades. Major reaso s giVsen w\\ere 11111 plant food per bag, and cheaper per lb. of plant food. Sonie farmers said their preferemlce depenled on the crop. TIhere a ppeirfti to be a preference for Iigh il llysis fertilizers. to' use 1)11 hay aid pasture crops. Some anners had ex- perienced difficulties in getting stands of field crops and associated this with use of high analysis fertilizers. As reported by those 'inte-viewed, 57% borrowed funds to purchase ferti- lizer' in 1957. Almost all credit was ised for purchases in the spring. The largest percentage of farmers borrowed in the Black Belt \vhere the proportion of teriants was greatest. Commercial banks, fertilizer dealeis, and landlords were credit sources most frequently reported. ANElAGE AsmouN'r OF N, P, AND K UsED PEn Acoc ON SmECTON CROPS, ALABAMA, 1957 Average amount sed per acre Ar1' Cotton Corn I lay alld past ire N 1 N K N P K l). Lb. lb. LI. 1.1). L ). Lb. Lb. Lb. tton.~~ncori, )'refrredurllnori uln ni2))- Tl(llnSS WIValley S a n d M o u n t a i n - --- Li1icstolle Valles- Upr Coastal I 'iedinonlit Black Belt Lowver Coastal P1l in (west) LIower Coastal Plin (east) S TmA\ :E1 MA; 66 60 4:3 50 47 51 .11 70 60 ( ,48 .17 49 59 19- 51 40 5 6 .55 41 01 50 24 .9' ,49 3:' :38. 29 15 44 10 26 27 30 19 29 27 -20 25 18 19 15 27 213 21 C) 17 10 5 8 10 6 19 21 10 8 12 7 .9 21(1 17 i.9. 1( 11 IN CO ME c zTea tom CONTRACT EGG iradecre BILL R. MILLER and MORRIS WHITE Department of Agricultural Economics CO-NTRACT PIRODUCTION and iarketiig of tablle eggs offers a new income op- portunfity for many Alabama farmers. Although familiar for broiler produc- tion, contracts for table eggs are a fairly recent development. Under pro- visions of egg contracts, the contractee (farmer) furnishes house, equipment, and labor and is paid a set rate per doz. for eggs produced throughout the life of the flock. The contractor (merchant, feed dealer,. or other) furnishes the flock, feed, medications, and reserves the right to make managerial decisions. Most in Eight Counties Egg production contracts are iot available to all Alabama farmers. They are most prevalent in 8 Sand Mountain counties (see map). The number of hens kept under contract in this area has steadily increased since contracts were first offered in 1954. Ai estimated 5% of table egg production in Alabama is lii(d r c1tract. bmer egg I iii s r iii agnnn Slttcs, palYmli.1tS and othat 1""' *"" .in 141N/n th l re hu u th(e trend in vayment has 1Iwee down- ward. One contractor paid 12( peri doz. for eggs of all sizes on his first contract. On the next production cycle the rate was 100 for large and 5 for medium and small eggs. It then dropped to 90 for large and 50 for me- dium and small eggs. Future rates by this contractor will be 60 for large and 3, for medimn and small eggs. Prices paid by 8 Alabama and I oiut-of-state contractors are given in the table. lInceitive payments for high produic- tion, low mortality, and good feed con- version are expected to become more popular. This is one way for the con- racto to ge(l bet tem lmanagememit. low- ever, contractees seem satisfied with a straight payment plan. 12 Payment Plans Preferred lii a recent Alabama study, contract and independent producers were asked what method of payment they desired. A majority of answers were either (1) straight payment plan with contract price per doz. the oly return to grow- ers, (2) contract price per doz. plus a bonus paid by an incentive plan, or (3) a monthly salary based on number of birds housed. There was a significant difference be- tween choices of contractees and inde- pendent producers. About 7 out of 10 contractees favored the straiglIt pay- ment plan, whereas 6 out of 10 inde- pendents favored an incentiive plan. Contracts have been most popular with farmers having no previous expe- rience with table egg production. Over half (52%) had not produced table eggs before accepting a contract. Experienced poultrymen have not been enthusiastic about contracts. Only . I N --- 7 j 7 7- CI~~~~ ~ ~ 311~'Lrl~iCC C8 ounties contract common a small percentage indicated any inter- est in changing from independent to contract production. One reason given Was that potential returns from contract production were not equal to those from independent oper ation. Average lifetime egg production of hens on contract has been about 60%. Thus, contractees have received returns 1 aisging from $- to $1.25 per hen. In- dependent producers in the same com- iunities estimated that they received about $2 per hen from the same pro- duction rate. The difference in returns goes to the contractor as payment for capital, supervision, and risk. Despite the differ ences iln returns, a ingrease is anticipated in tie number of eggs prodiced and marketed under contract. A majority of the contractees are satisfied With contract price and provisions. Contract operations are pro- viding an outlet for labor that has either een idle or under employed for the iiost part. E ve xwith the low contract rate, additional income can be earned. Pimcs PAm PiI DOZEN FOil EGcs Mv NINE CON RAcTons, ix' SizE oF Ecs, 1958 Rate per dozen, by egg size Con- tractor A Ae) 7 8 G 8 11 (3 Average 7 Large Mcdium Small cents cents Cents 0 (3 7 8 6 5 8 6 6 6.33 a 5 (3 .3 oa t 8 ( 3 wvee or \Al(,(" ()I --cr-ackii Cents 2 4 .3 ' Bonus paid if contractor makes profit. 2eIncentive 1)aymlent for high production. Left on farm for home use. T IE CiHAN CES are good when stand- ing on field crop land that you are o(n many millions of living organisms some of them thieves. A single gin. of fertile field soil may contain as many as 100 million bacteria and 50) thousand fungi. An acre-foot of soil weighs approximately 2 million lb). anld there are 453.6 gi. in a 11). Thus, the microbial poputlatio runs into fanltastic inumbers. Soil Plant Life The tiny plant life of the soil is re- ferred to as the soil microflora. It is made up chiefly of bacteria and fungi living in close association with one an- other. They compete fiercely for a place in the organic matter of the soil frolm which they obtain food. The number and kinds of organisms in a "commu- nity" depend upon the kind of organic matter present and the kind of crop growing in the area. Most of the tiny organisms within a "community" are harmless, but, like communities of peC- ple, there are usually a few "thieves." These are the plant parasites that an- nually rob farmers of many valuable plants by causing root-rot diseases. One of' the worst pullic eneiies of agriculture is the fungus, Sclerotailit rolfsii, that attacks all legurmimous crops as well as many vegetables, causing the disease known as southern blight. Soil Parasite Research The primary concern of one research project at the API Agricultural Experi- ment Station is to learn how to control the parasitic activities of S. rolfsii. The usual procedure necessary to catch a thief is (1) to become acquainted with the weaknesses in his operation, (2) to learn whichl associated individuals are aiding and abetting" the criminal or are detrimental to his activities, a d finally (3) to use this information to rap thle suspect. Southern Blight Studies Basic studies at Auburn are lbeing conducted to determine the relatio1- ships between the southern blight fun- gus and other organisms associated with it in diseased white clover. Stolons of white clover naturally infected by S. rolfsii were collected from fields at the Thorsby Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, the Tallassee Plant Breeling Unit, i nd at Auburn. Tle tiny organisnis were Shown in the photo is dam- age done to a stand of white clover by Sclerotium rolfsii. This parasitic soil organism, which causes southern blight disease, is a serious enemy of all leguminous crops and many vegetables. .WHITE CLOVER SOIL ORGANISM E. A. CURL and J. D. HANSEN Department of Botany and Plant Pathology removed in the laboratory from the diseased tissue of each stolon for study. From about 1 000 stolons processed, ever 3,000 fuigi and a similar number of bacteria were obtained. It was noted that certain ones of these were moore abundant than others in infected sto- lons. By growing these organisms to-. gether in various combinations in the laboratory, some of their effects upon S. rolfsii and upon one another were determine(d. Organisms Compared Results of tests among thle 11 pre- dominant fungi isolated fromn stolons showed all of the fungi tested except one either affected or were affected by one or mnore other fungi in the group. Four of the fungi stopped growth of S. rolfsii. Two of them stopped growth of most of the other fungi in thle popu- lation. Tliius indicates that these two fungi are highly competitive iii a mixed populatiop aild are wvorthy of further studly i d'onecti)n with their possilble use il lbiological control of S. rolfsii. Other Tests Studied Further tests showed that these fungi associated with diseased clover affected to various degrees the production of selerotia by S. rolfsii. The sclerotia are the tiny hard structures produced in large numbers by the southern blight fungus on diseased plants and in the soil. They are very important in tlhe life cycle of the parasite, since they may live in the soil for several years, then germinate and continue the dis- ease. All but two of the fungi caused a reduction in amount of sclerotium pro- (luced whlen grown in the presence of S. rolfsii. The check, in which S. rolfsii was grown alone in culture, averaged 2,000 sclerotia per test plate. Trichio- clernoia (try-co-der-mna) allowed no sele- rotium production, whereas two others actually stimulated sclerotia to form. Studies are being continued to de- termnine the effects of bacteria upon the activities of S. rolfsii and associated fungi. T ius far several bacteria iso- laetd from white clover have slhown strong antibiotic effects upon S. rolfsii. 13 VEGETABLE VARIETIES C. L. ISBELL, Horticulturist devepe(l Ito exteld the season of ripe lfruit. 1From this researclh new aInd imnproved varieties IaI ve bum ) retrited to the ifarmer or greater returns Ilron, vege- fohic -produlctiol.- i(OMr FAlI.hE-HGOWN Cvegetables to n)ew varieties and old ones with a "new look" has been the story of vegetable improvement carried on by the API Agricultural Experiment Station. Results of this work have been help- ful to 2083,000 home gardeners and commercial growers. Vegetables tested at this Station for many years include bush, semi-vining, pole and lima beans; southern peas, pumpkin, tomatoes, let- tuce, cabbage, onions, peppers, sweet- potatoes, corn, watermelons, and others. New Varieties In this research, possibilities of usilng native species in dcleveloping new va- rieties have been emphasized. In test- ing beans more than 50 farmer strains were grown for comparison and l)reed- ing. From these came two new varie- ties, the Mild White Giant and the Ala- bama No. 1. The latter was probably the first nematode-resistant breeding stock in America. Also developed were eight varieties of southern field peas. The last two, Early Purple Hull and Knuckle Purple Hull, were introduced. in 1958. Winter hardy, reseedin g colored strains of leaf lettuce were improved. Cabbage strains were tested to. deter- nmie the best for Alabania ecoditions. New methods of propagation, using roots, leaves, and buds were helpful in breeding work. Storage and Quality Three strains of onions that with- stand low temperature and store well were tested. Two of these are now con- sidered of value as dry onions for gen- eral use. They store better than the Yellow Bermuda. One, a multiplier type, also supplies green onions for about 8 months of the year. Work with peppers included a hot variety for use with pickles, compari- son of sweet varieties for yield and storage, and a new yellow pimiento. A new pumpkin variety, Alagold, is a high yielder, stores well, and is an excellent substitute for sweetpotatoes when baked or used for pies. Several hundred kinds of watermel- ons were tested for earliness, size, yield, color, and table quality of flesh. Meth- ods of freezing and a highl quality ice box variety were developed. Tomato work included the improve- ment of size and quality of the cherry type. Newv methods of propagation with leaves and grafting on related plants were used. A methlod of storage was New pumpkin variety, Alagold, developed through research is shown at top and Ala- bama No. 1 bean, probably the first nema- tode resistant variety ever developed, is shown at bottom. Below are some of the varieties improved and developed in the vegetable breeding research. Left is an improved variety of , . sweet pepper, center, a semi-vining bean and at right, the Giant Blackeye pea. It is one of eight varieties introduced. 14 BLOOD GROUPING v~ae ee ca ANIMAL BREEDING L. W. JOHNSON, Assistant Poultry Husbanciman 1LOOD (GROUPING, a wa' Of fillding differences in farm animals, may prove inIvaluable to livestock breeders in Ala- bama. More is known 1at present about blood 1grouping in chickens and cattle than other farm alnimals. Poultry Diseases Studied Blood grouping is a part of the poul- try research program at the API Agri- cultural Experimenlt Station. Several workers are engaged in a pioneering study of the blood groups in connection with diseases of the chicken. The groups are based on chemical structures in the surface of the red blood cell called antigens. Antigens are iniherited charactters, each a-Iproduct of a specific unit of heredity or1 bloodgroup gene. Every chicken hais five knowvn pairs of blood group genes. One nlem- er if eaclh pair is passed onlto tle individual from each) of its parents. hll-. leritance of tle gene pairs is governed by five corresponding genetic systems naimedI A, 13) C, D)) and E. Blood Grouping Method Tie blood of 1n animal is grouped in tie research vork by testing the red cells in a series of fluids. The fluids are blood serums takeln from individuals immunized ly transfusions of blood from selected (lonors. Each fluid con- taills antibo(lies Capable of collnlbillilig oly with one kid of antigen. This combination causes red cells to stick together in clumps. Chicken blood is tested routinely by ading I drop of cells to a test tube containing two drops* of a fluid., allowing the test to inculate, a~nd Ibserinrito an observing it for the presenceor absence of clumping. Multiple tests (1]lploying lliLly fluids shov the com- plete blood type of a bird. Leghorns Tested Tlhere are several aspects to the re- search work at the API Station. Fore- most, bilood groups of several inbred liIes of Leghorns are being studiedfor (lifferees in natural resistance to cer- tainl diseases.Th e differences in 111o0( groups are bein vesigte apos sille sources (f variation in diseasere- sistance amnong these liles. Results from (one gellercatiln (If cdicks give some in- dication that the A. blood groups influl- ence resistanice tocecoal coccidliosis. Disease Resistance blreedilg diickels for resistance to ii me diseas taffects their resistance to othlter iseases. Prelimni ary fincdings indicate tlat genetic resistance t( leuksls car- lie-s with it colnsideralble resistance to cecal c(Icci(liosis. .Also, re.sistallee to cecal coeci(liosis 5ecdnl5 to ((111re.sistance to( ll the t eeeall \orilI and(11 laekhbad. Otiher Ic- slults 51 lOv clearly alee slto tis1 The bird above is receiving a transfusion of whole blood from another bird. He will produce antibodies in his blood serum that are capable of causing red blood cells of the donor bird to clump. Through this process it is possible to recognize various blood groups for study. trend. Birds that are more resistant than others to either cecal coccidiosis or leukosis are more highly infected than the others by the coniinon round- worm. Other Studies File possible effects of blood groups on the coistituition of man and ec)- lnomic traits of animals have been dis- cussed for imny years. Poultry breeders at the main Texas Station have greatly improved tile outlook in this field. A- tiough intense inbreeding tends to eliminate genetic differences, the Texas workers found that chickens within loany highly inbred lines differed in respect to genes of the B system. Ap- parently this difference cannot lbe elimi11- nated from a group of chickens without tireatening the group's -survival. Also, it was showvm in certa-in hines that birds heterozygoos (unlike genes) for)I genles of thle B systemm excelled1 homo'Lygous (like genes) birds in'hatch- ability, egg pr(Ouction, growth, and livability lhv m arLins ranging from 3% t) 20%. Such margins of superiority are illml1portailt ill coulmercial competi- tion),Lilld several large poultry brecedim, Com1anies have lnade 1)ow( St1ies a part of their research progranls. TIle founlIder of this approach to poultry breeding has state(] tlLat tile field now sm passes all expected off it t10 ears ago. Yet only a beginning has 1 eel imiade, aid it seens that more Surprises cal le expected ,frm 1blood gyoJilg sttidies ill the future. 15 CCeditG04cU{ c~t ~,& a&(c ROOT-KNOT NEMATODE SITUATION E. J. CAIRNS and N. A. MINTON Department of Botany and Plant Pathology D IFFERENCES in the 5 species of root-knot nematodes in Alabama are proving valuable in developing a low- cost control program. This is one solution to the root-knot nematode situation as outlined in the spring issue of HIGHLIGTS. Tests at the API Agricultuial Ex- periment Station include many crops exposed to the 5 species of root-kiot inematode. The chart shovs examples ranging from high susceptibility in to- mnatoes to high iresistaice in cirotalaria to all 5 root-knot nematodes. The strawberry is highly resistant to all but one of the root-knot nematodes. Good production of strawberries ispos- silble on land infested with any of tie species except the nortlher. Land with this species will require covtrol. Differences in Resistance Small dliffereniices in ematode resis- tance ill varieties of soIe crops cai make great differences in yields. For example, Auburn 56 and Empire va- rieties of cotton are sinlilar in their susceptibilities to all but the cottoio root-kn-ot neiatode. Foltlillately, plalIt breeders have been able to develop in Auburn 56 increased resistalce to tlhat partic'lalr nematode, one of thIe iost common in tihe State. Although iot completely resistant, it greatly reduces losses from Fusarium wilt bc(ause ill- fe'(tiol by the fuiigus is associated \vitlh illfestation of the roots by l1('ematodes. .PlaIt breeders at Auburn were alI ' to develo) ill the Alabalra No. I p(Ile 10al resistanlce to the two most c( m- 1m1 rIot-kllot niematodes ill tl' Statl, the cottoii and southeri. I lowever, Kentucky Wo ,der would be less sls- ceptible for locations where northern (w javal ese I Iinomtodes Ire present. Ifor atin (intenclartsows tat for each' kind of iwimatode Ithiere are plants ranging from highly resistant to highly susceptible. Suitable rotations using highly resistant plants provide a way for reducing the root-knot nerna- tode population prior to planting a sus- ceptible crop. This saves the cost of using chemicals for control. The differences of plant susceptibility t the different nematodles account for contradictory results obtained from diif- ferent locations with the same varietics. The root-knot nematode is not just oe I kilnd of plant parasitic nematode. The FREE Bulletin or Report of Progress AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of the ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE E. V. Smith, Director Auburn, Alabama Permit No. 1132-5/59- 8M Roots of plants in greenhouse are exam- ined for rootknot nematode damage. chart presents obvious reasons for tak- ing precautions against introducing an additiorial kind of root -knot nematode into a planting area. This is easily id f'q iently di1e by using root-knot in- fected transplants. Laboratory examination of soil and plant salmlples to determin which kinds Of iiematodles are present ald a recol- m'lIdled control is available as a frce service at the API Station, AlIlIurI1. PEHALlY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 CROP ROOT-KNOT NEMATODE SPECIES TESTED COTTON SOUTHERN PEANUT NORTHERN JAVANESE CROTALARIA HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY SPECTABILIS RES. RES RES RES. RES. STRAWBERRY HIGHLY HIGHLY HGHIGHLY IHIGLY (BLAKEMORE) RES. RES. RES. SUSC. RES. COTTON SLIGHTLY. HIGHLY HIGHLY (AUBURN 56) susc REITAT RES. RES. RESISTANT: COTTON HIGHLY ''. HIGHL Y HIGHLY (ROWDEN)Pal SUSC R ESISTANT RES. RES.RESISTANT .Ide any ic~ ps ta-v;_ dfK-A-m NAA ------co ii POLE BEAN' SLIGHTLY gHIGHLY*** SLIGHTLY 'HIGH LYa POLE BEAN * ai IIH*.*.*HIGHLY IGHLYa HIGHLY ODERA ELY (KY. WONDER) SaUSC 0 SUS. S.L. .SC RES SuC. *.*.IN*f lose aw quw w10-10 w_ 'V t k*'# t* a ' TOMATO AIGHLY*..aa HIGHLY .. t.-HIGHLY . HIGHLY *VIITM . *1 (RUT GERS) SU susc . -.* ,. .s usc.*, *ssc .,SSsusc.OU.*(RUTGERS) a---- -- ----- --- - -