INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AQUACULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY R. DENNIS ROUSE, DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY. ALABAMA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES NO. 27 PROJECT: AID/LA-C-1176 SEPTEMBER 1980 Catch Assessment zurvey Design for Monitoring the Upper Meta River Fishery, Colombia, South i4 ' r Ai --.. " . .' Stratum I Upper Meto River Study Area Stratum I - Main Meta River Stratum 2- Upper Tributaries Stratum 3 - Lower Southern Tributaries Stratum 4 - Lower Northern Tributaries Inset shows location of study area within Colombia FIG. 1. The Upper Meta River area, showing the 10 zones of the 1977 frame survey (zones IX and X are lagoons to the north and south of the Meta River, respectively) and the four strata of the 1978 catch assessment survey. Stratum 3 SUMMARY Catch and fishing effort in the Upper Meta River System for the hydrological year April 10, 1978 - April 9, 1979, were estimated using a statistically designed catch assessment survey (CAS). The design was based on CAS methods used at Auburn University and incorporated results from a frame survey conducted during the 1977 hydrological year on the Upper Meta River. Total catch in 1978 was 1,071,366 kilograms from 126,334 Fishing Economic Unit (FEU)-days where 1 FEU-day was equivalent to 1.8 fisherman-days. Average catch per FEU-day was 8.1 kilograms. Ninety-one percent of the catch came from the main river and upper tributaries (70 percent and 21 percent, respectively). Similarly, 88 percent of fishing effort (FEU-days) was expended in the main river and upper tributaries (70 percent and 18 percent, respectively). Catch and fishing effort in lower tributaries, especially those on the southern side of the Meta River, were relatively insignificant. The annual harvest was evenly distributed between the high and low water seasons. However, because the low water season was 71 percent as long as the high water season, daily catch was actually higher during low water. This was due primarily to increased daily fishing effort within the main river stratum during the low water period. Catch per unit effort changed only slightly from the high water season (7.9 kilograms per FEU-day) to the low water season (8.4 kilograms per FEU-day). The relative standard error (RSE) for fishing effort (9.9 percent) indicated that samples were providing relatively precise estimates of this variable on an annual basis. Variation in fishing effort was inherently low because artisanal fishermen live near the river and their frequency of fishing changes little within seasons. Catch estimates were more variable, however, giving a RSE of 25.1 percent for the year; greatest variation was encountered in the low water season (RSE = 44.4 percent). Further seasonal stratification is recommended to reduce variation in catch estimates. Future catch assessment surveys on the Upper Meta River are outlined and sampling schedules within time strata are defined. The number of time strata will be increased from two to four with the addition of one stratum for the rising and one stratum for the falling water season. It is recommended that six samples be taken within each time stratum; due to the logistics of sampling, two or three samples will be taken during a single field trip and trips will be systematically scheduled. The Upper Meta River will be divided into two geographical strata, one composed of all tributaries and the other composed of-the main river only. Sample sections will be chosen with nonuniform probability, with twice as many samples coming from the main river stratum as from the tributary stratum (four samples and two samples, respectively). Application of nonuniform probability sampling is recommended for initial surveys of all river fisheries within Colombia's Orinoco System. A pre-survey overflight will provide initial sampling probabilities based on number of canoes counted per section, and initial time strata will be the same as defined for the Upper Meta River. Strata definition and sampling probabilities for later surveys can be amended based on information gathered during the initial survey. A 10-year CAS sampling program for Colombia's Orinoco System is proposed. Sampling will be conducted on the Upper Meta River in alternate years (from 1978). Six other Orinocian rivers will be sampled, one each year, during successive alternate years beginning in 1979. These other rivers have much less potential for immediate fisheries development than does the Upper Meta River and thus merit less sampling effort. After 1989, consolidation of sampling to include two or more river fisheries in 1 year may be feasible, thereby allowing comple- tion of data collection necessary for a Schaefer surplus yield model in all fisheries of the Colombian Orinoco System within 15-20 years from 1978. Methods for obtaining estimates of maximum sustainable yield and optimum fishing effort at the community level based on the Schaefer surplus yield model are discussed. CO0N T ENT S Page SUMMARY................................................ 2 INTRODUCTION........................................... 5 BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT.............................. 5 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS FROM THE 1978 CATICH ASSESSMENT SURVEY (CAS) ON THE UPPER META RIVER................. 5 Calculation of Total Fishing Effort................. 6 Calculation of Average Daily Catch per Unit Effort . 7 Calculation of Total Annual Catch.................. 8 Final Calculations of E and C for 1978.............. 9 Verification of Estimate of Annual Harvest (C) ... 9 Precision Associated with Estimates of E, C, and U.. 9 CAS DESIGN FOR CONTINUED MONITORING OF THE UPPER META RIVER FISHERY.............................. 9 Division of the System into Time Blocks and Geographical Strata ............................ 10 Sampling within Time Blocks...................... 11 Sampling within Geographical Strata................ 11 Choosing River Sections and Tributaries for Sampling Purposes ............................. 11 PROPOSED METHOD OF CONDUCTING INITIAL SURVEYS OF OTHER MAJOR RIVERS IN LLANOS REGION................... 13 Initial Surveys.................................. 13 Follow-up Surveys ............................... 13 USE OF THE GRAHAM-SCHAEFER SURPLUS PRODUCTION MODEL FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE UPPER META RIVER FISHERY........ 13 REFERENCES............................................ 15 PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 1980 - IM COVER PHOTO. INDERENA biologist interviews successful artisanal fisherman to acquire data on catch and fishing effort. Information contained herein is available to all Catch Assessment Survey Design for Monitoring the Upper Meta River Fishery, Colombia, South America STEPHEN P. MALVESTUTO, RICHARD J. SCULLY, and FERNANDO GARZdN FI INTRODUCTION T 1 IIM)EREN S It1) At Fit RN I NI\ P1151 cooperative' fisheries project in C olomibia requested D~r. Stepheii \alx estuti) to consult in Colombia with the Llanos ()rientales Fisheries Project (hiring April 15-28, 1979. 'Hie specific, purpose and expectedl outcoines ot the v isit wxere to bring an expe'rt in surx ex anaix s to \ illax icencio to proxvide aditional input into) analx sis of the accumulated 2 x'ears of data from the \leta Ri'ver fishery catch assessmnt surveyv (CAS). Special effort wxas employed in the estimation of catch and fishing effort from the food fish fishery . Specifically , assistance was gixven to: 1. Imnproxve experimental design, i.e., deveClop methods to minimize variance estiimates of catch, fishing effort, and catch per unit effort. 2. Plan and implemient the analysxis and p)resentation of project results. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT Thbe plrinciple plroject goal xwas to present a rational approach to fisheries management based on knowxledge of fishing effort, catch per unit effort, and total catch from the fishery. Ultimately , the present dlata are to be incorpoiratedl into a surpluos yield mnodel (6, Chapter 13) to proxide an estimate of maximum sustainable y ield and optimuilm fishing effort. Catch statistics o~f length frequency by species, relative abundance oif each species, and length frequency of the spaxxning p~opulatioins haxve been re- corded as further aids to future management decisions (7). D)uring the first 12 months of the program, data on catch and effort xvere collected xvia a frame siirxvex xvhere each of the i10 zones5 comprising the selected study area (the uipper 316 navigable kilometers of the Nieta Rixver and its associated 'Respectixvely, Assistant Professor, I)epartmnent of Fisheries and Allied Aquacutmires; Research Associate, l)epari ient of Fisheries and Allied Aquacmitures; and Field Biologist, IN I)EFRENA, ( olonmibia, South Amnerica. tributaries) xwas survexyed once (hirinig the high xx ater p~hase (April 1)) N oxember 9), and again (hliriing the loss x% ater p)hase (Noxvember it)-April 9), figure 1. D~uring the second 12-mionth perioid, eiiding April 9, 1979, the studx area xwas dixvided into sampling strata aeccordhing to the characteristics of (1) saimplle v ariation in catch per unit (of fishing effort, (2) cost of saimipling each stratum, and (:3) intensity of fishing effort. Areas that had little need for studs , or that return(( little intormation in relation to samnpiig cost, xwere gix en little or no sampling effort. '[his report suggests a more appIrop~riate saimiple siirx c dlesign xx hich should be amenable to co~ntinuemi'ionito~ring of the tUpper Mecta fix er Sx stem) Also, the design lends itself wxell to saiiliiig of other fisheries in the ( rinoco Sxysteiii Detamls of these iiipuiits are p resenlted, along \% i th a biblio1graphNli ANALYSIS OF RESULTS FROM THE 1978 CATCH ASSESSMENT SURVEY (CAS) ON THE UPPER META RIVER i'le 1978 C.AS oil the I. pper Mleta Rixver xxas based on stratification in tiiie and space. Specifically , the lixdrological year (April 10, 1978-April 9, 1979) wxas dixvided into txxo tiii strata (henceforth called time blocks) xwhere 'lone Block A referred to the high wxater period (April 10, 1978-Novemnber 9, 1978) andl limne Block B referred to the lowx xwater period (Noxvember if), 1 978-April 9, 1979). 'Ilhe riv er audi its assoiciated( tributaries xxerc dixvidd into three' geograp)hical (area) strata xx,,here Stratumn I encomipassed the iiain U..pper Nleta Rixer channel, Stratum 2 encompassed the uipper tributaries, and Stratum :3 enc'omp~assed the loxx er southern tributaries, figure 1. T he lowxer northern tributaries, the Rio (hisiana and Rio Crax i Sur (labeled as Stratum -4 in figure 1), xxere not includedi in the 1978 C:AS because they contributed little to catch and effort in 1977 and wxerc extreiiielx' difficult to sample (hliring the lowx Isolated and meandering tributaries (left) and extensive sandbars (right) made access to, and travel on, the water difficult and time consuming. 4,' TABLE 1. NUMBER OF SAMPLES TAKEN WITHIN EACH GEOGRAPHICAL STRATUM (1, 2, AND 3) DURING EACI TIME BLOCK (A AND B) DURING THE 1978 CAS Number of samples taken Time block Stratum Stratum Stratum Total 1 2 3 Total A ............. 5 5 2 12 B ......................... 3 3 2 8 TOTAL ................... . 8 8 4 20 water period; however, 1978 catch and effort estimates were adjusted upward to include the expected contribution from these tributaries. The main Meta River channel in Stratum 1 was divided into three sections, which were given equal probabilities (0.33) of being chosen for any given sample; likewise, the individual tributaries within Stratum 2 were given equal probabilities of being chosen (six tributaries with probability of 0.167 each), as were the individual tributaries in Stratum 3 (two tributaries with probability of 0.50 each). Table 1 gives the number of samples taken within each geographical stratum during time blocks A and B. Because of cost considerations, two main river sections or three tributaries were sampled during each survey trip. Calculation of Total Fishing Effort Within any sampled river section or tributary (henceforth referred to as sampling units = SU), a count of the total number of active fishing canoes (fishing economic units or FEU) provided an estimate of fishing effort. The steps involved in expanding this estimate of effort per SU to an estimate of total annual effort for the whole system are as follows: (1) For each time block, expand the number of FEU counted within each SU (Esu) to a total daily number of FEU for the entire geographical stratum (Edaily) by dividing E.u by the sampling probability associated with the particular SU. Thus, for any given geographical stratum within any given time block, Edaily is calculated as Edaily = Esu/Psu where Pu = the probability associated with the particular SU. These calculations are shown in table 2. (2) Calculate the average daily fishing effort per stratum (Edaily) within each time block by averaging the sample totals (Edaily) calculated in table 2. Thus, for any given stratum within any given time block, Edaily is calculated as: E _1 Edaily = IZ Edaily where n = the number of SU sampled in the particular stratum within the particular time block. These calculations are shown in table 3. (3) Calculate a variance for each Edaily, i.e., a variance of the mean, as Vi = n(n-1) [I E 2 daily - ( Edaily) 2 /n] Values of VI (with intermediate sums) are also given in table 3. (4) Calculate the total daily effort for each time block (Edaily total) by summing the Edaily for each geographical stratum. Thus, Edaily total = 1 Edaily. For Time Block A: Edaily total = 198.80 + 52.60 + 14.00 = 265.40 FEU TABLE 2. EXPANSION OF FISHING EFFORT PER SU (Esu) TO AN ESTIMATE OF DAILY EFFORT FOR AN ENTIRE GEOGRAPHICAL STRATUM (Edaily) WITHIN EACH TIME BLOCK USING APPROPRIATE SAMPLING PROBABILITIES (Psu) TIME BLOCK A: HIGH WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Esu + Psu = Edaily Esu* + Psu = Edaily Esu* + Psu = Edaily 76 0.33 = 230 6.5 + 0.167 = 39 8.7 + 0.5 = 17 59 0.33 = 179 19.1 + 0.167-= 115 5.7 + 0.5 = 11 62 0.33 = 188 4.0 + 0.167 = 24 73 0.33 = 221 0.8 + 0.167 = 5 58 + 0.33 = 176 13.3 + 0.167 = 80 TIME BLOCK B: LOW WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Esu + Psu = Edaily Esu* + Psu = Edaily Esu* -Psu = Edaily 139 0.33-421 6.9+0.167=41 4.9+0.5 = 10 106 0.33=321 12.2+0.167 = 73 3.1+0.5 = 6 63 + 0.33 = 191 13.9 + 0.167 = 83 *Decimal Esu values were generated as a result of multiplying the total number of canoes counted by the proportion of canoes actively fishing on a daily basis; this proportion was estimated by questioning fishermen on canoe use. Larger Esu values were rounded to the nearest whole number. and for Time Block B: Edaily total = 311.00 + 65.67 + 8.00 = 384.67 FEU. (5) Calculate the variance of Edaily total for each time block (VE daily total) by summing the Vf for each geographical stratum. Thus, VE daily total = I VE. For Time Block A: VE daily total =-- 124.74 + 395.66 + 9.00 = 529.40 FEU 2 and for Time Block B: VE daily total= 4,433.33 + 160.44 + 4.00 = 4,597.77 FEU 2 . The square root of VE daily total for each time block is the standard error of Edaily total (SEE daily total). Thus, for Time Block A, SEE daily total = 529.40 = 23.01 FEU and for Time Block B, SEE daily total =\ 4,597.77 = 67.81 FEU. TABLE 3. CALCULATION OF MEAN DAILY FISHING EFFORT PER STRATUM (Edaily) WITHIN EACH TIME BLOCK BY AVERAGING VALUES OF Edaily FROM TABLE 2 (VALUES OF VE AND INTERMEDIATE CALCULATIONS ARE ALSO GIVEN) TIME BLOCK A: HIGI Stratum 1 Edaily = 230 FEU 179 188 221 176 Edaily = 198.80 FEU I Edaily = 994 (Y Edaily) 2 = 988,036 1 E 2 daily = 200,102 VE = 124.74 FEU 2 H WATER Stratum 2 39 FEU 115 24 5 80 Edaily = 52.60 FEU I Edail = 263 (X Edaily) = 69,169 Z E 2 daily = 21,747 V-= 395.66 FEU 2 TIME BLOCK B: LOW WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Edaiy = 421 FEU 41 FEU 321 73 191 83 Edaily = 311.00 FEU Edaily = 65.67 FEU I Edaily = 933 1 Edail x = 197 (Y Edaily) 2 870,489 (1 Edaily) = 38,809 E 2 daily -= 316,763 Z E 2 daily = 13,899 V = 4,433.33 FEU 2 V- = 160.44 FEU 2 Stratum 3 17 FEU 11 Edaily = 14.00 FEU I Edaily = 28 (Y Edaily) 2 = 784 Y E 2 daily = 410 V = 9.00 FEU 2 Stratum 3 10 FEU 6 Edaily = 8.00 FEU I Edaily =16 (Y Edaily) 2 = 256 1 E 2 daily = 136 V = 4.00 FEU 2 (6) Calculate total fishing effort within each time block (Eblock) by multiplying each Edaily total by the number of days within the time block. Time Block A contained 214 days and Time Block B contained 151 days. Thus, for Time Block A: Eblock = 265.40 FEU X 214 days = 56,796 FEU-days and for Time Block B: Eblock = 384.67 FEU X 151 days = 58,085 FEU-days. (7) The standard error of Eblock for each time block (SEblock) equals SEE daily total multiplied by the number of days contained within each time block. Thus, for Time Block A: SEblock = 23.01 FEU X 214 days = 4,924 FEU-days and for Time Block B: SEblock = 67.81 FEU X.151 days = 10,239 FEU-days. The relative standard error of Eblock (RSEblock) is defined as (SEblock/Eblock) X 100 and simply expresses the standard error of total effort as a percentage of total effort. Thus, for Time Block A: RSEblock = (4,924 FEU-days/56,796 FEU-days) X 100 = 8.7 percent and for Time Block B: RSEblock = (10,239 FEU-days/58,085 FEU-days) X 100 = 17.6 percent. (8) The daily total effort for the entire year (Eannual daily) is calculated by taking the weighted sum of Edaily total for each time block. A time block weight (W) is defined for each time block as the number of days contained within the time block divided by the total number of days within the year. Thus, the weight for Time Block A (WA) = 214/365 = 0.59 and the weight for Time Block B (WB) = 151/365 = 0.41. Each Edaily total is multiplied by its respective time block weight and the resulting values are added together. Thus, Eannual daily = I WEdaily total. In the present case, Eannual daily = 0.59 (265.40) + 0.41 (384.67) = 314.30 FEU. Total annual effort (E) is then calculated by multiplying Eannual daily by the number of days in the year. Thus, E = 314.30 FEU X 365 days = 114,720 FEU-days. It may be noted that E can also be estimated by simply adding the two time block totals (Eblock). This gives E= 56,796 + 58,085 = 114,881 FEU-days. The procedure given above using time block weights allows the calculation of Eannual daily which can be a useful summary statistic. (9) The variance of Eannual daily (VE annual daily) is calculated as the weighted variance of the values of VE daily total So that VE annual daily = 1 W2VE daily total. Thus, in the present case, The square root of VE annual daily equals the standard error of E annual daily (SEE annual daily) so that, in the present case, SEE annual daily = / 957.17 = 30.94 FEU. The standard error of E (SEE) is equal to SEE annual daily multiplied by the number of days within the year. Thus, SEE -= 30.94 FEU X 365 days - 11,292 FEU-days. The relative standard error of E (RSE) equals (SE/E) X 100 or (11,292 FEU-days/114,720 FEU-days) X 100 = 9.8 percent. Calculation of Average Daily Catch per Unit Effort For any given SU, an estimate of catch per unit effort per day or kilograms of fish caught per FEU per day is obtained from interviews. This value is calculated by dividing the total weight of fish harvested by the total number of FEU's interviewed and is taken to represent the catch per FEU for the entire stratum during the day of interview (Udaily). Thus, unlike estimating Edaily, the catch per unit effort measured within any given SU is not expanded by the probability associated with that particular SU to give a total for the entire stratum; the concern here is to obtain a representative estimate of daily harvest per FEU. (1) Calculate a mean catch per FEU per day (Udaily) by averaging the values of Udaily for each geographical stratum within each time block. Thus,Udaily for any given stratum within each time block is calculated as Udaily = "T X Udaily. Values of Udaily are given in Table 4. (2) Calculate the variance of each Udaily as Vu = T [ EU 2 daily - (XUdaily) 2 /n] This is a variance of the mean and is exactly analagous to the formula for VE previously given. Values of Vu are also given in table 4. (3) To calculate a mean U over strata within each time block, each Udaily is weighted by the relative amount of fishing TABLE 4. CALCULATION OF Udaily BY AVERAGING VALUES OF UdailyFOR EACH GEOGRAPHICAL STRATUM WITHIN EACH TIME BLOCK: VALUES OF Udaily ARE ESTIMATES BASED ON CATCH AND EFFORT MEASURED THROUGH INTERVIEWS (VALUES OF Vu ARE ALSO GIVEN) TIME BLOCK A: HIGH WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Udaily-11.39 7.39 3.75 6.25 13.56 3.75* 3.28 7.50 12.72 3.56 8.36 4.56 Udaily= 8.40 kg/FEU Udaily= 7.31 kg/FEU Udaily= 3.75 kg/FEU Vy= 2.92 (kg/FEU) 2 Vn = 3.04 (kg/FEU) 2 Vi=0.00 (kg/FEU) 2 TIME BLOCK B: LOW WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Udaily 3.64 3.31 2.12 16.04 1.50 2.12* 4.75 26.35 Udaily= 8.14 kg/FEU Udaily=10.39 kg/FEU Udaily=2.12 kg/FEU Vu=15.69 (kg/FEU) 2 Vt=63.98 (kg/FEU) 2 Vn=0.00 (kg/FEU) 2 VE annual daily = (0.59)2 (529.40) + (0.41)2(4,597.77) = 957.17 FEU 2 . *Asuedvaue bse o frs smpe effort (relative number of FEU's) per stratum. On the average, 71 percent, 24 percent, and 5 percent of the fishing ef fort occurred in stratum 1, 2, and 3, respectively, giving stratum weights of 0.71 (Wi), 0.24 (W2), and 0.05 (W3). The weighted mean daily catch per unit effort (Udaily weighted) is calculated as Udaily weighted = I W~daiiy. Thus, for Time Block A: Udaily weightedJ= 0.71 (8.40) ? 0.24 (7.31) + 0.05 (3.75)= 7.91 kg/FEU, and for Time Block B: Udaily weighted = 0.71 (8.14) + 0.24 (10.39) + 0.05 (2.12)= 8.38 kg/FEU. (4) The variance of Udaily weighted is a weighted variance of the mean (Vw) and is calculated as VW = I W 2 VU. Thus, for Time Block A: Vw = (0.71)2 (2.92) + (0.24)2 (3.04) + (0.05)2 (0.00) = 1.65(kg/FEU) 2 , TABLE 5. ESTIMATION OF Cdaily AS THE PRODUCT OF Edaily AND Udaily FOR EACH GEOGRAPHICAL STRATUM TIME BLOCK A: HIGH WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Edaily X Udaily -Cdaily Edaily X Udaily = Cdaily Edaily X< Udaily - Cdaily 230 X 11.39 = 2,619 39 >X 7.39 = 288 17 >X 3.75 = 65 179 X 6.25 =1)119 115 X13.56 = 1554 11 X3.75 = 43 188 X 3.28 = 616 24 X 7.50 = 180 221 X 12.72= 2,810 5 X 3.56 = 17 176 X 8.36 = 1,471 80 X 4.56= 364 TIME BLOCK B: LOW WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Edaily X Udaily = Cdaily Edaily X Udaily = Cdaily Edaily X Udaily = Cdaily 421 X 3.64 = 1,533 41 X 3.31 = 137 10 X 2.12 = 21 321 X 16.04 = 5,152 73 X 1.50 = 110 6 X 2.12 = 13 191 X 4.75 = 907 83 X 26.35 =2,192 were caleuIasted; calculation Of Cdaily and values of V are given in table 6. The total daily catch over all strata within each time block (Cdaily total) is the sum of all Cdaily. For Time Block A: Cdaily total = 11,727.00 + 480.00 + 54.00 = 2,261.60 kg, and for Time Block B: aaily total= 2,530.67 + 813.00 + 17.00 3,360.67 kg. Thavrinc ofoarytoal(Ciaiyeotl iBteoumocal BThs Vw = (0.71) 2 (15.69) + (0.24) 2 (63.98) + (0.05)2 (0.00)= 11.59 (kg/FEU) 2 . The square root of Vw is the standard error of Udaily weighted (SEw). Thus, for Time Block A, SEw =-\/ -1.65 1.28 kg/FEU/day, and for Time Block B, SEw =v/1=.5 3.40 kg/FEU/day. Relative standard errors for Udaily weighted (RSEu) are (1.28/7.91) X 100 = 16.2 percent and (3.40/8.38) >X 100 = 40.6 percent for. Time Block A and Time Block B, respectively. (5) An annual estimate ofUdaily over time blocks (U) is calculated by weighting each Udaily weighted by the time block' weights previously defined as 0.59 and 0.41 for Time Blocks A and B, respectively. Thus, in the present case, U = 0.59 (7.91) + 0.41 (8.38) = 8.10 kg/FEU/day. The variance of U (Vu) is the weighted sum of Vw and is calculated as VU = (0.59)2 (1.65) + (0.41 )2(11 .59) = 2.52 (kg/FEU/day) 2 . The standard error of U (SEU) = \ t -Vu= -v/-2.5 = 1.59 kg/FEU/day. The RSE of U= (1.59/8. 10) >X 100= 19.6 percent. Calculation of Total Annual Catch The calculation of total annual catch follows the procedure given for calculating total annual ef fort. Estimates of total daily catch for each sampled stratum (Cdaily) are calculated as the product of Edaily X Udaily. These calculations are shown in table 5. Mean daily catch for each geographical stratum (Cdaily) and the variance Of Cdaily (W) are calculated just as Edaily and VE f or Time Block A: VC daily total = 181,903.70 + 75,408.16 + 121.00 = 257,433 kg 2 , and f or Time Block B: VC daily total = 1,750,503.45 + 475,471.00 + 16.00 = 2,225,990 kg. Standard errors Of Cdaily total are \ -5,3 = 507.38 kg and \2,225,990 = 1,492 kg, for Time Block A and B, respectively. Using analagous subscripts and calculations, given for calculating total fishing effort (page 7), Cblock = 483,982 kg for Time Block A and 507,461 kg for Time Block B. Respective values of SEblock are 108,579 kg and 225,292 kg, giving 22.4 percent and 44.4 percent for values of RSEblock. An annual estimateof Cdaily (Cannual daily) is calculated as the weighted sum of the Cdaily total values where the previous weighting f actors Of WA = 0.59 and WB = 0.41 are again used. TABLE 6. CALCULATION OF Cdaily BY AVERAGING VALUES OF Cdaiiy FOR EACH GEOGRAPHICAL STRATUM WITHIN EACH TIME BLOCK (VALUES OF Vu ARE ALSO GIVEN) TIME BLOCK A: HIGH WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Cdaily = 2,619 288 1,119 1,554 616 180 2,810 17 1,471 364 Cdaily = 1,727 kg 2CTdaily = 480.60 kg2 VE= 181,903.70 kg 2 VE = 75,408.16 kg 2 TIME BLOCK B: LOW WATER Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Cdaily = 1,533 137 5,152 110 907 2,192 Cdaily = 2,530.67 kg 2Cdaily = 813.00 kg2 VE= 1,750,503.45 kg 2 Vu = 475,471.00 kg 2 Stratum 3 65 43 Cdaily = 54.0 kg2 VE= 121.00 kg 2 Stratum 3 21 13 Cdaily = 17.00 kg2 VE= 16.00 kg 2 _ _ _ I . Thus, for the present data, Cannual daily = (0.59) (2,261.60) + (0.41) (3,360.67) = 2,712.22 kg. Total annual catch (C) = Cannual daily X 365 days = 989,960 kg. The variance of Cannual daily (Vc annual daily) is calculated as the weighted sum of the values of V so that Vc annual daily = (0.59)2 (257,433) + (0.41)2 (2,225,990) = 463,801 kg 2 . The standard error of Cannual daily =/VC annual daily =/463,801= 681.03 kg/day. The standard error of C = 681.03 kg/day X 365 days = 248,576 kg. The RSE for C is (248,576 kg/989,960 kg) X 100 = 25.1 percent. Final Calculations of E and C for 1978 Because the two lower northern tributaries (Rio Cusiana and Rio Cravo Sur) were not sampled during the 1978 CAS, the estimates of E and C calculated above must be expanded to account for the missing rivers. The 1977 frame survey indicated that for Time Block A, these two tributaries contributed 13 percent of total effort and 10 percent of total catch; for Time Block B, these tributaries contributed 6 percent of total effort and 5 percent of total catch. When the time block estimates of catch and effort for 1978 are expanded upward by these percentages, estimates of total effort and total catch by time blocks are: Time Block A: total effort = 64,541 FEU-days total catch = 537,758 kg Time Block B: total effort = 61,793 FEU-days total catch = 533,608 kg Summing the above estimates of catch and effort over time blocks gives the following adjusted values of total annual catch (C) and total annual effort (E): C = 1,071,366 kg E = 126,334 FEU-days The standard errors associated with the 1978 estimates can be expanded upward by the same percentages so that the RSE's previously given remain the same. The annual estimate of U as previously calculated will be accepted as a representative value for the entire system. Table 7 gives the final estimated values of E, C, and U by time blocks and for the entire year. Verification of Estimate of Annual Harvest (C) Welcomme (9) found that when annual harvest (C) in metric tons from various African rivers was plotted against basin area (A) in square kilometers, the following exponential relationship was obtained by regression techniques: C = 0.1326A 0 . 8533 (r2 = 90%), indicating that basin area is a good predictor of annual harvest. Welcomme assumed that the harvest estimates available to him were from river areas where fishing was "sufficiently intense to attract the attention of fisheries administrators and biologists," probably meaning main river channels. The estimate of total annual harvest from the 1978 CAS on the Upper Meta River was approximately 1,071 metric tons; however, only about 751 metric tons were attributable to the main river channel (Stratum 1). Given that the watershed of the Upper Meta River is roughly 20,000 square kilometers, Wel- comme's equation predicts an annual harvest of C = 0.1326 (20,000)08533 = 620 metric tons, which is within 20 percent of the CAS estimate of 751 metric tons from the main river channel. Although the closeness of these two values does not necessarily verify the accuracy of our estimate in a true sense, it is reassuring to know that the survey design was providing reasonable estimates of harvest relative to other tropical river systems of similar size. Precision Associated with Estimates of E, C, and U It is apparent from table 7 that the precision of estimates of E, C, and U is significantly lower (RSE's are higher) during the low water period than during the high water period. RSE's less than 20 percent can be considered acceptable for catch assessment surveys on large aquatic systems (5), although the smaller the RSE the better. A RSE of 20 percent implies that the 95 percent confidence interval will be approximately 40 percent of the mean, which is somewhat large; a RSE of 10 percent gives a 95 percent confidence interval of about 20 percent of the mean, which is more desirable. The RSE associated with the annual estimate of E is thus quite acceptable; RSE's for total annual values of C and U can hopefully be improved. The basic approach to improving the variability of estimates of C and U will be to further stratify the hydrological year into more homogeneous time blocks. Time blocks A and B, although called the high water and low water periods, respectively, also included periods of rising and falling water which tended to make these two time blocks more heterogeneous than desirable. The following section presents an improved CAS design for the Upper Meta River, which should improve the precision of estimates of C and U as well as of E. TABLE 7. ESTIMATES OF TOTAL EFFORT (E), TOTAL CATCH (C), AND CATCH PER UNIT OF EFFORT (U) BY TIME BLOCKS AND FOR THE ENTIRE SURVEY YEAR (1978) ON THE UPPER META RIVER (RELATIVE STANDARD ERRORS (RSE) ARE ALSO GIVEN) Item Time Block A Time Block B Annual C (kg)= 537,758 533,608 1,071,366 (RSE) (22.4%) (44.4%) (25.1%) E (FEU-days) = 64,541 61,793 126,334 (RSE) (8.7%) (17.6%) (9.8%) U (kg/FEU/day) = 7.91 8.38 8.10 (RSE) (16.2%) (40.6%) (19.6%) CAS DESIGN FOR CONTINUED MONITORING OF THE UPPER META RIVER FISHERY Sampling designs can vary from relatively simple to highly complex. The complexity of the design depends on the purpose to which the survey is directed. Catch assessment surveys (CAS) on natural aquatic systems are directed toward obtaining unbiased or accurate estimates of total catch (C), total effort (E), and catch per unit of effort (U) on an annual basis. The system may be composed of distinct components, i.e., habitat types, population groups, and different approaches to fishing, for which independent estimates of C, E, and U are desired. Fishery managers are not only concerned with the accuracy of their estimates, but also with the precision or variability of their estimates. Highly variable estimates, i.e., estimates with relatively large standard errors, are of little value for management or research purposes. To provide relatively precise and thus useful estimates, the CAS design must take into account the natural variability within the system. Aquatic systems can be highly variable because of environmental fluctuations (seasonal changes for example) and the dynamics (growth, recruitment, and mortality) of the fish populations. Furthermore, the fishermen will respond to changes in the biological system as well as to social, economic, and cultural contingencies, thus adding another component of variability to the entire system 7 I Fishermen on the Meta River employ a variety of fishing gear: top -elderly man displays 'hook-lines' from a small dugout canoe; bottom -fisherman hurls a 30-foot diameter cast net. under study, i. e., the fishery. Thus, the CAS design mnay of necessity be relatively complex to account for, or statistically control, variability so that accurate and precise estimates of C, E, and Ui are forthcoming. 'Ihe gains, in terms of accuracy and precision, pr-ovided by an appropriately complex design mnay, in a real sense, be totally non-existent if the design necessitates resources (time, money, and manpower) that cannot reasonably be generated. In this sense, although gains may be sacrificed, the design should he practical in terms of government su~pport capabilities; a workable survey which endeavonrs to mionitor a fishery wxhich is, or is expected to be, a valuable resource is certainly better than no assessment at all. The primary consideration in this prop)osal, in terms of designing a CAS for continued monitoring of the Upper Meta River fishery, is that the design be appropriate relative to the support capabilities of INDERENA. Fortunately, this consideration does not appear to preclude the opportunity for obtaining estimates that are precise enough for management purposes as indicated by the relative standard errors associated with estimates of C, E, and U from the 1978 CAS (see section on "Precision Associated with Estimates of E, C, and U," page 9). The design presented here drawxs on the results of the 1978 CAS to stratify the sy'stem in a more efficient manner relative to the natural heterogeneity of the fishery in time and space. Although statistical terminology is highly developed, we hav e endeavored to present the design as simply as possible to facilitate its understandability and future application. Division of the System into Time Blocks and Geographical Strata Seasonal hydrological fluctuations in the riv er systems of Colombia have be"en wxell documented, espe~cially on the Magdalena River (1, 2, 3). These fluctuations are based on seasonal rainfall patterns which in turn determine biological patterns associated with the migratory behavior of the fish populations. Ultimately, the fishermen respond to these cyclical patterns so that estimates of C, E, and Ul tend to be highly variable during the hydrological year (defined here to be from April 1 to March 31). The survey design accounts for this seasonal variability by dividing the year into relatively homogeneous seasonal periods corresponding to the hydrological periods exhibited by the physical/biological system. Thus, on the Upper Meta River, the following seasonal strata or time blocks can be defined: A: rising water (April 1 May 31 =61 days) B3: high wsater (June 1 November 15 =168 days) C: falling water (November 16 -December 31 =46 days) D: low wsater (January 1 -March 31 =90 days) An indication of the changes which occur between these time blocks is given in figure 2, which shows seasonal fluctuations in river depth together with season fluctuations in daily weight (kilograms) of fish landed at Puerto Lopez (December 1977 March 1979). It is apparent that in terms of weight of fish landed per day, the shorter periods of rising and falling water represent tbe most intensiv e periodls of fishing success; the loxv and high water periods are of lesser importance, with the low water period producing slightly higher daily yields on the average than the high wsater period. V'ariability within the fishery is not only apparent seasonally, but is also expected geographically as influenced by differing river habitats, especially wxith reference to the main riser channel v ersus the tributaries. Unlike the Magdalena System, backwater lakes (cienegas) are not weldl developed on the Upper Meta River Sy stem and no fishing effort wxas observed in these y00 00 900 80o 700 600 500, 400 300 200 00o A 0 0 D J F MN D0 F M A M FIG. 2. Relation of Meta River water depth at Puerto Lopez to quantity of marketed fish, November 1 977-April 1979. Proposed time blocks (A-D) for fishery surveys are defined. \ 4 0 ly cath- Wate, depth - I I / I, I- Ir 'lagoons' during the 1977 frame survey. The current design thus calls for division of the Upper Meta System into only two geographical strata as follows: I: Main Meta River II: Tributaries The advantages of stratification are two-fold. First, independent estimates of C, E, and U obtained from each stratum (time blocks and geographical) may help to characterize the system in more detail, thus providing a better understanding of how different components of the system develop and function relative to one another. Second, because the strata represent relatively homogeneous segments of the system, estimates independently obtained within the segments are expected to be more precise (less variable) than if the entire system were to be sampled as a whole (4, Chapter 5). Sampling Within Time Blocks The practicalities associated with sampling the Upper Meta River during 1977 and 1978 suggest that it is not reasonable to expect that more than six samples can be taken within any given time block. Additionally, the time, manpower, and cost associated with getting out on the river dictate that it is not feasible to take only one sample during any given trip, but rather that two or three samples be taken; that is, two or three sampling trips should be planned so that a total of six samples is taken within each time block. It is reasonable to suggest that during the smaller time blocks (A and C), two trips of three samples each be planned and during the larger time blocks (B and D), three trips of two samples each be planned. Although the design calls for an equal number of samples within each time block, because the blocks are of different duration, sampling intensity actually differs from block to block. Specifically, sampling intensity on a daily basis is inversely proportional to the number of days within the time block. As an example, if the six samples were evenly spaced throughout each time block, samples would be taken as follows: Block A: one sample every 10 days Block B: one sample every 28 days Block C: one sample every 9 days Block D: one sample every 15 days Thus, blocks A and C are being sampled most intensively, which is justified and desirable because daily fishing intensity is the greatest during these two periods (rising and falling water). Block D will be sampled at an intermediate level and Block B at the lowest level, which correspond to intermediate and low levels of fishing success as indicated by daily catch rates from the Puerto Lopez landing, figure 2. This scheme allows more sampling effort to be expended during the most important periods of the year relative to daily catch landed. This is logical in terms of one of the primary goals of the survey, which is to estimate catch as accurately and precisely as possible. Theoretically, it is desirable that the sampling periods (the times during which sampling trips are made) should be randomly chosen within time blocks. However, past experience dictates that this is an unrealistic expectation since allocation of funds for field work will require an average of 3 to 4 weeks between survey trips. In lieu of randomization, then, it is suggested that sampling trips be as evenly spaced as possible within each time block. Because the exact dates of the annual hydrological periods will vary from year to year, it is further suggested that sampling trips within time blocks be scheduled according to observed changes in water level on the river rather than following preconceived fixed dates which may not be applicable in any given year. Sampling Within Geographical Strata There are two geographical strata, Main River (I) and Tributaries (II), within each time block. Thus, the six samples within any given time block must be allocated to Stratum I and Stratum II. Cochran (4, p. 98) gives three basic criteria for allocation of sampling effort: Within a given stratum take a larger sample if (1) the stratum is larger, (2) the stratum is more variable internally, and (3) sampling is cheaper in the stratum. These three criteria can be combined into a simple formula which basically says that relative sample size for a given stratum relative stratum size X relative variation - relative cost Table 8 gives values of relative stratum size, relative variation, and relative cost associated with the main river and tributary strata as estimated from the 1978 CAS. The appropriate measure of relative stratum size is taken to be the fraction of the total annual catch provided by each stratum; relative variation is measured as the coefficient of variation (CV) of total estimated catch; and relative cost is the fraction of total cost attributable to sampling each stratum (on a per sample basis). It is evident from the table that internal variation (CV) and relative cost per sample (CS) are roughly the same for the two strata so that relative sample size (RS) becomes primarily a function of relative catch (CA). The values for relative sample size show that roughly twice as many samples should be taken in the main river stratum as in the tributary stratum (0.23 2 X 0.13). Given that six samples are to be taken within each time block, the above information dictates that four samples should be taken from the main river stratum and two samples from the tributary stratum. This allocation of sampling effort is optimum in terms of relative size, variation, and cost per sample within the two respective strata. TABLE 8. VALUES OF RELATIVE CATCH (CA), RELATIVE VARIATION (CV), AND RELATIVE COST PER SAMPLE (CS) FOR THE MAIN RIVER AND TRIBUTARY STRATA (RELATIVE SAMPLE SIZE (RS) = CA X CV/'S) Stratum CA CV CS RS* I: main river ............ 0.65 0.66 0.47 0.25 II: tributaries ............. .35 .70 .53 .13 *RS values can only be interpreted relative to one another, i.e., roughly twice as many samples should be taken in Stratum I relative to Stratum II. Choosing River Sections and Tributaries for Sampling Purposes Thus far, the sampling design calls for taking six samples within each time block, two of which will be tributary samples and four of which will be main river samples. Thus, within each time block, two tributaries and four river sections must be chosen. Statistical validity dictates that tributaries and river sections should be chosen at random. It is logical that the more important tributaries, and likewise the more important river sections, should have a greater chance or probability of being chosen than areas of lesser importance. It is also logical that these probabilities should be proportional to the intensity of fishing exhibited in these areas. The easiest measure of fishing intensity is fishing effort expressed as number of canoes (or number of fishing economic units). However, where the relative number and kinds of fishing gear per canoe differ within the system, the FEU as a unit of effort can be misleading. In this case, relative catch would be a better measure of relative fishing intensity 11 Alb I 4tw '-a-,.j -~ MIII wxhere catch is a function of both number of canoes and] the fishing powxer per canoe (as wxell as all other env ironinental factors wxhich might cause differences in abundance or catchability of fishes betwveen sampling units). Catch data are available for the Upper MIeta River and its tributaries from the 1977 and 1978 survecys. Sampling probabilities can thus be based on the relativ e catch, or percentage of total catch, contributed by each tributary within the tribuitary' stratumn and each section wvithin the mai n risver stratum. These probabilities are given in table 9. The Upper Meta River xvas divided into six sections svhich we re each given an equal probability of being chosen for any gixven sample because the previous surv ey indicated that catch wxas fairly esvenly distributed along the entire uipper 111am river channel. TLE 9. PHO011-1 iIFS ANM) HA \noxi V ABEH R.A\;F s Fol H'ANi)OMii (iiooSiN. \F I A HixiEli SFC l IONS (S-1 AR xI \ ANM) 1\1)1\ IM) AL 'M 111IAHIFS (Sl-i' t xiii1), BAvsri oN\ i\ IA GvFCi-c ii His er section or tribmitarv Probabiit) Rnmr Stratum I 1: Boca (;max mriba - Pto. Lopezi....... 2: Pto. Lopez Boca bipia ............. 3: Boca I. ia Pto. Cuadal tpe........... 4: Pto. Guadaluipe -Boca \lanacacias ... 5: Boca \!anacacias - San Pedro ........ 6: San Pedro -Orocue ................ Stratum 11 1: 1Ithnnea............................... 2. Tua............................. 3: Pajmire ........................... 4: \Ietica .......................... 5: Cmiasuriba ....................... 6: l'pia ............................ 7: Socao ............................... 8: \anacacias ...................... 9: ('msiana ......................... 10: (raxo Stir ....................... 1-17 18-34 35-51 .52-68 69-85 86-00 19 10-56 57 58-68 69-73 74-81 82-84 85-89 90-95 96 (0O Riverside homes of fishermen are left high and dry during the low water season. During the high water season, these homes will frequently be inundated to depths of 12 meter or more. Probahilities associated wxith indiv idual tributaries vary considerably depending on their independent contributions to total catch. Table 9 also gives the randlom numbnler ranges app~ropriate for the giv en probabilities. That is, wxhen a tributary or mnain riv er section is being randomnly chosen for sample, the randomn number chosen from a randomn number table (betwxeen 1 and] 100) wxill necessarily fall into one of the ranges given in table 9: that particular range can then be associated with a particular tributary or riv er section using the table. Thus, for each timie block, four randomn numbers wxill be chosen to give four river sections wvithin Stratum I and two random numbers w~ill be choseni to giv e t Io tributaries wvithin Stratumi 11. This T.srn~i 10. TiIE 1980 SAMm iN(. S OF XLI O\ ITHF UPIT Mto Mi I Ri\ H (Ioms 11)1 ki, Ri ER SE I I IONS ANDI) 'T ARIES COiosl NA'] R.A~ioxi t'IM IN1 HEO PIM01 Atl BIi~is OVxEN I\TA I lo F) imeo block Stratm 1: M eta RiveCr* Stratum II: tributaries A I Upba 5 'Ilnt Craxo Stir IIuiiiea lua liia kan acacias I Iilitl 0 Riser section numbers correspond to those given iii table 9. * -*0 random sampling procedure (nonuniform probability sam- pling) was conducted to give the sampling schedule on the Upper Meta River for 1980, which is shown in table 10. PROPOSED METHOD OF CONDUCTING INITIAL SURVEYS OF OTHER MAJOR RIVERS IN LLANOS REGION Initial Surveys Nonuniform probability stratified random sampling can be applied to initial surveys of river systems other than the Upper Meta by the use of seasonal time blocks and geographical strata proposed in the previous section. Probabilities can be based on canoe (FEU) counts made during overflights of the proposed study areas prior to initiation of actual surveys. Time blocks can be defined based on Meta River information, assuming that similar hydrological cycles exist in all areas of the Llanos Orientales and that communities of fish and fishermen also respond in a similar manner. In new areas of study (the main Orinoco River or the Inirida River, for example) the initial year of sampling would entail allocating two-thirds of sampling effort to a main river stratum and one-third to a tributary stratum as proposed for the Upper Meta River. A practical sampling unit (SU) within a main river stratum might be a 50-kilometer section of main river, and sampling units within the tributary stratum can be defined on an individual tributary basis. The probability of sampling any given SU within a stratum will be proportional to the number of canoes counted in the pre-survey overflight in relation to the total number of canoes in the entire stratum. Tentatively, four samples could be taken in a main river stratum and two samples in a tributary stratum as suggested for the proposed Upper Meta River survey (page 11). Resulting data can be analyzed using the detailed methods presented in the section beginning on page 6. Follow-up Surveys The decision to: (1) use a sampling fraction of two-thirds in a main river stratum and one-third in a tributary stratum, (2) use only the two strata described above, (3) use aerial canoe counts to determine sampling probabilities, and (4) use four seasonal time blocks as previously defined, are based on results of the Upper Meta River survey and on the feasibility of obtaining canoe counts from overflights. After the initial year of a CAS in a given study area, the creation of new sampling probabilities will probably be warranted for future surveys. These new prob- abilities and possibly new time and space strata will serve to increase the precision of the resulting estimates of catch, effort, and catch per unit effort. Thus, as more reliable information becomes available, this information should be used to improve the sample survey designs. It is proposed that all major rivers of Colombia's Orinoco System other than the intensely sampled Upper Meta System be surveyed once in the next 10 years. We propose that catch assessment surveys be carried out in the following order: 1978 Upper Meta River (completed) 1979 Upper Guaviare River (in progress) 1980 Upper Meta River 1981 Lower Meta River 1982 Upper Meta River 1983 Lower Guaviare River FIG. 3. The Colombian Orinoco River System showing proposed cycle of catch assessment surveys over the 10-year period, 1979- 89. 1984 Upper Meta River 1985 Orinoco River and the tributaries Vichada and Tomo rivers 1986 Upper Meta River 1987 Inirida River 1988 Upper Meta River 1989 Arauca River These river systems and proposed cycling of survey work are shown in figure 3. As can be seen by the above 10-year survey plan, the Upper Meta River will be sampled in alternate, even- numbered years and other systems during odd-numbered years. This schedule will provide continuing information on the Upper Meta River so that short-term changes in the development of the fishery can be monitored. The other river systems, which we assume to presently have less important fisheries than the Upper Meta, will be sampled much less frequently, but adequately, considering their assumed lower level of exploitation and slower rate of development. It is hoped that after 1989, if sampling and administrative logistics improve, areas such as the Upper and Lower Meta, or the entire Guaviare and Inirida, can be incorporated into a single survey region so that the second round of surveys necessary for completion of surplus yield models (described in the following section) can be carried out more rapidly. USE OF THE GRAHAM-SCHAEFER SURPLUS PRODUCTION MODEL FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE UPPER META RIVER FISHERY Surplus yield models are particularly valuable in the early stages of a fishery investigation to make preliminary appraisals before more biological data are available. They are also important when biological data are scanty or nonexistent, but catch and effort data can be obtained. Their greatest advantage is that they require only catch and effort data for their 13 Substantial catch of large catfishes arriving at the Puerto Lopez municipal landing. The large fish being weighed is a valenton. application. The other primiary approaches to optimizing exploitation are the dynamic pool models, which attempt to describe an exploited population in terms of the basic parameters of recruitment, growth, and mortality. These paramneters are typically difficult and expensive to measure and in certain situations may not be measurable at all, such as with age and growth relationships in tropical ecosystems. The Graham-Schaefer surplus yield model postulates that recruitment, growth, and mortality are dependent on the fish population biomass (density dependent) such that these parameters can all be combined into a single common function. This function predicts the rate of population change based solely on the mean population size during a period of time when the population is stable or in equilibrium with the fishery, i.e., rates of growth and recruitment are exactly balanced by rates of natural and fishing mortality. M\lean population size is, in turn, assumed to be a function of fishing pressure; thus, a given population size or biomass has associated with it a certain level of fishing effort. The population size and its associated level of fishing effort determine the amount of yield available to the fishery. In a biological sense, this yield is the biomass over and above that needed to exactly replace the population and is thus termied surplus yield or surplus production. In theory, yield is taken to be a parabolic function of stock biomass as indicated in figure 4. The maximum stock biomass ( is the carrying capacity of the environment, or the population size which can be supported prior to the advent of fishing. Fishing acts to reduce B,a to some lower biomass (B) and the population then responds by producing surplus biomass in an effort to return to Bmax. This surplus biomass is available to the fishery as yield and if this surplus is harvested, the population biomass will remain stable at B. It is evident from the hypothetical curve in figure 4 that maximum surplus yield is attainable when the population biomass equals Bm,/2 or 50 percent of the carrying capacity of the unfished system. When B is reduced below by fishing, the yield falls below the maximum sustainable yield (MNISY), and if fishing pressure is not great enough so that B is greater than Bmax/2, then yield again falls below MISY. In terms of regulating a given fishery', it is obviously desirable to know B,,ax/2. More importantly, it is desirable to know the level of fishing effort associated with Bma/2. This level of fishing effort is the optimum level for the fishery (EoePT) and, if maintained, will theoretically provide MSY. Fortunately, it has been shown mathematically (6, section 13.3) that Eoepr can easily be determined by simply obtaining values of catch per unit effort (kilograms of fish caught per fishing unit U) and effort (E) during at least two periods when the fishery has stabilized, i.e., during at least two periods in which effort is constant, or changing only gradually. These periods should reasonably be at least 3 years in duration to ensure that the fish community utinder exploitation has come into biological equilibrium with the fish- ery. When the equilibrium values of U are regressed against the equilibrium values of E for the two (or more) equilibrium periods using the linear equation U = a - bE, then EOPT = a/2b. That is, the optimum level of fishing effort simply equals the y- FIG. 4. Diagram depicting yield as a parabolic function of stock biomass. Maximum sustained yield (MSY) and optimum fishing effort (E) are attained at Bax/2. See text for explanation. MSY BMAX/2 BMAX (EOPT) Stock Biomoss Improvement of the road from Puerto Lopez to Villavicencio will increase accessibility of fish harvested from the Upper Meta River to population centers in Villavicencio and Bogota. As a result, fishing pressure will likely increase dramatically in the near future. intercept (a) divided by 2 times the slope (b) where a and b are determined from the linear regression equation. Additionally, the maximum sustainable yield can be calculated as MSY a 2 /4b. The general difficulty with using the above approach is that the development or expansion of the fishery may be so rapid that equilibrium periods, or periods when effort is relatively constant for a minimum of 3 years, may not be forthcoming. I lowever, it appears that the commercial fishery on the Upper Meta River has remained stable over the past few years so that the estimates of E and U from the 1978 CAS can be used as the first set of equilibrium values. These values (rounded off), from table 7, are: E = 126,300 ? 12,400 FEU-days U = 8.10 ? 1.60 kg/FEU/day It is likely that a second set of equilibrium values of E and U will be forthcoming in the near future with the paving of the road from Villavicencio to Puerto Lopez. Improvement of transportation systems stimulate increased supply and demnand and eventually lead to increased exploitation of the fishery resource. When the road from Villavicencio to Puerto Lopez is paved, the ease with which fish can be transported to Villavicencio and Bogota will be greatly increased. The demand for fish is high in these areas and because fish prices increase as distance from the resource increases, fishermen will be encouraged to increase fish supply, i.e., to increase exploitation. Th ultimate predicted result is that fishing effort will take a quantumn leap on the Upper Meta River when the road is paved; the situation will then be ideal for obtaining another set of equilibrium values of E and 1' (assuming that the fishery again stabilizes). It thus appears that the current situation, in terms of future development plans in the Llanos Orientales, is ideal for use of the surplus yield model as a management tool. It should be stressed that, given the present state of knowledge concerning the dynamics of the fish community in the Meta River, the surplus yield approach is the only method available for estimating an optimal level of fishing effort and its associated MSY. The method may be overly simplistic, but it has been applied to multi-species stocks in African lakes with promising results (8). REFERENCES (1) BAzi(;()s, (. P., J. M. KAPETSK A\ Ni) J. iA\A ()Dos. 1975. Integrated Sampling Designs for the Complex Inland Fishery of the Magdalena River Basin, Colombia. FI:)DP/COL/72/552 Working Paper No.4. 58 pp. (2) , Ax)nJ. Es(m)BAI 1977. The Present State of the Fishery of the Magdalena River Basin, Colombia. FI:DP/COL/72 552 Working Paper No. 2. 30 pp). (3) Cii\I'si\, 1). V . 1977. Total lHarvest and Economic Value of the Fisher of the Rio Magdalena and Flood Plain System. Final Report to FA()O/C(OL 552. (4) ConIt \,, w. G. 1977. Sampling Techniques. John WViley and Sons, New York. 428 pp. (5) MAIAES'I' To S. P., %V. D. DAVIES. AN)\W. L. SIIELTON. 1978. An Evaluation of the Roving Creel Survey with Nonuniformn Probability Sampling. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 108:257-262. (6) RItCKElt, W. E. 1975. Computation and Interpretation of Biological Statistics of Fish Populations. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Bull. 191. 382 pp. (7) Sc i,,. H. J., J. F. G(;HAZ ,, M. A. Tolmu,:s \ ) M. C. B1_\(:() 1980. Management of the t'pper Meta Hiver Food-Fish Fishery. 'pper Meta River Investigations (Part 1) Report to INDERENA, Bogota, Colombia, USAID, AID/LA-C-1176. 110 pp. (8) T \iI J. L. 1978. Status of Various Multispecies Fish- eries of Lake Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi Based on Catch and Effort Data. Pages 4-15 in R. L. X\ elcominme, ed. Syn i)posium on River and Flood Plain Fisheries in Africa. CIFA Technical Paper No. 5. Food and Agricul- tural (O)rganization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. (9) RVElcotitE, 1. L. 1976. Some General and Theoretical Considerations on the Fish Yield of African Rivers. J. Fish. Biol. 8:351-364.