Progress Report Series No. 97 Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY November 1971 I=. V. Smith, Director Auburn, Alab2aa Comparison of Baled and Stacked Sy k 'nemA for Handling and Feeding Hay C: a . E. S. RE=NOLL, W. B. ANTHONY, L. A. SMITH, and J. L. STALLINGS' A HE(ENT i)EL;i(PNiEN'I inl iiax machinerx is a large wagon type xvchicle called a Ilcsston Stahiaid. This machine is of interest to liv estock farmers be- cause of possiihie labor sav ing dur-ing hiay harv esting~ and feedling. A comparison of this stack sx stem1 withl a conx en-ll tional bale sy steim was undertakcen duiring the suim- iner of 1970) and winter of 1971 at the Black Belt Suibstation. A second~ groxwth field of johinsongrass was used for this experiment. The field produtced an av erage of 1,9 pounds of ai-r a e acre. In the stacked hay sxystem the hiaN was hiandled from the windrow to storage with the H-esston Stak- hand ;30. This niacline retlItires one operator anil is propelledl by a tractor. Hay is picked tip from the xwindroxw andl blown into the machine. The top) of the machine scerves as a hay compressor, and flax is compressed sexveral times (Iir-ill loading. \Vlien loaded, the machine transp)orts hay to the storage area andl unloads comp~ressedl stacks of haxy. lachi stack is approimatelx 8 feet xxide, 14 feet itnig. and 9 feet hiigh. The top of the stack is rotnd~edl to hielp shed xx ater. Stacks are not cox ered. lin the baled sx stem the hiax xxas baled xxithi a N cxx Holland 277i baler. The' bales xx crc loaded, transportedl and unloaded bx a Newv Holland 1047 Stackeruiser. This is a sell -propelled automatic bale xxagon operated by one man anid can handle 119 bales p)er load. The uise of commercial niames is to help identify the machines and1 does not imnply en- A.oci atc Piof.o, De)partment of .\ ,icl tui al Enincc111 iI' (horseument of these iiachines oxver those of other n1an u factu rers. The studlx xas a cooperative project ix olx ilug th- departinimts of Agrici ltuiral Economics and Ruval Sociologx , Agricultutral Engineering, Animial and Dairy Sciences, and Black Belt Substation, Nexw Hlolland Machine Divisioni of Sperry Rand Corpora- tion, aid 1(1cIsston Corporation. The stuidx ixvolxved fouir separate pliases. The first xxas a time stn dx of the machines to obtain labor needs and machine capacitx . The second mx nox ed a feedig. trial utsing 26 steers each for sta~ks anwl bales. The third xxas a chemical composition and nutritixve x altie comnparisoml il the falo w1h xas a co1st aiialx sis. Size and type of stack made by machine and fed to cattle at the Black Belt Substation is illustrated. of lbaled1 Lax and 9.15 tons of stacked hax . Ilax from 1)0th handling sy stems was transported approxi- inateix one mile to the storage anul feeding area. The bale sy stem required 2.(0 minutes per ton for transport wxhile the stack sxystem used :3.8 minuites. Machine capacit\ and mani hours reqjuiredl for the two handling sx stems are presented in Table 2. These dlata includle total handling time fromindroxx'-m to sturaire. 'VTiBLE 2. CAPCI COPAI'O orl 'xi.i iiN \ ALE Ai ND S'iAC(KiI) 11A x'.NDiA'\i S)STEI F Baled hay that was loaded, transported, and stacked by machine was used far comparison with the stack system. MACHINERY CAPACITY COMPARISONS The agricul~tural en gin~eerin)g phase of the researchi imolx ed obtaining time study data and capacitx x alies for comparisonl of the txxo sx stems of han)- (lung Lax . The machine stmidx included the tine ix olx cc to handle hax for each sxystem from the raked windirow to the hay storage area. For the bale sx stein this involxved balinig the Lax xxhich wxas theni loaded, transported, anid stacked 'with) a New Hlolland Stackcruiser. For the stack sy stem a Ilies- ston Stakhand xvas used to load, transport, and uin- load the Lax. The machine capacitv stucix for b)0th sx stenis was conducted in tlhe same fieldl with Laxy for each sx s- tent coming from alternate windlroxws. Windroxws for the lbale system were cut with) a Newx Holland conditioner an~d those for tile stacked Lax were cut wvith a Hesston conditioner. The same rake was used to produce wxindrows for 1b0th sxystems. Machine sp~eeds used during the study are pre- senitec in) Table 1. Timle records were ob~tained for handling 12.2 tonls ITABLEF 1. HA MACH\I NE SEEDS M ach ines Speed Coinditioiiers Hike Bale Sia k LandI Loading II I itnport Stckci uIder Loadfi)ug III tiili'4)iii 6. () 5.1 4.2 4.5 9-12 14- 16.5 ,Speed iiiluitieet by fithd conditionsx, bale iinmbers andh wiiid- ro\ 1 iogib. Toio variable to obtaini uneallngiil I'aige I' average1. B3ale SN stem Bile, S\ stein ('apaei tx Tol , 1 1i'i i hii our Stack St til S iek Syt .eii Capaicity Tls Pei houi I oi per ui.m hou itt qu ic Lm o man eaeh for bilet and Staiekcri uer. ANIMAL FEEDING TRIAL COMPARISONS The johljjSol glass x as mtowed and conditioned and after partially dlrying in the swath was xvind- rowed. Bo0th tile baled an~d tlhe stacked Lax were storedl in the opcmi ini a 14.5-acre field of fescuie- grass. The haled Lax', whlen stored, had a dlrx miatter comnten~t o)1 79.25 per cent; it xxas stored in stacks, coxvered with a tarpaulin, and fenced to pro- tect it from lixvestock. There xxerc 10 stacks of Lax hiarxvested with the Hesston mach~ine. Each stack mneasuredl approximiately 8' wide bx 14' long bxy 9' high. The stacked Lax con~tained 76.11 per cent dlry matter at storage. Each of the 10 stacks of' hax xxas separatel\, fenced and the enclosure was fitted xwith a wire gap so each stack could be indixviduallxy of- fereci for feeding to cattle. The 14.5 acre field of fescue was fenced into txxo eqjual areas. Each area xvas supplied xxater. A group of 52 Angus anid Angus-Hereford steers Lax ing anl ax erage xx eit of 476 pounds xxas (lixided into txxo comparable group~s of 26 animals each. The test period wats Noxvenmber 10, 1970, through MIarch 10, 1971. One group of animlals xxvas offered h~aled hax free ch~oice dlailx' ini hax racks. The oth~er group of steers was 01) stacked Ihax and h~ad access to a stack of hay 24 h~ours each (laxy. When a stack was coin- sumned, tlie txxo groups of steers xwere rotated lbe- twxcem fescue fields so as to mlinlimliz/e pasture dif- ferences. At this time, a new stack of Lax wats madle axvailable. Time for conisumingi a stack of iax lbv a group of 26 test animals xvaried from 8 to 19 (lax5. The fesciue grazinig redluced hax' intake earlx in the tes5t; fescue grain g xxas extremel' limlited in mid- Nleasurcd unit winter. In addition to hay, each treatment group of steers received daily per head 2 pounds of ground corn and 1.5 pounds of cottonseed meal (41%). Weather damage to hay in stacks did not appear to be excessive. By visual observation, it was esti- mated that weather damage to the stacks was less than 5 per cent. Stacked hay loss was large during feeding. The cattle pulled hay from the stack and trampled it in the mud. The loss was measured for 3 of the 10 stacks. After animals consumed a stack, the trampled hay was picked up, weighed, and dry matter determined. Based on dry matter at storage, the waste amounted to 35.2 per cent from stack 8, 43.5 per cent from stack 7, and 46.5 per cent from stack 8. Both rainfall and eating time appeared to influence stacked hay loss. It required 10, 19, and 18 days to consume stacks 3, 7, and 8, respectively. Rainfall amounts (inches) during the feeding pe- riods for stacks 3, 7, and 8 were .93, 1.52, and 1.63, respectively. Since baled hay was fed in racks, there was a minimal amount of loss resulting from trampling by cattle during the feeding process. Weigh backs of damaged hay indicated 5.65 per cent of baled hay was wasted during feeding. In addition to the feed- ing loss, there was an estimated loss from rot in baled hay of 3.88 per cent. This rotted baled hay was from hay lying on the ground during storage. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND DIGESTIBILITY By use of a coring tool (Pennsylvania State hay sampler) samples of hay for chemical and nutritive value study were obtained from the baled and the stacked hay. Approximately 20 baled samples were cored and these samples were composited for ana- TABLE 3. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND IN VITRO DIGESTIBILITY OF JOHNSONGRASS HAY THAT WAS EITHER BALED OR STACKED Item Van Soest Values: Cell wall, pet. Non-cell wall, pet............ Crude protein, pet. ...... Dry matter digestibility: In vitro, p et...................... Minerals: Ash, pet. P, pet. Ca, pet. Mg, pct. Cu, p.p.m. Fe, pp.m. Mn, p.p.m. Zn, p.p.m. Stacked outside baled hay core sample 82.85 17.15 10.18 Top sample (moldy 71.40 28.60 12.58 Stacked hay Core Refused sample hay 81.00 19.00 10.37 77.83 22.17 10.29 53.87 42.37 46.27 43.17 7.64 9.94 .50 .50 .83 1.31 .24 .24 1.08 1.08 7.69 10.94 115.42 186.02 1 S17.95 27.36 25.65 32.83 8.21 .37 1.40 .21 1.30 10.79 74.09 22.51 30.27 9.01 .37 1.10 .19 1.04 7.46 180.84 29.91 24.75 lysis. The 10 hay stacks were cored 20 times each. Core samples from each stack were composited and chemical and nutritive value studies were carried out on each of the composited samples. In addition to the core samples, selected samples of hay were taken from the top of several stacks during the feeding operation. These samples were analyzed to determine the degree of deterioration in the hay by weather. Also, at the end of the feeding of several stacks of hay, the refused hay was collected and analyzed. The digestibility of the samples of hay was determined through use of the nylon bag technique. A summary of the chemical composition and dry matter digestibility data is presented in Table 3. Analyses for cell wall, non-cell wall, crude protein, and minerals showed no important differences be- tween core samples taken from baled and stacked hay. In contrast, the dry matter digestibility was appreciably higher for the baled hay. In addition to the core samples, hay samples were taken from the tops of the hay stacks. These samples were analyzed to determine if the noticeable deterioration in the top hay would be reflected in the chemical analyses. Chemical analyses of these top samples did reveal apparent increases in contents of non-cell wall, crude protein, and minerals as compared with core sam- ples from within the stacks. The increases in non- cell wall and crude protein probably resulted from action of the microflora in solubilizing the structural carbohydrates. These apparent increases in nutrients do not indicate an improved nutritive value for the hay because the palatability was adversely affected by the deterioration. The data for refused hay, Table 3, represent hay that was gleaned from the feeding area of stacks after the cattle had finished eating the stack. Of importance in these data is the fact that the ash content was not appreciably elevatedover the ash content of the core samples. This is interpreted to mean that the material collected did not represent a contamination by soil, but rather reflected a rea- sonably accurate harvest of hay lost by trampling. The yearling steers were on test consuming the hay for a total of 113 days. The performance data on these cattle during this time are summarized in Table 4. The animals fed the baled hay made an average daily gain of 1.42 pounds whereas those fed the stacked hay gained only 1.19 pounds per Based on weights of hay stored, the cattle fed baled hay were fed during the test an average of 1,540 pounds and during this same period the ani- mals on the stacked hay had available 2,089 pounds per head. The daily hay dry matter available per [8] ____~- __ ' Item Animals, no. - - Days on test, no. Final live weight, lb. Initial live weight, lb...... Gain, lb. - Average daily gain, lb.. Feed fed per animal: Hay, lb. Corn, lb. - - - - - CSM, lb Daily feed offered per animal: Hay, lb. Corn, lb. CSM, lb. Feed per cwt. gain: Hay, lb. Corn, lb. CSM, lb. Feed cost per cwt. gain ... Baled hay 26 113 636 476 160 1.42 1,540 (1,207)2 226 169.5 13.63 (10.68) 2.00 1.50 963 (754) 141 106 20.53 Stacked hay 26 113 612 477 135 1.19 2,089 (1,590) 169.5 18.49 (14.07) 2.00 1.50 1,547 (1,178) 167 126 26.01 1 Baled hay was fed daily in a rack; Hesston stacks (average 5,432 lb.) self-fed one at a time. Feed fed at per animal was based on weight at harvest. 2 Values in ( ) are hay expressed as dry matter. SFeed ingredient prices were: Corn $3.30 cwt.; CSM $4.20 cwt. Hay cost was calculated on the bases of an annual hay harvest and feeding of 500 tons (Table 4); for the baled system the harvesting and feeding cost was estimated at $15.21 per ton; by the same procedure the estimated stacking cost per ton was $11.13; in addition, for both systems the hay production cost per ton was estimated to be $8.53. animal was 10.68 pounds for baled hay and 14.07 pounds for stacked. 'The hay dry matter used per hundredweight of gain was 756 pounds for baled hay and 1,178 pounds for stacked hay. It should be clearly noted that these feed efficiency data are calculated on the basis of hay dry matter at time of storage. Therefore, the hay intake data, Table 4, clearly reveal that baled hay was more efficiently utilized for animal gain than was the stacked hay. Based on normal hay production cost and market prices of corn and cottonseed meal, the feed cost per hundredweight of animal gain for baled hay in this test was $20.53; for the stacked hay, it was $26.01. These data reveal considerable advantage for baled hay over stacked hay. It is important to con- sider, however, that there were savings in labor for the stacked hay (3.47 tons per man hour vs. 2.95 tons per man hour for harvesting and storing baled hay). In addition, the stacked hay was self-fed to the cattle whereas the baled hay had to be fed by man. The baled hay feed input was partially offset by the fact that the stack required special fencing. There are other ways of feeding the stacked hay and these might be proven to be more efficient than the system used in this test. It is expected that re- search on stacked hay will be continued and effort will be put forth to find the most efficient way to take advantage of the convenience of stacked hay without suffering the rather serious feeding losses revealed in the current test. TABLE 4. BALED VS. STACKED JOHNSONGRASS HAY FOR WINTERING YEARLING CATTLE Machine or item of cost New Holland 1469 Haybine .. Massey Ferguson rake New Holland 277 baler -- New Holland 1047 Stackcruiser - - Tarpaulins and tiedowns2_ Hay racks for feeding Fencing- Feeding labor Pickup truck 6 Total cost/ton harvested Total cost/ton actually utilized Total cost/cwt. gain Hesston 310 Windrower Massey Ferguson rake ...... Hesston Stakhand 30 .... Fencing- Total cost/ton harvested ... Total cost/ton actually---- utilized 1 o- Total cost/cwt. gain 1 ......... Total cost per ton, when average tons harvested per year are: 250 500 Baled Hay $ 4.12 1.94 3.86 7.15 .73 .53 .04 2.34 .73 $21.44 $ 2.56 1.45 2.68 4.15 .73 .53 .04 2.84 .73 $15.21 23.70 16.81 10.32 7.32 Stacked Hay $ 4.04 $ 2.56 S1.94 1.45 7.92 4.97 2.15 2.15 --$16.05 $11.13 1,000 2,000 3,000 $ 1.79 $ 1.40 $ 1.27 1.21 1.09 1.05 2.08 1.79 1.69 2.64 1.89 .73 .73 .53 .53 .04 .04 2.34 2.34 .73 .73 $12.09 $10.54 1.64 .73 .53 .04 2.34 .73 $10.02 13.36 11.65 11.08 5.82 5.08 4.82 $ 1.83 1.21 3.49 2.15 $ 8.6.8 $ 1.46 1.09 2.75 2.15 $ 7.45 $ 1.34 2.50 2.15 $ 7.04 27.54 19.10 14.90 12.79 12.08 12.41 8.61 6.71 5.76 5.46 1 Based on study conducted at the Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction, Alabama, August, 1970 and winter 1970-71. Costs total costs (fixed and variable). 2 Based on cost of tarpaulins of $91.14 and tiedowns of $9.00, actual cost at Black Belt Substation, assuming 3 years useful life + 10%/year extra for patching and maintenance for 50 tons of hay/year. oBased on cost of $11.50, labor and materials, assuming 2 years of useful life, for 14 steers, @ 1,540 lb. hay/steer/year. ' Based on cost of wire, posts, and labor of $26.35, 15-year life for wire and posts, and 45 tons of hay. Based on 2 man hours/day for feeding @ $1.60/hour, 113 day feeding period/year for 200 steers @ 1,540 lb. hay/steer/year. STruck to go to and from feeding area, 5 miles/day @ $.20/ mile, 113 days for 200 steers @ 1,540 lb. hay/steer/year. SBased on an average loss of 9.53% which included a feeding loss of 5.65% observed and loss from rotting of 3.88% observed. SBased on daily gain of steers of 1.42 lb./day observed, 9.63 lb. hay offered/lb. gain or .4815 tons offered/cwt. gain observed. 'Estimated by Superintendent, Black Belt Substation based on costs of wire, posts, and labor. ?Based on -average feeding loss of 41.73 % estimated from 3 stacks. 1Based ondaily gain of steers of 1.19 lb./day observed, 15.47 lb. hay offered/lb. gain or .7735 ton offered/cwt. gain observed. [41 ECONOMIC COMPARISONS In order to make an economic comparison of the bale versus the stack system, data were assembled from the results of the time and motion study by the Agricultural Engineering Department conducted in August, 1970 at the Black Belt Substation. Ma- chinery and facilities used in each system are indi- cated in Table 5. Also, data from experiments by the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences and personnel of the Black Belt Substation during the winter of 1970-1971, and from manufacturers and other secondary sources were used in the economic analysis. TABLE 5. ESTIMATED COSTS PER TON BY AMOUNTS HARVESTED AND FED PER YEAR FOR Two SYSTEMS OF HAY HARVESTING, AUGUST 19701 _ Budgets were prepared for each of the major har- vesting systems. Costs were computed for condi- tions and assumptions applying at the Black Belt Substation. In Table 5, total costs per ton harvested and fed are computed for various assumed average amounts of hay harvested per year, based on the budgets for the Black Belt Substation, and modified for various assumed average tons harvested per year. The first totals labeled "Total Cost/Ton Harvested" do not consider whether any hay was lost in feeding or by spoilage. From these basic figures, the total cost per ton actually utilized by the cattle, when amount lost by trampling and spoilage is subtracted from the amount actually harvested was computed. Finally, results of the feeding trials during the win- ter of 1970-71 are used to compute the total cost TABLE 6. ESTIMATED OWNERSHIP (FIXED) AND OPERATING (VARIABLE) COSTS PER TON HARVESTED AND FED BY VARYING AMOUNTS HARVESTED AND FED PER YEAR Total cost per ton, when average tons Machine or item of cost harvested per year are: 250 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 Baled Hay Ownership (fixed) costs $12.46 $ 6.23 $ 3.11 $ 1.56 $ 1.04 Operating (variable) costs ... 8.98 8.98 8.98 8.98 8.98 Total costs 21.44 15.21 12.09 10.54 10.02 Stacked Hay Ownership (fixed) costs---- $ 9.83 $ 4.91 $ 2.46 $ 1.23 $ .82 Operating (variable) costs-- 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 Total costs 16.05 11.13 8.68 7.45 7.04 of hay offered per hundredweight of gain put on the animals during the feeding period. In order to determine the relative amount of total cost which is fixed per year (associated with owner- 27.00 - 26.00 - 25.00 - 24.00- 23.00 - \ \ 22.00 \ \ 21.00- \ 20.00 \ 19.00 - 1 8.00- -0 17.00 - 16.00 .S 1500- Stacked Hoy (per ton actually utilized) ._ 14.00 -. Baled Hay (per ton actually utilized) 0 13.00 v 12.00 - 0 11.00 . .10.00 \%% 9.00 - Baled Hay (per ton harvested) 8.00- -- Stacked Hay (per ton harvested) 7.00 a. 6.00- -- 5.00 o - - - - --. .. .... o 4.00 3.00 Stacked Hay (per cwt. gain ) 2.00 Baled Hay ( per cwt. gain) 1.00 I I i I I I I i I I I I I I I 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 3,000 Average Tons Harvested Per Year FIG. 1. Estimated total harvesting and feed costs-per ton harvested, per ton actually utilized, and per hundredweight gain-by aver- age amounts harvested and fed per year, for two systems of hay handling. ship of the equipment, and which will occur regard- less of whether hay is produced and how much), and the amount which is variable per year (must be paid for as production occurs), Table 6 was pre- pared. These figures were computed from costs per ton harvested, and did not take into account feeding losses and gain of animals when fed. In Figure 1, total costs per ton harvested for the two systems (solid lines) are compared with total costs per ton actually utilized by the animals during the feeding trials (dashed lines), and with total costs per' hundredweight of gain (dotted lines), for varying assumed average amounts harvested per year up, to 3,000 tons annually. Finally, Table 7 shows investment required for the basic hay harvesting equipment for the two systems. Tractors are not included, since it was assumed the farmer would already have adequate power on hand and it would not be an additional investment for adoption for either of these systems. In this table, both initial investment and average investment are shown. Average investment is initial investment + estimated salvage value at end of useful life divided by 2. TABLE 7. ESTIMATED INVESTMENT REQUIRED FORBASIC HAY HARVESTING EQUIPMENT, Two SYSTEMS OF HAY HARVESTING, EXCLUDING TRACTOR POWER, PICKUP TRUCK, FENCING, AND OTHER SUPPLIES Investment Item Initial Average Bale System New Holland 1469 Haybine ................ $ 5,572.30 $ 3,064.76 M assey Ferguson rake -------------------------- 604.00 332.20 New Holland 277 baler 3,293.10 1,811.20 New Holland 1047 StackCruiser ...........- 12,078.00 6,642.90 Total $21,547.40 $11,851.06 Stack System Hesston 310, self-propelled Windrower $ 5,572.30 $ 3,064.76 Massey Ferguson rake 604.00 332.20 Hesston Model 30 Stackhand .............. 7,750.00 4,262.50 Total $13,639.00 $ 7,501.45 The economic analysis indicated the following: 1. Costs per ton harvested were lower for the stacked hay system than for the bale system for any volume of use. This was mainly the result of the higher fixed cost per ton for the bale system, from a higher machinery investment to spread over the average tons of hay ha-vested per year. 2. Costs per ton actually utilized (or actually con- sumed and not lost by trampling or spoilage), how- ever, was lower for the baled hay system, because of a high loss of hay from trampling for the stack system. 3. Costs per cwt. gain also were lower for the bale system, as with per ton actually utilized, for the same reasons. This was because the bale system required only 963 pounds of hay offered per cwt. gain compared with 1,547 pounds of hay offered per cwt. gain for the stack system. The stack system was cheaper per ton harvested, but the bale system was cheaper per ton actually utilized and per cwt. of gain when fed, because of the high loss from trampling for the stack system. If losses under the stack system could be reduced from an average of 42 per cent to approximately 31 per cent compared with the estimated 10 per cent average loss for trampling and rotting for the bale system, the two systems would be approximately equal from an economic standpoint. Also, from the standpoint of costs/hundredweight gain, the stack system required 15.47 pounds hay offered/pound gain compared with 9.63 for the bale system. This would have to be reduced from 15.47 pounds to ap- proximately 12.54 pounds for the stack system to be equal in cost per pound to the bale system. From the standpoint of timeliness, the two systems are practically equal. In the bale system, 3.45 tons were handled per clock hour while in the stack system 3.47 tons/clock hour were handled. There- fore, timeliness is not a significant factor in differ- entiating the two systems from an economic stand- point. [ 6 ]