34! , IA MUNI~ EI~~ P~ I AUBURN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ~ Ni 3D 1 0 003HCI31 6 3 1706 002 331 60 A grcutur~ tatistics 41A 4965-71 REV4 -;VPRELIMINARY 11 ,IlIL4M CROP RIJ)OR TIA\ & IS RIC iS DATE D UE ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATITI 1965-71 Revised 1972 Preliminary AL.ABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES M.D. "Pete" GILMER, Comriissioner McMILLIAN LANE, Assistant Commissioner cooperating with UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Statistical Reporting Service HARRY C. TRELOGAN, Administrator Issued November 1973, by Alabama Crop and Livestock Reporting Service Donald B. Jones, Statistician in Charge John D. Witzig, Asst. Statistician in Charge 831 Aronov Building 474 South Court Street Montgomery, Alabama 36104 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Contents The Commissioner Speaks ...... Forward ................ CROPS Review, 1972 ......... . Alabama's rank among States . . Distribution of corn, cotton, and soybeans by counties (maps) Principle crops of production, acres, yield and value . . . . . . Principle crops, production, --disposition and value of sales . . County estimates Corn .................. Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peanuts .............. Soybeans . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheat . . . . . . . . . ..... Land in farms by counties (map) Number of farms by counties (map) . . . . . . . . . Page Page S. . 3 Dairy . . .4 Milk cow inventory, milk production and income .. . . .106 Milk cow inventory and . . .5 milk production by months . .. 107 S. .6 Production of manufactured dairy products .. . . . . . . . .108 .. 7 a .10 S.18 S. 20 S. 36 .52 S. 56 S. 64 S. 80 S. 81 LIVESTOCK AND DAIRY Review, 1972 ............. 82 Cattle and Calves Inventory, production, disposition and income 83 Commercial slaughter . . . . . . . . . 85 County estimates . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Distribution by counties (maps) . . . 95 Hogs and Pigs: Pig Crop, inventory, production, disposition and income . . . . . . 98 Commercial slaughter . . . . . . . . 99 County estimates . . . . . . . . . . 100 Distribution by counties (map) . . 104 Sheep and Lambs Inventory, production and income ............... 105 Wool production and income . . . 105 Bees and honey Number of colonies, production and income from honey ...... 106 POULTRY Review, 1972 ............ 109 Inventory of chickens on farms ................. 110 Layers, rate of lay and egg production, by months . . . . . . 111 Farm production, disposition and income ............. 113 Chicks hatched, by months . . . . . 114 Brioler-type eggs set, chicks hatched and placed, by weeks . . 115 Turkey production and gross income . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Distribution of layers by counties (map) . . . . . . . . . . . 123 County estimates Hens and pullets of laying age . . 120 All chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 PRICES AND FARM LABOR Review, 1972 ........ Indexes of prices received . Prices received for crops . . Prices received for livestock Prices received for poultry . Prices paid for feed . . . . . Farm workers and wage rates .. . 127 .. . 128 . .. 129 ... 131 ... 132 .. ..133 . .. 135 FARM INCOME Review, 1972 ............. 137 Cash receipts from farm marketings ............. 138 Gross and net farm income . . . . . 140 Source of cash receipts . . . . . . . 141 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS The Commissioner Speaks The Department of Agriculture and Industries is very proud of the great strides that have been made in Alabama agriculture in recent years and we are especially proud of the part this department has had in the orderly and healthy development of our agriculture and agri-business. We feel our agriculture is basically sound and our growth potential is unlimited. The great growth we have experienced in recent years can be seen in the figures in this bulletin, which is one of a continuing series of the Alabama Agricultural Statistics Division. We were happy to cooperate with the United States Department of Agriculture in providing this important tool to our farmers, agricultural leaders and the agri-business community. The information contained in this Bulletin not only shows how far we have come, but it gives an indication of the direction in which we are headed and should be invaluable in helping everyone in agriculture to determine the direction of their future efforts. With the great changes in agricultural needs and demands world-wide in recent years, we have seen the importance of accurate agricultural data in determining the production of food and fiber. Your job as a reporter for the Alabama Crop and Livestock Reporting Service is becoming more important. If a great number of you made serious errors in judgement, it could alter the state and national picture greatly. I urge you to continue the fine job you have done over the years. Your job is most important and you can be assured that your efforts are appreciated by many. This Bulletin is an illustration of the many ways we in the State Department of Agriculture and Industries cooperate with the United State3 Department of Agriculture and other agencies and organizations to avoid duplication of effort and to provide efficient and beneficial service to the agricultural and agri-business interest. This Bulletin contains impartial information that is as accurate as our system can provide. We sincerely hope that it will be of value to everyone. Sincerely yours, "3 ,, M.D. "Pete" Gilmer Commissioner ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS FOREWORD This issue of Alabama Agricultural Statistics is the fifteenth in a.se'ries started in 1948. Bulletins in this series bring together under one cover a summary of the various reports prepared and published by the Alabama Crop and Livestock Reporting Service during the year. This bulletin revises the series of data from 1965 to 1971 and carries preliminary estimates for 1972 and January 1, 1973 inventories. Data presented in this bulletin are developed primarily from sample surveys. In recent years information furnished by volunteer reporters has been supplemented by enumera- tive surveys based on area and list samples. As agriculture becomes more specialized and concentrated on fewer farms, samples used in preparing agricultural estimates must be more scientifically designed. Basic statistical information, such as presented in this bulletin, is important to all who make plans and decisions relative to ever changing agriculture. Producers need basic information in making production, marketing and storage plans. Other users of agricultural data include farm organizations and cooperatives; transportation agencies; processors and storage companies; manufacturers and agribusinessmen who provide goods and services to producers; insurance companies; credit agencies; agricultural colleges; research workers and personnel of local, State and Federal governments. Special recognition and thanks are given to all who have made this bulletin possible by reporting voluntarily to us. We acknowledge the help of many Alabama farmers, dealers, processors, hatcherymen, merchants, and others who have cooperated in providing basic information on the State's agriculture. Sincerely, Dofialdfl. Jones Statistician in Charge ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS CROP REVIEW, 1972 by William T. Placke The value of principal crops produced by Alabama farmers during 1972 totaled $296.3 million, down 3 percent from the $304.8 million placed on the 1971 outturn. Decreased production from a year earlier of all crops except Irish potatoes, commercial vegetables and peaches was largely responsible for this decline. Higher prices for most crops, however, limited the decrease in value, as cotton lint, cottonseed, wheat, Irish potatoes and peaches were the only crops to register a decline in price from the previous year. Value of production was above 1971 for corn, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, tobacco, soybeans, tall fescue seed, commercial vegetables and peaches. Cotton remained as the State's most valuable crop, followed by soybeans, peanuts, corn and hay. Alabama farmers harvested principal crops from 2,884,000 acres, down 2 percent from the 2,956,000 acres harvested in 1971. Largely responsible for the decrease were fewer acres of corn, sorghum grain and hay. Sorghum grain acreage harvested for all purposes was down sharply from the record-high harvest in 1971 when farmers shifted to so ghum for grain following the blight-reduced corn crop a year earlier. Soybean acreage harvested for beans in 1972, however, passed the record-high acreage harvested a year earlier. Harvested acreage of cotton and commercial vegetables was also up from 1971. Dry weather during the growing season and wet weather during harvest reduced yield per acre for most crops from a year earlier. Rust caused extensive damage to small grains, particularly wheat, and yields were the lowest on record since 1957. Cotton yield was significantly below the record-high yield established in 1971 with yield for peanuts down moderately from the record yield established the previous year. The 1972 soybean yield was considerably below the near record yield a year earlier. Corn yield in 1972 remained the same as the previous year and was surpassed only by the record-high yield established in 1967. Irish potatoes, tobacco, crimson clover, snap beans and tomatoes were the only crops in 1972 showing an increase in yield from the previous year. Alabama farmers generally made good progress with spring fieldwork and planting of row crops got off to an early start. Open weather prevailed during most of the planting season and this operation was completed on schedule. Adequate moisture brought crops up to a good stand and generally conditions were favorable during early stages of plant growth. In mid-June, a brief period of dry weather staggered the favorable potential for crops, but rains from Hurricane Agnes quickly restored soil moisture. Conditions remained favorable for awhile and the outlook was again bright. Crops never looked better on August 1, but at mid-month dry weather set in over most of the State, primarily in central and southern counties. Prospects for crops took a turn for the worse. The dry conditions prevailed during September and most of October. Harvest began on schedule and made good progress until rains came the last part of October. From that time, harvest of cotton, corn-and soybeans was slow, especially in north Alabama where rainfall was the heaviest. Alabama's cotton crop got off to a slow start and unseasonably cooi temperatures slowed germination of seeds, especially in north Alabama. The crop, however, made good progress once hot weather came. Development of cotton was generally good until dry weather set in during August. Bolls opened prematurely in many fields, especially in southern and central counties, and much of the "top-crop" did not develop. A few timely rains, however, maintained prospects for the north Alabama crop. Harvest got underway the middle of August in southern and central counties and the "first bale" was ginned August 15.: Cotton harvest soon took priority and good progress was made until mid-October. From then, continued rains reduced production and deteriorated grades, more so in north Alabama than in other parts of the State where harvest was more advanced. Harvest of the 1972 cotton crop ran well into the following year. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Planting of the 1972 corn crop was slowed by frequent rains during early spring. When open weather prevailed, however, planting made good progress and virtually all acreage was seeded by the last of May. The crop generally made favorable development, but earliest plantings suffered damage from a short period of dry weather just prior to Hurricane Agnes. Moisture was sufficient throughout the fruiting stage to push late corn to maturity. Harvest began on schedule, but soon took second priority to cotton. By mid-December only a small portion of the crop was still in the field. Prospects for soybeans were excellent until dry weather in August and September caught beans in the critical pod-filling stage. The late crop was especially hard hit. Combining started in south Alabama the last part of September and gradually moved up-State as beans matured. Rains and wet fields delayed completion of harvest, especially in northern counties, and yields were reduced considerably. Growers were very optimistic about the 1972 peanut crop early in the season. Planting was completed on schedule and excellent progress was made controlling grass, weeds, insects and leafspot. Prospects continued favorable until early August. Rains needed to "finish" the crop did not materialize and growers were forced to dig peanuts before they could put on additional tonnage. Harvest was completed without much difficulty. The weather man was a very stubborn creature in 1972 and conditions for many of the other principal crops were about the same as for cotton, corn, soybeans and peanuts. When crops needed moisture, rains did not come. Conversely, there were too many rainy days at harvest time. Alabama's rank among States: Production of major crops 1965-72 Crop 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Cotton 5 6 8 7 7 6 5 7 Corn 17 17 18 19 22 23 22 21 Soybeans 20 19 15 16 15 16 15 16 Peanuts 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 4 Hay 34 34 35 35 36 33 36 36 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage harvested for grian, 1972, with ranking of five leading counties S Under 1,999 S 2,000 - 4,999 5,000 - 9,999 10,000 - 19,999 20,000 and over GULF O EICO ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage harvested, 1972, with ranking of five leading counties A 4 v A V 5' ~~I 'J AWj KER~ CLAJ'jC rfA ~t~t=;=;;:~ ;f ~ A L I Under 999 1,000 - 4 5,000 - 9 10,000 -1 20,000 an( '999 1999 19,999 d over SUL or MEXICO ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Soybeans: Acreage harvested for beans, 1972, with ranking of five leading counties Under 999 1,000 - 4,999 5,000 - 9,999 10,000 - 29,999 30,000 and over*IF OF MEXICO 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Principal crops: Acreage, yield, production, price and value of production, 1972 Yield Season Value Acreage Acreage per average of, Unit planted harvested harvested Production price produc- acre tion - 1,000 Acres General Crops Corn, all Corn grain Bu. Corn silage Ton Corn foragel Winter wheat Bu. Oats Bu. Sorghum, all Sorghum grain Bu. Sorghum silage Ton Sorghum forage 1 2 Ton Hay, all Ton Cotton lint 3 Lb, Cottonseed Ton Irish potatoes, all Cwt. Spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweetpotatoes Cwt. Tobacco, type 14 Lb. Legumes Soybeans, all - Soybeans for beans Bu. Peanuts, all - Peanuts for nuts Lb. Seeds 5 Crimson clover Lespedeza 6 Tall fescue Lb. Lb. Lb. Vegetables, Fresh Market 4 Snap beans, all - Cwt. Mid-spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweet corn Cwt. Tomatoes Cwt. Watermelons Cwt. Fruits and Nuts Peaches Lb. Pecans, all Lb. Pecans, improved Lb. Pecans, seedling Lb. 631 161 90 56 601 17.0 9.0 8.0 4.8 1,000 1,000 Unit Units Dollars Dols. 625 - - 545 45.0 24,525 1.43 35,071 50 11.0 550 - - 30 - - - - 108 19.0 2,052 1.35 2,770 18 31.0 558 .84 469 53 - - - - 31 32.0 992 1.10 1,091 13 10.5 137 - - 9 - -- 508 1.60 814 30.50 24,827 580 470 567 .279 75,985 - - 232 44.70 10,370 17.0 143 2,435 2.97 7,233 9.0 155 1,395 2.65 3,697 8.0 130 1,040 3.40 3,536 4.8 85 408 6.75 2,754 520 1,780 926 .840 778 780 - . - 733 21.0 15,393 3.70 56,954 201 ..- - -- 197 1,870 368,390 .145 53,417 .9 140 126 26.50 33 - 10.0 170 1,700 17.00 289 1,400 800 600 4,000 8,700 14,500 1,400 800 600 3,900 8,700 14,500 29 40 17.10 684 21 17 16.00 272 39 23 17.90 412 63 246 6.32 1,555 68 592 13.90 8,229 80 1,160 2.37 2,749 - 24,000 .1120 2,688 - 20,000 .420 8,390 - 17,000 .430 7,310 - 3,000 .360 1,080 t Includes hogged, grazed and cut for feed without removing for grain. 3Yield and production estimates discontinued with 1968 crop. 4Production in 480 pound net weight bales. 5 Actual acres. 6Price in dollars per hundredweight on clean weight basis. Estimates discontinued with 1971 crop. Crop ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Prnc ipal crops: Acreage, yield, productionrcead value of production, 1971 ieldValue UntAcreage Acreage perSesn o planted 'harvested harvested Prdcio pvrae produc- I acre pie tion -1,000 Acres- Unit 1,000 D ollas1,000 Unt Units Dlas Dols. General Crops Corn, all Corn grain Bu. Corn silage Ton Corn forage 1 Winter wheat Bu. Oats Bu. Sorghum, all Sorghum grain Bu. Sorghum silage1 Ton Sorghum forage 1 Ton Hay, all Ton Cdtton lint 3 Lb. Cottonseed Ton Irish potatoes,al Cwt. Spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweetpotatoes Cwt. Tobac Ico, type 144 Lb., Legumes Soybeans, all- Soybeans for beans Bu. Peanuts, all- Peanuts for nuts Lb. Seeds 5 Crimson clover Lespedeza Tall fescue Vegetables, Fresh Market 4 Snap beans., all Mid-spring Summer Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons Lb. Lb. Lb. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 699 164 116' 579 17.4 8.7 8.7 5.0 680 199 1,260 560 700 2,300 8,200 13,500 692 - 626 45.0 30 11.0 36 - 120 29.0 36 44.0 106 - 70 37.0 21 10.5 15 - 535 1.70 558 551 17.2 104 8.7 115 8.5 93 5.0 85 590 1,755 655 26.0 194 2,070 1.2 120 2.2 215 9.8 210 1,260 560 700 2,300 7,400 13,500 27 25 28 65 46 85 Fruits and Nuts Peaches Lb. 'Pecans, all Lb. Pecans, improved Lb. Pecans, seedling Lb. 28,170 1.17 32,959 330 - - 3,480 1.48 5,150 1,584 .80 1,267 2,590 .95 2,461 221 - - 912 28.50-25,992 640 .281 86,225 256 51*00 13,056 1,792 3.10 5,1560 1,001 3.65 3,654 791 2.41 1,906 425 5.96 2,533 1,035 .730 756 17,030 2.92 49,728 401,580 .138 55,418 144 25.00 36 473 25.00 118 2,058 12.00 247 34 14.15 481 14 10.10 141 20 17.00 340 150 6.22 933 340 12.80 4,352 1,148 2.29 2,629 16,000 .1270 2,032 37,wQOO .347 12,840 29,-.000 .360 10,440 8,000 .300 2,400 Crop e hogged, grazed and cut for feed without removing for grain. 2 Yield and production estimates discontinued with 1968 crop. Production in 480 pound net weight bales. 5 Actual acres. Price in dollars per hundredweight on clean weight basis. I I - I 12 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Principal crops.: Acreage, yield, production, price and value of production, 1970 Crop Yield Season Value Unit Acreage Acreage per of Unit planted harvested harvested Production average prouc- acre tion - 1,000 Acres - General Crops Corn, all Corn grain Bu. Corn silage Ton Corn forage 1 Winter wheat Bu. Oats Bu. Sorghum, all Sorghum grain Bu. Sorghum silage Ton Sorghum foragel 2 Ton Hay, all 3 Ton Cotton lint Lb. Cottonseed Ton Irish potatoes, all Cwt. Spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweetpotatoes 4 Cwt. Tobacco, type 14 Lb. Legumes Soybeans, all - Soybeans for beans Bu. Peanuts, all - Peanuts for nuts Lb. Seeds 5 Crimson clover Lespedeza Tall fescue Vegetables, Fresh Market 4 Snap beans, all Mid-spring Summer Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons Lb. Lb. Lb. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 699 120 119 54 565 16.7 7.9 8.8 4.8 625 195 1,300 600 700 2,800 8,000 14,000 Unit 1,000 1Dollars ,000 Unit Units Dollars Dols. 640 - - 555 26.5 14,708 1.58 23,239 39 9.5 371 - - 46 - - 85 28.0 2,380 1.26 2,999 31 40.0 1,240 .79 980 50 - -- 22 34.0 748 1.23 920 20 9.5 190 - - 8 536 1.74 930 28.00 26,040 538 453 507 .229 55,863 - - 204 50.80 10,363 16.7 127 2,127 3.94 8,380 7.9 130 1,027 4.09 4,200 8.8 125 1,100 3.80 4,180 4.8 83 398 6.35 2,527 570 1,565 892 .710 633 600 23.0 13,800 2.82 38,916 190 1,660 315,400 .128 40,371 2.2 120 264 22.00 58 2.0 220 440 23.00 87 11.5 200 2,300 11.00 253 1,300 600 700 2,800 7,800 14,000 Fruits and NutsLb. Peaches Lb. Pecans, all Pecans, improved Lb. Pecans, seedling Lb. 28 23 31 70 53 87 36 12..1 436 14 12.40 174 22 11.90 262 196 5.77 1,131 413 10.70 4,419 1,218 1.83 2,229 - 20,000 .0965 1930 - 15,000 .378 5,665 - 11,300 .390 4,407 - 3,700 .340 1,258 SIncludes hogged, grazed and cut for feed without removing for grain. 2 Yield and production estimates discontinued with 1968 crop. 3Production in 480 pound net weight bales. 4 Actual acres. S Price in dollars per hundredweight on clean weight basis. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 13 Principal crops: Acreage, yield, production, price and value of production, 1969 Yield Season Value Acreage Acreage per Production aeae o Unit planted harvestedl harvested avrae pofuc acre tion - 1,000 Acres - General Crops Corn, all Corn grain Bu. Corn silage Ton Corn forage Winter wheat Bu. Oats Bu. Sorghum, all Sorghum grain Bu. Sorghum sllage1 Ton Sorghum forage 1 ,2Ton I,4y all Ton Cotton lint 3 Lb. Cottonseed Ton Irish potatoes., all Cwt. Spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweetpotatoes Cwt. Tobacco,, type 144 Lb. Legumes Soybeans, all- .Soybe ans for beans Bu. Peanuts, all- IPeanuts for nuts Lb. 785 123 121 42 566 18.7 10.3 8.4 5.3 660 192 758 654 54 50 87 32 39 17 15 7 521 540 18.2 9.8 8.4 5.3 530 630 187 Unit 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Unt Units Dols. 33.0 10.0 29.0 44.0 34.0 11.5 1.68 409 124 120 128 88 1,510 22.5 1,525 21,582 540 2,523 1,408 578 173 876 460 181 2,251 1,176 1,075 466 800 14,175 285,175 1.36 29,352 1.20 3,028 .80 1,126 1.04 601 28.00 24,528 .220 48,617 40.20 7,276 2.74 6,)154- 2.92 3,434 2.53 2,720 5.18 2,414 .660 528 2.31 32,744 .117 33,365 Seeds 5 Crimson clover Lespedeza Tall fescue Vegetables, Fresh Market 4 Snap beans, all Mid-spring Summer Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons Lb. Lb. Lb. Cwt. 1,400 Cwt. 650 Cwt. 750 Cwt. 3,100 Cwt. 7,700 Cwt. 15,000 2.7 135 2.8 240 12.5 210 1,400 650 750 3,000 7,700 13,500 27 23 31 55 60 85 Fruits and Nuts Peaches Lb. Pecans, allLb. Pecans, improved Lb. Pecans, seedllng Lb. 365 27.00 99 672 23.50 158 2,625 17.00 446 38 15 23 165 462 1,148 33,000 33,500 27,000 6,500 15.05 572 14.30 215 15.50 357 4.59 757 9.73 4,495 1.71 1,963 .0785 2,591 .290 9,725 .300 8,100 .250 1,625 Crop e hogged, grazed and cut for feed without removing for grain. 3Yield and production estimates discontinued with 1968 crop. ~Production in 480 poun4 net weight bales. 4 Actual acres. Price in dollars per hundredweight on clean weight basis. 14 ALABAMA AGRICULTU RAL STATISTICS Principal crops: Acreage, yield, production, price and value of production, 1968 Yield Season Value Unt Acreage Acreage per pouto average of Planted ha rvoested harvested Pouto price produc- acre IItion - 1,000 Acres - 1,000 1,000 Unt Units Dlas Dols. General Crops Corn, all Corn grain Bu. Corn silage Ton Corn forage' Winter wheat Bu. Oats Ru. Sorghum, all Sorghum grain Bu. Sorghum silage Ton Sorghum forage Ton Hjay, all Ton Cott on lint2 Lb. Cottonseed Ton Irish potatoes, all Cwt. Spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweetpotatoes Cwt. Tobacco, type 14 3 Lb. Legumes Soybeans, all- Soybeans for beans Bu. Peanuts, all- Peanuts for nuts Lb. Seeds 4 Crimson clover Lespedeza tall fescue Vegetables, Fresh Market 3 Snap beans, all Mid-spring Summer Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons Lb. Lb. Lb. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 831 144 127 39 555 19.2 11.0 8.2 5.4 580 186 1,450 700 750 3,500 8,000 15,200 815 711 36.0 62 9.5 42 - 111 25.0 31 36.0 36 10 28.0 16 9.5 10 1.85 510 1.55 525 362 18.5 124 10.5 130 8.0 115 5.4 87 520 1,700 550 22.0 181 1,360 4.5 125 2.0 160 11.0 225 1,450 700 750 3,200 8,000 14,500 26 23 29 45 53 90 Fruits and Nuts Peaches Lb. Pecans, all Lb. Pecans, improved Lb. Pecans,seedling Lb. 25,596 1.18 30,203 589 - - 2,775 1.20 3,330 1,116 .80 893 280 .98 274 152 - - 19 - - 791 28.00 22,148 396 .246 46,807 166 48.00 7,968 2,285 2.77 -6,337 1,365 2.58 3,522 920 3.06 2,815 470 5.52 2,594 884 .585 517 12,100 2.42 29,282 246,160 .117 28,801 562 29.00 163 320 29.50 94 2,475 14.50 359 38 13.18 501 16 13.70 219 22 12.80 282 144 5.20 749 424 10.80 4,579 1,305 1.80 2,349 22,000 .0655 1,441 31,500 .410 12,910 27,500 .420 11,550 4,000 .340 1,360 Crop Includes hogged, grazed and cut for feed without removing for grain. 3Production in 480 pound net weight bales. 4 Actual acres. Price in dollars per hundredweight on clean weight basis. I 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 15 Pincipal crops: Acreage, yield, production, price and value of production, 1967 Yield Season Value Unit Acreage Acreage r Production average of Planted harvested harvestedprice produc- acre tion - 1,000 Acres - General Crops Corn, all Corn grain Bu. Corn silage 1 Ton Corn forage Winter wheat Bu. Oats Bu. Sorghum, all Sorghum grain Bu. Sorghum silage Ton Sorghum forage Ton Hay, all Ton Cotton int 2 Lb. Cottonseed Ton Irish potatoes, all Cwt. Spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweetpotatoes 3 Cwt. Tobacco, type 14 Lb. Legumes Soybeans, all - Soybeans for beans Bu. Peanuts, all - Peanuts for nuts Lb. Seeds 4 Crimson clover Lespedeza Tall fescue Lb. Lb. Lb. Vegetables, Fresh Market 3 Snap beans, all Cwt. Mid-spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweet corn Cwt. Tomatoes Cwt. Watermelons Cwt. Fruits and Nuts Peaches Lb. Pecans, all Lb. Pecans, improved Lb. Pecans, seedling Lb. 1,023 130 143 42 513 21.0 15.0 6.0 5.8 512 183- 183 1,500 700 800 2,500 7,000 13,000 Unit 1 Dollars 100 1,015 - - - - 899 47.0 42,253 1.16 49,013 74 11.5 851 - - 42 - - - - 112 24.0 2,688 1.49 4,005 33 36.0 1,188 .84 998 39 - - - - 8 35.0 280 1.09 305 21 11.0 231 - - 10 1.80 18 - - 499 1.66 826 25.50 21,063 340 282 200 .269 25,793 - - 86 51.60 4,438 19.4 132 2,552 2.54 6,484 13.4 130 1,742 2.35 4,094 6.0 135 810 2.95 2,390 5.8 80 464 5.76 2,673 560 1,800 1,008 .655 660 484 26.5 12,826 2.50 32,065 176 1,340 235,840 .112 26,414 5.0 90 450 29.50 133 4.0 190 760 30.00 228 9.0 210 1890 12.50 236 1,500 29 43 11.81 508 700 27 19 11.20 213 800 30 24 12.30 295 2,500 50 125 6.80 850 7,000 60 420 10.20 4,284 13,000 100 1,300 2.00 2,600 - - 30,000 .0690 2,070 - - 28,000 .341 9,540 - - 21,500 .350 7,525 - - 6,500 .310 2,015 Crop Includes hogged, grazed and cut for feed without removing for grain. 2 Production in 480 pound net weight basis. 4 Actual acres. Price in dollars per hundredweight on clean weight basis. , 16 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Principal crops: Acreage, yield, production, price and value of production, 1966 Crop Yield Season Value Ui!I Acreage Acreage per Production average o planted harvested harvested price produc- .acre tion -1,000 Acres- General Crops Corn, all Corn grain Bu. Corn silage Ton Corn forage Winter wheat Bu. Oats Bu. Sorghum, all Sorghum grain Bu. Sorghum sllage,1 Ton Sorghum forage Ton Hay, all 2To Cotton lint Lb. Cottonseed Ton Irish potatoes, all Cwt. Spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweetpotatoes 3 Cwt. Tobacco, type 14 Lb. Leguma-s Soybeans, all- Soybeans for beans Bu. Peanuts, all- Peanuts for nuts Lb. Seeds' Crimson clover Lespedeza Tall fescue Vegetables, Fresh Market 3 Snap beans, all Mid-spring Summer Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons Lb. Lb. Lb. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 991 71 137 41 589 2 3.1 17.0 6.1 5.8 Unit 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Units Dols. 981 - 872 34.0 59 9.0 50 - 59 28.0 36 39.0 38 - 7 30.0 18 10.0 13 1.75 523 1.46 564 392 20.7 146 14.6 155 6.1 126 5.8 75 600 1,1635 310 - 280 24.5 193 - - - 186 1,220 - 6.5 - 3.5 - 11.5 1,550 700 850 2,500 4,700 13,000 1,550 700 850 2,500 4,700 13,000 Fruits and Nuts Peaches Lb. Pecans, all Lb. Pecans, improved Lb. Pecans, seedllng Lb. 100 210 200 29,648 1.46 43,286 531 - - 1,652 1.63 2,693 1,404 .83 1,165 210 1.15 242 180 - - 23 - - 765 25.50 19,508 460 .215 47,580 190 62.40 11,856 3,032 1.62 4,899 2,263 1.58 3,576 769 1.72 1,323 435 5.14 2,236 981 .675 662 6,860 2.81 19,277 226,920 .111 25,188 650 26.50 172 735 23.00 169 2,300 11.00 253 23 36 11.44 412 22 15 10.70 160 25 21 12.00 252 50 125 4.95 619 63 296 7.53 2,229 95 1,235 1.75 2,161 - 20,000 .0810 1,620 - 26,500 .292 7,750 - 22,500 .300 6,750 - 4,000 .250 1,000 hogged, grazed and cut for feed without removing for grain. 3Production in 480 pound net weight basis. 4 Actual acres. Price in dollars per hundredweight on clean weight basis. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 17 Principal crops: Acreage, yield, production, pice and value of production, 196S Yield SasnValue Unit Acreage Acreage per SPoucinaeaon of Planted harvested. harveste'Poutnavrgpodc ILacre price protucn -1,000 Acres - Unit , _ Dollars L,0O Units Dols. General Crops Corn, all Corn grain Bu. Corn silage1 Ton Corn forage Winter wheat Bu. Oats Bu. Sorghum, all Sorghum grain Bu. Sorghum silage Ton Sorghum forage Ton Hay, all 2 Ton Cotton lint Lb. Cottonseed Ton Irish potatoes, all Cwt. Spring Cwt. Summer Cwt. Sweetpotatoes 3 Cwt. Tobacco, type 14 Lb. Legumes Soybeans, all- Soybeans for beans' Bu. Peanuts, all- Peanuts for nuts Lb. Seeds t Crimson clover Lespedeza Tall fescue Vegetables, Fresh Market 3 Snap. beans, all Mid-spring Summer Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons Lb. Lb. Lb. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 1,038 68 179 41 830 20.9 15.3 5.6 6.4 1,033 945 50 38 55 40 38 10 16 12 563 809 20.4 15.0 5.4 6.4 500 43.0 9.0 24.5 35.0 27.0 10.0 1.70 1.50 505 115 117 110 78 1,595 257 - 228 22.0 202 - - - 194 1,330 - 9.0 130 - 3.5 175 - 7.0 190 1,700 700 1000 2,800 4,000 13,700 1,600 700 900 2,300 4,000 13,700 26 20 30 47 65 95 40,635 1.24 50,387 450 - 1,348 1.42 1,914 1,1400 .82 1,1148 270 1.11 300 160 - - 20 - - 842 24.80 20,1882 852 .301 123,251 342 43.90 15,014 2,349 4.82 11,320 1,755 4.92 8,635 594 4.52 2,685 499 4.71 2,350 798 .630 503 5,016 2.47 12,390 258,020 .107 27,608 1,170 23.00 269 612 14.00 86 1,330 11.50 153 41 10.32 423 14 9.80 137 27 10.60 286 108 4.70 508 260 7.71 2,005 1,302 1.40 1,823 Fruits and Nuts Peaches'S Lb. Pecans, all Lb. Pecans, improved Lb. Pecans, seedling Lb. - 31,500 .0550 1,733 - 29,500 .183 5,405 - 24,500 .190 4,655 - 5,000 .150 750 Crop hogged, grazed and cut for feed without removing for grain. 3Production in 480 pound net weight basis. 4 Actualacres. 5 Price in dollars per hundredweight on clean weight basis. Production does not include 3.5 million pounds not harvested for economic reasons. 18 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Principal crops: Production, disposition and value of sales, 1965-68 Total Used on Value Year and crop Unit Production used for farms where Sold of seed 1 grown sales 1,000 -1,000 Units - Dols. 1965 Corn grain Winter wheat Oats Sorghum grain Irish potatoes, all Spring Summer Sweetpotatoes Hay Soybeans Peanuts 1966 Corn grain Winter wheat Oats Sorghum grain Irish potatoes, all Spring Summer Sweetpotatoes Hay Soybeans Peanuts 1967 Corn grain Winter wheat Oats Sorghum grain Irish potatoes, all Spring Summer Sweetpotatoes Hay Soybeans Peanuts 1968 Corn grain Winter wheat Oats Sorghum grain Irish potatoes, all Spring Summer Sweetpotatoes Hay Soybeans Peanuts Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Ton Bu. Lb. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Ton Bu. Lb. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Ton Bu. Lb. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Ton Bu. Lb. 40,635 1,348 1,400 270 2,349 1,755 594 499 842 5,016 258,020 29,648 1,652 1,404 210 3,032 2,263 769 435 765 6,860 226,920 42,253 2,688 1,188 280 2,552 1,742 810 464 826 12,826 235,840 25,596 2,775 1,116 280 2,285 1,365 920 470 791 12,100 246,160 NA 121 NA NA 291 221 70 17 372 17,370 NA 221 NA NA 267 195 72 17 614 18,300 NA 259 NA NA 252 149 103 16 696 19,530 NA 221 NA NA 244 139 105 16 792 21,120 27,225 264 1,092 202 76 28 48 211 724 103 2,631 19,864 215 969 153 333 274 59 160 635 155 2,343 24,507 320 642 210 191 133 58 153 694 179 1,949 16,381 493 792 210 80 21 59 146 688 170 2,008 13,410 16,628 1,084 1,539 308 253 68 75 2,273 10,965 1,727 8,497 546 2,468 288 1,356 118 2,926 4,913 12,135 255,389 27,327 9,784 14,285 1,437 2,342 435 361 57 66 2,699 4,364 1,989 3,143 710 1,221 275 1,414 130 3,315 6,705 18,841 224,577 24,928 17,746 20,585 2,368 3,528 546 459 70 76 2,361 5,999 1,609 3,781 752 2,218 311 1,791 132 3,366 12,647 31,618 233,891 26,196 9,215 10,874 2,282 2,738 324 259 70 69 2,205 6,103 1,344 3,468 861 2,635 324 1,788 103 2,884 11,930 28,871 244,152 28,566 NA = not available. 1Includes seed purchased and seed used on farms where grown. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 19 Principal crops: Production, disposition and value of sales, 1969-72 Total Used on Value Year and crop Unit Production used for farms where Sold of seed 1 grown sales - 1,000 Units- Dols. 1969 Corn grain Bu. 21,582 NA 14,676 6,906 9,392 Winter wheat Bu. 2,523 216 666 1,857 2,228 Oats Bu. 1,408 NA 1,014 394 315 Sorghum grain Bu. 578 NA 462 116 121 Irish potatoes, all Cwt. 2,251 217 78 2,173 5,948 Spring Cwt. 1,176 107 19 1,157 3,378 Summer Cwt. 1,075 110 59 1,016 2,570 Sweetpotatoes Cwt. 466 15 138 328 1,699 Hay Ton 876 - 762 114 3,192 Soybeans Bu. 14,175 750 157 14,018 32,382 Peanuts Lb. 285,175 23,400 1,589 283,586 33,180 1970 Corn grain Winter wheat Oats Sorghum grain Irish potatoes, all Spring Summer Sweetpotatoes Hay Soybeans Peanuts 1971 Corn grain Winter wheat Oats Sorghum grain Irish potatoes, all Spring Summer Sweetpotatoes Hay Soybeans Peanuts 1972 Corn grain Winter wheat Oats Sorghum grain Irish potatoes, all Spring Summer Sweetpotatoes Hay Soybeans Peanuts Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Ton Bu. Lb. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Ton Bu. Lb. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Ton Bu. Lb. 14,708 2,380 1,240 748 2,127 1,027 1,100 398 930 13,800 315,400 28,170 3,480 1,584 2,590 1,792 1,001 791 425 912 17,030 401,580 24,525 2,052 558 992 2,435 1,395 1,040 408 814 15,393 368,390 NA 295 NA NA 239 126 113 16 816 22,885 NA 290 NA NA 239 131 108 17 780 24,120 NA 290 NA NA 280 165 115 16 860 24,120 10,149 862 955 591 74 16 58 112 790 153 1,802 17,465 1,189 1,140 1,994 67 16 51 101 793 134 1,944 15,451 829 435 784 91 28 63 103 700 144 1,907 4,559 7,203 1,518 1,913 285 225 157 193 2,053 8,095 1,011 4,135 1,042 3,960 286 1,816 140 3,920 13,647 38,485 313,598 40,141 10,705 12,525 2,291 3,391 444 355 596 566 1,725 5,378 985 3,595 740 1,783 324 1,931 119 3,392 16,896 49,336 399,636 55,150 9,074 12,976 1,223 1,651 123 103 208 229 2,344 6,945 1,367 3,623 977 3,322 305 2,059 114 3,477 15,249 56,421 366,483 53,140 NA = not available. Includes seed purchased and seed used on farms where grown. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1965 District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for gramn acre - Acres DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne- DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 89800 10,650 10,300 8,550 11,1600 49,900 15,300 24,400 17,700 26,200 32,800 15,700 132,100 4,000 21,200 10,900 29,800 2,700 5,400 6,200 9,800 6,000 96,000 8,600 20,700 3,800 44,300 12,800 38,700 128,900 10,400 9,400 10,600 12,000 14,000 11,800 68,200 8,100 10,400 9,800 8,300 11,400 48,000 13,900 22,900 16,300 24,100 32,100 14,700 124,000 3,900 19,600 10,400 29,200 2,500 4,900 5,300 9,400 5,800 91,000 7,800 19,500 3,700 43,400 12,400 37,200 124,000 10,100 8,500 9,800 11,200 11,300 11,100 62,000 - Bushels - 45.0 43.0 42.0 41.0 44.0 43.0 40.0 44.0 47.0 46.0 45.0 43.0 44.5 44.0 40.0 44.0 47.0 42.0 42.0 43.0 45.0 42.0 43.9 49.0 50.0 39.0 51.0 47.0 48.0 49.1 38.0 35.0 36.0 38.0 34.0 43.0 37.5 365,000 447,000 412,000 340,000 502,000 2,066,000 556,000 1,008,000 766,000 1,109,000 1,445,000 632,000 5,516,000 172,000 784,000 458,000 1,372,000 105,000 206,000 228,000 423,000 244,000 3,992,000 382,000 975,000 144,000 2,21 3,000 583,000 1,786,000 6,083,000 384,000 298,000 353,000 426,000 384,000 477,000 2,322,000 20 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 21 Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1965-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - - Bushels - DISTRICT '50 Autauga 11,300 10,800 44.0 475,000 Dallas 20,600 19,700 43.0 847,000 Elmore 14,600 13,500 39.0 527,000 Lowndes 8,800 7,900 45.0 356,000 Montgomery 11,900 10,400 38.0 395,000 Perry 9,700 9,100 38.0 346,000 Wilcox 10,800 10,600 36.0 382,000 Total 87,700 82,000 40.6 3,328,000 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 4,600 4,300 33.0 142,000 Clay 2,750 2,700 31.0 83,500 Coosa 2,000 1,900 36.0 68,500 Lee 5,800 5,000 32.0 160,000 Macon 10,300 9,900 37.0 366,000 Randolph 6,400 6,200 32.0 198,000 Russell 8,350 7,900 36.0 284,000 Talladega 7,850 7,200 37.0 266,000 Tallapoosa 4,750 3,900 35.0 137,000 Total 52,800 49,000 34.8 1,705,000 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 21,200 17,000 45.0 765,000 Choctaw 10,500 10,300 41.0 422,000 Clarke 10,500 9,500 43.0 409,000 Mobile 12,100 10,200 45.0 459,000 Washington 7,400 7,000 45.0 315,000 Total 61,700 54,000 43.9 2,370,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler 14,700 13,400 43.0 576,000 Conecuh 20,200 17,800 41.0 730,000 Covington 38,300 32,700 42.0 1,373,000 Crenshaw 24,100 20,600 43.0 886,000 Escambia 15,100 13,200 44.0 581,000 Monroe 21,400 20,300 43.0 873,000 Total 133,800 118,000 42.5 5,019,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 24,100 21,500 42.0 903,000 Bullock 8,300 8,000 39.0 312,000 toffee 33,400 28,000 42.0 1,176,000 Dale 18,700 15,300 39.0 597,000 Geneva 44,000 36,400 44.0 1,602,000 Henry 23,200 20,900 44.0 920,000 Houston 48,400 41,200 44.0 1,813,000 Pike 26,800 21,700 42.0 911,000 Total 226,900 193,000 42.7 8,234,000 STATE 1,038,000 945,000 43.0 40,635,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1966 District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTtiCT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 7,750 10,000 8,950 6,100 10,200 43,000 15,400 22,200 19,900 23,400 28,000 15,700 124,600 4,100 17,700 12,200 29,700 3,050 4,550 5,700 8,500 5,900 91,400 7,050 17,700 3,350 41,600 11,800 35,900 117,400 9,200 8,600 8,300 11,300 11,700 10,100 59,200 6,300 9,300 8,000 5,600 9,800 39,000 12,900 19,800 17,200 20,600 26,500 14,000 111,000 3,900 16,200 11,400 28,700 2,600 4,100 4,500 8,000 5,600 85,000 6,200 16,200 3,200 39,600 10,800 34,000 110,000 8,650 7,400 7,150 10,100 10,650 9,050 53,000 32.0 32.0 28.0 28.0 31.0 30.4 33.0 32.0 33.0 43.0 41.0 34.0 36.7 34.0 40.0 29.0 42.0 33.0 34.0 33.0 36.0 37.0 37.5 35.0 39.0 34.0 41.0 35.0 43.0 40.2 28.0 27.0 30.0 25.0 27.0 33.0 28.2 - Bushels - 202,000 298,000 224,000 157,000 304,000 1,185,000 426,000 634,000 568,000 886,000 1,087,000 476,000 4,077,000 133,000 648,000 331,000 1,205,000 86,000 139,000 149,000 288,000 207,000 3,186,000 217,000 632,000 109,000 1,624,000 378,000 1,462,000 4,422,000 242,000 200,000 215,000 253,000 288,000 299,000 1,497,000 22 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 23 Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1966-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres- - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 14,000 13,200 31.0 409,000 Dallas 21,900 20,400 30.0 612,000 Elmore 13,400 12,000 29.0 348,000 Lowndes 7,200 6,300 28.0 176,000 Montgomery 8,200 7,100 26.0 185,000 Perry 8,600 7,500 31.0 233,000 Wilcox 11,300 10,500 25.0 263,000 Total 84,600 77,000 28.9 2,226,000 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 4,100 3,590 30.0 108,000 Clay 3,550 3,400 32.0 109,000 Coosa 1,600 1,430 28.0 40,000 Lee 4,900 4,060 27.0 110,000 Macon 9,700 8,900 26.0 231,000 Randolph 6,650 6,300 31.0 195,000 Russell 8,050 7,350 25.0 184,000 Talladega 6,650 5,800 31.0 180,000 Tallapoosa 3,800 3,170 28.0 89,000 Total 49,000 44,000 28.3 1,246,000 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 24,200 18,700 47.0 879,000 Choctaw 10,400 9,500 32.0 304,000 Clarke 9,700 8,650 34.0 294,000 Mobile 15,000 11,800 42.0 496,000 Washington 8,200 7,350 37.0 272,000 Total 67,500 56,000 40.1 2,245,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler 14,900 13,100 29.0 380,000 Conecuh 19,400 17,000 27.0 459,000 Covington 33,700 28,300 28.0 792,000 Crenshaw 20,000 16,500 33.0 545,000 Escambia 14,600 12,600 34.0 428,000 Monroe 23,200 21,500 28.0 602,000 Total 125,800 109,000 29.4 3,206,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 22,800 19,600 32.0 627,000 Bullock 8,900 8,400 29.0 244,000 Coffee 31,400 25,800 33.0 851,000 Dale 21,700 16,800 36.0 605,000 Geneva 45,500 37,600 34.0 1,278,000 Henry 24,400 20,800 37.0 770,000 Houston 49,600 41,000 33.0 1,353,000 Pike 24,200 18,000 35.0 630,000 Total 228,500 188,000 33.8 6,358,000 STATE 991,000 872,000 34.0 29,648,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1967 District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county -all purposes for grain acre - Acres - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DIST RICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 71500 10,000 9,100 5,900 99800 42,300 15,000 22,100 19,700 23,300 27,600 15,000 122,700 3,1900 15,1900 11,1300 26,00 2,700 4,200 5,100 7,600 5,400 82,900 6,950 17,500 3,250 41,800 11,500 35.1090 116,000 9,400 8,750 8,650 11,200 11,900 10,1400 60,300 - Bushels - 5,950 9,300 8,050 5,400 9,300 38,000 12,400 19,600 16,600 20,200 26,100 13,100 108,000 3,750 14,500 10,700 25,900 2,300 3,700 3,900 7,100 5,150 77,1000 5,850 16,000 3,050 39,700 10,400 33,1000 108,000 8,900 7,1450 7,450 9,900 11,000 9,1300 54,000 46.0 48.0 46.0 43.0 45.0 45.8 47.0 47.0 49.0 50.0 49.0 48.0 46.0 48.0 47.0 51.0 46.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 48.0 48.5 52 .0 56.0 48.0 60.0 52.0 57.0 56.9 46.0 43.0 43.0 46.0 43.0 46.0 44.5 274,000 446,1000 370,1000 232,000 419,000 1,741,000 583,000 921,1000 813,000 1,010,000 11,279,000* 629,000 5,235,000 173,000 696,000 503,000. 1,1321,000 106,000 174,000 183,000 334,000 247,000 3,737,000 304,1000 896,000 146,000 2,382,000 541,000 1,881,000 6,150,000 409,1000 320,1000 320,000 455,1000 473,000 428,000 2,1405,000 24 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1967-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 14,700 23,100 13,900 7,500 8,500 8,750 11,950 88,400 3,900 3,450 1,550 4,650 9,400 6,250 7,750 6,350 3,600 46,900 26,800 11,200 10,600 16,300 9,000 73,900 14,700 19,200 33,700 19,700 14,700 23,300 125,300 26,100 10,200 36,500 24,800 54,100 28,000 57,400 27,200 264,300 1,023,000 13,900 21,600 12,400 6,700 7,500 7,700 11,200 81,000 3,350 3,200 1,400 3,900 8,600 5,900 7,100 5,550 3,000 42,000 20,800 10,500 9,600 12,900 8,200 62,000 12,900 16,800 28,600 16,400 12,700 21,600 109,000 22,700 9,600 29,800 19,900 44,800 24,000 48,400 20,800 220,000 899,000 53.0 48.0 46.0 44.0 43.0 45.0 44.0 46.9 43.0 46.0 43.0 45.0 42.0 43.0 41.0 43.0 43.0 42.9 50.0 40.0 39.0 49.0 41.0 45.2 47.0 45.0 45.0 46.0 48.0 46.0 45.9 45.0 40.0 40.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 45.0 43.0 43.5 47.0 737,000 1,037,000 570,000 295,000 323,000 347,000 493,000 3,802,000 144,000 147,000 60,000 176,000 361,000 254,000 291,000 239,000 129,000 1,801,000 1,040,000 420,000 374,000 632,000 336,000 2,802,000 606,000 756,000 1,287,000 754,000 610,000 994,000 5,007,000 1,022,000 384,000 1,192,000 876,000 1,971,000 1,056,000 2,178,000 894,000 9,573,000 42,253,000 25 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1968 District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion' Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall, Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 6,350 8,000 7,400 4,900 7,750 34,400 11,200 16,000 15,000 17,000 21,300 11,300 91,800 2,900 12,300 8,500 19,700 1,900 3,000 3,800 5,350 3,750 61,200 6,050 15,000 3,050 36,000 10,700 31,500 102,300 6,850 6,100 6,250 8,100 8,200 7,000 42,500 4,850 7,250 6,350 4,350 7,200 30,000 8,800 14,300 12,400 15,000 20,000 9,500 80,000 2,700 11,100 7,900 18,800 1,600 2,600 2,900 4,900 3,500 56,000 4,900 13,900 2,800 34,600 9,600 30,200 96,000 6,250 5,000 5,200 7,050 7,400 6,100 37,000 - Bushels - 36.0 39.0 35.0 40.0 39.0 37.8 33.0 35.0 38.0 42.0 44.0 38.0 39.2 37.0 43.0 32.0 42.0 38.0 42.0 36.0 39.0 40.0 39.7 40.0 43.0 40.0 52.0 44.0 43.0 46.1 28.0 27.0' 32.0 31.0 30.0 34.0 30.4 175,000 283,000 222,000 174,000 281,000 1,135,000 290,000 501,000 471,000 630,000 880,000 361,000 3,133,000 100,000 477,000 253,000 790,000 61,000 109,000 104,000 191,000 140,000 2,225,000 196,000 598,000 112,000 1,799,000 422,000 1,299,000 4,426,000 175,000 135,000 166,000 219,000 222,000 207,000 1,124,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 27 Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1968-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 10,100 16,000 10,100 5,250 5,600 5,200 7,650 59,900 3,450 3,200 1,300 3,700 8,150 5,000 6,000 5,000 2,800 38,600 22,500 9,200 8,900 13,500 7,400 61,500 13,300 19,200 33,900 19,200 14,500 19,800 119,900 21,000 7,400 31,000 20,000 47,000 23,000 48,000 21,500 218,900 831,000 - Bushels - 9,300 14,700 8,800 4,600 4,750 4,800 7,050 54,000 2,900 2,750 1,150 3,050 7,450 4,750 5,350 4,350 2,250 34,000 16,700 8,500 7,900 10,200 6,700 50,000 11,300 15,600 27,200 14,700 12,400 16,800 98,000 17,800 7,200 24,900 15,300 37,500 18,800 39,000 15,500 176,000 711,000 33.0 28.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 28.0 29\) 29.7 33.0 33.0 33.0 34.0 31.0 33.0 30.0 32.0 30.0 31.9 41.0 31.0 32.0 41.0 31.0 36.6 37.0 34.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 37.0 35.7 32.0 31.0 29.0 30.0 33.0 30.0 33.0 31.0 31.5 36.0 307,000 412,000 264,000 138,000 143,000 134,000 204,000 1,602,000 96,000 90,500 38,000 104,000 231,000 157,000 161,000 139,000 67,500 1,084,000 685,000 264,000 253,000 418,000 208,000 1,828,000 418,000 530,000 925,000 529,000 471,000 622,000 3,495,000 570,000 223,000 722,000 459,000 1,238,000 564,000 1,287,000 481,000 5,544,000 25,596,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1969 District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres- DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 6,000 7,150 6,900 4,450 7,100 31,600 9,400 15,000 13,500 15,900 19,400 9,900 83,100 2,700 10,700 7,900 17,900 1,850 2,800 3,450 4,900 3,500 55,700 5,500 14,600 2,900 35,400 10,100 29,700 98,200 6,350 5,500 5,750 7,400 7,400 6,400 38,800 5,000 6,800 6,200 4,200 6,800 29,000 8,100 12,800 11,300 13,500 18,60 8,700 73,000 2,500 9,700 7,100 16,300 1,400 2,200 2,300 4,400 3,100 49,000 4,500 13,200 2,550 33,600 9,150 27,000 90,000 5,300 4,300 4,300 5,900 6,300 4,900 31,000 34.0 34.0 34.0 27.0 31.0 32.3 26.0 27.0 33.0 42.0 41.0 30.0 34.5 22.0 40.0 32.0 39.0 23.0 39.0 32.0 35.0 38.0 36.1 27.0 34.0 36.0 49.0 41.0 44.0 43.0 - Bushels - 170,000 231,000 211,000 113,000 211,000 936,000 211,000 346,000 373,000 567,000 763,000 261,000 2,521,000 55,000 388,000 227,000 636,000 32,200 86,000 73,500 154,000 118,000 1,769,700 122,000 449,000 92,000 1,646,000 375,000 1,188,000 3,872,000 117,000 133,000 112,000 159,000 151,000 123,000 795,000 22.0 31.0 26.0 27.0 24.0 25.0 25.6 28 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 29 Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1969-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 9,100 8,500 30.0 255,000 Dallas 14,700 13,200 25.0 330,000 Elmore 9,400 8,400 27.0 227,000 Lowndes 4,850 4,200 22.0 92,500 Montgomery 5,050 4,000 29.0 116,000 Perry 5,100 3,800 26.0 99,000 Wilcox 7,100 5,900 22.0 130,000 Total 55,300 48,000 26.0 1,249,500 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 3,200 2,500 29.0 72,500 Clay 2,700 2,400 31.0 74,500 Coosa 1,200 1,050 24.0 25,300 Lee 3,450 2,700 27.0 73,000 Macon 7,700 7,150 30.0 215,000 Randolph 4,850 4,600 36.0 166,000 Russell 5,750 4,650 31.0 144,000 Talladega 4,450 3,900 26.0 101,000 Tallapoosa 2,600 2,050 30.0 61,500 Total 35,900 31,000 30.1 932,800 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 20,500 16,700 56.0 935,000 Choctaw 8,100 7,300 27.0 197,000 Clarke 7,800 6,900 29.0 200,000 Mobile 12,300 9,900 41.0 406,000 Washington 6,600 6,200 30.0 186,000 Total 55,300 47,000 40.9 1,924,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler 12,400 10,800 30.0 324,000 Conecuh 16,900 14,100 32.0 451,000 Covington 30,400 25,600 33.0 845,000 Crenshaw 16,400 13,700 32.0 438,000 Escambia 13,800 11,500 42.0 483,000 Monroe 18,100 16,300 30.0 489,000 Total 108,000 92,000 32.9 3,030,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 21,000 17,400 33.0 574,000 Bullock 8,200 6,800 28.0 190,000 Coffee 30,900 22,100 27.0 597,000 Dale 19,600 13,300 26.0 346,000 Geneva 48,000 36,300 26.0 944,000 Henry 23,000 17,900 30.0 537,000 Houston 49,800 35,600 26.0 926,000 Pike 22,600 14,600 30.0 438,000 Total 223,100 164,000 27.8 4,552,000 STATE 785,000 654,000 33.0 21,582,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1970 District Acres Acres Yield per and pla nted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence '"imestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTR ICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKaib Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens- Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 5,1050 7,150 5,950 4,250, 7,000 29,400 7,500 12,400 11,500 14,1700 17,200 8,200 71,500 2,200 10,000 6,600 16,100 1,450 2,500 2,900 4,450 3,100 49,300 4,1900 12,100 2,500 31,1000 8,700. 26,1500 85,700 4,800 4,200 4,350 6,000 5,900 5,150 30,1400 4,050 6,250 4,950 3,600 6,150 25,000 6,200 10,000 9400 121000 15,600 6,800 60,9000 1,900 8,650 5,o450 14,000 1,050 1,850 3,700 2,550 41,000 3,950 10,900 2,150 29,200 7,1800 24,000 78,000 3,800 ,150 3150 4,550 4,600 3,750 23,000 28.0 298.0 27.0 24.0 25.0 26.5 25.0 30.0 33.0 33.0 30.0 27.0 30.2 26.0 29.0 25.0 28.0 26.0 29.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 27.3 26.0 30.0 260 35.0 27.0 33.0 32.2 20.0 24.0 23.0 24.0 21.0 22.0 22.3 -Bushels- 113,000 175,000 134,000 86,1500 154,1000 662,500 155,000 300,000 310,000 396,000 468,000 184,000 1,813,000 49,400 251,000 136,000 392,000 27,300 53,500 46,300 96,000 69,000 1,120,500 103,000 327,000 56,000 1,022,000 211,000 792,000 2,511,000 76,000 75,500 72,500 109,000 96,500 82,500 512,000 30 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1970-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 8,000 13,400 8,300 4,300 4,450 4,750 5,800 49,000 2,700 2,550 1,000 2,850 7,050 4,400 5,500 4,450 2,500 33,000 23,900 7,200 6,900 12,800 6,300 57,100 12,400 17,000 29,000 15,600 13,700 18,000 105,700 18,600 6,600 26,600 16,700 39,900 19,700 41,100 18,700 187,900 699,000 7,250 11,400 7,000 3,650 3,450 3,550 4,700 41,000 1,950 2,000 750 2,050 5,300 3,800 3,950 3,400 1,800 25,000 16,300 5,500 4,900 8,900 4,400 40,000 9,400 12,300 21,400 11,600 10,000 13,300 78,000 15,300 5,300 19,300 12,200 30,900 15,700 32,800 12,500 144,000 555,000 23.0 23.0 24.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 22.0 22.8 22.0 23.0 24.0 21.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 25.0 25.0 23.2 28.0 22.0 21.0 24.0 21.0 24.7 21.0 21.0 22.0 21.0 25.0 23.0 22.1 27.0 23.0 27.0 26.0 27.0 27.0 28.0 25.0 26.8 26.5 - Bushels - 167,000 262,000 168,000 76,500 76,000 81,500 103,000 934,000 42,900 46,000 18,000 43,100 122,000 87,500 91,000 85,000 45,000 580,500 456,000 121,000 103,000 214,000 92,500 986,500 197,000 258,000 471,000 244,000 250,000 306,000 1,726,000 413,000 122,000 521,000 317,000 834,000 424,000 918,000 313,000 3,862,000 14,708,000 31 32 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1971 District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - - Bushels - DISTRICT 10 Colbert 4,600 3,300 38.0 125,000 Fayette 6,000 5,650 37.0 209,900 Franklin 6,900 5,950 41.0 244,000 Lamar 3,500 3,200 34.0 109,000 Marion 9,400 8,900 44.0 392,000 Total 30,400 27,000 40.0 1,079,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 7,800 6,850 42.0 288,000 Lawrence 11,200 9,950 45.0 448,000 L'imestone 11,300 9,950 44.0 438,000 Madison 17,100 14,600 51.0 745,000 Marshall 21,100 20,400 51.0 1,040,000 Morgan 9,100 8,250 43.0 355,000 Total 77,600 70,000 47.3 3,314,000 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 1,900 1,750 44.0 77,000 Blount 8,400 7,800 47.0 367,000 Chilton 5,300 5,000 39.0 195,000 Cullman 16,500 15,500 48.0 744,000 Jefferson 1,250 950 45.0 42,700 Saint Clair 2,200 1,750 41.0 72,000 Shelby 2,150 1,200 40.0 48,000 Walker 3,950 3,600 41.0 148,000 Winston 3,950 3,450 40.0 138,000 Total 45,600 41,000 44.7 1,831,700 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun 4,700 4,100 51.0 209,000 Cherokee 7,600 6,700 52.0 348,000 Cleburne 2,550 2,350 50.0 118,000 DeKalb 39,400 38,600 56.0 2,162,000 Etowah 94050 8,350 47.0 392,000 Jackson 25,300 23,900 53.0 1,267,000 Total 88,600 84,000 53.5 4,496,000 DISTRICT 40 Greene 3,800 3,550 33.0 117,000 Hale 3,200 2,750 34.0 94,000 Marengo 4,050 3,650 33.0 120,000 Pickens 5,150 4,450 34.0 151,000 Sumter 4,250 3,850 32.0 123,000 Tuscaloosa 4,250 3,750 36.0 135,000 Total 24,700 22,000 33.6 740,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1971-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 7,300 11,500 8,300 3,500 3,800 4,300 5,200 43,900 1,750 1,850 750 3,350 5,350 4,200 4,300 2,850 1,700 26,100 18,800 4,600 5,300 9,700 4,400 42,800 9,400 12,900 25,400 16,400 10,200 11,900 86,200 21,900 5,300 34,900 23,100 52,500 24,600 48,500 22,300 233,100 699,000 - Bushels - 7,050 10,800 7,550 3,150 2,900 3,650 4,900 40,000 1,500 1,650 650 2,850 4,800 4,050 3,800 2,400 1,500 23,200 16,300 4,300 5,000 8,300 4,100 38,000 8,300 11,100 22,300 14,600 8,800 10,900 76,000 19,900 4,800 29,300 20,200 47,200 22,300 43,000 18,100 204,800 626,000 41.0 39.0 41.0 32.0 38.0 33.0 35.0 38.1 38.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 34.0 34.0 35.0 35.0 52.0 38.0 40.0 54.0 39.0 47.9 36.0 36.0 39.0 41.0 52.0 46.0 41.1 43.0 39.0 47.0 46.0 44.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 289,000 421,000 310,000 101,000 110,000 120,000 172,000 1,523,000 57,000 58,000 22,800 100,000 168,000 142,000 129,000 82,000 52,500 811,300 848,000 163,000 200,000 448,000 160,000 1,819,000 299,000 400,000 870,000 599,000 458,000 501,000 3,127,000 856,000 187,000 1,377,000 929,000 2,077,000 1,070,000 2,064,000 869,000 9,429,000 28,170,000 33 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain, 1972 District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 2,400 4,500 5,300 3,000 6,300 21,500 4,800 6,600 7,800 10,500 16,200 6,900 52,800 910 7,100 5,100 13,500 690 1,500 1,000 2,400 2,000 34,200 3,300 7,100 2,400 34,400 6,900 20,500 74,600 4,300 3,700 4,900 6,800 4,100 3,600 27,400 - Bushels - 2,150 4,350 4,850 2,850 6,100 20,300 4,400 5,850 7,000 9,650 15,700 6,300 48,900 850 6,750 4,650 12,900 450 1,250 750 2,200 1,800 31,600 3,000 6,600 1,850 32,400 6,500 19,700 70,050 3,750 3,050 3,900 5,200 3,500 2,900 22,300 40.0 38.0 40.0 35.0 44.0 40.0 49.0 50.0 45.0 54.0 50.0 47.0 49.6 36.0 49.0 44.0 49.0 41.0 46.0 43.0 43.0 41.0 46.7 45.0 48.0 48.0 53.0 49.0 54.0 52.0 40.0 36.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 40.0 38.1 86,000 165,000 194,000 100,000 268,000 813,000 216,000 293,000 315,000 521,000 785,000 296,000 2,426,000 30,600 331,000 205,000 632,000 18,500 57,500 32,100 94,500 74,000 1,475,200 135,000 317,000 89,000 1,717,000 319,000 1,064,000 3,641,000 150,000 110,000 160,000 187,000 126,000 116,000 849,000 34 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 35 Corn: Acreage planted and acreage, yield and production for grain 1972-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and planted for harvested harvested Production county all purposes for grain acre - Acres - - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 6,500 5,900 49.0 289,000 Dallas 8,700 8,150 44.0 359,000 Elmore 5,800 5,350 41.0 219,000 Lowndes 2,000 1,800 42.0 75,500 Montgomery 2,400 2,100 51.0 107,000 Perry 3,700 3,050 35.0 107,000 Wilcox 3,600 3,250 35.0 114,000 Total 32,700 29,600 42.9 1,270,500 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 1,600 1,300 45.0 58,500 Clay 1,500 1,300 40.0 52,000 Coosa 700 550 33.0 18,200 Lee 3,800 3,000 44.0 132,000 Macon 4,300 3,550 35.0 124,000 Randolph 4,100 3,700 42.0 155,000 Russell 4,400 3,500 39.0 137,000 Talladega 1,800 1,500 39.0 58,500 Tallapoosa 1,300 1,050 32.0 33,600 Total 23,500 19,450 39.5 768,800 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 24,000 18,000 55.0 990,000 Choctaw 3,300 2,800 34.0 95,000 Clarke 5,800 4,500 36.0 162,000 Mobile 3,600 2,800 55.0 154,000 Washington 2,700 2,100 33.0 69,500 Total 39,400 30,200 48.7 1,470,500 DISTRICT 80 Butler 10,000 8,450 40.0 338,000 Conecuh 15,000 12,000 44.0 528,000 Covington 28,500 23,500 40.0 940,000 Crenshaw 21,000 17,200 50.0 860,000 Escambia 10,000 8,250 51.0 421,000 Monroe 12,500 10,300 50.0 515,000 Total 97,000 79,700 45.2 3,602,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 19,000 17,900 48.0 859,000 Bullock 4,500 3,900 38.0 148,000 Coffee 33,000 28,400 42.0 1,193,000 Dale 26,500 20,100 45.0 905,000 Geneva 44,600 37,400 40.0 1,496,000 lHenry 25,300 22,500 47.0 1,058,000 Houston 49,000 44,100 38.0 1,676,000 Pike 26,000 18,600 47.0 874,000 Total 227,900 192,900 42.6 8,209,000 STATE 631,000 545,000 45.0 24, 525,000 ALABAMA. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage yield and production, 1965 District Acreage Yield Production and 480-pound contyatd Per planted Per harvested net weight conyPatd Harvested acre acre bales -Acres- - Pounds- - Bales - 20,900 8,350 12,200 9,150 11,750 62,350 DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Culm an Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 20,400 8,100 12,000 8,950 11,500 60,950 24,400 35,900 48,000 54,000 26,800 23,850 212,950 2,890 14,500 7,950 27,550 2,420 2,900 5,750 4,260 5,050 73,270 5,790 20,500 800 30,350 11,020 21,950 90,410 12,050 13,000 11,800 11,900 11,500 13,600 73,850 667 540 487 458 516 556 566 736 695 664 590 500 644 525 428 378 515 468 361 528 418 456 467 483 709 366 602 447 571 590 369 422 292 409 315 491 387 684 557 495 468 527 568 580 752 710 677 601 509 658 540 443 392 532 483 371 550 430 469 483 491 721 375 614 456 583 601 382 438 299 424 320 507 399 29,100 9,400 12,400 8,750 12,600 72,250 29,500 56,200 71,000 76,200 33,600 25,300 291,800 3,250 13,400 6,500 30,500 2,440 2,240 6,600 3,820 4,940 73,690 5,900 30,800 620 38,800 10,500 26,1700 113,320 9,600 11,900 7,1350 10,500 7,650 14,400 61,400 36 25,000 36,700 49,100 55,050 27,300 24,300 217,450 2,970 15,000 8,250 28,450 2,500 2,980 6,000 4,380 5,200 75,1730 5,880 20,850 820 30,950 11,220 22,400 92,120 12,450 13,500 12,100 12,350 11,700 14,050 76,150 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 37 Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1965-Continued District Acreage Yield ProductionDistrict480-pound and Per planted, Per harvested net weight county Planted Harvested acre acre bales - Acres - - Pounds - - Bales -- DISTRICT 50 Autauga 8,280 8,000 644 667 11,100 Dallas 24,400 23,950 432 440 21,900 Elmore 13,550 13,200 516 530 14,600 Lowndes 9,180 8,950 455 467 8,700 Montgomery 8,450 8,200 344 354 6,050 Perry 9,650 9,450 453 463 9,100 Wilcox 9,550 9,300 287 295 5,700 Total 83,060 81,050 446 457 77,150 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 5,380 5,200 309 320 3,470 Clay 900 860 289 302 540 Coosa 610 590 303 314 380 Lee 7,500 7,200 367 383 5,750 Macon 14,400 13,900 376 390 11,300 Randolph 3,570 3,450 337 349 2,510 Russell 8,510 8,210 270 280 4,800 Talladega 11,500 10,950 377 395 9,000 Tallapoosa 5,100 4,900 381 397 4,050 Total 57,470 55,260 349 363 41,800 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 1,470 1,430 289 297 880 Choctaw 4,820 4,670 222 229 2,230 Clarke 4,270 4,170 201 206 1,790 Mobile 1,460 1,420 271 278 820 Washington 1,970 1,920 317 326 1,300 Total 13,990 13,610 241 248 7,020 DISTRICT 80 Butler 7,500 7,300 385 396 6,000 Conecuh 9,450 9,150 291 300 5,700 Covington 11,850 11,550 328 336 8,100 Crenshaw 6,300 6,100 359 370 4,710 Escambia 8,130 7,900 501 515 8,500 Monroe 15,750 15,300 425 438 14,000 Total 58,980 57,300 382 394 47,010 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 9,430 9,200 282 289 5,550 Bullock 6,470 6,300 250 257 3,380 Coffee 12,650 12,250 317 327 8,350 Dale .5800 5,700 292 297 3,530 Geneva 16,900 16,450 419 430 14,700 Henry 11,800 11,550 353 361 .8,700 Houston 22,500 21,950 395 405 18,500 Pike 7,150 6,950 259 266 3,850 Total 92,700 90,350 345 354 66,560 STATE 830,000 809,000 493 505 852,000 38 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1966 District Acreage Yield. Production anDistrict 480-pound and Per planted Per harvested net weight county Planted Harvested acre acre bales - Acres - - Pounds - - Bales - DISTRICT 10 Colbert 16,450 15,900 426 441 14,600 Fayette 6,800 6,550 382 397 5,400 Franklin 9,150 8,800 256 267 4,890 Lamar 6,850 6,600 330 343 4,720 Marion 8,050 7,750 289 301 4,850 Total 47,300 45,600 350 363 34,460 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 18,000 17,200 421 440 15,800 Lawrence 28,950 27,650 371 389 22,400 Limestone 35,500 34,000 466 487 34,500 Madison 42,400 40,200 473 498 41,700 Marshall 19,900 18,600 276 296 11,500 Morgan 17,700 16,700 287 304 10,600 Total 162,450 154,350 403 424 136,500 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 2,100 2,070 457 464 2,000 Blount 11,100 10,000 219 244 5,050 Chilton 5,600 5,500 384 391 4,480 Cullman 18,350 16,350 249 280 9,500 Jefferson 1,600 1,550 351 363 1,170 Saint Clair 1,660 1,610 365 376 1,260 Shelby 4,100 3,950 449 466 3,830 Walker 3,400 3,270 236 246 1,670 Winston 3,820 3,620 210 221 1,670 Total 51,730 47,920 285 307 30,630 DISTRICT 30 Clahoun 4,420 4,280 303 313 2,790 Cherokee 17,100 16,700 485 497 17,300 Clebrune 500 480 250 260 260 DeKalb 23,350 22,350 301 315 14,600 Etowah 8,400 8,050 269 281 4,710 Jackson 16,000 14,950 306 328 10,200 Total 69,770 66,810 343 359 49,860 DISTRICT 40 Greene 8,950 8,700 397 408 7,400 Hale 9,900 9,600 434 448 9,000 Marengo 8,650 8,350 342 354 6,150 Pickens 8,800 8,450 363 378 6,600 Sumter 8,200 7,950 403 416 6,900 Tuscaloosa 9,850 9,600 449 460 9,200 Total 54,350 52,650 400 413 45,250 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 39 Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1966-Continued Acreage Yield Production District 480-pound and Per planted Per harvested net weight county Planted Harvested acre acre bales A 1 DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total 5,750 16,900 10,250 6,700 6,300 7,050 6,500 59,450 3,550 110 340 5,400 10,450 1,940 5,600 7,250 3,700 38,340 1,210 3,250 2,660 1,030 1,330 9,480 4,820 6,550 7,500 2,950 5,750 10,900 38,470 5,850 4,260 5,900 9,800 11,400 7,400 15,400 3,650 57,660 STATE 589,000 5,550 16,500 9,950 6,500 6,200 6,850 6,400 57,950 3,350 100 320 5,200 10,000 1,800 5,450 7,000 3,600 36,820 1,160 3,040 2,500 990 1,200 8,890 4,630 6,300 7,300 2,850 5,650 10,600 37,330 5,700 4,110 5,800 3,720 10,950 7,100 14,750 3,550 55,680 598 434 457 455 358 368 396 436 366 273 282 401 436 285 364 307 441 381 388 345 285 307 283 321 417 369 365 421 467 399 401 367 344 341 328 307 407 309 345 336 564,000 375 620 445 471 469 363 378 402 448 388 300 300 416 455 307 374 318 453 396 405 368 303 319 313 342 435 383 375 435 475 411 414 376 357 347 335 320 425 322 355 348 392 - Acres - _ - fUu 7,150 15,300 9,750 6,350 4,690 5,400 5,350 53,990 2,710 60 200 4,510 9,500 1,150 4,250 4,630 3,400 30,410 980 2,330 1,580 660 780 6,330 4,190 5,000 5,700 2,590 5,600 9,050 32,130 4,470 3,060 4,190 2,600 7,300 6,300 9,900 2,620 40,440 460,000 40 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1967 District Acreage Yield Production and 480-pound county Planted Harvested Per planted Per harvested net weight acre acre bales - Acres - -Pounds- -Bales- DISTRICT 10 Colbert 15,100 6,000 70 177 2,210 Fayette 5,800 4,400 200 264 2,420 Franklin 7,100 3,100 48 110 710 Lamar 5,900 4,900 181 218 2,220 Marion 7,050 3,690 76 145 1,110 Total 40,950 22,090 102 189 8,670 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 14,600 9,300 82 129 2,490 Lawrence 26,700 16,000 70 116 3,870 Limestone 32,400 14,700 41 90 2,760 Madison 40,200 13,500 33 98 2,770 Marshall 15,700 3,900 26 106 860 Morgan 13,800 5,500 59 147 1,680 Total 143,400 62,900 48 110 14,430 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 1,880 1,850 556 565 2,180 Blount 8,050 2,500 49 158 820 Chilton 4,800 4,600 282 294 2,820 CuUman 11,800 4,300 59 163 1,460 Jefferson 1,500 1,300 235 272 730 Saint Clair 1,500 1,300 167 192 520 Shelby 4,250 3,900 420 458 3,710 Walker 2,550 830 41 127 220 Winston 1,950 480 27 108 110 Total 38,280 21,060 158 287 12,570 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun 4,000 3,500 208 238 1,730 Cherokee 16,300 13,000 175 220 5,950 Cleburne 400 150 32 87 25 DeKalb 20,400 1,700 8 96 340 Etowah 6,900 4,200 115 189 1,650 Jackson 12,100 1,300 12 108 290 Total 60,100 23,850 80 201 9,985 DISTRICT 40 Greene 8,150 7,900 408 421 6,930 Hale 9,100 8,850 450 463 8,520 Marengo 8,000 7,450 351 377 5,850 Pickens 8,250 7,400 335 373 5,750 Sumter 7,550 7,000 259 279 4,060 Tuscaloosa 9,250 8,750 351 371 6,750 Total 50,300 47,350 362 384 37,860 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 41 Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1967-Continued Acreage Yield Production District 480-pound county Planted Harvested Per planted Per harvested net weight acre acre bales - Acres - - Pounds - - Bales - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 5,750 5,600 514 528 6,150 Dallas 16,300 15,800 420 434 14,250 Elmore 9,600 9,300 425 438 8,500 Lowndes 6,350 6,150 328 339 4,340 Montgomery 5,850 5,450 269 289 3,280 Perry 6,300 5,950 377 400 4,950 Wilcox 5,270 4,900 293 315 3,220 Total 55,420 53,150 387 404 44,690 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 2,520 2,250 304 341 1,600 Clay 80 40 88 175 15 Coosa 300 250 150 180 95 Lee 5,000 4,850 343 353 3,570 Macon 9,600 9,000 347 370 6,950 Randolph 1,320 750 97 171 265 Russell 4,950 4,700 223 235 2,300 Talladega 6,250 5,100 192 235 2,490 Tallapoosa 3,800 3,600 428 451 3,380 Total 33,820 30,540 293 325 20,665 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 1,100 1,000 341 375 780 Choctaw 2,740 2,500 275 301 1,570 Clarke 2,390 2,250 213 227 1,060 Mobile 700 660 267 283 390 Washington 960 880 273 298 550 Total 7,890 7,290 265 286 4,350 DISTRICT 80 Butler 4,300 4,000 350 376 3,130 Conecuh 6,450 5,900 260 285 3,500 Covington 6,700 5,900 266 302 3,700 Crenshaw 2,380 2,250 338 358 1,680 Escambia 5,700 5,550 504 518 6,000 Monroe 10,300 9,900 457 476 9,800 Total 35,830 33,500 373 399 27,810 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 4,350 4,000 338 368 3,070 Bullock 3,670 3,420 190 204 1,450 Coffee 4,230 3,500 229 276 2,020 Oale 2,910 2,400 149 181 910 Geneva 9,350 6,500 170 244 3,310 Henry 6,750 6,450 246 258 3,460 Houston 14,400 10,800 137 183 4,110 Pike 1,350 1,200 227 256 640 Total 47,010 38,270 194 238 18,970 STATE 513,000 340,000 187- 282 200,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1968 District Acreage Yield Production and 480-pound county Planted Harvested Per planted Per harvested net weight acre acre bales - Acres - - Pounds - - Bales - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison, Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 16,000 6,100 7,800 6,250 6,900 43,050 16,800 28,400 37,000 42,900 18,700 15,900 159,700 1,970 10,050 5,550 15,500 1,440 1,350 4,360 2,530 2,870 45,620 4,110 16,850 300 21,100 7,350 14,900 64,610 9,450 9,550 9,050 8,500 8,050 10,300 54,900 15,500 5,850 7,100 5,800 6,200 40,450 16,100 26,100 35,800 40,800 17,400 14,700 150,900 1,950 9,450 5,350 13,200 1,350 1,210 4,200 2,250 2,250 41,210 3,900 16,400 250 19,600 7,150 13,500 60,800 9,200 9,100 8,700 8,200 7,850 10,000 53,050 442 318 246 264 282 337 394 354 417 398 247 320 369 500 294 265 278 399 322 486 174 175 302 283 498 160 240 316 243 319 350 344 302 400 270 447 355 456 332 270 284 314 359 411 385 431 419 265 347 390 505 312 275 326 426 360 505 196 223 334 299 512 192 259 324 268 339 360 361 314 415 277 460 368 14,700 4,040 4,000 3,440 4,050 30,230 13,800 21,000 32,100 35,600 9,600 10,600 122,700 2,050 6,150 3,060 8,950 1,200 910 4,420 920 1,050 28,710 2,430 17,500 100 10,600 4,830 7,540 43,000 6,900 6,840 5,700 7,100 4,530 9,600 40,670 42 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 43 Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1968-Continued District Acreage Yield Production District 480-pound county Planted Harvested Per planted Per harvested net weight acre acre bales - Acres - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total 7,300 17,000 11,000 6,950 5,600 6,400 5,100 59,350 2,650 20 280 5,100 9,750 1,030 5,050 6,500 3,830 34,210 1,280 2,790 2,200 840 1,140 8,250 4,550 6,300 6,950 2,160 6,250 11,100 37,310 4,650 3,700 3,630 3,040 10,150 6,950 14,900 980 48,000 STATE 555,000 7,150 16,700 10,700 6,650 5,450 6,100 4,900 57,650 2,450 20. 270 4,900 9,350 930 4,850 6,200 3,650 32,620 1,260 2,710 2,100 810 1,090 7,970 4,250 6,100 6,600 2,000 5,950 10,700 35,600 4,450 3,550 3,400 2,700 9,600 6,400 13,700 950 44,750 617 414 463 377 325 306 283 412 304 250 196 342 328 199 284 322 332 316 422 229 191 250 358 269 333 316 280 314 519 502 401 305 216 231 148 248 230 161 292 215 525,000 342 - Pounds - 630 421 476 394 334 321 295 424 329 250 204 356 342 220 296 338 348 332 429 236 200 259 374 278 356 326 295 339 545 521 420 319 225 247 167 262 250 175 301 230 362 Bales - 9,400 14,600 10,600 5,450 3,790 4,080 3,010 50,930 1,680 10 110 3,640 6,670 430 2,990 4,360 2,650 22,540 1,120 1,330 870 440 850 4,610 3,160 4,150 4,050 1,410 6,750 11,600 31,120 2,960 1,670 1,750 940 5,250 3,330 4,990 600 21,490 396,000 -'~----'- - - - - _ _ _ ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1969 District Acreage Yield Production and480-pound cont PanedPer planted. Per harvested net weight conyPatd Harvested acre acre bales DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 18,700 5,450 7,550 6,250 6,400 44,350 17,1600 31,900 40,500 46,800 16,800 16,800 170,400 1,980 9,250 5,650 15,250 1,500 1,180 4,630 2,050 2,380 43,870 4,550 18,800 290 19,300 6,600 13,1450 62,990 9,1800 9,1550 9,200 8,1800 8,400 10,350 56,100 18,500 5,350 7,400 6,100 6,200 43,550 17,200 3,200 39,900 46,200 16,100 16,1200 166,800 1,970 9,000 5,600 14,200 1,370 1,100 4,580 1,700 2,000 41,520. 4,400 18,1500 270 18,3001 6,400 12,650 60,520 9,600 9,000 8,1800 8,400 8,200 10,1100 54,100 546 390 362 383 329 441 418 415 434 467 415 369 429 604 372 406 348 280 280 464 198 244 367 363 573 207 419 340 359 439 378 263 303 323- 303 389 328 552 397 370 392 340 449 427 424 440 473 433 382 439 607 383 410 373 307 300 469 239 290 388 375 583 222 442 351 381 457 386 279 317 339 310 399 340 - I % L a 3,440 22,500 125 16,900. 4,680 10,000 57,1645 7,700 5,250 5,800 5,1950 5,300 8,400 38,400 44 - ruujcjLus - 219300 4,420 5,700 4,980 4,390 40,790 15,300 27,600 36,600 45,500 14,500 12,900 152,400 2,490 7,200 4,780 11,000 870 690 4,1480 850 1,210 33,570 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 45 Cotton: Acreage; yield and production, 1969-Continued District Acreage Yield Production and istrict480-pound county Per planted Per harvested net weight county Planted Harvested aas acre acre bal - Acres - - Pounds - - Bales - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 7,970 7,900 669 675 11,100 .Dallas 18,200 17,700 433 445 16,400 Elmore 11,700 11,600 502 507 12,200 Lowndes 6,850 6,700 340 348 4,850 Montgomery 5,550 5,450 320 326 3,700 Perry 6,600 6,300 348 364 4,78&& Wilcox 5,500 5,200 259 274 2,970 Total 62,370 60,850 431 442 56,000 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 2,570 2,500 335 344 1,790 Clay 10 10 250 250 5 Coosa 220 190 252 292 115 Lee 4,980 4,900 434 441 4,500 Macon 10,200 9,900 446 459 9,500 Randolph 570 500 281 320 335 Russell 5,500 5,250 361 379 4,140 Talladega 6,600 6,300 310 325 4,260 Tallapoosa 4,200 4,100 449 460 3,930 Total 34,850 33,650 393 407 28,575 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 1,530 1,450 426 450 1,360 Choctaw 2,750 2,600 218 231 1,250 Clarke 2,090 1,600 178 233 780 Mobile 1,220 1,180 287 297 730 Washington 1,040 940 267 296 580 Total 8,630 7,770 261 290 4,700 DISTRICT 80 Butler 4,600 4,300 293 314 2,810 Conecuh 6,200 5,900 319 335 4,120 Covington 6,650 5,600 292 346 4,040 Crenshaw 1,470 1,420 312 323 960 Escambia 6,550 6,450 575 584 7,850 Monroe f19,2(W 10,900 466 478 10,900 Total 36,670 34,570 401 425 30,680 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 4,950 4,650 368 392 3,800 Bullock 4,100 3,750 240 262 2,050 Coffee 2,370 2,050 238 276 1,180 Dale 1,650 1,150 124 178 430 Geneva 10,000 8,050 153 190 3,190 Henry 7,350 6,000 145 178 2,220 Houston 14,900 10,600 135 190 4,190 Pike 450 420 189 202 180 Total 45,770 36,670 181 226 17,240 STATE 566,000 540,000 390 409 460,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1970 District Acreage Yield Production District 480-pound county Planted Harvested Per planted Per harvested net weight - Acres - - Pounds - - Bales - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale. Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 20,400 5,100 7,600 6,150 6,350 45,600 18,200 32,750 40,700 47,900 16,900 16,850 173,300 2,080 9,000 5,300 15,200 1,530 880 4,480 1,690 2,310 42,470 4,350 19,300 250 19,400 6,600 13,900 63,800 9,150 9,400 9,000 8,600 7,700 10,300 54,150 19,900 5,000 7,350 6,000 6,150 44,400 17,600 32,100 39,700 46,900 16,500 16,450 169,250 2,050 8,600 5,150 14,600 1,470 790 4,400 1,640 2,210 40,910 4,200 18,900 230 19,000 6,350 13,400 62,080 8,900 9,100 8,600 8,250 7,200 9,950 52,000 551 513 372 384 413 475 480 474 531 573 418 379 501 584 445 424 357 291 273 536 379 251 405 395 612 248 447 539 422 497 401 349 349 342 249 340 341 565 523 385 393 426 488 497 484 545 585 428 388 513 593 466 436 372 303 304 545 390 262 420 409 625 270 456 561 438 510 412 361 366 356 266 352 355 23,400 5,450 5,900 4,910 5,450 45,110 18,200 32,300 45,000 57,100 14,700 13,300 180,600 2,530 8,350 4,680 11,300 930 500 5,000 1,330 1,210 35,830 3,580 24,600 130 18,000 7,400 12,200 65,910 7,650 6,850 6,550 6,100 3,990 7,300 38,440 46 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 47 Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1970-Continued District Acreage Yield Production and I 480-pound county Planted Harvested Per planted Per harvested net weight acre acre bales - Acres - - Pounds - -Bales - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 8,700 8,600 835 845 15,100 Dallas 18,400 17,900 501 515 19,200 Elmore 11,550 11,400 573 580 13,800 Lowndes 6,750 6,650 472 479 6,650 Montgomery 5,150 5,050 396 404 4,240 Perry 6,600 6,350 391 407 5,350 Wilcox 5,500 5,350 295 304 3,380 Total 62,650 61,300 519 531 67,720 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 2,570 2,520 363 371 1,940 Clay 10 10 300 300 6 Coosa 140 120 250 292 74 Lee 5,170 5,070 429 438 4,620 Macon 10,300 10,100 390 398 8,350 Randolph 340 320 279 297 200 Russell , 5,300 5,100 321 333 3,540 Talladega 6,400 6,250 410 420 5,460 Tallapoosa 4,110 4,020 375 384 3,210 Total 34,340 33,510 383 393 27,400 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 1,440 1,410 396 404 1,190 Choctaw 2,470 2,360 273 286 1,410 Clarke 2,230 1,900 182 213 840 Mobile 1,970 1,860 221 234 910 Washington 1,100 1,050 305 319 700 Total. 9,210 8,580 263 282 5,050 DISTRICT 80 Butler 4,200 4,050 279 289 2,440 Conecuh 6,100 5,500 229 254 2,900 Covington 6,850 .6,200 172 190 2,450 Crenshaw 1,100 1,060 205 212 470 Escambia 7,200 6,950 458 475 6,870 Monroe 11,200 10,700 401 419 9,350 Total 36,650 34,460 321 341 24,480 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 5,100 4,490 350 398 3,720 Bullock 4,060 3,460 170 199 1,440 Coffee L,490 790 107 203 330 Dale 9-90 690 121 174 250 Geneva 9,100 5,100 137 245 2,600 Henry 7,300 5,400 179 243 2,730 Houston 14,700 11,500 174 223 5,350 Pike 90 80 222 250 40 Total 42,830 31,510 184 251 16,460 STATE 565,000 538,000 431 453 507,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 19 71 District Acreage- Yield Production and I480-pound county Planted Harvested acre acre bales -Acres- - Pounds- - Bales DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 22,600 5,450 7,150 6,550 6,850 48,600 19,500 37,900 46,100 55,300 19,100 16,900 194,800 2,000 11,000 5,950 17,500 1,170 900 5,450 1,040 1,170 46,180 4,450 22,700 215 22,100 7,100 15,500 72,065 8,950 9,350 9,600 9,300 7,800 10,200 55,200 22,400 5,350 7,000 6,450 6,750 47,950 19,300 37,600 45,700 55,000 18,700 16,700 193,000 1,980 10,800 5,700 17,200 1,140 870 5,400 980 1,120 45,190 4,350 22,400 200 21,700 6,950 15,100 70,700 8,750 9,1200 9,250 9,100 7,400 10,000 53,700 641 529 498 393 397 540 586 633 686 730 447 478 637 600 515 473 417 393 378 486 375 436 462 466 726 274 496 528 478 565 483 421 320 386 256 526 404 647 539 509 399 403 547 592 638 692 734 457 484 642 606 524 494 424 404 391 491 398 455 472 477 736 295 505 540 491 576 494 428 332 395 270 537 415 30,200 6,000 7,400 5,350 5,650 54,600 23,800 49,900 65,800 84,000 17,800 16,850 258,150 2,500 11,800 5,850 15,200 960 710 5,500 810 1,060 44,390 4,320 34,300 120 22,800 7,800 15,400 84,740 9,000 8,200 6,400 7,500 4,150 11,200 46,450 48 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1971-Continued Acreage Yield Production District 480-pound county Planted Harvested Per planted Per harvested net weight cArsneacre acre bales - Acres - - Pounds - Bales - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 10,500 19,700 13,100 7,900 4,450 6,550 5,250 67,450 1,750 5 85 5,900 10,400 200 5,400 7,300 3,870 34,910 1,260 2,430 1,440 550 1,600 7,280 3,700 4,950 3,050 870 6,700 11,400 30,670 2,760 3,640 800 240 2,940 4,010 7,350 105 21,845 579,000 10,300 19,500 12,600 7,700 4,350 6,300 4,900 65,650 1,710 5 75 5,800 10,100 190 5,300 7,100 3,820 34,100 1,240 2,330 1,350 530 1,520 6,970 2,840 3,700 2,350 590 6,550 10,800 26,830 2,200 2,850 400 140 1,450 1,950 4,900 20 13,910 558,000 791 548 608 554 385 388 328 555 354 400 235 488 449 450 407 422 517 446 587 263 243 482 431 369 246 244 321 247 594 542 439 395 160 140 133 133 112 139 48 168 531 807 554 633 568 394 403 351 570 363 400 267 497 462 474 415 434 524 456 597 275 259 500 454 385 320 327 417 364 608 572 502 495 205 280 229 270 231 208 250 265 551 17,300 22,500 16,600 9,100 3,570 5,300 3,580 77,950 1,290 4 41 6,000 9,700 190 4,580 6,400 4,160 32,365 1,540 1,330 730 550 1,440 5,590 1,900 2,520 2,040 450 8,290 12,900 28,100 2,270 1,220 230 65 810 940 2,120 10 7,665 640,000 49 50 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 19 72 DitrctAcreage Yield Production Disrit480-pound county Plantd Hreted Per planted Per harvested net weight Havstd acre acre bales -Acres - Pounds- - Bales - DISTRICT 10 Colbert 23,750 23,400 661 671 32,700 Fayette 5,750 5,550 380 394 4,550 Franklin 7,500 7,250 400 414 6,250 Lamar 7,100 6,800 368 384 5,400 Marion 5,1620 5,500 340 348 3,980 Total 49,720 48,500 511 524 52,880 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 21,700 20,700 558 585 25,200 Lawrence 40,750 39,500 537 554 45,600 Limestone 51,100 49,200 586 609 62,400 Madison- 64,800 62,000 547 571 73,800 Marshall 19,700 18,500 271 289 11,100 Morgan 17,700 16,900 333 349 12,300 Total 215,750 206,800 513 535 230,400 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 2,070 2,000 467 483 2,010 Blount 11,400 10,900 381 399 9,050 Chilton 6,050 5,950 458 465 5,750 Cullman 20,200 19,300 291 305 12,200 Jefferson 1,180 1,130 291 304 710 Saint Clair 900 880 286 292 530 Shelby 5,350 5,200 418 430 4,650 Walker 930 890 254 265 490 Winston 1,110 1,050 233 247 540 Total 49,190 47,300 352 366 35,930 DISTRIC T 30 Calhoun 4,560 4,480 421 429 4,000 Cherokee 24,300 23,600 478 492 24,200 Cleburne 85 20 24 100 5 DeKalb 23,000 21,600 246 262 11,800 Etowah 7,600 7,300 371 387 5,850 Jackson 16,300 15,300 281 299 9,550 Total 75,845 72,300 351 368 55,405 DISTRICT 40 ,Greene 9,450 9,300 425 432 8,350 Hale 9,450 9,250 392 400 7,700 Marengo 8,750 8,550 343 351 6,250 Pickens 9,350 9,0200 427 434 8,300 Sumter 7,200 7,000 260 268 3,900 Tuscaloosa 10,600 10,300 534 550 .11,800 Total 54,800 53,600 4 06 415 46,300 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 51 Cotton: Acreage, yield and production, 1972-Continued Acreage Yield Production District and 480-pound county Planted Harvested Per planted Per harvested net weight acre acre bales Acres - - Pounds - - Bales DISTRICT 50 Autauga 12,500 12,100 777 803 20,200 ..Dallas 21,700 21,100 491 505 22,200 Elmore 14,600 14,200 531 546 16,100 Lowndes 8,450 8,200 467 481 8,200 Montgomery 4,470 4,350 448 460 4,170 Perry 6,350 6,150 343 354 4,530 Wilcox 5,550 5,400 346 356 4,000 Total 73,620 71,500 518 534 79,400 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 1,380 1,240 246 274 705 -Xlay 0 0 0 0 0 ,.Coosa 85 75 141 160 25 Lee 6,100 6,000 356 362 4,520 Macon 9,450 9,250 345 352 6,750 Randolph 105 95 210 232 45 Russell 5,400 5,250 322 331 3,620 Talladega 7,250 6,950 350 365 5,250 Tallapoosa 4,030 3,940 418 427 3,510 Total 33,800 32,800 348 359 24,425 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 1,570 1,560 694 698 2,270 Choctaw 2,600 2,560 266 270 1,440 Clarke 1,080 1,070 262 265 590 Mobile 380 370 282 289 220 Washington 1,560 1,540 601 608 1,950 Total 7,190 7,100 432 438 6,470 DISTRICT 80 Butler 3,080 3,030 323 328 2,070 Conecuh 4,450 4,380 348 353 3,220 Covington 2,720 2,670 304 310 1,730 Crenshaw 460 420 261 286 250 Escambia 7,800 7,700 600 608 9,750 Monroe 13,200 12,800 482 497 13,200 Total 31,710 31,000 458 469 30,220 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 2,440 2,410 359 364 1,820 Bullock 1,330 1,310 239 243 660 Coffee 200 190 290 305 120 Dale 25 25 480 480 25 Geneva 760 750 361 365 570,11 Henry 1,400 1,380 378 383 1,100 Houston 3,080 2,900 184 195 1,180 Pike 140 135 321 333 95 Total 9,375 9,100 286 294 5,570 STATE 601,000 580,000 453 470 567,000 52 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Peanuts: Acreage picked and threshed, yield and production, 1965-66 District 1965 1966 and Acres Yield Acres Yield county harvested per acre Production harvested per acre Production Acres - Pounds - Acres - Pounds - DISTRICT 10 220 900 198,000 220 614 135,000 DISTRICT 20 220 986 217,000 90 867 78,000 DISTRICT 21 500 912 456,000 360 692 249,000 DISTRICT 30 240 962 231,000 210 793 166,500 DISTRICT 40 760 743 565,000 930 522 485,500 DISTRICT 50 2,250 933 2,100,000 1,220 737 899,500 DISTRICT 60 Russell 1,400 1,000 1,400,000 1,300 680 884,000 Other cos. 550 896 493,000 380 586 222,500 Total 1,950 971 1,893,000 1,680 659 1,106,500 DISTRICT 70 310 839 260,000 160 644 103,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler 2,700 1,300 3,510,000 2,150 800 1,720,000 Conecuh 2,300 1,200 2,760,000 2,000 1,000 2,000,000 Covington 10,000 1,300 13,000,000 9,500 1,310 12,445,000 Crenshaw 9,500 1,200 11,400,000 8,900 920 8,188,000 Escambia 550 1,200 660,000 500 1,250 625,000 Monroe 200 1,100 220,000 180 900 162,000 Total 25,250 1,250 31,550,000 23,230 1,082 25,140,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 21,000 1,400 29,400,000 19,200 1,140 21,888,000 Bullock 2,500 1,000 2,500,000 2,000 750 1,500,000 Coffee 26,000 1,400 36,400,000 24,300 1,160 28,188,000 Dale 16,000 1,400 22,400,000 15,800 1,220 19,276,000 Geneva 16,500 1,500 24,750,000 16,900 1,420 23,998,000 Henry 30,500 1,400 42,700,000 29,500 1,330 39,235,000 Houston 31,300 1,600 50,080,000 30,600 1,460 44,676,000 Pike 22,500 1,400 31,500,000 19,600 1,010 19,796,000 Total 166,300 1,442 239,730,000 157,900 1,257 198,557,000 198,000 1,400 277,200,000 186,000 1,220 226,920,000STATE ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 53 Peanuts: Acreage picked and threshed, yield and production, 196 7-68 District 1967 1968 and Acres Yield Production Acres Yield Production county harvested per acre harvested per acre Acres - Pounds - Acres - Pounds - 625 125,000DISTRICT 10 DISTRICT 20 DISTRICT 21 DISTRICT 30 DISTRICT 40 DISTRICT 50 DISTRICT 60 Russell Other cos. Total DISTRICT 70 DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total 200 120 30a 220 780 1,140 1,200 310 1,510 150 1,800 1,900 9,100 7,900 640 190 21,530 18,1000 1,750 22,400 15,200 16,300 28,1400 30,400 17,600 150,050 210 652 160 947 280 784 230 822 680 612 1,080 806 867 763 814 559 768 730 627 709 690 900 1,000 1,350 1000 1,250 1,000 1,147 1,300 740 1,350 1,350 1,530 1,370 1,670 1,1020 1,386 104,000 229,000 179,000 436,000 876,000 876,000 194,500 1,070,500 103,500 1,620,000 1,900,000 12,285,000 7,900,000 800,000 190,000 24,695,000 23,400,000 1,295,000 30,240,000 20,520,000 24,939,000 38,908,000 50,1768,1000 17,952,000 208,022,1000 SE176,000 1,340 235,840,1000 181,000 1,360 246,160,000 1,250 270 1,520 130 1,710 2,000 9,800 7,900 680 170 22,260 18,500 1,850 23,400 15,500 17,000 29,200 31,500 17,500 154,450 1,000 687 944 719 1,200 1,300 1,500 1,450 1,625 1,200 1,443 1,230 900 1,290 1,390 1,520 1,230 1,600 1,1270 1,363 137,000 151,500 219,500 189,000 416,000 870,000 1,250,000 185,500 1,435,500 93,500 2,052,000 2,600,000 14,700,000 11,455,000 1,105,000 204,000 32,116,000 22,755,000 1,665,000 30,186,000 21,545,000 25,840,000 35,916,000 50,400,000 22,225,000 210,532,000 STATE 54 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Peanuts: Acreage picked and threshed, yield and production, 1969-70 District 1969 1970 and Acres Yield Production Acres Yield Production county harvested per acre harvested per acre Production Acres - Pounds - Acres - Pounds - 736 781 704 761 684 812 162,000 101,500 204,200 190,300 444,500 853,000 DISTRICT 10 DISTRICT 20 DISTRICT 21 DISTRICT 30 DISTRICT 40 DISTRICT 50 DISTRICT 60 Russell Other cos. Total DISTRICT 70 DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 220 130 290 250 650 1,050 1,350 1270 1,620 120 1,810 2,100 10,300 8,200 680 130 23,220 19,500 1,950 24,200 16,000 17,200 30,500 32,100 18,000 159,450 187,000 805 954 860 870 785 861 169,000 124,000 301,000 217,500 510,500 913,000 210 130 350 250 650 1,060 1,350 270 1,620 120 1,900 2,100 10,500 8,600 650 110 23,860 20,100 1,950 25,300 15,900 17,300 31,100 32,000 18,100 161,750 190,000 1,100 1,100 1,500 1,475 1,560 1,200 1,424 1,600 920 1,480 1,710 1,900 1,730 2,130 1,310 1,713 1,660 2,090,000 2,310,000 15,750,000 12,685,000 1,014,000 132,000 33,981,000 32,160,000 1,794,000 37,444,000 27,189,000 32,870,000 53,803,000 68,160,000 23,711,000 277,131,000 315,400,000 1,150 1,553,000 694 187,500 1,074 1,740,500 583 70,000 1,250 2,263,000 1,190 2,499,000 1,600 16,480,000 1,540 12,628,000 1,750 1,190,000 1,130 147,000 1,516 35,207,000 1,500 29,250,000 960 1,872,000 1,520 36,784,000 1,530 24,480,000 1,748 30,072,000 1,500 45,750,000 1,740 55,854,000 1,230 22,140,000 1,544 246,202,000 1,525 285,175,000 1,260 1,701,000 959 259,000 1,210 1,960,000 775 93,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 55 Peanuts: Acreage picked and threshed, yield and production, 19 71-72 District. 1971. 1972 and Acres Yield Acres Yield Pouto county harvested per acre Pouto harvested per acre - Pounds - 200,500 142,500 DISTRICT 10 DISTRICT 20 DISTRICT 21 DISTRICT 30 DISTRICT 40 DISTRICT 50 DISTRICT 60 Russell Other cos. Total DISTRICT 70 DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE Acres 200 140 190 140 - Pounds - 975 954 195,000 133,500 966 270,500 984 246,000 733 403,000 1,270 1,308,000 1,1055 1,018 969 797 1,102 2,050 1,066 1,918 910 1,550 1,700 2,170 2,120 2,900 1,400 2,072 1,720 1,050 2,010 2,230 2,430 2,090 2,425 1,690 2,088 2,070 336,000 232,500 438,500 1,157,500 2,911,000 234,500 3,145,500 91,000 3,193,000 3,842,000 23,002,000 18,232,000 19856,000 140,000 .50,265.,000 35,948,000 1,890,000 52,059,000 36,572,000 42,525,000 66,044,000 78,085,000 32,448,000 345,571,000 401,580,000 Acres 330 240 550 1,050 1,420 220 1,640 100 2,060 2,260 10,600 8,600 640 100 24,260 1,800 25,900 16,')400 17,500 3 1,600 32,200 19,200 165,500 194,000 280 250 550 1,030 1,350 220 1,570 100 2,060 2,260 10,800 8,750 670 90 24,630 21,600 1,750 26,200 16,700 17,400 31,800 32,300 20,500 168,250 197,000 2,260 945 2,076 810 1,550 1,700 1,890 1,840 3,000 1,800 1,856 1,700 1,160 1,720 1,720 2,020 2,085 2,135 1,650 1,883 1,870 3,051,000 208,000 3,259,000 81,000 3,193,000 3,842,000 20,412,000 16,100,000 2,010,000 162,000 45,719,000 36,720,000 2,030,000 45,064,000 28,724,000 35,148,000 66,303,000 68,961,000 33,825,000 316,775,000 368,390,000 56 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Soybeans: Acreage harvested for beans, yield per acre and production, 1965-66 District 1965 1966 and Acres Yield Acres Yield roduction county harvested per acre ProductionProduction Acres - Bushels - Acres - Bushels - DISTRICT 10 Colbert 3,300 25.0 82,500 5,000 28.0 140,000 Fayette 350 28.0 9,800 600 32.0 19,200 Franklin 1,800 26.0 46,800 2,100 29.0 61,000 Lamar 1,000 24.0 24,000 2,200 30.0 66,000 Marion 50 24.0 1,200 200 28.0 5,600 Total 6,500 25.3 164,300 10,100 28.9 291,800 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 1,100 18.0 19,800 1,800 26.0 46,800 Lawrence 4,700 23.1 108,500 6,200 26.0 161,000 Limestone 4,800 23.0 110,000 6,800 25.0 170,000 Madison 16,600 22.0 365,000 19,000 24.0 456,000 Marshall 1,400 21.0 29,400 1,900 24.0 45,600 Morgan 3,700 21.0 77,500 3,900 23.0 89,500 Total 32,300 22.0 710,200 39,600 24.5 968,900 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 50 21.0 1,050 150 20.0 3,000 Blount 600 22.0 13,200 1,200 25.0 30,000 Chilton 50 17.0 850 200 18.0 3,600 Cullman 400 18.0 7,200 450 23.0 10,400 Jefferson 50 18.0 900 50 22.0 1,100 Saint Clair 100 18.0 1,800 100 22.0 2,200 Shelby 250 20.0 5,000 1,000 23.0 23,000 Walker 50 22.0 1,100 50 25.0 1,250 Winston 30 22.0 660 50 25.0 1,250 Total 1,580 20.1 31,760 3,250 23.3 75,800 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun 1,000 21.0 21,000 1,200 28.0 33,600 Cherokee 1,400 24.0 33,600 1,700 27.0 45,900 Cleburne 50 25.0 1,250 50 26.0 1,300 DeKalb 200 24.0 4,800 300 26.0 7,800 Etowah 400 24.0 9,600 650 26.0 16,900 Jackson 18,000 23.5 423,000 21,000 24.0 504,000 Total 21,050 23.4 493,250 24,900 24.5 609,500 DISTRICT 40 Greene 500 22.0 11,000 2,600 22.0 57,000 Hale 600 23.0 13,800 2,400 23.0 55,000 Marengo 30 21.0 630 7,200 20.0 144,000 Pickens 200 20.0 4,000 2,200 24.0 53,000 Sumter 800 19.0 15,200 2,800 22.0 61,500 Tuscaloosa 150 19.0 2,850 200 21.0 4,200 Total 2,280 20.8 47,480 17,400 21.5 374,700 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 57 Soybeans: Acreage harvested for beans, yield per acre and production, 1965-66 - Continued District 1965 1966 and Acres Yield Acres Yiel P county harvested per acre Production harvested per acre Production Acres - Bushels - Acres - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike' Total STATE 400 1,000 900 500 1,000 900 e- 4,700 100 50 50 150 350 50 50 8,800 30 9,630 97,000 -r . 700 15,900 1,900 115,500 80 1,400 4,000 400 22,000 4,300 32,180 50 80 400 100 700 300 600 50 2,280 228,000 18.0 26.0 19.0 24.0 24.0 22.0 - 22.6 20.0 22.0 20.0 17.0 17.0 21.0 19.0 18.0 19.0 18.0 21.0 20.0 22.0 21.0 21.1 17.0 19.5 23.0 22.0 25.5 26.0 24.9 23.0 21.0 23.0 23.0 20.0 21.0 18.0 19.0 20.3 22.0 7,200 26,000 17,100 12,000 24,000 19,800 2- 106,100 2,000 1,100 1,000 2,550 5,950 1,050 950 158,000 570 173,170 2,037,000 2- 14,000 350,000 39,900 2,440,900 1,360 27,300 92,000 8,800 561,000 112,000 802,460 1,150 1,680 9,200 2,300 14,000 6,300 10,800 950 46,380 5,016,000 1,050 23.0 4,900 22.0 1,200 24.0 600 24.0 2,200 22.0 3,200 22.0 300 22.0 13,450 22.4 250 22.0 50 25.0 50 22.0 150 23.0 450 20.0 50 24.0 200 20.0 9,500 24.0 50 22.0 10,750 23.7 24,200 108,000 28,800 14,400 48,400 70,500 6,600 300,900 5,500 1,250 1,100 3,450 9,000 1,200 4,000 228,000 1,100 254,600 99,000 25.9 2,563,00 900 20.0 18,000 17,900 25.0 448,000 2,100 21.0 44,100 119,900 25.6 3,073,100 100 20.0 2,000 1,800 21.0 37,800 5,000 21.0 105,000 700 20.0 14,000 24,500 23.0 564,000 5,200 22.0 114,000 37,300 22.4 836,800 450 20.0 9,000 100 20.0 2,000 400 23.0 9,200 200 23.0 4,600 800 22.0 17,600 450 24.0 10,800 900 22.0 19,800 50 18.0 900 3,350 22.1 73,900 280,000 24.5 6,860,000 58 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Soybeans: Acreage harvested for -beans, yield per acre and production, 196 7-68 Ditrct1967 1968 afld Acres Yield Acres Yield Pouto county harvested per acre: Production harvested' per acreI Acres DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total - Bushels -Acres 10,000 2,800 4,000 4,100 1,600 22,500 8,100 1 4,100 23,700 34,800 5,800 12,400 98,900 830 4,000 300 4,100 70 600 1,800 200 700 12,600 2,600 3,300 200 1,500 3,700 28,600 39,1900 7,000 13,700 14,000 13,800 5,800 700 55,000 27.0 27.0 24.0 28.0 26.0 26.6 28.0 26.0 29.0 26.0 28.0 26.0 27.0 27.0 26.0 28.0 27.0 26.0 25.0 26.0 28.0 28.0 26.6 23. 27.0 22.0 27.0 28.0 23.0 24.0 23.0 27.0 28.0 27.0 23.0 26.0 26.3 - Bushels - 270,000 75,'500 96,000 115,000 41,600 598,100 227,000 367,000 687,000 905,000 162,000 322,000 2,670,000 22,400 104,000 8,400 111,000 1,820 15,000 4.6,800 5,600 19,600 334,620 89,000 4,400 40,9500 104,'000, 658,000 955,900 161,000 370,1000 373,000 133,000 18,200 1,447,200 10,500 23.0 4,300 26.0 4,500 .25.0 5,800 25.0 1,700 26.0 26,800 24.5 10,700 23.0 15,000 21.0 25,800 24.0 37,100 22.0 5,700 25.0 12,900 21.0 107,200 22.5 840 21.0 3,600 25.0 400 20.0 4,900 25.0 80 25.0 630 24.0 1,600 23.0 350 24.0 - 700 24.0 13,100 24.3 3,000 4,200 2. 200 .24.0 2,300 25.0 3,500 26.0 26,000 21.0 39,200 22.4 9,000 20.0 19,400 22.0 20,000 2. 16,500 25.0 890 22.0 1,600 25.0 7540 22.5, 242,000 112,000 113,000 145,000 44,200 656,200 246,000 315,000 619,000 816,1000 143,000 271,000 2,410,000 17,600 90,000 8,000 123,000 2,000 15,100 36,800 8,400 16,800 317,700 72,000 105,000 4,800 57,500 91,000 546,000 876,300 180,000 427,000 440,000 413,000 196,000 40,000 1,696,000 rrrruvurr -u - -~-~- ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 59 Soybeans: Acreage harvested for beans, yield per acre and production, 1967-68 - Continued District 1967 1968 and Acres Yield Acres Yield county harvested per acre Production harvested per acre Production Acres - Bushels - Acres - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 2,500 13,500 2,700 1,800 6,100 17,200 2,300 46,100 50 30 20 500 900 50 1,700 12,000 50 15,300 104,000 50 900 21,000 2,150 128,100 500 2,600 11,500 1,200 27,400 10,500 53,700 500 2,000 2,500 200 4,000 400 -2,000 300 11,900 484,000 32.0 29.0 27.0 31.0 27.0 28.0 28.0 28.5 24.0 25.0 24.0 25.0 27.0 25.0 26.0 25.0 26.0 25.2 26.1 24.0 25.0 26.0 25.0 26.0 23.0 23.0 26.0 24.0 28.0 30.0 27.6 28.0 26.0 26.0 24.0 25.0 27.0 26.0 27.0 25.8 26.5 80,000 392,000 73,000 56,000 165,000 482,000 64,500 1,312,500 1,200 750 480 12,500 24,300 1,250 44,200 300,000 1,300 385,980 2,710,000 1,200 22,500 546,000 54,000 3,333,700 11,500 60,000 299,000 28,800 767,000 315,000 1,481,300 14,000 52,000 65,000 4,800 1 00,000 10,800 52,000 8,100 306,700 12,826,000 3,100 23.0 19,300 20.0 3,800 23.0 4,600 23.0 10,300 20.0 18,600 21.0 5,500 25.0 65,200 21.3 50 14.0 30 20.0 20 20.0 500 16.0 2,300 20.0 50 20.0 2,500 16.0 13,500 18.0 50 18.0 19,000 17.9 106,000 22.3 50 22.0 1,200 22.0 22,800 23.0 2,550 21.0 132,600 22.4 1,100 18.0 2,600 17.0 12,100 17.0 1,300 17.0 27,900 22.0 12,000 24.0 57,000 20.9 71,500 386,000 87,500 106,000 206,000 391,000 138,000 1,386,000 700 600 400 8,000 46,000 1,000 40,000 243,000 900 340,600 2,361,000 1,100 26,400 524,000 53,500 2,966,000 19,800 44,200 206,000 22,100 614,000 288,000 1,194,100 900 17.0 15,300 4,300 18.0 77,500 2,600 17.0 44,200 200 17.0 3,400 4,300 19.0 81,500 350 16.0 5,600 1,600 16.0 25,600 250 16.0 4,000 14,500 17.7 257,100 550,000 22.0 12,100,000 r vrru --- ~- - - -- ~- 60 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Soybeans: A creage harvested for beans, yield per acre and production, 196 9-70 District 1969 1970 and Acres Yield Acres Yield county harvested per acre Production harested per acre Production Acres - Bushels - Acres- - Bushels - DISTRICT 10 Colbert 12,200 24.0 293,0000 12,300 23.0 283,000 Fayette 5,100 25.0 128,000 4,700 20.0 94,000 Franklin 5,000 21.0 105,000 4,500 20.0 90,000 Lamar 7,000 22.0 154,000 6,700 23.0 154,000 Marion 2,400. 24.0 57,500 2,200 23.0 50,500 Total 31,700 23.3 737,500 30,400 22.1 671,500 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 12,700 21.0 267.000 13.000 22.0 286,000 Lawrence 17,100 23.0 393,000 17,400 21.0 365,000 Limestone 32,500 22.0 715,000 33,200 22.0 730,000 Madison 41,500 24.0 996,000 42,500 21.0 893,000 Marshall 7,200 24.0 173,000 6,800 23.0 156,000 Morgan 15,0000 23.0 345,000 14,800 20.0 296,000 Total 126,000 22.9 .2,889,000 127,700 21..3 2,726,000 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 900 20.0 18,000 800 21.0 16,800 Blount 3,700 22.0 81,500 3,600 24.0 86,500 Chilton 400 19.0 7,600 350 24.0 8,400 Cullman 5,600 26.0 146,1000 5,700 22.0 125,000 Jefferson 200 19.0 3,800 200 22.0 4,400 Saint'Clair 700 21.0 14,700 650 22.0 14,300 Shelby 2,000 21.0 42,000 1,850 23.0 42,600 Walker 400 19.0 7,600 350 22.0 7,700 Winston 700 24.0 16,800 600 22.0 13,200 Total 14,600 23.2 338,000 14,100 22.6 318,900 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun .4,100 21.0 86,000 4,000 23.0 92,000 Cherokee 7,600 23.0 175,000 7,300 23.0 168,000 Cleburne 200 20.0 4,000 200 22.0 4,'400 DeKalb 4,9500 23.0 104,000 4,400 23.0 101,)000 Etowah 4,200 27.0 113,000 4,300 22.0 94,500 Jackson 28,000 21.0 588,000 28,200 21.0 592,00a Total 48,600 22.0 1,0070,000 48,400 21.7 1,051,900 DISTRICT 40 Greene 12,000 16.0 192,000 9,000 20.0 180,000 Hale 26,000 20.0 520,000 22,1700 23.0 522,000 Marengo 23,000 21.0 483,000 19,400 21.0 407,000 Pickens 19,000 20.0 380,000 14,300 23.0 329,000 Sumter 12,000 18.0 216,000 10,800 23.0 248,1000 Tuscaloosa 2,500 20.0 60,1000 2,600 20.0 52,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 61 Soybeans: Acreage harvested for beans, yield per acre and production, 1969-70 - Continued District 1969 1970 and Acres Yield Production Acres Yield Production county harvested per acre harvested per acre Acres - Bushels - Acres - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 3,300 23,000 4,800 6,500 12,800 22,000 10,100 82,500 50 30 20 500 2,500 50 2,500 15,000 50 20,700 110,000 50 1,100 24,000 2,550 137,700 2,100 2,500 11,500 1,200 28,500 12,000 57,800 1,000 5,000 2,300 250 5,150 400 1,500 300 15,900 630,000 21.0 20.0 25.0 24.0 25.0 21.0 20.0 21.7 20.0 18.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 16.0 19.0 20.0 18.0 20.4 24.0 18.0 17.0 23.0 23.0 23.8 18.0 23.0 23.0 19.0 27.0 26.0 25.3 25.0 21.0 20.0 20.0 24.0 20.0 21.0 19.0 22.0 22.5 69,500 460,000 120,000 156,000 320,000 462,000 202,000 1,789,500 1,000 540 360 10,500 60,000 800 47,500 300,000 900 421,600 2,643,000 900 18,700 552,000 58,500 3,273,100 37,800 57,500 265,000 22,800 770,000 312,000 1,465,100 25,000 105,000 46,000 5,000 124,000 8,000 31,500 5,700 350,200 14,175,000 2,800 25.0 20,200 21.0 4,400 23.0 6,200 25.0 12,500 26.0 18,700 21.0 9,600 24.0 74,400 22.8 50 21.0 30 20.0 20 20.0 400 22.0 2,800 22.0 100 21.0 2,500 22.0 13,300 20.0 100 22.0 19,300 20.6 104,000 26.9 50 24.0 1,000 23.0 23,300 26.0 2,350 25.0 130,700 26.7 2,100 21.0 2,800 20.0 12,600 20.0 1,200 20.0 27,700 24.0 12,900 23.0 59,300 22.6 70,000 424,000 101,000 155,000 325,000 393,000 230,000 1,698,000 1,050 600 400 8,800 61,500 2,100 55,000 266,000 2,200 397,650 2,800,000 1,200 23,000 606,000 59,000 3,489,200 44,100 56,000 252,000 24,000 665,000 297,000 1,338,100 1,000 23.0 23,000 5,200 24.0 125,000 2,350 20.0 47,000 250 21.0 5,250 5,700 21.0 120,000 400 22.0 8,800 1,700 21.0 35,700 300 20.0 6,000 16,9D0 21.9 370,750 600,000 23.0 13,800,000 62 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Soybeans: A creage harvested for beans, yield per acre and production, 19 71- 72 District 1971 1972 and Acres Yield Acres Yield Pouto county harvested per acre Production harvested per acre Pouto Acres- Bushels - Acres - Bushels - DISTRICT 10 Colbert 11,900 28.0 333,000 11,700 21.0 246,000 Fayette 5,1,00 27.0 1381000 5,900 21.0 124,000 Franklin 4,500 25.0 113,000 5,800 23.0 133,000 Lamar 6,400 24.0 154,000 6,800 23.0 156,000 Marion 2,900 26.0 75,500 5,200 22.0 114,000 Total 30,800 26.4 .813,500 35,400 21.8 773,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 16,500 29.0 479,000 24,1100 26.0 .627,000 Lawrence 119,000 24.0 456,000 22,500 23.0 518,000 Limestone 37,500 29.0 1,088,000 39,000 24.0 936,000 Madison 46,800 24.0 1,123,000 47,700 21.0 1,002,000 Marshall 9,100 26.0 237,000 14,300 23.0 329,000 Morgan 14,800 24.0 .355,000 15,200 22.0 334,000 Total 143,700 26.0 -3,738,000 162,800 .23.0 3,746,000 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 800 25.0 20,000 1,100 23.0 25,300 Blount 3,500 25.0 87,500 3,800 22.0 83,500 Chilton 400 26.0 10,400 1,000 20.0 20,000 Cullman 5,800 25.0 145, 9000 6,300 22.0 139,000 Jefferson 300 26.0 7,800 .400 20.0 8,000 Saint Clair 550 23.0 12,700 800 23.0 18,400 Shelby 1,900 24.0 45,600 2,600 22.0 57,000 Walker 300 24.0 7,200 350 20.0 7,000 Winston 850 24.0 20,400 950 19.0 18,000 Total 14,400 24.8 356,600 17,300 21.7 376,200 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun 4,200 25.0 105,000 5,100 23.0 117,000 Cherokee 7,0 27.0 194,000 8,100 21.0 170,000 Cleburne 300 26.0 7,800 300 24.0 7,200 DeKalb 4,600 27.0 124,000 8,500 24.0 204,000 Etowah 4,800 26.0 125,000 5,500 23.0 127,000 Jackson 28,500 24.0 684,000 34,500 22.0 759,000 Total 49,600 25.0 1,239,800 62,000 22.3 1,384,200 DISTRICT 40 Greene- 9,300 24.0 223,000 8,800 19.0 167,000 Hale 26,200 24.0 .629,000 25,900 18.0 466,000 Marengo 20,000 23.0 460,000 17,600 19.0 334,000 Pickens 14,500 25.0 363,000 15,300 23.0 352,000 Sumter 10,500 23.0 242,000 10,100 21.0 212,000 Tuclos^250 0 60,000n 2,500 24.0 60,000AA ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 63 Soybeans: Acreage harvested for beans, yield per acre and production, 1971-72 - Continued District 1971 1972 afld Acres Yield Production Acres Yield Production county harvested per acre harvested per acre Acres - Bushels - Acres - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 2,500 27.0 Dallas 22,000 26.0 Elmore 5,100 27.0 Lowndes 7,100 28.0 Montgomery 15,200 27.0 Perry 18,900 25.0 Wilcox 10,500 26.0 Total 81,300 26.2 DISTRICT 60 Chamber's Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total 50 23.0 30 23.0 20 23.0 400 23.0 3,100 24.0 100 24.0 3,200 26.0 12,000 23.0 200 24.0 19,100 23.7 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 106,000 .27.0 Choctaw 50 26.0 Clarke 900 27.0 Mobile 24,000 28.0 Washington 2,250 27.0 Total 133,200 27.2 DISTRICT 80 Butler 2,500 26.0 Conecuh 3,700 28.0 Covington 17,300 26.0 Cre nshaw 1,600 26.0 Escambia 29,100 Monroe 16,500 28.0 Total 70,700 27.4 DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston. Pike Total 1,000 26.0 5,200 25.0 3,700 25.0 350 24.0 12,500 26.0 0 24.0 5,600 28.0 350 24.0 29,200 26.0 STATE 655,000 26.0 67,500 *IF 2,000 1 -8,000 199,000 473,000 273,000 2,1 32,500 1,150 690 460 9,200 74,500 2,400 83,000 276,000 4,800 452,200 2,864,900 1,300 24,300 61,000 3,623,500 65,000 104,000 450,000 41,600 815,000 462,000 1,937,600 2,800 19.0 53,000 23,800 26.0 619,000 5,000 25.0 125,000 7,400 24.0 178,000 17,700 23.0 407,000 20,800 24.0 499,000 9,300 21.0 195,000 86,800 23.9 2,076,000 50 20.0 1,000 50 21.0 1,050 50 19.0 950 600 17.0 10,200 6,400 18.0 115,000 100 19.0 1,900 3,700 17.0 63,000 12,100 22.0 266,000 250 20.0 5,000 23,300 19.9 46-04,100 106,000 21.0 2,227,400 50 20.0 1,000 1,150 19.0 21,900 25,300 22.0 557,000 2,200 20.0 44,000 134,700 21.2 2,851,300 3,200 13.0 41,600 4,100 13.0 53,500 21,700 14.0 304,000 3,000 14.0 42,000 31,700 19.0 602,000 18,400 15.0 276,000 82,100 16.1 1,319,100 26,000 1,600 12.0 19,200 130,000 8,400 20.0 168,000 92,500 5,1000 12.0 60,000 8,400 900 18.0 16,200 325,000 20,000 18.0 360,000 12,000 900 15.0 13,500 157,000 11,000 15.0 165,000 8,400 600 17.0 10,200 759,300 48,400 16.8 812,100 17,030,000 733,000 21.0 15,393,000 Ivvur rvv)rrvv rr ~ V)VIVSVVV IY ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1965 District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total - Acres 6,200 150 200 40 110 6,700 3,300 3,200 1,950 4,000O 350 700 13,500 30 20 70 80 150 40 150 40 20 600 60 450 40 130 150 2,000 2,830 20 700 50 30 130 20 950 5,350 60 180 20 90 5,700 2,700 2,800 1,400 3,300 250 550 11,000 20 10 40 40 60 20 80 20 10 300 40 390 20 80 100 1,500 2,130 10 450 30 20 80 10 600 29.0 29.0 27.5 28.0 28.0 28.9 28.5 26.5 29.0 29.5 28.0 28.5 28.3 25.0 25.0 23.0 27.0 29.0 25.0 28.0 25.0 27.0 26.7 26.0 26.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 27.0 26.6 25.0 23.0 25.0 26.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 - Bushels 155,000 1,740 4,950 560 2,520 164,770 77,000 74,000 40,600 97,500 7,000 15,700 311,800 500 250 920 1,080 1,740 500 2,240 500 270 8,000 1,040 10,100 480 2,080 2,400 40,500 56,600 250 10,400 750 520 2,240 260 14,420 64 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1965 -Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE Acres 850 550 400 100 400 50 50 2,400 250 40 20 150 80 20 20 1,300 20 1,900 24,000 30 200 1,300 1,000 26,530 10 180 550 250 8,200 1,550 10,740 50 20 300 300 450 30 500 200 1,850 68,000 -Bushels 550 400 350 70 300 30 30 1,730 200 20 110 50 10 10 1,000 10 1,410 21,500 10 150 1,150 700 23,510 140 400 200 5,700 1,100 7,540 20 150 150 250 10 400 100 1,080 55,000 24.5 27.0 24.0 23.0 25.0 23.0 22.0 24.9 24.0 24.0 21.0 23.0 25.0 21.0 23.5 24.0 23.4 20.7 20.0 21.0 19.7 23.0 20.7 23.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 25.0 27.3 22.0 22.0 22.0 23.0 25.0 20.5 24.0 21.9 24.5 13,500 10,800 8,400 1,610 7,500 690 660 43,160 4,800 480 2,310 1,150 250 210 23,500 240 32,940 445,000 200 3,150 22,700 16,100 487,150 3,220 9,600 5,200 160,000 27,500 205,520 440 3,300 3,300 5,750 250 8,200 2,400 23,640 1,348,000 65 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1966 District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre - Acres - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 6,500 110 250 30 110 7,000 3,500 3,200 1,900 4,000 300 700 13,600 30 20 50 100 100 40 100 40 20 500 50 400 30 110 140 1,600 2,330 40 900 100 30 180 50 1,300 5,750 60 220 20 100 6,150 3,200 2,900 1,500 3,300 250 650 11,800 20 10 30 50 50 20 90 20 10 300 30 350 20 80 100 1,450 2,030 20 450 50 20 80 30 650 29.0 30.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 28.9 30.5 29.5 31.5 30.5 29.0 31.0 30.4 25.0 28.0 25.0 28.0 28.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 28.0 27.5 29.0 28.0 25.0 28.0 26.0 28.0 27.9 23.0 23.0 25.0 25.0 26.0 25.0 23.8 - Bushels - 167,000 1,800 5,700 520 2,600 177,620 97,500 85,500 47,200 100,500 7,250 20,200 358,150 500 280 750 1,400 1,400 540 2,520 580 280 8,250 870 9,800 500 2,240 2,600 40,600 56,610 460 10,400 1,250 500 2,080 750 15,440 66 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1966 -Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and eeded harvested harvested Production county acre DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE - Acres - 900 550 400 80 400 30 40 2,400 250 20 20 150 100 20 20 1,500 20 2,100 25,500 200 1,300 1,000 28,000 150 1,800 320 8,100 1,600 11,970 30 250 250 350 20 700 200 1,800 71,000 - Bushels - 600 400 350 50 280 20 20 1,720 200 10 100 60 10 10 950 10 1,350 22.400 150 1,200 750 24,500 100 1,650 200 6,050 1,350 9,350 20 150 150 250 10 470 100 1,150 59,000 30.0 27.0 26.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 24.0 27.2 23.0 23.0 22.0 23.0 25.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 23.7 26.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 26.1 30.0 30.0 29.0 31.0 30.0 30.7 23.0 30.0 30.0 25.0 25.0 26.0 30.0 27.1 28.0 18,000 10,800 9,100 1,150 6,700 500 480 46,730 4,600 230 2,200 1,380 250 230 22,800 250 31,940 582,000 3,900 32,400 21,000 639,300 3,000 49,500 5,800 188,000 40,500 286,800 460 4,500 4,5d 6,250 250 12,200 3 ,OO0 . 31,16Q 1,652,000 67 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1967 District { Yield per anDistrict Acres Acres harvested Production county seeded harvested acre county acre - Acres - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 11,700 280 390 140 200 12,710 5,400 4,800 4,400 5,000 400 3,000 23,000 380 100 80 90 130 400 440 80 80 1,780 250 1,050 100 200 300 2,750 4,650 3,000 3,650 3,550 700 1,800 450 13,150 10,500 200 330 100 150 11,280 4,800 4,300 4,000 4,550 350 2,700 20,700 300 60 50 60 80 300 350 50 50 1,300 200 900 80 180 250 2,400 4,010 2,500 3,000 3,000 500 1,400 360 10,760 25.0 24.0 26.0 25.0 25.0 25.1 26.0 25.0 26.5 25.5 24.0 26.0 25.8 25.0 24.0 24.0 23.0 23.0 24.0 24.0 23.0 24.0 24.1 28.0 28.0 26.0 28.0 25.0 24.5 25.7 25.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 25.0 25.0 24.8 - Bushels - 263,000 4,800 8,600 2,500 3,750 282,650 125,000 108,000 106,000 116,000 8,400 70,000 533,400 7,500 1,440 1,200 1,380 1,840 7,200 8,400 1,150 1,200 31,310 5,600 25,200 2,080 5,050 6,250 59,000 103,180 62,500 72,000 75,000 13,000 35,000 9,000 266,500 68 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1967-Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE - Acres - 1,380 1,800 560 580 1,700 580 420 7,020 650 100 70 240 1,200 110 220 2,750 60 5,400 34,500 70 600 2,100 1,250 38,520 190 1,250 4,150 430 9,100 4,900 20,020 500 200 450 270 900 240 950 240 3,750 130,000 1,100 1,400 450 500 1,400 450 350 5,650 450 70 50 170 900 80 180 1,900 50 3,850 31,000 50 500 1,850 1,100 34,500 150 1,100 3,500 300 7,900 4,200 17,150 400 160 300 200 700 180 700 160 2,800 112,000 - Bushels - 27.0 27.0 25.0 23.0 23.0 24.0 26.0 25.2 25.0 24.0 23.0 24.0 23.0 25.0 23.0 24.0 24.0 23.9 22.1 25.0 26.0 21.0 24.0 22.2 26.0 27.0 23.0 24.0 22.5 27.0 24.0 21.0 23.0 23.0 22.0 20.0 21.0 21.0 20.0 21.1 24.0 29,700 37,800 11,300 11,500 32,200 10,800 9,100 142,400 11,300 1,680 1,150 4,080 20,700 2,000 4,140 45,600 1,200 91,850 685,800 1,250 13,000 38,900 26,400 765,350 3,900 29,700 80,500 7,200 178,000 113,000 412,300 8,400 3,680 6,900 4,400 14,000 3,780 14,700 3,200 59,060 2,688,000 69 Ulr3lnl~il OV ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1968 District Yield per and Acres Acres harvested Production county seeded harvested acre DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total - Acres - 10,700 300 500 150 200 11,850 5,400 5,000 4,300 5,000 400 2,700 22,800 500 200 150 200 200 450 670 100 100 2,570 350 1,050 150 250 330 3,500 5,630 3,600 3,500 4,400 1,300 3,300 700 16,800 9,000 200 350 100 150 9,800 4,500 4,200 3,600 4,200 300 2,300 19,100 300 100 100 100 100 300 450 50 50 1,550 250 800 100 200 250 2,800 4,400 2,600 2,250 3,000 800 2,300 500 11,450 27.0 26.0 28.0 26.0 25.0 27.0 27.0 26.0 27.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.4 26.0 27.0 25.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 27.0 26.0 26.0 28.0 26.0 26.0 27.0 26.0 26.0 26.2 23.0 23.0 23.0 25.0 22.0 25.0 23.1 - Bushels - 243,000 5,200 9,800 2,600 3,750 264,350 122,000 109,000 97,000 109,000 7,800 60,000 504,800 7,800 2,700 2,500 2,600 2,600 7,800 11,700 1,350 1,300 40,350 7,000 20,800 2,600 5,400 6,500 73,000 115,300 60,000 52,000 69,000 20,000 50,500 12,500 264,000 70 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 71 Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1968 -Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre - Acres - - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 1,900 1,300 23.0 29,900 Dallas 2,400 1,600 22.0 35,200 Elmore 700 450 25.0 11,300 Lowndes 900 700 22.0 15,400 Montgomery 2,700 2,000 23.0 46,000 Perry 850 600 22.0 13,200 Wilcox 800 500 23.0 11,500 Total 10,250 7,150 22.7 162,500 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 450 250 23.0 5,750 Clay 100 50 23.0 1,150 Coosa 100 50 23.0 1,150 Lee 350 200 25.0 5,000 Macon 1,900 1,200 24.0 28,800 Randolph 200 100 25.0 2,500 Russell 150 100 24.0 2,400 Talladega 2,700 1,900 24.0 45,600 Tallapoosa 100 50 23.0 1,150 Total 6,050 3,900 24.0 93,500 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 36,000 30,000 24.6 739,150 Choctaw 100 50 24.0 1,200 Clarke 700 500 24.0 12,000 Mobile 2,500 2,000 25.0 50,000 Washington 1,300 1,000 24.0 24,000 Total 40,600 33,550 24.6 826,350 DISTRICT 80 Butler 350 200 26.0 5,200 Conecuh 1,600 1,200 26.0 31,200 Covington 4,600 3,300 23.0 76,000 Crenshaw 450 300 25.0 7,500 Escambia 9,650 7,600 25.5 194,000 Monroe 5,500 4,200 27.0 113,000 Total 22,150 16,800 25.4 426,900 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 450 300 23.0 6,900 Bullock 200 150 24.0 3,600 Coffee 800 500 25.0 12,500 Dale 500 300 23.0 6,900 Geneva 1,400 900 22.0 19,800 Henry 350 200 23.0 4,600 Houston 1,350 800 24.0 19,200 Pike 250 150 23.0 3,450 Total 5,300 3,300 23.3 76,950 STATE 144,000 111,000 25.0 2,775,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1969 District Yield per and Acres Acres harvested Production county seeded harvested acre - Acres - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 7,500 480 400 250 180 8,810 4,100 3,200 2,200 3,400 300 1,650 14,850 350 100 160 160 100 360 500 100 100 1,930 500 650 200 150 350 3,150 5,000 2,900 2,200 2,600 3,200 2,250 700 13,850 6,200 270 200 130 100 6,900 3,100 2,400 1,600 2,500 200 1,200 11,000 200 50 100 100 50 220 280 50 50 1,100 300 450 100 100 200 2,450 3,600 1,600 1,200 1,500 2,350 1,300 400 8,350 32.0 26.0 32.0 26.2 26.0 31.5 35.0 31.0 38.5 36.0 32.0 31.0 34.4 38.0 36.0 28.0 29.0 35.0 32.5 40.0 36.0 36.0 35.3 40.0 37.0 29.0 38.0 31.0 37.0 36.7 27.0 32.0 24.0 30.0 25.5 25.0 27.7 - Bushels - 198,000 7,000 6,400 3,400 2,600 217,400 109,000 74,400 61,500 90,000 6,400 37,200 378,500 7,600 1,800 2,800 2,900 1,750 7,150 11,200 1,800 1,800 38,800 12,000 16,700 2,900 3,800 6,200 90,500 132,100 43,200 38,400 36,000 70,500 33,200 10,000 231,300 72 ----~- 73 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1969 -Continued District Acres Acres Yield per county seeded harvested harvested Production county acre DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Buitler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE - Acres - 1,550 1,900 500 800 2,200 1,550 1,400 9,900 270 100 100 350 1,300 100 200 2,000 100 4,520 32,400 150 430 2,200 730 35,910 500 1,500 4,600 550 10,200 4,100 21,450 380 1,000 1,100 400 1,900 220 1,600 180 6,780 123,000 1,000 1,200 300 500 1,400 1,050 950 6,400 150 50 50 200 800 50 100 1,400 50 2,850 25,800 100 300 1,600 500 28,300 300 850 3,150 300 7,050 2,600 14,250 200 600 750 200 1,200 150 1,050 100 4,250 87,000 29.5 30.0 26.5 25.5 25.5 29.0 33.0 28.7 28.0 26.0 24.0 32.0 27.0 26.0 28.0 36.0 26.0 31.8 24.0 28.0 31.0 24.5 26.5 24.2 30.0 33.0 32.5 33.0 28.5 34.0 30.8 25.0 23.0 35.0 25.0 29.0 29.0 35.0 23.0 30.2 29.0 - Bushels - 29,500 36,000 7,950 12,800 35,700 30,500 31,400 183,850 4,200 1,300 1,200 6,400 21,600 1,300 2,800 50,500 1,300 90,600 619,000 2,800 9,300 39,200 13,300 683,600 9,000 28,100 102,000 9,900 201,000 88,500 438,500 5,000 13,800 26,300 5,000 34,800 4,350 36,800 2,300 128,350 2,523,000 '--~ ---- ~ - ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1970 District Acres Acres Yield per and e aresharvested Production county seeded harvestedacre county acre DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total - Acres - 7,850 510 380 250 250 9,240 3,900 3,300 2,200 3,400 320 2,000 15,120 300 100 170 150 120 390 550 100 100 1,980 480 690 180 150 300 3,350 5,150 2,950 2,200 2,800 2,300 1,600 600 12,450 - Bushels - 6,450 270 200 130 130 7,180 3,100 2,550 1,700 2,600 250 1,550 11,750 200 50 110 100 70 250 350 50 50 1,230 300 500 100 100 180 2,500 3,680 1,650 1,250 1,700 1,500 900 360 7,360 33.0 30.0 31.0 29.0 29..0 32.7 34.0 34.0 39.0 37.0 34.0 36.0 35.6 30.0 30.0 27.0 30.0 28.5 28.0 29.0 29.5 30.0 29.0 32.0 35.0 31.0 33.0 36.0 33.0 33.3 26.0 28.0 28.0: 28.0 26.0 27.0 27.3 213,000 8,100 6,200 3,770 3,770 234,840 105,000 86,500 66,500 96,000 8,500 56,000 418,500 6,000 1,500 2,970 3,000 1,990 7,000 10,200 1,480 1,500 35,640 9,600 17,500 3,100 3,300 6,500 82,500 122,500 42,900 35,000 47,600 42,000 23,400 9,700 200,600 74 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1970 -Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE - Acres - 1,700 2,000 440 900 2,400 1,500 1,250 10,190 320 100 100 340 1,600 100 180 2,050 100 4,890 28,100 170 450 2,400 850 31,970 510 1,450 4,700 550 9,700 4,400 21,310 350 950 1,100 330 2,050 320 2,350 250 7,700 120,000 - Bushels - 1,100 1,250 280 600 1,450 1,000 800 6,480 180 50 50 200 950 50 100 1,300 50 2,930 22,500 100 300 1,800 600 25,300 350 870 2,950 330 6,800 2,900 14,200 200 600 700 190 1,300 200 1,550 150 4,890 85,000 32.0 30.0 26.0 26.0 25.0 28.0 27.0 28.0 24.0 27.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 28.0 25.0 31.0 25.0 27.3 22.0 26.0 26.0 25.0 27.0 22.4 28.0 32.0 26.0 27.0 27.0 31.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 32.0 30.0 27.0 27.0 33.0 24.0 29.2 28.0 35,200 37,500 7,300 15,600 36,300 28,000 21,600 181,500 4,320 1,350 1,300 4,800 22,800 1,400 2,500 40,300 1,250 80,020 495,000 2,600 7,800 45,000 16,200 566,600 9,800 27,800 76,500 8,900 184,000 90,000 397,000 5,200 14,400 22,400 5,700 35,100 5,400 51,000 3,600 142,800 2,380,000 75 -- ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1971 District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total - Acres - 9,350 470 350 200 270 10,640 4,800 4,500 3,000 4,100 480 2,650 19,530 400 170 200 200 350 470 900 130 140 24960 580 850 210 260 600 4,450 6,950 4,250 3,800 3,700 1,900 2,350 980 16,980 7,200 350 250 150 200 8,150 3,900 3,500 2,300 3,200 350 2,000 15,250 300 120 150 140 250 350 650 100 100 2,160 450 650 150 200 450 3,500 5,400 2,600 2,300 2,200 1,300 1,450 700 10,550 34.0 30.0 33.0 32.0 30.0 33.7 35.0 36.0 40.0 39.0 34.0 36.0 37.0 30.0 32.0 30.0 30.0 31.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 30.0 30.1 32.0 36.0 31.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 34.9 27.0 27.0 27.0 29.0 26.0 28.0 27.2 - Bushels - 245,000 10,500 8,250 4,800 6,000 274.550 137,000 126,000 92,000 125,000 11,900 72,000 563,900 9,000 3,840 4,500 4,200 7,750 10,200 19,500 341,00 3,000 65,090 14,400 23,400 4,650 7,000 15,800 123,000 188,250 70,000 62,000 59,500 37,700 37,700 19,600 286,500 76 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 77 Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1971 -Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre - Acres- -Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 3,350 2,400 34.0 81,500 Dallas 3,150 2,000 32.0 64,000 Elmore 760 500 28.0 14,000 Lowndes 1,650 1,100 27.0 29,700 Montgomery 2,750 1,800 26.0 46,800 Perry 2,350 1,600 28.0 44,800 Wilcox 1,320 850 28.0 23,800 Total 15,330 10,250 29.7 304,600 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 510 300 27.0 8,100 Clay 130 80 29.0 2,320 Coosa 130 80 27.0 2,160 Lee 600 350 27.0 9,450 Macon 2,600 1,700 27.0 45,900 Randolph 170 100 30.0 3,000 Russell 570 350 27.0 9,450 Talladega 3,300 2,000 31.0 62,000 Tallapoosa 140 80 26.0 2,080 Total 8,150 5,040 28.7 144,460 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 38,000 30,000 23.2 696,000 Choctaw 350 250 27.0 6,750 Clarke 800 600 27.0 16,200 Mobile 3,880 3,000 25.0 75,000 Washington 1,300 950 27.0 25,700 Total 44,330 34,800 23.6 819,650 DISTRICT 80 Butler 930 600 29.0 17,400 Conecuh 2,170 1,350 31.0 41,900 Covington 5,200 3,800 28.0 106,000 Crenshaw 750 500 27.0 13,500 Escambia 10,600 8,000 28.0 224,000 Monroe 5,600 3,800 31.0 118,000 Total 25,250 18,050 28.9 520,800 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 550 350 28.0 9,800 Bullock 1,390 900 26.0 23,400 Coffee 1,480 1,000 32.0 32,000 Dale 1,150 800 30.0 24,000 Geneva 2,940 2,300 30.0 69,000 Henry 1,000 700 30.0 21,000 Houston 4,650 3,800 31.5 120,000 Pike 720 500 26.0 13,000 Total 13,880 10,350 30.2 312,200 STATE 164,000 120,000 29.0 3,480,000 78 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1972 DistrictAcres Acres Yield per andt s d hared harvested Production county IIacre DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total - Acres - 7,250 480 370 300 470 8,870 3,900 4,100 2,800 3,500 360 2,680 17,340 340 300 250 220 440 460 1,150 70 80 3,310 670 850 210 450 850 4,900 7,930 4,150 3,600 4,700 1,500 2,550 1,150 17,650 5,800 300 250 200 300 6,850 3,150 3,450 2,200 2,800 300 2,100 14,000 250 210 180 170 300 320 680 50 50 2,210 500 700 140 400 650 3,900 6,290 2,400 2,200 3,000 900 1,600 800 10,900 26.5 25.0 25.0 24.0 23.0 26.2 26.0 26.0 29.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 27.2 24.0 25.0 22.0 23.5 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.2 24.0 28.0 22.0 27.0 26.0 25.0 25.4 20.0 23.0 20.0 23.0 18.6 24.0 20.9 - Bushels - 154,000 7,500 6,250 4,800 6,900 179,450 82,000 89,500 64,000 78,500 8,400 59,000 381,400 6,000 5,250 3,960 4,000 6,900 7,350 15,600 1,150 1,150 51,360 12,000 19,600 3,080 10-,800 16,900 97,500 159,880 48,000 50,500 60,000 20,700 29,760 19,200 228,160 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheat: Acreage seeded and harvested, yield and production, 1972--Continued District Acres Acres Yield per and seeded harvested harvested Production county acre - Acres - - Bushels - DISTRICT 50 Autauga 3,900 2,700 21.0 56,500 Dallas 3,800 2,400 21.0 50,500 Elmore 1,000 650 24.0 15,600 Lowndes 1,700 1,150 23.0 26,500 Montgomery 2,600 1,500 20.0 30,000 Perry 2,600 1,550 22.0 34,100 Wilcox 1,600 1,100 20.0 22,000 Total 17,200 11,050 21.3 235,200 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 450 270 17.0 4,590 Clay 140 90 18.0 1,620 Coosa 110 70 17.0 1,190 Lee 700 450 18.0 8,100 Macon 2,650 1,850 17.0 31,500 Randolph 140 90 18.0 1,620 Russell 450 300 17.0 5,100 Talladega 2,800 1,900 19.0 36,100 Tallapoosa 160 100 17.0 1,700 Total 7,600 5,120 17.9 91,520 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 33,000 20,900 11.5 240,000 Choctaw 320 230 16.0 3,680 Clarke 700 550 17.0 9,350 Mobile 3,700 2,800 13.5 37,800 Washington 1,200 900 15.0 13,500 Total 38,920 25,380 12.0 304,330 DISTRICT 80 Butler 850 500 22.0 11,000 Conecuh 2,100 1,300 19.0 24,700 Covington 4,900 2,700 14.0 37,800 Crenshaw 950 550 19.0 10,500 Escambia 10,900 7,700 17.0 131,000 Monroe 4,800 3,000 17.0 51,000 Total 24,500 15,750 16.9 266,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 600 400 16.0 6,400 Bullock 1,350 850 16.0 13,600 Coffee 1,480 950 12.5 11,900 Dale 1,800 950 13.0 12,400 Geneva 4,700 2,650 13.0 34,500 Henry 1,100 750 15.0 11,300 Houston 5,400 3,250 17.0 55,500 Pike 1,250 650 14.0 9,100 Total 17,680 10,450 14.8 154,700 STATE 161,000 108,000 19.0 2,052,000 79 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Land in farms, 1969, with ranking of five leading counties E Under 149,999 ~I~irir i --- ,f YC~ i ;r;T-- ~,_ _r ~~ ~ _ _rr ;r~r~ ~- Z,_ I -.-~ ~ r ~ ~~~ GuL Of MEXICO 150,000 - 199,000 200,000 - 249,000 250,000 - 349,000 350,000 and over 80 /> A. A rIr t >/IL L 7 .1A > > r--\ t A A ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Number of farms, 1969, with ranking of five leading counties L Under 799 800 - 1,099 1,100 - 1,499 1,500 - 1,999 2,009 and over 81 GUL OF r MEXICO ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS LIVESTOCK REVIEW, 1972 by John T. Markham Cash Receipts and Value: Alabama livestock producers received $282.3 million from marketings of cattle, hogs and sheep during 1972, up 34 percent from the $210.4 million received for their 1971 marketings. The total value of cattle, hogs and sheep on Alabama farms at the close of 1972, at $471.1 million, was 30 percent above a year earlier. Increases were exhibited in the total value of each specie despite the decreases in the inventory of hogs and sheep. Cattle: All cattle and calves on Alabama farms January 1, 1973 totaled 2,112,000 head, 3 percent above January 1, 1972. Beef cows and heifers that have calved, at 995,000 head, were up 5 percent from January 1, 1972. Alabama ranked 20th among the States in total cattle and 16th in beef cow numbers. Milk cows and heifers that have calved, at 120,000, were unchanged from a year earlier. Value of the January 1, 1973 cattle inventory was up 28 percent from the previous year, reflecting a $40 increase in value per head and a 3 percent larger inventory. Total value amounted to $433.0 million, an average of $205 per head. The 1972 calf crop, at 980,000 calves, was 4 percent above the 1971 crop of 942,000. Calves born, as a percent of the "cows and heifers that have calved" on hand January 1, 1972, was 92 percent compared with 91 percent the previous year. Hogs: All hogs and pigs on Alabama farms December 1, 1972, at 1,000,000 head, was 5 percent below a year earlier. Alabama ranked 16th among the States in total hog numbers. The average value of hogs and pigs on farms rose from $24.00 per head on December 1, 1971, to $38.00 on December 1, 1972. The December 1, 1972 inventory value amounted to $38.0 million, compared with $25.3 million a year earlier. Farrowings during 1972 totaled 207,000 - 19,000 less than in 1971. The average number of pigs saved per litter rose to 7.6, giving a pig crop of 1,562,000 pigs for 1972, down 7 percent from the 1,693,000 saved during 1971. Sheep: Sheep numbers continued to decline. On January 1, 1973, there were only 5,000 sheep and lambs on farms in Alabama, compared with 5,200 a year earlier. Value of this inventory was placed at $98,000, up $10,000 from the previous year. Milk Production: Alabama dairymen produced an estimated 862 million pounds of milk during 1972, up 5 percent from the 1971 production. Production per cow, at 7,183 pounds, set a new record high while the average number of milk cows remained at the record low of 120,000 established a year earlier. Red meat Production: Alabama production of red meat (beef, veal, pork and mutton) during 1972 was 2 percent below the 1971 output. Production during 1972 totaled an estimated 182.2 million pounds, compared with 186.4 million the previous year. Mutton and beef exhibited 77 and 13 percent decreases, respectively, from the 1971 output. Veal production was virtually unchanged from the previous year while pork was up 2 percent over 1971. Of the total 1972 production, pork and beef represented approximately 75 and 25 percent, respectively, with veal and mutton accounting for less than one-half percent. 82 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 83 Cattle and calves: Number on farms and total value, January 1, 1965-73 Milk cows and heifers All cattle and calves 2 years old and older Year Number prahead Total value Number prhead Total value per head perhead Thousand Dollars Thousand Thousand Dollars Thousand head dollars head dollars 1965 1955 76 148580 200 108 21600 1966 1935 92 178020 186 122 22692 1967 1877 106 198962 177 134 23718 1968 1915 114 218310 161 155 24955 1969 1896 119 225624 146 165 24090 1970 1953 135 263655 131 190 24890 1971 1973 150 295950 1 1 1 1972 2050 165 338250 1973 2112 205 432960 Series discontinued Cattle and calves: Number on farms by sex and age, January 1, 1965-70 Milk Other cattle Cows Heifers Heifer Cows Heifers Steers Bulls 2 yrs. 1 to 2 calves 2 yrs. 1 to 2 Calves 1 yr. 1 yr. & over years & over years & over & over Thousand head 1965 1955 200 57 61 848 193 438 125 33 1966 1935 186 50 54 856 195 437 124 33 1967 1877 177 47 49 830 189 428 125 32 1968 1915 161 43 44 863 204 437 130 33 1969 1896 146 37 40 903 192 422 121 35 1970 1953 131 33 35 929 209 447 133 36 Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by sex and weight, January 1, 19 70-73 Milk Other Year Total Cows and Heifers Cows and Heifers Steers Bulls Calves cattle heifers that 500 lbs. heifers that 500 lbs. 500 lbs. 500 lbs. under have calved & over have calved & over & over & over 500 lbs. Thousand head 1970 1953 122 37 897 176 176 43 459 1971 1973 120 34 915 178 162 43 481 1972 2050 120 38 951 189 162 45 501 1973 2112 120 39 995 192 158 46 518 Cattle and calves: Inventory numbers, calf crop and disposition 1965-72 On hand January 1 Slaugh- Marketings ter Deaths Year All Cows and cattle & heifers 2 yrs. Calves Inship- Cattle & calves old & older 1 born ments Cattle Calves calves Cattle Calves Thousand head 1965 1955 1042 838 25 496 294 14 35 44 1966 1935 1007 844 26 533 317 9 30 39 1967 1877 1024 846 18 426 323 10 27 40 1968 1915 1049 860 18 460 360 8 27 42 1969 1896 1060 892 15 396 382 8 25 39 1970 1953 1019 907 15 419 404 8 29 42 1971 1973 1035 942 15 421 377 8 31 43 1972 2050 1071 980 15 436 414 8 32 43 Cows and heifers that have calved beginning 1970. 84 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cattle and calves: Production and income, 1965 - 72 Price per 100 lbs. Cash Gross Cost of Year Production Marketings Cattle Calves receipts income inshipments - Thousand pounds - - Dollars - - Thousand dollars 1965 535,215 549,350 16.40 19.10 93,485 94,696 2,376 1966 550,860 589,866 19.90 24.00 122,645 124,124 2,875 1967 540,160 507,644 20.00 24.20 107,018 108,779 1,964 1968 577,240 545,695 21.00 25.50 121,024 122,593 2,060 1969 579,745 499,919 23.80 29.90 128,430 130,476 1,928 1970 559,130 549,090 26.10 33.40 156,187 158,872 1 1971 588,500 537,940 26.20 34.80 155,081 157,816 1 1972 619,515 576,270 32.00 44.10 206,267 209,658 1 1 Series discontinued. Cattle and calves: Number on feed, by weight groups, by classes, January 1, 1965-731, 2 Class & 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Weight 00 5794 6 0 348 Thousand head All Cattle & calves 44 Under 500 lbs. 14 500-699 lbs. 11 700-899 lbs. 10 900-1,099 lbs. 9 Over 1,100 lbs. Steer and steer calves 36 Under 500 lbs. 8 500-699 lbs. 9 700-899 lbs. 10 900-1,099 lbs. 9 Over 1,100 lbs. Hifers and heifer calves Under 500 lbs. 500-699 lbs. 700-899 lbs. 900-1,099 lbs. Over 1,100 lbs. 8 6 2 37 10 10 10 6 1 28 5 7 9 6 1 9 5 3 1 42 9 16 10 6 1 28 4 8 9 6 1 14 5 8 1 41 9 14 10 6 2 30 5 9 9 6 1 10 4 5 1 41 8 13 14 6 27 2 6 13 6 14 6 7 1 38 6 15 9 7 1 26 2 9 7 7 1 12 4 6 2 35 8 10 10 6 1 22 2 5 8 6 1 6 5 2 .4- .O- 34 37 1Class and weight breakdown not shown for "cows and others" as this group constitutes 2 an insignificant proportion of the total. Class and weight classifications discontinued as of January 1, 1972. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 85 Cattle: Commercial slaughter, by months, 1965-72 Mot 95 16 97 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 18.7 18.3 16.5 18.7 20.3 20.6 20.4 19.1 21.3 19.7 22.6 21.3 23.0 18. 24.5 24.1 25.5 24.7 24.1 22.8 21.0 20.9 18.2 17.8 256.1 246.5 16,456 16,141 14,421 16,606 18,128 18,149 1.7,891 16,732 18,659 17,375 19,481 18,467 19,849 15,984 21,070 20,774 21,930 21,563 20,606 20,132 18,480 18,664 16,344 15,700 Number slaughtered- Thousand head 19.0 22.7 22.0 17.2 21.3 19.1 19.2 22.6 20.5 20.4 22.6 20.1 21.4 23.8 20.9 21.3 24.1 20.9 19.3 23.6 21.6 22.0 23.4 19.9 21.8 23.0 23.0 21.9 26.0 24.7 19.6 21.4 18.6 16.0 19.0 19.7 17.4 8.3 14.5 7.6 16.5 9.3 16.7 10.0 14.4 9.8 14.7 9.8 13.4 9.9 11.0 9.7 9.3 8.9 10.1 8.8 7.5 9.2 7.1 7.9 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 223,315 216,287 214,696 236,313 218,460 131,993 92,978 7.8 7.2 8.4 7.2 7.7 7.6 7.2 7.7 6.9 7.3 9.1 8.3 92.4 6,950 6,293 7,484 6,214 6,845 6,407 6,379 6,468 6,024 6,220 8,217 7,528 81,029 Calves: Commercial slaughter, by months, 1965-72 Month 1965 196 6 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Number slaughtered - Thousand head Jan. 4.3 3.3 4.0 2.0 2.9 1.1 .2 .3 Feb. 3.9 2.9 3.3 2.3 2.6 1.2 .2 .4 Mar. 4.7 4.5 3.9 3.2 2.2 1.8 .2 .3 Apr. 4.3 3.7 3.7 2.6 2.1 1.4 .2 .2 May 4.4 3.9 3.7 2.8 3.0 1.3 .2 .4 June 4.7 4.3 5.0 3.5 3.0 1.7 ..2 .4 July 3.4 4.5 5.3 4.9 2.9 1.6 .3 .3 Aug. 5.3 4.5 5.6 4.9 2.5 1.4 .5 .3 Sept. 5.8 4.9 6.5 5.2 2.8 .4 .4 .3 Oct. 6.3 5.1 6.8 3.6 3.7 .6 .5 .4 Nov. 5.2 4.2 4.7 3.7 2.5 .3 .6 .4 Dec. 2.2 3.1 2.6 2.8 1.6 .2 .4 .3 Total 54.5 48.9 55.1 41.5 31.8 13.0 3.9 4.0 Total liveweight - Thousand pounds 1,988 972 1,334 1,759 1,111 1,167 1,981 1,293 1,021 1,1891 1,074 976 1,857 1,280 1,332 2,405 1,540 1,272 2,491 2,038 1,212 2,716 2,117 1,098 3,114 2,1236 1,1271 3,216 1,595 1,658 2,270 1,1639 1,115 1,347 1,257 738 522 576 860 692 623 789 739 650 180 264 134 87 25,704 23,547 27,035 18,152 14,194 6,116 88 129 85 164 86 113 84 78 79 172 83 166 120 117 208 126 182 116 188 178 285 168 172 126 1,660 1,1653 239.1 273.5 251.0 152.6 109.2 Total liveweight - Thousand pounds 17,385 20,067 19,052 15,573 7,130 15,497 18,659 17,094 13,064 6,635 17,107 20,204 18,142 14,834 8,110 18,666 20,137 17,628 14,729 8,510 19,003 20,635 18,141 12,672 8,359 19,127 21,208 17,640 12,789 8,516 17,409 19,989 18,295 11,631 8.247 19,1756 19,984 16,915 9,262 8,245 19,228 19,136 20,033 7,580 7,369 19,403 21,814 21,464 8,322 7,339 17,699 18,083 16,424 5,850 7,700 14,416 16,397 17,632 5,687 6,818 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 2,034 1,880 2,326 2,193 2,116 2,134 1,557 2,358 2,633 2,816 2,621 19036 1,511 1,1476 2,236 1,772 1,880 1,995 2,236 2,205 2,1332 2,1372 2,016 1,516 ADr_ 8.7 Z.O L . 86 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 1965 DistrictCows and heifers DistrictCows and heifers District All cattle two years and All cattle two years aCd and calves old and older C annty and calves old and older CountyMilk Beef Milk Beef DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total - Number - DISTRICT 50 24,300 1,200 10,600 Autauga 24,900 12,200 2,600 4,100 Dallas 69,400 25,100 3,200 9,700 Elmore 40,900 11,800 2,300 3,500 Lowndes 71,400 14,600 2,700 4,600 Montgomery 100,200 88,000 12,000 32,500 W x Perry 39,700 Total 401,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 32,700 3,900 13,000 DISTRICT 60 Lawrence 32,700 4,100 13,700 Chambers 22,800 Limestone 34,300 5,000 14,100 Clay 15,200 Madison 46,300 4,600 19,300 Coosa 9,200 Marshall 20,500 3,200 7,200 Lee 19,300 Morgan 36,500 4,200 12,200 Macon 30,100 Randolph 13,900 Total 203,000 25,000 79,500 Russell 20,500 Talladega 27,500 Tallapoosa 15,500 Total 174,000 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 13,300 1,200 5,600 Blount 26,500 3,800 10,400 DISTRICT 70 Chilton 20,700 1,900 8,100 Baldwin 51,700 Cullman 29,900 4,900 9,700 Choctaw 17,500 Jefferson 18,400 5,200 5,400 Clarke 20,900 Saint Clair 14,300 1,700 6,000 Mobile 32,000 Shelby 24,800 6,900 7,500 Washington 18,900 Walker 11,200 1,500 4,000 Winston 10,900 1,900 3,800 Total 170,000 29,000 60,500 DISTRICT 80 Butler 28,900 Conecuh 24,000 DISTRICT 30 Covington 37,600 Calhoun 15,600 2,300 5,600 Crenshaw 22,600 Cherokee 13,600 1,900 4,800 Escambia 22,600 Cleburne 8,200 900 3,500 Monroe 34,300 DeKalb 30,400 5,300 9,600 Total 170,000 Etowah 21,300 3,000 7,500 Jackson 31,900 3,600 12,000 Total 121,000 17,000 43,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 33,100 Bullock 36,100 DISTRICT 40 Coffee 28,200 Greene 36,600 2,700 17,700 Dale 15,400 Hale 47,000 11,500 18,100 Geneva 30,800 Marengo 64,500 5,900 30,000 Henry 17,000 Pickens 29,000 3,600 8,600 Houston 34,700 Sumter 52,300 1,400 28,100 Pike 37,700 Tuscaloosa 24,600 3,900 9,500 Total 233,000 Total 254,000 29,000 112,000 STATE 1,955,000 -- Number - 900 12,400 5,900 34,000 4,400 17,300 2,800 37,000 13,100 45.600 9,000 14,900 900 27.800 37,000 189,000 2,100 10,900 1,800 6,800 400 4,700 2,000 8,300 1,500 16,300 2,000 6,100 1,600 10,500 3,200 12,000 1,900 6,900 16,500 82,500 5,900 20,200 500 9,300 700 10,500 5,200 12,400 700 10,100 13,000 62,500 1,600 14,000 1,700 11,100 2,400 16,100 1,300 10,500 1,700 8,900 1,300 15,900 10,000 76,500 1,500 16,700 1,100 21,000 1,900 12,300 900 6,700 1,400 11,700 1,000 7,800 1,900 15,000 1,800 18,800 11,500 110,000 200,000 848,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 87 Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 1966 Cows and heifers Cows and heifers anDistrict All cattle two years District All cattle two years andt and calves old and older and and calves old and older CountyMilk Beef CountyMilk Beef DISTRICT 10 ,Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total - Number - DISTRICT 50 23,500 1,100 10,600 Autauga 23,800 11,800 2,400 4,200 Dallas 66,000 24,800 3,000 10,000 Elmore 39,800 11,400 2,200 3,700 Lowndes 68,500 14,500 2,600 5,000 Montgomery 95,000 Perry 38,400 86,000 11,300 33,500 Wilcox 50,500 Total 382,000 DISTRICT 20 DISTRICT 60 Lauderdale 34,000 3,800 14,000 Chambers 23,100 Lawrence 33,000 3,500 14,800 Clay 15,300 Limestone 34,100 4,700 14,200 Coosa 9,200 Madison 45,900 4,100 20,000 Lee 19,800 Marshall 22,000 3,100 8,000 Macon 29,000 Morgan 38,000 4,000 13,000 Randolph 14,100 Total 207,000 23,200 84,000 Russell 19,200 Talladega 28,300 Tallapoosa 16,000 Total 174,000 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 13,700 1,000 5,800 Blount 27,000 3,400 11,000 DISTRICT 70 Chilton 20,700 1,800 8,600 Baldwin 49,600 Cullman 33,200 4,400 11,600 Choctaw 16,000 Jefferson 18,400 4,800 5,600 Clarke 19,500 Saint Clair 14,800 1,700 6,600 Mobile 29,100 Shelby 24,000 7,000 7,400 Washington 16,800 Winston 11,600 1,900 4,200 Total 131,000 Total 175,000 27,300 65,000 - Number - 900 12,300 5,800 33,700 4,300 17,500 2,700 37,600 12,900 44,900 9,000 14,800 900 27,200 36,500 188,000 1,900 10,800 1,700 6,900 400 4,700 1,900 8,700 1,400 15,900 1,800 6,500 1,500 10,000 2,800 11,800 1,600 7,200 15,000 82,500 5,500 19,200 500 8,300 600 9,800 4,700 11,400 600 8,800 11,900 57,500 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun 16,400 2,000 6,000 Cherokee 14,200 5,200 Cleburne 8,600 800 3,800 DeKalb 31,500 4,100 10,200 Etowah 22,400 2,800 8,200 Jackson 31,900 2,900 12,600 Total 125,000 14,300 46,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler 29,000 Conecuh 24,500 Covington 37,800 Crenshaw 23,200 Escambia 23,500 Monroe 34,00 Total 172,000 1,300 14,000 1,500 11,100 2,200 15,900 1,300 10,700 1,600 9,000 1,200 15,800 9,100 76,500 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 32,800 Bullock 35,500 Coffee 28,200 DISTRICT 40 Dale 15,600 Greene 35,000 2,500 17,200 Geneva 30,800 Hale 45,900 10,600 18,500 Henry 17,600 Marengo 63,000 5,500 30,000 Houston 35,500 Pickens.. 28,100 3,300 8,600 Pike 39,000 Sumter 51,200 1,400 27,700 Tuscaloosa 24,800 3,700 10,000 Total 235,000 S Total 248,000 27,000 112,000 STATE 1,935,000 1,200 16,600 1,100 20,400 1,800 12,200 800 6,900 1,300 11,700 900 8,200 1,800 15,600 1,500 19400 10,400 111,000 186,000 856,000 88 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 1967 Cows and heifers Cows and heifers District All cattle two years District ll cattle two years and and calves old and older and Allnd catlves old and older Milk Beef Milk Beef - Number- DISTRICT 10 DISTRICT 50 Colbert 23,200 1,000 10,200 Autauga 21,700 Fayette 11,400 2,200 4,100 Dallas 63,000 Franklin 25,300 2,600 10,500 Elmore 37,000 Lamar 11,300 1,900 3,700 Lowndes 66,500 Marion 14,800 2,200 5,000 Montgomery 87,000 Total 86.000 9,900 33,500 Wilcox 45,100 Tctal 357,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 33,100 3,300 13,800 DISTRICT 60 Lawrence 32,600 3,000 14,800 Chambers 23,300 Limestone 33,000 4,300 13,500 Clay 15,700 Madison 45,100 3,900 19,000 Coosa 9,200 Marshall 22,600 2,900 8,200 Lee 20,000 Morgan 37,600 700 12,700 Macon 29,000 Total 204,000 21,100 82,000 Randolph 14,100 Talladega 28,200 Tallapoosa 15,700 Total 174,000 1)ISTRICT 21 Bibb 13,600 800 5,900 Blount 27,500 3,800 11,600 DISTRICT 70 Chilton 20,800 1,800 8,600 Baldwin 47,200 Cullman 35,400 4,900 12,700 Choctaw 14,000 Jefferson 17,400 4,800 5,400 Clarke 19,100 Saint Clair 14,600 1,800 6,600 Mobile 28,100 Shelby 23,500 6,900 7,200 Washington 15,600 Walker 11,800 1,300 4,400 Total 124,000 Winston 11,400 1,800 4,100 Total 176,000 27,900 66,500 DISTRICT 80 Butler 26,600 Conecuh 23,000 DISTRICT 30 Covington 35,600 Calhoun 16,400 1,900 6,100 Crenshaw 21,600 Cherokee 14,000 1,500 5,100 Escambia 23,000 Cleburne 8,600 700 3,700 Monroe 31,200 DeKalb 30,700 4,200 10,200 Etowah 22,000 2,700 8,000 Total 161,000 Jackson 30,300 2,600 11,900 Total 122,000 13,600 45,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 33,000 Bullock 35,200 DISTRICT 40 Coffee 28,700 Greene 32,100 2,200 16,300 Geneva 30,900 Hale 44,400 9,800 18,200 Henry 18,400 Marengo- 60,500 5,100 29,000 Houston 35,600 Pickens 26,600 2,800 8,300 Pike o9,200 Sumter 49,400 1,300 26,500 Pike39,200 Tuscaloosa 23,000 3,300 9,700 Total 237,000 Total 236,000 24,500 108,000 STATE 1,877,000 SNumber - 900 11,600 5,200 32,100 4,000 16,000 2,700 35,300 12,900 40,800 8,400 14,300 900 24,900 35,000 175,000 1,800 10,600 1,500 6,700 400 4,500 1,900 8,800 1,300 15,300 1,600 6,500 1,400 9,200 2,700 11,800 1,400 7,100 14,000 80,500 5,100 17,900 500 6,900 600 9,300 4,700 10,700 600 7170 11,500 52,500 1,300 13,200 1,500 10,600 2,000 15,500 1,200 10,400 1,400 8,700 1,100 14,600 8,500 73,000 1,400 16,500 1,200 20,200 1,900 12,500 700 7,200 1,200 12,400 900 8,600 1,900 16,400 1,800 200 11,000 114,000 177,000 830,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 1968 D Cows and heifers Cows and heifers District All cattle two years District All cattle two years Conty and calves old and older and and calves old and older CountyMilk Beef Iouty Milk. Beef Milk 'Beef - Number - DISTRICT 50 23,300 900 10,400 Autuaga 21,800 11,200 2,000 4,200 Dallas 65,000 25,500 2,400 11,100 Elmore 38,500 11,000 1,700 3,800 Lowndes 69,000 15,000 2,000 6,000 Montgomery 90,000 86,000 9,000 35,500 Wilcox 46,200 Total 369,000 - Number - 800 12,300 4,200 33,100 3,800 17,800 2,400 36,900 11,100 42,000 7,800 15,300 800 25,600 30,900 183,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 34,500 3,300 14,900 DISTRICT 60 Lawrence 33,500 2,800 15,200 Chambers 23,600 1,700 10,900 Limestone 33,700 4,500 14,200 Clay 16,000 1,400 6,900 Madison. 45,800 4,100 20,500 Coosa 8,800 300 4,500 Marshall 23,500 2,900 9,000 Lee 20,000 1,800 9,500 Morgan 39,000 3,900 13,700 Macon 29,000 1,200 15,600 Total 210,000 21,500 87,500 Randolph 15,000 1,300 7,200 Russell 18,800 1,400 9,200 Talladega 28,000 2,300 12,200 Tallapoosa 15,800 1,100 7,500 Total 175,000 12,500 83,500 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 13,800 600 6,500 Blount 28,000 3,500 12,000 DISTRICT 70 Chilton 21,300 1,600 9,400 Baldwin 48,000 4,800 18,200 Cullman 42,800 4,600 15,300 Choctaw 13,600 400 6,600 Jefferson 17,200 4,300 5,600 Clarke 18,700 500 9,000 Saint Clair 15,200 1,700 6,900 Mobile 28,000 4,300 10,800 Shelby 23,300 6,500 7,300 Washington 15,700 500 7,900 Winston 11,800 1,700 4,400 Total 124,000 10,500 52,500 Total 186,000 25,800 72,500 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun 17,100 1,700 6,600 Cherokee 14,400 1,400 5,500 Cleburne 9,000 600 4,000 DeKalb 32,000 3,800 11,000 Etowah 23,500 2,500 8,800 Jackson 31,000 2,300 12,600 Total 127,000 12,300 48,500 DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee DISTRICT 40 DCoffee Greene 31,000 1,600 15,900 Geneva Hale 43,800 8,100 18,700 Henevrya Marengo 58,500 4,200 29,500 Houston Pickens 25,000 2,500 8,400 Houston Sumter 48,600 1,000 5Pike Tuscaloosa 22,100 3,000 9,900 Total Total 229,000 20,400 108,000 STATE DISTRICT 80 Butler 26,300 1,100 13,400 Conecuh 23,900 1,400 10,900 Covington 35,000 1,700 15,300 Crenshaw 22,200 1,100 10,600 Escambia 23,600 1,300 8,800 Monroe 32,000 1,000 15,000 Total 163,000 7,600 74,000 32,900 1,300 16,300 35,500 1,100 20,000 28,700 1,900 12,400 17,200 600 7,800 33,000 1,100 13,200 19,600 900 9,100 37,100 1,900 17,300 42,000 1,700 21,900 246,000 10,500 118,000 1,915,000 161,000 863,000 DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total 89 90 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 1969 Cows and heifers DistrictCows and heifers District All cattle two years and All cattle two years and and calves old and older Conty and calves old and older County Milk Beef C Milk Beef DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total - Number - DISTRICT 50 23,900 900 11,000 Autauga 20,900 11,400 1,800 4,500 Dallas 58,500 27,200 2,200 12,300 -Elmore 35,400 11,300 1,600 4,200 Lowndes 66,000 16,200 1,700 7,000 Montgomery 88,500 Perry 35,800 90,000 8,200 39,000 Wilcox 40,900 Total 346,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 36,000 3,0 16,300 16,300DISTRICT 60 Lawrence 34,500 2,400 16,400 Chambers 23,600 Limestone 35,000 4,300 15,500 Clay 16,200 Madison 46,000 3,800 22,100 Coosa 8,700 Marshall 25,500 2,400 10,700 Lee 20,100 Morgan 41,000 3,600 15,000 Macon 29,000 Total 218,000 19,500 96,000 Randolph 15,100 Talladega 28,000 Tallapoosa 15,700 Total 174,000 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 13,600 500 6,700 Blount 30,000 3,300 13,000 DISTRICT 70 Chilton 21,300 1,500 9,900 Baldwin 46,800 Cullman 47,100 4,300 18,500 Choctaw 12,500 Jefferson 17,200 4,000 5,800 Clarke 17,600 Saint Clair 16,000 1,700 7,400 Mobile 26,500 Shelby 23,000 6,200 7,400 Washington 14,600 Walker 13,200 1,300 5,500 Total 118,000 Winston 12,600 1,700 4,800 Total 194,000 24,500 79,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler 25,800 Conecuh 23,400 DISTRICT 30 Covington 34,500 Calhoun 18,000 1,600 7,600 Crenshaw 22,900 Cherokee 15,100 1,300 6,200 Escambia 24,000 Cleburne 9,000 600 4,200 Monroe 29,400 DeKalb 34,200 3,500 14,200 Etowah 25,400 2,400 10,600 Total 160,000 Jackson 32,300 2,100 14,700 Total 134,000 11,500 57,500 DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee DISTRICT 40 Dale Greene 29,000 1,300 16,100 Geneva Hale 41,600 7,100 18,500 Henry Marengo 54,000 3,400 29,100 Houston Pickens 24,100 2,400 8,600 Pike Sumter 47,200 700 25,300 Tuscaloosa 22,100 2,600 10,400 Total Total 218,000 17,500 108,000 STATE 31,900 34,000 27,200 17,400 32,500 20,000 39,000 42,000G 244,000 1,896,000 - Number - 700 11,900 3,600 31,300 3,700 17,700 2,100 36,000 10,300 42,400 7,200 15,300 700 24,400 28,300 179,000 1,600 11,800 1,400 7,300 300 4,600 1,600 10,800 1,100 , 16,500 1,100 7,800 1,400 9,000 1,900 13,000 900 7,00 11,300 88,500 4,200 19,106 400 7,100 500 8,800 3,700 11,000 400 8,000 9,200 54,000 800 14,000 1,300 11,400 1,400 16,200 1,000 11,300 1,100 9,000 900 151 6,500 77,000 1,100 16,800 1,100 20,600 1,800 12,600 500 8,700 1,000 14,500 800 9,600 1,800 18,400 9,500 125,000 146,000 id,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 91 Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 1970 District Cows and heifers DistrictCows and heifers d All cattle that have calved District All cattle that have calved and and calves that have calved and and calves County Milk Beef County Milk Beeand calves - Number - DISTRICT 10 DISTRICT 50 Colbert 24,800 800 11,200 Autauga 20,800 Fayette 11,300 1,700 4,500 Dallas 58,500 Franklin 28,400 2,000 12,800 Elmore 35,800 Lamar 11,800 1,400 4,400 Lowndes 69,500 Marion 17,700 1,300 8,100 Montgomery 89,500 Total 94,000 7,200 41,000 Perry 37,600 Wilcox 40,300 Total 352,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 38,200 2,300 16,300 DISTRICT 60 Lawrence 37,200 2,000 18,000 Chambers Limestone 37,300 3,500 15,900 Clay Madison 49,700 3,300 22,700 Coosa Marshall 26,700 1,500 11,600 Lee Morgan 42,900 2,900 15,500 Macon Randolph Total 232,000 15,500 100,000 Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb 13,400 300 6,900 Blount 31,900 2,800 13,700 DISTRICT 70 Chilton 21,300 900 10,300 Baldwin Cullman 53,500 3,400 19,000 Choctaw Jeffersoh 15,800 2,600 5,500 Clarke Saint Clair 17,200 1,600 7,600 Mobile Shelby 22,500 5,100 7,300 Washington Walker 13,900 1,200 5,500 Total Winston 13,500 1,500 5,200 Total 203,000 19,400 81,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh DISTRICT 30 Covington Calhoun 18,000 1,400 7,200 Crenshaw Cherokee 15,100 1,100 6,000 Escambia Cleburne 9,700 500 4,400 Monroe DeKalb 36,700 3,000 15,200 Total Etowah 25,400 2,000 10,300 Total Jackson 34,100 1,900 14,900 Total 139,000 9,900 58,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee DISTRICT 40 Dale Greene 29,500 1,000 15,700 Geneva Hale 44,500 6,300 18,800 Henry Marengo 55,500 2,900 28,400 Houston Pickens 23,700 2,100 8,300 Pike Sumter 46,600 600 23,000 Tuscaloosa 21,200 2,000 9,800 Total Total 221,000 14,900 104,000 STATE 24,500 16,900 8,500 20,800 29,700 16,000 16,900 27,800 15,900 177,000 47,300 12,500 17,400 26,700 14,100 118,000 26,400 25,300 34,100 23,900 26,000 28,300 164,000 33,400 33,200 27,700 18,800 33,900 21,500 40,900 43,600 253,000 1,953,000 - Number- 600 11,200 3,100 30,500 3,400 16,900 1,900 33,900 8,900 42,000 6,100 16,300 600 22,200 24,600 173,000 1,400 12,100 1,200 7,500 300 4,400 1,300 10,600 1,000 16,600 800 8,300 1,300 8,200 1,500 12,500 700 7,300 9,500 87,500 3,400 18,400 400 6,400 400 8,500 3,100 10,800 300 6,900 7,600 51,000 600 13,900 1,200 11,000 1,100 15,600 900 11,500 800 9,300 700 14,200 5,300 75,500 900 17,100 1,000 19,900 1,700 12,700 400 8,900 800 15,500 700 10,000 1,600 18,400 1,000 23,500 8,100 126,000 122,000 897,000 ~vuur ~vv~u -V1 V-~ 92 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 1971 District All cattle Cows and heifers District All cattle Cows and heifers and and calves that have calved and and calves County Milk Bee- County Milk Beef - Number - DISTRICT 10 DISTRICT 50 Colbert 25,600 800 11,600 Autauga 20,200 Fayette 11,500 1,700 4,800 Dallas 57,500 Franklin 30,600 2,000 13,400 Elmore 35,100 Lamar 12,000 1,400 4,600 Lowndes 69,500 Marion 18,300 1,300 8,600 Montgomery 89,000 Total 98,000 7,200 43,000 Wilcox 39,100 Total 348,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 39,500 2,200 16,800 DISTRICT 60 Lawrence 38,500 1,900 19,000 Chambers 25,300 Limestone 38,200 3,500 16,400 Clay 16,900 Madison 51,000 3,300 23,400 Coosa 8,300 Marshall 28,200 1,700 12,400 Lee 21,700 Morgan 46,600 2,800 16,000 Macon 29,000 Randolph 16,700 Total 242,000 15,400 104,000 Russell 16,100 Talladega 28,000 Tallapoosa 16,000 Total 178,000 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 13,400 300 7,100 Blount 32,900 2,800 14,100 DISTRICT 70 Chilton 21,400 900 10,300 Baldwin 48,000 Cullman 54,500 3,400 19,100 Choctaw 12,400 Jefferson 15,400 2,600 5,500 Clarke 17,600 Saint Clair 17,800 1,500 7,700 Mobile 27,100 Shelby 22,600 5,100 7,400 Washington 13,900 Walker 14,000 1,200 5,500 Total 119,000 Winston 14,000 1,500 5,300 Total 206,000 19,300 82,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler 25,000 Conecuh 25,300 DISTRICT 30 Covington 32,700 Calhoun 18,800 1,300 7,600 Crenshaw 23,500 Cherokee 15,800 1,000 6,600 Escambia 26,500 Cleburne 10,400 500 4,700 Monroe 28,000 DeKalb 38,100 2,900 16,200 Total 161,000 Etowah 26,300 1,900 11,000 Jackson 35,600 1,900 15,90 Total 145,000 9,500 62,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 32,000 Bullock 32,700 DISTRICT 40 Coffee 27,800 Greene 28,500 1,000 16,400 Geneva 34,19,200 Hale 44,500 6,100 19,700 Henry 23,000 Marengo 55,000 2,800 29,000 Houston 43,800 Pickens 23,000 2,100 8,400 Pike 45,400 Sumter 46,000 600 23,100 Tuscaloosa 210 2,000 10,400 Total 258,000 Total 218,000 14,600 107,000 STATE 1,973,000 - Number - 600 11,100 3,100 29,400 3,300 16,900 1,900 33,900 8,800 42,200 6,100 16,900 600 22,600 24,400 173,000 1,400 12,600 1,200 7,400 300 4,200 1,300 11,000 1,000 16,500 800 8,800 1,300 8,300 1,400 12,800 600 7,400 9,300 89,000 3,400 18,500 300 6,300 300 8,600 3,000 10,800 300 6,800 7,300 51,000 600 13,600 1,200 10,700 1,100 15,100 900 11,600 700 9,200 700 13,800 5,200 74,000 800 17,100 1,000 20,200 1,600 12,900 400 9,400 800 16,000 700 10,600 1,500 19,600 1,000 24,200 7,800 130,000 120,000 915,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 93 Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 1972 District AA cattle Cows and heifers Disteifers and and calves that have calved and and calves County Milk Beef County Milk Beef - Number- - Number - DISTRICT 10 DISTRICT 50 Colbert 27,200 800 12,200 Autauga 21,400 600 11,800 Fayette 12,000 1,800 5,100 Dallas 59,000 3,000 29,800 Franklin 32,200 2,000 13,800 Elmore 36,900 3,400 17,800 Lamar 12,400 1,400 4,800 Lowndes 71,500 2,000 34,600 Marion 19,200 1,300 9,100 Montgomery 90,000 9,000 42,000 Perry 39,200 5,900 17,600 Total 103,000 7,300 45,000 Wilcox 40,000 600 22400 Total 358.000 24,500 176.000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 44,000 2,200 18,800 DISTRICT 60 Lawrence 43,500 1,900 20,600 Chambers Limestone 41,000 3,600 17,900 Clay Madison 53,000 3,400 24,700 Coosa Marshall 30,000 1,700 13,400 Lee Morgan 51,500 2,900 17,600 Macon Randolph Total 263,000 15,700 113,000 Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb 14,100 300 7,400 Blount 34,000 2,900 14,900 DISTRICT 70 Chilton 22,500 900 10,800 Baldwin Cullman 58,000 3,500 20,400 Choctaw Jefferson 16,100 2,700 5,900 Clarke Saint Clair 18,800 1,500 8,100 Mobile Shelby 23,200 5,200 7,700 Washington Walker 14,600 1,200 6,000 Total Winston 14,700 1,500 5,800 Total 216,000 19,700 87,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh DISTRICT 30 Covington Calhoun 19,600 1,200 8,000 Crenshaw Cherokee 16,700 900 6,900 Escambia Cleburne 11,200 500 4,800 Monroe DeKalb 40,000 2,800 17,000 Total Etowah 27,500 1,800 11,300 Jackson 36,000 1,800 16,000 Total 151,000 9,000 64,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock DISTRICT 40 Coffee Greene 28,500 1,000 16,800 Dale Hale 44,900 6,100 19,700 Geneva Marengo 55,500 2,700 29,100 Henry Pickens 23,100 2,200 8,800 Houston Sumter 46,000 600 22,700 Pike Tuscaloosa 21,000 2,000 10,900 Total Total 219,000 14,600 108,000 STATE 26,000 1,400 13,200 17,800 1,200 7,700 8,800 300 4,600 23,000 1,300 11,500 30,000 1,000 17,200 17,500 800 9,300 16,100 1,300 8,900 29,000 1,400 13,700 16,800 600 7,900 185,000 9,300 94,000 48,900 3,400 19,800 12,800 300 6,500 18,000 300 8,500 27,500 3,000 11,300 13,800 300 6,900 121,000 7,300 53,000 25,000 600 14,300 26,900 1,200 11,300 33,000 1,100 16,100 24,000 900 12,200 27,600 700 9,800 28,500 700 14,300 165,000 5,200 78,000 35,500 700 17,600 34,000 1,000 20,700 28,300 1,600 13,100 20,500 300 9,600 31,700 800 16,200 25,000 600 11,000 46,500 1,400 20,600 47,500 1,000 24,200 269,000 7,400 133,000 2,050,000 120,000 951,000 94 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cattle and calves: Number on farms, by classes, by county, January 1, 19731 District All cattle Cows andhefr District All cattle thwat healeds and and calves that have calved and and calves ta aecle CoutyMilk Beef Milk Be -Number- - Number - DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total 28 '60C 12,400 34,800 12,400 19,800 108,000 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 50,000 Lawrence 47,600 Limestone 39,000 Madison 54,000 Marshall 31,500 Morgan 48,900 Total 271,000 DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total DISTRICT 50 800 13,500 Autauga 20,800 2,000 5,100 Dallas 57,000 2,200 15,000 Elmore 37,100 1,300 4,800 Lowndes 71,500 1,200 9,600 Montgomery 90,000 7,500 48,000 Perry 39,700 Wilcox 39,900 Total 356,000 2,300 21,200 DISTRICT 60 1,800 22,200 Chambers 3,600 17,900 Clay 3,300 25,400 Coosa 1,800 13,600 Lee 2,900 18,700 Macon Randolph 15,700 119,000 Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total 14,100 300 7,600 34,700 2,800 15,900 DISTRICT 70 22,700 900 11,300 Baldwin 62,000 3,500 22,500 Choctaw 15,300 2,600 5,800 Clarke 18,800 1,500 8,100 Mobile 25,300 5,500 8,200 Washington 16,100 1,100 6,800 15,000 1,500 5,800 Total 224,000 19,700 92,000 21,000 1,100 8,800 18,000 900 7,400 11,200 400 4,800 43,500 2,800 18,800 28,300 1,700 12,500 36,000 1,800 15,700 158, 000 8,700 68,000 DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbo ur Bullock Cof fee Dale 29,900 1,100 18,000 Geneva 48,000 6,100 21,700 Henry 61,000 2,700 32,000 Houston 26,100 2,200 10,000 Pike 46,200 500 24,000 22,800 2,100 12,300 234,000 14,700 118,000 STATE 28,500 18,900 9,00 24,000 29,400 17,700 16,600 28,500 16,400 189,000 48,000 13,900 20,000 30,300 13,800 126,000 24,500 25,600 30,000 25,600 30,500 28,800 165,000 35,600 33,400 29,1000 21,100 39,000 24,800 46,100 52,000 281,000 600 12,000 3,100 29,800 3,600 17,800 1,900 36,000 8,900 43,000 6,200 17,600 500 22,800 24,800 179,000 1,500 14,7 00 1,200 8,200 300 4,800 1,300 12,600 1,000 17,200 800 9,600 1,300 8,600 1,300 14,500 600 7,800 9,300 98,000 3,100 21,200 300 7,100 300 9,000 3.,100 12,500 300 7,200 7,100 57,000 600 14,400 1,300 11,000 1,100 15,700 900 12,400 700 10,400 700 14,100 5,300 78,000 700 17,800 700 20,600 1,600 14,400 300 10,300 800 17,800 600 11,000 1,400 20,800 1,100 25,300 7,200 138,000 2,112,000 120,000 995,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS All cattle and calves: Number on farms, January 1, 1973, with ranking of five leading counties Q 1 0fOO - 4 r9950,00 nd ve F or MEXICO 95 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Beef cows and heifers that have calved:. Number on farms, January 1, 1973, with ranking of five leading counties CUnder 10,00010,00 - 4,9915,00 1999r~20,000 24,99925,000 nd ove Gu o o EX/co ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Milk cows and heifers that have calved: Number on farms, January 1, 1973, with ranking of five leading counties Under 1,000 IL 1,000 - 1, 499 S1,500 - 2,499 2,500 - 3,499 3,500 and over 97 GtMF or MEXICO 98 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Hogs and pigs: Sows farrowed, pigs per litter and pigs saved, 1965-72 Spring Fall Annual Year Sows Pigs Pigs Sows Pigs Pigs Sows Pigs Pigs farrowed per litter saved farrowed per litter saved farrowed per litter saved 1,000 Number 1,000 1,000 Number 1,000 1,000 Number 1,000 head head head head head head 1965 81 7.1 575 70 7.2 504 151 7.1 1,079 1966 94 7.1 667 90 7.2 648 1g4 7.1 1,315 1967 105 7.2 756 95 7.2 684 200 7.2 1440 1968 110 7.2 792 102 7.2 734 212 7.2 1,526 1969 110 7.3 803 98 7.3 715 208 7.3 1,518 1970 119 7.4 881 112 7.5 840 231 7.5 1,721 1971 125 7.4 925 101 7.6 768 226 7.5 1,693 1972 111 7.5 833 92 7.7 708 203 7.6 1,541 Hogs and pigs: Number on farms, market by weight groups, breeding, and total December 1, 1965-72 Market hogs and pigs For Tc Under 60-119 120-179 180-219 220 lbs. Total breeding 60 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. and over - Thousand head - 255 179 323 213 327 229 313 263 323 234 390 266 361 260 336 238 120 137 164 170 153 181 173 170 37 53 65 68 73 81 82 72 17 608 27 753 33 818 34 848 24 807 33 951 37 913 34 850 116 724 138 891 144 962 162 1,010 142 949 159 1,110 142 1,055 150 1,000 Inventory Pig Crop Inventory Year December 1 Inship- Marketings slarmer Deaths December prev. year Spring Fall met sut 1 - Thousand head - 1965 770 575 504 4 909 90 130 724 1966 724 667 648 2 926 64 160 891 1967 891 756 684 2 1,126 60 185 962 1968 962 792 734 8 1,240 57 189 1,010 1969 1,010 803 715 28 1,387 50 170 949 1970 949 881 840 15 1,359 48 168 1,110 1971 1,110 925 768 - 1,535 46 167 1,055 1972 1,055 833 739 35 1,470 42 150 1,000 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 99 Hogs and pigs: Production and income, 1965-72 Average VValue of Cost of Year Production Marketings price Vaproduc- hCash ue - Gross inship- per 100 lbs. tion receipts consump- income ments tion - Thousand pounds- 1965 212,358 196,417 1966 236,954 197,248 1967 274,062 243,084 1968 295,941 265,897 1969 311,657 302,940 1970 332,081 294,854 1971 343,642 329,175 1972 328,195 314,715 18.60 23.10 18.60 17.60 20.80 22.20 16.80 24.20 Dollars - 39,499 54,736 50,976 52,086 64,825 73,722 57,732 79,423 - Thousand dollars - 36,534 3,978 40,512 63 45,564 4,517 50,081 36 45,214 3,750 48,964 29 46,798 3,612 50,410 106 63,012 4,243 67,255 480 65,458 4,795 70,253 NA 55,301 3,574 58,875 NA 76,030 4,701 80,731 NA Receipts from marketings and sale of farm slaughter. Hogs: Commercial slaughter, by months, 1965-72 Month 1 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Number slaughtered - Thousand head 74.0 50.0 66.5 82.0 86.0 76.5 63.5 49.0 69.0 72.5 79.5 67.0 75.0 63.5 71.5 77.0 83.0 78.0 69.5 58.5 70.5 81.0 91.5 84.5 62.0 58.5 72.0 86.5 86.0 75.0 65 0 63.0 71.0 75.0 79.5 68.0 56.5 52.5 62.0 75.5 78.0 61.5 58.0 62.0 72.5 78.5 67.0 56.5 56.5 61.5 67.0 73.0 67.5 63.0 53.5 63.0 74.0 82.5 75.5 73.5 56.0 66.5 79.0 83.5 64.0 77.5 56.0 71.5 75.5 86.5 73.5 80.0 745.5 719.5 850.5 953.5 931.0 861.0 11,500 11,172 14,351 13,338 13,280 14,427 11,918 13,950 13,838 14,553 15,295 16,302 64.5 82.5 64.0 73.5 77.5 84.5 76.5 72.5 72.5 86.5 76.0 76.5 72.0 69.5 75.0 77.0 77.0 62.5 79.0 75.5 85.5 74.0 86.0 69.0 905.5 903.5 Total liveweight - Thousand pounds 15,162 18,942 19,694 17,518 15,351 19,718 15,525 16,602 17,888 15,343 14,528 17,493 16,374 17,479 18,592 18,018 17,670 20,196 15,862 18,306 20,404 19,350 17,672 17,328 16,488 19,549 19,522 17,100 17,038 21,106 16,117 16,950 17,808 15,640 17,708 18,207 14,136 16,836 17,394 13,838 16,632 16,263 16,385 17,584 15,008 12,826 17,325 17,941 15,343 16,352 15,390 14,364 17,633 14,875 16,872 18,728 17,440 17,126 18,565 17,818 18,328 19,122 15,104 18,445 20,691 17,908 17,440 19,549 16,832 18,720 20,640 16,560 167,138 163,924 194,032 215,999 211,076 198,288 211,453 215,413 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 16,650 14,097 16,725 15,638 14,074 14,430 12,374 12,760 12,600 12,198 12,824 12,768 -rr ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Hogs and pigs: Number on farms, by county, January 1, 1965-69 District and 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 County DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale. Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson. Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total, DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 8,100 6,100 11,000 4,600 7,600 37,400 14,700 11,200 9,100 14,300 19,000 13,600 81,900 1,400 12,800 5,800 20,700 6,200 3,100 4,100 5,900 4,300 64,300 3,700 9,800 3,200 20,300 8,400 29,400 74,800 3,300 3,100 2,900 4,400 4,400 5,200 23,300 8,600 6,100 11,700 5,200 8,400 40,000 14,900 11,600 9,100 14,900 20,700 13,800 85,000 1,200 11,700 5,100 20,000 5,200 2,600 3,800 5,300 4,100 59,000 3,800 9,400 3,000 21,000 8,000 28,800 74,000 3,200 3,300 3,200 4,700 4,000 5,600 24,000 Number 11,300 7,200 14,700 7,100 10,700 51,000 21,600 16,800 12,900 20,100 30,400 19,200 121,000 1,300 16,200 6,400 28,500 6,500 3,600 5,200 9,000 5,300 82,000 4,800 11,100 3,900 27,000 9,800 36,900 93,500- 3,200 3,700 4,200 6,100 4,700 7,600 29,500 11,700 7,300 16,000 8,800 12,200 56,000 23,300 18,000 14,800 23,000 34,100 21,800 135,000 1,300 17,600 6,500 34,100 6,500 3,700 6,200 10,500 5,600 92,000 5,200 12,400 4,500 29,300 9,600 37,000 98,000 3,000 3,900 4,000 6,200 4,800 8,100 30,000 11,300 6,900 15,400 9,900 13,000 56,500 26,900 19,300 16,900 24,000 41,100 21,800 150,000 1,900 19,200 6,700 31,400 5,500 3,400 7,500 12,200 5,200 93,000 5,000 13,000 4,600 37,000 9,400 37,000 106,000 2,900 3,700 3,800 6,500 3,800 8,800 29,500 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Hogs and pigs. Number on farms, by county, January]1, 1965-69- Continued 101 District and 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 County Number DISTRICT 50 Autauga 13,400 11,700 13,400 18,100 17,200 Dallas 10,500 8,300 9,400 9,000 8,000 Elmore 3,800 3,200 3,800 3,700 3,900 Lowndes 2,900 2,1700 3,800 5,000 5,400 Montgomery 4,500 3-1700 4,500 4,600 4,100 Perry 4,400 4,500 8,100 9,300 12,600 Wilcox 6,400 4,900 5,500 5,300 4,300 Total 45,900 39,000 48,500 55,000 55,500 DISTRICT 60 Chambers 1,600 1,600 1,900 1,800 1,500 Clay 2,000 2,200 2,800 3,200 3,200 C oosa 900 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 Lee 3,700 3,800 4,900 5,900 6,500 Macon 4,800 5,500 5,800 6,300 5,700 Randolph 3,200 3,800 4,500 4,900 5,500 Russell 3,900 4,200 4,300 4,800 4,200 Talladega 5,700 6,100 6,800 6,700 6,200 Tallapoosa 1,700 1,500 1,500 1,400 1,200 Total 27,500 29,500 33,500 36,000 35,000 DISTRICT 70 Baldwin 9,100 9,1400 11,000 12,500 11,500 Choctaw 3,400 3,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 Clarke 3,400 3,000 3,200 3,000 2,500 Mobile 12,200 11,700 13,700 15,400 15,900 Washington 5,800 5,1900 7,100 8,100 8,600 Total 33,900 33,500 39,000 43,000 42,500 DISTRICT 80 Butler 12,500 11,300 14,000 16,000 14,400 Conecuh 12,500 11,200 13,900 15,500 16,000 Covington 38,400 34,600 43,600 48,000 45,600 Crenshaw 20,400 19,100 22,500 24,500 25,500 Escambia 9,800 8,400 10,000 10,800 10,100 Monroe 12,300 11,400 14,000 15,200 16,400 Total 105,900 96,000 118,000 130,000 128,000 DISTRICT 90 Barbour 20,100 18,500 20,000 20,200 18,800 Bullock 3,800 3,900 4,000 4,100 3,700 Cof fee 32,900 33,000 36,200 38,100 38,500 Dale 25,100 24,800 26,700 27,600 29,100 Geneva 37,600 36,900 41,400 45,000 41,800. Henry 20,500 20,300 21,500 24,000 24,900 Houston 45,800 43,600 50,000 54,1000 52,000 Pike 2530 24,000 27,200 31,000 32,1200 Total 211,1100 205,000 227,000 244,000 241,000 STATE 706,000 685,000 843,4)000 919,000 937,000 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Hogs and pigs: Number on farms, by county, December 1, 1969-72 District and 1969 1970 1971 1972 county DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 12,000 7,200 16,200 12,500 14,600 62,500 25,800 19,500 16,600 24,300 41,900 20,900 149,000 1,800 21,800 6,800 34,600 5,900 3,400 10,000 14,200 5,500 104,000 5,100 12,100 4,800 38,900 9,400 36,700 107,000 2,400 4,000 3,700 6,900 3,300 8,700 29,000 Number 14,200 8,300 19,200 14,800 17,500 74,000 29,500 24,800 19,200 28,400 48,400 24,700 175,000 2,100 26,000 8,000 41,000 6,800 4,100 12,000 17,500 6,500 124,000 5,900 14,000 5,800 47,500 10,800 42,000 126,000 2,600 4,500 4,600 8,000 3,400 9,900 33,000 12,300 7,200 16,600 12,800 16,100 65,000 26,000 21,300 17,700 24,300 51,500 21,200 162,000 1,800 22,300 8,500 35,200 6,900 3,600 11,000 18,000 5,700 113,000 5,100 14,900 6,200 50,500 11,500 42,800 131,000 2,800 3,900 4,900 8,600 3,100 8,700 32,000 12,800 6,800 17,300 13,300 16,800 67,000 22,400 18,000 14,900 23,200 51,500 18,000 148,000 1,500 21,900 7,100 33,500 6,500 3,100 11,400 15,200 4,800 105,000 4,300 13,500 5,300 48,100 9,800 38,000 119,000 2,800 4,000 5,000 7,200 3,100 8,900 31,000 102 Preliminary ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Hogs and pigs: Number on farms, by county, December 1, 1969-72-Continued DistrictI and 1969 1970 1971 1972 county DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 18,700 8,100 3,900 6,500 4,100 13,300 3,900 58,500 1,300 3,200 900 6,600 5,400 5,800 3,700 5,500 1,100 33,500 12,600 4,000 2,300 16,200 9,400 44,500 15,500 17,500 48,000 27,300 10,800 17,900 137,000 16,700 3,300 35,100 27,900 40,300 23,000 48,100 29,600 224,000 949,000 Number 22,500 9,300 4,500 8,600 4,900 16,700 4,500 71,000 1,500 3,800 1,000 7,400 6,200 7,300 4,100 6,500 1,200 39,000 14,700 4,700 2,600 18,000 11,000 51,000 18,800 20,300 55,000 31,500 12,500 20,900 159,000 18,600 3,700 41,100 32,500 45,000 27,000 56,000 34,100 258,000 1,110,000 19,400 9,900 3,800 9,100 4,300 17,700 3,800 68,000 1,300 4,100 1,100 7,500 6,600 6,400 4,100 5,900 1,000 38,000 15,700 4,100 2,400 19,200 9,600 51,000 20,000 21,500 48,500 29,700 13,300 18,000 151,000 19,800 3,800 35,400 28,000 45,300 24,400 51,000 36,300 244,000 1,055,000 20,200 8,300 4,000 9,500 3,900 14,900 3,200 64,000 1,300 3,500 1,200 7,700 5,800 6,300 4,200 6,100 900 37,000 13,100 4,200 2,500 17,200 10,000 47,000 20,000 18,100 42,800 28,500 11,900 18,700 140,000 16,700 4,000 36,900 29,200 47,300 24,200 53,000 30,700 242,000 1,000,000 103 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS All hogs and pigs: Number on farms, December 1, 1972, with ranking of five leading counties L Under 5,000 5,000 - 9,999 10,000 - 19,999 S20,000 - 39,999 S40,000 and over G F o MEXICO 104 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 105 Sheep and lambs: Number on farms, by classes, value, January 1, 1965-73 Lambs One Year and Older Year Number hper Value Ewes aWethers 1 Ewes Rams 2 ethers head and rams Wethers Thousand Dollars Thousand Thousand head head dollars 1965 12.0 12.30 148 2.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1966 10.0 13.40 134 1.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 1967 8.7 13.00 113 1.0 .8 6.3 .4 .2 1968 7.5 12.10 91 .9 .7 5.4 .3 .2 1969 6.7 12.40 83 .8 .5 5.0 .3 .1 1970 6.1 15.50 95 .7 .4 4.6 .3 .1 1971 5.5 15.00 83 .7 .3 4.1 .3 .1 1972 5.2 17.00 88 .6 .3 3.9 .4 1973 5.0 19.50 98 .6 .3 3.7 .4 1 Wethers beginning 1971. 2 Rams and wethers beginning 1972. 3heep and lambs.: Number on farms, lamb crop, production and income, 1965-72 Sheep and Price per 100 lbs. lambs on Lambs Produc- Market- Price per 100 lbs. Cash 1 Gross Year hand saved tion ing receipts income January 1 Sheep Lambs - Thousand - - Thousand -- Dollars - - Thousand - head pounds dollars 1965 12.0 7.5 382 497 5.40 20.20 69 82 1966 10.0 5.8 300 417 5.90 20.70 56 63 1967 8.7 5.4 331 427 5.50 20.50 54 61 1968 7.5 5.0 319 353 5.50 21.00 50 59 1969 6.7 4.5 270 286 6.50 26.00 55 65 1970 6.1 4.1 210 253 5.80 23.60 42 51 1971 5.5 3.7 227 224 6.50 26.50 46 53 1972 5.2 3.5 165 155 6.90 28.50 37 44 1Receipts from marketings and sale of farm slaughter. Wool: Production and income, 1965-72 YearSheep Weight Price Year shorn per fleece Production per lb. Value Thousand Pounds Thousand Cents Thousand head Pounds poundsdollars 1965 10.0 6.0 60 53 32 1966 8.6 6.0 52 50 26 1967 7.0 6.0 42 39 16 1968 6.2 6.4 40 35 14 1969 5.7 6.3 36 39 14 1970 5.1 6.0 31 35 11 1971 4.6 6.8 31 22 7 1972 4.6 6.2 29 34 10 1Production multiplied by annual average price. 106 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Honey bees: Number of colonies, production and income from honey, 1965-72 Honey Colonies Year of bees Production Average price Value of o per pound production Per colony Total Thousand Pounds Thousand Cents Thousand colonies pounds dollars 1965 101 26 2626 23.5 617 1966 92 27 2484 23.6 586 1967 86 23 1978 19.5 386 1968 78 24 1872 21.6 404 1969 72 30 2160 22.5 486 1970 67 27 1809 23.6 427 1971 61 22 1342 25.6 344 1972 57 28 1596 31.8 508 Milk: Milk cows, milk production and disposition, 1965-72 Thousands - Pounds - Percent - Million pounds - 1965 168 4,990 1966 158 5,150 1967 150 5,413 1968 139 5,813 1969 128 6,313 1970 122 6,689 1971 120 6,825 1972 120 7,183 192 3.85 838 196 3.80 814 206 3.81 812 219 3.76 808 239 3.78 808 251 3.75 816 259 3.80 819 272 3.78 862 1Average number on farms during year, excluding heifers not yet fresh. 2 Excludes milk sucked by calves. Milk: Disposition, cash receipts, gross income and value, 1965-72 Used for milk, Milk sold to Milk sold directly cream and butter Gross farm Farm plants and dealers to consumer onfarms where income ss from value of Year n a produced icm fo milk .odairy duc- Cash Cash Milk I productsl produc- Quantity receipts Quantity receipts utilized Value Mil. lb. 1,000 dol. 1,000 qt. 1,000 do Mil. lb. - Thousand dollars - 1965 685 39,593 8,000 1,600 125 7,325 48,518 49,107 1966 680 40,936 8,000 1,528 108 6,577 49,041 49,573 1967 695 43,507 7,000 1,456 94 5,950 50,913 51,400 1968 710 45,440 7,000 1,442 75 4,853 51,735 52,278 1969 720 48,312 9,302 2,028 61 4,148 54,488 54,944 1970 735 50,200 9,767 2,344 53 3,683 56,227 56,712 1971 745 53,416 10,233 2,558 45 3,285 59,259 59,787 1972 785 56,284 12,093 3,628 43 3,178 63,090 63,702 Cash receipts from marketings of milk plus value of milk used for home consumption and 2 farm-churned butter. Includes value of milk fed to calves in addition to gross farm income. 32 135 31 117 31 102 30 83 31 68 31 60 31 52 33 51 685 680 695 710 720 735 745 785 18 17 15 15 20 21 22 26 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 107 Milk cows: Number on farms, by months, 1965-72 I I I -~ I I I Month 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Thousand head Jan. 174 161 155 143 133 122 120 120 Feb. 173 160 154 142 132 122 120 120 Mar. 172 160 153 141 131 122 120 120 Apr. 171 159 152 141 130 122 120 120 May 170 159 151 140 129 122 120 120 June 169 158 150 139 128 122 120 120 July 167 158 149 139 127 122 120 120 Aug. 166 157 148 138 126 121 120 120 Sept. 165 157 148 137 125 121 120 120 Oct. 164 156 146 136 124 121 120 120 Nov. 163 156 145 135 123 121 120 120 Dec. 162 155 144 134 122 121 120 120 Annual Average 168 158 150 139 128 122 120 120 Milk production: Production per cow, by months, 1965-72 Month 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Pounds Jan. 415 425 440 470 505 555 575 585 Feb. 375 390 410 450 485 525 540 570 Mar. 415 430 470 495 535 590 615 635 Apr. 420 440 480 505 555 600 600 615 May 420 440 465 500 550 580 600 615 June 390 415 435 475 515 540 550 585 July 395 415 440 475 505 535 535 565 Aug. 405 420 435 470 515 545 540 575 Sept. 425 440 445 490 530 555 560 610 Oct. 440 445 460 495 555 570 565 615 Nov. 435 435 460 490 530 545 560 610 Dec. 465 460 495 515 565 570 585 610 Annual Total 4,990 5,150 5,413 5,813 6,313 6,689 6,825 7,183 Milk production: Total production, by months, 1965-72 Month 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Million pounds Jan. 72 68 68 67 67 68 69 70 Feb. 65 62 63 64 64 64 65 68 Mar. 71 69 72 70 70 72 74 76 Apr. 72 70 73 71 72 73 72 74 May 71 70 70 70 71 71 72 74 June 66 66 65 66 66 66 66 70 July 66 66 66 66 64 65 64 68 Aug. 67 66 64 65 65 66 65 69 Sept. 70 69 66 67 66 67 67 73 Oct. 72 69 67 67 69 69 68 74 Nov. 71 68 67 66 65 66 67 73 Dec. 75 71 71 69 69 69 70 73 Annual Total 838 814 812 808 808 816 819 862 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS MILK PRODUCTION, COW NUMBERS, AND MILK PER COW % OF 1957-59 " 180- 160 Production per cow 140 -mf 120 - 100 - Milk production 80- 60- 40- Milk cows 1958 1963 1968 1973 Production of manufactured dairy products, 1965-72 Product 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Cheese Thousand Pounds American cheddar 3563 2771 4307 3222 3341 4019 3177 3802 Cottage, creamed 1220 1159 1172 1306 1839 1885 1715 1652 Cottage, curd 1 1405 1239 1362 1229 1674 1609 1551 1841 Thousand Gallons Frozen products Ice cream 8192 8118 8034 9242 8730 9612 10712 12104 Ice milk 2 6786 6398 6985 8019 8406 8824 8864 8877 Milk sherbet 884 855 915 1232 998 893 884 776 Mellorine - Type frozen desserts 192 160 139 147 120 55 3 3 Water ices 525 428 436 474 NA 478 438 914 1 Used for processing into full or partially creamed cottage cheese or for sale to consumers in dry form. 2 Includes freezer-made milk shakes. 3 Not published to prevent disclosure of individual operations. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS POULTRY REVIEW, 1972 by Michael S. Guillory Poultry is King: The poultry industry wears the crown in Alabama with its ruling 31 percent of cash receipts from farm marketings by Alabama producers in 1972. Broiler production is the most important sector of the industry, with egg production in second place. Production of chickens, excluding broilers, is a minor segment and turkey production is the smallest part of the total poultry industry in the State. The poultry industry in Alabama consists mainly of large integrated operations. The broiler industry is completely integrated and the greater part of the layers in flocks producing commercial eggs for the table belong to such operations. Alabama Holds Fifth Rank in Poultry Income: Receipts from all poultry at $273.1 million in 1972 placed Alabama in fifth position behind Georgia, California, Arkansas and North Carolina. Alabama ranked third in income from broilers and sixth in receipts from egg marketings. Broiler Production Continued to Expand: Alabama broiler producers turn out about 1.5 million broilers each working day. That adds up to 399.3 million birds produced in 1972. This is 3.9 percent greater than the previous record high of last year- in fact the Alabama broiler business has established new production records every year since 1947. Producers received 13.1 cents per pound on a liveweight at farm basis for broilers marketed in 1972. The record low price was in 1967 when growers receivedonly 12.0 cents per pound. Egg Production Declined Slightly: The egg comes second within the poultry industry in Alabama. A total of 2,852 million eggs was produced in 1972. This includes all eggs produced and used for hatching as well as those sold on the commercial markets both wholesale and retail. Alabama's laying flock averaged 12,532 thousand layers during the year. Annual production per layer was at 228 eggs as compared to the 135 eggs per layer of 25 years earlier. Alabama's laying flocks continue to become more concentrated in the hands of larger commercial operators. Commercialization of the industry has contributed much to the increased egg production. Chicken Production (Excluding Broilers) Decreased: Alabama poultrymen produced 10,500,000 chickens (excluding broilers) in 1972. This phase of the poultry industry reflects largely the production of replacement pullets for laying flocks and production in small farm flocks. Baby Chick Production Increased: Alabama hatchery operators produced 462.7 million baby chicks in 1972, another record high. Of this total, 451.8 were broiler-type chicks and 10.9 egg-type. Hatching baby chicks is an important segment of the poultry industry in Alabama. Consolidation is, also, evident in this segment by the decreasing number of hatcheries but increased capacities. At the beginning of 1973, there were 53 chick hatcheries with a rated capacity of 45,104,000 eggs. Two years earlier there were 71 hatcheries with a capacity of 40,369,000 eggs. The peak number was in 1957 when there were 96 hatcheries. Capacity of hatcheries has been increasing steadily in recent years even though the number has decreased. Turkey Business Holds Minor Position: Production of turkeys in Alabama is a minor enterprise with only 28,000 birds produced in 1972. Turkey numbers were sharply up during the period 1962 to 1966 when Alabama's all-time record crop was 1,278,000 birds produced. 109 11 u ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Chickens (excluding commercial broilers): Number on farms, by classes, January 1, 1965-72 Hens and pullets of Pullets not of All Chickens laying age laying age Other Year Year Average chickens Number value per Total Hens Pullets Total 3 mo. + 3 head value 3 mos. Thousand Thousands Dollars dollars - Thousands - 1965 15,140 1.05 15,897 5,494 9,120 14,614 - - 526 1966 15,729 1.00 15,729 5,659 5,444 11,103 1,968 2,127 531 1967 17,405 .94 16,361 5,772 6,108 11,880 2,165 2,765 595 1968 18,449 95 17,527 4,848 7,907 12,755 2,338 2,737 619 1969 19,355 1.05 20,323 4,610 8,065 12,675 2,707 3,347 626 1970 20,620 1.05 21,651 5,180 8,140 13,320 3,175 3,443 682 19701 19,850 1.05 20,843 5,598 7,752 13,350 2,850 3,000 650 19711 19,768 1.15 22,733 5,437 7,823 13,260 2,845 3,013 650 19721 19,590 1.15 22,529 5,420 7,635 13,055 3,098 2,817 620 'December 1 beginning 1970. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Egg production: Number of layers, eggs per 100 layers and egg production, by months, 1965-72 Item and month 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Layers Dec. 2 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual 3 Eggs per 100 layers Dec.2 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 4 Annual Eggs produced Dec.2 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual- Thousands - - - - - 13,350 13,335 13,234 10,510 10,998 11,696 12,691 12,845 13,370 13,160 13,263 10,180 10,800 11,454 12,P26 13,015 13,273 13,050 12,965 10,088 10,718 11,397 12,625 12,968 13,008 13,025 12,546 10,097 10,674 11,283 12,562 13,015 12,859 12,855 12,132 10,142 10,626 11,392 12,412 13,035 12,750 12,770 11,613 10,116 10,584 11,558 12,185 12,793 12,641 12,640 11,538 10,192 10,694 11,799 12,023 12,638 12,529 12,425 11,920 10,370 11,015 12,249 12,060 12,733 12,424 12,375 12,268 10,552 11,262 12,586 12,263 12,915 12,550 12,500 12,701 10,768 11,528 12,868 12,475 13,118 12,888 12,725 13,105 10,982 11,858 12,867 12,578 13,300 13,213 13,055 13,098 11,097 11,944 12,762 12,643 13,350 - - 10,425 11,058 11,993 12,429 12,977 12,905 12,826 12,532 Number - - - - - 1,829 1,835 1,925 1,807 1,804 1,863 1,823 1,798 1,845 1,869 1,947 1,655 1,635 1,730 1,734 1,697 1,702 1,728 1,830 1,860 1,885 1,950 1,897 1,941 1,925 1,950 1,996 1,842 1,866 1,887 1,857 1,854 1,848 1,890 1,950 1,965 1,919 1,897 1,897 1,894 1,882 1,928 1,984 1,887 1,818 1,800 1,797 1,830 1,818 1,842 1,890 1,897 1,829 1,854 1,829 1,857 1,869 1,882 1,919 1,835 1,776 1,838 1,804 1,838 1,869 1,863 1,885 1,770 1,719 1,779 1,743 1,788 1,812 1,800 1,806 1,879 1,823 1,848 1,814 1,860 1,863 1,879 1,857 1,782 1,734 1,782 1,758 1,779 1,785 1,833 1,791 1,810 1,786 1,826 1,798 1,829 - - - 220 216 220 217 220 220 223 228 Millions - - - - - 244 245 255 190 198 218 231 231 247 246 258 168 177 198 219 221 226 226 237 188 202 222 239 252 250 254 250 186 199 213 233 241 238 243 237 199 204 216 235 247 240 246 230 191 192 208 219 234 230 233 218 193 196 219 220 235 234 234 229 190 196 225 218 234 232 231 231 187 194 224 214 231 227 225 229 202 210 238 226 244 240 239 243 196 206 229 221 237 236 239 235 201 213 233 227 244 - - - 2,291 2,387 2,643 2,702 2,851 2,844 2,861 2,852 Average number on hand during month. 2December of previous year. 3 Averagenumber during year. Annual rate of lay per layer on hand (eggs produced during year divided by average number of layers during year). 111 Egg production: Number of layers, eggs per 100 layers, and egg production, by type, by months, 1969-72 Layers 2 1 Eggs per 100 layers Eggs produced Month 1969 1970 1971 1972 1 1969 1970 1971J 1972 1969 1970 19711 1972 - Thousands - Dec. 3 Jan. 2,843 Feb. 2,875 Mar. 2,900 Apr. 2,950 May 2,950 June 2,875 July 2,793 Aug. 2,785 Sept. 2,830 Oct. 2,875 Nov. 2,925 Dec. 3,000 Annual 2,8834 Dec. 3 - Jan. 10,002 Feb. 10,140 Mar. 10,068 Apr. 10,065 May 10,085 June 9,918 July 9,845 Aug. 9,948 Sept. 10,085 Oct. 10,243 Nov. 10,375 Dec. 10,350 Annual 10,0944 3,000 3,070 3,108 3,138 3,175 3,150 3,025 2,900 2,800 2,775 2,825 2,863 2,863 2,800 2,825 2,945 3,055 3,085 2,975 2,900 2,900 2,875 2,875 2,865 - Number - Broiler breeder flocks - Mllion - 2,855 1,597 1,652 1,730 47.9 47.3 49.4 2,940 1,643 1,643 1,690 1,776 46.7 50.4 47.3 52.2 3,000 1,560 1,568 1,596 1,691 44.9 48.7 45.1 50.7 3,038 1,758 1,745 1,783 1,823 51.0 54.8 52.5 55.4 3,075 1,668 1,659 1,689 1,749 49.2 52.7 51.6 53.8 3,013 1,699 1,705 1,714 1,783 50.1 53.7 52.9 53.7 2,950 1,605 1,635 1,635 1,710 46.1 49.5 48.6 50.4 2,938 1,597 1,659 1,659 1,752 44.6 48.1 48.1 51.5 2,838 1,575 1,637 1,643 1,752 43.9 45.8 47.6 49.7 2,775 1,530 7f,569 1,575 1,710 43.3 43.5 45.3 47.5 2,825 1,606 1,612 1,628 1,752 46.2 45.5 46.8 49.5 2,875 1,569 1,584 1,614 1,659 45.9 45.3 46.2 47.7 - 1,597 - 47.9 - - - 2,9864 2,9144 2,927A 1945 1965 1995 2095 559.8 585.9 579.3 611.5 10,350 10,300 10,165 9,870 9,684 9,600 9,616 9,629 9,624 9,775 10,063 10,350 10,472 10,360 10,225 10,080 9,800 9,685 9,665 9,525 9,475 9,625 9,850 10,190 Other flocks 6 10,379 - 1,895 1,888 1,981 .196.1 197.7 205.6 10,323 1,843 1,909 1,918 1,994 184.3 196.6 198.7 205.8 9,965 1,737 1,744 1,769 1,870 176.1 177.3 180.9 186.3 9,508 1,996 1,978 1,999 2,047 201.0 195.2 201.5 194.6 9,057 1,906 1,913 1,953 2,023 191.8 185.3 191.4 183.2 8,600 1,952 1,941 1,994 2,050 196.9 186.3 193.1 176.3 8,588 1,895 1,877 1,908 1,952 187.9 180.5 184.4 167.6 8,982 1,934 1,931 1,952 1,976 190.4 185.9 185.9 17745 9,430 1,911 1,935 1,936 1,923 190.1 186.2 183.4 181.3 9,926 1,861 1,877 1,867 1,829 187.7 183.5 179.7 181.5 10,280 1,931 1,933 1,951 1,882 197.8 194.5 192.2 193.5 10,223 1,842 1,843 1,892 1,832 191.1 190.7 192.8 187.3 - 1,895 - - - 196.1 - - - 9109194 9,9134 9,6054 2275 228 2305 2335 2,291.2 2,258.1 2,281.7 2,240.5 Data not available prior to 1969. 2 Average number on hand during month. December of previous year. Annual average 19 70-72 igDecember thru November. 5Aeaenumber during year. 6 Annual rate of lay per layer on hand (eggs produced during year divided by average number of layers during',Year). O ther fiocksconsistof c .Iombe)mer yr--famon,,(f k wt-40 er qoI 1tz 6H C/I 1H LI 13n :9H C/ ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Chickens: Farm production and income, 1965-72' 113 Average Value of Year (hickens produced 2 Sold3 price per home Cash Gross pound consumption 4 receipts Thousand - Thousand pounds - Cents - Thousand dollars - birds 1965 10,023 52,648 43,999 12.0 606 5,280 5,886 1966 11,903 -57,081 49,473 10.1 411 4,997 5,408 1967 11,648 71,349 53,334 9.0 261 4,800 5,061 1968 12,357 58,558 58,344 9.5 256 5,543 5,799 1969 13,421 64,723 61,711 10.5 268 6,480 6,748 1970 11,309 54,887 60,522 9.3 165 5,629 5,794 1971 11,100 53,613 50,910 7.3 226 3,716 3,942 1972 10,500 51,028 49,140 8.5 217 4,177 4,394 2Data cover both farm and commercial operations but exclude broilers. Production is the quantity available for utilization during the year, i.e., sales plus home consumption, plus or minus change in inventory. Sold for slaughter. Valued at same price as chickens sold. Commercial Broilers: Production and gross income, 1965-72 Year Production periceund GrossIncomel Thousand Thousand Thousand birds pounds Cents dollars 1965 285,077 969,262 14.3 138,604 1966 324,124 1,134,434 14.2 161,090 1967 324,629 1,136,202 12.0 136,344 1968 328,510 1,149,785 13.2 151,772 1969 352,745 1,234,608 14.0 172,845 1970 376,112 1,316,392 12.2 160,600 1971 384,347 1,345,215 12.6 169,497 1972 399,274 1,437,386 13.1 188,298 1 Includes home consumption which is less than one percent of total production. Eggs: Production and income, 1965-72 Eggs Eggs Eggs Price Cash Value of Gross Year produced consumed inI sold per dozen receipts home Income households consumption 1 - Millions - Cents - Thousand dollars - 1965 2,291 69 2,222 39.7 73,511 2,283 75,794 1966 2,387 53 2,334 43.9 85,385 1,939 87,324 1967 2,643 53 2,590 38.6 83,312 1,705 85,017 1968 2,702 48 2,564 38.6 85,370 1,544 86,914 1969 2,851 41 2,810 44.6 104,438 1,524 105,962 1970 2,844 28 2,816 44.2 103,723 1,031 104,754 1971 2,861 20 2,841 36.4 86,177 607 86,784 1972 2,852 19 2,833 34.1 80,504 540 81,044 Valued at same price as eggs sola. 114 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Chicks hatched by commercial hatcheries, by months, 1965-72 Month 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Thousands Total 24,189 28,547 28,384 30,740 31,961 24,105 27,049 27,851 29,304 30,823 28,221 31,872 33,648 32,582 35,793 28,952 32,688 32,297 32,129 34,990 30,933 33,079 32,297 33,443 36,228 29,707 31,476 31,464 32,013 34,634 30,415 30,663 30,668 31,809 33,282 28,058 27,696 29,260 30,185 32,272 24,758 27,106 26,685 26,844 30,639 26,154 28,284 27,154 29,236 30,035 25,553 25,982 28,628 29,942 31,414 27,152 26,411 28,435 30,862 33,231 328,197 350,853 356,771 369,089 395,302 36,233 35,003 38,334 34,232 31,951 38,367 40,562 38,064 42,424 39,275 37,981 42,092 38,453 40,461 43,220 37,555 38,612 40,212 35,678 38,299 39,623 34,576 36,754 38,504 30,387 32,614 33,809 29,702 33,571 34,404 30,973 33,362 35,032 32,119 36,084 36,663 419,745 432,756 462,684 -Broiler-type - 22,615 27,373 27,202 29,822 31,172 22,887 25,805 26,489 28,196 29,849 26,812 30,058 31,963 30,843 34,430 27,222 30,901 30,525 30,563 33,904 29,439 31,507 30,979 32,140 35,072 28,797 30,335 30,207 30,992 33,626 29,358 29,905 29,851 30,863 32,311 27,035 26,783 28,408 29,483 31,202 23,871 25,824 25,560 25,893 29,606 25,243 27,027 25,935 27,947 29,005 24,447 24,884 27,836 28,923 30,526 26,180 25,311 27,535 30,072 32,205 313,906 335,713 342,490 355,737 382,908 34,958 34,335 37,180 33,131 30,770 37,522 39,146 36,459 41,412 38,048 36,646 40,849 37,291 39,027 42,237 36,548 37,604 39,229 34,453 37,465 38,481 34,010 36,038 37,548 29,325 32,044 33,025 28,758 32,985 33,763 30,394 32,779 34,552 31,692 35,362 36,003 407,754 421,514 451,801 - Egg-type - 1,574 1,174 1,182 918 789 1,218 1,244 1,362 1,108 974 1,409 1,814 1,685 1,739 1,363 1,730 1,787 1,772 1,566 1,086 1,494 1,572 1,318 1,303 1,156 910 1,141 1,257 1,021 1,008 1,057 758 817 946 971 1,023 913 852 702 1,070 887 1,28.2 1,125 951 1,033 911 1,257 1,219 1,289 1,030 1,106 1,098 792 1,019 888 972 1,100 900 790 1,026 14,291 15,140 14,281 13,352 12,394 1,275 668 1,154 1,101 1,181 845 1,416 1,605 1,012 1,227 1,335 1,243 1,162 1,434 983 1,007 1,008 983 1,225 834 1,142 566 716 956 1,062 570 784 944 586 641 579 583 480 427 722 660 11,991 11,242 10,883 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual -^' --- ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 115 Commercial broilers: Eggs set, chicks hatched and chicks placed in Alabama, by weeks, 1965-66 Year and Total Year and Total week sets Chic placed in week Eggs Chicks placed in ended set hatched state 2 ended set 1 hatched state 2 1965 - Thousands - 1966 -Thousands - Jan. 2 6,666 5,112 4,973 Jan. 8 8,222 6,071 6,021 9 6,888 4,889 4,771 15 8,383 6,149 6,200 16 7,175 5,035 4,852 22 8,309 6,058 6,022 23 7,217 5,157 5,011 29 8,353 6,356 6,359 30 7,401- 5,269 5,072 Feb. 5 8,318 6,458 6,467 Feb. 6 7,426 5,613 5,528 12 8,567 6,450 6,513 13 7,555 5,596 5,482 19 8,424 6,447 6,598 20 7,695 5,815 5,693 26 8,769 6,437 6,541 27 7,729 5,830 5,702 Mar.' 5 8,950 6,504 6,718 Mar. 6 7,885 5,844 5,668 12 9,109 6,558 6,767 13 7,859 6,024 5,871 19 9,156 6,797 6,785 20 7,917 6,094 6,070 26 9,355 6,952 7,034 27 8,126 6,165 6,158 Apr. 2 9,381 7,152 7,300 Apr. 3 8,277 6,167 5,992 9 9,172 7,212 7,292 10 8,475 6,201 5,995 16 9,113 7,208 7,198 17 8,431 6,345 6,173 23 9,046 7,290 7,355 24 8,512 6,359 6,227 30 9,038 7,146 7,350 May 1 8,598 6,617 6,515 May 7 9,161 7,141 7,288 8 8,530 6,583 6,463 14 9,140 7,067 7,197 15 8,616 6,619 6,543 21 8,858 7,123 7,373 22 8,695 6,682 6,527 28 9,086 7,113 7,215 29 8,667 6,658 6,587 June 4 9,168 7,141 7,244 June 5 8,773 6,653 6,590 11 9,000 6,952 6,963 12 8,806 6,719 6,411 18 9,024 7,050 7,077 19 8,536 6,626 6,307 25 9,065 7,226 7,206 26 8,539 6,779 6,517 July 2 8,684 7,044 6,946 July 3 8,702 6,787 6,559 9 8,472 6,975 7,022 10 8,503 6,665 6,435 16 8,319 6,841 6,967 17 8,209 6,620 6,497 23 8,002 6,668 6,714 24 8,091 6,673 6,425 30 7,898 6,498 6,537 31 7,862 6,488 6,252 Aug. 6 7,939 6,349 6,447 Aug. 7 7,691 6,337 6,253 13 7,811 5,941 6,030 14 7,607 6,247 6,060 20 7,862 5,965 6,029 21 7,750 6,063 5,687 27 7,918 5,985 5,960 28 7,501 5,911 5,678 Sept. 3 7,457 6,043 6,103 Sept. 4 6,826 5,774 5,612 10 8,118 6,050 6,029 11 7,289 5,850 5,686 17 8,027 6,103 6,086 18 7,425 5,687 5,494 24 8,038 5,724 5,812 25 7,584 5,105 4,902 Oct. 1 7,862 6,248 6,182 Oct. 2 7,360 5,507 5,356 8 7,789 6,168 6,130 9 7,420 5,653 5,547 15 7,763 6,151 6,149 16 7,383 5,822 5,604 22 7,475 6,038 6,015 23 7,381 5,669 5,508 29 7,631 6,042 6,083 30 7,387 5,705 5,607 Nov. 5 7,349 6,068 6,131 Nov. 6 7,447 5,724 5,483 12 7,437 5,787 5,828 13 7,455 5,715 5,617 19 7,185 5,821 5,835 20 7,707 5,661 5,564 26 7,165 5,678 5,692 27 7,700 5,727 5,604 Dec. 3 7,393 5,718 5,718 Dec. 4 7,526 5,685 5,545 10 7,487 5,584 5,577 11 8,086 5,927 5,843 17 7,805 5,676 5,727 18 7,973 5,865 5,865 24 7,749 5,790 5,795 25 8,005 5,798 5,735 31 7,876 5,808 5,972 Annual Annual 1965 408,864 312,116 304,116 1966 432,678 334,821 337,599 SIncludes set for pullet chicks to be used as replacements for hatchery supply flocks. 2 Includes only chicks to be raised as broilers. 116 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Commercial broilers: Eggs set, chicks hatched and chicks placed in Alabama, by weeks, 1967-68 Year and Eggs Chicks Total Year and .. Total week set 1 hatched placed in week set 1 hatched placed in ended setl hatched state 2 endedhatched state 2 1967 Jan. 7 7,934 14 8,166 21 8,339 28 8,542 Feb. 4 8,348 11 8,835 18 9,256 25 9,462 Mar. 4 9,180 11 9,138 18 8,971 25 8,947 Apr. 1 8,901 8 8,868 15 8,785 22 8,956 29 9,009 May 6 8,896 13 8,934 20 9,078 27 9,042 June 3 8,830 10 8,806 17 8,691 24 8,597 July 1 8,687 8 8,579 15 8,322 22 8,231 29 8,235 Aug. 5 8,161 12 8,124 19 8,100 26 7,811 Sept. 2 6,924 9 7,674 16 7,761 23 7,791 30 7,126 Oct. 7 7,149 14 7,821 21 8,379 28 8,385 Nov. 4 8,434 11 8,000 18 8,015 25 7,988 Dec. 2 8,161 9 7,133 16 8,311 23 8,395 30 8,562 Annual 1967 436,770 - Thousands - 6,099 6,028 6,107 6,208 6,434 6,535 6,696 6,588 6,984 7,192 7,342 7,218 7,261 7,121 7,172 7,151 7,051 6,937 7,017 7,079 6,966 6,957 7,161 7,140 6,994 6,916 6,841 6,702 6,764 6,696 6,500 6,439 6,474 6,358 6,296 6,306 6,102 5,360 5,991 6,098 6,046 5,596 5,586 6,081 6,607 6,598 6,665 6,294 6,344 6,259 6,488 5,702 1968 6,108 Jan. 6 6,067 13 6,175 20 6,177 27 6,480 Feb. 3 6,644 10 6,621 17 6,700 24 6,893 Mar. 2 7,145 9 7,265 16 6,988 23 7,058 30 7,136 Apr. 6 7,036 13 7,023 20 6,999 27 6,958 May 4 7,044 11 7,119 18 7,016 25 7,064 June 1 7,152 8 7,198 15 7,040 22 6,885 29 6,722 July 6 6,666 13 6,788 20 6,767 27 6,469 Aug. 3 6,291 10 6,354 17 6,259 24 6,306 31 6,318 Sept. 7 6,165 14 5,366 21 5,869 28 6,075 Oct. 5 5,829 12 5,433 19 5,569 26 6,163 Nov. 2 6,545 9 6,445 16 6,449 23 6,292 30 6,027 Dec. 7 5,886 14 6,315 21 5,486 28 Annual 341,547 338,845 1968 8,762 8,634 8,583 8,614 8,554 8,478 8,619 8,708 8,733 8,874 8,740 8,903 8,879 8,935 9,131 8,995 9,099 9,035 9,150 9,197 9,125 9,188 9,072 8,873 8,910 8,803 8,676 8,605 8,480 8,491 8,408 8,185 8,072 8,233 7,745 6,610 7,885 8,135 7,938 7,552 7,834 7,859 8,348 8,560 8,259 8,409 8,303 8,195 8,370 8,536 8,742 8,589 443,613 Thousands - 6,590 6,326 6,554 6,369 6,748 6,492 6,973 6,832 6,829 6,676 6,797 6,558 6,790 6,576 6,802 6,660 6,830 6,468 6,923 6,705 6,967 6,695 7,018 6,869 6,977 6,691 7,027 7,008 7,096 7,048 7,144 7,014 7,181 7,062 7,273 7,041 7,209 7,035 7,311 7,027 7,212 7,071 7,299 7,070 7,297 7,151 7,240 7,010 7,210 6,847 7,186 6,912 7,100 6,938 7,042 6,768 6,978 6,658 6,846 6,516 6,851 6,494 6,641 6,383 6,762 6,500 6,662 6,337 6,479 6,104 6,360 6,059 6,347 6,005 6,067 5,753 5,316 5,068 6,303 6,007 6,502 6,273 6,343 6,031 6,090 5,909 6,319 6,225 6,745 6,469 6,723 6,510 6,959 6,588 6,689 6,336 6,878 6,510 6,810 6,422 6,611 6,164 6,779 6,395 353,685 340,635 1 Includes set for pullet chicks to be used as replacements for hatchery supply flocks. 2 Includes only chicks to be raised as broilers. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 117 Commercial broilers: Eggs set, chicks hatched and chicks placed in Alabama, by weeks, 1969-70 Yearand Eggs Chicks Total Year ad Eggs Chicks Total ended set hatched state 2 ended set hatched state 2 - Thousands -1969 Jan. 4 11 18 25 Feb. 1 8 15 22 Mar. 1 8 15 22 29 Apr. 5 12 19 26 May 3 10 17 24 31 June 7 14 21 28 July 5 12 19 26 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 Sept. 6 13 20 27 Oct. 4 11 18 25 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 Dec. 6 13 20 27 Annual 1969 8,595 8,910 8,865 9,235 9,177 9,427 9,439 9,491 9,483 9,601 9,506 9,631 9,748 9,734 9,664 9,642 9,692 9,819 9,720 9,860 9,850 9,702 9,561 9,246 9,092 9,348 9,262 8,941 8,977 9,645 8,898 8,944 8,922 8,755 8,686 8,346 8,131 8,644 8,481 7,843 7,833 8,617 8,628 8,981 8,817 8,683 8,825 8,923 8,687 9,275 9,375 9,366 474,523 6,926 7,109 6,890 7,017 7,236 7,307 7,491 7,438 7,676 7,757 7,681 7,809 7,853 7,803 7,927 7,931 7,972 7,886 7,839 7,864 8,034 7,952 7,994 7,949 7,851 7,717 7,396 7,233 7,516 7,300 6,976 6,812 6,979 7,161 7,231 7,161 6,975 6,993 6,750 6,412 6,956 6,749 6,270 6,265 7,003 7,009 7,422 7,166 7,200 7,302 7,263 7,133 381,542 I I Includes set for pullet chicks to be used as replacements for hatchery supply flocks. 2Includes only chicks to be raised as broilers. 1970 -Thousands- 6,585 Jan. 3 9,710 7,596 6,756 10 10,076 7,745 6,428 17 10,110 7,672 6,699 24 10,000 7,987 7,001 31 9,973 8,295 7,105 Feb. 7 10,116 8,155 7,342 14 10,444 8,190 7,267 21 10,558 8,250 7,555 28 10,685 8,536 7,611 Mar. 7 10,908 8,644 7,460 14 10,956 8,731 7,683 21 10,789 8,821 7,693 28 10,994 9,081 7,617 Apr. 4 11,002 9,019 7,825 11 10,392 8,818 7,715 18 9,997 8,958 7,837 25 10,597 9,054 7,544 May 2 10,386 8,499 7,678 9 10,397 8,157 7,748 16 10,479 8,537 7,623 23 10,669 8,493 7,590 30 10,464 8,453 7,635 June 6 10,283 8,532 7,797 13 10,273 8,749 7,589 20 9,537 8,482 7,360 27 9,620 8,377 7,088 July 4 10,059 8,456 7,067 11 10,062 7,711 7,368 18 9,845 7,809 7,008 25 9,595 8,116 6,693 Aug. 1 9,543 8,155 6,490 8 9,277 7,923 6,786 15 8,965 7,754 6,879 22 8,772 7,632 6,914 29 8,860 7,459 6,864 Sept. 5 7,943 7,260 6,689 12 7,251 7,217 6,635 19 8,553 7,181 6,522 26 8,390 6,424 6,128 Oct. 3 8,255 5,813 6,754 10 7,687 6,830 6,485 17 8,593 6,713 5,943 24 8,872 6,565 6,195 31 8,877 6,156 6,826 Nov. 7 8,994 6,847 6,920 14 8,985 7,153 7,096 21 8,932 7,065 6,986 28 9,077 7,263 7,123 Dec. 5 8,589 7,225 7,104 12 9,136 7,166 6,993 19 9,651 7,320 6,994 26 9,321 6,813 Annual 369,293 1970 501,499 407,857 7,360 7,504 7,334 7,639 7,946 7,728 7,884 7,963 8,203 8,305 8,380 8,421 8,646 8,604 8,331 8,578 8,590 7,911 7,598 7,952 8,022 7,820 8,039 8,165 7,903 7,838 7,943 7,221 7,426 7,630 7,665 7,399 7,390 7,208 7,052 6,746 6,576 6,691 6,116 5,443 6,503 6,416 6,111 5,911 6,488 6,868 6,815 7,100 6,918 6,759 6,991 6,441 386,491 118 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Commercial broilers: Eggs set., chicks hatched and chicks placed in Alabama, by weeks, 1971 -721 Year and Egs Cik Total Year and Egs Cik Total wek e2 achd placed in week Es htcks paedi edekd E Chiks placed ind ended set 2 hached state 3 nded se 2 hace sae 1970-71 Thousands - Dec. 5, 70 8,589 7,225 12 9,136 7,166 19 9,651 7,320 26 9,321 6,813 Jan. 2, 71 9,369 7,330 9 9,441 7,882 16 9,045 7,779 23 8,984 7,668 30 9,481 7,794 Feb. 6 9,517 7,512 13 9,473 7,419 20 9,658 7,825 27 9,992 7,952 Mar. 6 9,999 7,944 13 10,108 8,130 20 10,188 8,347 27 10,265 8,356 Apr. 3 10,251 8,438 10 10,382 8,570 17 10,591 8,527 24 10,539 8,495 May 1 10,733 8,674 8 10,670 8,681 15 10,765 8,865 22 10,634 8,909 29 10.585 8,771 June 5 10,695 8,954 12 10,646 8,768 19 10,297 8,748 26 10,075 8,824 July 3 10,315 8,530 10 10,295 8,480 17 10,125 8,278 24 10,137 8,493 31 10,034 8,555 Aug. 7 10,1009 8,272 14 9,794 8,240 21 9,619 8,034 28 9,620 8,121 Sept. 4 8,874 7,857 11 8,238 7,810 18 9,579 7,860 25 9,478 7,164 Oct. 2 9,298 6,616 9 8,327 7,756 16 8,871 7,814 23 9,063 7,671 30 9,463 6,817 Nov. 6 9,662 7,235 13 9,767 7,447 20 9,798 7,787 27 9,835 7,925 Annual 1971 509,281 416,448 6,918 6,759 6,991 6,441 7,237 7,548 7,471 7,318 7,588 7,228 7,217 7,576 7,729 7,814 7,977 7,977 8,058 8,094 8,264 8,155 8,071 8,297 8,350 8,596 8,554 8,292 8,628 8,414 8,378 8,511 8,318 8,088 7,878 8,026 8,208 7,849 7,844 7,622 7,709 7,534 7,410 7,517 6,788 6,181 7,260 7,439 7,118 6,357 6,945 6,753 7,192 7,432 397,919 Annual 1972 546,698 448,651 410,730 1971-72 Dec. 4, 71 9,388 11 10,145 18 9,908 25 9,984 Jan. 1,72 10,216 8 10,552 15 10,758 22 11,105 29 11,059 Feb. 5 11,213 12 11,071 19 11,176 26 11,303 Mar. 4 11,555 11 11,658 18 11,513 25 11,391 Apr. 1 11,651 8 11,730 15 11,752 22 11,395 29 11,718 May 6 11,492 13 11,380 20 11,305 27 10,912 Jun. 3 11,006 10 11,076 17 10,312 24 10,890 Jul. 1 10,999 8 10,651 15 10,734 22 10,564 29 10,242 Aug. 5 10,163 12 9,927 19 10,165 26 10,011 Sep. 2 9,163 9 8,133 16 9,759 23 9,684 30 9,306 Oct. 7 8,234 14 9,096 21 9,355 28 9,846 Nov. 4 9,834 11 10,222 18 9,1996 25 10,000 -Thousands - 7,971 7,995 8,064 7,612 8,447 8,040 8,345 8,390 8,676 8,813 9,1033 9,078 9,191 9,157 9,212 9,226 9,511 9,608 9,483 9,397 9,602 9,604 9,713 9,309 9,669 9,530 9,466 9,276 9,050 9,009 9,140 8,361 8,735 8,934 8,600 8,894 8,788 8,342 8 ,226 8,182 8,342 8,226 7,530 6,587 8,013 7,934 7,736 6,811 7,620 7,755 8,236 8,182 Dat based on marketings December-November. 3 lIncludes set for pullet chicks to be used as replacements for hatchery supply flocks. Includes only chicks to be raised as broilers. 1 UI I/ rT~\ 7 7,368 7,459 7,523 6,989 7,887 7,462 7,525 7,0787 7,809 8,062 8,427 8,525 8,456 8,241 8,459 8,419 8,766 8,747 8,805 8,572 8,833 8,820 8,946 8,544 8,821 8,665 8,515 8,660 8,743 8,322 8,320 7,507 7,868 8,046 7,684 8,156 7,972 7,621 7,418 7,388 7,540 7,540 6,735 5,834 7,3653 7,292 6,876 6,026 6,917 7,265 7,584 7,621 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 119 Turkeys: Production and gross income, 1965-72 Number raised Pounds Price Gross Year .2 3. 4 Light Breed Heavy Breed Total Produced Per pound Income Thousand Thousand - Thousands - pounds Cents dollars 1965 762 21 783 14,605 22.0 3,241 1966 1,257 21 1,278 23,978 22.9 5,388 1967 1,041 6 1,047 19,775 19.7 3,909 1968 729 13 742 14,646 21.0 3,073 1969 627 13 640 13,100 20.6 2,820 1970 12 11 23 368 22.3 82 1971 13 10 23 368 21.6 79 1972 14 14 28 448 22.0 99 1Does not include young turkeys lost. 2 Includes adjustments made for changes in inventory. 3 Weighted average of monthly prices per pound received by farmers. Includes home consumption which is less than 1 percent of total production. 120 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Hens and pullets of laying age: Number on farms, by county, January 1, 1965-70 District and 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 county. Thousands DISTRICT 10 Colbert 18 20 25 40 30 40 Fayette 108' 109 113 126 110 105 Franklin 238 227 219 120 165 131 Lamar 113 87 89 103 132 104 Marion 69 72 72 45 55 50 Total 546 515 518 434 492 430 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 105 97 83 78 90 85 Lawrence 269 301 410 555 525 460 Limestone 254 200 217 235 240 250 Madison 117 98 85 90 83 161 Marshall 467 562 575 490 625 600 Morgan 345 606 605 520 525 530 Total 1,557 1,864 1,975 1,968 2,088 2,086 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 19 36 33 26 23 27 Blount 1,237 1,317 1,403 1,315 1,390 1,360 Chilton 78 76 40 30 25 33 Cullman 1,394 1,263 1,370 1,395 1,370 1,325 Jefferson 281 209 235 300 285 320 Saint Clair 192 111 150 225 200 160 Shelby 336 239 270 350 320 330 Walker 302 397 425 400 480 555 Winston 74 123 124 125 135 180 Total 3,913 3,771 4,050 4,166 4,228 4,290 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun 213 148 170 165 165 175 Cherokee 344 325 360 520 405 500 Cleburne 117 107 145 190 130 180 DeKalb 777 986 1,015 1,195 1,180 1,350 Etowah 252 233 230 240 250 260 Jackson 212 211 220 185 185 190 Total 1,915 2,010 2,140 2,495 2,315 2,655 DISTRICT 40 Greene 28 20 23 26 23 25 Hale 41 46 45 40 40 48 Marengo 22 16 18 19 15 12 Pickens 43 41 43 50 55 49 Sumter 25 18 18 19 15 12 Tuscaloosa 59 67 72 78 55 40 Total 218 208 219 232 203 186 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 121 Hens and pullets of laying age: Number on farms, by county, January 1, 1965-70 - Continued District and county DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Date Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Thousands 1970 55 23 141 15 134 23 21 412 59 259 57 72 132 169 41 58 27 874 116 25 21 113 53 328 36 16 46 96 23 20 237 225 58 140 33 21 53 63 187 780 10,780 78 22 84 14 66 21 20 305 47 293 61 54 155 238 28 54 63_ 993 185 25 20 100 151 481 36 14 31 114 26 18 239 187 76 97 38 19 41 51 208 717 11,103 70 21 70 21 60 18 19 279 88 298 62 50 170 265 24 55 78 1,090 185 35 22 135 150 527 92 30 30 130 26 17 325 190 100 94 35 18 40 55 225 757 11,880 55 19 50 25 65 15 18 247 .135 315 75 40 185 335 20. 62 95 1,262 200 48 25 170 112 555 135 40 43 160 26 17 421 265 170 90 40 17 40 88 265 975 12,755 55 21 41 33 60 25 18 253 75 350 55 30 155 288 15 50 115 1,133 160 47 24 150 125 506 135 25 137 235 21 14 567 225 100 90 35 21 64 85 270 890 12,675 50 40 65 33 60 31 20 299 180 370 60 19 145 350 11 60 120 1,315 158 55 22 131 140 506 164 42 132 238 13 10 599 215 100 105 77 26 51 95 285 954 13,320 122 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Hens and pullets of laying age: Number on farms, by county, December 1, 19 70-72 District District and and county 1970 1971 1972 county 1970 1971 1972 DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total - Thousands - - Thousands - )ISTRICT 50 40 35 18 Autauga 100 30 12 Dallas 125 125 110 Elmore 90 48 25 Lowndes 50 30 25 Montgomery Perry 405 268 190 Wilcox Total 80 55 45 DISTRICT 60 550 595 620 Chambers 185 245 185 Clay 149 145 200 Coosa 600 640 880 Lee 600 510 520 Macon Randolph 2,164 2,190 2,450 Russell Talladega Tallapoosa 20 14 13 Total 1,300 1,405 1,260 DISTRICT 70 32 21 20 Baldwin 1,620 1,645 1,695 Baldwin 320 340 267 155 125 110 Clarke 338 210 325 Moble 460 455 395 Washington 185 175 205 Total 4,430 4,390 4,290 DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington 170 165 120 Crenshaw 460 580 445 Escambia 175 155 123 Monroe 1,400 1,695 1,650 308 230 280 Total 190 175 190 DISTRICT 90 2,703 3,000 2,808 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale 24 24 20 Geneva 45 32 37 Henry 12 11 10 Houston 55 45 43 Pike 11 23 27 Total 35 41 52 Total 182 176 189 STATE 20 6 6 55 35 50 55 75 65 24 10 10 68 40 38 20 15 13 20 13 10 262 194 192 170 195, 225 420 425 330 40 35 45 28 35 68 125 120 113 325 340 330 11 10 8 50 20 25 132 100 122 1,301 1,280 1,266 175 185 172 10 6 5 23 13 11 145 130 113 145 125 125 498 459 426 160 155 110 28 15 15 120 118 98 270 290 315 17 19 18 10 9 8 605 606 564 185 188 197 70 50 47 95 82 70 75 65 46 25 20 43 50 52 8 90 55 61 210 185 208 800 697 680 13,350 13,260 13,055 ,,,, 1 rr~~ ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Hens and pullets of laying age: Number on farms, December 1, 1972, with leading five counties designated AUDERDALE COLBERT AWREP4C Less than 25,000 25,000 - 99,999 100,000 - 199,999 200,000 - 999,999 1,000,000 + d~ElrE 123 124 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS All chickens (excluding broilers): Number on farms, by county, January 1, 1965-70 District and 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 county Thousands DISTRICT 10 Colbert 21 22 30 60 37 50 Fayette 164 155 165 190 168 160 Franklin 337 290 270 175 225 191 Lamar 164 129 139 150 150 132 Marion 120 109 120 100 95 83 Total 806 705 724 675 675 616 DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale 118 106 91 90 125 120 Lawrence 366 397 550 680 840 750 Limestone 354 308 350 385 360 350 Madison 172 117 124 130 120 175 Marshall 743 911 920 750 890 825 Morgan 558 865 850 800 820 870 Total 2,311 2,704 2,885 2,955 3,155 3,090 DISTRICT 21 Bibb 23 44 41 28 25 29 Blount 1,645 1,756 1,847 1,750 1,870 1,820 Chilton 93 88 75 73 50 71 Cullman 1,991 1,877 2,042 2,000 2,130 2,310 Jefferson 354 288 336 370 425 385 Saint Clair 262 166 230 305 260 310 Shelby 465 324 380 500 480 400 Walker 370 450 580 780 770 1,090 Winston 101 156 164 170 180 299 Total 5,304 5,149 5,695 5,976 6,190 6,714 DISTRICT 30 Calhoun 349 296 360 375 220 255 Cherokee 483 547 625 570 635 742 Cleburne 162 162 250 310 237 288 DeKalb 1,326 1,800 1,790 1,600 1,880 2,180 Etowah 285 284 285 305 315 390 Jackson 290 285 290 320 330 340 Total 2.895 3,374 3,600 3.480 3,617 4,195 DISTRICT 40 Greene 36 24 26 33 28 30 Hale 48 52 53 54 48 56 Marengo 29 20 21 22 17 14 Pickens 50 48 55 65 73 105 Sumter 32 21 22 23 18 16 Tuscaloosa 75 78 80 85 65 50 Total 270 243 257 282 249 271 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS All chickens (excluding broilers): Number on farms, by county, January 1, 1965-70-Contiinued District and 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 county Thousands DISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 60 Chambers Clay Coosa Lee Macon Randolph Russell Talladega Tallapoosa Total DISTRICT 70 Baldwin Choctaw Clarke Mobile Washington Total DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington Crenshaw Escambia Monroe Total DISTRICT 90 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale Geneva Henry Houston Pike Total STATE 78 32 206 23 183 27 29 578 72 353 80 87 162 237 51 96 31 1,169 128 32 26 155 63 404 43 20 54 130 27 29 303 306 101 191 48 25 82 93 254 1,100 15,140 101 29 121 21 82 24 26 404 52 381 83 84 186 329 34 88 69 1,306 205 28 22 124 174 553 42 16 33 146 29 22 288 251 129 131 55 21 63 74 279 1,003 15,729 96 27 120 50 90 22 24 429 100 400 85 80 210 415 29 98 95 1,512 220 38 25 155 168 606 120 40 37 200 29 20 446 88 25 87 125 155 20 22 522 150 450 80 55 245 575 24 75 120 1,774 265 53 29 185 165 697 180 51 50 300 28 20 629 135 55 130 188 112 29 22 671 272 500 62 62 225 495 21 75 130 1,842 210 51 27 170 165 623 245 40 145 390 23 16 859 280 300 300 245 325 225 165 165 165 65 45 40 20 19 23 70 100 182 86 110 122 320 395 417 1,251 1,459 1,474 17,405 18,449 19,355 69 45 212 195 98 35 22 676 250 550 80 65 195 650 18 90 160 2,058 193 60 26 190 200 669 244 57 138 375 15 12 841 300 238 180 82 47 120 183 340 1,490 20,620 125 126 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS All chickens (excluding broilers): Number on farms, by county, December 1, 1970-72 District District and 1970 1971 1972 and 1970 1971 1972 county county - Thousands - - Thousands - 50 40 23 120 35 15 161 135 150 110 58 28 80 50 55 521 318 271 JISTRICT 50 Autauga Dallas Elmore Lowndes Montgomery Perry Wilcox Total DISTRICT 10 Colbert Fayette Franklin Lamar Marion Total DISTRICT 20 Lauderdale Lawrence Limestone Madison. Marshall Morgan Total DISTRICT 21 Bibb Blount Chilton Cullman Jefferson Saint Clair Shelby Walker Winston Total DISTRICT 30 Calhoun Cherokee Cleburne DeKalb Etowah Jackson Total DISTRICT 40 Greene Hale Marengo Pickens Sumter Tuscaloosa Total 256 236 255 STATE 65 15 8 60 38 55 155 135 80 165 60 80 90 75 85 25 20 14 22 15 12 582 358 334 230 315 305 530 640 560 50 45 48 65 85 130 175 200 180 520 510 520 16 12 10 70 25 35 187 110 130 1,843 1,942 1,918 200 190 185 12 8 6 25 15 13 210 175 155 210 205 210 657 593 569 200 210 150 30 20 17 135 130 125 385 400 510 19 21 19 12 11 10 781 792 831 245 210 295 160 150 155 215 150 145 80 85 68 40 50 50 95 65 20 205 160 135 330 345 310 1,370 1,215 1,178 19,850 19,768 19,590 90 60 49 DISTRICT 60 710 710 825 Chambers 300 310 250 Clay 158 155 205 Coosa 850 1,008 1,305 Lee 860 745 830 Macon Randolph 2,968 2,988 3,464 Russell Talladega Tallapoosa 22 16 15 Total 1,920 1,995 1,850 100 30 40 DISTRICT 70 2,550 2,695 2,780 Baldwin 380 445 295 Choctaw 270 225 220 Clarke 400 415 420 Mobile 900 770 645 Washington 310 325 325 Total 6,852 6,916 6,590 DISTRICT 80 Butler Conecuh Covington 255 310 270 Crenshaw 690 790 770 Escambia 285 280 200 Monroe 2,070 2,320 2,210 430 425 375 Total 290 285 355 DISTRICT 90 4,020 4,410 4,180 Barbour Bullock Coffee Dale 28 27 23 Geneva 50 35 40 Henry 14 13 12 Houston 110 93 95 Pike 14 25 30 Total 40 43 55 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS PRICES AND FARM LABOR REVIEW, 1972 by Harold F. Benford Prices Received by Farmers Alabama farmers received higher prices for their production in 1972 thai they did the previous year. The Alabama All Commodity Index of Prices Received by farmers in 1972 averaged 296 percent of base (1910-14=100), compared with 258 percent in 1971. The 1972 Livestock and Livestock Products Index, at 372 percent of base, was 62 points (20 percent) higher than in 1971. After climbing to 363 in February the index sagged slightly during the spring-months then climbed to the year high of 403 in December. Beef cattle averaged $32.00 per hundredweight, up $5.80 from 1971. Beef cattle prices rose steadily from their low or $29.40 per cwt. in January to their high of $33.30 in November and December. Calves, at an average of $44.10 for the year, were $9.30 per cwt. above the previous year. At $24.20 per cwt., hogs were up $7.40 from 1971. Hog prices gained steadily as the year progressed to the yearly high of $28.60 per cwt. in December. Milk sold at wholesale by farmers averaged $7.18 per cwt. in 1972, up 1 cent from a year earlier. Broiler prices at 13.1 cents per pound in 1972 were up .5 cents from 1971. Eggs, at 34.1 cents per dozen, were down 2.3 cents from 1971. Monthly prices ranged from a low of 29.0 cents in May to a high of 46.0 cents in December. Prices received for crops in 1972 were also above the previous year. The crops Index for 1972 averaged 256 percent of base, compared with 230 percent for 1971. Cotton averaged 27.9 cents per pound, down from the previous year's average of 28.05 cents. Soybeans at $3.70 per bushel averaged $.80 higher than was received for the 1971 crop. Peanuts averaged .7 cents per pound above the 1971 price of 13.8 cents. Hay, at $30.50 per ton, was up $2.00 from the previous year's crop. Wheat averaged $1.35 per bushel, down 13 cents from a year earlier. The price of corn, at $1.43 for the 1972 crop, was 25 cents above the previous year's crop. Prices Paid by Farmers Alabama does not have an Index of Prices Paid by farmers. Therefore, direct comparisons between prices paid and those received by Alabama farmers cannot be made. However, the price of most cost of living and cost of production items showed increases from the previous year. Farm Employment and Wage Rates The number of persons working on farms continues to decline as farms become more specialized and mechanized. At the same time wage-rates continue to spiral upward. In 1972, the total farm workers averaged 82,000 per month. This total consisted of 65,000 farmily workers and 17,000 hired workers. This compares with an average total of 86,000 workers in 1971, which consisted of 68,000 family workers and 18,000 hired workers. Wage rates at the quarter beginning January 1, 1972, declined slightly from the previous quarter then climbed to the peak in the quarter beginning October 1, 1972. 127 128 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Indexes of prices received by farmers, all commodities, crops, and livestock, monthly and annual averages, 1965- 72 Year Jn e.Mar p.Ma u.July' Ag et.Ot1o. e.Ana ar Ar. Average - All commoditiec 1965 236 239 239 246 250 262 261 256 252 248 245 250 249 1966 255 259 259 258 258 257 256 237 239 232 228 226 247 1967 226 227 229 229. 235 239 244 235 239 234 '245 251 236 1968 243 239 237 240 240 239 241 243 254 248 241 235 242 1969 235 238 242 243 247 257 258 252 251 249 249 250 248 1970 252 255 254 251 251 255 256 248 250 251 244 245 251 191 245 253 246 248 251 254 258 259 265 269 272 278 258 1972 290 298 297 291 293 300 305 304 294 292 291 301 296 -crops - 1965 236 236 235 244 247 258 253 244 238 233 226 225 240 1966 226 230 232 236 238 237 235 202 206 200 200 197 220 1967 199 200 205 209 209 212 217 208 214 215 233 242 214 1968 226 217 212 217 218 214 212 220 236 232 218 206 219 1969 202 203 205 209 210 217 218 210 210 207 204 196 208 1970 197 201 201 203 209 215 215 212 217 221 216 218 210 1971 218 218 213 221 225 229 229 229 240 244 246 250 230 1972 262 263 263 263 261. 265 263 263 245 241 236 246 256 - Livestock and livestock products - 1965 237 245 246 250 254 269 278 278 278 275 281. 298 266 1966 308 312 309 298 296 295 295 301 299 291 282 280 297 1967 279 277 274 267 284 290 294 286 284 269 266 267 278 1968 277 280 283 281 279 285 296 288 287 279 283 288 284 1969 295 305 307 306 317 334 333 330 329 327 334 349 322 1970 354 356 353 341 330 329 332 '316 313 308 297 295 327 1971 297 319 306 298 301 300 308 316 310 314 320 330 310 1972, 341 363 360 343 356 364 383 381 385 389 394 403 372 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 129 Prices received by farmers for specified commodities, monthly and season averages, 1965-72.__ Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jl Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.'aveagen 10.8 10.6 10.4 11.4 11.5 11.3 12.5 2.75 2.60 2.80 2.55 2.45 2.35 2.87 2.90 28.2 27.5 19.7 24.5 20.0 20.0 21.0 31.0 - - 11.4 - 11.0 - 10.5 10.7 11.0 - 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 - 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 2.85 2.80 2.85 2.60 2.45 2.45 2.90 3.15 28.2 28.5 20.8 22.0 21.0 20.5 21.0 31.0 44.00 44.00 44.00 - 44.00 45.00 44.00 - 63.00 62.00 - 54.00 52.00 52.00 49.00 49.00 48.00 - 42.00 43.00 - 50.00 51.00 50.00 49.00 1.27 1.26 1.51 1.20 1.28 1.40 1.65 1.25 1.32 1.34 1.50 1.25 1.30 1.44 1.65 1.30 1.60 1.65 1.57 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.45 1.50 1.25 1.29 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.34 1.35 1.37 1.37 1.51 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.30 1.32 1.42 1.43 1.65 1.65 1.30 1.30 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.45 1.29 1.26 1.22 1.24 1.50 1.50 1.45 1.45 Peanuts (cents per pound)- - 10.9 10.7 - - 11.0 11.2 - - 11.2 11.3 - - 12.0 11.7 - - 11.6 11.8 - - 12.4 12.8 - - 12.5 13.8 - - 14.0 14.5 -Soybeans (dollars per bushel)- 2.90 2.85 2.80 2.75 2.55 2.55 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.80 3.00 3.00 2.75 2.75 2.70 2.65 2.60 2.55 2.60 2.60 2.55 2.53 2.50 2.45 2.45 2.50 2.45 2.50 2.45 2.30 2.50 2.50 2.65 2.85 2.75 2.75 2.85 2.90 3.00 3.15 3.05 3.00 3.25 3.30 3.25 3.25 3.20 3.20 - Cotton (cents per pound) -1 0 29.5 29.5 31.0 31.5 30.0 30.2 28.5 29.5 29.0 29.5 22.0 21.8 21.5 21.5 21.5 22.0 21.5 23.0 23.0 23.0 22.5 22.0 24.0 27.5 21.5 21.5 22.0 23.0 21.5 22.5 21.5 21.5 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.5 21.5 22.5 22.0 23.5 - 27.0 31.0 31.0 - - 27.0 10.7 10.7 11.0 11.5 11.5 12.8 14.0 14.5 2.45 2.85 2.50 2.37 2.25 2.80 3.00 3.15 29.4 20.8 23.8 27.0 21.8 23.0 28.0 26.5 10.5 10.7 10.8 11.5 11.4 12.5 14.0 14.5 2.40 2.80 2.45 2.42 2.28 2.81 2.80 3.45 28.1 20.6 27.3 24.2 21.0 22.0 28.5 27.0 10.7 10.4 11.4 11.5 11.2 12.5 2.40 2.85 2.50 2.45 2.31 2.79 2.90 3.90 27.4 19.5 28.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 29.0 28.0 -Cottonseed (dollars per ton)- - - - 44.00 44.00 44.00 43.00 44.00 - - - 45.00 61.00 63.00 64.00 64.00 - - 50.00 49.00 51.00 53.00 54.00 - - - 49.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 - - 48.00 - 38.00 40.00 42.00 42.00 - - - - 49.00 51.00 52.00 51.00 - -- 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 - - - - 45.00 45.00 44.00 44.00 -Corn (dollars per bushel)- 1.37 1.39 1.38 1.39 1.27 1.21 1.34 1.38 1.37 1.38 1.44 1.45 1.48 1.49 1.47 1.43 1.27 1.09 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.20 1.14 1.12 1.36 1.38 1.41 1.40 1.35 1.33 1.43 1.45 1.47 1.47 1.60 1.56 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.45 1.30 1.10 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.35 -Wheat (dollars per bushel)- 1.31 1.40 1.40 1.42 1.48 1.48 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.44 1.42 1.42 1.25 1.20 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.24 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.25 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.27 1.33 1.33 1.45 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.33 1.40 1.45 1.60 1.16 1.18 1.46 1.46 1.09 1.14 1.17 1.23 1.33 1.35 1.56 1.60 1.05 1.15 1.35 1.55 1.52 1.54 1.80 1.80 1.40 1.40 1.21 1.21 1.25 1.25 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.70 2.10 Mnhyprices on 500#NWB until Aug. 1969 then on 480#NWB 2 Season average prices 1965-69 on 480#NWB basis. 2.85 2.80 2.80 2.60 2.50 2.40 2.90 2.95 28.2 28.1 20.0 23.0 20.5 20.5 21.0 31.0 10.7 11.1 11.2 11.7 11.7 12.8 13.8 14.5 2.47 2.81 2.50 2.42 2.31 2.85 2.90 3.70 30.14 21.54 26.85 24.63 22.02 22.93 28.05 27.90 43.90 62.40 51.60 48.00 40.20 50.80 51.00 44.70 1.24 1.47 1.16 1.18 1.36 1.58 1.18 1.43 1.42 1.63 1.48 1.20 1.20 1.26 1.48 1.35 130 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Prices received by farmers for specified commodities, monthly and season average, 1965- 72-Continued Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. a v e r a g e -Sorghum grain (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 2.00 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 1.95 1.95 2.00 2.00 1.98 1966 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.05 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.05 1967 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.05 1.95 1.85 1.85 1.95 1968 1.90 2.00 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.70 1.70 1.75 1.75 1.75 1969 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.84 1970 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.95 1.95 1.90 1.95 2.10 2.10 2.20 2.25 2.18 1971 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.55 2.50 2.40 2.05 1.75 1.50 1.55 1.70 1972 1.50 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 2.15 1.96 -Irish potatoes (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 - - - - 4.90 5.08 4.25 4.15 - - - 4.82 4.85 1966 - - - - 1.80 1.50 1.64 2.30 - - - - 1.62 1967 - - - - 2.45 2.26 3.06 2.90 - - - 2.54 1968 - - - - 2.75 2.58 3.30 2.40 - - - 2.77 2.74 1969 - - - 2.70 3.00 2.50 2.35 - - - 2.73 1970 - - - - 3.75 4.31 3.70 4.30 - - - 3.94 3.93 1971 - - - 3.65 3.65 2.45 2.40 - - - 3.12 1972 - - - - 2.50 2.80 3.40 2.90 - - - 2.96 -Sweet potatoes (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 5.40 5.40 5.50 6.50 6.90 6.90 6.40 5.90 4.20 4.50 4.50 4.65 4.71 1966 4.70 4.75 4.60 5.05 4.75 5.00 5.40 6.50 5.00 4.90 4.90 4.95 5.14 1967 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.50 - - 5.95 6.55 5.95 5.60 5.40 5.60 5.76 1968 5.80 6.00 5.90 6.00 6.20 - 6.20 6.20 5.60 5.20 5.00 5.50 5.52 1969 6.10 6.10 5.80 5.70 5.70 - - 6.10 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.18 1970 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 - - 8.00 5.50 5.80 6.00 6.50 6.35 1971 6.50 6.50 6.70 6.70 6.50 - 6.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.50 5.96 1972 5.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.25 - - 8.30 6.50 6.20 6.10 6.50 6.50 -Peaches (cents per pound)- 1965 - - - - - 5.5 5.4 5.8 - - - 5.5 1966 - - - - - 7.8 8.8 7.8 - - - 8.1 1967 - - - - - 6.5 7.2 7.3 - - - 6.9 1968 - - - - - 7.5 5.9 6.2 - - - 6.6 1969 - - - - - 8.0 8.2 6.9 - - - - 7.9 1970 - - - - - 9.0 10.0 10.5 - - - - 9.7 1971 - - - - - 16.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 - - - 12.7 1972 - - - - - 12.0 10.0 12.5 - - - 11.2 -Oats (dollars per bushel)- 1965 .83 .85 .86 .86 .86 .80 .79 .83 .85 .86 .88 .89 .82 1966 .89 .91 .95 .90 .87 .81 .81 .86 .85 .90 .88 .88 .83 1967 .91 .89 .91 .92 .92 .85 .80 .80 .82 .84 .82 .82 .84 1968 .88 .89 .89 .89 .85 .80 .77 .76 .77 .80 .84 .84 .80 1969 .86 .88 .88 .86 .84 .80 .76 .75 .75 .75 .75 .77 .79 1970 .79 .80 .81 .82 .78 .78 .76 .78 .80 .82 .85 .85 .79 1971 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .80 .75 .75 .75 .80 .80 .85 .81 1972 .85 .90 .90 .85 .85 .80 .80 .80 .85 .85 .90 1.05 .84 -All hay baled (dollars per ton)- 1965 26.00 26.60 26.00 25.00 24.80 24.70 24.70 24.30 23.90 24.10 24.60 25.30 25.00 1966 25.00 25.60 25.10 25.30 23.50 23.30 23.10 23.50 24.50 25.40 26.20 27.00 25.50 1967 28.00 25.70 26.50 26.30 27.20 24.90 24.20 24.00 23.80 23.80 24.10 25.40 25.50 1968 26.80 27.20 28.10 27.20 25.90 25.80 25.40 25.80 26.30 26.90 28.00 28.40 27.50 1969 29.30 30.20 30.10 29.20 27.70 26.50 26.70 26.80 27.70 27.80 28.50 28.50 28.50 1970 29.30 30.20 29.70 29.10 27.30 27.00 27.00 26.80 27.60 28.90 29.20 29.00 28.50 1971 29.00 29.00 30.00 29.50 29.50 29.00 28.00 27.50 27.50 27.50 28.00 30.00 28.50 1972 30.00 30.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 27.50 28.00 29.00 28.50 29.50 30.00 31.00 30.50 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 131 Prices received by farmers for specified commodities, monthly and season average, 1965- 72- Continued Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Sao 1 1 1 1average -Beef cattle (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 14.40 15.30 15.90 16.70 16.80 17.40 17.60 16.70 16.70 16.10 16.60 17.00 16.40 1966 18.70 19.40 21.00 21.00 20.80 20.10 19.90 20.30 19.90 19.50 18.60 19.50 19.90 1967 19.80 20.20 19.60 19.90 20.40 21.10 21.00 20.60 20.50 19.00 18.70 19.60 20.00 1968 21.00 20.80 21.40 22.10 21.80 21.50 21.80 20.80 19.90 19.70 20.80 21.10 21.00 1969 21.10 22.80 23.40 23.80 25.00 26.50 24.40 24.30 23.50 23.40 23.30 24.70 23.80 1970 25.90 26.60 28.00 28.00 26.20 26.70 25.50 25.10 24.50 24.00 24.10 24.10 26.10 1971 24.70 26.80 26.00 26.10 26.30 25.30 25.10 26.40 26.60 26.30 27.20 28.30 26.20 1972 29.40 30.00 30.20 30.30 31.40 31.30 32.80 32.80 32.70 33.20 33.30 .33.30 32.03 -Cows (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 11.50 12.60 13.00 13.20 13.00 13.20 13.10 12.70 12.#5 0 12.10 12.30 12.80 12.70 196 14.80 15.80 17.50 18.30 17.80 16.80 15.80 16.20 15.80 15.80 14.80 16.10 16.30 1967 16.20 16.90 16.40 16.60 16.80 16.80 16.90 16.20 15.50 14.50 14.50 15.50 16.10 1968 16.90 17.00 17.60 18.10 17.30 16.50 16.50 16.00 15.30 15.30 15.00 15.60 16.40 1969 16.50 18.90 19.00 19.20 19.50 19.80 19.20 19.30 18.60 18.70 18.50 19.50 18.80 1970 21.30- 21.40 22.40 23.30 22.80 21.80 19.90 19.60 19.50 18.30 18.40 19.10 21.10 1971 20.00 21.50 22.00 21.70 21.50 20.70 20.60 20.00 19.80 20.00 20.50 21.70 20.80 1972 22.20 23.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 23.70 24.40 25.00 24.00 24.50 24.50 26.00 24.20 -Steers and heifers (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 16.20 17.10 17.70 18.70 18.90 19.90 20.40 19.10 19.00 18.60 19.10 19.80 18.70 1966 21.30 21.90 23.00 22.80 22.50 22.00 22.30 22.60 22.00 21.50 20.60 21.50 22.00 1967 22.00 22.30 21.50 21.70 22.30 23.30 23.20 22.90 22.90 21.30 20.90 21.80 22.20 1968 23.40 23.20 23.50 24.30 24.00 24.00 24.50 23.00 22.00 21.80 23.50 23.80 23.30 1969 23.60 25.00 25.60 26.00 27.60 30.00 27.20 27.00 26.10 26.20 26.00 27.40 26.50 1970 28.30 29.10 30.80 30.20 28.00 29.20 28.50 28.00 27.20 27.20 27.30 26.80 28.70 1971 27.20 29.50 28.00 28.30 28.50 27.50 27.30 29.50 30.00 29.50 30.60 31.50 28.90 1972 33.10 33.50 33.30 33.20 34.90 34.90 37.00 36.60 37.00 37.70 38.00 37.00 35.90 -Calves (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 17.50 18.00 18.00 19.00 19.40 20.20 20.00 19.50 19.30 19.00 19.50 20.20 19.10 1966 22.20 23.00 26.00 25.60 25.00 24.00 24.00 24.40 23.90 23.20 22.70 23.00 24.00 1967 23.60 24.50 25.00 24.00 24.60 25.00 25.20 24.90 24.50 23.40 22.20 23.80 24.20 1968 24.30 26.50 26.50 27.20 25.90 25.90 26.30 25.40 23.40 24.10 24.30 25.80 25.50 1969 26.20 28.60 28.80 31.00 32.40 31.30 29.50 29.90 29.60 29.30 29.80 32.20 29.90 1970 33.10 34.60 36.50 34.40 33.00 32.90 32.20 32.10 31.40 31.50 31.20 31.00 33.40 1971 31.50 35.20 35.20 33.20 33.60 32.10 32.70 35.50 35.60 35.10 36.80 37.40 34.80 1972 38.00 41.00 43.00 41.00 43.00 43.50 46.00 44.50 45.00 46.00 47.00 44.80 44.10 -Hogs (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 14.90 15.70 15.*90 16.00 17.70 20.30 22.20 22.60 21.80 22.20 22.60 25.70 19.40 1966 26.10 26.00 23.10 22.00 22.20 22.70 22.40 23.20 22.00 21.10 19.20 18.90 22.50 1967 18.50 18.00, 17.50 16.20 19.80 20.60 20.60 19.70 18.70 17.60 17.00 16.40 18.30 1968 16.90 17.10 17.50 17.10 17.50 18.00 19.50 18.10 18.60 17.60 17.10 17.20 17.60 1969 17.50 18.20 18.70 18.20 20.30 23.30 23.80 24.10 23.50 23.50 23.50 24.70 20.80 19701 25.20 26.10 25.00 23.10 23.20 23.30 23.20 20.70 19.00 18.20 15.40 14.90 22.20 19711 14.60 17.70 16.00 15.20 16.00 16.80 18.30 18.10 17.30 18.80 18.60 19.40 16.80 19721 21.30 24.80 23.30 22.00 23.80 25.20 26.70 27.20 27.40 27.60 27.00 28.60 24.20 -Milk - all wholesale - (dollars per cwt.)- 1965 6.00 5.90 5.80 5.70 5.60 5.60 5.65 5.*65 5.75 5.80 5.90 5.90 5.78 1966 6.00 6.00 5.95 5.95 5.85 5.85 6.00 5.95 6.15 6.15 6.30 6.05 6.02 1967 6.10 5.*95 6.05 6.10 6.20 6.25 6.20 6.30 6.50 6.55 6.55 6.50 6.26 1968 6.45 6.45 6.35 6.30 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.35 6.40 6.65 6.70 6.60 6.40 1969 6.75 6.75 6.60 6.55 6.60 6.50 6.65 6.60 6.85 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.71 19Q70 6.QA90z6.806.65AN 6.60 6.60 6.55 6.60 6.60 7.05 7.25 7.30 7.15 6.83 132 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Prices received by farmers for specified commodities, monthly and season average, 1965-72 Continued Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. aeagen Broilers (cents per pound) - 13.5 14.5 15.0 14.5 14.5 15.5 15.5 16.0 16.0 15.0 16.0 15.5 12.5 14.0 12.5 12.5 12.0 12.0 12.5 14.0 13.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 13.0 14.0 14.0 13.5 14, 15.0 13.5 13.0 13.0 12.0 12.5 12.0 12.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 13.5 14.0 12.5 13.5 13.5 12.0 12.5 13.5 15.0 14.5 14.0 13.0 13.5 13.5 15.0 14.5 13.0 12.0 12.0 10.5 13.5 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.5 14.5 14.0 13.5 11.5 12.0 12.0 16.5 15.5 14.5 13.5 12.5 12.0 12.0 11.5 12.0 11.0 12.0 11.0 15.0 13.0 13.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 14.5 13.5 14.5 13.5 13.0 13.0 Chickens excluding broilers (cents per pound) 12.0 13.0 13.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.0 12.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.5 10.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 11.0 11.0 11.5 10.0 8.5 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.5 9.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 11.5 11.5 11.5 12.0 12.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 8.5 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 10.0 11.0 11.0 11.5 12.0 11.5 8.0 8.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.5 9.0 10.0 10.5 10.0 Eggs (cents per dozen) 38.5 39.0 39.5 39.5 36.0 37.0 42.5 46.0 46.0 41.8 38.3 39.3 43.0 39.0 42.0 37.5 37.5 36.5 35.0 34.0 35.0 32.5 31.5 36.0 48.5 45.5 45.5 43.0 38.0 39.0 54.5 50.5 47.0 41.0 37.0 35.5 41.5 40.0 37.5 36.5 33.5 33.5 36.0 35.5 37.0 30.0 29.0 30.0 38.0 39.5 41.5 41.0 42.5 44.5 41.4 43.8 48.0 46.3 47.5 46.5 38.5 37.0 39.5 36.5 38.5 38.0 39.0 40.5 47.0 43.0 45.0 47.0 43.0 40.0 44.0 43.0 50.5 55.5 44.0 40.0 42.5 41.0 41.5 44.0 32.5 36.0 34.0 33.5 34.5 39.0 32.5 30.5 35.5 32.5 40.5 46.0 Turkeys (cents per pound) 1965 23.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 1966 22.0 23.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 24.0 22.9 1967 22.0 - 21.0 21.0 21.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.7 1968 19.0 - - - 20.0 20.0 20.0 22.0 22.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 1969 21.0 - 19.0 - 21.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 20.0 20.0 21.0 23.0 20.6 1970 23.0 23.0 23.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.3 1971 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.6 1972 - -- - 21.0 21.0 21.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 22.0 The marketing year has been changed from a calendar year to a December through November basia. 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 19711 19721 14.3 14.2 12.0 13.2 14.0 12.2 12.6 13.1 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 19711 19721 12.0 10.1 9.0 9.5 10.5 9.3 7.3 8.5 1965 1966 1967 1968 1069 1970 19711 19721 39.7 43.9 38.6 38.6 44.6 44.2 36.4 34.1 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 133 Mid-month prices paid by farmers for feed items, 1965-72 Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Au. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. - Chick starter (dollars per ton) - 86 86 87 89 87 86 90 88 88 87 87 84 86 86 88 87 87 88 94 95 95 93 94 93 87 89 87 89 88 85 85 87 89 91 93 91 87 89 88 88 88 90 90 90 90 86 85 85 84 84 88 87 91 90 91 89 88 86 85 89 91 92 96 95 95 94 96 95 92 89 89 89 91 94 96 97 99 100 101 111 - Broiler grower (dollars per ton) - 82 82 83 84 83 84 87 89 88 83 80 82 83 81 81 84 84 83 90 90 90 84 85 84 83 83 83 85 83 82 84 87 89 90 89 89 88 89 88 87 88 86 84 80 79 78 80 81 81 83 82 81 83 83 83 85 86 89 89 90 91 90 87 84 82 80 85 87 88 90 91 92 Laying feed (dollars per ton) -- 66 65 66 68 68 67 72 72 71 75 72 71 71 72 71 72 72 73 82 80 79 78 77 78 66 66 66 67 66 66 66 67 69 70 70 71 71 72 73 72 72 72 71 70 71 71 70 69 68 67 69 70 70 69 69 70 71 70 71 74 74 75 78 78 76 77 78 79 79 77 76 75 76 76 78 79 80 81 84 92 - Mixed dairy feed, 16 percent protein (dollars per ton) - 1965 90 90 90 89 90 90 90 90 92 92 90 89 1966 90 92 92 90 90 90 96 96 97 96 96 96 1967 97 97 96 96 94 94 96 96 96 96 96 96 1968 92 92 93 90 91 92 90 91 88 89 92 90 1969 91 90 92 90 91 91 89 91 90 92 90 90 1970 90 95 92 91 91 92 94 95 100 97 98 97 1971 99 100 100 99 99 100 99 96 91 91 88 90 1972 92 92 92 93 92 93 95 96 96 97 98 108 1965 87 1966 85 1967 90 1968 87 1969 86 1970 85 1971 95 1972 93 88 89 90 87 83 90 94 93 1965 84 1966 83 1967 90 1968 81 1969 80 1970 83 1971 92 1972 84 84 85 89 83 81 84 92 84 1965 67 1966 66 1967 73 1968 75 1969 72 1970 72 1971 80 1972 77 67 68 73 74 72 73 80 78 I I I i I ' ? * 134 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Mid-month prices paid by farmers for feed items, 1965-72 Continued Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. - Soybean meal, 44 percent protein (dollars per 100 pounds) 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.80 4.75 4.80 5.10 5.10 4.90 5.00 4.95 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.40 5.30 5.30 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.70 5.80 6.00 4 .50 4.50 4.50 4.70 4.70 4.75 4.85 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.3O -r 5.30 4.95 5.10 5.00 5.10 5.00 4.95 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.20 5.10 5.20 5.10 5.20 5.20 5.10 5.10 5.00 5.30 5.20 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.40 5.40 5.50 5.40 5.50 5.40 6.10 6.30 6.40 6.70 6.80 7.40 - Cottonseed meal, 41 percent protein (dollars per 100 pounds) 3.85 3.85 3.85 4.15 4.10 4.15 4.90 4.90 4.85 4.90 4.85 4.85 4.55 4.60 4.55 4.90 4.70 4.70 5.00 4.95 4.90 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.80 3.80 3.90 3.95 3.90 3.80 4.20 4.55 4.85 4.90 4.85 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.85 4.90 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.90 4.85 4.85 4.60 4.55 4.45 450 4.55 4.50 4.30 4.35 4.70 4.85 4.95 5.00 5.00 4.85 4.95 4.90 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.40 5.50 5.90 - Hog feed, 14-18 percent protein (olars per 100 pounds) - - - 4.00 4.05 4.10 - 4.15 4.15 4.15 - - 4.45 4.45 4.40 4.20 4.20 4.35 - 4.10 4.10 4.20 - 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.75 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.75 4.50 4.50 4.55 4.55 4.45 4.10 4.15 4.10 4.15 4.25 - - 4.40 4.45 4.40 - - - 4.25 4.15 4.20- 4.10 4.25 4.20 - - - 4.30 4.40 4.35 - 4.60 - 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.65 4.45 4.50 4.45 4.45 4.55 4.65 4.70 4.85 5.30 - Beef cattle concentrate, 30 percent protein and over (dollars per 100 pounds) - - 4.50 4.35 4.40 - - 4.70 4.75 4.75 - - 5.00 4.90 5.00 - - 5.10 4.85 4.90 - - 4.80 4.70 4.65 - - 4.90 4.85 4.80 - - 5.25 5.25 5.25 - - 5.10 5.10 5.10 4.40 4.50 4.75 5.10 - 4.90 5.00 - 4.85 4.90 4.70 4.75 5.00 5.10 5.25 5.10 - 5.10 5.30 - 4.65 - 5.10 - 4.95 4.80 - 4.70 - - 5.00 - 5.00 - 5.50 1965 4.55 1966 4.70 1967 5.20 1968 4.90 19.69 5.00 1970 5.30 1971 5.50 1972 5.40 4.60 4.80 5.20 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.60 5.30 4.90 5.20 5.10 5.50 5.40 8.70 1965 3.85 1966 4.00 1967 4.*90 1968 4.90 1969 4.55 1970 4.70 1971 5.00 1972 4.95 3.85 4.05 4.90 4.90 4.55 4.85 5.00 4.90 3.90 4.95 4.85 4.60 4.45 4.95 4.90 7.00 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 2, ,e A -.r A lr A ~er ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 135 Total, family and hired workers on farms, monthly and annual average, 1965-721 Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Average - Total (thousand persons) - 1965 78 76 91 118 157 128 103 105 186 187 122 87 120 1966 66 75 85 113 143 110 101 117 131 178 133 81 111 1967 66 79 91 104 127 101 98 98 151 164 121 86 107 1968 60 68 75 108 133 101 90 102 144 167 119 81 104 1969 58 63 75 103 120 94 83 96 141 161 117 77 99 1970 56 62 69 92 107 89 75 92 125 133 105 76 90 1971 54 59 65 93 109 82 72 84 112 132 100 74 86 1972 51 58 69 86 105 75 67 74 107 132 91 66 82 - Family (thousand persons) - 1965 65 64 74 93 125 98 83 84 144 150 97 75 96 1966 53 57 64 85 103 75 75 82 100 141 98 66 83 1967 51 63 71 81 100 71 70 75 120 135 93 70 83 1968 48 55 60 84 105 74 69 78 113 136 91 68 82 1969 47 51 59 80 94 69 62 72 111 125 91 64 77 1970 45 50 55 72 85 67 57 69 97 108 84 62 71 1971 43 48 52 73 85 61 55 64 91 108 80 61 68 1972 41 47 54 68 83 56 51 58 89 109 72 55 65 - Hired (thousand persons) - 1965 13 12 17 25 32 30 20 21 42 37 25 12 24 1966 13 18 21 28 40 35 26 35 31 37 35 15 28 1967 15 16 20 23 27 30 28 23 31 29 28 16 24 1968 12 13 15 24 28 27 21 24 31 31 28 13 22 1969 11 12 16 23 26 25 21 24 30 36 26 13 22 1970 11 12 14 20 22 22 18 23 28 25 21 14 19 1971 11 11 13 20 24 21 17 20 21 24 20 13 18 1972 10 11 15 18 22 19 16 16 18 23 19 11 17 1Persons employed during the last full calendar week ending at least one day before the end of the month. 136 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Farm wage rates by quarters and, annual averages, 1965- 72 Per day Per hour YadWihWithout WthWithout qarteWthueboard Whoueboard qatrhueor roomhos or room Dollars 1965 Jan. 1 4.70 5.30 .65 .76 Apr. 1 4.70 5.20 .62 .74 July 1 4.70 5.10- .70 Oct. 1 4.85 5.60- .77 Annual 4.70 5.30 .64 .74 1966 Jan. 1 5.00 5.60 .68 .80 Apr. 1 5.10 5.80 .66 .81 July -1 5.00 5.60- .76 Oct. 1 5.20 5.90- .82 Annual 5.10 5.80 .72 .82 1967 Jan. 1 5.50 6.10 .73 .89 Apr. 1 5.60 6.60 .80 .92 July 1 5.80 6.50- .89 Oct. 1 6.10 6.70- .93 Annual 5.80 6.60 .79 .93 1968 Jan. 1 6.10 6.80 .84 .96 Apr. 1 6.10 7.10 .89 1.05 July 1 6.40 6.90- 1.00 Oct. 1 6.50 7.40- 1.02 Annual 6.30 7.10 .90 1.02 1969 Jan. 1 6.80 7.40 .94 1.08 Apr. 1 7.20 7.80 1.00 1.11 July 1 7.50 8.00- 1.12 Oct. 1 7.50 8.20- 1.14 Annual 7.40 8.00 1.01 1.14 1970 Jan. 1 7.80 8.30 1.04 1.18 Apr. 1 7.60 8.60 1.01 1.18 July 1 7.80 8.60 - 1.19 Oct. 1 7.90 9.00- 1.25 Annual 7.80 8.70 1.10 1.24 1971 Jan. 1 8.20 9.00 1.14 1.25 Apr. 1 8.50 9.00 1.14 1.27 July 1 8.50 9.30- 1.29 Oct. 1 8.70 9.80- 1.33 Annual 8.50 9.30 1.16 1.32 1972 Jan. 1 8.60 9.60 1.17 1.32 Apr. 1 8.90 9.90 1.21 1.36 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS FARM INCOME REVIEW, 1972 by Marshall L. Dantzler Cash receipts for farm marketings totaled some $910 million in 1972. Cash receipts from livestock and livestock products, valued at $616.4 million, accounted for 67.7 percent of the total while receipts from crops totaled $293.6 million to account for the remaining 32.3 percent. Cash receipts for all commodities were 13 percent above a year earlier with livestock and livestock products 17 percent higher and crops up 6 percent. When compared with other State's cash receipts, Alabama ranked third for broilers and peanuts, sixth for eggs, seventh for cotton and tenth for tomato production in 1972. Poultry and poultry products accounted for 30.0 percent of receipts from farm marketings with cattle and calves, at 22.7 percent, ranking second. Cotton contributed 8.6 percent of the total and hogs 8.2 percent. Dairy products and soybeans accounted for 6.6 and 6.2 percent of the total, respectively. These six enterprises contributed slightly more than four-fifths of the total cash receipts from farm marketings. Receipts from broilers, eggs, and farm chickens reached a record $273.9 million in 1972. Also,'registering a banner year were receipts fromcattle and calves totalihg $206.3 million. Increased marketings at higher prices than a year earlier accounted for these records. Receipts from cotton, peanuts and soybeans accounted for 67 percent of the crops with receipts from soybeans registering a 31.8 percent increase over 1971. Realized gross farm income approached $1.1 billion to pass the previous year's record high of $963.5 million. In addition to cash receipts from farm marketings, realized gross farm income includes direct government payments, value of home consumption items and gross rental value of farm dwellings. Government payments to Alabama farmers at $68.1 million in 1972, were up 12 percent from a year earlier. Farm production expenses continued to rise in 1972. Compared with 1971, current operating expenses were up 9 percent and total production expenses 7 percent higher. Realized net farm income -gross income less total production expenses - rose 15 percent from the previous year. Farm numbers continued their downward trend and the realized net income per farm at $4,399 rose 18 percent above a year earlier. When cash receipts from farm marketings were first estimated by commodities for 1924, cotton contributed 72 percent to the total and all other crops 14 percent. Livestock and livestock products (including poultry and eggs) also contributed 14 percent. It was not until 1957, when farmers put considerable cotton acreage in the "Soil Bank" that receipts from livestock and livestock products passed those from crops. At the beginning of the sixties, livestock and livestock products contributed about 60 percent to total receipts. During the sixties, agriculture shifted more to livestock and now this percentage is nearly 68 percent. 137 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Cash receipts from Alabama farm marketings, by commodities, 1970-72 Cash receipts Percent of all commodities Commodity 1970 1971 1972 1970 1971 1972 LIVESTOCK AND PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Hogs Dairy products Broiler Eggs Chickens, farm Turkeys Honey and beeswax Other - Thousand dollars - - Percent - 156,187 155,081 206,267 20.5 19.3 22.7 63,822 57,571 74,856 8.4 7.1 8.2 52,544 55,974 59,912 6.9 7.0 6.16 160,442 169,021 188,670 21.0 21.0 20.7 101,609 85,548 81,297 13.3 10.6 8.9 5,447 3,932 3,975 .7 .5 .4 82 79 99 - - - 456 371 518 .1 - .1 783 773 800 .1 .1 .1 Total livestock and products 541,372 528,350 616,394 71.0 65.6 67.7 CROPS Wheat Corn Hay Sorghum grain Oats Cotton lint Cottonseed Tobacco Peanuts 1 Soybeans Tomatoes Potatoes Watermelons Sweetpotatoes Sweet corn Snap beans Miscellaneous vegetables Pecans Peaches Other fruits and nuts Forest products Greenhouse and nursery Other crops Total crops All commodities 1 Government payments Total 1 1,538 3,578 1,639 .2 .4 .2 8,610 11,052 12,571 1.1 1.4 1.4 3,573 3,679 3,556 .5 .5 .4 185 549 220 .1 - 295 333 105 - - - 54,994 80,909 78,039 7.2 10.1 8.6 9,674 12,399 10,578 1.3 1.5 1.2 632 755 778 .1 .1 .1 40,141 55,150 53,140 5.3 6.8 5.8 39,814 42,569 56,099 5.2 5.3 6.2 4,419 8,095 2,229 1,718 1,131 436 5,735 4,352 5,378 2,629 1,915 933 481 5,588 8,229 .6 6,543 1.1 2,749 .3 1,754 .2 1,555 .1 6,786 .7 .5 .7 .3 .2 .1 .1 .7 .9 .7 .3 .2 .2 .1 .7 5,473 12,596 10,458 .7 1.6 1.1 1,708 1,892 2,509 .2 .2 .3 586 730 754 .1 .1 .1 14,427 13,625 18,835 1.9 1.7 2.1 13,471 13,961 13,935 1.8 1.7 1.5 2,058 2,090 2,099 .3 .3 .2 220,942 277,143 293,615 29.0 34.4 32.3 762,314 805,493 910,009 100.0 100.0 100.0 79,500 60,900 68,100 841,814 866,393 978,109 1 Corrected from FIS 222 Supplement. 138 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 139 Cash receipts from farm marketings, by months, 1965-72 Month 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 -Livestock and livestock products Thousand dollars Jan. 29,229 Feb. 26,916 Mar. 31,827 Apr. 30,812 May 32,335 June 36,217 July 35,526 Aug. 35,484 Sept. 35,371 Oct. 34,502 Nov. 32,140 Deo.w 33,262 Annual 393,621 37,490 34,1206 42,110 39,825 40,047 41,051 38,615 42,253 41,887 39.,930 35,599 33,727 466,740 34,016 37,905 42,331 53,400 39,942 43,022 31,151 35,235 39,059 47,252 40,143 48,141 34,713 39,823 42,055 54,873 42,485 48,093 34,3 36 35,184 42,270 52,402 42,595 44,155 3729 37,874 46,699, 47,941 42,515 49,127 37,082 36,897 45,761 48,946 42,414 49.,868 37,536 39,802 47,4)891 47,174 44,824 54,040 39,427 45,030 45,217 42,541 49,779 54,340 384,147 39,769 46-,116 37,352 49,975 58,443 36,850 40,797, 48,118 39,258 50,467 61,152 33,462 36,519 40,634 34,202 42,060 63,347 32,399 35,780 43,892 36,031 41,151 42,666 426,378 460,615 530,043 541,372 528.,350 616,394 - Crops- Thousand dollars 7,485 4,589 4,854 4,990 9,401 12,916 8,296 11,410 52,136 65,973 49,554 22,434 10,163 5,436 4,423 4,670 5,803 10,743 8,353 11,111 32,395 36,550 37,632 14,501 7,220 3,745 3,727 4,304 6,211 13,825 26,947 35,196 18,680 254,038 181,780 169,659 7,898 8,739 11,005 10,765 21,080 4,798 5,424 4,549 5,997 9,812 .4,837 4,800 4,501 5,254 8,804 5,440 4,776 4,646 5,380 6,564 6,072 5,702 6,275 7,133 9,766 13,948 12,127 12,485 9,546 12,766 10,254 11,446 10,893 11,678 14,335 13,199 7,830 8,1406 10,116 14,884 25,040 34,239 39,068 28,943 39,535 44,555 40,346 45,899 73,791 62,606 39,332 44,419 49,423 71,272 62,337 18,856 19,293 23,792 37,268 31,126 194,229 199,141 220,942 277,143 293,615 -Total - Thousand dollars 36,714 31,505 36,681 35,802 41,736 49,133 43,822 46,894 87,507 100,475 81,694 55,696 47,653 39,642 46,533 44,495 45,850 51,794 46,968 53,364 74,282 76,480 73,231 48,228 41,236 34,896 38,440 38,640 43,470 50,907 47,651 50,464 65,094 65,502 68,658 51,079 45,803 51,070 64,405 50,707 64,102 40,033 44,483 51,801 46,140 57,953 44,660 46,855 59,374 47,739 56,897 40,624 47,046 57,048 47,975 50,719 43,946 52,401 54,216 49,648 58,893 50,845 57,888 61,431 51,960 62,634 50,056 59,337 58,067 56,502 68,375 58,229 53,047 50,947 59,895 69,224 64,809 80,355 76,420 78,918 97,978 85,352 88,464 85,157 124,258 123,758 75,851 85,053 83,625 113,332 125,684 54,636 63,185 59,823 78,419 73,792 Annual 647,659 648,520 596,037 654,844 729,184 762,314 805,493 910,009 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. R l - nl ~~~II (2~ 1~1 I~ I L IU ~T\U I~-~ IY 140 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Realized gross income and net incomt of Alabama farm operators from farming, 1968-721 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972Item Million dollars Realized gross farm income: Cash receipts from farm marketings 654.8 729.2 762.32 805.5 910.0 Government payments 84.6 82.0 79.5 60.9 68.1 Value of home consumption 23.5 23.4 21.5 19.6 21.6 Gross rental value of farm dwellings 57.1 64.8 69.2 77.5 80.6 TOTAL 820.0 899.5 932.5 963.5 1080.3 Farm production expenses 538.6 591.7 641.1 689.0 737.7 Realized net farm income 281.4 307.7 291.4 274.5 342.6 Net change in farm inventories -11.2 6.7 2.0 25.1 .5 TOTAL NET FARM INCOME 270.2 314.5 293.4 299.6 343.1 Realized gross income per farm 3 9,318 10,582 11,372 12,044 13,850 Realized net income per farm 3 3,198 3,621 3,578 3,745 4,399 Estimates prepared by Farm Income Estimates Section, Farm Income Branch, Economic and 2 Statistical Analysis Division, Economic Research Service. 2 Corrected from FIS 222 Supplement. Dollars. Production expenses of Alabama farm operators, 1968-721 Item 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Feed Livestock Seed Fertilizer and lime Repairs and opr. of capital items Hired labor Miscellaneous CURRENT FARM OPR. EXPENSES Depreciation Taxes on farm property Interest on farm mortgage debt Net rent to non-farmlandlords 2 TOTAL PRODUCTION EXPENSES 145.6 36.5 8.3 45.0 70.6 37.7 56.9 400.6 106.2 10.3 19.8 1.7 538.6 Million dollars 163.8 197.1 209.6 238.0 40.3 40.7 41.2 45.3 9.8 12.3 15.9 17.7 46.8 48.3 54.0 61.6 79.5 79.7 84.9 86.2 42.9 42.2 41.6 42.2 65.6 73.3 84.4 86.7 448.6 111.7 10.2 21.8 -. 7 591.7 493.7 531.5 577.6 114.3 121.5 122.6 10.1 9.5 10.0 23.4 25.5 28.3 -. 4 1.0 -. 8 641.1 689.0 737.7 Estimates prepared by Farm Income Estimates Section, Farm Income Branch, Economic and 2 Statistical Analysis Division, Economic Research Service. Minus sign reflects a net income position rather than a net expense position. H~nl7Prl npt in~rmp pr frmI ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS FARMERS' PRICES, 1950-72 IN TTFD STATFS % 0F1967 II 120 Prices received - 80 120 Is % 801- 1950 1954 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1958 I II I fll I 1962 1966 1970 1974 NEG. ERSR868 -73 (3) ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE SOURCE OF CASH RECEIPTS FROM SALE Of CROPS, LIVESTO-CK AND PROD.UCTS IN ALABAM A, 1912 Prices paid i . r A %J I I I LC W It It] ib- I i I 'A I III in i i i -- 1 i I MR= ~~141 )~ rKl~tSII -f- -h-- Prices received ,-.00 11 L