Research Update -,_?19 89 ? SOYBEANS "-3 ii I- ;; NEW REPORT INAUGURATED This is the first report in a new research series, called "Research Up- date," being inaugurated by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES). The new series is meant to promote timely reporting of research results to producers of specific crops or commodities. Each report will be identified with the crop or commodity and year-"Research Update Soybeans 1989" in this case. Others will follow the same pattern. Plans call for annual issues of the Research Update series to assure that lat- est research information from Auburn is made available to producers. Efforts will be made to maintain up-to-date mailing lists so all Alabama producers will receive the reports. Today's highly competitive con- ditions make it doubly important that farm- ers have available the latest scientific in- formation. This new publication series is being produced to help meet that need. Other information about soy- bean production and latest recommenda- tions are available from each county Exten- sion Service office in Alabama. Mo, LIME INCREASE YIELDS Soybean yields increased with applications of lime, molybdenum (Mo), or both in research on two AAES substa- tions and on farmers' fields where soil pH was low. Response to Mo varied from one field to the next, and use of Mo did not eliminate the need for lime on acid soils. However, cost of a Mo seed treat- ment that will supply Mo needs was so low that even a l-bushel per acre soybean yield increase would more than pay it. Therefore, small yield increases were profitable. Yield responses in plots that had been in long-term fertility studies, summarized below, show the value of lime and Mo in north Alabama: Yield Lon g-term treatment (?ime-fertilizer) Tenn No M Unlimed fertilized (pH 4.8-5.4) ......................... 28 Limed-fertilized (pH 5.6-6.0) ........................... 37 Limed-not fertilized (pH 5.0-5.8) ........................... 21 No lime or fertilizer until 1979 (pH 5 8-6 0 ) ............................ 24 per ac Vail. Io Wi Results from an acid Vaiden clay soil in Perry County illustrate value of Mo on fine-textured soils of the Black Belt when lime is not added. At soil pH of 5.0, yields were as follows: No lime-no Mo................... 19 bu. M o added............................ 27 bu. Lime added ........................ 29 bu. Lime, Mo added ................ 29 bu. Slight yield advantages showed up from both lime and Mo in tests on 15 north Alabama fields, where pH ranged from 4.6 to 5.6, as follows: No lime-no Mo................... .25 bu. M o added .............................. 32 bu. Lime added ............. 34 bu. Lime, Mo added................36 bu. Because of these results, the Alabama Coopera- tive Extension re, 1985-87, bushels Service now rec- ommends Mo for Sub. Sand Mt. Sub. soybeans on all th Mo No Mo With Mo soils of north Ala- bama and on fine- 40 18 33 textured soils in other areas of the 40 32 37 State. 31 12 17 Charles Mitchell and C.H. Burmester 32 30 36 COTTON-SOYBEAN ROTATIONS BOOST YIELDS OF BOTH Recent results from the Brewton Experiment Field strongly indicate that rotating soybeans with cotton can greatly improve yield of both crops without in- creasing production costs. Thobeneficial effects of soybeans on cotton were ap- parent the first year of the rotation and the effects continued through the 4-year test period. For the 4-year period reported in the table, seed cotton yields averaged about 500 pounds per year higher when soybeans rather than cotton was the pre- vious crop (soybean-cotton rotation). The beneficial effect of cotton on soybean yield was not noticeable until the third year. During the third and fourth years, however, soybean yields averaged 14 and 21 bushels per acre higher when cot- ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY LOWELL T. FROBISH, DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA I ton rather than soybeans was the previ- ous crop. Using values of $0.80 per pound for cotton lint and $6.50 per bushel for NO-TILL, STRIP TILL SHOW PRODUCTION ADVANTAGES Using conservation tillage in- stead of conventional tillage in soybean rotations at the Sand Mountain Substa- tion, Crossville, resulted in (1) delayed build-up of crop-damaging cyst nema- todes in the soil, and (2) higher soybean yields. This was true with rotations of Cropp soybeans-corn and wheat- systE soybeans-corn. Further- more, the rotations in most Continuou cases increased soybean Soybeans yields over continuous soy- Wheat-soy beans. The two conservation tillage systems tested were (1) strip tillage (kill- ing the wheat with herbicides, tillage with a chisel to 12 inches, pulling soil over the chisel area, and planting; and (2) no-tillage (planting in the killed crop residue with a double disk-opener planter). The conventional tillage com- pared was moldboard plowing the wheat cover in the spring, disk incorporation of herbicide, and planting conventionally on the surface. Plots with conventional tillage had a quick build-up of cyst nematodes. In contrast, conservation tillage plots had slow populationbuild-up. In fact, theless tillage used, the slower the populations developed. Cyst nematode counts were beginning to pick up at the end of the 4- year test, but strip tillage production continued to show highest yields with Essex variety soybeans. The highest in- dividual average yield was 39 bushels soybeans, the crop rotation in the fourth year alone would have increased gross income $189 per acre for cotton and $137 per acre for soybeans. J. T. Touchton per acre from both no-till and strip-till soybeans rotated with corn. Corn in the rotation averaged about 137 bushels per acre for conservation tillage systems. Four-year average yields under the three tillage systems are listed below for continuous soybeans and for both ro- tations. D. L. Thurlow ing Yield, by tillage system em Conventional Strip No-till s soybeans ........23 bu. 30 bu. 35 bu. -corn ...... .... 32bu. 39 bu. 39bu. ybeans-corn ....... 35 bu. 36 bu. 31 bu. MODEL BASED ON WEATHER ASSURES FUNGICIDE PROFITS Midseason diseases of soy- beans, including frogeye, anthracnose, and brown spot, reduce yields by up to 20 percent in Alabama. Recent AAES re- search indicates timely treatment of these diseases with recommended fungicides can provide a big payback for growers. To provide a guide for growers, a model based on weather factors was developed. Since these midseason dis- eases affect yield only after flowering (RI) and during podfill (R2-R5), the model is designed to monitor soybeans only dur- ing these growth periods. Effect of Crop Rotations on Soybean and Seed Cotton Yield at the Brewton Experiment Field Per acre yield Cropping system 1984 1985 1986 1987 Soybean yield, bushels Following soybeans (continuous) ........ 41 29 15 11 Following cotton (rotation) .................... 44 30 29 32 Seed cotton yield, pounds Following cotton (continuous) .............. 3,000 2,630 2,610 2,310 Following soybeans (rotation) .............. 3,300 3,370 3,010 2,950 VARIETY, ROTATIONS MORE VITAL THAN NEMATICIDES While nematicides are impor- tant tools in fighting yield-robbing nem- atodes, these chemicals can't replace good varietal selection and crop rotation, according to recent AAES results. Seven of the top soybean vari- eties grown in Alabama were compared, and each of these varieties was planted in plots treated with 2 pounds per acre ac- tive ingredient of Temik? and in un- treated plots. Soil in these plots was heavily infested with peanut root-knot and cyst nematodes. These varieties, which differ in nematode resistance, were also planted in plots following 1 year of corn and in a continuous soybean monoculture. Braxton in nontreated plots fol- lowing soybeans produced only 23 bush- els per acre in 1987. The same variety following soybeans, but with Temik, produced 32 bushels per acre. Braxton beans grown in plots that were planted in corn the previous year, and not treated with Temik, produced 45 bushels per acre. Adding Temik to the corn-soybean After the RI stage, records are kept, and when 2 or more days of rain, ex- tended fog, or heavy dew are recorded in a 4-day period, plus 2 more days of pre- cipitation are predicted in the next 5-day period, application of a systemic fungi- cide, such as Benlate?, is made. If a fun- gicide is applied at this time, records need not be kept for the next 8 days. After 8 days, record keeping resumes, and if moisture occurs 2 days in a 4-day period and more is predicted for 2 days out of the next 5 days, a second fungicide applica- tion is needed. In this manner, up to three fungicide applications may be made during podfill (R2-R5). The perception by many soy- bean growers is that fungicide use is only marginally rewarding, and above aver- age prices are necessaryto profit from the use of these chemicals. This is not the case. Even at prices of $6.00 per bushel, the predictive spray program repeatedly paid for itself and provided a good profit on investment. Programmed spray schedules, on the other hand, sometimes paid and sometimes didn't, providing a large element of risk for growers. Paul Backman I i I I rotation increased yields to 53 bushels per acre. The other varieties in the test, Centennial, Forrest, Gordon, Kirby, Leflore, and Ransom, also had higher yields in rotation plots versus nemati- cide-treated ones. Kirby and Leflore each had about a 5-bushel per acre advantage for the rotation, compared to a 10- to 15- bushel advantage for the other varieties. Each of the varieties in plots fol- lowing corn showed a positive response to Temik. Forrest, for example, showed a 12-bushel per acre advantage for treated versus untreated plots planted in rotation with corn. The average response of the seven varieties was about 7 bushels per acre in the plots that followed corn. In the soybean monoculture, the average of the seven varieties also showed a 7-bushel per acre advantage for treated versus untreated plots. The average of all varie- ties in the soybean monoculture treated with Temik was 36 bushels per acre, compared to 46 bushels per acre for the corn-soybean rotation, without the ne- maticide. The top net dollar return among varieties and treatments in the test was from Braxton, treated with Temik and grown in a soybean/corn rotation, see table. This combination produced a net return of $203 per acre. Braxton, Forrest, and Ransom varieties showed negative returns of $39-$93 in plots planted in a soybean monoculture without using a nematicide. Leflore, which is resistant to SCN, but susceptible to root-knot nema- todes, showed the smallest return ($72) from rotations. The average net dollar return on soybeans following soybeans, using no nematicide, was only $3 per acre, com- pared to $94 per acre using a nematicide and rotating with corn. By rotating with corn, average soybean returns were $157 per acre without nematicides and $164 with nematicides. R. Rodriguez-Kabana, David B. Weaver, and Emmett L. Carden Economics of Crop Rotation and Nematicide Use in Nematode- Infested Fields, 1986-87 Net return/acre Variety & Corn Soybeans nematicide Cnematiide-soybeans -soybeans Dollars Dollars Braxton No ... ............195 -69 Yes............ 203 39 Centennial NoYes .................. 173 129 Forrest No ..................... 93 -39 Yes ........145 -3 Gordon No ... ...........153 27 Yes ............ 143 93 Kirby No ................. 165 69 Yes............161 162 Leflore No.................. 159 87 Yes.................. 179 162 Ransom No............... 147 -93 Yes........143 78 All varieties No ................... 157 3 Yes ................... 164 94 1 Temik (2 lb. a.i./acre = $40). 2 1986 corn total cost (fixed and vari- able) = $182.00/acre; 1986 soybean total cost (fixed and variable) = $157.00/acre; 1987 soybean total cost (fixed and variable) =- $146.00/acre; corn @ $2.30/bu.; soybeans @ $6.00/ bu.; 1986 corn = 110 bu./acre. I _____ T_ ____1 __~ 1_~___~_-1- _ -- I ( ~IV* BAHIAGRASS ROTATION UPS SOYBEAN YIELDS The banning of nematicides containing dibromochloropropene (DCBP) and ethylene dibromide (EDB) by the EPA several years ago left soybean farmers without their most effective and economical means of controlling yield- robbing nematodes. Thus, crop rotation and varietal selection are essential tools to manage nematode problems. Recent AAES research discovered some interac- tions among these tools that could im- prove soybean yields and reduce pro- duction costs. Tests were conducted on light sandy soils in southern Baldwin County. Gordon, Centennial, Braxton, Kirby, Leflore, Ransom, and Stonewall soybean varieties were planted in plots that had been in Pensacola bahiagrass the previ- ous 2 years. These were compared to the same varieties planted in plots on which soybeans had been grown the previous 2 years. In each of the two cropping sys- tems, each variety was planted in plots treated with aldicarb (Temiks) and in plots with no nematicide. As expected, yields of all varie- ties in the bahiagrass rotation were higher than the same varieties in continu- ous soybeans. The average yield increase in the bahiagrass rotation plots was 110 percent. However, not all varieties re- sponded the same to the bahiagrass rota- tion. Braxton, for example, showed a 233 percent yield increase over plots planted continuously in soybeans, but Leflore showed only a 33 percent increase. Race 4 cyst nematode numbers were lowest in Leflore plots, regardless of cropping system. The nematicide treat- ment did not increase yields or reduce nematode numbers in the soil, regardless of variety. The highest number of root- knot nematodes was found in Leflore plots grown in the soybean monoculture, while Race 4 cyst nematode numbers were lowest in Leflore plots, regardless of cropping system. R. Rodriguez-Kabana, David B. Weaver, and Emmett L. Carden VARIETAL RESPONSE VARIES WITH ROTATION CROPS Pioneer 8222 sorghum, Ameri- can joint vetch, and hairy indigo were recently tested for use as rotation crops with seven leading soybean varieties in the State. AAES test results indicate that different varieties of soybeans responded differently to the various rotation crops. Each of these varieties was tested on plots in which aldicarb (Temik?) was used and on plots where no nematicide was used. Each soybean vari- ety was also planted in plots that had a rotation crop before it and on others that were previously planted to soybeans. The test site was near Elberta in Baldwin County in an area heavily infested with root-knot and Race 4 cyst nematodes. In plots where sorghum was grown the previous year, Temik did not increase yields of any of the seven varie- ties tested. In the continuous soybean plots, Temik increased yields in Centen- nial, Kirby, Leflore, and Gordon varie- ties. Yields in the soybean-sorghum rota- tion versus continuous soybeans in- creased by as much as 231 percent for Stonewall and as little as 31 percent for Kirby. The average increase from the sorghum rotation was 85 percent. In plots where American joint vetch was grown,Temik increased yields YWIYI~I IV LY( I YYI WIIY WVII ~- W ~~YII U)I~~UY I I A lLL IIII . I A ~1 II in Centennial and Kirby. In continuous soybeans only Braxton yields were im- proved by using Temik. Yield responses to the joint vetch rotation versus continu- ous soybeans averaged 46 percent, rang- ing from a low of 13 percent for Leflore to a high of 105 percent for Stonewall. In plots where hairy indigo was grown, Temik increased yield in Kirby soybeans, but only in the monoculture system. Yield increases in rotation versus continuous soybean plots ranged from a low of 17 percent for Leflore to a high of COMPUTERIZED PEST CONTROL SAVES PRODUCTION COST AUSIMM, Auburn University Soybean Integrated Management Model, was developed in the mid-1980s and field tested in 40 grower fields in 1986-87. In about 70 percent of the fields, net profits were increased and risks decreased by using the AAES-developed computer model. The model begins with a file that contains approximately 120 soybean va- rieties, ranked by maturity groups, rela- tive productivity, and susceptibility to nematodes and diseases. Potential yields of the various varieties are calculated given the location, soil type, planting date, rotation, and pest histories of the field. AUSIMM is a menu-driven pro- gram written for IBM-PC and com- patibles with at least 512K RAM and one floppy disk drive. Since the program is written for use by farmers with little or no experience with computers, it was de- signed to be menu-driven and difficult to lock up. Data entered into the program by farmers are easily obtainable, requir- ing little sophisticated equipment. The model manages nematodes primarily by the recommendation of re- sistant varieties. Equations relating soy- bean yield to nematode numbers were developed using data available from nematicide and variety experiments con- ducted during 1979-84. These equations adjust the yield for the effects of the nematode complex on each of the 120 cultivars. The program then ranks the best cultivars for selection, or on occasion recommends that soybeans not be planted. 210 percent for Braxton. The average im- provement with hairy indigo over con- tinuous soybeans was 55 percent. In all the plots, Temik was ap- plied at therate of 2 pounds of active ingredient per acre in an 8-inch band. Included in the test was Stonewall, a new release from the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station; Braxton; Kirby; Leflore; Gordon; Ransom; and Centen- nial. David B. Weaver, R. Rodriguez-Kabana, and Emmett L. Carden AUSIMM also includes a mid- season foliar disease module that helps growers determine whether fungicides are needed, are economically justified, and, if so, which materials to use. Fungi- cides are cataloged for therapeutic activ- ity, protection period, and application cost. When a decision is made concerning fungicide selection and application, the projected yield and crop values in the core program are updated. The insect module with AU- SIMM calculates the profitability of in- secticide applications for one to several soybean insect pests. It includes a soy- bean plant growth model, along with equations for temperature-dependent development and feeding, sampling in- formation, and insecticide-induced mor- tality data. The value of the yield pro- jected by each management choice is cal- culated by subtracting application costs from the market value of the yield pro- jected by that choice. A display compar- ing pest management decisions allows the user to easily determine which are the most profitable. Comparisons of management practices recommended by AUSIMM to those actually made by farmers in 40 fields showed that the model saved farm- ers money or increased profit 71 percent of the time. Net return increases were primarily due to decreased pesticide costs, more timely pesticide applications, and the careful selection of soybean va- rieties. Extensive field tests in 1987 indi- cate that the disease, insect, and nema- tode submodels all had less risk associ- ated with their decisions than the alterna- tive management practices employed for comparison, and that proper use of the program improved soybean profitability and decreased risk. Tim Mack, Paul Backman, and R. Rodriguez-Kabana STUNTING VS. KILLING CUTS WEED MANAGEMENT COSTS Sicklepod is one of the most troublesome weeds for southeastern soybeans. Its tolerance to commonly used herbicides and its adaptability to a wide range of soil fertility and pH condi- tions have allowed it to spread in the South, particularly in Alabama. While the cost of weed control has not decreased, AAES research may have identified a way to reduce this ex- pensethrough herbicide management. A single application of the herbicides Clas- sic? or Scepter? was found to stunt sick- lepod and other weeds enough to allow growers to produce good yields at re- duced herbicide costs. Experiments at the Prattville Experiment Field during the 1986 and 1987 growing seasons evaluated the com- petitiveness of stunted sicklepod with soybeans. Classic and Scepter herbicides were used along with sicklepod densities of 0, 2,4,6, and 8 plants per 3 feet of row. Weed densities were established within 4 inches of the drill on the center row of a three-row plot planted on 36-inch row spacings. Classic was applied at 0.008 and Scepter at 0.125 pound of active in- gredient per acre 16 days after planting the soybeans. At that time, sicklepod plants were about 1-4 inches tall. Sickelpod dry weight was af- fected by densities and herbicides. Clas- sic reduced sicklepod dry weight as much as 81 percent and Scepter reduced it as much as 61 percent. Soybean yield decreased as sicklepod density increased up to six plants per 3 feet of row. In 1986, soybeans in plots treated with Classic yielded 43 percent more than untreated plots and Scepter-treated plots yielded 26 percent more. In 1987, however, Classic improved yields only 15 percent while Scepter increased yields 23 percent. Results indicated that a single application of Scepter or Classic at the recommended rate sufficiently stunted sicklepod to reduce its competitiveness with soybeans. These single applications also reduced seed pod formation in sick- lepod. Planting soybeans in nar- rower row spacings may offer chances to further reduce competition of stunted sicklepod and these practices may elimi- nate the need for a second, expensive herbicide application. R. Harold Walker I ~jlVrVIII ICIILIR IILLI~C13~U J1~1~ 11I ~L\IIVJ I 1~I\Y~11III~ r T~~~ I1 I 1 I I RESISTANT SOYBEAN LOOPER TOUGH TO CONTROL The soybean looper is usually a late season pest of soybeans in Alabama. This insect reduces yield by eating leaves needed to produce the sugars used by the plant to grow seeds. Population out- breaks of this insect can be rapid, because soybean looper adults can migrate into a field and lay a large number of eggs in a short time. Damaging populations of this in- sect are usually con- trolled by the use of in- secticides. However, soybean looper larvae that were resistant to commonly used insecti- cides were reported in 1988 in Louisiana, Mis- sissippi, and Alabama. Ambush? has been con- sidered to be one of the best, if not the best, in- secticides to use against this insect. However, it was not effective in re- ducing the population of INOCULATION STILL IMPORTANT IN SOME SOYBEAN FIELDS In the 1960s and 1970s, when large acreages of soybeans were planted on land that had never grown soybeans be- fore, producers and researchers found that inoculation of soil with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, the bacteria that facilitates nitrogen fixation by soy- beans, is critical. AAES research suggests that inoculation is still important in land that has never supported soybeans or has not been used for soybean production for several years. Successful inoculation of soy- beans on rhizobia-free land allows the rhizobia to become "naturalized citi- zens" that will persist for years after the soybeans are harvested. Usually rhizo- bia survival even 3 to 5 years after soy- beans is adequate for replanting without inoculation. In fact, soybeans in soils with "naturalized" rhizobium popula- tions seldom show yield responses to ad- ditional inoculation. Inoculants providing less than 1,000 rhizobia per seed were found to be resistant soybean looper larvae in 1988 AAES research, see table. Ambush at twice the normal rate of 0.10 pound active ingredient pro- vided only 1 percent control. The only insecticide that provided more than 60 percent control was Danitol?, which is currently not registered for use in soy- beans. The mixture of Dimilin? plus Dipel? was the best treatment that is reg- istered for use, but it provided only 53 percent control. Tim Mack useless in inoculating soybeans. The best inoculants provided 100,000 to one mil- lion rhizobia per seed. Mixing inoculants with seed treatment chemicals such as fungicides or molybdenum salts was found to be incompatible with bacteria survival. Soil measurements have shown that a million or more rhizobia can be found in a gram of soil taken from the plow layer after soybeans are harvested. Even after a corn-cotton rotation with soybeans, more than 10,000 rhizobia per gram of soil remain into the third year of the rotation. The only situation that criti- cally reduces rhizobium levels is severe soil acidity (pH 5). Under these condi- tions, rhizobia are killed to near extinc- tion within a few months after soybean harvest. However, adding adequate lime and a good inoculant with the next plant- ing of soybeans was found to correct this problem. Art Hiltbold ,II with or without sludge applications.) Mean No. Total Soybean Loopers Per 6 Feet of Row Number of loopers Treatment, a.i./acre Pretreatment Day 5 Day 7 Control.............................. 11.78 9.33 9.11 Ambush 2E, 0.20 Ib ............... 10.17 8.83 9.00 Ambush 2E, 0.25 lb................. 6.89 6.67 6.00 Ambush 2E, 0.20 lb. + PBO (1:8)...........................7.83 6.50 6.42 Scout Xtra 0.9E, 0.0188 Ib.....10.58 6.50 9.50 Danitol 2.4EC, 0.30 Ib ............ 10.75 3.08 2.58 Karate IE, 0.04 lb .................... 7.83 7.83 7.83 Dimilin 25W, 0.25 Ib ................ 9.58 8.42 8.33 Dimilin 25W, 0.25 lb. + Dipel ES, 12 BIU ................ 9.08 3.75 4.25 I , ~ '~ I I reatrnenr. a.l./acre I ~ ~ . I I IMPROVED VARIETIES FROM AAES DEVELOPMENT A soybean variety develop- ment program was initiated by the AAES in 1981 with the objective of de- veloping superior cultivars suited for Alabama growing conditions. Each year since, thousands of experimental soy- bean genotypes have been evaluated for yield, pest resistance, and agronomic characteristics at the Plant Breeding Unit in Tallassee. Lines exhibiting superior performance are advanced to statewide tests and those that perform well in the statewide tests are tested through a coop- erative USDA testing program through- out the Southeast. This research yielded its first release in 1988 (Stonewall), a mid-matur- ity group VII variety that has excellent yielding ability. In 12 Alabama tests dur- ing 1985-87, it yielded 11 percent and 14 percent more than Braxton and Centen- nial, respectively. In the USDA tests at 66 locations across the Southeast from 1986 to 1988, Stonewall yielded 7 percent more than Thomas and 10 percent more than Braxton. Stonewall is resistant to race 3 of soybean cyst nematode, stem canker, and frogeye leafspot, and tolerant to lance nematodes and Phytophthora root rot. Protein and oil content, seed quality, lodging, plant height, and seed size are equal or superior to other adapted varie- ties. Approximately 750 bushels of Stonewall Foundation seed were pro- duced in 1988. Seed should be available on a limited basis for general production by 1990. More promising lines are in various stages of development, with other releases anticipated. David B. Weaver and R. Rodriguez-Kabana APPLYING PAPER MILL SLUDGE IMPROVES SOIL FERTILITY Applying paper mill sludge to soil increased soil fertility, organic mat- ter, and pH in tests at the Lower Coastal Plain Substation, Camden. However, soybean yields were not affected by the sludge applications during the 3 years of the test. (Yields averaged 32, 26, and 32 bushels per acre in 1986, 1987, and 1988 Three application rates were These results in- tried: 10, 30, and 60 tons per acre. At the dicate that paper mill Soilfactor Soil content, by sludge rate/acre 60-ton rate, the sludge contained 194 sludge may be an excel- None 30 tons 60 tons pounds of nitrogen, 92 pounds of phos- lent alternative to agricul- phorus, 218 pounds of potassium, 5,916 tural limestone on sandy Phosphorus, lb./acre .............. 87 95 98 pounds of calcium, 271 pounds of magne- Coastal Plain soils. Fur- Potassium, lb./acre ....... 142 156 158 sium, and the equivalent of 6.7 tons of thermore, such use would Calcium, lb./acre...............1,037 1,847 2,577 limestone. Increases in soil fertility after offer an economical alter- Magnesium, lb./acre ............. 155 163 182 the first year's application are indicated native to landfill disposal o pH....... .......... 6.8 7.3 7.5 by the soil content figures given in the for the pulp and paper in- table for different sludge rates. dustry.1 G.L. Mullins, J.W. Odom, and D.C. Burrows SOYBEAN VARIETIES FOR 1989 Soybean varieties that have per- formed best in AAES variety tests for 3 years or longer are listed below for each region of Alabama. Varieties are grouped according to maturity, and are listed in alphabetical order. Detailed results of variety performance are re- ported in the current year's soybean vari- ety report. Northern Alabama Full season Bradley Centennial 126 Coker RA 606 Coker 686 Hartz H 6130 Jeff Leflore New NK S69-54 Pioneer 9691 Tracy M Late Braxton Hartz H 7126 Ransom Terra-Vig 708 March 1989 10M Pioneer.. ......... b Central Alabama Very early Asgrow A 5980 Coker 485 Deltapine 105 Forrest Hartz H 5370 Terra-Vig 515 Early Asgrow A 6785 Coker RA 606 Coker RA 680 Davis FFR 668 Leflore Pioneer 9691 Tracy M Young Full season Braxton Coker 6727 FFR 771 GaSoy 17 Hartz H 7126 New NK S72-60 Terra-Vig 708 Terra-Vig 717 Wright Late Cobb Coker 368 Dowling Foster Black Belt (acid soil) Very early Ba Deltapine 105 Hartz H 5370 Wilstar 550 Early Centennial Coker RA 680 Davis Deltapine 566 Hartz H 6130 Leflore Tracy M Full season Braxton Deltapine 417 Hartz H 7126 Ransom Late Cobb Coker 368 Dowling Johnston* Southern Alabama Very early Deltapine 105 Pioneer 9591* Early Coker RA 606 Coker RA 680 Davis Jeff Leflore New Nk S69-54 Terra-Vig 616 Tracy M Full season Braxton Coker 6727 Coker 6847 Deltapine 417 GaSoy 17 Hartz H 7126 Pioneer 9791 Stonewall (Au82-204) Terra-Vig 717 Late Cobb Coker 368 Coker 6738 Dowling Johnston Kirby Baldwin-Mobile Very early Deltapine 105 Forrest Early Davis Hartz H 6130 Jeff Leflore New NK S69-54 Twiggs *Based on 2-year data. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Auburn University Au .urn Univesity, Alabama 36849-0520 ......... .... ..... ........................... ........ Full season Braxton Coker 6727 Coker 6847 Hartz H 7126 New NK S72-60 Pioneer 9791 Stonewall (Au82-204) Terra-Vig 708 Wright Full season, late Cobb Coker 368 Coker 6738 Dowling Hartz Hf 8112 Johnston Kirby NON-PRorT ORG. PSAE& FEESPAI PERMIT.N.9 AUBURN,....... ALA.. ...... Early Asgrow A 5980 Bay Bedford Coker 425 Coker 485 Deltapine 105 Deltapine 415 Essex FFR 561 Hartz H 5164 Hartz H 5171 Hartz H 5370 Pioneer 9591 Terra-Vig 515 Terra-Vig 553 EDITOR'S NOTE. Mention of company or trade names does not indicate endorsement by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station or Au- burn University of one brand over another. Any mention of non-label uses or applica- tions in excess of labeled rates of pesticides does not constitute a recommendation. Such use in research is simply part of the scientific investigation necessary to fully evaluate materials and treatments. -.-. ---- .- -----------... ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .