ULFPAK I MLN I Ut- i1-\HUINUMVY & 5UILb AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. DENNIS ROUSE, Director ULFVAh I IVILIN MHL bthILb NU. G2 AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA may 1975 Donald L. Thurlow alabama soybean variety tests 1974 yx u F, r n + i The following is a suggested list of varieties by planting dates for northern, central, and southern Alabama. Varieties are listed in order of maturity. Northern Alabama Plantings May 1 to 31 Dare, Essex, Forrest, Lee 68, Lee 74, McNair 600, Tracy, Davis Plantings June 1 to 30 Dare, Forrest, Lee 68, Lee 74, Tracy, Davis, McNair 800, Bragg, Ransom Central Alabama Plantings April 20 to May 15 Dare, McNair 600, Lee 74, Davis, Tracy Plantings May 16 to June 5 Lee 74, McNair 600, Tracy, Davis, McNair 800, Bragg, Ransom, Hampton 266A, Hutton Plantings June 6 to 30 Davis, Bragg, Ransom, Hampton 266A, Hutton, Coker 338 Southern Alabama Plantings May 15 to May 31 Lee 74, McNair 600, Tracy, DAvis, Bragg, Ransom, McNair 800 Plantings June 1 to 30 Davis, Bragg, Ransom, McNair 800, Hampton 266A, Hutton, Cobb, Coker 338 " i Table of Contents Page Introduction.. 0 1 Experimental Procedures, Discussion of Data, Seasonal Conditions, and Description of Data Recorded . . ... . 1-3 Sources of Seed Used in 1974 Tests.... 45 Soybean Variety Descriptions and Disease Resistance -7 Soybean Yield Data and Other Growth Characteristics by location . . . . .. . . .. Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction, Ala 7-1 Brewton Experiment Field, Brewton, Ala . 1 - Gulf Coast' Substation, Fairhope, Ala. .... ....... Prattville Experiment Field, Prattville,. Ala . 2531 Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville, Ala. . .. 3>Q Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina, Ala . . 03"-41 Upper Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield, Ala 0 .42.40 Wiregrass Substation, Headland, Ala ..........49m-51 INTRODUCTION To properly evaluate a soybean variety it is necessary that it be grown at a number of locations, at various planting dates, and over a period of years. This will subject the variety to differences in soil and climatic conditions that occur throughout the State. The most common limiting factor in soybean production is inadequate mois- ture during pod development and filling. It is important that varie- ties from more than one maturity group be evaluated.since soybeans are highly photoperiodic, the blooming period, period of pod develop- ment and fill, and maturity date of a particular variety do not vary greatly from year to year. Continued testing and evaluation of soy- bean varieties and experimental strains by agricultural experiment stations are essential if farmers, county Extension agents, seeds- men, and other agricultural workers are to be provided with infor- mation to help them select varieties best adapted to their loca- lity and individual requirements. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES All tests were conducted at outlying units of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University. A randomized block design with 4 replications was used at each of 8 locations. One to three planting dates were used at each location with the first plantings made at the optimal time for maximum yield. Plots were planted with regular commercial soybean planters equipped with a special seed hopper adapted for small plots. Plots were four rows wide and 30 feet long with 15 feet of two center rows harvested for yield determinations. Row width varied from 36 to 42 inches depending on location. Seeding rates were 10 viable seed per foot of row based on germination at 750F. The entires included in these tests were varieties released prior to 1974 and a number of unreleased strains in the late stages of development from the USDA Regional Testing Program. These strains were all yielding above standard varieties in their maturity group and have good nematode resistance. DISCUSSION OF DATA Since field plot research is subject to inherent fertility differences, and soil and soil moisture variations, it is not possible to determine the exact yield of a variety at a given location. Varietal performance may vary from year to year because of variation in rainfall, temperature, diseases, and nematodes. Therefore, long term studies are necessary in order to properly evaluate varietal performance. Differences in the yield for 1 year's data, which may be due to chance, have been computed using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (5%) level of probability. Yields followed by a common letter are not considered to be different, however means not associated by a common letter are considered to be different. Coefficients of variation (C.V.) are footnoted in the table. This value reflects the rela- tive precision of the experiment, a small C.V. indicating more precision in estimating the relative performance of varieties. SEASONAL CONDITIONS Early season moisture was good at all locations and good stands were obtained in all tests. Due to a lack of moisture in the southern part of the State in late June and early July, plants were shorter than normal and lodging was not a problem in these tests. Lodging was, however, a problem in North Alabama at Belle Mina for the second straight year. This may be why the early maturing and shorter varieties produced higher yields at this location than the full season and later maturing varieties. Later maturing varieties, Maturity Group VI, VII, and VIII, were also killed by frost, October 3, 1974, which occurred approximately 14 days before normal in North Alabama. Late season moisture (Table 1) was good at all locations in the southern part of the State and resulted in yields of 47 to 62 bu/A for the better varieties planted at the optimum planting time. Table 1 also shows rainfall data from each location for the period August 15 through September 30 over the past 4 years. Table 1. Rainfall by Location During the Period August 15 through September 30 for 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974 Rainfall from August 15 to September 30 Location 1971 1972 1973 1974 Inches Inches Inches Inches Black Belt Substation----------8.59 3.85 4.88 9.87 (Marion Junction) Brewton Field------------------8.17 3.10 8.43 8.19 (Brewton) Gulf Coast Substation---------15.58 6.76 12.77 10.40 (Fairhope) Prattville Field---------------7.65 4.20 2.95 10.12 (Prattville) Sand Mountain Substation------6.54 5.90 8.18 3.96 (Crossville) Upper Coastal Plain Substation-7.49 4.81 4.82 8.71 (Winfield) Tennessee Valley Substation---4.32 5.95 3.58 4.49 (Belle Mina) Wiregrass Substation-.... 6.26 8.73 (Headland) 3 DATA RECORDED In order to select the proper variety many factors must be consi- dered. The yield of a crop is the primary factor of production when profits are to be maximized. Other characteristics which are impor- tant are date of first bloom, plant height, height of 1st pod, maturity, lodging, shattering and size of quality seed. Also soybean varieties grown in this area are photoperiodic plants and therefore are effected by planting date. Yield of soybeans was determined by cutting the two center rows of each plot and threshing with a plot thresher (or small plot combine). Plot yields were adjusted to 13% moisture and converted to bushel (60 lb.) per acre. Maturity was rated as the date when the pods were dry and most of the leaves had dropped. Under most conditions, the stems were also dry. Lodging was based on a scale of 1 to 5 according to the following criteria. 1 - almost all plants erect. 2 - either all plants leaning slightly (less than 450) or a few plants down. 3 - either all plants leaning moderately (approximately 450) or 25 to 50% of the plants down. 4 - either all plants leaning considerably (more than 450) or 50 to 80% of the plants down. 5 - all plants down. Shattering ratings were based on shattering of the border rows 14 days after maturity. The visual estimates were rated on a scale of 1 to 5 follows: 1 - no shattering 2 - 1 to 3% shattering 3 - 4 to 8% shattering 4 - 9 to 19% shattering 5 - over 20% shattering Plant heg was determined as the average length of plants from the ground to the top extremity at time of maturity. Height of first pod was determined as the average height of the lowest pods from the ground at maturity. Seed size for each variety was determined from a composite sample of all replications at a given planting date and location. Seed size is reported as grams/per 100 seeds. Seed quality was based on a rating from 1 to 5 according to the following scal.: (1) very good, (2) good, (3) fair (4) poor, and (5) very poor. The factors considered were development of seed wrinkling to late harvesting and to excessive rain. Purple stain ratings were given to seed samples on a scale of I to 5 as follows-. . 1 no purple staining 2 1 to 3% purple staining 3 -4--8% purple staining 4 9 to 19% staining 5- over 20% staining VARIETY DATA Soybean varieties grown in Alabama are in Maturity Groups V, VI. VII, and VIII. The following is a list of the varieties and strains with source of seed for 1974, tested over the past 5 years by maturity groups. For more information on these varieties, see Table 1 , for additional information of other varieties see Bulletin Vey Eary Varieties - ',aturity Group V Dare Essex. Forrest York Alabama Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby, Al. Sand 1'ountain Variety Test 1973 lyaieties - Maturity Group VI Davis Hood Lee 68 N-cNair 600 Pickett 71 Tracy D64-4636* FFR 666 Coker 136 Lee 74 Sand Mountain Variety Test 1973 Alabama Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby, Al. McNair Seed Co., Laurinburg, N. C . Sand Mountain Variety Test 1973 USDA Delta Branch Experiment Station, Stoneville~ Miss~. Sand Mountain Variety Test 1973 Farmers Forage Pesearch Corporation, W. Lafayette, Ind. Coker's Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, S. C. Sand Mountain Variety Test 1973 Mid-seasonVarieties - Maturity Group VII Brae A labama Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby, Al. McNair 600 McNair Seed Co., Laurinburg, N. C. Ransom Alabama Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby, Al. FFR 777 Farmers Forage Research Corp., W. Lafayette, Ind. 1',Soybean production-Recent Research Findings,9 1971 Auburn Univ- ersity Pcricultural Experiment Station., rulletin 413. *Lines not released. 5 Late Varieties -Waturity Group VIII Hampton 266A Coker's Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, S. C. Hutton Alabama Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby, Al. Coker 338 Coker's Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, S. C. Coker 71-211*Coker's Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, S. C. Cobb Alabama Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby, Al. W-46 Wanimaker Seed Co. *Lines not released ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express appreciation to J. E. Barrett, J. K. Boseck. Emmett Carden, John Eason, F. T. Glaze, Robert M~'oore, Aubrey Smith, and Jim Starling for growing and harvesting of variety tests. Table 2. Physical Descriptions and Disease Resistance of Soybean Varieties Tested Reaction to individual diseases!' Nmtd (Rac 3)C~- No. Y-- Plan chaacteistis Ta- Phto- urpl V York Gray Dare Gray Forrest Tawny Essex Gray VI Hood Gray Davis Gray Lee 68 Tawny Pickett 71 Gray McNair 600 Tawny D64-4636 Gray Tracy Tawny Lee 74 Tawny VII Bragg Tawny McNair 800 Gray Ransom Tawny VIII Hampton 2 66A Hutton Gray Brown zkGnv Purple White White Purple Purple White Purple Purple Purple Whit e White Purple White White Purple Purple Purple Whit- Lt. Tan Tan Tan Lt, Lt. Tan Tan Lt. Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Lt . Tan 1/These are relative order of resistanc ble; VS-very susceptible. perf ormance alone. Tan Buff Buff Black Buff Tan Buff Tan Buff Black Black Tan Black Buff Black Black Black Buff Black Tan Buff Black Buf f ;e: VR-very R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R MR R R R R R R R MR R R S MR MR MR S R VR R S S R VR R S MS vs S MR R MR R MR MR R R R MR R S S R S S S S MR R S S S S .S R R S R S S S S S S R S. S S R R resistant; R-resistant; MR-moderately resistant; tra- ngj ear 1968 1966 1973 1973 1960 1966 1968 1971 1974 1975 1964 1972 70 50 96 97 30 56 72 87 105 106 43 95 These are ratings given these varieties by the breeders - not based on Alabama 2 /Registration of varieties are in Agronomy Journal from 1958-1963 and G Science 1964- 47 1964 100 1973 S- suscepti- a- rw Table 3. Yield, Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, Lodging an Soybean Varieties when Planted May 14, 1974 at Black Belt Substation Plant Ht s Variety Yield'/ 1st Bloom/! MaturityP/ ht.2 Ht 1t Lodn Bu/A Dates Dates In, In. Rati Tracy----------- 48.0 a 7/07 10/03 30 2.5 14 Forrest---------- 45.6 ab 7/07 9/17 30 4.0 Ransom---------44.6 ab 7/10 10/13 28 4.3 1. Dare------------ 44.6 ab 7/09 9/17 26 3.5 1. Coker 136-------- 44.4 abc 7/11 9/22 32 4.8 1.5 Pickett 71------- 42.5 bcd 7/11 10/08 26 2.3 1. Davis------------ 42.0 bcd 7/17 9/25 39 3.5 2.01 FFR 666---------- 42.0 bcd 7/08 10/01 17 1.3 10 FFR' 777-?-?------- 41.0 bcd 7/13 10/01 35 6.0 1.1 . Hto-_____4 1bc7/1101735310McNair 600-------40.0 .bcd 7/07 10/02 29 4.3 1010 McNair' 800------- 39.9 bcd 7/24 10/ 11 34 5.3 1,81. Lee 74--------- 38.8 cde 7/09 10/06. 23 2.1.0 1.3 Essex------------ 37.9 de 7/07 9/09 18 2.0 1.10 Hampton 266A----- 37.7 de 7/18 10/27 42 4.3 2.01. Bragg -------- 36 9 de 7/ 11 10/12 39 6.8 1.0 , Lee 68----------- 34.0 e 7/09 10/11 19 1.3 1.0 . C oVY % 8. 7 1/ Adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel, Yields with a common letter are not different (P = .05) 2/ An explanation of data and ratings is given on page 3 of this report Table 4. Yield; Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height,9 Lodging anShteigo Soybean Varieties when planted June 10; 1974 at Black Belt Substation Bloon- 2/ Variety Yield.../1st B 2/ Y.aturity- hta-- pod- L d in' Ru/A Dates Dates Ina Ina atn Rating Coker 33& - 37. 4 a 8/ 12 10/29 38 4.0 2,31 Tracy-------- 36.a1 ab 8108 10/15 34 3.0 1,61 Davis- - 35.7 abc 8/13 10/19 35 3,8 1e31 Lee 7 4 -.- 35 .2 abcd / 10 10 /15 30 2.3 8 2,11 Essex-y----' 33.3 abcde 8/03 10/03 26 4,.0 1.01 1.4cT1air 0 -~ 32.5 bcdef 8/09 10/i1 36 2,3 1161 asri- 32.3 bcdef 2/09 1 /2 r 32 40 1.41 _ cr: ai.r 38- - 3201 bcdef 8/17 10/13 32 3.8 1041 Coker 13 31.0 cdefg 8/10 10/12 35 4,5 1.61 ,Br30.3 3defgl 3/11 .10.:/21 40 "4'08C1,5 H amton .2 66A?-- 30.7 def g 8/ 16 11/01 38 6a0 2.a31 Coker 7121309.7 defg 8/18 1='/27 41 5.5 2.11 Lee 6 8 v y- 28. efg C/11 13/19 23 2,3 1.31 Cobb---. -- 28,7 ef g .8/ 1Q 11/04 44.4.5 1.3 1 Forrest -- ~---- 28.6 e3 f g /07 10/11 30 3.08 .51 Hutton-"~-.---. 28,3 f g 3/15 10 /25 31 3.6 1011 Da e ~- - 26. 5 g 8/04 10/08 28 3.0 1001 WT_46=~~ 26.a3 g 8/ 1810/27 40 4.8 2.31 1Yields adjusted to ( "' .5 13% moisture and 60 pounds per b ushel. Yields with a common letter are not different 2/ An explanation of data and ratings. is. given on page 3 of this report Table 5. Soybean Seed Quality and Size When Gona lc etSbtto,17 ____ ~~~~Plantin dates _____________________ May 11974June 18, 1974 Seed* Purples, Seed Seed Purple Se Variety quality stain size quality stain sz Rating Rating g/l00 seed Rating Rating g10se E s x M... .. ... _ 32 13.41 1 11. Davis--------- --- 14.3 1 2 1, 114.31 1 13. Hutt----- -----.l.----------1. 1 15.5 2 2 1. Dare--. ------------2 1 12.1 1 1 12. Coker 136--.---------2 2 13.81 1 14. FFR 666-.--------.----1 2 13.0 FFR7 77-- ------ 1 1 1 3 .5 Le1 14.51 1 12. Lee 74-------- 4.01 1 12. Pickett 716 ------ 1 13.9 1 T ~i 0-------12 13.31 1 12. ray --.-. - -22 18.3 2 2 1 . MeNair 800-- - a.,._..1 1 12.31 1 10. Rasm~--------11 15.81 1 14. Hampton 266AK ------- 1 1 15.4 2 1 1. Cob---,~l_------*.---- *_ 1 12. Coker7-11 2 1 1. Coker 338-- 2 1 1. *Seed quality is rated from 1 to 5 according to the following scale' *'Purple stain ratings are given to seed samples on a scale of 1 to 5 as follows: 1.. No .purple ,staining . 2. 1-3% purple staining.- 3. .4-8% purple staining; 4. 5. over 20% purple's taining. ***Soybean varieties not in test. 9-4 % purple staining Grown at Black Belt Sub tati.on, 1974 Table 6. Two-Year Averages for Yield, Dates of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height and Varieties Planted at Two Dates on Black Belt Substation During 1973 and 1974 Yil~' 1st 2 Plant Ht. 1st 2 Variety Yel/ Bloom- Maturity 2 / htY ! ocdsi. Lodging 2 Shatrig Bu/A Dates Dates Ind In. Rating Rtn Coker 136-------- D i w s ------ _-- Forrest -- Essex---------- McNair 60------- Dare ------------ ILee 68-- Lee 74---------- Ransom------ McNair 800----- Bragg Hamptnn 266A---- Davis ----------- Hampton 2 6 6A-- McNair 600------- McNair 800---_-- Essex------------ Lee 68----------- Hutton ----------- Coker 136-------- Forrest ---------- Dare ------------- 43.4 42.3 42.0 41.1 40.0 39.4 37.6 37.5 36.9 34.9 34.5 31.3 29.6 26.8 25.9 25.7 25.2 25.2 24.9 24,8 24.8 24.1 23.9 19. 1 7/11 7 /16 7/10 7/09 7/10 7/ 11 7/10 7/11 7/11 7/24 7/12 7/20 8/13 8/12 8/11 8/18 8/10 8/16 8/07 8/12 8/16 8/10 8/08 8/08 9/21 9 /26 9 /17 9/14 10/01 9/17 10/04 10/03 10/08 10/04 10/05 10/28 10/19 10/21 10/25 1'1/00 10/12 10 /14 10/05 10/14 10/24 10/09 10/08 10/07 Average planting date May 15 33 5.0 104 38 3.8 2.1 29 306 1.3 21 2.3 1.2 30 3.6 1.1 28 3.6 1.4 26 2.1 1.4 28 3.3 1.6 30 4.9 1.6 35 5.1 2.4 39 5.8 1.4 43 7.0 1.9 Average planting date 27 3.0 31 3.6F 26 3.0 30 4.1 27 1.6 24 2.8 21 2.6 24 2.4 27 4.1 28 3,4 25 3.1 21 2.3 June 2 3. 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.6 10 1/ Yields adjusted to 13%. 2/ An expalnation Of data moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. C 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.1. 1.1 1.2, 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ._..... 11 Table 7. Three-Year Averages for Yield, Pate of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height and Lodging of Soybean Varieties Planted at Two Planting Dates of Black Belt Substation 1972--74 Var4~ ____ Yield Bu/A Forrest- ------ -----43.3 I1cNair 60 --- 4. Rans on-------- 38.rr a.r .. w=.:war.r.9 Lee 6 8 ....----. 38 .6 Dar--0------- --- 38.5 Bragg.:--.0 Hampton 266A-------30.5 Davis-------3. Bragg--------------28_.5 Mc~air 800-----------28.2 Hampton 266A-------28.1 Ransom----- -2. 6c0Cir.600---- 2 6.5 Hutton-,----.------ -26.0 Lee 68--- 68----------25.8 Forrest----------.24. 1 Dare----..----------- 20.5 - - Matuityjw- Da te 9/19 9/27 10/03 10/10 10/06 9/17 10/09 10/09 10/24 10/18 10/21 10/16 11/03 10/23 10/14 10/24 10/15 10/08 10/07 Plant ht - Ht.jstnod 2 In. Average planting date 30 40 32 34 29 30 38 40 43 Average planting date 27 32 25 31 23 25 25 24 .May 15 3.5 3.6 3.4 5.4 2.6 3.6 5.3 5.8 7.0 June 2 5 3.1 4..1 3.1 4.6 3.7 2.2 4.1 2.8 3.6 3.0 Rating 1,5 2.1 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.0 2.6 1.91 2.7 1.7 2.2 1.7 2.2 1.5 1.9 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.2 1/o -Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. -/An explanation of data and ratings is given on page 3 of this report _..... 12 Table 8. Four- and Five-Year Averages for Yield of Soybeanf Var' etles Grown at the Black Belt Substationi At Two Planting Dates SSoybean yel plantgate May 15 June 25 4-yr. 5-yr. 4-yr. 5-yr. Variety 71-74 70-74 71-74 70-74 Bu/A Bu/A Bu/A Bu/A McNair 600-,- 40.5 382 25.3 23.4 Davis--- 41.1 37.8 29.6 26.8 Dare ----------- ~ 38.4 37.1 21.1 20.2 Lee 68---- ------ 37.5 36.5 24.6 22.1 McNair 800------ 35.8 33.4 26.1 24.2 Bragg - ----- 35.8 32.9 27.7 25.2 Hampton 266A------ 27.4 25.5 25.6 23.3 Ransom-- 39.4 W---- 28.1 4-W.- Hutton-- -------------- ----.-- 25.0 23.0 1/ Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. Table 9. Yield,9 Date of First Bloom and Varieties when Planted May 28,9 Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, 1974 at Brewton Experiment Field Lodging and Shattering of Soybean 1st Plan Variety Yield!' Bloom-/! Maturity2 / ht}' Ht. 1st podJ - Lodgi n2 Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Ratin Coker 338---.-. Hut ton-- ---- Goker 71-211---. McNair 800----- Hampton 266A---- Davis---------- Tracy------- Ransom--------- D64- 4636__------ McNair 600_-Q-_ Essex_-__-- Forrest-------- FFR 777-------- B ragg- ----- _ Lee 74-----_--- Dare-----------_ Pickett 71--- W-46------- Coker 136------- FFR 666--_--_---- Lee 68---------- 50.2 49.8 48.1 47 ,4 46.2 45.7 44.3 43.6 42'.5 42.0 41.3 40.4 39. 7 38.8 36.2 36. 1 34.5 33.9 32. 1 29.8 28. 1 a a ab abc ab c ab c ab cd abecd ab cde ab cde ab cde b cde bcdef cde f def g de fg efg e fg fg g g 7/25 7/27 7/28 7/30 7/26 7/27 7/18- 7/20 7/18 7/17 7/11 7/15 7/22 7/24 7/19 7/18 7 /20 8/02 7/22 7/17 7/18 10/18 10/16 10/19 10/09 10/20 10/06 10/02 10/13 9 /30 10/06 9/24 9/23 10/06 10/13 10/07 9/23 10/06 10/15 9 /24 10/06 10/07 35 34 39 33 36 36 32 29 26 26 21 29 31 33 21 25 23 37 29 16 20 4.3 5.5 5.5 4.5 5.3 4.0 2.5 4.8 2.3 2.3 3,3 4.5 5.5 5.0 1.8 4.0 1.5 6.0 6.3 1.5 1.5 C. V.% 130.7 1/ Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 2/ An explanation of data and ratings is pounds per bushel. Yields with a common letter are not different (P.05) given on page 3 of this report. j ar ~r_ __ /Rm I r\ ~ ~ , r,, Table 10a Yield, Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, Lodging and Shatterin:o Soybean Varieties when Planted July 9, 1974 at Brewton Experiment Field 1st Plqa 1/ 2/ .2/ _.2 Variety Yield Bloom- / Maturity-- ht .h t. IsH t pod-V Lodgin- Bu/A Dates 'Dates In. In. Ratina Cobb ---------- 35_.7 a 8/25 10/23 26 4.3I1 Davis & Bragg ---- 31.4 ab 8/20 .10/17 20 2.5 11 Coker 71-211-------31.2 ab 8/21 10/19 21 2.0 11 Davis-------------29.5 abc 8/21 10/17 20 2.5 1 D64-4636-----------27.5 bcd 8/18 10/13 18 2.8 1 Pickett 71---------26.3 bcde 8/19 10/12 19 3.0 1 Coker 338---.------25.3 bedef 8/19 10/i8 20 2.5 1 Forrest---------- 23.4 cdef 8/16 10/09 19 3.0 1 Hampton 266A-------23.0 cdef 8/22 10/20 17 1.5 1 Essex-------------22.2 defg 8/12 10/07 15 1.5 1 McNair 600----------22.1 defg 8/16 10/13 17 1.5 1 Lee 74 & Bragg-'---21.8 defg 8/17 10/13 18 2.0 1 Lee 74-------------21.4 defg 8/16 -10/13 16 1.8 1 Bragg-------------20.3 defg 8/19 10/14 18 2.3 1 Mc~air 800--------- 20.0 efg 8/21 .10/12 ' 12 1.3 11 Tracy ------------- 19.9 efg 8/13 .10/14 . 17 1.8 11 Ransom----- -------- 19.5 efgh 8/20 10/16 17 1.8 11 Hutton ------------- _18.3 fghi 8/22 10/17 .15 1.8 11 -------- 15.4 ghi 8/24' 10/18 17 1.8 11 Dare --------------- 14.9 ghi' 8/18 10/07 15 1.5 11 Coker 136-------12.7 hi 8/20 10/09 14 2.0 11 Lee 68--------120 i 8/16 10/ 13 - 14 1.311 1/ C.V.% 19.6 -Yield adjusted to 13% moisture -and 60 pounds per bushel. Yields with a common letterarnodifet (P =.05) 1 An explanation of data and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. .V/Blends of 50% of each variety shown. Table 11. Soybean Seed Quality and Size by Variety Tv,,ere Grown at Brewton Experiment Fiel.17 - Planting dates __ ___ I 81- 4Tulv9 l174 ______ Seed* Purple** Seed' Seed Purple Se Variety..__. cquality stain size ciualitv stain sz Rating R'ating g/100 seed Rating Rating gi0se Dare-- -- ~--- 2 1 15.5 2 1 1se.-Y 14.5 1 2 Forrest- -.......- .--.-- Y-.. 2 1 11. . 2 1 Coker 136------ -- - 2 2 13.5' 2 2 Pickett 71- .... w...- - __". 1 1 11, x 1 1 Davis ... ... , .. , .Y., .- . **- n 3 1 ? 5.0 1 1 Lee 68-- .. . -----. 1 2 12."91 Lee 74' :-- ---- 1 114. 2 1 FFR 666- ... - .......,--. 1 2 13.5 " .-c..air6G- --- 1137 2 2 Traicy- -- - - 3 2 17.5i' 2 2 MciNair 800- ---- 1 1 12.7 2 1 Ransomt - - .K 2 1 17.1. 3 2 FFR 777 .. t.. - w- 2 1 14.4k Hutton -- ---------..-. 1 1 17.4: 2 1 Hampton 266A-------- 1 1V 15.8 2 1 Coker 338> 15.7 3 1 Coker 71- 211--.-. -- --- 1 1 15.1 .2 2 Davis & Bragg...- - _.- .. ;: 2 2 Lee 74 & Bragg-- - -*-* * 2 1 *edquality is rated from 1 to 5 according to the f ollo-ping' scale~ I = very good- 2 = good. 3 = fair,- 4 = poor- 5 = very poor. *Purple stain ratings are given to seed samples on a scale of 1 to 5 as follows 1. No purple staining, 2. 1-3% purple staining; 3. 4-8% purple stainingy? 4. g-1% 5. Over 20% purple staining. ***Soybean varieties not in test. 13.3 14.7 11.5 12.7 12.2 13.4 14.3 13.7" 14.4 14.5 17.1 14.2. 12.3 - 15.5. 16.4. 17.O~ 15.3 16.3 14.6 14 purple staining Two-Year Averages for Yield, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Varieties when Planted May 29 at Brewton Field 1973-74 Height and Lodging of Soybean 1st Plant Variety Y eeld s Yield oMaturity?/ ht 2 iHt. 1 st podg! Lodging Shte Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Hutton----------45O4 Coker 338-------45.6 Coker 71-211- 42.8 Ransom-- ------- 41.1 McNair. 800------40.9 Hampton 266A- 40.5 Tracyr------------40.0 McNair 600-------37.8 Bragg --------- 3795 Davis------------36.6 Lee 74-~---------35,e9 D64-4636---34.2 Forrest--- ------33.3 FFR 777 ---------- 32.7 Pickett 71------- 32.6 Essex------------32.6 Coker 136-------- 29.3 Lee 68---------- 28. 1 FFR 666-_----_----27.6 7/25 7/29 7/21 8/02 7/28 7/18 7/20 7/22 7/27 7/19 7/18 7/18 7/22 7/20 7/15 7/22 7/19 7/18 10/ 25 10/25 10/23 10/20 10/11 10/24 10/15 10/12 10/18 10/13 10/13 10/'05" 9/29 10/11 10/ 15 10/01 9/29 10/15 10/15 34 31 36 27 31 35 30 26 33 32 23 25 25 30 24 20 28 21 19 6.1 4.9 6.3 4.6 5.0 6.4 3.4 3,4 505 4.5 2.6 3.6 3.8 6.1 2.8 3.8 6.5 2.4 2.5 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.00 100 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.0 1 /Yields adjusted to 13% 2/An explanation of data moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. and ratings is given on page 3 ,of this report. Table 12. 0% cL " -111 ~ /LL_ Two-year Averages for Yield, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Varieties When Planted July 2 at Brewton Field 1973-74 Height and Lodging of Soybean 1st Plant Variety____ Yield Bloom! M Iaurity ht.. Ht. 1st pod:' Lodging?! he Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. RatingRatin Coker 71-211-----34.3 Coker 338-------31.0 Hampton 266A---27.3 Davis-----------27.2 Pickett 71-------27,0 McNair 600-------27.0 Hutton----------266 D64-4636---------26.0 Lee 74----------24.8 Bragg-----------24.5 Forrest --- _--- ----23.09 McNair 800-------22.8 Tracy-----..-------225 Ransom ---------- 20.8 Essex e--- ------- 20.4 Lee 68----------20. 3 Coker 136-------- 19.1 Dare ------------- 17.1 1/Yields adjusted to 13% 2/An explanation of data 8/18 8/16 8/18 8/17 8/14 8/11 8/18 8/12 8/13 8/16 8/11 8/17 8/09 8/15 8/08 8/12 8/15 8/14 10/25 10/24 10/23 10/18 10/16 10/16 10/23 10/11 10/20 10/17 10/08 10/18 10/22 10/25 10/09 10/14 10/ 08 10/06 28 27 26 26 22 24 23 22 21 24 23 18 23' 21 18 20 21 20 4,9 4.8 5.3 4.8 3.8 3.6 4.0 4,4 3.1 4.0 4.1 3.0 3,4 3.0 2.3 3.5 4.8 301 moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. Table 13. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.4 100 100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 10 1.3 1.6 a: 19 Table 15,o Four- and Five-Year Averages for Yield of Soybean Varieties Grown on the Brewton Experiment Field-V! At Two Planting Dates Soybean yield bylantingdate N ay 28 June 28 4-yr. 5-yr. 4-yr. 5-yr. Variety 71-74 70-74 71-74 70-74 Bu/A Bu/A Bu/A Bu/A Hut4to ./n------- arca w te--y----rs36 .4 -- a wr-- r20.9 23.6 Ransom-----_--- ----. 35 .0 -----. . 20.0 . .... McJ~air 800 -------- 33.9 - --- - 20.3 23.8 -ai 33.2 35,9 23.7 26.1 Hampton 266A-- 32.8 33.4 22.5 26.8 lMcNair.600----_---- 32.6 _----- 23.6 26.4 Bragg----------- .__29.5 31.2 19.9 22.9 Lee 68------------ 26.1 .27.8 18.9 20.0 Da e_ . - ---- . .. ... --- 18.1 19.4. 1/ Yields adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. Yield, Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, Soybean Varieties when Planted May 309 1974 at Gulf Coast Substation Lodging and Shattering of 1st Plant Variety Yield!/ Blooms! MaturityZ/ ht.Z! Ht. 1st pod! / Lodging?. Bu/A Dates Dates In In.. Rating Rating Hutton--_------61.1 Coker 338------57.9 Tracy----------57.8 Ransom----------57.6 Lee 74---------56.8 Bragg-----------55o2 McNair 600------54.4 Davis-----------53.6 McNair 800-----52.8 Forrest --------- 52.7 Pickett 71 ------ 52.3 Cobb ----------- 51.5 Hampton 266A----_51,1 Lee 68--_----_50. 6 Coker 136---___---50. 6 FFR 777--------49.4 Dare ----------- 49.0 W- 46-------47.,2 Coker 71-211-----46,1 Essex ----------- 28. 1 a 7/22 ab 7/17 ab 7/14 abc 7/15 abcd 7/15 bcde 7/15 bcde 7/15 bcde 7/22 bcdef 8/01 bcdef 7/10 bcdef 7/15 cdefg 7/25 defg 7/29 efg 7/15 efg 7/17 efg 7/19 efg 7/10 fg 8/18 g 7/22 h 7/08 COVO% 7.2 1/Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and (P = .05). 2/An explanation of data and ratings 60 pound per bushel. Yields with a common letter are not different is given on page 3 of this report. Table 16.o 10/20 10/22 10/02 10/15 10/10 10/15 10/09 10/07 10/14 9/24 10/09 10/24 10/21 10/11 9/26 10/07 9/24 10/22 10/2 1 9/26 36 30 37 29 27 42 37 37 39 31 27 42 42 24 37 36 30 43. 42 .22- 4.8 .5.8 3.8 6.5- 4.5 6.3 4.0 5.3 5.5 2.5 3.3 4.5 5.5 4.5 4.:3 5.3 3.5 5,5 4.8 2,8 1.8 2.8 3.0 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.3 3.0 3.3 1.3 1.5 4,3 3.8 1.5 1.3 1.8 1.0 3.3 3.5 1.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1.5 C hC~ 7 711 I~ ~11 I I. 1 4 r ur rr I Two--Year Averages fdr':Yield, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Varieties Planted June 5 at Gulf Coast Substation-, 1973 and 1974 Height and Lodging of Soybean 1st Plant Variety Yield!! Bloomy! Maturity 1 ' ht.ZJ ilt. 1st pod! Lodging.~! Shatterin Bu/A. Dates Dates In. In. RatingR Hjutton -ors Mr--.sr l air55. Coker 338------51.1 Davis----------50.0 Lee 74---------49.9 Ransom---------49.9 Bragg-----------48.8 McNair 800-----48.1 Hampton 266A----48.1I McNair b600 ------46.6 Coker 136_------46.1 Lee 68_--------46.0o Coker 71-211----45,3 FFR 777----------4495 Forrest---------43.9 Dare ----------- 43.6 Essex----------35.0Q 1/Yields adjusted to 13% 2/An explanation of data 7/25 10/25 39 6.9 7/24 10/26 42 6.4 7/24 10/08 39 4.6 7/23 10/14 30 4.8 7/20 10/22 32 6.3 7/20 10/19 39 6.1 7/28 10/16 37 4.8 8/02 10/24 44 6.3 7/19 10/14 36 4.0 7/22 10/02 35 4.6 7/19 10/10 27 4.8 7/26 10/24 43 6.4 7/24 10/13 39 5.1 7/20 9/30 31 3.3 7/16 9/29 27 3.3 7/15 10/02 23 2.9 moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. Table 17. 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.0 1.3 1.5 2.6 2.9 1.6 1.1 1.3 2.8 1.4 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 11.0 1.0 1.3 22 Soybean Seed Quality and Size of Soybean Varieties when Planted May 30, 1974, at Gulf Coast Substation Seed* qualiy Rating Dae------------- Essex-----------------3 Forrest---------------1 Coker 136------ Tracy----------.--1 Pickett 71---------------- 1 Davis------------- Lee 68 -------------------- 1I Lee 7------- FFR 77---------~ McNair 600--.----------1: Ransom------------- __.1 McNair 800-------- Ckr338----------1 Hampton26A------1 Hutton---------------.----- 1 Coker7111-- -1 Cobb _----~_-----------w___1 Burp le stain Rating 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seed size g/100 seed 17.5 20.2 15. 8 17.3 19.6 14.8 17.3 16.8 16,2 15.4 16.3 18.9 18.0 17.7 18.8 17.9 20.8 17.5- 16.0 14.8 Seed quality is rated from 1 = very good; 2 = good 1 3 1 to 5 according to the following scale: =fairn 4 poor., 5 = very poor. *Purple stain ratings are given to seed samples as follows: I no purple staining 2 1-3% purple staining 3 4-8% purple staining on scale of I to 5 4 9--19% purple staining 5 over .20% purple staining Table 18.0 4 ~-trP~AI Variety, t Table 19. Three-Year Averages for Yield, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height and Lodging of Soybean Varieties Planted June 4 at Gulf Coast Substation, 1972 through 1974 Variety ~ a Vaifte Pl?.e sun 9 Lodguf Chg 2 YrietYield aturity- Plant ht 2 ' ft.itpcd-- Bu/A Dates In. In. Davis----------- 46.4 10/04 38 4.9 Hutton---------- 46.0 10 /20 38 6.618 McNair 600------- 44.5 10/08 36 4.316 Ransom----------- 43.9 10/14 34 6.31. Lee 6 8------------- 43.5 10/05 26 4.71. D r -.- - --.. . 43.3 9 /2e6 28 3.0 . MNair 800---------. 43.2 10/i1 36 5.12. Bragg------------ 43.0 10/ 12. 38 5.6 . Hampton 266A- 41.0 10/17 42 6.12. 1/ Yields adjustedi to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. 2/ An explanation of data and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. 24 Table 20. Four- and Five-Year Averages for Yield of Soybeans at Gulf Coast Sit btation 1970-741/ Planted June 5 4-yr. 5-yr. 71-74 70-74 Variety Yield Yield Bu/A Bu/A Hutton--- ---- --.-- - --- 47.1 45.2 Davis------_-_--------- 46.7 45.4 Ransom----------- ------- s-.- 46.3 McNair 60----------45.5 45.3 McNair 800-----------45.0 43.3 Bragg----------- .w_ srwok 44.7 44.8 Lee 68------------- .----- 44.3 44.3 Dare- --------------------------43.6 41.1 Hampton 266A---. --- 0--------.--42.3 41.3 1/ Yields adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. Yield, Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height,. Soybean Varieties when Planted May 15, 1974 at Prattville Experiment Lodging and Field Shattering of 1st Plant VarietyYield!/ Bloomy MaturityN ht.! Ht. 1st podi Lodging haein Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Rtn Tracy-------- 99 Ransom--------47.2 Davis--------- 45.5 Lee 74----------45.4 Forrest---------45,0 D64-4 636--------44.8 Essex ----------- 44.6 Coker 136-------43.4 Hutton-----IIl- 43.4 Hood ----------- 42.5 McNair 600------42.4 FFR 666---------42.4 Bragg----------.._.4-42.2 Coker 338--------4 2.2 Cobb- -_--------. 9 Lee 68----------41.5 McNair 800------- 40.4 FFR 777---------39.8 Dare------------39.8 Coker 71-211---39.7 Hampton 266A--"-39.3 W-46 ------------ 38.3 a ab abc abc abcd b cd bcde bcdef bcdef. bcdef bcdef bcdef bcdef bcdef bcdef cdef cdef def def def ef f 7/20 7/26 7/26 7/25 7/16 7/18 7/i5 7/22 7/31 7/23 7/20 7/19 7/27 7/2.7 8/02 7/20 8/05 7/26 7/20 7/31 7/31 8/05 10/10 10/21 10/05 10/16 9/25 9/30 9/23 9/27 10/21 9/30 10/07 10/ 09 10/18 10/24 11/ 03 10/16 10/16 10/07 9/23 10/23 10/23 10/ 23 40 39 39 36 37 33 26 40 41 36 41 30 45 43 46 34 36 42 35 45 44 47 6.3 7.5. 5.8 7.0 5.0 3.8 4.8 7.0 6.3 4.3 6.0 4.0 8.3 4.8 4.3 4.3 5.8 6.3 4.8 3.8 4.5 3.5 3.5 2.3 3.3 2.5 1.6 2.0 1.0 1.5 3.9 3.4 3.5 1.6 4.4 2.8 4,4 2.0 3.0 3,5 1.5 4.5 3,4 3.9 2.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 100 1.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 C.V.% 7.7 1 /Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and 2/An explanation of data and ratings 60 pounds per bushel. Yields with a common letter are not different is given on page 3 of this report. Table 21. U, I ,, ,, rr ~r~ ~h I Yield, Date of First Bloom and MMaturity, Plant and First 'Pod Hesight, Lodging and Soybean Varieties when Planted June 1S, 1974 at Prattvilie Experiment Field Shattering of is t Plant Variety Yield!I/ BlsoroZ! Maturity- 2/J. i.1s o2 odi Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Rtn Cobb- ---- -------.e..,o. 39 0 1 Coker- 71-211-----35, 9 Fcru est--------. _ --- 35.3 Dravr_------ -33.2 Mc~air 800,------33. 0 Coker 338 ---- ---- 32.9 McNair 600"----~-32.4 D6.4-4636----.------ 32.0 Hampton 266A_-_--31.5 Lee 74 3 gg -3.1 Dare. sv------,om-----r30.5~ Tracy---------29. 9 Cr1Davis & Bragg/_"28.1 Pickett 71---------26,.7 Ransom--- -, o - 2 4.2 Lee 6,3-----------19.5 a ab- abc bcd bcd e bcde bode bcde bedef bcdef bedef bcdefg bcdefg bcdefg cdef g cdefg defg def g efgh fgh gh h 8/13 8/13 8/04 8/07 8/07 8/14 8/10 8/07 8/05 8/12 8/13 8/05 310a7 8/03 8/03 8/16 8/07 8/07 8/07 8/08 8/07 8/07 8/07 C.. 0 10.3 1 /Yield adjusted to. 13% moisture and (P = .05) 2 /An. explanation of data and ratings 3 /Bler.ds of 50% of each vareity shown. 11/07 10/31 10/16 10/18 10/29 10/17 10/31 10/25 10/16 10/31 10.E 10/16 10/31 10/05,- 10/05 10/29 11/07 10/16 10/30 10/23 11/05 10/31 11/09 38 40 27 32 34 27 37 32 26 33 37 28 35 22 25 39 34 30 34 29 27 32 26 60 pounds per bushel., 5.3 5.8 2.8 .83 5.0 2.3 4.8 3.0 2.3 4.3 4.8 1.3 3.5 2.8 3.3 5.0 3.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 2.8 4.0 2.7 3.0 4.0 3.4 2.6 3.3 2.1 2.9 2.1 2.4 2.1 4.0 3.9 2.5 1.3 1.5 2.4 2.5 2.8 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.2 Yields with a common letter are not different is given -on page 3 of this report. Table 22. 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 .1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 l1 t7 Y S N1 0 .... _.... _. ..... Ta 23 . Effect of ?iantlhg Date on Seed Stain, Quality, and Si e o Soybeans Grown on Prattville Experiment Field; 1974 Planting dates May15 ,19 74_______June 18 , 1974 Seed* Purple** Seed Seed Purple Se Variety li tanssizeliy sti Rating Rating g/100 seed Rating Ratingg10se D r -o- . 1 1 1 ,0 I112.05 Forrest --- "-- 2 1 12.2 2 Coker 13-- - - 1 1 12. 7 1 Eo d,._ .. _.__ .. N._w 21 13.,2 2 Dvs-- ------ 1 1 14.41 Lee6--------- 1 1 12.4 1 Lee 74c -------- 1 1 12.,0'1 FFR G66.-- - ~-~1 113. McNair 600 --- ~-1 1 1. Br g -- ....- 1 1 13.5.. . M cNair 800_ - _...-_a- 1 1 11 4" Ransom- ~~~- - - 53 FR 77---- -1 1 13.2- 1 1 n- -- 15.7 Hampton 266A-._-----_-- 21 14.9 2 Coker 3 38 ,------------. .----- 1 1 15.42 Goker 7-1------ 2 1 14.5 'C )~ .. .. _.,...-:. -------_._._ 1 1 13.5 1 15Davis & Bragg----- *** Pickett71------ J*I Lee 74 & Bragg------**1 I J e . ua te : s t d r ' I t 5 ac o d g t o t ? ,1";TT n s fL._C5 very poor . ** Durple ..stain ra in gvs are riven .to seed ssr'ples on . staffrinS' 2. 1 3% ,l'.furi e "s g+" . 3. 4O % purVple tiic::4 ***Sovbean vrarieties not in teat. 2 12.9 2 13.6 i. 12.4 15.3 13.4 16.2 1 14.3 14.7 . 14.3 2 14.2 i 16.7 1 15.4 3. 10.9 31 15.6 1 17.5 1 17.0 1 17.2 J. 17.0 1 15.5 1 12.9 1 15.1 1 14.1 1 1. 1verv ood.- 42 aood3 = i.' 4 = poor a scale of 1 t 5 as follows' 1. N} o purple .rpl e e~s~ri' 5. o v r R' f% s urp lam ctstaining.~ Table 244 Two-year Averages for Yield, Date of First Bloom, Date of Maturity, Plant. and First Pod HIgt and Lodging of Soybean Varieties Planted May 17 at Prattville 'Experiment Field 1stPln Variet yYieldi' Bloom 1 ./ Matu 2/ Plnt odHt Lod inst Shatteroni Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Rating Essex ---.---- 35.4 Tracy-----------35.1 Dravi s-' ait -- ------- 3, Forrest- ------- _- 34.0 Ransom--------__33.3 Coker 136-------33.1 Lee 74-------------32.1 Hood-------------31.7 Hutton6?---o-----30.4 Lee 68 -----------30.2 Dare------------30.1 McNair 600--.-- ---29.4 Bragg--- -.-- .a.,.--29.4 FFIR 777.---....-------29.0 Coker 3.38--------28.9 Mciair. 500-------28.5 Coker 71-211 27.5 Hampton .266A--_---2 7.4 7/11 7/18 7 / 22 7/12 7/21 7/16 7/21 7/17 7/13 7/25 7/16 7/14 7/16 7/23 7/23 7/23' 8/01 7/31 7/29 9/18 10/03 9/30 9/19 10/12 9/21 10/10 9/23 10/06 10/17 10/10 9/21 10/02 10/13 10/00 10/20 10/09 10/19 10/16 23 38 38 31 36 36 32 32 26 40 31 30 36 41 40 43 36 44 43 3.3 4.9 4.6 3.5 5.5 6.1 4,4 3.4 2.5 6.0 3,3 3.6 4.5 7.9 5.9 4.6 5.6 4.6 5.3 1.0 2.5 2.3 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.8 2.3 1.3 2.7 1.5 1.3 2.3 2.9 2.3 2.0 2.3 3.0 2a4 2.3 1.6 105 1.5 1.1 1L0 1.0 2. 0 1.0 1.0 100 1.9 1.00 100 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 100 1/Yields adjusted to 13% 2f/An explanation of data moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. and rating~s is given. on page 3 of this report. .... ~I--C Table 25.0 Two-Year Averages for Yield, Date of First Bloom, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod HIgt Shattering-and Lodging of .Soybean Varieties Piaiited 'June .15 at "Prattvillie Expes invent Field 937 1stt Planl Variety YielA 4 - Bloo m Maturit ht .2 Ht. 1st Podl' Lodging! Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Forrest--..-------28.1 8/01 10/03 28 3.4 2.2 Davis---------25.9 8/05 10/09 32 3.4 1.8 Essex--- -------25,8 '7/30 9/28 21 3.3 1.1 McNair 600-------25.6 8/05 10/15 33 3.0 1.6 /are0------------125.68/01 9/31 26 3.3 1.5 Bragg-------- 24.8 8/05 10/22 35 5.3 2.1 Hood------------24.5 8/02 10/05 28 2.1 2.4 Coker 338-------24.5 8/07 10/28 39 6.6 1. Coker 136-------24.3 8/03 10/03 31 4.6 1.8 Coker 71-211----24.1 8/11 10/28 Al 6.9 2.5 Tracy---------- 23.9 8/03 1O/22 4 3.6 1.9 Hutton-----b-------23.6 8/09 10/23 34 5.4 1.61. Hampton 266A----23.4 8/11 10/28 39 5.9 2.51. McNair 800----- 22.6 8/11 10/14 29 3.9 1.61. Lee 74----------- 22.0 8/05 10/24 29 3.9 ' 1.31. Pickett 71--------21.5 8/06 10/16 29 4.1 1.41. Ransom --------- 20.4 8/05 10/21 31 3.9 1.315 Lee 63 ---------- 17.7 8/05. 10/25 27 3.2 1.111 !/Yielcis adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. Z.'A exlantio ofdata and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. I I I I 30 Table 26. Three-Year Averages for Yield, Dale of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height and Lodging of Soybean Varieties Planted at Two Dates at Prattville Experiment Field, 1972-74 Variety Yield! Maturi.tyr2P :lant ht. Hts 1st mLodging 2 Pu/A Date In. In. Rating Forrest------3. Davis ----- 32.5 Hood ---p.---- -- 32.1 Tracy------31.5 Dare-_"1..-- 3 FFR 666-------2890 McNair 600-----27.2 Ransom----27.1 Lee 68---------27.0 Hutton-------25.4 McNair 800 ---- -24.,7 Bragg--------23.4 Hampton 266--23.4 Forrest--_----25.9 Bragg-----------24.3 Mc~air 600------23.9 Hutton- ---.23.7 Tracy--------23.6 Davis----------2 3.4 Hampton 266A--23.0 McNair 800-.----2 2.2 Hood-- -- ----- 21.9 Dare--. _-----21.5 Ransom-------20.5 Pickett 71-----20.3 Lee 68-.----k---18.5 Three-year 9/19 9/28 9/22 10/04 9/20 10/01 10/01 10/07 10/05 10/16 10/09 10/10 10/17 Three-year 10C/07 10/11 10/06 10/26 10/11 10/13 10/30 10/05 10/07 10/01 10/14 10/09 10/22 average planting date May 14 30 3.2 1.2 37 4.8 1.9 31 3.4 1.8 35 4.4 2.0 29 3.3 1.2 27 2.8 1.2 34 4.3 1.8 34 5.2 1.5. 30 3.2 1.3 38 5.6 2.2 36 5.6 1.9 40 7.1 2.3 41 5.5 2.3 average planting date June 28 3.0 35 4.1 33 2.6 34 4.3 34 3.5 32 3.4 37 4.6 29 3.8 29 2.6 28 3.7 31 3.6 28 3.6 27 3.2 19 2.6 2.5 1.9 2.1 1.8 1.9 3.1 1.4 2.3 1.8 1.3 2.5 1.5 moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. "Yields adjusted to 13% 2/An explanation of data ... _......__ ... _...r._._.._.... 'r'krrh~r~rr\h~r AlrhUC~EC~C 31 Table 27. Four- and Five-Year Averages for Yield of Soybean Varieties Grown at Prattville Experiment Field 1970-74 At Two Planting Dates Soybean yield!' by planting date May 12 May 15 June 17 June 17 4-year 5-year 4-year 5-year Variety 71-74 70-74 71-74 70-74 Bu/A u/A Bu/A Bu/A Davis -------------- 35.5 37.1 27.5 29.9 Dare ---------------- 33.4 35.4 24.6 27.2 Hood --------------- 33.4 34o5 25.2 27.3 Mc~air 600---------- 32.4 33.4 28.3 29.8 Huttorr------------- 31.9. 33,3 28.6 29.7 Lee 68-------------- 32.1 33.1 23.8 25.8 Bragg--------------~ 2946 31.0 28.5 29.8 McNair 800 --------- 29.4 30.3 26.2 26.7 Hampton 266A-------- 28.6 24.4 27.4 27.6 Ransom O------------ 32.9 -- 26.7 -- 1/ Yields adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. Yield, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, Lodging and Shattering of Planted May 25 , 1974 at Sand M-ountain Substation Soybean Varieties Varietyl Yi e! 1st Plant odi Lodgngs e Variety Yield/ Bloom-! aturity! ht2/ lt.1stpLh2/aten.t Bu/A Dates Dates In. In.Raigatn EsseX---3-------6- 36.3 a 7/31 9/30 30 7,5 2.1 Dare------------ 36.0 ah 8/02 9/30 35 6.3 3.1 York----------- 35.3 abc 7/31 3/ 33 5.0 3.0 Ranso-!-.------ 35.1 abcd. 8/07 3/ 38 7.0 3.3 Forrest--------- 33.5 abcde' 7/31 9/30 37 6.8 391 -Lee 74--------- 33.1 abode 8/09 3/ 34 6.83.61 Lee_ 68---------- 32.6 bcdef 8/09 3/ 31 6.3 3.8 McJair 600-_--- 31.9 bcdef 8/09 3/ 35 7.3 4.3 Tracy--------- 31.8 cdefg 8w 3/ 36 6.3 3.5 Coker 13-~---31li6 cdefg 8/09 3/ 37 8.0 2,61 FER 66--- -- - 31.3 cdefg 8/04 3/ 33 5.8 4a.5, Hod---- 31.0 defg 8/07 3/ 36 7.0 3.01 FFR77 -- 30.6 efgh 8/09 3/ 35 6.3 2.91 D64-4636------- 30.4 efgh 7/07 3/ 33 7.5 .3.01 Davis------------- 29.4 efgh 8/14 3/ 37 6.8 3.51 Bragg------------ 23.4 fgh 8/09 3/ 36 7.3 2.91 Hutton --- _-v 27.6 gh 8/12 3/ 37 7.8 3.91 M~cNair 30 26.6 h 8/16 3/ 34 7.8 5.01 C.V,9 7.9 1 /Yield adjusted to 13% moisture (P = .05). 2/An explanation of data and rati3Baskle yfot c.3 3/eas ile by frost,. Oct. 3. and 60 pounds per bushel. Yields with a common letter are not different ings is given on page 3 of this report. Table 29. Yield, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, Lodging and Shattering of When Planted June 26, 1974 at Sand Mountain Substation Soybean Varieties 1st Plant Variet Yield!' Bloom Maturit ?J ht. 2 / it. 1st o&?! Lodging2/e BuIA Dates Dates In. In. Rating Essex-------------31.9 a 8/20 3/ 28 6.0 2.5 York------------25.6 b 8/20 3/ 28 5.0 3.5 Tracy-----------24.3 be 8/20 3/ 35 6.3 3.6 Coker 136-------23.8 bc 8/20 31 34 8.3 3.1 Forrest---------23.0 -bcd 8120 31 34 7. 3.4 1 McNair 600------22.9 bed 8/20 31 35 5.33.3 D64-4636--------21.6 bcde 8/20 3/ 30 7.3 3.3 Lee 68----- ---- 21.4 bcde 8/20 3/ 33 7.0 3.1 Bragg----------20.8 bcdef 8/20 3/ 38 9.3 3.1 FFR 666-------l---20.7 ,.def 3/20 31 31 7..8 3.01 Dare------------ 19.9 b;;def g 8/20 3 / 31- 5.3 3.51 Ransom ---------- 19.2 cdefg 8/20 3/ 31 6.8 3.91 Lee 74----------18.8 cdefg 8/20 3/ 28 8.3 4.31 McNair 800-------17.2 defg 8/20 3/ 29 6.3 3.4~ Davis------.-----16.5 efgh 8/20 3/ 34 6.0 2.91 Hood-_- -r-- 15.2 fgh 8/20 3/ 34 8.0 3.61 Hutton---------- 14.0 gh 8/20 3/ 25 5.5 4.01 FFR 777-------r- 10.9 h 8/20 3/ 34 7.0 3.61 C.V.%12. 5 1 /Yields adjusted to (P = .05). 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. Yields with a common letter are not different 2/An explanation of data and ratings is given on page of this report. 3/Be.snG killed by frost October 3, 4. Table 30. ~~ .. ,. Tabe 3. oybanSee Quliy ad izebyVariety When Grcwri at Sand Mountain Substation,3 1974 May 8, 19 74 Purple** stain Rating Planting dates Seed size g/100 seed Seed q uality Rating May 25,9 1974 Purple stain Rating Seed size g/100 seed Dare-fl - Lee68-- McNair 60- Tracy ----------- Bragg ----------- FFR 7 7--- *Seed quality is rated from 1 to 5 according to the following scale~ 1 = very good,, 2 = good 3 = fair; 4 = poor- 5= very poor **Purple stain ratings are given to seed samples on a cale of 1 to 5 as follows.- 1. Nlo purple staining- 2. 1--3% purple staining; 3. 4-8% purple staining; 4. 5. Over 20% purple staining ***Variety not in test. 9-19 % purple staining 'Variety Seed* quelit Rating 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 2 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 1 I 1 1 1 12.8 15.7, 14.2 16.1. 18.7 15.3 15.8 12.s5 13.4 15.4. 12.3 18,7 14.8' 12.2 14.(;) 14.0 13.4. 13.0 12.2 12,.. 17. 7 14.3. 12.5 11.7. 12.1$i. 12.1 11.: 12.4 ; 15.1: 13.6: 12, 1k"; 13. 5 14.3. W~ .._._.._.___r, Table 31 Soybean Seed Quality and 5. e by 36 Two-Year Averages for Yield, Date Pod Height and Lodging of Soybean Dates on Sand Mountain Substation of Maturity, Plant and First Varieites Planted at Three 1973 and 1974 Variety 4el/ aturit 1Plant lt.!/ Hlit, 1st. od Lod ,in 21Shattering? Blu/A Date In. In, Rating Rating Tracy--------3 . Essex------38.7 Forrest-- ---38.6 Coker 136--.-38.4 )are------37.3 Lee 74------36.0 Davis--------35.7 Ranso ------34.8 Bragg----.----34.2 1IcNair 60--33.9 Lee 68-.--33.1 Hood-!---------32.1 Essex----35.6 Forrest--34.1 Coker- 136-.--33. 1 Ransom-----33.O McNair '600--32 .94: Lee 74------ 31.5 Hutton-----30.7 --Hood---30.3 Baggs---,----2 9.6 D64-466--- -- 28.7 Lee 683-------28.7 10/02 9/21 9/26 9/27 9/24 9/27 10 /11ill 10/042/ 10/05 10/15 10/01 10/10 9/27 9/24 9/28 9/28 9/272/ 10/0o53 10 /122' 10/ 10/09= 10/24-3/ 10/01.2 10/152/ 10/01i2 10 /1iol Average 31 23, 31 36 26 31 33 36 31 40 33 32 31 Average 26 32 34 36 33 34 33 31 33 32 36 35 30 28 planting date 3.3 4.0 4.4 5.4 4.3 4.0 6.9 4.1 6.0 5.6 4.9 5.1 5.4 planting date 4.8 4.6 4.9 6.0 4.1 5.3 4.9 5.1 5.1 4.5 5,4 5.0 5.1 4.6 Average planting date June 21 Essex- ---- _-33.6 10/021/ 25 5.3 1.8 1 Bragg------29.8 10 /212/ 38 8.6 2.7 1 Coker 136---28.1 10/082/ 34 7.4 2.3 1 Forrest------28.0 10/043/ 33 6.3 2.8 1 Ransom-----27.6 10/222/ 31 6.5 2.4 1 McNair 600---27.4 10/083/ 34 4.8 2.3 1 Hutton-------26.3 10/243/ 29 6.5 3.0 1 Davis--------26.1 10/232/ 35 7.1 2.2 1 Dare---------25.5 10/03/ 31 4.9 2.4 1 Lee 68-----_24.6 10 / 143/ 32 6.1 2.6 1 Lee 74-- --- -24.4 10/ 191/ 307641 i/eld adjusted to 13% Moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. ?/An explanation of data and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. 1/Frost killed beans 1974 on '10/3 - 1973 Maturity Dates are listed. Table 32 . May 11 3.5 1.0 2.6 2.6 1.4 2.1 1.8 3.3 2.1 2.9 2.5 1.6 2.0 May 25 1.6 2.1 2.5 1.8 2.8 2.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.0 2.1 2.8 2.1 2.4 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 37 Table 33. Three-Year Averages for Yield,* Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Hleights and Lodging of Soybean Varieties Planted at Three Dates at Sand Mountain Substation, 1971, 31973, and 1974. Variety Yield 1!Maturi ty 1/Plant h t.. 1st d 3 '_Lo1g2 Bu/A Date In. In. Rating Ransom -------- 42.6 Dare-----------36.2 Daviso---------3. Bragg-------35.0 Le 68---------33,1 McNair 600----- -304 Hood----------30.3 ans om----------7.3 Mc~air600--- -36. 10/09 9/25 10/092/ 10/162/ 9/25 10/03 9/27 10/ir;3/ 9/28 10 / 162/ 10/a14-3/ 10 /142/ 10/O931 10/203) 10/213I 10/ 123./ 10!/082/ 10/2233/ 10/233/ Average planting 31 6.1 30 4.2 37 5.2 41 6.2 25 3,6 33 4.4 30 5.3 31 5.3 Average planting 36 6.5 34 5.1 33 4.8 35 6.3 35 5.8 32 4.8 31 5.1. Average planting 31 6.5 36 7.9 34 4.7 31 4.8 35 6.3 31 5.9 date May 8 2.2 2.1 3.0 3.2 1.3 2.6 2.0 2.4 date May 29 2.5 3.1 2.2 2.5 3.0 2.3 2.9 date June 24 2.0 2.6 2.3 2.6 2.3 3.0 !'Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. Y/An explanation of data and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. I /Average maturity for 1971 and 1973 as frost killed soybean on October 3y 1974. Table 34. Four-, and Five-Year-? Averages for Yield of Soybean Varieties Grown at SandoutiSbsaon At Three Planting Dates Nay 8 4-yr. May 6 5-yr. May 29 4-yr. Nay 27 5-yr. June 2 3 4-yr . June 21 5-yr.e Variety 70-74 69-74 70-74 69-74 70- flu/A Bu/A flu/A lu/AfuA l/ Bu/ABu/ABu/ABu/ABtDare-- - - - _- 43.9 42.9 36.4 35.2 31.7 2 Davis---------------42.7 41.6 35.1 34.7 30.32. York--------------- 42.5 41.2 ---- a a~w _ Bragg--------------- 41.8 40.1 36.5 35.9 31.7 84 Lee 68---- - 41.5 39.9 33.8 32.9 28.9 Hood---------------- 39.4 39.5 35.1 34.0 McNair 600----------- 42.1 - --- 37.8 ---- 32.6 1/ Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. 2/ These data do not include 1972 yield due to delayed harvest. fit? 00 Tabl 35.Yield, Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, Lodging and Shatterin: o Soybean Varieties When Planted May 9, 1974 at Tennessee Valley Substation 1stk Plint Variety Yield!./ Bloom Maturity ht. Ht. 1st pod Lodging Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Essex-wrsre----m- -49.6 a 7/10 9/25 28 5.3-1.5 York------------47.3 ab 7/08 9/30 34 5.5 2.9 Dare------------45.8 ab 7/12 10/01 40 6.5 2.6 Forrest---___---45.2 ab 7/11 9/30 36 5,3 2.9 Tracy ----- 4-----44.1 b 7/08 * 40 7.0 3.6 Hood------------39.2 c 7/17 10/05 40 7,3 4.3 Coker 136-------38.5 c 7/15 10/04 44 9.0 2.1 ENair 600------37.1 cd 7/11 * 40 6.3 3.3 Lee 74---------36.5 cde 7/16 * 35 7.3 4.3 1 Ransom---------- 36.0 cde 7/16 * 37 8.3 2.51 F FR 666--------35.5----- cde 7113 * 31 7.0 2.81 Lee68----3. cdef 7/15 * 36 5.8 2.41 Hutton- --- w-33.1 def 7/25 * 39 7.3 4.51 Bragg----------- 31.7 def 7/25* 45 10.5 4.41 Davis----------- 31.1 ef' 7/25 * 43 7.5 4.81 M'c~air 800------29.7 f 7/25 * 36 10.0 5.01 FFR 777 ------- 29.1 f 7/22 * 44 8.8 4.41 C.V.% 9.1 *Frost killed soybeans Oct. 1974. 1/Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and (P = .05)0 2/An explanation of data and ratings 60 pounds per bushel. Yields with a common letter are not different is given on page 3 of this report. Table 35. Two-year Averages for Yield, Lodging of Soybean Varieties Date of First Bloom, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Heights and Planted May 10 at Tennessee Valley Substation, 1973 and 1974 1st Plant Variety Yield" Bloom/ Maturity2/ ht.1/ Ht. 1st podil Lodgin Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Esse-----------5. 7/09 9/25 32 4.6 1.7 Forrest--------- 52. 7/11 9/27 34 4,4 2.4 Y 7/09 9/28 33 4.5 2.3 Dare- 2 7/14 9/28 37 5.3 2.4 Coker 136-------47.0 7/15 10/01 41 7.0 1.7 Hood------------43.3 7/17 10/03 37 6.1 3.6 McNair 600------42.0 7/13 10/07?' 38 4.9 3.4 Lee 74 -------- 41.9 7/16 10/082. 36 7.1 4.01 Lee 68-----------41.4 7/14 10/072/ 36 5.6 3.11 FFR 666---------41.1 7/15 10/061/ 33 6.5 2.91 Ransom---- ---- 40.4 7/17 10/1212/ 38 7.1 2.81 Hutton----------39.4 7/23 10/192/ 40 6.9 4.41 Davis ----------- 38.6 7/23 10/112/ 41 6.8 4.61 Bragg--------38.4 7/22 10/ 13~/ 43 9.0 4.31 McNair 800------36.1 7/23 10/112/ 38 8.3 4.51 FFR 777--------- 32. 8 7/20 10/061/ 42 7.9 4.41 1/Yields adjusted to 13% 2/Maturity date for 1973 3/An explanation of data moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. as frost killed soybeans Oct. 3, 1974. and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. Table 36. . ..... . .... 0 Table 37.0 Three- and Four-Year Yield and Three-Year Averages for Date of Maturity, Plant Height andLdgn of Soybean Varieties Planted May 7 at Tennessee Valley Substation Yield Variety 3- r. Av.- 4-yr. Av.. MaturityPlant 72-74 71-74 Dates In. Ratng FFR 666 44.6 10/15240/2.6 Ransom 42.3 43.3105 3/ 42 Davis -42-0 4-.- 10/14 4,34 Bragg 39.9 41.4 10/15 -4 McNair 800 36.8 40.3 10/14 3/ 384. 1/ Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. 2/ An explanation of data and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. 3/ Maturity dates 1971-1973. Frost killed soybeans October 3, 19 74 . Yield, Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, Lodging and Soybean Varieties when Planted May 7, 1974 at Upper Coastal Plain Substation Shattering of 1st ,Plant 2 Variety Yield!' Bloom 2 !t Maturity! ht 2 I lit.1st ! Lodging! 1u/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Rating Ransoms-------------- Lee 74---------_49.1 Hampton 266A----48.4 Hutton--------46.1 Davis-- --------45.8 Bragg----------45.8 Pickett 71------45.5 Coker 338-------45.4 Coker 71-211---5 Tracy----------44.1 Cobb---_-----_---43.5 Essex-----------42.9 Mcfair V60\0---e--42. 2 Forrest -------- 40.5 McNair 800-----40.0 Hood------------39.2 FFR 777 ----- _---39.0 Lee 68 -_--38.9 York---------- - 38.2 Dare------------37.2 FFR 666----.----36.1 a ab abc abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd bcd cd d d 7/12 7/L2 7/25 7/18 7/23 7 /14 7/15 7/15 7/23 7/11 7/28 7/10 7/12 7/11 7/10 7/30 7/11 7/15 7/11 7/10 7/11 7/11 10/09 10/07 10/20 10/23 10/07 10/18 10/08 10/25 10/23 10/02 10/28 9/18 10/01 10/02 10/01 10/07 10/01 10/07 10/07 9/18 9/28 10/04 37 33 40 32 44 42 30 37 41 32 46 26 38 34 33 37 33 40 33 29 30 28 7.8 7.8 7.5 6.8 9.0 10.3 6.0 7.8 7.3 7.3 10. 0 4.0 6.8 6.3 6.0 7.8 6.5 9.5 5.5 4.8 5.3 5,3 1.5 2.3 3.0 2.3 2.5 1.8 2.5 3.0 3.0 1.9 2.3 1.0 1.3 1.3 2.0 2.8 1.8 1.3 1.8 1.5 1.3 1,5 CoVa%14. x4 1/Yield adjusted to 13x moisture and (P = .05) 2/An explanation of data and ratings 60 pounds per bushel, Yields with a common letter are not different is given on page 3 of this report Table 38. Tabl 39.Yield, -Date, of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant, and First Pod Height, Lodging and Shatterigo Soybean Varieties when Planted June 14, 1974 at Upper Coastal Plain Substation 1st Plant Variety Yiel.!.'Bloom?! Maturity ! ht.2! / t . 1st pod l LodgingYhteig? BuIA Dates Dates In. In. Rating Rtn Hampton 266A-----4118 Tracy- -------------40.9 Forrest -- ------- 4. Lee 74------------40.2 Ransom- ---------- 40.1 Ess ex --------. x3,9 Coker 136--------36.6 Dare------------36,4 Lde 74 & Brag 135.4 Bragg-----------35.3 Loe 78-211------34.5 Davis & Bragg}-- 34.2 Davis -------- --- _3 3.4 McNair 600------33.2 Hood ------------ 33.1 Coker 333--------33.a0 McNair 800--------- 32.6 Pickett 71------32.5 Cobb---- ---------32.1 --4b-------2. 6 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 8/19 3/12 8/05 8/12 8/12 8/05 8/05 8/12 8/05 8/16 8/12 8/14 8/10 8/21 8/15 8/16 8/12 g8' x 0 8/15 8/23 8/12 8/24 8/23 10/28 10/18 10/08 10/18 10/20 10/01 10/05 10/12 10/07 10/18 10/18 10/20 10.183 10/28 10/18 10/18 10/10 10/07 10/28 10/18 10/18 10/28 10/125 42 38 36 34 36 29 31, 38 37 35 38 45 31 43 41 39 38 37 44 37 33 48 44 7.5 4.3 5.8 5.5 6.3 4.3 3.8 7.8 5.8 6.3 4.8 6.3 4.*3 6.0 5.3 4.3 6.5 4.0 7,5 5.8 5.0 8.5 7.3 3.8 2.8 2.5 3.3 2.0 1.3 1.8 2.0 1.5 2.3 3.3 2.8 2.3 3.8 2.5 2.5 2.3 1.8 303 2.3 303 3.0 4.0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1. I' I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 C.V.G 15.6 1/Yields adjusted to 13% 2/An explanation of data 3/ Blends, of- 50% of each moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. Yields with and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. variety shown. a common letter are not different (P.m) 4S T-_ h~ A) Table 39 Table 40. Soybean See %' Quality and Size by Variety Where Grown m at Upper Coastal Plain Sutato,17 Planting dates May 7, 1974 June 14, 1974 Seed* Purple'* Seed Seed Purple Se Variey q____ i4 sain size cquality stain sz Rating Rating g/100 seed Rating Rating g10se Dare---- ------ -- 1 1 . ._ .13.3 1 1 1. Forrest -------------- 1 1 12.81 1 14. Coker 16----- 1 1 15-.1 1 1 1 6. York-..- . ------ 1 1 15.41 1 17. Hood- --_-------_----1 1 15.7.1 1 16. Davis--------- _.r 1 1 15.5'1 1 14. Lee 68---- --------- 1 1 13.7 1 1 14. Lee 7-------- 14.7.: 1 13. FFR 66------1114.7; _ - MNair 600.------- 1 1 14.4.1 1 1 3. Trc- ---- 11 18.0 2 1 1. rag-------1115.97 1 1 3. McNair 800-------111.,111. R ansom----- -- 76 111. FFR 7 7 7 ------ 1115*. - Hutton---------------1 1 1 7.7'1 1 13. Hampton 266A-_- 1 1 15.9 1 1 14. Coker 38----- 17.6.1 1 15. Coker7121---11 15.61 1 14. Cobb-: ---------------- 1 1 14.51 1 1 2. Pickett71------ 1 1 14.9 1 1 1 3. Davis & ,Bragg-- - 1 1 14. Lee 74 & Bragg -- 1 1_13.5 *Seed quality is rated from I to 5 according to the. following scales 1-= very good- 2 = good;, 3 = fair; 4 = poor' 5 = very poor. **Purple stain ratings are given to seed samples on a scale of I to 5 as follows.. 1. No purple staining; 2. 1-3% purple staining; 3. 4-8% purple staining; 4. 9 19%pulesang 5. over 20% purple staining. -N Table 41. Two Year Average Yield, Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod Height, Lodgn n Shattering of Soybean Varieties when Planted May 16, 1973-74 at Upper Coastal Plain Substio 1st Plant Variety Yield 1 'Y Bloom/! Maturity!! ht o!/fr; t. 1st Pod!2/ Lodging! Satein1 Eu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Rtn Lee 74-------------45.0 Ranm1- ---- r-----3. Davis-----------4. Tracy ----------- 4, Pickett 71--------43.2 M4cNair 600-------43.0 Coker' 136--------42.4 4orrest----------42.3 Coker 338-------40.6 Hood-----------40.2 Lee 6 ---------40.0 Bragg-----------39.5 Hampton 266A-:----39. 5 Hutton --------- 39.1 Goker 71- 211-__3 9.0 Essex-------s-----38 .9 FFR 666---------38.1 McNair 800------38.1 York-_----------37.8 FFR 777---------37.0 Dare-------------35.3 7/17 7/18 7/23 7/17 7/19 7/17 7/17 7/13 7/19 7/17 7/17 7/19 7/25 7/21 7/23 7/13 7/17 7/30 7/13 7/19 7/13 10/06 10/06 10/02 9/30 10/06 9/31 9/28 9/27 10/17 9/28 10/03 10/12 10/15 10/15 10/16 9/18 9/31 10/06 9/18 10/06 9/26 32 37 41 33 29 34 37 33 38 32 33 42- 38 36 40 27 28 38 29 38 29 7.0 7.3 .4 5.8 4.8 5.6 6.9 5.9 6.3 5.4 5.4 10.0 7.1 8.3 7.0 4.3 4.9 7.6 4.0 8.8 5.1 2.4 1.3 1.9 1.4 2.3 1.3 1.1 1.6 2.3 1.4 1.6 1.4 2.4 1.9 2.4 1.0 1.4 2.1 1.3 1.3 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I/Yields adjusted to 13% 2/ An explanation of data moisture and 60 .pounds per bushel. and ratings is given on page .3 of this report. "-_ - - ' '1 _! M 'l y " 7 y A !1'I TLble 42. Two-year-Average Yield., Date of First Bloom and Maturity, Plant and First Pod and Shattering of Soybean Varieties when Planted June 20, 1973-74 at Upper Coa 1st Plant Variety Yield!/ Bloom/! Maturit 1/ ht./ Ht.1st odd/ Lodgingh e Bu/A Dates Dates in. In. Rating Essex r---------37 , 8/04 10/03 28 4.6 1.3 Lee 74---------_37.4 8109 10/15 34 6.3 2.3 Forrest-------- 36.9 8/04 10/06 34 5.4 1.8 Ransom---- -----36.7 8/11 10/18 34 6.5 1.5 Tracy---------_-36.5 8/11 10/13 35 5.4 2.3 York-----------36.0 8/04 10/05 29 4.0 1.4 Hampton 266A----34.7 8/19 10/25 41 7.1 2.5 M1dNair ,600------34a1 8/11 10/09 37 5.0 1.8 Coker- 136-------34.0 8/11 10/09 37 7.6 1.5 Pickett 71-------33.9 8/15 10/13 34 4.6 2.6 Coker 338--------33.5 8/16 10/24 42 6.1 2.41. Dare--er --------ue33. 0 8/07 10/06 .35 5.4 1.31. Dutton- ---------31.6 8/13 10/17 35 7.3 1.610 Honod-------31.3 8/14 10/08 35 5.6 1.4, . Davis- ---- ----- 31 .2 8/17 10/13 37 4.5 1.191. Bragg----.------31.2 8/08' . 10/18 40 6.3 1.9.1. Lee 68----------30.7 8/14 10/11 33 5.0 2.01. McNair &00- --- 30.6 8/20 10/14 33 5.9 1.81. Coker 71-211-a---30.5 8 /:16 10/24 :41 5.4 2.51. 1/Yields adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. 2/An explanation of data and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. C' 47 Three-Year Averages for Yield, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod Heights and Lodging of Soybean Varieties Planted at Two Dates at Upper Coastal Plain Substation, 1972-74 Yield 11 Bu/A M aturity / Plant hit. V Date In . Ht. 1s pnd Lodgin Rating Forrest ---------- 37.1 Hood---- -- - 349o.] Pickett 71.--- 3 "M!cNair 600-_-----34.4 Ransom--- -.-;-------34.4 Hampton 266A-----32.5 Lee 68R------ ------- 32. FFR 666- --.----- --- 31.7 Bragg-- ------- --31.6 Dare----- - -- Hut ton- ------- McNair 800----- 5 Forrest --- -------_..32.7 IMcNair ,600..---------31.4 Hampton. 266A.-- ----30.7 Pickett 71---_----30.6 Dare- --------- -289 Hutton----.-.----28.9 Lee 68 --.-.-------- 28.7 Hood- - . , . . MtcNair 800_,.-----.-27.4 9/27 9/28 10/07 9/29 10/05 x/31 10/22 10/03 9 / 30 10/14 9/26 10/16 10/10 10/18. 10/07 10/09 10/29- 10/15 10/10 10/05 10/20 10/14 10/08 10/18 10/15 36 35 32 37 39 41 41 35 32 45 34 38 39 35 34 36 41 35 37 33 35 33 33 40 32 Average planting date Nay 5.6 5.0 4.7 5.4. 6.5 5.5 6.9 5.5 4.9 9.0 4.8 7.3 6 .9 Average planting 7.2 5.5 5.4 6.3 4.8 5.5 5.0 7.2 5.2 5.0 6.6 5.9 12 1.6 1.6 2.0 1.2 1.2 1.6 2.1 1.8 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.9 2.1 date ,June ;19 1.3 1.7 1.5 2.6 2.8 1.6 1.5 1.8 2.2 1.5 1.5 1/ Yields adjusted to 13% -An explanation of data moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. and ratings is given on page 3 of this report. Table 43. Variety ....... . .,.... . ,.... ... _... ...... _ .. r . .... .... ... . . . . ... . . .,..o . -. _..... ., . . r .uw,. ..... 48 Table 44.e Four- and Five-Year Averages Varieties Grown at the Upper tioni/ At Two Planting Dates for Yield of Soybean Coastal Plain Substa.- Soybean yield by planting date May 15 Nay 13 Ju:. 22 June 20 4-yr. 5-yr. 4-yr. 5-yr. Variety 71-74 70-74 71-74 70-74 Bu/A Bu/A Bu/A Bu/A Dare-- --------- 29.9 32.5 31.4 31.4 Pickett 71---------~ 32.2. 31.1 32.6 32.1 Davis -------------- 32.2 30.8 33.0 32.8 M~cNair 600-.--------33.,4 30.8 33.5 32.4 Hod-------~.32.3 30.1 31.6 32.0 Hutton...-.- ---- _----- 30.6 29.9 32.7 32.1 Bragg -------- 30.4 29.8 30.8 30.0 Hampton 266A -------- 30.8 29.1 34.4 33'03. Lee 68-------------.- 31.0 2 8.8 33:..2 30,6 McNair 800_-------- 29.6 28-65 29.7 29.7 Ransom -------------- 33.0 --- - 35.3 -- 1/ Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and 60 pounds oer bushel. Yield, Date of First Bloom and Maturity Plant and First Pod Height, Soybean Varieties when.Planted May 13 , 1974 at Wiregrass Substation Lodging, and Shattering of 1st Plant Variety Yieldi/ Bloom 2 ! Maturity 1 ht. ft.1tpd' Lgig! Saern] Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating Rtn Davis-----------46.9 1-?cNair8 8 O 0- --- 41 Tracy-------- Dare------------43.3 Coker 338-------42.6 Mciair 600-------42.2 Essex-..-------r- - --- 42. 1 1JF s sePIWWIsaau Ransom------------41.9 Foirest----------41.9 Coker 71-211-_Y.-_-4O.9r~rn Pickett 71------- 40.6 Hampton 266A--40.1 Lee 74_-_.-~-----39.3 Cokr 13----------38.7 D 63-4636-------38.4 Lee 63-----3. Cobb ------------- 36.1 a ab ab ab be be bc bc bc bc bc bcd bcde bcde bcde cde cde de e 7/15 7/10 7 / 10 7/12 7/12 7/10 7/13 7/10 7/15 7/17 7/14 7/17 7/15 7/12 7 /13 7/12 7/15 7/18 10/05 10/11 10/05 9/16 10/18 10/09 9/16 10/14 9/16 10/17 10/17 10/08 10/17 10/09 9/13 10/13 9/20 10/12 10/2 1 10/17 38 34 29 27 34 28 21 27 28 37 36 24 36 23 34 32 26 17 41 41 3.3 3.8 1.8 3.5 3.3 1.8 2.3 3.0 3.0 4.5 3.8 2.3 5.0 1.3 5,5 3.0 1.3 1.3 2.0 4.3 2.4 1.8 1.9 1.0 2.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 2.3 3.3 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.0 3.3 3.8 C.V % 6.9 1/Yield adjusted to 13% moisture and (P =.05) 2/An explanation of data and ratings 60 pounds per bushel Yields with a common letter are not different is given on page 3 of this report. Table 45. 4 -t I, r nu I ~ r- II I J~- I r 50 Table 46. Soybean Seed Quality and Size by Variety When Grown at Wiregrass Substation, and Planted Hay 13, 1974 Seed* Purple** Seed Variety szualiie Rating Rating g/100 seed Dare--------------------------- 3 2 17.7 Essex-- ------ --- 3 2 19.3 Forest-a._-rr _ws..a..,=,-------- - - -3 2 16.1 Coker 136----------------------- 2 2 15.8 K 64-4636---------------- 1 2 17.6 Pickett 71------------------- 1 1 15.8 Davis-----__.._ .,R----_---.---~ 1 2 18.4 Lee 68------------------------- 1 1 17.5 Lee 74------------------------- 1 2 16.7 Ransom1---1-------- ---- ----- 7.7 Mcfair 60--------------------- 1 2 15.6 Tracy-------------------------- 2 2 19.1 Bragg-------------------------- 1 1 .1594 McNair 80 0-------------- 1 2 13.5 Hampton 266A-------------------- 1 1 17.4 Coker 338 --------------- 1 1 18.1 Hutton_..- - - -------------- ,..... 1 1 20.2 Coker 71-211----- ------------. __ . 1 1 16.6 Cobb --------------------- 1 1 15.8 W-46----------------- . _ _.. 1 1 13.9 *Seed quality is rated from 1 to 5 according to the following scale 1=very good; 2=good: 3=fair;; 4=poor ; 5=very poor. **Purple stain ratings are given to seed samples on a scale of 1 to 5 as follows y 1, No purple staining 2. 1-3%'0purple- staining 3 4-8% purple staining 4. 9-19% purple staining 5. over 20% purple staining Table 47. Two Year Averages for Yield, Date of First Bloom, Date of Maturity, Plant and First Pod HIgt and Lodging of Soybean Varieties Planted May 14 at Wiregrass Substation 1st Plant22/ Variety Yield?' Bloom-! Maturity?' ht.?J/ Ut. 1st pod- Bu/A Dates Dates In. In. Rating McNair 800------36.0 10/13 27 4.0 1.4 Dare ----------- 33.3 7/09 9/20 22 3.1 1.0 Coker 71-211----33.2 7/18 11/01 30 4.3 2.1 Davis ---------- 33.0 7/12 10/04 29 3.8 1.7 Bragg-----------330 7/12 10/29 28 4.1 1.2 Essex-----------32.8 7/08 9/20 18 2.5 1.0 Hutton --------- 32.8 7/16 11/01 30 5.0 1.6 McNair 600---32.4 7/12 10/11 23 2.9 1.0 Haitpon 266A----32.0 7/18 10/28 29 4.6 2.0 Ransorn-- ---------31.3 7/12 10/23 23 3.5 1.0 Forrest -------- 30.2 7/08 9/20 22 2.9 1.1 Coker 338-----30.2 7/14 11/01 27 3.9 1.6 Lee 74p---------29.6 7/13 10/16 21 2.1 1.0 't64-4636----,----29.2 7/09 9/22 21 2.0 1.1 Lee 68-.-------28.6 7/13 10/14 17- 2.6 1.0 1"Yields adjusted to 13% I/An explanation of data moisture and 60 pounds per bushel. and ratings is given on page 3 of this report.