ALABAMA AGRICULTURE Y A e14ice aCid 7TeiA. .*.' "~i. * 4 C E 4~ :~~t.c~ ~ "D P I ~E~-;Ii l .I:": I -ia ,r; * "P "41~: ~~;~5~ ?5 -~,n~ ~~ :- l ~P~l~h~L. a ~oQ ~ ~" P *~~ ~I,:.I~ nr,~ U\. i- c. Si c "~"~T~lii~ FOREWORD THIS PUBLICATION presents some pertinent facts about Alabama's agriculture, which is diverse, produces many varied products, and is af- fected by many physical, economic, and social forces. Presented briefly herein by narrative, graphs, and pictures are some of the more important facts relative to the agriculture of the State. Data for the maps and charts were obtained largely from the United States Census re- ports. This booklet was prepared by the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and published cooperatively by the fol- lowing: AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND EXTENSION SERVICE OF THE ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Auburn, Ala. ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES, Montgomery, Ala. ALABAMA STATE PLANNING BOARD, Montgomery, Ala. ALABAMA STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Montgomery, Ala. LAUDERDALE LIME- Z .SOE JACKSON COLBERT o FRANKLIN A ORAN D E KALBw MARION WINSTON OULAw ETOWAH A ALOUNT A WALKER zA a JEFFERSON (n IT U KEYBTOBCOUNTIES CLIMATE * Annual Precipitation Spring Frost Date APR.5 MAR.3 IAR. 25 MAR. 20 MAR.2 0% MAR. 15 MAR. 10 MAR. 5 FEB.15 Fall Frost Date Length of Growing Season OCT. 31 NOV. 5 NOV. 10 300 NOV. 20~rNOV, 25.,NOV. 30 . DEC. 5 Alabama has a climate ranging from temperate in the north to subtropical in the south. The growing season averages about 200 days in the northern part of the State, 240 days in the central, and 300 to 320 days near the Gulf Coast. The average annual minimum tempera- ture varies from about 5' above zero in the northern [E] part to about 30' above at the Coast. Average annual precipitation, largely rainfall, is ample for most crops, but is not uniformly -distributed throughout the seasons nor is it uniform in amount throughout the State. It averages about 50 inches in the northern part and 60 inches in the Gulf Coast Area. I P.~~r;' ; r ~ ..'; ~~i;.:;'L'; .~.'.~=.'XIIIIIIIIIL::; Y1/1 SOILS and TOPOGRAPHY Alabama has more varied geological formations than any other southern state. There are six broad soil provinces with approximately 300 soil types. They vary in fertility and texture, ranging from deep sands to heavy clays. Some of the sandy soils are so deficient in organic matter that they are al- most sterile; others are highly productive. The clay soils range from types that are heavy, plastic, sticky, and poorly drained to permeable clays that are easily worked and highly productive. Some soils are more responsive to fertilization and good man- agement than others. Erosion control problems are more serious on some soils than on others. Elevations range from sea level in southwestern Alabama to more than 1,600 feet in the northeastern part of the State. The average elevation is about 600 feet. The highest point is in Cheaha State Park in Cleburne County, which rises to an altitude of 2,407 feet. A brief discussion of soils and topography in the various provinces follows: 1. LIMESTONE VALLEY soils are considered good. They vary in color from gray to brown and red. Texture ranges from sandy loams to clay loams. The soils generally are well drained and, in the main, they occupy nearly level to undulating topography. [4] 2. APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN soils are gray to brown silt and fine sandy loams. They are well drained and are easy to till where topography is not too rugged. The soils respond readily to good management and high fertilization rates. 3. UPPER COASTAL PLAIN soils are extremely vari- able in type and texture. They are largely sandy, but stiff red and gray clay soils occur in some sec- tions. The strongest soils occur in the river terraces and flood plains that cut across the area. Soils in the area generally are well drained. 4. LOWER COASTAL PLAIN soils are variable in quality. Heavy soils that occur occasionally seldom make first class farm land in their natural condition. Other soils are nearly pure sand. There are some stretches of land that are as productive as any in the State. 5. PIEDMONT PLATEAU soils are brown to red in color. They are the oldest soils in the South. The rolling, variable topography presents a problem of erosion control where row crops are grown. 6. BLACK BELT soils are predominantly heavy clays. They range in color from gray to red to black. The gray and black lands are lime soils. These soils are well suited to grassland farming. Topography is nearly level to gently rolling. Soil ProvincesElvto ......... .. :X . ....... ---. LEGEND ~ I~jFEET Li mestone Valleys Under 100 EM 500-99 A p p l a hi n o u t ai s 0 0 4 9UperCasa PansWa00 n oe Loe.Cata lan Pidmn Pata If Black Belt If or Prairi TYPE of FARMING AREAS The State is divided into nine major farming areas based on variations in soils, topography, ele- vation and climate. Other factors affecting types of farming include the proportion of total land area in farms, proportion of farm land in crops, tenure, and relative importance of crop and livestock en- terprises. 1. TENNESSEE AND LIMESTONE VALLEYS. Level lands in these areas were organized into planta- tions at an early date. The existence of heavy soils, reasonably level topography, and numerous large holdings have encouraged mechanization. Cotton, corn, and hay are the principal harvested crops. Yields of cotton and corn are relatively high. With proper management, much of the area will produce excellent pasture and forage crops. 2. SAND MOUNTAIN. This area includes all of the Appalachian Mountain region in Alabama. Farms are small and, as a rule, farmers are rel- atively self-sufficient in food and feed production. Farmers are industrious and thrifty. On an acreage basis, cotton, corn, and hay crops predominate with oats, sweetpotatoes, Irish potatoes, and vegetables for sale being next in importance. Cotton yields are higher than in any other area of the State. Poultry, poultry products, hogs, and dairying are becoming increasingly important as cash crops. The limited farming of the mineral and industrial portion of the Sand Mountain area is largely of a self-suf- ficing or part-time nature. 3. TALLADEGA MOUNTAINS. Rough and rugged topography characterizes the Talladega Mountain area. Agriculture is of little importance. Most of the area is in timber. 4. PIEDMONT PLATEAU. Much of the Piedmont is not suitable for row crops. In recent years some of the land that was discarded from crop produc- tion because of erosion has been converted to pas- ture. Fencing, filling ditches, some leveling and re-terracing, as well as fertilizing, liming, and seeding are often necessary to reclaim such land. Roughage-consuming livestock are best adapted to the area. Commercial broiler production has been started recently in certain localities. A large part of the rural population works in cotton mills or in other non-farm industries. 5. UPPER COASTAL PLAINS. Some parts of the area are almost level, whereas others are rugged and hilly with farming carried out in small, irreg- ular fields. Cotton, corn, oats, and hay are the principal harvested crops. Parts of this area are suited to mechanization. Beef and dairy cattle, as well as hogs, are becoming increasingly important as sources of income. 6. BLACK BELT. Large holdings of land are typi- cal of the Black Belt. With good management, ex- cellent pastures are possible that provide grazing for 9 months or more. Johnson, Dallis, and Ber- muda grass, Caley peas, white and other clovers are the principal pasture plants. The Black Belt area has long been the major beef- and milk-pro- ducing area of Alabama. 7. SOUTHWESTERN PINEY WOODS. Good farming tracts are few. Topography varies from flatwoods to rugged hills; forests cover most of the area. 8. LOWER COASTAL PLAINS. In the eastern part of the lower coastal plains, peanuts, hogs, and cotton are the most important products. Also pro- duced are corn, hay, and some vegetables, prin- cipally melons in Houston and Geneva counties. Topography ranges from nearly level to rolling; use of tractors and tractor equipment is common. The western part of the area is similar to the east- ern part except that topography is slightly rougher. A larger percentage of the land is in woods, and fewer acres of peanuts are grown. 9. GULF COAST. The long growing season in this area favors production of Irish and sweetpotatoes, and other vegetables for market. Two or more crops are frequently grown on the same land. Early Irish potatoes, heavily fertilized, are often followed by soybeans. Livestock production on an intensive basis is practiced in parts of the area. [5] Farming Areas t ~ t "' ,. A 4 C V- *ft 1* /-1 4'."l 1C' ic? t Top: An increasingly common sight in Alabama-good nut production is on the increase. Bottom: Harvesting cattle grazing improved clover-grass pastures. Center: cotton with mechanical pickers is often practical on farms Combining peanuts from windrow. Mechanization of pea- where cotton is produced on sufficiently large tracts. -I I 4r: gs * A- S4% I ~.1 Tap: Forage crops such as these are possible on most Alabama soils if fertilizers, lime, and good management practices are used. Center: Hogs fit well into operations 17 -1 on farms having relatively high corn yields. Here hogs are grazing alfalfa. Bottom: Harvesting of corn with mechanical pickers is becoming a mare common practice. . 'Ity- L BASIC DATA o ALABAMA'S AGRICULTURE* (Compared to averages for selected areas) of.... ..................... Alabama Ala., Miss., Ga., East North and Tenn. Central Number of farms (average per state) 2] Acres per farm Per cent of farms less than 100 acres Per cent: Land in farms Land rented Tenants White farm operators Operators working off farm 100 days or more Per cent of farms with: Electricity Telephone Tractor Location on hard surface road Per cent of farm land used for: Crops ('includes cropland used only for pasture) Pasture (includes cropland and woods pastured) Woods Per cent of harvested cropland in corn Yield of corn per acre, bushels Per cent of harvested cropland in cotton Yield of cotton per acre, pounds lint Number of livestock per farm: All cattle and calves Milk cows All hogs and pigs Chickens Sales per farm: Crops Livestock and livestock products Forest products Total Value, farm land, buildings, per acre, 1952 Index of farm real estate values, 1952 (1912-14 - 100) Taxes levied on farm real estate per acre, 1950 Taxes levied on farm real estate per $100 full value, 1950 Rate of interest (per cent) charged on outstanding farm mortgage debt, 1948 Cost per $100 insurance, farmers' mutual fire insurance, 1947-49 Farm wage rate per day without board or room, 1951 Farm wage rate per hour without board or room, 1951 * Based on 1950 Census and various USDA reports. 11,512 223,179 177,081 99 98 126 77 75 48 64 35 41 73 23 68 8 18 23 35 34 47 43 18 32 214 6 2 5 27 $848 401 47 S1,296 $60 321 $ 0.25 $ 0.53 5.5 $ 0.74 $ 8.70 $ 0.50 68 32 41 72 21 67 11 19 20 37 338 44 39 20 29 241 6 2 5 28 $943 501 49 $1,493 $69 294 $ 0.34 $ 0.60 5.2 $ 0.52 $ 8.70 $ 0.50 [8] United States 112,128 215 56 61 35 27 89 23 78 38 47 31 36 54 19 24 37 8 278 14 4 10 64 $1,820 2,250 25 $4,095 $82 78 38 19 100 25 92 60 69 40 68 30 17 36 51 14 6 18 72 $1,497 3,053 14 $4,564 $167 211 $ 1.41 $ 0.96 211 $ 0.64 $ 1.01 4.4 4.6 $ 0.25 $ 6.80 $ 0.92 $ 0.25 $ 5.00 $ 0.77 CASH FARM INCOME ALABAMA, 1924-50 * .MILLION DOLLARS 450 Sales of crops make up the largest propor- 400 tion of Alabama's farm income. However, the proportion of income from livestock and 350 livestock products has increased in recent years. In 1950, sales of livestock and live- 300 stock products made up 36 per cent of to- TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS tal receipts, while in the late 1920's they 250 made up less than 15 per cent of the total. 200VERME Income from cotton and cottonseed in Ala- 150P bama averaged 44 per cent of all receipts during the 1946-50 period. Sales of live- 100 stock and livestock products averaged 33 50 per cent of the total for this period. Pea- nuts, corn, and other field crops made up 0 15 per cent of the total. 1924'26 0 32 34 36 8 40 42444648 50 Source of Datas The Farm Income Situation, BAE, USDA. PERCENTAGE ao TOTAL SALES frm VARIOUS FARM PRODUCTS, ALABAMA, AVERAGE 1946-50 PER CENT PRODUCT Cotton and Cottonseed .44.4__ Cattle and Calves 9.7 Hogs 8.6 Peanuts 7.5 Eggs and Poultry . #(7.3 (incl. broilers) Dairy Products ; 6.8 Other Field Crops 4.6 Corn 3.3 Forest Products 2.9 Fruits,Tree Nuts Greenhouse Products, etc. 2.3 Truck Crops ; 2.0 Other Livestock and Livestock Products 0 10 20 30 40 Source of Data: The Farm Income Situation, BAE, USDA. [9] 'I -~ ,~, I' - t4 A 'A 4 * 4' ,~ i 'C - k *V#r 'Cs * A N t r A , - 9 It t '-94. -"A -CA N it :4% 4 .ji 1*' As A. -* '-~~'- ~ Top left: Early Irish potatoes is an important commercial crop in the Gulf Coast Area. Tap right: Pulpwood, saw- logs, and fence posts here are products of thinning. Cen- ter left: Dusting peanuts for insects and diseases. Bat- tom: Kudzu is especially valuable as a forage plant dur- ing long periods of dry weather in the summer. 1 10 j K 4 ? 'A 4 4 r -. 6 .1 I.- IA 1' .t t 1'- *1 ii t 4 ii * .1 r j:w. C LA. .1 - - -, -. "A.'-.--. 4, ' ,%t .P'-- ' V%? - -~r- \ V~ r~X' '"~4A 4, ' * - A fA* A, i -&e- Top: As insurance against droughts, irrigation of pas- tures and other crops is being practised on numbers of farms in Alabama. Center: Seed production and processing have become important in State's agriculture. Bottom: Local production of hybrid seed corn is keeping pace with increasing proportion of acreage planted to hybrids. 1 1 j TRENDS Alabama's agriculture, like that of other states, has changed from early times. Use of land, crops, yields, livestock, and farming methods have been The trend in Ala- bama's acreage of corn was upward un- til 1940. Average yields changed little from 1866 to the mid- 1940's. In recent years, corn yields have increased due to the use of adapted hy- brids, high fertilization rates, thick spacing, and other improved practices. influenced by scientific and technological develop- ments, demand changes for farm products, and other factors. The following show these changes: In general, since 1860 the number of farms in Alabama has in- creased and the aver- age size has decreased. However, since 1930 the average size of farms has increased. In 1935, Alabama had 273,455 farms. In 1950, the number was 211,512-a 23 per cent decrease in 15 years. The average size farm in 1950 was 99 acres. From about 1915 to 1935 the acreage of cotton moved in an opposite direction to the acreage of corn. Prior to 1915 the acreages of both cot- ton and corn increased in Alabama. Since 1935, in general, the acreages of corn and cotton have declined. [ 12] Number and Size of Farms, Alabama, 1860-1950 Thousand Faorms Acres 300 360 - 270 200 - 1Number of Forms0270 180 100 "'--- Average Size . 10 708 1 - .. - - 90 1860 70 80. 90 1900 10 20 30 40 50 Acreage and Yield of Cotton, Alabama, 1866-1951 The long-time upward trend in numbers of all cattle in Alabama has been greater than that of milk cows. In 1950, there were ap- proximately 1.3 mil- lion head of cattle and calves on Alabama farms. Of this num- ber more than 365,- 000 were milk cows. Except during the war- time period, the num- ber of chickens on Alabama farms has increased very little since 1925. However, commercial broiler production (not shown) has increased from 3 million broilers in 1939 to approximately 17 million in 1951. Numbers of hogs on Alabama farms have fluctuated from a low of about 775,000 in 1926 to a high of 1,640,000 in 1898. Some increase in num- bers has occurred in recent years. Thousand Chickens: Number on Forms, Alabama, 1924-1952 11,100 10,350 - 9,500 8,750- 8,000 7,250 1925 30 35 40 45 50 Tractors are taking the place of work stock on many Alabama farms. This change has not occurred as rapidly as in certain other areas of the United States. However, in recent years tractor numbers have increased greatly. There are still possi- bilities for further mechanization on many farms. [13] Milk Cows and Cattle: Number on Forms, Thousand Alaboma. 1867-1952 Head 1 40o - 1,200 - ALL CATTLE 11000- 800 600 0 MILK COWS 1870 80 90 1900 I0. 20 30 40 50 Hogs: Number on Forms, Alabama, 1867-1952 Head 1,6000 1,,400 1,200 800- 600 - 1870 80 90 1900 10 20 30 40 50 Tractors and Workstock: Number on Forms, Alabama, 1867-.1952 I PVVG Thousand FARM CHARACTERISTICS Maps on the following pages illustrate on a county basis the State's distribution of farms, use of farm land, crop yields, livestock production patterns, other The greatest proportion of land in farms is found in the northern, southeastern, and central parts of Alabama. Counties in the north-central portion of the State have Cropland as Land in Pasture as a Percentage a Percentage of All Farm Land, of All Farm Land, 1949 1949 related facts and points of interest. (To locate coun- ties by name, see the key map with county names on the inside of the front cover.) the greatest number of forms. Average size of farms in this area is considerably below that found through south- central Alabama. Land in Woods as a Percentage of All Farm Land, 1949 Counties in the northwestern and southeastern parts of Black Belt as compared to other areas. Highest propor- the State have the highest percentages of farm land in tions of form land in woods are found in southwestern crops. Use of land for posture predominates in the Alabama and in certain central Alabama counties. [14] Percentage of Total Number of Average Size Land Area in Farms, Farms, of Farms 1950 1950 1950 Percent Hundred Forms Acres I-iUnder 50 50- 74 Under 30 M 30-39 Under 90 90-114 .M 75 and over ME 40 and over EM 115 and over I y//////~l~Rsp--RiiW~RRB(-~RldRU~~ ut/////~w/////////,Llif~tftIfflfffttit8~ I C Corn Acreage, Cotton Acreage, 1949 1949 Acreage of Peanuts Grown Alone , 1949 Thousand Acres Under 15 M 15-29 M30 and over Corn is the principal feed and food grain grown in Ala- bama. It is produced in all counties, but the highest acreages in 1949 were in northern and southeastern counties. Also, to some extent cotton is grown in all parts of the State. In 1949, counties with the greatest acreages of cotton were in northern Alabama. Boll wee- Except for Baldwin County, Alabama's average corn yields for 1941-50 period were highest in the eastern parts of the Tennessee Valley and Sand Mountain areas. Average cotton yields also were highest in these areas. Cotton yields are less variable in northern Alabama than in other parts of the State. In 1949, the greatest acre- [15 vil infestation and weather damage during the picking season make cotton production extremely hazardous near the Gulf Coast where heavy rainfall occurs during the 4-month period, June to September. Peanut production is concentrated in southeastern Alabama where soils, cli- mate, markets, and other factors are most favorable. ages in oats for grain were located in certain Piedmont and Black Belt counties and in Baldwin County. Wheat production is of minor importance. Acreages of soy- beans harvested (not shown) are greatest in Baldwin County where they are produced following an early crop of commercial Irish potatoes. Average Corn Average Cotton Acreage of Oats Yields, Yields, for Grain, 1941-50 1941-50 1949 Bushels Per Acre Pounds Lint Per Acre Hundred C Under 15 E 15-20 [ Under 250 M 250-324 C Under 15 I 21 and over M 325 and over= I I V/////~$59Y////N///////////~'///'/"'/" ~, \ V/////nm~Bd~,////~V//////////~iiV/////// ~'///////////~X I I ~ I~ I J~ I nmmmr I nVt~lUUt: VVIII AV~IU~~ VVIIVII Percentage of Total Cropland in Pasture, 1949 Acres of Clover-Grass Pasture Improved, 1935 -51 * All Hay and Sorghums for Forage 1949- (_ ........ ........... .... Percent Thousand Acres Under 10 10- 19 Under 20.0 20.0-49.9 IZ3 20-29 30 and over 50.0 and over *Source of data: A, P1. Agricultural Extension Service reports. Natural advantages have encauraged the development of pastures in the Black Belt Area of the State. In this area are found the highest percentages of cropland (as classified by the United States Census) in pasture as well as the greatest acreages of improved clover-grass pas- ture. The concentration of hay production in southeast- Crimson Clover and Ryegrass Planted Primarily Reseeding Crimson Clover for Fall and Winter Grazing, Seed Harvested in 951 * 1951 * Alabama is one of the South's leading crimson clover- producing states. Plantings for grazing and/or seed production are fairly well scattered. Crimson clover-rye- grass mixtures for grazing were reported planted in all Alabama counties in 1951. Plantings of crimson clover alone for grazing were heaviest in central Alabama. Hundred Acres ZIUnder 100 =1I 100-200 201 and over emn Alabama is the result of saving peanut vines for hay. Since about 1940, acreage devoted to perennial hay crops, such as alfalfa and lespedeza, has expanded. Acreages planted in annual hay crops have decreased since 1940. Alabama farmers have used about a mil- lion acres annually for hay crops since 1940. Common Crimson clover Seed Harvested in 1951 * Crimson clover is also used primarily for grazing in com- bination with small grains, lespedeza sericea, and certain other crops.- Seed from annual or common crimson clover were harvested principally in northern Alabama and in~ Gulf Coast Area. Reseeding crimson clover seed were harvested primarily in central Alabama counties. [ 16]1 I rtes#qgiiaearr[r ;~ r;~.: .lrr~i~:t;. ~.. (:~::~:: ~::~ ;~;?~ttttf8t~i~PI tf81t8ff8faR~otqggiE~iiiiaaa~c:::c:lt~ a I t:.:;:0 I: ~ ; :~:( I Inla I Il~rlsr 3A n I: : : ' ' ~ I I ~YYIY IY IIYI~IVY IIII \I 1 ~ 1~YJ~~Vtl(~ VIIIIIOVII V1V YI a ~ ~aY t ~r - 2 ~ ., S a B ' ~ ** x, '~ ~ Vt a 4 N -4 ~ I jar ~ sC * "V "-4 A" r' "~j~ 4 r - Uk; 9, I 'IT K 44 ~s tA